[email protected] Belgrade, December 2010 SERBIA Territory 88,361 km2 Population 7.500.000 Central SERBIA - ŠUMADIJA District Territory 1/3 of Serbia Population 2.500.000 UNIVERSITY of University KRAGUJEVAC of Kragujevac 11 Faculties 17.000 Students 1.380 Employees 1035 Teaching staff 27.000 Graduate students 995 Magister of Science Kragujevac, 545 Doctors of December 15, 2009
[email protected] Science UNIVERSITY OF KRAGUJEVAC Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Kragujevac Faculty of Law in Kragujevac Faculty of Medicine in Kragujevac Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac Technical Faculty in Čačak Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak Faculty of Pedagogy in Jagodina Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kraljevo Teachers Training Faculty in Užice SIGMUS kick-off meeting Belgrade, December 2010 THE CITY OF KRAGUJEVAC HISTORY Kragujevac was mentioned the first time in 1476, as a small village with 32 houses The first capital of Serbia, under leadership of Milos Obrenovic, in period 1818-1841. The first Court – 1820. The first High school in Serbia – 1833. The first Theatre – 1835. The first Licej -1838. The University of Kragujevac - 1976. … SIGMUS kick-off meeting Belgrade, December 2010 UNIVERSITY OF KRAGUJEVAC INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION -57 signed contractcts with universities in Europe and USA - International projects -TEMPUS - ERASMUS MUNDUS - BASILEUS - FP6, FP7 - CEEPUS - ….. SIGMUS kick-off meeting
[email protected] Belgrade, December 2010 TEMPUS IV – III call 1.