PR/01/5/A AGENDA PROCEDURES COMMITTEE TUESDAY, 29th MAY 5th MEETING, 2001 The Committee will meet on Tuesday, 29th May at 10.30am in Committee Room 2 1. Convener’s Casting Vote: The Committee will consider a paper. 2. Publication of Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body and Parliamentary Bureau Minutes: The Committee will consider a paper. 3. Time for Conveners to Speak in the Chamber: The Committee will consider a paper. 4. Committee Agendas: The Committee will consider a paper. 5. Witness Expenses: The Committee will consider a paper. 6. Parliamentary Questions in the recess: transparency of Executive answers to parliamentary questions and Draft Report (2nd, 2001) on Parliamentary Questions: The Committee will consider papers and a draft report. 7. Draft Report (3rd, 2001) on standing order changes: financial resolutions, withdrawal of amendments to motions, and Scottish Commission for Public Audit: The Committee will consider a draft report. 8. Questionnaire based on a paper by Donald Gorrie MSP: The Committee will consider a questionnaire. 9. Decision Time: The Committee will consider correspondence from the Presiding Officer. 10. European Committee: Alteration of Remit: The Committee will consider a paper. John Patterson Clerk to the Procedures Committee Chamber Office, Room 5.19 Ext 85175
[email protected] Papers attached:- Agenda Item 1 Convener’s Casting Vote PR/01/5/1 Annex A Agenda Item 2 Publication of Scottish Parliament Corporate Body and Parliamentary Bureau Minutes PR/01/5/2 Annex A Annex B Annex C Agenda