Community and Resources Committee 18 June 2018 Agenda
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COMMUNITY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE 18 JUNE 2018 AGENDA It is advised that a meeting of the Community and Resources Committee will be held at 6.00pm Monday 18 June 2018 in Council Chambers at the Town of Cambridge Administration/Civic Centre, 1 Bold Park Drive, Floreat. JOHN GIORGI, JP 12 June 2018 ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MEMBERS: Cr Andres Timmermanis (Presiding Member) Mayor Keri Shannon Cr Rod Bradley Cr Louis Carr Cr Jo McAllister First Deputy (Coast Ward) Cr Kate McKerracher First Deputy (Wembley Ward) Cr James Nelson Second Deputy (Coast Ward) Cr Ian Everett Second Deputy (Wembley Ward) Cr Jane Powell COMMUNITY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE 18 JUNE 2018 ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. DECLARATION OF OPENING 2. RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE 3. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 4. DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 6. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS 7. REPORTS INFRASTRUCTURE CR18.86 Amended Proposed Blackspot Project - Harborne Street - Grantham Street 1 CR18.87 Proposed Pangbourne Street Ruislip Street Intersection Treatment 9 CR18.88 West Leederville Memorial Garden Precinct - Proposed L20 Car Park abd Memorial Garden Upgrade Works 12 CR18.89 Council Policy Review - Infrastructure 18 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CR18.90 Perry Lakes Parkrun Proposal 22 CR18.91 Reabold Tennis Club Request to Sub Lease for Padel Tennis Facility 28 CR18.92 Wembley Golf Course Booking Rules 33 CR18.93 Wembley Golf Course General Manager Attendance at 2018 Golf Business Forum 36 CR18.94 Review of Annual Donations 39 CR18.95 2018-2019 Community Events Plan 46 CR18.96 Approval Request for Extraordinary Events to be held at Town Reserves - Kidney Health Australia 53 CR18.97 2018-19 Review of Fees and Charges Sports Grounds and Reserves and Community Safety 56 CR18.98 2018-2019 Review of Fees and charges - Cambridge Youth Services 60 CR18.99 2018-2019 Review of Fees and Charges - Cambridge Library 63 CR18.100 2018-2019 Review of Fees and Charges - Quarry Amphitheatre 69 CR18.101 2018-2019 Review of Fees and Charges - The Boulevard Centre 76 CR18.102 2018-2019 Review of Fees and Charges - Wembley Community Centre, Leederville Town Hall and Holyrood Pavilion 85 CORPORATE/GOVERNANCE CR18.103 Documents Sealed - June 2018 90 CR18.104 Model Litigant Policy for Civil Litigation - May 2018 92 CR18.105 Supply of Food and Beverages by Sporting Clubs to the General Public 94 AGENDA - COMMUNITY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING - 18 JUNE 2018 (I) CR18.106 Floreat Park Tennis Club - Request for Variation to Liquor Licence 98 CR18.107 Council Policy Review - Property and Finance 102 CR18.108 Payment of Accounts - May 2018 105 CR18.109 Investment Schedule - May 2018 107 8. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS CR18.110 Insurance Tender 2018/19 114 9. CLOSURE COMMUNITY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE MONDAY 18 JUNE 2018 CR18.86 AMENDED PROPOSED BLACKSPOT PROJECT - HARBORNE STREET - GRANTHAM STREET SUMMARY: Main Roads WA (MRWA) has accepted Council's alternative design option to modify the scope of the Harborne Street/Grantham Street Blackspot Intersection. The 100% funded Federal Government Grant has been approved in order to modify the traffic signals by introducing a right turn ban along Harborne Street for south bound traffic turning west bound into Grantham Street. In addition, a green right turn arrow will be provided along Harborne Street for north bound traffic turning east into Grantham Street. These phases will only operate during AM and PM peak periods while also providing a full pedestrian upgrade with the green and red man walking lanterns. It is recommended that Council approves the installation of these works as it provides the best balance to improving safety and preserving the residential amenity. AUTHORITY / DISCRETION Advocacy When the Council advocates on its own behalf or on behalf of its community to another level of government/body/agency. Executive The substantial direction setting and oversight role of the Council. e.g. adopting plans and reports, accepting tenders, directing operations, setting and amending budgets. Legislative Includes adopting local laws, town planning schemes & policies. Review When the Council operates as a review authority on decisions made by Officers for appeal purposes. Quasi-Judicial When the Council determines an application/matter that directly affects a person’s right and interests. The judicial character arises from the obligation to abide by the principles of natural justice. Examples of Quasi-Judicial authority include town planning applications, building licences, applications for other permits/licences (e.g. under Health Act, Dog Act or Local Laws) and other decisions that may be appealable to the State Administrative Tribunal. Information For the Council/Committee to note. BACKGROUND: Council decided on 22 August 2017 that:- The Town progresses with a modified signals design for the intersection of Harborne Street/Grantham Street that incorporates the outcomes in Attachment 3 which includes:- (i) a design which will provide a right turn ban along Harborne Street north of Grantham Street during the AM and PM peak times; (ii) the design will provide protection for the right turning motorist along Harborne Street south of Grantham Street by providing a leading right turn (green arrow) or separate phasing during AM and PM peak times; and (iii) the Town will submit a modified Black Spot proposal with approval from Main Roads WA to the Federal Government for a modified signals design at Grantham/Harborne Street included in sections (i) and (ii) above. AGENDA - COMMUNITY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING - 18 JUNE 2018 1 COMMUNITY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE MONDAY 18 JUNE 2018 2014 Submission Report The project commenced with report (CR14.116 26 August 2014) where Council approval was given to submit a Blackspot application to Main Roads WA for traffic signal modifications and installation of right turn pockets along Harborne Street at the intersection of Harborne Street/Grantham Street in order to create a single diamond turn (similar to Oceanic/Howtree), refer to Attachment 1. 2015 Federal Grant In April 2015, the Federal Government confirmed a Grant of $700,000 be made available to the Town as a 100% contribution to the project. A design was presented to Council at the 22 September 2015 Council Meeting (Report CR15.114) and it was decided that:- (i) the Town continue with designing and investigating Options B and C; (ii) the Administration identify and communicate the revised project designs and cost estimates to Main Roads WA seeking approval for the Blackspot Grant; (iii) the designs incorporate upgraded and maintained landscaping and/or paving on directly affected verges within the construction year, and (iv) the Administration prepare a report for presentation to Council which includes a residential survey to directly affected residents and the general public within a 400 metre radius of the site. Option B within the (i) decision above relates to an alternate proposal where no widening is required, whereby each approach leg receives its own green phase. All other legs are on the red phase. Option C is the original Blackspot grant application and involves significant areas of road widening along Harborne Street. Attachment 2 illustrates the projected queuing lengths for the existing arrangement, Option C and Option B from the September 2015 report. AGENDA - COMMUNITY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING - 18 JUNE 2018 2 COMMUNITY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE MONDAY 18 JUNE 2018 2016 Updated Council Report An update report was considered on 26 April 2016 by Council (Report CR16.50) which identified preliminary cost increases in excess of $400,000 on the original budget as a result of utility service relocations. The Council decision in April 2016 noted the following:- (i) support be given to continuing the design and budget estimates process; (ii) the Town apply to Main Roads WA for a one year extension of the Grantham Street /Harborne Street project in order to satisfy the Council’s consultation and complex project requirements; and (iii) Council request Main Roads WA and the Minister for Transport to reconsider Option B as a Black Spot solution on the basis Council considers Option C will not provide a safer option and will considerably reduce pedestrian safety and amenity as identified in a Road Safety Audit. (Disability access will also be substandard). Option C (original grant submission) design and estimating continued. Project cost estimates based on the 85% design stage increased to $1,335,000 in May 2016. A letter signed by the Mayor and CEO on 30 May 2016 to MRWA highlighted that Option B is the preferred Council option. Option B operates with each leg being operated independently by its own green phase. 2016 Meeting with MRWA Officers of the Town met with senior MRWA officials in September 2016. A request for Option B - the no road widening option was put on the table as an amendment to the original grant submission. The main outcomes from this meeting were:- (i) No support for Option B, the MRWA viewed this as very inefficient as demonstrated by extensive increases in queuing, refer to Attachment 2; (ii) The Town was requested to conduct a traffic modelling review in order to investigate a leading right turn from Harborne Street turning right into Grantham Street travelling east bound during AM and PM peak; (iii) An accompanying right turn ban for Harborne Street south bound turning into Grantham Street west bound during AM and PM peak; (iv) MRWA agreed to assist the Town with the traffic modelling. In summary, the proposed signal modifications during AM and PM peak would operate with a right turn ban for motorists on Harborne Street south bound attempting to turn right into Grantham Street west bound. North bound Harborne Street motorists in effect will have a either a green right turn arrow, or another separate phase which could then turn to a solid green light depending on demand after AM and PM peak.