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Chester News 1927 The heC ster News

3-29-1927 The hesC ter News March 29, 1927 W. W. Pegram

Stewart L. Cassels

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Recommended Citation Pegram, W. W. and Cassels, Stewart L., "The heC ster News March 29, 1927" (1927). Chester News 1927. 25.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster News at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chester News 1927 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CHESTER NEWS CHESTER, 3. C, TUESDA?r SEMI-WEEKLY-


'Let ice cream and bathing be • ended i» Lilcq witchcraft, be under the

MILL DESJROY^D. Bunglow Tieback Curtains Per pr.

ommences Mornin APRIL 1st, Lasts Until Easter


Easter Specials Ladies' New Easter ' BED SPREADS 81x90 Colored Bed ' Spreads,' 38-inch solid color .Rayon Silks— READY-TO-WEAR 63x00 Pure White' ff J blue* tans, rose, helio, AFr Riuplette Bed I etc., Easter Sal& price kW 72x90. Riplette -Bad £ 4 PRINTED Very fine quality highly mercer- 81x90 RippletU { 4 ized Printed Batiste, in all the Spreads $ I c newest neatest patterns; OE TOWELS Small size Turkish PRlNTED_PONGEE Towels £xtra size Turkish Towels MalUsun^ printed, fine quality moAerized Pongees, for la- A regular 35c Turkish <)ip6' and children's wash dresses, Thousands of yards of the Neweifr-Enster Silks will go into thiaPre- Towel a quality that usually sells AAC Easter Sale at the New Established Efird's Low Prices—This Great Large size Honeycomb for 59c, Sale price ^ * Store being the greatest sellers V>f Fine Silks enables us this season to present for your selection on«\of thy Finest and Most Complete Towels, pare white SOLID COLOR VOILES Stocks ever offered—at Low Easter-Sale Prices. 81x90 Seamless Sheets Bely

Watch For Our Watch Our Window's 4 Page For ~ Circular Easter Display 0

f aBBBBBB 113 At WYLIE'S PUTNAM BROODER capacity op to 60 chicks, for only $4.76. On display at the Chester Hatchery, Whiteside* "Building, Chester, FOR RENT—Furnished ...rt.-*~r±m 080 in. Rates low. ifn tamas, 121 Church street. I WANT FIVE representative* for Chester .and the surrounding • four counties for complete Una , In,Ilea" wearing material. .Line ia Walker street aft: ; of excellent .quality and reasona- -f- L. Eberhardt. bly priced. protected territory . will be given each representative, TOR RENT—5-i and also full co-operation from io- r hite Oak street; modtri] ini-" cal .Manager. Good commissions cned. Apply nnd large bonus awards monthly. Amouht of money to be made commensurate only to effort pot forth. Car not essential but de- anLmiu7Dr°Wn C0" "nd P'-""-' oil WilkflburK road between Seely's sirable.^tf you can qualify for CreeV and Sandy River. Notify your- immediate le/ritory, write. JJenJiaHwy-. -Chester Bootes. It I>i,:rii;t Manager, Box 35, Olor, s- C. tf • " FOR S^I.E—House and lot ,m Lancaster Street, also vacant Jot WE HAVE just installed anoth- on Oak street. Apply to D. E. Es- er Mammoth Buck-eye Incubator, ami are prepared to take care of. 88-1-C your hatching eggs. $3.76 per tray of 0$. Senj eggs not. later than Monday to W. G. Bigham'a Store, Chester. S. n direct to , The Nationally Famous, Guaranteed, 100 per Messrs. Everett Mashburn anq •Blue . Pure. Wool, Finish Catawba Poultry farm. Also, F. M. Dudley, of Rock Hill, spent baby chicks for-sale.'-. tf Tllis is goin to be a great season for Blue Serges, and 6121 Ctirlee Serge is Sunday In Chester, with friends. • , you take no chance, the following guarantee is on every suit, Miss .Mary Osborne, of Char- lotte, spent, the week-end In Ches- "It L.'niBg, Tailoring, Mat.,US Colo, or .ny.hing- go.. with . 6121 S»i get a saw salt free, the timo limit Is you, judgment." . ter with Mr. and Mrs. R.' A. l)oug- las. We know of no otfiet suit il^'t Carries a broad guarantee of this kind. Mr. Saling Heyman, of Miami,- Come in and let us fit'you in a 612i Serge suit and you will be pleased P/irt Florida, is spending a few day« $27.50. with his mother, Mrs. Lucila Hoy- man, on York street. Department Store WYLIE'S Continuing this Week THE COMMERCIAL BANK, \ DftESS'FABRICS ~ ««t.d at Chester, S. C„ at th< lo.. of buainea. March 23. 1927. 36-in. Extra ii ——- j vCottoi\" ianJiP , Sale fjlic/T Nr.'l- II

36-in. Silk 5

36-in. Rayon Satir a Special Valu

39-inch Extra Value—this 'is dTiV Sale Special—* guaranteed washable crepe do chine m all the lead- ing Spring Shades .$1.39 .VJ-ineh.Eitra Value Washable Flat Crepe, a real value for the price ... ___• $1.95 39-inch All-Silk Smooth Finish Baronet Satin, an cxcollent^Qualityfpr lingerie, forVjhis Snle only.

I a'J"inch shcer AIU§Hk ,'an'extVa'^u'e""*1'" for dresses In all CORHV yard .- 9gc , Now Printed Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chine, new- est colors and tombination». Sale Price .....69 and 85c

Special Values Not Advertised, All Included In this Sale of Special Items. Boys and youths' best quality'Rubber Tennis SJioes,95c Slen's heavy Rubber Tennis "Shoes. ::.$ Boys' Tan- Ojfords, Stitchdown Shoes, a special J value..j ...... S5c\and 98c. Visit Our Domestic Department-. \ T— Sam. Valu.. Har. a. You Will Find in the Large,! —V- — r—^ i- i—F: 72x90 good yaluoBlenched Sheet ... 49c' 81XU0 extra vufee Bleached Sheet ' __-79e 8lx'/0 Mahawk Shert—Standard. Quality—Sale "" . Pr^e only...... „ „;i9 81x110 Utica Sheet*— a Sale Special at $1.35 81x90 Seamless Crinkled Bed Spreads X$1.48

opeciai. A German Silver Bleach. All-line^ Table , 70 inches wide, a Sale Value, at •_ j

New Patterns In Ladies' Purses. A new assortment of Special Values at" • s Ladies' Best Quality Rajon Bloomer*. sale Price Extra Heavy ^aronet Satin Slips. Sale Price, 9 Better Quality Blopnprs and Knickers, extra Sale valuu *'-95- *2 New Hand Embroidered Ladies' Gowns and-Teddies. Snorinl tini.f IM,., - . ' * . BELK'S DEPT. STORE Home of Better Values-

our FREE ing the Month of March -

, y\J. ' .BEGINNING 1st we will give one year's subscriD- ,£2" ^ The McCall Magazine and one pattern We are showing a,neat selection pif Hata.'in all' f Kti with each-cash purchase of TEN Dollars and over. • " -. r . ' .the New Straws and Shapes-—including the new* Colors. / We invite inspection. ' a great opportunity to get this won- azine and a Pattern.

Schlosburg's INCREASING, THE action, the Commercial Appeal Nobody's Business. GASOLINE TAX. doe* not aeo why the leglalalors By GEE McGEE. •hould further increase the gasb- Roofing Materials The Chested News --The Tennessee General Assem" (Copyriihted) line tax, even though it will affect bly is considering, adding a penny effect only motor car owners and to the gasoline tax, making It 4 Roofing Paints cents. Advpcaten of roadbuilding Our Tenneaaee exchange ought Xnd maintenance favor this In- to vlalt South Carolina and .see the crkue, bnt-it has ita staunch oppo- wonderful showing from the nents. , The Memphis Commercial- standpoint of road construction Appeai«ieerfully admits that and maintenance carried on// in Ifyeur roof Is in need of repair- jnore hardsurfaced roada c6tjld thin state in the state highway ing »r renewing call us and let us- be bt^lt in less time were system of rokds. • Here we have figure with you. -, Wo ctt give jrou tliir gasoline tax Increased to 4 the S*c4rit gasoline tax, Oiehighost the best of service and material!* cents, but thinks-it would be "un- in the llnlyn. and our plan of roadi at a low CO«t. wise to tax a good horse to death buildJatfTTtho^-as'you-go plan. just because he be a UntfeWwis arrangement South We also carry a full lide nf tl: good horse,""and is of the opinion Carolina haa gotten Jut of' the that Tennessee,. lawmaking good best painta for houses anl othc TUESDAY, MARCH mud for good, and despite depress- buildings. progress at roadbuilding just as ed conditions that periodically roll i'INCREASE THE YIELD. I the .tax stands. This cxchgqge around, the groat majority of the also calls attention to the f^ct; : people appear satisfied with the SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. - - "They enn grow cotton-in-Iexaa 1 that . the.Lfelalaturc has extended 5-c«nt gasoline tax.—Spartanburg cheapor than we can grow it< the time limit for payment ofwate Journal. Paint Department, here," i» an oft heard expression and county taxes from FebrulTy N Savannah, Ca. and doubtless has been heard so , 28 to April 30. .11118 was due to 'Girl Students at William^ and many times until many peoplejc- the Inability of (he great majority Mary College who do not 1xj,Ht fept it as a fact without taxonfthe Sif taxpayers to meet their taxes eighty in their studies may pot ^tlme or trouble to investigate the t promptly, and admitting the' con- have 'dates' and other social priv- statement as being the truth. Pos- , ditions to lie unpromising by tort ilege* sibly "they .grow cottdn fheaper in Texas than we do here-," would be correct,, but the facts' show* that Texaa does not gfow cotton as Mineapoiis,—Discovery of a cheaply as can be done in this new serum ""Which immunizes section. against fever, Diptherla . Cotton growing. contests con- and other contagious diseases by ductcd/iW -year in -Texas . and a single injection and which 'elimi- Georgia irWicate that cotton .was nates danger of serum sickness,' produced at a lower .cost per pound was. revealed, here'tdday. when it •in the latter named state than in SINCLAIR earn ed the serum had been Texas. , Successfully used- in Mineapolv- The cest records in both states llnd St. Paul clinics. ^ ^ ' prove again that 'the larger the The JJUcovery was mad& by Dr. ALL THE WAY yield per acre, the lower the cost Winfonf 'P.' Larson, head of. the per pound of lint. • Department' of Bacteriology of , The ten Texas contestants who- the University af^finesota. had the. lowest cost per pound .pro- Testa hav€\been made over -a duced lint at an «yerage of si* period of six mSttthl and tontative .You do not realize how. beautifully your car really can cents, per pound. The ten Georgia figures show success, according to run unjtil you see all of these Sinclair Oils-Opaline Mo- / . contestants who had the lowmt Dean E. P^yon of the University cost per pound produced an. tor oil for perfect motor lubrication-Sinclair Gasoline I average of 5.3 Cents.pc^pound. Medical College. for mileage and power-Sinclair kerosene for cleaning Men who are familiar' with the and conditioning your parts. matter teJUnrthat .the outlook' "for'the

XI Increased production pef-—ajan is the slogan in almost every, manufacturing plant and it is a slogan (that' farmers/should take up amrNfc^t into a/tual practice. The idea is not to increase the pro- Chester duction ia the? aggregate but to ^produce at. a lower Cost so. that a 'profit can be shown. , " To double.the production of an Machine '& FREE! - FREE! sor ol laid decreases the labo^ 'aSSruhe-half and knhe end/it also decreases'."the-, tost' almost Lumber Co Code-half. Such heingU fact then; the wise thing to do is\to adopt aj MBa^Ice Tickets soil-building program, yncreasinR the fertility of the land-'A"' Experiments sho^'that • cotton With Each New 'can be produced in Chester coun- ty as cheap as it can be produced in Texas' but it is also, shown that it must, be done by increased Refrigerator yield, per aere. sold this -month A ONLY Prompt Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed House gleaning


CHILDREN'S IUS House Cleaning Time is a AHutnau Lady Says Ske Has Nmr Found a Better Lax* iwe Than Tbedford'i Black-Draught ' Springs, Ark.—"We nee ill nek-Draught m our family of six children.- aaya MA C.-E. Nutt, of this place, -and we find it a good Time hpwsl regulator. - I givo it to my children for colds ana constipation, or any other stomach disorders, •Od it certainly ia very hclpfuL I - With a "Royal'Electric Cleaner have never known it to fail them. Where .there are' wo many «*h«1dren, SPrin? House Cleaning is a joy EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. H is a good Idea to keep a laxative on hand, and Black-Draught ia what The creditors *>f the estate of we use. Texpnnh Weight, , deceased* arc 1 have taken It myself tor indt Let us demonstrate the ROYAL; hereby notified tb render to--the geotion. I would feel .dicy. have gas and sour stomach/ I v ould nlao feci to'you; no obligation. undejsign'ed or. to his' attorney. a tightness In niy icheat I took a- Miss Mary. G. Sledge, pGmbcr 12 iboi doix. of Thodford's Bln.-k- Agurs-Bijilding, Chester,- S..C., an acfoui^of their claitvp duly attest- ed, alirf allpersons inaelltMl to_ said A small cash payment will put one .of these Refrigera- estate are notified. to make pay- tors in your Home, balance, to be paid weekly. ment fikewiae. SOUTHERN PUBLIC • W. ABRAM BRIGHT, - ' \ ' Executor. Cheswr, -S. C* Man IS, 1927; UTILITIES COMFY 16-22-29 "BLECTRICLTY:— Clark Furniture £o NO 175 and diet that .it is demanded all The Servant In the Home.' throughout -the]. year.—-Spartan- 1burg Journal. . A