Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University Chester News 1927 The heC ster News 3-29-1927 The hesC ter News March 29, 1927 W. W. Pegram Stewart L. Cassels Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesternews1927 Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Social History Commons Recommended Citation Pegram, W. W. and Cassels, Stewart L., "The heC ster News March 29, 1927" (1927). Chester News 1927. 25. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesternews1927/25 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster News at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chester News 1927 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CHESTER NEWS CHESTER, 3. C, TUESDA?r SEMI-WEEKLY- MISSIONARY IS MURDERED IN 'Let ice cream and bathing be • ended i» Lilcq witchcraft, be under the MILL DESJROY^D. Bunglow Tieback Curtains Per pr. ommences Mornin APRIL 1st, Lasts Until Easter y SOME OF,OUR Easter Specials Ladies' New Easter ' BED SPREADS 81x90 Colored Stripe Bed RAYON SILKS ' Spreads,' 38-inch solid color .Rayon Silks— READY-TO-WEAR 63x00 Pure White' ff J blue* tans, rose, helio, AFr Riuplette Bed I etc., Easter Sal& price kW 72x90. Riplette -Bad £ 4 PRINTED BATISTE Very fine quality highly mercer- 81x90 RippletU { 4 ized Printed Batiste, in all the Spreads $ I c newest neatest patterns; OE TOWELS Small size Turkish PRlNTED_PONGEE Towels £xtra size Turkish Towels MalUsun^ printed, fine quality moAerized Cotton Pongees, for la- A regular 35c Turkish <)ip6' and children's wash dresses, Thousands of yards of the Neweifr-Enster Silks will go into thiaPre- Towel a quality that usually sells AAC Easter Sale at the New Established Efird's Low Prices—This Great Large size Honeycomb for 59c, Sale price ^ * Store being the greatest sellers V>f Fine Silks enables us this season to present for your selection on«\of thy Finest and Most Complete Towels, pare white SOLID COLOR VOILES Stocks ever offered—at Low Easter-Sale Prices. 81x90 Seamless Sheets Bely<Sere fine quality, fully mer- SPORT AND UNDERWEAR NEW PRINTED CREPES Cambria 81x90 Seamless Blcached \ cwized .Voiles, * white and. all ,th"e SATIN 40-^nch new printed Crepe de Shews," $1.25 ' ftCc 'leading.shades, opening OCc Lumin.o Rayon Jipott Satin fop u; Chine",patterns that SjG value Ov Sale' price . derwear and dresses; "TO are entirely different^ I aOO 81x90 Excell Seamless QCc Sheets; $1.35 value 99 GEORGETTES RAYON SILKS. 18c . 81x90 Empire Scam- £4 JQ 40-inch Georgettes in the new ^36-inch new Raypn Sill, in all, the less'Sheets, ) I. IO §pring shades; A 1ft • 81x90 Peppcrell £4 OR new patterns far children's"and la- (l.S^value ' 9l<lw dies', dresses, sport wear, etc., 39c Blenched Sheet*, •)> I .CO C quality, perfect short 4 Qc COLORED PONGEE >. 42x36 Empire Pillow QQ y NEW PRINTED SILK lengths I O -36-inch All Silk CdWed" Pongee, Cases C.9 36-inch new Printed Silks, in neat guaranteed Wash- ^4 4 Q Special Prices en Other N.liSn.lly PETER PAN GUARANTEED styles for £4 . 4 A Spring $ I s I C able , 4> I • I O Advertised Brands of Sheets and -FAST COLOR WASH GOODS SILK REMNANTS. $1 Per YARD' , PillowCa.es, ' SILK PONGEE, 49c Peter Pan Nana, fully lnercerized, 36-idchiAU Silk Imported Jap'Pon- 1 table Silk Remnants", including WHITJL BROADCLOTH SH1RT§ Printed Pongee, - guaranteed fast gee, a quality that usually, sells for Crepe de Chines," Wash Silks, Style 140 highly mercerized Broad- color >n the neatest,-new- ' 86c; while it JQc Broadcloth, Radium, etc.; values New Spring Dresses cloth Shirts, full cut; a value'that est (irevt styles ' ' • ^ last»,for "J9 worth up to double tl|e price. usually sells for $1.45, IJFr Peter Pan Aspra Corded and Print- Openjng.morning of ' fp 4 AA Big lot Rayon and Silk Dresses in plain.and com- Sale price, 99 ed Dimity'Checks, nejit patteijis, CREPE DE CHINE 'this. S3le, per yd. 9 1 »UU Style 302Jm>o*4«rWhitc Broad- Quality 3360 40-inch All Silk bination styles, at . * -• — f' guaranteed fast ' A A cloth Shirts, Easter £*4 OO "Crepe de Chine.ln all thejiew STRIPED BROADCLOTH Sale Price $ I «fc9 Spring-shades CI QC Stylo* 450-better quality genuine rcerited Ba- All-Silk Striped Broadcloth, a val- ue that U9u»Hy sella, for $1.50. Imported White Broadcloth Shirta, FLAT CREPE -Real/ Silk Crepe de Special purchase regu- a $2:00 value, £ 4 £g- Chjne Dresses in a big lar $9.6o .Satin, Canton *40-inch Flat Crepe de Chjne*, .range of new shades staple as well'as new .Crepes and Crepe de . SILK BROADCLOTH and models; $7.95. val-' Chine. Extra special at ue at Spring. , , 36-inch All-Silk Suburban E "PRINTED FLAXONS 40-lnch. Canton Crepe, cloth in. the underwear and' alt color*, - f shades fl>4 all sizes,/ % All the new styles in Printed One "lot high grade. One lot extra fine Dress-, Me#* heavyweight' white bad on for children's and la- » es, made of exceptional-^ --Imn-full cut ... V •dies' dxesses- 50c value * * Dresses in. all the new" ly fine materials; they Overalls . % MINUET VOILE. Spring materials at sell the country 'over at Boyi' and Youth**"" • $25. Our special. Overalls'" J I Men's Big* Jack J- J l Ladies' Newest tlvi'ri.lls . 4M.-I .^Youths' Big Jack Blue V Overalls % WHITE BROADCLOTH . WORK SHIRTS 36-inch highly', mercer- OKc Novelty Footwear Men's Blue Chambray Work izod White Broadcloth,. tw Spring Goats Shirts full cut. J ,60c quality White Br'iad- . - ^ti^dies' Pullman Two^eyelet Blonde Flapper . cloth „ '" &0 x _M fancy mixtures and plaids," including Sport COLORED BROADCLOTH . Oxfor'ds A. i'.J . 1— - $3.95 . Models at - 36-inch, btttie Colon::!.• Age Broadcloth, al| colors.. C,9 Novelty pitmde; cut-out ohe-strap-Purap. .$4.9S Big Yank Work Shirts / . APc 32-INCH CINGHAMS. 10c NoveltyStrap Blonde .Coyered Heel Pump, $4.95 WIDE SHEETING 03 32-inch bri-as Ginghams, all good 81-inch 9-4 'Unbleschf'd Seamless 'Sp'ring patterns, . ' 4ftc All-.Wool Poiret Twill j New model nobby Sport" Bed Sheeting, ir - OC° patent Covered Heel one-^frap Pump1_-$4.95 Sale Price , / £.0 go4d quality ' ••'..MIT Coats, silk lined, in both Coats in. all deairiible . LONGCLOTH AND BLEACH LADIES' $1 SILK STOCKINGS Craddock-Terry Crepe Sole. Blonde Ox- fur and plain collars, at materials, at •" /DOMESTIC" InHll'Jthe new-shades, s pedal" for iord,'.. .. $4,95 350 English Longcloth J Ac :^e,55,tWo $1>00 Qoality/1400 English Craddock-Terry White Kid Covered Heel. Longcloth; Indies' -Full- Fashioned Cftc Quality 30,000 Longcloth; ' Stockings, - " DO JJurrfpl....... 1.-.$4.95 . $25.00 SporTand Poiret •Twill"Coats, hands6me< A regular $18.50 35c value QUALITY STOCKINGS / fur collars as well as th(»' Barker Mill BIcach \ / ' ' Craddock-Terry White Covered Heel one-. • tailored models : and lined Poiret twiiy.coat Ladies' better quality sn|c_to. the . much wanted black and sr^l wlthpiit fur;'collars' Genuin| Lonsdale welt, pure thread Silk Stbclqnss, strap Kid Purftp_. J—- - - ,—$4.95 whites sook Lonsdale Cambric Watch For Our Watch Our Window's 4 Page For ~ Circular Easter Display 0 f aBBBBBB 113 At WYLIE'S PUTNAM BROODER capacity op to 60 chicks, for only $4.76. On display at the Chester Hatchery, Whiteside* "Building, Chester, FOR RENT—Furnished ...rt.-*~r±m 080 in. Rates low. ifn tamas, 121 Church street. I WANT FIVE representative* for Chester .and the surrounding • four counties for complete Una , In,Ilea" wearing material. .Line ia Walker street aft: ; of excellent .quality and reasona- -f- L. Eberhardt. bly priced. protected territory . will be given each representative, TOR RENT—5-i and also full co-operation from io- r hite Oak street; modtri] ini-" cal .Manager. Good commissions cned. Apply nnd large bonus awards monthly. Amouht of money to be made commensurate only to effort pot forth. Car not essential but de- anLmiu7Dr°Wn C0" "nd P'-""-' oil WilkflburK road between Seely's sirable.^tf you can qualify for CreeV and Sandy River. Notify your- immediate le/ritory, write. JJenJiaHwy-. -Chester Bootes. It I>i,:rii;t Manager, Box 35, Olor, s- C. tf • " FOR S^I.E—House and lot ,m Lancaster Street, also vacant Jot WE HAVE just installed anoth- on Oak street. Apply to D. E. Es- er Mammoth Buck-eye Incubator, ami are prepared to take care of. 88-1-C your hatching eggs. $3.76 per tray of 0$. Senj eggs not. later than Monday to W. G. Bigham'a Store, Chester. S. n direct to , The Nationally Famous, Guaranteed, 100 per Messrs. Everett Mashburn anq •Blue Serge. Pure. Wool, Velvet Finish Catawba Poultry farm. Also, F. M. Dudley, of Rock Hill, spent baby chicks for-sale.'-. tf Tllis is goin to be a great season for Blue Serges, and 6121 Ctirlee Serge is Sunday In Chester, with friends. • , you take no chance, the following guarantee is on every suit, Miss .Mary Osborne, of Char- lotte, spent, the week-end In Ches- "It L.'niBg, Tailoring, Mat.,US Colo, or .ny.hing- go.. with . 6121 S»i get a saw salt free, the timo limit Is you, judgment." . ter with Mr. and Mrs. R.' A. l)oug- las. We know of no otfiet suit il^'t Carries a broad guarantee of this kind. Mr. Saling Heyman, of Miami,- Come in and let us fit'you in a 612i Serge suit and you will be pleased P/irt Florida, is spending a few day« $27.50.
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