Rockland Gazette : October 14, 1880

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Rockland Gazette : October 14, 1880 'he Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Print I PUBLISHED f.\ERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON bY ESTABLISHMENT. Having every facility in Presses, Type and Material O SE & PORTER. — which we are constantly making additions, w« piepared tv execute with promptness and good 2 I O Matin S treet. every variety of Job Printing, Including Town Reports, Catalogues, By-La^ft* Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ T E R 3*1 H i r paid strictly in advance—l>er«nnum, $2.00. grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, if payment is delayed o months, 2.26. Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ 2.60. t paid till the close of the year, ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills few subscribe! a are expected to make the first of Lading, Business, Ad­ went in advance. “ dress and Wedding “Ko paper will be diacontlnu^*^ Cards, Tags, ire paid, unless at the option ofv^.he pubiish- Labels, ____ - Single copies five cents—for sale at tliec® cean*i ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1880. &c., j at the Bookstores. V O L U M E 3 5 . N O . 4 6 . PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO ’ &. POPE VO8E. J- B. PORTER- will receive prompt attention. were stopped, the wounded member ex­ left after everything was settled to finish A WEDDING IN CAIRO. desirable acquisitions. The eunuchs vainly [From our Regular Correspondent. M r ® . tracted, hut all bruised and bleeding. the hoy’s education, and the dear, brave endeavor to maintain order, and are nt no Our European Letter. harden f g f lm r . Eleanor’s fingers bound up tho lacerated girl would not let them tell tho young fel­ A Graphic Picture of the Ceremony iu an pains to enforce their wishes with modera­ hand in her own small handkerohief, the low how much it was. and has been work­ E gyptian H a r e m . tion, hut elbow and shoulder about com London, E ng., Sept. 21. 1880. H.H.CRIE&CO. For the Gazi Brief article*, suggestion*,and results of experience master thanking her courteously; then he ing hard, very hard, I believe, though I amore. Suddenly arises a piercing shriek Affairs in Ireland are rapidly progressing drove away in his fine carriage, and did not We were invited for sunset and accord- relating to Farm, Garden or Household management Channels for Love. don’t know al what, and he does not yet Every ono for an instant stands still. A 1 from bad to worse, and the agrarian n<rita- Invited from our readers interested in such matters. LOWEST PRICES! come to the mill for several days. know how badly oft’ his jioor sister is. She i<;ly made our appearance at the bride’s large muslin curtain haiMmught fire through tion is hurryi int„ open rebellion. Not ’ I Make channel, for the streams of love Some time after tho mill operatives had is distantly related to the lion. Mrs. Audley, palace in Ismalia as the thousand colored the carelessness of two negresses who, in , , . , ” r , • . Where they may broadly ru n ; a half-holiday. Mr. Falconer, riding slow­ and she asked me to look out for some posi­ lamps with which the streets in the neigh­ their determination each to possess herself jon -v ‘ 0 ^aw*ess fttiti-renters set their land- FLAX CULTURE. \ B n d love has overflowing streams V ERY best place to buy ly through the woods near his house, tion for the dear girl.” borhood of tho house had been decorated of a gold piece, have pulled it—the curtain j i°i'ds at defiance, but they are actively or- To fill them everyone, noticed the flutter of a woman’s dress, rode “ I think I know of a position that might were being lighted. The effect was strik­ —down on to the flaming torches. ganizing. under the name of the “ Land We nre glad to notice that in some parts ' IRON Jt STEEL, Chains and Anchors, ltat if nt any time we cease closer, and saw the outline of a figure; suit her,” said tho visitor, “ my sister is ing and elegant, for the delicate carved The tlanies have already consumed the I.engne,” for an armed uprising on the of New England the culture of flax which *$uch chaunels to provide, then galloping to the stables, left his horse, looking for a governess for her two little windows and portraits and the plentiful curtain ami are blackening the ceiling. If , .. „ , has been neglected for many years, is be­ B . I C K SM 1T H S- Stock and Tools, ■ Je re ry fountit of love for us and walked rapidly in the direction of the girls, and. of course. Miss Eliot being so show of green and red Hags, trimmed with the turmoil has been terrible before, ft has ,ir' t ‘’Pl’Ottnn.ty. that is whenEngland has ing revived. We could never really un­ ! C O R D A G E and Ship Chandler}', J*\Vill »oon lx-1p parched and dried, light dress. well recommended, she might suit.” gold tinsel, stood out in a hundred different been as nothing compared to the really in j ’,er Hands full of foreign complications and derstand why it wns given up in Maine Nor was he mistaken. Under the shade “ I’ll give you tho address.” shades o f color. Guests were arriving fast, fernal “hola hola” which now arises. Words a hundred thousands Fenians are armed where forty years ago, it wns an important CARRIAGE BUILDERS* Supplies, e must share, if we would keep some in rumbling harem carriages, some industry. We can well remember when That hlessiug from above; of a wide-spreading tree, her hat off. her Then Gilbert waited impatiently, while utterly fail to portray the scene. As to with muskets; and to this end Fenian agents C A R R IA G E Trimmers’ and Painters* Goods, leasing to give, we cense to have— lap full of early wild flowers, the sunlight his aunt rung the hell and Parker was dis­ on muleback, some on foot, and many the eunuchs, thev Lake their staves and lay • „ „ , tl e almost every farmer had a piece of land brought a batch of female slaves as escort, about them indiscriminately, and it fs W m g and stealing them as fast reserved for flax, and how lteantifol it SK IP Spikes, Oakum, Paints, Such is the law of lore. falling through the leaves on her bonny patched to find Mrs. Audley’s letter; then brown hair,sat Eleanor Eliot. A small hoy, there was a hunt for her ladyship’s eye­ to give themselves dignity withal. Need­ chiefly owing to the. frantic exertions of j possible. Even a portion of the money looked when in blossom : hut we presume F D U E R M E N S * Fittings, about two years*old, lay with his head in glasses. At last the welcome words fell on less to say that eunuchs abounded: indeed, these pitiable wretches that the whole which the charitable world sent to Ireland there is many a young man in Maine to­ QUARKYMEX'S Stock and Tools, Powder, etc., her lap, laughing and throwing his legs his ear. we were all women and eunuchs, but not a place is not burned down. With singular last winter to keep the people from starving, day who was reared tijatn the farm and From Afar. about “promiscus,” while she pelted him man to be seen. A military band was sta­ never saw a field of flax, and would net JfA.ILS, GLASS, Paper, Paints, Two days after, sadly against his aunt’s unanimity and presence of mind they re­ is said to have been invested in Snider rifles Oh, Ixjve, come back, across the weary way with the blossoms. advice, Mr. Falconer started for London, tioned before the gates,ami awoke the echoes pair to the spot, freely walking over their know the names tior use of the break, the ■ 4>U*KS, R E V O L V E R S , Cartridges, etc., Thou did’st go yesterday— “ O h!” she cried, kissing him, “ you going straight to a small, shabby house in with barbaric strain, which appeared to fair charges, and in a few moments suc­ for murder and assassination. The Gov­ swingling board and knife and the hatchel, GALVANIZED Spikes, Nails, Blocks, Row Locks Dear Love, come back! lenr, good little man, what comfort you are an humble location have no little effect on the carriage horses ceed in mastering the flames. A wedding ernment is perfectly aware of this latent implements for dressing flax, if be should “ I am too far upon my way to turn : an«l mules, for they pranced and reared in by chance find them in some old attic, Hoop Iron, etc., to me.” I “ Miss Eliot.’’ he asked eagerly of the is often enlivened by a fire, owing to every rebellion, and yet is taking no effective Be silent hearts that yearn terrible fashion. bhotild flax culture be revived among us, The leaves rustled, and Mr. Falconer i miserable-looking female who opened the one’s carelessness, so that the clever con­ means to crush it. A few days ago, a cer­ CARPET WEAVERS’ Twine and Warp, Upon my truck ” tame into view. The girl put the child off; floor. The noisy, highly-scented and many-col­ duct of the eunuch’s is quite explicable. th ere would he no use for these primitive ored throng pressed into the colonnaded tain landlord, to whom a tenant was heavi­ hand implements, forin flax-grotvingconn- SAILORS* Oil Clothes, U au and Bedding, Oh.
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