LANDMINES IN kosovo EXPLOSIVEREMNANTS OF WAR CLUSTER BOMBS AND Mines-Arms Unit International Committee of the Red Cross 19, Avenue de la Paix, CH-1202 Geneva Switzerland T +41 22 730 26 67 F +41 22 730 28 30 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: Front cover photo: G. Diffidenti Design: The Magic Pencil Original: English August 2000 MINES-ARMSRevised June 2001 UNIT Produced with environment-friendly materials CONTENTSCONTENTS Acknowledgments 2 Glossary of acronyms 3 1. Introduction 4 2. The impact of cluster bombs in Kosovo 6 The role of cluster bombs in the conflict Post-conflict casualties The socio-economic impact of cluster bombs Clearance of cluster bomblets: a unique challenge 3. The impact of landmines and UXO in Kosovo 15 The use of landmines The impact of landmines and UXO on civilians The socio-economic impact of landmines and UXO The impact of landmines on peace-keeping 4. Mine action and unexploded ordnance clearance in Kosovo 23 Definition and coordination Information management Mine and UXO survey and marking Mine clearance Clearance of cluster bomblets and other unexploded munitions IMPACTMine and UXO awareness education Mine and UXO victim assistance 5. Cluster bombs and landmines under international law 34 Cluster bombs Landmines 6. Conclusions and recommendations 36 Cluster bombs Landmines Annexe Military technical agreement Bibliography 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis report was written by Stuart Maslen, a consultant and former advisor to the ICRC’s Mines-Arms Unit, based on field visits to Kosovo in the winter and spring of 2000 and on information provided by the ICRC delegation in Kosovo.