Luke, the Detailed and Compassionate Evangelist
2/17/2016 13a. Luke, the Compassionate and Detailed Evangelist “Although Matthew is divided into more chapters than Luke, Luke’s account of the ministry of Jesus Christ is the longest of the four canonical Gospels in actual length . Although Luke clearly drew upon Mark and has much in common with Matthew, Luke’s Gospel also contains a large amount of unique material. Furthermore, its style and sensitivities—particularly toward women, Gentiles, and the poor and oppressed generally—set it apart from the other synoptic Gospels.” (Holzapfel, Huntsman, and Wayment, Jesus Christ and the World of the New Testament, 108) Cappella Tornabuoni, “St. Luke the Evangelist,” 1486‐90 “Lord, I Would Follow Thee” (hymn no. 220) 1. Savior, may I learn to love thee, 3. I would be my brother's keeper; Walk the path that thou hast shown, I would learn the healer's art. Pause to help and lift another, To the wounded and the weary Finding strength beyond my own. I would show a gentle heart. Savior, may I learn to love thee‐‐ I would be my brother's keeper‐‐ (Chorus) 4. Savior, may I love my brother Lord, I would follow thee. As I know thou lovest me, Find in thee my strength, my beacon, 2. Who am I to judge another For thy servant I would be. When I walk imperfectly? Savior, may I love my brother‐‐ In the quiet heart is hidden Sorrow that the eye can't see. Who am I to judge another? 13a. Luke, the Compassionate and Detailed Evangelist 2/17/2016 2 13a.
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