The Hudson's Bay Route [Microform]
\t (94) Akt. III.—the HUDSON'S BAY ROUTE. 1. (leolofjical and Natural TTlxforij Survey of Canada. By Alfred R. C. Selwyn, LL.D., F.R.S., Director. For 1879 to 1885. Published by authority of the Parliameut of Canada. 2. Reports of Robert Bell, B.A.Sc., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.C., on the Geology, Zoohxji/, and Botauy of ILtdson's Straits and Bay. For the same years. Published by authority of the Parliament of Canada. 3. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons, Canada, to Enquire into the Question of the Navi(jation of Hudson's Bay. April 8, 1884. Printed by order. 4. Our Nortliern Waters. A Report presented to the Winnipeg Board of Trade, regarding the Hudson's Bay and Sti'ait. By Charles N. Bell, Vice-President, j\[anitoba Historical and Scientific Society. 1884. i 5. Report of the Select Committee of the Le<jislatire Assembly of the Province of Manitoba, on the Hudson's Bay Route. March, 1884. G. Navigation of Hudson's Bay and Straits. A Paper read be- fore the Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society, AVinni- peg, by Charles N. Bell, Vice-President. i\lay, 188"). 7. The Arctic Regions and Hudson's Bay Route. A Lecture delivered before the Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society, Winnipeg, 1882, by Dr. John Rae. 8. The Development of North -West Canada by the Hudson's Bay Trade Route. By W. SlIELFORD. 9. A A^eiv Trade Route between America and Europe. A Paper read before the Birmingham Meeting (September, 1886) of the British Association, by Hugh Sutherland, a Member of the House of Commons of Canada.
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