MASSACHUSETTS PARTNERSHIPS FOR YOUTH NEWSLETTER VOLUME 22 ISSUE 2 SPRING 2020 ABOUT Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc. is a nonprofit organization which fosters collaboration among educators, community MPY Receives State Earmark leaders, public safety agencies, including fire and police departments, to safeguard First Time Award for Expansion Efforts students. Please see page 12 for members. Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth multi-disciplinary approaches to (MPY) Board of Directors and staff reducing and ideally eliminating was thrilled to receive a $300,000 risky behaviors for youth. Please see MPY STAFF Educational Improvement Project pages 4-6 for a listing of 2020 MPY Earmark in the 2020 Massachusetts Conferences. • Margie Daniels, M.Ed., L.I.C.S.W., Executive Director,
[email protected], 781-587-3409 State Budget. This Earmark was Expanded In-Service Workshops granted to assist MPY’s geographic continue to bring cutting-edge • Beth Williams-Breault, M.Ed., Prevention & expansion and enhance programming Education Coordinator,
[email protected], information and high-quality trainings 781-587-3411 options in the areas of behavioral to students, staff, and parents within health, social and emotional learning, • Lauren Hurton, Office Manager, member schools and other entities.
[email protected] • 781-587-3411 and school safety. Please see pages 7-10 for a complete • Sydney Balch, Data Specialist, This funding speaks to the listing of current In-Service Workshops.
[email protected] commitment of the Massachusetts Earmark funds are also being used to State Legislature to student health • Eileen Mills, M.Ed., Service Coordinator, increase MPY staffing which allow the
[email protected] and safety in the Commonwealth nonprofit organization to enhance its and allows MPY to offer support to • Erin Gaffen, M.Ed., Service Coordinator, mission of promoting the health and
[email protected] educators and school districts as they safety of students.