'he Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Print I PUBLISHED f.\ERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON bY ESTABLISHMENT. Having every facility in Presses, Type and Material O SE & PORTER. — which we are constantly making additions, w« piepared tv execute with promptness and good 2 I O Matin S treet. every variety of Job Printing, Including Town Reports, Catalogues, By-La^ft* Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ T E R 3*1 H i r paid strictly in advance—l>er«nnum, $2.00. grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, if payment is delayed o months, 2.26. Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ 2.60. t paid till the close of the year, ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills few subscribe! a are expected to make the first of Lading, Business, Ad­ went in advance. “ dress and Wedding “Ko paper will be diacontlnu^*^ Cards, Tags, ire paid, unless at the option ofv^.he pubiish- Labels, ____ - Single copies five cents—for sale at tliec® cean*i ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1880. &c., j at the Bookstores. V O L U M E 3 5 . N O . 4 6 . PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO ’ &. POPE VO8E. J- B. PORTER- will receive prompt attention.

were stopped, the wounded member ex­ left after everything was settled to finish A WEDDING IN CAIRO. desirable acquisitions. The eunuchs vainly [From our Regular Correspondent. M r ® . tracted, hut all bruised and bleeding. the hoy’s education, and the dear, brave endeavor to maintain order, and are nt no Our European Letter. harden f g f lm r . Eleanor’s fingers bound up tho lacerated girl would not let them tell tho young fel­ A Graphic Picture of the Ceremony iu an pains to enforce their wishes with modera­ hand in her own small handkerohief, the low how much it was. and has been work­ E gyptian H a r e m . tion, hut elbow and shoulder about com London, E ng., Sept. 21. 1880. H.H.CRIE&CO. For the Gazi Brief article*, suggestion*,and results of experience master thanking her courteously; then he ing hard, very hard, I believe, though I amore. Suddenly arises a piercing shriek Affairs in Ireland are rapidly progressing drove away in his fine carriage, and did not We were invited for sunset and accord- relating to Farm, Garden or Household management Channels for Love. don’t know al what, and he does not yet Every ono for an instant stands still. A 1 from bad to worse, and the agrarian n