Vital Records
RECORDS OF IMMANUEL CHURCH NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE Compiled by Joan Zerbe The material presented here was compiled from the records of Immanuel Church, New Castle, Delaware. It includes birth, baptism, marriage and burial records from the parish registers dated 1714-1824, 1824-1867, 1867-1899, 1899-1909,1909-1931,1931-1985. The following information has been compiled and is available from the Church office but has not been presented in this publication: communicants, confirmations andparent's names of brides and grooms. Since many records of burials in the 1714-1824 period are missing, we have presented the following notable inscriptions: that of the Rev. George Ross, first rector ofImmanuel and Captain Richard Halliwell, first Rector's Warden, both memorial plaques appear within the church. Those of George Read, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, Jehu Curtis, whose inscription was written by Dr. Benjamin Franklin and Hercules Coutts, the earliest inscription, may be found in the Churchyard. Acknowledgements: Catherine Ayers, Anita Banks, Marion Bailey, Cynthia Byham, Constance Cooper, Dorthea Edwards, Nancy Ferguson, Elizabeth Foster, Eliza Gouverneur, Pauline Johnson, Priscilla Kerney, Elizabeth Lease, Blanche Proud, Suzanne Robinson, and especially Roberta Wirzman. Ross, George To glory of God and in Memory of Rev. George Ross First Rector of this Church sent as a Missionary in 1705, by the Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign parts. He was the son of David Ross ofBalbair, Ross-shire, Scotland, born in 1680. He graduated at the University of Edinburgh in 1700, and after serving this Parish faithfully for fifty years, died at New Castle in the 75th year of his age.
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