MTA CSFK GEODETIC AND GEOPHYSICAL INSTITUTE Csatkai u. 6-8., 9400 Sopron 9401 Sopron, Pf.5. Tel: +36 99 508 343; Fax: +36 99 508 355 E-mail:
[email protected], web:, I. The main tasks of the institute in 2017 The object of the current basic research in the Geodetic and Geophysical Institute is the observation, modelling and interpretation of the physical condition and processes of planet Earth, as well as the development of the related theoretical (mathematical, physical) and experimental methods and instrumentation. The public responsibilities covered by our basic activity are: continuous observation of the solid Earth and the space around Earth (geodynamics, geomagnetism and aeronomy), maintenance of the national seismological network and service, provision of data associated with international cooperation, as well as operation of temporary surveillance systems. The activities of the institute that have direct economic importance are the natural resource exploration and the analysis of geological- geo- physical hazards. Research topics of the Institute that have traditionally outstanding success even by international standards are geomagnetism, magnetotellurics, seismology, aeronomy and geodynamics. Through its broadband electromagnetic measurements the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has a significant role in global networks of observatories and in international projects diagnosing the upper atmosphere and the plasma environment of the Earth. The Infrastructural developments from different grants (two GINOP applications: Cosmic Effects and Risks, Zero Magnetic Field Laboratory) and expanded international co-operations (ESF Topo-Europe, AlpArray, ARISE) are all building a basis for new interdisciplinary research topics.