2598 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No~ 68 .MILITARY AREA No. 10 (CHRISTCHURCH)-continued. MILITARY AREA No. 11 (DUNEDIN)-oontinued. 453017 White, Alan Rutherford, metal worker, 645 Ferry Rd., 451331 Blanchard, Alfred Herbert, labourer, Duntroon. Christchurch. 451460 Bowie, Robert John, clerk, 82 Duncan St., Dunedin C. 2. .454843 White, Charles Edgar Joseph, foundry worker, 82 Byron St., 450079 Boyd, Jack Thomson, 481 Leith St., Dunedin. Sydenham, Christchurch. · ' 450135 Brinsdon, Allan Stanley, farm labourer, Otakou, via Dunedin. 455169 White, Herbert Alfred James, herd.tester, 14 Windsor Tee., 450530 Brinsdon, Leonard James, farm labourer,· care of Mr.' A. Christchurch. , Chapman, Ika Rd., Oamaru. 454831 Whiteside, Ronald William, painter, 164 Lincoln Rd., 450374 Brown, ]'ergus George Beaumont, student, 118 Bay View Addington, Christchurch. Rd., Dunedin. 452251 Whitta, Neville Bruce, student, 201 Kilmore St., Christ 450588 Brown, John Andrew, carpenter's apprentice, 7 Alexander church. · St., Abbotsford. 456120 Willetts, Douglas, mill· hand, 239 Cashel St.,· Christchurch 455749 Brown, Leslie Hubert, programme-assistant, 151 Albany f1. l. St., Dunedin. 454880 Williams, Defyd Ifor, civil servant, 7 Jutland St., New 452936 Brown, Leslie James, labourer, Kyeburn Diggings, Naseby. Brighton, Christchurch. • 453734 Brown, Malcolm James, clerk, 55 Riselaw Rd., Dunedin. 451918 Williamson, Ernest, farm labourer, Child Welfare Branch, 454836 Bryant, Horace James, apprentice carpenter, Box 114, P.O. Box 105, Timaru. Alexandra. 453499 Wilson, Mervyn Henry, assistant cinematograph-operator, 454818 Buchanan, Thomas Harry, warehouseman,.. 6A Greenock St., 30 Akaroa St., Kaiapoi. Kaikorai, Dunedin. ' ' 453015 Wilson, Raymond Keith, carpenter, 39 Buffon St., Christ 450540 Bull, David Cormack, dental student, care of Mrs. Spence, church. 42 Pinehill Tee., Dunedin. 450919 Wilson, Robert Ferguson, fitter, 66 Bordesley St., Linwood.
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