Valerie Roy is the WHAT HAPPENS CEO of the Atlantic WHEN THESE Hydroelectricity Chamber of Commerce IMPORTANT and a member of CONVERSATIONS 2006/2015: CEPA’s External DON’T HAPPEN? Advisory Panel (EAP). When there isn’t As an EAP member, consultation, what we 25.3/26.3% she listens to what have is we have ‘no.’ people in her area We don’t have ‘maybe,’ think about pipeline we don’t have ‘let’s Coal projects and shares work together and insights with the collaborate to address 2006/2015: pipeline industry. the issue,’ people just say no. And if there’s too much opposition, 9.6/6.0% Q&A WITH the government WHAT DOES will eventually just Nuclear VALERIE say no as well. ROY: Pipelines are important 2006/2015: OUR ENERGY to the Canadian WHAT ARE YOU economy as trade- HEARING FROM enabling infrastructure; 6.4/7.2% FUTURE PEOPLE IN we need them to get YOUR AREA? our resources to new markets, but we Natural Gas LOOK LIKE? The pipeline industry need to ensure all is not trusted; voices are heard in the 2006/2015: DISCUSSING THE ROLE OF people are concerned consultative process. TRANSMISSION PIPELINES IN CANADA about spills and the environment, and DO YOU FEEL THE 27.2/27.9% particularly in our INDUSTRY TRYING region – water TO IMPROVE? resources. They The industry wants Oil don’t know who is to be ahead of responsible and 2006/2015: regulations, and the who will pay when CEPA Integrity First things go wrong. program will help the industry to raise the 30.8/30.4% WHAT SHOULD bar on their operations, THE INDUSTRY collectively. It’s about DO ABOUT THESE Renewables focusing on the areas CONCERNS? There’s a lot of talk about transmission pipelines, people are concerned 2006/2015: It comes down to about as well as some but what’s actually true? And what should we believe? communication, very they might not be early on – ‘what are thinking about – such Most of us have a lot of unanswered questions, the facts regarding 0.7/2.2% as worker safety. A this industry?’ [Many] successful Integrity Source: BP Statistical as well as some pretty strong opinions. people don’t know First program will go Review of World Energy the facts – they might a long way in helping – June 2016 see a headline in to gain trust and social the newspaper, but license for pipeline OUR CHANGING Pipelines are part of a complex, emotional firmly entrenched in the energy infrastructure the general public operators. CONSUMPTION – and consumption habits – of the past. isn’t in the [pipeline] issue that stems in large part from our HABITS business, so they level of comfort with fossil fuels HOW COULD SO, HOW DO WE MOVE FORWARD? really don’t have all THE INDUSTRY “We’re in a transition Canada’s energy altogether. We’ve seen the damage that the information. IMPROVE ITS consumption has can result when things go wrong. And we While there may be many possible changed over the The industry needs RELATIONSHIP period where we worry about the impact these resources solutions out there, each must be carefully years but we’re clearly to explain what it WITH CANADIANS? considered and take into account all need all types of still firmly entrenched have on our planet, our communities and means when they say Relationships are in the energy our children’s futures. perspectives and voices. they’re going to build about people, and energy to be working infrastructure – and On one hand, we recognize the need for That’s where this book, the pipeline a pipeline – where sometimes there’s a consumption habits oil and gas products to sustain the lifestyles industry, and you come in – we need to is it going to go, role for information for us to make the – of the past. what are the safety pieces, a role for social we have, and understand that they are a big know where we stand today and how we are factors during media. But at the end economy go and part of our economy. But on the other hand, making improvements for the future. We are construction? And of the day you can’t we’re deeply concerned about the safety of all an important part of the conversation. once the pipeline beat face-to-face. to provide the our communities and our environment. is constructed, what I think people need to For many, a move to renewable energy are the ongoing become more familiar energy we need as safety factors, with the faces behind sources can’t come soon enough, yet we’re monitoring, emergency the industry and a population.” preparedness, etc? hopefully that will VALERIE ROY CEO of the Atlantic Chamber lead to a greater level of Commerce, located in Moncton, New This symbol lets you know where you can find more information about a specific topic. And you of trust. Brunswick, and a member of CEPA’s External can always visit www.aboutpipelines.com to learn more about the transmission pipeline industry. Advisory Panel. 2 I Speaking to Canadians About Pipelines CEPA I 3


Pipelines are regulated throughout 4 START their entire life to OPERATION AND IT’S THE ensure that people, MAINTENANCE BUT communities and MONITORING the environment 24/7 IS VITAL are protected. NEW Once the pipeline is HOW SAFE operational, it’s 1 monitored via 24/7

1 PLANNING remote monitoring MILLENNIUM. PLANNING ARE PIPELINES, and control systems, IT TAKES A drones and inline MULTI-DISCIPLINARY inspection tools. TEAM DO WE Pipelines are regularly REALLY? Engineers, inspected and TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT environmental maintained – both SAFETY MEASURES ACTUALLY NEED consultants and other inside and outside. experts collaborate Operators have on a comprehensive specific emergency PIPELINES project plan, response plans in 2 APPLICATION evaluating a variety place to ensure they of safety, are ready to respond environmental and to an incident. They ANYMORE? technical factors. also have public Planning can awareness programs GETTING THE ENERGY TO MEET take years. to prevent third-party OUR DAILY NEEDS damage to pipelines 2 from construction or agricultural activities. APPLICATION IT’S A RIGOROUS PROCESS 5 3 CONSTRUCTION Safety is the focus at every stage of the pipeline Operators must go RETIREMENT through a rigorous PIPELINE SAFETY lifecycle - pipelines are designed, built and operated regulatory approval NEVER STOPS process, including Pipeline companies to be safe, reliable and sustainable. We live in a huge, northern country with lots approval of the must ensure their pipeline route. They operations remain safe of remote places, and the typical Canadian lifestyle also get input from for the public and the landowners and other environment, even if a While its safety record is excellent, Even with all of these safety uses up a lot of energy. stakeholders. pipeline isn’t being the transmission pipeline industry improvements, incidents do happen. And used anymore. recognizes it can always make while they’re rare and have little impact 4 OPERATION 3 Operators follow AND MAINTENANCE procedures from the improvements to its operations. – on average only five litres of oil and Even as our thinking and habits become CONSTRUCTION applicable regulator to That’s why members of the Canadian gas were spilled per 1,000,000 litres THERE’S MORE TO IT remove a pipeline Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) are transported since 2002 – they’re all more focused on reducing our energy THAN WELDING demands by becoming more efficient, from service. The focused on improving industry performance responded to and taken seriously, If the pipeline receives regulator will assess and meeting stringent regulations. as the industry works toward a record making the transition to cleaner energy regulatory approval whether it is best to sources takes time. More than half of our 2/3+ With a 99.999% incident-free record, of zero incidents. and land agreements leave the pipeline in homes are heated with natural gas, and More than and other permits place or remove it pipelines are Canada’s safest means nearly all of our transportation energy are put in place, from the ground. of transporting energy. comes from refined petroleum products. two-thirds construction begins. Even when retired, But even 99.999% isn’t good enough. Operators take care to the pipeline will be Many of the products we use daily – 5 RETIREMENT The industry is constantly working to preserve vegetation, continually monitored of Canada’s improve pipeline safety, with advancements For CEPA plastics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and protect waterways, and by the pipeline lubricants – also come from petroleum. energy demand construct the pipeline operator. in science and technology translating into members, While we may still rely on fossil fuels for to be strong and safe, better pipeline design, construction some time, what we can control now is how is met by while ensuring all and durability. a 99.999% we safely transport them from place to place. codes and regulations This includes special pipeline coatings natural gas are adhered to. After incident-free Did you know that pipelines are the for preventing corrosion (a key cause of construction, operators END safest, most efficient method of transporting or products return the land to a spills), monitoring technology that detects record energy products? condition as close weakening metal within pipes and remote made from to pre-construction monitoring and control systems that alert is not good crude oil. as possible. technicians to issues, 24/7/365. enough. CEPA I 5


Canada is vast, and we must ship energy across long distances to reach the people who need it.

Above-ground alternatives to transmission pipelines like trains and tanker trucks are used in the oil and gas sector, but they’re not as cost-effective or reliable as pipelines over long distances. It would take 15,000 tanker trucks a day to move the same amount of oil Canadian pipelines Canada’s transmission >> The volume >> Did you know there deliver daily, creating a lot more released from CEPA are 119,000 kilometres congestion on our highways. members’ liquids of transmission Underground pipelines require pipelines companies pipelines in 2015 was pipelines in Canada? significantly less energy to operate and have operate 119,000 16 barrels, which is Laid end to end these equivalent to pipelines could circle a much smaller carbon footprint than road kilometres of pipelines 2.5 cubic metres. the earth three times. and rail transportation. That’s why pipelines are a preferred choice for reducing the in Canada. impact transporting oil and gas has on our environment.

Valerie Roy, a member of CEPA’s External Advisory 97% of Canadian Panel, says Canadians are concerned about >> A train would natural gas and pipelines crossing have to be 4,200 rail bodies of water. cars long to crude oil production That’s why CEPA transport the 3 million members closely barrels of crude oil is transported monitor their transported by watercourse pipeline in Canada by transmission crossings 24/7. every day. pipelines. Courtesy of Trans Mountain Expansion Mountain Courtesy of Trans 6 I Speaking to Canadians About Pipelines CEPA I 7

Before a pipeline DO PIPELINE WHAT project is built OPERATORS ABOUT or expanded, operators PROTECT THE COMMUNITIES must first learn about ENVIRONMENT? THAT ARE the potential UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT ON ANIMALS, PLANTS AND WATER impact it could AFFECTED? have on the ENGAGING STAKEHOLDERS IN THE PROCESS community.

limit any disturbance – generally the area is Our country is not just beautiful, it is also home fully recovered within It’s about respectful two-way, constructive five years. to a diverse array of animals, vegetation and aquatic engagement with Canadians. life that need to be protected.

WILDLIFE Pipelines are in communities all across our country BENEFICIAL and governments to MANAGEMENT and have been for over 60 years, so operators have a AND CRITICAL improve their invasive species and construction schedules We know that building a pipeline has huge responsibility to ensure they are safe and RELATIONSHIPS participation in the Where pipelines could consultation process some kind of effect on the surrounding may be adjusted to avoid growing seasons. CEPA members impact sensitive secure. And people within these communities are and increase the environment, so the aim is to significantly After construction, the original soil is develop long-term, species, such as understandably concerned about how pipelines will economic benefits reduce that impact through stringent replaced, vegetation is replanted and the mutually beneficial caribou or migratory affect their quality of life. they receive from WATER relationships within environmental regulations and best right-of-way re-seeded. birds, specific So before any pipeline projects are built or expanded, pipeline construction CROSSINGS communities by practices that govern pipeline construction. And in all cases, pipeline operators must mitigation and and operation. operators must first learn about the potential impact it focusing on job Every pipeline has its own monitoring plans are CEPA members restore the land to as close as possible to its could have on the community. They meet with a variety of creation, using local developed to further combine safety, environmental protection plan that’s unique original condition. businesses when SAFETY & minimize the direct engineering and different stakeholders to gather information about the to the animals, waterways and vegetation in By following these guidelines and possible, and providing ENVIRONMENT and indirect effects on environmental needs, issues and opportunities a project may create. the area. constantly improving how things are done, tax revenues. For their populations. expertise to operate But this is just the beginning of the conversation – example, in 2015, For animals, this includes identifying pipeline operators have vastly improved their pipelines through ECONOMIC pipeline operators engage with stakeholders at each stage CEPA members spent sensitive species, adjusting the timing of processes and significantly reduced the impact waterways and near BENEFITS of the pipeline’s lifecycle, to ensure all concerns and $4.8 billion purchasing construction to avoid nesting and breeding aquifers. They protect TECHNICAL of their operations. perspectives are considered. goods and services the waterway and seasons, doing follow-up studies to see how in local communities ENGINEERING surrounding habitats By being transparent, minimizing any negative animal behaviour is affected and taking along our pipeline INFORMATION and environment at impacts and maximizing positives like job creation and tax action to correct any changes. routes. each stage of the revenues, pipeline operators maintain an open dialogue With waterways, studies are done to Members are pipeline lifecycle. with, and seek positive results for, communities. determine the safest location for the pipeline. specifically Pipelines especially designed for operation in IMPACT working with Aboriginal IMPACT ON THE water are used, banks and slopes at crossings ON VEGETATION communities COMMUNITY are monitored to make sure they remain During the stable, and the flow of product in the pipe is construction phase of Learn more about the work CEPA a pipeline, plant life carefully observed, 24/7. You can read more about these initiatives at members are doing to protect the will be temporarily www.aboutpipelines.com/en/in-your-community/ Vegetation is also assessed, biosecurity environment at www.aboutpipelines. disturbed, but practices are used to avoid introducing com/en/environmental-protection/ operators work hard to 8 I Speaking to Canadians About Pipelines CEPA I 9


THREE WAYS GROUND RULES CEPA MEMBERS The safety mandate for ARE ADDRESSING Canada’s transmission Canada has one of the most federal and provincial CLIMATE CHANGE pipeline regulatory pipelines are responsible ONE highly-regulated pipeline bodies encompasses One of the most important safety measures the industry for one per cent of the Cause: Compressor industries in the world. three main areas: has in place is being prepared for an emergency. Stations 1. PUBLIC INTEREST Solution: Replacing old country’s total emissions. Determining if the compressor-station pipeline project is in equipment with the public’s best energy-efficient Pipelines are governed by regulations that The first step is preventing begun to share best practices SHARED interest technologies to reduce cover their entire lifetime – from design releases from happening in with each other, but have also RESPONSE Climate change is a huge concern for their use of fossil fuels and construction, through operation and the first place. Pipeline formally agreed to lend each CEPA created the everyone. To address this issue, CEPA TWO maintenance, and eventually to retirement. operators protect the pipeline other emergency resources if Mutual Emergency members have climate change and Assistance Agreement Cause: Venting These regulations are created by against corrosion, do regular an incident happens. environmental sustainability programs in (MEAA) in 2014, Solution: Using provincial or national regulators (depending CEPA members have maintenance and surveillance, to prepare members place, and continuously adopt new best technologies on where the pipeline operates), based trained crews standing conduct thorough inspections, to share critical practices, programs and technology that divert or capture on standards by the CSA Group (Canadian by to respond and monitor the entire resources, such as that limit or reduce greenhouse gas methane during Standards Association) and other 2. REGULATION quickly with oil spill system from sophisticated equipment or (GHG) emissions. maintenance containment and When it comes government organizations. Regulators Ensuring pipeline control centres. personnel, during Natural gas pipeline operators are also THREE operators are recovery equipment an emergency. ensure pipelines are inspected and (called OSCAR units) Pipeline operators also have to safety, working to reduce GHG emissions from their Cause: Fugitive accountable for audited regularly, and operators are held to contain the leak. comprehensive emergency To evaluate the pipelines in three critical ways – by reducing safe operation Emissions accountable for their safe operation. response plans in place, and CEPA member effectiveness of MEAA, the use of fossil fuels on compressor Solution: Employing CEPA members Regulators can also severely penalize conduct regular emergency stations, limiting methane releases during portable gas or During an emergency companies conducted a joint pipeline companies that don’t comply with response exercises – in both pipeline maintenance and finding and ultrasonic detectors exercise, command emergency to find small leaks in their standards. These penalties can include summer and winter, and for cooperate. management exercise, repairing small leaks. centres are set up pipes so they can be revoking authorization for projects, fines, to practice enacting both land and water incidents including testing their pinpointed and halting or restricting operations, and even proper response – to ensure the plans work. They realize ability to request repaired more quickly 3. COMPLIANCE criminal charges. procedures. These plans are required by law assistance, follow any incident response procedures Inspecting and and are specific to each pipeline. auditing pipelines and distribute When it comes to safety, – large or over their lifecycle Emergency response resources. The exercises cover a CEPA member companies small – hurts outcomes from the variety of emergency cooperate. They realize any exercise were used Get the details on the work CEPA situations, including incident – large or small – hurts the credibility to improve processes members are doing to address climate Learn more about pipeline regulations spills in water. the credibility of the entire and procedures change at www.aboutpipelines.com/ at www.aboutpipelines.com/en/safety/ for the future. en/environmental-protection/ regulations-and-approvals/ industry. That’s why CEPA and of the entire climate-change/ its members have not only industry. 10 I Speaking to Canadians About Pipelines CEPA I 11

WORKING WITH SO, WHAT FIRST RESPONDERS HOW IS THE Not only do CEPA members help each other out in an emergency, they’re also working to improve HAPPENS their first-responder training PIPELINE INDUSTRY programs by learning from member companies and other industries in WHEN THERE Canada and the United States. IMPROVING CEPA has an agreement with the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs IS A SPILL? (CAFC), to help ensure firefighters ITS OPERATIONS? are knowledgeable about the TAKING RESPONSIBILITY equipment and systems of CEPA GETTING TO ZERO INCIDENTS FOR AN INCIDENT members that they might encounter during an incident.

For pipelines that cross Industry collaboration is key to improving pipeline operators’ water, their emergency The majority of pipeline spills are caused by metal loss, materials, response plan includes performance and earning the trust of Canadians. information about manufacturing or construction defects, and cracking. the specific waterway – including currents, spring run-off and habitats. CEPA and our members are working WHAT IS SAFETY CULTURE? together to achieve a goal of zero incidents Safety culture means operating a business in a way Most spills are small, pinhole-sized leaks that – it’s our commitment to Canadians. that puts the safety of workers, the environment, can be rectified quickly, but occasionally One of the most important ways and the public first. It places importance on shared there are larger incidents. When these of doing this is by fostering a safety values, attitudes, and behaviours related to safety, Our members ensuring this commitment is evident in everything happen, pipeline operators work together culture – a mindset shared by everyone an organization does. to contain the spill and begin cleanup. within an organization and supported by hold each other As soon as an incident takes place, business leaders. CEPA members extend this mindset beyond their own organizations to their entire industry – accountable and operators shut down the pipeline and deploy We’re also leading initiatives like working together to share and improve safety collaborate through their incident command system. This system CEPA Integrity First®. Through this program, practices. Our safety culture includes: uses standardized terminology, a specified our members share best practices, operate the CEPA Integrity chain of command and procedures that transparently and cooperate and share define the specific goals, strategies, and resources. This is allowing CEPA members to First program where tactics to be used. Pipeline operators work rapidly advance their practices and develop industry experts and as long as it takes to clean up the spill, and innovative methods to transport energy safely. return the area to its previous state. The External Advisory Panel (EAP) communities come CEPA members follow the ‘polluter pays’ also guides us by representing a wide variety >> Leadership >> Safe Work Sites together to define, model, which means they are completely of voices including Aboriginal Peoples, responsible for a pipeline incident. In fact, environmental experts, first responders and share and implement the Pipeline Safety Act requires all major landowners on issues related to the pipeline leading practices transmission pipeline operators to have a industry. The EAP advises CEPA’s board of minimum of one billion dollars reserved to directors and Integrity First. for continuous >> Training >> Measurement cover the costs of an emergency. improvement.

Learn more at Learn more at www. Learn more at www.aboutpipelines. com/cepa-integrity-first aboutpipelines.com/en/emergency- CHRIS BLOOMER response/ Learn more at www.aboutpipelines. >> Site Supervision >> Continuous President and CEO, com/en/safety/safety-culture/ Improvement Canadian Energy Pipeline Association 12 I Speaking to Canadians About Pipelines

WHAT KINDS OF INDUSTRY-SUPPORTED RESEARCH HOW ARE PROJECTS ARE OUT THERE? WHO IS PIPELINE CEPA? ENABLING DIALOGUE, COLLABORATION AND INDUSTRY ADVANCEMENTS COMPANIES UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO, NATURAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA, AND TRANSCANADA ADVANCING INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH CHAIR Metallurgical science experts are exploring ways CEPA’s vision is a safe, socially to improve welding techniques and make pipeline welds tougher– critical for improving pipeline and environmentally RESEARCH, construction and maintenance. sustainable energy pipeline TECHNOLOGY AND industry for Canadians. INNOVATION? UNIVERSITY OF PIPELINE The Canadian Energy Pipeline Association DEVELOPING PIPELINE ADVANCEMENTS ENGINEERING CENTRE (CEPA) is a non-profit organization Fourteen interdisciplinary researchers are representing 12 member companies who working to advance research in three main areas operate transmission pipelines to – prevention of corrosion and cracking in transport virtually all of the natural gas pipelines, sensor technologies for faster leak and crude oil produced in Canada to detection and monitoring, and reliability and risk markets across North America. assessment using geotechnical modeling. Since 1993, CEPA and our members have been working together to continuously improve pipeline operations in the areas of safety, environment and innovation. Our members have embraced accountability across the industry, and dedicate themselves to continuous improvement, common THE UNIVERSITY OF metrics and shared best practices. Canada’s leading experts in pipeline PIPELINE INTEGRITY INSTITUTE We believe in the power of transparency technology are working together to develop The Institute is helping the transmission pipeline among peers – of respectfully challenging industry reach its goal of zero incidents by one other to improve – and are committed innovations that boost pipeline safety. researching projects focusing on reducing the risk to taking the industry to a higher level of of damage to pipelines caused by ground safety and industry performance. movement, the degradation and corrosion of pipeline materials, and monitoring and controlling internal and external pipeline corrosion. CEPA members are focused on improving FULL MEMBERS TECHNICAL MEMBERS >> Access Pipeline Inc. >> Brunswick operations in critical areas like leak detection, In 2015, >> Ltd. Pipeline right-of-way protection and spill response, >> ATCO Pipelines >> FortisBC Inc. and use both Canadian and international the pipeline >> Pipelines Inc. >> Maritimes & research to guide the development of new >> Ltd. Northeast Pipeline innovations and practices. industry invested >> Kinder Morgan Canada >> Sun-Canadian Canada has some of the most active >> Pipe Line Company Corporation Limited and innovative pipeline researchers in the $1.3 billion into CEPA members have a >> Plains Midstream world. To support their work, CEPA members pipeline safety. duty to move energy Canada ULC invest in research initiatives at Canadian with care – now and for >> Spectra Energy universities to find new approaches to the future. That’s why Transmission ongoing challenges. The results of these the pipeline industry >> TransCanada research projects are used to recommend continuously invests in PipeLines Limited new innovations to >> TransGas Limited best practices, the adoption of new ensure Canadians get >> Trans-Northern technologies, and provide continuous the energy products they Pipelines Inc. innovation for the industry. need, safely and reliably. HOW DO I LEARN MORE?

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