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T E, 147, 2004 BOOK REVIEWS E. J. Weeda, J. H. J. Schaminée & L. van Duuren, 2003. partly in English. The book is well illustrated, with Atlas van Plantengemeenschappen in Nederland. Deel 3: Kust en binnenlandse pioniermilieus. – KNNV Uitgeverij, many black and white drawings and some B & W Utrecht. 224 p., illustrated in full-colour, hardback. [ISBN photographs. 90-5011-176-9] Price EUR 40,95 excl. p&p. [Atlas of plant The book is a hybrid between a textbook, presum- communities in the Netherlands, vol. 3; coast and inland ably meant for the Lithuanian market, and a systemat- pioneer vegetations. In Dutch] ic treatment of some groups of these families. The choice of language is often illogic: with introductions This is the third volume of the series on the distri- in Lithuanian, but descriptions in English and again bution of Dutch plant communities, of which volume some figure captions in Lithuanian. For non-Lithua- 1 and 2 were reviewed in this journal before (143: nians this makes the use of the book often difficult: al- 182; 145: 170). This is again a well designed book though one can use the descriptions, the context in with a wealth of information on the Dutch vegeta- which they are made is unclear. tions, including dot maps on 5 square kms in two pe- The ‘revisions’ are important contributions to the riods for each type (‘association’). An important group knowledge of Nepticulidae from Central Asia, Nepal, of vegetation types treated in this volume are the salt- Oman and the Mandshurian area. The most impor- marshes, the habitat of many specialist insects. Dutch tant is the treatment of the Tischeriidae, which is entomologists investigating these insects will happily largely in English, the first modern revision of the greet this volume, with all the details on the vegetation family, including the erection of a new genus. types and the distributional information. Other habi- Another most useful part of the book is the world tats treated include pioneer habitats along the large catalogue of these families. All species are listed in rivers, in coastal dunes and even some very abundant species groups, chronologically by year of description. ones in the urban environment (association of Urtica For each species the host-plant and distribution are urens). Again some insects figure in this book: again given, but sources for these are not given. The cata- the butterfly Vanessa cardui and also a bumblebee. logue makes a very complete impression. Obviously [Erik J. van Nieukerken] one can always find some mistakes in such a catalogue, but it would not be fair to stress those in an otherwise very useful work. I’d like to make one exception: un- fortunately the persisting mistake of Caltha as host- Puplesis, R. & A. Dikus, 2003. Nepticuloidea ir Tischeri- plant for Pseudopostega auritella rather than Lycopus oidea (Lepidoptera) pasaulio ir lietuvos faunoje. The Nep- has been printed again (see Fauna Entomologica Scan- ticuloidea & Tischerioidea (Lepidoptera) - a global review, with strategic regional revisions. – Lutute publishers, Kau- dinavica 23: 371). nas. 512 pp. 611 figs, hardback. ISBN 9955-575-09-3. Price ca. EUR 100, USD116. In conclusion: a nice book for the specialists dealing with these families, but publication of the revisions in This book is a collection of papers on Systematics of scientific journals and the catalogue on internet would Nepticulidae, Opostegidae and Tischeriidae. They probably have been a better choice, and make the con- vary from introductory texts to regional revisions and tents more widely available. a world catalogue. The texts are partly in Lithuanian, [Erik J. van Nieukerken] 48 Downloaded from Brill.com09/24/2021 10:15:35PM via free access.