Embroideries Women's Fine Union Suits Many Patterns So New That None Even Similar Have Been Shown Before in This Country
I I Tomorrow this greatest of all our January White Sales begins with all the windows in gleaming, snowy white, and white everywhere displayed throughout u:o store. All new, fresh, beautiiui garments, iaoncs, ana accessories a wonaenui exniDition oi tne nnesx irom trie marceis oi me wona. ror we nave vyvu ihuuuj planning and buying for this event, examining, comparing, selecting always with the keenest criticism of values. Buying only when we knew no finer quality, better cr more tasteful styles, or better values for the money were to be obtained anywhere. We offer the results of these efforts now, confident that this White Event will be tho greatest yet held in Topeka, in point of sales and benefits to our customers, just as it is greatest in quantities, qualities, and values. , . Unlimited Choice in New Muslin UflderWeQT Extraordinary Low Priced A few of the Somsof tii2 Great $1 fjjfl Wmderkd Remarkable Many assortments Qualities 89c New Styles 50c . $1 82 STYLES OF GOWNS, Princess slips line long- of Oosabi -- .29 GOWKS of INCLUDING: IS STYLES OP cloth, eyelet embroid- Including: fine crepe with linen lace Specials Style, wide ery One Piece with ruffle, eyelet trimmed edge; longcloth lac or eyelet Square-yok- e em- Gowns One-pie- ce style cut ribbon run binding, elabor- yoke; dainty narrow edge, ot heavy Specials longcloth, em- edge or medallion yoke; full light ate Venise embroidery yoke. broidery work, Venise effect. g broidery or linen lace edged. and tucked ruffle; elaborate .heavy Venise embroidery or Gowas in 11 styles IneraJ-in- era , Square neck wide lace yoke Round Yoke, very fine, yoke of broad Venise bands, Daintily fine round pat- Cluny lace yoke.
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