The International Classification of Disorders 2nd edition

੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛

ͮដড༄ደደ๼ Ꮮമደ஢ᚍ 2004Б8̢ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ


ӕ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5ڎ̜˛ڎ஑ʙ ڎ஑ʙ

ӕ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6ڎ̜˛ڎ஑ʠ ڎ஑ʠ

Ր ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8܉ڎ஑ʙ ڎ஑ʠ

Ր ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9܉ڎ஑ʠ ڎ஑ʠ

ᕚᚍ૲ᜌप ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :

ᕚᚍʡࢷϪ౐ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 21 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛

Ѱˉ஢Ϫ౐ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 22ˎ ڎ஑ʠڎ࠼̜

˷ᘸ˭஝ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 24

ЃѤպ΢௻˷ᘸ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 26

28 ///////////////////////////////////////////// ےᏞമ˷ᘸჄ੽ᄬ቏Ρ஢ᕑ ICD-10NA ˷ᘸሆဇັ

ʙăࢨവؒᏞമ (The primary headache) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 24

1. ੑᏞമ () ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 25

2. ႧᑻܮᏞമ (Tension-type headache) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 38

ᔎവؒᏞമჄ֏͂ʭʾьݡড༄Ꮮമ .3

( and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias) //////////////////////// 45

֏͂ࢨവؒᏞമ (Other primary ) //////////////////////////////////////////////// 50 .4

ʠăЩവؒᏞമ (The secondary headaches) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 56

ЩവؒᏞമ˭஝ (Introduction) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 68

ᔪϰػᏞఋ̅Ꮫఋʹฌ˞Ꮮമ .5

(Headache attributed to head and/or neck trauma) ///////////////////////////////////////////// 58

ᔪϰػនఋؖᏛఋі႓ॽૉ˞Ꮮമ .6

(Headache attributed to cranial or cervical vascular disorder) //////////////////////////// 64

ᔪϰػۨі႓ؒន˱ॽૉ˞Ꮮമ .7

(Headache attributed to non-vascular intracranial disorder) /////////////////////////////// 76

ቴӧᔞ˞Ꮮമڐቴؖڐᔪϰػ .8

(Headache attributed to a substance or its withdrawal) ////////////////////////////////////// 86

ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

Ꮮമ (Headache attributed to infection) ////////////////////////////////// 100˞ޗᔪϰػ๐ .9


(Headache attributed to disturbance of homoeostasis) //////////////////////////////////// 105



(Headache or facial pain attributed to disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears,

nose, sinuses, teeth, mouthor or other facial or cranial structures) /////////////////////// 112

ᔪϰػႠডॽૉ˞Ꮮമ (Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder) /////////// 119.12

ʭ. នড༄മă˛ᆾַࢨവؒᖟ࡭മַ֏͂Ꮮമ

(Cranial neuralgias, central and primary facial pain and other headaches) /////////// 122


(Cranial neuralgias and central causes of facial pain) ///////////////////////////////////////// 123


(Other headache, cranial neuralgia, central or primary facial pain) ////////////////////// 133

Ꮓ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 245ۣ

༎ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 256סϪච

ষ̕ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 258

ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ڎ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ஑ʙ ӕڎ̜˛

႑ވ༎Ꮮമ˞ඨᔞઅລĂסϵ˷ᘸ̅ڟϵড༄ Ώप˞άސͫ˚ʙĂ˞ڑॿڟశલՎސᏞമ̾͟ჳ લඨᑛ˛ʶ༄લ๼྄ ʨᓗѻ᜖஛ჄҤ୅˞චჭĂߥэ˚ᆙ࿕ຮĂ࿿͟ϻൿ̠ڟඨĂϵʙৡᖂࣱ۞ڟࠋᖂࣱ ࢨϰ ോዎĂਜ਼Ά଼ಾჄ۬ဂĂфඨᔞϪႎʶʨԑᕏ഻ĄᕚڟĂዲ࠮ᏞമڑॿސॾʡĄᏞമͫڟටᏞമ̺֗ ᖂደટФϪචΐ஛ʙĂӨڟ̜˛ސʙ࢏Ҩᘲͪڟ˛ᄆࡧሥݨʶ˚ʙĄФղᏞമ͟৖ᇖυᙒ ᚍڟݞϻĂॾ૑ ݣʙ࠮Ą܉Ф˞ᚍϪĂʶʨԑދᑛćФղᏞമᓶ˚эػ࠮ּĂѮ ࢈ዑු૴΢ᖂደච֐ٽࡧ˞ॽॾĂ෸γ҉ tension headache྆͞લᕚЙႧ઻ؒސڟᗾăΈਬᓶ৖ᆷ ͪʹࢄુʙಪوؾᆇᛪΡ߀ĂԠФΓሂඨᔞĂฉኬ Γሂඨ ᏞമĂЪЩ੽ᄬᏞമ˷ᘸӽߏtension-type headacheĂڟᑛ̟ВĄᏞമٽ˞ढ೵ਸ਼ঃമĂѮதۨΓ໋ ᏞമĂ࢖৖ԑુჄࢨ˷ᘸܮʶӜӜѓ Ө࢈ʶઠ஛ʙӽႎߏႧᑻܓಢࡘڟڱॾͬĂфᏞമૉڟᔞĂ႒Ꭶ͟ኬ ˚ᘸჄ ˞ႠডߺஒĄᕚᚍೈ෢ΥػϨʡˎѰᒅДĂᒒᗮλ˷ڟѓĂʽ׉л؏ĂԁͅඨᔞҨᘲĄФʙ͟Ꮃಉ ˛ҨᔙĄ ؾĂպጌ࢏ᕚᚍˎѰ඲ढ༄Б˗ҙӇЙĄΏЩᕚᚍڟඨᔞઅລΆ͟೵̍௨ϻഒ᎝ ᘋჄ຅؈߱НᗦՊϻĂʶӔଖΏपڣ๳ڟഒባϵᏞമ Ώʡػ1991Б9̢੤͑͑ऌ˃ຣࢰർ̶ߨড༄ደ ӇЙݣ੽˱ᖂࣱϵඨᑛढ৖஬ရպ΢Ăΐվဇ੽ʡϵ ๼ᚊढĂೆФጠ๼Ⴤ੽ᄬ˷ᘸˉ஢ࣰ̺˝ఫ Ꮮമ̟࡭˞ࠂՀ৖ФؚਓᙦĄےᒒ໗̈́ ᏞമڟJes Olesen ଀૲๼࡭Ă͂ᆝʨػ੽ᄬؒ஛ʙڟᙲ ĶᏞ Ώप˞ӇЙĂࡶϑ๐ጭOlesen଀૲ʙϔ࿂᏾Ⴤซ˞סᘸઅລĂծಪ̅1988Б੽ᄬᏞമደ๼ࡏ˷ മăនড༄മ̅ᖟ࡭മ˞˷ᘸჄඨᔞઅລķːФᇉ޸ ۴Ă1992Б2̢18̠Olesen଀૲ΓВ૲ᜌ˛̜˞ᕚᚍ ܉˞ڎ̜˛Ϩႍჭ̜̠̜̅˞ᕚᚍΏĂфѬϒ̶ߨͲ˷˞ʙʡʿ (૲ᜌपՎͪࡲ)Ăծػ1992Б6̢30̠᎑ᅸ ࡭˞௎୩ăमဇăষ̕ăڎΏĄ͂ӔଖΏʡ৖ᐓ҅͂ ՐĄఙᖂࣱဇጌ࢏ᕚᚍăڎ˞̜˛ഒצܓ੽ʡòڟ ʨΏʡ५҆ڟĂဇػ͂̉͒ڟ˃ઠ˞ᕚᚍߏ˛̜Ăᆄߏ޺จĄ໋ढΏʡ୏๐း׷Ăʶ Ѕ๊൉̟࡭ʮʟߺ໋ ർΕ੽ড༄ደደ๼୩ၿձ๼˛؛ൿ̙ࡎഫĂᓜቜͮ ѿ࠮ᓂĄΏप˞̿ଚۯჯߏЪ෶ˎѰ๎༎ۨʳĄϱ੽ݣ ᖂ਱ড༄ࠋԃѺ̺ؑψჄ๳ώҔ̬຾ࠕ؈ ϣ๎ĂծΥ໅ˁˌᆈˁ˃ᗾᆅͮដ˷˴ͧမಗᘓ҅ϒقͿγ෨͕ ΰ৿̖๐ᓂĄے༄඲ĂΏʡλϵЪڎᖂ਱ড༄ࠋఙ݄Ӊᖂࣱ֍ѝ੤ჄᕚᚍĄ ఋ͎


1993Б7̢ ػ͕ͮͿ

4 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ڎ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ஑ʠ ӕڎ̜˛

Ķ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķь1988Б˴ҙݣĂ༄྆ၞ ּػ2004Б2̢ӇЙЪˎѰĄ˞ݣӨ࢈ػ2004Б3̢͢ ᕚᚍ˃๼ĂԐణΥ֍ѝᖂࣱʙ஢վϓڎ̜˛ػ2003Б9̢ػᗳ਻ᒞ ෠஑ʙЩڎʟĄ࠼̜ڎ15БĂதػӽڟၞ ለĂӇЙݣϔΥۑϑїमኧڱػ ϣࡒ௰Ăʙʡߏ஑ʙᚍ܌ΏڎЅ̜ڟї੽ᄬᏞമደ๼Б๼ढ˴ѷĂфΓВ ػCephalalgiaᖕწʰĄͮដড༄ደደ๼Ꮮ ஑ʠѝᖂࣱमΓФഒᎿჲ˞௎ĄԐͲణФʙᒂࡒ௰ے2004Бവ ௽ʨϫѰڟʨĂதػػ2004Б6̢ઠ˛̜ ʡĂϔʙЩमኧФഒᎿჲ˞௎Ąϵ˃ࣜ҆ڟമደ஢༄྆ʟᆵ࢏̢ ˞ӇЙЪ෶ˎѰĄ˱්˲ڟӨ࢈ػྱࡎڟΏӇЙĄ ʮĂݞ෷ҁڎᕚᚍ ݣػ2004Б5̢͢෠஑ʠЩ๼ᚊĂ๼˛˃ࣜਬဇʙղᕚ ߺ࣯5Б˞ʴĂЪЩ˛̜ ᚍʰФၸੰ˞௎ಪ͎ਆባĂծ֥ુϓᘋĄశݣϵፋߺڎò࠼̜ڎਔ஑ʙ̨ ˚ٲϰߏ௻ϋ Ѓᖂࣱăయ˛ߡᖂַࣱӨϔઠ̜˛ʙղिВַ΢ސ᝗ᑻ഻Ă௻قढ෢࣯ලڟവїڎ࠼ַ̜ڎ ΏĂծػڎڟʡʨ̨ਔ ʙ࠮˞௎͑̾ጌϫַ஛ʙĂӇЙʟశݣڟʨൖೀĂӹʣ̖ڟ௨ϻʡސᕚᚍڟڎ̜˛ ढͫФ޹ঠઉ଀૲ăఙ݄ӉᖂַࣱԃѺؑᖂࣱ 2004Б6̢ػႩমʰ˴ѷʙ࢏̢Ă૥֧վьϨߨ˞ݾ଀ڎ஑ʙ ݚᚊĂ˗Фʟ˃̙ࣜʰ௻ϋĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķַ ސढ෢Ăڟڎ̜˛ࡌᕚᚍסϻĄձဂʰĂԚڟʭʡϻ Ąڎ̜˛ ʟĄס஑ʙ஁ढ౷Ԛڟڎϵᗳ਻੤͑๼ᚊĂ߼֗࠼̜ Фղ࣯ސػ2004Б3̢౷ӇЙʟĂᓙڎᓶഓ̨ਔ̠̜ ۇѰ୏๐٠ᆑĄ ϵ௻޲ೈ෢Ăʶࡌ५ѿᓂᓂӨ࢈֍ѝ҅୩ೆᆋˎڟӨ࢈˫ഓߏӇЙ௻෶ᒟྞސලĂѮ ࿁ʨߺ҅Ăڟձਜ਼ʰއሾ࡯ᆈϑΡػ̜पַїַהˉ ซለ৖ʨᐖڟᖂࣱ࢈Ăဇػ͂࢈ڟᆇ ߺ۬௨ϻ੤Ⴤᕚᚍڟ˃Ķ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķဇᏞമᖂደળվ຃ ԠዏᘲӟĄϣढʶࡌᓂᓂ௉੦༪ᛌশͬѺᗾᆅဇ֍ސ ᘸᆿລĂઠᏞമ˷۞ѿ˷ڟደߏ̺ڑᛪĂ௻Ώ̾ॿ ᘓ҅Ąڟᘓ҅Ăַࠛ੦᏶ԓٍᗾᆅဇϟ֕ʰڟᘸĂ۴ЙᏞമᖂደϵᒝӗˎѰჄࠂՀʰ˞ඨᔞᆿລ Щ๼ᚊ ӇڟЃЪ෷ҁٲഒސĂ௻ϋˎѰ҅֞ڟჳĂ ԠФ௻ᅄϻʡڟĂծુ̾෷ҁ෌ʣဂᘌᖂደĄӨ࢈̾͟˃ᒚ˽ ĄڟЙ ڟϵͮដඨᔞސշጃЪ˷ᘸᆿລĂϵࠛ੽ؖސࡌ఍ͫ ࠂՀʶڟ܉ੑᏞമ౷ᐖཎԠФ̊˃࣯୴ĄձဂʰĂϑ ĄػڟӨʪ˷ᘲӟͅސĂ௨ϻձ˛ു྆ڟཐ᝛Ⴤ޺ї ϵᕚᚍڐĶಽ̶ᅋࢄķĂؚ̾ᒝӗᗾڟᘌဂЪ˷ᘸ ᕚᚍڎ஑ʙЩ๼ᚊढĂఙ݄Ӊᖂࣱ࣐࣐ཾվ͂ػ஑ʙ ڟൖَϵ̶ߨϨ੽࣯୴ݞˉĄϰЪͮដੑᏞമڟॾደ ᔈᔈ၎၎Ăͅʡʪ˷੝࣠Ąϵ໋ढڟؚ ढַ޹଀૲ߺ௎܉Ѓ̾ސ˚୾ї୥ĂЃշಉЪඨᔞઅລĂːᘌဂծ ༞̜प௎୩ˎ֎ĂఙᖂࣱԐྫڟۯЃЪ̟ڟ̠ˬॽॾĄ ծഒڟʙႍ̍Վސڟჯߏ ʙ࢏ʮ˿ַ޹଀૲ਆባᕚᚍ˱࣠Ăծ᎑ьΈ͎ت් ஑ʠַڎ͘Б˞ʴĄఙᖂࣱ৖ӹʣ஑ʙྀ۝ЅĂढ෢ ڎ̜˛ڟфߏѤࡌᕚᚍĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ ĄӨ࢈؛ʙϋจڟ௻ϋᕚᚍˎѰސڟےѰĂ̈́ˎڟڎ ϵͮដ௨ϻᖂࣱ஬ရ᜞ࢨ̜पĂ࠼̜ཾڣĉӨ࢈ʶֹ ᕚᚍˎѰढĂӲʟʙղў਱ᖂࣱ࢈੤ڟڎઅػᏞമЪደ۞ػͮដծΐુ֗ ʶػ஑ʠސ৖ʨʶݞ˚ᎿĄѮ ড༄ࠋᖂࣱĂʶ୏˸ೈ߾ڟ๳ʙ̈́ސڟےᑛĂ ჄĂ͂࢈̈́ٽඨᔞַڟࡧගĂॾʡծΐ૥֧֗శϑ෌ڟᐖФ ᕚڟڎॾ ͂࢈໋˛Фʡ৖ЃఙᖂࣱʙৡĂ੤Ⴤΐվ஑ʭސᖂַࣱ֏͂ᖂᑛߺᘰʡࢷĂߥэڟЃَͮដ໋ϴ ʮ͞Ą؛จڢᘸ̙ ᚍˎѰĂઠ௻ϋˎѰʙ̈́૥ൿʙ̈́ʙ˷ڟܔܔჭՐվ᜞௻ڟˏʡַࣜᚴ൉Ă৖΢ь ĄϰڟФ௃˃შউސവࣤڟĂߺ۬ဇͮដᏞമᖂደ͋ ݡʰס᝝๼֗௃ۨڟЪӨ࢈͢෱ʟϒ੽ʪͲѝড༄ࠋᖂࣱჄʙѝႠডࠋᖂ Ө࢈ػᕚᚍ྆ു˛Ăʶ୏֓ ๼͎ᎿķĂ௻ѭ̽ЙסʙۯĂڟᒝӗַࠂՀˎѰ ĶʳձͫࡌФ͟৖͎Ꮏڟࣱϓϣ੤Ⴤ௻෶ˎѰĄ˃ࣜػᒅД Ր˛ؚ܉ڟڎ঍୩Ąʶʪ˷ϣ๎࠼̜ڟѰĄ ʟᘺ˩˚ᝐˎڟӹʣ˛̜ᕚᚍܐญڶ኷Ă΢ʙ˞ ՐĂĶ໋ࡌպ΢௻˷ᘸढĂੰᖠ౷๼ग़୪͎վķĄϵम Ă҉պӨ࢈ːमኧʟ௨ϻЩĂ˫˚ᔞവ୪˛ു྆ڟΓ ڟ๳ᇂᖂ਱̴ి˦ᖂࣱળᄴ͂࢈ᖂ਱ܒͮސࡶϑ ሾ᫕ᕱ ᎿჲĄᘰػЪᔈĂӨ࢈ʪ˷ӧ๖ಚࣼĂʶ୏߾˃ࣜʙַהˉফपఙΝۧăሾෳᙋăֺಏෳăఌ໊֟ ϟ֕ढӽ෌ĄڎለĂ͂࢈ʶ˚ਙպ ਔվӲ͎Ꮏჲ˞௎ĂպӨ࢈ػϔۑ̜˛ᕚᚍЙڎᖂࣱ൉ʡϑઠ࠼̜

ICHD-Ƕ 5 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ϣढĂӨʶ୏๐НᗦՊϻĄϵڟሥယĂ ϵ͎̖̿ʨᕚᚍڟ˽̜˛ػЪЩᕚᚍĂӨ࢈୏୏๐ᚈᖂደ ᙓ̜ܖĶڟᕚᚍ྆ുĂӨ࢈˚ᔞڟ৖Ф ਡԑĶྀ۬෯ķ͟ސĂ౷̜˛ڟӲ˚֗ߺဇᐖސ˚௨ϻટФϪච ࠼ڟˏĂӔଖΐ ЅķĂϵЅЅͯͯ̀஠͑̾ഠፑ˞ᄬĂӨവ୪ь܌ЁϻႍᕚᚍĄӨ࢈ዑු̾శϻʡպ΢ߏࢨ ̜˛̾ڟԁᇣማ؁ᚈ˛෌ԏʟĄӨʶ̨̾˚ڣ˚Ă໋ ̜ϵٷ஛ʙĄϵ̍ᆵ૑ڟվэ̍͟۴ЙᏞമટФϪච Ķᘞᄬझސ။ჳĂַཌᚗॾ૑Ą௻ղᐖཎڟᔈ˅ग़୪ĂЃvisual ana- վѰᏞമڟࣜ༞ʨጭᑝ˞ढĂФЁ˃ ௻ސᐖķґĄϵ௻ཇᓙФʙ࢏̖ુַ˃ࣜ˷մĂե౷ ܉ķĂ҉̨άےlogue scale (VAS) ᕚᚍߏĶάഁᘸ̨ු ૴ ΏĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ̙͋Ă˚ฉͫ΢ػ˷ᘸĂͺۯථ˸ĂϰЪӨ࢈ڟķվےĶගᚈᘸ̨ුڟલ΢ྲྀ Ꮮമ଀ࠋपĄЃَѱФ፹ቸ᜞ӇϒڟʙΏݞೕސʟཌჄպ΢ĂФղᕚᚍݣ࡭˫ ֏ဂۯĄ໋ഓߏ̟ڱ܉΢ʟ ᘋĂΆഓᅨ෌˚̍ĄڣڟĂߺ۬ဇᏞമ͋ ̾ڢ׿˛ĄЪʹĂӨ࢈ʶ࿙ཐཌԚʟʙނ۳ॼ࠼̜ػ ᕚᚍĄӨ࢈Ӳ̜˛ڟҨᔙĂ҉ ņtriptanŇ ௻࢏Ѕڟվ Ӕଖ৖ಽ̅ސᓙڟάڟ˃ᕚᚍĶႵಽഴķĂʙվ௻ʭ ᕚᚍЪϋᏞമ˷ᘸĂశڟʟʙ࢏ࡱ๎ʰү႗ၖ๎֗ Ꮮമᖂደ଀ՉĂࠂՀַᒝӗˎѰĄЃ৖ᕤЪϋڟ৖Ăʠ ͮដ͟ڟ࢏Ѕʪ˷˛ؒĂഒγ֓ψѤ̕ਔ५ॆᒒ๑ ڟʡӹʣᏞമڟፒ̕ΝĂ۴պԁϻاᕚᚍˎѰڟˉˉ മᗾĶಽऌঃķߺϣĂϰЪ̥ڟվĶಽķჄҫ෢લ΢ ᘹڟӨத՘ސដᏞമॾʡ˞ႋĂʶͮސઠ܌ᑛЙ͒˞๎୊Ąф ˎѰĂٽ๴୊̥മᗾ˞๎ĂфĶഴķʶФ Ⴐݻ࠼̜˚ੈᕚᚍĄʶ ଖĄ܌ϪႎĂڐᗾס֏͂ʡϪַ५ ӔଖЪᚍϪ৖ߏ˃ؚࣜ૥֧Ăծ৖͑̾ಽ̅ĄഓфӨ ጠ֙Ăڟჭ̜ϩվьФ֏ᏺఽϛଁăԜᕟಲ๳ڣ࢈λ ޹޺ڟ๼ϵढ෢܌ᚍϪڟᚍϪь๼ॼІĂф˚ЁڟЁ ˛॑ఁĄ

ͮដড༄ደደ๼ Ꮮമደ஢ ͢෱ʡ ̴།җ 2004Б8̢

6 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

(Ր (1988܉ڟڎ஑ʙ

ڟĂծԠФ՗ઊڟટࣜ༄᝛фվڟळጃ׏ࢷ๼ސ˷ൖೀĄ௻ϋˎѰ෌їʟ࠘ʭ ఋڟ௨ϻ̖ʨސΏ̜χ ܮጇѰڟے׏ࢷʹĂԁ͓Ҥʟ ̜ᙦ̛ݻĄᓶഓЃЪĂӨ࢈ྱೈΏपؚവڟʡࢷਸ਼ʟ׏ࢷ๼ڟБ;͡Ă੤Ⴤ ЙࢷĄؚФ׏ࢷ๼ჄЩ׏ࢷ๼ ඨᔞઅລᐖ๼ϵΐվಁБ˱᝱ॽॾ˷ᘸ̅޺їॾደࠂڟ֏͂ʪʠ࢏Щ׏ࢷ๼ ቀ܏ĄڟՀԁ͑ ڟχĂψѤФ፹ቸ̜ڟ˛Ă྆ുڟ˴෠བѷސѰˎڟ ഁཐծӽ෌ڟࠋደࣜ࢈ፖ຃ڟӨ࢈ӔଖࠂՀᏞമ ڟʡү֥͟ኧĄӨ࢈ϵʙʞʤʜБʭ̢ᒞᎲߏೈ֍̈ ϟΏਚ൝׏ࢷتባ̅ڌϨѝઠ๎Վă۔ʡˁ੤ჄĄϵʙ ௻ࣈ˷ᘸĄᜍڟ൝ψѤФ፹ቸعᏞമ˷ᘸ๼ᚊĂ෠ ᘸĄӔ˷ڟڎࣰĄӨ࢈ྱ/ࡎϵ1993Б૰͎஑ʠ̺ڟ੽ᄬᏞമ˃๼ ๼ש஑ʭڟʞʤʜБʞ̢ػѣᗳ಼ࢗᒞї ᘌጃʰĄڟ৖ݚγϵ๳ڎӎᒐढĂӨ࢈ػʙ࢏˴෠๼ᚊʰ˴ѷծਆባ௻ࣈ˷ ଖ࢓ࡏڟ ᘸĄ૥ൿϵʙʞʤʤБʠ̢ʠʪ̅ʠʪʙ̠ϵࠛ੽༑ ੽ᄬᏞമደ๼ჯߏᏞമॽૉ˞˷ᘸ̅ඨᔞઅລސ ഁཐ̅࢓ӽĂӨڟĄᓶЪ̜χᄯࡌ෌ʙԏڟϴ̱ࢰᒞїశݣʙЩ˴෠๼ᚊĂϣढ᝱׏ࢷ๼̅Ⴤ๼ ۨલࡧࡌ ސݚᚊઠ௻ࣈ˷ᘸγ҉΢ػࠋደࠂՀʰĄ˚ฉސʙਔ੤ჄਆባĄ ࢈ᓙڱ ࠂՀĄڟΡ˽̅Ρ୩ደނཐ᝛Ăծ͓ڐഒ͟ᓗѻĄ໋ࡌպ ᒝӗᗾސᓶഓ༄྆௨ϻ҆ʨĂᎿჲᓙ ΢௻˷ᘸढĂੰᖠ౷๼ग़୪͎վĂф௻ղᎿჲᐖϵΐ Ă֏ဂ̜χ˛ݞϻސڟΏ˛͑̾࢓ࡏĄࡌݾ͎ڎڟվ

James W Lance ۝੽ᄬᏞമደ๼ ๼

Jes Olesen Ꮮമ˷ᘸ׏ࢷ๼ ࣰ̺

ICHD-Ƕ 7 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ


ʟۆӨ࢈ψѤʡྱೈϻ̨ڎЙَĂ஑ʠڟဘ ˃ුਆባݣڟᘸ̅ඨᔞઅລݻᗄၸ˷ڟᖂߨ௽લဇॽॾ Ķ੽ ݞϻढ෢ĄԐࣈઅລăԐ࢏ᆵЅ̅Ԑ࢏Ѕ఍༄྆̀஠ڟڎ૴΢ĄӨ࢈ဇػ஑ʙٿݙĂф̸͟৖˚๼ᆄ ʨჄݦ҆ڟ˃඲ʟߺ໋ۆڎ͎˞ڎ૰ိ๲ਪĂؚ̾Ъ ےᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ௝ЃЪᆄߏ૥֧๐֗᝙౉Ą໋വ ՎĂѮԐʙ࢏׏ࢷဇ๎ڟ࣠ঽؚФ׏ࢷٲݣಁ̶̽ߨϨϴ౷γ֓ҁ΢ͺվੈࠋደࠂՀĄ௨ϻႵ уĄᓶഓഒ ᆇᛪʨĄڟཐ᝛౷պ΢ЪઅລվඨᔞॾʡĄЪ˷ Ъ˷ᘸ఍Фߺ໋ڟ (ಽഴ ( ሂယယϴӽᝐʟᒝӗઈ๾Ą௨ϻϵ˷ᘸ ဇᖂደߨψѤʙ࢏ᄴ੿Ăʙ࢏˃ࣜ఍͟૥̸֧ϵڟʶ܌ࢨڟᘸ ʙސĄ५ѿᏞമڟݞࡧࡌސᘸ˷ڟպ΢ٿᖠː˚ϔػᒝӗ௤቙ढੰ̅Ă ̶ߨʰ৖ᆄੰڟࢨവؒᏞമ˚ᄯࡌ ੑڟࠂՀᄴ੿ĂݞϻʡဇᏞമॽૉʬФ௨ϻڟၚ ࢏๳፹܌ҏ͑ᅑᏞമĂސઅລĂЃ՘᝝߀੝ڟĂ๳ڟߺ̆ Ꮮമސ஀Ă५ѿ˃ڟჭ ՎĄؚ̾ĂӨ࢈ჯߏჄᏞമߺᘰڟၚػԐ̠ઈ๾˛պ΢ĄЪ˷ᘸ௝ᚍЙʠʪႍ̾ʰ Ķ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ̎֏ڎݻպ΢஑ʠ̛ڱᖂࣱ఍͟պ΢Ą ࠂՀደڟ˷ՐĂ̶ؚ̾ߨʰ˃ఋ ΐպ΢ؖΐᐮගЪ˷ᘸؖےĶ੽ᄬᏞമ ࡧࡌĄؚФೈ͐߱˚ཎവڟڎढĂӨ࢈ྱѥ஑ʠڎ஑ʙڎ໋͎ ĂӨ࢈ծ˚ӔڟᏞമߺᘰባ̜Ąߺ̆ڟ࣠ ߺᘰඨᔞઅລ˱ڎॽॾ˷ᘸķϵˤБ˱๼͎୪Ăϰߏ˃ఋ˷஑ʙ Ă̆ф઼ʨֳឱ˛ޜࠂՀࡩ֙ϵЪᙒिऱڟᙦĄѮӨ࢈ಪ͎஑ʠ ଖઠᏞമ̜ڟےઅػટࣜ๎Վфۨːവސ ˷ڎվᅷගЪ஑ʠٲ৖̾ࠋደ̟ڱФ̾ʮ ϒ̶ߨᏞമࠂՀደސ൉ݟڟढ෢۝ጌጌ༄྆ʟʪˤБĂ௻ᅄܓڎ ݟሂצӳඟݞФࡩĂؚ̾ӽ ᘸĄߏʟ֖ጭЪᘸࠂՀĂӨ࢈ઠʙղྲྀՂՎ̸ڟڎ୩ΥĄЃဇػ஑ʙڟ௨ϻЁ ॽॾϖϵۣᏃ˛ĄӨ࢈ϣढʶಪ͎ʙղೇ̈́અڟჯ ڟᄯԑծԠФեᅄै˸Ąဇػ˚ϣᏞമಪռՊЁڟڎ અລഁཐ̨ྲྀĄڟሥယĂф̸˫˚՗̾ ລĂ΢ჄΓВےᒝӗ५ᆉಢࡘ˞˷ᘸࠂՀĂവ Ķ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ৖᝱ڟڎᆄ Ө৿̖ೈଖ஑ʠڎ࠼̜ڟڎᘸĄͪʹ஑ʙ˷ڟݻʙӇϒઅػဂᘌ̛ ᕚڎʡ৖٠ഓ૥֧Ą̸̆஑ʙڟʟ̨ྱೈԁ ̶ߨϨϴჄᏞമФᘰۆߏ޺จ֗ϒ̶ߨĂծᕚᚍЙ֏͂ჭՐʶ ჭՐĄͪʹĂӨʶӔଖͺ৖Йߏϒ̶ߨᏞڟᚍЙԁϻ ˫ܓݚՐڟФউڎဇػӽސढ෢ĄᓶഓሥယĂѮڟ۝ ᘋʶᅨ͑֗ʟ മ˷ᘸ̅ඨᔞ˞଀ደळጃĂծᕤ̾ဇॾʡಪռԁЁ௎ڣڟంၚணፖĂϣढ޺їॾደ̅˷ᘸደ ඨᔞĂڟϴԏĄ ༊Ą੽ᄬᏞമደ๼҆ʨӽൡϒ̶ߨဇػᏞമڟѰˎڎ஑ʠזʙ࢏̾͟෠ ˃ᑛჄັ᛫ĄͺʶၾʨဇᏞമॾʡ͞дϪ˽Ăծ᝱ٽ Ăۯ˞Өʶϰ՘ߏࣰ̺ڎӽڟĂ௻ЩڎЃϣ஑ʙ ˃๼఍అЙ຃ڥʙႍဇػॾʡăࣜᚴַސᏞമڣ੤Ⴤʡࢷ ஀ჯڟڎ׏ࢷĄᓶഓ஑ʙڟݾ߂ʟʙղЩ׏ࢷ๼ ĂࠂՀʡࢷăᒝڟॽૉĄߏʟྀЪάڐড༄Ρڟࡒጊ ڟߥ੉ĂӨ˫ӔଖФ˃ු๳࡭̌͑ʣ֥̾̈́ࢨФ͒ר ඨᔞՁ஛Ă̸ЪՁڟĄ ӗᖂࣱ̅Ꮮമॾʡүᐖպ΢ߺϣؒے̈́˷ࠂՀʡࢷФ͈ڟ᝱ʮʙ̈́ސ׏ࢷĂ֏΢๎ ѷݣĂ˃ࣜ೉Ъϓᘋᓚ෌˴ڎʟGiuseppe NappiĂJames W ஛ᐖʨԑႠሂĄૃ஑ʙނ׏ࢷ͓ͫڟؚ̾ॼψ ԁ৖ಪռ̶ߨϨϴဇᏞമॾڎࡌሂ۳׽ᛉؒĄဇػЃѤݾ ˏ˃Ф෌ࣤĄӔଖ஑ʠސॼψڟLanceַӨĄӨ࢈ ʙ࠮ؒĄڟᑛٽኌψؒĄվь̶ߨ˚ϣ ʡ˷ᘸăඨᔞ̅ڟ࢏ʡސڟ߂๳ЙࢷĂӨуᆌ ʡˁʶӔڟӳඟባᔈڟФЁڎဇ஑ʙ̅̾ے̈́ڟϴ੢ ĄԐʙ࢏ڟЙ͒ސ܌ณࢨ͢ڟଖႩᗳĂӨݞ٠ᆑ௻ᆺ ᘸ׏˷ڎ׏ࢷ఍ፖ຃੤Ⴤ̸ಸჳಸՐĄӨ࢈౵ࡧ஑ʙ ˷׏ࢷ࢈ဇػڟڎʨĂؚ̾஑ʠ҆ڟ˃ࢷ๼ؚ͎̿຃ ᛝባĄΥػˎѰᒅᖕၳ໥̅ڟψʙᅹ࡭఍Ф˴෠ڟᘸ

Jes Olesen Ꮮമ˷ᘸЩ׏ࢷ๼ ࣰ̺ ੽ᄬᏞമደ๼

8 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ


Dear Professor Wang: I am pleased to inform you that Professor Olesen has reviewed the materials you so kindly sent, and sends his permission for your group to translate the ICHD-II into Chinese as the Second Taiwan Edition.

Do you have plans for the printing and distribution of the document? As you know, our publisher is Blackwell Publishing. In ordinary circumstances, our preference would be for Blackwell to do the printing and distribution. However, we do realize that in many countries (likely Taiwan as well) the printing can be done much less expensively locally. IHS is happy for this to occur in circumstances where there is no commercial interest. However, if you are to work with a local publisher with a commercial interest, IHS would charge a royalty fee to the local publisher in keeping with fairness and copyright law. But I suspect that you are wishing to simply translate and distribute this as widely as pos- sible in the name of medical education ė not with the intent of another publisher making money from your time and efforts! But for the record, would you please let me know what arrangements you have made in Taiwan for printing and distrib ution.

Many thanks, Valerie South

PS ė I would appreciate receiving a few copies for our archives when your project is complete, please!! Address: 208 Lexington Road Oakville, Ontario L6H 6L6 CANADA

ICHD-Ƕ 9 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ᕚᚍʡࢷϪ౐ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛


ЃѤպ΢௻˷ᘸ ຆೃය ̴།җ

1. ੑᏞമ (Migraine) య˛ߡ ̴།җ

Ꮮമ (Tension-type headache) ̴ి˦ ֺଂݘܮႧᑻ .2

ᔎവؒᏞമჄ֏͂ʭʾьݡড༄Ꮮമ .3

(Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias) ఙ݄Ӊ ఙ࡯ྀ

֏͂ࢨവؒᏞമ (Other primary headaches) ٓܵ̉ ̴།җ .4

ЩവؒᏞമ˭஝(Introduction) ఙ݄Ӊ ԃདᐖ

ᔪϰػᏞఋ̅Ꮫఋʹฌ˞Ꮮമ .5

˦ి̴ Headache attributed to head and/or neck trauma) ֺଂݘ)

ᔪϰػនఋؖᏛఋі႓ॽૉ˞Ꮮമ .6

Headache attributed to cranial or cervical vascular disorder) ௨γ׉ ఙ̶ા)

ᔪϰػۨі႓ន˱ॽૉ˞Ꮮമ .7

(Headache attributed to non-vascular intracranial disorder) ժߺ੽ ఙ࡯ྀ

ቴӧᔞ˞Ꮮമڐቴؖڐᔪϰػ .8

(Headache attributed to a substance or its withdrawal) ̴།җ య˛ߡ

Ꮮമ (Headache attributed to infection) ఙ̶ા ௨γ׉˞ޗᔪϰػ๐ .9


(Headache attributed to disturbance of homoeostasis) ԃདᐖ ఙ݄Ӊ


នఋൖ်ॽૉ˞Ꮮമؖᖟ࡭മ (Headache or facial pain attributed

to disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or

other facial or cranial structures) ఙ࡯ྀ ፋߺЃ

ᔪϰػႠডॽૉ˞Ꮮമ (Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder) ௅ష࡛ య˛ߡ.12

នড༄മַ˛ᆾؒᖟ࡭മ .13

ຆೃය هCranial neuralgias and central causes of facial pain) ᗳး)

֏͂Ꮮമăនఋড༄മă˛ᆾؖࢨവؒᖟ࡭മ .14

هOther headache, cranial neuralgia, central or primary facial pain) ຆೃය ᗳး)

Ꮓ ϣϨణࡒ௰ʡۣ

༎ ̴ి˦ య˛ߡ ̴།җסϪච

10 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

Ѱˉ஢Ϫ౐ˎ ڎ஑ʠڎ࠼̜

1. Working group on Migraine: RB Lipton, USA (Chairman); R Daroff, USA; J Haan, The Netherlands; H Massiou, France; J Olesen, Denmark; J Pascual, Spain; BK Rasmussen, Denmark; SD Silberstein, USA; S Solomon, USA; TJ Steiner, UK; D Symon, UK; P Winner, USA. Advisors: MK Eriksen, Denmark; P Goadsby, UK; S Graff-Radford, USA; JW Lance, Australia; LL Thomsen, Denmark. 2. Working group on Tension-Type Headache: J Schoenen, Belgium (Chairman); EA MacGregor, UK; K Holroyd, USA; R Jensen, Denmark; N Mathew, USA; J Olesen, Denmark; T Paiva, Portugal; R Pothmann, Germany; P Sandor, Switzerland; G Sandrini, Italy. 3. Working group on Cluster Headache and Other Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias: P Goadsby, UK (Chairman); F Antonaci, Italy; A Bahra, UK; D Dodick, USA; MS Matharu, UK; A May, Germany; J Olesen, Denmark; L Newman, USA; J Pareja, Spain; D Rothner, USA; M-B Russell, Denmark; M Vincent, Brazil; E Waldenlind, Sweden. Advisor: CJ Boes, USA. 4. Working group on Other Primary Headaches: GNappi,Italy(Chairman); P Goadsby, UK; JW Lance, Australia; PO Lundberg, Sweden; IP Martins, Portugal; J Olesen, Denmark; JA Pareja, Spain; NH Raskin, USA; G Sandrini, Italy; TJ Steiner, UK; A Straube, Germany. Advisors: L Bonamico, Argentina; S Evers, Germany. 5. Working group on Headache Attributed to Head and/or Neck Trauma: M Lainez, Spain (Chairman); R Agosti, Switzerland; F Antonaci, Italy; D Dodick, USA; R Evans, USA; A Mosek, Israel; R Nelson, Canada; D Obelieniene, Lithuania; N Ramadan, USA; J Pascual, Spain; P Sandor, Switzerland. 6. Working group on Headache Attributed to Cranial or Cervical Vascular Disorder: M-G Bousser, France (Chairman); J-P Castel, France; A Ducros, France; J Ferro, Portugal; S Kittner, USA; H Mattle, Switzerland; J Olesen, Denmark; S Solomon, USA. 7. Working group on Headache Attributed to Non-Vascular Intracranial Disorder: H-C Diener, Germany (Chairman); M-G Bousser, France; D Dodick, USA; A Dowson, UK; P Drummond, Australia; J Gladstein, USA; A Mosek, Israel; R Nelson, Canada; J Olesen, Denmark; N Ramadan, USA; K Ravishankar, India; P Sandor, Switzerland; SD Silberstein, USA; J Swanson, USA; F Taylor, USA; L Watkins, UK. 8. Working group on Headache Attributed to a Substance or its Withdrawal: S Silberstein, USA (Chairman); H-C Diener, Germany; M Ferrari, The Netherlands; J Olesen, Denmark; JM Pereira Monteiro, Portugal; J Saper, USA; F Sheftell, USA; P Tfelt-Hansen, Denmark; WB Young, USA. 9. Working group on Headache Attributed to Infection: F Sakai, Japan (Chairman); M De Marinis, Italy; A Pradalier, France; D Russell, Norway; N USA.Advisor: E Schmutzhard, Austria. 10. Working group on Headache Attributed to Disorder of Homoeostasis: D Dodick, USA (Chairman); W Becker, Canada; G Bussone, Italy; D Capobianco, USA; FM Cutrer, USA; J Edmeads, Canada; A Kuritzky, Israel; J Olesen, Denmark; A Purdy, Canada; P Spira, Australia. 11. Working group on Headache or Facial Pain Attributed to Disorder of Cranium, Neck, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Sinuses, Teeth, Mouth or Other Facial or Cranial Structures:

ICHD-Ƕ22 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

H Gobel, Germany (Chairman); M Bakke, Denmark; RW Baloh, USA; N Bogduk, Australia; RB Daroff, USA; S Graff-Radford, USA; J Olesen, Denmark; D Soyka, Germany.Advisors: H Blumenthal, USA; G Deuschl, Germany; HL Levine, USA; NT Mathew, USA. 12. Working group on Headache Attributed to Psychiatric Disorder: MB First, USA (Chairman); RM Agosti, Switzerland; S Baskin, USA; N Breslau, USA; V Guidetti, Italy; J Olesen, Denmark; F Sheftell, USA. 13. Working group on Cranial Neuralgias and Central Causes of Facial Pain: J Lance, Australia (Chairman); D Bowsher, UK; KL Casey, USA; J Olesen, Denmark; T Staehelin-Jensen, Denmark; A Zagami, Australia. 14. Working group on Other Headache, Cranial Neuralgia and Central or Primary Facial Pain: D Dodick, USA (Chairman); J Olesen, Denmark.

12 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ


ڎʙॽૉĂфϵ஑ʙޚ఍ႎߏĶᔪϰػķ˛ڎߺϣĂ മϵ௻ڎĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķჄ஑ʙڟڎ஑ʠ ʙॽૉĄᏞޚϪචĂ҉Ķߺᘰػķڟ๑ϣढኌ΢ػࠂՀ̅ᒝӗઈ๾ĄࠂՀ࠷˚ᎳಉЪ˷ ˛ͫ΢ྲྀ˚Ⴀລސ ͈ސٷ૑ڟϵ˃ఋϋ۽ϰَᘰڟᘸ౷˚͟৖๼௝੽ᄬೈ͐૥֧ĂѮϣढЪ˷ᘸဇᒝӗ മჄ௻ղᇖϵؒॽૉ Ăؚ̾Ө࢈˗ФӰಫ઼͑͞Ъʙ΢ჭĄڟᑛ఍պ΢ ˷ᘌဂٽڟᖂࣱʶݞࡧࡌĄ˃ఋϋဇػᏞമФဂᘌ ॽॾфՐĂԠФ୩Υͪ஁ဇݟĂᐖڟဇػಁႍ ဇػႠডࠋڎĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķĄϰߏ஑ʠڟڎ஑ʙ ॾϰʙගϣ˦Ąؚ̾Ө࢈ڟծഒӽᝐĂؚ̾ Ⴤ֏͂๼̕ਔЩവؒᏞമ܌ᘸ̅ඨᔞ˞ࡧࡌࢨ˷ڟࢨവؒᏞമ ϰߏސ஑12ణᔪϰػႠডॽૉ˞ᏞമĄѮڟʟ๳͑ ڟڎဂᘌЙَĂϵպ΢஑ʠڟؚᑕુ௨ϻڎպ΢஑ʙ ࠂՀݞ̍Ăؚ̾௻ʙణݞ഻ĄϵۣᏃڟĄؚ໋̾ѱӲ౶պ΢Ⴕಽഴ͟ ᚛ࡘЪʙᄴ੿ڟФझސ˫ඨᔞ˃ϻᆵ ߏཏၾĂф̸Ө࢈ʶӔଖဇػႠডྲྀ܌ߺဇఋϋڟ˛ ॾʡĂѱ౷Ά෸շЪ˷ᘸ˞ྱϐੑᏞമ̅ഒڟ৖Фझ ࠂՀĄڟ৖Фԁϻ۽ᘰڟॾʡĄ ॽॾჄᏞമڟඨᔞઅລվඨᔞѱڟϐੑᏞമྱ ᖂࣱĂ஑ʠڟᑛФ፹ቸٽඨᔞ̅ڟဇػᏞമॾʡ ϵ஑9ణᔪϰػ๐عᏞമ఍ڟф̕ਔޗؚФϰ๐ ʙϋ̜ڟੲʙశࡧࡌސĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ͟৖ڎ ڟϵន˱ॽૉعޗઠន˱๐ڎʙ܉ᏞമĄഓфĂ˞ޗ ᔄຜĄ௨ϻʡڟ˃Ⴤᒝӗᖂࣱ෢Ф຃ڱᙦĄ௽લࠂՀ ʙణĂ஑10ణ ᔪϰػ᝝˱ݯڟణ໽˛Ąͪʹ͑ʟ๳ ݚᚊᐖФ֍ࣈ˷ᘸĂʙࣈࠂՀպ΢Ăͪʙࣈᒝӗպ 4.5 4.6 ̅ ᏞമЃ ႃ঎Ꮮമڟॽૉ˞ᏞമĄʙղ๳ס ʙղЙڟЃФ֍ࣈ˷ᘸĂૃࠂՀ˷ᘸؚᑕુސ΢ĄѮ ౷ݞᘲᐖ΢֗ᒝӗĄؚ̾ॽॾ˷ᘸટࣜ఍ϣ๎˷ᘸ ࢨവؒྪᐞᏞമ Ă4.7 ݻᛉؒ͘ᘞᏞമ ʶ఍͑ʟ෌َ ൉঻Ą ͞Ăф13.17஁ъబ໒ ņੑᏞമŇ ːૃ஑ʙణ ੑᏞമڟ৖Фʙ࢏Ăфϵ˚ϣટ๾պ΢ʰФ˚ϣͫ ᅹ঻В˷ ஋֗஑ʪʭణ នড༄മ̅˛ᆾড༄ؒᖟ࡭മĄڎ΢஑ʙ؛ސཌԚЪੰᖠĂΏ˷ᘸՁ஛ Ķ੽ᄬᏞ ͪʹϵᆵЅሡሆఋϋĂWHO ICD-10NA (੽ᄬॽڎᘸ (hierarchical classification)Ă௻ʙᔈ஑ʠ ༴ނሡሆʶ๼ϖ͎(ϵڟ (Ăড༄ॽૉ༐ڎᏞമ఍˷֗ಁ࢏༐ ॾ˷ᘸ஑ʪڟമॽॾ˷ᘸķծΐӽᝐĄؚФ ڎ஠˷Йʙăʠؖʭ࢏ᅹ ˛)Ăϰߏ̠લઈ๾ရ΢௻ႍሡሆվ˷ᘸĄ֏ဂ஑ʠڟ஢ĂфԐ࢏༐஢ϔ෌ʙԏ ᘸϵ௨ϻϴ̟վ˷ڟĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ̨WHOڟ -subtypes) ̅ճВ (sub) ܮtypes)ăճ) ܮᏞമސ঻Ă҉ ڟ৖˚ϵICD-10NA͟ܮճڟԁཏ஠Ąؚ̾Фղྲྀ஠ુ ܮʟᏞമނforms)ĄᒞսվჳĂ1 ੑᏞമ ௻ʙ༐౷͓ ICD-10NAሡሆ఍ϖϵICHD-IIڟʮʙ Ձ஛˛Ă˚྆శϫኌސĂ࿋1.2 ྱϐੑᏞമ ౷ܮੑᏞമ) ַੑᏞമճ) ሡሆݣ࡭Ąڟ ᘸ (஑ʠ࢏ᆵЅ)ĄྱϐੑᏞമϔ˷ЙճВĂЃ˷ڟ঻ Ϩణ˛Ă֏ڟĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķڟڎࣜᖂࠋᖂࣱ͟ ϵ஑ʠڟϐੑᏞമؒᏞമĄઈ๾ྱܮ֐ 1.2.1 ߺϣĄԐʙణĂཎణ˷ᘸ๼ϑϖ͎ڎ৖ͫᄯࡌඨᔞ֗஑ʙᅹ঻ęੑᏞമę౷ЁĂ̾ೈ৖Ꮅ અΏൖ်Ⴤ஑ʙ Ꮮമ๼շ˷ᘸ෷ӕಉӕڟՐĂഓݣ˚ϣ܉ސᜦѿඨᔞФੰᖠढĂսЃ໋ԠФ վĂ૥ൿ໋ސᑛĄѮٽጅݨؒ ᏞമढĂ௻ढ౷ࡌᜦѿྱϐੑᏞമჄ֏ͺ๼̕ਔᘸѭ ϖ͎ĄԐʙ̺ࡌॽॾĂӨ࢈ʶ๼ϖ͎ᕟႎĂ̸ݾ͎ߺ ಢࡘڟॽૉĄഓݣӨ࢈๼̾ᕏ഻ס५ڟॽૉĂ௻ढഴᏃ֗஑ʠؖ஑ʭᅹ঻౷๼ФΆ ᘰѮഴᏃ͂௎ڟڑॿ ඨᔞઅລĄశڟሂق༎௻࢏ॽૉĄ૥ൿӨ࢈ϖ͎סඨᔞ վڟড༄ࠋᖂࣱ̅Ꮮമટࣜ௽લ͟ႠሂڟࡌĄઈ๾ ੤ڟĂ̅ϵԐʙణൖӎϖ͎ࡧࡌقճВĂ҉஑ʭ෦ᅹĄ௻ࣈՁ஛௝ᘌဂ ݣӨ࢈ϖ͎ʙղჳڟϐੑᏞമྱ֗ ᖂᑛ᝝Ձ఍Ф΢௎Ą у̜ᙦĄڟϵ̶ߨϨϴဇػ˚ϣᅹЩ Ө࢈ႎߏጇ܉˞Ąقඨᔞઅລᄯࡌʙղჳڟሂق (եղඨᔞဂ᝝ (diagnostic entitiesסࡌԚސᘸ౷˷ ඨᔞઅລ (operational diagnostic criteria)ĂѮĶጇܮѰ ̟ڟĂф̸ЃѤઠͺ࢈૶ϖ͎Ф๎༎ڟᄯࡌ௝ሂჯސ ᘌڟĂ౷Ά෸ე෱Ϩႍ͟ુڟВĄߏʟࡌྀ֗Ъʙά ےķڟሂقĄĶڟࣜ఍৖ʟཌ˃ސ˚ݦծ๎ڟķܮѰ ጃĂ͓ނᒝӗಢࡘăॾʡ̶̈́ᒃϩਡᕹࠂՀă޺їॾ ෢ķĄಲڪཌᚗڟĶ˚ҤሙĂႠሂ̸ዑ͟৖Ф຃̍ސΰ ᑛൖَăઅϰደăড༄ᆇ࿋ჄॾΡ୩ደ˞ᘌٽደă ͯབྷჳĂЪάᆿ౷ސઠઅລ଼๿ϖ͎Ă᝱̶ߨϨϴ˚ Ķ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ౷ੈ֗ʟĂфڎጃĄ௻ϵ஑ʙ ڟ෢ڪպ΢ĄʙղФཌᚗٲ̟ڟᖂࣱ఍৖̾ߺϣڟϣ ސӽᝐծ˚ᄯࡌĂѮڟ˃Ąؚ׷ٲʶࡧቒЪੈڎ஑ʠ ዑුᓗѻĄ܌୪фੈʟӽ ᘝ๊࿋ĶФढķăĶढલķăĶ௽લķ͎ڟϴ̟Ăϰߏ๳ᘌጃˉڟФ௨ϻࡧࡌ˫ ᝐĄϰЪĂӨ࢈๳͑ʟ1.5.1 ယؒੑᏞമ ௻࢏๳ඨᔞ ॾʡΆ෸ஒϫؚϖ͎AăBăCăD൉ϒఋઅລĄ ନχĂЃĶʮϖͲ෶ڟסॾʡĂ͂࢈ஒϫʙ࢏̢Фʪˤ̈ؖ̾ʰ ࡌஒϫʙ෶અລΆ෸֎ర५ڟػʙ༐̍Վ ౷ːպ˛ڎՁ஛஑ʙڟඨᔞઅລĄؚФЩവؒ ५ᆉ˛֎రʠ෶ķ൉Ą௻ᆺڟݙպ΢྆ڐੑᏞമĂ̸ഒᗾ ᏞĄ

ICHD-Ƕ24 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ڟॽૉ1.2.4 ࣜଊؒੑᝩੑᏞമ ˛ʙ͘ڟĄ ϵʙႍՂՎڟኬ̸͟ࡧቒ͟ސق΢Ă̸ᘌ Ķ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾڟڎϵؚФጠ်఍͟պ΢Ăૃʙৡʡ ॾʡ๼വ୪Ąؚ̾અϰደϵ஑ʠڎӨ࢈വ୪஑ʙ ༐˞޺їॾደࠂՀ֗஑ʭ঻Ꮮമᕽඨ˛̖఍͟ኌ΢Ą ˷ᘸķ˛ծഒ᝗ൿᆇᛪĄഓфĂྱೈϵΐվʪБ˱ੑ ˃෌ԏഒၸϴ๼ڟभĄ௻࢏ᄴ੿قࠂ Ꮮമઅϰደઠ๼ԁڟሂჯĂϵႵಽഴڟሂඨᔞઅລق֏̅ڎဇػ஑ʙ Ѓסᓙ˚৖ሂ܉Ă˚྆άٲ̟ڟĂ ˃ӽᝐӨ࢈˷ᘸᏞമڟߺϣސᑛЙ͒୥఍ٽ˞Հ౷͟߼͎Ąϵ˚ϣ੽ࣜ ղ౐ʙઅϰॽॾဂ᝝͟৖ઠ௝വ୪Ă௻ᆺޚѤᝐ˽Ą ܮĄͪʹ࿋٧࣢ڟߺϣސΰॾʡ˞ඨᔞሂγے௻ -hetero)ڟ᝗Йߏ୴ቴؒق౷ܮ୪ے˞༎סʙվ̾ᒝӗ ڟ਽Й͒୥Ăэ̍ϵॾΡ୩ደ̅ᗾ୩ደڟSumatriptan ϣࠏᝐ๼ዲ࠮˚ϣ˚ڟĂϣʙઅϰڟgeneous)Ąߺ̆ ڟណᔈվჳĂ௻༐ඨᔞߏྱϐੑᏞമ̅ഒྱϐੑᏞമ ୪ӜВĂЃϣϵࣜଊؒੑᝩੑᏞമ˞ۖೈࠂՀ౷ےڟ ୩ڟĄઅػЪᔈ̅௨ϻ֏͂ڟ֎Фݞ਽ϣቴؒސॾʡ અϰደ͟৖๼ʪ˷ቒᖕĂфӨڟʙսĄؚ̾ੑᏞമސ ඨᔞઅລͫੈʟˉఋϋӽᝐĄڟΥĂӨ࢈ဇػੑᏞമ ᒝӗઈ๾ַʶ௨ʙղࠂՀઠᙷᛉ̾ᒝӗඨᔞߏڟណᔈĂ ࢈ڟಢࡘؒސᘸ̅ඨᔞઅລ̾͟ૃॾϰؖ˷ Ą̺ ̅ڎಢࡘĄ஑ʙڟߏ̺ڑॿ࢐༐ؖ̾ॿސ̾͟ڱфݣ ٿኬăΓሂ̸ᆄ͟ސᘸჄඨᔞઅລᐖཎ˷ڟĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķဇػЩവؒᏞമ̺ࡌ ॽॾڟڎ஑ʠ Ă஑ʙڟఋ˷ːਆባ྆܉exhaustive)Ą׷ЁĂЃ) ڟؒ ಢڑॾϰߏ̺ࡌ˷ᘸշጃĂфࢨവؒᏞമ̺ࡌ̾ॿ̾ ݙჄझ۬ڟĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķː֎ߺ໋਽ڟڎ ॾു෌ࣤĂڟࡘߏշጃĄЃَࡌуᆌ෌͞Ꮮമॿ࢐༐ ཥਉĂսЃ௻᝱Ө࢈͟ ݙĄϣढͺʶϵᆵ࢏ʡʿߏઅᕃ(population-based)̅ᏞڟΆ෸Фۨલϻַඨᔞߺᘰ܌ ๼ڎĄӨ࢈ߺ۬஑ʠؒٿᆄڟͺقࠂՀ˛ᘌڟॾുĄഓфձဂʰࢨവؒᏞമॿ࢐ മ۞ඨڟסॾʡ५ޚഁྱ ࠂՀڟĄф௻ʙ࢏۬؈ᄯࡌઠվٿԁ͟ኬăΓሂჄᆄ ڑĄФղॾʡ๼ಌ˽фॿڟഁྱٲഒސॾു෌ࣤڟ༐ Ąסվ̛ݻؖҏ ڑॿڟ๼ሥཌĂԁФղॾʡڑᝐЙယؒĂФղॾʡॿ ᆵʪБĄס๼Ⴐݻᗧ Ӕଖ৖ಪռྱݣϰ˅̅֏͂५ސࡧࡌάᆿڟΐվ ܉Ą̾ܮճڟᆉĂ৖΢վ˷ᘸੑᏞമ̅ႧᑻؒᏞമ ߏယؒ҉זယؒᔎവؒᏞമ ͟ϔ˷ߏь 3.1.2 chronic from onset) ̅Υਲവؒ။ᝐфվ(evolving) ݣվവ୪ФʙఋϋယؒᔎവؒᏞސfrom episodic)ĂѮ ॾʡĂ̆ф๼ᝐϱ3.1.1 ਲവؒᔎവؒᏞമĄؚڟമ ဘ఍͟৖ˣߺκᎿĄΥBilleܮॾു෌ࣤڟݞϻ˚ϣ̾ ЃЪĄϣʰࡘ୩ސᒃϩࠂՀʶവ୪ڟ൉ʡဇੑᏞമ շڟΐऌվѰߏ˷ᘸצॾͬڟॾു෌ࣤ܉ΥĂؚ̾ά ࠂՀ͎୪ڟጃĂ௻ੲФ൉ԁ˃ԁЁဇੑᏞമॾു။ᝐ ݣ˗͟ဂ୪Ą ˞Ķ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķڟڎĂ஑ʠڎЃϣ஑ʙ ደĄᒝӗպ΢ढĂဇػڑᏞമॿڟळጃॾʡސᘸ఍˷ ʙ˷ᘸޚࠂՀфՐĂஒϫڟᒝӗཐ᝛̅ॾΡ୩ደڐᗾ ʙБ˛֎Ф௻ႍᏞമĂфઠվڟΰॾʡϵ྆͞ے௽લ ʶ๼ݻᛉവѰ௻ႍᏞമĄဇػ֏ͺࠂՀĂЃઅϰࠂՀ த՘ॾͬĄϰЪ੅Ѓʙ࢏ॾʡϵʠڟ౷̨ྲྀൿࡧॾʡ ϵ܌Ф྆ੑᏞമവѰĂѮݣվ౷ԠФϔവѰĂ܉ʪБ -pheno) ܮ୪ےڟࠂՀ˛ĂЪॾʡ˫ᚴػੑᏞമڟઅϰ type)Ą௻ղࢨ܌అЙʙ࢏ॾʡ͟৖ϵޚ࢏ढೈФʙႍ བྷĂڟඨᔞĂфϵಁБ˞ݣʬФͪʙႍඨᔞĄФΆࡌ ᏞമඨᔞĂߥэʠႍؖڟղॾʡ͟৖๼Фʙႍ̾ʰޚ ੑᏞമඨᔞĄڟʠႍ̾ʰ અϰ௝വ୪Ą௻ڟߏ̥ĂͫФʠႍੑᏞമ܉ά֗

14 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ


ʮĂ֍ႍඨᔞծІ̸఍ࡌഴᏃĄٷࣈĄ௻ႍ૑ ސĄ౷႗ڟ΢վࠧސ˚ᘸ̜χ˷ڟ˃௻ϋ˱࣠ᗁ ඨᔞĂॾʡ௽લᄯࡌ༄ጣʙశ̍ڟסࡌુ֗ʙ࢏५ .6 ސϒఋ਄ਔվĄ௻ٲЙࢷʶഒڟĶᏞമ˷ᘸЩ׏ࢷ๼ķ ăճܮᏞമവѰĄ௻ղᆵЅϵᏞമڟ(χĄЃЪʙվĂѱ Щᆵ(ؖ̈ᆵ̜ڟ߼ޥʙϋᄯࡌʙЩʬʙЩ˚ᔞ ĄͪʹĂᏞമסሂඨᔞઅລ˛఍๼௣ق˞ؖճВܮ ഒྱϐੑᏞമ ă1.2 ྱϐੑᏞമ ă2 1.1ཾڣઠݞӤ ᆵු˞Άࡌ෶άĂ௻ղ෶ά˷ѿ̾ЅסΆ෸ஒϫʙ Ă3.1ᔎവؒᏞമ ַͪʹʙܮࡌճ̺ڟ ᏞമܮႧᑻ ΔߏࡶЃAăBăC൉ϖ͎ĄФղЅΔߏࡶͫސ౐෶ ኧޥФᄯࡌढϔ͞܌ᏞമڟղᏞമ˞ඨᔞઅລĄ֏ͺ monothetic)Ă҉ఙࡘ౐ʙΆరନχĂф֏͂ЅΔ)ؒ ˃ᏞമܮੑᏞമؖႧᑻڟ᝗قĄᒝӗઈ๾ʰဇػ͟҉ ڟߏϻ෶ؒ(polythetic)ĂսЃᄯࡌϖ͎܌Ăڟߏࡶ ڟס຅˚ᄯЪ˷ᘸ౷৖ඨᔞĂѮဇػඨᔞʰྲྀ˚৖ሂ ψʠ෶Ąڟ˛࢏रĂ௻˷ᘸ౷๼߂ʰ΢౟ĄဇػࠂՀфՐĂΏ˷ᘸ Ͳ࢏५ᆉ ሂඨᔞઅລĂͫಪռʙق˞ղᏞമॽૉጌࣈޚဇػ .7 ڟཐ᝛ؖॾΡ୩ؖΡ˽ደڐᗾސĂഒባڟ൘ဇΆࡌސ ඨᔞઅລΆ෸ϑஒϫڟԐ࢏ॾʡ఍ΆᄯஒϫʙࣈඨᔞઅລĄ ֗ʠѝᆵĄ஑ʭ֗஑ͲѝᆵڟࠂՀĂНर ඨᔞࡌੈ֗ϻ અລAĂ҉ஒϫ஑ʙ̅/ؖ஑ʠѝᆵ˞અລĂ̸ԁ෌סĂؚ̾ѱΆ෸Ԛڟᅹ঻˷ސ௻˷ᘸ .1 અסϖᄯࡌஒϫ˞५ق˛અລڟזݙĂᅹЩ͟৖ૃʙѝᆵ֗ͲѝᆵĄࡶϑϑ ʙԏϵૃB෠ുڟ஠̀ ᚴػ 1 ລĄސᏞമĄսЃͺڟॾʡᚴػեʙ༐ס຅Ԛ˃ ᔎവؒᏞമ̅֏ͺ 8. ʙղࢨവؒᏞമॾʡ˞Ꮬ୥ૃԐ̈വѰ֗Ԑʙэʠ 3 ސᏞമ ᓙܮੑᏞമ 2 Ⴇᑻ Ķ੽ᄬڎᙒࡧݙʶ˚ϣĄ஑ʠڟБʙЩ఍ФĄവѰ ʭʾьݡড༄Ꮮമĉഓݣϔ֥ુཥटĂ̾Ѱԁཏ ઠᏜ୥̅ᙒࡧݙϔሡሆĂѮݚٲᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķഒ Ąʙৡઈ๾ʰڟඨᔞĄэػࡌϻ̀஠౷ࡌ߼άڟ஠ ᚊͪʹϔ̜̾ЅಢࡘᏜ୥̅ᙒࡧݙĄ ඨᔞĂфᏞമટࣜઈڟ௽લͫᄯࡌ΢֗ʙؖʠѝᆵ Ĉ໋ʙ࢏๳Ꮮമސ߱ڱᅹЩĄ 9. ࢨവؒؖЩവؒᏞമؖʠڟ΢ʭؖͲѝᆵף܌̖˛๾ؖᏞമ ˞๼అЙᏞമڣࡶЩവΡढĂढ෢ᔈʰʬჄͪʙː ܮ୪ےᏞമڟ˱ळጃ୪ϵؖ྆͞ʙБސॾʡ˞ඨᔞ .2 ʙ࠮ॾࢨϰ̕ޚĂઠ֏ഴᏃߏΥڱവΡ ॽૉФઝ˸ᘰ௿ڟ΢தΡ܌ߏລĄѮ࠷ߏʟઅϰؖ֏ͺ΢ఊĂ ૑ӜĄ വ˞ЩവؒᏞമĄ௻ᔈʶኌ΢ػʙղ҉պ֎ФੑᏞ ᏞമăᔎവؒᏞമؖʭʾьݡড༄ᏞമܮᏞമĂ఍Ά෸˷ѿඨᔞჄഴᏃĄ മăႧᑻڟॾʡԐʙႍ˚ϣ .3 ᏞമĄڟ५ᔈ˞ ʙ࢏ᙒࡧॾʡ͟৖Фʭ࢏ඨᔞჄڟ̖˛ؚ̾ĂᏞമ ಌ˽Ăϵढ෢ᔈڟІϵ˞ࢨവؒᏞമދЃَ ܮഴᏃĈ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ 1.2 ༄લਲവؒႧᑻ Ф܌๼అЙᏞമ˞ॽૉФઝ˸ᘰ௿ĂڣʰჄͪʙː ݙպ΢ᏞമĄ྆ڐᏞമ̅8.2 ᗾ ދ֍ႍ͟৖ؒĂ̸ᄯࡌ͑̾ҀᔞĄॾʡ̾͟ඨᔞߏ 4. ໋ʙ࢏ॾʡФʙႍ̾ʰ˞ᏞമඨᔞढĂ௻ղඨᔞᐖ Іϵ˞ࢨവؒᏞമĂؖඨᔞФ֍ႍᏞമĂ҉ࢨവؒ ࡧࡌؒվ૶ϖĄڟဇॾʡ̾ ЩവؒᏞമĄ̛ݻ͑ʰڟॽૉ̕ਔޚᏞമჄᔪϰػ ϰশߏĈჄዲ࠮Ꮮമ˞ॽૉФʪڟሂඨᔞઅລढĂ ЩവؒᏞമඨᔞقᏞമஒϫʠႍڟʙѝ५ѿॾʡ໋ .5 ᝗ಌ˽ăФقढ෢ᔈᘰ௿ăࢨവؒᏞമФڟ˸ઝ˷ ސΓሂؖސ˗ᄯᕤΥ֏͂ཥਉվҀᔞեʙႍඨᔞ܌ ඨᔞĄ௻͟৖Ά෸уᆌᒃϩᏞമॾͬĞᏞ ͈˷ᘌጃ͞ཌᚗཎॽૉ৖պࢨവؒᏞമಌ˽Ăַశڟ৖͟ྲྀ ॽૉሥཌݣĂᏞമ෌ԏؖ॑ͶĄ˞סᘰ ݣĂ໋ཎ੅ڟĉğăࣜଊͬăᗾझăჄ̢༄්ೈזമЃѤ෠ ॾʡĂʶ֎ФߺѭѮڟሂඨᔞઅລقʙޚ५ᆉĂஒϫЃ 1 ੑᏞമ 2 10.௨ϻஒϫڟăБᚭăؒѿ̅֏ͺ۽ ϰߏ༄ސᏞമവѰĄ௻͟৖ڟᏞമ ؖ 3 ᔎവؒᏞമ̅֏͂ʭʾьݡড ˚ӇϒқϫඨᔞઅລܮႧᑻ ؖ֏ͺϰশĄؚ̾ࡌԑڑΓሂϱ๑ॿٲᑛĂഒٽ྆ ఽ྆ஒϫސඨᔞઅລĂᒂ˞ܮ༄Ꮮമ ؖ֏ψʙճ Ꮮമവڟᑛؖᑛझ˚չढٽΐ༄ܮॾʡಢࡘʙ֐ ඨᔞઅລĂф௻ႍĶ͟ڟϨ༐˛Ķ͟৖(probable)ķ ཥਉ͟΢վඨᔞĄഓݣϵڟːᑕ֥͈՗סѰĂࡌሂ വѰʶࡌ͑ʣĄڟܮశݣĄಲͯ ಢࡘവѰᏜ୥ढĂ௻ղྲྀ˚֐ڟ৖ķ˷ᘸ௽લϖϵϨణؚФඨᔞઅລ ᏞമढĂ઼ʨ૰ᕨڟᏞമϣढஒϫ1.6 ͟৖ੑᏞമ 11.໋ʙ࢏ॾʡ௝ᗄၸФʙႍ̾ʰڟབྷჳĂ໋ʙ࢏ॾʡ Ꮮമ અລढĂ౷Ά෸ ॾʡࡌาᅸʙϋඨᔞВᏞമ̠წĂծࠕᏃԐЩᏞമܮલവਲവؒႧᑻ˚ 2.1̅ ΓሂؒĂ̸ဇڟࡧࡌ५ᆉĂᏞമ̠წФ҅ػඨᔞڟ ಁޚվഴᏃĄഓфĂΗᄉࡌуᆌ֗ॾʡ͟৖ڱݣ̾ ЩᏞമവѰஒϫʙࣈઅລĂф֏͂വѰʬஒϫͪʙ ΢ᗾಪռԁႠሂҀᔞĄ̠წʶ͟ဇ֍ႍؖ֍ႍ̾ʰ ĄశݣĂͺ̾͟଀ዲ˽ු̾͑ܮؖճܮᏞമڟϣ˚

ICHD-Ƕ26 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ᏞമĂЃ੢˷ഒྱϐੑᏞമ̅ڟॾʡЃѤ੢˷˚ϣ ᏞമĄܮਲവؒႧᑻ ॽڟϨణ˛ĂశલՎ̸శ͈˷ሂγڟϵЩവؒᏞമ.12 .ૉ̅֏અລ˗๼௝ಪ͎ĄഓфĂϵݞϻణĂսЃ 9 ഒၾސॾϰಁ̽ڟᏞമ Ăϰߏ͟৖˞ޗᔪϰػ๐ ॾϰ˗௝ڟĂͫФశࡧࡌ۝˵ĂߏᓗѻЪϪ౐̊ڟ 9.2.3ᔪϰػ֏ͺϒ՘֗ع܌ॾϰڟಪ֗Ąྲྀ̍Վ ʶ΢ϵ֏ͺЩവؒᏞമٲᏞമĄߺϣ̟˞ޗ๐ؒ ణ໽Ąڟ ڟവᏞമ̕ސశݣʙ࢏અລ౷ڟϻᆵЩവؒᏞമ˃.13 ढ෢˱ĂᏞסᑛؖьїሥཌ)ݣʙ५ٽॾϰཌਸ਼(༄ ݞࡧࡌ۽ሂჯϰَᘰސമӽൡؖሥཌĄஒϫЪઅລ ᑛ˛ᑛझΐٽؖ܉ᑛٽఋϋĄ˚྆Ө࢈લલ෸ϵڟ ϵ͟৖ᔪϰعӨ࢈౷Ӱͺٷढ౷ѰඨᔞĄ௻ႍ૑ق ݣĂඨᔞᝐЙסᑛൖَሂٽػ(ཎॽૉ)˞ᏞമĄ໋ ᔪϰػ(ཎॽૉ)˞ᏞമĂؖ੅Ѓઅລ˚৖ஒϫĂ ඨᔞ౷෸ӽᝐĄ ս˅ĂͺሂဂڟʙЁސᆵरսĂЃʹฌݣᏞമ౷̍.14 ݨڟവΡז๼͎୪ယؒᏞമճВĄ௻ႍरսĂ֏෠ ౷ݞᘲ̾Ꮮമ۽Ꮮമ͟৖๼ݻᛉĂؚ̾֏ϰَᘰؒ վሂγĄ۽ݻᛉೈ෢ĂჄॾϰ˞വΡַሥཌ˞ᘰڟ Ꮮമڟశݣʙ෶અລᝐЙ̾͟΢վ੢˷ݨؒჄယؒ ᔾݣʭ࢏̢̾ٽϵॾϰവΡĂሥཌؖסճВĂ҉௣ Ꮮമሥཌ (ߏݨؒճВ)Ăؖය྆ʭ࢏̢Ꮮമ˫ݻ˱ ෌ࣤĂඨᔞ͟৖ϵʭ࢏̢ڟᛉ (ߏယؒճВ)Ąॾു ݣᝐЙᔪϰػ(ཎॽૉ)˞ယؒᏞമĄ սЃĂ5.1 ݨ ฌݣᏞമᝐЙ5.2 ယؒʹฌݣᏞമĄʹؒ ڟܮ௻ղඨᔞϰߏᘌጃ˚՗̾ᘌဂཎᏞമᘸ ІϵĂؚ̾ϖϵۣᏃ˛Ąͺ࢈௽લծ˚պ΢ĂѮ͟ અລĄ˞۽΢վ֖ጭࠂՀྲྀչϰَᘰ

16 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ےᏞമ˷ᘸჄ੽ᄬ቏Ρ஢ᕑICD-10NA ˷ᘸሆဇັ

IHS WHO Diagnosis ICHD-II ICD-10NA [and aetiological ICD-10 code for secondary headache disorders] code code 1. [G43] Migraine 1.1 [G43.0] Migraine without 1.2 [G43.1] Migraine with aura 1.2.1 [G43.10] Typical aura with migraine headache 1.2.2 [G43.10] Typical aura with non-migraine headache 1.2.3 [G43.104] Typical aura without headache 1.2.4 [G43.105] Familial (FHM) 1.2.5 [G43.105] Sporadic hemiplegic migraine 1.2.6 [G43.103] Basilar-type migraine 1.3 [G43.82] Childhood periodic syndromes that are commonly precursors of migraine 1.3.1 [G43.82] Cyclical vomiting 1.3.2 [G43.820] Abdominal migraine 1.3.3 [G43.821] Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood 1.4 [G43.81] 1.5 [G43.3] Complications of migraine 1.5.1 [G43.3] Chronic migraine 1.5.2 [G43.2] Status migrainosus 1.5.3 [G43.3] Persistent aura without infarction 1.5.4 [G43.3] Migrainous infarction 1.5.5 [G43.3] + Migraine-triggered [G40.x or G41.x]1 1.6 [G43.83] Probable migraine 1.6.1 [G43.83] Probable migraine without aura 1.6.2 [G43.83] Probable migraine with aura 1.6.5 [G43.83] Probable chronic migraine

2. [G44.2] Tension-type headache (TTH) 2.1 [G44.2] Infrequent episodic tension-type headache 2.1.1 [G44.20] Infrequent episodic tension-type headache associated with pericranial tenderness 2.1.2 [G44.21] Infrequent episodic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial tenderness 2.2 [G44.2] Frequent episodic tension-type headache 2.2.1 [G44.20] Frequent episodic tension-type headache associated with pericranial tenderness 2.2.2 [G44.21] Frequent episodic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial tenderness 2.3 [G44.2] Chronic tension-type headache 2.3.1 [G44.22] Chronic tension-type headache associated with pericranial tendeness 2.3.2 [G44.23] Chronic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial tenderness 2.4 [G44.28] Probable tension-type headache 1The additional code specifies the type of seizure.

ICHD-Ƕ28 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

2.4.1 [G44.28] Probable infrequent episodic tension-type headache 2.4.2 [G44.28] Probable frequent episodic tension-type headache 2.4.3 [G44.28] Probable chronic tension-type headache

3. [G44.0] Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias 3.1 [G44.0] Cluster headache 3.1.1 [G44.01] Episodic cluster headache 3.1.2 [G44.02] Chronic cluster headache 3.2 [G44.03] Paroxysmal hemicrania 3.2.1 [G44.03] Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania 3.2.2 [G44.03] Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH) 3.3 [G44.08] Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache attacks with Conjunctival injec tion and Tearing (SUNCT) 3.4 [G44.08] Probable trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia 3.4.1 [G44.08] Probable cluster headache 3.4.2 [G44.08] Probable paroxysmal hemicrania 3.4.3 [G44.08] Probable SUNCT

4. [G44.80] Other primary headaches 4.1 [G44.800] Primary stabbing headache 4.2 [G44.803] Primary cough headache 4.3 [G44.804] Primary exertional headache 4.4 [G44.805] Primary headache associated with sexual activity 4.4.1 [G44.805] Preorgasmic headache 4.4.2 [G44.805] Orgasmic headache 4.5 [G44.80] 4.6 [G44.80] Primary 4.7 [G44.80] 4.8 [G44.2] New daily-persistent headache (NDPH)

5. [G44.88] Headache attributed to head and/or neck trauma 5.1 [G44.880] Acute post-traumatic headache 5.1.1 [G44.880] Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to moderate or severe head injury [S06] 5.1.2 [G44.880] Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to mild head injury [S09.9] 5.2 [G44.3] Chronic post-traumatic headache 5.2.1 [G44.30] Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to moderate or severe head injury [S06] 5.2.2 [G44.31] Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to mild head injury [S09.9] 5.3 [G44.841] Acute headache attributed to whiplash injury [S13.4] 5.4 [G44.841] Chronic headache attributed to whiplash injury [S13.4] 5.5 [G44.88] Headache attributed to traumatic intracranial haematoma 5.5.1 [G44.88] Headache attributed to epidural haematoma [S06.4] 5.5.2 [G44.88] Headache attributed to subdural haematoma [S06.5] 5.6 [G44.88] Headache attributed to other head and/or neck trauma [S06] 5.6.1 [G44.88] Acute headache attributed to other head and/or neck trauma [S06] 5.6.2 [G44.88] Chronic headache attributed to other head and/or neck trauma [S06]

18 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

5.7 [G44.88] Post-craniotomy headache 5.7.1 [G44.880] Acute post-craniotomy headache 5.7.2 [G44.30] Chronic post-craniotomy headache

6. [G44.81] Headache attributed to cranial or cervical vascular disorder 6.1 [G44.810] Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack 6.1.1 [G44.810] Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke () [I63] 6.1.2 [G44.810] attributed to transient ischaemic attack (TIA) [G45] 6.2 [G44.810] Headache attributed to non-traumatic intracranial haemorrhage [I62] 6.2.1 [G44.810] Headache attributed to intracerebral haemorrhage [I61] 6.2.2 [G44.810] Headache attributed to subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) [I60] 6.3 [G44.811] Headache attributed to unruptured vascular malformation [Q28] 6.3.1 [G44.811] Headache attributed to saccular aneurysm [Q28.3] 6.3.2 [G44.811] Headache attributed to arteriovenous malformation (AVM) [Q28.2] 6.3.3 [G44.811] Headache attributed to dural arteriovenous ?stula [I67.1] 6.3.4 [G44.811] Headache attributed to cavernous angioma [D18.0] 6.3.5 [G44.811] Headache attributed to encephalotrigeminal or leptomeningeal angiomatosis (Sturge Weber syndrome) [Q85.8] 6.4 [G44.812] Headache attributed to arteritis [M31] 6.4.1 [G44.812] Headache attributed to giant cell arteritis (GCA) [M31.6] 6.4.2 [G44.812] Headache attributed to primary central nervous system (CNS) angiitis [I67.7] 6.4.3 [G44.812] Headache attributed to secondary central nervous system (CNS) angiitis [I68.2] 6.5 [G44.810] Carotid or vertebral artery pain [I63.0, I63.2, I65.0, I65.2 or I67.0] 6.5.1 [G44.810] Headache or facial or neck pain attributed to arterial dissection [I67.0] 6.5.2 [G44.814] Post-endarterectomy headache [I97.8] 6.5.3 [G44.810] Carotid angioplasty headache 6.5.4 [G44.810] Headache attributed to intracranial endovascular procedures 6.5.5 [G44.810] Angiography headache 6.6 [G44.810] Headache attributed to cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) [I63.6] 6.7 [G44.81] Headache attributed to other intracranial vascular disorder 6.7.1 [G44.81] Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and eukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) [I67.8] 6.7.2 [G44.81] Mitochondrial , Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like episodes (MELAS)[G31.81] 6.7.3 [G44.81] Headache attributed to benign angiopathy of the central nervous system [I99] 6.7.4 [G44.81] Headache attributed to pituitary apoplexy [E23.6]

7. [G44.82] Headache attributed to non-vascular intracranial disorder 7.1 [G44.820] Headache attributed to high cerebrospinal fluid pressure 7.1.1 [G44.820] Headache attributed to idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) [G93.2] 7.1.2 [G44.820] Headache attributed to intracranial hypertension secondary to metabolic, toxic or hormonal causes 7.1.3 [G44.820] Headache attributed to intracranial hypertension secondary to hydrocephalus [G91.8] 7.2 [G44.820] Headache attributed to low cerebrospinal fluid pressure 7.2.1 [G44.820] Post-dural puncture headache [G97.0] 7.2.2 [G44.820] CSF fistula headache [G96.0]

ICHD-Ƕ2: ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

7.2.3 [G44.820] Headache attributed to spontaneous (or idiopathic) low CSF pressure 7.3 [G44.82] Headache attributed to non-infectious inflammatory disease 7.3.1 [G44.823] Headache attributed to neurosarcoidosis [D86.8] 7.3.2 [G44.823] Headache attributed to aseptic (non-infectious) meningitis [code to specify aetiology] 7.3.3 [G44.823] Headache attributed to other non-infectious inflammatory disease [code to specify aetiology] 7.3.4 [G44.82] Headache attributed to lymphocytic hypophysitis [E23.6] 7.4 [G44.822] Headache attributed to intracranial neoplasm [C00-D48] 7.4.1 caused by neoplasm [code to specify neoplasm] 7.4.2 [G44.822] Headache attributed directly to neoplasm [code to specify neoplasm] 7.4.3 [G44.822] Headache attributed to carcinomatous meningitis [C79.3] 7.4.4 [G44.822] Headache attributed to hypothalamic or pituitary hyper- or hyposecretion [E23.0] 7.5 [G44.824] Headache attributed to intrathecal injection [G97.8] 7.6 [G44.82] Headache attributed to epileptic seizure [G40.x or G41.x to specify seizure type] 7.6.1 [G44.82] Hemicrania epileptica [G40.x or G41.x to specify seizure type] 7.6.2 [G44.82] Post-seizure headache [G40.x or G41.x to specify seizure type] 7.7 [G44.82] Headache attributed to Chiari malformation type I (CM1) [Q07.0] 7.8 [G44.82] Syndrome of transient Headache and Neurological Deficits with cerebrospinal fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) 7.9 [G44.82] Headache attributed to other non-vascular intracranial disorder

8. [G44.4 or Headache attributed to a substance2 or its withdrawal G44.83] 8.1 [G44.40] Headache induced by acute substance use or exposure 8.1.1 [G44.400] Nitric oxide (NO) donor-induced headache [X44] [G44.400] Immediate NO donor-induced headache [X44] [G44.400] Delayed NO donor-headache [X44] 8.1.2 [G44.40] Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor-induced headache [X44] 8.1.3 [G44.402] Carbon monoxide-induced headache [X47] 8.1.4 [G44.83] Alcohol-induced headache [F10] [G44.83] Immediate alcohol-induced headache [F10] [G44.83] Delayed alcohol-induced headache [F10] 8.1.5 [G44.4] Headache induced by food components and additives [G44.401] Monosodium glutamate-induced headache [X44] 8.1.6 [G44.83] Cocaine-induced headache [F14] 8.1.7 [G44.83] Cannabis-induced headache [F12] 8.1.8 [G44.40] Histamine-induced headache [X44]

2In ICD-10 substances are classified according to the presence or absence of a dependence-producing property. Headaches associated with psychoactive substances (dependence-producing) are classified in G44.83 with an additional code to indicate the nature of the disorder related to the substance use: eg, intoxication (F1x.0), dependence (F1x.2), withdrawal (F1x.3), etc. The 3rd character can be used to indicate the specificc substance involved: eg, F10 for alcohol, F15 for caffeine, etc. Abuse of non-dependence-pro- ducing substances is classified in F55, with a 4th character to indicate the substance: eg, F55.2 abuse of analgesics.Headaches related to non-dependence-producing substances are classified in G44.4.

20 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ [G44.40] Immediate histamine-induced headache [X44] [G44.40] Delayed histamine-induced headache [X44] 8.1.9 [G44.40] Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-induced headache [X44] [G44.40] Immediate CGRP-induced headache [X44] [G44.40] Delayed CGRP-induced headache [X44] 8.1.10 [G44.41] Headache as an acute adverse event attributed to medication used or other indications [code to specify substance] 8.1.11 [G44.4 or Headache induced by other acute substance use or exposure G44.83] [code to specify substance] 8.2 [G44.41 or Medication-overuse headache (MOH) G44.83] 8.2.1 [G44.411] Ergotamine-overuse headache [Y52.5] 8.2.2 [G44.41] Triptan-overuse headache 8.2.3 [G44.410] Analgesic-overuse headache [F55.2] 8.2.4 [G44.83] Opioid-overuse headache [F11.2] 8.2.5 [G44.410] Combination medication-overuse headache [F55.2] 8.2.6 [G44.410] Headache attributed to other medication overuse [code to specify substance] 8.2.7 [G44.41 or Probable medication-overuse headache [code to specify substance] G44.83] 8.3 [G44.4] Headache as an adverse event attributed to chronic medication [code to specify substance] 8.3.1 [G44.418] Exogenous hormone-induced headache [Y42.4] 8.4 [G44.83] Headache attributed to substance withdrawal 8.4.1 [G44.83] Caffeine-withdrawal headache [F15.3] 8.4.2 [G44.83] Opioid-withdrawal headache [F11.3] 8.4.3 [G44.83] Oestrogen-withdrawal headache [Y42.4] 8.4.4 [G44.83] Headache attributed to withdrawal from chronic use of othersubstances [code to specify substance]

9. Headache attributed to infection 9.1 [G44.821] Headache attributed to intracranial infection [G00-G09] 9.1.1 [G44.821] Headache attributed to bacterial meningitis [G00.9] 9.1.2 [G44.821] Headache attributed to lymphocytic meningitis [G03.9] 9.1.3 [G44.821] Headache attributed to encephalitis [G04.9] 9.1.4 [G44.821] Headache attributed to brain abscess [G06.0] 9.1.5 [G44.821] Headache attributed to subdural empyema [G06.2] 9.2 [G44.881] Headache attributed to systemic infection [A00-B97] 9.2.1 [G44.881] Headache attributed to systemic bacterial infection [code to specify aetiology] 9.2.2 [G44.881] Headache attributed to systemic viral infection [code to specify aetiology] 9.2.3 [G44.881] Headache attributed to other systemic infection [code to specify aetiology] 9.3 [G44.821] Headache attributed to HIV/AIDS [B22] 9.4 [G44.821 or Chronic post-infection headache [code to specify aetiology] G44.881] 9.4.1 [G44.821] Chronic post-bacterial meningitis headache [G00.9]

10. [G44.882] Headache attributed to disorder of homoeostasis 10.1 [G44.882] Headache attributed to hypoxia and/or hypercapnia

ICHD-Ƕ32 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

10.1.1 [G44.882] High-altitude headache [W94] 10.1.2 [G44.882] Diving headache 10.1.3 [G44.882] Sleep apnoea headache [G47.3] 10.2 [G44.882] Dialysis headache [Y84.1] 10.3 [G44.813] Headache attributed to arterial hypertension [I10] 10.3.1 [G44.813] Headache attributed to phaeochromocytoma [D35.0 (benign) or C74.1 (malignant)] 10.3.2 [G44.813] Headache attributed to hypertensive crisis without hypertensive encephalopathy [I10] 10.3.3 [G44.813] Headache attributed to hypertensive encephalopathy [I67.4] 10.3.4 [G44.813] Headache attributed to pre-eclampsia [O13-O14] 10.3.5 [G44.813] Headache attributed to eclampsia [O15] 10.3.6 [G44.813] Headache attributed to acute pressor response to an exogenous agent [code to specify aetiology] 10.4 [G44.882] Headache attributed to hypothyroidism [E03.9] 10.5 [G44.882] Headache attributed to fasting [T73.0] 10.6 [G44.882] Cardiac cephalalgia [code to specify aetiology] 10.7 [G44.882] Headache attributed to other disorder of homoeostasis [code to specify aetiology]

11. [G44.84] Headache or facial pain attributed to disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cranial structures 11.1 [G44.840] Headache attributed to disorder of cranial bone [M80-M89.8] 11.2 [G44.841] Headache attributed to disorder of neck [M99] 11.2.1 [G44.841] Cervicogenic headache [M99] 11.2.2 [G44.842] Headache attributed to retropharyngeal tendonitis [M79.8] 11.2.3 [G44.841] Headache attributed to craniocervical dystonia [G24] 11.3 [G44.843] Headache attributed to disorder of eyes 11.3.1 [G44.843] Headache attributed to acute glaucoma [H40] 11.3.2 [G44.843] Headache attributed to refractive errors [H52] 11.3.3 [G44.843] Headache attributed to heterophoria or heterotropia (latent or manifest squint) [H50.3-H50.5] 11.3.4 [G44.843] Headache attributed to ocular inflammatory disorder [code to specify aetiology] 11.4 [G44.844] Headache attributed to disorder of ears [H60-H95] 11.5 [G44.845] Headache attributed to rhinosinusitis [J01] 11.6 [G44.846] Headache attributed to disorder of teeth, jaws or related structures [K00 K14] 11.7 [G44.846] Headache or facial pain attributed to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder [K07.6] 11.8 [G44.84] Headache attributed to other disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cervical structures [code to specify aetiology]

12. [R51] Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder 12.1 [R51] Headache attributed to somatisation disorder [F45.0] 12.2 [R51] Headache attributed to psychotic disorder [code to specify aetiology]

13. [G44.847, Cranial neuralgias and central causes of facial pain G44.848 or G44.85]

22 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

13.1 [G44.847] 13.1.1 [G44.847] Classical trigeminal neuralgia [G50.00] 13.1.2 [G44.847] Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia [G53.80] + [code to specify aetiology] 13.2 [G44.847] Glossopharyngeal neuralgia 13.2.1 [G44.847] Classical glossopharyngeal neuralgia [G52.10] 13.2.2 [G44.847] Symptomatic glossopharyngeal neuralgia [G53.830] + [code to specify aetiology] 13.3 [G44.847] Nervus intermedius neuralgia [G51.80] 13.4 [G44.847] Superior laryngeal neuralgia [G52.20] 13.5 [G44.847] Nasociliary neuralgia [G52.80] 13.6 [G44.847] Supraorbital neuralgia [G52.80] 13.7 [G44.847] Other terminal branch neuralgias [G52.80] 13.8 [G44.847] [G52.80] 13.9 [G44.851] Neck-tongue syndrome 13.10 [G44.801] External compression headache 13.11 [G44.802] Cold-stimulus headache 13.11.1 [G44.8020] Headache attributed to external application of a cold stimulus 13.11.2 [G44.8021] Headache attributed to ingestion or inhalation of a cold stimulus 13.12 [G44.848] Constant pain caused by compression, irritation or distortion of cranial nerves or upper cervical roots by structural lesions [G53.8] + [code to specify aetiology] 13.13 [G44.848] [H46] 13.14 [G44.848] Ocular diabetic neuropathy [E10-E14] 13.15 [G44.881 or Head or facial pain attributed to herpes zoster G44.847] 13.15.1 [G44.881] Head or facial pain attributed to acute herpes zoster [B02.2] 13.15.2 [G44.847] Post-herpetic neuralgia [B02.2] 13.16 [G44.850] Tolosa-Hunt syndrome 13.17 [G43.80] OphthalmoplegicńmigraineŅ 13.18 [G44.810 or G44.847] Central causes of facial pain 13.18.1 [G44.847] Anaesthesia dolorosa [G52.800] + [code to specify aetiology] 13.18.2 [G44.810] Central post-stroke pain [G46.21] 13.18.3 [G44.847] Facial pain attributed to multiple sclerosis [G35] 13.18.4 [G44.847] Persistent idiopathic facial pain [G50.1] 13.18.5 [G44.847] Burning mouth syndrome [code to specify aetiology] 13.19 [G44.847] Other cranial neuralgia or other centrally mediated facial pain [code to specify aetiology]

14. [R51] Other headache, cranial neuralgia, central or primary facial pain 14.1 [R51] Headache not elsewhere classified 14.2 [R51] Headache unspecified


ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ᏞമࡶЩവΡढĂढ෢ڟੑᏞമ (Migraine) ໋ʙ࢏֎ФੑᏞമ५ᔈ .1 ĂڱॽૉФઝ˸ᘰ௿ڟ๼అЙᏞമڣᔈʰʬჄͪʙː ЩവؒᏞമĄڟઠ֏ഴᏃߏᔪϰػཎ࠮ॾॽૉؚ̕വ ๼ڣІϵ˞ੑᏞമಌ˽Ăϵढ෢ᔈʰჄͪʙːދయ˛ߡ ̴།җ ᚍ Ѓَ Ф֍ႍ͟৖ؒĂ̸ᄯࡌ܌ॽૉઝ˸ᘰ௿ĂڟఅЙᏞമ ഒྱϐੑᏞമ (Migraine without aura) ͑̾ҀᔞĄॾʡ͟ඨᔞߏੑᏞമĂؖඨᔞФ֍ႍᏞ 1.1 ЩവؒᏞമĄ̛ڟϐੑᏞമ (Migraine with aura) മĂ҉ੑᏞമჄϰͪʙॽૉؚ̕ਔྱ 1.2 ढڟ˸ϰশߏĈჄཎॽૉФʪ˷ઝڟඨᔞڱϐੑᏞമؒᏞമ(Typical aura with ݻ͑ʰݣྱܮ֐ 1.2.1 ᝗ಌ˽ăФ͈˷ᘌጃᘌဂཎॽૉقmigraine headache) ෢ᔈᘰ௿ăੑᏞമ ϐۨੑᏞമؒᏞമ(Typical aura with ৖అЙؖಌ˽ੑᏞമĂ̸໋ཎॽૉݮಈݣĂੑᏞമሥྱܮ֐ 1.2.2 non-migraine headache) ཌĄ ϐ(Typical aura withoutྱܮѢᏍᏞമ˞֐˚ 1.2.3 headache) ܉ՐĈ ࢨവؒᏞമॽڟʙႍલՎĂ๼అЙͶ৖ސࣜଊؒੑᝩੑᏞമ(Familial hemiplegic ੑᏞമ 1.2.4 ๼༄ڥ਽୾ї୥ַ֏ဇڟmigraine) ॾĄ޺їॾደࠂՀːᘌဂͺ ਽ݙቐᐞĄ̶ߨ቏Ρ஢ᕑဇϒ୨ؚФ๼అڟಹവؒੑᝩੑᏞമ(Sporadic hemiplegic ᐼ̅࢏ʡ 1.2.5 ஑19ϪĄרmigraine) ЙͶ৖ॽॾ˞૶ϪĂੑᏞമ୪ϵѝ Ą1.1ഒྱϐੑᏞമܮੑᏞമ(Basilar-type migraine) ੑᏞമ͟˷ߏ֍࢏̺ࡌճܮઅ׻ 1.2.6 ᒝӗॿ࢐༐ĄڟڑᏞമ̅ѢᏍॿڟ५ᆉסʙႍФ५ސ ᛮ˞݆േ්ೈؒॿ࢐༐(Childhood܉௽લߏੑᏞമ 1.3 ؖФढ܉˞ࡌ५ᆉߏ௽લϵᏞമ̺ڟ periodic syndromes that are commonly precursors of 1.2 ྱϐੑᏞമ Ąఋϋॾʡʶ๼༄ጣڑmigraine) ϵᏞമढĂ୰ΡӋఋড༄ደॿ ᛮೈ (premonitory phase)Ăַ܉˞ಁˉढؖಁ̠܉ೈؒ࿛ϥ (Cyclical vomiting) Ꮮമ් 1.3.1 ˥߀ʨނ͓ڑᛮೈַሥཌೈॿ܉ሥཌೈĄڟ༜ఋੑᏞമ (Abdominal migraine) Ꮮമ˞ݣ 1.3.2 ă̆ᕭΈ̤֩Ăڐղ५ѿࡵޚՊ݆ؒേೈവѰؒঌ๷(Benign paroxysmal ෌ؖѳʮăᆏឮăพЁ 1.3.3 ˚ĄЃॾʡڑॿڟܮ֏͂ྲྀ˚֐ڟvertigo of childhood) ַФղॾʡؚౢҙ ߱ᐖϖʣඨܮઅລĂؚФճڟܮගႩሰੑᏞമ (Retinal migraine) ͫஒϫʙႍੑᏞമճ 1.4 ੑᏞമցവॿ (Complications of migraine) ᔞַഴᏃĄᒞսվჳĂʙ࢏ॾʡલલФྱϐੑᏞമവ 1.5 ᐖഴᏃߏ1.2܌ФढʶФഒྱϐੑᏞമവѰĂސယؒੑᏞമ (Chronic migraine) ѰĂѮ 1.5.1 ဘ (Status migrainosus) ྱϐੑᏞമ ַ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമĄڑੑᏞമࡧፖ 1.5.2 ഒଠฬ˞ݻᛉؒྱϐ(Persistent aura without 1.5.3 infarction) 1.5.4 ੑᏞമ༞ଠฬ (Migrainous infarction) 1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ Migraine without aura 1.5.5 ੑᏞമ̕വ˞ᝪ⾕വѰ(Migraine-triggered ᕟႎĈ seizure) ౶લੑᏞമ (common migraine)ăᕏ౐͘ᘞᏞമ (hemi- 1.6 ͟৖ੑᏞമ (Probable migraine) crania simplex) 1.6.1 ͟৖ഒྱϐੑᏞമ(Probable migraine without aura) ಢࡘĈ Ꮮമ५ᆉܮᏞമĂԐЩݻᛉ4-72ˉढĄ֐ڟ৖ྱϐੑᏞമ (Probable migraine with aura) ̆ᕭവΡ͟ 1.6.2 ৖ယؒੑᏞമ (Probable chronic migraine) ߏ౐੏Ă๩੝ؒĂᏞമുݙ˛ؖࡧݙĂ̠લ߀੝๼͑͟ 1.6.5 ᅑᏞമĂલѢᏍ⩱̖̅/ؖߧώ̅ؐҞĄ ഴᏃ͂௎Ĉ ੑᏞമ)Ă ඨᔞઅລĈؒڑᏞമ (ॿڟΥ֏͂ॽૉ̕വᘸѭੑᏞമ വѰڟᄯഴᏃཎॽૉ˞̈́ሆĄ A. э̍Ф5Щ (ඝ1) ৖ஒϫઅລB-D ᑛഒझ)Ğඝ2,3,4ğٽᑛؖٽB. ᏞമവѰݻᛉ4-72ˉढ (ΐ༄ Ĉ C. Ꮮമэ̍֎ʮϖʠ෶५ᆉĈقʙৡჳ ĉ 1. ౐੏Ğඝ5,6ğސ߱ڱࢨവؒؖЩവؒᏞമؖ֍

ICHD-Ƕ36 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ॽૉĂൖڟф͑ᅑڐᑛᗾٽڑ๩੝ؒĞඝ7ğ శ࣠ؾᏍൿᏜᒅպ΢ॿ .2 ݙպ΢Ꮮ྆ڐᏞമĂഴᏃߏ8.2 ᗾڟঃമുݙ˛ؖࡧݙ َࡊΡ͎ʙႍ๳ .3 લ߀੝๼պᏞമ͑ᅑؖᓗѻЪᘸ߀੝ĞЃՖ཯ മĄ̠ .4 ᇂଘğ ഒྱϐᏞമവѰढĂӋఋ༞і޺ծԠФ᝗ΰΪቴڋؖ D. ᏞമവѰढэ̍Фʮϖʙ෶Ĉ จᆬؒӻ֙ (cortical spreading depression)Ăഓфঃമ ؖ࿛ϥ ߀˽̕͟ਔ༞ๆჄΪቴі޺ӽᝐĄ௻ჄྱϐੑᏞമ५/̖̅⩱ .1 ॾ୩ጠᕽęจᆬؒ༞ীі˚ϣĄϰЪĂഒྱϐੑڟס ߧώ̅ؐҞĞඝ8ğ .2 ʙ˅˷ڟจᄎਉऀސE. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉĞඝ9ğ ᏞമჄจᆬؒӻ֙୪ණഒᘰĄ͟ ॊ˽೨ (NO) Ⴤcalcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) і႓ؒĂѮސ௝ჯߏ̺ࡌ܉ሂߺᘰĄᓶഓЪॾϑقܓ ඝ਄Ĉ -ࡌ੢˷1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ Ⴤ2.1 ˚લവਲവؒႧᑻ ϵ྆͞ಁʪБ෢Ăі႓ֺ౜ড༄Αଙଃ๐˽ (sensitiza .1 ࡧࡌؒːၚၚ֧֗٧ڟᏞമ Фढߺ໋ҨᘲĂϰЪᄯэ̍5ЩവѰĄ࠷ॾ tion) ̅വѰປػ˛ᆾড༄Ձ஛ܮ ঃമจᄎਟ཯ĂჄڟʡஒϫʟ1.1ഒྱϐੑᏞമ અລĂѮᏞമവѰЩᆵ ๎ĄϣढĂϵ௻࢏Ձ஛˛ੑᏞമ ĄႵಽഴ()Ăʙڣಁ࢏̟࡭ː༄ሂڟড༄จዲ ᐖഴᏃߏ1.6.1͟৖ഒྱϐੑᏞമĄ܌ػ5ЩĂ̍ ĂဇЪФࡧ˃ਓڐᗾڟᘸᚴػ5HT1B/D૥֧ዢ۴෌ዘ ЃॾʡػੑᏞമവѰढʣႃĂᎺվݣੑᏞമ॑ͶĂ .2 ϰ֏ဇ૥֧ዢФ਽ݙટʙؒĂϵᏞമݨڐᙦĄ௻ᘸᗾ ᏞമവѰढ෢ࡎ႗֗Ꮊվढ෢ߏ̥Ą܌ Ѱ΢ጠᕽಪռʟੑᏞമጠڟവѰढᑛझ᝗ൿĂͺ࢈ؒ ᑛᏞമढ෢ٽേവѰ͟ݻᛉ1-72ˉढ (ഓф݆േΐ݆ .3 ʙႍড༄ސϒ๳ណᔈĄ୪ϵݞ଼๿ĂഒྱϐᏞമڟᕽ (ᕁ̠ؒწࠂՀվ઼͑Ѧᘌ܉ػ2ˉढĂᄯФ̍ ॽૉĂф୪ˬᒝӗჄઅᕃড༄ࠋደ͑ఀᅨ෌ڟደڐΡ ЃَԐ̢ᏞമവѰŸ15̠Ă̸ŵ3࢏̢ĂᐖഴᏃߏ .4 ᘋĄڣڟӨ࢈ဇੑᏞമጠᕽ 1.1ഒྱϐੑᏞമ ̅1.5.1ယؒੑᏞമĄ ۑᖖ੏ćػۧ̍БݣೈؖЙʡސੑᏞമલڟ΂േ .5 ೈĂЙʡᇁВ˞౐੏മ˗ంၚ᝗୪Ą 1.2 ྱϐੑᏞമ Migraine with aura ౐ؖᖖ੏ĂവΡϵސੑᏞമ௽લѝػᖞ㜆ఋĄഒባ .6 ᕟႎĈ ఋᏞമݞՂՎĂඨᔞʰࡌˉ̖ćݞϻॾսٌڟേ݆ ੑᏞമ (classic or classical migraine)ă஁ăੑబăܮ֐ ်అؒॾᝐؚఅЙĄސ ,ੑᝩؖͶჭੑᏞമ (ophthalmică hemiparaesthetic ཰ؖᏍ̖཰ӽᝐĄڟ๩੝ؒݾᆢ௽ᆢ௽ .7 hemiplegic or aphasic migraine)ăۣᚴੑᏞമ (migraine їߏվ૰ᔞĄڟĂ͟Υ͂࢈ڑߧώჄؐҞॿڟ΂േ .8 accompagnee)ăቒᖕੑᏞമ (complicated migraine) ஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖψ˚ޥॾͬă୩ደă̅ড༄ደᐮ .9 ᓶᗄ ഴᏃ͂௎Ĉޥʙ෶ॽૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ ၸФ௻ॽૉ˞͟৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼Ăؖ 13.17஁ъబ໒ŇੑᏞമŇ ௻ॽૉᓶІϵĂѮੑᏞമࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉծഒढ ෢ᔈʰ˞ઝ˸ᘰ௿Ą ಢࡘĈ ˱Ă௽લϵ5-20˷ᚘڑӋఋড༄ደॿڟᕭവΡ͟ਛ̆ Ĉ ంၚ୰ΡĂݻᛉ˚ය྆60˷ᚘĄ֎ഒྱϐੑᏞമ५ᆉقჳ ʮĂ཭ᏍٷݣവΡĄ̍ᆵ૑ڑᏞമĂ௽લϵྱϐॿڟ ڟĄͺܮճڟੑᏞമశલՎސ ഒྱϐੑᏞമ 1.1 ᏞമԠФੑᏞമ५ᆉĂߥؖӇϒԠФᏞമĄڟ ྱ ᆇᛪ̨1.2ڟ΁үവѰᏜ୥ྲྀ਽Ăф̸௽લဇͶ৖ ϐੑᏞമ ԁ˃Ą ඨᔞઅລĈ ڟڎĄჄ஑ʙ۽ഒྱϐੑᏞമલჄ̢༄Фઝ˸ᘰ A. 2 B വѰڟ ϖ͎A1.1.1 স̢༄ э̍ Щ৖ஒϫઅລڎĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ˚ϣĂΏ અລB̅CڟճВޚ˛B. ੑᏞമྱϐஒϫ1.2.1-1.2.6 ੑᏞമ ̾̅A1.1.2 Ⴤ̢༄ߺᘰੑᏞമ અລĂͫ˚྆ (C. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ1 ጿ५˞ॽސሂჯ௻ղٲഒצ܉ϖϵۣᏃ˛Ăϰߏάސ ॾဂ᝝Ą ඝ਄Ĉ ੑᏞമവڟݙպ΢ढĂۨલᏜᒅ྆ڐϵԠФᗾ ஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖψʙ෶ॽ˚ޥॾͬă୩ደă̅ড༄ደᐮ .1 ސѰĂ୪ϵᔪᘸߏ1.5.1 ယؒੑᏞമ ĄഒྱϐੑᏞമ ͟˞ᓶᗄၸФ௻ॽૉޥૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ

26 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ϐੑᏞമؒᏞമ Typical aura withྱܮ৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼Ăؖ௻ॽૉᓶІĂѮੑᏞമ˞ 1.2.1 ֐ ࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉծഒढ෢ᔈʰ˞ઝ˸ᘰ௿Ą migraine headache Ĉ ಢࡘĈقჳ Ąྱڑගᚈ̅/ؖ๐ᚈ̅/ؖჭՐॿނϐ͓ྱܮড ֐ڟ܉˞ढؖ˚ʴזവΡϵੑᏞമᏞമ෠ސϐྱ ቒϫ᝝ (complex)Ą˃ఋϋੑᏞമॾʡͫФഒྱ ϐߏంၚവΡĂݻᛉढ෢˚ය྆ʙˉढĂ୅ϫʟΓϩڑ༄ॿ ॾʡĂʶФഒ Ⴤࡒϩ५ᆉ̅Ӈϒ͟ਛؒĂծ̸ѢᏍஒϫ1.1ഒྱϐڟϐᏞമവѰĄ௨ϻФྱϐੑᏞമവѰ ྱϐവѰ (ഴᏃߏ1.2ྱϐੑᏞമ ̅1.1ഒྱϐੑᏞമ ᏞമĄڟੑᏞമઅລ )Ą

ᆵˉढ֗1-2 ඨᔞઅລĈ܉ϵФྱϐؖഒྱϐੑᏞമവѰ വѰڟᛮॿ A.э̍Ф2ЩஒϫઅລB-D܉premonitory symptoms)Ą) ڑᛮॿ܉Ă͎͟୪̠ ᝝ഒʨĈڴʮϖʙ෶ĂѮഒނঀࡾă٧๎ʨᘲ̾෱˛ăᏛఋᅊഽăဇώؖᒐ B.ྱϐэ͓̍ނ͓ڑ ࡱଃ๐ă⩱̖ăගᚈᇁሙăΈ̤֩̅ᒛѓვΩ൉˚ϣ ڟΓϩ५ᆉ (ЃĈਰᗗނĂ͓ڑӇϒਛගᚈॿ .1 ϐ (prodrome)ķ̅Ķᚌ܉஢ϫĄశЁᓗѻպ΢Ķڑॿ (ώăᔈؖሣ) ̅/ؖࡒϩ५ᆉ (҉ගʨొͶ /̅(Γϩ५ᆉ (҉ਬ֖๐ނĂ͓ڑwarning symptoms)ķ௻ղච๊Ăϰߏͺ࢈લ 2. Ӈϒ͟ਛ๐ᚈॿ) ڑҙॿ (ĶྱϐķĄ ؖࡒϩ५ᆉ (҉బ̣๐ނ௝ჲ΢վ୊ ੑᏞമྱϐલ๼ѢᏍஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑ 3. Ӈϒ͟ਛͶჭؒჭՐᄫᗤڟఋϋ˃ ϐੑᏞമؒᏞ C.э̍֎ʮϖ2෶ĈྱܮᏞമĂϰЪ1.2.1 ֐ڟᏞമ અລ

ڑඝ1) ̅/ؖ౐੏๐ᚈॿ) ڑගᚈॿڟമ ϵ̾ʮ౐ጿϖ͎ĄੑᏞമྱϐФढʶѢᏍ˚ஒϫ 1. ϣϪ੏ ˚ϵŸ5˷ᚘంၚ୰ΡĂ̅/ؖڑʮĂੑᏞമ 2. э̍ʙႍྱϐॿٷᏞമĄФղ૑ڟഒྱϐੑᏞമ અລ 1.1 ĂϵŸ5˷ᚘߺᙷവΡڑː଼๿੢ѿĄ ϣྱϐॿ܉ϐծԠФ͎୪ᏞമĄ௻2ႍճВάྱ ݻᛉŸ5̅ŷ60˷ᚘڑԐʙႍॿ .3 ˛ܮᏞമᘸڟ༎סϐʶೆϵ֏଼͂๿ྱڟФᘸѭ५ᔈ ᏞമĂϵྱϐϣڟD.ஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ અລB-D ۽ᘰڟᔎവؒᏞമćྱϐჄᏞമ˞෢ނ௝ౢҙ྆Ă͓ ᚘ˱വΡ˷60ڟծΐӇϒʟཌĄ ढؖྱϐ˞ݣ

(ؖϣढĂჄᒝӗૉఋߺဇᐖ E.ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ2܉˞୪͎ڑϵྱϐॿ Ӌఋ༞і޺ුڟ༞Ϊቴ˃ڟ௽લ͓Ҥԁᆄʙᔈ੢੿̅ จᆬĂ ඝ਄Ĉ̟܉ػ༞ఋݣ̸̟೉ז๼೵̍Ąі޺೵̍௽લ ௽લ̨༞ীі˞⻉ࢄߏ਽ĄʙэᆵˉढݣĂཎ௎ంၚ 1. ͟৖വΡ˛͵ගʨొͶؖᇁሙĄ Ƃ ஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖψ˚ޥᝐߏ͈і੢ĄLeao̪Ϊቴจᆬؒӻ֙୪ණ௝ჯߏჄ˞ 2. ॾͬă୩ደă̅ড༄ደᐮ ᓶᗄޥФᘰĄ ʙ෶ॽૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ ᝝ ၸФ௻ॽૉ˞͟৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼ĂؖڴॾʡੋФڟՁ஛ؒࠂՀ᝗ΰ௨ϻФගᚈྱϐ ॾʡಁ̽఍Фගᚈྱ ௻ॽૉᓶІϵĂѮੑᏞമ˞ࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉծഒڟڑ᝝ॿڴĄߺ̆ϴĂФڑॿ ϐĄϰЪගᚈྱϐੑᏞമ̅ੑబੑᏞമ˞੢ѿ͟৖ͫ ढ෢ᔈʰ˞ઝ˸ᘰ௿Ą ᝝ഒʨॿڴʡߏĂϰфϵΏЩ˷ᘸʰծΐ੢ྤĄФސ ĈقВ (1.2.4 ࣜଊؒੑᝩੑᏞ ჳܮॾʡĂϰߏ᝗ؒᎸจڟڑ ੑᏞമॿ࢐༐Ă༄྆ڟăѢᏍྱϐڟశલՎސമ) ̅ᒝӗ࣯୴Ăؚ̾ͪʹᔪᘸĄྱϐੑᏞമַࣜଊ ௻ ʮ˫ФЩവٷ૑ڟΐ௝ሂγĄ ཏ஠ॾͬ҉͟ੈඨᔞĂᓶഓϵ຃̍צ۽ੑᝩੑᏞമ˞અϰᘰؒ Ꮫ੝৕ࢥᖔă੝ނ͓ ϐੑᏞമ ַݨؒྱϐ ؒᘸѭॽૉ (secondary mimics)Ăྱ۝ॿ࢐༐׽ڟ༎ס܉̾ ॾʡʶ֎ Ꮧ৕໌ӜჄᝪ⾕വѰĄڟੑᏞമ ː˚ϔպ΢Ą˃ϻᆵФЪᘸവѰ ୪ߏФЃےဘĂ௽લܮϐྱڟశલՎސവ ගᚈྱϐڟψѤʙճВઅລڟ˛ Ф֏͂ஒϫ1.2ྱϐੑᏞമ ࠕܲౣֺ౜ਰኃ๴ᔈ (fortification spectrum)Ăʶ౷̶˛ ᐖഴᏃߏ1.6.2͟܌ڟѰĂᐖཎࡌഴᏃߏཎඨᔞĄ఻ʮ Υ٧ගᔈ୰Ρ˞ЅӜᆇ࿋Ăంၚϩؖ͡ϩ;ᔗಹĂސ ۝५ᆉ (׽ڟܮ׿˛ཏϖۨ֐ނ৖ྱϐੑᏞമĂծϵ ˚ĂᏍݣФڑӜڟ͎͏ʹ؁ЙߏФ໴Տăਰᗗۜᘞ̸ (ϐؖݨؒྱϐྱ ˞ഒΓϩ५ᆉސ൘ဇؖߺဇ๴ᔈĄФղॾսڟϣുݙ ంސݨؒവѰĂѮ༄̀஠ណဆĂ௽લސ๴ᔈĂલ̾ߏ ๐ᚈ୴લĂယယΥʙڟߏਬ֖ৡڟၚᔗ˃Ą֏ЩྲྀલՎ

ICHD-Ƕ38 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ᔈంၚᔗ̅ʙ੏՘᝝̅ᒛఋ˞ఋϋؖϒఋĄబ̣๐͟ ௻ॽૉᓶІϵĂѮੑᏞമ˞ࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉծഒ ढ෢ᔈʰ˞ઝ˸ᘰ௿Ą ڑĄྲྀ̍Վ˞ྱϐॿڑੲʙॿސ૥ൿവΡĂѮʶ̾͟ ĈقՐჭᄫᗤĂ௽લߏͶჭؒĂѮढલᘲ̾˷ᘸĄЃྱ ჳސ ᏞമढĂລሂڟഴᏃߏ1.2.4 ࣜଊؒੑᝩੑᏞ ϵഒஒϫ1.1ഒྱϐੑᏞമ અລ܌᝝ഒʨĂڴނ͓˛ϐ മ ؖ1.2.5 ಹവؒੑᝩੑᏞമĄ ඨᔞྱϐჄᜦѿ֏͂͟৖ߏᙒࡧॽॾ (ЃĈᆷढؒ༞ Ăᝐુԁ͑ࡧࡌĄڑവѰॿڟ (Ă ীіז௽લʙ࢏૥ൿʙ࢏വΡĂΥගᚈ෠ڑϐॿྱ ͶჭॿćѮʶФߺ̆ؖ֏͂෷ӕĄ̅ڑ๐ᚈॿސ૥ൿ ϐ Typical aura withoutྱܮᘲ̾ಢࡘĂϰЪᐖ଀ዲॾʡЃ 1.2.3 ˚ѢᏍᏞമ˞֐ڑॿڟॾʡલᚈુ͂࢈ ᕁ headache܉ढ෢̅༄྆਄ᏃʮվĄ༄྆ЃЪڟവΡڑѤઠॿ ނᎿჲ͓ڟĄલՎقណဆĂ͟պᒝӗᆇ࿋ᝐુᔀڟؒ ಢࡘĈ ౐੏ؒౢҙФᎿჲĂంၚവѰჳЙ؇ഓവѰĂڟᏞമ ĄྱϐߏڑФගᚈַ/ؖ๐ᚈַ/ؖჭՐॿނϐ͓ྱܮ֐ ౐஁ගᚈᄫᗤĂྱϐݻᛉढ෢˚Γސߏ̾ڡϣϪ੏ੑ ంၚവΡĂݻᛉढ෢˚ය྆ʙˉढĂ୅ϫʟΓϩჄࡒ ඨݣĂҁ΢ྱϐۑሂĂ̾̅ჲჯ๐ᚈ॑Ͷߏഒʨ൉Ą ϩ५ᆉ̅Ӈϒ͟ਛؒĂծ̸˚ѢᏍᏞമĄ ̠਄͟ሂჯඨᔞĄ

ඨᔞઅລĈ ϐۨੑᏞമؒᏞമ Typical aura withྱܮ֐ 1.2.2 വѰڟA.э̍Ф2ЩஒϫઅລB-D non-migraine headache ᝝ഒʨĈڴʮϖʙ෶ĂѮഒނB.ྱϐэ͓̍ ಢࡘĈ ڟΓϩ५ᆉ (ЃĈਰᗗނĂ͓ڑӇϒ͟ਛගᚈॿ .1 ĄྱϐߏంၚവڑФගᚈ̅/ؖ๐ᚈ̅/ؖჭՐॿނ͓ (ώăᔈؖሣ) ̅/ؖࡒϩ५ᆉ (҉ගʨొͶ ΡĂݻᛉढ෢˚ය྆ʙˉढĂ୅ϫʟΓϩჄࡒϩ५ᆉ /̅(Γϩ५ᆉ (҉ਬ֖๐ނĂ͓ڑӇϒ͟ਛ๐ᚈॿ .2 Ӈϒ͟ਛؒĂծ̸ѢᏍ˚ஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ અ̅ (ؖࡒϩ५ᆉ (҉బ̣๐ ᏞമĄڟລ Ӈϒ͟ਛͶჭؒჭՐᄫᗤ .3 C.э̍֎ʮϖ2෶Ĉ ඨᔞઅລĈ ڑඝ1) ̅/ؖ౐੏๐ᚈॿ) ڑගᚈॿڟϣϪ੏ .1 വѰڟA.э̍Ф2ЩஒϫઅລB-D ˚ϵŸ5˷ᚘంၚ୰ΡĂ̅/ؖڑэ̍ʙႍྱϐॿ .2 ᝝ഒʨĈڴʮϖʙ෶ĂѮഒނB.ྱϐэ͓̍ ĂϵŸ5˷ᚘߺᙷവΡڑϣྱϐॿ ڟΓϩ५ᆉ (ЃĈਰᗗނĂ͓ڑӇϒ͟ਛගᚈॿ .1 ݻᛉŸ5ַŷ60˷ᚘڑԐʙႍॿ .3 (ώăᔈؖሣ) ̅/ؖࡒϩ५ᆉ (҉ගʨొͶ ᚘ˱ഒᏞമവΡ˷60ڟD.ϵྱϐϣढؖྱϐݣ /̅(Γϩ५ᆉ (҉ਬ֖๐ނĂ͓ڑӇϒ͟ਛ๐ᚈॿ .2 (E.ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ2 (ؖࡒϩ५ᆉ (҉బ̣๐ Ӈϒ͟ਛͶჭؒჭՐᄫᗤ .3 ඝ਄Ĉ C.э̍֎ʮϖ2෶Ĉ ৖വΡ˛͵ගʨొͶؖᇁሙĄ͟ .1 ڑඝ1) ̅/ؖ౐੏๐ᚈॿ) ڑගᚈॿڟϣϪ੏ .1 ஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖψ˚ޥॾͬă୩ደă̅ড༄ደᐮ .2 ˚ϵŸ5˷ᚘంၚ୰ΡĂ̅/ؖڑэ̍ʙႍྱϐॿ .2 ᓶᗄޥʙ෶ॽૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ ĂϵŸ5˷ᚘߺᙷവΡڑϣྱϐॿ ၸФ௻ॽૉ˞͟৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼Ăؖ ݻᛉŸ5̅ŷ60˷ᚘڑԐʙႍॿ .3 ௻ॽૉᓶІϵĂѮੑᏞമ˞ࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉծഒ ᏞമĂϵྱϐ ढ෢ᔈʰ˞ઝ˸ᘰ௿ĄڟD. ˚ஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ અລB-D ᚘ˱വΡ˷60ڟϣढؖྱϐݣ ĈقE. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ2) ჳ ϐݣԐЩ఍૥ൿੑᏞമؒᏞമྱܮФղॾʡϵ֐ ඝ਄Ĉ വѰĂѮਸ਼Ъ˞ʹĂݞϻॾʡϵྱϐവѰ˞ݣĂ͟৖ ॾʡฉڟ৖വΡ˛͵ගʨొͶؖᇁሙĄ ૥ൿۨੑᏞമؒᏞമؖߥэԠФᏞമĄ̍ᆵ͟ .1 ڟϐĂѮԁಽ྇ྱܮஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖψ ฉͫФ1.2.3 ˚ѢᏍᏞമ˞֐˚ޥॾͬă୩ደă̅ড༄ደᐮ .2 ॾʡБᚭڟ ϐੑᏞമؒᏞമྱܮĂ໋ૉФ1.2.1 ֐ސ ᓶᗄޥʙ෶ॽૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ Ꮮമ͟৖Ͷ͞ੑڟढĂ҉պྱϐ˫ഓݻᛉĂ͂࢈۝ၸФ௻ॽૉ˞͟৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼Ăؖ ၚ

28 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ௐ19ߖҒវ˯CACNA1A3ૄЯѣٺ (ᐝ൭۞পّĂٕԆБ՟ѣᐝ൭ĄѣֱˠĂ͹ࢋߏշ ൭ௐ˘ݭ (FHM1 Ăଂ˘ฟؕಶߏ1.2.3 ̙ҡᐌᐝ൭̝׏ݭ࿰ЏĄ ࡎតĂ҃छ୉ّઐឨઐᐝ൭ௐ˟ݭ (FHM2) ݋дௐǬّ үૄЯീྏĂ̏ڍд൑௑Ъ1.1 ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ૄ໤۞ᐝ൭ॡĂ໤ቁ ߖҒវ˯ATP1A2ૄЯ൴ϠࡎតĄт ෧ᕝ࿰ЏᄃᝥҾ׎΁Ξਕࠎᚑࢦ়ঽ (тĈᇶॡّཝ ૄЯ۞ֲݭᑕྎЕд߁ؾ̰Ą ݭাغγĂFHM1ॡ૱ҡᐌૄېĂត଀ՀΐࢦࢋĄࢋડҾ఺ֱืઇ ੵ˞׏ݭ࿰Џাې৿ҕ) ۞൴үা Ă҃ᐝ൭ᓁߏົ΍னĄFHM1൴үॡĂΞਕົயϠې ෧၅ĄপҾߏѐ࿅40໐̖΍ன࿰ЏĂͽ࢑Шপᇈ ਜ਼)ă൴፵ăཝਖល୵Ϩҕ஧ᆧϠڃൺĂᑕАଵ ຍᙊᅪᘣ (ѣॡົ૱ܧٕܜтĈઐ۠া) ࠎ͹Ăٕ༊࿰Џؼ) ੵ׎΁ࣧЯĄ ᄃຍᙊ஄ใĄᅅ຋۞ᐝొγ๋Ξਕᄵ൴FHM1Ąࡗ 50%FHM1छलĂдᄃઐᐝ൭൴ү൑ᙯ۞ଐԛ˭ĂயϠ छ୉ّઐឨઐᐝ൭ Familial hemiplegic ၙّ႙ซّ̈ཝྻજεአĄ 1.2.4 ᒚεୀĄڼmigraine (FHM) FHM1૱జᄱ෧ࠎឩ⿔Ăጱ࡭ ೡࢗĈ ઐᐝ൭࿰ЏΒ߁۳វ൑˧Ă҃ͷ׎˘ඈٕ˟ඈᏐ̚Ă 1.2.5 ೸൴ّઐឨઐᐝ൭ Sporadic hemiplegic Ҍ͌˘ˠѣΒ߁۳វ൑˧̝ઐᐝ൭࿰ЏĄ migraine ೡࢗĈ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ઐᐝ൭࿰ЏΒ߁۳វ൑˧Ăҭ׎˘ඈٕ˟ඈᏐ֭̚൑ A.Ҍ͌ѣ2Ѩ௑Ъૄ໤B-D۞൴ү Β߁۳វ൑˧̝࿰ЏĄ B.࿰ЏΒӣԆБΞਗ਼۞۳វ൑˧Ă׶Ҍ͌˭Е˘ีĈ ĂΒ߁ϒШপᇈ (тĈ੯ᘖ۞ ෧ᕝૄ໤ĈېԆБΞਗ਼ෛᛇা .1 Ѝăᕇٕቢ) ̈́/ٕ࢑Шপᇈ (ӈෛ˧ಉε) A.Ҍ͌ѣ2Ѩ௑Ъૄ໤B-D۞൴ү ຏ) ̈́ B.࿰ЏΒӣԆБΞਗ਼۞۳វ൑˧Ă׶Ҍ͌˭Е˘ีĈוĂΒ߁ϒШপᇈ (ӈ੫ېԆБΞਗ਼ຏᛇা .2 ĂΒ߁ϒШপᇈ (тĈ੯ᘖ۞ې࢑Шপᇈ (ӈ౫͢ຏ) 1. ԆБΞਗ਼ෛᛇাٕ/ (ԆБΞਗ਼εᄬّᄬ֏ᅪᘣ Ѝăᕇٕቢ) ̈́/ٕ࢑Шপᇈ (ӈෛ˧ಉε .3 /̈́(ຏוĂΒ߁ϒШপᇈ (ӈ੫ېC.Ҍ͌׍˭Е2ีĈ 2. ԆБΞਗ਼ຏᛇা (дŸ5̶ᛗు႙யϠĂ̈́/ٕ̙ ٕ࢑Шপᇈ (ӈ౫͢ຏېҌ͌˘჌࿰Џা .1 ĂдŸ5̶ᛗ࠹ᚶ൴Ϡ 3. ԆБΞਗ਼εᄬّᄬ֏ᅪᘣېТ࿰Џা ޺ᜈŸ5̶ᛗ̈́Ŵ24̈ॡ C.Ҍ͌׍˭Е2ีĈېՏ˘჌া .2 ̙ٕ/дŸ5̶ᛗు႙யϠĂ̈́ې௑Ъ1.1൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ૄ໤B-D۞ᐝ൭Ăд࿰Џ 1. Ҍ͌˘჌࿰Џা .3 ĂдŸ5̶ᛗ࠹ᚶ൴Ϡې60̶ᛗ̰൴Ϡ Т࿰Џা۞ޢॡٕ࿰Џ ޺ᜈŸ5̶ᛗ̈́Ŵ24̈ॡېD.׎˘ඈٕ˟ඈᏐᛳ̚ĂҌ͌ѣ˘ˠ௑Ъૄ໤A-E۞ 2. Տ˘჌া ൴ү 3. ௑Ъ1.1 ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ૄ໤B-D۞ᐝ൭Ăд࿰Џ

60̶ᛗ̰൴Ϡ۞ޢ׎΁়ଈ (ො1) Тॡٕ࿰ЏٺᕩЯܧ.E D.д˘ඈٕ˟ඈᏐ̚՟ѣ௑Ъૄ໤A-E۞൴ү (׎΁়ଈ (ො1ٺᕩЯܧ.ො੃Ĉ E ঽΫăநጯă̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕЇ.1 ଈĂٕঽΫ̈́/ٕநጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵᘃ ො੃Ĉ়ี˘ Ⴗѣ఺়ଈ̝ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧၅̏གྷଵੵĂٕ 1. ঽΫăநጯă̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕЇ ఺়ଈᔵхдĂҭઐᐝ൭̝ࢵѨ൴Ϡᄃྍ়ଈ֭൑ ˘ี়ଈĂٕঽΫ̈́/ٕநጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵᘃ ॡมᕇ˯̝૜̷ᙯాĄ Ⴗѣ఺়ଈ̝ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧၅̏གྷଵੵĂٕ ఺়ଈᔵхдĂҭઐᐝ൭̝ࢵѨ൴Ϡᄃྍ়ଈ֭൑ Ĉ ॡมᕇ˯̝૜̷ᙯాĄځᄲ ࢋડ̶۳វ൑˧ᄃຏᛇಉεѣॡົѣӧᙱĄ Ĉځԧࣇਕͧͽ݈Հ໤ቁ۞ؠ ᄲֹڍາ۞᏷็ጯࡁտඕ ཌྷछ୉ّઐឨઐᐝ൭ (FHM)Ą1.2.4 छ୉ّઐឨઐᐝ ߹Җঽጯࡁտពϯ೸൴ّঽּ۞஽Җதᄃछ୉ّ ൭ ̚˘ֱপؠ۞ૄЯֲݭ̏జ൴னĈछ୉ّઐឨઐᐝ म̙кć൴үॡᄃ1.2.4 छ୉ّઐឨઐᐝ൭ ѣ࠹Т۞

ICHD-Ƕ3: ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ॽૉ߱ഴڱϐੑᏞമ୅ϫവѰ (֍ྱܮჄ֐ܮᒝӗ५ᆉĄ અ׻ վ૶ਸ਼ Ꮓ)Ąޥᄯࡌড༄ᆇ࿋Ⴤ֏͂ᐮסಹവؒॾսʙ ഴᏃߏ1.2.4 ࣜଊؒੑ܌Ăڑ᝝ഒʨॿڴ֏͂ࢨϰĄߏʟࡌ૶ਸ਼੅ؒੑᏞമցФᆷढؒ༞ড༄ ЃَФ ା̑୨ᅨϻ௻࢏ॽॾĂᄯѰ༖೜ࠎ֖Ą௻ႍॽ ᝩੑᏞമ ؖ1.2.5 ಹവؒੑᝩੑᏞമĄл˷˞˲ʪַڑॿ ĄϰڑॿܮॾʡФઅ׻ڟ ॾϻവΡϵԸؒф̸લѢᏍᆷढؒੑᝩჄͶჭॿĄ 1.2.4 ࣜଊؒੑᝩੑᏞമ ૑ӜʮĂ˗͟ඨᔞڟڑ᝝ഒʨॿڴЪĂᐖཎͫϵԠФ ੑᏞമ ĄܮੑᏞമ Basilar-type migraine ߏ1.2.6 અ׻ܮઅ׻ 1.2.6 ĂϰલവΡػഐᆌ̅ಲॉڑॿڟᕟႎĈ ௨ϻϖػઅລB અ׻੝৕ੑᏞമ (Basilar artery migraine)ăઅ׻ੑᏞമ ྆ݙĂфؾ௝ʡჲཌĄ ( ސҏᆇᛪ֗અ׻੝৕ᄴ੿ ҉λ͟৖ސסbasilar migraine) Υػծ˚ሂ) ੑᏞമվ֥̈́ࢨܮ΢અ׻܉֍੏˃༞ᄫᗤ)ĂϰЪά અ׻੝৕ੑᏞമ ؖઅ׻ੑᏞമĄڟվ ಢࡘĈ ᝗ϴປь༞ๆ̅/ؖ֍ᘞ˃༞͘୨ĂѮقੑᏞമ˞ྱϐ ᛮ˞݆േ්ೈؒॿ࢐༐܉᝝ഒʨĄ 1.3 ௽લߏੑᏞമڴ๼Ф˚ Childhood periodic syndromes that are ඨᔞઅລĈ commonly precursors of migraine വѰڟA. э̍Ф2ЩஒϫઅລB-D ೈؒ࿛ϥ Cyclical vomiting් 1.3.1 ڴĂѮԠФڑॿڟʮϖ֍෶Ӈϒ͟ਛނB. ྱϐэ͓̍ ᝝ഒʨĈ ಢࡘĈ 1. ်ࡱᄫᗤ ࿛ϥ̅ᙒࡧ⩱̖വѰĂػ࢏ѿॾʡલФڟᕭਲവؒ̆ 2. വѰĄവѰढલѢᏍᒛѓვΩ̅พႃĄڟᇁВס־ঌ๷ ֏ ๼Ӈϒ॑ͶĄڑцᅁ ػ֍ЩവѰ෢Ăॿ .3 4. ᜙ʨᄫᗤ (hypacusia) 5. ቒග ඨᔞઅລĈ വѰڟA. э̍Ф5ЩஒϫઅລB-D ڑᅅ੏̅㜆੏ගఏϣढ୰Ρගᚈॿڟϵᖖ஁ .6 ס־ᙒࡧ⩱̖̅࿛ϥĂ࢏ѿॾʡલФڟ੝Ͷቡ B. ਲവؒവѰོ .7 വѰĂݻᛉ1࢏ˉढ֗5̠ڟᘋᄫᗤ ᇁВ๎ .8 ˉϣढ֍੏๐ᚈ୴લ C. വѰढĂ1࢏ˉढ˱࿛ϥэ̍4ЩĂэ̍ݻᛉ1࢏ .9 C. э̍֎ʮϖʙ෶Ĉ ढ ๼Ӈϒ॑ͶڑϵŸ5˷ᚘంၚ୰ΡĂ̅/ؖ˚ D. ػ֍ЩവѰ෢Ăॿڑэ̍ʙႍྱϐॿ .1

(ĂϵŸ5˷ᚘߺᙷവΡ E. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ1ڑϣྱϐॿ ݻᛉŸ5̅ŷ60˷ᚘڑԐʙႍॿ .2 ᏞമĂϵྱϐढ ඝ਄ĈڟD.ஒϫ1.1ഒྱϐੑᏞമ અລB-D ᆉڟծԠФ᝗ΰࠥ༗ॽॾޥॾͬჄ୩ደᐮސᚘ˱വΡ 1. ५ѿ˷60ڟؖྱϐݣ E. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ1) ࢐Ą

Ĉقඝ਄Ĉ ჳ ʙႍ݆േढೈਲവؒьїሥཌސஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖψ ්ೈؒ࿛ϥ˚ޥॾͬă୩ደă̅ড༄ደᐮ .1 ӇϒΓલސĂϵ֍ЩവѰ˞෢ٷ૑ڟ (ᓶᗄ (self-limitingޥʙ෶ॽૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ Ķ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ˛ծΐઠЪϖڟڎĄϵ஑ʙڟ ၸФ௻ॽૉ˞͟৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼Ăؖ ᒝӗ५ᆉჄੑᏞമڟ௻ॽૉᓶІϵĂѮੑᏞമ˞ࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉծഒ ʣ݆േ්ೈؒॿ࢐༐ĄЪॿ࢐༐ ᘸѭĄ྆͞ಁБվĂϻ̟࡭ࠂՀ᝗ΰ්ೈؒڑढ෢ᔈʰ˞ઝ˸ᘰ௿Ą ߺᘰॿ ࿛ϥჄੑᏞമФᘰĄ Ĉقჳ ੑᏞമവѰశલՎػБۧЙʡĄ௨ϻॾʡܮઅ׻

30 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

1.3.2 ༜ఋੑᏞമ Abdominal migraine D.༞ྫ࿧Γલ ಢࡘĈ ಈവؒॽૉĂ५ᆉߏ ඝ਄ĈڟࡌവΡػ݆േ̺ق˚ʙႍࢨϰ લѢᏍ஁ኪؖ࿛ϥćФղവѰ๼Ф౐੏๩੝ؒᏞമ .1 ސ༜ఋΓ˛ঃമć֍ЩവѰ෢ڟਲവؒݻᛉ1э72ˉढ ࡧݙĂծѢᏍі႓ོ੝֗˛ސĄঃമുݙڟΓલ ă⩱̖̅࿛ϥĄڑvasomotor) ॿ) 1.4 ගႩሰੑᏞമ Retinal migraine ඨᔞઅລĈ ಢࡘĈ Ăծقਰᗗă๴ᔈؖͶނവѰ ࡧᕭവΡ౐஁ගᚈᄫᗤĂ͓ڟA. э̍Ф5ЩஒϫઅລB-D ᑛͶଁ) ѢᏍੑᏞമĄٽᑛؖٽB. ༜ఋঃമݻᛉ1э72ˉढ (ΐ༄ ʮϖؚФ५ᆉĈނC. ༜ఋঃമ͓ ѝ ඨᔞઅລĈסѝػ༜ఋ˛ሣĂՈᕝֺ౜ؖᘲ̾ .1 വѰڟമŇ A.э̍Ф2ЩஒϫઅລB̅Cސේമؖ ņ౷ .2 ЃĈਰᗗă) ڑؖࡧݙ B.͟Ӈϒݮಈ˞౐஁Γϩؖࡒϩගᚈॿ˛ .3 (ݾΰʮڟؖ (ϵኌ໋ޥĂ༄ΥവѰढᐮ(قD. ༜മढэ̍ʮϖ2෶വΡĈ ๴ᔈؖͶ ס౐஁ගఏীఞվሂڟಢᗲവѰढڱࡵᆓ˚ए Υૉ .1 ػזᏞമĂ෠ڟC.Фஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ અລB-D ̖⩱ .2 ᚘ˱വΡ˷60ڟ୰Ρढؖ྆ݣڑ࿛ϥ ගᚈॿ .3 4. ᒛѓვΩ D.ഒവѰढ஁ࠋᐮޥΓલ

(E. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ1) E.ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ1

ඝ਄Ĉ ඝ਄Ĉ ࢨϰĄڟقඨဆ̾૶ਸ਼֏͂ᆷढؒ౐஁Ͷڟኌ໋ ڟԠФ᝗ΰࠥ༗ؖ൫᜚ॽॾޥॾͬჄ୩ደᐮސ५ѿ .1 ᆉ࢐ĂؖЪᘸॽॾ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː૶ਸ਼Ą Ĉقჳ ФސݪьˏФ౐஁ගᚈᄫᗤĂѮ֏ဂزĈ Фղॾʡقჳ ٲॿĄೆౢҙФղॾʡ˚വΡᏞമĂѮЃЪ҉ഒڡঃമുݙːᙒࡧ֗՗̾ᆇᛪΓલ̠લ߀੝Ą ੑ േဇ˷Ꮁࡵᆓ˚एؖ⩱̖͟৖ФҨᘲĄᒛѓვ ሂჯ֏ੑᏞമΏቴĄᐖ૶ਸ਼֏͂๼̕ਔᆷढؒ౐஁Ͷ݆ ࢨϰ (ฃᗣॿ (amaurosis fugax))ĂЃගড༄ॾᝐڟق і႓ོސΩલ๼ѢᏍฃ஁ળĄϵ̍ᆵॾʡ˛Ăᒛᇘࠔ ࡌ५ᆉĄ ؖᏛ੝৕ࢥᖔĄ̺ڟڑ੝ॿ േϵ̠ݣ๼୰ΡੑᏞ݆ڟఋ˷Ф༜ఋੑᏞമ˃ മĄ 1.5 ੑᏞമցവॿ Complications of migraine ĈقՊ݆ؒേೈവѰؒঌ๷ Benign paroxysmal ჳ 1.3.3 Ⴤցവॿᐖ˷ѿഴᏃĄܮੑᏞമճڟ܉˞ vertigo of childhood ಢࡘĈ ϵ੊શ݆േ̆ᕭവ 1.5.1 ယؒੑᏞമ Chronic migraineސЪ෶͟৖ߏ୴ቴؒॽૉĂ५ᆉ ă഻ᆷăਲവؒঌ๷ծ๼ьїሥཌĄ ಢࡘĈڟѰăഒྱᚌ ʮĂੑᏞമᏞമവѰٷ૑ڟݙպ΢྆ڐϵԠФᗾ Ꮬ୥Ăݻᛉ3࢏̢̾ʰĂԐ̢ϻྀ15̠ؖය྆Ąڟ ඨᔞઅລĈ വѰڟA.э̍Ф5ЩஒϫઅລB B.ϻЩഒྱᚌᙒࡧਲവؒঌ๷ (ඝ1) ĂѮᆵ˷ᚘؖˉढ ඨᔞઅລĈ અລC̅DĂԐ̢Ÿڟ ьїሥཌĄ A.Ꮮമஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമۯݣ C.ϵ˚വѰढĂড༄ደᐮޥă᜙ʨ̅܉ࣳ͒৖ᐮޥ߱ 15̠Ăːŵ3࢏̢

Γલ B.ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉĞඝ1,2ğ

ICHD-Ƕ42 ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

ݙպ΢అЙĂ྆ڐဘ௽લ͟৖ϰᗾڑඝ਄Ĉ ծ˚႗ᆵĄࡧፖ ˉവѰݻᛉය྆72ڟᐖഴᏃཎ෶Ąۨպʡ຃ݙͶ৖܌ ஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖψ˚ޥॾͬă୩ደă̅ড༄ደᐮ.1 ᐖഴᏃߏ1.6.1 ͟৖܌ᓶᗄ ढĂѮਸ਼ЪʹүஒϫඨᔞઅລĂޥʙ෶ॽૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ ၸФ௻ॽૉ˞͟৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼Ăؖ ഒྱϐੑᏞമĄ ௻ॽૉᓶІϵĂѮੑᏞമ˞ࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉծഒ ढ෢ᔈʰ˞ઝ˸ᘰ௿Ą 1.5.3 ഒଠฬ˞ݻᛉؒྱϐ Persistent aura without ݙ infarction྆ڐ૑ӜĂф̸ஒϫ8.2 ᗾڟݙպ΢྆ڐЃФᗾ.2 պ ಢࡘĈڐઅລBĂۨ൉֗੄̥ᗾڟպ΢Ꮮമ ˛ψʙճВ ࣢ሣᆇ࿋ᘌဂФଠعೈĂѮഒޑݻᛉය྆ʙڑஒϫ1.5.1 ྱϐॿסԠФӽൡढĂ˗͟ሂٷڑ΢2࢏̢ݣĂ Ļ)Ą ฬĄقઅລB(੤Վĺჳڟ˛ ယؒੑᏞമ

Ĉ ඨᔞઅລĈقჳ ॾʡĂਸ਼ʟʙڟ Υ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ A. ཎЩവѰϵʙ࢏1. 2 ྱϐੑᏞമސॾսڟఋϋယؒੑᏞമ˃ വѰߺڟ܉ೈʹĂַ̾ޑݻᛉ ŵ1ڑցവ ؖϻႍྱϐॿڟĄϰЪĂ͟ઠယؒ˽໋ѰਲവؒੑᏞമז෠ ॿĄ ϣ ୪Ф॑Ͷ B. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉےڟယؒ˽ӜЙढĂᏞമਲവؒവѰ໋ വΡĄסʑٷĂ௻૑قชϩĂѮծΐ௝଼๿ᘌڟ Ĉقݙպ΢Ꮮ ჳ྆ڐݙպ΢ढ (҉ஒϫ8.2 ᗾ྆ڐᗾ໋ ᓶՂՎĂѮː௝͈˷ᘌဂĄͺ࢈௽ڑݻᛉྱϐॿ ڟڑశ͟৖అЙယؒॿސઅລB)Ă௻ڟമ ˛ψʙճВ -ੑᏞ લߏᖖ੏Ăф̸͟৖ݻᛉᆵ̢ؖᆵБ˞ʴĄᓶഓacetaڟ܉˞ߏ܌௩ࢨྱڟࢨϰĄϰЪĂ௻ᘸॾʡഴᏃ മճܮ (௽લߏ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ)Ă͑ʰ1.6.5 ͟৖ယ zolamide̅valproic acidဇಁ࢏ॾʡФᐓ҅ĂѮ͟ኬФ Ąڣᑛ˫ΐٽڟݙպ΢ᏞമĄ໋௻ झ྆ڐੑᏞമ ̾̅8.2.7 ͟৖ᗾؒ ݙպ΢2࢏̢ݣ˫ஒϫढĂᐖཎඨ Ά෸̾ᔗಹႄएఅᆇ૶ਸ਼ݣ˃༞ΩቴॾᝐĄʶΆ྆ڐղઅລϵ੄̥ᗾ 1.5.4 Ăфಳଣ ෸΢ႄएఅᆇ૶ਸ਼ ੑᏞമ༞ଠฬĄܮੑᏞമճڟ܉˞̅ ᔞߏ1.5.1 ယؒੑᏞമ ݙպ΢ᏞമĄЃ੄ᗾݣ2࢏̢˞˱૑྆ڐ8.2.7͟৖ᗾ 1.5.4 ੑᏞമ༞ଠฬ Migrainous infarction ݙպ΢྆ڐഴᏃߏ8.2 ᗾ܌ӜФӽൡĂ˚ϔஒϫढĂ ಢࡘĈ Ăфಳଣ1.6.5 ͟৖ယؒܮੑᏞമճڟ܉˞̅̾ Ꮮമ ʙ࠮˞੢ڑĂϵჄ֏ॿڑੑᏞമྱϐॿڟʙႍؖ̾ʰ ੑᏞമĄ ੿୰Ρীіؒ༞ॾᝐĂ༄Υড༄ᆇ࿋ᘌဂĄ ௻ղઅລᄯ෌ʙԏࠂՀĄ

ඨᔞઅລĈ ဘ Status migrainosusڑੑᏞമࡧፖ 1.5.2 ॾʡĂਸ਼ʟʙؖڟ A.ཎЩവѰϵʙ࢏1. 2 ྱϐੑᏞമ ಢࡘĈ ܮ֐ڟ܉ݻᛉŵ60˷ᚘʹĂ߱ஒϫ̾ڑϻႍྱϐॿ ੑᏞമവѰݻᛉය྆72࢏ˉढĄڟʙႍպʡ຃ݙͶ৖ വѰ B.ড༄ᆇ࿋ᘌဂϵߺᘰѝ༊͎୪ীіؒଠฬ ඨᔞઅລĈ C.ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ ॾʡĂਸ਼ʟവڟ A.ཎЩവѰϵʙ࢏1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ

ĈقവѰ ჳܮ֐ڟ܉Ѱढ෢ʹĂ߱ஒϫ̾ B. Ꮮമʮϖ֍෶५ᆉ߱қϫĈ ੑᏞമॾʡവΡীіؒ˛ࡳ͟˷ᘸߏĈੑᏞമϫ ෢ᔞݻᛉය྆72ˉढ ցФ֏͂ࢨϰ̕വ˞༞ଠฬć֏͂ࢨϰ˞༞ଠฬĂ֏˚ .1 ˛ϐੑᏞമവѰ໋ྱܮᘸѭྱϐੑᏞമćؖϵ֐ڑࡧݙᏞമ ॿ .2 C. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ വΡ༞ଠฬĄͫФశݣʙႍஒϫ1.5.4 ੑᏞമ༞ଠ ฬĄ Ĉقჳ Ёಁ࢏ࠂՀːඡဂϵ45ຑ̾ʮ˞˄ؒĂੑᏞമ๼ պ΢ф୰Ρ഻ᆷሥཌڐᏞമϰႃ঎ф˛ᔞĂַᗾ ഒൖባĄצᅨ͑༞˛ࡳ˞ࡳᏎĂѮϵԸؒ̅тએʡ

32 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

અລA-DڟψʙճВڟੑᏞമ̕വ˞ᝪ⾕വѰ Migraine-triggered ͺ 1.5.5 seizure B. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ Ĉقჳ ᝪ⾕വѰĄ 1.6.5 ͟৖ယؒੑᏞമ Probable chronic migraineڟΥੑᏞമྱϐჶവ ඨᔞઅລĈ અລC̅DĂԐ̢Ÿڟ ඨᔞઅລĈ A. Ꮮമஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ A.ੑᏞമஒϫ1.2 ྱϐੑᏞമ ˞અລ 15̠Ăːŵ3࢏̢ 2࢏̢ڟĂծϵੑᏞ B. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ1) ĂѮ୪ϵؖ྆͞ܮB.ᝪ⾕വѰஒϫᝪ⾕വѰඨᔞઅລ˞ʙ ݙպ྆ڐ૑ӜĂஒϫ8.2 ᗾڟݙպ΢྆ڐമྱϐവѰ˛ؖവѰݣʙˉढ˱വΡ ˛ĂФᗾ અລBڟ΢Ꮮമ˛ψʙճВ Ĉقჳ ս˅Ąᘸѭ ඝ਄Ĉܮ֐ڟവѰؒ༞ॽૉސ⾕ੑᏞമ̅ᝪ ஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖψ˚ޥੑ 1. ॾͬă୩ደă̅ড༄ደᐮސ܌ᏞമĂલϵᝪ⾕വѰ˞ݣ୰ΡĂФढڟੑᏞമ ᓶᗄޥᏞമവѰ໋˛ؖ྆ݣവΡᝪ⾕വѰĄ௻࢏୪ණФढ࢐ ʙ෶ॽૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ ॾʡೆ ၸФ௻ॽૉ˞͟৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼Ăؖڟႎ˞ߏੑᝪ⾕ (migralepsy)ćϵྱϐੑᏞമ ௝ಢࡘ྆Ą ௻ॽૉᓶІϵĂѮੑᏞമ˞ࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉծഒ ढ෢ᔈʰ˞ઝ˸ᘰ௿Ą 1.6 ͟৖ੑᏞമ Probable migraine ᕟႎĈ ͑ᅑϰশ ᘸੑᏞമॽૉ (Migrainous disorder) ੑᏞമ͟৖๼ϰߏʙղϰশф͑ᅑĄ໋ॾʡːஒϫੑ ೈ۝ݙჄᏜ୥ϵߺဇфՐുڟഴᏃ͂௎Ĉ ᏞമඨᔞઅລढĂവѰ ϰশфᅨסʮĂ๼ϰ५ٷೈؖᆵ̢) ૑ޑᆵސ௽લ)ڟ ੑᏞമ)ĂؒڑᏞമ(ॿڟΥ֏͂ॽૉցവᘸѭੑᏞമ ڟ๼ᐆʨăᏜᒅڥĈ̖୩ނᅑϰশ͓͑ڟᄯഴᏃཎॽૉ˞̈́ሆĄ ͑Ąલౢҙ ᑗ࿪ϰশĄڟᚸ֥ҤਨႠ෽ट̅֏͂ ಢࡘĈ (ჶϰ(۴വϰশ ڟஒϫʰࡘʙႍॽॾۯവѰ̅/ؖᏞമਸ਼ʙ෶५ᆉʹĂ ϒఋઅລ (1.6.3 ͟৖௽લߏੑᏞമ܉ᛮ˞݆േ්ೈ ჶϰᅨ͑ੑᏞമॾʡ഻ೈ˱ (௽લŴ48ˉढ) ੑᏞമവ (ጠ୥ĄᓶഓʙղჶϰːΥ޺їॾደ(սЃĈ̢༄ڟѰ ؛ΐ௝צ܉ॿ࢐༐ ַ1.6.4 ͟৖ගႩሰੑᏞമĂάؒ ( ) ჯ)Ą ؖᒝӗཐ᝛ սЃĈͽѺʨă಼ۡ̑୯̈́፥ ЁЁࠂՀ ᘲ̾ሂჯĄܓ۽ϰَᘰڟ࢏रސĂѮ྆ 1.6.1 ͟৖ഒྱϐੑᏞമ Probable migraine without aura ࡧࡌ̜ᙦ ඨᔞઅລĈ 1. Migraine in general ࣯֏˛ψѤʙ෶Ă౷Ӈϒஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമצ.A Bille B. Migraine in childhood and its prognosis. ephalalgia અລA-D 1991; 1:71ė5. -B. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ Blau JN. Migraine prodromes separated from the aura: com plete migraine. BMJ 1980; 281:658ė60. Diener HC, Tfelt-Hansen P. Headaches associated with chronic Ĉ use of substances. In Olesen J, Tfelt-Hansen P Welch KMAقჳ .Ѓॾʡஒϫ1.5.1 ယؒੑᏞമ ؖ1.5.2 ੑᏞമࡧ (eds). The Headaches. New York, Haven Press; 1993: pp 721 7. અລĂ౷˚͟ഴᏃߏ1.6.1 ͟৖ഒྱϐੑᏞ ėڟ ဘڑፖ Goadsby PJ, Lipton RB, Ferrari MD. Migraine ė current under- മĄ standing and treatment. New Engl J Med 2002; 346:257ė70. Lance JW, Anthony M. Some clinical aspects of migraine. A 1.6.2 ͟৖ྱϐੑᏞമ Probable migraine with aura prospective survey of 500 patients. Arch Neurol 1966; 15:356ė61. ඨᔞઅລĈ Olesen J, Lipton RB. Migraine classification and diagnosis. ;࣯֏˛ψѤʙ෶Ă౷Ӈϒஒϫ1. 2 ྱϐੑᏞമ ؖ International Headache Society criteria. 1994צ.A 44(Suppl 4):6ė10.

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ሆĄ̈́ڟᏞമ Tension-type headache headache) ᄯഴᏃػཎॽૉܮႧᑻ .2 (TTH) Ĉقʙৡჳ ĉސ߱ڱֺଂݘ ᚍ ࢨവؒؖЩവؒᏞമؖ֍ ˦ి̴ ᏞമࡶЩവΡढĂढڟᏞമ५ᆉܮʙ࢏֎Ⴇᑻ໋ ॽૉФઝ˸ᘰ௿ڟ๼అЙᏞമڣᏞമ (Infrequent episodic ෢ᔈʰʬჄͪʙːܮલവਲവؒႧᑻ˚ 2.1 tension-type headache) ЩവؒᏞമĄڟĂઠ֏ഴᏃߏᔪϰػཎॽૉؚ̕വڱ Ꮮമಌ˽Ăϵढ෢ᔈʰჄͪʙːܮІϵ˞ႧᑻދᏞമϫցនֺᐆമ ЃَܮલവਲവؒႧᑻ˚ 2.1.1 Ф֍ႍ͟৖ؒĂ̸ᄯ܌ॽૉઝ˸ᘰ௿ĂڟInfrequent episodic tension-type headache ๼అЙᏞമ) ᏞമĂؖඨᔞߏܮassociated with pericranial tenderness) ࡌ͑̾ҀᔞĄॾʡ̾͟ඨᔞߏႧᑻ ЩവؒڟᏞമჄͪʙॽૉؚ̕ਔܮᏞമ˚ϫցនֺᐆമ ֍ႍᏞമĂ҉ႧᑻܮલവਲവؒႧᑻ˚ 2.1.2 ˷ϰশߏĈჄཎॽૉФʪڟඨᔞڱInfrequent episodic tension-type headache ᏞമĄ̛ݻ͑ʰݣ) ˷᝗ಌ˽ăФ͈قᏞമФܮढ෢ᔈᘰᒒăႧᑻڟ˸not associated with pericranial tenderness) ઝ Ꮮമă̸శݣĂܮᏞമ(Frequent episodic tension- ᘌጃᘌဂཎॽૉ৖అЙؖಌ˽Ⴇᑻܮ༄લਲവؒႧᑻ 2.2 ᏞമӽൡؖሥཌĄܮtype headache) ໋ཎॽૉݮಈݣႧᑻ Ꮮമϫցនֺᐆമܮ༄લਲവؒႧᑻ 2.2.1 (Frequent episodic tension-type headache ܉ՐĈ ࢨവؒᏞമĈ˚ϣࠂՀ᝗ڟᏞമߏశલՎܮassociated with pericranial tenderness) Ⴇᑻ Ꮮമ˚ϫցនֺᐆ ΰʙৡʡʿ˞த՘୾ї୥ૃ30%֗78%Ąܮ༄લਲവؒႧᑻ 2.2.2 ༄ᆇᛪʨ˞ձဂĂͺϣढڥڟFrequent episodic tension-type headache not ዑ႓ͺ֎Фశ਽ݙ) ࢨവؒᏞമĄڟశী̼ࠂՀސassociated with pericranial tenderness) ʶ ĂѮьڟϰ̖ؒސ௝ჯߏ̺ࡌ܉Ꮮമ̾ܮᏞമ (Chronic tension-type headache) ᓶഓЪܮယؒႧᑻ 2.3 Ķ੽ᄬᏞമॽૉ˷ᘸķྵ΀ݣĂ௨ϻᏍݣ෌їڎᏞമϫցនֺᐆമ (Chronic ஑ʙܮယؒႧᑻ 2.3.1 ФސᏞമܮĂႧᑻܮճڟtension-type headache associated with ࠂՀ຃ʨݚᚊэ̍ϵྲྀᙒࡧ ደઅᕃĄڐpericranial tenderness) ֏ড༄Ρ Ꮮമ˷ߏਲവؒჄܮᏞമ˷ᘸ˛ĂႧᑻڎᏞമ˚ϫցនֺᐆമ (Chronic ϵ஑ʙܮယؒႧᑻ 2.3.2 ʙႍ๼ސܮtension-type headache not associated with ယؒ֍ႍĂː༄௝ᘌဂ຃ߏФ΢Ąယؒճ pericranial tenderness) ܉ᙒࡧॽॾĄάڟቴծఅЙ਽ݙͶ৖ܢ౽࡬ѳΡ߀˃ Ꮮമϔ˷ߏᏞമവѰЩܮઠਲവؒႧᑻסΏːԚڎᏞമ (Probable tension-type headache) Ъܮ৖Ⴇᑻ͟ 2.4 ༄લַܮલവ (infrequent)ճ˚ڟᏞമ (Probable ᆵ̍ػԐ࢏̢1Щܮ৖˚લവਲവؒႧᑻ͟ 2.4.1 infrequent episodic tension-type headache) ᆇᛪݞˉĂ˚ࢄڟဇ࢏ʡܮĄ˚લവճܮfrequent)ճ) Ꮮമ (Probable ુᖂᑛટ๾̊ϻ٧๎ĄഓфĂ༄લؒᏞമॾʡ͟኏֧ܮ৖༄લਲവؒႧᑻ͟ 2.4.2 frequent episodic tension-type headache) ᗾڟපַྱթؒفͶ৖Ă̸Фढᄯࡌڟߺ໋ുݙ֗ ࢏ʡڟѢᏍॾʡͶ৖̅਽ᖞސᒂܮĄ໋ഓĂယؒճڐ Ꮮമ (Probable chronicܮ৖ယؒႧᑻ͟ 2.4.3 tension-type headache) ༄ЙΏĄڥַ ೆ١ᔞϴӰॾʡ˷ߏ֎ַ˚֎នֺъшॽڎ஑ʙ ĂѮٲᘸ˷ڟʙႍФझސႍĄᓶഓ௻ː௝ᘌဂܮᕟႎĈ ૉ֍ ˚ᐆമ๐Ăфڟᚉඨढސ੢˷५ᆉڟੲʙ঍ΓФ΢ސ -Ⴇ઻ؒᏞമ ()ăъшНᑻؒᏞമ (mus ъྫ࿧(surface EMG)ؖᐆے᝝ૃڟؚݚᚊڎЃ஑ʙސ -cle contraction headache)ă̖୩ъϰؒᏞമ (psyhomyo ᘌጃĄϰЪĂӨ࢈ڟgenic headache)ăᐆʨؒᏞമ (stress headache)ă౶લ ʨഁമᅈ(pressure algometry)ؚુ ܮᚉඨվ˷ᘸႧᑻڟૡᐆВސᏞമ (ordinary headache)ăΏဘؒᏞമ (essential ୪ϵͫպ΢ᚉඨĂశЁؒ Ąܮʭႍճڟࢨϰ˞Ꮮമ (idiopathic headache) ̖̅ Ꮮമق˚headache)ă Ąֺᘞঃമጠᕽق˚܉ሂ˸ጠᕽάڟᏞമܮϰؒᏞമ (psychogenic headache) Ⴇᑻ Ꮮമ ַ2.2 ༄લਲܮ຃͟৖ϵ2.1 ˚લവਲവؒႧᑻ ՏѓĂഓфòᆾঃമጠסᏞമ Ӹ။ʙܮഴᏃ͂௎Ĉ വؒႧᑻ Ӹ။ࡧࡌՏѓĄΏЪ˷ᘸ܌ ᏞമܮᏞമ (Tension-type-like ᕽϵ2.3 ယؒႧᑻܮᘸѭႧᑻڟᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ

38 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Ѩ؎ࣶົခᐽଂְՀкღᒺݭᐝ൭۞ঽநϠநጯ፟ᖼ Ⴗѣ఺়ଈ̝ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧၅̏གྷଵੵĄٕ ᒚ̝ࡁտĄ ఺়ଈᔵхдĂҭᐝ൭̝ࢵѨ൴Ϡᄃྍ়ଈ֭൑ॡڼ׶ ࢎؠ۞෧ᕝૄ໤Ă มᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాĄۍ˘ĂᖣϤௐܫԧࣇѣநϤ࠹ ൳ᐂдੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭۞ঽˠ̚Βӣ˞˘ֱᅅ຋ݭ ׹ᑅ൭្׀൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ঽˠĂ҃൳ᐂдၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭۞ঽ 2.1.1 ̙૱൴ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭Ъ۞ ˠ̚˵Βӣ˞˘ֱၙّઐᐝ൭ঽˠĄᓜԖགྷរ˵้Ш Infrequent episodic tension-type headache associated ఺჌ᘃႷĂ͍׎ߏѣֱঽˠ˵ѣઐᐝ൭۞൴ү҃ѣֱ with pericranial tenderness ঽˠ˵ਕ΍ன׏ݭઐᐝ൭۞ঽநϠநጯপᇈ (Schoenen ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ღۍ˟et al., 1987) !! дώ̶ᙷѨ؎ࣶ!!!!Ăဘྏ૟ௐ ૄ۞ A. ᐝ൭൴ү௑Ъ2.1̙૱൴ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ ᒺݭᐝ൭۞෧ᕝૄ໤ࢎ଀ՀᚑᖰĂԓ୕ԯܑனݭᙷҬ ໤A-E ღᒺݭᐝ൭۞ઐᐝ൭ঽˠଵੵдγĄ൒҃Ă఺ᇹΞਕ B. ᛈ෧ົᆧΐ្׹ᑅ൭ ࢫҲૄ໤۞ୂຏّĂͷ֭൑ᙋፂពϯ఺ᇹ۞Լត૲ົ ᐂ̚݋೩ܢ྿јВᙊĂҭдڱр఍ĄЯѩĂᔵ൒൑ֽ ׹ᑅ൭្׀൴ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭̙Ъ૱̙ 2.1.2 ࣎າͷྵᚑᖰ۞A2 ღᒺݭᐝ൭ ෧ᕝૄ໤ Ąώ˘˞ֻ Infrequent episodic tension-type headache not -ቁૄ໤ (explicit criځᛉΝͧྵֶፂޙᙷѨ؎ࣶົĂ̶ associated with pericranial tenderness ᐂૄ໤҃෧ᕝ۞ঽܢteria) ҃෧ᕝ۞ঽˠ׶׎΁ֶፂ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ঽநϠநጯ፟ٺᓜԖপᇈĂ˵ዋϡٺˠĄ఺่̙ዋϡ ૄ۞ ᒚͅᑕĄ A. ᐝ൭൴ү௑Ъ2.1̙૱൴ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ڼᖼ̈́ ໤A-E B. ្׹ᑅ൭̙ົᆧΐ ൴ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ Infrequent૱̙ 2.1 Ĉځepisodic tension-type headache ᄲ ღᒺݭᐝ൭ঽˠĂ౵ࢦ̂۞ள૱൴னߏᖣϤᛈ෧ ೡࢗĈ ׶ᐛத۞ᆧΐĂᑅ൭ޘᆧΐ۞្׹ᑅ൭Ąᐌ඾ᐝ൭ૻ ൴̝ᐝ൭൴үĂՏѨ޺ᜈᇴ̶ᛗҌᇴ͟Ą׏૱̙ ৌϒᐝ൭൴үॡົՀΐૻĄЯ҉࿪ဦ׶ٺᆧΐĂͷົ Ăͷޘ̚זᅅޘݭ̝ᐝ൭ࠎᗕ઎Ăᑅٕ࢝ღᒺّĂ඀ ૟఺ֱ੃̏ۍ˟ᑅ˧ീ൭ᆇ۞෧ᕝᆊࣃѣࢨĂЯѩௐ ͟૱߿જ̙ົΐᆐᐝ൭Ą൑⪰͕̝ன෪ĂҭΞͽѣࠦ གྷϤࢴ޽׶̚޽дᗝ҉Ă㝅ٽӁੵĄ្׹ᑅ൭टྶ ЍُٕӝĄ -pterygoid)Ă਒ᗆ֯ࡎ҉(sternoclei) ҉ېĂᚒ҉Ăᓍ҉ ಼̈۞(domastoid)Ăӵ҉(splenius)׶୆͞҉(trapezius ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ୊ᖼொજ׶߉˧޷ᑅ(ֹϡᛈ෧ጡᅃӄ(palpometer)Հޘ A. Ҍ͌ѣ˩Ѩਕ௑Ъૄ໤B-D̝൴үĂͷ൴үπӮՏ ͽ0-ޘᛈ෧͞ёߤᛇĄдՏ˘҉҇۞Ԋొᑅ൭඀۞(ָ ͡Ŵ1͟ĞՏѐŴ12͟ğ 3̶ࢍზĂБొΐᓁ੓ֽΞјࠎ࣎ˠ۞ᓁᑅ൭޽ᇴ B. ᐝ൭޺ᜈ30̶ᛗҌ7͟ ϡ˘࣎Ξͽଠᑅ۞၆ֹځtotal tenderness score)Ą̏ᙋ) C. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˟ีপᇈĈ ᑅ˧ୂຏ̝ᆇጡĂΞֹᓜԖᑭߤՀϒቁͷΞజࢦᖬ 1. ᗕ઎ (reproducible)Ą൒҃ĂЯ˘ਠᓜԖᗁर̂к՟ѣ఺჌ ຨજّğܧᑅ࢝/ღᒺّĞ .2 ᛉᓜԖᗁरΪࢋֹϡ็௚۞ᛈ෧ᑭߤޙᆇጡĂٙͽ ޘᅅٕ̚ޘ඀ .3 Ąڱ ሁୗ҃ΐᆐۊЯ͟૱߿જт֕ྮٕ̙ .4 ᒚ͞੫۞ѣड़޽͔Ă˵Ξͽᆧΐঽଐྋڼᛈ෧ߏ D.˭Е׌ี࠰௑ЪĈ ĄޘᏥܫᛖ˯۞ᆊࣃ׶Ξ ൑⪰͕ٕယФĞΞѣࢴᇒ̙ॎğ .1 ې౵кΪѣࠦЍُٕӝ׎̚˘ีা .2 ׎΁়ଈ (ො1) 2.2 གྷ૱ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ Frequent episodicٺᕩЯܧ .E tension-type headache ො੃Ĉ ೡࢗĈ ঽΫăநጯ̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕ̝Ї .1 གྷ૱̝ᐝ൭൴үĂՏѨ޺ᜈᇴ̶ᛗҌᇴ͟Ą׏ݭ ଈĂٕঽΫ̈́/ٕநጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵᘃ়ี˘ Ăͷ͟ޘ̚זᅅޘᐝ൭ࠎᗕ઎Ăᑅٕ࢝ღᒺّĂ඀̝

ICHD-Ƕ4: ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

લ߀੝˚๼͑ᅑᏞമĄഒ⩱̖˞୪ණĂѮ̾͟Фߧώ ඨᔞઅລĈ અລڟ ᏞമܮؖؐҞĄ A. ᏞമവѰஒϫ2.2 ༄લਲവؒႧᑻ A-E ඨᔞઅລĈ B. នֺᐆമ˚๼ᅨ͑ A. э̍ФʪЩ৖ஒϫઅລB-D˞വѰĂ̸വѰ΁үԐ ̢Ÿ1̠ѮŴ15̠Ăːэ̍ʭ࢏̢ĞԐБŸ12̸̠ ᏞമChronic tension-typeܮŴ180̠ğĄ 2.3 ယؒႧᑻ B. Ꮮമݻᛉ30˷ᚘэ7̠ headache C. Ꮮമэ̍֎ʮϖʠ෶५ᆉĈ ഴᏃ͂௎Ĉ 1. ᖖ੏ ๳വΡԐ̠ݻᛉؒᏞമ 4.8 ᐆ࡞/ႧᑻؒĞۨ๩੝ؒğ .2 ݙᄆؖ˛ݙു.3 ಢࡘĈ ᇂଘф͑ᅑڋϰ̠લ߀੝ЃՖ཯ؖ˚.4 Ꮮമ။ᝐфվĂԐ̠ؖܮΥਲവؒႧᑻސЪॽૉ D.ʮϖ֍෶߱ஒϫĈ Ꮮ˞ܮവѰĂԐЩݻᛉᆵ˷ᚘэᆵ̠Ą֐ڟલᏜᒅۨ 1. ഒ⩱̖ؖ࿛ϥĞ͟৖Фࡵᆓ˚एğ മߏᖖ੏Ăᐆ࡞ؖႧᑻؒĂുݙᄆ֗˛ݙĂ˚ϰ̠લ ߀੝ф͑ᅑĄ͟৖Фᄆݙ⩱̖ăߧώؖؐҞĄ ڑశϻͫФߧώؖؐҞ֏˛ʙ෶ॿ .2 (E. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ (ඝ1 ඨᔞઅລĈ ඝ਄Ĉ A.Ꮮമ΁үവѰԐ̢Ÿ15̠Ăːŵ3࢏̢ĞԐБŸ180 ஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖ˞ψ˚ޥॾͬă୩ደ̅ড༄ደᐮ.1 ̠ğ̸ஒϫઅລB-D (ඝ1) ᓶᗄ B.Ꮮമݻᛉᆵˉढؖ͟৖ݻᛉ˚ᔞޥʙ෶ॽૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ ၸФ௻ॽૉ˞͟৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼Ąؖ C. Ꮮമэ̍ϫցʮϖʠ෶५ᆉĈ ௻ॽૉᓶІϵĂѮႧᑻܮᏞമ˞ࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉ 1. ᖖ੏ ծഒढ෢ᔈʰઝ˸ᘰ௿Ą ᐆ࡞/ႧᑻؒĞۨ๩੝ؒğ .2 ݙᄆؖ˛ݙു .3 Ĉقჳ ᇂଘф͑ᅑڋϰ̠લ߀੝ЃՖ཯ؖ˚ .4 ᏞമલલჄഒྱϐੑᏞമϣढІܮ༄લؒႧᑻ D. ஒϫʮϖ֍෶Ĉ ᏞമĂశЁ̾ඨܮႧᑻڟϵĄϵੑᏞമॾʡ՘ʰծІ ڑశϻͫФߧώăؐҞؖᄆݙ⩱̖֏˛ʙ෶ॿ .1 ᏞമܮᑛੑᏞമჄႧᑻٽᔞВᏞമ̠წሂჯ͎վĄϰ ഒ˛ؖࡧݙ⩱̖ʶഒ࿛ϥ .2 ᑛ̟ВծᓗٽڟВߺ໋˚ϣĂф̸ߏʟᎵጅΓሂ̟ڟ (E. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉ(ඝ2;3 ݙպ΢ᏞമĂ଀Չॾʡ੢ѿ௻֍ႍᏞമ྆ڐѻఅЙᗾ Ąڟݞࡧࡌސ ඝ਄Ĉ 1. 2.3 Ꮮമܮढ෢ΥਲവؒႧᑻ۝ސ ᏞമܮᏞമϫցនֺᐆമ ယؒႧᑻܮ༄લਲവؒႧᑻ 2.2.1 ሂϴػقFrequent episodic tension-type headache associated ။ᝐфվć࠷Ꮮമஒϫ௻ղઅລA-EĂ̸ with pericranial tenderness ஑ʙЩവΡݣŴ3̠˱ĂᏞമ҉Ԑ̠വѰ̸ഒሥ זഴᏃߏ4.8๳വΡԐ̠ݻᛉؒᏞമĄ໋෠܌ཌĂ ඨᔞઅລĈ ഴᏃߏ2.3ယؒ܌ढĂס૑Ӝ˚਄ુؖ˚ሂڟവѰ અລڟ ᏞമܮA. ᏞമവѰஒϫ2.2 ༄લਲവؒႧᑻ A-E ႧᑻܮᏞമĄ ஒϫ஑5э12༐ؚϖ˞ψ˚ޥB. ᚉඨ๼ᅨ͑នֺᐆമ 2. ॾͬă୩ደ̅ড༄ደᐮ ᓶᗄޥʙ෶ॽૉĂؖॾͬ̅/ؖ୩ደ̅/ؖড༄ደᐮ Ꮮമ˚ϫցនֺᐆമ ၸФ௻ॽૉ˞͟৖ؒĂѮ༄ኌ໋ඨဆː༄૶ਸ਼Ąؖܮ༄લਲവؒႧᑻ 2.2.2 Frequent episodic tension-type headache not ௻ॽૉᓶІϵĂѮႧᑻܮᏞമ˞ࡶЩവΡჄཎॽૉ associated with pericranial tenderness ծഒढ෢ᔈʰઝ˸ᘰ௿Ą ˛ ݙպ΢Ꮮമ྆ڐݙպ΢ծஒϫ8.2 ᗾ྆ڐФᗾ໋ .3 ҏ๼ஒϫઅລEĂސס৖ሂ˚צઅລBĂڟψѤճВ

40 ICHD-Ƕ ڎ஑ʠڎ̜˛ ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸ

:Ą ඨᔞઅລס2࢏̢ݣ˫ΐᑕુӽൡढ˗৖ሂڐᄯ൉֗੄̥ᗾ Ꮮമ અລA-EܮğĄ A.Ꮮമஒϫ2.3ယؒႧᑻقĞቜՎჳ B.នֺᐆമ˚๼ᅨ͑ Ĉقჳ Ꮮമ Probable tension-typeܮယ 2.4 ͟৖Ⴇᑻ 1.5.1ڟؚ͑ʣ˛ڎĶ੽ᄬᏞമॽॾ˷ᘸķ஑ʠ ੑᏞമ Ă୰Ρʟʙ࢏ᜦѿЪᏞമַ 2.3 ယؒႧᑻ headacheؒ ĈقᖠĄ֍ႍඨᔞ߱ࡌԑ1࢏̢э̍Ф15 ჳੰڟᏞമ ඨᔞܮ ͟ ॾʡʶ௨λஒϫ1.6ڟᏞമઅລğĄϰ ஒϫ௻ղઅລ֏˛ʙࣈܮᏞമĞ˷ѿஒϫੑᏞമؖႧᑻڟ̠ ЪĂ୩ባʰʙ࢏ॾʡ̾͟ϣढஒϫ௻֍ႍඨᔞĄۨલ અລĄϵ௻ղॾս˛Ăᐖպڟ৖ੑᏞമ ˛ʙ࢏ճВ Ꮮമ̸߱ஒϫ1.5.1 ယڟॾʡԐ̢Ф15ؖԁϻ̠ڟᆵ̍ եʙႍඨᔞྲྀ͟৖ĄסཥटվԚڟ΢֏͂͟ુ֗ ඨᔞઅລĄ໋Ͳڟ ᏞമܮੑᏞമ ַ2.3 ယؒႧᑻؒ Ꮮമ Probableܮ෶Ꮮമ५ᆉ˛Ф֍෶Ğ̸ͫФ֍෶ğ̸ѢᏍൿᄆݙ⩱ 2.4.1 ͟৖˚લവਲവؒႧᑻ ॾս˛Ă֏͂˚ϵࢨ infrequent episodic tension-typeڟ౷Ф͟৖ЃЪĄϵ௻ղՂՎ̖ ᒝӗᘌጃᐖ௝ϖʣуᆌĂ̸ᒝӗڟ˛ሂඨᔞઅລقվ ඨᔞઅລĈ ڟϻ̍ЩᏞമסඨᔞᎵጅĄ໋˚ሂڟᖂࣱᐖշጃశЁ ࣯֏˛ψѤʙ෶ĂവѰ౷Ӈϒஒϫ2.1 ˚લവਲצ .A અລढĂ຃ʨݚᚊպ΢ڟവѰஒϫЪࣈؖ֏͂ࣈᏞമ Ꮮമ અລA-DܮඨᔞؒВᏞമ̠წĄ വؒႧᑻڟᕁؒ܉ വѰڟ ૑ӜĄ B. ˚ஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമڟݙպ΢྆ڐॾս˛Фᗾڟסϵ௨ϻ˚ሂ ψѤճВ˞અລB C. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉڟ˛ ݙպ΢Ꮮമ྆ڐ࠷ஒϫ8.2 ᗾ Ꮮമ ͑ʰܮढĂ౷ྱ௩ഴᏃߏ2.4.3 ͟৖ယؒႧᑻ Ꮮമ Probableܮ૑ 2.4.2 ͟৖༄લਲവؒႧᑻڟݙպ΢྆ڐݙպ΢ᏞമĄ໋ᗾ྆ڐ৖ᗾ͟ 8.2.7 frequent episodic tension-type headache Ӝ੄̥2࢏̢ݣ˫ഓஒϫ௻ղઅລढĂ౷ᐖඨᔞߏ2.3 ݙպ΢Ꮮ ඨᔞઅລĈ྆ڐᏞമĂЪढ8.2.7 ͟৖ᗾܮယؒႧᑻ A. 2.2 ࣯֏˛ψѤʙ෶ĂവѰ౷Ӈϒஒϫ ༄લਲവצ ψѤढ࢐ϰߏڟ˱ඨᔞᐖ௝૶ਸ਼Ą੅Ѓϵ2࢏̢ڟ മ Ꮮമ અລA-DܮᏞമॾ૑ᑕુӽൡ̸˚ϔஒϫ௻ղઅລढĂ౷ᐖඨᔞ ؒႧᑻ വѰڟ ݙպ΢ᏞമĂЪढ2.4.3 ͟৖ယؒႧᑻ B.˚ஒϫ1.1 ഒྱϐੑᏞമ྆ڐߏ8.2 ᗾ ඨᔞᐖ௝૶ਸ਼Ą C.ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉڟᏞമܮ ॾʡĂЃَФᙒࡧڟᏞമܮᐖ˸਄ФղယؒႧᑻ ᏞമProbable chronicܮ५ᆉćߺ 2.4.3 ͟৖ယؒႧᑻڟ(ᏞമĂ๼୰ΡᘸѭੑᏞമ (migrainelikeڟ ̆ϴĂФղੑᏞമॾʡ܌୰Ρ๕վ๕ᏜᒅᘸѭႧᑻܮ tension-type headache ˞੢෢Ꮮമ(tension-type-like interval headaches)Ăഓф ඨᔞઅລĈ Ώቴэˬᓙ˚଼๿Ą A.Ꮮമ΁үവѰԐ̢Ÿ15̠ːŵ3࢏̢ĞԐБŸ180ڟЪ୪ණ ̠ğĂ̸ஒϫઅລB-D Ꮮമϫցនֺᐆമ Chronic B.Ꮮമݻᛉᆵˉढؖ͟৖ݻᛉ˚ᔞܮယؒႧᑻ 2.3.1 tension-type headache associated with pericranial C. Ꮮമэ̍֎ʮϖʠ෶५ᆉĈ tenderness 1. ᖖ੏ ඨᔞઅລĈ 2. ᐆ࡞/ႧᑻؒĞۨ๩੝ؒğ Ꮮമ અລA-E 3. ുݙᄆؖ˛ݙܮA.Ꮮമஒϫ2.3ယؒႧᑻ ᇂଘф͑ᅑڋB.ᚉඨ๼ᅨ͑នֺᐆമ 4. ˚ϰ̠લ߀੝ЃՖ཯ؖ D. ஒϫʮϖ֍෶Ĉ ڑᏞമ˚ϫցនֺᐆമ Chronic 1. శϻͫФߧώăؐҞؖᄆݙ⩱̖֏˛ʙ෶ॿܮယؒႧᑻ 2.3.2 tension-type headache not associated with pericranial 2. ഒ˛ؖࡧݙ⩱̖ʶഒ࿛ϥ tenderness E. ۨᔪϰػ֏͂ॽૉĂѮ୪ϵؖೆϵశۖ2࢏̢˱Ф ݙպ΢Ꮮമ ˞ψѤճ྆ڐݙպ΢ஒϫ8.2 ᗾ྆ڐᗾ В˞અລB

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44 ICHD-ǜ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ৠགྷᐝ൭ ֱা࣏ཏົ߿̼ϒ૱ˠវ̝ˬ˽ৠགྷઘϹຏৠགྷͅޠᕍ൴ّᐝ൭̈́׎΁ˬ˽ҋ .3 Cluster headache and other trigeminal डĂҡᐌѨ൴្ّొϹຏৠགྷΑਕள૱Ą) ˘̙ྵېৠགྷাޠ޺ᜈّΗᙝᐝ൭ ្̝ొҋ ׎΁ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭Ą.4 ٺautonomic cephalalgias) ؠĂ߇૟׎ᕩ ౘރԈ ౘࢮ྿ ᛌ

ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ (Cluster headache) 3.1 ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ Cluster headache 3.1 ൴ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ (Episodic cluster headache) ᖞჍĈੱ 3.1.1 -វৠགྷ൭(Ciliary neuralgia)ăᐝొ۳ბࡓ൭ঽ(eryې༘ (ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ (Chronic cluster headacheّၙ 3.1.2 -൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ (Paroxysmal hemicrania) thro-melalgia of the head)ăBingͩࢬొࡓ൭ঽ(erythro 3.2 3.2.1ੱ൴൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ (Episodic paroxysmal prosopalgia of Bing)ăΗᙝᐝ൭ҕგ౫༑(hemicrania hemicrania) angioparalytica)ăၙّৠགྷ൭ّΗᙝᐝ൭(hemicrania -൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭(CPH) (Chronic paroxys- neuralgiformis chronica)ă௡ᖐ῔ᐝ൭(histaminic cephaّၙ 3.2.2 mal hemicrania (CPH)) lalgia)ăHortonͩᐝ൭(HortonŅs headache)ăHarris- 3.3 ඕቯ·ҕ̈́߹ஊ Hortonͩঽ(Harris-HortonŅsdisease)ă(Harrisͩ)ᙷઐᐝ׀ൺᇶಏ઎ৠགྷ൭ّᐝ൭൴ү (SUNCT) (Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform ൭̝ৠགྷ൭(migrainous neuralgia (of Harris))ă(Gardner headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tear- ৠགྷ൭(petrosal neuralgia (of Gardner))Ąొج(ͩ ing (SUNCT)) 3.4 Ξਕˬ˽ҋޠৠགྷᐝ൭ (Probable trigeminal auto- ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ nomic cephalalgia) ׎ሕд۞࡭Я়ّଈĄٺᕍ൴ّᐝ൭൳ᐂّېা (Ξਕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ (Probable cluster headache 3.4.1 3.4.2Ξਕ൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ (Probable paroxysmal ೡࢗĈ hemicrania) ீ˯ுăீٺᚑॾ׽ؠࠎಏ઎൴ү̝ᆐ൭ĂҜ ඕቯ·ҕ׀Ξਕൺᇶಏ઎ৠགྷ൭ّᐝ൭൴ү 3.4.3 ுă㝅ొăٕ˯ࢗొҜ̝Їң௡ЪĂ޺ᜈ15Ҍ180̶ ̈́߹ஊ(SUNCT) (Probable SUNCT) ᛗĂ൴үᐛதࠎՏ˟͟˘ѨҌՏ͟ˣѨĄ൴үॡҡᐌ Т઎Ĉඕቯ·ҕăٺͷҜېЕ˘჌ٕ˘჌ͽ˯̝া˭ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ߹ஊăᆄට·ҕă߹ᆄͪă݈ᗝ̈́ᓚొ΍ѭăᒝ͋ᒺ ޺ᜈّΗᙝᐝ൭ ̈ăீϩ˭ݬăீϩͪཚĄ̂ొЊঽˠд൴үॡົ̙ 4.7 щٕᛒજĄ ځਠᄲ˘ ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ৠགྷᐝ൭ (TAC) পᇈ̝ᐝ A. Ҍ͌ѣ5Ѩ௑Ъૄ໤B-D̝൴үޠ༊˘࣎׍ѣˬ˽ҋ ূޘໂࢦٕޘಏ઎ீுă˯ீு̈́/ٕ㝅ొࢦٺ൭Ă׎ࢵѨ൴Ϡдॡมᕇ˯ᄃΩ˘̏ۢົጱ࡭ᐝ൭۞ B. Ҝ

(ᒚΞ޺ᜈ15Ҍ180̶ᛗ (ො1ڼଈѣ૜̷࠹ᙯĂֶྍ়ଈ൳ᐂдѨ൴ّᐝ൭Ą༊˘ ൭Ăт়̙ ߊхд̝TACೋ̼ᄃΩ˘̏ۢົጱ࡭ᐝ൭۞়ଈд൴ C. ᐝ൭ॡҌ͌ҡᐌ˭Е˘ีĈ Ϡ۞ॡมᕇ˯ѣ૜̷࠹ᙯĂ݋ѣ׌჌Ξਕّͷᅮࢋΐ 1. Т઎ඕቯ·ҕ̈́/ٕ߹ஊ TAC ͽҿᕝĄଈ۰ΞͽΪ෧ᕝࠎ Ăٕ෧ᕝࠎ׌჌ᐝ 2. Т઎ᆄට·ҕ̈́/ٕ߹ᆄͪ TAC ൭Ăӈ ̈́ᄃ׎΁়ଈጱ࡭̝Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą͚޺ΐ 3. Т઎ீϩͪཚ ۰෧ᕝ۞Я৵ࠎĈᄃྍ়ଈѣ૜̷۞ॡมᕇᙯ 4. Т઎݈ᗝ̈́ᓚొ΍ѭޢ˯ ពೋ̼ăѣ·̶ᙋፂពϯྍ়ଈΞͽጱځăTACѣా Т઎ᒝ͋ᒺ̈̈́/ٕீϩ˭ݬ .5 ĂTACԼචޢĂ༊ྍ়ଈྋੵޢ࡭ٕΐᆐTACĂ׶౵ щ۞ຏᛇٕᛒજ̙ .6 ቤྋĄٕ D. ൴үᐛதࠎՏ˟͟˘ѨҌՏ͟ˣѨ (ො2)

(׎΁়ଈ (ො3ٺᕩЯܧ .E ݈֏ ពځৠགྷᐝ൭Тॡѣᐝ൭۞ᓜԖপᇈ̈́ޠҋ˽ˬ Ą၁រ̈́ˠវΑਕᇆညពϯ఺ېઘϹຏৠགྷাొ្۞

ICHD-Ƕ56 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ො੃Ĉ ො੃Ĉ Η۞ॡม) Ξਕ 1. ᕍ൴ഇ఼૱޺ᜈ2ฉҌ3̝࣎͡มĄ˘זᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ొЊ൴үഇม (ҭ̙ .1 Ąܜ൑ᆐ൭̈́/ٕ޺ᜈॡมྵൺٕྵྵ ĈځΗ۞ॡม) Ξਕ ᄲ˘זᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ొЊ൴үഇม (ҭ̙ .2 ࠎ౵͌1࣎͡ĄܜĂቤྋഇᆧ̚ۍ˟൴үྵ̙ᐛᓄĄ дώௐ ঽΫăநጯ̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕ̝Ї .3 ଈćٕঽΫ̈́/ٕநጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵ൒ 3.1.2 ၙّᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ Chronic cluster headache়ี˘ གྷଵ ೡࢗĈ̏ޢᘃႷ఺়ֱଈ۞ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧ߤ ٺੵĂٕ఺়ֱଈᔵхдĂҭᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴Ϡᄃ ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭൴ү෹࿅1ѐ҃൑ቤྋĂٕቤྋഇ޺ᜈൺ ྍ়ଈ֭൑ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాĄ 1࣎͡Ą

Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉځᄲ ෛ͸ѷኳ۞߿̼Ąࡗ5%۞ᕍ A. ൴ү௑Ъ3.1ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ ૄ໤A-E˭ޢ൴үΒ߁ّާ ൴ّᐝ൭ঽˠΞਕߏ᏷็ (ពّ᏷็) B. ͅᖬ൴үŵ1ѐ҃൑ቤྋഇĂٕቤྋഇ޺ᜈŴ1࣎͡ ఼૱˘ాҚ̝൴үĞᕍ൴ഇ cluster periodsğ޺ ᜈᇴฉٕᇴ͡Ă֭ม࿣ᇴٕ͡ᇴѐ̝ቤྋഇĄҭߏࡗ ĈځĄ ᄲېѣ10%Ҍ15%۞ঽˠயϠ൑ቤྋ۞ၙّা д̂ఢሀ։р۞੠ᖸࡁտ̚൴னĂ27%۞ঽˠΪ ၙّᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ΞଂࢵѨᐝ൭ಶ൴Ϡ (ᖞჍࠎࣧ ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭Ą ൴ّၙّᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ (primary chronic cluster 3.1ٺ΍னಏѨᕍ൴ഇĄ˯ࢗᑕజ൳ᐂ ᕍ൴ഇ̈́дၙֲّݭĂᐝ൭ఢ݋൴ϠĂ҃ͷΞ headache)) ٕଂੱ൴ֲݭႊតֽ҃ (ᖞჍࠎѨ൴ّၙٺ ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ (secondary chronic cluster headache))Ąّ ீٺ͔ٙ൴Ąূ൭͹ࢋҜڵజ੧ჟă௡ᖐ῔ٕൻ̼ϟ ுă˯ீுă㝅ొăٕ˯ࢗొҜ̝Їң௡ЪĂҭ˵Ξ ѣֱঽˠΞਕଂၙّᖼតࠎੱ൴ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭Ą ᐝ۞׎΁ొҜĄд࣎Ҿ۞ᕍ൴ഇĂূ൭ೀͼזਕᕖण ᙱ࡝ĂޘТ˘઎Ą౵ᚑࢦ൴үॡĂূ൭඀ٺ׽ؠೇ൴ ዁˭Ă҃ѣα఍ᏧՎ۞׏ݭܑனĄڱঽˠ఼૱൑ ൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ Paroxysmal hemicrania 3.2 ൴ঽѐ᛬఼૱ࠎ20Ҍ40໐Ąշّ۞஽Җதྵ੼Ă ೡࢗĈ Ąځߏّ̃۞3Ҍ4ࢺĂࣧЯ̙ ᇈ࣏ᄃᕍ൴ّᐝ൭࠹̈́ې൴үॡূ൭পᇈăҡᐌা Ăֹϡّ̃ٺҬĂҭ޺ᜈॡมྵൺĂͷྵᐛᓄĂк֍ া☇ৠགྷ൭ (ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭--൭ّ٩˽ˬ׀ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭Ъ indomethacin඗၆ѣड़Ą ࣏ཏ(cluster-tic syndrome))Ĉ ѣֱঽˠТॡజೡࢗѣ3.1 ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ ̈́13.1 ˬ˽ৠ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ གྷ൭Ă݋ᑕྍТॡග׌჌෧ᕝĄົѣ఺ᇹ៍၅Ă׎ࢦ A. Ҍ͌ѣ࿅20Ѩ௑Ъૄ໤B-D൴ү ڼࢋّߏࡶࢋឰঽˠԆБ՟ѣᐝ൭Ă׌჌ঽଐ࠰ᅮ ൭൴үĂূޘಏ઎̝ீுă˯ீுٕ㝅ొ̝ࢦٺB. Ҝ ᒚĄ ޺ᜈ2-30̶ᛗ C ᐝ൭Ҍ͌ҡᐌ˭Е˘ีĈ ൴ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ Episodic cluster headacheੱ 3.1.1 Т઎ඕቯ·ҕ̈́/ٕ߹ஊ .1 ೡࢗĈ Т઎ᆄට·ҕ̈́/ٕ߹ᆄͪ .2 ˘ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭൴үฉഇࠎഇ7͟Ҍ1ѐĂ׎̚ม࿣Ҍ͌ 3. Т઎ீϩͪཚ ࣎͡۞൑൭ഇĄ 4. Т઎݈ᗝ̈́ᓚొ΍ѭ Т઎ᒝ͋ᒺ̈̈́/ٕீϩ˭ݬ .5 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ D. ˘Ηͽ˯ॡม̝൴үᐛதࠎՏ͟5Ѩͽ˯Ăᔵ൒൴ A. ൴ү௑Ъ3.1 ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ ૄ໤A-E ѩᐛதϺΞ൴ϠٺүഇҲ B. Ҍ͌ѣ׌Ѩᕍ൴ഇĂࠎॡ7-365͟ (ො1) Ă׎̚ม࿣Ÿ ᒚ጗ณ̝indomethacin (ො1) ΞԆБ࿰֨൴үڼ .E 1࣎͡൑൭۞ቤྋഇĄ (׎΁়ଈ (ො2ٺᕩЯܧ .F

46 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ඕቯ·ҕ̈́׀ො੃Ĉ 3.3 ൺᇶಏ઎ৠགྷ൭ّᐝ൭൴ү ๫጗ ߹ஊ(SUNCT) Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiformٕڇ˾ࠎ˞ଵੵ̙ԆБͅᑕĂՏ͇ᑕֹϡ .1 डŸ100mgĂҭдჯ޺ headache attacks with Conjunctival injection andڦindomethacinŸ150mgĂٕ ഇॡྵ͌۞጗ณಶ֖ૉ˞Ą Tearing(SUNCT) ঽΫăநጯ̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕ̝Ї .2 ଈćٕঽΫ̈́/ٕநጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵ൒়ี˘ ೡࢗĈ གྷଵ̏ޢᘃႷ఺়ֱଈ۞ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧ߤ ੵĂٕ఺়ֱଈᔵхдĂҭ൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ ѩা࣏ཏ۞পᇈߏൺᇶ̝ಏ઎ূ൭൴үĂ޺ᜈॡมͧ TAC ព߹ஊ̈́ځϠᄃྍ়ଈ֭൑ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాĄ Їң׎΁ ՀൺĂͷ૱ҡᐌТ઎ீ༗ѣ ൴ࡓĄ Ĉځᄲ ൑շّр൴ଐԛĄᔵ൒അѣ׊ආഇ൴ү۞९ּĂ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ҭ൴ү఼૱дјѐഇĄ A. Ҍ͌ѣ࿅20Ѩ௑Ъૄ໤B-D̝൴ү ൭ٕຨજّূ൭Ă޺ᜈוுă˯ீுٕ㝅ొீٺĂٙѣ൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ౌჍࠎၙّ൴ B. Ҝ̚ۍ˘дௐ үّΗᙝᐝ൭Ąன̏௢᎕֖ૉ۞ᓜԖᙋፂĂΞͽ૟൴ 5Ҍ240ࡋ үّΗᙝᐝ൭тТᕍ൴ّᐝ൭۞̶ᙷĂડ̶΍ੱ൴ֲ C. ূ൭ҡᐌТ઎ඕቯ·ҕ̈́߹ஊ ݭĄ D. ൴үᐛதՏ͟3Ҍ200Ѩ (׎΁়ଈ (ො1ٺᕩЯܧ .E ৠགྷ൭ (ၙّ൴үّΗᙝᐝ˽ˬ׀൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭Ъ া࣏ཏ (CPH-tic syndrome))Ĉ ො੃Ĉ☇൭--൭ّ٩ Тॡ௑Ъ3.2൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ ̈́13.1ˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ ۞ૄ 1. ঽΫăநጯ̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕ̝Ї ໤۞ঽˠᑕග׌჌෧ᕝĄົѣ఺ᇹ៍၅Ă׎ࢦࢋّߏ ˘ี়ଈćٕঽΫ̈́/ٕநጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵ൒ གྷଵ̏ޢᘃႷ఺়ֱଈ۞ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧ߤ إᒚĄѩᙯాّ̝ঽநϠநጯ۞ຍཌྷڼ׌჌ঽଐ࠰ᅮ ϏቁᄮĄ ੵĂٕ఺়ֱଈᔵхдĂҭSUNCTࢵѨ൴Ϡᄃྍ় ଈ֭൑ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాĄ ൴൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ Episodic paroxysmalੱ 3.2.1 Ĉځhemicrania ᄲ Ķ ̝ۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷķ΍઼ ۍ˘ೡࢗĈ ఺࣎া࣏ཏдௐ ѐ̰̏జቁᄮĄ˩ܕజಡӘĂд౵̖ޢ ൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭۞൴үഇ޺ᜈ7͟Ҍ1ѐĂ׎̚ม࿣Ҍ ঽˠΪѣඕቯ·ҕٕ߹ஊĂٕ׎΁្ొҋז1࣎͡۞൑൭ഇĄ Ξ࠻͌ Ăтᆄට·ҕă߹ᆄٕͪீϩͪཚĄ3.3ېৠགྷাޠ ᐂ̚ೡࢗ۞A3.3ൺᇶಏ઎ৠགྷ൭ܢٺ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ SUNCT Ξͽߏ SUNA) ֲ̝ёĄ)ېৠགྷাޠҋొ្׀A. ൴ү௑Ъ3.2൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ ૄ໤A-F ّᐝ൭൴ү ౵૱ᙷҬ3.3 SUNCT ۞়ଈߏҜېB. Ҍ͌׌Ѩ൴үฉഇࠎഇ7-365͟Ă׎̚ม࿣Ҍ͌1࣎ ͛ᚥ̚޽΍া Ϛཝ˭ݬវ۞ঽតĄܬ჏្ٕޢٺ ൑൭۞ቤྋഇĄ͡

൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭(CPH) Chronicّၙ 3.2.2 paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH) ৠགྷ൭Ĉ˽ˬ׀SUNCTЪ ೡࢗĈ ˽ˬѣֱঽˠజೡࢗТॡࢦᝑ΍ன3.3 SUNCT ᄃ13.1 ൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭۞൴ү޺ᜈ1ѐͽ˯ͷ൑ቤྋĂٕቤྋ ᙱޝ˯Ą఺ֱঽˠᑕග׌჌෧ᕝĄᓜԖې1࣎͡Ą ৠགྷ൭ ۞াٺഇ̈ ડ̶Ą ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ൴ү௑Ъ3.2൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ ૄ໤A-F B. ͅᖬ൴үŵ1ѐ҃൑ቤྋഇٕቤྋഇŴ1࣎͡

ICHD-Ƕ58 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

3.4 Ξਕˬ˽ҋޠৠགྷᐝ൭ Probable trigemi- autonomic features, including new cases. Brain 1997; 120:193ė209. nal autonomic cephalalgia May A, Goadsby PJ. The trigeminovascular system in humans: ೡࢗĈ pathophysiological implications for primary headache syn- dromes of the neural influences on the cerebral circulation. ৠགྷᐝ൭۞˘ֲ࣎ݭĂҭޠᐝ൭൴үజᄮࠎߏˬ˽ҋ Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 1999; 19:115 .ԆБ௑Ъ˯ࢗЇ˘ֲݭ۞෧ᕝૄ໤Ą ė27̙˫

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 3.1 Cluster headache ;ৠགྷᐝ൭ Alberca R, Ochoa JJ. Cluster tic syndrome. Neurology 1994ޠम׎̚Їң˘ีĂಶԆБ௑Ъˬ˽ҋإ .A 44:996ė9. Ї˘ֲݭ̝পؠૄ໤ Bahra A, May A, Goadsby PJ. Diagnostic patterns in cluster ׎΁়ଈ headache. In: Olesen J, Goadsby PJ, editors. ClusterٺᕩЯܧ .B Headache and Related Conditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1999: pp. 61ė65. Ĉځᄲ Bahra A, May A, Goadsby PJ. Cluster headache: a prospective .ঽˠ̝׏ݭ൴үѨᇴ̙ૉٕ̙௑Ъ׎΁˘ีૄ clinical study in 230 patients with diagnostic implications .ৠགྷᐝ൭ ٕ׎̚˘ֲ Neurology 2002; 58:354ė61ޠ໤ĂΞ൳ᐂд3.4Ξਕˬ˽ҋ Bing R. Uber traumatische Erythromelalgie und Erthroprosopalgie. ݭĄ Nervenarzt 1930; 3:506ė12. de Fine Olivarius B. Hemicrania neuralgiformis chronica .3.4.1Ξਕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ Probable cluster headache (Chronic migrainous neuralgia). Quoted by Sjaastad O, ed ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Proceedings of the Scandinavian Migraine Society Annual Meeting 1971: p. 8. म׎̚Їң˘ีĂಶԆБ௑Ъ3.1ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ ૄ Ekbom K. Ergotamine tartrate orally in HortonŅs ńhistaminicإ .A ໤A-D cephalalgiaŅ (also called HarrisŅs ciliary neuralgia). Acta .׎ι়ଈ Psychiatrica Scandinavia 1947; 46:106ٺᕩЯܧ .B Ekbom K. Nitroglycerin as a provocative agent in cluster headache. Archives of Neurology 1968; 19:487ė93. .Ξਕ൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭ Probable paroxysmal Eulenberg A. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten. 2nd edn 3.4.2 hemicrania Berlin: Hirschwald 1878. Harris W. Ciliary (migrainous) neuralgia and its treatment. ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ British Medical Journal 1936; 1:457ė60. .म׎̚Їң˘ีĂಶԆБ௑Ъ3.2൴үّΗᙝᐝ Horton BT. Histaminic cephalgia. Lancet 1952; ii:92ė8إ.A ൭ ̝ૄ໤A-E Kudrow L. Cluster headache: Mechanisms and Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1980. :׎΁়ଈ Manzoni GC. Gender ratio of cluster headache over the yearsٺᕩЯܧ .B a possible role of changes in lifestyle. Cephalalgia 1998; .ඕቯ·ҕ 18:138ė42׀Ξਕൺᇶಏ઎ৠགྷ൭ّᐝ൭൴ү 3.4.3 Manzoni GC, Micieli G, Granella F, Tassorelli C, Zanferrari C, ̈́߹ஊ Probable short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform Cavallini A. Cluster headache-course over ten years in 189 headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing patients. Cephalalgia 1991; 11:169ė74. Manzoni GC, G.Terzano M, Bono G, Micieli G, Martucci N, ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Nappi G. Cluster headache ė clinical findings in 180 .म׎̚Їң˘ีĂಶԆБ௑Ъ3.3ൺᇶಏ઎ৠགྷ patients. Cephalalgia 1983; 3:21ė30إ .A .ඕቯ·ҕ̈́߹ஊ(SUNCT) ̝ૄ໤ May A, Bahra A, Buchel C, Frackowiak RSJ, Goadsby PJ׀൭ّᐝ൭൴ү Hypothalamic activation in cluster headache attacks. Lancet A-DĄ 1998; 351:275ė8. .׎΁়ଈ Mulleners WM, Verhagen WIM. Cluster-tic syndromeٺᕩЯܧ .B Neurology 1996; 47:302. Pascual J, Berciano J. Relief of cluster-tic syndrome by the combination of lithium and carbamazepine. Cephalalgia ણ҂ྤफ़ 1993; 13:205ė6. General Romberg MH. Lehrbuch der Nervenkrankheiten des Menschen. Goadsby PJ. Pathophysiology of cluster headache: a trigeminal Berlin: Dunker 1840. autonomic cephalgia. Lancet Neurology 2002; 1:37ė43. Russell MB, Andersson PG, Thomsen LL, Iselius L. Cluster Goadsby PJ, Lipton RB. A review of paroxysmal hemicranias, headache is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder in SUNCT syndrome and other short-lasting headaches with some families: a complex segregation analysis. Journal of

48 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Medical Genetics 1995; 32:954ė6. autonomic features, including new cases. Brain 1997; Sjostrand C, Waldenlind E, Ekbom K. A follow up study of 60 120:193ė209. patients after an assumed first period of cluster headache. Goadsby PJ, Matharu MS, Boes CJ. SUNCT syndrome or Cephalalgia 2000; 20:653ė7. trigeminal neuralgia with lacrimation. Cephalalgia 2001; Sluder G. The syndrome of sphenopalatine ganglion neurosis. 21:82ė3. American Journal of Medicine 1910; 140:868ė78. Levy MJ, Matharu MS, Goadsby PJ. Prolactinomas, dopamine Solomon S, Apfelbaum RI, Guglielmo KM. The cluster-tic syn- agonist and headache: two case reports. European Journal drome and its surgical therapy. Cephalalgia 1985; 5:83ė9. of Neurology 2003; 10:169ė74. Torelli P, Cologno D, Cademartiri C, Manzoni GC. Application Massiou H, Launay JM, Levy C, El Amran M, Emperauger B, of the International Headache Society classification criteria in Bousser M-G. SUNCT syndrome in two patients with pro- 652 cluster headache patients. Cephalalgia 2001; 21:145ė lactinomas and bromocriptine-induced attacks. Neurology2002; 50. 58:1698ė9. Vail HH. Vidian neuralgia. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1932; Matharu MS, Levy MJ, Merry RT, Goadsby PJ. SUNCT syn- 41:837ė56. drome secondary to prolactinoma. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Watson P, Evans R. Cluster-tic syndrome. Headache 1985; 2003; in press. 25:123ė6. Morales F, Mostacero E, Marta J, Sanchez S. Vascular malfor- mation of the cerebellopontine angle associated with SUNCT 3.2 Paroxysmal hemicrania syndrome. Cephalalgia 1994; 14:301ė2. Moris G, Ribacoba R, Solar DN, Vidal JA. SUNCT syndrome Antonaci F, Pareja JA, Caminero AB, Sjaastad O. Chronic and seborrheic dermatitis associated with craneosynostosis. paroxysmal hemicrania and hemicrania continua. Parenteral Cephalalgia 2001; 21:157ė9. indomethacin: the ńIndotestŅ. Headache 1998; 38:122ė8. Pareja JA, Sjaastad O. SUNCT syndrome. A clinical review. Antonaci F, Sjaastad O. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH): a review of the clinical manifestations. Headache 1989; Headache 1997; 37:195ė202. Penart A, Firth M, Bowen JRC. Short-lasting unilateral neural- 29:648ė56. giform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing Broeske D, Lenn NJ, Cantos E. Chronic paroxysmal hemicra- (SUNCT) following presumed dorsolateral brainstem infarc- nia in a young child: possible relation to ipsilateral occipital tion. Cephalalgia 2001; 21:236ė9. infarction. Journal of Child Neurology 1993; 8:235ė6. Sjaastad O, Saunte C, Salvesen R, Fredriksen TA, Seim A, Caminero AB, Pareja JA, Dobato JL. Chronic paroxysmal hemi- Roe OD et al. Shortlasting unilateral neuralgiform headache crania-tic syndrome. Cephalalgia 1998; 18:159ė61. attacks with conjunctival injection, tearing, sweating, and rhi- Hannerz J. The second case of chronic paroxysmal hemicra- nia-tic syndrome [Editorial Comment]. Cephalalgia 1998; norrhea. Cephalalgia 1989; 9:147ė56. ter Berg HWM, Goadsby PJ. Significance of atypical presenta- 18:124. tion of symptomatic SUNCT: a case report. J Neurol Kudrow DB, Kudrow L. Successful aspirin prophylaxis in a child with chronic paroxysmal hemicrania. Headache 1989; 29:280 Neurosurg Psychiat 2001; 70:244ė46. ė1. Sjaastad O, Dale I. Evidence for a new (?) treatable headache entity. Headache 1974; 14:105ė108. Zukerman E, Peres MFP, Kaup AO, Monzillo PH, Costa AR. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania-tic syndrome. Neurology 2000; 54:1524ė6.

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ICHD-Ƕ5: ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ᕕّᐝ൭ Primary stabbingו׎΁ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ (Other primary 4.1 ࣧ൴ّ /5 headaches) headache ᖞჍĈ ݴ͈ ͳཌӖ ᛌڒ ᕕͅᇅ൭(jabs and jolts)ăฉוДᐄ൭(Ice-pick pains)ă (ഇّீّূ൭(ophthalmodynia periodica (ᕕّᐝ൭ (Primary stabbing headacheוࣧ൴ّ 4.1 (ࣧ൴ّݜမᐝ൭ (Primary cough headache 4.2 ೡࢗĈ (ࣧ൴ّྻજᐝ൭ (Primary exertional headache 4.3 ͞˭ᕕ൭Ă׎ࠎҋ൴ّͷূ൭఍וᐝొ۞ᒠมᄃԊొ -ࣧ൴ّّҖࠎ࠹ᙯ̝ᐝ൭ (Primary headache associ 4.4 ated with sexual activity) ၹౄ្ٕৠགྷ൑ጡኳّঽតĄ 4.4.1 ੼ሗ݈ᐝ൭ (Preorgasmic headache) ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 4.4.2 ੼ሗᐝ൭ (Orgasmic headache) Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤B-DוA. ᐝ൭൴ϠтТಏ˘ٕాᜈ۞ᕕ 4.5 Ⴢ্ᐝ൭ (Hypnic headache) B. ূ൭ຏ͹ࢋٕԆБะ̚дˬ˽ৠགྷ۞ௐ˘̶̶͚ο (ࣧ൴ّ࿩ᑝᐝ൭ (Primary thunderclap headache 4.6 ડ (ீ჏ă㝅ొ̈́౤ొ) (޺ᜈّΗᙝᐝ൭ (Hemicrania continua 4.7 кѨ̝̙ఢ݋ޝ൭޺ᜈ౵кᇴࡋĂͽ˘͇̰˘Ҍו .C າ൴ϠՏ͟޺ᜈّᐝ൭ (New daily-persistent 4.8 headache) (NDPH) ᐛதೇ൴ ېD. ൑ҡᐌা

(׎ι়ଈ (ො1ٺᕩЯܧ .E Ĉځਠᄲ˘ ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ ො੃Ĉ ˘༊˘࣎າ۞ᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠॡĂॡมᕇ˯˫ᄃΩ ঽΫăநጯ̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕ̝Ї .1 ྍ়ଈ͔൴۞ٺଈѣ૜̷ᙯా۰Ă૟׎൳ᐂࠎᕩЯ় / / ӈֹ׍ѣઐᐝ൭ٕ׎ ˘ี়ଈĂٕঽΫ̈́ ٕநጯ̈́ ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵᘃֱ˘ٺѨ൴ّᐝ൭Ą఺ᕇ˵ዋϡ ߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ Ⴗѣ఺়ଈ̝ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧၅̏གྷଵੵĄٕڍ΁ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭পᕇ۞ᐝ൭Ąт ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃྍ়ଈѣ૜̷ᙯాĂ݋ѣ׌჌ ఺়ଈᔵхдĂҭূ൭̝ࢵѨ൴Ϡᄃྍ়ଈ֭൑ॡ۞ ΞਕّĂͷᅮࢋΐͽҿᕝĄঽˠΞͽ෧ᕝࠎߊхд۞ มᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాĄ ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ෧ᕝѣ׌჌ᐝ൭Ăӈࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ᄃᕩЯ Ĉځ۰෧ᕝ۞Я ᄲޢ˯ྍ়ଈ͔੓۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą͚޺ΐٺ ᕕ൭޺ᜈ3ו৵ࠎĈᄃྍ়ଈѣ˩̶૜̷۞ॡมᕇᙯాăߊхд̝ ˘ЊୃّࢗࡁտಡӘពϯĂ80%۞ ֍Ăҭ͌ޝᕕ൭ాᜈೇ൴ᇴ͇۞ּ̄݋וពೋ̼ăѣ·̶ᙋፂΝᙋ၁ྍ়ଈਕౄјٕೋ ࡋٕՀൺćځᐝ൭ ၗ (status) ޺ᜈ˘ߐഇ۞ೡࢗĄېᐝ൭Լචٕ ˵ѣࢦ᎕ޢĂ༊ྍ়ଈޭೇޢࣧ൴ّᐝ൭Ăͷ౵̼ ᕕ൭఍Ξਕଂ˘఍ொજҌΩ˘఍,ΞдТ઎˵Ξו ቤྋĄ ࣎ొҜॡâٺᕕ൭ԆБΪ݀ࢨו၆઎ᐝొĄ༊זͽ ᇆᜩ۞្ৠགྷ̶Ҷצ֏ υؠࢋଵੵߏӎдѩূ൭ొҜ݈̈́ ώౢΒ߁˞дᓜԖ˯̙Тّኳ۞ᐝ൭Ą఺ֱᐝ൭ ۞ొҜѣඕၹត̼Ą дઐᐝ൭ (ࡗ40%) ٕᕍ൴ّٽྵ૱ᕕّᐝ൭఼ו ߏֶౌڱᒚ͞ڼĂࠤҌా͌ޝݭၗ۞࡭ঽ፟ᖼ̪˞ྋ ঽˠᐝ൭௫ၚّٺ௡۞ᓜԖྏរĄ ᐝ൭ (ࡗ30%) ۞ঽˠயϠĂ֭൴үטፂᓜԖགྷរٕ൑ଠ ௡۞ࡁտಡӘindomethacinטĂ ൴Ϡ۞֤˘઎Ąߙֱ൑ଠ۞ّېΒ߁дώౢ̰۞ᇴ჌ᐝ൭়ଈΞਕࠎা ĄڍĂҭѣ׎΁ࡁտΪ൴னొЊٕ൑ड़ڍᅮࢋᇆညͽ̈́/ٕ׎΁ዋ༊۞ᑭߤֽͿ௟ෞҤĄ ѣϒࢬ۞ड़ ߙֱᐝ൭۞൴ঽΞਕߏާّ۞Ă͍׎ߏ4.6 ࣧ൴ ෧ొĄ၆఺ֱާـ࿩ᑝᐝ൭Ăٙͽঽˠ఼૱ۡତਖ਼ّ ঽּֽᄲĂዋ༊ͷԆፋ۞ᑭߤ(পҾߏৠགྷᇆည)ߏυ 4.2 ࣧ൴ّݜမᐝ൭ Primary cough headache Ą ᖞჍĈ۞ื ώౢϺΒ߁˞˘ֱᓜԖ়ঽ၁វĂּт4.1ࣧ൴ ։ّݜမᐝ൭ (Benign cough headache)ăValsalvaͩፆ (ѣೡ үᐝ൭ (Valsalva-manoeuvre headacheֽ̖ܕ۰ࠎޢ) ᕕّᐝ൭ ̈́4.5 Ⴢ্ᐝ൭וّ ࢗ)Ăιࣇ̂кᇴࠎࣧ൴ّĄ

50 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Ѩ൴үॡĂυืଵੵᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ܐೡࢗ: 1. ѩᐝ൭ᙷݭ д՟ѣЇң়្̰ଈ˭Ăᐝ൭གྷϤݜမٕϡ˧͔҃ ҕ̈́જਔࣤᗓĄ ੓Ą Ĉځᄲ ൴ٽ෧ᕝૄ໤ċ ࣧ൴ّྻજᐝ൭дሤ͇ٕ੼ঔ٥఍͍׎ट ϡergotamine tartrateֽ࿰ڇA. ᐝ൭௑Ъૄ໤B̈́C ϠćഅѣಡӘ˘ֱঽˠͽ 30̶ᛗ ֨ĄIndomethacin၆̂ొЊ۞ঽˠѣड़Ą൴Ϡдᓝࢦ۰זB. ࡎ൒൴ϠĂ޺ᜈॡมଂ˘ࡋ ׎ٺC. Яݜမăϡ˧ (straining) ̈́/ٕValsalvaͩፆү͔൴ᐝ ۞ᐝ൭జᄮࠎߏ4.3 ࣧ൴ّྻજᐝ൭ ۞ֲёćૄ ॡ ࡎ൴পّᄃଯീ̝፟ᖼĂྍᐝ൭Ξਕᄃ4.2 ࣧ൴ّݜڶ൭ĂͷΪ൴Ϡд˯ࢗ఺ֱଐ ׎΁়ଈ (ො1) မᐝ൭ѣՀк۞࠹ҬᕇĄٺᕩЯܧ .D

ො੃Ĉ Ă༊̂̚ొЊࠎ 4.4 ࣧ൴ّّҖࠎ࠹ᙯ̝ᐝ൭ Primary۞ّېѣ40%۞ݜမᐝ൭ঽּࠎা .1 ݜ headache associated with sexual activityّېArnold-Chiariͩ་ԛௐ˘ݭĄ׎ዶಡӘࠎা ଈ̈́ཝҕგ়غမᐝ൭۞ࣧЯΒ߁ᐚજਔٕਖഛૄ ᖞჍĈ જਔሳĄৠགྷᇆည෧ᕝдᝥҾѨ൴ّݜမᐝ൭ᄃ4.2 ։ّّҖࠎᐝ൭(Benign sex headache)ăϹЪᐝ൭ ࣧ൴ّݜမᐝ൭ ॡԷႊࢦࢋ֎ҒĄ coital cephalalgia)ă։ّҕგّّҖࠎᐝ൭(benign) vascular )ă ّҖࠎᐝ൭(sexual Ĉځᄲ headache) ࣧ൴ّݜမᐝ൭఼૱ࠎᗕ઎Ăͷ͹ࢋ൴Ϡд40໐ ᒚࣧ൴ّݜမᐝ൭ߏڼͽ˯۞ঽˠĄ఼૱indomethacin ೡࢗĈ ѣ˵ۏ࣎९၆ѩᘽّېѣड़۞ĂҭϺѣ˘ֱಡӘা ૱д՟ѣЇң়្̰ঽ˭ĂЯّҖࠎ͔੓۞ᐝ൭Ă఼ ड़Ą дّᎸጬᆧΐॡĂฟؕ׌઎ᐝొน൭Ă֭д੼ሗॡࡎ ൒តࠎᆐধĄ

ࣧ൴ّྻજᐝ൭ Primary exertional 4.3 4.4.1 ੼ሗ݈ᐝ൭ Preorgasmic headache headache ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᐚొ̈́/ٕ˭ᗠ҉҇זצຏ׀ᖞჍĈ A. ᐝొᄃᐚొ۞น൭ͷЪ ։ّྻજᐝ൭(Benign exertional headache) ќᒺĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤B B. ّҖࠎॡ൴үĂ֭ᐌّᎸጬ҃ᆧૻ ׎ι়ଈٺᕩЯܧ .൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ C ̝ જ͔൴̝ઐᐝ൭ֶፂٙᛳֲ̝ݭ൳ᐂд1. ઐᐝ൭ྻ ̰Ą 4.4.2 ੼ሗᐝ൭ Orgasmic headache ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ யޢೡࢗĈ ᙷҬҲཝᑅౄј۞ݻ๕ّᐝ൭ϺѣಡӘົдّϹ Їңԛё̝ྻજٙܳ൴̝ᐝ൭ĄኜтŇᓝࢦ۰ᐝ൭Ň ҋ൴ّ (ٕࣧЯ̙ٺϠĄѩᐝ൭ᑕ൳ᐂࠎ7.2.3 ᕩЯ weight-liftersŅheadache) ۞ֲё̏జቁᄮĄ) ཝਖល୵Ҳᑅ̝ᐝ൭ Ăѩ˜Яཝਖល୵Ⴃ႒ౄ(۞ځ јĄ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ຨજّᐝ൭௑Ъૄ໤B̈́C ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ B. ޺ᜈ5̶ᛗҌ48̈ॡ A. ࡎ൴ᚑࢦņ( ᘕࠓਠŇ)ᐝ൭௑Ъૄ໤B ޢC. Яྻજ͔൴ĂͷΪ൴Ϡдྻજॡٕྻજ B. дّ੼ሗॡ൴ү (׎ι়ଈ (ො1ٺᕩЯܧ .D (׎ι়ଈ (ො1ٺᕩЯܧ .C


ICHD-Ƕ62 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ො੃Ĉ 4.6 ࣧ൴ّ࿩ᑝᐝ൭ Primary thunderclap тᄝි headacheڶѨ൴үĂυืࢋଵੵ˘ֱଐܐࡶ੼ሗᐝ൭ .1 შቯ˭ට΍ҕ̈́જਔࣤᗓĄ ᖞჍĈ Ĉځᄲ (։ّ࿩ᑝᐝ൭(Benign thunderclap headache ࣧ൴ّّҖࠎ࠹ᙯ̝ᐝ൭ă4.3 ࣧ൴ّྻ 4.4 જᐝ൭ ᄃઐᐝ൭̝ม۞ᙯాΞдࡗ50%۞ঽּ̚൴ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ னĄѣ2჌ֲݭᐝ൭ (น൭ݭ (dull type) ᄃᘕࠓݭ 4.2 ࣧ൴ّݜမᐝ൭Ă4.3 ࣧ൴ّྻજᐝ൭ ̈́4.4 ࣧ Ķ઼ᅫᐝ൭়ঽ ൴ّّҖࠎ࠹ᙯ̝ᐝ൭ ࠰ΞӔனт࿩ᑝᐝ൭Ăҭᑕۍ˘explosive type) ᐝ൭) జΒ߁дௐ) ࣧ൴ّ࿩ᑝᐝ 4.6ܧ՟ѣপҾ۞ࡁտአߤֽᗃ୻ྍ׌۰ ൳ᐂࠎ׎ֽ̝ࣧЧᙷݭᐝ൭҃ܮᙷķĄҋ֤ॡ੓̶ ߏӎࠎ̙Т۞়ঽ၁វĄ̂ొЊ൴ܑ۞ّҖࠎᐝ൭ಡ ൭Ą ӘΪಡӘᘕࠓݭ (ņҕგݭ(vascular type)Ň) ᐝ൭Ąน ѩځ൭ݭΞਕࠎღᒺݭᐝ൭۞˘ֲݭĂҭ֭൑ᙋፂᙋ ೡࢗ: ઄ᄲĄனล߱՟ѣࣧ൴ّّҖࠎᐝ൭൴үॡม۞ቁ˘ ᐝ൭ĂтТ৔ෘ̝ཝҕგજਔሳᐝޘࡎ൴۞ᆐধૻ ̷ྤफ़Ăҭ఼૱ᄮࠎΞ޺ᜈ1̶ᛗҌ3̈ॡĄ ൭Ą

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 4.5 Ⴢ্ᐝ൭ Hypnic headache A. ᚑࢦᐝূ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤B̈́C ᖞჍĈ B. ˭Е׌ีপᇈ࠰௑ЪĈ Ⴢ্ᐝ൭া࣏ཏ(Hypnic headache syndrome)ăňጂᛗʼn ޘ౵ᚑࢦૻזΞ྿ܮࡎ൴ĂŴ1̶ᛗ .1 ᐝ൭(ńalarm clockŅ headache) 2. ޺ᜈ1̈ॡҌ10͇ ೡࢗĈ (ೇ൴ (ො1۞ޠC. ତ˭ֽ۞ೀ࣎ߐഇٕೀ֭࣎͡൑ఢ น൭ݭᐝ൭ĂͷঽˠᓁߏଂჂ্̚൭ᏹĄ (׎ι়ଈ (ො2ٺᕩЯܧ .D

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ො੃Ĉ A. ᐝ൭ࠎน൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤B-D дᐝ൭ฟؕ൴ү۞˘࣎ߐഇ̰ΞਕГೇ൴Ą .1 B. ΪѣдჂ্̚யϠĂֹ֭ঽˠᏹֽ υืߏϒ૱۞ཝਖល୵ᄃϒ૱۞ཝᇆညᑭߤĄ .2 C. Ҍ͌׍˭Е׌ีপᇈĈ

ĈځՏ̰࣎͡൴үŵ15Ѩ ᄲ .1 ࿩ᑝᐝ൭ࠎࣧ൴ّ۞ᙋፂߏ̙֖۞ĈವԱ൴ځ޺ᜈŸ15̶ᛗ ᙋޢᏹֽ .2 ঽࣧЯυᅮߏღާͷྎႽ۞Ą࿩ᑝᐝ൭૱ᄃᚑࢦ۞ҕ ޢࢵѨ൴үд50໐̝ .3 ౵к̙෹࿅˘ გ়្ّ̰ঽѣᙯాĂ͍׎ߏᄝᄝშቯ˭ට΍ҕĈυېĂͷ˭ЕাېD. ൑ҋ͹ৠགྷր௚۞া Ĉ⪰͕ăࠦЍُٕӝ ืࢋଵੵᄝშቯ˭ට΍ҕ̈́׎΁ࣧЯтཝ΍ҕă̂ཝี ׎ι়ଈ (ො1) ᐖਔং๫ăϏ৔ෘ̝ҕგ་ԛ(кᇴࠎજਔሳ)ăજਔٺᕩЯܧ .E CNS) ۆࣤ ᗓ ( ្̰̈́ ្ γ ) ă ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგ ො੃Ĉ angiitis)ăΞਗ਼։ّ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგঽត̈́ཝ˭ݬវ ᑕଵੵ়្̰ଈĄࠎѣड़఍நঽˠĂᏰҾྍᐝ൭ᄃ ̚ࢲ(pituitary apoplexy)Ą׎΁ົ͔੓࿩ᑝᐝ൭۞ጡኳ .1 ቱវᝃཚăཝਖល୵Ҳᑅͽ̈́(͍׎ވৠགྷᐝ൭ (trigeminal autonomic cephalal- ّࣧЯࠎௐˬཝޠҋ˽ˬ ĄΪѣдଵੵٙѣጡኳّۆgias) ߏυࢋ۞Ą ߏঈᑅّ౹๋۞)ާّᆄᚭ Ă̖Ξ෧ᕝࠎ4.6ࣧ൴ّ࿩ᑝᐝ൭ĄޢјЯ Ĉځᄲ Ăҭࡗѣ20%۞ޘჂ্ᐝ൭۞ূ൭఼૱ࠎᅅҌ̚ ൭Ąࡗˬ̶̝˟۞ঽּࠎᗕ઎۞ূূޘঽˠಡӘѣࢦ ּ۞˳൭Ą൴ү఼૱޺ᜈ15Ҍ180̶ᛗĂҭϺѣ޺ᜈՀ ĄڱપЯᄃዣៃࠎѣड़ᒚשĄѣֱঽּಡӘ̄

52 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

޺ᜈّΗᙝᐝ൭ Hemicrania continua C. Ҍ͌ѣ˭Е׌ีূ൭পᇈĈ 4.7 ೡࢗĈ 1. ᗕ઎ (ຨજّܧ) ޺ᜈّᚑॾ׽ؠ̝ಏ઎ᐝ൭Ăͷ၆indomethacinѣड़ 2. ᑅ࢝/ღᒺّ ޘᅅٕ̚ޘ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 3. ඀ ሁୗ҃ΐᆐۊA. ᐝ൭޺ᜈŵ3࣎͡Ă௑Ъૄ໤B-D 4. ̙Я͟૱߿જт֕ྮٕ B. ௑Ъ˭ЕٙѣপᇈĈ D.˭Е׌ี࠰௑Ъ ې׎̚˘ีা͕⪯ޘೱᙝ۞ಏ઎ূ൭ 1. ౵кΪѣࠦЍăُӝٕᅅ̙ .1 Ă˵൑ယФ͕⪯ޘՏ͇ͷ޺ᜈĂ՟ѣ൑൭ഇ 2. ൑ٕ̚ࢦ .2 (׎ι়ଈ (ො2ٺᕩЯܧ .E ޘ൭ĂҭΞΐᆐҌࢦূޘ̚ .3 C. дΐᆐഇมҌ͌ົѣ˭Е˘ีдূ൭࠹Т઎۞ҋ͹ ৠགྷᇈ࣏Ĉ ො੃Ĉ ԣి൴૱ܧቤྋĂٕזඕቯ·ҕ̈́/ٕ߹ஊ 1. ᐝ൭ଂฟؕ൴үಶΞਕϏ଀ .1 ᆄට·ҕ̈́/ٕ߹ᆄͪ णј޺ᜈͷϏቤྋ۞ূ൭Ą఺ᇹ۞൴үٕԣి൴ण .2 тѩĂܧቁ۞ೡࢗĄࡶځϩ˭ݬ̈́/ٕᒝ͋ᒺ̈ υืያঽˠ୻຾۞੃ጸ̈́ீ .3 2.3 ᒚ጗ณ̝indomethacinΞԆБቤྋ ݋൳ᐂࠎ ၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ĄڼD. ၆ ঽΫăநጯ̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕ̝Ї .2 (׎ι়ଈ (ො1ٺᕩЯܧ .E ϡᐝ൭ ̈́׎ֲֹޘ࿅ۏң˘ี়ଈ (Β߁8.2 ᘽ ො੃Ĉ ё)ćٕঽΫ̈́/ٕநጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵ൒ᘃႷ఺ གྷଵੵćٕ఺়̏ޢঽΫăநጯ̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕ̝Ї ়ଈ۞ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧၅ .1 ˯ଈĂٕঽΫᄃ/ٕநጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵᘃ ଈᔵхдĂҭᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴Ϡᄃྍ়ଈ֭൑ॡมᕇ়ี˘ Ⴗѣ఺়ଈ̝ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧ߤ̏གྷଵੵĄٕ ૜̷ᙯాĄ ఺়ଈᔵхдĂҭূ൭̝ࢵѨ൴Ϡᄃྍ়ଈ֭൑ॡ Ĉځมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాĄ ᄲ ᙷቁᄮ4.8 າ൴ϠՏ͟ ޺ᜈّᐝ൭̶ۍ˟ѩௐ ̶ Ĉ ࠎ˘჌়ঽ၁វĂ֭૟ιᄃ2.3 ၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ځᄲ ᇴቤྋ ฟĄᔵ൒ιᄃღᒺݭᐝ൭ѣధк࠹Ҭ̝఍Ăҭ׎፾প͌ޝ޺ᜈّΗᙝᐝ൭఼૱̙ቤྋĂҭ̪ѣ ੓ಶϏቤྋĂג޺ᜈ ఍ߏᐝ൭ࠎՏ͟ͷଂٕೀͼଂ൴үॡ̈́ޘܜঽּ۞ಡӘĄѩᐝ൭ᙷݭߏӎΞֶ׎ঽΫ ϏቁؠĄ ׏ݭঽˠͽ݈൑ᐝ൭ঽΫĄࢋ˭4.8 າ൴ϠՏ͟޺ᜈإଐԛГΐͽ̶ᙷĂ ᐝ൭۞෧ᕝĂᅮ၆൴ү̝੓ؕѣ୻຾۞੃ጸĄّ າ൴ϠՏ͟޺ᜈّᐝ൭̝ᐝ൭ĂΞܑன΍ઐᐝ൭ ĄѨ൴ّᐝ൭тҲཝਖល୵ېາ൴ϠՏ͟޺ᜈّᐝ൭ New daily-persist- ٕღᒺݭᐝ൭۞ҡᐌা 4.8 ent headache (NDPH) टณ (low CSF volume) ᐝ൭Ăཝਖល୵੼ᑅᐝ൭Ăγ ຏߖĞ͍޽ঽ߲ğ̝ᐝ൭Ăᑕགྷٺᐝ൭Ă̈́ᕩЯޢ๋ ᖞჍĈ ֹޘ࿅ۏ2̰࣎͡ѣᘽܕͽଵੵĄࡶ౵̟ޢາ൴ၙّᐝ൭ (De novo chronic headache)ćާّ൴ү̝ ዋ༊෧ߤ ϡᐝ൭ Їңֲё̝෧ᕝૄ໤ֹޘ࿅ۏᐝ൭ (chronic headache with acute onset) ϡĂ௑Ъ8.2 ᘽّၙ ˯BĂ׎ఢ݋ࠎ൳ᐂдЇңߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ΐ າ൴ϠՏ͟ 4.8ܧϡᐝ൭Ăֹ҃ޘ࿅ۏೡࢗĈ 8.2.7 Ξਕᘽ ԣг (Ҍкˬ͇) ᐝ൭ӈՏ͟൴үͷ՟ ޺ᜈّᐝ൭Ąາ൴ϠՏ͟޺ᜈّᐝ൭Ξѣͽ˭׌჌ֲޝଂฟؕ൴үĂ ᒚ˭ӈڼёĈ˘ࠎҋԧቤྋֲёĂ׏ݭࠎдᇴ̰͡൑ ޘѣቤྋĄ׏ݭ۞ূ൭ࠎᗕ઎ăᑅٕ࢝ღᒺّĂͷ඀ ٯᒚࢍထѣڼĄ ҋҖቤྋćΩ˘ࠎ࿱ֲّёĂ၆᎕ໂ۞͕⪯ޘĄΞਕົࠦЍăُӝٕᅅޘᅅҌ̚ ԩّĄώѨ؎ࣶົϫ۞д፬ᐽ၆఺়࣎ঽՀк۞ᓜԖ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ পᇈ̈́ঽநϠநጯࡁտĂ͍׎ߏͧྵ4.8 າ൴ϠՏ͟ A. ᐝ൭޺ᜈŵ3࣎͡Ă௑Ъૄ໤B-D ޺ᜈّᐝ൭ ᄃ2.3 ၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭Ą Ŵ3̰͟ĂӈՏ͟൴үͷޢB. ᐝ൭ଂฟؕ൴Ϡٕ൴Ϡ

൑ቤྋ (ො1)

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ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭̬௜ C. ᐝ൭۞൴Ϡᄃྍ়ଈѣॡมᕇ˯۞૜̷ᙯా̈́/ٕᙋ ၁ѣ࡭ঽᙯܼ ౘރԈ Ղྐᑕᛌ Ăᐝ൭дޢᒚјΑٕҋ൒ቤྋڼD. ົጱ࡭ᐝ൭۞়ଈ (3̰࣎̂̂͡ഴٕ͌ቤྋ (ѣ়ֱଈ۞ॡมΞਕྵൺ ༊ঽˠ൴ϠࢵѨᐝ൭Ăٕѣາ۞ᐝ൭ݭၗĂͷТ (ො3) ॡѣཝሳԛјĂಶΞۡତᕝؠߏཚሳ͔൴̝Ѩ൴ّᐝ ្ٺ൭Ą఺჌ঽˠΪࢋග˘჌ᐝ൭෧ᕝĂӈ7.4 ᕩЯ ො੃Ĉ னညઐᐝ൭ăܑېཚሳ̝ᐝ൭ Ăӈֹ఺࣎ᐝ൭া̰ ޝጯఙኢ͛̚ೡࢗٺЊѨ൴ّᐝ൭׎ᐝ൭পᇈొ̂ .1 ღᒺݭᐝ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ĄೱήྖᄲĂາ൴Ϡᐝ൭ ׍ѣ෧ᕝ̝ࢦ͌ޝ˵૱ĄӈֹѣԆፋ۞ೡࢗĂ఼͌ ׎΁ᄮؠົ͔൴ᐝ൭۞়׀Ğde novo headacheğЪ ޙٺࢋপᇈĄЯѩĂᇾ໤̼ૄ໤̚۞෧ᕝૄ໤A၆ ଈĂౌ෧ᕝࠎѨ൴ّĄ ޙٺϲ࡭ঽ఼ّ૱ӄৈ̙̂Ąҭߏૄ໤BĂC̈́D၆ ༊ঽˠࣧАಶѣ۞ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ٺТ̙˫ڶ఺჌ଐ ѣड़ৈĄ఺ֹ଀ֹϡૄ໤A̙Ϊޝ૱ϲ࡭ঽࣧЯ఼ ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃΩ˘჌়ଈ۞൴Ϡѣ૜̷ᙯ̝ ጐΞਕӘۢϫ݈၆ѩٺϡֽࠧؠᐝ൭পᇈĂ˵ѣӄ Ķ઼ᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷķ̚Ăགྷ࿅кѨ۞ۍ˘Ąдௐా ᐝ൭۞˞ྋĂٕពϯԧࣇٙۢߏтң۞͌Ą఺ಶߏ ĂඕኢΪѣາ۞ᐝ൭̖ΞͽజᄮࠎߏѨ൴ّĄޢ੅ኢ ࠎ̦ᆃனдૄ໤Aॾё̰Ξͽౘࢗ˘ֱপᇈĄഇ୕ ពг൴ன఺ᇹ۞ඕኢځ࿅඀̚Ă۞ۍ˟൒҃дበᏭௐ ఺ᇹΞͽ፬൴΍Հк၆Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭পᇈ۞ࡁտĂт Ąͧт˘Ҝঽˠ˘Ϡ̚ڶଐ۞צˠତ΄ڱౄјߙֱ൑ ѩĂ၆̂ొЊ఺ᙷᐝ൭Ăૄ໤AΞͽѣՀ୻຾۞ؠ ĂݒฟؕՏߐഇ2Ѩޢѣ10Ѩઐᐝ൭൴үĂҭᐝొγ๋ ཌྷĄ ઐᐝ൭൴үĂͷЯ҃ౄјεਕĂ఺˫ྍтң׸ĉॲፂ 2. Ķ൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈķĄځր௚Ă఺ҜঽˠΪਕѣઐᐝ൭۞෧ᕝĄΩ˘ ࡶ၆ྍᐝ൭˘൑ٙۢĂಶᓏ۞ۍ˘ௐ ՏѨౌజቁᄮĂѣֱଯീ۞࡭Я়ଈ൑ڱּ࣎̄ߏ˘Ҝღᒺݭᐝ൭ঽˠĂ΁۞ᐝ൭ೋ̼ᄃཝሳ 3. ૄ໤D൑ ᒚٕ̙ົቤྋĄ఺ֱ९ּΞਕಶͽĶགྷዋ༊෧ڼڱ 7.4˭ڱѣᙯĂᔵ൒ᐝ൭̪ჯ޺࠹ТপᇈĄͽ݈ߏ൑ ၅҃ଵੵ׎΁࡭Яķֽ΃ആૄ໤DĄ ઇڱĂ࿅Ν൑ޢཚሳ̝ᐝ൭ ۞෧ᕝĄ౵្̰ٺᕩЯ дధк९ּ̚Ă੠ᖸ۞ॡม̙ૉٕυืдቤྋ࿰ ϡᐝ൭۞෧ᕝĂЯࠎ఺ౌߏࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ֹޘ࿅ۏ΍ᘽ ഇٙᅮ۞ॡม̝݈˭෧ᕝĄ̂ొЊ఺ᙷ९ּ۞ᐝ൭ᑕ ఼૱ߏઐᐝ൭)ΐᆐĂٙͽΪਕჯ޺ࣧѣ۞෧ᕝĄ) Ķྍ়ଈķ̝ᐝ൭ Ĉ˘ό௑Ъૄٺ൳ᐂࠎΞਕᕩЯ ̝ࢗநϤĂԧࣇ͔ซ˘჌າ۞෧ᕝ̈́൳ᐂ˯ٺૄ ቁ۞ᙯܼĄপҾߏдߊхځĂࡶࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ព඾ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃΩ˘჌ ໤DĂ̖ਕԆБᙋ၁˘࣎ڱ͞ ĄּтĂ඗ڶᙋ၁ົጱ࡭ᐝ൭۞়ଈѣ૜̷ᙯాĂனд఺ֱঽˠ д̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭Я׎΁়ଈ҃ೋ̼۞ଐ̏ ϡֹޘΞͽѣ׌࣎෧ᕝĈࣧ൴ّᐝ൭̈́Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ąநኢ˯ ̂ొЊ௑Ъ1.5.1 ၙّઐᐝ൭ ૄ໤۞ঽˠߏ࿅ ֹޘĂᐝ൭ົԼචĄ࿅ޢۏϡᘽֹޘĂͷઃͤ࿅ۏྋ᝝۩มĂ൒ְ҃၁˯Ă༊ ᘽٸՀฟۍ఺࣎າր௚ͧᖞ ઃϡ݈Ă఺ᙷঽˠ൳ᐂ۞࿰నࣧ݋ࠎ̝݈۞ۏᖞր௚ጱ࡭̙Ъந෧ᕝॡĂଂֽಶ՟ѣˠົΝᏲೈ ϡ̝ᘽ ঽˠ۞ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭Я׎΁়ଈ҃ೋ̼Ăາր ઐᐝ൭ֲݭ (఼૱ࠎ1.1 ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭)Ăΐ˯1.6.5 ΞٺιĄ၆ ϡᐝ൭Ąֹޘ࿅ۏՙؠߏӎΪϡࣧ൴ّ۞෧ᕝٕΩγΐ˯ ਕၙّઐᐝ൭ ͽ̈́8.2.7 Ξਕᘽٺ௚۞ᙱᗟд ઃϡĂ҃ঽˠд2̰࣎͡ϏԼචĂ̏ۏϡ̝ᘽֹޘѨ൴ّᐝ൭۞෧ᕝĄ͚޺ֹϡ׌࣎෧ᕝ۞நϤт˭Ĉ ࡶ࿅ ϡᐝ൭ ̝ૄ໤DĂ݋ᑕೲୢ఺ֹޘ࿅ۏពೋ̼ăѣ ̙௑Ъ8.2 ᘽځ૜̷ᙯాăࣧ൴ّᐝ൭૱ܧॡมᕇ˯ѣ ڼ׎΁ᙋፂពϯΩ˘়ଈົֹࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ೋ̼ă༊ι ࣎෧ᕝĂ͚҃޺1.5.1 ၙّઐᐝ൭ ĄТᇹ۞ఢ݋ዋϡ Ăᐝ൭ቤྋĄޢᕽٕቤྋ ঽˠĂҭ׎΁͞ࢬ௑Ъ2.3 ၙّღ۞ۏϡᘽֹޘд࿅ Ķ઼ᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷķ̚ĂѨ൴ّᐝ۞ۍ˘дௐ ᒺݭᐝ൭ ۞ૄ໤Ą Ăͷ૱૱Ϗ೩ֻᐝ൭পᇈ۞ྤ̂ޝ൭۞෧ᕝૄ໤मள ᕽăҋ൒ቤྋٕொڼՙؠ૟Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭෧ᕝૄ໤۞ॾё ̂ొЊ९ּ̚Ăૄ໤D၆д̏̚ۍ˟फ़Ąдௐ Ą఼૱ࠎ3࣎טĂ׎ᐝ൭Լචѣॡม۞ࢨޢᇾ໤̼Ă֭ͷႽΞਕ೩ֻՀкᐝ൭পᇈĄЯѩ෧ᕝૄ ੵ࿰నঽЯ ٕ) ໤ѣ˭Е੨ཉĈ ͡ĂҭдߙֱѨ൴ّᐝ൭ົՀൺֱĄࡶ෹࿅3࣎͡ ᐝ൭ֶ൒޺ᜈĂಶྍᘃႷᐝ൭ߏӎ (טൺ۞ॡมࢨྵ ෹࿅3࣎͡ĂѨ൴זٙ࿰నঽЯĄ૱૱៍၅ٺѨ൴ّᐝ൭̝෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ቁ၁Ѩ൴

A. ᐝ൭׍˭Е˘ีٕՀк (Е΍) পᇈĞො1Ă2ğĂͷ௑Ъ ّᐝ൭̪൒޺ᜈĂҭ΁ࣇ̂ొЊߏ׍Ϗགྷࡊጯᙋ၁۞ Ķߙপؠٺᐂ̚۞ ᕩЯܢ໤C̈́D ঽЯĄ఺ֱ࣎९̏ӣ߁дૄ ѣΩ˘჌̏ۢົ͔൴ᐝ൭۞়ଈ ়ଈķ̝ၙّᐝ൭ĄځB. ᙋ

ICHD-Ƕ68 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ځᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋̝ᐝ൭ ˘ਠᄲٺᕩЯ .5 Headache attributed to head and/or neck ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ) ༊˘࣎າᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠॡĂॡมᕇ˯˫ᄃ̏ۢ۞ ྍγ๋͔൴۞ٺtrauma) γ๋ѣ૜̷ᙯా۰Ă૟׎൳ᐂࠎᕩЯ ӈֹ׍ѣઐᐝ൭ăღֱ˘ٺͳ౾̥ᛌ Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą఺ᕇ˵ዋϡ ޗ׹ୁ ߊхд̝ࣧڍᒺݭᐝ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭পᕇ۞ᐝ൭Ąт ᐝ൭ (Acute post-traumatic headache) ൴ّᐝ൭۞ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃγ๋ѣ૜̷ᙯాĂ݋ޢγّ๋ާ 5.1 ᐝ൭ ѣ׌჌ΞਕّĂͷᅮࢋΐͽҿᕝĄঽˠΞͽ෧ᕝࠎߊޢᐝొγ๋̝ާّγ๋ޘࢦٕ̚ٺᕩЯ 5.1.1 ĞAcute post-traumatic headache attributed to хд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ෧ᕝѣ׌჌ᐝ൭Ăӈࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ ۰෧ᕝ۞Я৵ޢ˯γ๋͔੓۞ᐝ൭Ą͚޺ΐٺᄃᕩЯ moderate or severe head injuryğ ࠎĈᄃγ๋൴Ϡѣ˩̶૜̷۞ॡมᕇᙯాăߊхд̝ ᐝ൭ޢᐝొγ๋̝ާّγ๋ޘᅅٺᕩЯ 5.1.2 ពೋ̼ăѣ·̶ᙋፂពϯ఺჌পҾ۞γ๋ਕځᐝ൭ѣ ĞAcute post-traumatic headache attributed to Ăᐝ൭ซޢĂ༊γ๋ޭೇޢࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ೋ̼Ă׶౵ֹ mild head injuryğ ՎĄ ᐝ൭ĞChronic post-traumatic headacheğޢγّ๋ၙ 5.2 ᐝ൭ޢᐝొγ๋̝ၙّγ๋ޘࢦٕ̚ٺᕩЯ 5.2.1 ቁؠĂΞਕٕၙّĉ ĞChronic post-traumatic headache attributed ᒚٕڼдధкѨ൴ّᐝ൭۞९ּ̚ĂΪѣдѣड़ to moderate or severe head injuryğ ពځĂᐝ൭дপؠ۞ॡม̰ྋੵٕѣޢঽЯҋ൒ቤྋ 5.2.2 ᐝ൭ ԼචĂ෧ᕝ̖ΞቁؠĄд఺ֱঽּ̚Ăॡมᕇ۞ᙯాޢᐝొγ๋̝ၙّγ๋ޘᅅٺᕩЯ ĞChronic post-traumatic headache attributed ߏྍ়ଈ͔൴ᐝ൭۞υࢋᙋፂĄ ᙯܼڍto mild head injuryğ Яγ๋͔੓۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭ಶ̙ߏтѩĈЯ ϲдᐝ൭൴Ϡ׶γ๋дॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాĂҭߏޙᐚొϢ๋̝ާّᐝ൭ĞAcute headache attrib- ߏٺᕩЯ 5.3 ൴ڶᐝ൭૱ߏ޺ᜈ۞Ą༊ѩଐޢuted to whiplash injuryğ ிٙ׹ۢγ๋൴Ϡ ᐝޢĂಶ෧ᕝࠎ5.2 ၙّγ๋ޢᐝొγ๋ٺᐚొϢ๋̝ၙّᐝ൭ĞChronic headache ϠĂּтٺᕩЯ 5.4 ĂΪࢋ௑Ъૄ໤Ă݈̝זૉޭೇ۞ॡม֖̏זattributed to whiplash injuryğ ൭Ąۡ ᐚٺᐝ൭ ӈΞቁؠĄ఺Тᇹዋϡޢγ្ّ๋̰ҕཚ̝ᐝ൭ĞHeadache attributed ෧ᕝ5.1 ާّγ๋ٺᕩЯ 5.5 to traumatic intracranial aematoma ᐝొ̈́ٺĄϫ݈൑ΞਕᕩЯޢ (ğ ొϢ๋ (whiplash injury 5.5.1 Headache ർཝቯγҕཚ̝ᐝ൭Ğ /ٕᐚొγ๋۞ᐝ൭ ̝෧ᕝᏴีĄٺᕩЯ attributed to epidural haematomağ ർཝቯ˭ҕཚ̝ᐝ൭ĞHeadache ݈֏ٺᕩЯ 5.5.2 া۞ޢattributed to subdural haematomağ ᐝ൭ߏ˘Ξਕ൴Ϡдᐝăᐚٕཝొγ๋ Ăтᐝېᐝొγ๋۞ᐝ൭གྷ૱ҡѣ׎΁াٺĄჹЯې ׎΁ᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋̝ᐝ൭ĞHeadacheٺᕩЯ 5.6 ຍ˧ᙱะ̚ăৠགྷኳăˠॾԼត׶ε্Ąѩཏڦattributed to other head and/or neck traumağ ຶă া࣏ཏĞpost-traumatic syndromeğĂޢࠎγ๋ۢ̏ې׎΁ᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋̝ާّᐝ൭ াٺᕩЯ 5.6.1 Ąېព۞াځĞAcute headache attributed to other head ᐝ൭˫ߏ׎̚౵ Ξਕ൴Ϡ̙Тᙷݭ۞ᐝ൭Ă҃ͷΞਕޢand/or neck traumağ ᐝొγ๋ ׎΁ᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋̝ၙّᐝ൭ ׶ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭˩̶ᙷҬę౵૱֍۞ߏღᒺݭᐝ൭Ă෹ٺᕩЯ 5.6.2 ĞChronic headache attributed to other head ࿅80%۞ঽˠߏѩᙷĄдߙֱঽּ̚ĂΞਕົ͔൴׏ and/or neck traumağ ݭ࿰Џٕ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ă҃͌ᇴঽˠ˵జಡӘѣᙷҬ ᐝ൭ĞPost-craniotomy headacheğ ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭۞া࣏ཏĄޢ੻̷ฟఙ្ 5.7 ೀ̰݈͟ޢ۰д൴ϠٕגĂᐝ൭ϲޢᐝ൭ĞAcute post-cranioto- ༊γ๋൴Ϡّާޢ੻̷ฟఙ្ 5.7.1 ϲĄ൒ޙٽटޝmy headacheğ யϠĂᐝ൭׶ᐝొٕᐚొγ๋۞ᙯܼ ᐝ൭̖யϠĂ͍׎ޢᇴߐഇٕࠤҌᇴ͡ޢᐝ൭ĞChronic post-cran- ҃Ă༊γّ๋ၙޢ੻̷ฟఙ្ 5.7.2 iotomy headacheğ ߏ༊̂кᇴ۞఺ֱᐝ൭ѣღᒺݭᐝ൭۞ݭၗॡĂ҃ѩ ᙱᄮؠĄޝ੼Ăಶ૱ܧ̚˾Бొˠٺݭᐝ൭۞஽Җத ᐝ൭അдᓜԖགྷរ̚ಡӘĂҭߏޢ఺჌Ᏽ൴ݭ۞γ๋

58 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ਜ਼޽ᇴ (GCS) Ÿ13ڃ௡ࡁտᙋ၁Ą 2. GlasgowטᔘϏགྷϤঽּ-ଠ ᇈ࣏෧ᕝࠎཝዩᒜٕ/̈́ېĂ̏ቁᄮѣПᐍЯ̄ົ 3. াޢдᐝొγ๋ٕᐚొϢ๋ 7̰͟൴Ϡޢᐝ൭۞ࢲᐍྵ੼Ăͷᐌ C. ᐝ൭дᐝొγ๋ޢγ๋ٺ։Ąّ̙̃ޢౄј࿰ Ă˵ྵ̙ԆБĄ፟ୠ D. ѣ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈၙྵޘ඾ѐ᛬۞ᆧΐĂޭೇ۞ి 3̰࣎͡ቤྋޢЯ̄тᐝొ ᇠ ᑝ۞Ҝཉę୊ᖼ (rotated) ้ٕ୆ 1. ᐝ൭дᐝొγ๋ Ϗ႕3࣎͡إᐝ൭۞ࢲᐍĄγ๋۞ᚑࢦ඀ 2. ᐝ൭޺ᜈĂҭҋᐝొγ๋ޢinclined)ęົᆧΐγ๋) ม۞ᙯܼ̪ϏቁؠĄ̝ޘা࣏ཏ۞ᚑࢦ඀ޢ׶γ๋ޘ Ĉځᛉّ۞ྤफ़Ă̂кᇴ۞ࡁտពϯ༊ᐝ ᄲۋֱ˘ᔵ൒ᔘѣ ᐝొγ๋Ξਕົ͔੓˘࣎ᄮۢăҖࠎăຍᙊޘᐝ൭ྵ͌൴ϠĄ൒҃Ăд ᅅ۞ޢγ๋ྵᚑࢦ ॡĂγ๋ొ ཏĄৠགྷጯᑭߤĂৠېਜ਼޽ᇴŸ13۞ኑЪাڃᅅ຋۞γ๋ঽּ̚Ăᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋׶ᐝ ள૱׶૱ܧߙֱ Ăᄵ൴࿪ҜĂگϲ۞Ą གྷᇆည (࿪ཝᕝᆸବೡ, Ⴣॎౄᇆ)ĂཝޙᙱΝޝᙯܼߏڍ൭̝ม۞Я ൴޺ᜈᐝ൭̝֎Ғ̪д੅ኢ ཝਖល୵ᑭߤĂ݈लΑਕᑭߤ׶ৠགྷ͕நጯᑭߤĂΞ͔ޢ෦఩дγ๋ٺᙯ च۰ ਕѣ˵Ξਕ՟ѣள૱Ą֭൑ᙋፂពϯ఺ֱᑭߤ̚ЇңצछĂຍγ઼۞ܛĂߙֱࡁտពϯд՟ѣኪᐺ̚ ᒚĄ၆ϒѣγ๋ڼٺ۰ѣӄٕޢᐚొ ˘ี۞ள૱ົԼត࿰ٺᐝ൭ ׶5.4 ᕩЯޢᐝ൭ྵ͌Ą5.2 ၙّγ๋̝ ᐝ൭۞ঽˠĂ఺ֱ̙֭ᑕүࠎּҖᑭߤĄᑕಶ࣎९ޢ া࣏ཏ̝˘ొ̶Ă҃ޢᐝ൭ ૱ࠎγّ๋ၙ̝ޢϢ๋ ᙱΝෞҤĄ ు˘҂ᇋĂٕЯࡁտϫ۞̖ซҖ఺ֱᑭߤĄޝ׎ጡኳّᄃჟৠۤົЯ৵ม۞ኑᗔᙯܼ

ᐝ൭ Chronic post-traumaticޢᐝ൭ Acute post-traumatic 5.2 ၙّγ๋ޢγّ๋ާ 5.1 headache headache

ځᐝ൭ ᄲޢᐝొγ๋̝ާّγ๋ޘࢦٕ̚ٺᕩЯ 5.1.1 া࣏ཏ۞˘ొ̶Ăޢᐝ൭གྷ૱ߏγ๋ޢAcute post-traumatic headache attributed to ၙّγ๋ ຍ˧̙ะ̚ă̍ڦтπᏊᅪᘣăېmoderate or severe head injury ׎̚Βӣ˞к჌া ಉăჂ্ᅪᘣඈඈĄၙّγ๋ڷăޤٽүਕ˧਽ੜă ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ඀Ԕ׶ྋ̝ม۞ᙯܼᔘϏ୻຾гޠڱᐝ൭۞ঽ඀׶ޢ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ϲĂҭࢦࢋ۞ߏᅮᖰຕгෞҤঽˠĂߏӎ΁ࣇΞਕޙ B. ᐝొγ๋Ҍ͌׍˭Е׎̚˘ีĈ ĄܛՀк۞ኪᐺזߏ྅ঽ(malingering)̈́/ٕࠎ଀ 1. ຍᙊಉεŵ30̶ᛗ ਜ਼޽ᇴ (GCS)Ŵ13ڃGlasgow .2 ᐝ൭ޢᐝొγ๋̝ၙّγ๋ޘࢦٕ̚ٺᕩЯ 5.2.1 3. γ๋ޢ੃ጸಉεŵ48̈ॡ Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to ᇆညᑭߤពϯѣγّ๋ཝొঽត (̂ཝҕཚĂ̂ .4 moderate or severe head injury ཝ̰̈́/ٕᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕĂཝक़๋̈́/ٕᐝ្ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ੻੻Զ) A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D 7̰͟൴ϠޢೇຍᙊޭٕޢC. ᐝ൭дᐝొγ๋ B. ᐝొγ๋Ҍ͌׍˭Е׎̚˘ีĈ D. ѣ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈ 1.ຍᙊಉεŵ30̶ᛗ 1. ᐝ൭дᐝొγ๋ޢ3̰࣎͡ቤྋ ਜ਼޽ᇴ (GCS)Ŵ13ڃGlasgow .2 Ϗ႕3࣎͡إᐝ൭޺ᜈĂҭҋᐝొγ๋ .2 3. γ๋ޢ੃ጸಉεŵ48̈ॡ ᇆညᑭߤពϯѣγّ๋ཝొঽត (̂ཝҕཚĂ̂ .4 ᐝ൭ޢᐝొγ๋̝ާّγ๋ޘᅅٺᕩЯ 5.1.2 / / Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to mild ཝ̰̈́ ٕᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕĂཝक़๋̈́ ٕᐝ្ ੻੻Զ) head injury 7̰͟൴ޢᐝొγ๋ޭೇຍᙊٕޢC. ᐝ൭дᐝొγ๋ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Ϡ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D D. ᐝొγ๋ޢᐝ൭޺ᜈŵ3࣎͡ B. ᐝొγ๋׍˭ЕБొีϫĈ ൑ຍᙊಉεĂٕຍᙊಉεŴ30̶ᛗ .1

ICHD-Ƕ 59 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ᐚొ Ϣ๋̝ၙّᐝ൭ Chronicٺᐝ൭ 5.4 ᕩЯޢᐝొγ๋̝ၙّγ๋ޘᅅٺᕩЯ 5.2.2 Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to mild headache attributed to whiplash injury head injury ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ̈́௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D B. ѣᐚొϢ๋۞ঽΫ (ࡎ൒֭ࢦ̂ (significant) ۞ᐚొ B. ᐝొγ๋׍˭ЕБొีϫĈ ΐి/ഴిજү)Ă༊ॡ֭ҡᐌᐚొূ൭ 7̰͟൴Ϡ۞ޢ൑ຍᙊಉεĂٕຍᙊಉεŴ30̶ᛗ C. ᐝ൭дᐚొϢ๋ .1 ᐝ൭޺ᜈŵ3࣎͡ޢਜ਼޽ᇴ (GCS) Ÿ13 D. ᐚొϢ๋ڃGlasgow .2 ᇈ࣏෧ᕝࠎཝዩᒜٕ/̈́ېা .3 Ĉځ7̰͟൴Ϡ ᄲޢC. ᐝ൭дᐝొγ๋ ొ˘া࣏ཏ۞ޢᐝ൭૱ߏγ๋ޢᐝ൭޺ᜈŵ3࣎͡ ၙّᐚొϢ๋ޢD. ᐝొγ๋ ϏؠܛϒдซҖ෦఩ͷኪᐺځЊĄ֭൑ѣ˧۞෠ፂᙋ ѣᙯĄࢦࢋ۞ߏᅮᖰຕгෞҤঽˠĂߏܜĈ ᄃᐝ൭۞ؼځᄲ ĄܛՀк۞ኪᐺזᐝొγ๋Ξਕ͔੓˘࣎ᄮۢăҖࠎăຍᙊள ӎ΁ࣇΞਕߏ྅ঽ̈́/ٕࠎ଀ޘᅅ ཏĄৠགྷጯᑭߤĂৠགྷېਜ਼޽ᇴŸ13۞ኑЪাڃ׶૱ Ăᄵ൴࿪ҜĂཝگᇆည(࿪ཝᕝᆸବೡ, Ⴣॎౄᇆ)Ăཝ γ្ّ๋̰ҕཚ̝ᐝ൭ Headacheٺਖល୵ᑭߤĂ݈लΑਕᑭߤ׶ৠགྷ͕நጯᑭߤĂΞਕ 5.5 ᕩЯ ѣ˵Ξਕ՟ѣள૱Ą֭൑ᙋፂពϯ఺ֱᑭߤ̚Їң˘ attributed to traumatic intracranial haematoma ϫ݈ٺᒚѣٙᑒӄĄ၆ڼ۰၆ٕޢள૱ົԼត࿰۞ี ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ᐝ൭۞ঽˠĂ఺ֱ̙֭ᑕүࠎּҖᑭߤĄᑕޢѣγ๋ γّ๋ཝ̰̈́/ٕᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕٕϤγٺᐝ൭ᕩЯ ಶ࣎९ు˘҂ᇋĂٕЯࡁտϫ۞̖ซҖ఺ֱᑭߤĄ ᐝొޘࢦٕ̚ٺཝ̰ҕཚĂ൳ᐂࠎ 5.1.1 ᕩЯّ๋̂ ᐝޘࢦٕ̚ٺᐝ൭ ٕ 5.2.1 ᕩЯޢγ๋̝ާّγ๋ ᐝ൭ĄޢᐚొϢ๋̝ާّᐝ൭ Acute headache ొγ๋̝ၙّγ๋ٺᕩЯ 5.3 attributed to whiplash injury ർཝቯγҕཚ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 5.5.1 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ attributed to epidural haematoma A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ B. ѣᐚొϢ๋ঽΫ (ࡎ൒֭ࢦ̂ (significant) ۞ᐚొΐ A. ާّᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ഴిજү)Ă༊ॡ֭ҡᐌᐚొূ൭/ి B. ৠགྷᇆညᑭߤᙋ၁ѣർཝቯγҕཚ 7̰͟൴Ϡ۞ޢC. ᐝ൭дᐚొϢ๋ 24̈ॡ̰൴Ϡזᇴ̶ᛗޢC. ᐝ൭дҕཚԛј D. ѣ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈ D. ѣ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈ 3̰࣎͡ቤྋ۞ޢᐝ൭дᐚొϢ๋ .1 3̰࣎͡ቤྋޢҕཚ୻ੵٺᐝ൭ .1 Ϗ႕3࣎͡إᐝ൭޺ᜈĂҭҋᐚొϢ๋ .2 Ϗ႕3࣎͡إᐝ൭޺ᜈĂҭҕཚ୻ੵ .2 Ĉځᄲ ĈځņᐚొϢ๋Ň ˘ෟ޽۞ߏࡎ൒۞ᐚొΐి̈́/ٕഴ ᄲ જү (̂кᇴঽּߏϤ֘჋ౄј)ĄᓜԖܑனΒ߁ᄃ ർཝቯγҕཚдᐝొγ๋൴Ϡ۞ೀ࣎̈ॡ̝̰யి moderate) ᐝొγ๋Ąർཝቯγҕཚ) ޘᄃᇈ࣏Ăͽ̈́ᐚొͽγ֗វᅪᘣăৠ ϠĂΞਕࠎ̚ېᐚొѣᙯ۞া གྷຏᛇᅪᘣăҖࠎᅪᘣ̈́ᄮۢᅪᘣᄃଐຏ়ّଈĄι ᓁҡᐌৠགྷጯԊొᇈ࣏ (focal signs) ̈́ຍᙊᅪᘣĄღާ ࣇдγ៍ăܑன̈́ซणሀёඈ͞ࢬĂົᐌ඾ॡม҃ѣ ۞͘ఙߏυࢋ۞Ą ֍۞Ą૱ޝা࣏ཏ̚ߏޢតજĄᐝ൭дᐚొϢ๋̂ޝ ᅾΔҹᐚొϢ๋࠹ᙯ়ଈЇચ̈௡ (The Quebec Task Force on Whiplash-Associated Disorders) ̏೩΍˞၆݈ ᖀّࡁտѣᑒӄ۞5჌ᙷҾ۞̶ᙷ͞ёĄд̙Т۞઼ ព̙ТĂ఺Ξਕᄃځা࣏ཏ۞൴Ϡதѣޢछ, ᐚొϢ๋ ࿰ഇ࠹ᙯĄ۞ܛኪᐺٺ၆

60 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

׎΁ᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋̝ၙّᐝ൭ٺർཝቯ˭ҕཚ̝ᐝ൭ Headache 5.6.2 ᕩЯٺᕩЯ 5.5.2 attributed to subdural haematoma Chronic headache attributed to other head and/or ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ neck trauma A. ާّٕ႙ซّ۞ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ C̈́D A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D B. ৠགྷᇆညᙋ၁ѣർཝቯ˭ҕཚ B. ᙋ၁ѣ˘჌݈ࢗϏ೩̈́۞ᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋ 72̈ॡ̰൴Ϡ C. ᐝ൭۞൴Ϡ׶ᐝొٕ/̈́ᐚొγ๋Ăдॡมᕇ˯૜̷-24ޢC. ᐝ൭дҕཚԛј ᙯܼڍD. ѣ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈ ࠹ᙯĂ̈́/ٕѣ׎΁ᙋፂቁϲ׎Я ᐝ൭޺ᜈŵ3࣎͡ޢ3̰࣎͡ቤྋ D. ᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋ޢҕཚ୻ੵٺᐝ൭ .1 Ϗ႕3࣎͡إᐝ൭޺ᜈĂҭҕཚ୻ੵ .2

ᐝ൭ Post-craniotomy headacheޢĈ 5.7 ្੻̷ฟఙځᄲ Тݭၗ۞ർཝቯ˭ҕཚᑕॲፂιࣇ۞ॡมপّ̙ ᐝ൭ Acute post-craniotomyޢពᐝొγ 5.7.1 ާ្ّ੻̷ฟఙځડҾĄާّ׶ֲާّ۞ҕཚ఼૱൴Ϡдֽ ֍(11%~53%۞ঽּ)Ăҭݒ૱Яৠགྷ headache૱ޝĂᐝ൭ޢ๋ ർཝቯ˭ҕّၙٺரĄنጯԊొᇈ࣏̈́ຍᙊᅪᘣ҃జ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᐝޘཚĂᐝ൭Հࠎ૱֍(੼྿81%)Ă֭ͷᔵ൒Ϊߏ̚ ᐝ൭Ăд្੻̷ฟ۞ొҜ౵ᆖचĂ௑Ъ۞ޘA. ̙Тૻ ޝ૱ጱ࡭ᐝ൭۞ᐝొγ๋ٺĄϤې൭Ăݒߏ͹ࢋ۞া ૄ໤C̈́D ᅅ຋Ă҃ΞਕజঽˠԞ੃ĂЯѩ෧ᕝ˯Ξਕົѣӧ B. ̙ߏЯᐝొγ๋ (ො1) ҃߉Җ្੻̷ฟఙ ᙱĄтҁѐঽˠѣ႙ซّ۞ᐝ൭ĂপҾߏѣֱᄮۢᅪ C. ᐝ൭д្੻̷ฟఙޢ7̰͟൴Ϡ ᘣ̈́/ٕᅅ຋۞ৠགྷጯԊొᇈ࣏Ăᑕ૟ၙّർቯ˭ҕཚ D. ѣ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈ Еˢ҂ᇋĄ 3̰࣎͡ঐεޢ੻̷ฟఙ្ٺᐝ൭ .1 ׀ᗕ઎ർཝቯ˭ҕཚΞਕࠎཝਖល୵Ҳᑅౄј۞ Ϗ႕3࣎͡إᐝ൭޺ᜈĂҭ្੻̷ฟఙ .2 ൴াĄϤ఺়ֱଈ͔੓۞ᐝ൭࠰൳ᐂдѩ఍Ąѩᙷঽ ߏͽݻၗّࠎ̪ޢĂᐝ൭ฟؕॡߏݻၗّ۞Ăּ̝̚ ͹ٕតј޺ᜈّ۞Ą ො੃Ĉ 1. ༊្੻̷ฟఙߏЯᐝొγ๋҃߉ҖॡĂ൳ᐂࠎ5.1.1 ᐝ൭Ąޢᐝొγ๋̝ާّγ๋ޘࢦٕ̚ٺᕩЯ ׎΁ᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋̝ᐝ൭ٺᕩЯ 5.6 Headache attributed to other head and/or neck -ᐝ൭ Chronic postޢ੻̷ฟఙ្ّၙ 5.7.2 trauma craniotomy headache ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ׎΁ᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋̝ާّᐝ൭ٺᕩЯ 5.6.1 ᐝ൭Ă͍ͽд្੻̷ฟ۞ొҜ౵ᆖचĂ۞ޘA. ̙Тૻ Acute headache attributed to other head and/or neck ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D trauma B. ̙ߏЯᐝొγ๋ (ො1) ҃߉Җ្੻̷ฟఙ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ C. ᐝ൭д្੻̷ฟఙޢ7̰͟൴Ϡ A. C D ᐝ൭޺ᜈŵ3࣎͡ޢᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤ ̈́ D. ្੻̷ฟఙ B. ᙋ၁ѣ˘჌݈ࢗϏ೩̈́۞ᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋ C. ᐝ൭۞൴Ϡ׶ᐝొٕ/̈́ᐚొγ๋Ăдॡมᕇ˯૜̷ ො੃Ĉ ᙯܼ 1. ༊្੻̷ฟఙߏЯᐝొγ๋҃߉ҖॡĂ൳ᐂࠎ5.2.1ڍᙯాĂ̈́/ٕѣ׎΁ᙋፂቁϲ׎Я D. ᐝ൭Ąޢᐝొγ๋̝ၙّγ๋ޘࢦٕ̚ٺѣ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈĈ ᕩЯ 3̰࣎͡ঐεޢᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋ٺᐝ൭ .1 Ϗ႕3࣎͡إᐝ൭޺ᜈĂҭᐝొ̈́/ٕᐚొγ๋ .2

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ICHD-Ƕ 63 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

-ᐚજਔٕਖഛજਔ൭̝ূ൭ (Carotid or verٺᐝăᐚొҕგ়ّଈ̝ᐝ൭ 6.5 ᕩЯٺᕩЯ .6 tebral artery pain) (Headache attributed to cranial or cervi- જਔࣤᗓ̝ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬăᐚొ̝ূ൭ٺᕩЯ 6.5.1 cal vascular disorder) (Headache or facial or neck pain attributed to (ధϲ؈ ౘ͵૽ ᛌ arterial dissection 6.5.2 જਔ̰ቯ̷ੵఙޢᐝ൭ (Post-endarterectomy (৿ ҕّ̚ࢲٕᇶॡّཝ৿ ҕ̝ᐝ൭ headacheٺᕩЯ 6.1 -ᐝ൭ (Carotid angioplasޢHeadache attributed to ischaemic stroke or transient 6.5.3 ᐚજਔҕგјݭఙ) ischaemic attack) ty headache) ҕგ̰͘ఙ̝ᐝ൭ (Headachḛ្ٺ৿ ҕّ̚ࢲĞ ཝୟ๫ğ ̝ᐝ൭ 6.5.4 ᕩЯٺᕩЯ 6.1.1 (Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke attributed to intracranial endovascular proce- (cerebral infarction)) dures) (ᇶॡّཝ৿ҕ(TIA)̝ᐝ൭ (Headache 6.5.5 ҕგౄᇆᐝ൭ (Angiography headacheٺᕩЯ 6.1.2 ཝᐖਔং๫ (CVT) ̝ᐝ൭ (Headachêٺattributed to transient ischaemic attack (TIA)) 6.6 ᕩЯ ((γ្ّ๋̰΍ҕ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib- attributed to cerebral venous thrombosis CVTܧٺᕩЯ 6.2 ׎΁្̰ҕგ়ّଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headacheٺuted to non-traumatic intracranial haemorrhage) 6.7 ᕩЯ (ཝ΍ҕ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to attributed to other intracranial vascular disorderٺᕩЯ 6.2.1 ѣϩኳ˭ୟ๫׀intracerebral haemorrhage) 6.7.1 ̂ཝវߖҒវពّજਔঽត ᄝිშ ቯ ˭ට΍ҕ(SAH)̝ᐝ൭ ̈́Ϩኳཝঽ ត (CADASIL) (CerebralٺᕩЯ 6.2.2 (Headache attributed to subarachnoid haemor- Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with rhage (SAH)) Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy ((Ϗ৔ෘ̝ҕგ་ԛ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib- (CADASILٺᕩЯ 6.3 uted to unruptured vascular malformation) 6.7.2 ௕ቢវཝঽតĂ֯ᅕ߲̈́̚ᙷ̚ࢲ൴ү ,ᝃԛજਔሳ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib- (MELAS) (Mitochondrial EncephalopathyٺᕩЯ 6.3.1 uted to saccular aneurysm) Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like episodes ((જᐖਔ་ԛ (AVM) ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache (MELASٺᕩЯ 6.3.2 ᇽৠགྷր௚̝։ّҕგঽត̝ᐝ൭̚ٺattributed to arteriovenous malformation(AVM)) 6.7.3 ᕩЯ ർቯજᐖਔ გ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache (Headache attributed to benign angiopathy ofٺᕩЯ 6.3.3 attributed to dural arteriovenous fistula) the central nervous system) -ཝ˭ݬវ̚ࢲ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attribٺҕგሳ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib- 6.7.4 ᕩЯېঔწٺᕩЯ 6.3.4 uted to cavernous angiomas) uted to pituitary apoplexy) ཝˬ˽ৠགྷٕహཝቯҕგሳঽ (SturgeٺᕩЯ 6.3.5 ځWeberͩা࣏ཏ) ̝ᐝ൭(Headache attributed ˘ਠᄲ to encephalotrigeminal or leptomeningeal ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ angiomatosis (Sturge Weber syndrome)) ༊˘࣎າ۞ᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠॡĂॡมᕇ˯˫ᄃҕგ়ّ ҕგ়ّଈ͔൴ٺᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to arteri- ଈѣ૜̷ᙯా۰Ă૟׎൳ᐂࠎᕩЯ̝ۆજਔٺᕩЯ 6.4 ӈֹ׍ѣઐᐝ൭ăֱ˘ٺtis) ۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą఺ᕇ˵ዋϡ ߊхд̝ڍGCA) ̝ᐝ൭ ღᒺݭᐝ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭পᕇ۞ᐝ൭Ąт) ۆλ ௟ࡪજਔٺᕩЯ 6.4.1 Headache attributed to giant cell arteritis ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭۞ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃҕგ়ّଈѣ૜̷) GCA)) ᙯాĂ݋ѣ׌჌ΞਕّĂͷᅮࢋΐͽҿᕝĄঽˠΞͽ) ෧ᕝࠎߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ෧ᕝѣ׌჌ᐝ൭Ăӈࣧ ̝ۆࣧ൴ّ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ (CNS) ҕგٺᕩЯ 6.4.2 ҕგ়ّଈ͔੓۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą͚ٺ൴ّᐝ൭ᄃᕩЯ ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to primary central ۰෧ᕝ۞Я৵ࠎĈᄃҕგ়ّଈѣ˩̶૜̷ޢ˯nervous system (CNS) angiitis) ޺ΐ ព۞ೋ̼ăѣ·̶ᙋځॡมᙯాăߊхд̝ᐝ൭ѣ۞ ̝ۆѨ൴ّ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ (CNS) ҕგٺᕩЯ 6.4.3 Ă༊ޢፂΝྋᛖҕგ়ّଈਕֹࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ೋ̼׶౵ ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to secondary cen- Ăᐝ൭ԼචĄޢҕგ়ّଈާّഇ࿅ tral nervous system (CNS) angiitis)

64 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

৿ҕّ̚ࢲٕᇶॡّཝ৿ҕ̝ᐝ൭ٺቁؠăΞਕٕၙّ۞ĉ 6.1 ᕩЯ -পؠॡม̰Ăᐝ Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke or tran˘۞ޢഇ࿅ّާٕޢΪѣ়ঽ൴Ϡ̝ ҕგ়ّଈ̝ᐝ൭۞෧ sient ischaemic attackٺពԼචĂᕩЯځ൭ቤྋٕѣ إᕝ఼૱̖ΞቁؠĄ༊࣎९ᄃ˯̙ࢗ௑Ăٕপؠॡม ۞ ҕგ়ّଈ̝ᐝ൭ٺϏ࿅ΝĂ఼૱ົϡΞਕᕩЯ ৿ҕّ̚ࢲ (ཝୟ๫) ̝ᐝ൭HeadacheٺᕩЯ 6.1.1 ពԼචځ՟ѣቤྋٕޢ෧ᕝĄѩγĂ༊ᐝ൭дˬ࣎͡ attributed to ischaemic stroke (cerebral infarction) ᐝ൭ĄЯࠎ఺ޢॡĂ݋෧ᕝࠎA6.8 ၙّҕგ়ّଈ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᅮࡁإᐂ̚జ೩̈́Ăܢᐝ൭۞͛ᚥ̙֖ĂЯѩΪдֱ A. Їңາ൴Ϡ۞ާّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C ᙯܼ̝ྵָ෧ᕝᇾ໤Ąڍտֽቁϲ׎Я ৿ҕّ۞ܕB. ৠགྷጯᇈ࣏̈́/ٕৠགྷᇆည˯ᙋ၁ѣ˘౵

݈֏ ̚ࢲ C. ट ᐝ൭ᄃ৿ҕّ̚ࢲ۞ᇈ࣏ٕ׎΁ᙋፂТॡ൴ϠĂٕޝᙯܼߏڍᐝ൭ᄃ̂кᇴ˭Еҕგ়ّଈ۞Я ෧ᕝ۞ĂЯࠎᐝ൭۞ܑனࠎާّͷѣৠགྷጯᇈ࣏Ă ߏдॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాٽ ቤྋĄ ЯѩĂᐝ൭׶఺ֱৠགྷጯᇈ࣏дॡి֝૱૱֭ Ĉځᙯܼ۞ᙯᔣĄ ᄲڍϲЯޙมᕇ˯۞૜̷ᙯాĂಶјࠎ т৿ҕّٕ΍ҕّ̚ࢲĂᐝ൭૱૱Я ৿ҕّ̚ࢲ۞ᐝ൭ߏҡᐌ඾Ԋొৠགྷጯᇈ࣏ٕߏڶېдధк ᄃࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ү΍ᝥٽౌ૱ரĄ׎΁тᄝිშቯ˭ ຍᙊ۞ԼតĂЯѩĂ఼نࠎԊొᇈ࣏ٕຍᙊᅪᘣ҃జ ͷ՟̦ᆃপؠ۞পᇈĄޘ఼૱ߏ̚ޘĄд˘ֱΞТॡ ҾĄι۞ᚑࢦ඀ېព۞াځට΍ҕĂᐝ൭݋఼૱ߏ౵ ૱ѣᐝ൭Ăͷྵ׀ тજਔࣤᗓĂ̂ཝᐖਔং๫Ă ৿ҕّ̚ࢲ۞࣎९ѣ17-34%ڶې൴ᐝ൭̈́̚ࢲ۞͔ ᐚજਔᅳા̝̚ࢲĄੵ˞ໂܧજਔᅳાĂ҃غૄٺඈĂᐝ൭૱ߏ˘ ֍ۆᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგ̈́̚ۆλ௟ࡪજਔ જਔࣤᗓγĂᐝ൭ϡٺ߽ୟ๫Ăٕߏໂ૱֍̈ٺ࣎౵੓ؕ۞ᛋЏĄЯѩĂቁᄮ΍ᐝ൭ᄃ఺়ֱଈ۞ᙯ ͌֍ ϒቁ෧ᕝሕд۞ҕგ়ଈĂТॡ̈́ѝฟؕዋ ͽቁؠ̚ࢲ۞ঽЯ֭൑͉̂۞ᓜԖᆊࣃĄܮĂͽా ࢦޝ᏷াߏޢᒚĂซ҃ᔖҺΞਕ۞ᚑࢦৠགྷጯڼ༊۞ ᇶॡّཝ৿ҕ (TIA) ̝ᐝ൭ Headacheٺࢋ۞Ą 6.1.2 ᕩЯ (ѣЇң˘ݭࣧ൴ attributed to transient ischaemic attack (TIAܮֱ݈̝˘Ξਕ൴Ϡдڶې఺ֱ ቢ৶ӈ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ۞ڶېᐝ൭۞ঽˠĄ˘࣎޽Шѣሕдҕგّّ ߏາ ۞ᐝ൭Ă఼૱ߏࡎ൴۞ĂͷঽˠଂϏགྷ።࿅۞Ą A. Їңາ൴Ϡ۞ާّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ൴ϠĂಶྍღާᑭෛߏӎѣҕგ়ّ B. Я৿ҕ͔੓۞Ԋొৠགྷ৿ຫ޺ᜈŴ24̈ॡڶېᓝ˲ѣ˯ࢗ ѣᐝ൭׀ଈĄ C. Ԋొ৿ຫ൴үТॡ ѩ఍̝ҕგ়ّଈĂ෧ᕝૄ໤ืΒ߁Ї D. ᐝ൭д24̈ॡ̰ቤྋٺٙѣЕ ңΞਕّĈ ĈځA. ᐝ൭׍˘ี (ٕкี) ̏੃ྶ۞পᇈ (тѣЇң̏ۢ ᄲ ᐚજਔᅳા۞ܧજਔᅳા҃غૄٺপᇈ)Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ᔵ൒ͧྵ૱֍ ពাځ˘ߏᇶॡّཝ৿ҕ۞͌ޝB. ௑Ъྍҕგ়ّଈ۞͹ࢋ෧ᕝૄ໤ ᇶॡّཝ৿ҕĂᐝ൭ ѣᐝ൭ᄃ࿰Џઐᐝ൭۞൴׀ĄࢋડҾᇶॡّཝ৿ҕې C. дॡมᕇ˯ᄃྍҕგ়ّଈѣ૜̷࠹ᙯĂ̈́/ٕѣ׎ ࢦࢋ۞ĈԊొ৿ຫޝᙯܼ үΞਕপҾӧᙱĄ൴ү۞ሀёߏڍ΁ᙋፂቁϲ׎ᄃྍҕგ়ّଈ̝Я Ăᐝ൭д˘߱ дᇶॡّཝ৿ҕ׏ݭ۞ߏࡎ൒൴ϠĂઐᐝ൭࿰Џ݋ྵޢD. дҕგ়ّଈቤྋٕ࿅˞ާّഇ̝

ĂϒШன෪ (т੯ᘖژপؠॡม̰ (ො1) Լචٕঐε ૱ࠎ႙ซّ۞ĄՀซ˘Վг̶ ຳᕇ) дઐᐝ൭࿰Џᅈྵᇶॡّཝ৿ҕ૱֍Ă҃࢑Ш ො੃Ĉ ன෪݋дᇶॡّཝ৿ҕྵ૱֍Ą ߙֱҕგ়ّଈ̝ᐝ൭Ăૄ໤D݋̙ዋϡĂٺᕩЯ .1 Яࠎ՟ѣ֖ૉ۞ྤफ़Νࢨؠᐝ൭Լචٕঐεٙᅮ۞ γ្ّ๋̰΍ҕ̝ᐝ൭ܧٺॡมĄ 6.2 ᕩЯ Headache attributed to non-traumatic intracra- nial haemorrhage

ICHD-Ƕ 65 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ᝃԛજਔሳ৔ٺĂ80%۞࣎९ߏჹЯޢ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ଵੵγ๋ γّ๋ཝ΍ҕٕᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕĂٕߏγ๋ ෘĄٺᕩЯ ѣ⪰͕ă׀ᐝొ SAH͔੓۞ᐝ൭఼૱ߏಏ઎൴үĂͷޘࢦٕ̚ٺཝҕཚ۞ᐝ൭ߏ൳ᐂд5.1.1 ᕩЯّ ̙ޠᐚᆉർăઊႬົѣ൴፵͕̈́ޢᐝ ယФăຍᙊᅪᘣăޘࢦٕ̚ٺᐝ൭ ٕ5.2.1 ᕩЯޢγ๋̝ާّγ๋ ᐝ൭Ą ፋĄ൒҃Ăι˵ѣΞਕ՟֤ᆃᚑࢦͷ՟̦ᆃҡᐌ۞ᇈޢγ๋̝ၙّγ๋ొ ࣏Ąࡎ൒൴үߏ˘ᙯᔣপᇈĄЇ˘࣎ঽˠѣࡎ൒൴ү ٺγّ๋ർཝቯγҕཚ۞ᐝ൭൳ᐂд5.5.1 ᕩЯٺᕩЯ ᐝ൭ٕ࿩ᑝᐝ൭ౌᑕྍෞҤߏӎߏSAHĄ෧ᕝΞϡ۞ γّ๋ർཝቯ˭ҕཚٺർཝቯγҕཚ̝ᐝ൭ćᕩЯ ՟ѣ၆ͧ጗۞CT scanٕMRI (flair sequences) ֽүቁ ർཝቯ˭ҕཚ̝ᐝ൭Ąٺᐝ൭൳ᐂд5.5.2ᕩЯ۞ ৠགྷᇆڍᄮĂд24̈ॡ̰׎ୂຏّΞ྿90%ͽ˯Ąт ည˯՟ѣ൴னĂሀ༳׌Ξٕԫఙ̙֖Ă݋ᑕ҂ᇋཕഛ ཝ΍ҕ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed toٺᕩЯ 6.2.1 Ąוࡍ intracerebral haemorrhage ᄝිშቯ˭΍ҕߏৠགྷγࡊާাĄ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. Їңາ൴Ϡ۞ާّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C Ϗ৔ෘ̝ҕგ་ԛ̝ᐝ൭ٺγّ๋ཝ΍ 6.3 ᕩЯܧܕB. ৠགྷጯᇈ࣏ٕৠགྷᇆည˯ᙋ၁ѣ౵ ҕ Headache attributed to unruptured vascular C. ᐝ൭ᄃཝ΍ҕТॡ൴ϠĂٕдॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా malformation

Ĉ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉځᄲ ཝٺ৔ෘҕგ་ԛ̝ᐝ൭ߏ൳ᐂд6.2.1 ᕩЯٺĶཝ̰ķĞintracerebralğдώ͛̚ΒӣĶ̈ཝ̰ķ ᕩЯ ᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕ̝ᐝٺintracerebellar) ۞உཌྷĄ ΍ҕ̝ᐝ൭ ٕ6.2.2 ᕩЯ) ᐝ൭д΍ҕّ̚ࢲͧ৿ҕّ̚ࢲྵ૱֍ͷՀᚑ ൭ ரĂҭنਜ਼҃జڃࢦĄ఼૱ιົЯࠎԊొৠགྷ৿ຫٕ ᝃԛજਔሳ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributedٺߏι˵Ξਕߏᅮღާγࡊഴᑅ͘ఙ̝̈ཝ΍ҕ۞ព඾ 6.3.1 ᕩЯ ͷѝഇপᇈĄ to saccular aneurysm ཝ΍ҕ̝ᐝ൭ ૱ߏЯࠎᄝිშቯ˭ ෧ᕝૄ໤ĈٺᕩЯ 6.2.1 ට۞ҕ୵̈́Ԋొᑅ࢝ٙ࡭Ă̙҃ߏ្̰੼ᑅౄјĄι A. Їңາ൴Ϡ۞ާّᐝ൭ĂΒ߁࿩ᑝᐝ൭̈́/ٕূ൭ّ ઊႬົͽ࿩ᑝᐝ൭ (thunderclap headache) ֽӔன ௐˬཝৠགྷ༏༑Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D˵ B. ৠགྷᇆည˯ᙋ၁ѣᝃԛજਔሳ ᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕĞSAHğ̝ᐝ൭ C. ᙋ၁ᝃԛજਔሳߏ࡭ঽࣧЯٺᕩЯ 6.2.2 Headache attributed to subarachnoid haemorrhage D. ᐝ൭д72̈ॡ̰ቤྋ SAH) E. གྷዋ༊෧၅̏ଵੵᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕăཝ΍ҕ̈́׎) ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ΁ౄјᐝ൭۞ঽЯ ᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DޘA. ࡎ൒൴ү۞ࢦ ĈځB. ৠགྷᇆည (CTٕMRI T2ٕ flair) ٕཝਖល୵ᑭߤᙋ ᄲ γّ๋ᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕĂΞਕѣ˵Ξਕ՟ дϏ৔ෘ̝ཝҕგજਔሳ۞ঽˠ̚Ă̂ࡗѣ18%ܧ၁ѣ ѣ׎΁ᓜԖᇈ࣏Ą ົѣᐝ൭Ą C. ᐝ൭ᄃ΍ҕТॡ൴ү ఺ᙷᐝ൭఼૱՟ѣপؠ۞পᇈĄ൒҃Ăࡗѣ50ƫ D. ᐝ൭д˘̝̰࣎͡ቤྋ ۞ঽˠдϏ൴Ϡજਔሳ͔੓۞SAH݈Ăӈѣ࿩ᑝᐝ൭Ą Ξਕ൴ϠĂᑕ˵˭ڶᔵ൒࿩ᑝᐝ൭д՟ѣҕგ་ԛ۞ଐ ˢّ۞ᑭߤĞтMRAٕCTҕგౄܬܧĈ ྍϡ˘ֱዋ༊۞ځᄲ ᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕΞᄲߏϫ݈ٙۢࡎ൒൴үĂᚑ ᇆğֽವԱ఺ᙷ་ԛĂ҃дѣႷય۞࣎९Ă݋ϡ˘ਠ็ ࢦͷֹˠεΝҖࠎਕ˧۞ᐝ൭ (࿩ᑝᐝ൭) ̝౵૱֍ࣧ ௚۞ҕგౄᇆĄѣ˘჌׏ݭ۞Ķᛋੈёূ൭ķń( warning Ѫ painŅ)(ពϯߏજਔሳӈ૟৔ෘٕు႙ត̂) ߏ˘჌ާّޢঽˠдSAH۞%50) ڶېᚑࢦ۞ޝЯĂͷߏ˘჌ Ă఺ܑϯд̂ٸ൭̈́ᒝ͋ূޢѣீ჏׀Ѫ˸Ăࣁх۰݋ѣ50%ົតјണ ௐˬཝৠགྷ༏༑݈ੰזĂͷ૱ౌߏ˸ Ϲ఼જਔٕᐚજਔϐბѣજਔሳĄޢᅪ)Ą ̂ཝ

66 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ҕგሳ͔੓۞ཝ΍ҕٕឩ⿔൴ү̝ᐝېঔწٺજᐖਔ་ԛ (AVM) ̝ᐝ൭ Headache ᕩЯٺᕩЯ 6.3.2 ٺཝ΍ҕ̝ᐝ൭ ٕ7.6 ᕩЯٺattributed to arteriovenous malformation (AVM) ൭Ă൳ᐂд6.2.1 ᕩЯ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ឩ⿔̝ᐝ൭ Ą A. Їңາ൴Ϡ۞ާّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D B. ৠགྷᇆညᙋ၁ѣજᐖਔ་ԛ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ C. ᙋ၁જᐖਔ་ԛߏ࡭ঽࣧЯ A. Їңາ൴Ϡ۞ާّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C ҕგሳېD. ᐝ൭д72̈ॡ̰ቤྋ B. ৠགྷᇆညᙋ၁ѣঔწ ҕგሳߏ࡭ঽࣧЯېE. གྷዋ༊෧၅̏ଵੵᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕăཝ΍ҕ̈́׎ C. ᙋ၁ঔწ ΁ౄјᐝ൭۞ঽЯ D. གྷዋ༊۞෧၅̏ଵੵᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕăཝ΍ҕ̈́ ׎΁ౄјᐝ൭۞ঽЯ Ĉځᄲ Ĉځഅѣ࣎९ಡӘજᐖਔ་ԛᄃೀ჌ᐝ൭ѣᙯాĂт ᄲ ҕგሳ۞ቁᄮ̏ЯMRI҃ᆧΐĄҭߏݒېᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ăၙّ൴үّΗᙝᐝ൭(CPH)ăൺᇶ޺ᜈ ၆ঔწ ૱૱ѩᙯా̝р۞ࡁտĄᐝ൭كඕቯ·ҕٕ߹ஊ(SUNCT)Ăҭ఺ ৿ͻᐝ൭ᄃ఺ֱ་ԛ׀ಏ઎ৠགྷ൭ّᐝ൭ ᏷াĂ߇ᑕޢ۞⿔ҕგሳ͔੓۞ཝ΍ҕٕឩې׏ݭ۞পᇈĄ༊఺ֱᐝ൭ࠎ׏ݭ൴үॡĂ ߏঔწܧ࣎९ѣֱ ಶ՟ѣр۞ᙋፂ͚޺જᐖਔ་ԛ׶఺ֱࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ม ൳ᐂཝ΍ҕٕឩ⿔˯Ą ᙯాّĄ۞ ཝˬ˽ৠགྷٕహཝቯҕგሳঽ(Sturgeٺдજᐖਔ་ԛ۞ّ̃ঽˠ̚Ăࡗѣ੼྿58ƫົѣ 6.3.5 ᕩЯ જᐖਔ་ Weberͩা࣏ཏ) ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed toٺᙯܼ۞ᙋፂдڍ࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ą͚޺ѩีЯ ԛ۞ଈ઎ᄃᐝ൭ٕ࿰Џ۞ଈ઎ѣໂ੼۞࠹ᙯّĄЯ encephalotrigeminal or leptomeningeal angiomatosis ѩĂѣ˘ໂ˧ޙᛉߏજᐖਔ་ԛົ͔੓࿰Џઐᐝ൭ (Sturge Weber syndrome) ( ) ઐᐝ൭ Ąҭ˵ѣ̂ఢሀ۞જᐖਔ་ԛአߤࡁ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉّېা տ޽΍ͧ੓΍ҕăឩ⿔ٕ۰ߏԊొ৿ຫĂઐᐝ൭׎၁ A. Їңາ൴Ϡ۞ާّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C Ąې֍۞ܑனা͌ޝߏ B. ᗞࢬҕგሳăឩ⿔ă̈́дৠགྷᇆညᙋ၁ѣᄃᗞࢬҕ გሳТ઎̝ཝቯҕგሳ ർཝቯજᐖਔ გ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 6.3.3 C. ᙋ၁ҕგሳߏ࡭ঽࣧЯ attributed to dural arterio-venous fistula Ă̏ଵੵ׎΁ౄјᐝ൭۞ঽЯޢD. གྷዋ༊෧၅ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ځA. Їңາ൴Ϡ۞ާّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C ᄲ ֍۞ಡӘĂҭ৿ͻϒё͛ᚥᙋ૱ڶېB. ৠགྷᇆညᙋ၁ѣർཝቯજᐖਔ გ ᐝ൭ߏ఺ᙷ C. ᙋ၁გߏ࡭ঽࣧЯ ၁Ą˘ֱ࿬ߐ࣎९ពϯཝˬ˽ৠགྷٕహཝቯҕგሳঽ ࿰Џܜઐᐝ൭۞˘჌ࣧЯĂপҾߏѣؼّېD. གྷዋ༊۞෧၅̏ଵੵᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕăཝ΍ҕ̈́ Ξਕߏা ( ) ׎΁ౄјᐝ൭۞ঽЯ ۞൴ү Ξਕߏᄃၙّҕณഴ͌ѣᙯ Ą

ᐝ൭ Headache attributed̝ۆજਔٺĈ 6.4 ᕩЯځᄲ ৿ to arteritisإ੫၆ർཝቯજᐖਔ გᄃᐝ൭۞ᙯా̝ࡁտ Ξਕߏົূ൭̝ຨજّ҅ᆀ (pulsatileېͻĄ΍ன۞া GCA)̝ᐝ൭ Headache)ۆλ௟ࡪજਔٺtinnitus)Ăٕ۰ߏᐝ൭ҡᐌ඾׎΁Яᐖਔа߹ഴٕ͌ᐖ 6.4.1 ᕩЯ (ਔᚭং๫͔੓۞្̰੼ᑅ̝׎΁ᇈ࣏Ąᐚજਔ-ঔწᚭ attributed to giant cell arteritis (GCA -გΞਕͽ΍னূ൭ّீ҉༏༑ (painful ophthalmople ᖞჍĈ gia) ֽܑனĄ Temporal arteritis) ăHortonͩঽ (HortonŅs) ۆ㝅જਔ disease) ҕგሳ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attribېঔწٺᕩЯ 6.3.4 uted to cavernous angioma ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ A. Їңາ൴Ϡ޺ᜈّ۞ᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D

ICHD-Ƕ 78 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ۆB. Ҍ͌௑Ъ˭Е˘ีĈ ѣٕдҕგౄᇆ۞ᇈ࣏ᘃႷѣ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგ ѣࡓҕ஧Օࢫిத (ESR) ̈́/ D. ᐝ൭൴Ϡᄃཝᇈ࣏ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా׀ᐝϩજਔཚණᑅ൭ .1 ᒚ˭Ăᐝ൭д˘̰࣎͡ԼڼטCͅᑕకϨ(CRP) ˯̿ E. дᙷ׽ዔ̈́/ٕҺࠪԺٕ ච ۆགྷ㝅જਔ̷ͯᑭߤᙋ၁ࠎλ௟ࡪજਔ .2 ᇈ࣏ॡมᕇٕې׎΁া̝ۆC. ᐝ൭൴Ϡᄃλ௟ࡪજਔ Ĉځ૜̷ᙯా ᄲ˯ ኢ̙) ې͹ࢋ۞া̚ۆĂᐝ൭дˬ̰͟ቤྋ಼ٕ̂ ᐝ൭ߏ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგޢᒚڼD. གྷ੼጗ณᙷ׽ዔ Լච ߏࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّ)Ąॲፂ෧ᕝ̍׍۞̙Т (тҕგౄ ᇆٕ௡ᖐጯ)Ă 50-80%̝ঽּѣᐝ൭ܑனĄҭЯ׎৿ ѣт׀ܧĈ ͻপؠ۞পᇈĂٙͽೀͼ̙׍෧ᕝᆊࣃĂੵځᄲ Ԋొ৿ຫăឩ⿔ăᄮۢԼតٕຍᙊள૱ඈ׎΁ᇈ࣏Ą ۆቱࣧҕგ়ঽ̚Ăλ௟ࡪજਔ̈́ۆдٙѣજਔ ᐝొજਔ۞ ൒҃Ăࡶ൑ᐝ൭̈́ཝਖល୵Ϩҕ஧ᆧϠĂಶ̙͉Ξਕٺពᄃᐝ൭࠹ᙯ۞়ঽ (ιߏጱЯځߏ౵ ĄۆĂ̂кߏγᐚજਔ̶͚) ˭ЕೀᕇᑕྍૻአĈ ෧ᕝࠎ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგۆ൴ ă̚ࢲ (৿ҕّۆࢲᒅّк൴҉൭া ᐝ൭۞ঽந፟ᖼߏкࢦ۞Ĉ൴) ېœ ᐝ൭পᇈ׶GCA׎΁۞ҡᐌা ̙ͧ˵ڍᒚड़ڼpolymyalgia rheumatica)ă˭ᗠก൭ (jaw claudica- ٕ΍ҕّ)ă្̰ᑅ˯̿̈́/ٕSAHĄ) ᐝ൭ ព඾Ą௡ᖐጯ˯ᙋ̝ۆλ௟ࡪજਔٺᕩЯ 6.4.1 ܕĂٙͽЇңд60໐ͽ˯ѣ౵̂ޝtion)) ۞តّ̼ ߏ˘჌ᚑࢦͷ࡭Ѫ̪ۆ޺ᜈّᐝ൭۞൴үᑕྍ҂ᇋGCAĂͷᑕซҖዋ༊۞ ၁̝ࣧ൴ّ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგ Ąڶې෧၅Ą ̙֭͌֍۞ (ᖬ൴Ϡᄃᐝ൭ҡᐌ۞โᘢা (amaurosis fugaxͅܕœ ౵ ̝ۆѨ൴ّ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ (CNS)ҕგٺѣΞਕߏGCAĂ˵ᑕ᎕ໂүღާ۞෧၅Ą 6.4.3 ᕩЯ૱ܧ œ Я݈઎৿ҕّෛৠགྷঽត (anterior ischaemic optic ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to secondary central nerv ߏ౵͹ࢋ۞ПᐍĂ఺ߏΞ౅ ous system (CNS) angiitisځneuropathy) ͔੓۞ε ᒚֽ࿰֨Ą ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉڼ࿅ϲӈග̟ᙷ׽ዔ A. Їңາ൴ү޺ᜈّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤D̈́E ˘ٺ̈૱ॡมม࿣఼۞ځΩ˘ீεזځœ ଂ˘ீε (૱ฉĂ B. Ї˘ݭ۞ཝᇈ࣏ (т̚ࢲăឩ⿔ăᄮٕۢຍᙊள ۆœ ఼૱˵ົѣཝొ৿ҕٕεംা۞ПᐍĄ C. ᙋ၁ѣБّ֗જਔ D. ᐝ൭൴Ϡᄃཝᇈ࣏ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా ܬœ ௡ᖐጯᑭߤ̚൴னĂߙֱડા̝㝅જਔҬͼ̙జ ᒚ˭Ăᐝ൭˘̰࣎͡ԼචڼטϚ (ྯ᜙ёঽត (skip lesions))ĂЯѩᅮѣ˘րЕా E. дᙷ׽ዔ̈́/ٕҺࠪԺ ᜈ۞̷ͯᑭߤĄ Ĉځજਔጨ۞ᆧݓ ᄲזବೡΞͽ࠻گœ 㝅જਔ۞ౌ˪ઙ෹ࢰ ኢߏ̙) ې͹ࢋ۞াۆᏴፄ̷ͯ۞ ᐝ൭ߏ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგٺค̷ࢬѣт˘࣎Ѝᒖ (halo))Ăѣӄ) ҜཉĄ ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّ)Ąॲፂ෧ᕝ̍׍۞̙Т (тҕგౄᇆ ௡ᖐጯ)Ă50-80%̝ঽּѣᐝ൭ܑனĄҭЯ׎৿ͻপٕ ѣтԊొ׀ܧؠ۞পᇈĂٙͽೀͼ̙׍෧ᕝᆊࣃĂੵ ̝ۆࣧ൴ّ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚(CNS)ҕგٺᕩЯ 6.4.2 ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to primary central ৿ຫăឩ⿔ăᄮۢԼតٕຍᙊள૱ඈ׎΁ᇈ࣏Ą൒ nervous system (CNS) angiitis ҃Ăࡶ൑ᐝ൭̈́ཝਖល୵Ϩҕ஧ᆧкĂಶ̙͉Ξਕ෧ ĄۆᖞჍĈ ᕝࠎ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგ ېIsolated CNS angiitis) ă ෧ᕝ˯۞ӧᙱѣ׌͞ࢬĈ1) ࢋдώ֗̏ѣధк) ۆԊࢨ۞̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგ Ēۆঽˠ֗˯෧ᕝ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგ۞ۆጱ࡭ҕგົڶ -granulomatous CNS angi) ۆཚ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგ܂҇ ېঽˠ֗˯Աವሕд۞۞ۆitis) 2) дѣ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ҕგ Ąۏăຏߖăೋّཚሳă߲ۆĂт൴ڶ ă̚ࢲ (৿ҕّۆ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᐝ൭۞ঽந፟ᖼߏкࢦ۞Ĉ൴ A. Їңາ൴ү޺ᜈّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤D̈́E ٕ΍ҕّ)ă្̰ᑅ˯̿̈́/ٕᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕĄ (૱B. Ї˘ݭ۞ཝᇈ࣏ (т̚ࢲăឩ⿔ăᄮٕۢຍᙊள Ăགྷཝٕཝቯ̷ͯᙋ၁˭ڶଐ̝ۆC. ৿ͻБّ֗જਔ

68 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

̰࣎͡ቤྋ˘ޢᐚજਔٕਖഛજਔূ൭ Carotid or vertebral D. ᐝ൭д͘ఙ 6.5 artery pain Ĉځᄲ ѣˬ჌ֲё۞ᐝ൭జೡޢᐚજਔ̰ቯ̷ੵఙఙ જਔࣤᗓ̝ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬăᐚొ̝ূ൭ٺᕩЯ 6.5.1 ࢗĄ౵૱֍ (੼྿60%۞࣎९) ۞ߏಏ৷۞ፋ࣎ᐝᅅ຋ Headache or facial or neck pain attributed to arterial ೀ͟Ąιߏ˘჌։ّͷҋࢨ݈۞ޢ൭Ă൴Ϡүд͘ఙ dissection Ąௐ˟჌ (ಡӘ̚੼྿38%࣎९) ߏಏ઎ᙷҬᕍڶې۞ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ൴ّূ൭âਠ൴ү޺ᜈ2-3̈ॡâ͟˘ٕ˟ѨĄι A. Їңާّາ۞ᐝ൭ăᗞࢬٕᐚొূ൭ĂΞਕѣ˵Ξ ฉቤྋĄௐˬ჌ߏ͌֍۞࿅ഭ᛿߹া˟ޢкΗົдఙ ᇈ࣏Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́Dٕېਕ՟ѣ׎΁ৠགྷጯা ѣಏ઎׀࣏ཏ (hyperperfusion syndrome) ۞˘ొ̶Ăͷ Ăᙋ၁ҕგࣤᗓޢB. གྷዋ༊ҕგ̈́/ٕৠགྷᇆညᑭߤ ૱Ąι఼ޢ̝͟ˬޢຨજّᚑࢦ۞ূ൭Ă൴үд͘ఙ ௐ˛͟ҕᑅ˯̿̈́ឩ⿔ٕৠགྷጯ৿ຫ൴Ϡޢࡗд͘ఙ ٺC. ূ൭൴Ϡᄃҕგࣤᗓॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాĂͷ൴Ϡ ߏཝ΍ౌېᒚߏυื۞ĂЯࠎ఺ֱাڼТ઎ ݈யϠĄღާ D. ূ൭д˘̰࣎͡ቤྋ ҕ۞݈ЏĄ

ᐝ൭ Carotid angioplastyޢĈ 6.5.3 ᐚજਔҕგјݭఙځᄲ ᐚొূ൭Ξͽߏᐚજ headache׀ᐝ൭Ξਕѣ˵Ξਕ՟ѣЪ ҫ) ېĄιߏϫ݈ࠎͤ౵૱֍۞াېਔࣤᗓ۞઱˘া ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ҫ33-86%) ې55-100%۞࣎९)Ă˵ߏ౵૱֍۞੓ؕা A. Їңާّາ൴Ϡ۞ᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ࣎९)Ą۞ ࿅Ķ្γķٕĶ្̰ķҕგјݭఙצB. ତ ᐝ൭׶ᓚొ̈́ᐚొূ൭఼૱ߏಏ઎۞ (ᄃࣤᗓ۞ ฉ̰൴ϠĂ҃ͷ՟˘ޢC. ᐝ൭дҕგјݭఙ༊ٕ̚ఙ જਔТ઎)Ăᚑࢦͷ޺ᜈ (πӮ྿α͟)Ą൒҃Ăι՟ѣ ѣࣤᗓன෪ ࣎পؠԛၗĂઊႬ˵ົЯᄃ׎΁ᐝ൭ᙷҬ҃ᚑࢦᄱ˘ D. ᐝ൭д˘̰࣎͡ቤྋ ጱĂтညઐᐝ൭ăᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ăࣧ൴ّ࿩ᑝᐝ൭̈́ ͽSAHܑົܮSAH (পҾߏ្̰ਖഛજਔࣤᗓώ֗ Ĉځᄲ ன)Ą૱֍۞ҡᐌᇈ࣏ᔘѣĈཝٕෛშቯ৿ҕّ۞ᇈ ఙ၆ٸགྷϩགྷҕგටҕგјݭఙ (PTA) ׶͚ߛཉ ࣏Ă̈́Ԋొᇈ࣏Ąূ൭۞Hornerͩা࣏ཏٕࡎ൒൴Ϡ ˯໰͘ఙϫ݈ϒдซҖᐌ፟ᓜԖྏរĄдᐝ൭۞ྤफ़ ᘃႷߏᐚજਔࣤᗓĄޘ൭ّ҅ᆀ݋੼ূ۞ ৿ͻâֱ̂ݭ۞ᐚજਔPTAࡁտ̚˵՟ѣ೩̈́ޝ̪ ᐝ൭఼૱ߏܑனд৿ҕّᇈ࣏൴Ϡ̝݈ĂЯѩᅮ ᐝ൭Ąд˘࣎̈ݭ53࣎ঽˠ۞ࡁտ̚Ăдϡঈ஧ᕖૺ ବೡĂگᒚĄ෧ᕝߏॲፂౌ˪ઙ෹ࢰڼѝഇ෧ᕝ̈́ ঽˠ൴۞%33ٺ࿅඀̚ᐚొূ൭ѣ51%Ăᐝ൭݋ߏ MRIăMRÄ́/ٕᓲ୊CT̈́дѣႷય۞࣎९˯Ăϡ็௚ ϠĄͷкΗߏдঈ஧ঐঈޢೀࡋᛗ̰ಶঐεĄ ҕგౄᇆֽቁᄮĄ఼૱ᅮࢋк჌ᑭߤֽ෧ᕝĂЯࠎЇ۞ ࿅ഭ᛿߹া࣏ཏ˘ొ̶۞ᐝ൭ (ણ֍6.5.2 જٺᛳ ᒚ˯˘ۡౌ՟ѣᐌ፟ྏڼң˘჌ౌѣΞਕϒ૱Ąϫ݈д ) PTA జಡӘޢ ᐝ൭ Ă˵അдᐚજਔޢរࡁտĂҭݒѣ˘࣎ВᙊӈઐрϡheparinГତ඾ϡwar- ਔ̰ቯ̷ੵఙ ՙؠĄ ࿅ĄֽڶfarinĂϡˬҌ̱࣎͡Ăֶજਔೇࣧ۞ଐ

ҕგ̰ፆү̝ᐝ൭ Headachḛ្ٺᐝ൭ Post-endarterectomy 6.5.4 ᕩЯޢજਔ̰ቯ̷ੵఙ 6.5.2 headache attributed to intracranial endovascular procedures ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Ԋొّᐝ൭Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DޘA. ާّᐝ൭Ă׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ A. ࡎ൒൴ϠĂಏ઎ࢦ ࿅្̰ҕგјݭఙٕং๫ఙצፋ࣎ᐝᅅ຋ূ൭ B. ତ .1 ಏ઎Ăᙷᕍ൴ّূ൭â͟˘ٕ˟Ѩ޺ᜈ2ė3̈ C. ᐝ൭дፆү࿅඀ೀࡋ̰யϠ .2 24̈ॡ̰ቤྋޢॡ۞൴ү D. ᐝ൭дፆү࿅඀ඕՁ ൭ূޘಏ઎ຨજّࢦ .3 Ĉځᄲ ࿅ᐚજਔ̰ቯ̷ੵఙצB. ତ পؠֲё۞ᐝ൭జಡӘ࿅Ăιߏдજᐖਔޝ჌˘ C. ᐝ൭д͘ఙޢ˘ฉ̰൴ϠĂ҃ͷ՟ѣࣤᗓன෪

ICHD-Ƕ 69 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

MRIΐ˯MRAٕCTΐ˯CTҕგౄᇆٕд) ڍ൴ϠĄιߏ˘჌ࡎ ညᑭߤඕޢ་ԛٕજਔሳགྷঈ஧ᕖૺٕং๫ ᒚᑕጐѝฟڼજਔѣᙯ̝ ѣႷય۞࣎९ซҖજਔ̰ҕგౄᇆ)Ą۞ז൒൴Ϡ۞ᚑࢦূ൭ĂͷԊࢨдᄃ஝ঘ ᜈҌ̱͌࣎͡ޢ˯ᒚăheparin̈́ΐڼېԣಶঐεĄ ؕĂͷΒ߁াޝপؠડાĂ൴Ϡдፆү࿅඀ೀࡋ̰Ăͷ ᒚሕд۞ঽЯĄڼԩ጖ҕ጗̈́༊ѣዋᑕাॡĂڇ˾۞ 6.5.5 ҕგౄᇆᐝ൭ Angiography headache ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ާّᐝ൭ĂҌ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ׎΁្̰ҕგ়ّଈ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 6.7 1. ፋ࣎ᐝ፵լёࢦޘূ൭ attributed to other intracranial vascular disorder дѣઐᐝ൭۞ঽˠ൴үѣઐᐝ൭পᇈ۞ᐝ൭ .2 ࿅જਔ̰ᐚજਔٕਖഛજਔҕგౄᇆצB. ତ 6.7.1 ѣϩኳ˭ୟ׀C. ᐝ൭дҕგౄᇆ༊̚൴Ϡ ̂ཝវߖҒវពّજਔঽត D. ᐝ൭д72̈ॡ̰ቤྋ ๫̈́Ϩኳཝঽត (CADASIL) Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and (Ĉ Leukoencephalopathy (CADASILځᄲ ड၆ͧ጗͔੓׍፵լຏ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉڦᐚજਔ̰ٕਖഛજਔ̰ ड˵ A. ࿰Џઐᐝ൭൴үĂΞਕѣ˵Ξਕ՟ѣ׎΁ৠགྷጯᇈڦፋ࣎ᐝᚑࢦূ൭Ăѩᐝ൭ົҋજቤྋĄ఺჌۞ ੓ѣઐᐝ൭۞ঽˠઐᐝ൭൴үĄ఺྆ᑕТॡ൳ᐂ ࣏͔ົ дЪዋ۞ֲݭ) ̈́6.5.5 ҕგౄᇆᐝ B. дMRI T2WI˯ѣ׏ݭϨኳត̼ٸ) д1 ઐᐝ൭ ൭Ą C. Ϥϩቲ̷ͯᙋፂٕૄЯീؠ (Notch 3ࡎត) ቁᄮ෧ᕝ

Ĉځᄲ జᄮؠ۞វߖҒវពّ̖ܕཝᐖਔং๫ (CVT) ̝ᐝ൭ Headache CADASILߏ˘჌౵̂ٺᕩЯ 6.6 attributed to cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) (˵ѣֱ೸൴࣎९) ཝొ̈જਔ়ঽĂᓜԖ˯۞পᇈߏ ೇ൴۞̈ݭஎొୟ๫ăϩኳ˭εംা (subcortical dementia) ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ăଐჰᅪᘣ̈́࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ą 1/3 A. Їңາ۞ᐝ൭ĂΞਕѣ˵Ξਕ՟ѣৠགྷᇈ࣏Ă௑Ъ ࿰Џઐᐝ൭΍னд ۞࣎९Ăд఺ֱ࣎९̚Ă఼ Ă΍ன۞πӮѐ᛬ߏې໤C̈́D ૱˵ߏ఺ᙷ়ঽ౵ѝ΍ன۞াૄ 30໐Ăࡗߏд৿ҕّ̚ࢲ൴ү݈15ѐĂ̈́Ѫ˸݈20-30 B. ৠགྷᇆညᙋ၁ѣ̂ཝᐖਔং๫ ࿰ЏγĂ൴ү఼૱ߏܜѐ΍னĄੵ˞ѣྵ̙૱֍۞ؼ C. ᐝ൭ (̈́ࡶѣৠགྷጯᇈ࣏) ൴үᄃ̂ཝᐖਔং๫ॡม ׏ݭ۞1.2 ࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ą ᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా MRI T2WI ពϨኳត̼۞ள૱Ą఺჌ځᓁߏѣ˯ ٺ Ăᐝ൭д˘̰࣎͡ቤྋޢᒚڼD. གྷዋ༊ જਔҕგ̚ቯ (media) ۞π໣҉௟ࡪĂ̈זঽ஝ঘ় Ĉ ߏϤNotch 3ૄЯࡎត͔੓Ą෧ᕝߏॲፂᖎಏ۞ϩቲ̷ځᄲ ΍னд80-90%࣎ ͯ̈́Notch 3ԩវ۞ҺࠪߖҒĄ) ېᐝ൭ΞᄲߏCVT౵૱֍۞া Ąι՟ѣপؠ۞পᇈĄ౵ CADASILߏ˘჌ࡁտ࿰Џઐᐝ൭۞ঽநϠந̈́ې९)Ă˵ߏ౵૱֍۞੓ؕা р۞ሀݭĄޝ˘ѣ۞ߏፋ࣎ᐝă႙ซّᚑࢦ۞൭ͷҡᐌ׎΁្̰੼ ׎ᄃ৿ҕّ̚ࢲ̝มᙯా૱ ᑅᇈ࣏ĄιΞͽߏಏ઎ăࡎ൒൴үĂҭѣॡ࣏ົЯᄃ ׎΁ᐝ൭ᙷҬ҃ᚑࢦᄱጱĂтညઐᐝ൭ăࣧ൴ّ࿩ᑝ 6.7.2 ௕ቢវཝঽតă֯ᅕ߲̈́̚ᙷ̚ࢲ൴ү ᐝ൭ăཝਖល୵ҲᑅٕSAH (ι˵ΞਕߏࣧЯ)Ąᐝ൭ (MELAS) Mitochondrial Encephalopathy,Lactic (ΞਕߏCVT઱˘۞ன෪Ăҭѣ෹࿅90%࣎९۞ᐝ൭ߏ Acidosis and Stroke-like episodes (MELAS ҡᐌԊొᇈ࣏ (ৠགྷ৿ຫٕឩ⿔) ̈́/្ٕ̰੼ᑅ۞ᇈ ᚭা࣏ཏĄ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉې࣏ăֲާّཝঽតٕঔწ ൴Ϡ޺ᜈّᐝ൭ A. ࿰Џٕ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭൴үܕд՟ѣপؠ۞পᇈ˭ĂЇң౵ ᑕྍ೩੼ᛋᛇĂপҾߏ΍ன˞˘ֱሕдّᔌҕংԛౌ prothrombotic condition)Ą෧ᕝߏॲፂৠགྷᇆ)ېј۞া

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B. ᙷ̚ࢲ൴ү̈́ឩ⿔ 1. ⪰͕̈́ယФ C. ૄЯள૱ (дtRNA LeuૄЯ྆ѣ௕ቢវDNA3243ᕇ 2. ൴፵ ࢫ˭ޘࡎតٕ׎΁DNA MELASᕇࡎត) 3. ຍᙊ඀ ˭ཝ˭ݬវΑਕҲ .4 Ĉ 5. Ҳҕᑅځᄲ ֍۞ĄЯ҃΍ன˘ 6. ீ҉༏༑ٕෛ˧ᅪᘣ૱ޝઐᐝ൭൴үдMELASߏ ࣎઄నĂᄮࠎ௕ቢវࡎតΞਕд࿰Џઐᐝ൭Էႊߙ჌ B. ৠགྷᇆညᙋ၁ѣާّ΍ҕّཝ˭ݬវୟ๫ ֎ҒĂҭ3243ࡎតд׌௡ଈѣ࿰Џઐᐝ൭۞࣎९֭̚ C. ᐝ൭ᄃާّ΍ҕّཝ˭ݬវୟ๫Тॡ൴Ϡ ᇈ࣏д˘̰࣎͡ቤྋٕ/̈́ېࡎតΞਕдઐᐝ൭̈́ D. ᐝ൭ᄃ׎΁া۞זĄ׎΁ϏజઍീזϏజઍീ ৿ҕّ̚ࢲԷႊߙ჌֎ҒĂЯࠎઐᐝ൭൴үĂপҾߏ Ĉځ࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ăд׎΁௕ቢវள૱়ଈ˵ົ൴ϠĄ ᄲ ఺჌͌֍۞ᓜԖা࣏ཏߏ˘჌ާّăѣϠ׻Пᐍ Ăι۞পᇈߏཝ˭ݬវҋ൴ّ΍ҕّୟ๫Ąιڶې۞ ᇽৠགྷր௚̝։ّĞٕΞਗ਼ّğҕ̚ٺᕩЯ 6.7.3 გঽត̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to benign (or ߏጱ࡭࿩ᑝᐝ൭ঽЯ۞׎̚˘჌Ą reversible) angiopathy of the central nervous system дઍീኅዬ̰ঽត˯ĂჃॎౄᇆͧ࿪ཝᕝᆸବೡ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ՀࠎୂຏĄ A. ፋ࣎ᐝăࡎ൒ٕ႙ซ൴ү۞ᚑࢦ۞൭ĂΞਕѣ˵Ξ ਕ՟ѣԊొৠགྷ৿ຫ̈́/ٕឩ⿔Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ 6.1.1 Headache attributed to ischaemic stroke Ňń( strings and beadsŅ)γ៍ĂͷېB. дҕგౄᇆѣņҚ঴ Ferro JM, Melo TP, Oliveira V, Salgado AV, Crespo M, Canhao གྷዋ༊෧၅ޢ̏ଵੵߏᄝිშቯ˭ට΍ҕ P, Pinto AN. A multivariate study of headache associated .C. ׍ѣ˭Е˘ٕ˟ีĈ with ischemic stroke. Headache 1995; 35:315ė9 :ᐝ൭ᄃৠགྷጯ৿ຫ̈́/ٕឩ⿔Тॡ൴Ϡ Fisher CM. Headache in acute cerebrovascular disease. In .1 Vinken PH, Bruyn GW eds. Headache and cranial neural- Ňγ៍ېЯᐝ൭۞ᙯܼүҕგౄᇆ҃൴னņҚ঴ .2 gias. Handbook of clinical neurology. Amsterdam; Elsevier D. ᐝ൭ (̈́ࡶѣৠགྷጯ৿ຫ) д˟̰࣎͡ҋજቤྋ 1968; 5:124ė56. Gorelick PB, Hier DB, Caplan LR, Langenberg D. Headache in Ĉ acute cerebrovascular disease. Neurology 1986; 36: 1445ėځᄲ 50. ,ĂдᓜԖ˯۞পҒࠎ Portenoy RK, Abissi CJ, Lipton RB, Berger AR, Mebler MFڶې఺ߏ˘̙͉࣎జ˞ྋ۞ .჌ᚑࢦ۞ፋ࣎ᐝ൭Ăѣೀ჌൴ү۞ሀёĈΞਕߏည Baglivo J, Solomon S. Headache in cerebrovascular disease˘ .SAH˘ᇹ۞ࡎ൒൴үĂ˵Ξਕߏдೀ̈ॡ̰ԣిгซ Stroke 1984; 15:1009ė12 णĂٕၙၙгдೀ྆͟ซणĄιߏ࿩ᑝᐝ൭జቁᄮঽ 6.1.2 Headache attributed to transient ischaemic Ăҭې઱˘া۞ڶېЯ̚۞׎̚˘჌ĄιΞਕߏ఺჌ attack ᗼ۞Ԋొৠགྷጯ৿ຫĂѣॡҡᐌឩنрن఼૱ҡᐌѣ Caplan LR. Migraine and vertebrobasilar ischemia. Neurology જې༼ĄॲፂؠཌྷĂдҕგౄᇆ˯ѣள૱۞Ϲആّ⿔ 1991; 41:55ė61. ਔќᒺ̈́ᕖૺĄ Ferro JM, Costa I, Melo TP, Canhao P, Oliveira V, Salgado AV, ҕგ Crespo M, Pinto AN. Headache associated with transientޢѣ˘ֱঽЯ̏జᙋ၁Ĉ౵୻຾ቁᄮ۞ߏய .ҕგঽត࣎९ᄃֹϡbromocriptineѣ ischemic attacks. Headache 1995; 35:544ė8ޢঽតĂѣֱய Fisher CM. Migraine accompaniments versus arteriosclerotic 2̰࣎͡ҋҖஸᕽĂ-1ٺᒚ˭ĂΞڼᙯĄ఺়࣎ঽд̙ ischemia. Trans Am Neurol Assoc 1968; 93:211ė3. જਔள૱˵ົঐεĂҭд෧ᕝ˯Ăݒᄃࣧ൴ّ̚ᇽৠ Fisher CM. Cerebral ischemia: less familiar types. Clin .ᙱͽડ̶Ăѣॡົග̟˘߱ॡม۞ᙷ׽ Neurosurg 1971; 18:267ė336ۆགྷր௚ҕგ ዔĄ Fisher CM. Late-life migraine accompaniements as a cause of unexplained transient ischemic attacks. Can J Med Sci 1980; 7:9ė17. ཝ˭ݬវ̚ࢲ̝ᐝ൭ Headache Martsen BH, Sorensen PS, Marquardsen J. Transient ischemicٺᕩЯ 6.7.4 attributed to pituitary apoplexy attacks in young patients: a thromboembolic or migrainous manifestation? A ten-year follow-up of 46 patients. J Neurol ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Neurosurg Psychiat 1990; 53:1029ė33. ăᗝొٕፋ࣎ᐝ൭Ăҡѣ˭ЕҌ͌ޢ჏ீّާޘA. ࢦ ˘ีĂ̈́௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D

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-ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib̝ۆᒛّཝቯٺҕგ়្ّ̰ଈ̝ᐝ൭ 7.4.3 ᕩЯܧٺᕩЯ .7 uted to carcinomatous meningitis) (Headache attributed to non-vascular ک̶ٕک̶ޘෛ͸ٕཝ˭ݬវ۞࿅˭ٺᕩЯ 7.4.4 -intracranial disorder) ̙֖̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to hypothal (࠹઼ ౘࢮ྿ ᛌ amic or pituitary hyper- or hyposecretion֩ ड̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed toڦਖលට̰ٺᕩЯ 7.5 (ཝਖល୵੼ᑅ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to intrathecal injectionٺᕩЯ 7.1 ឩ⿔൴ү̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed toٺhigh cerebrospinal fluid pressure) 7.6 ᕩЯ (੼ᑅ̝ᐝ൭ (IIH) epileptic seizurḛ្ځ ࣧЯ̙ٺᕩЯ 7.1.1 (Headache attributed to idiopathic intracranial 7.6.1 ឩ⿔ّΗᙝᐝ൭ (Hemicrania epileptica) hypertension (IIH)) 7.6.2 ឩ⿔൴үޢᐝ൭ (Post-seizure headache ) Chiariͩ་ԛௐ˘ݭ(CM1)̝ᐝ൭ (Headacheٺ΃ᔁă߲ٕ̚ఈႬᄋࣧЯጱ࡭្̰੼ 7.7 ᕩЯٺᕩЯ 7.1.2 ᑅ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to intracranial attributed to Chiari malformation type I (CM1)) ཝਖល୵୽͐஧ᆧϠ׀hypertension secondary to metabolic, toxic or 7.8 ൺᇶᐝ൭̈́ৠགྷ৿ຫা࣏ཏ hormonal causes) া(HaNDL) (Syndrome of transient Headache and ཝ͔੓្̰੼ᑅ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache Neurological Deficits with cerebrospinal fluidͪٺᕩЯ 7.1.3 attributed to intracranial hypertension second- Lymphocytosis (HaNDL)) ҕგ়្ّ̰ଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headacheܧ׎΁ٺary to hydrocephalus) 7.9 ᕩЯ (ཝਖល୵Ҳᑅ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to attributed to other non-vascular intracranial disorderٺᕩЯ 7.2 low cerebrospinal fluid pressure) ځᐝ൭ (Post-dural puncture ʑਠᄲޢוർཝቯࡍ 7.2.1 headache) ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ ҕგّܧཝਖល୵ გᐝ൭ (CSF fistula headache) ༊˘࣎າ۞ᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠॡĂॡมᕇ˯˫ᄃ 7.2.2 ҕგّܧٺğཝਖល୵Ҳᑅ ়្̰ଈѣ૜̷ᙯా۰Ă૟׎൳ᐂࠎᕩЯځҋ൴ّĞٕࣧЯ̙ٺᕩЯ 7.2.3 ӈֱֹ˘ٺᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to spontaneous ়្̰ଈ͔൴۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą఺ᕇ˵ዋϡ̝ or idiopathic) low CSF pressure) ׍ѣઐᐝ൭ăღᒺݭᐝ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭۞পᕇ۞ᐝ) ߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭۞ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃڍଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib- ൭Ąт়ۆຏߖّ൴ܧٺᕩЯ 7.3 ҕგ়្ّ̰ଈѣ૜̷ᙯాĂ݋ѣ׌჌ΞਕّĂͷܧ (uted to non-infectious inflammatory disease ৠགྷᙷ҇ሳঽ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib- ᅮࢋΐͽҿᕝĄঽˠΞͽ෧ᕝࠎߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ٺᕩЯ 7.3.1 ҕგ្ّܧٺuted to neurosarcoidosis) ٕ෧ᕝѣ׌჌ᐝ൭ӈࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ᄃᕩЯ ۰෧ᕝ۞Я৵ޢ˯ᐝ൭ ়̰ଈ͔੓۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą͚޺ΐ̝ۆຏߖّğཝቯܧ൑ෂّĞٺᕩЯ 7.3.2 ҕგ়្ّ̰ଈѣ˩̶૜̷۞ॡมᕇᙯాăܧHeadache attributed to aseptic (non-infec- ࠎĈᄃ) ҕგܧពೋ̼ăѣ·̶ᙋፂΝྋᛖځtious) meningitis) ߊхд̝ᐝ൭ѣ ҕგܧĂ༊ޢঽ ̝ᐝ൭ ়្ّ̰ଈਕֹࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ೋ̼Ă׶౵ ় ۆຏߖّ൴ܧ ׎΁ٺᕩЯ 7.3.3 Ăᐝ൭ԼචٕቤྋĄޢHeadache attributed to other non-infectious ়្ّ̰ଈޭೇ) inflammatory disease) ᐝ൭ (Headache ቁؠĂΞਕٕၙّĉ̝ۆ୽͐஧ཝ˭ݬវٺᕩЯ 7.3.4 ځĂᐝ൭ྋੵٕѣޢᒚٕঽЯҋ൒ቤྋڼattributed to lymphocytic hypophysitis) Ϊѣдѣड़ ҕგ়្ّ̰ଈ̝ᐝ൭ ۞෧ܧٺཚሳ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to ពԼචĂ఼૱ᕩЯ្̰ٺᕩЯ 7.4 ᒚٕҋ൒ቤڼଈ̙ਕѣड़়្̰ڍintracranial neoplasm) ᕝ̖ΞቁؠĄт ቁۢॡĂ఼૱ಶົϡΞਕᕩڱཚሳ͔੓្̰ᑅ̿੼ٕͪཝ̝ᐝ൭ ྋĂٕߏॡม̙ૉ҃൑ٺᕩЯ 7.4.1 ҕგ়្ّ̰ଈ̝ᐝ൭ ۞෧ᕝĄѩγĂ༊ঽܧٺHeadache attributed to increased intracranial Я) ޢĂᐝ൭дˬ࣎͡ޢᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋڼpressure or hydrocephalus caused by neo- Я়ଈ̏జѣड़ ពԼචॡĂ݋෧ᕝࠎA7.10 ၙ়្ّ̰ଈځplasm) ՟ѣቤྋٕ ᐂ̚జܢᐝ൭ ĄЯࠎ఺ֱᐝ൭۞͛ᚥ̙֖ĂЯѩΪдޢ ତᄃཚሳѣᙯ̝ᐝ൭ (HeadacheۡٺᕩЯ 7.4.2 ᙯܼ̝ྵָ෧ᕝૄ໤Ąڍᅮࡁտֽቁϲ׎Яإattributed directly to neoplasm) ೩̈́Ă

76 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

݈֏ 4. གྷዋ༊෧၅̏ଵੵ়្̰ঽ (Β߁ᐖਔᚭং๫) ᑅԼត۞ᐝ൭Ą̙ኢߏ 5. ൑΃ᔁă߲ٕ̚ෲႬᄋࣧЯጱ࡭្̝̰੼ᑅ្̰ٺ఺˘ౢߏ੅ኢᕩЯ ೩ C. ᐝ൭൴Ϡᄃ្̰ᑅ˯̿ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాإᆧΐٕࢫҲཝਖល୵۞ᑅ˧Ӯົ͔੓ᐝ൭Ąѩ఍

Ăᐝޢ٩΍ཝਖល୵ֹᑅ˧˭ࢫҌ120-170mm H2O .ଈă្̰ཚሳă D়ۆຏߖّ൴ܧ׎΁ᐝ൭۞јЯĈ̈́ Chiari ड̈́ ͩ་ݭ ൭ԼචĂͷд្̰ᑅ޺ᜈܲ޺ϒ૱72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤڦтਖលට̰ڶឩ⿔âֱց֍۞ଐ ҕგ়្ّ̰ଈĄ ྋܧௐ˘ݭ׶׎΁ ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭Ă఺ᙷᐝ൭͌ѣ߹Җঽጯ۞ࡁٺ࠹ྵ ĈځݭᓜԖྏរೀͼᗒтĄ ᄲטᒚ۞ଠڼտĄ ѐᅅ۲ࡡ̃ٺ੼ᑅ (IIH) ౵૱֍្̰ځ޺ᜈ ࣧЯ̙̪ޢᒚјΑٕҋ൒ቤྋڼᐝ൭ࡶд়្̰ଈ ڼ׎΁፟ᖼĄд়្̰ଈז෹࿅˘࣎͡Ă఼૱ߏ஝ঘ Ąّ ᐂ̚ͽܢŵˬ࣎͡۞ၙّᐝ൭జؠཌྷдޢঐεٕޢᒚ ׀ᔵ൒඗̂ొ̶IIH۞ঽˠѣෛ֯ᐝͪཚĂϏЪ ᐂߏࠎܢӀࡁտĄ఺ֱᐝ൭хдĂҭ৿ͻࡁտĂΐˢ ᇈ࣏ΒٕېĄ׎΁IIH۞াזෛ֯ᐝͪཚ۞ଐԛϺΞ֍ ፬Հซ˘Վ۞ࡁտ఺ֱᐝ൭׶ιࣇ۞፟ᖼĄו˞ ߁្̰ᗔࢰă҅ᆀăᒠมෛ౎ᄋት (transient visual obscurations) ̈́ኑෛĄ

ཝਖល୵੼ᑅ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 7.1 ΃ᔁă߲ٕ̚ఈႬᄋࣧЯጱ࡭្̰ٺᕩЯ 7.1.2 attributed to high cerebrospinal fluid pressure ੼ᑅ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to intracranial ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ hypertension secondary to metabolic, toxic or ཚሳ͔੓្̰ᑅ̿੼ٕͪཝ̝ᐝ൭ hormonal causesٺᕩЯ 7.4.1 ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ (੼ᑅ̝ᐝ൭(IIH្̰ځࣧЯ̙ٺᕩЯ 7.1.1 ᐝొγ๋ăҕგ়ّଈ្ٕ̰ຏߖ͔੓្̰ᑅٺᕩЯ Headacheattributed to idiopathic intracranial ٺ੼̝ᐝ൭జ൳ᐂдѣЇ˘˯়ࢗঽ΍ன఍ĄᕩЯ̿ hypertension (IIH) ઘүϡ͔੓្̝̰ᑅ̿੼̝ᐝ൭൳ᐂд8.3 ᕩЯۏᘽ ։ͅᑕ̝ᐝ൭Ą̙ۏᘽّၙٺ ᖞჍĈ (։្ّ̰੼ᑅ (Benign intracranial hypertension

BIH)ă઄ّཝሳ (pseudotumor cerebri)ăཝቯͪཚ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ) serous meningitis) A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˘ี˭ЕপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ) ۆmeningeal hydrops)ăል୵ّཝቯ) 1. Տ͟൴ү ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ຨજّ) ূ൭ܧ) ፋ࣎ᐝ(diffuse)̈́/ٕ޺ᜈ .2 A. ซҖّᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˘ี˭ЕপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ݜမٕϡ˧ົֹᐝ൭ΐᆐ .3 1. Տ͟΍ன B. ្̰੼ᑅ௑Ъ˭Еૄ໤Ĉ ຨજّ) ূ൭ܧ) ፋ࣎ᐝ (diffuse) ̈́/ٕ޺ᜈ .2 ٕ૱ຍᙊ୻຾۞ঽˠĂдৠགྷጯᑭߤ˯Ξͽߏϒ .1 Яݜမٕϡ˧ົΐᆐ .3 ܑன΍Їң˭Еள૱Ĉ B. ្̰੼ᑅ௑Ъ˭Еૄ໤Ĉ a) ෛ֯ᐝͪཚ ٕ૱ຍᙊ୻຾۞ঽˠĂдৠགྷጯᑭߤ˯Ξͽߏϒ .1 b) ۠ᕇᕖ̂ ܑன΍Їң˭Еள૱Ĉ (ᒚ݋ೋ̼ڼc) ෛ౎৿ຫ (Ϗ a) ෛ֯ᐝͪཚ d) ௐ̱ཝৠགྷ༏༑ b) ۠ᕇᕖ̂ ۲ࡡ۰ŵ200mm H2Oćܧཝਖល୵ᑅ˧ᆧΐ (д .2 (ᒚ݋ೋ̼ڼc) ෛ౎৿ຫ (Ϗ ֽוݻགྷཕഛࡍۻд۲ࡡ۰ŵ250mm H2O) ߏଳ d) ௐ̱ཝৠགྷ༏༑ ᑅ˧ઍീ۞̰ވീณĂٕߏϤർཝቯ˯ٕཝ ۲ࡡ۰ŵ200mm H 2Oćܧཝਖល୵ᑅ˧ᆧΐ (д .2 (۞צཝਖល୵̼ጯ (Ҳཝਖល୵కϨኳߏΞజତ .3 ֽוݻགྷཕഛࡍۻд۲ࡡ۰ŵ250mm H2O) ߏଳ ̈́௟ࡪᑭߤϒ૱ ᑅ˧ઍീ۞̰ވീณĂٕߏϤർཝቯγٕཝ (۞צཝਖល୵̼ጯ (Ҳཝਖល୵కϨኳߏΞజତ .3 ̈́௟ࡪᑭߤϒ૱

ICHD-Ƕ 77 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

൴Ϡ̰̣͟ޢוགྷዋ༊෧၅̏ଵੵ়្̰ঽ (Β߁ᐖਔᚭং๫) C. ᐝ൭дർཝቯࡍ .4

ቤྋ (ො1) Ĉڶଈăჯ D. ᐝ൭д˭ЕЇ˘ଐ়ک̶̰۞˧C. ᐝ൭д˘ֱົᆧ੼ཝਖល୵ᑅ ኳ 1. ˘ߐഇ̰ҋ൒ቤྋۏϡߙֱڇٕ(Ϡ৵A࿅кা(hypervitaminosis A ఼૱ߏϤർཝቯγҕ) ޢᒚਖល୵Ⴃ႒ڼ൴Ϡ 2. གྷѣड़ޢᇴฉٕᇴ͡ (ۏᘽܧ) D. ᐝ൭дঽЯΝੵޢˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋ ୵෭ͯ (epidural blood patch)) 48̈ॡ̰ቤྋ

Ĉ ො੃Ĉځᄲ ᙯڍᑅّͪཝা (Normal pressure hydrocephalus) ̙ 1. 95% ۞࣎९ߏтѩܑனĄҭ༊ᐝ൭޺ᜈॡĂЯ૱ ົጱ࡭ᐝ൭Ą ܼхႷĄ

ཝ͔੓្̰੼ᑅ̝ᐝ൭ Headache 7.2.2 ཝਖល୵ გᐝ൭ CSF fistula headacheͪٺᕩЯ 7.1.3 attributed to intracranial hypertension secondary to ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 15̶ᛗޢ˭15̶ᛗ̰ೋ̼Ă዁ޢhydrocephalus A. ᐝ൭дӱ੓ٕ৭ϲ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ̰ԼචĂ֭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е׌ีপᇈĂ̈́௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ 1. ᐚొᆉർ 1. ፋ࣎ᐝ (diffuse) ূ൭ 2. ҅ᆀ 2. ѝ୐ྵᚑࢦ 3. ᝘˧ᅪᘣ 3. дᙷҬValsalvaͩ (Valsalva-like) ፆүޢೋ̼ 4. ࠦЍ 4. ҡᐌယФ 5. ⪰͕ ၗԼ B. ˘̏ۢፆү(procedure) ٕγ๋ౄј޺ᜈّཝਖល୵ېҡᐌෛ֯ᐝͪཚăௐ̱ཝৠགྷ༏༑ăຍᙊ .5 5໐۰) Ⴃ႒Ă֭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีĈٺආ̈ޅ) តăՎၗ̙ᘦ̈́/ٕᐝಛᆧΐ B. ੼ᑅͪཝ௑Ъ˭Еૄ໤Ĉ 1. MRIѣཝਖល୵Ҳᑅ۞ᙋፂ (тĈർཝቯ၆ͧᆧ 1. ৠགྷᇆည൴னཝވᕖ̂ ૻ)

۲ࡡ۰្̰ᑅŵ200mm H2Oٕд۲ࡡ۰ŵ 2. ็௚ਖលᛷᇆăCTਖលᛷᇆăٕཝѰᛷᇆఙᙋ၁ܧд .2

250mm H2O ѣཝਖល୵Ⴃ႒

дӱݻĂཝਖល୵੓ؕᑅ˧Ŵ60mm H2O .3 ൑׎΁ጱ࡭ཝਖល୵ᑅ˧ᆧΐ۞়្̰ଈ .3 C. ᐝ൭൴Ϡᄃཝਖល୵ᑅ˧˯̿ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా C. ᐝ൭൴Ϡᄃཝਖល୵Ⴃ႒ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా D. ᐝ൭дཝਖល୵ᑅ˧ϒ૱ޢ72̈ॡ̰ቤྋ D. ᐝ൭дཝਖល୵Ⴃ႒ދҝޢ˛̰͟ቤྋ

ğཝਖល୵Ҳᑅځҋ൴ّĞٕࣧЯ̙ٺᕩЯ 7.2.3 ཝਖល୵Ҳᑅ̝ᐝ൭ Headache ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to spontaneous (orٺᕩЯ 7.2 attributed to low cerebrospinal fluid pressure idiopathic) low CSF pressure ᖞჍĈ ᐝ൭ Post-dural ҋ൴្ّ̰Ҳᑅ (spontaneous intracranialޢוཕഛࡍٕוർཝቯࡍ 7.2.1 post-lumbar) puncture headache hypotension)ăࣧ൴្ّ̰Ҳᑅ (primary intracranial) hypotension)ăҲཝਖល୵टณᐝ൭ (low CSF-volume ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ headache)ăၙّཝਖល୵̙֖ᐝ൭ (hypoliquorrhoeic 15̶ᛗޢ˭15̶ᛗ̰ೋ̼Ă዁ޢA. ᐝ൭дӱ੓ٕ৭ϲ headache) ԼචĂ֭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ̰ 1. ᐚొᆉർ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 2. ҅ᆀ 15̶ᛗޢA. ፋ࣎ᐝ(diffuse)̈́/ٕน൭Ăдӱ੓ٕ৭ϲ 3. ᝘˧ᅪᘣ ೋ̼ĂҌ͌׍˭Е˘ีĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤DĈ̰ 4. ࠦЍ 1. ᐚొᆉർ 5. ⪰͕ 2. ҅ᆀ וB. ү࿅ർཝቯࡍ 3. ᝘˧ᅪᘣ

78 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ᐝ൭̝ۆຏߖّ) ཝቯܧ) ൑ෂّٺࠦЍ 7.3.2 ᕩЯ .4 5. ⪰͕ Headache attributed to aseptic (non-infectious) B. Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีĈ meningitis MRIѣཝਖល୵Ҳᑅ۞ᙋፂĞтĈർཝቯ၆ͧᆧ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ .1 ૻğ A. ፋ࣎ᐝ (diffuse) ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤D ௚ਖលᛷᇆăCTਖលᛷᇆăٕཝѰᛷᇆఙᙋ၁ B. ཝਖល୵ᑭߤд൑ຏߖّঽࣧхд˭ĂӔன୽͐஧็ .2 ѣཝਖល୵Ⴃ႒ ᆧϠĂకϨኳൾ຋˯̿̈́ϒ૱ཬ෈Ꭴࣃ -дӱݻĂཝਖល୵੓ؕᑅ˧Ŵ60mm H2O C. ֹϡ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈIbuprofenĂҺࠪ஧కϨĂpeni .3 डٕᆡᘽڦጱ࡭ཝਖល୵ გঽЯඈঽΫ cillinٕtrimethoprimĂਖលට̰ٕוC. ൑ർཝቯࡍ Ăˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋޢኳۏ72̈ॡ̰ቤྋ D. ᐝ൭дொੵ఺ֱጱ࡭̙ዋޢD. ᐝ൭дർཝቯγҕ୵෭ͯ

ଈ̝ᐝ൭়ۆຏߖّ൴ܧ׎΁ٺĈ 7.3.3 ᕩЯځᄲ ሕд۞়ଈΞਕߏҲཝਖល୵टณ (low CSF vol- Headache attributed to other non-infectious ume)Ą఼૱ѣ្̰ᑅᅅ຋˯̿ (т஠˧ݜမ) ۞ঽΫĄ inflammatory disease ׎΁࣎९അѣঈᑅូࢫ̝གྷរĄᄃཝਖល୵ҲᑅᙷҬ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Ą఺ᙷᐝ൭ᑕ൳ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DޢϹّٺݻ๕ّᐝ൭˵അಡӘ൴Ϡ۞ ཝਖល୵Ⴃ႒ĄٺᐂдѩĂЯࠎιጱЯ (ଈ (ො1়ۆB. ᙋ၁ѣ˘ᄃᐝ൭ѣᙯ̝൴ ٺధкѣҋ൴ّཝਖល୵Ҳᑅ͔੓̝ᐝ൭ঽˠ၆ ଈॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా়ۆC. ᐝ൭൴Ϡᄃ൴ ۏᘽٕڦർཝቯγҕ୵෭ͯăർཝቯγϠநࢴៃͪ᛿ ̰࣎͡ቤྋˬޢᒚڼଈјΑ়ۆD. ᐝ൭д൴ ։рĄѣڍडă็௚ͤ൭጗ड़ڦપЯᐖਔשᒚĂтڼ ޢᒚјΑڼѨܐঽˠ۞ᐝ൭ົҋજቤྋĂѣֱ݋дֱ ො੃Ĉ ೇ൴Ąѣֱ࣎९ಡӘѣർཝቯఞݭᎶ΍ (dural sleeve ᐝ൭Ξᄃ˭ЕѣᙯĂҭ఼૱̙ߏ˘ܑ࣎னٕ͹ࢋ۞ .1 ᒚĄڼherniation)ĂপҾߏд਒ഛĂ֭̏͘ఙјΑ ADEM)ĂБّ֗ࡓ೹) ۆĈާّΝលᐘཝਖលېা д˘ֱѣMRIѣวّᇈ࣏ (positive signs) (тཝቯ ফስ (SLE)Ă֓ᔈপͩ (BehcetŅs)া࣏ཏĂԩᒤ਌ّ Ąו၆ͧᆧૻ) ۞ঽˠᑕྍᔖҺർཝቯࡍ ԩវা࣏ཏ(anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome)Ă Vogt-Koyanagi-Haradaͩা࣏ཏĄ

ଈ̝ᐝ൭ Headache়ۆຏߖّ൴ܧٺᕩЯ 7.3 ᐝ൭ Headache̝ۆ୽͐஧ཝ˭ݬវٺᕩЯ 7.3.4 attributed to non-infectious inflammatory disease attributed to lymphocytic hypophysitis ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ৠགྷᙷ҇ሳঽ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 7.3.1 A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C attributed to neurosarcoidosis B. ཝ˭ݬវΑਕҲ˭௑Ъ˭Еૄ໤Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 1. MRIពϯཝ˭ݬវ၆Ⴭត̂̈́Ӯ̹၆ͧᆧૻ ۆA. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D 2. ̷ͯቁᄮ୽͐஧ཝ˭ݬវ B. ᙋ၁ѣৠགྷᙷ҇ሳঽ (ො1) C. ᐝ൭൴үᄃཝ˭ݬវΑਕҲ˭ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా C. ᐝ൭൴үᄃৠགྷᙷ҇ሳঽѣॡมᕇ˯ᙯా ĈځĂᐝ൭дˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋ ᄲޢᒚৠགྷᙷ҇ሳঽڼD. јΑ ፬৵ҕা (50%֯کҡᐌ੼૱ۆො੃Ĉ ୽͐஧ཝ˭ݬវ ᙋ၁ѣৠགྷᙷ҇ሳঽĂΒ߁ĈཝৠགྷঽតăдMRI ࣎९) ٕԩཝ˭ݬវ௟ࡪኳ୵కϨ (hypophyseal cytosol .1 ׹ಛ۞ protein) ۞ҋវԩវ (20%)Ąވཝٕ/̈́ۆѣ្̰ҫҜّঽតă൑ෂّཝቯ ĂҭϺΞ൴ޢᘃθϐഇ̶ٕओٺঽត̈́Ӯ̹၆ͧᆧૻ۞ཚ๴ঽតĂͷགྷ̷ ѩ়ଈ׏ݭ൴ϠۆԊొ൴ շّĄٺሳĄ Ϡ܂઀࿍ّ҇ܧቁᄮࠎͯ

ICHD-Ƕ8: ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Ĉځཚሳ̝ᐝ൭ Headache ᄲ្̰ٺᕩЯ 7.4 Ăᐝ൭Ξਕᇶޢᒚڼᙷ׽ዔٕڱattributed to intracranial neoplasm ਖលට̰̼ጯᒚ ॡԼචĄ

ཚሳ͔੓្̝̰ᑅ̿੼ٕͪཝ̝ᐝ൭ٺᕩЯ 7.4.1 7.4.4 ࿅кٕ̙֖̝کෛ͸ٕཝ˭ݬវ̶˭ٺHeadache attributed to increased intracranial ᕩЯ pressure or hydrocephalus caused by neoplasm ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to hypothalamic or pituitary hyper- or hyposecretion ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ຨજّᐝ൭ĂҌ͌׍˭Е˘ีপܧ (A. ፋ࣎ᐝ (diffuse ᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DޢA. ᗕ઎Ăᗝ㝅ొ̈́/ٕீு ᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ B. Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีĈ ယФٕ/͕̈́⪯׀Ъ .1 ک፬৵ (GH) ̈́ܳඪ˯ཛྷϩኳ̶ܜ፬৵ăϠ֯ک .1 ᐝ൭Я֗វ߿જ̈́/ٕ˘ֱ̏ۢົጱ࡭្̰ᑅ̿੼ .2 10mm۞ٺ࿅кĂ֭ҡᐌѣ̈ک̶ (፬৵ (ACTH (វજү (тValsalvaͩፆүĂݜမٕχᆡᑃ֗۞ ຋̈ཛྷሳ (microadenomas) ҃ೋ̼ ېᄃ˭ෛ͸ཚሳҡᐌ̝វ໢አ༼ள૱ăள૱ଐჰ .2 3. ᐝ൭ܑனтࡎ൒൴ү (ො1) ၗԼតېၗă˾ഽ̈́ࢴᇒԼតăຍᙊ B. གྷCTٕMRIᙋ၁ѣҫҜ្ّ̰ཚሳ֭Яѩጱ࡭ͪཝ ள૱ॡ൴Ϡکො2) C. ᐝ൭д̶̰) D. Ăᐝ൭дޢᒚڼۏC. ᐝ൭൴Ϡ̈́/ٕೋ̼ᄃͪཝॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా གྷ͘ఙ̷ੵٕপؠ۞ăѣड़۞ᘽ 3 Ăᐝ൭д˛̰͟Լච ̰࣎͡ቤྋޢD. ཚሳགྷ͘ఙொੵٕវ᎕ഴ̈

ො੃Ĉ ड̝ᐝ൭ Headacheڦਖលට̰ٺᐝ൭൴ϠΞͽߏࡎ൴ (࿩ᑝᐝ൭)Ăͷдѩঽּҡᐌ 7.5 ᕩЯ .1 ຍᙊಉεĄ attributed to intrathecal injection ᝃཚ (colloid cyst)Ą ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉېቱ۞ވтௐˬཝ .2 ݻॡ̪޺ᜈ۞ፋ࣎ᐝ (diffuse) ൭Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤ۻA. д ତᄃཚሳѣᙯ̝ᐝ൭ Headache C̈́DۡٺᕩЯ 7.4.2 डڦਖលට̰צattributed directly to neoplasm B. അତ 4̈ॡ̰൴Ϡޢडڦ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ C. ᐝ൭дਖលට̰ (A.ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D Ĉ D. ᐝ൭д14̰͟ቤྋ (ො1 ႙ซ۞ .1 Ԋొ۞ ො੃Ĉ .2 ѝ୐ྵᚑࢦ 1. ࡶᐝ൭޺ᜈ෹࿅14͟Ă݋Ξਕ۞෧ᕝߏ7.2.2 ཝਖល .3 ݜမٕ֗វ݈ᝈົΐᆐ ୵ გᐝ൭Ą .4 B. ᇆညӔன្̰ཚሳ ॡมᕇ (׶གྷ૱д۩ม) ˯ѣᙯాٺC. ᐝ൭൴Ϡᄃཚሳ ឩ⿔൴ү̝ᐝ൭ Headacheٺᒚ 7.6 ᕩЯڼĂٕགྷᙷ׽ዔޢD. ཚሳགྷ͘ఙொੵٕវ᎕ഴ̈ ޢĂᐝ൭д˛̰͟ቤྋ attributed to epileptic seizure Ĉځᄲ ˘ᐝ൭ Headache ઐᐝ൭ᄃឩ⿔۞ᙯాߏኑᗔ̈́ᗕШ۞ĄΞਕѣ̝ۆᒛّཝቯٺᕩЯ 7.4.3 attributed to carcinomatous meningitis ֱ᏷็̈́/ٕᒖဩ۞ПᐍЯֹ̄఺׌ᙷ়ଈ۞ৠགྷᎸጬ ѩ̢ك෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᆧΐֹٕ൴ү⼈ࣃࢫҲĄઐᐝ൭׶ឩ⿔ϺΞд ВхĄઐᐝ൭׶ឩ⿔Ξͽߏߙ჌˭ڶA. ፋ࣎ (diffuse) ٕԊొᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C ൑࡭ঽᙯా۞ଐ B. གྷ (кѨ) ཝਖល୵ᑭߤ̈́/ٕMRIർཝቯ၆ͧᆧૻᙋ ཝ়ଈ(тMELAS)۞Вঽা (co-morbid)Ă҃дঽˠ֗ ൴үĄઐᐝ൭дߙֱݭё۞ឩ⿔Ăтޢม࿣ధ˳А˯ ۆ၁ѣᒛّཝቯ ཧឩ⿔ (benign occipital epilepsy)Ăٕ։ّڋC. ᐝ൭ᐌঽ඀ซण҃൴Ϡ̈́/ٕೋ̼ ։ّ

80 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

εৠ൴ү (corti- ٕཝ຅፟ᖼᄵ൴˞ৌϒ۞ઐᐝ൭Ą׀⿔ឩېrolandicឩ⿔̈́̂ཝϩኳშ coreticular epilepsy with absence seizures) ඈĂ൴Ϡதઐ ˘࣎੫၆100Ҝឩ⿔ঽˠ۞ࡁտពϯĂ51Ҝѣឩ ൴̈ٺᐝ൭Ăͷ̂кᇴ޺ᜈ6-72̈ॡĄ࠹ྵޢ੼ĄѩγĂજᐖਔ་ԛඈඕၹّঽតĂ׎ᓜԖপᇈΞ ⿔൴ү ᐝ൭Ąд఺˘௡ޢͽߏ࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ăͽ̈́གྷ૱ҡᐌᐝ൭۞ឩ⿔൴үĄ౵ ү҃֏Ă̂൴үྵ૱ҡᐌឩ⿔൴ү Ă̏ѣಡጱឩ⿔൴үдઐᐝ൭࿰Џ΍னॡٕд࿰Џ ̚Ăѣ˝ҜঽˠΩѣઐᐝ൭Ăͷ׎̚ˣҜΞЯឩ⿔൴ޢ ઐᐝ ү͔੓׏ݭӈֹߏᅅ຋۞ઐᐝ൭Ą43ּ൑ઐᐝ൭۞ঽٺᐌӈ൴ϠĄઐឩ⿔(Migralepsy) ˘ෟߏ޽̬ޢ ᐝ൭ҡᐌယФ۞ѣ11ּĂࠦЍ۞ѣޢˠĂ׎ឩ⿔൴ү ٽ൭࿰Џ̈́ᐝ൭ഇ̝มٙ൴Ϡ۞ឩ⿔൴үĄឩ⿔൴ү ࠦЍ۞ѣ4ּĄѩγĂݜမăᝈ֗׶ᐝ׀γд̰̈́дᄵ൴Я̄ᇆᜩĂٙͽ՟ѣநϤ׎̙ਕజ 14ּĂ҃ယФצ ⿔ᐝ൭ΐᆐĂჂᛇΞֹឩޢઐᐝ൭͔൴̝ϩኳԼត҃ᇆᜩĄ൒҃Ăጐგઐᐝ൭̈́ ొࡎ൒ொજົֹឩ⿔൴ү ᐝ൭ቤྋĄϤѩ୻຾Ξ֍Ă50%۞ឩ⿔ঽˠ׎ޢឩ⿔ߏ౵૱֍۞ཝొ়ଈĂ఺჌࣎९ݒໂࠎං͌Ă่ ൴ү ൴үᄵ൴˞˘࣎ᙷҬઐᐝ൭ᐝ൭ഇ۞া࣏ཏĄ ڋаᜪĂ఺ֱ̂ొЊߏৌّ۞ܕѣ࿬ߐಡӘĄॲፂ౵ ཧឩ⿔൴үܑ҃னᙷҬઐᐝ൭࿰ЏĄּтĂLennox׶ Lennoxඈ (1960) ۞3࣎ ņઐឩ⿔Ňঽˠ̚Ăѣ2ҜҬ (Chiariͩ་ԛௐ˘ݭ̝ᐝ൭ (CM1ٺཧឩ⿔Ą 7.7 ᕩЯڋځࣧЯّ̙̈́ېෛ͑ᛇ۞া׀ͼߏЪ Headache attributed to Chiari malformation type (ឩ⿔ّΗᙝᐝ൭ Hemicrania epileptica I (CM1 7.6.1 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᇴ̶ᛗĂ׍ઐᐝ൭পᇈĂ௑ЪૄזA. ᐝ൭޺ᜈଂᇴࡋ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤DĈ ໤C̈́D Ϥݜမ̈́/ٕValsalvaͩፆү͔൴ .1 B. ঽˠϒд൴үԊొឩ⿔ ᐝ൭۞˭ొڋٕ/̈́ొڋ۞ (ᇴ̈ॡҌᇴ͟) ܜႝ .2 ࿪Т઎ٸC. ᐝ൭ᄃឩ⿔൴үТॡ΍னĂͷᄃ൴ү /̈́ېҡᐌཝ຅ă̈ཝ̈́/ٕᐚਖߗΑਕ̙Б۞া .3 ቤྋגᐝ൭ϲޢD. ឩ⿔൴ү ᇈ࣏ٕ B. ̈ཝ޴ॿវۛ௲ (cerebellar tonsillar herniation) ؠཌྷ Ĉځᄲ ࠎ׍˭Е្ᐚMRI̝˘ีĈ ઐᐝ൭পᇈ̝ᐝ൭үࠎឩ⿔൴ү׀ͽТՎăТ઎ ཝ޴ॿវԍొ˭ݬ (caudal descent) Ÿ5̳ᗃ̈ .1 னĂ̏జ൴னĂӈֹց֍Ą෧ᕝืТॡᐝ൭൴ܑ̝ ˘ཝ޴ॿវԍొ˭ݬ Ÿ3̳ᗃĂΐ˯Ҍ͌˭Ё .2 ࿪ (ictal discharge)Ąٸᙋ၁ѣឩ⿔൴үگүĂͷགྷཝ ีពϯ្ᐚତЪ఍ᄝිቯ˭ටጾᑟĈ a) 7.6.2 ឩ⿔൴үޢᐝ൭ Post- ᑅ࢝̈ཝޢࢬ̈́઎ࢬ̝ཝਖល୵ට ޘ੻ (supraocciput) ੼ڋ˯b) ࢫҲ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ c) ᆧΐ͇၌ (tentorium) ୆ޘ (slope) A. ᐝ൭׍ღᒺݭপᇈĂٕдઐᐝ൭ঽˠ׍ઐᐝ൭প d) ؼលԮѡ ᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D C. ॲፂҌ͌˭Е˟ี҃ᙋ၁ѣޢ្჏̝ΑਕεአĈ B. ঽˠഅѣԊొٕБّ֗۞ឩ⿔൴ү ᇈ࣏ (тᐝຶĂ̙πᏊĂ҅ᑅٕ/̈́ېৠགྷጯা҅ .1 C. ᐝ൭дឩ⿔൴ү3̈ॡ̰൴Ϡ តજຏă᝘˧ᅪᘣٕ᝘ᛇ࿅ୂăোຶăШ˭ீዩ D. ᐝ൭дឩ⿔൴үޢ72̈ॡ̰ቤྋ (down-beat nystagmus)ăෛᛇॎજ (oscillopsia)) ˧੯Ѝ͑ෛ (spark photopsias)Ăෛ) ېᒠมෛᛇা .2 Ĉځᄲ (ሀቘĂኑෛٕᒠมෛ౎৿ຫ ٸᐝ൭Ăߏឩ⿔൴үޢ׍ઐᐝ൭পᇈ۞ឩ⿔൴ү 3. ᐝ൭૱ᄃઐᐝ൭ᙱ ᙋ၁ѣᐚਖលăཝ຅ٕ˭្ৠགྷ࠹ᙯ̝ᓜԖᇈޢĄឩ⿔൴үڍޢజቁᄮ۞̏ޢ࿪ (ͽડҾĂͷҡᐌ⪰͕׶ယФĄ̙ኢѣ൑ઐᐝ൭۞छ୉ ࣏Ăٕѣྻજεአٕീ෼ӧᙱ (dysmetria Ăˬ̰࣎͡ᐝ൭ቤྋޢᒚјΑڼΫĂ఺჌ᐝ൭Тᇹ૱֍Ą׎΁ᄃઐᐝ൭ᙷҬ۞ߏĂѣ D. Chiariͩ་ԛ Ăฟؕ΍னឩ⿔൴үޢঽˠдෛ͑ᛇඕՁ3-15̶ᛗֱ ĈځĂᐝ൭ॡ ᄲܜᐝ൭ (ͷෛᛇ൴ү(visual seizures)ॡม෸ޢ ೀࡋ)Ăѩܧೀ̶ᛗ҃) ܜឩ⿔۞ঽˠѣᙷҬ۞ ੵ˞൴ү۞ॡมΞਕྵّې෸ᚑࢦ)ĄᔵѣಡӘাܜม෸ ཧឩ⿔۞ঽˠࠎ ჌ᐝ൭૱జೡࢗᙷҬࣧ൴ّݜမᐝ൭Ąڋځᐝ൭Ăҭ̪ͽࣧЯ̙ޢឩ⿔൴ү ࿪Ăགྷˬ˽ҕგ ᐝ൭ߏChiariͩ་ԛௐ˘ݭ (CM1) ౵૱֍۞াٸཧ̝ឩ⿔൴үڋ͹Ą఺ΞਕߏЯࠎ

ICHD-Ƕ 81 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ጯۏड၆ͧ጗) ̈́ҕგᛷᇆೀͼౌߏϒ૱Ą຋ϠڦĂҭঽˠΞਕѣԊొ݈लęீ (74%࣎९)ă˭្ৠ ਔې ਖល۩߽ ۞ᑭߤౌ˘࡭ّߏϒ૱ĄEEG̈́SPECTବႿΞਕពனٺགྷăཝ຅ă̈ཝ (50%) Αਕεአ̈́/ٕጱЯ া (syringomyelia) ̝ਖល (66%) ΑਕεአĄᔵ൒ϫ݈ ᄃԊొৠགྷ৿ຫ࠹௑̝Ԋొள૱ડાĄ ϒົޢ౵ޢCM1̝ᐝ൭পᇈĂҭд͘ఙ ཝਖល୵۞Ϩҕ஧ᆧϠдࢦኑଳᇹٺ൑পؠૄ໤ΝೡࢗᕩЯ ഇ੠ᖸࡁտಡӘĂҭܜडጯ˯۞ૄ໤Ą൒ ૱Ąᔵ൒՟ѣ̂ݭăր௚ّ۞ٸᒚ݈Ăᑕᚑॾ௑Ъ˯ࢗᓜԖᄃڼ ώ۞Ķ઼ᅫᐝ൭ ҬͼѣֱᎮଈѩা࣏ཏ۞ঽˠົೇ൴Ą̂ొЊଈѩাۍቁϲĂͷдϏֽޞĂ఺ֱૄ໤ѣ҃ ࣏ཏ۞ঽˠА݈՟ѣઐᐝ൭۞ঽΫĄᓜԖᗁरυื҂ ڍᒚඕڼഇ͘ఙܜঽ̶ᙷķ̚ᙱҺ̪ົѣԼតĄѣ় ᖀّࡁտߏυࢋ۞Ą ᇋ׎΁ѣᙷҬᓜԖপᇈ۞෧ᕝĂΒ߁छ୉ّઐឨઐᐝ݈̝ ࿩҅ͩؾෂঽ (neuroborreliosis)ăৠགྷ୥گ൭ăৠགྷ ߲ăৠགྷοͩ୛ෂঽ (neurobrucellosis)ăឣልෂăཝቯ ᇽৠགྷ̈́̚ۆăཝۆཚّ̈́ཚሳّᄝිშቯ܂ă҇ۆ ཝਖល୵୽׀ൺᇶᐝ൭̈́ৠགྷ৿ຫা࣏ཏ 7.8 Ąۆ஧ᆧϠা(HaNDL) Syndrome of transient ր௚ҕგ͐ Headache and Neurological Deficits with cere- brospinal fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) ҕგ়្ّ̰ଈ̝ᐝ൭ܧ׎΁ٺᕩЯ 7.9 ᖞჍĈ Headache attributed to other non-vascular -ཝਖលϨҕ஧ᆧϠা (migraine with cere׀ઐᐝ൭ intracranial disorder ୽͐஧ᆧϠা׀brospinal pleocytosis)Ē઄ّઐᐝ൭ (pseudomigraine with lymphocytic pleocytosis) ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˘ี˭ЕপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 1. Տ͟൴Ϡ ᐝ൭ĂдԆБቤྋ݈ົ޺ᜈᇴ̈ 2. ፋ࣎ᐝ (diffuse) ূ൭ޘA. ੱ൴ّٕ̚ࢦ ॡĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D 3. ЯValsalvaͩፆү҃ΐᆐ ͽ˯ٙೡ়្̝̰ࢗଈٺB. ཝਖល୵Ϩҕ஧ᆧϠͽ୽͐஧ࠎ͹ (ŵ15 cells/ml)Ă B. ᙋ၁ѣ̙Т ͷৠགྷᇆညăཝਖល୵ૈዳ̈́׎΁ঽЯ̝ᑭរౌ C. ᐝ൭̝൴Ϡдॡมᕇ˯ᄃྍ়្̰ଈ૜̷࠹ᙯ҃ ̰࣎͡Ăᐝ൭ቤྋˬޢᕽٕҋ൒ቤྋڼϒ૱ D. д়្̰ଈ ΍ޢC. ੱ൴̝ᐝ൭ົҡᐌٕღྫྷ඾ᇶॡّৠགྷጯ৿ຫ னĂͷ׎ฟؕᄃཝਖល୵Ϩҕ஧ᆧϠѣ૜̷۞ॡม ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ̈́ણ҂ྤफ़ 7.1 Headache attributed to high cerebrospinal fluid ᕇ˯ᙯా pressure D. ੱ൴ّᐝ൭̈́ৠགྷጯ৿ຫົд Ŵˬ̰࣎͡ೇ൴ Corbett JJ, Mehta MP. Cerebrospinal fluid pressure in normal .Ĉ obese subjects and patients with pseudotumor cerebriځᄲ ѩা࣏ཏࢵАϤBartlesonඈ೩΍ (1981)Ă΁ࣇд Neurology 1983; 33:1386ė88. ཝਖល୵Ϩҕ஧ᆧϠ̝ઐᐝ൭̈́ Corbett JJ, Nerad JA, Tse DT, Anderson RL. Results of optic׀͛ᚥ˯ೡࢗ׎ࠎЪ nerve sheath fenestration for pseudotumor cerebri. The later- ୽͐ҕ஧ᆧϠ̝઄ّઐᐝ൭ĄᓜԖ׀ېᇶॡৠགྷጯা al orbitotomy approach. Arch Ophthalmol 1988; 106:1391ė .7 ޢᐌٕ׀னࠎ1Ҍŵ20Ѩ࣎Ҿ̝ੱ൴ّৠགྷጯ৿ຫЪܑ -ᐝ൭Ą̂ొЊ۞൴ү޺ᜈᇴ̈ॡĄ׎ Corbett JJ, Thompson HS. The rational management of idio̝ޘ൴Ϡ̚Ҍࢦ ৠགྷጯܑனΞᇆᜩ̂ཝΗ஧̈́/ٕཝ຅/̈ཝĂ౵૱֍۞ pathic intracranial hypertension. Arch Neurol 1989; 46:1049 51. ҫಡӘঽּ̚78%)Ăεᄬ (66%) ̈́ྻજ ė) ېߏຏᛇা Digre KB, Corbett JJ. Pseudotumor cerebri in men. Arch Neurol .݋࠹၆гྵ̙૱ 1988; 45:866ė72ې৿ຫ(56%)Ąᙷઐᐝ൭࿰Џ۞ෛᛇা ֍ (18%)Ąѣֱˠ͹෦ѣᙷҬ׏ݭઐᐝ൭࿰Џ̝ ŇҖ Durcan FJ, Corbett JJ, Wall M. The incidence of pseudotumor Ą cerebri: population studies in Iowa and Louisiana. Arch۞ېĄঽˠд൴үഇγߏ൑াېซё (march)Ň া Neurol 1988; 45:875ė7. Eggenberger ER, Miller NR, Vitale S. Lumboperitoneal shunt ੵ˞ཝਖល୵୽͐஧ᆧϠ(10-760 cells/ml) γĂŵ for the treatment of pseudotumor cerebri. Neurology 1996; .90%۞࣎९ѣཝਖល୵ᓁకϨኳᆧΐ(20-250mg/dl)Ă 46:1524ė30 Fishman RA. Cerebrospinal fluid in diseases of the nervous ŵ50%۞࣎९ཝਖល୵੓ؕᑅ˧д100-400mm H2OĄ system, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 1992. ෛ֯ᐝͪཚઊႬ΍னĄ૱ఢCT̈́MRIବႿ (ѣٕ൑ᐖ Gamache FW, Patterson RH, Alksne JF. Headache associated

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ኳٕԦᕝ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache event attributed to medication used for otherۏٺᕩЯ .8 indications) attributed to a substance or its withdraw- ኳֹ ϡٕତᛈ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ۏّާ 8.1.11׎ ΁ al) (Headache induced by other acute substance use or exposure) ͳཌӖ ౮ࠠ̚ ᛌ ϡᐝ൭(MOH) (Medication-overuseֹޘ࿅ۏᘽ 8.2 headache (MOH)) ኳֹϡٕତᛈ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ (Headache inducedۏّާ 8.1 ϡᐝ൭ (Ergotamine-overuseֹޘby acute substance use or exposure) 8.2.1 ౪֎῔࿅ headache) ൴̝ᐝ൭ (Nitric oxide͔ۏউ̼ധᛖ΍˘8.1.1 ϡᐝ൭ (Triptan-overuse ֹޘNO) donor-induced headache) 8.2.2 ჴ೼൳࿅) headache) ൴̝ϲӈݭᐝ൭͔ۏউ̼ധᛖ΍˘ ϡᐝ൭ (Analgesic-overuseֹޘImmediate NO donor-induced headache) 8.2.3 ͤ൭ᘽ࿅) headache) ൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭͔ۏউ̼ധᛖ΍˘ ϡᐝ൭ (Opioid-overuse ֹޘDelayed NO donor-headache) 8.2.4 ገ ͯᙷ࿅) headache) ጗͔൴̝ᐝ൭טPhosphodiesterase (PDE)Ժ 8.1.2 ϡᐝ൭ (Combinationֹޘ࿅ۏPhosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor induced 8.2.5 ኑЪᘽ) headache) medication-overuse headache) ϡᐝ൭ (Headache attributedֹޘ࿅ۏউ̼჆͔൴̝ᐝ൭ (Carbon monoxide- 8.2.6 ׎΁ᘽ˘ 8.1.3 induced headache) to other medication overuse) -ϡᐝ൭ (Probable medicationֹޘ࿅ۏ੧ჟ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ (Alcohol-induced headache) 8.2.7 Ξਕᘽ 8.1.4 overuse headache) ੧ჟ͔൴̝ϲӈݭᐝ൭ (Immediate ։ͅᑕ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache as an̙ۏᘽّၙٺalcohol-induced headache) 8.3 ᕩЯ adverse event attributed to chronic medication) ੧ჟ͔൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭ (Delayed alcohol-induced headache) 8.3.1 γЯّఈႬᄋ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ (Exogenous hormone-induced headache) ൴̝ᐝ൭ (Headache͔ۏࢴݡј̶̈́୹ΐ 8.1.5 ኳԦᕝ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed toۏٺinduced by food components and additives) 8.4 ᕩЯ substance withdrawal) ჟ(ጊᅕท)͔൴̝ᐝ൭ (Monosodiumק પЯԦᕝ̝ᐝ൭ (Caffeine-withdrawalש glutamate-induced headache) 8.4.1 headache) 8.1.6 Οߟែ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ (Cocaine-induced headache) 8.4.2 ገ ͯᙷԦᕝ̝ᐝ൭ (Opioid-withdrawal headache) 8.1.7 ̂౫͔൴̝ᐝ൭ (Cannabis-induced headache) 8.1.8 ௡ᖐ῔͔൴̝ᐝ൭ (Histamine-induced 8.4.3 ᅬ፬৵Ԧᕝ̝ᐝ൭ (Oestrogen-withdrawal headache) headache) Ԧᕝ̝ᐝ൭ޢኳၙֹّϡۏ׎΁ٺ௡ᖐ῔͔൴̝ϲӈݭᐝ൭ (Immediate 8.4.4 ᕩЯ histamine-induced headache) (Headache attributed to withdrawal from chronic use of other substances) ௡ᖐ῔͔൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭ (Delayed histamine-induced headache) 8.1.9 Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)͔൴̝ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ΃ᔁă߲ٕ̚ఈႬᄋࣧЯጱ࡭្̰੼ٺᐝ൭ (Calcitonin gene-related peptide 7.1.2 ᕩЯ ̝ۆຏߖّ) ཝቯܧ) ൑ෂّٺCGRP)-induced headache) ᑅᐝ൭ ć7.3.2 ᕩЯ) ኳٙ࡭ާّ̿ᑅͅᑕ̝ۏγЯٺCGRP͔൴̝ϲӈݭᐝ൭ (Immediate ᐝ൭ć10.3.6 ᕩЯ CGRP-induced headache) ᐝ൭Ą CGRP͔൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭ (Delayed ĈځCGRP-induced headache) ˘ਠᄲ ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ ّ̙ާۏᒚ׎΁ዋᑕাֹϡ̝ᘽڼٺᕩЯ 8.1.10 ኳତᛈۏ։ͅᑕᐝ൭ (Headache as an acute adverse ༊˘࣎າ۞ᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠॡĂॡมᕇ˯˫ᄃ

86 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ኳֹ ϡٕତᛈ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ۏّާ ኳ͔൴۞Ѩ൴ّ 8.1ۏٺѣ૜̷ᙯా۰Ă૟׎൳ᐂࠎᕩЯ ӈֹ׍ѣઐᐝ൭ăღᒺݭᐝ Headache induced by acute substance use orֱ˘ٺᐝ൭Ą఺ᕇ˵ዋϡ ߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ exposureڍ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭পᕇ۞ᐝ൭Ąт ኳତᛈѣ૜̷ᙯాĂ݋ѣۏ൭۞ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃ ൳ᐂ΁఍ ׌჌ΞਕّĂͷᅮࢋΐͽҿᕝĄঽˠΞͽ෧ᕝࠎߊх ኳٙ࡭ާّ̿ᑅͅᑕ̝ᐝ൭ۏγЯٺд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ෧ᕝѣ׌჌ᐝ൭Ăӈࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ᄃ 10.3.6 ᕩЯ ۰෧ᕝ۞ޢ˯ኳ͔੓۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą͚޺ΐۏٺᕩЯ ኳତᛈѣ˩̶૜̷۞ॡมᙯాăߊхд ݈֏ۏЯ৵ࠎĈᄃ ኳਕֹࣧ൴ ఺ཏᐝ൭়ଈΞਕߏϤ˭Еˬ჌Я৵͔੓Ĉ1)߲ۏពೋ̼ăѣ·̶ᙋፂΝྋᛖځᐝ൭ѣ۞ ኳٙۏᒚֹϡ۞ڼć2)˘ਠڍኳயϠ̙ຐࢋ۞ड़ۏّ Ăᐝ൭Լචٕޢኳүϡঐεۏ༊ޢᐝ൭ೋ̼Ă׶౵ّ ć3)၁រّࡁտĄڍቤྋĄ யϠ̙ຐࢋ۞ड़ ᖣ၁ڱϤّ߲ͅᑕ (т˘উ̼჆) ٙயϠ۞ᐝ൭൑ ᙯܼĂಶυڍቁؠĂΞਕٕၙّĉ រֽࡁտĄ၁ᅫତᛈᄃᐝ൭׌۰ม۞Я ኳٕྏဦҋ୭۰ֽΐͽᙋۏពԼචĂ఼ ืᖣᓜԖ९ּຍγֹϡѩځĂᐝ൭ྋੵٕѣޢኳۏΪѣд̙Гତᛈ ၁Ą ۏኳ̝ᐝ൭ ෧ᕝ̖ΞቁؠĄ༊ઃͤତᛈۏྍٺᕩЯ૱ ੃ྶѣᐝ൭۞ઘүϡĂҭ఺఼૱ߏᐝ൭ۏពԼචॡĂΞ҂ᇋ෧ᕝࠎ ధкᘽځĂᐝ൭Ϗቤྋٕޢኳ3࣎͡ ྏរĂྏរᘽטᐝ൭ Ąҭߏ˯ࢗᐝ൭ ۞੼஽Җதٙ࡭ĄΪѣдགྷϤᗕ۠ଠ̝ޢኳତᛈۏّၙ ᐂ̚A8.5ܢ Ăᐝ൭൴Ϡּͧྵщᇐ጗੼Ă̖ਕᄮؠᐝ൭ޢԸᄃۏ ۏࡁտĄд8.2 ᘽٺϏགྷ͛ᚥቁϲĂ෧ᕝૄ໤ֻ่إ ၁រّീྏᘽड़ٺࠎৌϒઘүϡĄᗕ۠۞నࢍ˵Ξϡ ϡ2ֹ࣎͡ޘ࿅ۏϡᐝ൭ ̝পּĂఢؠઃͤᘽֹޘ࿅ Ăۏᄃᐝ൭̝ᙯాّĄдߙֱ९ּĂт˘উ̼ധᛖ΍ ϡᘽֹޘĂᐝ൭υืԼචĂ̖ਕቁϲ෧ᕝĄઃͤ࿅ޢ ኳ፟ᖼ̝ᇆۏ׎ࡁտឰԧࣇ၆ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭̚ৠགྷ็ጱ 2̰࣎͡Ăᐝ൭Լචᄃӎ̪ۏϡᘽֹޘઃͤ࿅ٕ݈̝ۏ ۏኳည˘উ̼ധᛖ΍ۏֱ˘ᜩĂѣՀஎ˘ᆸ۞˞ྋĄ ϡᐝ൭ Ąࡶઃֹޘ࿅ۏϏۢॡĂ෧ᕝࠎ8.2.7 Ξਕᘽ ௡ᖐ῔Ă၆ϒ૱۞ҋᙸ۰̈́ઐᐝ൭ঽˠົ͔൴ϲӈ̈́ ୢѩ෧ᕝĄٸ2̰࣎͡ĂϏ֍ԼචĂಶޢϡֹޘ࿅ͤ ፑĂҋࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ঽˠ۞ҕ୵̚୻ځݭᐝ൭Ąҭன̏ Ă˵ົயϠؼᏵݭᐝޢೀ࣎̈ॡ̝ז˘ኳۏੵѩᄵ൴ ݈֏ ൭Ą ޝኳΞਕጱ࡭ᐝ൭ͅᑕۏઐᐝ൭ঽˠдϠநٕΞਕ͕ந˯၆Ч჌̰д̈́γ ˞ྋߙֱᓜԖ˯ֹϡ۞ ᑕᇾ੃୻຾Ą˘ਠֽᄲĂઐͅۏăࢴݡ ࢦࢋĂтѩ̖ਕ૟ᘽۏᑕĄഅѣಡጱ޽΍Ă੧ჟăࢴͅޘ፬࿅וд யϠ఺ֱᐝ൭Ă၆ၙّღᒺݭٽĂ၆ྵୂຏ۞ˠ ᐝ൭ঽˠͧ˘ਠˠՀۏኳ̈́ᘽۏԦᕝ̼ጯ̈́פăᛷۏ୹ΐ ᄵ൴ઐᐝ൭൴ϠĄ఺჌ᙯా఼૱ֽҋᓜԖགྷរ̈́ᘽ ᐝ൭ăੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭̈́дᕍ൴ഇ۞ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ঽົ ։ͅᑕಡӘĄ ˠֽᄲ˵ߏ˘ᇹ۞Ą̙ۏ யϠ۞ᐝ൭ĂΞਕ҃ͅѣϒޢᙯ ̂ొЊˠ̂ณ฼੧ڍ፬ᄃᐝ൭ѣᙯ۞ְ၁̙֭ਕᙋ၁׎Яו఺ֱ ฼੧Ąޘ൴ ࢬүϡĂЯᐝ൭ΞᔖҺ࿅૱૱ڶଵੵ҂ᇋ׎΁ঽЯ۞ᅮࢋĄЯࠎ఺ֱଐٕܼ ኳତᛈ۞ᙯాΞਕ่ߏμЪĄᐝ൭ΞͽۏϠĂᐝ൭ᄃ ϡΞਕጱ࡭ᐝڇ੧ჟ̈́˟௄ᐷ (disulfiram) Тॡ ĂېΪߏᐌ፟൴ϠĄᐝ൭ΞͽߏБ়ّ֗ঽ۞˘࣎া ൭Ă҃ಏ፾ֹϡॡ݋̙ົĄ ϺΞਕᄃᐝ൭ѣᙯĄдާّઐᐝ൭ᘽۏᒚ۞ᘽڼϡֽ ։̙ͅۏĂ̪జЕࠎᘽېྏរॡĂᐝ൭̈́׎ҡᐌাۏ ൴̝ᐝ൭ Nitric oxide͔ۏউ̼ധᛖ΍˘ 8.1.1 Ąѣڍᒚඕڼܧ҃ېଈ۞˘࣎া়ڼᑕĂӈֹιߏٙ (NO) donor-induced headache ኳѣᙯ̝ᐝ൭ĄಏಏᘽۏயϠᄃٽଈΞਕֹঽˠ়ֱ Ξۏᘽۆ׽ዔԩ൴ܧயϠᐝ൭Ąֹϡڱྍ়ଈ൑ٕۏ ൴̝ϲӈݭᐝ൭ Immediate͔ۏĂซ҃யϠᐝ൭Ą ˘উ̼ധᛖ΍ۆдྵୂຏ۰͔൴൑ෂّཝቯ NO donor-induced headache ኳତᛈ̏ᙋ၁ᄃᐝ൭࠹ۏĂߙֱާّٕၙّޢ౵ ᙯĄ ᖞჍĈ ᐝ൭(Nitroglycerine headache)ăࠓᘽᐝ൭ڵൻ̼ϟ (ᐝ൭(hot dog headacheۓdynamite headache)ăሤ)

ICHD-Ƕ 87 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼ nitroglycerine) ̈́׎΁˘উ) ڵᒚֹϡൻ̼ϟڼ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Я யϠᐝ൭ઘүϡĂ̏ᇃࠎˠۢĄၙֹّົۏA. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ̼ധᛖ΍ ᗕ઎ ϡ۰âߐഇ̰ົயϠ࡝ᘽّĂ̂ొЊঽˠЯGTN͔ .1 ᗝ㝅ొ ੓۞ᐝ൭˵ົдѩॡঐεĄมᕝֹϡĂᐝ൭̪ົ޺ .2 ᒚ͕ڼֽۏຨજّ ᜈĂΞਕ͉ᚑࢦ҃Пֹ̈́ϡ˘উ̼ധᛖ΍ .3 ۞˯Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ ඔ൭Ą൒҃Ă̂ొЊ͕᝙ঽঽˠࠎշّ̈́̚ѐͽ .4 Ą׎΁˘উ̂ޝӛќ ˠĂ఺ٕధΞྋᛖ఺યᗟᇆᜩ֭՟ѣ̝ۏB. ˘উ̼ധᛖ΍ кĂҭϫ݈ᙋፂពϯιࣇ˵Ξޝࡁտ͌۞ۏĂ10̶ᛗ̰யϠᐝ൭ ̼ധᛖ΍ޢӛќۏC. ˘উ̼ധᛖ΍ Isosorbide mononitrate Ă1̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋ ਕயϠᐝ൭Ą д˘ϒё۞ᗕ۠щޢD. ˘উ̼ധᛖ΍ઃͤ к۞ᐝ൭Ă͹ޝܜࡁտពϯĂ׎͔൴ͧGTNטᇐ጗ଠ

൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭ Delayed ࢋߏЯ׎ྵၙᛖ΍˘উ̼ധ̝߇Ą͔ۏউ̼ധᛖ΍˘ NO donor-induced headache ጗͔൴̝ᐝ൭ט෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 8.1.2 Phosphodiesterase (PDE) Ժ A. дѣࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ଈ۰Ă׎ᐝ൭ѣࣧ൴ّᐝ൭۞পᇈ (PDE) inhibitor-induced headache

Ğො1ğĂ̈́௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ӛќ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ̝ۏB. ˘উ̼ധᛖ΍

C. ˘উ̼ധҋҕ୵̚୻ੵޢĞො2ğĂᐝ൭யϠ 1. ᗕ઎ D. ಏѨତᛈޢĂ72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋ 2. ᗝ㝅ొ ຨજّ .3 ො੃Ĉ 4. Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ ጗ט൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ B. ග̟ಏ˘጗ณPDEԺ͔ۏயϠ˘উ̼ധᛖ΍͌ޝਠˠ˘ .1 ጗5̈ॡ̰ĂயϠᐝ൭טϡPDEԺڇ .൭Ă҃ઐᐝ൭ঽˠົ൴ү൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ăღᒺݭᐝ C ൭ঽˠ൴үღᒺݭᐝ൭Ă҃ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ঽˠ൴үᕍ D. 72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋ ൴ّᐝ൭Ą Ĉځ൴ϠĂᕍ ᄲޢઐᐝ൭̈́ღᒺݭᐝ൭πӮд5Ҍ6࣎̈ॡ .2 ൴ϠĄ PDEߏΒӣ˘̂ཏົ΃ᔁcyclic nucleotides (cGMPޢ1Ҍ2̈ॡٺ൴ّᐝ൭׏ݭ ٕ/ॡĂcGMP̈́טcAMP) ۞̙Тᅔ৵Ą༊PDEజԺ̈́ ಶົᆧΐĄд఺࣎ཏ௡̚ĂΪѣPDE-5ԺޘĈ cAMP۞፧ځᄲ ϒёజࡁտ࿅Ąۏ጗sildenafil̈́dipyridamole׌̼Ъט ᗕ઎ĂຨજّĂ֭дᗝ㝅ొĄٺ׏ݭ۞ᐝ൭൴Ϡ тamyl nitrate, erythrityl ఺჌ᐝ൭ߏಏ࠹۞ĂᄃGTN͔ٙ൴۞ᐝ൭̙ТĄPDE) ۏٙѣ˘উ̼ധᛖ΍ tetranitrate, glyceryl trinitrate [GTN], isosorbide mono- or дϒ૱ҋᙸ۰͔ٙ൴ᐝ൭ѣღᒺݭᐝ൭۞পᇈĂҭд -dinitrate, sodium nitroprusside, mannitol hexanitrate, pen- ઐᐝ൭ঽˠ݋͔൴൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭পᇈ۞ᐝ൭Ąдsilde ၁ܕtaerythrityl tetranitrate) ࠰ਕ͔൴఺჌ֲݭ۞ᐝ൭Ăপ nafilᓜԖྏរ̚Ăᐝ൭̏ۢߏι۞ઘүϡĂҭ౵ ЊѐᅅˠĂ͍׎ߏ̃ొ̂ٺኳĄGTNቁ၁ រࡁտពϯĂsildenafilۏҾઐᐝ൭ঽˠĄGTNߏࡁտ౵Ԇፋ̝ кᇴϒ૱ˠயϠᐝ൭Ă҃дઐᐝ൭ঽˠ͔൴۞ ّĂົயϠᐝ൭ઘүϡĂдઐᐝ൭ঽˠ૱ົ͔൴ઐᐝֹ̂ົ ઐᐝ൭ঽˠᆐধĄGTN˵ਕֹઐᐝ൭ ൭൴үĄᑕᛋӘઐᐝ൭ঽˠѩઘүϡĄܧͧ˵ϲӈᐝ൭ ঽˠயϠ௑Ъ෧ᕝૄ໤1.1 ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ̝ؼᏵݭᐝ -൭Ăӈֹঽˠ۞ҋ൴ّઐᐝ൭൴үߏѣ࿰Џ۞Ϻ൒Ą 8.1.3 ˘উ̼჆͔൴̝ᐝ൭ Carbon monoxide дၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ঽˠĂGTN˵൴னົ͔൴ѣღᒺݭ induced headache ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ঽ ᖞჍĈੱٺᐝ൭পᇈ̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭Ąҭ၆ (ಶ̙଀҃ۢĄᕍ൴ّ ࣗᐼ̍ˠᐝ൭ (Warehouse workersŅ headacheڍˠֽᄲĂGTNߏӎѣ࠹Т۞ड़ ᕍ൴ഇγĂ̙ົயϠؼᏵݭᐝ൭Ăҭдᕍٺᐝ൭ঽˠ Ăጱ࡭ᕍ൴ّ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉޢ1Ҍ2̈ॡ̝פ൴ഇĂGTNቁ၁ົдᛷ Ξᄃ˘উ̼჆̚ޘᐝ൭൴үĄઐᐝ൭ٕღᒺݭᐝ൭ঽˠயϠؼᏵݭᐝ൭ A. ᗕ઎̈́/ٕ޺ᜈّᐝ൭Ăপّ̈́඀

࠹ᙯ (ො1) Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́Dޘ൴үĄ ߲۞ᚑࢦޢ5Ҍ6̈ॡޢॡม̙˘ĂҭπӮдତᛈ

88 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

B. ˘উ̼჆̝ᇷᜨ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ C. ᇷᜨ12̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭൴ү A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ D. ੵΝ˘উ̼჆ޢ72̈ॡ̰Ăᐝ൭ቤྋ 1. ᗕ઎ 2. ᗝ㝅ొ ො੃Ĉ 3. ຨજّ ׏ݭĈ˘উ̼჆ҕࡓ৵ (carboxyhaemoglobin) ࣃд10 4. Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ.1 ઐᐝ൭ܧඈณ۞ӣ੧ჟ฼फ़Ăٕ̚פć˘উ̼ B. ઐᐝ൭ঽˠᛷېᐝ൭Ă൑བࡤٕৠགྷাޘҌ20ƦมĂᅅ ͽ߲̚۞੧ჟณ֖פঽˠᛷ ٽຨજّᐝ൭̈́ޘ჆ҕࡓ৵ࣃд20Ҍ30ƦมĂ̚ யϠᐝ൭ޢഴੜٕࢫҌ࿬ޘᐝ൭ҡ C. ҕ୵̚੧ჟ፧ޘć˘উ̼჆ҕࡓ৵ࣃд30Ҍ40ƦมĂࢦޤ ᐌ⪰͕ăယФ̈́ෛ˧ሀቘĄ D. 72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋ

ĈځĈ ᄲځᄲ ˞༊˘উ̼჆ҕࡓ৵ࣃŵ40ƦॡĂЯଈ۰ຍᙊᅪ ఺ߏ౵૱֍۞ᐝ൭ᙷݭ̝˘Ąϫ݈̙୻຾Ăੵ ᘣĂᐝ൭఼૱̙ົјࠎ͹෦Ą ੧ჟγĂߏӎӣ੧ჟ฼फ़̚׎΁јЊϺԷႊ˘֎ҒĄ Ϗѣр۞ࡁ Тᇹ̙୻຾ߏӎ׎፟ᖼࠎّ߲үϡ̝ؼᏵͅᑕĂٕᄃإഇᇆᜩܜউ̼჆߲̚၆ᐝ൭۞˘ ൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭۞፟ᖼ࠹ҬĄ͔ۏᐝ൭۞ΞਕĄ ԛј˘উ̼ധᛖ΍ޢտĄ࡭Яྤफ़ᙋ၁ѣၙّ߲̚ གྷቁؠ෧ᕝ۞ᐝ൭ঽˠᄃ൑ᐝ൭۞ˠ၆૛ዕᐝ൭ ඈณ۞̚פϏቁؠĄઐᐝ൭ঽˠᛷإĂྵّͧצ੧ჟ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ Alcohol-induced headache ۞ຏ 8.1.4 ӣ੧ჟ฼फ़Ă࿣͇ઐᐝ൭Ξਕ൴үĂҭܧઐᐝ൭ঽˠ ณӣ੧ჟ฼फ़̖ົயϠ8.1.4.2 ੧ჟ͔̂פ੧ჟ͔൴̝ϲӈݭᐝ൭ Immediate alcohol- ఼૱ᅮࢋᛷ induced headache ൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭ Ą ᖞჍĈ ൴̝ᐝ൭ Headache͔ۏᗗԍ੧ᐝ൭(Cocktail headache) 8.1.5 ࢴݡј̶̈́୹ΐ induced by food components and additives ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᖞჍĈ (A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ฼ࢴᐝ൭(Dietary headache 1. ᗕ઎ 2. ᗝ㝅ొ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ຨજّ A ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ .3 Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ 1. ᗕ઎ .4 ӣ੧ჟ฼फ़(ො1) 2. ᗝ㝅ొפB. ᛷ ӣ੧ჟ฼फ़3̈ॡ̰யϠᐝ൭ 3. ຨજّפC. ᛷ D. 72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋ 4. Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ

(ො1)ۏ౵ҲณࢴݡјЊٕ୹ΐפB. ᛷ 12̈ॡ̰ĂயϠᐝ൭ޢפኳᛷۏ .ො੃Ĉ C 72̈ॡ̰Ăᐝ൭ቤྋޢפϫ݈֭ϏቁؠயϠᐝ൭̝ѣड़጗ณĄ D. ಏѨᛷ .1

Ĉ ො੃Ĉځᄲ (੧ჟٕӣ੧ჟ฼फ़۞ۡତᇆᜩ҃யϠ 1. ࢃঊૄʹᅕ (phenylethylamine)ă࿍῔ᅕ (tyramineצѣֱˠߏ ೻͐மజᄮࠎߏ࡭ЯĂҭ΁ࣇົ͔൴ᐝ൭۞Ξܠ̈́ кĄޝᐝ൭Ąҭߏ఺ͧ੧ჟ͔൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭͌ Ϗ·̶ᙋ၁Ąإਕّ -੧ჟ͔൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭ Delayed alcohol -ჟ(ጊᅕท)͔൴̝ᐝ൭ Monosodium glutaק induced headache ᖞჍĈ mate-induced headache ૛ዕᐝ൭( headache) ᖞჍĈ

ICHD-Ƕ 89 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Ĉځᐠᐡা࣏ཏ(Chinese restaurant syndrome) ᄲ઼̚ ፂಡጱֹϡ̂౫ົጱ࡭ᐝ൭Ăҡᐌ˾઀ăຏᛇள ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ૱ă໢ሤຏᛇă̈́ඕቯ൴ࡓĄ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ 1. ᗕ઎ 2. ᗝ㝅ొ 8.1.8 ௡ᖐ῔͔൴̝ᐝ൭ Histamine-induced Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ headache .3 Ĉځჟ (ጊᅕท) (MSG) ᄲקפB. ᛷ ᐝ൭ঽˠົጱ࡭ϲӈݭᐝ൭ĂдઐᐝܧĂ1̈ॡ̰யϠᐝ൭ ௡ᖐ῔дޢჟקפC. ᛷ ۰௑Ъ1.1 ൑࿰ޢĂ72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋ ൭ঽˠ݋ጱ࡭ϲӈ̈́ؼᏵݭᐝ൭ĄޢჟקפD. ಏѨᛷ Џઐᐝ൭ ۞ૄ໤Ąϫ݈̏ࡁտ௡ᖐ῔൑ኢགྷϤᐖ Ĉ ਔăϩቲٕӛˢඈ౉शౌົயϠᐝ൭Ą፟ᖼ͹ࢋߏᖣځᄲ ᕝιĄܡጡĂЯࠎmepyramineೀͼΞͽԆБצຨ ϤH1ܧჟ͔൴̝׏ݭᐝ൭ߏน൭ăٕ׍լሤຏͷק જّĂҭдઐᐝ൭ঽˠΞਕົѣຨજّĄ

-ĂΒ߁਒ొᑅ࢝ຏĂᗞ ௡ᖐ῔͔൴̝ϲӈݭᐝ൭ Immediate histamineېѩা࣏ཏ૱ҡᐌ׎΁া ࢬᑅ࢝̈́/ٕღૺĂ਒ăᐚٕ۷჻ѣլሤຏĂᓚሗࡓĂ induced headache Ąڇᐝຶ̈́ཛొ̙න

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ 8.1.6 Οߟែ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ Cocaine-induced headache 1. ᗕ઎ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 2. ᗝ㝅ొ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ຨજّ .3 1. ᗕ઎ Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ .4 2. ᗝ㝅ొ B. ӛќ௡ᖐ῔ ຨજّ .3 C. ӛќ௡ᖐ῔ޢĂ10̶ᛗ̰யϠᐝ൭ Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ .4 D. ઃͤӛќ௡ᖐ῔ޢĂ1̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋ B. ֹϡΟߟែ Ă1̈ॡ̰யϠᐝ൭ޢC. ֹϡΟߟែ -௡ᖐ῔͔൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭ Delayed histamine Ă72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋ induced headacheޢD. ಏѨֹϡΟߟែ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Ĉځᄲ A. ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ঽˠĂ׎ᐝ൭ѣࣧ൴ّᐝ൭̝পᇈ(ො ѣಡጱ޽΍ֹϡΟߟែົயϠᐝ൭۞ઘүϡĄΟ 1)Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ϲӈٕ˘࣎̈ॡ̰யϠᐝ൭Ă࠹༊૱֍Ăޢߟែֹϡ B. ௡ᖐ῔̝ӛќ ঽˠТॡ൴Ϡ̚ࢲٕᇶॡّཝ৿ҕĂ఼૱̙֭ҡܧੵ C. ҋҕ୵̚୻ੵ௡ᖐ῔ޢĂᐝ൭൴ү(ො2) Ąېᐌ׎΁া D. ಏѨତᛈޢĂ72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋ

8.1.7 ̂౫͔൴̝ᐝ൭ Cannabis-induced headache ො੃Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ யϠ௡ᖐ῔͔൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭Ăҭઐᐝ͌ޝਠˠ˘ .1 A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ൭ঽˠົ൴ү൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ăღᒺݭᐝ൭ঽˠ൴ү 1. ᗕ઎ ღᒺݭᐝ൭Ă҃ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ঽˠ൴үᕍ൴ّᐝ൭Ą ᕕਠٕຨજّו .2 ൴ϠĂᕍ൴ޢઐᐝ൭̈́ღᒺݭᐝ൭఼૱д5Ҍ6̈ॡ .2 3. ᐝొѣᑅ࢝ຏ ൴ϠĄޢ1Ҍ2̈ॡٺᐝ൭׏ݭّ B. ֹϡ̂౫ Ă12̈ॡ̰யϠᐝ൭ޢC. ֹϡ̂౫ Ă72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋޢD. ಏѨֹϡ̂౫

90 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

8.1.9 Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) C. ޢᇴ̶ᛗҌᇴ̈ॡ̝̰ᐝ൭൴ү 72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋޢ൴̝ᐝ൭ Calcitonin gene-related D. ֹϡ͔ Ĉځpeptide(CGRP)-induced headache ᄲ யϠᐝ൭Ąͽ˭ߏ౵૱జޢഅಡӘֹϡۏкᘽޝ Ĉځᄲ ,Ĉ atropine, digitalis, disulfiramۏྏរࡁտCGRP͔൴ᐝ൭ ᄮࠎ̝ᄵ൴ᘽטϫ݈Ϊѣ˘࣎ᗕ۠ଠ পኳĄ൒҃CGRPጱ࡭ϲӈݭᐝ൭ݒ̙टཉႷĄ˩ hydralazine, imipramine, nicotine, nifedipine, nimodipineĄ۞ ЩಏΞֻߤዦĄۏᘽ۞ܜᐂĞܑ˘ğ̚ѣ˘Հܢ Ăࡁտពϯܕˠ̚ѣˬˠົѣؼᏵݭઐᐝ൭൴үĄ౵ ቁࠧؠĂ̂ొЊᐝځᒚѣड़Ą ͛ᚥ˯၆ѩᐝ൭۞পᇈϏѣڼ჌CGRP޻ԩ጗၆ઐᐝ൭ާّ˘ Ąޘࢦז൭۞পᇈࠎน൭ă޺ᜈăፋ࣎ᐝă̚

ኳֹϡٕତᛈ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ۏCGRP͔൴̝ϲӈݭᐝ൭ Immediate CGRP- 8.1.11 ׎΁ާّ induced headache Headache induced by other acute substance use or ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ exposure A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 1. ᗕ઎ A. ᐝ൭௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ኳۏᗝ㝅ొ B. ֹϡٕާّତᛈ˯ࢗͽγ̝ .2 Ă12̈ॡ̰யϠᐝ൭ޢኳۏຨજّ C. ٕତᛈ .3 Ă72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋޢኳۏЯ֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ D. ֹϡٕତᛈ .4 B. ӛќCGRP ĈځĂ10̶ᛗ̰யϠᐝ൭ ᄲޢC. ӛќCGRP யϠᐝ൭ĄޢኳഅಡӘдତᛈۏкѣ፟̈́൑፟ޝ Ă1̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋޢD. ઃͤӛќCGRP ኳĈۏͽ˭ߏ౵૱֍۞ᄵ൴ ,Ĉarsenic, borate, bromate, chlorateۏCGRP͔൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭ Delayed CGRP- ൑̼፟Ъ induced headache copper, iodine, lead, lithium, mercury, tolazoline ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ hydrochlorideĄ

-Ĉalcohols (long-chain), aniline, balۏA. ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ঽˠĂ׎ᐝ൭ѣࣧ൴ّᐝ൭̝পᇈ(ො ѣ̼፟Ъ 1)Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D sam, camphor, carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, B. CGRP̝ӛќ clordecone, EDTA, heptachlor, hydrogen sulfide, kerosene, methyl alcohol, methyl bromide, methyl chlo- C. ҋҕ୵̚୻ੵCGRPޢĂᐝ൭൴ү(ො2) ride, methyl iodine, naphthalene, organophosphorous Ă72̈ॡ̰ᐝ൭ቤྋޢCGRPڦD. ᛿ compounds (parathion, pyrethrum)Ą ቁࠧؠĂ̂ొЊᐝځො੃Ĉ ͛ᚥ˯၆ѩᐝ൭۞পᇈϏѣ Ąޘࢦז൴үCGRP͔൴̝ؼᏵݭᐝ൭Ăҭߏઐ ൭۞পᇈࠎน൭ăፋ࣎ᐝă޺ᜈă͌̚ޝਠˠ˘ .1 ᐝ൭ঽˠົ൴ү൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ăღᒺݭᐝ൭ঽˠ൴ үღᒺݭᐝ൭Ă҃ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ঽˠ൴үᕍ൴ّᐝ -ϡᐝ൭ (MOH) Medicationֹޘ࿅ۏ൭Ą 8.2 ᘽ (൴ϠĂᕍ൴ overuse headache (MOHޢઐᐝ൭ᄃღᒺݭᐝ൭఼૱д5Ҍ6̈ॡ .2 ൴ϠĄޢ1Ҍ2̈ॡٺᐝ൭׏ݭّ ᖞჍĈ -൴̝ᐝ൭ (drug͔ۏᇅᐝ൭ (Rebound headache)ăᘽͅ ّ̙ާۏᒚ׎΁ዋᑕাֹϡ̝ᘽڼٺᕩЯ 8.1.10 ᄱϡ̝ᐝ൭(medication-misuseۏinduced headache)ăᘽ ։ͅᑕᐝ൭ Headache as an acute adverse event headache) attributed to medication used for other indications

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ݈֏ ኳֹϡ̈́ତᛈѣᙯ̝ۏA. ᐝ൭௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ώ༼ᄃ˭˘༼ᛚࢗᄃၙّ ᐝ൭়ଈĄ ۏᒚᐝ൭ͽγ׎΁ዋᑕা̝ᘽڼ .B

ICHD-Ƕ:2 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ᒚ ໤C̈́DĈڼϡֹޘϡᐝ൭ߏྵୂຏঽˠᄃ࿅ֹޘ࿅ۏᘽ ᐝ൭ 1. ͹ࢋࠎಏ઎ّېϡাֹޘᘽ጗۞࠹̢үϡĄ౵ָּ̄ߏ࿅ّ ᐝ൭(headache-prone) ঽˠயϠᐝ൭Ą 2. ຨજّٺٽֹۏᒚᘽڼ ޘ൭ 3. ٕ̚ࢦٕͤ/̈́ۏઐᐝ൭ᘽّېϡাֹޘϫ݈ࠎͤĂ࿅ ᘽĂߏጱ࡭Տ࣎͡Ÿ15͇൴ϠҬઐᐝ൭̝ᐝ൭̈́Տ࣎ 4. ͟૱߿જົֹᐝ൭ΐᆐٕᔖҺѩᙷ߿જ (т֕ྮ (ሁୗۊٕ Ÿ15͇൴Ϡ஄ЪҬઐᐝ൭̈́Ҭღᒺݭᐝ൭̝ᐝ൭۞͡ Ҍ͌˘ีĈېϡ۞ؠཌྷߏͽ 5. ҡᐌ˭Еাֹޘଐԛ౵૱֍۞ࣧЯĄ˘ਠ҃֏Ă࿅ ᒚυืᐛᓄͷఢ݋Ăӈ a) ⪰͕̈́/ٕယФڼᒚ͇ᇴࠎ͹ĄᙯᔣߏڼՏ͡ Տฉᇴ͇ĄᓝּֽᄲĂ઄т෧ᕝૄ໤ࠎՏ࣎͡Ÿ10 b) ࠦЍُ̈́ӝ ϡჴ೼൳ (Їң጗ݭ) Ÿ10͇Ă̏Ÿ3࣎͡ڇഇ՟ B. Տ͡ఢ݋ܜᒚĄొЊঽˠдڼĂຍӈՏߐഇಶѣ2Ҍ3͇͇ ពᆧΐځϡഇมĂᐝ൭ᐛதֹޘ࿅ C. ჴ೼൳࿅ۏᒚᇴ͇Ă̙͉ΞਕயϠᘽڼᜈా˭ڶᘽ۞ଐڇѣ Ăᐝ൭д2̰࣎͡ቤྋٕаೇֽࣧሀёޢϡᐝ൭Ą D. ჴ೼൳̚ᕝֹޘ ϡѣᙯĂҭߏֹޘ࿅ۏღᒺݭᐝ൭ྵ͌ᄃᘽّၙ Ĉځϡ҃јࠎၙّᐝ ᄲֹޘ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭૱Яͤ൭ᘽ࿅ੱ ϡĂΞਕֹઐᐝ൭൴ϠᐛதᆧҌၙֹޘ൭ĂপҾߏᐝ൭͕̚ঽˠĄ ჴ೼൳࿅ ϡͧ౪֎῔ֹޘѣхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭۞ঽˠயϠາݭᐝ൭Ă ّઐᐝ൭۞ᐛதĄᙋፂពϯჴ೼൳࿅ٺ၆ ϡՀԣயϠѩݭᐝ൭Ąֹޘពೋ ࿅ځϡഇม׎ઐᐝ൭ٕღᒺݭᐝ൭ֹޘ࿅ۏдᘽٕ ϡᐝ൭ ۞෧ֹޘ࿅ۏĂᑕТॡගࣧѣᐝ൭̈́8.2 ᘽ̼ ϡᐝ൭ Analgesic-overuseֹޘϡѣᙯ۞ᐝ൭૱ѣ፾প۞ሀ 8.2.3 ͤ൭ᘽ࿅ֹޘ࿅ۏᕝĄГ۰Ăᄃᘽ ёᖼொĂӈֹдТ˘͇̰ĂଂҬઐᐝ൭পᇈតࠎღᒺ headache ݭᐝ൭পᇈ (ӈ˘჌າݭᐝ൭)Ą ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ϡᐝ൭۞෧ᕝдᓜԖ˯পҾࢦࢋĂЯֹޘ࿅ۏᘽ A. Տ͡ᐝ൭ŵ15͇ĂҌ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ ѣۏ၆࿰ّ֨ᘽ͌ޝॡĂۏϡާّᘽֹޘࠎঽˠд࿅ ໤C̈́DĈ ͅᑕĄ 1. ᗕ઎ ّ (ຨજܧ) ᑅ࢝/ღᒺ .2 ϡᐝ൭ Ergotamine-overuseֹޘ౪֎῔࿅ 8.2.1 ޘᅅٕ̚ .3 headache ϡಏ৷ͤ൭ᘽ (simple analgesics) Ÿ15͇ĞොڇB. Տ͡ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 1ğĂ̏ŵ3࣎͡ A. Տ͡ᐝ൭ŵ15͇ĂҌ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ ពೋ̼ځϡഇมᐝ൭൴ϠֹٕޘC. ͤ൭ᘽ࿅ ໤C̈́DĈ ᐝ൭д2̰࣎͡ቤྋٕаೇֽࣧሀёޢD. ͤ൭ᘽ̚ᕝ 1. ᗕ઎ ᑅ࢝/ღᒺّ .2 ො੃Ĉ ޘᅅٕ̚ .3 ϡᐝ൭Ăֹ҃ޘՏֹ͡ϡŸ15͇̖ົ͔൴ͤ൭ᘽ࿅ .1 ϡ౪֎῔Ÿ10͇Ă̏Ÿ3࣎͡ڇB. Տ͡ఢ݋ ϡŸ10͇Ă఺่ߏ૞छຍ֍Ă֭Ϗѣϒёᙋֹܧ ពೋ̼ځϡഇมᐝ൭൴ϠֹٕޘC. ౪֎῔࿅ ፂĄ Ăᐝ൭д2̰࣎͡ቤྋٕаೇֽࣧሀޢD. ౪֎῔̚ᕝ ё ϡᐝ൭ Opioid-overuseֹޘገͯᙷ࿅ 8.2.4 headache Ĉځᄲ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ౪֎ែ۞ϠវΞϡத (bioavailability) ត̼̂Ăٙ A. Տ͡ᐝ൭ŵ15͇Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ؠཌྷ౵Ҳ጗ณĄڱͽ൑ ϡገͯᙷŸ10͇Ă̏ŵ3࣎͡ڇB. Տ͡ ពೋ̼ځϡഇมĂᐝ൭൴ϠֹٕޘC. ገͯᙷ࿅ ϡᐝ൭ Triptan-overuse headacheֹޘჴ೼൳࿅ 8.2.2 Ăᐝ൭д2̰࣎͡ቤྋٕаೇֽࣧሀёޢD. ገͯᙷ̚ᕝ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. Տ͡ᐝ൭ŵ15͇ĂҌ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂ̈́௑Ъૄ

92 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ϡֹޘϡᐝ൭ ă8.2.7.3 Ξਕͤ൭ᘽ࿅ֹޘĈ ೼൳࿅ځᄲ ϡᐝ൭ ă8.2.7.5ֹޘϡገͯᙷ̝ঽˠĂд ᐝ൭ ă8.2.7.4 Ξਕገͯᙷ࿅ֹޘᖀّ۞ࡁտ޽΍Ă࿅݈ ϡᐝ൭ ă̈́ Ξਕ׎΁ֹޘ࿅ۏĂೇ൴த౵੼Ą ΞਕኑЪᘽޢᒚڼԦᕝ ϡᐝ൭Ąֹޘ࿅ۏᘽ ϡᐝ൭ Combinationֹޘ࿅ۏኑЪᘽ 8.2.5 ۞ ϡᐝ൭ֹޘ࿅ۏధкঽˠ௑Ъ8.2.7 Ξਕᘽ medication-overuse headache ෧ᕝૄ໤ĂТॡ˵௑Ъ1.6.5 Ξਕၙّઐᐝ൭ ٕ2.4.3 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ۏϡ۞ᘽֹޘΞਕၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ ۞෧ᕝૄ໤Ą࿅ A. Տ͡ᐝ൭ŵ15͇ĂҌ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ ᙯܼቁϲ݈Ă఺׌჌ᙷݭౌᑕజ൳ᐂĄڍĂЯޢԦᕝ ໤C̈́DĈ ѣ1.6.5 Ξਕၙّઐᐝ൭ ۞ঽˠᑕΩγ൳ᐂА݈۞ઐ 1. ᗕ઎ ᐝ൭ֲݭ (఼૱ࠎ1.1 ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭)Ą ّ (ຨજܧ) ᑅ࢝/ღᒺ .2 ޘᅅٕ̚ .3

Ğො1ğŸ10͇Ă̏ŵ3࣎͡ۏϡኑЪᘽڇB. Տ͡ ։ͅᑕ̝ᐝ൭ Headache̙ۏᘽّၙٺᕩЯ 8.3 ពೋ̼ځϡഇมĂᐝ൭൴Ϡֹٕޘ࿅ۏC. ኑЪᘽ as an adverse event attributed to chronic medica- Ăᐝ൭д2̰࣎͡ቤྋٕаೇֽࣧޢᕝ̚ۏD. ኑЪᘽ ሀё tion ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ො੃Ĉ A. Տ͡ᐝ൭ŵ15͇Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D

Ğො1ğۏᒚ׎΁ዋᑕা۞ၙّᘽڼਠߏ޽ӣѣಏ৷ͤ൭ᘽΐ˯ገͯᙷă B. Їң˘ۏኑЪᘽ .1 પЯĄ C. ϡᘽഇมᐝ൭൴Ϡשٕ/butalbital̈́

ᐝ൭ቤྋޢĞො2ğ̚ᕝۏD. ᘽ ϡᐝ൭ Headache attributedֹޘ࿅ۏ׎΁ᘽ 8.2.6 to other medication overuse ො੃Ĉ ѣ̙Т۞ؠཌྷĄ҃ۏ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 1. ጗ณ̈́ഇมֶፂᘽ ளĂҭΞਕ྿ᇴ͡Ą҃ۏA. Տ͡ᐝ൭൴Ϡŵ15͇Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D 2. ቤྋ۞ॡม૟ֶᘽ

ŵ3࣎͡ (ۏࢗᘽ˯ܧ) ۏϡĞො1ğ˘჌ᘽֹޘB. ఢ݋࿅ Ĉځពೋ̼ ᄲځϡഇมĂᐝ൭൴Ϡֹٕޘ࿅ۏC. ᘽ Ăᐝ൭д2̰࣎͡ቤྋٕаೇֽࣧሀё ᐝ൭ΞЯۡତᘽநүϡ҃൴ϠĂтҕგќᒺயϠޢᕝ̚ۏD. ᘽ ۏೋّ੼ҕᑅ̈́ᐝ൭ĂٕЯѨ൴үϡ൴Ϡᐝ൭Ăтᘽ ,ഇֹϡanabolic steroidsܜ۰ࠎޢො੃Ĉ ͔൴۞្̰੼ᑅĄ amiodarone, lithium carbonate, nalidixic acid, thyroid hor- পّ҃ѣ̙ۏᒚ͇ᇴΞਕֶፂᘽڼϡ۞Տֹ͡ޘ࿅ .1 ˘ТؠཌྷĄ mone replacement, tetracyclineٕminocyclineٙቁᄮ۞ ൴াĄ׀჌ ϡᐝ൭ Probableֹޘ࿅ۏΞਕᘽ 8.2.7 medication-overuse headache 8.3.1 γЯّఈႬᄋ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ Exogenous hormone-induced headache ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭௑Ъ˯ࢗ8.2.1Ҍ8.2.6Їң˘ֲ࣎ё۞ૄ໤A-C ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ B. ѣ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈ A. ᐝ൭ٕઐᐝ൭௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ϏԦᕝ B. ఢ݋ֹϡγЯّఈႬᄋإۏϡ۞ᘽֹޘ࿅ .1 Ϗቤྋ C. ᐝ൭ٕઐᐝ൭дฟֹؕϡγЯّఈႬᄋ3̰࣎͡൴إ႕2࣎͡Ăͷᐝ൭̙ۏϡᘽֹޘઃͤ࿅ .2 ពೋ̼ځаೇֽࣧሀё Ϡٕٕ 3̰࣎͡Ăᐝ൭ٕઐᐝ൭ޢD. γЯّఈႬᄋԆБ̚ᕝ Ĉ ቤྋٕаೇֽࣧሀёځᄲ ϡᐝ൭ ۞Ξ൳ᐂֲ̝ёֹޘ࿅ۏΞਕᘽ 8.2.7 ϡᐝ൭ ă8.2.7.2 Ξਕჴֹޘࠎ8.2.7.1 Ξਕ౪֎῔࿅

ICHD-Ƕ:4 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉځᄲ ఢ݋ֹϡγЯّఈႬᄋĂ׏ݭтᔖθᘽٕఈႬᄋ A. ᗕ઎̈́/ٕຨજّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъ෧ᕝૄ໤C̈́D ᕝ̚ޢኳŵ3࣎͡ۏࢗͽγ۞˘჌˯פĂົҡᐌາ۞ᐝ൭ٕઐᐝ൭ٕᆧΐ׎ᐛதĄ B. Տ͟ᛷڱആ΃ᒚ ኳԦᕝ࠹ᙯۏ༊˘Ҝّ̃ТॡѣᄃγЯّᅬ፬৵Ԧᕝѣᙯ۞ᐝ C. ᐝ൭൴Ϡдॡมᕇ˯ᄃ 3̰࣎͡ᐝ൭ቤྋޢ൭ٕઐᐝ൭Ă8.3.1 γЯّఈႬᄋ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ ᄃ8.4.3 D. Ԧᕝ ᅬ፬৵Ԧᕝ̝ᐝ൭ ࠰ᅮ൳ᐂĄ Ĉځᄲ إኳ۞ԦᕝΞਕົጱ࡭ᐝ൭Ăҭۏѣˠ೩΍˭Е ኳԦᕝ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attrib- Ϗѣ֖ૉ۞ᙋፂĈᙷ׽ዔăˬᒖԩ៭጗ăᏴፄّҕ୻ۏٺᕩЯ 8.4 ᘽ ۆ׽ ዔԩ൴ ܧ ጗ (SSRIs)ăטuted to substance withdrawal ৵ГаќԺ (NSAIDs)Ą

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ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache ᕝĄঽˠΞͽ෧ᕝࠎߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ෧ᕝѣ׌ٺᕩЯ .9 ຏߖ͔੓۞Ѩ൴ّᐝٺattributed to infection) ჌ᐝ൭ӈࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ᄃᕩЯ ۰෧ᕝ۞Я৵ࠎĈᄃຏߖѣ˩̶૜̷ޢ˯൭Ą͚޺ΐ ព۞ೋ̼ăѣ·̶ᙋځౘ͵૽ధϲ؈ᛌ ۞ॡมᙯాăߊхд۞ᐝ൭ѣ Ă༊ຏߖޭޢፂΝྋᛖຏߖਕֹࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ೋ̼׶౵ Ăᐝ൭ԼචٕቤྋĄޢຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to ೇ្̰ٺᕩЯ 9.1 intracranial infection) ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib- ቁؠ,Ξਕٕၙّĉ̝ۆ௟ෂّཝቯٺᕩЯ 9.1.1 Ăᐝ൭ྋޢᒚٕঽЯҋ൒ቤྋڼuted to bacterial meningitis) Ϊѣдຏߖѣड़ ̖૱ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ ۞෧ᕝ఼ٺពԼචĂᕩЯځᐝ൭ (Headache ੵٕѣ̝ۆ୽͐஧ّཝቯٺᕩЯ 9.1.2 ᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋĂٕߏڼຏߖ̙ਕѣड़гڍattributed to lymphocytic meningitis) ΞቁؠĄт ຏٺቁۢॡĂ఼૱ಶົϡΞਕᕩЯڱᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to ॡม̙ૉ҃൑̝ۆཝٺᕩЯ 9.1.3 encephalitis) ߖ̝ᐝ൭ ۞෧ᕝĄ ཝᓘႹ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed toٺᕩЯ 9.1.4 тܧᐝ൭ ݋̝ۆ௟ෂّཝቯٺҭ9.1.1 ᕩЯ brain abscess) ѩĂ఺჌ᐝ൭జᄮؠࠎΞਕົតјၙّĄ༊ຏߖࣧѣ -ർཝቯ˭ᓘႹ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attribٺᕩЯ 9.1.5 ᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋĂҭᐝ൭޺ᜈˬ࣎͡ͽ˯Ă෧ᕝڼड़г uted to subdural empyema) ᐝ൭ĄޢۆಶԼࠎ9.4.1 ၙّ௟ෂّཝቯ Бّ֗ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed toٺᕩЯ 9.2 Ă༊ຏߖ̏ঐੵĂҭߏᐝ൭дˬ࣎͡ڶд׎΁ଐ systemic infection) ពԼචॡĂ˵ధᑕ҂ᇋ෧ᕝࠎA9.4.2ځ՟ѣቤྋٕޢ Бّ֗௟ෂຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ (HeadacheٺᕩЯ 9.2.1 ᐝ൭ĄЯࠎ఺ֱᐝ൭۞͛ᚥ̙ޢ௟ෂّຏߖܧّၙ attributed to systemic bacterial infection) ڍᅮࡁտֽቁϲ׎Яإᐂ̚జ೩̈́ĂܢĂЯѩΪд֖ Бّ֗ঽ߲ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ (HeadacheٺᕩЯ 9.2.2 ᙯܼ̝ྵָ෧ᕝૄ໤Ą attributed to systemic viral infection) ׎΁Бّ֗ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ (HeadacheٺᕩЯ 9.2.3 ݈֏ attributed to other systemic infection) ᐝ൭ߏБّ֗ঽ߲ຏߖт߹Җّຏ݂૱֍۞ҡᐌ Һ̙ࠪБাّ͇ޢ/(ˠᙷҺࠪ৿ͻঽ߲(HIVٺᕩЯ 9.3 ҡᐌ׎΁Б֗ٺୀҕাĂ҃ྵ͌֍ٺĄι˵૱֍ېা ࣏ཏ(ຑൄঽ)(AIDS) ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to ຏߖĄّ HIV/AIDS) Ą༊யېᐝ൭૱ߏ្̰ຏߖௐ˘࣎ͷ౵૱֍۞া (ᐝ൭ (Chronic post-infection headacheޢຏߖّၙ 9.4 Ϡ˘࣎າݭ۞ᐝ൭Ăߏፋ࣎ᐝăຨજّ׶ҡᐌѣБ֗ -ᐝ൭ (Chronic postޢۆ௟ෂّཝቯّၙ 9.4.1 ຍ្̰ຏߖĂӈֹ՟ѣᐚڦዋ̈́/ٕ൴፵ॡĂᑕপҾ̙ bacterial meningitis headache) ᄃ្̰ຏߖ࠹ᙯٺߏĂϫ݈၆۞ضᆉർ۞ଐԛĄ̙ొ Ϗਕдٙѣঽּ̚إ˵ᐝ൭֭൑р۞݈ᖀّࡁտĂ۞ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ϲჟ໤۞෧ᕝૄ໤Ąޙࠎ఺ֱᐝ൭۞ֲݭ ᐝొ្γຏߖ (ּт҅ăீă̈́ᆄᚭຏߖ) ̝ᐝٺᕩЯ ᐝ្ăᐚăீă҅ăᆄăᆄٺ൭൳ᐂࠎௐ11ཏ ᕩЯ -ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attrib្̰ٺᚭăͰă˾ă׎΁ࢬొ្ٕၹౄ̝ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭ 9.1 ᕩЯ ݭĄ uted to intracranial infectionֲ۞

ځਠᄲ˘ ᐝ൭ Headache̝ۆ௟ෂّཝቯٺᕩЯ 9.1.1 ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ attributed to bacterial meningitis ༊˘࣎າ۞ᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠॡĂॡมᕇ˯˫ᄃຏߖ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ຏߖ͔൴۞Ѩ൴ّٺѣ૜̷ᙯా۰Ă૟׎൳ᐂࠎᕩЯ :ӈֹ׍ѣઐᐝ൭ăღᒺݭᐝ A.ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́Dֱ˘ٺᐝ൭Ą఺ᕇ˵ዋϡ ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭পᕇ۞ᐝ൭Ą 1.ፋ࣎ᐝ൭ ޘᆧΐҌࢦޘߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭۞ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃ 2.ૻڍт ຏߖѣ૜̷ᙯాĂ݋ѣ׌჌ΞਕّĂͷᅮࢋΐͽҿ 3.ҡᐌ⪰͕ăࠦЍ̈́/ُٕӝ

100 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

෧ᕝυืϤཝਖល۞ۆĂٙͽ୽͐஧ّཝቯۆཝٕۆ ۆB.ཝਖល୵ᑭរᙋ၁ѣ௟ෂّཝቯ ഇม൴Ϡᐝ൭ ୵ᑭߤֽቁؠĄۆC. ཝቯ D. ѣ˭ЕЇң˘ีĈ дٙѣঽ߲ࣧЯ̚Ăབঽ߲ҫ˞̂ొ̶Ąಏ৷ّ ׶׎΁ঽ߲˵ΞਕߏࣧЯĄۆ̰࣎͡Ăᐝ൭ቤྋ ৃăཛྷঽ߲ăམཛྷˬޢྋੵۆཝቯ .1 ࣎͡ˬזྋੵᔘ̙ۆᔵ൒ᐝ൭޺ᜈĂҭཝቯ .2 ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to̝ۆཝٺᕩЯ 9.1.3 Ĉ encephalitisځᄲ ౵૱֍ͷΞਕߏௐ˘࣎া ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉۆᐝ൭ߏ௟ෂّཝቯ Ąᐝ൭ߏཝቯা࣏ཏ (meningeal syndrome) ٕཝቯা A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈې Ă఼૱Β߁ѣᐝ൭ăᐚొᆉർ 1.ፋ࣎ᐝ൭ېmeningism) ۞͹ࢋা) ޘᆧΐҌࢦޘ׶ࠦЍĄ 2.ૻ Ξਕౄјࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّཝቯ 3.ҡᐌ⪰͕ăࠦЍُٕӝౌۏధк۞຋Ϡ ăཝਖگ׶ᇈ࣏Ă֭གྷཝېৠགྷጯা̝ۆཝቯ۞ຏᛇϐბ҃ౄјᐝ B. ѣާّཝٺ፬ҜוĄ௟ෂຏߖۡତۆ ( ) ᑭߤቁؠ෧ᕝ (ොވវ ּ тቤ፬৵ ល୵ᑭរăৠགྷᇆည̈́/ٕ׎΁၁រ̬ۆ ߲৵ ă ൴ ۏ൭ Ą ௟ෂய (bradykinin)ă݈Еཛྷ৵׶௟ࡪ፬৵ (cytokines) ̈́׎΁ 1) ഇม൴Ϡᐝ൭ۆኳĂ̙Ϊۡତౄјূ൭Ă͔֭੓ূ C.ཝۏ۞ٸᛖ҃ۆЯ൴ Ăˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋޢᒚјΑٕҋ൒ቤྋڼĄ D. ᐝ൭дຏߖٸ൭ୂຏ׶ৠགྷᷴ ̝ᛖ ᐝ൭޺ᜈĂ݋൳ᐂࠎ9.4.1ၙّ௟ෂޢ༊ˬ࣎͡ ᐝ൭Ą ො੃Ĉޢۆཝቯّ ග̟পؠ෧ᕝڱჸЪᅔ৵ాᗆͅᑕᑭរĞPCRğ͞ .1 ᐝ൭ Headache̝ۆ୽͐஧ّཝቯٺᕩЯ 9.1.2 Ĉځattributed to lymphocytic meningitis ᄲ ˵፬׶្̰ᑅᆧ੼Ąᐝ൭וᐝ൭۞ࣧЯΒ߁ཝቯ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ኳ̝Бّ֗ͅᑕĄᐝۏΞਕߏ၆ຏߖࣧٙᄦౄ۞ѣ߲ :A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ĄېѝഇͷΞਕߏ઱˘۞ᓜԖাۆ൭Ξਕ൴Ϡдཝ ൴үّާ .1 ಏ৷ّ ৃঽ߲ (Herpes simplex virus)ăᖪಫঽ߲ 2. ࢦޘᐝ൭ ࣧЯĄੵ˞ಏ۞ۆߏ̏ۢౄјཝۆarbovirus) ׶མཛྷ) ᐚᆉർă൴፵ă⪰͕ăࠦЍ̈́/ُٕӝޢҡᐌ .3 ׎̚95%۞ּ̄ΞགྷPCRᙋ၁)Ă࡭ঽ۞) ۆ৷ّ ৃཝ B. ཝਖល୵ᑭរពϯ୽͐஧ᆧϠăకϨኳൾ຋ᆧΐ׶ ΗĄ˘זঽּ̚జቁᄮ۞ঽּ̙ۆঽ߲дཝ ཬ෈Ꭴϒ૱ (ො1) ॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯాۆC. ᐝ൭൴Ϡ׶ཝቯ ཝᓘႹ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed toٺᕩЯ 9.1.4 Ăˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋޢᒚјΑٕҋ൒ቤྋڼD. ᐝ൭дຏߖ brain abscess (ො2) ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. C D ො੃Ĉ ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤ ̈́ Ĉ 1. ঽ߲ăழᓲ୊វᛳ (borrelia)ăՂ̀ᇇෂᛳ (listeria)ă ׌઎.1 2. Ᏸ ޺ᜈ൭ڱឣෂăඕ८ঽٕ׎΁ຏߖࣧΞͽགྷϤዋ༊۞͞ ޘ႙ᆧࠎٕ̚ࢦޘᙊ 3.ૻ 2.ᐝ൭఼૱˘ߐഇ̰ቤྋ 4.Яϡ˧҃ΐᆐ 5.ҡᐌ⪰͕ ᑭߤᙋ၁ѣཝᓘႹވĈ B. ৠགྷᇆည̈́/ٕ၁រځᄲ ຏߖ߿᜙ഇٺ௟ C. ᐝ൭൴Ϡܧᐚᆉർߏ୽͐஧ّٕޢᐝ൭ă൴፵ăࠦЍ׶ ̰࣎͡ቤྋˬޢᒚјΑڼĂ҃ͷᐝ൭дፋ়࣎ঽ࿅඀Ξ D. ᐝ൭дᓘႹې͹ࢋা۞ۆෂّཝቯ Ąېਕ˘ۡౌߏ͹ࢋা Ĉځॡ൴ϠĄ ᄲۆБّ֗൴ٺᐝ൭Ξд្̰ຏߖĂ˵Ξ ፬ཝቯٕજਔඕၹͽ្̰̈́ᑅᆧ੼וҡᐌᐝ൭Ăҭѩᇈܑ࣏̙֭ϯ఺ಶߏཝቯ ۡତᑅ࢝׶ۆБّ֗൴

ICHD-Ƕ 101 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ͷҡېߏౄјᐝ൭۞፟ᖼĄ পҾߏ߹Җّຏ݂(influenza)Ăᐝ൭ߏ˘ព඾া Ą׎΁ঽּ̚ĂБّ֗ຏߖҡᐌཝېΒ߁ᙥ஧ෂăཬ෈஧ ᐌ൴፵׶׎΁াۏ౵૱ౄјཝᓘႹ۞຋Ϡ Ă݋ᐝ൭ᑕֶፂ఺়ֱঽ҃൳ᐂĄۆཝٕۆෂăᑢ୛ෂᛳ (bacteroides) ׶བෂᛳ (enterobacter)Ą ቯ ѣᐝ൭۞តளّໂ̂Ă ఺׀ᜭЯ৵(predisposing factors)Β߁ᆄᚭă҅ă˯˭ Бّ֗ຏߖߏӎົЪ݈ ΒטᗠăͰ׶۱۞ຏߖĄ ពϯᐝ൭̙ߏಏ৷ᖣϤ൴፵൴ϠĄጱ࡭ᐝ൭۞፟ ҋ֗۞ۡତᇆᜩĄдຏߖ়ঽ̚Ăᐝ൭૱׶ۏ߁຋Ϡ ˵൴፵Ăҭߏᐝ൭ٺՙפർཝቯ˭ᓘႹ̝ᐝ൭ Headache ൴፵ߏТॡхдĂ҃ͷΞਕٺᕩЯ 9.1.5 ൴ϠĄѣ൑൴፵˵ధΞϡдᐝ˭ڶattributed to subdural empyema ົд՟ѣ൴፵۞ଐ Ϗᗃإ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ൭ᝥҾ̶ᙷ˯Ąҭ൴፵ౄјᐝ൭۞ࣧЯϫ݈ ኳᇆᜩཝ຅८҃ጱ࡭ۏٸᛖົۏ୻Ą˘ֱຏߖّ຋Ϡ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ᐝ൭Ăٕߏ̰߲৵ົ߿̼Ξᄵ൴۞˘উ̼ധЪјய ಏ઎ٕ˘઎ᚑࢦధк.1 ࡁտĄޞቁ̷ώኳ̪۞טϠ˘উ̼ധĄ఺ֱ፟ 2.ҡᐌ្੻ᑅ൭ 3.ҡᐌ൴፵ Бّ֗௟ෂຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 9.2.1 4.ҡᐌᐚొᆉർ attributed to systemic bacterial infection ᑭߤᙋ၁ѣർཝቯ˭ᓘႹވB. ৠགྷᇆည̈́/ٕ၁រ ᓘႹ ෧ᕝૄ໤ĈٺᓘႹ఍ٕٺຏߖ߿᜙ഇĂͷԊࢨٺC. ᐝ൭൴Ϡ Бّ֗ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ ૄ໤ٺ఍౵൭ A. ௑Ъ 9.2ᕩЯ (௟ෂ) ۏᑕ֭ቁᄮ΍ྍ຋Ϡͅۆᑭߤពϯ൴ވ̰࣎͡ቤྋ B. ၁រˬޢᒚјΑڼD. ᐝ൭дᓘႹ

ĈځĈ ᄲځᄲ -፬ă្̰ᑅᆧ੼̈́/ٕ൴፵Ą ߙֱຏߖࣧ၆̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ѣপঅ۞ᔌّ (troוཝቯٺᐝ൭੓Я ߲৵Ă߿̼ཝ຅८͔҃൴ᐝٸ੓Ą˵ pism)ĄιࣇΞਕᖣϤᛖ͔҃ۆٕ҅̚ۆർཝቯ˭ᓘႹॡ૱Яᆄᚭ Ąט൴াĄ౵р۞ѝഇ෧ᕝ̍׍ߏ࿪ཝ ൭፟׀۞ۆΞਕߏཝቯ ᕝᆸٕჃॎౄᇆĄ Бّ֗ঽ߲ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 9.2.2 attributed to systemic viral infection Бّ֗ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attrib- ෧ᕝૄ໤ĈٺᕩЯ 9.2 Бّ֗ຏߖ ૄ໤ٺuted to systemic infection A. ᐝ൭௑Ъ9.2ᕩЯ ᑭߤ (ҕ୻ጯ̈́/ٕPCR) ෧ᕝࠎঽ߲ຏވ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ B. ᓜԖ̈́၁រ ᐝ൭ᑕྍజ ߖ۞ۆཝٕۆҡᐌБّ֗ຏߖ̝ཝቯٺᕩЯ ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭Ą្̰ٺ൳ᐂд 9.1 ᕩЯ ׎΁Бّ֗ຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 9.2.3 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ attributed to other systemic infection A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Бّ֗ຏߖ ૄ໤ٺፋ࣎ᐝ൭ A. ᐝ൭௑Ъ9.2ᕩЯ.1 ᑭߤ (ҕ୻ጯăព຋ᙡᑭăૈዳٕϤވB. ᓜԖ̈́၁រ ޘᆧૻࠎٕ̚ࢦޘૻ.2 ௟ෂٕঽ߲ຏߖܧPCR) ෧ᕝࠎ ېҡᐌ൴፵ăБ֗ͻ˧ٕ׎΁Бّ֗ຏߖা.3 B. ᙋ၁ѣБّ֗ຏߖ C. ᐝ൭൴ϠдБّ֗ຏߖॡഇ Һّ͇ޢ/(ˠᙷҺࠪ৿ͻঽ߲ (HIVٺ72̈ॡ̰ቤྋ 9.3 ᕩЯޢᒚڼD. ᐝ൭дຏߖགྷѣड़ ࠪ ̙Бা࣏ཏ (ຑ ൄ ঽ ) (AIDS) ̝ᐝ൭ Ĉ Headache attributed to HIV/AIDSځᄲ ຍ۞াڦБّ֗ຏߖ۞ᐝ൭఼૱ߏ࠹༊̙͔ˠ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ Њͽ൴፵ăБొ̂ڶĂ҃ͷ၆෧ᕝ൑ᑒӄĄ఺ֱଐې ࠎ͹Ą̙࿅ĂߙֱБّ֗ຏߖĂېͻ˧׶Бّ֗া֗

102 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Ĉځ൴ຏߖ(supervening infection)̝ᐝ൭ֶྍ ᄲ׀পؠٺᕩЯ Ϡᔘ۰ົѣ޺ۆຏߖ൳ᐂĄ ˘ࡁտಡӘѣ32%۞௟ෂّཝቯ ᜈّᐝ൭ (Bohr et al., 1983)Ą ѣ޺ᜈّᐝ൭ĂҭૄޢϏᙋ၁д׎΁ຏߖإ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ϫ݈ ᐂ̰Ąܢᐝ൭ ̪Едޢ௟ෂّຏߖܧّၙ ѣЧ჌̙Т۞ԛё (ො1) Ă ໤ A9.4.2ޘA. ᐝ൭̝൴үăҜཉ׶ૻ ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ̪ᅮซ˘ՎࡁտĄ B. ቁؠѣHIVຏߖ̈́/ٕ෧ᕝࠎAIDSĂ̈́Ϥৠགྷᇆညă ᑭߤ൴னѣΞਕጱ ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ̈́ણ҂ྤफ़ވ၁រٕ/̈́گཝਖល୵ᑭߤăཝ ࡭ᐝ൭۞HIV/AIDS࠹ᙯ۞ঽநϠநጯ (ො2) 9.1.1 Headache attributed to bacterial meningitis .C. ᐝ൭൴Ϡ׶HIV/AIDS࠹ᙯ۞ঽநϠநጯॡมᕇ˯ѣ Drexler ED. Severe headache: when to worry, what to do Postgrad Med 1990; 87:164ė70, 173ė80. ૜̷ᙯా Francke E. The many causes of meningitis. Postgrad Med D. ᐝ൭дຏߖྋੵޢĂˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋ 1987; 82:175ė8, 181ė3, 187ė8. Gedde-Dahl TW, Lettenstrom GS, Bovre K. Coverage for meningococcal disease in the Norwegian morbidity and mor- ො੃Ĉ tality statistics. NIPH Ann 1980; 3(2):31ė5. HIVຏߖ۞ᐝ൭ߏน൭̈́׌઎ᐝ൭Ą׎΁͞ࢬĂᐝ Jones HR, Siekert RG. Neurological manifestation of infective .1 .ٙ΍ன۞HIV/AIDS࠹ᙯଐ endocarditis. Brain 1989; 112:1295ė315ֶޘ൭۞൴үăҜཉ׶ૻ Бّ֗ຏߖğ҃ளĄ Tonjum T. Nilsson F, Bruun JH, Hanebeg B. The early phase ofٕۆăཝۆĞညߏཝቯڶ meningococcal disease. NIPH Ann 1983; 6:175ė81. ځ֍ᄲ .2 Zhang SR, Zhang YS, Zhao XD. Tuberculous meningitis with hydrocephalus: a clinical and CT study. Chung Hua Nei Ko .Ĉ Tsa Chih 1989; 28:202ė4ځᄲ ጯ۞˘ొЊĄې׌઎ᐝ̝น൭ΞਕߏHIVຏߖা 9.1.2 Headache attributed to lymphocytic ҭ̙Ԇ)ۆHIVຏߖॡ۞൑ෂّཝቯٺᐝ൭ΞਕΞᕩЯ meningitis ۆБߏдAIDSล߱)Ă׶ЯҨّ፟ຏߖ۞Ѩ൴ّཝቯ Cochius JI, Burns RJ, Willoughby JO. CNS cryptococcosis: .ཚሳ (౵૱΍னдAIDSล߱)ĄдHIV/AIDS unusual aspects. Clin Exp Neurol 1989; 26:183ė91ٕۆཝٕ ౵૱֍۞្̰ຏߖߏ̕ልᖪঽ (toxoplasmosis) ׶ᔳ஧ Dalton M, Newton RW. Aseptic meningitis. Dev Med Child .Ą Neurol 1991; 33:446ė58ۆෂཝቯ Gomez-Arada F, Canadillas F, Marti-Masso FJ et al. ൴ϠдѣHIV/AIDS۞ঽˠ֗˯Ăҭ׎ᐝ൭Ξᕩ Pseudomigraine with temporary neurological symptoms and .൴ຏߖĂ݋ֶྍຏߖ൳ᐂĄ lymphocytic pleocytosis. Brain 1997; 120:1105ė13׀পؠٺЯ Mak SC, Jeng JE, Jong JY, Chiang CH, Chou LC. Clinical observations and virological study of aseptic meningitis in the Kaohsinug area. Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Twa Chih 1990; .ᐝ൭ Chronic post-infection 89:868ė72ޢຏߖّၙ 9.4 headache Pachner AR, Steere AC. Neurological findings of Lyme dis- ease. Yale Biol Med 1984; 57:481ė3. Pachner AR, Steere AC. The triad of neurologic manifestations -ᐝ൭ Chronic post- of Lyme disease: meningitis, cranial neuritis, and radicuޢۆ௟ෂّཝቯّၙ 9.4.1 bacterial meningitis headache loneuritis. Neurology 1985; 35:47ė53. Singer JI, Maur PR, Riley JP, Smith PB. Management of central ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ nervous system infections during an epidemic of enteroviral .A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D: aseptic meningitis. J Pediatr 1980; 96:559ė63 1.ፋ࣎ᐝ޺ᜈ൭ 9.1.3 Headache attributed to encephalitis 2.ҡᐌᐝຶ Brooks RG, Licitra CM, Peacock MG. Encephalitis caused by ຍ˧ᙱͽะ̈́̚/ٕ੃ጸಉεڦҡᐌ.3 Coxiella burnetii. Ann Neurol 1986; 20:91ė3. B. ཝਖល୵ᑭߤٕৠགྷᇆညᙋ၁̝݈ѣ្̰௟ෂّຏ Davis LE, McLaren LC. Relapsing herpes simplex encephalitis ߖ following antiviral therapy. Ann Neurol 1983; 13:192ė5. Domachowske JB, Cunningham CK, Cummings DL, Crosley C. 9.1.1 -ᐝ൭ CJ, Hannan WP, Weiner LB. Acute manifestations and neu̝ۆ௟ෂّཝቯٺᐝ൭ۡତؼᜈҋ ᕩЯ D. ᐝ൭дຏߖቤྋޢ޺ᜈŵˬ࣎͡ rologic sequelae of Epstein-Barr virus encephalitis inchilren.Pediatr Infect Dis J 1996; 15:871ė5.

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Kennedy PG. Retrospective analsys of 46 cases of simplex Headache 1007; 37:443ė8. encephalitis seen in Glasgow between 1962 and 1985. OJM Weinke T, Rogler G, Sixt C et al. Cryptococcosis in AIDS 1988; 86:533ė40. patients: observations concerning CNS involvement. J Kennedy PG, Adams IH, Graham DI, Clements GB. A clinico- Neurol 1989; 236:38ė42. pathological study of herpes simplex encephalitis. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 1998; 14:395ė415. 9.4 Chronic post infection headache Poneprasert B. Japanese encephalitis in children in northern Bohr V, Hansen B, Kjersen H, Rasmussen N, Johnsen N, Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public health 1989; Kristensen HS, Jessen O. Sequelae from bacterial meningitis 20:599ė603. Saged JI, Weinstein Mo, Miller DC. Chronic encephalitis possi- and their relation to the clinical condition during acute illness, bly due to herpes simplex virus: two cases. Neurology 1985; based on 667 questionnaire returns. Part II of a three part 35:1470ė2. series. J Infect 1983; 7:102ė10.

9.1.4 Headache attributed to brain abscess Chalstrey S, Pfleiderer AG, Moffat DA. Persisting incidence and mortality of sinogenic cerebral abscess: a continuing reflection of late clinical diagnosis. J R Soc Med 1991; 84:193ė5. Chun CH, Johnson JD, Hofstetter M, Raff MJ. Brain abscess: a study of 45 consecutive cases. Medicine 1986; 65:415ė31. Harris LF, Maccubbin DA, Triplett JN, Haws FB. Brain abscess: recent experience at a community hospital. South Med J 1985; 78:704ė7. Kulay A, Ozatik N, Topucu I. Otogenic intracranial abscesses. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1990; 107:140ė6. Yen PT, Chan ST, Huang TS. Brain abscess: with spcial refer- ence to otolaryngologic sources of infection. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1995; 113:15ė22.

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104 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

វ̰ޮؠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ д̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭۞ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃវ̰ޮؠ়ଈٺᕩЯ .10 Headache attributed to disorder of ѣ૜̷ᙯాĂ݋ѣ׌჌ΞਕّĂͷᅮࢋΐͽҿᕝĄঽ) ˠΞͽ෧ᕝࠎߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭Ăٕ෧ᕝѣ׌჌ᐝ វ̰ޮؠ়ଈޮؠ়ଈ͔ٺhomoeostasis) ൭Ăӈࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ᄃᕩЯ ۰෧ᕝ۞Я৵ࠎĈᄃវޢ˯Ԉ ᛌ ੓۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą͚޺ΐރՂྐᑕ ౘ ؠ়ଈ়̝ଈѣ˩̶૜̷۞ॡมᕇᙯాĂߊхдޮ̰ ពೋ̼Ăѣ·̶ᙋፂពϯវ̰ޮؠ়ଈਕځ৿উ̈́/ٕ੼჆ᅕҕা̝ᐝ൭ (Headache ۞ᐝ൭ѣٺᕩЯ 10.1 Ăޢ༊វ̰ޮؠ়ଈޭೇޢattributed to hypoxia and/or hypercapnia) ֹࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ೋ̼Ă׶౵ ᐝ൭ԼචٕቤྋĄ (੼ঔ٥ᐝ൭ (High-altitude headache 10.1.1 10.1.2 ሕͪᐝ൭ (Diving headache) ቁؠĂΞਕٕၙّĉ ӛͤ̚াᐝ൭ (Sleep apnoeaײჂ্ 10.1.3 Ăᐝ൭ྋੵٕޢᒚٕঽЯҋ൒ቤྋڼheadache) Ϊѣдѣड़ វ̰ޮؠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ ۞෧ٺពԼචĂ఼૱ ᕩЯځѣ (ᐝ൭ (Dialysis headacheژ౅ 10.2 ᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋĂڼྍ়ଈ̙ਕѣड़ڍᕝ̖ΞቁؠĄт જਔ੼ҕᑅ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed toٺᕩЯ 10.3 ቁۢॡĂ఼૱ಶົϡ ΞਕᕩЯڱarterial hypertension) ٕߏॡม̙ૉ҃൑ វ̰ޮؠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ ۞෧ᕝĄٺ ๝ᅝ௟ࡪሳ̝ᐝ൭ (HeadacheٺᕩЯ 10.3.1 Ăᐝ൭ޢᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋڼattributed to phaeochromocytoma) ༊វ̰ޮؠ়ଈ̏ѣड़ ពԼචॡĂ݋ΩҖ෧ᕝࠎځ՟ѣቤྋٕޢ൑੼ҕᑅّཝঽត̝੼ҕᑅПাᐝ дˬ࣎͡ٺᕩЯ 10.3.2 ᐝ൭ĄЯࠎ఺ֱᐝ൭۞ޢ൭ (Headache attributed to hypertensive A10.8 ၙّវ̰ޮؠ়ଈ ᅮࡁտֽቁϲإᐂ̚జ೩̈́Ăܢcrisis without hypertensive encephalopathy) ͛ᚥ̙֖ĂЯѩΪд ᙯܼ̝ྵָ෧ᕝᇾ໤Ąڍ੼ҕᑅّཝঽត̝ᐝ൭ (Headache ׎ЯٺᕩЯ 10.3.3 attributed to hypertensive encephalopathy) া̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed ݈֏݈⿔̄ٺᕩЯ 10.3.4 to pre-eclampsia) ѩ఍ೡࢗ۞ᐝ൭়ଈͽ݈෧ᕝࠎ Ǖ ᄃ΃ᔁٕБ វ̰ޮؠ়ଈ̝ٺা̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to ়֗ঽѣᙯ̝ᐝ൭ĄҭߏĂᕩЯ⿔̄ٺᕩЯ 10.3.5 ఺ᙷᐝ൭়ଈ۞ৌ၁ّĄҕפeclampsia) ᐝ൭ Ҭͼྵਕჟቁгᕜ ኳٙ࡭ާّ̿ᑅͅᑕ̝ᐝ൭ ᑅព඾εአ׶͕҉৿ҕౄј۞ᐝ൭னдౌΒ߁дώౢۏγЯٺᕩЯ 10.3.6 វ୵ट᎕ε̝ژHeadache attributed to acute pressor ༼ĄѩγĂજਔҕ୵ঈវ۞Լតă౅) វ̰ޮؠ়̝ءΑਕள૱ඈᇆᜩЧ჌ጡکresponse to an exogenous agent) አ׶̶̰ ᕝࢴ̝ᐝ൭˵Β߁д̰ĄٺཛྷҲਕা̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed ଈĂౌΒ߁дѩĄᕩЯېϥٺᕩЯ 10.4 to hypothyroidism) (ᕝࢴ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to fastingٺᕩЯ 10.5 ৿উ̈́/ٕ੼჆ᅕҕা̝ᐝ൭ٺ໚ّᐝ൭ (Cardiac cephalalgia) 10.1 ᕩЯ͕ 10.6 ׎΁វ̰ޮؠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib- Headache attributed to hypoxia and/orٺᕩЯ 10.7 uted to other disorder of homoeostasis) hypercapnia Ĉځᄲ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ 24̈ޢᐝ൭൴Ϡдާّ৿উĞPaO2Ŵ70mmHgğ ΃ᔁă߲ٕ̚ఈႬᄋࣧЯጱ࡭្̰੼ٺᕩЯ 7.1.2 ࣃ̝ၙّ৿উ۞ঽ݈ٺPaO2޺ᜈჯ޺ٕҲٺॡ̰Ăٕ ᑅ̝ᐝ൭ ˠ൴ϠĄ ĄڍᙱડҾߏ৿উٕߏ੼჆ᅕҕা۞ඕޝ૱఼ ځਠᄲ˘ ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ ༊˘࣎າ۞ᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠॡĂॡมᕇ˯˫ᄃវ̰ 10.1.1 ੼ঔ٥ᐝ൭ High-altitude headache ѩ়ଈ͔ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉٺؠ়ଈѣ૜̷ᙯా۰Ă૟׎൳ᐂࠎᕩЯޮ ӈֹ׍ѣઐᐝ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е׌ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈֱ˘ٺ൴۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą఺ᕇ˵ዋϡ ߊх 1. ׌઎ڍ൭ăღᒺݭᐝ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭পᕇ۞ᐝ൭Ąт

ICHD-Ƕ 105 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ᗝొٕᗝ㝅ొ ੼჆ᅕҕা (જਔ۞PCO2ŵ50mmHg) ̏ۢົౄј .2 น൭ٕღᒺّ ཝҕგπ໣҉ᗫђ֭ጱ࡭ҕგᕖૺ׶្̰ᑅᆧΐĄѣ .3 ੼჆ᅕҕাҡᐌᐝ൭Ąᕩ۞˭ڶᙋፂពϯ൑৿উଐֱ ޘᅅٕ̚ .4 ੼჆ᅕҕা̝ᐝ൭۞౵ָᓜԖּᙋ൴ϠдሕࣶͪٺЯྻજ (exertion)ă߿જ (movement)ă΍˧(strain- Я .5 ލing)ăݜမٕᝈཕ҃ΐᆐ ֗˯ĄሕࣶͪົЯ᏾ᄱгຐ༼࠷۩ঈĂ߇ຍม໏ّ ӛѨᇴ)Ăٕд఼࿅௺ᐩᄃ༹߽ඈব৫ײӛ (ഴ͌ײB. ൳੼෹࿅ঔ٥2500̳͎ ҝ ӛត୺ͽഴ͌֗វঙ˧តજĂΞਕౄјײ24̈ॡ̰൴Ϡ ఼྽ॡĂֹޢC. ᐝ൭д൳੼ -8̈ॡ̰ቤྋ ˟উ̼჆௢᎕Ą༊ሕͪҗ͉ღٕঙ˧አፋࡦ͕ (buoyޢ̋˭D. ᐝ൭д ਒၏ᕖૺॡĂሕࣶͪΞਕטancy compensator jacket) ࢨ ˧Ĉ ົ൑ຍᙊгೱঈ̙֖Ăٕߏ༊ೱঈ̙֖֭ͽЯᑕវځᄲ ൴াĂ80%ͽ˯۞ঽּົ൴ ߿જॡ˵ົĄ ፬ধ۞ྻજົֹ˟উ̼჆யϠதᆧΐ෹׀ᐝ൭ߏ૱֍۞൳੼ ᒠม˯̿෹࿅ޘϠĄ10.1.1 ੼ঔ٥ᐝ൭ Ҭͼᄃ࣎ˠͽ݈۞ᐝ൭ঽΫ൑ ࿅10ࢺͽ˯Ăౄјҕ̚˟উ̼჆፧ ᙯĂᔵ൒ઐᐝ൭۞ঽˠΞਕԛट׎ᐝ൭ᄃ΁ࣇ׏ݭ۞ 60mmHgĄሕͪᐝ൭఼૱дሕ̝ͪഴᑅഇٕঙ΍ͪࢬ ઐᐝ൭൴ү࠹ҬĂҭྵᚑࢦĄ ॡΐᆐĄ ˵˯পؠّᐝ൭дѣሕ͈ͪঽ۞ሕࣶͪ֗ܧ੼̋া (acute mountain sickness,AMS) ΒӣҌ ᅅ຋ّާ ᐝ൭ҡᐌ⪰͕ăࢴᇒ̙ॎăিࢽăᐝຶٕჂ ૱֍ĂΞਕҡᐌ҉҇੻ᐪ൭Ăдྵᚑࢦ۞ঽּĂົЪ۞ޘ͌̚ Ăຍᙊಉε̈́/ٕᄮۢᅪېӛাײٕ/Ԋొৠགྷጯ̈́׀ ͽ˯Ą ˙㈢Ṯ῔ี˘ٕี˘̝̚ېᅪᘣඈা্ Acetazolamide) (125୮ҹĂՏ͇˟ٕˬѨ) ΞࢫҲ၆ާ ᘣĄ) susceptibility)Ą࿰ّ֨ඉரΒ߁д ሕࣶͪ۞ᐝ൭˵ΞਕߏЯࠎ˘উ̼჆߲ٙ̚ౄ) ّצ੼̋া۞ຏّ ཉ̙༊ĂሕͪٸĂЯซঈր௚˭ڶց֍۞ଐޝ੼ঔ٥ଂְ፬ধྻજ݈ࢋѣ׌͇АዋᑕᒖဩĂᔖҺᛷ јĂд ੧ჟ̈́·̶ྃ·ͪЊĄ̂ొ̶੼ঔ٥ᐝ൭၆೼఼۞ ࣶ۞ᑅᒺ۩ঈֻᑕజ፼፵͔ᑜ (combustion-engine) ᆿפ ൭ᘽѣड़Ăּт˙㈢῔⊱(paracetamol) (acetamino- ঈѳߖٙ࡭Ą఺ᇹ۞ᐝ൭݋൳ᐂд8.1.3 ˘উ̼჆͔ͤ phen) ٕibuprofenĄ ൴̝ᐝ൭Ąઐᐝ൭ăღᒺݭᐝ൭ăࣧ൴ّྻજᐝ൭ă וᐚЯّᐝ൭ăீு˯ৠགྷ൭ăγдᑅّ࢝ᐝ൭׶ҽ ሕͪᐝ൭ Diving headache ፬ᐝ൭Ξਕ൴ϠдሕͪॡĂд఺ֱּ̄̚Ăሕͪᑕྍ 10.1.2 ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ జෛࠎܳ൴Я৵̙҃ߏࣧЯĄ Яࠎሕͪᄵ൴̝1. ઐᐝ൭ă2. ღᒺݭᐝ൭ă4.3 ࣧ൴ ӛͤ̚াᐝ൭ Sleep apnoea headacheײჂ্ 10.1.3 જᐝ൭ă11.2.1 ᐚЯّᐝ൭ă13.6 ீு˯ৠགྷྻّ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ፬ᐝ൭ ื൳ו൭ă13.10 γдᑅّ࢝ᐝ൭ ׶13.11 ҽ A. ͅᖬ൴ү̝ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤ Чྍ়ଈٺᐂ C̈́DĈ 1. Տ͡൴Ϡŵ15͇ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ׌઎Ăღᒺّͷ̙ҡᐌ⪰͕ăࠦЍُٕӝ .2 A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D 3. ՏѨᐝ൭д30̶ᛗ̰ቤྋ B. ሕͪҌஎޘ10̳͎ͽ˭ B. Ϥፋ؆۞Ⴢ্кีϠநᑭߤᆇ (polysomnography) ᙋ -C. ᐝ൭൴ϠдሕͪॡĂ֭д൑ሕ͈ͪঽ (decompres ӛᅪᘣ޽ᇴ(Respiratoryײ) ӛͤ̚াײߏჂ্ځ ĂҡᐌҌ͌˭Е˘ี۞˟উ̼˭ڶsion illness) ۞ଐ Disturbance Index) Ÿ5)Ą Ĉې჆߲̚া C. ᐝ൭΍னдࣣჂᏹॡ 1. ᐝຶ Ăᐝ൭д72̈ॡ̰ঐޢᒚڼӛͤ̚াײD. ѣड़۞Ⴢ্ 2. ৠം஄ใ εĂͷ̙Г൴ϠĄ ӛӧᙱײ .3 ࢬሗࡓ۞ຏᛇ .4 Ĉځᄲ 5. જүεአ (motor incoordination) ӛͤ̚া۞ঽˠͧ˘ਠˠྵ૱΍னѝײᔵ൒Ⴢ্ â̈ॡ̰ቤྋޢᒚڼD. ᐝ൭дග̟100ƫউঈ পؠّܧ୐ᐝ൭Ăҭߏ΍னдࣣჂᏹॡ۞ᐝ൭ߏ˘჌ кࣧ൴ّ׶Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭়ଈă׎ޝĂΞ൴Ϡдېা۞ Ĉځᄲ

106 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ӛ়ଈ (ּтPickwickianͩা࣏ཏă 2. ͕ଙײ΁ᄃჂ্ѣᙯ۞ ๫ّ۱়ଈ)Ă̈́׎΁ࣧ൴ّჂ়্ଈтჂ্̚ 3. ൏ᇋܡّၙ ׹ഇّཙજা(periodic leg movements of sleep)Ą10.1.3 4. ᄔϨ ቁ෧ᕝᅮࢋፋ؆۞Ⴢ্к B. ϤϠ̼ᑭߤăᇆည̈́/ٕ͘ఙᙋ၁ߏ๝ᅝ௟ࡪሳځ۞ ӛͤ̚াᐝ൭ײჂ্ ҕᑅࡎ൒̿੼ॡТॡ൴ϠٺϠநᑭߤᆇĄ C. ᐝ൭ี ॡ̰ቤྋٕព඾ซՎ̈˘ޢ૱ҕᑅϒٺӛͤ̚াᐝ൭ D. ᐝ൭ײቁۢ྽10.1.3 Ⴢ্ځϏإϫ݈ ፟ᖼߏӎ׶৿উă੼჆ᅕҕাٕჂ্εአѣᙯĄ۞ Ĉځᄲ ૱51-80%۞๝ᅝ௟ࡪሳঽˠົѣ൴үّᐝ൭Ą఼ âਠೡࢗࠎຨજّٕ޺ᜈొڋᗝొٕٺĂҜޘᐝ൭ Dialysis headache ࠎࢦژ౅ 10.2 Ąѩ჌ᐝ൭۞˘࣎ࢦࢋপᕇࠎ൴үॡมൺĈ50%۞ّ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ঽˠŴ15̶ᛗĂ70%۞ঽˠŴ1̈ॡĄ׎΁পᕇΒ߁ऻ A. Ҍ͌ѣˬѨ۞ާّᐝ൭൴ү௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ᛵ̙щ̈́/ٕ൏ᇋĂॡ૱ҡᐌѣ૟Ѫ۞ຏᛇăᝫԪăෛ ژҕ୵౅צB. ঽˠϒତ ᛇᅪᘣăཛ൭ٕ਒൭ă⪰͕ăယФ׶ઊႬҡᐌѣຏᛇ ΗѨᇴ̚൴Ϡ˘۞ژҕ୵౅ٺC. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌ ள૱Ą൴үॡᓚొΞਕតᄔϨٕሗࡓĄ 72̈ॡ̰ቤྋ̈́/ٕдјΑгޢژD. ᐝ൭дՏѨҕ୵౅ ያ඾׊ਮ⊱῔ (catecholamine) ٕ׊ਮ⊱῔΃ᔁய ொങޢԆБঐε ېᆧΐΞቁϲ෧ᕝĂͷ༊ঽˠߏҕᑅ੼ٕѣাڴଵۏ ਕΞያᙋ၁Ą˵ژॡĂಏѨ24̈ॡԌ୵ᇹώќะ̶ Ĉځᄲ ༊΍ன੼ҕᑅّཝঽតĂᐝ൭ื൳ᐂࠎ10.3.3 ᕩ πᏊা࣏ཏ̙ژᐝ൭൴ү఼૱ҡᐌҲҕᑅ׶౅ Ϗ෧ᕝࠎ๝ᅝ௟إ੼ҕᑅّཝঽត̝ᐝ൭Ą༊ٺdialysis disequilibrium syndrome)Ą̙πᏊা࣏ཏົϤ Я) ਜ਼ĂΞਕ ࡪሳĂͷ൑੼ҕᑅّཝঽតॡĂঽଈΞ௑Ъ10.3.2 ᕩڃޢᐝ൭ฟؕĂତ˭ֽ൴णјຍᙊ̙୻Ă౵ ൑੼ҕᑅّཝঽត̝੼ҕᑅПাᐝ൭ ̝෧ᕝٺ൴үĄѩা࣏ཏͧྵց֍ĂͷΞਕ Я☇ѣ˵Ξਕ՟ѣ٩ ણᇴֽ࿰֨Ą ૄ໤ĄژགྷϤԼត౅ ΝੵĂࡶᐝ൭൴Ϡд௫ژપЯΞ֝ిజ౅שٺϤ ൑੼ҕᑅّཝঽត̝੼ҕᑅПাᐝ൭ٺપЯԦᕝ̝ 10.3.2 ᕩЯש પЯ۞ঽˠᑕ҂ᇋ8.4.1שפၚ̂ณᛷ ᐝ൭Ą Headache attributed to hypertensive crisis without hypertensive encephalopathy ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ જਔ੼ҕᑅ̝ᐝ൭ Headache A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈٺᕩЯ 10.3 attributed to arterial hypertension 1. ׌઎ Ĉ 2. ຨજّځᄲ 160ė 3. Я֗វ߿જ҃ܳ൴) ޘٕ̚ (140ė159/90ė99 mmHg) ޘᅅ ̿˯179/100ė109 mmHg) ၙّજਔ੼ҕᑅ̙ົ͔੓ᐝ൭Ą B. ੼ҕᑅПাؠཌྷࠎ൴үّ (paroxysmal) ќᒺᑅ ᛉĂҭ (Ҍ ŵ 160 mmHg) ̈́ /ٕනૺᑅ˯̿ (Ҍ ŵۋpredispose) ౄјᐝ൭̪ѣ) ٽ੼ҕᑅߏӎޘ̚ ੼ҕᑅঽˠ۞ொ 120mmHg)Ăҭߏ՟ѣ੼ҕᑅّཝঽត۞ᓜԖপᇈޘ׶̚ޘߏтѩĄᅅځᙋፂᙋ͌ޝߏ જёҕᑅႾෛጡ֭՟ѣពϯ΍д24̈ॡ̰۞ҕᑅតજ C. ᐝ൭൴Ϡд੼ҕᑅПাॡഇ ॡ̰ቤྋ̈˘ޢ૱ᙯܼĄ D. ᐝ൭дҕᑅϒ۞ڇܫ׶ᐝ൭ᄃӎ̝มѣ΄ˠ ᑅ (vasopressor) ߲৵ٕᘽچE. གྷዋ༊෧၅̏ଵੵҕგ ࠎ࡭Яۏ ๝ᅝ௟ࡪሳ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 10.3.1 attributed to phaeochromocytoma Ĉځᄲ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ጡͅडצ൴үّ੼ҕᑅ۞൴ϠΞਕЯᑅ˧ຏ A. ᐝ൭ม໏ّ࣎Ҿ൴үĂҡᐌҌ͌˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ ᐚٕޢbaroreceptor reflexes) ε૱ (ᐚજਔ̰ቯ̷ੵఙ) ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ -བ྽Ꮠᅝ௟ࡪሳ (enterochroٺĂٕ൴Ϡ(ޢड໰डٸొ 1. ΍ѭ maffin cell tumours) ̝ঽˠĄ

ICHD-Ƕ 218 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Ă7͇̰ቤྋޢᒚڼ੼ҕᑅّཝঽត̝ᐝ൭ Headache D. ᐝ൭д੼ҕᑅѣड़ٺᕩЯ 10.3.3 ๝ᅝ௟ٕۏᑅ߲৵ăᘽچattributed to hypertensive encephalopathy E. གྷዋ༊۞෧၅̏ଵੵҕგ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ࡪሳࠎ࡭Я ĈځA. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ᄲ ፋ࣎ᐝ൭ ࡩሹព൒ࠎ̄⿔݈া൴Ϡ۞ࢋ৵Ą̄⿔݈াߏܑ .1 ຨજّ னкᇹ̼۞кࢦր௚়ଈĄੵ˞੼ҕᑅ׶కϨԌĂ௡ .2 ⿔ഴ͌া׶քΑਕள૱˵ົ൴ϠĄ̄ڕЯ֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ ᖐͪཚăҕ̈ .3 Һࠪ۞ھᑕĂҡᐌᇃͅۆ੼Ҍŵ160/100 mmHgĂҌ͌׍˭Е׌ ݈াព൒Β߁ૻধ۞ϓវ൴چB. ޺ᜈّҕᑅ ր௚߿જĄ ีপᇈĈ 1. ஄ใ া̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to⿔̄ٺᕩЯ 10.3.5 2. ຍᙊ඀ޘҲ˭ eclampsia ځ׏ݭઐᐝ൭࿰Џ) Β߁εֱ֤ٺෛᛇᅪᘣ (̙Т .3 4. ឩ⿔൴ү ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ੼૜̷ᙯా A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈچC. ᐝ൭൴Ϡдॡมᕇ˯ᄃҕᑅ Ăˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋ 1. ׌઎ޢ੼ҕᑅטᒚ֭ଠڼD. ᐝ൭дѣड़ ࣧЯ̏జଵੵ 2. ຨજّ۞ېE. ׎΁ౄјѩৠགྷጯা Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ .3 ⿔4ฉ̰ğĂͷ௑ЪБొ˭Е̄ޢĈ B. ᘃθٕயᏍഇĞயځᄲ ੼ҕᑅّཝঽតజᄮࠎߏ൴Ϡдҕᑅ˯̿ॡĂཝ া̝ؠཌྷĈ ᛿߹ 1.׌Ѩณҕᑅᙋ၁ࠎ੼ҕᑅ (ŵ140/90mmHg)Ă̚มޘཝҕ୵࿅̂ͤܡГڱҕგ۞΃ᐺّღᒺ൑ hyperperfusion)Ą༊ϒ૱۞ཝҕ߹͹જአଠ (autoregu- Ҍ͌ม࿣4̈ॡ) lation) үϡజᑝሚĂ̰ϩႣ౅ّᆧΐĂซ҃൴Ϡཝͪ 2. 24̈ॡԌకϨଵ΍ณŵ0.3̳ҹ ⿔ཧ۞ϨኳপҾព඾Ą 3. ̏൴ү˘ѨឩڋཚĄჃॎౄᇆ̚Ăд౤ ᔵ൒൴Ϡдၙّજਔ੼ҕᑅঽˠ۞੼ҕᑅّཝঽ C. дҕᑅ੼۞ॡഇ൴Ϡᐝ൭ 7͇̰ቤྋޢᒚڼតĂ఼૱ົҡᐌනૺᑅŵ120 mmHg̈́ௐˬٕௐα৺੼ D. ᐝ൭д੼ҕᑅѣड़ ๝ᅝ௟ٕۏᑅ߲৵ăᘽچҕᑅّෛშቯঽត (Keith-Wagner̶ͩᙷ)Ăҭߏπ૱ҕ E. གྷዋ༊۞෧၅̏ଵੵҕგ 160/100mmHg˵ົயϠཝঽត ࡪሳࠎ࡭Яזᑅϒ૱۰ӈֹҕᑅΪ ᇈ࣏ĄᓜԖ˯̙֍଀ົТॡ΍ன੼ҕᑅّෛშቯঽ F. ̏ଵੵཝ̚ࢲ តĄ ĈځЇңౄј੼ҕᑅ۞ࣧЯĂΒ߁๝ᅝ௟ࡪሳ׶ҕგ ᄲ Ăౌົጱ࡭੼ҕᑅّཝঽតĄ ঽּಡӘ޽΍̄⿔াΞ൴ϠдயᏍഇ׶ᘃθഇפᑅ߲৵۞ᛷچ มĄ া̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed݈⿔̄ٺᕩЯ 10.3.4 ኳٙ࡭ާّ̿ᑅͅᑕ̝ᐝ൭ۏγЯٺto pre-eclampsia 10.3.6 ᕩЯ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Headache attributed to acute pressor response to an A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ exogenous agent ׌઎ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ .1 ຨજّ 8.1.6 Οߟែ͔൴̝ᐝ൭ .2 Я֗វ߿જ҃ΐᆐ .3 Ăͷ௑Ъ˭ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ(7͇̰ޢB. ᘃθٕயᏍഇ (puerperium) (ய Е׌ี̄⿔݈া̝ؠཌྷĈ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ኳ (agent) ٕ߲৵Ă֭ౄјҕۏপؠ۞פ׌Ѩณҕᑅᙋ၁ࠎ੼ҕᑅ (ŵ140/90 mmHg)Ă̚ B. അ߉ᄃٕᛷ .1 ̿˯มҌ͌ม࿣4̈ॡ ᑅާّ 24̈ॡԌకϨଵ΍ณŵ0.3̳ҹ C. ᐝ൭൴Ϡдॡมᕇ˯ᄃҕᑅާّ˯̿ѣ૜̷ᙯా .2 24̈ॡ̰ቤྋޢ૱C. дҕᑅ੼۞ॡഇ൴Ϡᐝ൭ D. ᐝ൭дҕᑅϒ

108 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ពᐝ൭፟ᖼ C. ᐝ൭൴ϠдᕝࢴॡځE. ՟ѣ׎΁ D. ᐝ൭дซࢴޢ72̈ॡ̰ቤྋ Ĉځᄲ Ĉځኳ ᄲۏ ۞ ੵ ˞ ΟߟែĂ ਕౄјҕᑅާّ̿ ੼ ΁׻Ă׶ᄃ࿍῔ᅕ Яᕝࢴౄј۞ᐝ൭ព඾гྵ૱൴Ϡдͽ݈ಶѣᐝܧ׶щۏagents) Β߁ᑢϹຏৠགྷᘽ) ጗ ൭۞ঽˠ֗˯Ą൴Ϡд̝݈ಶѣઐᐝ൭ঽΫ۰Ă׎ᐝטϹ̢үϡ ۞ಏ῔ উ̼ Ժۏtyramine) ۞ ࢴ) (monoamine oxidase inhibitor)Ą ൭Ξᄃ1.1 ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ࠹ҬĄ ĂౄјЯᕝࢴٙጱ࡭۞ᐝ൭۞Ξਕܜк੼̖ົౄјᐝ൭֭՟ѣ֖ૉ۞ᙋ ᕝࢴॡม෸ז၆ҕᑅࢋ̿ ᕝ ّಶ෸̂Ąڠϲૄ໤Ă҃ͷ఺˵ߏЯˠ҃ளĄૄ໤Dߏޙፂͽ પЯԦᕝשൺăܜĂҭߏԯιЕˢਕᆧΐ෧ᕝૄ໤۞পளّ (specifici- ᄃᕝࢴѣᙯ̝ᐝ൭ҬͼᄃჂ্۞ ty)Ą ٕҲҕᎤা൑ᙯĄᔵ൒ᐝ൭Ξ൴ϠдѣҲҕᎤা͔൴ ڍཝεਕॡĂҭߏ՟ѣՙؠّ۞ᙋፂֽ͚޺ѩЯ̂۞ ĂڶېᙯܼĄᕝࢴّᐝ൭Ξਕ൴Ϡд՟ѣҲҕᎤা۞ ཛྷҲਕা̝ᐝ൭ Headache ਍फ৵ᄵ൴۞ҲҕᎤা̙ົֹѣઐᐝ൭۞ˠܳ൴ᐝېϥٺᕩЯ 10.4 ҲҕᎤাާ෧ঽˠ̙֭ົ͹෦ᐝ൭Ąт۞ېattributed to hypothyroidism ൭Ăѣা ݭ۞ࡁטᙯܼхдĂ݋ᅮࢋѣ։рଠڍৌѣ˘࣎Яڍ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ տֽᙋ၁Ą A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ׌઎ .1 2. ຨજّ 10.6 ͕໚ّᐝ൭ Cardiac cephalalgiaܧ ᜈ۞ా .3 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ཛྷҲਕাېB. གྷዋ༊෧၅ᙋ၁ߏϥ ĂЯϡ˧҃ΐᆐ֭ҡᐌ⪰͕ĂͷޘA. ᐝ൭ĂΞਕߏࢦ Ă2࣎ޢពځតࠎېཛྷҲਕা۞׎΁াېC. ᐝ൭дϥ ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ̰͡൴Ϡ B. ൴Ϡާّ͕҉৿ҕ Ă2̰࣎͡ቤྋޢᒚڼཛྷҲਕাѣड़ېD. ᐝ൭дϥ C. ᐝ൭ᄃާّ͕҉৿ҕТॡ൴Ϡ Ăᐝ൭ޢҕგГ఼ېᒚ͕҉৿ҕٕ݄ڼѣड़ۏD. ͽᘽ Ĉځᄲ ቤྋͷ̙Г൴Ϡ ཛྷҲਕাঽˠѣᐝ൭Ąι۞ې30ƫ۞ϥܕҤࢍ૟ ආॡഇѣઐᐝ൭ঽޅĄّ̃ҫкᇴͷ఼૱дځ፟ᖼ̙ Ĉځᄲ ཛྷҲਕা̝ᐝ൭Ă̙֭ҡᐌ⪰͕ٕယېϥٺΫĄᕩЯ ෧ᕝυืΒ߁дྻજ͕࿪ဦٕ८ᗁྻજྏរ ФĄ (nuclear cardiac stress testing) ॡĂͿ௟ᙋ၁Тॡ൴Ϡᐝ ቁᄮ֭ϒቁ෧ᕝ10.6 ͕໚ّᐝ൭ڱ൭׶͕᝙৿ҕĄ൑ ĄЯѩĂ̶Ᏸѩ়ଈ׶1.1 ൑࿰Џઐڍޢᕝࢴ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to ົౄјᚑࢦٺᕩЯ 10.5 fasting ᐝ൭ ߏໂࠎࢦࢋ۞ĂপҾߏҕგќᒺ጗ (ּтჴ೼ ᒚઐᐝ൭Ăҭߏ၆৿ҕّ͕᝙ڼ൳ă౪֎ែ) జϡֽ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ̝͕⪯ঽ۞ঽˠݒߏ༰ԟĄѩ׌჌়ଈ࠰ົౄјҡᐌ ҲҕᎤা۞ઐᐝ൭൳ᐂд1. ઐᐝ൭ ˭ֲ̝ݭĂٺ੓Я ᒚڼᚑࢦᐝ൭Ăͷ׌჌়ଈ࠰ົЯϡ˧͔൴Ą͕ඔ൭ ҂ᇋҲҕᎤাࠎ׎ܳ൴Я৵Ą֭ ੓ᙷҬઐᐝ൭۞ᐝ൭Ą͔ົڵтൻ̼ϟۏᘽ

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ׎΁វ̰ޮؠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheٺᕩЯ 10.7 1. ᗝొ attributed to other disorder of homoeostasis 2. ፋ࣎ᐝ൭ ຨજّ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉܧ .3 A. C D ̈́ ᐝ൭௑Ъૄ໤ ޘᅅٕ̚ .4 B. ̝ࢗ׎΁វ̰ޮؠ়ଈ˯ܧ˘B. ঽˠ̏ᕝࢴŵ16̈ॡ ᙋ၁ѣ

ICHD-Ƕ 21: ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

.paroxysmal hypertension: a clonidine-responsive syndrome ځଈ൴ү۞2̰࣎͡൴ϠĂͷ׎΁ᙋፂᙋ়ٺC. ᐝ൭ Cephalalgia 2000; 20:509ė14. ѩ়ଈົౄјᐝ൭ Gus M, Fuchs FD, Pimentel M, Rosa D, Melo AG, Moreira LB. Ă3̰࣎͡ቤྋ Behavior of ambulatory blood pressure surrounding episodesޢD. ᐝ൭дྍវ̰ޮؠ়ଈྋੵ of headache in mildly hypertensive patients. Arch Intern Med ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ 2001; 161:252ė5. Kruszewski P, Bieniaszewski L, Neubauer J, Krupa- 10.1.1 High-altitude headache; 10.1.3 Sleep apnoea Wojciechowska B. Headache in patients with mild to moder- headache ate hypertension is generally not associated with simultane- Aldrich MS, Chauncey JB. Are morning headaches part of ous blood pressure elevation. J Hypertension 2000; 18:437ė obstructive sleep apnea syndrome? Arch Intern Med 1990; 44. 150:1265ė7. Lance JW, Hinterberger H. Symptom of pheochromocytoma Appenzeller O. Altitude Headache. Headache 1972; 12:126ė9. with particular reference to headache, correlated with cate- Ginsberg MD. Carbon monoxide intoxication: clinical features, cholamine production. Arch Neurol 1976; 33:281ė8. neuropathology and mechanisms of injury. J Toxicol Clin Land SH, Donovan T. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia headache: Toxicol 1985; 23:281ė8. classification recommendation [letter]. Cephalalgia 1999; Heckerling PS, Leikiin JB, Maturen A, Perkins JT. Predictors of 19:67ė9. occult carbon monoxide poisoning in patients with headache Loh KC, Shlossberg AH, Abbott EC, Salisbury SR, Tan MH. and dizziness. Ann Intern Med 1987; 107:174ė6. Phaeochromocytoma: a ten-year survey. Quart J Med 1997; Jozefowicz RF. Neurologic manifestations of pulmonary dis- 90:51ė60. ease. Neurologic Clinics 1989; 7:605ė16. Mannelli M, Ianni L, Cilotti A, Conti A. Pheochromocytoma in Lipton RB, Mazer C, Newman LC, Solomon S. Sumatriptan Italy: Amulticentric retrospective study. Eur J Endocrinol relieves migraine-like headaches associated with carbon 1999; 141:619ė624. monoxide exposure. Headache 1997; 37:392ė5. Thomas JE, Rooke ED, Kvale WF. The neurologists experience Loh NK, Dinner DS, Foldvary DO, Skobieranda F, Yew WW. Do with pheochromocytoma. JAMA 1966; 197:754ė58. patients with obstructive sleep apnea wake up with Vaughan CJ, Delanty N. Hypertensive emergencies. Lancet headaches? Arch Intern Med 1999; 159:1765ė8. 2000; 356:411ė17. Poceta JS, Dalessio DJ. Identification and treatment of sleep Walker JJ. Pre-eclampsia. Lancet 2000; 56:1260ė65. apnea in patients with chronic headache. Headache 1995; Weiss NS. Relation of high blood pressure to headache, epis- 35:586ė9. taxis, and selected other symptoms. The United States Porcelli J, Gugelchuk G. A trek to the top: A review of acute Health Examination Survey of Adults. N Engl J Med. 1972; mountain sickness. J Amer Osteopath Assoc 1995; 95:718ė 287:631ė3. 20. Zampaglione B, Pascale C, Marchisio M, Cavallo-Perin P. Silber E, Sonnenberg P, Collier DJ, Pollard A, Murdoch DR, Hypertensive urgencies and emergencies. Prevalence and Goadsby PJ. Clinical features of headache at altitude: a clinical presentation. Hypertension 1996; 27:144ė7. prospective study. Neurology 2003; 60:1167ė71. 10.4 Headache attributed to hypothyroidism 10.1.2 Diving headache Airaghi L, Catania A. Endocrine headache. In: Seminars in Cheshire WP, Ott MC Jr. Headache in divers. Headache 2001; headache management. Neuroendocrinological aspects of 41:235ė47. headache, vol 4, number 4. B.C.Decker Inc, 1999: pp 1ė15. Edmonds RC, Greene ER, Schoene RB et al. Diving and sub- Amy JR. Tests of thyroid function in chronic headache patients. aquative medicine. 3rd Ed. Oxford: Butterworth- Headache 1987; 27:351ė3. Heinemann;1992: pp 404ė6. Arafah BM, Prunty D, Ybarra J, Hlavin ML, Selman WR. The Sliwka U, Kransney JA, Simon SG et al. Effects of sustained dominant role of increased intrasellar pressure in the patho- low-level elevations of carbon dioxide on cerebral blood flow genesis hypopituitarism, hyperprolactinemia, and headache and autoregulation of the intracerebral arteries in humans. in patients with pituitary adenomas. J Clin Endocrinol Metab Aviat Space Environ Med 1998; 69:299ė306. 2000; 85:1789ė93. Fenichel NM. Chronic headache due to masked hypothy- 10.2 Dialysis headache roidism. Ann Intern Med 1948; 29:456ė60. Antoniazzi AL, Bigal ME, Bordini CA, Speciali JG. Headache Moreau T. Headache in hypothyroidism. Prevalence and out- associated with dialysis. The IHS criteria revisited. come under thyroid hormone therapy. Cephalalgia 1988; Cephalalgia 2003; 23:146ė9. 18:687ė9. Jameson MD, Wiegmann TB. Principles, uses, and complica- tions of hemodialysis. Medical Clinics of North America 10.5 Headache attributed to fasting 1990; 74:945ė60. Dalton K. Food intake prior to migraine attacks. Study of 2,313 spontaneous attacks. Headache 1975; 15:188ė93. 10.3 Headache attributed to arterial hypertension Dodick DW. Recurrent short-lasting headache associated with

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ICHD-Ƕ 111 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ᐝ្ăᐚăீă҅ăᆄăᆄ ൳ᐂ΁఍ĈٺᕩЯ .11 /ᐝొ̈́ٺᐝٕᐚొγ๋̝ᐝ൭Ăᕩᙷд5.ᕩЯٺ੓Я ᚭăͰă˾ٕ׎ιᗞࢬ្ٕొඕၹ় ᐚొγ๋̝ᐝ൭Ąৠགྷ൭ّᐝ൭(neuralgiformٕ ଈ̝ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭ (Headache or facial headaches)Ăᕩᙷд13.្ৠགྷ൭׶̚ᇽّᗞࢬ൭Ą pain attributed to disorder of cranium, ځneck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, ˘ਠᄲ ࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ ˘mouth or other facial or cranial struc- ༊˘࣎າ۞ᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠॡĂॡมᕇ˯˫ᄃߙ ྍ়ଈ͔ٙٺtures) ្ᐚ়ଈѣ૜̷ᙯాĂ૟׎൳ᐂࠎᕩЯ ӈֹ׍ѣઐᐝֱ˘ٺ੓۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą఺ᕇ˵ዋϡ ౘࢮ྿ ᎊ࠹т ᛌ ߊхڍ൭ăღᒺݭᐝ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭পᕇ۞ᐝ൭Ąт д̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭̝ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃߙ˘្ᐚ়ଈ -੻়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to dis្ٺᕩЯ 11.1 ѣ૜̷ᙯాĂ݋ѣ׌჌ΞਕّĂͷᅮΐͽҿᕝĄঽˠ order of cranial bone) Ξ෧ᕝࠎߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭Ăٕ෧ᕝѣ׌჌ᐝ൭Ă -ᐚ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to disorٺᕩЯ 11.2 ޢ˯ᐚ়ଈ۞ᐝ൭Ą͚޺ΐ្ٺӈࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ᄃᕩЯ der of neck) ۰෧ᕝ۞Я৵ࠎĈᄃྍ្ᐚ়ଈѣ˩̶૜̷۞ॡมᕇ (ᐚЯّᐝ൭ (Cervicogenic headache 11.2.1 ពೋ̼ăѣ·̶ᙋፂΝྋᛖځᙯాăߊхд۞ᐝ൭ѣ ᐝ൭ (Headache̝ۆཔ҉ొޢݟٺᕩЯ 11.2.2 Ă༊្ᐚޢྍ្ᐚ়ଈਕֹࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ೋ̼Ăͽ̈́౵ attributed to retropharyngeal tendonitis) Ăᐝ൭ԼචٕቤྋĄޢଈޭೇ় ᐚ҉ૺ˧ள૱া̝ᐝ൭ (Headache្ٺᕩЯ 11.2.3 attributed to craniocervical dystonia) ቁؠăΞਕٕၙّĉ -ଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to disor়ீٺᕩЯ 11.3 Ăᐝ൭˵ᐌ̝ޢᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋڼder of eyes) ༊្ᐚ়ଈѣड़ ᐝ្ăᐚăீă҅ăᆄăٺЍீ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attrib- ঐε಼ٕ̂ԼචĂᕩЯܦّާٺᕩЯ 11.3.1 uted to acute glaucoma) ᆄᚭăͰă˾ٕ׎ιᗞࢬ្ٕొඕၹ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ ྍ়ଈ̙ਕѣड़ڍЍள૱̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed ٕᗞࢬ൭ ۞෧ᕝ఼૱̖ΞቁؠĄтئٺᕩЯ 11.3.2 ૱ቁۢॡĂ఼ڱᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋĂٕߏॡม̙ૉ҃൑ڼ (to refractive errors ߙ˘]្ᐚ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ ۞෧ᕝĄ]ٺᔳ୆ෛٕព୆ෛ (ሕЄٕពன୆ෛ) ಶົϡΞਕᕩЯٺᕩЯ 11.3.3 ᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋĂҭᐝ൭Ϗڼᐚ়ଈΞѣड़្ڍᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to heterophoria т̝ ពԼචĂ݋ѩ޺ᜈّ۞ᐝ൭Ωځቤྋٕޢor heterotropia (latent or manifest squint)) ਕдˬ࣎͡ ᐝ൭ّၙ̝ޢᐂA11.9 ្ᐚ়ଈܢଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache ѣࣧЯĄ̙࿅Ăд়ۆ൴ొீٺᕩЯ 11.3.4 attributed to ocular inflammatory disorder) ೡࢗѩ჌ၙّᐝ൭Ą௑Ъ఺ֱૄ໤۞ᐝ൭۞ቁхдĂ ซϏֽѣܳٺᐂ۞ϫ۞Ăдܢٺజଣ੅ĂЕ͌ޝଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to disor- ҭߏ়҅ٺᕩЯ 11.4 der of ears) ᙯѩᙷᐝ൭̈́׎፟ᖼ̝ࡁտĄ ᐝ൭ (Headache attributed to̝ۆᆄᚭۆᆄٺᕩЯ 11.5 rhinosinusitis) ݈֏ 11.6 (Headache Ͱăᗠٕ࠹ᙯඕၹ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ ᐚഛ̈́ᐝăᐚ׎΁ඕၹ۞়ଈĂ૱జෛࠎᐝ൭౵ٺᕩЯ attributed to disorder of teeth, jaws or related struc- ڋᐚٕޢᐚăٺ֍۞ࣧЯĂЯࠎధкᐝ൭൴үؕ૱ tures) ѩ఍ĄГ۰Ăᐚഛੜ̼д඗̂кٺĂٕᐝ൭ಶߏҜొ 11.7 (Headache Ąࡶֶূ൭ొҜז㝅ᐜᙯ༼়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭ ᇴѐ࿅α˩۞ˠ۞֗˯ೀͼౌΞ֍ٺᕩЯ or facial pain attributed to temporomandibular joint ׶XЍᑭߤ൴னੜֽ̼ଯᕝĂᐚഛᑕߏᐝ൭౵૱֍۞ (TMJ) disorder) ݭࡁտពϯĂѩ჌ੜ̼ன෪טࣧЯĄҭߏ̂ఢሀ۞ଠ ׎΁ᐝ្ăᐚăீă҅ăᆄăᆄᚭăͰăٺᕩЯ 11.8 д՟ѣᐝ൭۞ˠϺТᇹ૱֍ĄЯѩĂਖߗᙯ༼ੜ̼া -׎΁ᗞࢬٕᐚొඕၹ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache attribٕ˾ spondylosis) ٕ੻൴ֈ̙։া (osteochondrosis) ̙ਕෛ) uted to other disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, Ϻዋϡд׎΁૱֍۞়ଈڶࠎᐝ൭۞ࣧЯĄᙷҬଐ nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cal Ѝள૱Ąئă㝅ዱᙯ༼়ଈ׶ீ༗ۆтĈၙّᆄᚭ structures) ᐝٺࡶ൑পؠૄ໤ĂЇң˘჌ᐝ൭࠰ΞᕩᙷࠎᕩЯ

112 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ăᐚăீă҅ăᆄăᆄᚭăͰă˾ٕ׎ιᗞࢬ ᖞჍĈ្ ඕၹ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭Ă҃ѩ˘યᗟхд˳ջĄϤ ᐚّᐝ൭ĞCervical headacheğొ្ٕ ё͞ې఺ᙷᐝ൭۞ܑன̙ૉ፾পĂಏͽ୧Еᐝ൭াٺ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ٺؠཌྷιࣇߏ̙ૉ۞ĄώౢЕ΍ૄ໤۞ϫ۞Ă̙дֽ ૱̙ ೡࢗٙѣΞਕ۞ᐝ൭ֲёĂ҃ߏдᐝ൭̈́ᗞࢬ൭׶ᐝ ᄃᐚొ̝҉ඏቯᑅ൭ᕇѣᙯ̝ᐝ൭Ă൳ᐂࠎ2.1.1 ੱ૱׹ᑅ൭Ă2.2.1 གྷ្׀ăᐚăீă҅ăᆄăᆄᚭăͰă˾ٕ׎ιᗞࢬ្ٕ ൴ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭Ъ្ ׹ᑅ൭Ăٕ2.3.1 ၙّღᒺ្׀ᙯܼĄЯѩĂ੫၆ ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭Ъڍϲপؠ۞Яޙඕၹ়ଈ̝มĂొ ώౢٙೡ̝ࢗᐚЯّᐝ൭̈́׎΁ࣧЯ۞ᐝ൭Ăࢎؠ΍ ׹ᑅ൭Ą្׀ݭᐝ൭Ъ ᚑᖰăপؠ۞ፆүݭૄ໤Ăѣ׎υࢋĄԧࣇдѩ̙҂ ߤ۞෧ᕝᑭߤĄѩ࣒ࢎૄ໤۞ϫޞᇋϏགྷᙋ၁ٕݡኳ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ăѣड़۞ፆүݭᑭߤĂܫϏֽ൴ण΍ΞֹܳٺĂд۞ A. ໚ҋᐚܑ҃னдᐝ̈́/ٕᓚ˘఍ٕк఍۞ূ൭Ă௑Ъ ᙯܼĂϫ݈఺ڍϲᐝ൭ᄃ្ᐚ়ଈ̝ม۞পؠЯޙͽ ૄ໤C̈́D ᙷྤफ़̪˩̶ѣࢨĄ Ăѣ˘̏ۢߏٕ೼࿆ځᇆညᙋٕ/̈́ވB. གྷᓜԖă၁រ ᐚ҉្ٺࢵѨৼˢѩᙷᐝ൭۞়ଈѣ11.2.3ᕩЯ ᄮؠࠎᐝ൭ቁ̷࡭Я۞ᐚഛٕᐚొహ௡ᖐ়ଈٕঽ ଈ়̝ۆ൴ొீٺૺ˧ள૱া̝ᐝ൭ ׶11.3.4ᕩЯ ត (ො1) ᐝ൭Ą ᐚ়ଈٕٺC. ֶፂҌ͌˭Е˘ีĂᙋ၁ྍূ൭ΞᕩЯ ঽតĈ

(ᓜԖᇈ࣏ពϯĂূ൭ֽҋᐚొ (ො2 .1 11.1 Headache attrib- ݭྏរ˭Ă၆ᐚొඕט੻়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ 2. дщᇐ጗ٕ׎΁Ъዋ۞ଠ្ٺᕩЯ ĂΞྋੵޢᕝܡuted to disorder of cranial bone ၹٕ׎͚੨ৠགྷ߉Җ෧ᕝّৠགྷ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᐝ൭ (ො3) ̰࣎͡ቤྋˬޢᒚڼA. ᐝٕᓚ۞˘఍ٕк఍ূ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D D. ূ൭д࡭ঽ়ଈٕঽតѣड़ ٕۢ̏˘Ă្੻̰ѣځᇆညᙋٕ/̈́ވB. གྷᓜԖă၁រ ೼࿆ᄮؠࠎᐝ൭ቁ̷࡭Я۞ঽត (ො1) ො੃Ĉ ۆ༼C. ূ൭൴Ϡдॡมᕇ˯ᄃ੻ঽត૜̷ᙯాĂͷд੻ঽ 1. ᐚഛ˯Ηొ۞ཚሳă੻Զăຏߖ׶ᙷࢲᒅّᙯ ࣎९ڍϏజϒёᄮؠࠎ͔੓ᐝ൭۞ࣧЯĂҭߏтإ ត఍౵൭ ࠎቁ၁࡭ЯĄᐚਖߗᙯ༼ੜצ̰࣎͡ቤྋ ᙋ၁тѩॡĂ݋జତˬޢᒚڼD. ূ൭д੻ঽតѣड़ ࠎ௑Ъૄ໤B̝ѣड़צা׶੻൴ֈ̙։া݋̙ତ̼ ො੃Ĉ ঽЯĄ༊҉ඏቯ۞ᑅ൭ᕇࠎᐝ൭۞ࣧЯॡĂᐝ൭ᑕ ੻়ଈ (ּтА͇ள૱ă੻Զăཚሳăᖼ ൳ᐂд2. ღᒺݭᐝ൭Ą̶្ొ̂ .1 ĄϏޘ׶ड़ޘܫăк 2. ௑Ъૄ໤C1۞ᓜԖᇈ࣏Ăυื׍౯ۆொ) ఼૱̙ົҡᐌᐝ൭Ąࢦࢋ۞ּγѣ੻ល ăѣड़۞ፆүݭᑭߤĄᓜԖপܫԱ΍Ξٺϫᇾдֽ ֯ٺ൴ّ੻ល௟ࡪሳ׶PagetͩঽĄᐝ൭˵Ξਕ੓Я petrositis)Ą ᇈтᐚొূ൭ăᐚԊొᑅ൭ăᐚγ๋ঽΫăূ൭Я) ۆొجࡎঽត׶㝅੻ ۷൭ăᐚ߿જቑಛ׀፟ୠّЯ৵ೋ̼ăಏ઎ّăЪ ᐚă⪰͕ăယФăࠦЍඈඈĂ֭ޢٺഴ͌ă൴үؕ ᐚЯّᐝ൭ٙ፾ѣĄ఺ֱΞਕߏᐚЯّᐝ൭۞পܧ ᐚ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭Headache attributedٺ11.2ᕩЯ ϡֽቁϲ়ଈ׶ᐝ൭ֽ໚ม۞Яڱto disorder of neck ᇈĂҭߏιࣇ൑ ᙯܼĄڍ Ĉځᄲ 3. ᐝ൭ྋੵܼ޽ᐝ൭ԆБঐεĂӈϫീᙷͧณܑ ᐚ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭Ăݒ̙௑Ъ11.2.1 ᐚЯّᐝٺᕩЯ (visual analogue scale, VAS) ෞࠎ࿬̶Ąᔵ൒тѩĂ ᐝ൭ ٕ 11.2.3 ᕩ̝ۆཔ҉ొޢݟٺ൭ă11.2.2 ᕩЯ ႕̶100۞ϫീᙷזŸ90%ĂۡޘΪࢋূ൭ഴᅅ۞඀ ࠎ௑Ъૄ໤C2Ąצᐚ҉ૺ˧ள૱া̝ᐝ൭ Ї˘ૄ໤۰Ă݋ྍᐝ ͧณܑෞ̶Ŵ5Ă݋Ξତ្ٺЯ Ϗజ·̶ᙋ၁Ąإ൭ ᐝ൭ Headache̝ۆཔ҉ొޢݟٺᕩЯ 11.2.2 ᐚЯّᐝ൭ Cervicogenic headache attributed to retropharyngealtendonitis 11.2.1

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෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ attributed to acute glaucoma ࢬٕ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉޢᐝ۞זຨજّূ൭Ăᕖ೸ܧA. ᐚࡦಏ઎ٕᗕ઎ ஧˯͞۞ূ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́Dீٕޢፋ࣎ᐝొĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D A. ீ஧̰ăீ஧ ј B. ீᑅ˯̿ĂҌ͌׍˭Е˘ีĈٺB. дᐚഛௐ˘Ҍௐα༼มĂਖഛ݈హ௡ᖐཚණĂ ŵ7mm (Ξਕᅮࢋপঅ۞XЍԫఙ) 1. ඕቯ·ҕޘˠݓ C. ༊ᐝШޢЈॡĂূ൭ᚑࢦΐᆐ 2. ֎ቯ஄፩ Ă׌ 3. ෛᛇᅪᘣޢᒚڼۏᘽۆᙷ׽ዔԩܧᛉ጗ณ̝ޙD. ূ൭дͽ ЍீТॡ൴Ϡܦߐഇ̰ቤྋ C. ূ൭׶ Ă72̈ॡ̰ቤྋޢᒚڼЍீѣड़ܦD. ূ൭д Ĉځᄲ Ѝள૱̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributedئٺវ໢׶ࡓҕ஧Օࢫిத (ESR) ఼૱ౌົ̿੼Ąᔵ 11.3.2 ᕩЯ Ј౵૱ֹূ൭ΐᆐĂᖼᐝ׶ӌᗻ˵གྷ૱т to refractive errorsޢ൒ᐚొ ѩĄௐ˘Ҍˬ༼۞ᐚഛፖࡎ఼૱ົѣᑅ൭Ą ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᗝ׶ீ༗Ă௑Ъૄ໤C݈ٺᐝ൭ăҜޘдߙֱঽּ̚ĂΞϤཚණ۞ਖഛ݈హ௡ᖐ٩ӛ΍ A. ͅᖬ൴үᅅ ኳĄ࿪ཝᕝᆸᑭߤ౵ਕ࠻΍ਖഛ݈హ ̈́Dۏؠԛ۞ถ̼̙ ௡ᖐ۞௟຋ถ̼Ą Ѝள૱ (ּтᅈෛă೸ئB. Ϗགྷᒣϒٕᒣϒ᏾ᄱ۞ ᐚજਔ˯Ηొ۞ࣤᗓᑕଵੵĄ (ă੨ᑛ̙ϒቁ۞ீᙡீ܅Ѝăҁ Ѝள૱дॡมᕇ˯૜̷ئC. ᐝ൭׶ீ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠĂᄃ 11.2.3 Headache ˧࡭ֹෛޘᐚ҉ૺ˧ள૱া̝ᐝ൭ ᙯాĂࣣჂᏹॡ̙൭Ăҭдߙ෼ᗓٕ֎្ٺᕩЯ attributed to craniocervical dystonia ॡมϡீĂົֹূ൭ΐᆐܜ˭ଐԛ۞ָ̙ ቤྋĂͷ̰͇˛ޢЍள૱ԆБᒣϒئ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ D. ᐝ൭׶ீ൭д ࢬٕፋ࣎ ̙Гೇ൴ޢᐝ۞זA. ᐚొ൯᝾ăღᒺٕূ൭ຏĂᕖ೸ ᐝొĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ᔳ୆ෛٕព୆ෛĞሕЄٕពன୆ෛğٺ߿᜙Ăጱ࡭ᐝᐚొྻજள૱ٕ̙ϒ૱ݻ๕ 11.3.3 ᕩЯޘB. ҉҇࿅ ᐝ൭ Headache attributed to heterophoria or̝ ޘ҇࿅҉ٺѩূ൭ΞᕩЯځC. ֶፂ˭ЕҌ͌˘ีĂᙋ ߿᜙Ĉ heterotropia (latent or manifest squint) ߿᜙۞҉҇ (ּтޘ࿅ٺᓜԖᇈ࣏ពϯ൭໚ֽҋ .1 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ҃˧൭Я҉҇ќᒺăྻજă׽ؠݻ๕ٕγֽᑅূ ᗝొᐝ൭Ă௑Ъ۞ޘຨજّăᅅҌ̚ܧA. ͅᖬ൴үă (൴ٕΐᆐܳ ૄ໤C̈́D ߿᜙Тॡ൴Ϡޘ൭׶҉҇࿅ূ .2 B. ᙋ၁ѣᔳ୆ෛٕព୆ෛĂͷҌ͌׍˭Е˘ีĈ Ăˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋޢᒚјΑڼD. ূ൭д࡭ঽ়ଈ ม໏ّෛ˧ሀቘٕኑෛ .1 វॡĂ൏෼አፋѣӧᙱĂٕ̝ͅϺ൒ۏ࠻ᅈܕϤ .2 Ĉځᄲ C. Ҍ͌ѣ˭Е˘ีĈ ҡᐌূ൭̝ᐝ̈́ᐚొԊొ҉ૺ˧ள૱াѣĈݟົ ˧дϡீഇมᐝ൭யϠٕೋ̼ĂপҾߏдਈ෱ீ .1 ૺ˧ள૱া(pharyngeal dystonia)ă൯᝾ّ୆ᐚা҉ ॡ (spasmodic torticollis)ăዱ҉ૺ˧ள૱া (mandibular ॡĂᐝ൭ቤྋٕѣԼචீ˘˯ౕ .2 dystonia)ăҎ҉ૺ˧ள૱া (lingual dystonia)Ăͽ̈́Ъ D. ᐝ൭дෛ˧ዋ༊ᒣϒޢ˛͇̰ቤྋĂͷ̙Гೇ൴ ׶ᐚొ۞҉ૺ˧ள૱া (༼ొ(segmental) ្ᐚ҉ొ្׀ ૺ˧ள૱া)Ąূ൭ߏϤԊొќᒺ׶Ѩ൴ّត̼͔੓Ą ଈ̝ᐝ൭ Headache়ۆ൴ొீٺᕩЯ 11.3.4 attributed to ocular inflammatory disorder ଈ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ়ீٺᕩЯ 11.3 ஧׹ಛ۞ূ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́Dீٕޢto disorder of eyes A. ீ஧̰ăீ஧ ۆ෧ᕝࠎீొ൴ޢB. གྷዋ༊෧၅ ॡഇۆC. ᐝ൭൴Ϡд൴ Ѝீ̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheܦّާٺᕩЯ 11.3.1 ቤྋ̰͇˛ޢଈྋੵ়ۆD. ᐝ൭д൴

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ٕ/Ĉ B. གྷᓜԖăᆄ̰ෛᙡă࿪ཝᕝᆸ̈́/ٕჃॎౄᇆ̈́ځᄲ ۆĂٕၙّᆄۆᆄᚭۆᑭߤĂᙋ၁ѣާّᆄވĈֶొ ၁រڱкԛёĂͷѣк჌̶ᙷ͞ޝѣۆ൴ొீ ൴үĞො1;2ğّާ̝ۆăֶঽ඀ (ާ ᆄᚭ(ۆăਔඛቯۆវېă༘ۆҜ (ּтࢆቯ ൴Ϡٕާّೋ̼Т۞ۆᆄᚭۆăֲާّăၙّ)ăֶΞਕঽЯ (̰ЯّٕγЯّ۞ C. ᐝ൭̈́ᗞࢬ൭Ăᄃᆄّ ݭё ॡ΍னۆຏߖࣧăᄃͪ೿វѣᙯ۞ăγّ๋۞)ֶٕ൴ ൴үّާ̝ۆᆄᚭۆᆄّၙٕ/̈́ۆᆄᚭۆཚ۞)Ą D. дާّᆄ܂҇ܧཚ۞ă܂҇) Ăᐝ൭̈́/ٕᗞࢬ൭ቤྋ̰͇˛ޢᒚјΑڼቤྋٕ

ଈ̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributed ො੃Ĉ়҅ٺᕩЯ 11.4 to disorder of ears 1. ᓜԖᙋፂΞΒ߁ᆄට̼ᓘăᆄ๫ă๥ᛇᏵน/๥ᛇ৿ / ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ε̈́ ٕ൴፵Ą 2. Ϗቁᄮࠎإೇ൴јާّഇĂӎ݋ܧੵ ۆཚሳ ၙّᆄᚭٺ᝘ৠགྷሳ̝ᐝ൭൳ᐂд 7.4.2 ۡତᕩЯٺᕩЯ ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭۞ࣧЯĄ ঽតٙౄј۞҅ొ஝ాొ҅ܧٺᐝ൭Ąᐝ൭ᕩЯ̝ ൭Ăֶܼ໰ࣧঽត۞Ҝཉ̈́/ٕপֽّ൳ᐂĄ Ĉځᄲ Ϗ·̶෠إᄮࠎົ͔൴ᐝ൭Ăҭ૱ڶېΩѣߙֱ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ၁׎ࠎᐝ൭۞ࣧЯĄ఺ֱΒ߁ᆄ̚࿣ᝈѡăᆄϥ۲ A. ᐝ൭ҡᐌ҅൭Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D Ă׎ؠཌྷ֍ี˘ޢăᚭቯ෇ᒺ׶ᕆቯତᛈĄ׎̚౵̂ Ă෧ᕝࠎ҅ొඕၹّঽតޢB. གྷዋ༊෧၅ ܢᐂ A11.5.1 ᕆቯତᛈᕇᐝ൭Ą C. ᐝ൭׶҅൭۞൴ϠĂдॡมᕇ˯׶҅ొඕၹّঽត Яࠎᐝ൭ҜཉᙷҬĂٙͽઐᐝ൭׶ღᒺݭᐝ൭ॡ ѣ૜̷ᙯా ᐝ൭ ࠹஄஑Ąѣֱᐝ̝ۆᆄᚭۆᆄٺᄃ11.5 ᕩЯ૱ ĂТॡޢᒚјΑڼඕၹّঽតቤྋٕٺD. ᐝ൭׶҅൭ 1.1 ቤྋ ൭ঽˠົѣ ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ۞ٙѣপᇈĂГΐ˯ᓜ Ԗপᇈтᗞࢬ൭ăᆄට·ҕăͽ̈́Яঈ࣏Լត҃ᄵ൴ ۆᆄᚭۆĈ ᐝ൭Ą఺ֱঽˠౌ՟ѣᓘᆄএٕ׎΁ާّᆄځᄲ ۆᆄٺϫ݈֭൑ᙋፂពϯĂ҅ొঽតΞ͔੓ᐝ൭̙҃Ъ ۞෧ᕝপᇈĄЯѩĂѣυࢋ૟ડҾ 11.5 ᕩЯ ૱۰ߏ˘࣎ޢᐝ൭ ׶ٙᏜ۞Ķᆄᚭᐝ൭ķĂ̝ۆ൭Ą҅၏ăγ҅྽ăခቯٕ҅̚۞ඕၹّঽតĂ ᆄᚭ҅׀ Ξ͔੓ࣧ൴ّ҅൭ ҡᐌᐝ൭Ą ϡҭ̙׍পؠّ۞෧ᕝĂ̂ొЊ఺ᙷঽּ௑Ъ1.1൑࿰ ൒҃Ăдٙѣ۞҅൭ঽּ̚Ă̂ࡗΪѣ50%ߏ໚ Џઐᐝ൭ ۞ૄ໤ĂΪ̙࿅ᐝ൭ҡᐌព඾۞ᆄ̰ҋ͹ Լត҃ᄵ൴ĄڶېĂٕЯᆄ̰ېγٕ҅҅̚۞ඕၹّঽតĄдѩቑಛγ۞়ଈĂ ৠགྷր௚াٺҋ யϠ҅ొ஝ా൭Ąௐ̣ă҃ొ҅זΞਕЯূ൭ᕖ೸ ă˝ă˩្ৠགྷ۞ຏᛇញჯ̶Ҷд҅၏ăγ҅྽㲠Ͱăᗠٕ࠹ᙯඕၹ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ٺခቯ̈́҅̚ĄЯ˯ࢗ۞நϤĂ఺ֱৠགྷ͚੨ડા۞ᅈ 11.6 ᕩЯ ఺ֱ̙֭ߏ Headache attributed to disorder of teeth, jaws orٺბඕၹّঽតĂົயϠ҅ొ஝ా൭ĄϤ ଈĂЯѩॲፂঽត۞Ҝཉ̈́/ٕপّĂ૟ιࣇ൳ related structures়ొ҅ ΁఍Ą ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉٺᐂ A. ᐝ൭ҡᐌͰ̈́/ٕᗠ൭Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D B. ᙋ၁ѣͰăᗠٕ࠹ᙯඕၹ۞়ଈ ᐝ൭ Headache attrib- C. ᐝ൭׶Ͱ̈́/ٕᗠূ൭۞൴ϠĂдॡมᕇ˯׶ྍ়ଈ̝ۆᆄᚭۆᆄٺ11.5ᕩЯ uted to rhinosinusitis ૜̷ᙯా Ăˬ̰࣎͡ޢᒚјΑڼD. ᐝ൭׶Ͱ̈́/ٕᗠূ൭д়ଈ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ቤྋ Ķᆄᚭᐝ൭ķ

Ĉځᄲ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Ͱጎ়ଈ఼૱ౄјͰ൭̈́/ٕᗞࢬ൭Ăౄјᐝ൭݋ A. ᗝొᐝ൭ҡᐌᗞࢬă҅ѧٕͰጎ۞˘఍ٕк఍ূ ց֍Ą̝ͅĂ໚ҋͰ۞ূ൭ݒΞ஝ా҃ౄјፋ࣎ᐝ periodontitis) ٕͰ) ۆ൭Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ൭Ą౵૱͔੓ᐝ൭۞ࣧЯߏͰ׹

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˘̝ېჟৠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ (Headache ଈѣᄃѩ࠹ᙯ۞ᐝ൭Ăٕߏͽᐝ൭үࠎܑனাٺᕩЯ.12 attribute to psychiatric disorder) ۞វ̼া)Ąд඗̂ొ̶׶ჟৠ়ଈ˘੓൴Ϡ۞ᐝ൭Ă -ᙯܼĂ҃ߏ΃ܑ˞Вঽّ (comor۞ڍ۰̝ม֭൑Я˟ ࣧЯ)Ąѣк჌ۏbidity) (ٕధͅߍ΍˟۰ѣВТ۞Ϡ ൴ĂΒ߁ࢦ៭াăᅅ៭׀ఄ౶࢚ ౮ࠠ̚ ᛌ ჟৠ়ଈഅѣಡӘົᄃᐝ൭ ൏ᇋাăᙷ֗វ়ଈ׶ዋᑕᅪᘣাĄھাăऻຖাă ĂᑕТॡ෧ᕝѣࣧ൴ّ۞ᐝ൭׶Вঽ۞˭ڶវ̼া̝ᐝ൭ Headache attribute to somati- д఺჌ଐٺᕩЯ 12.1 sation disorder ჟৠ়ଈĄ ჟৠঽ়ّଈ۞ᐝ൭ Headache attribute to ൒҃ĂᓜԖགྷរពϯĂѣ˘ֱঽּ۞ᐝ൭่Ϊ൴ٺᕩЯ 12.2 ൏ھpsychotic disorder Ϡд˘ֱ૱֍۞ჟৠ়ଈĂညࢦ៭াăऻຖাă ᇋা׶Ϗ̶̼̝ᙷ֗វ়ଈ۞൴ঽഇม̝̰Ă఺ֱᐝ ఺ֱჟৠ়ଈĄࠎ˞ခᐽд఺ٺ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ൭Ξਕ౵рෛࠎᕩЯ ఺ֱჟৠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭෧ٺᅳાՀซ˘ՎгࡁտĂᕩЯ ّ̚ާٺኳֶᏥăᑿϡٕԦᕝ̝ᐝ൭ĂᕩЯۏٺᕩЯ ᐂ̰Ąܢϡᐝ൭ౌ൳ᐂд8.ᕩЯ ᕝૄ໤̏གྷЕдֹޘ࿅ۏᘽٺ߲̝ᐝ൭׶ᕩЯ ᘃႷঽˠߏӎϺޘኳٕԦᕝ̝ᐝ൭ ᐝ൭෧ᕝᑕྍ೩ᏹᓜԖᗁϠ੼ۏٺ ൏ᇋাĂ̝ͅϺ൒Ą่̙тھଈѣࢦ៭াăऻຖা׶ Ĉ ѩĂՀѣᙋፂ޽΍Ă΍னВঽ۞ჟৠ়ଈĂΞᖣϤᆧځਠᄲ˘ /Ăֹ଀ઐᐝ൭̈́ڍᒚड़ڼࢫҲ̈́ޘࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ׌۰࠰ߏĉ ΐᐝ൭ᐛத׶ᚑࢦ ༊˘࣎າᐝ൭ࢵѨ൴ϠĂдॡมᕇ˯˫ᄃߙ˘ჟ ٕღᒺݭᐝ൭۞ঽ඀ೋ̼ĄЯѩĂࠎ˞၆ᐝ൭ѣዋ༊ ᐝ൭۞ٺᒚЇңВঽڼࢦ൴ன֭ͷڦѩ ఍ཉĂᑕྍপҾٺৠ়ଈ۞൴Ϡѣ૜̷ᙯా۰Ă݋૟׎൳ᐂࠎᕩЯ ѐĂࣧ൴ّᐝ൭়ଈ (ઐᐝ͌ܦආ׶ޅĄдڶې׍ѣ ჟৠٺჟৠ়ଈ͔ٙ൴۞Ѩ൴ّᐝ൭Ą఺ᕇ˵ዋϡ˘ (ઐᐝ൭ăღᒺݭᐝ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭۞পᕇ۞ᐝ൭Ąт ൭ăੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ͽ̈́পҾߏၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ ఺ֱჟৠזߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭۞ೋ̼Ăдॡมᕇ˯ᄃჟৠ় ॡ૱׶ჟৠ়ଈВঽгӔனд˘੓Ą҂ᇋڍ εਕѣ࢑ࢬᇆᜩĂᓜԖᗁर̈́ޢଈѣ૜̷ᙯాĂ݋ѣ׌჌ΞਕّĂͷᅮࢋΐͽҿᕝĄ ়ଈ၆׊ආᐝ൭۞࿰ ঽˠΞͽ෧ᕝࠎߊхд̝ࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ٕ෧ᕝࠎѣ׌჌ ᑕྍӅ˧ᑭߤ׊ආᐝ൭ঽˠߏӎଈѣჂ়্ଈă̶ᗓ ჟৠ়ଈ͔੓۞Ѩ൴ّ ൏ᇋাăᛵጯাăዋᑕᅪᘣাͽ̈́׎΁়ଈ఼૱ࢵАٺᐝ൭ůӈࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ᄃᕩЯ ѐ۞ჟৠ়ଈ (͍׎ߏ͌ܦ൴Ϡдᑈ׊ഇă׊ආഇٕ ޝ۰෧ᕝ۞Я৵ࠎĈᄃჟৠ়ଈѣޢ˯ᐝ൭Ą͚޺ΐ -߿જ়ଈ (attention-deficit/hyperactiviޘຍ˧৿ຫ/࿅ڦ ព۞ೋ̼ăѣځ૜̷۞ॡมᙯᓑّăߊхд۞ᐝ൭ѣ ᙋፂΝྋᛖჟৠ়ଈਕֹࣧ൴ّᐝ൭ೋ̼׶౵ ty disorderĂADHD)ĂҖࠎ়ଈăጯ௫ᅪᘣă᏷Ԍা̶· ˘া(tic) Ă֭ͷ☇া (encopresis)ă٩ܮĂᐝ൭ԼචٕቤྋĄ (enuresis)ă᏷ޢ௣Ă༊ჟৠ়ଈޭೇ ᒚĄڼᑕ᎕ໂܮό൴ன ޝჟৠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ĂٺቁؠĂΞਕٕၙّĉ ࠎ˞ቁؠᐝ൭ߏӎࠎᕩЯ ព۞ĂࢵАࢦࢋ۞ߏࢋቁؠߏӎѣჟৠ়ଈҡᐌᐝځ ჟৠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ ఼૱Ϊѣдѩჟৠ়ଈٺᕩЯ Ăᑕྍࢋ၆ঽˠ၁߉ჟৠ়̚ڶېព ൭΍னĄдநຐ۞ځቤྋٕѣܮĂѩᐝ൭ޢᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋ̝ڼགྷѣड़ ࢦޝĂޘѩ়ଈ̙ਕགྷѣड़ ଈ۞ෞҤ࠻ߏӎѣჟৠ়ଈ൴ϠĄ౵Ҳ۞ࢨڍԼචĂ̖ਕតјቁؠ۞෧ᕝĄт Ăтېѩ়ଈҋ ࢋ۞ĂҌ͌ᑕྍྙય˘ֱ૱֍۞Вঽ۞ჟৠাޞ͹જቤྋٕߏ൑֖ૉॡมඈڱᒚٕߏ൑ڼ ൏ᇋাăऻຖ൴ү׶ᇎ៭Ąھ ჟৠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ٺҖঐεĂ఼૱ಶົଳϡΞਕᕩЯ ෧ᕝĄ۞ ޢჟৠ়ଈ۞ၙّᐝ൭׶дჟৠ়ଈቤྋٺᕩЯ វ̼া̝ᐝ൭ Headache attributedٺϏజೡࢗ࿅Ą 12.1ᕩЯإ޺ᜈ۞ᐝ൭̪ to somatisation disorder ݈֏Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ፋវ҃֏Ă่ѣໂࠎѣࢨ۞ᙋፂ͚޺ჟৠ়ଈΞ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C ͽౄјᐝ൭ĄЯѩĂдѩ˘෧ᕝ̶ᙷ̚۞ᙷҾΪΒ߁ B. ѣ௑ЪDSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤۞វ̼া ன۞˘ֱց֍ঽּܑېͽᐝ൭үࠎѩჟৠ়ଈ̝া 30໐ͽ݈ฟؕĂٺېк֗វাޝঽˠдঽΫ̚ѣ .1 ᛳሹએએ೧ˢᐝ̚۞ঽˠಡӘᄲ΁ܛт˘࣎нຐѣּ) ٕ/ᒚͷڼͷ൴Ϡ෹࿅ᇴѐ۞ॡมĂጱ࡭ঽˠವՐ

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ధкѣᙯᓙצҡᐌ۞ཛᕫĂౄј˞ঽˠତޢጱ࡭ঽˠдۤົăᖚຽٕ׎΁ࢦࢋᅳા۞Αਕѣ ᐌ ពځࢦ̂ᅪᘣ ᝃ׶ঐّ̼ሚႹ়ঽ۞ᑭ෧Ăݒ՟ѣЇң ă ൴னĂͽ̈́Ķԧٙѣ۞ᙯ༼ķౌд൭Ăҭߏপې൭ࡤབাূܧă׌჌ېҌ͌Βӣα჌ূ൭া .2 ჌ંৠགྷጯ Ҿߏдс۞ተᄏ׶ࡦՀᚑࢦĄፂсٙࢗд27໐˘̈́ې჌ّΑਕٕϠതր௚া˘ ĂҭߏҌ̫ౌᔘۆ༼ॡс̏జ෧ᕝࠎੜّ̼ᙯ ېpseudoneurolgoical)۞া) གྷ੓ಶѣ͡ܐͽߊۢ۞˘ਠ ՟ѣ൴னЇңᙯ༼តԛĄঽˠଂڱĂ̪൑ޢགྷ࿅ዋ༊෧၅ې఺ֱা .3 Ԗ۞ূ൭Ăۻତ གྷ۞યᗟĂ͡གྷົ૲ֹֽсᅮࢋۡۏኳٕᘽۏٺᕩЯڱវ়ঽྋᛖĂٕߏ൑֗ ׌זౄј۞ड़ᑕĂٕߏᔵѣ˘࠹ᙯ֗វ়ঽĂҭߏঽ ͽ̈́кณགྷҕҡᐌĶ̂๴ᖡҒҕ๴ķĂۡ ቤྋĄсߏ̖ޢझ̷ੵ̄צѐ݈33໐ॡঽˠତ ވˠ۞̙ዋٕᅪᘣ෹࿅ঽΫă֗វᑭߤٕߏ၁រ ഇѣّ͞ࢬ۞યᗟĂΒ߁ܜ๽๽Ă۞̄ޅα࣎ ޘᑭរٙ࿰ഇ۞඀ ˘׎΁়ଈ ّϹূ൭ĄсజӘۢѣĶ̄झ้୆ķĄ௣׎ٺᕩЯܧC. ᐝ൭ Ϡ߿̏གྷّצֳڱϠс͌ѣّ੼ሗĂ҃ͷ൑ Ĉ Ķрೀѐķ˞Ąсᄲѣੱ൴ّෛ˧ሀቘĂҡᐌځᄲ ඾ீ݈ѣĶ೹ᕇķĂጱ࡭сઃͤ̍үĂѣॡс ېវ̼াтТдDSM-IVٙؠཌྷ۞Ăߏ˘჌кা ЇңᓏࢰĂĶညߏѣˠϡᗕ͘זଈĂ׎পّࠎкࢦͅᖬ൴Ϡ۞ূ൭׶བࡤăّΑ ົ˘ੱੱ᝘়̙۞ Ă޺ᜈᇴѐͷдˬ˩໐̝݈൴ঽĄ ☞ҝԧ۞҅ѧķĂс˵ୃࢗѣೀ߱ॡมс۞֗ېਕ׶ંৠགྷጯা ൴ԪĂ֭ͷѣ˘჌֗វεΝ۞טଠڱវົѣ൑ (జᄮࠎߏᙷ֗វ (somatoformېдؠཌྷ˯Ă఺ֱা ឩ⿔۞ᑭ෧ĄѣॡצຏᛇĂ˵Яѩ҃ତ۞טଠ ឰˠͽࠎߏ֗វ়ঽົېĂ˵ಶߏᄲĂ఺ֱ֗វা۞ сົचُсଈѣᚑࢦ۞֗វ়ঽĂҭߏĶಶԧ ኳ۞ۡତड़ᑕౄј۞Ăҭߏְ၁˯ιࣇݒ̙ߏۏߏٕ ΁ࣇѝྍ൴னયᗟܫઇ࿅۞ᑭߤֽ࠻Ăԧ࠹̏ ΞͽԆБྋᛖ۞Ąд઼࡚൴னѩঽр൴д̃ڶې఺ֱ ˞ķĄ Ă௣Ϡ஽Җதࠎ2.0%Ẵّ/շّͧத̂ࡗ10Ĉ1Ąّ ព൒۞ᐝ൭ߏ˘࣎ྵБࢬাޝଂፋ࣎ঽΫֽ࠻Ă кጌЧ) ̃շͧத݋՟ѣ֤ᆃگд׎΁̼͛ (тԓᘷٕ ࣏ཏ̚۞˘ొЊĄ఺Ҝ̃̀д30໐̝݈ಶ̏གྷѣధк ̂Ą ͽᗁጯࣧநֽྋᛖĂҭڱ൑ېĂ఺ֱাېវ˯۞া֗ ߏ࠹༊кېຍ۞ߏDSM-IVࢋՐ۞াڦᑕྍࢋ րءͽֹсࢋΝಶᗁ֭ᇆᜩс۞Ч჌ጡ֖זߏݒᚑࢦ ĂՏ࣎ېĈঽˠ˘Ϡ̚౵͌ࢋ΍ன࿅ˣ࣎ᙷ֗វা۞ ௚ĂЯѩс௑ЪDSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤۞វ̼া (ӈĈҌ͌ ֹ) ۏϡᘽڇӄٕםጱ࡭ঽˠᅮࢋವՐᗁᒚזᚑࢦౌ ᐝ൭ăཛ൭ăࡦ൭׶ተᄏ൭]ĂҌ͌׌] ېα჌ূ൭া ఍͞ϡᘽ)Ăٕ֖ͽᇆᜩ࣎ˠ۞Αਕ (ּтܧϡ఍ٕ͞ ৪]ĂҌ͌ܮăယФăཛᕫ׶͕⪯]ې჌̙൭۞ࡤབা ᕣĂܝౄј̍үᅮࢋኛ઄)ĄDSM-IV̏నؠтѩ੼۞ Ϲূ൭ăགྷҕ࿅ณă৿ّ͌] ې჌ّٕϠതր௚া˘ Ă၁ᅫېা۞ځϫ۞ߏࢋഴ͌઄วّĂপҾߏࣧЯ̙ ଠڱă൑ܡצ᝘ᛇ] ېᝌ೚] ׶Ҍ͌˘჌ંৠགྷጯাّ Ϗజ෧ᕝ΍۞кត়ّଈტЪা۞˘ొЊĂإݒߏ˯ ᝫԪăෛ˧ሀቘăෛ౎ѣ೹ᕇ])ĄЯѩĂс۞ᐝ۞ט тк൴ّർ̼াٕБّ֗ࡓ೹ّফስĄдDSM-IVּ វ̼া̝ᐝ൭Ąٺ൭Ξͽϒቁг෧ᕝࠎ12.1ᕩЯ ᙷ֗វ়ଈజᕩᙷࠎϏ̶̼ᙷ֗۞ېˣีাٺĂ͌̚ វ়ଈ (Undifferentiated somatoform disorder)ĄЯࠎ఺ ൒ߏ˘࣎ӧᙱͷ̙ቁؠ۞෧ᕝĂԧࣇΪ૟A12.6ᕩ̪ ჟৠঽ়ّଈ̝ᐝ൭ Headacheٺ12.2ᕩЯ ᐂ̰ĄܢϏ̶̼ᙷ֗វ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ ЕдٺЯ attributed to psychotic disorder ొ˘۞ېࠎ˞ቁؠᐝ൭ߏӎࠎវ̼াܑٙனা ࢦࢋ ᖞჍĈޝঽΫߏ۞ېЊĂྙયঽଈߏӎѣк჌֗វা (Ąኛ҂ᇋͽ нຐݭᐝ൭(Delusional headacheې࣎া˘זڦĂЯࠎঽଈΞਕ˘ѨΪ૞۞ ঽּ۞ଐ༼ (Yutzy, 2003)Ĉ˭ ĂՏ͇ౌ ෧ᕝૄ໤ĈېҜ35໐ّ̃΍னໂૻধ۞ᐝ൭া˘ ซீ༗ķ۞ᐝ൭ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C-EוޢѣĶညߏ˘ԯ˥ଂᐝ۞ࡦ ٕ/ѣᐝ൭хд̈́ܫdelusional belief)Ă࠹) هܫͽ̈́׎΁Ч჌۞ᐝ൭Ąд̰ࡊٕৠགྷጯᑭߤ൑ B. нຐ ຍ࿅ ѣౄјᐝ൭۞ঽЯхд۞нຐ (ො1) Ă൴ϠдঽˠଈڦĂޢ၆с۞Їң˘჌ᐝ൭ྋᛖ׎ঽЯڱ ࢦࢋĄд఺࣎ঽּ̚Ă఺Ҝ ѣ௑ЪDSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤۞нຐাĂჟৠ̶ෘাăޝঽΫಶ۞ېΝা ѣ׎΁ূ൭۞ঽΫĂΒ߁ѣॡ࣏ົᄃ⪰͕ ҡѣჟৠাপᇈ۞ࢦ៭া൴үăҡѣჟৠাপᇈ۞ّ̃ ̚ڶ৪ͽ̈́ ճᛒাٕ׎΁ჟৠঽ়ّଈ۞ଐܮယФҡᐌ۞ཛొূ൭â߱ॡม۞̈́

120 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

C. ᐝ൭Ϊ൴Ϡдѣнຐ̝ॡ and Sons 2003: pp. 1419ė20. D. ༊нຐྋੵॡĂᐝ൭ቤྋ ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧE. ᐝ൭

ො੃Ĉ тĈ˘࣎௑ЪDSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤֗វݭнຐা۞ּ .1 ᄮࠎ΁ٕсѣཝሳ្ٕ̰ཚ๴هܫঽˠĂѣ᏾ᄱ۞ ౄј˞ᐝ൭Ą

Ĉځᄲ ĂهܫтТDSM-IVٙؠཌྷĂнຐߏ᏾ᄱ۞׽඾ Ă̪ͽ̙ϒቁ۞ଯኢᕝ൒િ޺Ąܧពᙋ၁ࠎځጐგ̏ Їң۞ְٺĂΞͽᙯهܫнຐĂಶညЇңᕝ൒િ޺۞ ჟৠঽ়ّଈ̝ᐝ൭ ̚Ă׎нຐٺଐĄд12.2ᕩЯ ׶ᐝ൭൴ϠপҾѣᙯĄдѣֱּ̄̚ĂнຐΞਕ஝ঘ ҋ̎ଈѣᚑࢦ֗វ়ঽ(тĈཝሳ) ֭ͷౄјᐝ൭۞ז ĂጐგЪॾ۞૞छ̏གྷͅᖬᙋ၁ѩ়ଈ̙֭هܫ᏾ᄱ хдĄд׎΁ঽּ̚Ăнຐ۞̰टΞਕྵࠎَளĂּ тĈнຐѣ˘൴डጡజങˢᐝ̰Ă҃ͷ఺࣎൴डጡಶ ߏౄјᐝ൭۞ࣧЯĄ ఺ٺព۞нຐّᐝ൭࠹༊ց֍Ăϫ݈՟ѣᙯځޝ གྷរྤफ़Ą۞ڶې࣎

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ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ৠགྷ൭׶̚ᇽّᗞࢬ൭ (Cranial 13.17 ீ҉౫༑ņઐᐝ൭ĞŇOphthalmoplegicńmigraineŅğ្ .13 neuralgias and central causes of facial 13.18 ̚ᇽّᗞࢬ൭ĞCentral causes of facial painğ ൭ّ౫͢ĞAnaesthesia dolorosağ 13.18.1 ᇽّূ൭ĞCentral post-stroke̚ޢpain) 13.18.2 ̚ࢲ ໅ം෹ ᛌ painğ چᘲၷ к൴ّർ̼া̝ᗞࢬ൭ĞFacialٺᕩЯ 13.18.3 13.1 ˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ĞTrigeminal neuralgiağ pain attributed to multiple sclerosisğ -ᗞࢬ൭ĞPersistent idio۞ځ׏ݭˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ĞClassical trigeminal neu- 13.18.4 ޺ᜈࣧЯ̙ 13.1.1 ralgiağ pathic facial painğ ৠགྷ൭ĞSymptomatic trigeminal 13.18.5 ˾ ొ լሤা࣏ཏĞBurning mouth˽ˬّېা 13.1.2 neuralgiağ syndromeğ -Ҏݟৠགྷ൭ĞGlossopharyngeal neuralgiağ 13.19 ׎΁្ৠགྷ൭ٕ׎΁̚ᇽّᗞࢬ൭ĞOther cra 13.2 ׏ݭҎݟৠགྷ൭ĞClassical glossopharyn- nial neuralgia or other centrally mediated facial painğ 13.2.1 geal neuralgiağ Ҏݟৠགྷ൭ĞSymptomatic glos- ݈֏ّېা 13.2.2 sopharyngeal neuralgiağ ᐝ׶ᐚొ۞ূ൭Ϥˬ˽ă̚มăҎݟ׶ਜ਼֕ৠགྷ ᑅזצৠགྷٙ็ˢĄ఺ֱৠགྷڋมৠགྷ൭ĞNervus intermedius neuralgiağ ׶໚ҋ˯ᐚৠགྷॲ۞̚ 13.3 ፬Ăٕߏ఺ֱৠགྷו፬ٕ׎΁ԛё۞וಘ˯ৠགྷ൭ĞSuperior laryngeal neuralgiağ ࢝ăԮѡăҽ 13.4 ᕕٕוזᇽ็ጱྮशঽតౄјд׎ৠགྷ͚੨ડાຏ̚ 13.5 ᆄ༘ৠགྷ൭ĞNasociliary neuralgiağ ޺ᜈّূ൭Ą 13.6 ீு˯ৠགྷ൭ĞSupraorbital neuralgiağ ຏߖٕᇆညᙋৃ ېቁĂּт૲ځѣֱΞਕࣧЯ ׎΁ϐ͚ৠགྷ൭ĞOther terminal branch neuralgiasğ 13.7 ၁̝ඕၹள૱Ăҭдߙֱঽּ̚ĂιࣇΞਕߏ൑ព඾ ৠགྷ൭ĞOccipital neuralgiağ ࣧЯ۞ৠགྷূ൭Ąڋ 13.8 ᐚҎা࣏ཏĞNeck-tongue syndromeğ ˬ˽׶Ҏݟৠགྷ൭૱΍னϡෟ۞યᗟĄ༊͘ఙॡ 13.9 γдᑅّ࢝ᐝ൭ĞExternal compression headacheğ ൴னূ൭ߏֽҋৠགྷజҕგᒖᑅ࢝ॡĂѩৠགྷ൭ᚑॾ 13.10 кঽˠ՟ѣ͘ఙĂٙͽ̪ޝѨ൴ّĄЯࠎٺ፬ᐝ൭ĞCold-stimulus headacheğ ۞ᑕజᕩוҽ 13.11 ఺࣎நٺ፬̝ᐝ൭ĞHeadache ̙ቁؠ΁ࣇߏࣧ൴ّٕѨ൴ّৠགྷ൭ĄૄוγдҽٺᕩЯ 13.11.1 attributed to external application of a cold ϤĂֱ֤ѣ׏ݭঽΫ۞ঽˠԧࣇಶϡ׏ݭ ఺࣎Щෟ҃ stimulusğ Ξдι۞ᒚ඀̚జޢࣧ൴ّĂӈֹᑅ࢝۞ҕგ໚ᐌܧ ᐝ൭̝ۏ፬וࢴϡٕӛˢҽٺᕩЯ 13.11.2 ൴னĄѨ൴ّ ఺࣎Щෟܲ঻ගֱ֤ᙋ၁ѣৠགྷሳٕᙷ ĞHeadache attributed to ingestion or inhala- Ҭঽត۞ঽˠĄ tion of a cold stimulusğ ڶې۞ ׏ݭᗞࢬ൭ܧΩ˘࣎ᙱᗟߏ࿅ΝజჍࠎ ፬וЯඕၹঽតጱ࡭្ৠགྷٕ˯ᐚৠགྷॲᑅ࢝ă 13.12 к࣎९׍ѣВТ۞পޝ̙࣎ޫ༊۞ЩෟĂЯࠎѣ˘) Ԯѡ҃ౄј۞޺ᜈّূ൭ĞConstant painٕ யޢ๋צĄߙֱ࣎९дᓚొăͰጎٕͰ᜾͘ఙٕ(ّ caused by compression, irritation or distortion of ѣՀڶې၆ѩזcranial nerves or upper cervical roots by structural ϠĂពϯѣຏߖٕγ๋۞ΞਕّĄۡ ܧ˘ᗞࢬ൭ Ҭͼྵ۞ځк۞˞ྋĂჍࠎ޺ᜈࣧЯ̙ lesionsğ ؠЩჍࠎָĄۺ ĞOptic neuritisğۆෛৠགྷ 13.13 13.14 ᎤԌঽீొৠགྷঽតĞOcular diabetic neuropathyğ 13.1 Trigeminal neuralgia ᐝొٕᗞࢬ൭ĞHead or facial ˬ˽ৠགྷ൭̝ৃ ې૲ٺᕩЯ 13.15 pain attributed to herpes zosterğ ᖞჍĈ ĞTic douloureuxğ☇ᐝొٕᗞࢬ൭ ൭ّ٩̝ৃ ې૲ّާٺᕩЯ 13.15.1 ĞHead or facial pain attributed to acute her- pes zosterğ 13.1.1 ׏ݭˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ Classical trigeminal neuralgia 13.15.2 ৃޢৠགྷ൭ĞPost-herpetic neuralgiağ ೡࢗĈ Tolosa-Huntͩা࣏ཏĞTolosa-Hunt syndromeğ ˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ߏ˘ಏ઎়ଈĂѣൺᇶ࿪ᑝҬূ൭۞প 13.16

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Ăূ൭ࡎ൒൴Ϡ׶ઃͤĂԊࢨдˬ˽ৠགྷ۞˘͚ٕ ˬ˽ৠགྷ˘͚ٕ˘͚ͽ˯̶͚۞͚੨ડĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤ّ ፬͔҃൴ূ൭Ă B̈́Cו͚ͽ˯̶͚۞͚੨ડĄ૱Яᅅ຋˘ Ͱ (ᄵЯ)Ăͷ B. ূ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĈהٕ/ᙿ̄ă٩໬ăᄲྖ̈́חт߾ᓚăּ ᕕ൭וགྷ૱ҋ൒൴ϠĄᆄᄃࣼሸᙇ۞̈ડા̈́/ٕ˭͐Ξਕপ 1. ᆐধăыዟăܑ୺ٕ ᄵ൴ડ͔൴ٕϤᄵЯ͔൴ٺ .ᄵ൴ূ൭(ᄵ൴ડ(trigger area))Ąূ൭ቤྋॡม 2ٽҾट ఼૱̙ؠĄ C. ಶ࣎Ҿঽˠ҃֏Ăূ൭۞൴үݭၗߏ׽ؠ۞ ҕგᑅ࢝۞ܧ჏ฟ្ଣߤᙋ၁Ϥ្ޢٕ/D. পঅ෧၅̈́ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ঽតౄј זࡋ˘זA. ൴үّ (paroxysmal) ূ൭൴үĂ޺ᜈϤ̙ Ĉځ׌̶ᛗĂᇆᜩˬ˽ৠགྷ˘͚ٕ˘͚ͽ˯̶͚۞͚੨ ᄲ ડĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤B̈́C дᄃূ൭࠹၆ᑕ۞ˬ˽ৠགྷ̶͚۞͚੨ડΞਕົ ຫĄ̙ည13.1.1 ׏ݭˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ Ă13.1.2 াצB. ূ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĈ ѣຏᛇ ѣ̙ͅᑕഇĄົ̙ޢৠགྷ൭ ൴ү˽ˬّې ᕕ൭וᆐধăыዟăܑ୺ٕ .1 ᄵ൴ડ͔൴ٕϤᄵЯ͔൴ٺ .2 -C. ಶ࣎Ҿঽˠ҃֏Ăূ൭۞൴үݭၗߏ׽ؠ (stereo typed) ۞ 13.2 Ҏݟৠགྷ൭ Glossopharyngeal neuralgia D. ՟ѣৠགྷΑਕ৿ຫ۞ᓜԖᙋፂ ׎΁়ଈ 13.2.1 ׏ݭҎݟৠགྷ൭ Classical glossopharyngealٺᕩЯܧ .E neuralgia Ĉځᄲ ೡࢗĈ ௐ˟ٕௐˬ̶͚Ăౄјٺ׏ݭˬ˽ৠགྷ൭૱൴Ϡ ăҎॲă޴ॿཛྷ჏ٕ˭ᗠᝈ֎̰҅ٺҎݟৠགྷ൭ࠎҜ ௐ˘̶͚Ąূٺ5%۞ঽˠ൴Ϡזᓚᐙٕ˭͐ূ൭Ą̙ ᕕ൭ĄЯѩূ൭ຏᛇҜдਜ਼ו఍۞˘჌ᆐধăൺᇶ۞ ˘൭඗̙ົፖྭ࿅၆઎Ăҭໂ͌ᇴົ൴Ϡ׌઎ূ൭Ă ৠགྷ۞҅׶ݟ̶͚Ă̈́Ҏݟৠགྷ̝͚੨ડાĄ૱Я֕ ό൴ϠĂ̚ᇽّࣧЯтк൴ّർ̼াಶυืజ҂ᇋĄ ӌᗻăᄲྖ̈́ݜမ͔൴Ă֭ͷ˘тˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ົቤྋ ព۞ࡦځĂҭߏ޺ᜈّ̙ې൴үॡĂঽˠ఼૱൑া̙ ᄃೇ൴Ą ഇঽּ̚൴ϠĄূܜഀ൭ (background pain) ົдߙֱ ൭൴үޢ఼૱ѣ˘̙߱ͅᑕഇĂдѩॡഇĂূ൭̙ົ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ జᄵ൴Ąߙֱঽּ̚Ăূ൭൴үົϤˬ˽ৠགྷડγ۞ ׌̶ᛗĂͷזࡋ˘זA. ൴үّᗞࢬ൭Ă൴ү޺ᜈϤ̙ ፬ٙᄵ൴Ăּт˘࣎۳វĂٕߏ׎΁ຏᛇוវຏᛇ֗ ௑Ъૄ໤B̈́C ྽Ąק፬тૻЍăጠࢰٕו B. ূ൭׍˭ЕٙѣপᇈĈ ᇆᜩ۞˘઎۞ᓚొ҉҇൯᝾ (൭צ൭ॡ૱͔൴ূ 1. ಏ઎ tic douloureux))Ą)☇٩ّ ٕ/ă޴ॿཛྷ჏ăݟಘă׶˭ᗠᝈ֎̈́ޢҶдҎ̶ .2 ჏ฟ្ଣ၅׶Ⴣॎౄᇆ۞၁߉ᐛதᆧ្ޢᐌ඾ ̰҅ඈ ৠགྷॲ˽ˬځкĂΞਕߏ̂ొЊ۞ঽˠ̏జᙋޝΐĂ ൭ޘᕕ׶ࢦוыዟă .3 ᒚڼۏഇĂᘽܐజԮѡٕளҜ۞ҕგٙᑅ࢝ĄҌ͌д ӌᗻă׬ᚒăᄲྖăݜမ̈́/ٕχݣͣົ͔൴ূ൭ .4 ఼૱၆׏ݭˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ѣड़Ą C. ಶ࣎Ҿঽˠ҃֏Ăূ൭۞൴үݭၗߏ׽ؠ۞ D. ՟ѣৠགྷΑਕ৿ຫ۞ᓜԖᙋፂ ৠགྷ൭ Symptomatic trigeminal˽ˬّېা 13.1.2 (׎΁়ଈ (ො1ٺᕩЯܧ .E neuralgia ೡࢗĈ ො੃Ĉ ડҾĂᙋ၁Ϥڱᄃ13.1.1 ׏ݭˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ ۞ূ൭൑ ϤঽΫăநጯᑭߤ̈́/ٕপঅ෧၅̏ଵੵ׎΁ࣧЯĄ .1 ҕგᑅ࢝۞׎΁ඕၹّঽត͔ٙ੓ܧ Ҏݟৠགྷ൭ Symptomaticّېা 13.2.2 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ glossopharyngeal neuralgia ׌̶ᛗĂᇆᜩזࡋ˘זA. ൴үّূ൭൴үĂ޺ᜈϤ̙

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ೡࢗĈ B. ӌᗻăϡ˧΍ᓏٕᖼᐝົ͔൴൴үّূ൭ ˯ཛྷቯ̝ېಘᚎ۞γ઎Ă˭ϥٺ൭т13.2.1 ׏ݭҎݟৠགྷ൭ Ăҭߏ൴ү̝มΞѣ C. хд˘ᄵ൴ᕇҜূ ቤྋĂͷ̷ᕝಘ˯ৠڶᕝΞֹূ൭ଐܡ޺ᜈ൭ĂͷдҎݟৠགྷ͚੨ડΞਕົѣຏᛇᅪᘣĄ D. ͽԊొ౫ዕ ᕽڼགྷΞ૟׎ (׎΁়ଈ (ො1ٺᕩЯܧ .෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ E ׌̶ᛗĂੱ൭มזࡋ˘זA. ൴үّᗞࢬ൭Ă޺ᜈϤ̙ ΞਕѣΞਕ՟ѣ޺ᜈ൭Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤B̈́C ො੃Ĉ B. ূ൭׍˭ЕٙѣপᇈĈ 1. ঽΫăநጯᑭߤ׶পঅ෧၅̏ଵੵ׎΁ࣧЯĂপҾ ಏ઎ ߏඕၹّঽតĄ .1 ٕ/ă޴ॿཛྷ჏ăݟಘă׶˭ᗠᝈ֎̈́ޢҶдҎ̶ .2 ̰҅ඈ 13.5 ᆄ༘ৠགྷ൭ Nasociliary neuralgia ᖞჍĈ ޘᕕ׶ࢦוыዟă .3 ӌᗻă׬ᚒăᄲྖăݜမ̈́/ٕχݣͣົΐࢦূ൭ Charlinͩৠགྷ൭ĞCharlinŅs neuralgiağ .4 C. ಶ࣎Ҿঽˠ҃֏Ăূ൭۞൴үݭၗߏ׽ؠ۞ D. পঅ෧၅̈́/ٕ͘ఙᙋ၁͔੓ূ൭̝࡭ঽঽត ೡࢗĈ -Ăᛈၤᆄ͋γొயϠ౷ෘ൭ (lancinatڶ࣎ց֍۞ଐ˘ ᗝొ̰઎ (medial frontal region)Ąז็(ing pain 13.3 ̚มৠགྷ൭ Nervus intermedius neuralgia ೡࢗĈ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᗝז็˯ᕕ൭ĂШוᇴ̈ॡ̝ז჌ց֍۞়ଈĂͽ҅྽எొ۞ൺᇶ൴үّূ൭ࠎপ A. ಏ઎ᆄొ޺ᜈᇴࡋ˘ ᕇĄ ొ̰઎Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤B̈́C B. ূ൭ЯᛈၤТ઎ᆄ͋۞γ઎ٙܳ൴ ᕝ̷ٕੵĂٕдଈ઎ᆄܡ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ C. ূ൭Ξͽᖣᆄ༘ৠགྷ౫ዕ ᇴ̶ᛗ ͋ͽග̟Οߟែ҃ྋੵזѧஎొ۞ม൴ّ൴ү൭Ă޺ᜈᇴࡋ҅ٺA. Ҝ ጨޢγ҅྽ٺB. хд˘ᄵ൴ડҜ ׎΁়ଈ (ො1) 13.6 ீு˯ৠགྷ൭ Supraorbital neuralgiaٺᕩЯܧ .C ೡࢗĈ ̷˯ො੃Ĉ ˘჌ց֍۞়ଈĂপᇈࠎீு˯ৠགྷ̶Ҷ۞ீு ঽΫăநጯᑭߤ׶পঅ෧၅̏ଵੵ׎΁ࣧЯĂপҾ ྫ(supraorbital notch)ొҜ׶݈ᗝ̰઎ొҜূ൭Ą .1 ߏඕၹّঽតĄ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Ĉ A. ீு˯ৠགྷ̶Ҷ۞ீு˯̷ྫొҜ׶݈ᗝ̰઎ొҜځᄲ ᛇᅪᘣĂ૱ ۞ੱ൴ّٕ޺ᜈّূ൭קٕ/̈́ͪ˾ѣॡূ൭Ξҡᐌ߹ஊă߹ ං B. ீு˯̷ྫొҜৠགྷѣᑅ൭ޝ࠹ᙯాĄЯ̚มৠགྷдূ൭ડ̶Ҷৃ ې׶૲ ᕝ̷ٕੵீு˯ৠགྷĂূ൭ΞྋੵܡழĂѣֱঽˠົѣͽ҅൭ܑன̝Ҏݟৠགྷ൭̝តݭĄ C. ͽԊొ౫ዕ

׎΁ϐ͚ৠགྷ൭ Other terminal branch 13.7 13.4 ಘ˯ৠགྷ൭ Superior laryngeal neuralgia neuralgias ೡࢗĈ ೡࢗĈ ᆄ༘׶ீு˯ৠགྷ̝ˬ˽ৠགྷϐ୘̶͚۞ຫ๋ٕᑅܧ ۞͞˭჌ց֍۞়ଈĂͽಘᚎγ઎ăᗠ˭ડ̈́҅ѧ˘ ᆐধূ൭ࠎপᇈĂົЯӌᗻă಄Ψٕᖼᐝ҃ܳ൴Ą ࢝Ă͔൴̶͚ৠགྷ̶Ҷડূ൭Ąּтீு˭ৠགྷ൭ (infraorbital nerves)ăҎৠགྷ൭ (lingual nerves)ă˯ጎ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᜾ৠགྷ൭ (alveolar nerves) ׶Ⳣৠགྷ൭ (mental A. / ಘᚎăᗠ˭ડ̈́ ٕ҅ѧ˭͞۞൴үّ൭Ă޺ᜈ nerves)ĄٺҜ ᇴࡋٕᇴ̶ᛗĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤B-D

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෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Ҏᐝ۞ώវຏᛇញჯ (proprioceptive fibres) གྷϤ ᆄ༘ٕீு˯ৠགྷ̝ˬ˽ৠགྷϐ୘̶͚ ௐ˟ᐚৠགྷࡦॲĂ఼࿅ҎৠགྷᄃҎ˭ৠགྷม̈́Ҏ˭ৠܧٺA. ূ൭Ҝ ͚੨ડ གྷ׶ௐ˟ᐚৠགྷॲมĂซˢ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚ĄᓜԖᄃ͘ B. ଈొৠགྷѣᑅ൭ ఙॡౌѣᙋፂពϯᐚొࡎ൒୊ᖼĂপҾдጰᇽᙯ༼Η ᕝৠགྷ̷ٕੵৠགྷΞྋੵূ൭ ௲ҍ (subluxation) ॡĂົ๋̈́ௐ˟ᐚৠགྷॲĄТ઎ҎܡC. ͽԊొ౫ዕ ᐝຏᛇள૱Ξਕߏ౫͢ăຏᛇள૱ٕ̙ҋ͹ྻજ۞ຏ Ĉ ᛇĄځᄲ ᐝ൭ Ξਕߏ˘჌Ԋېᐂ̚੃ྶ۞A13.7.1᏿။ܢ ࢨ۞ˬ˽ৠགྷϐ୘̶͚ৠགྷ൭Ą γдᑅّ࢝ᐝ൭ External compression 13.10 headache ৠགྷ൭ Occipital neuralgiaڋ 13.8 ೡࢗĈ ፬ܑϩৠགྷ͔੓۞ᐝ൭Ăּтᐝཆ૲וೡࢗĈ Я߉ᑅాᜈ ॡᑛ۞᜕ϫᙡඈĄڧăᑛღಽ̄ăٕഫ̄ ڋٕ̈ (greater occipital nerve) ڋৠགྷ൭ࠎ̶Ҷд̂ڋ -ৠགྷ (third occipiڋˬৠགྷ (lesser occipital nerve) ٕௐ ᕕ൭Ăѣॡдଈొѣ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉוtal nerve) ͚੨ડ۞˘჌൴үّ ຏᛇഴੜٕຏᛇள૱۞ன෪Ąଈొৠགྷ૱ҡᐌѣᑅ A. ᐝ൭׍˭ЕٙѣপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ຨજّܧ .൭Ą 1 2. ᇴ̶ᛗมᐝ൭႙ૻ ې෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 3. ൑ҡᐌা A. / ˧ৠགྷ۞൴ү B. д݈ᗝٕᐝϩѣాᜈγ߉ᑅڋˬৠགྷ۞̶੨ડ̈́ ٕௐڋٕ̈ڋд̂ ᕕ൭Ăੱ൭มΞਕѣΞਕ՟ѣ޺ᜈূ൭ C. ᐝ൭д߉ᑅ̚யϠĂ֭д߉ᑅ˧఍ᐝ൭౵ᆐধוّ B. ଈొৠགྷѣᑅ൭ D. ᐝ൭дᑅ˧ྋੵޢቤྋ C. ͽԊొ౫ዕܡᕝৠགྷĂΞᇶॡͤ൭ Ĉځᄲ ፬࿅˳Ăົጱ࡭ՀᚑࢦᙷҬઐᐝוγ˧ᑅ࢝ڍĈ тځᄲ ৠགྷ൭υ ืᄃֽҋጰᇽᙯ༼ (atlantoaxial ൭۞ᐝ൭Ą ڋ joint)ă˯ഛ੻ᙯ༼ࡎᙯ༼ (upper zygapophyseal joint) ፬ᐝ൭ Cold-stimulus headacheו஝ా൭ᝥ 13.11 ҽొڋ඾఍۞ᑅ൭ᄵ൴ᕇ۞ܢᐚొ҉ٕ҇׎ٕ ҾĄ

፬̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheוγдҽٺᕩЯ 13.11.1 attributed to external application of a cold stimulus 13.9 ᐚҎা࣏ཏ Neck-tongue syndrome ೡࢗĈ ೡࢗĈ ҽ۞ঈ࣏ٕሕˢҽ̝ͪҲ૱ܧтז൑᜕̝ܲᐝొତᛈ ੻ొٕ˯ᐚొࡎ൴ূ൭ĂҡᐌТ˘઎۞Ҏᐝѣ̙ϒڋ ໢ᒖဩĂጱ࡭ፋ࣎ᐝ൭Ą ຏᛇĄ۞૱

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ຨજّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈܧٕ/A. ፋ࣎ᐝ̈́ A. ূ൭޺ᜈᇴࡋٕᇴ̶ᛗĂҜдҎৠགྷ׶ௐ˟ᐚৠགྷ ፬וB. ᐝొѣγдҽ ॲ̶ҶડાĂТॡΞਕѣ˵Ξਕ՟ѣຏᛇள૱Ăͷ ፬ॡוC. ᐝ൭൴Ϡдҽ ௑Ъ෧ᕝૄ໤B̈́C ቤྋޢ፬ΝੵוD. ᐝ൭дҽ B. ূ൭ߏާّ൴ү C. ূ൭఼૱ົЯࡎ൒ᖼᐝ҃ܳ൴ ᐝ൭̝ۏ፬וࢴϡٕӛˢҽٺᕩЯ 13.11.2 Headache attributed to ingestion or inhalation of a Ĉځᄲ cold stimulus

126 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Optic neuritis ۆᖞჍĈ 13.13 ෛৠགྷ Д୼୽ᐝ൭ĞIce-cream headacheğ ೡࢗĈ צ˧൭Ăҡᐌ͕̚ෛূޢෛৠགྷ௲លᐘጱ࡭ಏٕᗕீ ೡࢗĈ ຫĄ ኳ (׽វăۏຏ۰ (susceptible individuals) дѣДҽٽ ݟಘጨ͔ٙ൴ൺ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉޢٕ/̈́ (୵វٕঈវ) ఼࿅˯ᗠ (palate น൭ĂЯீ༗ொજ҃ΐࢦĂͷ௑Ъ۞ޢ൭Ą A. ˘ீٕᗕீূ۞ޘᇶăΞਕߏࢦ ૄ໤C̈́D ຫצ˧෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ B. Я͕ٕ͕̚̚य़ෛ౎৿ຫĂౄјෛ ຨજّᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C̈́Dܧ (A. ާّ݈ᗝ (ො1 (ຫ۞൴Ϡ࠹࿣Ŵαߐഇ (ො1צ˧C. ূ൭ᄃෛ D. ূ൭дαߐഇ̰ቤྋ ޢٕ/฼फ़ٕӛˢҽ۩ঈౄј˯ᗠٕ̈́ۏB. Яࢴϡҽࢴ ፬ E. ̏ଵੵᑅّ࢝ঽតוݟಘጨ۞ҽ ޢ፬וҽٺϲӈ൴ϠĂͷΪ൴Ϡޢ፬וҽٺC. ᐝ൭ Ặ̶ᛗ̰ቤྋ ො੃Ĉޢ፬וD. ᐝ൭дΝੵҽ ຫ݈Ŵαߐഇ̰Ą఺߱ഇมĂࡶצ˧ෛٺ൭൴Ϡূ .1 Ąۆො੃Ĉ ̙௑Ъૄ໤BĂ݋෧ᕝࠎΞਕෛৠགྷ π૱ઐᐝ൭̝ొٺ၆ઐᐝ൭ঽˠ҃֏Ă఼૱ᐝ൭Ҝ .1

ĈځҜĄ ᄲ ෛ˧఼૱дαߐഇ̰ԼචĄ ߏк൴ّർ̼া۞˘჌ܑனĄ૱ۆৠགྷீ Яඕၹঽតጱ࡭្ৠགྷٕ˯ᐚৠགྷॲᑅ 13.12 ፬ٕԮѡ҃ౄј۞޺ᜈّূ൭ Constantו࢝ă pain caused by compression, irritation or distortion of 13.14 ᎤԌঽீొৠགྷঽត Ocular diabetic cranial nerves or upper cervical roots by structural neuropathy lesions ೡࢗĈ ೡࢗĈ ᎤԌঽঽˠீ׶݈ᗝ׹ಛ۞ূ൭Ăҡᐌ˘ٕк୧ீ្ ঽតۡତᑅ࢝ ৠགྷ౫༑ (఼૱ࠎௐˬ្ৠགྷ)Ąצдᐝ̈́/ٕᐚ็྿൭ᛇ۞ৠགྷ็ˢញჯ ٙயϠ޺ᜈᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭Ąྍৠགྷ͚੨ડΞ൴னຏᛇ ৿ຫĄ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ূ൭൴ϠдᎤԌঽঽˠ۞ಏீ׹ಛĂдᇴ̈ॡ̰ు ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ႙൴Ϡ ᕕ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤C B. ௐˬ្ৠགྷ౫༑ (఼૱̙ᇆᜩᒝ͋Αਕ) ̈́/ٕௐαוٕ/A. ្ຏᛇৠགྷ͚੨ડѣ޺ᜈ̈́ D ٕௐ្̱ৠགྷ౫༑̈́ (ො1) ̰͇˛ޢ፬ٕԮѡ C. ৠགྷঽត൴Ϡдূ൭ฟؕוᑅ࢝ăצB. ᙋ၁ྍ្ৠགྷ ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧ .፬ٕԮѡТॡ൴ϠĂͷొҜ˘࡭ DוC. ূ൭׶ᑅ࢝ă Ăূ൭ቤྋޢ፬ٕԮѡ۞ࣧЯΝੵוD. ᑅ࢝ă ො੃Ĉ Ĉ 1. ূ൭൴Ϡдৠགྷঽតᇈ࣏݈Ŵ˛̰͟ĂдѩഇมĂځᄲ ඕၹঽតΞਕߏҫҜ (space-occupying) ঽត (ּ ࡶ̙௑Ъૄ໤BĂ݋෧ᕝࠎΞਕᎤԌঽீొৠགྷ ϒ૱ྋ࣠ࠧࢨ̰(ּтĈ្ ঽតٺтཚሳٕજਔሳ) ٕ݀ࢨ זϤᇆညᑭߤ଀ڱ՟ѣຏᛇ৿ຫٕ൑ڍĄт(ۆ੻੻ល ᙋ၁Ăѩ෧ᕝಶࢋᘃႷĄ ᐝٕᗞࢬ൭ Head or̝ৃ ې૲ٺ᝚ਜ਼֕ৠགྷౄ 13.15 ᕩЯܬ㝅઎׹ಛᗞࢬ൭ΞЯ۱ᒛٕ҅ јĄ facial pain attributed to herpes zoster

127 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

-ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭ 13.16 Tolosa-Huntͩা࣏ཏ Tolosa-Hunt syn̝ৃ ې૲ّާٺᕩЯ 13.15.1 Head or facial pain attributed to acute herpes zoster drome ೡࢗĈ ೡࢗĈ ੓̝ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭Ą ੱ൴ّீ჏൭Ăҡᐌௐˬăα̈́/្ٕ̱ৠགྷ̚˘ٕк͔ৃ ې૲ Гೇ൴׶ቤྋĄٽ୧౫༑Ă఼૱ΞҋҖቤྋĂҭट ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭൴Ϡдߙ˘ৠགྷٕ׎̶̶͚ҶડĂͷ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᒚĂົڼ՟ѣڍ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D A. ˘ѨٕкѨಏ઎ீுূ൭൴үĂт B. ৃ൴Ϡдྍৠགྷ͚੨ડ ޺ᜈᇴߐഇ C. ূ൭д ৃ൴ৃ݈Ŵ˛͇̰ (ො1) ൴Ϡ B. ௐˬăα̈́/ٕௐ្̱ৠགྷ౫༑̈́/ٕჃॎౄᇆ̷ٕ D. ূ൭дˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋ ͯᑭរᙋ၁ѣ҇܂ሳ ׌ߐഇ̰ޢC. ౫༑Ξͽ׶ূ൭Тॡ൴Ϡٕдূ൭൴ү ො੃Ĉ ൴Ϡ 72̈ॡ̰ቤޢᒚڼ൭д ৃ΍ன݈Ŵ˛͇̰൴ϠĂдѩഇมĂࡶ̙ D. ূ൭׶౫༑дඪ˯ཛྷϩኳ৵ዋ༊ূ .1 ᐝ ྋ̝ৃ ې૲ّާٺ௑Ъૄ໤BĂ݋෧ᕝࠎΞਕᕩЯ

(ଵੵ׎΁ࣧЯ (ො1̏ޢ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭Ą E. ዋ༊෧၅

Ĉ ො੃Ĉځᄲ Ϛˬ˽ৠགྷ༼Ăಏಏ 1. ൭ّீ҉౫༑ (painful ophthalmoplegia) ۞׎΁ࣧЯܬঽˠົৃې15ƫ۞૲~10 ăᙷ҇ሳঽăᎤԌۆཝቯغăૄۆΞϚ̈́ተৠགྷ༼ Β߁ཚሳăҕგ˵ৃې͚ಶҫ׎̚۞80%Ą૲̶ீ geniculate ganglion) ౄјγ҅྽۞൴ৃĄߙֱঽˠ˵ ঽ׶ீ҉౫༑Ňઐᐝ൭ŇĄ) Ϛహᗠٕ˯ᐚৠགྷॲ͚੨ડĄܬົ ĈځĞOphthalmic herpesğົҡᐌௐˬăα̈́/ ᄲৃ ొீ ৠ˽ˬ̈́گৠགྷ౫༑ćተৠགྷ༼ ৃҡᐌᗞࢬৠགྷ౫༑̈́/ ѣֱঽּಡӘTolosa-Huntͩা࣏ཏົ្̱ٕ Ą10ƫ۞୽͐ሳঽˠ׶25ƫ۞Hodgkinͩঽ གྷ (૱ࠎௐ˘̶͚)ăෛৠགྷăᗞࢬৠགྷٕ᝘ৠགྷĄઊې᝘ᛇাٕ Ą Ⴌ˵ົᇆᜩᒝ̝͋ϹຏৠགྷĄৃېˠົ൴Ϡ૲ ѣֱ߿វ̷ͯᑭߤΞ൴னѩাߏঔწᚭă˯ீ჏ ሳౄјĄ܂ৠགྷ൭ Post-herpetic neuralgia ෘٕீ჏۞҇ޢৃ 13.15.2 ଵੵূ൭ّீ҉༏༑ܮೡࢗĈ Ϳ௟۞੠ᖸߏυࢋ۞Ăͽ Ÿˬ࣎͡Ăᗞࢬ൭޺ᜈٕೇ൴Ą (painful ophthalmoplegia)۞׎΁ΞਕࣧЯĄޢ൴Ϡৃ ې૲

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬ൭൴Ϡдߙ˘ৠགྷ̶Ҷٕ׎ৠགྷ̶̶͚ 13.17 ீ҉౫༑ņઐᐝ൭ŇOphthalmoplegic ҶડĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ńmigraineŅ B. ৃ൴Ϡдྍৠགྷ͚੨ડ ೡࢗĈ C. ূ൭д ৃ൴ৃ΍ன݈Ŵ˛͇̰൴Ϡ ѣઐᐝ൭পᇈͷҡᐌ˘ٕк୧ீ្ৠགྷ༏༑Ğ఼૱ߏ D. ᇆᜩৠགྷѣჃॎצ˞൭޺ᜈ ௐˬৠགྷğ̝ͅᖬ൴үᐝ൭Ąੵূޢ࣎͡ˬ ౄᇆត̼γĂ֭՟ѣ׎΁̏ᙋ၁۞្̰ঽតĄ Ĉځᄲ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ޢ۞ৃې଀૲ޢܜৠགྷ൭кΗߏѐ᛬ᆧޢৃ ѩাĄຏᛇᏵน A. Ҍ͌׌Ѩ൴ү௑Ъૄ໤Bז᏷াĂ෹࿅60໐۞ঽˠѣ50ƫົ଀ ٕ˘൴Ϡα͇̰ҡᐌٺฟٕؕ˘ٺ൭ᛇ࿅ୂ̈́/ٕளኳّূ൭Ğallodyniağ఼૱ົ΍ன B. Ҭઐᐝ൭۞ᐝ൭ٕ ᇆᜩৠགྷ۞͚੨ડાĄ к୧̝ௐˬăௐα̈́/ٕௐ្̱ৠགྷ౫༑צд ჏ঽត្ޢC. གྷዋ༊෧၅̏ଵੵኅዬय़ăீுෘᅩ׶

128 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

૱̰࣎͡൴Ϡূ൭׶ຏᛇள̱ޢĈ C. ̚ࢲځᄲ ͽˬ˽ৠགྷঽតྋᛖڱ࠹༊ց֍Ą13.17 ீ ҉ ౫༑ņઐᐝ൭Ň D. ൑ڶ఺჌ଐ Ξਕߏઐᐝ൭۞តݭĂЯࠎᐝ൭఼૱޺ᜈ˘ߐഇٕ̙ Ĉځ༏༑൴Ϡѣк྿α͇۞ሕ ᄲ҉ீזՀ˳Ăͷଂᐝ൭൴Ϡ ᇆᜩཝѰ ᐌෛ͸ঽ តயϠ۞ ᗞࢬ൭ߏಏ઎া࣏ཏצЄഇĄѩγĂߙֱঽּ۞Ⴣॎౄᇆ൴னĂ Ҝ۞្ৠགྷѣgadolinium ၆ͧᆧૻĂពϯ׎ࠎ˘ೇ (hemisyndrome) ۞˘ొ̶Ąдγ઎ؼលঽតĂಏ઎ᗞొ ൴ّ௲លᐘৠགྷঽត (recurrent demyelinating neuropa- ࢬূ൭Ξͽߏಏ፾൴ϠĂҭྵ૱ҡᐌ၆઎֗វຏᛇள thy)Ą ૱ (crossed hemidysaesthesia)Ą ൭׶ຏᛇள૱఼૱ߏ޺ᜈّ۞Ąূ

к൴ّർ̼া̝ᗞࢬ൭ Facial painٺᇽّᗞࢬ൭ Central causes of facial 13.18.3 ᕩЯ̚ 13.18 pain attributed to multiple sclerosis ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉ ൭݋జ൳ᐂূ̝ۆк൴ّർ̼াٙயϠீৠགྷٺᕩЯ ൭ّ౫͢ Anaesthesia dolorosa 13.18.1 Ąۆෛৠགྷ 13.13ٺ ೡࢗĈ ৠགྷ͚੨ડ۞޺ᜈ׶ڋৠགྷٕι۞׎̚˘̶͚ٕ˽ˬ ೡࢗĈ ൭ّ౫ٕ͢ຏᛇᏵนĄূ ৠགྷ̚ᇽాତ۞௲លᐘঽត̝ಏ઎ٕᗕ઎˽ˬٺᕩЯ ᗞࢬ൭ĂΞਕѣΞਕ՟ѣຏᛇள૱Ă఼૱ົͅᖬቤྋ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ̈́ೇ൴Ą ৠགྷ۞͚੨ડѣ޺ڋA. ˬ˽ৠགྷ۞׎̚˘ٕк̶͚ٕ ૱ᜈূ൭׶ຏᛇள ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ຏᛇഴҲĂѣॡົѣ׎΁ຏ۞וᇆᜩ۞ડા੫צB. д ૱A. ᓚ۞˘઎ٕᗕ઎ূ൭ĂΞਕѣ˵Ξਕ՟ѣຏᛇள ᛇಉε B. ᙋ၁ঽˠѣк൴ّർ̼া C. ྍৠགྷٕ׎̚ᇽాඕ఍ѣঽត ˽ˬC. ূ൭׶ຏᛇள૱۞൴ϠĂдॡมᕇ˯ᄃ፜ཝٕ ෛ͸ৠགྷՁ۞௲លᐘঽត૜̷ᙯాĂͷགྷჃॎౄᇆ Ĉځᄲ ᙋ၁ צ༼ৠགྷٕˬ˽ৠགྷڋ൭ّ౫఼͢૱ᄃ͘ఙౄј D. ̏ଵੵ׎΁ࣧЯ ࠹ᙯాĂ౵૱Я13.1.1 ׏ݭˬ˽ৠགྷ൭ ග̟ৠགྷ๋ -ᒚ (thermocoagulaڼॲ̷ᕝఙ (rhizotomy) ٕΐሤ጖׽ Ĉځᄲ tion) ޢ͔൴Ą ˽ˬ ਠ (tic-like)ĂтТ13.1☇൭Ξͽߏ൭ّ٩ূ ৠགྷ൭Ăٕߏాᜈ൭Ąˬ˽ৠགྷ൭൴ϠдѐᅅˠٕА ᇽّূ൭ Central post-stroke pain̚ޢࢲ̚ 13.18.2 ᑕᘃႷѣк൴ّർܮᇆᜩ˘઎Ăତ඾ГᇆᜩΩ˘઎Ă ೡࢗĈ ̼াĄ ̶ొ˘ຫĂΒ߁ᓚ۞צಏ઎ূ൭׶ຏᛇள૱ҡᐌຏᛇ ˽ˬٺĄᕩЯ۞ځৠགྷঽតΞᄲ˽ˬܧፋ࣎ᓚĂٕ֭ ᗞࢬ൭ Persistent idiopathic۞ځ޺ᜈࣧЯ̙ 13.18.4 ෛ͸ৠགྷՁ (quintothalamic (trigeminothalamic))ăෛ͸ facial pain ෛ͸ϩኳԸड(thalamocortical projection) ۞ঽតĄাٕ ᖞჍĈ ᇆᜩΒ߁ଈ઎ٕ၆઎۞ᖻ຅̈́/ٕα۳Ąې ׏ݭᗞࢬ൭ĞAtypical facial painğܧ

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ೡࢗĈ ٕ/ă໢ᛇ̈́וA. ᓚొ˘Ηѣূ൭׶ຏᛇள૱Ăҡᐌ੫ ׎΁়ଈ۞޺ٺ՟ѣ˯្ࢗৠགྷ൭পᇈĂͷ̙ਕᕩЯ ᛈᛇಉεĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ᜈّᗞࢬ൭Ą B. ׍ѣ˭Е˘ٕ˟ีĈ ѣࡎ൒൴ϠΞਕߏҕგঽត (̚ࢲ) ۞ঽΫ .1 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ࿪ཝᕝᆸٕჃॎౄᇆᙋ၁д࠹ᙯડાѣҕგঽត .2 A. Տ͇΍னᓚొূ൭Ă޺ᜈፋ͇ٕೀͼ˘ፋ͇Ă௑Ъ

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ૄ໤B̈́C ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ̈́ણ҂ྤफ़

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Ĉځ׎΁ᐝ൭ă្ొৠགྷ൭ă̚ᇽٕࣧ ᄲ .14 ڶѣࢨ۞ଐޝкঽˠυืдྤफ़ޝព൒гĂѣޝ ڱ൴ّᗞࢬ൭ (Other headache, cranial ˭ү෧ᕝĂԧࣇΪਕᄲ΁ࣇனѣٕഅѣᐝ൭Ăҭ൑ ځneuralgia, central or primary facial pain) Νડ̶ᐝ൭ᙷݭĄ఺ֱঽˠಶ൳ᐂࠎ 14.2 পّ̙ ڶᐝ൭Ą൒҃Ă఺̶࣎ᙷ̙ᑕдΞᒔ଀ྤफ़۞ଐ۞ ଀ᐝ൭ྎ௟ྤफ़۞ᖣ˾ĄιΪѣдפᛌ ˭Ăүࠎ̙ᙸΝ چ໅ം෹ ᘲၷ फ़ॡֹϡĄྤז଀ڱ໛఼ٕ൑ڱঽˠѪ˸ă൑ னх̶ᙷ۞ᐝ൭ (Headache not elsewhereٺᛳ̙ 14.1 classified) (ᐝ൭ (Headache unspecified۞ځপّ̙ 14.2

݈֏ ࠎ˞ឰѩ̶ᙷஉᄏՀԆБĂдధкᐝ൭۞ีϫ ี˘Ăಶѣ˘࣎Ѩ̶ᙷҾ (subcategory) ֽटৼΪमޢ Ą൒̪҃ѣధкᐝ൭൑ڶಶΞ௑Ъߙ˘়ଈૄ໤۞ଐ ௑ЪனхЧౢٙࢗĂЯࠎ఺ֱᐝ൭ߏࢵѨజೡٕࢗڱ ᕩٺߏಏ৷Яࠎ՟ѣ֖ૉ۞ྤफ़ֽҿᕝĄώౢ͹ࢋϡ ᙷ఺ֱᐝ൭ݭֲٕݭĄ

னх̶ᙷ۞ᐝ൭ Headache notٺ14.1̙ᛳ elsewhere classified ᖞჍĈ (ᙷ۞ᐝ൭ (Headache not classifiable̶ڱ൑

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭׍፾প̶ᙷ۞পᇈĂពϯιߏ˘፾প۞෧ᕝ၁ វ B. ̙௑ЪЇң˯ࢗᐝ൭়ଈ۞ૄ໤

Ĉځᄲ Ķ઼ᅫᐝ൭়ঽۍ˘າ۞ᐝ൭၁វ̏གྷдௐֱ˘ ൴ܑ̝มజೡࢗĄ૟ֽ๕υѣՀк፾ۍ˟ᙷķ׶ௐ̶ ቁؠ̶ᙷ̝݈Ă఺ᇹזপ۞ᐝ൭၁វజೡࢗ΍ֽĄۡ னх̶ᙷ۞ᐝ൭Ąٺᐝ൭Ξ൳ᐂࠎ14.1̙ᛳ۞

ᐝ൭Headache unspecified۞ځপّ̙ 14.2 ᖞჍĈ (ᙷ۞ᐝ൭ (Headache not classifiable̶ڱ൑

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. னѣٕഅགྷѣ࿅۞ᐝ൭ ώ̶ᙷ̝Ї˘ᆸ৺ٺB. ྤफ़̙֖ͽ̶ᙷྍᐝ൭

ICHD-Ƕ 244 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

நྋ̈́ྻϡĂҭϏѣ֖ૉᙋፂֽቁᄮٽᐂ (Appendix) ໤࠻Ҭͧྵटܢ Ąޘ׎ड़ Чౢ࢑యˠ ᛌ ᖎ̬ A1.1.1 ৷͡གྷ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ Pure menstrual migraine without aura ܢĶ઼ᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷķ̰֭՟ѣ۞ۍ˘дௐ ᐂਕϡдೀ͞ࢬĄ ෧ᕝૄ໤ĈܢᐂĄԧࣇԓ୕఺Ѩΐˢ۞ ᐂ౵͹ࢋ۞ϫ۞ߏࢋणனᇴ࣎າ۞়ঽ၁វ۞ A. ̪ѣ͡གྷ۞ّ̃Ă൴ү௑Ъ1.1 ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ૄ໤ܢ ΐഴ2͟(ӈĂ-2͟ޢ݈۞͟˘Ą൒ B. ൴үΪд͡གྷ (ො1) ௐޘϏѣ֖ૉ۞ࡁտֽᙋ၁׎ड़إࡁտૄ໤Ăιࣇ ො2) ćˬѨ͡གྷฉഇҌ͌ᅮ׌Ѩѣ൴үĂ) (+3͟ז Ăдᐝ൭̶ᙷѨ؎ࣶົ (Headache Classification҃ Subcommittee) ૞छ۞གྷរ̈́Ч჌ّኳ۞͛ᚥ࠰ពϯĂ ฉഇ۞׎ዶॡม՟ѣ൴ү ࠹ܫѣᇴ჌෧ᕝ၁វᑕ (diagnostic entities) ߏৌ၁хд (ĂυืѣՀซ˘Վ۞ࡊጯᙋ ො੃Ĉ(͛̚ᖙᛌĂ૟ࣧ͛̚ො1̈́ො2ึԔࣆཉ݈̝צĂҭдజϒёତ۞ ϒ૱͡གྷฉഇĂٺॡĂѣᇴ࣎ϫ݈జᕩᙷ 1. ֶ໰ѩ̶ᙷ۞ϫ۞Ă͡གྷߏ޽ϤۍፂĄЯѩĂΞ࿰ഇд˭ѨԼ ڼᔖθᘽ̈́ฉഇّఈႬᄋആ΃ڇ˾ϡტЪݭڇᙷᇾ໤۞͹វొ̶ߏ۞Ą ٕд̶זᐂ۞়ঽĂ૟జொܢд д˘ֱొЊĂԧࣇ੫၆˞̶ᙷ͹វొ̶̚۞˘ֱ ᒚॡĂ༊γЯّเវ৵ԦᕝĂٙౄј۞̄झ̰ቯ΍ ᓜ ҕĄٺଈ෧ᕝૄ໤Ă೩ֻആ΃͞९ĄТᇹ۞Ă఺ߏϤ় Ԗགྷរ̈́࠹༊ᇴณ۞͛ᚥ൴ܑĂᙋ၁఺Ξਕߏ࣎р͹ 2. ͡གྷֽ۞ௐ˘͟ࠎņௐ 1 ͟ŇĂ݈˘͟ࠎņௐė1͟Ňć՟ Ϗѣ֖ૉ۞ᙋፂ֖ͽՀԼ͹ࢋ ѣņௐ 0 ͟ŇĄإຍĂҭѨ؎ࣶົᄮࠎ ܢр۞ּ̄ĄдޝߏܮېᙷĄ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ҡᐌা̶ -நྋ̈́ྻϡĂҭ A1.1.2 ᄃ͡གྷ࠹ᙯ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ Menstruallyٽᐂ̚۞ആ΃෧ᕝૄ໤Dᔵ൒ͧྵट Ą related migraine without auraޘݒϏѣ֖ૉᙋፂֽቁᄮ׎ड़ ᐂ˵ߏௐ˘ՎϡֽଵੵЯ็௚҃ৼˢௐ ෧ᕝૄ໤ĈܢĂޢ౵ A. 1.1 ෧ᕝ၁វĂЯࠎϏѣ֖ૉ͛ᚥᙋ၁ྍ় ̪ѣ͡གྷ۞ّ̃Ă൴ү௑Ъ ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ૄ໤ֱ˘۞ۍ˘ B. (ො1) 2 ( -2 ז͟ ΐഴ ͟ ӈĂޢ݈۞͟˘ଈĄ ൴үд͡གྷ ௐ ො2) ćˬѨ͡གྷฉഇҌ͌ᅮ׌Ѩѣ൴үĂฉഇ) (+3͟ A1. ઐᐝ൭ Migraine ۞׎ዶॡม˵ѣ൴ү

ො੃Ĉ(͛̚ᖙᛌĂ૟ࣧ͛̚ො1̈́ො2ึԔࣆཉ) A1.1 Migraine without aura ϒ૱͡གྷฉഇĂٺ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ 1. ֶ໰ѩ̶ᙷ۞ϫ۞Ă͡གྷߏ޽Ϥ ആ΃෧ᕝૄ໤: ڼᔖθᘽ̈́ฉഇّఈႬᄋആ΃ڇ˾ϡტЪݭڇдٕ A. Ҍ͌ѣ5Ѩ௑Ъૄ໤B-D۞൴ү ᒚॡĂ༊γЯّเវ৵ԦᕝĂٙౄј۞̄झ̰ቯ΍ (ᒚ൑ड़۰ڼᒚٕڼB. ᐝ൭൴ү޺ᜈ4-72̈ॡ (Ϗགྷ ҕĄ C. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˟ีপᇈĈ གྷֽ۞ௐ˘͟ࠎņௐ 1 ͟ŇĂ݈˘͟ࠎņௐė1͟Ňć՟͡ .2 1. ಏ઎ ѣņௐ 0 ͟ŇĄ ຨજّ .2 གྷ࠹ᙯ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ Non-menstrual͡ܧ A1.1.3 ޘࢦٕ̚ޘ൭඀ূ .3 ߿જົֹᐝ൭ΐᆐٕᔖҺѩᙷ߿જ (т֕ྮ migraine without aura૱͟ .4 ሁୗ) ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉۊٕ D. ༊ᐝ൭൴үॡҌ͌ѣ˭Е׌ีĈ A. ̪ѣ͡གྷ۞ّ̃Ă൴ү௑Ъ1.1 ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ૄ໤ 1. ⪰͕ B. ൴үᄃ͡གྷ (ො1) ൑ᙯ 2. ယФ 3. ࠦЍ ො੃Ĉ ӝ 1.˵ಶߏ̙௑ЪA1.1.1 ৷͡གྷ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ٕA1.1.2ُ .4 ๥ᛇୂຏ ᄃ͡གྷ࠹ᙯ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ۞ૄ໤ BĄ .5 ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧ .E Ĉځᄲ ѣ͡གྷ۞̪̃ٺĈ ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭۞Ѩ̶ᙷΪࢨϡځᄲ Ϊѣૄ໤Dᄃ̶ᙷ͹វొ̶̙ТĄᔵ൒ѩആ΃ૄ ّĄ

134 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ડ̶A1.1.1 ৷͡གྷ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ׶A1.1.2ᄃ͡ A1.3.5 ։ّ൴үّ୆ᐚ Benign paroxysmal ၆ torticollisڱఈႬᄋ࿰֨ٺགྷ࠹ᙯ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ۞ࢦࢋّд ಡ ೡࢗĈޘкّ̃ົ࿅ޝٺ৷͡གྷઐᐝ൭ྵΞਕѣड़ĄϤٺ ົېӘᐝ൭൴үᄃ͡གྷ۞ᙯᓑّĂЯѩ౵͌ࢋѣ3Ѩ݈ᖀّ ͅᖬ൴үᐝొ߮Ш˘ᙝĂٕధᔘѣֱ຋ᖼજĂা ൴Ϡдᑈ׊ᄃ˘໐̰൴ঽ۞ρڶېགྷฉഇ۞੃ᐂֽҥᙋĄ ҋ൒ቤྋĄѩ჌͡ ٕ ආഇ൴үّຶোޅགྷᐝ൭൴ү఼૱ߏ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ĄТॡѣ࿰Џ ආĄΞਕົႊតј1.3.3 ։ّ͡ Ąېઐᐝ൭ᄃ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭۞ّ̃Ă׎࿰Џઐᐝ൭ᄃ͡གྷ 1.2 ࿰Џઐᐝ൭ Ăٕঐε̙ГѣซʑՎা ൑ᙯాĄ֭ дϒ૱͡གྷฉഇĂٕγЯّเវ৵ԦᕝĞтტЪ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᒚğౌ͔੓̄झ A. дρආ֗˯۞ੱ൴ّ൴үĂ௑Ъͽ˭ٙѣপᇈ̈́ૄڼᔖθᘽ̈́ฉഇّఈႬᄋആ΃ڇ˾ݭ ቯ΍ҕ, ҭ఺׌۰ጱ࡭ઐᐝ൭۞፟ᖼΞਕ̙ТĄᓝּ ໤BĈ̰ ᓁߏдТ઎)ĂΞҡᐌٕ՟ѣܧ֭) ᄲĂ̰Яّ۞͡གྷฉഇߏ˭ෛ͸-ཝ˭ݬវ-Ӊ૰ค 1. ᐝొ߮Ш˘ᙝֽ யϠ۞Ă҃ଵӉΞ ֱ຋ᖼજ̖ޢኑᗔఈႬᄋត̼ጱ࡭ଵӉ۞̰ ᇴ͟זĄЯѩࡁտॡᑕડ̶఺ֱ 2. ޺ᜈᇴ̶ᛗטᔖθᘽ҃Ժڇ˾ϤტЪݭ ҋ൒ቤྋĂҭѣՏ͡ೇ൴۞้ШېཏĂ၆̙Тֲཏ۞఍ཉඉர˵Ξਕ̙ТĄ 3. াֲ ᄃ/ٕᇈЏĈېߙֱֽّ̃ᄲĂᔵ൒ฉഇ̚׎΁ఈႬᄋ B. ൴үഇมĂ˭Е˘ีٕкี۞াٺҌ͌၆ ᄃϠ̼Լត˵ΞਕѣᙯᓑĂѣᙋፂពϯ͡གྷઐᐝ൭൴ 1. ᓚҒᄔϨ ᅬ፬৵ԦᕝౄјĄࡶ৷͡གྷઐᐝ൭ٕᄃ͡གྷ 2. ᛒજٺүߏϤ ˧࠹ᙯઐᐝ൭జᄮؠࠎᄃγЯّᅬ፬৵ԦᕝѣᙯĂ݋Т 3. ͻ ॡ൳ᐂࠎA.1.1.1৷͡གྷ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ٕA1.1.2ᄃ͡ 4. ယФ གྷ࠹ᙯ൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭Ă̈́8.4.3ᅬ፬৵Ԧᕝ̝ᐝ൭Ą 5. ྻજεአĞො1ğ ૱൴үഇม۞ৠགྷጯᑭߤϒܧ .C ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧ .ၗ Migraine aura status DېA1.2.7 ઐᐝ൭࿰Џࢦ᎕ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ઐᐝ൭࿰Џ௑Ъ1. 2 ࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ٕι۞Ї˘ֲݭ ො੃Ĉ ආ֗˯Ąޅ࿰Џૄ໤ 1. ྻજεአྵ૱൴ϠдᎮঽѐ᛬ྵ̂۞۞ B. Ҍ͌Տ͟2࣎࿰ЏĂాᜈ޺ᜈŸ5͟ Ĉځᄲ A1.3.4 ޅආഇϹ̢ઐឨ Alternating hemiplegia of ਠϒ૱Ҝ˘זආ۞ᐝొΞͽаᖼޅд൴үഇมĂ childhood Ą۞ڇĂҭߏΞͽҹ˧ܡཉĈٕధѣֱ ೡࢗĈ A1.3.5։ّ൴үّ୆ᐚ Ξਕົႊតࠎ1.3.3 ։ّ ᑈ׊ഇ൴ү׌઎Ϲ̢ઐឨĂҡᐌซҖّཝঽតă׎΁ ආഇ൴үّোຶ ٕ1.2 ࿰Џઐᐝ൭ (͍׎ߏ1.2.6ૄޅ ൴ّன෪̈́ംਕᅪᘣĄੱ ݭઐᐝ൭)Ąغ ఺ֱ៍၅ืགྷঽˠ͟੃ăඕၹّົኘă׶ᓂᕝّ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ फ़ќะֽΐͽ෠၁ĄᝥҾ෧ᕝΒ߁ࡤࢴ྽ਗ਼߹ă̙ྤ A. ͅᖬ൴ү۞ઐឨĂд֗វ۞νΠ׌ᙝϹആ൴ү -ࣧЯ̝Ԯᖼّ҉ૺ˧ள૱া (idiopathic torsional dysځ B. дѐ᛬18࣎͡ͽ݈൴ঽ ្ޢຍڦtonia) ͽ̈́ኑᗔّԊొݭឩ⿔ĂΞߏᅮপҾ C. Ҍ͌˘჌׎΁ੱ൴ّன෪ົҡᐌઐឨٕಏ፾൴үĂ ঽត˵Ξౄј୆ᐚĄ͇ޢ჏ᄃ្ᐚϹତ఍̝А͇ٕ тૻۡ൴үăૺ˧ள૱ݻ๕ăᄅᔏषજাăீዩٕ ૱׎΁ீ஧ྻજள૱ăҋ͹ৠགྷள ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ D. ᙋ၁ѣ͕ം̈́/ٕৠགྷጯ৿ຫ MacGregor EA, Chia H, Vohrah RC, Wilkinson M. Migraine and .׎΁়ଈ menstruation: a pilot study. Cephalalgia 1990; 10:305ė10ٺᕩЯܧ .E MacGregor EA. ńMenstrualŅ migraine: towards a definition. Cephalalgia 1996; 16:11 21. Ĉ ėځᄲ Somerville B.The role of estradiol withdrawal in the etiology of .Ą׎ᄃ menstrual migraine. Neurology 1972; 22:355ė65ڶې఺ߏ˘჌Βӣৠགྷੜ়ّ̼ঽ۞кᇹ ˘ଵੵιߏڱᓜԖ៍၅Ăҭ൑ٺઐᐝ൭̝ᙯܼ˜ߏૄ ჌ց֍̝ឩ⿔൴үĄ

ICHD-Ƕ 246 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

A2.ღᒺݭᐝ൭ Tension-type headache 2.4.3Ξਕၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ ۞෧ᕝυᅮజଵੵĄ

Ĉځᄲ ৠགྷᐝޠЕ۞ആ΃ّૄ໤ΞਕΞͽϡдA2.1̙૱൴ੱ A3. ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭̈́׎΁ˬ˽ҋ˭ A2.2 ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ Ă གྷ૱ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ ׶ ൭ Cluster headache and other trigeninal A2.3ၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ ˯Ąιࣇؠཌྷღᒺݭᐝ൭۞८ autonomic cephalalgias ĄೱήྖᄲĂ఺ֱૄ໤পளّ(specific) ੼ҭߏېা͕ ຏّ (sensitivity) ҲĄୂ ޠҋొ្׀A3.3 ൺᇶಏ઎ৠགྷ൭ّᐝ൭൴ү SUNA) Short-lasting Unilateral) ېആ΃ّ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ৠགྷা A. ൴үĂٕᐝ൭௑ЪĦ2.1̙૱൴ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ Neuralgiform headache attacks with cranial (Ă2.2གྷ૱ੱ൴ّღᒺݭᐝ൭ ׶2.3ၙّღᒺݭᐝ Autonomic symptoms (SUNA ൭ ˬ჌ᐝ൭̚Їң˘჌〕̝ૄ໤Ä́˭Еૄ໤B-D Ĉځᄲ B. ᐝ൭޺ᜈ30̶ᛗҌ7͟ ඕቯீ׀ϫ݈3.3ൺᇶಏ઎ৠགྷ൭ّᐝ൭൴ү C. Ҍ͌׍˭Еˬีূ൭পᇈĈ ຍ۞યڦҕ̈́߹ஊ (SUNCT) ۞̶ᙷѣ˘ֱࣃ଀· 1. ᗕ઎ ᗟĄௐ˘ăѩ়ঽЩჍຍ޽ٙѣঽˠυืѣඕቯ·ҕ (ຨજّܧ) ᑅ࢝/ღᒺّ .2 ߹ஊĄ఺̙֭ߏώѨ؎ࣶົ؎ࣶࣇВТ۞ᓜԖགྷ̈́ ޘᅅٕ̚ޘ඀ .3 ̚ រĄ3.3SUNCT ѣΞਕߏྵᇃຍ়ঽ۞A3.3SUNA ሁୗ҃ΐᆐۊЯ͟૱߿જт֕ྮٕ̙ .4 ֲ࣎ݭĄ఺ี೩ᛉᅮࢋቁᄮĄ.ௐ˟ă൴үॡ۞ূ˘۞ D. ൑⪰͕ (Ξਕѣࢴᇒ̙ॎ)ăယФăࠦЍُٕӝ ˬ൭ᙱͽᄃᇆᜩீొ̶͚ (ophthalmic division ۞13.1 ׎΁়ଈĞො1,2ğٺᕩЯܧ .E ߏA3.3SUNA ৿ڱᛉ۞ડҾ͞ޙৠགྷ൭ ડ̶Ąѣ࣎˽ ፬۞̙ͅᑕഇĄௐˬă3.3SUNCT ۞൴үᐛוϩܑ͌ ො੃Ĉ தૄ໤टధតજቑಛ͉̂҃ͅ՟ѣᑒӄĄߊ൒൴ү఼ ঽΫăநጯ̈́ৠགྷጯᑭߤ̙௑Ъௐ5Ҍ12ཏٙЕ̝Ї .1 Ҍ͌ߏՏّ͟Ăᖎ̼ᐛதٙᅮ୧ІΞਕՀѣϡĄ૱ ଈĂٕঽΫ̈́/ٕநጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷጯᑭߤᔵᘃ়ี˘ ۞ (Е೩΍A3.3SUNA (༊ү3.3SUNCT̝ആ΃˭ Ⴗѣ఺়ଈ̝ΞਕّĂҭགྷዋ༊෧၅̏གྷଵੵĄٕ ېৠགྷাޠ໤ߏͽࡁտࠎϫ۞ĂᅮГീྏĄ្ొҋૄ ఺়ଈᔵхдĂҭᐝ൭̝ࢵѨ൴Ϡᄃྍ়ଈ֭൑ॡ Ξᄃீొ̶͚ˬ˽ৠགྷ൭үડҾĄזពځপᇈυื̝ มᕇ˯̝૜̷ᙯాĄ ϡͷֹޘ࿅ۏдA2.3ၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ ঽּ̚ѣᘽ .2 ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ϡᐝ൭ ̝̚Ї˘ֲё̝ૄ໤Bֹޘ࿅ۏ௑Ъ8.2ᘽ A. Ҍ͌ѣ࿅20Ѩ௑Ъૄ໤B-E̝൴ү ϡᘽڇઃͤזॡĂ̙֭ۢߏӎົ௑Ъૄ໤EĂᅮඈ ᕕਠٕຨજّূ൭וಏ઎ீுă˯ீுٕ㝅ొٺB. Ҝ ğĄځϏᒔ଀Լචॡ̖ਕቁؠĞኛ֍ᄲ̪ޢ2࣎͡ۏ ൴үĂ޺ᜈ2ࡋҌ10̶ᛗ C. ূ൭ҡᐌ˭Е׎̚˘ีĈ Ĉځᄲ ඕቯ·ҕ̈́/ٕ߹ஊீ .1 дధк̙ቁؠ۞ၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ঽּ̚Ăົѣᘽ ᆄට·ҕ̈́/ٕ߹ᆄͪ .2 ϡᐝ൭ֹޘ࿅ۏϡ۞ଐԛĄࡶ௑Ъ၆8.2ᘽֹޘ࿅ۏ 3. ீϩͪཚ Їңֲё̝ૄ໤BॡĂ൳ᐂ۞࿰నࣧ݋ࠎ2.4.3Ξ۞̚ D. ˘Ηͽ˯ॡม̝൴үᐛதࠎՏ͟Ÿ1Ѩ ՟ѣ̙ͅᑕഇޢϡᐝ E. ҋᄵ൴ડᄵ൴൴үֹޘ࿅ۏਕၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ ΐ˯8.2.7Ξਕᘽ ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧ .Ă̪൒௑Ъ Fޢϡ۞ଐԛઃͤ2ֹ࣎͡ޘ࿅ۏ൭ Ą༊ᘽ ఺ֱૄ໤A-EॡĂಶᑕ෧ᕝࠎA2.3ၙّღᒺݭᐝ൭ Ă ొ្׀ϡᐝ൭ ۞෧ᕝυᅮజଵ A3.3.1 ੱ൴ّൺᇶಏ઎ৠགྷ൭ّᐝ൭൴үֹޘ࿅ۏѩॡ8.2.7Ξਕᘽ Episodic SUNA ېৠགྷাޠੵĄΩ˘͞ࢬĂ઄тд2̰࣎͡۞Їңॡ࣏Яࠎઃͤᘽ ҋ ϡĂֹ҃ᐝ൭ঽଐᒔ଀ԼචĂ̙Г௑Ъ఺ֱ ೡࢗĈֹޘ࿅ۏ ϡᐝ൭ Ăѩॡ SUNA൴үഇࠎ7͇Ҍ1ѐĂ̚ม൑൭ഇҌ͌1ٕ࣎͡Հ˳Ąֹޘ࿅ۏ໤ॡĂಶᑕ෧ᕝࠎ8.2ᘽૄ

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-ᐝ൭ Chronic post-vas̝ޢ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A6.8 ၙّҕგ়ଈ A. ൴ү௑ЪA.3.3 SUNA ̝ૄ໤A-F cular disorder headache ᒚ) ࠎ7͇Ҍ1ѐĂͷ׎̚มڼB. Ҍ͌2Ѩ൴үഇ (ࡶ൑ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ࿣൑൭ቤྋഇŸ1࣎͡ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ᒚٕ̏ҋҖቤྋ۞ҕგ়ଈхдڼB. അѣ˘̏གྷѣड़ A3.3.2 ၙّSUNA Chronic SUNA ྍҕგ়ଈٺC. ᐝ൭జᕩЯ Ăᐝ൭޺ᜈŵޢᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋڼೡࢗĈ D. ྍҕგ়ଈགྷѣड़ SUNA ࣎ ˬ࣎͡˘ٺ൴ү෹࿅˘ѐ҃൑ቤྋĂٕቤྋഇ͌ ͡Ą ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ Biousse V, Bousser MG. The myth of carotidynia. Neurology A. ൴ү௑ЪA.3.3 SUNA̝ૄ໤A-F 1994; 44:993ė5. -B. ൴үೇ൴ŵ˘ѐ҃൑ቤྋĂٕቤྋഇŴ˘࣎͡ Burton BS, Syms MJ, Petermann GW, Burgess LPA. MR imag ing of patients with carotidynia. AJNR 2000; 21:766ė9. Fay T. Atypical neuralgia. Arch Neurol Psychiat 1927; 18:309ė ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ 15. Goadsby PJ, Matharu MS, Boes CJ. SUNCT syndrome or Forwith KD, Tami TA. Carotidynia: symptom or diagnosis? Curr trigeminal neuralgia with lacrimation. Cephalalgia 2001; Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 7:150ė4. 21:82ė83. Hill LM, Hastings G. Carotidynia: a pain syndrome. J Fam Pract Sjaastad O, Kruszewski P. Trigeminal neuralgia and ńSUNCTŅ 1994; 39:71ė5. syndrome: similarities and differences in the clinical picture. An overview. Functional Neurology 1992; 7:103ė107. ҕგ়្ّ̰ଈ̝ᐝ൭ܧٺSjaastad O, Pareja JA, Zukerman E, Jansen J, Kruszewski P. A7. ᕩЯ Trigeminal neuralgia. Clinical manifestations of first division Headache attributed to non-vascular involvement. Headache 1997; 37:346ė357. intracranial disorder

ᐝăᐚొҕგ়ّଈ̝ᐝ൭ٺA6. ᕩЯ ᐝ൭ Post-radiosurgeryޢडቢ͘ఙٸ A 7.9.1 Headache attributed to cranial or cervical headache vascular disorder ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ diffuse)̈́/ٕፋ࣎(holocranial)ᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤)ھA. ᇃ A6.5.6 ᐚજਔূ൭ Carotidynia C̈́D डቢ͘ఙٸ࿅ཝ۞צB. അତ ᐚજਔূ൭̏ଂ͹ࢋ෧ᕝ̶ᙷொҌܢᐂ̚ĂЯࠎ C. ൴ү̰͟˛ޢडቢ͘ఙٸѣధк͛ᚥಡӘពϯι̙֭ߏ˘჌়ঽĂ҃ߏ˘჌া ᐝ൭д ̰࣎͡ቤྋˬޢडቢ͘ఙٸD. ᐝ൭д ۍ˘࣏ཏĂஉᄏధк჌ᐚજਔડ۞ূ൭ĄপҾߏдௐ Ĉ ޺ᜈŴ2 ߐഇᐚొূ൭זĶ઼ᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷķ̚೩ Ĉځҡ ѣ ᐚજਔ̶͚ ఍۞ᛈ෧ᑅ൭ (tenderness to ᄲ າ൴Ϡ (de novo) ᐝ൭ᔵഅజ೩ޢडቢ͘ఙٸ ᐚજਔࣤᗓ (ᑕ൳ᐂд6.5.1ٺpalpation)ĂΞਕߏჹЯ Ăҭ̂кᇴ۞ࡁտౌ՟ѣ೩ֻᐝ൭ᓜԖপᇈ۞ྎ௟̈́ જਔࣤᗓ̝ᐝ൭ٕᗞࢬăᐚొ̝ূ൭)ĄѣٺᕩЯ ೡࢗĂ˵̙୻຾఺ֱᐝ൭ߏ΃ܑሕдᐝ൭়ଈ̝ೋ̼ જې൴ܑ۞ᐚજਔূ൭࣎९ΞдMRI൴னѣাܕ౵ֱ ΍னາ۞ᐝ൭Ąд՟ѣ࿅Νᐝ൭ঽΫ۞࣎९Ăᐝ൭ٕ -inter) ཱིੈ۞ޘਔ׹ಛ௡ᖐள૱۞ன෪ (дT1WIѣ̚ া࣏ཏ޺ᜈॡมൺĂఙޢ˘ѐͽ˯̖൴ϠĂͷᙷҬઐ ېព̝ᒖځѣ̙ޢडڦmediate signal)̈́дgadolinium डቢ͘ఙมٸᐝ൭ٕ࿩ᑝᐝ൭ĄЯѩĂᐝ൭׶̝݈۞ ఺ี൴ன۞ܧ၆ͧᆧૻ(masked ring enhancement))Ąੵ ߏӎົ΍ன፾পޢडቢ͘ఙٸхႷĄޘᙯాّ̪੼۞ ˘পளّ̏གྷజቁᄮĂᐚજਔূ൭౵рᔘߏАᄮؠࠎ ໰ड۞ঽត჌ᙷצᐝ൭়ଈĉࡶົĂ఺჌ᐝ൭ᄃତ۞ ჌া࣏ཏĂ҃ܧ˘়ঽ၁វĄ إ׶Ҝཉ̈́/ٕ߉Җ۞጗ณ׶ቑಛѣңᙯాĉ఺ֱયᗟ ᖀّࡁտֽྋඍĄ݈טᅮᖰຕ۞ଠ

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ᐝ൭ Post-electroconvulsive ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ̈́ણ҂ྤफ़ޢڱA7.9.2 ࿪൯᝾ᒚ therapy (ECT) headache A7.9.1 Post-radiosurgery headache Kondziolka D, Lundsford LD, Flickinger JC. Gamma knife ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ stereotactic radiosurgery for cerebral vascular malforma- .A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D tions. In: Alexander E III, Loeffler JS, Lundsford LD eds Stereotactic Radiosurgery. New York: McGraw Hill Inc 1993: .ECT) pp. 136ė145) ڱ࿅࿪൯᝾ᒚצB. അତ α̈ॡ̰൴ϠĂͷҌ͌д50% Lundsford LD, Flickinger JC, Coffee RJ. Stereotactic gammaޢڱC. ᐝ൭д࿪൯᝾ᒚ knife radiosurgery. Initial North American experience in 207 ᒚົ൴Ϡڼ۞ patients. Arch Neurol 1990; 47:169ė75. Ă72̈ॡ̰ঐε Rozen TD, Swanson JW. Post-gamma knife headache: A newޢڱD. ᐝ൭д࿪൯᝾ᒚ headache syndrome? Headache 1997; 37:180ė3.

Ĉ A7.9.2 Post-electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) headacheځᄲ -࠹ᙯ̝ᐝ൭˩̶ං͌Ąϫ݈ DeBattista C, Mueller K. Sumatriptan prophylaxis for postelecڱ୻຾ೡࢗ࿪൯᝾ᒚ ᐝ൭ፆүݭؠཌྷĄ troconvulsive therapy headaches. Headache 1995; 35:502ėޢڱͽග̟࿪൯᝾ᒚ֖̙إफ़ྤ۞ 3. .ᐝ൭۞পᇈĄ Folkerts H. Migraine after electroconvulsive therapyޢڱѣ˘ֱঽּಡӘ࿪൯᝾ᒚ .Ă Convulsive Therapy 1995; 11:212ė5ޢڱHawkenඈˠ(2001)ಡӘ˘࣎ঽˠՏѨ࿪൯᝾ᒚ Ghoname EA, Craig WF, White PF. The use of percutaneous Տ˟Ҍˬ͟ົѣᅅ຋ઐᐝ൭൴үĂՏ˛Ҍ˩͟ົѣྵ electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) for treating ECT induced .࿰Џઐᐝ൭ ෧ᕝૄ headaches. Headache 1999; 39:502ė5ܧ ௑Ъ1.1ېᚑࢦઐᐝ൭ (఺ֱা -ຍᙊаೇॡĂϲӈ൴ Hawken ER, Delva NJ, Lawson JS. Successful use of propraޢઃͤڱ໤)Ąᐝ൭д࿪൯᝾ᒚ nolol in migraine associated with electroconvulsive therapy. .ϠĄд̱Ѩᐝ൭̚Ăѣ˘Ѩҡᐌ⪰͕Ăҭઐᐝ൭׎΁ Headache 2001; 41:92ė6 ,Ąᐝ൭၆sumatriptan՟ѣͅ Markowitz JS, Kellner CH, DeVane CL, Beale MD, Folk Jזд఺ಡӘ̚Ϗజ೩ېা Burns C, Liston HL. Intranasal sumatriptan in post-ECT ϡॡΞቤྋĂͷҬͼ headache: results of an open-label trial. Journal of ECT׀propranolol̈́naproxenٺᑕĂҭ .߉Җ݈ϡpropranololֽ࿰֨ĄDe 2001; 17:280ė3ڱΞд࿪൯᝾ᒚ Oms A, Miro E, Rojo JE. Sumatriptan was effective in electro- Ăޢڱ࣎ঽˠ࿪൯᝾ᒚ˘זBattistä́Mueller (1995) ೩ convulsive therapy (ECT) headache. Anesthesiology 1998; ѣᚑࢦಏ઎ᐝ൭൴үĂͷҡᐌ⪰͕/ယФ̈́ࠦЍĄঽˠ 89:1291ė2. -ᅅĄ࿰ّ֨ග̟ Weiner SJ, Ward TN, Ravaris CL. Headache and electroconྵޘഅѣᙷҬ۞ᐝ൭ঽΫĂΪߏ඀ vulsive therapy. Headache 1994; 34:155ė9. -sumatriptanҬͼΞ࿰֨ᐝ൭Ăҭ࿰ّ֨ග̟beta-block ers݋൑ड़ĄGhonameඈˠ (1999) ಡӘ̣࣎д࿪൯᝾ᒚ ኳԦᕝ̝ᐝ൭ۏኳٕۏٺ੺˯൴Ϡᐝ൭۞ঽˠĄՏҜ࣎९۞ᐝ൭ߏᚑ A8. ᕩЯޢઃͤڱ ࢦăᗕ઎ (׎̚׌࣎ѣຨજّ)ĂҭϏ೩̈́׎΁ઐᐝ൭ Headache attributed to a substance or its Ą˘ֱ׎΁۞ࡁտ఼ੈ (letters) ٕঽּಡӘഅ೩ېা ᚑࢦᐝ withdrawalֹܳڱдѣઐᐝ൭ঽΫ۞ঽˠĂЯ࿪൯᝾ᒚז т)(ې൭۞൴ү (ҡᐌ˘ֱઐᐝ൭ăٕᙷҬઐᐝ൭۞া ّ̙ާۏᒚ׎΁ዋᑕাֹϡ̝ᘽڼٺFolkerts, 1995; Oms et al., 1998)ĄMarkowitz ඈˠ 8.1.10 ᕩЯ ᐝ ։ͅᑕᐝ൭ Headache as an acute adverse event۞ޘĂ൴үٕ̚ࢦޢڱಡӘ13ּд࿪൯᝾ᒚ (2001) ൭Ă̱ˠҡᐌࠦЍĂαˠُӝĂˬˠѣ⪰͕âˠѣ attributed to medication used for other indications -ယФĄੵ˞˘ˠγĂٙѣˠ۞ᐝ൭дֹϡᆄᆡ጗suma Ąۏᒚഇมົ͔൴ᐝ൭۞ᘽڼٺ1ЕᓝഅಡӘܑ triptan 20mgޢĂ1.5̈ॡ̰ഴᅅĄ -ᐝ൭ Chronic post-sub̝ޢኳତᛈۏّၙ A8.5 stance exposure headache -ᐝ൭ Chronic post-intracraޢA7.10 ၙ়្ّ̰ଈ nial disorder headache ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ኳĂͷ̏ઃͤۏB. അତᛈߙ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ኳۏତᛈྍٺC. ᐝ൭̏ᕩЯ ᒚٕ̏ҋજቤྋ۞়្̰ଈڼB. ѣ˘གྷѣड़ Ăᐝ൭޺ᜈŵ3࣎͡ޢኳۏD. ઃͤତᛈྍ ྍ়្̰ଈٺC. ᐝ൭̏ᕩЯ Ăᐝ൭޺ᜈŵ3࣎͡ޢᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋྍ়្̰ଈڼD. གྷѣड़

138 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ۏΞਕ͔൴ᐝ൭ֹٕߊхд۞ᐝ൭ೋ̼̝ᘽ.1ܑ Acetazolamide Codeine Interferons Ondansetron Ajmaline Didanosine Isoniazid Paroxetine Amantadine Dihydralazine Meprobamate Pentoxifylline Antihistaminics Dihydroergotamine Methaqualone Perhexiline Barbiturates Dipyridamole Metronidazole Primidone Beta-interferon Disopyramide Morphine and Prostacyclines derivatives Bromocriptine Disulfiram Nalidixic acid Ranitidine Caffeine Ergotamine Nifedipine Rifampicin Calcium antagonists Etofibrate Nitrofurantoin Sildenafil Carbimazol Gestagens Nitrates Theophylline and derivatives Chinidine Glycosides Non-steroidal anti- Thiamazole inflammatory drugs Chloroquine Griseofulvin Octreotide Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole Cimetidine Guanethidine Oestrogens Triptans Clofibrate Immunoglobulins Omeprazole Vitamin A

Ĉځຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ Headache ᄲٺA9. ᕩЯ ፬ཝቯٕוٕ/attributed to infection ЯҫҜड़ᑕۡତጱ࡭្̰ᑅ̿੼̈́ જਔඕၹĂߏౄјѩᐝ൭ֲݭ۞፟ᖼĄ ཚٕᝃཚّ̚ᇽৠགྷր௚়ଈ܂౵૱֍۞ҫҜ҇ ୛ෂăឣෂ (тາݭᔳ஧ෂ׶׎΁)ăڑҫҜ្ّ̰ຏߖঽតٕ૙Ϡᖪຏߖ ̝࡭ঽវѣ̶ٺA9.1.6 ᕩЯ Ѽ͐ᛳă཈ᖪ (ּтኩ҇ᝃᖪܠᐝ൭ Headache attributed to space-occupying ̕ልᖪăҋϤϠ߿̝̝ intracranial infectious lesion or infestation (Cysticercus cellulosae)ăཝкᐝᝃᖪ (Coenurus cere- Ĉ bralis)ăρ཈ᖪ჌ (Sparganum species))ăቢᖪ (ּтͲځᄲ ཝᓘႹٕർཝቯ˭ᓘႹ̝ҫҜّ ෑᖪ (Toxocara canis)ă୽͐කᖪ (lymphatic filariae)ăܧѣֱᐝ൭ߏϤ space-occupying) ្̰ຏߖঽតٙౄјĄЯ׎ঽநϠ ୊ሹԍකᖪ (Onchocerca volvulus)ăঔᘙࡤቢᖪᛳ) Anisakis species))׶ӛᖪ (trematodes) (ּтҕӛᖪᛳ) ֖̙إநጯߏкᇹ۞Ăͷ̶ᙷ఺ֱᐝ൭۞ր௚ّࡁտ ᐂĄ (Schistosoma species)Ă পҾߏ͟ώҕӛᖪᛳܢдٸૉĂЯѩ૟ᇶॡّ۞෧ᕝૄ໤ Schistosoma japonicum)׶۱ӛᖪᛳ (Paragonimus) ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ species)) A. ᐝ൭Ҍ͌׍˭Е˘ีপᇈĂͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ ૙Ϡᖪຏߖ̝ᐝ൭ Headachḛ្ٺፋ࣎ᐝ޺ᜈ൭ A9.1.7 ᕩЯ .1 2. Яϡ˧҃ΐᆐ attributed to intracranial parasitic infestation ᇈ࣏ ൳ᐂ΁఍Ĉٕ/̈́ېҡᐌ⪰͕̈́/ٕԊొৠགྷጯা .3 ૙Ϡᖪຏߖ̝ۡତᇆᜩ្̰ܧঽត̝ҫҜّ҃ٺ෧၅൴னѣҫҜ្ّ̰ຏߖঽ ᕩЯވB. ৠགྷᇆည̈́/ٕ၁រ ҫҜ្ّ̰ຏߖٺតٕ૙Ϡᖪຏߖ۞ᙋፂ ۞ᐝ൭ĂΞజ൳ᐂдA9.1.6 ᕩЯ C. ᐝ൭൴ϠдҫҜ្ّ̰ຏߖٕ૙Ϡᖪຏߖॡ ঽիٕ૙Ϡᖪຏߖ̝ᐝ൭Ą Ăˬ̰࣎͡ (ො1) ቤྋޢᒚјΑڼD. ᐝ൭дঽត Ĉځᄲ ො੃Ĉ ૙Ϡᖪຏߖ۞পᕇ̶ࠎާّ׶ၙّล߱Ąާّล Ăၙّล߱۞ᐝ൭జᄮࠎۆᐝ൭఼૱д˘̰࣎͡ቤྋĄ ߱۞ᐝ൭఼૱ߏЯࠎཝቯ .1

ICHD-Ƕ 24: ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

វ̰ޮؠ়ଈ̝ᐝHeadacheٺၗ̝ೋ̼ĄϤ A10. ᕩЯېৠགྷჟৠٺត̼ٕѨ൴ّۆߏЯࠎཝ ৿ͻ఺়ֱଈ͔ٙ੓۞ᐝ൭̝ր௚ّࡁտĂ෧ᕝ attributed to disorder of homoeostasisإٺ ໤Ϊਕͽໂࠎ̙ቁؠ۞͞ёజ೩΍Ąૄ

׎΁΃ᔁٕБ়ّ֗ଈ̝ᐝ൭ٺ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A10.7.1 ᕩЯ A. ᐝ൭׍˭ЕЇ˘ีপᇈĂΞਕѣٕΞਕ՟ѣԊొৠ Headache attributed to other metabolic or systemic ᇈ࣏Ăͷ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́DĈ disordersٕ/̈́ېགྷጯা Ϗజ·̶ᙋ၁ĈళҕăإЕ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭˭ٺᕩЯ ۆ௟ෂّཝቯٺ൴ү̝ᐝ൭Ăᄃ 9.1.1 ᕩЯّާ .1 ̝ᐝ൭࠹Ҭ ੼჆ᅕҕা(hypercapnia)ăඪ˯ཛྷϩኳΑਕ̙Б -ϩኳΑਕ̙Б(minۏmenin- (adrenocortical insufficiency)ăᚩ) ۆពĂͷѣၙّཝቯཝځᐝ൭̝൴үྵ̙ .2 -goencephalitis) পᇈ eralocorticoid deficiency)ă੼ゟ׽⟮া(hyperaldostero াޘ༵⇿B. ཝਖល୵ᑭߤăҕ୻ጯ̈́/ٕৠགྷᇆညᙋ၁ѣ្̰૙ nism)ăࡓҕ஧࿅кা(polycythaemia)ă੼ҕ ഴّ͌ڕϠᖪຏߖ ࣏ཏ(hyperviscosity syndrome)ăং๫ّҕ̈ C. ᐝ൭൴Ϡд૙Ϡᖪຏߖॡഇ ඘೹ঽ (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) ăҕል̶ -Ăˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋ ᗓఙ(plasmapheresis)ăԩ͕ᒤ਌ԩវা࣏ཏ(anticardiޢᒚјΑڼD. ᐝ൭д૙Ϡᖪຏߖ olipin antibody syndrome)ăCushingͩঽăҲทҕা ཛྷΑਕ̤ซাă੼ҕᎤাă੼ېĈ (hyponatraemia)ăϥځᄲ Ą ถҕা(hypercalcaemia)ăБّ֗ࡓ೹ّফስăၙّিېᐝ൭ߏ្̰૙Ϡᖪຏߖ૱֍ͷ૱ߏௐ˘࣎া ѣధк჌۞૙Ϡᖪវົۡତٕมତຏߖ̚ᇽৠགྷր ౻া࣏ཏ(chronic fatigue syndrome)ăញჯ҉൭া ։р̝݈ᖀّࡁտֽՀ୻຾ט௚Ą൒҃Trypanosoma cruzi (࡚߷ᐄᖪঽĂߤΐ೻ (fibromyalgia)Ąᅮࢋଠ Ă҃T. brucei gambi- гؠཌྷᄃ఺়ֱଈѣᙯ۞ᐝ൭̝൴ϠதᄃপᇈĄՏ࣎ۆChagas)়ঽ) ົౄјާّཝቯ) ᐄᖪঽĂϟֲͧჂ্ঽ(Gambian sleeping ঽּ̚ĂΪѣдঽˠ௑Ъྍᙷ়ଈ̝̏ቁϲ۞෧ᕝૄܧense (Ҙ Ⴢ ໤ॡ̖ྍజෞҤĄܧڌᐄᖪঽĂܧڌ) sickness)) ׶T. brucei rhodesiense Ąۆঽ) ົౄјၙّཝቯཝ্ р൴Я৵Β߁ᇷᜨд૙Ϡᖪ஽Җ۞ሤ૲̈́/ֲٕሤ -ᐝ൭Chronic postޢၗĄ A10.8 ၙّវ̰ޮؠ়ଈېĂтҺࠪ˧ഴऴڶ૲гડĂ̈́˘ֱ͌ᇴଐ homoeostasis disorder headache ᐝ൭ Chronic post- ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉޢ௟ෂّຏߖܧّၙ A9.4.2 non-bacterial infection headache A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D ᒚٕ̏ҋ൒ቤྋڼ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ B. അѣវ̰ޮؠ়ଈĂҭ̏జѣड़ ྍវ̰ޮؠ়ଈٺA. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D C. ᐝ൭̏ᕩЯ Ăᐝ൭޺ᜈŵˬ࣎ޢᒚٕቤྋڼᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋ D. ྍវ̰ޮؠ়ଈགྷڼ௟ෂّຏߖĂҭ̏ѣड़ܧB. ̏ѣ ͡ ྍຏߖٺC. ᐝ൭̏ᕩЯ Ăᐝ൭޺ᜈŵˬ࣎͡ޢᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋڼD. ຏߖགྷѣड़ Ĉځᄲ ѣ޺ᜈّᐝ̪ޢĈ ѣֱঽˠдវ̰ޮؠ়ଈቤྋځᄲ Ąᅮ ൭Ą఺ᙷᐝ൭ଂϏјࠎր௚ّࡁտ۞͹ᗟĄ͌ޝ௟ෂّຏߖ̝ၙّᐝ൭۞ᙋፂܧٺᕩЯ ࢋՀк۞ࡁտĄ

ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ Westerink MA, Amsterdam D, Petell RJ, Stram MN, Apricella MA. Septicemia due to DF-2. Cause of a false- positive cryptococcal latex agglutination result. Am J Med 1987; 83:155ė8.

140 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ჟৠ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ Headacheٺᐝ្ăᐚăீă҅ăᆄăᆄᚭăͰă A12. ᕩЯٺA11. ᕩЯ ׎ιᗞࢬ្ٕొඕၹ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ٕ attributed to psychiatric disorderٕ˾ ᗞࢬ൭ (Headache or facial pain attrib- uted to disorder of cranium, neck, eyes, ᐝ൭૱ҡᐌЧ჌ჟৠ়ଈ˘੓൴ϠĂ൒҃ѩ˘࠹ ᙯܼĂң۰ࠎЯڍᙯܼĂͽ̈́ࡶѣЯڍᙯّߏӎࠎЯ ᐂ̝̚ܢࡁտ۞͹ᗟĄд఺߱ޞإĂ̪൒ߏڍears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other ң۰ࠎ ᛉ۞෧ᕝૄ໤Ăͽ၆ߙֱჟৠ়ଈޙֱ˘˞facial or cranial structures) ԧࣇ೩ֻ ᙯܼઇซ˘Վ۞ࡁտĄԧࣇ֭ڍᄃᐝ൭มΞਕѣ۞Я ᛉ૟ιࣇּҖ۞ϡдᓜԖેຽ̚Ăֽೡࢗᐝ൭ᄃޙ̙ A11.5.1 ᕆቯତᛈᕇᐝ൭Mucosal contact point ჟৠ়ଈ׌۰̝࠹ᙯّĄд̂ొ̶۞ঽּ̚Ăᐝ൭׶ headache ఺ֱჟৠ়ଈ۞࠹ᙯĂ˜ߏͅᑕ΍ιࣇ׌۰ѣВТሕ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ д۞ПᐍЯٕ̄ߏঽЯĄ ຍĂ༊ү΍˭ЕЇ˘෧ᕝॡĂચυࢋቁؠѩڦA. ீு׹ಛ̰̈́ீ⇐ٕ㝅㝆ొҜ (medial canthal or ኛ temporozygomatic regions) ۞ม໏ّূ൭Ăͷ௑Ъૄ ˘ᐝ൭่Ϊ΍னдѩჟৠ়ঽ۞ଈঽഇมĄ఺΃ܑ඾ ໤C̈́D ྍᐝ൭่Ϊ൴Ϡдѩ˘ჟৠ়ଈ൴ঽ̝ॡĄЯѩĂּ ĂΪѣ༊ᐝ൭ಏಏΪ൴ϠޅB. གྷᓜԖăᆄ̰ෛᙡᄃ̈́/ٕ࿪ཝᕝᆸᑭߤĂᙋ၁ѣᕆ тдѣ̶ᗓ൏ᇋ়ଈ۞̈ ٺॡĂ̖Ξ૟ѩ˘ᐝ൭ᕩЯ̝ڶдৌϒٕᘓᓜ̶ᗓଐ ۆᆄᚭۆቯତᛈᕇĂҭ൑ާّᆄ ᕆቯତ ̶ᗓ൏ᇋ়ଈĄ Тᇹ۞Ăд˘࣎ଈѣऻຖা۞јˠĂٺѩূ൭ΞᕩЯځC. ֶፂ˭ЕҌ͌˘ีĂᙋ ᛈĈ Ϊѣ༊ᐝ൭ಏಏΪ൴Ϡдऻຖ൴ү̝ॡĂүࠎऻຖ൴ ऻຖাĄٺĂ఺ᇹ۞ᐝ൭̖ΞజᕩЯ˘̝ېү۞া ༊ঽˠϹആԼតۡϲ̈́π዁ݻ๕ॡĂূ൭ົЯ .1 ၗ҃ྫྷ඾ត̼ېࢦ˧Լតᕆቯ۞·ҕ ᆄϥֹϡ̚ٺݭྏរ˭Ăטдщᇐ጗ٕ׎΁ଠ .2 -ࢦ៭া̝ᐝ൭ Headache attribٺA12.3 ᕩЯ ෧ᕝّԊొ౫ዕᘽݡĂΞֹূ൭д5̶ᛗ̰ঐε (ො1) uted to major depressive disorder 7̰͟ቤྋĂͷ̙Г ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉޢ͘ఙொੵᕆቯତᛈᕇٺD. ᐝ൭ ೇ൴ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C-E B. ѣ௑ЪDSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤۞ࢦ៭াċ ො੃Ĉ 1. ѣ˘ٕкѨ൴үĂՏѨ൴ү̝̚ѣాᜈ׌ߐഇҌ Ĉې൭ྋੵܼ޽ূ൭ԆБঐεĂӈϫീᙷͧณܑ ͌׍ѣ˭Е̣ี۞াূ .1 (visual analogue scale, VAS) ෞ̶ࠎ࿬Ą a) ͕ଐԺ៭ ពഴ͌ځb) Ꮈ኷ٕሄ኷ Ĉ c) វࢦٕࢴᇒԼតځᄲ ޘA11.5.1 ᕆቯତᛈᕇᐝ൭ߏາЕˢ۞ᐝ൭̶ᙷĂ d) ε্ٕߏჂ্࿅ ᛉֹϡ˯ࢗૄ໤߄ᏴঽˠֽซҖ e) ჟৠજү፬ᛒٕߏᏵ႖ޙ෠ፂ̪ѣࢨĄЯѩ ݭᓜԖྏរĂͽቁϲѩ়ঽĄ f) ি౻ٕߏ߿˧ಉεטଠ ༊۞ཋೋຏ̙ٕޘg) ൑ᆊࣃຏٕߏ࿅ h) ᙱͽ૞͕ٕ൘Ꮲ̙ՙ ᐝăࢍထٕЋဦهăҋ୭۞ڱᐝ൭ i) ࢦᖬ΍னѪ˸ຐّၙ̝ޢA11.9 ្ᐚ়ଈ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ 2. ଂֽ՟ѣЇңճᛒাٕᅅᛒা൴ү۞൴Ϡ ֗ٺͽ๋ၛ (bereavement) ྋᛖĂͷ̙ߏ੓ЯڱA. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C̈́D 3. ൑ ኳ۞ۡତϠநͅᑕۏᒚٕ̏ҋ൒ቤ វ়ঽٕߏڼB. ߙ្ᐚ়ଈഅགྷхдĂҭ̏གྷѣड़ ྋ C. ѩᐝ൭่Ϊ൴Ϡдࢦ៭൴Ϡ̝ॡ Ăᐝ൭дˬ̰࣎͡ቤྋٕ̂ѣԼචޢྍ្ᐚ়ଈ D. ࢦ៭াԆБྋੵٺC. ᐝ൭ᕩЯ ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧĂᐝ൭޺ᜈ E. ᐝ൭ޢᒚٕҋ൒ቤྋڼD. дྍ្ᐚ়ଈ̏ѣड़ ŵ3࣎͡

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Ĉ a) ӱϲ̙щٕღᒿᙱ࡝ٕ൏ᛒځᄲ ি౻ٽᒚߙֱᐝ൭ᙷݭĂٙͽ b) टڼߊ൒ˬᒖԩ៭጗ਕѣड़ ຍ˧ᙱͽะٕ̚ཝ̚˘ͯ۩Ϩڦ (ᒚ˭Լ cڼ༊ࢦ៭াдϡˬᒖԩ៭጗ͽγ۞׎΁ԩ៭጗ ޤٽჟৠ়ঽ d) ໭ᛒٺពϯѩᐝ൭˜ጱЯٽචĂྵ e) ҉҇ღᒿ f) Ⴢ্ᅪᘣ ൴Ϡдଐჰ়ଈ (mood disorder) ഇม่่ܧ֭ .ऻຖা̝ᐝ൭ Headache attrib- 3ٺA12.4 ᕩЯ ኳ۞ۡତϠநͅᑕۏវ়ଈٕߏ֗ٺuted to panic disorder 4. ̙ߏ੓Я ൏ᇋ়া൴Ϡ̝ॡھ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ C. ѩᐝ൭่Ϊ൴Ϡд Ăᐝ൭ቤྋͷ̙Гೇ൴ޢ൏ᇋ়ྋੵھ.A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C-E D ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧB. ѣ௑ЪDSM-IVૄ໤۞ऻຖাċ E. ᐝ൭ 1. ࢦኑ΍ன൑࿰ഇ̝ऻຖ൴үĂତ඾ѣҌ͌˘࣎͡ ൴үĂٕፉ͕൴ү̝ӣຍĂٕߏЯ൴ޘፉ͕Г۞ Ϗ̶̼ᙷ֗វ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ٺү҃ѣҖࠎԼតĄ A12.6 ᕩЯ -चُٕ Headache attributed to undifferentiated somatoޘቁੱ൴̝ໂځऻຖ൴ү۞ؠཌྷࠎĈ˘߱ .2 Ҍ͌αีĂͷ form disorder̝̚ېዋĂ׎̚ࡎ൒൴Ϡ˭Еা̙ ౤ᕇĈזд10̶ᛗ̰྿ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ a) ͕ଙ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C-E ޘb) ̂ᓏ۞͕᝙ྯજٕߏΐԣ۞͕ྯి ѣ௑ЪDSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤ Ϗ̶̼ᙷإB. ੵᐝ൭̝γĂ c) ߹ѭăᝫԪٕ൴Ԫ ΍னċېវ়ଈ ؠཌྷ۞˘࣎ᙷ֗វা֗ ӛާٕܳߏಆ̙࿅ঈ۞ຏᛇײ (d Ăགྷዋ༊෧၅ېੵ˞ᐝ൭γĂᔘѣ׎΁֗វা .1 e) ோिă਒ొ۞൭ٕ̙ዋຏ ֗ٺᕩЯڱͽ˘ਠᗁጯྋᛖĂٕߏ൑ڱĂ̪൑ޢ f) ⪰͕ٕཛ൭ ତౄј̝ड़ᑕĂٕߏᔵۡۏኳٕᘽۏវ়ঽٕߏ g) ࣆ ѣ˘࠹ᙯ۞֗វ়ଈĂҭߏ׎̙ዋٕߏᅪᘣ෹࿅ڃຏᛇᐝຶă̙πᘦăᐝᅅᛜຏٕ ᑭរٙ࿰ഇĄވh) ௲ᗓன၁ຏٕ௲ᗓҋԧຏ ঽˠ۞ঽΫă֗វᑭߤ̈́/ٕ၁រ ᐝ൭ౄјঽˠ۞൭ࡴٕᅪᘣĂͷ޺̈́ېi) चُεଠٕ൴Ⴚ 2. ѩ֗វা j) चُѪ˸ ᜈҌ̱͌࣎͡ ॡ̝ېk) ຏᛇள૱ C. ѩᐝ൭่Ϊ൴Ϡдѣྍ׎΁֗វা Ăᐝ൭ӈቤྋޢl) ರທٕሤሗࡓ D. Ϗ̶̼ᙷ֗វ়ଈྋੵ ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧኳ۞Ϡநͅ E. ᐝ൭ۏវ়ଈٕߏ֗ٺऻຖ൴ү̙ߏ੓Я .3 ᑕ C. ѩᐝ൭่Ϊ൴Ϡдऻຖ൴ү̝ॡ Ϲऻᛵা̝ᐝ൭ HeadacheۤٺĂᐝ൭ቤྋͷ̙Гೇ൴ A12.7 ᕩЯޢD. ऻຖাྋੵ ׎΁়ଈ attributed to social phobiaٺᕩЯܧE. ᐝ൭ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C-E -൏ᇋা̝ᐝ൭ Headache attribھٺA12.5 ᕩЯ B. ѣ௑ЪDSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤۞ۤϹऻᛵাĈ uted to generalised anxiety disorder ពͷ޺ᜈ۞၆Β߁ጯ७̰۞Ч჌ۤϹٕߏᅮࢋځ .1 चُĂд఺ֱಞЪ̚ঽˠົତᛈז෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ܑன۞ಞЪຏ ሢ۞ˠٕߏΞਕజ׎΁ˠᆶෛĂͷঽˠົच̙ז A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C-E ൏ᇋাĈ ُ΍⸭ٕઇ΍ᑌԉ۞ְଐĄھB. ѣ௑ЪDSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤۞ צ൭ࡴ۞ԡޝঽˠົᔖҺۤϹಞЪٕߏ .2 ٺҌ̱͌࣎͡ͽ˯۞ഇมĂдкᇴ۞̄྆͟Ă၆ .1 ൏ᇋ׶ፉᇎĂ҃ͷঽˠ 3. ѩࠦᛵߏঽˠ൭ࡴ۞ֽ໚ٕౄјঽˠۤϹٕᖚຽޘధк۞ְІٕ߿જѣ࿅ ᙱͽೠଠ Αਕ۞ᅪᘣזຏڶ၆ѩଐ Ҍ͌ҡᐌѣ˭Е̱ี̚۞ˬีĈ C. ᐝ൭่Ϊ൴ϠдۤϹऻᛵা̝ॡ .2

142 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ຐٕຏᛇޥĂᐝ൭ӈቤྋ ᇆညăޢD. ۤϹऻᛵাྋੵ ѩְІ۞൭ࡴေဩٺ׎΁়ଈ b) ࢦኑ΍னᙯٺᕩЯܧE. ᐝ൭ Җજٕຏ̚ڶ౹ְ๋Іϒдೇ൴۞ଐقc) ͽԜ ᗓ൏ᇋ়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ Headache ᛇ (Β߁ࢦາགྷ።۞ຏᛇă᏾ᛇă͑ᛇ׶ྋ̶ٺA12.8 ᕩЯ ĂΒӣдࣣჂᏹٕಅዕॡ൴Ϡېattributed to separation anxiety disorder ᗓّ੯аা (གྷ።۞ ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ෪ᇈٕߏᙷҬѩ౹ְ๋І۞Ч჌̰дזd) ତᛈ A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C-E γд۞೩ϯॡົѣૻধ۞͕ந൭ࡴٕ B. ѣ̶ᗓ൏ᇋ়ଈĂҌ͌௑Ъͽ˭DSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤ ෪ᇈٕߏᙷҬѩ౹ְ๋І۞Ч჌̰дזe) ତᛈ ̝̚ˬีĂ޺ᜈŸ̱࣎͡ͷд18໐݈൴үċ γд۞೩ϯॡົౄјϠந۞ͅᑕٕ ၆෪ܢ༊൴Ϡٕ࿰ഇົ൴Ϡᗓฟछٕߏᄃ͹ࢋֶ .1 ፬׶Бࢬّ۞ (д౹๋ו޺ᜈᔖҺᄃ౹๋ѣᙯ۞ .3 ൭ࡴ۞ޘᗓॡĂঽˠົࢦኑயϠ࿅̶ ՟ѣ۞) ͅᑕᏵนĂҌ͌௑Ъ˭ЕˬีĈ݈ ၆෪ٕߏܢᇎᇋΞਕົεΝ͹ࢋֶ۞ޘ޺ᜈͷ࿅ .2 ຐăଐຏٕኘޥa) Ӆ˧ᔖҺѣᙯѩ౹ְ๋І۞ ˯၆෪֗ܢፉ͕Ξਕ۞Пचࢫᓜ͹ࢋֶ ྖ ଐጱ࡭ঽˠ׶͹ࢋְ۞ضᇎᇋົѣ̙ޘ޺ᜈͷ࿅ .3 b) Ӆ˧ᔖҺົ͔൴аຐ੓ѩ౹๋۞߿જăгᕇ (၆෪̶ᗓ (ּтਜ਼ྮٕజཆߛܢֶ ߏˠࣶٕ ׎זЯच̶ُᗓĂ҃޺ᜈ۞ଵϋٕ١඗˯ጯٕߏ .4 аຐ੓ѩ౹๋۞ࢦࢋొ̶ڱc) ൑ ΁г͞ ពࢫҲځޘd) ၆ࢦࢋ߿જ۞Ꮈ኷ٕߏણᄃ चُٕଵϋ፾ҋ˘ˠăٕߏ఍д՟۞ޘ޺ᜈͷ࿅ .5 e) ຏᛇ࿣ᅣழᗓٕߏᄃ΁ˠழᅈ ၆෪д۞छ̚ăٕߏ఍д՟ѣࢦࢋ۞ܢѣ͹ࢋֶ f) ( ) ѣຑ۞ຏᛇڱࢨ ּт൑צјˠҡᐌ۞г͞ ଐჰ g) ( ٕ̄ޅăބࢨ ּт၆̍үă૓צΝ ຏᛇϏֽ҃ܕܢ၆෪дܢ޺ᜈଵϋٕߏ١඗՟ѣ͹ࢋֶ .6 ) ޞჂᛇăٕߏᗓछჂᛇ ˠϠ൑ഇ 4. ( ) дγ๋݈՟ѣ ĂҌ͌௑Ъ ېᛋᛇাޘᗓ۞ጝေ ޺ᜈ۞੼̶ٺࢦᖬүᙯ .7 ၆෪̶ᗓ ˭Е׌ีĈܢ༊ঽˠ൴Ϡٕߏ࿰ഇົ൴Ϡᄃ͹ࢋֶ .8 a) тᐝ൭ăࡤ൭ă ᙱͽˢ্ٕჯ޺Ⴢ্) ېॡ࣏Ăົࢦᖬ΍ன֗វা۞ b) ߏතঈ൴үٕޤٽယФ) ໭ᛒٕ͕⪯ c) C. ᐝ൭่Ϊ൴Ϡд̶ᗓ൏ᇋ়ଈ̝ॡ ᙱͽ૞͕ d) D. ̶ᗓ൏ᇋ়ଈྋੵޢĂᐝ൭ቤྋ ࿅ޘᛋԦ e) ׎΁়ଈ ྒૺ۞មᑂͅᑕٺᕩЯܧE. ᐝ൭ ޺ᜈŵ˘࣎̏͡ېB2, B3׶B4া .5 C. ᐝ൭่Ϊ൴Ϡд౹๋ޢᑅ˧়ଈॡ Ăᐝ൭ቤྋޢᑅ˧়ଈྋੵޢᑅ˧়ଈ̝ᐝ൭ D. ౹๋ޢ౹๋ٺA12.9 ᕩЯ ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧHeadache attributed to post-traumatic stress dis- E. ᐝ൭ order ෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ A13. ្ৠགྷ൭׶̚ᇽّᗞࢬ൭ Cranial A. ᐝ൭Ă൑̏ۢ׏ݭপᇈĂ௑Ъૄ໤C-Eċ neuralgias and central causes of facial ᑅ˧়ଈĈޢB. ѣ௑ЪDSM-IV෧ᕝૄ໤۞౹๋ ௑Ъͽ˭׌ᕇ۞౹ְ๋ІĈ painזঽˠഅགྷତᛈ .1 ˸a) ঽˠགྷ።ăϫ༜ٕࢬ၆ৌ၁۞ٕ਎࢝۞Ѫ ᐝ൭ Nummular headacheېҋٕ֗΁ˠ֗វԆ A13.7.1 ᏿။זᚑࢦ๋चĂٕߏऻᑂٕ ፋّ۞ְІ ᖞჍĈ b) (ঽˠ۞ͅᑕΒ߁ૻধचُă൑ӄٕऻᛵ ᏿။ԛᐝ൭ (Coin-shaped cephalgia ѩ౹๋Ҍ͌ͽ˭Е͞ё̝˘޺ᜈ۞ࢦᖬགྷ።Ĉ .2 ˢّ۞൭ࡴаጸĂΒ߁ܬa) ၆ѩְІѣࢦኑͷ

ICHD-Ƕ 254 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ೡࢗĈ ᐝొ˘̈ቑಛ۞ূٺ൑Їңሕдّඕၹঽត˭Ă݀ࢨ ൭Ą

෧ᕝૄ໤Ĉ ᐝ൭Ă௑Ъૄ໤B׶CĈޘ̚זA. ᅅ B. ূ൭ຏᛇ׏ݭΪдۡश2Ҍ6̶̳๪ԛٕፚ๪ԛ۞ቑ ಛ ᇴ̝͡ז྿ᇴߐഇܜC. ূ൭ߏၙّĂߏాᜈّٕߏϤ ҋ൒ቤྋٙมᕝ ׎΁়ଈٺᕩЯܧ .D

Ĉځᄲ ൾк˘ᕇĄّ̃ ᐝ൭Ξਕߏ˘჌Ԋࢨ۞ˬ˽ৠགྷϐ͚ৠགྷې᏿။ ൭Ą ূ൭ડાΞҜдᐝొЇңг͞Ăҭॡ૱д౤ొĄ ડĂ̙ົЯࠎॡม҃Լតې൭ܲ޺݀ࢨд࠹Т۞াূ Ąૄώূ൭ (baseline pain) ̝γĂѣॡົΐٕ̈̂ېԛ 2̈ॡు႙ΐᆐ۞౷ෘূ൭ז޺ᜈᇴࡋĂٕߏ10̶ᛗ˯ ഇ̝มĂېഇॡٕাېlancinating exacerbations)Ąা) ᇆᜩ۞ડાົ΍னຏᛇᏵนăຏᛇள૱ă౫͢ăᑅצ ൭̈́/ٕ̙ዋ۞к჌௡ЪĄ 38%۞ঽଈົѣҋ൒ቤྋഇĂҭдೀߐഇז၅៍ ᜈّূ൭ĄాזĂ˫аޢೀٕ࣎͡

ࢦࢋ͛ᚥ Pareja JA, Caminero AB, Serra J, Barriga FJ, Dobato JL, Baron M, Vela L, Sanchez del Rio M. Numular headache: a coin- shaped cephalgia. Neurology 2002; 58:1678ė9.

144 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Щෟؠཌྷ ral relation: ّᐝ൭ ѩෟ̏ѣপҾ۞ຍཌྷĂຍ ೡࢗጡኳ়ّଈ׶ᐝ൭ٺѩෟజϡ Definition of Terms ൴ّᐝ൭ቤྋഇ(ણ໰݈͛) ̝ม۞ ᙯܼ̝ާ ᕍ൴ഇᐝ൭൴үĂ̙҃ߏಏѨ൴ڍม۞ᙯܼĄ၆ΞਕѣЯ д൴үّΗᙝᐝ̏ڱ൴ү়ଈĂ˵ధ̏ۢ׎পؠॡม үĄ࠹Ҭ۞ϡّ ͳ౾̥ ౮ࠠ̚ ͳཌӖ ᛌ ᕇ۞ᙯాĂҭࡁտ૱૱̙֭·̶Ą ൭జଳৼĄ ᙯܼڍଈ۞ॡมᕇᙯాᄃЯ়ّၙ :ᙱͽቁؠĄ ᗞࢬ൭Facial painޝ૱Accompanying symp- ఼ ېҡᐌা toms: ீு҅͋ૄቢ (orbitomeatal line) ͽ ᐝ൭݈ ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭൴ү Cluster headache ˭Ă௰̄ͽ˯׶҅ѧͽ݈̝ূ൭Ąٺ൴Ϡܧ఼૱ࠎҡᐌᐝ൭҃ :Ąּтдઐᐝ൭̚Ă౵ attackېা۞ޢٕ :Focal symptoms ې֍۞ࠎ⪰͕ăယФăࠦЍ׶ُ ˘Ѩ޺ᜈ15Ҍ180̶ᛗ̝ాᜈূ൭ Ԋొা૱ ӝć҃๥ᛇୂຏ (osmophobia)ăཛ ൴үĄ Ԋొཝ (఼૱ߏ̂ཝ) ᅪᘣ۞া Ăּт൴Ϡдઐᐝ൭࿰ЏĄې ൴ϠĄ͌ྵېᕫă׶׎΁া ᕍ൴ഇCluster period: ࢴᇒ̙ॎ Anorexia: ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ఢ݋ّг൴үĂͷҌ ̚ ͵ ࡔݱಢ ׹ಛ੯ዂຳᕇ :Ą ͌Տ࿣˘͇൴ү˘Ѩ۞ഇมĄ Fortification spectrumۏ੅နࢴޘ՟ѣࢴᇒ׶ᅅ ઐᐝ൭׏ݭ̝ෛᛇ࿰ЏĂࠎѣ༳ ు႙ᕖ೸̝ෛ͑ᛇĄېᐝ൭ (ٕূ൭) ൴ ү Attack of ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭ቤྋഇ Cluster ֎ăкߐ headache (or pain): remission period: :ᐝ൭ (ٕূ൭) Ϥ൴ϠĂჯ޺ߙ˘ ᕍ൴ّᐝ൭̙Гҋ൒൴үͷ̙ົజ ൴үᐛத Frequency of attacks ٕ) ൴۞ഇมĄυื Տ˘ॡഇ (఼૱ࠎ˘࣎͡) ᐝ൭͔ڵഴऴ ੧ჟٕൻ̼ϟޢ72̈ॡĂ̝ז྿ᇴ̶ᛗޘ඀ ԆБঐεĄ ൑൴үഇม෹࿅˘࣎͡Ă̖ᄮؠࠎ ূ൭) ൴ү (ણ໰݈͛) ۞ᐛதĄઐזۡ Ă48̈ޢѣड़ቤྋۏቤྋഇĄ ᐝ൭൴үͽᘽ ࿰ЏAura: ॡ̰Ξਕົೇ൴Ą઼ᅫᐝ൭ጯົ̝ ྏរ໤݋ௐۏᘽّט Ăѩ˜ ൴үॡഇ Duration of attack: ઐᐝ൭ଠېഇাܐ࿰Џઐᐝ൭൴ү۞ Ăڱᛉ˘࣎၁ϡ۞ྋՙᏱޙ ۍ˟ ԊొཝΑਕள૱۞ܑனĄ࿰Џ఼૱ ௑Ъߙ჌পؠᐝ൭ݭֲٕݭ۞ૄ ᐝ൭݈Ă޺ᜈ20Ҍ30̶ᛗĄ ໤âѨᐝ൭ (ٕূ൭) ൴ү (ણ໰ পҾߏдϡ݈˘࣎͡۞ᐝ൭͟ᄫ൳ٺ൴Ϡ ඕՁ۞ॡมĄ ઐ ᐂડҾЧѨ൴үॡĂืѣԆБ̙൭זfocal symptomsă ݈͛)Ăଂฟؕ ېણ֍ĈԊొা ĂΞਕѣ ۞˘ፋ͇̖ਕზүߏ࣎Ҿ൴үĄޢpre- ᐝ൭ٕᕍ൴ّᐝ൭൴ү ېЏ prodromeă݈ᜭা݈ ᐝ۞ېຨજّă൑ҡᐌাܧăޘҲ ېmonitory symptoms ׶ᛋӘা :warning symptoms ൭޺ᜈĂҭ఺̙ߏ൴ү۞˘ొ̶Ă ᐝ൭Headache ு҅͋ૄቢͽ˯̝ূ൭Ąீٺঽˠ Ҝڍͷ̙Βӣд൴үॡม̰Ąт Chronic: ᐝ൭൴үॡˢჂĂͷჂᏹॡᐝ൭ቤّၙ :дূ൭Щෟ̚Ăၙّ ܑϯ޺ᜈ෹ ྋĂ݋൴үॡมࢋზҌჂᏹॡĄт ᐝ൭͇ᇴ Headache days (ѣड़ቤྋĂҭ ˘߱៍၅ॡม̰ (఼૱ߏ˘࣎͡ۏઐᐝ൭൴үགྷᘽڍ ࿅ˬ̝࣎͡˳Ąдᐝ൭Щෟ̚Ăι ೇ൴Ă఺ΞਕࠎТ˘ ѣᐝ൭۞͟ᇴĂ̙ኢߏ˘͇۞ЇңېѣѨ൴ّᐝ൭়ଈ̝உཌྷĄࣧ൴ 48̈ॡ̰া˵ ᐝ൭়ଈྵ૱ߏੱ൴ّ (ણ໰˭ Ѩᐝ൭൴ү۞ೇ൴ٕߏΩ˘າ۞൴ ॡมٕߏ˘ፋ͇Ąّ ͛)Ă҃ၙّ ݋ϡд෹࿅3࣎͡ഇ үĄืࢋΐͽҿᕝֽүᏰҾ (ણ֍ :มĂ༊ᐝ൭൴ү (ણ໰݈͛) ۞͇ ൴үᐛத)Ą ᔳ୆ෛHeterophoria ᇴ̙ͧ൴ү۞͇ᇴᔘкॡĄˬ˽ҋ ᔳّ୆ෛĄ :ৠགྷᐝ൭݋ࠎּγĂд఺়ֱଈ ੱ൴ّEpisodicޠ :ଈ޺ᜈ෹࿅˘ѐᔘϏቤ ᐝ൭ (ٕূ൭) ൴ү (ણ໰݈͛) ̝ ព୆ෛHeterotropia়ܧĂੵ̚ ఢ݋ ពّ୆ෛĄܧྋĂֹ̙ϡၙّĄ ೇ൴׶ቤྋĂΞͽఢ݋ّٕ Ă൴үॡมϺΞ׽ؠّٕкតّ ഇֹϡĂдੱ൴ᕍ൴ܜॡมᕇ˯૜̷ᙯా Close tempo- ّĄགྷ࿅

ICHD-Ƕ 256 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

:Premonitory symptoms: ෛ౎৿ຫ Scotoma ېIntensity of pain: ݈ᜭা ޘ൭඀ূ ൭ඈ৺఼૱ֶ׎၆Αਕᇆᜩ̝඀ ઐᐝ൭൴ү2Ҍ48̈ॡ̝݈̈́ϯᛋ ಏٕᗕீ۞ొ̶ෛ౎৿εĄෛ౎৿ূ Ă൴Ϡд࿰Џઐᐝ൭۞࿰Џ݈ ຫΞਕߏ඗၆ (࠻̙֍) ٕ࠹၆۞ېϯĂͷ੃ᐂࠎαඈ৺Ĉ0ܑϯ াܑޘ ˧൭Ă̙ᇆᜩ ׶൑࿰Џઐᐝ൭̝ূ൭݈Ą૱֍۞ (ෛ౎ዌት (obscured vision) ٕෛূޘ൑ূ൭ć1ܑϯᅅ ѣĈিࢽă̤ጬă៭್ă ഴੜ)Ąې൭Ăࢨ ݈ᜭাূޘ׎π૱߿જć2ܑϯ̚ Ąۏ׎π૱߿જć3ܑ ̙ವ૱۞ᛞዴຏă๝ࢴߙֱࢴͤܡҭ̙Бࢬט :ᕕ൭Stab of painו ˵׎ٙѣ߿જĄͤܡ൭Ăূޘϯࢦ Ξϡϫീᙷͧณܑ (visual analogue ᑅ࢝/ღᒺّPressing/tightening: ޺ᜈ˘̶ᛗٕՀൺ (఼૱ߏ˘ࡋٕ scale) ܑϯĄ ޺ᜈّ۞ূ൭Ă఼૱ͧಔઇᖒдᐝ Հൺ) ۞ࡎ൒ّূ൭Ą ᜠ⦏Ą۞˯ :ኳSubstanceۏ :౷ ෘ Lancinating ኳۏă̼ጯݡă੧ă೭൴ّۏৠགྷॲٕৠགྷ۞˘჌ൺᇶă࿪ᑝ ᑅ˧ീ൭ᆇ Pressure algometer: ᘽڻ Ҭ۞ຏᛇĄ ീณጱ࡭ূ൭̝ᑅ˧۞Ξઍീᅧࣃ ඈĄ detection threshold )ٕटԡᅧࣃ) :ৠགྷᇆည Neuroimaging: (tolerance threshold) ۞ᆇጡĄ ੯Ѝຳᕇ Teichopsia -ཝొ̝࿪ཝᕝᆸᛷᇆăჃॎౄᇆă ᄃ̚͵ࡔݱಢ׹ಛ੯ዂຳᕇ (for ϒ̄ᕝᆸౄᇆăಏЍ̄ड΍ᕝᆸౄ ᖞ Ⴭ Previously used term: tification spectrum) (ણ໰݈͛) Т ᇆٕ੯ᘖౄᇆఙ (scintigraphy)Ą ̝݈̏జֹϡ۞෧ᕝЩෟĂᄃ̶ᙷ ཌྷĄ Щෟ (classified term)׍࠹Ҭٕ࠹Т :າ۞ᐝ൭ New headache: ۞ຍཌྷĂٕߏ̏ৼˢѩ̶ᙷЩෟĄ ᑅ൭Tenderness ൭ຏᛇĂ఼ূٕڇঽˠͽ݈Ϗഅѣ࿅̝Їңᐝ൭ᙷ ᖞჍ఼૱ӣຍ̙୻̈́/ٕд̙Т઼ ߉ᑅጱ࡭۞̙න ੓ѩ჌ຏ͔ٺĄ ૱఺ᇹ۞ᑅ˧̙࡭ڱݭĄ छѣ̙Тϡ ᛇĄ :Ϗ·̶ᙋ၁ Not sufficiently ݈ЏProdromeإ :validated: ఺Щෟͽ݈അజኬ̟̙Т۞ຍཌྷĂ ຨજّĂᇡ఼ᇡ఼۞ྯThrobbing premonitory ᄃຨજ(ણ໰݈͛) ТཌྷĄ ېॲፂѨ؎ࣶົ۞གྷរ̈́/ٕ͛ᚥ̚ ̂к༊үߏ݈ᜭা ኢĂቁᄮࠎ෧ᕝ၁វ̪Ξ symptoms ̝ТཌྷෟĄ૟ֽᑕᔖۋѣإ ႷĄ ҺĄ ಏ ઎ Unilateral: Π઎ٕν઎Ă̙ົ෸࿅̚ቢĄಏ઎ ᐚొ Nuchal region: ຨજPulsating: ᐝ൭Ă̙֍଀ߏ޽ፋ࣎ᐝ۞Πٕνޢ Ąొڋᐌ͕ྯԼតćᇡ఼ᇡ఼۞ྯĄ ઎ĂΞͽΪߏᗝొă㝅ొٕ ٺ઎ĂΒ߁ᐚ҉ (ޢ) ᐚొ̝ࡦ˯ ඾ડાĄ ϡдઐᐝ൭࿰Џ̝ຏᛇٕྻજᅪᘣܢ੻۞្ ஝ా൭Referred pain: ॡĂιΒӣ˞ԆБٕొ̶Ηᙝ̶ ׹҉҇ Pericranial muscles: д͔੓ূ൭ᄮۢຏ (nociception) ͽ ҶĄ្ ൭ຏĄ۞זᐚ҉ăᚒ҉ăܑଐ׶֏ᄬ̝ᗞࢬ҉ γ̝Ω˘ડાٙຏᛇ :׶̰҅҉҇ (ခቯૺ҉ (tensor tym- ҕგ᝾ᒺ Vasospasm ྿௡ᖐ᛿߹ഴזЍள૱ Refraction error: જਔٕ̈જਔќᒺئ pani)Ă㑷੻҉(stapedius))Ą ĄޘෛăᅈෛٕใෛĄ ͌۞඀ܕ :ӝPhonophobiaُ :Warning symptoms ې၆ᓏࢰୂຏĂ఼૱ົౄјਫ਼ᔖĄ ੯ᘖன෪ Scintillation: ᛋӘা ᖞჍĂЯѩӣຍ۞ېજត̼Ăࡗ Տ ࡋ ࿰Џٕ݈ᜭাگޘЍĂ ૻܪ ϡĄֹآࠦЍPhotophobia: 8~10ฉத۞ෛ͑ᛇĄѩࠎ׏ݭ۞ ̙୻Ą̙ ၆ЍୂຏĂ఼૱ົౄјਫ਼ᔖĄ ઐᐝ൭࿰ЏĄ ̝фԛቢ୧ Zig zag line: -ᄃ̚͵ࡔݱಢ׹ಛ੯ዂຳᕇ (for

146 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Index Aphasic migraine, see Migraine with aura ჰԏஐᔝ๭ڍChinese ҵሬஐᔝ๭Ȃண A Arnold-Chiari malformation type I ೐Ϙ࡭ 51؛Arnold-Chiariѩဋ 5HT1B/D receptor agonists Arterial dissection ᐡ࠳་ᐗ 26 ஜଔ৤ᛓ 19,51-2,64-5,69,73,137ۦ5HT1B/Dత Abdominal migraine Arterial hypertension ၛൊஐᔝ๭ 17,25,31,35 ஜଔ୼֕ᕅ 22,105,107-8,110 Accompanying symptoms Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) AVM) 19,28,64,67,70,72,81)؛ᔌાߐ 50,126,134,145, ஜᔖଔဋ֡ Acoustic neuroma Arteritis ᡘૠ၃ጳ 62-3,115 ஜଔ߆ 19,64-5,67-8,73,118 Acute adverse event attributed to medication used Aseptic (non-infectious) meningitis for other indications ๑ໂݑȞࠧྏࣖݑȟၝ፯߆ 20,76,79,84,87 хᕕ 20,86,91,139 AtaxiaډӡН᜽ߏࢧݑЙڹҁᏋᕕાێ޼ᖚ Acute frontal non-pulsatile headache ႻஜҵᎠ 30,35,81,135 (ࢧݑᛝൊࠧྨஜݑᔝ๭ 127 Attack of headache (or pain Acute glaucoma ᔝ๭(ݕૂ๭)๴֯ 145 ࢧݑࠦԍೀ 22,112,114 Attacks without aura Acute headache attributed to whiplash injury ๑ჰԏᔝ๭๴֯ 25-7 ᙩԯݺᔚൊӢཋНࢧݑᔝ๭ 18,58,60 Atypical facial pain, see Persistent idiopathic facial pain ১ԯᛞব๭ށࢺ᠈Йڍ࡭ᛞব๭ȂணۏAcute post-craniotomy headache ࠧ ᣒ୻з༟ങࢢࢧݑᔝ๭ 18,58,61 Atypical odontalgia ࡭Ѱ๭ 130,132ۏAcute post-traumatic headache ࠧ ࢧݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ 16,18,58-9,62-3,65 Aura Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to ჰԏ 13-7,25-34,36,39,41,54,58,65,67,70-1,74, mild head injury 81-2,85,88,90-1,93,109-10,115,134,135,138,145-6 ᙩԯݺቅ࢘ᔝൊҳཋНࢧݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ 18,58-9,62 B Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to moderate or severe head injury Bacterial meningitis ᙩԯݺКݕদ࢘ᔝൊҳཋНࢧݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ 18,58-9,62,66 ೟ໂݑၝ፯߆ 21,100-1,103-4,140 Acute pressor response to an exogenous agent Basilar artery migraine, see Basilar-type migraine ௄ܺ࡭ஐᔝ๭ڍҳԯߏᎳݙ७ࢧݑпᕅхᕕНᔝ๭ 21,86-7,105,109 ௄ܺஜଔஐᔝ๭Ȃண Acute substance use or exposure Basilar migraine, see Basilar-type migraine ௄ܺ࡭ஐᔝ๭ڍӡݕతៈ 20,86-7,91,95 ௄ܺஐᔝ๭ȂணڹࢧݑߏᎳ Acute-onset aura Basilar-type migraine ࢧݑ๴֯ჰԏ 27 ௄ܺ࡭ஐᔝ๭ 17,25,30,35,135 Acute-onset headache Benign angiopathy of the central nervous system ݑ֕ᇒઽᢏ 19,64ډ೚Нڀࢧݑᔝ๭ 60 Кዽૠ၃ Alarm clock headache, see Hypnic headache Benign cough headache, see Primary cough headache ১๴ݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ڍݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭Ȃணډ ᇂ્ᔝ๭ڍᐂៗᔝ๭Ȃண Alcohol-induced headache Benign exertional headache, see Primary ୧ᇟє๴Нᔝ๭ 20,86,89 exertional headache ১๴ݑႻஜᔝ๭ڍݑႻஜᔝ๭Ȃணډ Alternating hemiplegia of childhood ࢅຆงӹТஐᢨ 135 Benign intracranial hypertension (BIH), Amaurosis fugax see Headache attributed to idiopathic གᜢા 31,68 intracranial hypertension (IIH) ১ԯށᙩԯݺЙڍݑᣒа୼ᕅ(BIH)Ȃணډ Anaesthesia dolorosa ๭ݑ൫Ѣ 23,123,129.131 ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭ȞIIHȟ Analgesic-overuse headache Benign paroxysmal torticollis ݑ๴֯ݑెᔚ 135ډ ӡᔝ๭ 20,86,92ڹѤ๭᜽Ⴥ࢘ Angiography headache Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood ݑࢅຆง๴֯ݑྶો 17,25,31,35,135ډ ᇒൄ዆ᔝ๭ 19,64,70,74֕ Anorexia Benign sex headache, see Primary headache ঴ዒЙ੎ 31,39-40,106,136,145 associated with sexual activity

ICHD-Ƕ 258 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ኄဘૠ၃๭ڍ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭ Charlinѩૠ၃๭Ȃணڍݑݑӹᔝ๭Ȃணډ Benign thunderclap headache,see Primary Chiari malformation type I (CM1) ೐Ϙ࡭(CM1) 20,51,76,81,85؛thunderclap headache Chiariѩဋ ১๴ݑჩᕝᔝ๭ Childhood periodic syndromes that areڍݑჩᕝᔝ๭Ȃணډ Benign vascular sexual headache, see Primary commonly precursors of migraine headache associated with sexual activity ഼௱ऎஐᔝ๭ࡈᠭНࢅຆ༉งݑા৏၏ 17,25,30,33 ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭ Childrenڍݑ֕ᇒݑݑ֖ऎᔝ๭Ȃணډ Blurred vision ࢅຆ 26,30-1,34-5,54,78,85,99,103-4,118,121,135 ໛ϧጀፘ 27,89,114,120 Chinese restaurant syndrome, see Monosodium Brain abscess glutamate-induced headache ᇟ(ᐊቕ༗)є๴Нᔝ๭ۧڍၝᗘᆹ 21,100-2,104,139 К஼ᔠᔡા৏၏Ȃண Burning mouth syndrome Chronic Ͼൊ٬ጤા৏၏ 23,123,130,132 ᅙݑ 13-4,16-8,21,25-6,30-4,36,38,40-9,53-5,58-62,64- 5,67,76-7,86-9,92-5,97-101,103-5,107-8,110-3,115,117- C 21,132,136-41,144-5 Caffeine-withdrawal headache Chronic cluster headache ᙝНᔝ๭ 21,86,94,107 ᅙݑᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ 14,18,45-6ئபԯ۩ Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) Chronic from onset ׈ऎᅙݑ 14ܕinduced headache ֋- Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) Chronic headache attributed to other head є๴Нᔝ๭ 21,26,42,86,91 and/or neck trauma Cannabis-induced headache ᙩԯݺᔝൊф/ݕᔚൊҳཋНᅙݑᔝ๭ 18,58,61 Ђ൫є๴Нᔝ๭ 20,86,90 Chronic headache attributed to whiplash injury Carbon monoxide-induced headache ᙩԯݺᔚൊӢཋНᅙݑᔝ๭ 18,58,60,62 Ϙઉмᇆє๴Нᔝ๭ 20,86,88 Chronic headache with acute onset, see New Carcinomatous meningitis daily-persistent headache ๴Ӡُџࢺ᠈ݑᔝ๭ྲڍᖛݑၝ፯߆ 20,76,80 ࢧݑ๴֯Нᅙݑᔝ๭Ȃண Cardiac cephalalgia Chronic migraine ѕ࿚ݑᔝ๭ 22,105,109,111 ᅙݑஐᔝ๭ 13,17,25-6,31-3,36,39,41,57,62,93 Carotid angioplasty headache Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH) ᔚஜଔ֕ᇒ՘࡭ങࢢᔝ๭ 19,64,69,73 ᅙݑ๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ 18,34,45,47,49,55,67,117 Carotid dissection Chronic post-bacterial meningitis headache ᔚஜଔ৤ᛓ 28,69,73,114,137 ᅙݑ೟ໂݑၝ፯߆ࢢᔝ๭ 21,100-1,103 Carotid or vertebral artery pain Chronic post-craniocervical disorder headache ᔚஜଔݕଖปஜଔ๭Нૂ๭ 19,64,69 ᣒᔚ઼ఈࢢНᅙݑᔝ๭ 112,141 Cavernous angioma Chronic post-craniotomy headache ઔᇬߐ֕ᇒጳ 19,49,64,67,72 ᔝᣒз༟ങࢢНᅙݑᔝ๭ 19,58,61 Central causes of facial pain Chronic post-homoeostasis disorder headache ఈࢢᔝ๭ 105,140઼ܠКዽݑᛞব๭ 3,12,22-3,123,129,143 ᅙݑᢜаࢮ Central or primary facial pain Chronic post-infection headache Кዽݕ১๴ݑᛞব๭ 3,12,23,133 ᅙݑྏࣖࢢᔝ๭ 21,100,103 Central post-stroke pain Chronic post-intoxication headache КলࢢКዽݑૂ๭ 23,123,129,131 ᅙݑКࣲࢢᔝ๭ 89 Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Chronic post-intracranial disorder headache Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy ᅙݑᣒа઼ఈࢢᔝ๭ 76,138 (CADASIL) Chronic post-non-bacterial infection headache գөᎳϭ౟ཫ ᅙݑࠧ೟ໂݑྏࣖࢢᔝ๭ 100,103,140ۀЂၝᢜࣖ֒ᢜᢖݑஜଔઽᢏ фӨᎳၝઽᢏ(CADASIL) 19,64,70,74 Chronic post-substance exposure headache Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) ᅙݑߏᎳతៈࢢНᔝ๭ 87,138 Ђၝᔖଔંཫ 19,52,64-5,70,74 Chronic post-traumatic headache Cervical headache, see Cervicogenic headache ᅙݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ 16,18,58-62,66 ᔚԯݑᔝ๭ Chronic post-traumatic headache attributedڍᔚൊᔝ๭Ȃண Cervicogenic headache to mild head injury ᔚԯݑᔝ๭ 22,42,44,106,112-4,117 ᙩԯݺቅ࢘ᔝൊҳཋНᅙݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ 18,58,60 Charlin's neuralgia, see Nasociliary neuralgia Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to

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moderate or severe head injury roots by structural lesions ᙩԯݺКݕদ࢘ᔝൊҳཋНᅙݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ 18,58-9,61-2,65 ԯຕᅹઽᢏᐱ७ᣒૠ၃ݕϯᔚૠ၃ੲᕅঝȃ ափൄ՘ߞࢺ᠈ݑૂ๭ 22,123,127خᑬݕە Chronic post-vascular disorder headache ᅙݑ֕ᇒ઼ఈࢢߞᔝ๭ 137 Cortical spreading depression of Leao 27 ۘغChronic post-whiplash injury headache LeaoѩөᎳཇያݑ ᔚൊӢཋࢢНᅙݑᔝ๭ 59,60 Cranial bone Chronic tension-type headache ᣒ୻ 21,113,116,127 ᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭17-8,38,40-3,53,57,87-8,92-3,95,113, Cranial neuralgias and central causes of facial pain ᣒૠ၃๭۶Кዽݑᛞব๭ 3,12,22,112,123,143 119,136 Chronic tension-type headache associated with Cranial or cervical vascular disorder pericranial tenderness ᔝȃᔚൊ֕ᇒݑ઼ఈ 2,10,18,56,137 ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ 17,38,41,113 Craniocervical dystoniaۀᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭Ԫ Chronic tension-type headache not associated ᣒᔚ։௺ϧಳ௱ા 22,112-4,117 with pericranial tenderness Cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ 17,38,41 mouth or other facial or cervical structuresۀᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ЙԪ Classic or classical migraine, see Migraine with aura ᔝᣒȃᔚȃೀȃօȃኄȃኄឭȃѰȃϾ ҹᛞবݕᔚൊຕᅹ 3,12-3,22,56,100,112-3,116ێჰԏஐᔝ๭ ݕڍ࡭ஐᔝ๭Ȃணۏ Classical glossopharyngeal neuralgia CSF fistula headache ࡭֎࡟ૠ၃๭ 23,123-4 ၝଖᢛ౵ ᇒᔝ๭ 19,76,78,80ۏ Classical trigeminal neuralgia CSF hypotension ࡭ϬϽૠ၃๭ 23,123-4,129 ၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅ 53,61,70ۏ Close temporal relation CSF pleocytosis ੡༡ᙇϯ௜зᝯാ 15,25-30,32-3,38-41,45-7,50,53,57,58, ၝଖᢛ౵Ө֕ಧኧӠ 29,68,82 61,64-6,68-70,76-80,82-3,86-94,100-1,103,105,108-9, Cyclical vomiting ༉งݑᄚԤ 17,25,30,35 112-6,119,129,136,145 Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic D cephalalgias ҁϬϽ֋ࢠૠ၃ᔝ๭ 2,11,15,18,24,45,136 De novo chronic headache, see Newێᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ф Cluster headache attack daily-persistent headache (NDPH) (๴Ӡُџࢺ᠈ݑᔝ๭(NDPHྲڍᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭๴֯ 46,49,88,91,145 ྲ๴ᅙݑᔝ๭Ȃண Cluster period De novo headache ᙍ๴ง 46,87-8,145 ྲ๴Ӡᔝ๭ 57,137 Cluster remission period Delayed alcohol-induced headache ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭፤ႋง 145 ୧ᇟє๴Нܼᓵ࡭ᔝ๭ 20,86,89 Cocaine-induced headache Delayed CGRP-induced headache ҟࣟᣂє๴Нᔝ๭ 20,86,90,108 CGRPє๴Нܼᓵ࡭ᔝ๭ 20,86,91 Cocktail headache, see Alcohol-induced headache Delayed histamine-induced headache ୧ᇟє๴Нᔝ๭ ೡᚐ⃔є๴Нܼᓵ࡭ᔝ๭ 20,86,90ڍ୧ᔝ๭Ȃண؍ᛗ Coin-shaped cephalgia, see Nummular headache Delayed NO donor-induced headache ᓿᅋߐᔝ๭ Ϙઉмวє๴Нܼᓵ࡭ᔝ๭ 20,86,88ڍᔝ๭Ȃண؛ᓿᅋ Coital cephalalgia, see Primary headache Diagnostic headache diary associated with sexual activity ໧ᙝՑᔝ๭џራ 16,40-1 ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭ Dialysis headacheڍӹԪᔝ๭Ȃண Cold-stimulus headache ൅ޘᔝ๭ 22,105,107,110 ᑬᔝ๭ 126,131 Dietary headache, see Head induced by foodەֽ Combination medication-overuse headache components and additives ঴ࡡ՘жф౹Ґߏє๴Нᔝ๭ڍӡᔝ๭ 20,86,93 ༼঴ᔝ๭Ȃணڹ᎑Ԫ᜽ߏჅ࢘ Common migraine, see Migraine without aura Difficulty in concentrating ๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ ަྍϧ᝱ѽ༰К 27,58,103ڍඵ௱ஐᔝ๭Ȃண Complicated migraine, see Migraine with aura Diplopia ჰԏஐᔝ๭ ᎑໛ 30,77,81,115ڍ᎑ᛔஐᔝ๭Ȃண Complications of migraine Disorder of ears ๴ા 17,25,31 օ઼ఈ 22,112,115,117ۀஐᔝ๭ Constant pain caused by compression, irritation or Diving headache distortion of cranial nerves or upper cervical

ICHD-Ƕ 25: ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ጕѪᔝ๭ 22,105-6,110 ୱ๴ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ 14,18,45,145 Drug-induced headache, see Medication-overuse Episodic migraine headache (MOH) ୱ๴ݑஐᔝ๭ 32 ӡᔝ๭(MOH) Episodic orbital painڹ᜽ߏჅ࢘ڍ᜽ߏє๴Нᔝ๭Ȃண Dull type ୱ๴ݑೀᇏ๭ 128 ༙๭࡭ 52 Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania Dural arterio-venous fistula ୱ๴๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ 18,45,47 ๼ၝ፯ஜᔖଔ ᇒ 19,64,67,72 Episodic SUNA Dural arteriovenous fistula ୱ๴ݑSUNA 136 ๼ၝ፯ஜᔖଔ ᇒ 67,72 Episodic tension-type headache Duration of attack ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ 15-8,26,38-41,87-8,92,113,136 ๴֯੡ง 145 Ergotamine-overuse headache ӡᔝ๭ 21,86,92-3ڹჅ࢘⃔ڎDynamite headache, see Immediate NO ൪ donor-induced headache Ergots ᣂ 92,98,109ڎϘઉмว៖ҍߏє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ ൪ڍओ᜽ᔝ๭Ȃண Dysaesthesia Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) ྏះಳ௱ 126,130,142 ॓֕ಧٕফിತ(ESR) 68,114 Dysphasic Erythro-melalgia of the head, see Cluster headache ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍҵሬݑ 27-9 ᔝൊ߳ᇑ॓๭ઽȂண E Erythroprosopalgia of Bing, see Cluster headache ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍBingѩবൊ॓๭ઽȂண Eagle's syndrome Essential headache, see Tension-type headache (TTH) (ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTHڍEagleѩા৏၏ 130,132 ӎᅗݑᔝ๭Ȃண Ears Evolving from episodic 14,40 ڽօ 3,11,22,56,82,100,102,112-3,115-7,120,124-5, Ӥୱ๴ݑᆊᢏփ 127,130,141,146 Exercise-induced migraine East African sleeping sickness Ⴛஜє๴Нஐᔝ๭ 51 ތࠧᇂ્ઽ 140 Exogenous hormone-induced headache East African trypanosomiasis ҳԯݑഈᆬላє๴Нᔝ๭ 21,86,93 ތࠧᔄᚪઽ 140 Explosive headache Eclampsia ᜕ओଠᔝ๭ 51 Єピા 22,96,105,108,110 Explosive type headache Empyema ᜕ओ࡭ᔝ๭ 52 ᗘᆹ 21,100,102,104,139 External application of a cold stimulus ᑬ 23,123,126ەEncephalitis ҳԴֽ ၝ߆ 21,83,100-4,140 External compression headache Endocrine disorder ҳԴᕅঝݑᔝ๭ 23,123,126,131 ажީ઼ఈ 78 Eyelid oedema Enlarged blind spot ೀөѪၚ 45-7,136 ߠᙇᙖЂ 77 Eye Enterochromaffin cell tumours ೀ 3,11,22,31,36,47,56,68,100,112-7,120,127,129, ၖႽᓐቝ೟४ጳ 107 131,141,146 Enuresis F ᓷ،ા 119 Epidural haematoma Facial angioma ๼ၝ፯ҳ֕ၚ 18,58,60 ᛞব֕ᇒጳ 67 Epilepsy Facial or neck pain attributed to arterial dissection ピ 25,33,37,67,80-1,85,135 ᙩԯݺஜଔ৤ᛓߞᔝ๭ݕᗚൊȃᔚൊНૂ๭ 19,64,69,137ᢩ Epileptic seizure Facial pain ,ピ๴֯ 20,67,76,81,85 ᛞব๭ 3,12-3,21-3,42,56,69,100,112-3,115-8,122-3,125ᢩ Episodic 127-33,141,143,145 ୱ๴ݑ 14,15,26,30-2,35,38-41,45-7,87-8,92,113,119, Facial pain attributed to multiple sclerosis ᙩԯݺԺ๴ݑ๼мાНᛞব๭ 23,123,129,132 136,145 Episodic cluster headache Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM)

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ਛ౉ݑஐᢨஐᔝ๭ 14,17,25,28-30,35,83 ֎๭ 130 Fasting Glossopharyngeal neuralgia ᙝ঴ 22,105,109,111 ֎࡟ૠ၃๭ 23,123-5,130 Fatigue H િঽ 27,106,140,142,146 Fibromyalgia Haematoma ᢉᇯ։๭ા 140 ֕ၚ 18,58-61,65 Flickering lights, spots or lines Haemodialysis 107 ޘ୯᜖ߞԍȃᙇݕ። 27-29 ֕౵൅ Focal cerebral dysfunction Haemorrhage ؊ൊၝґକಳ௱ 145 ҍ֕ 19,51-2,55,59-60,64-7,69,71-3 Focal deficits Hangover headache, see Delayed alcohol-induced ؊ൊ૿ྫ 65,67,68 headache ୧ᇟє๴Нᔝ๭ڍFocal dystonias ௛Ꮥᔝ๭Ȃண ؊ൊ։௺ϧಳ௱ા 114 Harris-Horton's disease, see Cluster headache ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍFocal symptoms Harris-HortonѩઽȂண ؊ൊાߐ 145 Head and neck trauma Food components and additives ᔝൊфᔚൊҳཋ 56,62 ঴ࡡ՘жф౹Ґߏ 20,86,89 Head and/or neck trauma Forehead and facial sweating ᔝൊф/ݕᔚൊҳཋ 3,11,18,58-9,61-2,112 ࡈᛝфᗚൊҍխ 45-6 Head and/or neck trauma, acute headache Foreshortened future ᔝൊф/ݕᔚൊҳཋȂࢧݑᔝ๭ 58,61 ন 143 Head and/or neck trauma, chronic headacheۦڽӏ Fortification spectrum ᔝൊф/ݕᔚൊҳཋȂᅙݑᔝ๭ 58,61 Кѵ॔ࡱජ۹ඛ୯Ꮒླᙇ 27,145-6 Headache Frequency of attacks ᔝ๭ 1-146 ๴֯ᔛತ 33,145 Headache as an adverse event attributed to chronic Frequent episodic tension-type headache medication хᕕНᔝ๭ 21,77,86,93,99ډ၃௱ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ 15,18,26,38-41,113,136 ᙩԯݺᅙݑ᜽ߏЙ Frequent episodic tension-type headache Headache days associated with pericranial tenderness ᔝ๭чዴ 145 ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ 17,38,40,113 Headache not classifiable, see Headache notۀ၃௱ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭Ԫ Frequent episodic tension-type headache not elsewhere specified; Headache unspecified Й៳ݺ಩Յж᝷ߞᔝ๭Ȓڍж᝷ߞᔝ๭Ȃணޱassociated with pericranial tenderness ๑ ߞᔝ๭ށᣒ۹ᕅ๭ 17,38,40 પݑЙۀ၃௱ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ЙԪ Fully reversible dysphasic speech disturbance Headache not elsewhere classified ቪᜣ 27-9 Й៳ݺ಩Յж᝷ߞᔝ๭ 23,133ڏ؆ԑҞ୚ҵሬݑሬ Headache syndromes G ᔝ๭ા৏၏ 14,48,52,54-5,117,121,138 Gambian sleeping sickness Headache unspecified ߞᔝ๭ 23,133ށᇂ્ઽ 140 પݑЙڲӟѧ Gastro-oesophageal reflux Hemianopia ।঴Ⴝ୚ࣹ 135 ஐߠ 29,31 Generalised anxiety disorder Hemicrania angioparalytica, see Cluster headache ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍ޾ݑ๏ዋા 119,142 җ᝝ᔝ๭֕ᇒ൫ထȂண Genetic relationship Hemicrania continua ௄ԯᝯ࠼ 27 ࢺ᠈ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ 13,18,34,45,50,53,55 Giant cell arteritis (GCA) Hemicrania epileptica һ೟४ஜଔ߆(GCA) 19,64,67-8,73 ᢩピݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ 20,76,81,85 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Hemicrania neuralgiformis chronica, see Glasgowރ୛ࢽዴ(GCS) 59-60 Cluster headache ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍGlaucoma ᅙݑૠ၃๭ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭Ȃண ࠦԍೀ 112,114,117 Hemicrania simplex, see Migraine without aura ๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ڍGlossodynia ᚎඏҗ᝝ᔝ๭Ȃண Hemicranium

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җ᝝ᔝ๭ 50 Hyperacusia Hemidistridution ᡘះჅూ 81 җ᝝жֶ 146 Hyperaemia Hemiparaesthetic migraine ҇֕ 27 ஐ൫ஐᔝ๭ 27 Hyperaldosteronism ા 140⣮۽Hemiparaesthetic, see Migraine with aura ୼㆟ ჰԏஐᔝ๭ Hyperalgesiaڍஐ൫ݑȂண Hemiplegia ๭ះჅూ 128 ஐᢨ 135 Hypercalcaemia Hemiplegic migraine, see Migraine with aura ୼༖֕ા 140 ჰԏஐᔝ๭ Hypercapniaڍஐᢨஐᔝ๭Ȃண Hemisyndrome ୼ᇆቕ֕ા 21,105-7,140 ඏஎા৏၏ 129 Hyperglycaemia Herpes simplex virus ୼֕ᒤા 140 ඏ૷ݑ ૃઽࣲ 84,101,104 Hypermetropia Heterophoria ቈ໛ 146 ᘳె໛ 22,112,114,145 Hyperopia Heterotropia ቈ໛ 114 ᢖె໛ 22,112,114,145 Hyperperfusion syndrome High-altitude headache Ⴥ࢘៿ࣹા৏၏ 69 ୼ઔݥᔝ๭ 22,105-6,110 Hyperprolactinaemia ᑬ૵֕ા 79گHistamine-induced headache ୼ީ ೡᚐ⃔є๴Нᔝ๭ 20,86,90 Hypersomnia Histaminic cephalalgia, see Cluster headache ᇂ્Ⴥ࢘ 141 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ Hypertensive crisis without hypertensiveڍೡᚐ⃔ᔝ๭Ȃண HIV/AIDS encephalopathy Ϡ᝷ֺप૿ѻઽࣲ(HIV)/ࢢчݑֺपЙԑ ๑୼֕ᕅݑၝઽᢏН୼֕ᕅԟા 22,105,107 ા৏၏ (ྑไઽ) (AIDS) 21,100,102-3 Hypertensive encephalopathy Hodgkin's disease ୼֕ᕅݑၝઽᢏ 22,74,105,107-8 Hodgkinѩઽ 128 Hypertensive retinopathy (Keith-Wagner classification) Horner's syndrome ୼֕ᕅݑ໛ᇨ፯ઽȞKeith-Wagnerѩж᝷ȟ 108 Hornerѩા৏၏ 69 Hyperthyroidism Homoeostasis ӥߐၜᑟକФ་ા 140 ᢜаࢮܠ 3,11,13,22,56,105,109,140 Hypervigilance 143 ئHomonymous visual symptoms Ⴥ࢘់ Ԣԩஎߞ໛ះાߐ 27-8 Hyperviscosity syndrome Hormone replacement therapy ୼֕⋿ဵ࢘ા৏၏ 140 ഈᆬላฆ҃ᖚޱ 36,94,99,135 Hypervitaminosis A Horton's disease, see Headache attributed to ᇯӠ૵AჅԺા 78 giant cell arteritis (GCA) Hypnic headache ᙩԯݺһ೟४ஜଔ߆(GCA)Нᔝ๭ ᇂ્ᔝ๭ 13,18,50,52,54-5ڍHortonѩઽȂண Horton's headache, see Cluster headache Hypnic headache syndrome , see Hypnic headache ᇂ્ᔝ๭ڍᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ ᇂ્ᔝ๭ા৏၏ȂணڍHortonѩᔝ๭Ȃண Hot dog headache, see Immediate NO Hypoglycaemia donor-induced headache ֲ֕ᒤા 109-10 Ϙઉмว៖ҍߏє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ Hypoglycaemia-induced brain dysfunctionڍጤߓᔝ๭Ȃண Hot flushes ֲ֕ᒤાє๴ߞЂၝҵକ 109 ጤ጗॓ 142 Hypoglycaemia-induced migraine Human trigeminal-parasympathetic reflex ֲ֕ᒤє๴Нஐᔝ๭ 109 ϠᢜНϬϽૠ၃஘ӹྏૠ၃хਡ 45 Hypoliquorrhoeic headache, see Headache Hypacusia attributed to spontaneous (or idiopathic) ᡘϧቪᜣ 30,78,81 low CSF pressure ᙩԯݺ֋๴ݑڍᔝ๭ȂணږHypaesthesia ᅙݑၝଖᢛ౵Й ȟၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅНᔝ๭ށྏះᓵ༙ 129,144 ȞݕઽԯЙ

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ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ 17,38-9ۀHyponatraemia Й௱๴ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ЙԪ ༗֕ા 140 Ingestion or inhalation of a cold stimulusֲ ᑬߏНᔝ๭ 22,123,126ەϢֽכHypophyseal cytosol protein ঴ӡݕ ၝϭ࡬ᢜ೟४Ꮃ౵കӨ 79 Insomnia Hypopituitarism ҵ્ 58,141 ၝϭ࡬ᢜґକֲϭ 71,79,110 Insulin-induced hypoglycaemia Hyposmia ଍ਫ૵є๴Нֲ֕ᒤા 109 ཥះᓵ༙ 115 Intensity of pain Hypotension ૂ๭຀࢘ 46,145 ᕅ 52,61,71,78,83-4,107 Intracerebral haemorrhage(֕)ֲ Hypothyroidism ၝҍ֕ 19,52,55,64,66-7,72 ӥߐၜֲକા 22,105,109,110 Intracranial hypertension Hypoxia ᣒа୼ᕅ 66-7,70,74,76-8,82-4,93,105 ૿ઉ 21,105-7 Intracranial hypertension secondary to hydrocephalus I Ѫၝє୓ᣒа୼ᕅ 19,76,78 Intracranial hypertension secondary to metabolic, Ice-cream headache, see Headache attributed to toxic or hormonal causes ,ingestion or inhalation of a cold stimulus ᙩԯݺ҃ᘁȃКࣲݕഈᆬላ১ԯᐱ७ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭ 19 ᑬߏНᔝ๭ 76-7,86,105ەϢֽכᙩԯݺ঴ӡݕڍԔ౼౽ᔝ๭Ȃண Ice-pick pains, see Primary stabbing headache Intracranial infection ᙕݑᔝ๭ ᣒаྏࣖ 13,21,77,100-2,139ە১๴ݑڍԔᔄ๭Ȃண Ictal discharge Intracranial neoplasm ๴֯ݸც 81 ᣒаၚጳ 20,57,76,80 Ictal manifestation Intracranial noises ๴֯Нࠑ಩ 81 ᣒаᛔর 77 Idiopathic headache, see Tension-type headache (TTH) Intracranial parasitic infestation ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTH) ᣒа௙Ӡᚪྏࣖ 139ڍ১ԯНᔝ๭ȂணށЙ Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) Intracranial vascular disorder ᣒа୼ᕅ(IIH) 19,76-7,82 ᣒа֕ᇒ઼ఈ 19,64,70ށ১ԯЙ Idiopathic torsional dystonia Intrathecal chemotherapy 80 ޱᚼݑ։௺ϧಳ௱ા 135 ଖᢛວамᐯᖚخ১ԯНށЙ Immediate alcohol-induced headache Intrathecal injection ୧ᇟє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ 20,86,89 ଖᢛວаަਡ 20,77,79-80 Immediate CGRP-induced headache Ipsilateral conjunctival injection CGRPє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ 21,86,91 Ԣஎຕ፯҇֕ 45-7 Immediate histamine-induced headache Ipsilateral eye ೡᚐ⃔є๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ 20,86,90 Ԣஎೀ 46 Immediate NO donor-induced headache Ipsilateral eyelid oedema Ϙઉмว៖ҍߏє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ 20,86-7 ԢஎೀөѪၚ 45-6 Increased intracranial pressure or hydrocephalus Ipsilateral nasal congestion caused by neoplasm Ԣஎኄວ҇֕ 45-6 ၚጳє୓ᣒаᕅп୼ݕѪၝ 20,76-7,80 Irritability Infection ݽࢤ 59,89,135,142-3 ྏࣖ 3,11,13,16,21,53,56,77,100-03,113,116,123,139-40 Ischaemic heart disease Influenza ૿֕ݑѕᡙ઼ઽ 109 ࣹ֖ݑྏࡂ 100,102 Ischaemic infarction Infraorbital neuralgia ૿֕ݑ౟ཫ 32 ೀುϭૠ၃๭ 130 Ischaemic stroke (cerebral infarction) Infrequent episodic tension-type headache ૿֕ݑКলȞၝ౟ཫȟ 19,64-5 Й௱๴ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ 15,17,26,38-9,41,113,136 Ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack Infrequent episodic tension-type headache associated ૿֕ݑКলݕዶ੡ݑၝ૿֕ 19,64-5 with pericranial tenderness Ischaemic threshold ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ 17,38-9,113 ၝ૿֕Н〈ৃ 27ۀЙ௱๴ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭Ԫ Infrequent episodic tension-type headache not Isolated CNS angiitis, see Headache attributed to associated with pericranial tenderness

ICHD-Ƕ 264 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

primary central nervous system (CNS) angitis M ১๴ݑڍ೚֕ᇒ߆Ȃணڀ؊নߞКዽૠ၃ ೚֕ᇒ߆ Major depressive disorderڀКዽૠ၃ দᣭા 119,141-2 J Malaise Jabs and jolts, see Primary stabbing headache ѻϧ 102,135 ᙕݑᔝ๭ Malignant hypertensionە১๴ݑڍᙕ๭Ȃணە Jaw claudication ෋ݑ୼֕ᕅ 96 ϭᛠ༁๭ 68 Mandibular dystonia Joint hypermobility Ᏹ։௺ϧಳ௱ા 114 ᝯြჅ࢘ࣿஜા 116 Manic or hypomanic episodes 141 ાݕቅ្ા๴្֯ٳ K Manifest strabismus Kinking ᢖݑె໛ 145 ա 81 Mastoidخ ॎ 113گ L Medication-misuse headache, see Medicati Lacrimation on-overuse headache (MOH) (ӡᔝ๭(MOHڹ᜽ߏჅ࢘ڍࣹಊ 45,47-8,53,125,136 ᜽ߏሱӡНᔝ๭Ȃண Lancinating Medication-overuse headache (MOH) ,ӡᔝ๭(MOH) 15,21,26,32-3,40-1,53,57,86ڹ൷໘ 125,145-6 ᜽ߏჅ࢘ Latent strabismus 92-3,96,136 ᘳݑె໛ 145 Meningeal angioma Late-onset post-traumatic headaches ၝ፯֕ᇒጳ 67 ᓵ๴࡭ҳཋࢢᔝ๭ 58 Meningeal hydrops, see Headache attributed Learning disorder to idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) (ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭(IIHށᙩԯݺ১ԯЙڍᐯ೫ቪᜣ 119 ၝ፯ѪၚȂண Leptomeningeal angiomatosis (Sturge Weber syndrome) Meningitis, see Headache attributed to idiopathic (ഹၝ፯֕ᇒጳઽȞSturge Weberѩા৏၏ȟ 19,64,67 intracranial hypertension (IIH (ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭(IIHށᙩԯݺ১ԯЙڍLeukoencephalopathy ၝ፯߆Ȃண ӨᎳၝઽᢏ 19,32,64,70 Meningoencephalitis Light-headedness ၝ፯ၝ߆ 140 ᔝྶ 106 Menstrual migraine Lingual dystonia ѡ၃ஐᔝ๭ 26,134-5 ֎։௺ϧಳ௱ા 114 Menstrual relationship Listeria ѡ၃ᝯ࠼ 15,26,134 Ѐ዇ໂ៳ 101 Menstrually-related migraineق Loss of vision ሃѡ၃हᝯஐᔝ๭ 26,134-5 ໛ϧඉҵ 27-9 Messenger molecules nitric oxide (NO) Low cerebrospinal fluid pressure ཇቍୈਿߞжЄϘઉмว(NO) 26 ၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅ 19,76,78 Metastases Low CSF-volume headache, see Headache ᚼೊ 113 attributed to spontaneous (or idiopathic) Migraine accompagnee, see Migraine with aura ჰԏஐᔝ๭ڍlow CSF presure ࠢ៳ஐᔝ๭Ȃண ᙩԯݺ֋๴ݑ Migraine aura statusڍၝଖᢛ౵ਟ༓ᔝ๭Ȃணֲ ȟၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅНᔝ๭ ஐᔝ๭ჰԏদᒕߐᅗ 36,135ށȞݕ১ԯЙ Lymphocytic hypophysitis Migraine in general ౽ѐಧၝϭ࡬ᢜ߆ 20,76,79 ஐᔝ๭ᗁᎢ 33 Lymphocytic meningitis Migraine with acute-onset aura ౽ѐಧݑၝ፯߆ 21,100-1,103 ࢧݑჰԏஐᔝ๭ 27 Lymphocytic pleocytosis, see Syndrome of transient Migraine with aura Headache and Neurological Deficits with ჰԏஐᔝ๭ 13,15,17,25-7,29-30,32-6,54,65,67,70-1,74,81, cerebrospinal fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) 134-5,145-6 ๺ዶᔝ๭фૠ၃૿ྫા৏၏ Migraine with cerebrospinal pleocytosis, seeڍ౽ѐಧኧӠȂண ၝଖᢛ౵౽ѐಧኧӠા(HaNDL) Syndrome of transient Headache andۀ

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Neurological Deficits with cerebrospinal ኄဘૠ၃๭ 23,123,125,130 fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) Nausea or abdominal distress ๺ዶᔝ๭фૠ၃ ⮰ѕݕၛ๭ 142ڍၝଖᢛӨ֕ಧኧӠાȂணۀஐᔝ๭ ၝଖᢛ౵౽ѐಧኧӠા(HaNDL) Neck stiffnessۀ૿ྫા৏၏ Migraine with prolonged aura ᔚൊ኉๼ 27,78,101 ܼࠜჰԏஐᔝ๭ 27,36 Neck-tongue syndrome Migraine without aura ᔚ֎ા৏၏ 23,117,123,126,131 ๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ 13,15-7,25-34,36,39-41,57,88,90-1,93, Nematodes 109-10,116,134-5,138,146 ።ᚪ 139 Migraine-triggered seizure Neoplasm ஐᔝ๭є๴Нᢩピ๴֯ 17,25,33,37 ၚጳ 20,57,76-7,80,103,115 Migraineur Neoplastic arachnoiditis encephalitis ஐᔝ๭ઽϠ 34,39-41,44,87-91,97,121 ၚጳݑም໒ᇨ፯߆ȃၝ߆ 82 Migrainous disorder, see Probable migraine Nervus intermedius neuralgia Ҟକஐᔝ๭ К༡ૠ၃๭ 22,123,125,130ڍ᝷ஐᔝ๭઼ఈȂண Migrainous infarction Neuralgic pain ஐᔝ๭ၝ౟ཫ 17,25,32,36 ૠ၃ૂ๭ 123 Migrainous neuralgia (of Harris), see Cluster headache Neuralgiform headache ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ ૠ၃๭ݑᔝ๭ 18,45,47-9,67,112,136ڍHarrisѩ)᝷ஐᔝ๭Нૠ၃๭Ȃண) Migralepsy Neuroborreliosis ஐᢩピ 33,81 ૠ၃ޯჩօѩܾໂઽ 82 Mild nausea Neurobrucellosis ቅ࢘⮰ѕ 40-1,53 ૠ၃ҿѩ౛ໂઽ 82 Miosis Neuroimaging ᖝыᖺЈ 45-6,53 ૠ၃዆ᄊ 13,30,32,50-1,60-1,65-7,69-72,78,101-3, Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis 131,139-40,146 and Stroke-like episodes (MELAS) Neurological symptoms ቕКࣲф᝷Кল๴֯(MELAS) 19,64,70,74 ૠ၃ᐯાߐ 26,35,69,81,85,89,101,103,108,120,139-40گೕ።ᢜၝઽᢏȂ Monocular visual disturbance Neuroma ඏೀ໛ះቪᜣ 28,31 ૠ၃ጳ 62-3,115,123 Monosodium glutamate-induced headache Neuropathy ᇟ(ᐊቕ༗)є๴Нᔝ๭ 20,86,89,95 ૠ၃ઽᢏ 23,31,68,117,123,127,129,131ۧ Monothetic Neurosarcoidosis ඏ༵ݑ 15 ૠ၃᝷ևጳઽ 20,76,79,84 Motor weakness Neurosyphilis ߳ᢜ๑ϧ 27-30 ૠ၃౥ࣲ 82 Mucosal contact point headache New daily-persistent headache (NDPH) ᙆ፯తៈᙇᔝ๭ 115,141 ྲ๴Ӡُџࢺ᠈ݑᔝ๭(NDPH) 18,40,50,53,55 Multiple myeloma New headache ,Ժ๴ݑ୻ᢛ೟४ጳ 113 ྲߞᔝ๭ 16,26,50,57,58,64-5,69-70,76,86,100,105,112 Multiple sclerosis 119,133,138,146 Ժ๴ݑ๼мા 23,123-4,127,129-30,132 Nitric oxide (NO) donor-induced headache Muscle contraction headache, see Probable chronic Ϙઉмว(NO)៖ҍߏє๴Нᔝ๭ 20,86-7 tension-type headache Nitroglycerine headache, see Immediate NO Ҟକᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ donor-induced headacheڍ։և՜ᖺݑᔝ๭Ȃண Ϙઉмว៖ҍߏє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ڍMyofascial pain and headache ๻мӟ޵ᔝ๭Ȃண ։ຏ፯ૂ๭фᔝ๭ 116 Nociception Myopia ๭ྏ 42-3,146 ࠕ໛ 146 Non-caseating granulomas N ࠧ஀Ⴭݑևࠂጳ 79 Non-infectious inflammatory disease Nasal congestion ࠧྏࣖݑ๴߆઼ఈ 20,76,79 ኄວ҇֕ 45-7,53,116,136 Non-menstrual migraine without aura Nasociliary neuralgia

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ࠧѡ၃हᝯ๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ 134 Ophthalmoplegic migraine Non-traumatic intracranial haemorrhage ೀ։൫ထஐᔝ๭ 13,23,26,36,123,128-9,131 ࠧҳཋݑᣒаҍ֕ 19,64-5 Opioid-overuse headache ӡᔝ๭ 21,86,93ڹNon-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage with or ᐈѯ᝷Ⴥ࢘ without other clinical signs Opioid-withdrawal headache ᙝНᔝ๭ 21,86,94ئࠧҳཋݑም໒ᇨ፯ϭວҍ֕ȂҞକգϵҞକٟգ ᐈѯ᝷ ҁᗜؖወ৏ 66 Optic neuritisێ Non-vascular intracranial disorder ໛ૠ၃߆ 23,117,123,127,129,131 ࠧ֕ᇒݑᣒа઼ఈ 2,11,19-20,56,76,82,137 Orgasmic headache Not sufficiently validated ୼጗ᔝ๭ 18,50-2 ܥӏ҇жᝋᅁ 89,113,115,130,140,146 Oscillopsia Nuchal onset ໛ះ੎ஜ 81 ݺࢢᔚ 113 Osmophobiaܕ๴֯ Nuchal region ཥះూྏ 134,145 ࢢᔚൊ 146 Osteoarthritis Nuchal rigidity ଡ଼мݑᝯြ߆ 116 ࢢᔚ኉๼ 66,101 Osteochondrosis ા 112ډЙڈNumbness ୻๴ ൫Ѣྏ 27-9,126 Osteomyelitis Nummular headache ୻ᢛ߆ 113,127 ᓿᅋߐᔝ๭ 126,143 Otalgia Nystagmus օ๭ 115,117,125 ೀᏩ 31,81,135 Other acute substance use or exposure ӡݕతៈ 21,86,91ڹҁࢧݑߏᎳێ O Other cranial neuralgia or other centrally Obtundation mediated facial pain ҁКዽݑᛞব๭ 23,123,130,132ێҁᣒૠ၃๭ݕێ ྍᝊЙ౻ 107 Occipital headache Other medication overuse ӡ 21,86,93ڹҁ᜽ߏჅ࢘ێ ൊᔝ๭ 26,116ދ Occipital neuralgia Other non-infectious inflammatory disease ҁࠧྏࣖݑ๴߆઼ఈ 20,76,79ێ ૠ၃๭ 23,123,126,130ދ Ocular diabetic neuropathy Other systemic infection ݑྏࣖ 16,21,100,102ڗҁԑێ ᒤ،ઽೀൊૠ၃ઽᢏ 23,123,127,131 Ocular inflammatory disorder Other terminal branch neuralgias ҁӐњૠ၃๭ 23,123,125ێ ೀൊ๴߆઼ఈ 22,112-3,114 Ocular motor abnormalities P ೀಧႻஜಳ௱ 135 Oestrogen-withdrawal headache Pachymeningeal enhancement ᙝНᔝ๭ 21,86,94,135 ๼ၝ፯ᅆѧኧ௻ 78,79,83ئቬᑬ૵ One side of the body and face Paediatric headache ຆᔝ๭ 119ۊ ᢜфᗚൊ 28ڗϘஎ Operational diagnostic criteria Paget's disease ᑆ֯࡭໧ᙝ௄࿤ 7,13 Pagetѩઽ 113 Ophthalmic division trigeminal neuralgia Painful tinnitus ೀൊжњϬϽૠ၃๭ 136 ૂ๭ݑօኀ 69 Ophthalmic migraine, see Migraine with aura Pallor ჰԏஐᔝ๭ ሔӨ 27,30-31,107,135ڍೀஐᔝ๭Ȃண Ophthalmic, see Migraine with aura Palpitations ჰԏஐᔝ๭ ѕఙ 107,142ڍೀȂண Ophthalmodynia periodica, see Primary Panic disorder stabbing headache ਻ྖા 119,121,141-2 ᙕݑᔝ๭ Papilloedemaە১๴ݑڍ༉งݑೀݑૂ๭Ȃண ᔝѪၚ 77-8,82گOphthalmoplegia ໛ ೀ։ဏထ 13,23,26,36,67,71,123,128-9,131 Paraesthesia

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ྏះಳ௱ 27,30,90,107,126,129,130,142,144 Pin-prick 129 ەParesis ୫ ဏထ 127-9 Pins and needles ྏ 27-9ەParoxysmal attacks ୫ ๴֯ݑ๴֯ 123-5 Pituitary apoplexy Paroxysmal brain disorders ၝϭ࡬ᢜКল 19,52,64,71,75 ๴֯ݑၝ઼ఈ 33 Plasmapheresis-induced headache Paroxysmal headache ֕ግжᛓങє๴Нᔝ๭ 140 ๴֯ݑᔝ๭ 107 Polycythaemia Paroxysmal hemicrania ॓֕ಧჅԺા 140 ๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ 18.34.45-9,55,67,117.145 Polymyalgia rheumatica Paroxysmal hemicrania with coexistent trigeminal লᖅݑԺ๴։๭ા 68,73 neuralgia (CPH-tic syndrome) Polythetic ϬϽૠ၃๭ȞCPH-tic ા৏၏ȟ47,49 Ժ༵ݑ 15ۀ๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭Ԫ Paroxysmal hypertension Post-craniotomy headache ๴֯ݑ୼֕ᕅ 107,110 ᣒ୻з༟ങࢢНᔝ๭ 19,58,61-3 Paroxysms Post-dural puncture headache ࢢᔝ๭ 19,76,78,83-4ە๴֯ݑ 124-6 ๼ၝ፯् Pathognomonic spreading oligaemia of Post-electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) headache migraine with aura ც๯᡾ᖚޱࢢᔝ๭ 138 ߞઽನᑟᚼ-ཇያݑၝ૿֕ 26 Post-endarterectomy headacheܠჰԏஐᔝ๭પ Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) ஜଔа፯з୵ങࢢᔝ๭ 19, 64,69,73 ၃ө၃֕ᇒວ֕ᇒ՘࡭ങ(PTA) 69,73 Posterior fossa dysfunction Pericoronitis ࢢᣒᇏНґକҵᎠ 81 Ѱࡄ۹ඛ߆ 116 Posterior hypothalamic grey matter Pericranial muscles ࢢϭ໛ѸշᎳ 46 ᣒ۹։և 38,42-3,146 Post-herpetic neuralgia Pericranial tenderness ૃࢢૠ၃๭ 23,123,128 ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ 17,38-41,43,113 Post-ictal headache Periodontitis ᢩピ๴֯ࢢᔝ๭ 81 Ѱ۹߆ 115 Post-partum angiopathy Peripheral pain mechanisms ಯࢢ֕ᇒઽᢏ 71 ۹᝝ૂ๭ᑟᚼ 38 Post-radiosurgery headache Persistent aura without infarction ݸਡ።јങࢢᔝ๭ 137-8 ๑౟ཫНࢺ᠈ݑჰԏ 17,25,32,36 Post-seizure headache Persistent idiopathic facial pain ᢩピࢢᔝ๭ 20,76 ࢺ᠈১ԯЙށߞᛞব๭ 23,123,129,132 Post-traumatic amnesia Petrosal neuralgia (of Gardner), see Cluster headache ҳཋࢢୃᐸඉҵ 59 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ Post-traumatic headacheڍൊૠ၃๭Ȃணܬ(Gardnerѩ) Petrositis ҳཋࢢᔝ๭ 16,18,54,58-63,66,116 㡅୻ܬൊ߆ 113 Post-traumatic stress disorder Phaeochromocytoma ൹ཋࢢᕅϧ઼ఈ 143 ཝቝ೟४ጳ 22,105,107-8,110 Post-traumatic syndrome Pharyngeal dystonia ҳཋࢢા৏၏ 58-60 ࡟։௺ϧಳ௱ા 114 Postural headache Phonophobia ࡻཕݑᔝ๭ 51,79,83 Post-whiplash syndrome 25-6,39-41,52-3,92,100-1,106,134,136,145-6 םݏ Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor-induced headache ᔚൊӢཋࢢા৏၏ 60 ᐗє๴Нᔝ๭ 20,86,88 Pounding heart or accelerated heart rateۘغ(Phosphodiesterase (PDE ߞѕႯി࢘ 142أPhotophobia ЂᗏߞѕᡙႯஜݕ࣏Ґ दԍ 25-6,39-40,42,52-3,78,81,92,100-1,106,114,134,136,138, Pre-eclampsia 145-6 Єピࡈા 22,96,105,108,110 Pickwickian syndrome Pre-existing primary headache Pickwickianѩા৏၏ 107 ࣊ՅԴН১๴ݑᔝ๭ 16,50,54,57-8,64,76,86,92,100,105,112,119

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Premonitory symptoms ҞକЙ௱๴ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ 18,38,41 ࡈᠭાߐ 27,145-6 Probable medication-overuse headache ӡᔝ๭ 21,32,41,53,57,86,93,136ڹPreorgasmic headache Ҟକ᜽ߏჅ࢘ ୼጗ࡈᔝ๭ 18,50-1 Probable migraine Presbyopia Ҟକஐᔝ๭ 15,17,25-7,32-3,36,41 ցࠅೀ 114 Probable migraine with aura Pressing/tightening Ҟକჰԏஐᔝ๭ 17,25,27,33 ᕅঝ/ᇦᖺݑ 39-41,53,92,93,136,146 Probable migraine without aura Pressure algometer Ҟକ๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ 17,25-6,32-3 ᕅϧเ๭ኇ 43,146 Probable ocular diabetic neuropathy Pressure-induced pain Ҟକᒤ،ઽೀൊૠ၃ઽᢏ 127 ᕅϧє๴Нૂ๭ 146 Probable opioid-overuse headache ӡᔝ๭ 93ڹPreviously used term Ҟକᐈѯ᝷Ⴥ࢘ ᚞ᇍ 14,25-6,30,33,38,45,50,51-3,67-8,77-8,82,87-9,92, Probable optic neuritis 113,120,123,125,127,129,133,143,146 Ҟକ໛ૠ၃߆ 127 Primary chronic cluster headache Probable paroxysmal hemicrania ১๴ݑᅙݑᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ 46 Ҟକ๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ 18,45,48 Primary CNS angiitis Probable retinal migraine ೚֕ᇒ߆ 68,71,73 Ҟକ໛ᇨ፯ஐᔝ๭ 33ڀ১๴ݑКዽૠ၃ Primary cough headache Probable SUNCT ১๴ݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ 18,50-2,54,81 ҞକSUNCT 18,45 Primary exertional headache Probable tension-type headache ১๴ݑႻஜᔝ๭ 18,50-2,54,106 Ҟକᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ 17,38,41 Primary headache associated with sexual activity Probable trigeminal autonomic Cephalalgia ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭ 18,50-2,54 ҞକϬϽ֋ࢠૠ၃ᔝ๭ 18,45,48 Primary headache syndromes Probable triptan-overuse headache ӡᔝ๭ 93ڹ১๴ݑᔝ๭ા৏၏ 14,48 Ҟକᇴ෼๳Ⴥ࢘ Primary intracranial hypotension, see Headache Prodrome attributed to spontaneous (or idiopathic) low ࡈԏ 27,33-4,145-6 CSF pressure Progressive encephalopathy ᙩԯݺ֋๴ݑ ་֖ݑၝઽᢏ 135ڍ১๴ݑᣒаֲᕅȂண ȟၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅНᔝ๭ Prolonged auraށȞݕ১ԯЙ Primary otalgia ܼࠜჰԏ 27,36,67,70 ১๴ݑօ๭ 115 Proteinuria Primary stabbing headache കӨ، 108 ᙕݑᔝ๭ 18,50,54 Pseudomigraine, see Syndrome of transientە১๴ݑ Primary thunderclap headache Headache and Neurological Deficits with (১๴ݑჩᕝᔝ๭ 13,18,50,52,55,69-70 cerebrospinal fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL ๺ዶᔝ๭фૠ၃૿ྫા৏၏ڍProbable analgesic-overuse headache ஄ݑஐᔝ๭Ȃண (ၝଖᢛ౵౽ѐಧኧӠા(HaNDLۀ ӡᔝ๭ 93ڹҞକѤ๭᜽Ⴥ࢘ Probable childhood periodic syndromes that Pseudotumor cerebri, see Headache attributed are commonly precursors of migraine to idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) (ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭(IIHށᙩԯݺ১ԯЙڍҞକ഼௱ऎஐᔝ๭ࡈᠭНࢅຆ༉งݑા৏၏ 33 ஄ݑၝጳȂண Probable chronic migraine Psychiatric disorder Ҟକᅙݑஐᔝ๭ 17,25,32-3,57,93 ᇟૠ઼ఈ 3,10,12,13,22,56,119,141 Probable chronic tension-type headache Psychogenic headache, see Tension-type (Ҟକᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ 18,38,41,93,136 headache (TTH ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ڍProbable cluster headache ѕԯݑᔝ๭Ȃண Ҟକᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ 18,45,48 Psychomotor agitation Probable ergotamine-overuse headache ᇟૠஜ֯ᑬ្ 141 ӡᔝ๭ 93 Psychomyogenic headache, see Tension-typeڹჅ࢘⃔ڎҞକ൪ Probable frequent episodic tension-type headache headache (TTH) ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ڍҞକ၃௱ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ 18,38,41 ѕನ։ԯݑᔝ๭Ȃண Probable infrequent episodic tension-type headache Psychotic disorder

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ᇟૠઽݑ઼ఈ 22,119-21 Saccular aneurysm ஜଔጳ 19,64,66,72؛Ptosis ᡃ ೀөϭ࡬ 45-6,53 Sarcoid Puerperium ᝷ևጳઽ 20,76,79,84-5,128 ಯᓍง 108 Schizophrenia Pulsatile tinnitus ᇟૠж໘ા 120 ஜݑօኀ 67 School phobiaྨ Pulsating ៵ᐯા 119 ྨஜ 25-6,47,51,69,87,88-92,94,100,107-8,134,136,138,146 Scintigraphy Pulsating quality ୯᜖ൄ዆ങ 116,146 ஜݑ 25,87-92,108-9,134 Scintillating scotomaྨ Pure menstrual migraine ୯᜖ླᙇ 35,65,73 ૷ѡ၃ஐᔝ๭ 26,135 Scintillation Pure menstrual migraine without aura ୯᜖಩໪ 31,146 ૷ѡ၃๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ 134-5 Scotoma ໛ൎ૿ྫ 27,31,35,65,73,127,146 R Scotomata Raised CSF pressure headache ླᙇ 31,73 ၝଖᢛ౵୼ᕅᔝ๭ 53 Secondary chronic cluster headache Rebound headache, see Medication-overuse headache (MOH) ը๴ݑᅙݑᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ 46 ӡᔝ๭(MOH) Secondary CNS angiitisڹ᜽ߏჅ࢘ڍхዅᔝ๭Ȃண ೚֕ᇒ߆ 68,73ڀRecurrent headache disorder ը๴ݑКዽૠ၃ хᚬ๴Ӡߞᔝ๭ 25 Secondary cough headache Referred otalgia ը๴ݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ 51 օൊಝാ๭ 115 Secondary headaches Referred pain ը๴ݑᔝ๭ 2,13-4,16,53,56-7 ಝാ๭ 43,115,130,146 Segmental Craniocervical dystonia Refraction error ြൊᣒᔚ։௺ϧಳ௱ા 114 ܦԍಳ௱ 146 Seizure Refractive errors ᢩピ๴֯ 17,20,25,28,33,36,67-71,76,81,85,107-9,121 ܦԍಳ௱ 22,112,114,117 Sensitivity to light or sound Regional cerebral blood flow ᅆԍݕᗏরూྏ 27 ؊ൊၝࣹ֕ 26-7 Sensory disturbances Retardation ྏះಳ௱ 27 ᓵᆖ 141 Separation-anxiety disorder Retinal migraine жᛓ๏ዋ઼ఈ 119,141,143 ໛ᇨ፯ஐᔝ๭ 17,25,31,33,36 Sepsis Retro-orbital headache ీ֕ા 100 ೀುࢢᔝ๭ 80 Serous meningitis, see Headache attributed Retropharyngeal tendonitis to idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) ᣒа୼ᕅށᙩԯݺ১ԯЙڍ࡟ࢢൊ։ၔ߆ 22,112-3,117 ግ౵ݑၝ፯߆Ȃண Reversible benign CNS angiopathy Нᔝ๭(IIH) ೚֕ᇒઽᢏ 52 Sexual headache, see Primary headacheڀݑКዽૠ၃ډҞ୚ Reversible focal neurological symptoms associated with sexual activity ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭ڍҞ୚ߞ؊ൊૠ၃ᐯાߐ 26 ݑ֖ऎᔝ๭Ȃண Rheumatoid arthritis Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache (᝷লᖅݑᝯြ߆ 113,116 attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT ຕ፯҇֕фࣹಊۀRhinorrhoea ๺ዶඏஎૠ၃๭ݑᔝ๭๴֯ ࣹኄѪ 45-7,53,136 (SUNCT) 18, 45,47-8 Rhinosinusitis Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache ኄ߆ኄឭ߆ 22,112,115-7,141 attacks with cranial Autonomic symptoms (SUNA) ᣒൊ֋ࢠૠ၃ાߐۀRuptured cerebral aneurysm ๺ዶඏஎૠ၃๭ݑᔝ๭๴֯ ૔໘Нၝ֕ᇒஜଔጳ 52,55,66,72 (SUNA) 47,136-7 Sinus headaches S

ICHD-Ƕ 26: ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ኄឭᔝ๭ 115-7 Stomach-aches Sinus thrombosis ।๭ 143 ᔖଔឭંཫ 67,74,77 Stress headache, see Tension-type headache (TTH) (ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTHڍSinusitis ᕅϧݑᔝ๭Ȃண ኄឭ߆ 52,102,112,115 Strings and beads Sleep apnoea ֚઴ߐ 71 КѤા 21,105-7,110 Subacute encephalopathy or cavernousכᇂ્۲ Sleep apnoea headache sinus syndrome ࢧݑၝઽᢏݕઔᇬߐឭા৏၏ 70ڲ КѤાᔝ๭ 21,105-7,110כᇂ્۲ Sleep disorder Subacute haematomas ࢧݑߞ֕ၚ 61ڲ ᇂ઼્ఈ 107,119 Sleep disturbance Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) ᇂ્ቪᜣ 59,106,142 ም໒ᇨ፯ϭວҍ֕(SAH) 19,51-2,55,59-60,64-7,69-73 Sleep-related respiratory disorders Subcortical dementia ఈ 107 өᎳϭҵขા 70઼כሃᇂ્գᝯߞ۲ Sluder's neuralgia, see Cluster headache Subdural empyema ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ ๼ၝ፯ϭᗘᆹ 21,100,102,104,139ڍSluderѩૠ၃๭Ȃண Sluder's sphenopalatine neuralgia Subdural haematoma Sluderѩᎅᛠૠ၃๭ 130 ๼ၝ፯ϭ֕ၚ 18,58,61,66 Small artery disease Substance Јஜଔ઼ઽ 70 ߏᎳ 2,11,20-1,33,42,56,78-9,86,88-9,91,94-7,99,101-2, Social phobia 119-20,121,138,141-2,146 ߤӹ਻៵ા 142 Substance withdrawal ᙝ 21,86,94,99ئSomatisation disorder ߏᎳ ᢜмા 22,119-20 Sumatriptan Somatoform ަਡ࡭ 14,83,96-8,110,138 ᢜ 120-1,142 SUNCT with coexistent trigeminal neuralgiaڗ᝷ ϬϽૠ၃๭ 47ۀSomatoform disorders SUNCTԪ ᢜ઼ఈ 119-21,148 Superior laryngeal neuralgiaڗ᝷ Spark photopsias ඘ϯૠ၃๭ 22,123,125,130 ୯ԍё໛ 81 Supraorbital neuralgia Spasmodic torticollis ೀುϯૠ၃๭ 22,106,123,125,131 ๯᡾ݑెᔚા 114 Symptomatic and idiopathic occipital epilepsy ၧᢩピ 81ދށSpeech symptoms ાߐݑф১ԯЙ ાߐ 27-8 Symptomatic cluster headacheڏሬ Sphenopalatine neuralgia, see Cluster headache ાߐݑᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ 45 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ Symptomatic cough headacheڍᎅᛠૠ၃๭Ȃண Spondylosis ાߐݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ 51 ଖࣗᝯြଡ଼мા 112,113 Symptomatic glossopharyngeal neuralgia Spontaneous haemorrhagic infarction ાߐݑ֎࡟ૠ၃๭ 23,123-4 ֋๴ݑҍ֕ݑ౟ཫ 71 Symptomatic hypoglycaemia Spontaneous intracranial hypotension, see ાߐݑֲ֕ᒤા 109 Headache attributed to spontaneous (or Symptomatic migraine idiopathic) low CSF pressure ાߐݑஐᔝ๭ 25,33,67,92 ȟ Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgiaށᙩԯݺ֋๴ݑȞݕ১ԯЙڍ֋๴ݑᣒаֲᕅȂண ၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅНᔝ๭ ાߐݑϬϽૠ၃๭ 23,123-4 Sporadic hemiplegic migraine Syndrome of transient Headache and ෸๴ݑஐᢨஐᔝ๭ 17,25,28-30,35 Neurological Deficits with cerebrospinal Stab of pain fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) ၝଖᢛ౵ۀᙕ๭ 50,146 ๺ዶᔝ๭фૠ၃૿ྫા৏၏ە Startle response ౽ѐಧኧӠા (HaNDL) 20,76,82 ᢘᕂхᕕ 143 Syringomyelia Status migrainosus ଖᢛߩࣽા 82 ஐᔝ๭দᒕߐᅗ 17,25,32-3,36 Systemic arteritis

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ݑஜଔ߆ 68 ెᔚ 114,135ڗԑ Systemic bacterial infection Toxoplasmosis ݑ೟ໂྏࣖ 21,100,102 Еግᚪઽ 103ڗԑ Systemic disease Transient and localised stabs of pain ᙕ๭ 50ەݑ઼ઽ 87,105,130 ᖠ༡ሃ؊ൊڗԑ Systemic infection Transient hemiparesis ݑྏࣖ 21,100,102-4 ዶ੡ݑஐᢨ 30ڗԑ Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) ݑ॓෹ݑફጵ 79,84-5,120,140 ዶ੡ݑၝ૿֕(TIA) 19,29,64-5,71ڗԑ Systemic viral infection Transient monocular blindness 31 ށݑઽࣲྏࣖ 21,100,103 ዶ੡ݑඏೀҵڗԑ Transient visual obscurations T ᖠ༡໛ൎላ፵ 77 Teeth, jaws or related structures Traumatic brain lesion Ѱȃᛠݕहᝯຕᅹ 22,112,115-7 ҳཋݑၝൊઽᢏ 59-60 Teichopsia Traumatic epidural haematoma ୯ԍླᙇ 146 ҳཋݑ๼ၝ፯ҳ֕ၚ 65 Temporal arteritis, see Headache attributed to Traumatic intracranial haematoma giant cell arteritis (GCA) ҳཋݑᣒа֕ၚ 18,58,60 ᙩԯݺһ೟४ஜଔ߆ȞGCAȟНᔝ๭ Trematodesڍ㡅ஜଔ߆Ȃண ᚪ 139כ Temporal pain 㡅ൊૂ๭ 45-6 Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (TAC) Temporomandibular joint disorder ϬϽ֋ࢠૠ၃ᔝ๭ (TAC) 2,11,15-6,18,24,45,48,52,136,145 㡅ᔜᝯြ઼ఈ 22,112,116,118 Trigeminal neuralgia Tenderness ϬϽૠ၃๭ 22,46-9,123-4,129-32,136-7 ᕅ๭ 38-43,102,113,116,125-6,137,144 Triptan Tension headache, see Tension-type headache (TTH) ᇴ෼๳ 8,13-4,20,26,86,92-3,97,110,139 ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTH) Triptan-overuse headacheڍᇦ௺ݑᔝ๭Ȃண ӡᔝ๭ 21,86,92-3ڹTension-type headache (TTH) ᇴ෼๳Ⴥ࢘ ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTH) 2,11,14,15-8,24,26,34,38-44,52-4,57- Typical aura with migraine headache ࡭ჰԏஐᔝ๭ݑᔝ๭ 13,17,25,27-8ۏ 8,64,76,81,86-7,88,91-3,95,98,100,105-6,112-3,116,119,136 Terminal branch neuralgia Typical aura with non-migraine headache ࡭ჰԏࠧஐᔝ๭ݑᔝ๭ 17,25,28,34ۏ Ӑњૠ၃๭ 23,123,125,144 Throbbing Typical aura without headache ࡭ჰԏ 17,25,29,34ۏஜݑȂዡ഼ዡ഼ߞႯ 26,31,146 Й֡ᔌᔝ๭Нྨ Thrombocytopenia U ьા 108ิޕЈ֕ Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Undifferentiated somatoform disorder ᢜ઼ఈ 119-20ڗьݑຘ෹ઽ 140 ӏжм᝷ิޕཫݑ֕Јં Thunderclap headache Unilateral ჩᕝᔝ๭ 13,18,50,55,66,69-72,74-5,80 ඏஎ 18,25-8,31,45-9,53-5,66-7,69-70,92,102,114,123- Tic douloureux, see Trigeminal neuralgia 5,128-9,131,134,136,138,146 ϬϽૠ၃๭ Unilateral neuralgiform headacheڍ๭ݑݩ✇Ȃண Tic, see Trigeminal neuralgia ඏஎૠ၃๭ݑᔝ๭ 18,45,47-9,67,136 ϬϽૠ၃๭ Unilateral sensory symptomsڍݩ✇๭Ȃண Tinnitus ඏஎྏះાߐ 27-8 օኀ 30,67,69,77-8 Unruptured vascular malformation 19,52,64,66,72 ؛Tissue oedema ӏ૔໘Н֕ᇒဋ ೡᚐѪၚ 108 V Tolosa-Hunt syndrome Tolosa-Huntѩા৏၏ 23,123,128,131 Vail's Vidian neuralgia Tonic spells Vailѩᗍᇒૠ၃๭ 130 ௻ߡ๴֯ 135 Valsalva manoeuvre Torticollis Valsalvaѩᑆ֯ 51,78,83 Valsalva- manoeuvre headache, see Primary

ICHD-Ƕ272 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

cough headache ১๴ݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ڍValsalvaѩᑆ֯ᔝ๭Ȃண Vascular disorder ᇒݑ઼ఈ 2,11,19,56,64-5,70,77,137֕ Vascular intracranial disorders ᇒݑᣒа઼ఈ 52,76֕ Vasculitis ᇒ߆ 73,75,83,95,128֕ Vasospasm ᇒ᡾ᖺ 55,74,95,146֕ Venous sinus thrombosis ᔖଔឭંཫ 74,77 Vertebral artery pain ଖปஜଔ๭ 19,64,69 Vertigo ોྶ 17,25,31,35,81,135 Vidian neuralgia, see Cluster headache ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍᗍᇒૠ၃๭Ȃண Visual analogue scale (VAS) ӫเ᝷ѧ༓ࠑ(VAS) 113,141,146 Visual aura ໛ះჰԏ 27-8,34,36,145 Visual blurring ໛ϧጀፘ 81 Visual field defect ໛ൎ૿ྫ 77 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome Vogt-Koyanagi-Haradaѩા৏၏ 79 W

Warehouse workers' headache, see Carbon monoxide-induced headache Ϙઉмᇆє๴Нᔝ๭ڍৗᔼЍϠᔝ๭Ȃண Warning symptoms ાߐ 27,73,145-6ט់ Weight-lifters' headache ᗝদ߰ᔝ๭ 51 Whiplash injury ᔚൊӢཋ 18,58-60,62-3 Withdrawal from chronic use of other substances ᙝ 21,86,94ئӡࢢڹҁߏᎳᅙݑێ


Zig zag line ።౧ 146؛НՄ

162 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ᚼݑ։௺ϧಳ௱ાخ১ԯНށϘᄑ Й Idiopathic torsional dystonia 135 (ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTHڍ১ԯНᔝ๭ȂணށϘઉмว(NO)៖ҍߏє๴Нᔝ๭ Й Nitric oxide (NO) donor-induced headache 20,86-7 "Idiopathic headache, see Tension-type Ϙઉмวє๴Нܼᓵ࡭ᔝ๭ headache (TTH)" Delayed NO donor-induced headache 20,86,88 Й௱๴ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ ,Ϙઉмว៖ҍߏє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ Infrequent episodic tension-type headache 15,17,26,38-9 Immediate NO donor-induced headache 20,86-7 41,113,136 ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ۀϘઉмᇆє๴Нᔝ๭ Й௱๴ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ЙԪ Carbon monoxide-induced headache 20,86,88 Infrequent episodic tension-type headache ᢜфᗚൊ not associated with pericranial tenderness 17,38-9ڗϘஎ ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ۀOne side of the body and face 28 Й௱๴ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭Ԫ ϟᄑ Infrequent episodic tension-type headache associated with pericranial tenderness 17,38-9,113 Ϡ᝷ֺप૿ѻઽࣲ(HIV)/ࢢчݑֺपЙԑ Й៳ݺ಩Յж᝷ߞᔝ๭ ા৏၏ (ྑไઽ) (AIDS) Headache not elsewhere classified 23,133 HIV/AIDS 21,100,102-3 Кѵ॔ࡱජ۹ඛ୯Ꮒླᙇ ϠᢜНϬϽૠ၃஘ӹྏૠ၃хਡ Fortification spectrum 27,145-6 Human trigeminal-parasympathetic reflex 45 КলࢢКዽݑૂ๭ Ϭᄑ Central post-stroke pain 23,123,129,131 ᇟ(ᐊቕ༗)є๴Нᔝ๭ۧڍК஼ᔠᔡા৏၏Ȃண ϬϽ֋ࢠૠ၃ᔝ๭(TAC) "Chinese restaurant syndrome, see Monosodium Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (TAC) 2,11,15-6,18,24, glutamate-induced headache" 45,48,52,136,145 К༡ૠ၃๭ ϬϽૠ၃๭ Nervus intermedius neuralgia 22,123,125,130 Trigeminal neuralgia 22,46-9,123-4,129-32,136-7 Кዽݑᛞব๭ ϭᛠ༁๭ Central causes of facial pain 3,12,22-3,123,129,143 Jaw claudication 68 Кዽݕ১๴ݑᛞব๭ Ͼൊ٬ጤા৏၏ Central or primary facial pain 3,12,23,133 ݑ֕ᇒઽᢏډ೚НڀBurning mouth syndrome 23,123,130,132 Кዽૠ၃ Ђ൫є๴Нᔝ๭ Benign angiopathy of the central nervous system 19,64 Cannabis-induced headache 20,86,90 ажީ઼ఈ Ђၝᔖଔંཫ Endocrine disorder 78 Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) 19,52,64-5,70,74 жᛓ๏ዋ઼ఈ գөᎳϭ౟ཫ Separation-anxiety disorder 119,141,143ۀЂၝᢜࣖ֒ᢜᢖݑஜଔઽᢏ (ӡᔝ๭(MOHڹ᜽ߏჅ࢘ڍфӨᎳၝઽᢏ(CADASIL) хዅᔝ๭Ȃண Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with "Rebound headache, see Medication-overuse Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy headache (MOH)" (CADASIL) 19,64,70,74 хᚬ๴Ӡߞᔝ๭ ߞѕႯി࢘ Recurrent headache disorder 25أЂᗏߞѕᡙႯஜݕ࣏Ґ ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ڍPounding heart or accelerated heart rate 142 ѕԯݑᔝ๭Ȃண Єピࡈા "Psychogenic headache, see Tension-type Pre-eclampsia 21,96,105,108,111 headache (TTH)" Єピા ѕఙ Eclampsia 22,96,105,108,110 Palpitations 107,142 ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ڍЈஜଔ઼ઽ ѕನ։ԯݑᔝ๭Ȃண Small artery disease 70 "Psychomyogenic headache, see Tension-type Еግᚪઽ headache (TTH)" Toxoplasmosis 103 ѕ࿚ݑᔝ๭ ።౧ Cardiac cephalalgia 22,105,109,111؛НՄ Zig zag line 146 ѡ၃ஐᔝ๭ ұᄑ Menstrual migraine 26,134-5 ѡ၃ᝯ࠼ ࡭ჰԏ Menstrual relationship 15,26,134ۏЙ֡ᔌᔝ๭Н ӡᔝ๭ڹTypical aura without headache 17,25,29,34 Ѥ๭᜽Ⴥ࢘

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Analgesic-overuse headache 20,86,92 Ҟକᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ Ѫၝє୓ᣒа୼ᕅ Probable tension-type headache 17,38,41 ӡᔝ๭ڹIntracranial hypertension secondary to Ҟକᇴ෼๳Ⴥ࢘ hydrocephalus 19,76,78 Probable triptan-overuse headache 93 ӡᔝ๭ڹѰȃᛠݕहᝯຕᅹ Ҟକᐈѯ᝷Ⴥ࢘ "Teeth, jaws or related structures" 22,112,115,117 Probable opioid-overuse headache 93 Ѱ۹߆ Ҟକᒤ،ઽೀൊૠ၃ઽᢏ Periodontitis 115 Probable ocular diabetic neuropathy 127 Ѱࡄ۹ඛ߆ Ҟକᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ Pericoronitis 116 Probable cluster headache 18,45,48 ӡᔝ๭ڹѻϧ Ҟକ᜽ߏჅ࢘ Malaise 102,135 Probable medication-overuse headache 21,32,41,53,57 Уᄑ 86,93,136 ೚֕ᇒઽᢏڀݑКዽૠ၃ډҍ֕ Ҟ୚ Haemorrhage 19,51-2,56,59-60,64-7,69.71-3 Reversible benign CNS angiopathy 52 җ᝝жֶ Ҟ୚ߞ؊ൊૠ၃ᐯાߐ Hemidistribution 146 Reversible focal neurological symptoms 26 җ᝝ᔝ๭ ҟࣟᣂє๴Нᔝ๭ Hemicranium 50 Cocaine-induced headache 20,86,90,108 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ ҳԯݑഈᆬላє๴Нᔝ๭ڍҗ᝝ᔝ๭֕ᇒ൫ထȂண "Hemicrania angioparalytica, see Cluster Exogenous hormone-induced headache 21,86,93 headache" ҳԯߏᎳݙ७ࢧݑпᕅхᕕНᔝ๭ ҞକSUNCT Acute pressor response to an exogenous agent 21,86-7 Probable SUNCT 18,45 105,109 ᑬەҞକϬϽ֋ࢠૠ၃ᔝ๭ ҳԴֽ Probable trigeminal autonomic Cephalalgia 18,45,48 External application of a cold stimulus 23,123,126 ҞକЙ௱๴ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ ҳԴᕅঝݑᔝ๭ Probable infrequent episodic tension-type External compression headache 23,123,126,131 headache 18,38,41 ҳཋݑ๼ၝ፯ҳ֕ၚ ӡᔝ๭ Traumatic epidural haematoma 65ڹҞକѤ๭᜽Ⴥ࢘ Probable analgesic-overuse headache 93 ҳཋݑၝൊઽᢏ Ҟକஐᔝ๭ Traumatic brain lesion 59-60 Probable migraine 15,17,25-7,32-3,36,41 ҳཋݑᣒа֕ၚ Ҟକ഼௱ऎஐᔝ๭ࡈᠭНࢅຆ༉งݑા৏၏ Traumatic intracranial haematoma 18,58,60 Probable childhood periodic syndromes that ҳཋࢢા৏၏ are commonly precursors of migraine 33 Post-traumatic syndrome 58-60 ӡᔝ๭ ҳཋࢢୃᐸඉҵڹჅ࢘⃔ڎҞକ൪ Probable ergotamine-overuse headache 93 Post-traumatic amnesia 59 Ҟକ๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ ҳཋࢢᔝ๭ Probable migraine without aura 17,25-6,32-3 Post-traumatic headache 16,18,58-63,66,116 Ҟକ๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ ҵ્ Probable paroxysmal hemicrania 18,45,48 Insomnia 58,141 Ҟକ໛ૠ၃߆ ҵሬݑ Probable optic neuritis 127 Dysphasic 27-9 ჰԏஐᔝ๭ڍҞକ໛ᇨ፯ஐᔝ๭ ҵሬஐᔝ๭Ȃண Probable retinal migraine 33 "Aphasic migraine, see Migraine with aura" (Ҟକ၃௱ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ һ೟४ஜଔ߆(GCA Probable frequent episodic tension-type headache 18,38,41 Giant cell arteritis (GCA) 19,64,67-8,73 (ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTHڍҞକჰԏஐᔝ๭ ӎᅗݑᔝ๭Ȃண Probable migraine with aura 17,25,27,33 "Essential headache, see Tension-type "(Ҟକᅙݑஐᔝ๭ headache (TTH ᢜ઼ఈڗProbable chronic migraine 17,25,32-3,57,93 ӏжм᝷ Ҟକᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ Undifferentiated somatoform disorder 119-20 নۦڽProbable chronic tension-type headache 18,38,41,93,136 ӏ

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ափൄ՘ߞࢺ᠈ݑૂ๭خᑬݕە Foreshortened future 143 ,Constant pain caused by compression" ؛ӏ૔໘Н֕ᇒဋ Unruptured vascular malformation 19,52,64,66,72 irritation or distortion of cranial nerves or Ӑњૠ၃๭ upper cervical roots by structural lesions" 23,123,127 Terminal branch neuralgia 22,123,125,144 Ժ๴ݑ୻ᢛ೟४ጳ ᇂ્ઽ Multiple myeloma 113ڲӟѧ Gambian sleeping sickness 140 Ժ๴ݑ๼мા Multiple sclerosis 23,123-4,127,129,132 ڽӤୱ๴ݑᆊᢏփ Evolving from episodic 14,40 Ժ༵ݑ ӥߐၜᑟକФ་ા Polythetic 15 ೚֕ᇒ߆ڀHyperthyroidism 140 ը๴ݑКዽૠ၃ ӥߐၜֲକા Secondary CNS angiitis 68,73 Hypothyroidism 22,105,109,110 ը๴ݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ ӨᎳၝઽᢏ Secondary cough headache 51 Leukoencephalopathy 19,32,64,70 ը๴ݑᅙݑᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ өᎳϭҵขા Secondary chronic cluster headache 46 Subcortical dementia 70 ը๴ݑᔝ๭ ӫเ᝷ѧ༓ࠑ(VAS) Secondary headaches 2,13-4,16,53,56-7 Visual analogue scale (VAS) 113,141,146 ցࠅೀ Presbyopia 114 бᄑ օ ,҇֕ Ears 3,11,22,54,82,100,102,112-3,115-7,120,124-5 Hyperaemia 27 127,130,141,146 ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭ օ઼ఈڍӹԪᔝ๭Ȃண "Coital cephalalgia, see Primary headache Disorder of ears 22,112,115,117 associated with sexual activity" օൊಝാ๭ ݑ॓෹ݑફጵ Referred otalgia 115ڗԑ Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 79,84-5,120,140 օ๭ ݑ઼ઽ Otalgia 115,117,125ڗԑ Systemic disease 87,105,130 օኀ ݑઽࣲྏࣖ Tinnitus 30,67,69,77-8ڗԑ Ҟକᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ڍSystemic viral infection 21,100,103 ։և՜ᖺݑᔝ๭Ȃண ݑஜଔ߆ "Muscle contraction headache, see Probableڗԑ Systemic arteritis 68 chronic tension-type headache" ݑ೟ໂྏࣖ ։ຏ፯ૂ๭фᔝ๭ڗԑ Systemic bacterial infection 21,100,102 Myofascial pain and headache 116 ׈ऎᅙݑܕݑྏࣖ ֋ڗԑ Systemic infection 21,100,102-4 Chronic from onset 14 ᑬߏНᔝ๭ ֋๴ݑҍ֕ݑ౟ཫەϢֽכᙩԯݺ঴ӡݕڍԔ౼౽ᔝ๭Ȃண "Ice-cream headache, see Headache attributed Spontaneous haemorrhagic infarction 71 ȟށᙩԯݺ֋๴ݑȞݕ১ԯЙڍto ingestion or inhalation of a cold stimulus" ֋๴ݑᣒаֲᕅȂண ᙕݑᔝ๭ ၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅНᔝ๭ە১๴ݑڍԔᔄ๭Ȃண "Ice-pick pains, see Primary stabbing headache" "Spontaneous intracranial hypotension, Ԣԩஎߞ໛ះાߐ see Headache attributed to spontaneous Homonymous visual symptoms 27-8 (or idiopathic) low CSF pressure" Ԣஎೀ ֎։௺ϧಳ௱ા Ipsilateral eye 46 Lingual dystonia 114 ԢஎೀөѪၚ ֎࡟ૠ၃๭ Ipsilateral eyelid oedema 45-6 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia 23,123-5,130 Ԣஎຕ፯҇֕ ֎๭ Ipsilateral conjunctival injection 45-6 Glossodynia 130 ьાิޕԢஎኄວ҇֕ ֕Ј Ipsilateral nasal congestion 45-6 Thrombocytopenia 108 ޘԯຕᅹઽᢏᐱ७ᣒૠ၃ݕϯᔚૠ၃ੲᕅঝȃ ֕౵൅ Haemodialysis 107

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ၚ ؊ൊၝґକಳ௱֕ Haematoma 18,58-61,65 Focal cerebral dysfunction 145 ᇒݑ઼ఈ ؊ൊၝࣹ֕֕ Vascular disorder 2,11,18-9,56,64-5,70,77,137 Regional cerebral blood flow 26-7 աخ ᇒݑᣒа઼ఈ֕ Vascular intracranial disorders 52,76 Kinking 81 ៳Ѐ዇ໂق ᇒ߆֕ Vasculitis 73.75,83,95,128 Listeria 101 ાݕቅ្ા๴្֯ٳ ᇒൄ዆ᔝ๭֕ Angiography headache 19,64,70,74 Manic or hypomanic episodes 141 ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭ڍݑ֕ᇒݑݑ֖ऎᔝ๭Ȃணډ ᇒ᡾ᖺ֕ Vasospasm 55,74,95,146 "Benign vascular sexual headache, see Primary "ግжᛓങє๴Нᔝ๭ headache associated with sexual activity֕ ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭ڍݑݑӹᔝ๭Ȃணډ Plasmapheresis-induced headache 140 "Benign sex headache, see Primary headache ϛᄑ associated with sexual activity" ১๴ݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ڍݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭Ȃணډ ઴ߐ֚ Strings and beads 71 "Benign cough headache, see Primary "ᔌાߐ cough headache֡ ݑࢅຆง๴֯ݑྶોډ Accompanying symptoms 50,126,134,145 ޾๏ዋા Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood 17,25,31,35,135 ݑ๴֯ݑెᔚډ Generalised anxiety disorder 119,142 ᕅ Benign paroxysmal torticollis 135(֕)ֲ ১๴ݑႻஜᔝ๭ڍݑႻஜᔝ๭Ȃணډ Hypotension 52,61,71,78,83-4 ᒤє๴Нஐᔝ๭ "Benign exertional headache, seeֲ֕ Hypoglycaemia-induced migraine 109 Primary exertional headache" ১๴ݑჩᕝᔝ๭ڍݑჩᕝᔝ๭Ȃணډ ᒤાֲ֕ Hypoglycaemia 109-10 "Benign thunderclap headache, see "ᒤાє๴ߞЂၝҵକ Primary thunderclap headacheֲ֕ ১ԯᣒаށᙩԯݺЙڍݑᣒа୼ᕅ(BIH)Ȃணډ Hypoglycaemia-induced brain dysfunction 109 ༗֕ા ୼ᕅНᔝ๭ȞIIHȟֲ Hyponatraemia 140 Benign intracranial hypertension (BIH), ᙩԯݺ֋๴ݑ see Headache attributed to idiopathicڍၝଖᢛ౵ਟ༓ᔝ๭Ȃணֲ (ȟၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅНᔝ๭ intracranial hypertension (IIHށȞݕ১ԯЙ ॎگ Low CSF-volume headache, see" Headache attributed to spontaneous Mastoid 113 ࢧݑߞ֕ၚڲ "or idiopathic) low CSF presure) ᑬᔝ๭ Subacute haematomas 61ەֽ ࢧݑၝઽᢏݕઔᇬߐឭા৏၏ڲ Cold-stimulus headache 126,131 ᚪ Subacute encephalopathy or cavernousכ Trematodes 139 sinus syndrome 70 ຆᔝ๭ۊ ቪᜣڏ؆ԑҞ୚ҵሬݑሬ Fully reversible dysphasic speech disturbance 27-9 Paediatric headache 119 ҁӐњૠ၃๭ێ ১๴ݑКዽڍ೚֕ᇒ߆Ȃணڀ؊নߞКዽૠ၃ ೚֕ᇒ߆ Other terminal branch neuralgias 23,123,125ڀૠ၃ ݑྏࣖڗҁԑێ Isolated CNS angiitis, see Headache" attributed to primary central nervous Other systemic infection 16,21,100,102 ᙝئӡࢢڹҁߏᎳᅙݑێ "ystem (CNS) angitis ؊ൊ։௺ϧಳ௱ા Withdrawal from chronic use of other substances 21,86,94 ҁࠧྏࣖݑ๴߆઼ఈێ Focal dystonias 114 ؊ൊાߐ Other non-infectious inflammatory disease 20,76,79 ӡݕతៈڹҁࢧݑߏᎳێ Focal symptoms 145 ؊ൊ૿ྫ Other acute substance use or exposure 21,86,91 ӡڹҁ᜽ߏჅ࢘ێ Focal deficits 65-8 Other medication overuse 21,86,93

166 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ҁКዽݑᛞব๭ Difficulty in concentrating 27,58,103ێҁᣒૠ၃๭ݕێ хᕕډӡН᜽ߏࢧݑЙڹҁᏋᕕાێOther cranial neuralgia or other centrally ޼ᖚ mediated facial pain 23,123,130,132 Acute adverse event attributed to medication ϣᄑ used for other indications 20,86,91,139 ࡭ϬϽૠ၃๭ ߏᎳۏ Classical trigeminal neuralgia 23,123-4,129 Substance 2,11,20-1,33,42,56,78-9,86,88-9,91,94-7,99 ࡭֎࡟ૠ၃๭ 101-2,119-20,121,138,141-2ۏ ᙝئClassical glossopharyngeal neuralgia 23,123-4 ߏᎳ ჰԏஐᔝ๭ Substance withdrawal 21,86,94,99ڍ࡭ஐᔝ๭Ȃணۏ "Classic or classical migraine, see ߠᙇᙖЂ Migraine with aura" Enlarged blind spot 77 ࡭ჰԏࠧஐᔝ๭ݑᔝ๭ ߤӹ਻៵ાۏ Typical aura with non-migraine headache 17,25,28,34 Social phobia 142 ࡭ჰԏஐᔝ๭ݑᔝ๭ ߳ᢜ๑ϧۏ Typical aura with migraine headache 13,17,25,27-8 Motor weakness 27-30 ᙕ๭ ࠕ໛ە Stab of pain 146 Myopia 146 ჰԏஐᔝ๭ڍᙕݑᔝ๭ ࠢ៳ஐᔝ๭Ȃணە১๴ݑڍᙕ๭Ȃணە "Jabs and jolts, see Primary stabbing headache" "Migraine accompagnee, see Migraine with aura" ࠦԍೀ ᇟ(ᐊቕ༗)є๴Нᔝ๭ Glaucoma 112,114,117ۧ Monosodium glutamate-induced headache 20,86,89,95 ࠧѡ၃हᝯ๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ ᙝНᔝ๭ Non-menstrual migraine without aura 134ئபԯ۩ Caffeine-withdrawal headache 21,86,94.107 ࠧҳཋݑም໒ᇨ፯ϭວҍ֕ȂҞକգϵҞକ ҁᗜؖወ৏ێ۹᝝ૂ๭ᑟᚼ ٟգ Peripheral pain mechanisms 38 Non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage ܥӏ҇жᝋᅁ with or without other clinical signs 66 Not sufficiently validated 89,113,115,130,140.146 ࠧҳཋݑᣒаҍ֕ ܦԍಳ௱ Non-traumatic intracranial haemorrhage 19,64-5 Refraction error 146 ࠧ֕ᇒݑᣒа઼ఈ ܦԍಳ௱ Non-vascular intracranial disorder 2,11,19-20,56,76,82,137 ࡭Ѱ๭ۏRefractive errors 22,112,114,117 ࠧ ܼࠜჰԏ Atypical odontalgia 130,132 ১ԯᛞব๭ށࢺ᠈Йڍ࡭ᛞব๭ȂணۏProlonged aura 27,36,67,70 ࠧ ܼࠜჰԏஐᔝ๭ "Atypical facial pain, see Persistent idiopathic Migraine with prolonged aura 27,36 facial pain" ࠧ஀Ⴭݑևࠂጳ םݏ Phonophobia 25-6,39-41,52-3,92,100-1,106,134,136,145-6 Non-caseating granulomas 79 ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭ ࠧྏࣖݑ๴߆઼ఈڍݑ֖ऎᔝ๭Ȃண "Sexual headache, see Primary headache Non-infectious inflammatory disease 20,76,79 associated with sexual activity" ϝᄑ ϬϽૠ၃๭ ࡈԏڍݩ✇๭Ȃண "Tic, see Trigeminal neuralgia" Prodrome 27,33-4,145-6 ݸਡ።јങࢢᔝ๭ ࡈᛝфᗚൊҍխ Post-radiosurgery headache 137-8 Forehead and facial sweating 45,46 ݽࢤ ࡈᠭાߐ Irritability 59,89,135,142-3 Premonitory symptoms 27,145-6 ދૠ၃๭ ࡟։௺ϧಳ௱ા Occipital neuralgia 23,123,126,130 Pharyngeal dystonia 114 ތࠧᇂ્ઽ ࡟ࢢൊ։ၔ߆ East African sleeping sickness 140 Retropharyngeal tendonitis 22,112-3,117 ࠧᔄᚪઽ ࡻཕݑᔝ๭ތ East African trypanosomiasis 140 Postural headache 51,79,83 ަྍϧ᝱ѽ༰К ࢅຆ

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Children 26,30-1,34-5,54,78,85,99,103-4,118,121,135 ঴ዒЙ੎ ࢅຆงӹТஐᢨ Anorexia 31,39-40,106,136,145 Alternating hemiplegia of childhood 135 ϩᄑ ࢢϭ໛ѸշᎳ ୱ๴ݑ Posterior hypothalamic grey matter 46 Episodic 14,15,17-8,26,30-2,35,38-41,45-7,87-8,92,113,119 ࢢᔚൊ 136,145 Nuchal region 146 ୱ๴ݑSUNA ࢢᔚ኉๼ Episodic SUNA 136 Nuchal rigidity 66,101 ୱ๴ݑஐᔝ๭ ࢢᣒᇏНґକҵᎠ Episodic migraine 32 Posterior fossa dysfunction 81 ୱ๴ݑೀᇏ๭ ࢧݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ Episodic orbital pain 128 Acute post-traumatic headache 16,18,58-9,62-3,65 ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ ӡݕతៈ Episodic tension-type headache 15-8,26,38-41,87-8,92,113,136ڹࢧݑߏᎳ Acute substance use or exposure 20,86-7,91,95 ୱ๴๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ ࢧݑࠦԍೀ Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania 18,45,47 Acute glaucoma 22,112,114 ୱ๴ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ ๴Ӡُџࢺ᠈ݑᔝ๭ Episodic cluster headache 14,18,45-6,145ྲڍࢧݑ๴֯Нᅙݑᔝ๭Ȃண "Chronic headache with acute onset, see ૃࢢૠ၃๭ New daily-persistent headache" Post-herpetic neuralgia 23,123,128 ࢧݑ๴֯ჰԏ ࣊ՅԴН১๴ݑᔝ๭ Acute-onset aura 27 Pre-existing primary headache 16,50,54,57-8,64,76,86,92, ࢧݑჰԏஐᔝ๭ 100,105,112,119 Migraine with acute-onset aura 27 ࣹ֖ݑྏࡂ ࢧݑᔝ๭ Influenza 100,102 Acute-onset headache 60 ࣹಊ ࢧݑᛝൊࠧྨஜݑᔝ๭ Lacrimation 45,47-8,53,125,136 Acute frontal non-pulsatile headache 127 ࣹኄѪ ࢺ᠈ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ Rhinorrhoea 45-7,53,136 Ϙઉмᇆє๴Нᔝ๭ڍHemicrania continua 13,18,34,45,50,53,55 ৗᔼЍϠᔝ๭Ȃண ࢺ᠈১ԯЙށߞᛞব๭ "Warehouse workers' headache, see Persistent idiopathic facial pain 23,123,129,132 Carbon monoxide-induced headache" (ᣒа୼ᕅ(IIHށϘઉмว៖ҍߏє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ ১ԯЙڍओ᜽ᔝ๭Ȃண "Dynamite headache, see Immediate NO Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) 19,76-7,82 ೚֕ᇒ߆ڀdonor-induced headache" ১๴ݑКዽૠ၃ दԍ Primary CNS angiitis 68,71,73 Photophobia 25-6,39-40,42,52-3,78,81,92,100-1,106 ১๴ݑօ๭ 114,134,136,138,145-6 Primary otalgia 115 ᙕݑᔝ๭ەಧٕফിತ(ESR) ১๴ݑ֕॓ Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) 68,114 Primary stabbing headache 18,50,54 ಧჅԺા ১๴ݑݑ֖ऎहᝯНᔝ๭֕॓ Polycythaemia 140 Primary headache associated with sexual activity 18,50-52,54 ।঴Ⴝ୚ࣹ ১๴ݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ Gastro-oesophageal reflux 135 Primary cough headache 18,50-2,54,81 ।๭ ১๴ݑႻஜᔝ๭ Stomach-aches 143 Primary exertional headache 18,50-2,54,106 দᣭા ১๴ݑჩᕝᔝ๭ Major depressive disorder 119,141-2 Primary thunderclap headache 13,18,50,52,55,69-70 লᖅݑԺ๴։๭ા ১๴ݑᅙݑᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ Polymyalgia rheumatica 68,73 Primary chronic cluster headache 46 ᑬߏНᔝ๭ ১๴ݑᔝ๭ા৏၏ەϢֽכ঴ӡݕ Ingestion or inhalation of a cold stimulus 22,123,126 Primary headache syndromes 14,48 ȟށᙩԯݺ֋๴ݑȞݕ১ԯЙڍ঴ࡡ՘жф౹Ґߏ ১๴ݑᣒаֲᕅȂண Food components and additives 20,86,89 ၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅНᔝ๭

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Primary intracranial hypotension, see ૠ၃ጳ Headache attributed to spontaneous Neuroma 62-3,115,123 (or idiopathic) low CSF pressure ૠ၃ᐯાߐ ,ਛ౉ݑஐᢨஐᔝ๭ Neurological symptoms 26,35,69,81,85,89,101,103,108 Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) 14,17,25,28-30,35,83 120,139-40 ਻ྖા ૠ၃᝷ևጳઽ Panic disorder 119,121,141-2 Neurosarcoidosis 20,76,79,84 ੡༡ᙇϯ௜зᝯാ ૷ѡ၃ஐᔝ๭ Close temporal relation Pure menstrual migraine 26,135 15,25-30,32-3,38-41,45-7,50,53,57,58,61,64-6,68-70,76-80, ૷ѡ၃๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ 82-3,86-94,100-1,103,105,108-9,112-6,119,129,136,145 Pure menstrual migraine without aura 134-5 ьݑຘ෹ઽ ૿֕ݑКলȞၝ౟ཫȟิޕཫݑ֕Јં Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 140 Ischaemic stroke (cerebral infarction) 19,64-5 ߞᔝ๭ ૿֕ݑКলݕዶ੡ݑၝ૿֕ށપݑЙ Headache unspecified 23,133 Ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack 19,64-5 ાߐݑϬϽૠ၃๭ ૿֕ݑѕᡙ઼ઽ Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia 22,123-4 Ischaemic heart disease 109 ၧᢩピ ૿֕ݑ౟ཫދށાߐݑф১ԯЙ Symptomatic and idiopathic occipital epilepsy 81 Ischaemic infarction 32 ાߐݑ֎࡟ૠ၃๭ ૿ઉ Symptomatic glossopharyngeal neuralgia 23,123-4 Hypoxia 21,105-7 ાߐݑֲ֕ᒤા ଍ਫ૵є๴Нֲ֕ᒤા Symptomatic hypoglycaemia 109 Insulin-induced hypoglycaemia 109 ાߐݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ ଖࣗᝯြଡ଼мા Symptomatic cough headache 51 Spondylosis 112-3 ાߐݑஐᔝ๭ ଖปஜଔ๭ Symptomatic migraine 25,33,67,92 Vertebral artery pain 19,64,69 ાߐݑᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ ଖᢛߩࣽા Symptomatic cluster headache 45 Syringomyelia 82 િঽ ଖᢛວамᐯᖚޱ Fatigue 27,106,140,142,146 Intrathecal chemotherapy 80 ๭ݑօኀ ଖᢛວаަਡૂ Painful tinnitus 69 Intrathecal injection 20,77,79-80 ๭຀࢘ ଡ଼мݑᝯြ߆ૂ Intensity of pain 46,145 Osteoarthritis 116 ોྶ ୧ᇟє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ Vertigo 17,25,31,35,81,135 Immediate alcohol-induced headache 20,86,89 ૔໘Нၝ֕ᇒஜଔጳ ୧ᇟє๴Нܼᓵ࡭ᔝ๭ Ruptured cerebral aneurysm 52,55,66,72 Delayed alcohol-induced headache 20,89-9 ૠ၃ҿѩ౛ໂઽ ୧ᇟє๴Нᔝ๭ Neurobrucellosis 82 Alcohol-induced headache 20,86,89 ەૠ၃ޯჩօѩܾໂઽ ୫ Neuroborreliosis 82 Pin-prick 129 ྏەૠ၃ઽᢏ ୫ Neuropathy 23,31,68,117,123,127,129,131 Pins and needles 27-30 ૠ၃ૂ๭ ୯ԍё໛ Neuralgic pain 123 Spark photopsias 82 ૠ၃౥ࣲ ୯ԍླᙇ Neurosyphilis 82 Teichopsia 146 ૠ၃๭ݑᔝ๭ ୯᜖ߞԍȃᙇݕ። Neuralgiform headache 18,45,47-9,67,112,136 Flickering lights, spots or lines 27-30 ૠ၃዆ᄊ ୯᜖಩໪ Neuroimaging 13,30,32,50-1,60-1,65-7,69-71,72-8, Scintillation 31,146 101-3,131,139-40,146 ୯᜖ൄ዆ങ

ICHD-Ƕ27: ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

Scintigraphy 116,146 Migraine with cerebrospinal pleocytosis, ୯᜖ླᙇ see Syndrome of transient Headache and Scintillating scotoma 35,65,73 Neurological Deficits with cerebrospinal (ા fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDLډЙڈ୻๴ Osteochondrosis 112 ஐᔝ๭দᒕߐᅗ ୻ᢛ߆ Status migrainosus 17,25,32-3,36 Osteomyelitis 113,127 ஐᔝ๭ઽϠ ୼֕⋿ဵ࢘ા৏၏ Migraineur 34,39-41,44,87-91,97,121 Hyperviscosity syndrome 140 ஐᔝ๭ၝ౟ཫ ୼֕ᒤા Migrainous infarction 17,25,32,36 Hyperglycaemia 140 ஐᔝ๭ჰԏদᒕߐᅗ ୼֕ᕅݑ໛ᇨ፯ઽȞKeith-Wagnerѩж᝷ȟ Migraine aura status 36,135 Hypertensive retinopathy (Keith-Wagner ஐᔝ๭ᗁᎢ classification) 108 Migraine in general 33 ୼֕ᕅݑၝઽᢏ ஐᢨ Hypertensive encephalopathy 22,74,105,107-8 Hemiplegia 135 ჰԏஐᔝ๭ڍᑬ૵֕ા ஐᢨஐᔝ๭Ȃணگ୼ީ Hyperprolactinaemia 79 Hemiplegic migraine, see Migraine with aura ୼ઔݥᔝ๭ ஐᢩピ High-altitude headache 22,105-6,110 Migralepsy 33,81 ୼༖֕ા ஜଔа፯з୵ങࢢᔝ๭ Hypercalcaemia 140 Post-endarterectomy headache 19,64,69,73 ୼ᇆቕ֕ા ஜଔ߆ Hypercapnia 21,105-7,140 Arteritis 19,64-5,67-8,73,118 ୼጗ࡈᔝ๭ ஜଔ৤ᛓ Preorgasmic headache 18,50-1 Arterial dissection 19,51-2,64-5,69,73,137 ୼጗ᔝ๭ ஜଔ୼֕ᕅ Orgasmic headache 18,50-2 Arterial hypertension 22,105,107-8,110 (AVM)؛ા ஜᔖଔဋ⣮۽୼㆟ Hyperaldosteronism 140 Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) 19,28,64,67,70,72,81 ઔᇬߐ֕ᇒጳ ௄ԯᝯ࠼ Cavernous angioma 19,49,64,67,72 Genetic relationship 27 ௄ܺ࡭ஐᔝ๭ ϩϘᄑ Basilar-type migraine 17,25,30,35,135 ௄ܺ࡭ஐᔝ๭ڍ๺ዶᔝ๭фૠ၃૿ྫા৏၏ ௄ܺஐᔝ๭Ȃணڍ஄ݑஐᔝ๭Ȃண ၝଖᢛ౵౽ѐಧኧӠા(HaNDL) Basilar migraine, see Basilar-type migraineۀ ௄ܺ࡭ஐᔝ๭ڍPseudomigraine, see Syndrome of transient ௄ܺஜଔஐᔝ๭Ȃண Headache and Neurological Deficits with Basilar artery migraine, see Basilar-type migraine ୧ᇟє๴Нᔝ๭ڍcerebrospinal fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) ௛Ꮥᔝ๭Ȃண ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭(IIH) Hangover headache, see Delayedށᙩԯݺ১ԯЙڍ஄ݑၝጳȂண Pseudotumor cerebri, see Headache attributed alcohol-induced headache to idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) ௻ߡ๴֯ ஐߠ Tonic spells 135 Hemianopia 29,31 ీ֕ા ჰԏஐᔝ๭ Sepsis 100ڍஐ൫ݑȂண Hemiparaesthetic, see Migraine with aura ెᔚ ஐ൫ஐᔝ๭ Torticollis 114,135 Hemiparaesthetic migraine 27 ౽ѐಧݑၝ፯߆ ஐᔝ๭є๴Нᢩピ๴֯ Lymphocytic meningitis 21,100-1,103 Migraine-triggered seizure 17,25,33,37 ౽ѐಧၝϭ࡬ᢜ߆ ๴ા Lymphocytic hypophysitis 20,76,79ۀஐᔝ๭ ๺ዶᔝ๭фૠ၃૿ྫા৏၏ڍComplications of migraine 17,25,31 ౽ѐಧኧӠȂண (ၝଖᢛ౵౽ѐಧኧӠા(HaNDLۀ ๺ዶᔝ๭фૠ၃ڍၝଖᢛӨ֕ಧኧӠાȂணۀஐᔝ๭ ၝଖᢛ౵౽ѐಧኧӠા(HaNDL) Lymphocytic pleocytosis, see Syndromeۀ૿ྫા৏၏ of transient Headache and Neurological

170 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

،Deficits with cerebrospinal fluid കӨ Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) Proteinuria 108 ಝാ๭ ഹၝ፯֕ᇒጳઽȞSturge Weberѩા৏၏ȟ Referred pain 43,115,130,146 Leptomeningeal angiomatosis ಯࢢ֕ᇒઽᢏ (Sturge Weber syndrome) 19,64,67 Post-partum angiopathy 71 ഼௱ऎஐᔝ๭ࡈᠭНࢅຆ༉งݑા৏၏ ಯᓍง Childhood periodic syndromes that are Puerperium 108 commonly precursors of migraine 17,25,30,33 ೀ ϩϟᄑ Eye 3,11,22,31,36,47,56,68, ൅ޘᔝ๭ 100,112-7,120,127,129,131,141,146 Dialysis headache 22,105,107,110 ӡᔝ๭ڹჅ࢘⃔ڎჰԏஐᔝ๭ ൪ڍೀȂண Ophthalmic, see Migraine with aura Ergotamine-overuse headache 21,86,92-3 ᣂڎೀөϭ࡬ ൪ Ptosis 45-6 Ergots 92,98,109 ೀөѪၚ ൫Ѣྏ Eyelid oedema 45-7,136 Numbness 27-9,126 ೀ։൫ထஐᔝ๭ ๴֯Нࠑ಩ Ophthalmoplegic migraine 13,23,26,36,123,128-9,131 Ictal manifestation 81 ݺࢢᔚܕೀ։ဏထ ๴֯ Ophthalmoplegia 13,23,26,36,67,71,123,128-9,131 Nuchal onset 113 ჰԏஐᔝ๭ ๴֯ݑڍೀஐᔝ๭Ȃண Ophthalmic migraine, see Migraine with aura Paroxysms 124-6 ೀಧႻஜಳ௱ ๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ Ocular motor abnormalities 135 Paroxysmal hemicrania 18,34,45-9,55,67,117,145 ϬϽૠ၃๭ȞCPH-tic ા৏၏ȟۀೀುϭૠ၃๭ ๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭Ԫ Infraorbital neuralgia 130 Paroxysmal hemicrania with coexistent ೀುϯૠ၃๭ trigeminal neuralgia (CPH-tic syndrome) 47,49 Supraorbital neuralgia 22,106,123,125,131 ๴֯ݑ୼֕ᕅ ೀುࢢᔝ๭ Paroxysmal hypertension 107,110 Retro-orbital headache 80 ๴֯ݑ๴֯ ೀൊжњϬϽૠ၃๭ Paroxysmal attacks 123-5 Ophthalmic division trigeminal neuralgia 136 ๴֯ݑၝ઼ఈ ೀൊ๴߆઼ఈ Paroxysmal brain disorders 33 Ocular inflammatory disorder 22,112-3,114 ๴֯ݑᔝ๭ ೀᏩ Paroxysmal headache 107 Nystagmus 31,81,135 ๴֯ݸც ቕКࣲф᝷Кল๴֯(MELAS) Ictal discharge 81گೕ።ᢜၝઽᢏȂ Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis ๴֯੡ง and Stroke-like episodes (MELAS) 19,64,70,74 Duration of attack 145 ೟ໂݑၝ፯߆ ๴֯ᔛತ Bacterial meningitis 21,100-1,103-4,140 Frequency of attacks 33,145 ೡᚐѪၚ ൷໘ Tissue oedema 108 Lancinating 125,146 ೡᚐ⃔є๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ ൹ཋࢢᕅϧ઼ఈ Immediate histamine-induced headache 20,86,90 Post-traumatic stress disorder 143 ೡᚐ⃔є๴Нܼᓵ࡭ᔝ๭ ඏ૷ݑ ૃઽࣲ Delayed histamine-induced headache 20,86,90 Herpes simplex virus 84,101,104 ೡᚐ⃔є๴Нᔝ๭ ඏஎ Histamine-induced headache 20,86,90 Unilateral 18,25-9,31,45-9,53-5,66-7,69-70,92,102,114, ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ 123-5,128-9,131,134,136,138,146ڍೡᚐ⃔ᔝ๭Ȃண Histaminic cephalalgia, see Cluster headache ඏஎા৏၏ ഈᆬላฆ҃ᖚޱ Hemisyndrome 129 Hormone replacement therapy 36,94,99,135 ඏஎૠ၃๭ݑᔝ๭

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Unilateral neuralgiform headache 18,45,47-9,67,136 donor-induced headache ඏஎྏះાߐ ๼ၝ፯ϭ֕ၚ Unilateral sensory symptoms 27-8 Subdural haematoma 18,58,61,66 ඏೀ໛ះቪᜣ ๼ၝ፯ϭᗘᆹ Monocular visual disturbance 28,31 Subdural empyema 21,100,102,104,139 ඏ༵ݑ ๼ၝ፯ҳ֕ၚ Monothetic 15 Epidural haematoma 18,58,60 ࢢᔝ๭ە඘ϯૠ၃๭ ๼ၝ፯् Superior laryngeal neuralgia 22,123,125,130 Post-dural puncture headache 19,76,78,83-4 ๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ ๼ၝ፯ஜᔖଔ ᇒڍඵ௱ஐᔝ๭Ȃண Common migraine, see Migraine without aura Dural arteriovenous fistula 67,72 ෋ݑ୼֕ᕅ ๼ၝ፯ஜᔖଔ ᇒ Malignant hypertension 96 Dural arterio-venous fistula 19,64,67,72 ෸๴ݑஐᢨஐᔝ๭ ๼ၝ፯ᅆѧኧ௻ Sporadic hemiplegic migraine 17,25,28-30,35 Pachymeningeal enhancement 78,79,83 Й៳ݺ಩Յж᝷ߞᔝ๭Ȓ ໛ϧඉҵڍж᝷ߞᔝ๭Ȃணޱ๑ ߞᔝ๭ Loss of vision 27-9ށપݑЙ Headache not classifiable, see Headache not ໛ϧጀፘ elsewhere specified; Headache unspecified Blurred vision 27,89,114,120 ๑୼֕ᕅݑၝઽᢏН୼֕ᕅԟા ໛ϧጀፘ Hypertensive crisis without hypertensive Visual blurring 81 ᔝѪၚگencephalopathy 22,105,107 ໛ ๑౟ཫНࢺ᠈ݑჰԏ Papilloedema 77-8,82 Persistent aura without infarction 17,25,32,36 ໛ૠ၃߆ ๑ໂݑȞࠧྏࣖݑȟၝ፯߆ Optic neuritis 23,117,123,127,129,131 Aseptic (non-infectious) meningitis 20,76,79,84,87 ໛ൎ૿ྫ ๑ჰԏஐᔝ๭ Scotoma 27,31,35,65,73,127,146 Migraine without aura 13,15-7,25-34,36,39-41,57,88,90-1, ໛ൎ૿ྫ 93,109-10,116,134-5,138,146 Visual field defect 77 ๑ჰԏ๴֯ ໛ᇨ፯ஐᔝ๭ Attacks without aura 25-7 Retinal migraine 17,25,31,33,36 ϬϽૠ၃๭ ໛ះ੎ஜڍ๭ݑݩ✇Ȃண Tic douloureux, see Trigeminal neuralgia Oscillopsia 81 ๭ݑ൫Ѣ ໛ះჰԏ Anaesthesia dolorosa 23,123,129,131 Visual aura 27-8,34,36,145 ๭ྏ ໧ᙝՑᔝ๭џራ Nociception 42-3,146 Diagnostic headache diary 16,40-1 ᙕݑᔝ๭ە১๴ݑڍ๭ះჅూ ༉งݑೀݑૂ๭Ȃண Hyperalgesia 128 Ophthalmodynia periodica, see ๯᡾ݑెᔚા Primary stabbing headache Spasmodic torticollis 114 ༉งݑᄚԤ ຕ፯҇֕фࣹಊ(SUNCT) Cyclical vomiting 17,25,30,35ۀ๺ዶඏஎૠ၃๭ݑᔝ๭๴֯ Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform ་֖ݑၝઽᢏ headache attacks with conjunctival Progressive encephalopathy 135 ঴ࡡ՘жф౹Ґߏє๴Нᔝ๭ڍinjection and tearing (SUNCT) 18,45,47-8 ༼঴ᔝ๭Ȃண ᣒൊ֋ࢠૠ၃ાߐ(SUNA) Dietary headache, see Head induced byۀ๺ዶඏஎૠ၃๭ݑᔝ๭๴֯ Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache food components and additives attacks with cranial Autonomic symptoms (SUNA) 47,136-7 གᜢા ၝଖᢛ౵ Amaurosis fugax 31,68ۀ๺ዶᔝ๭фૠ၃૿ྫા৏၏ ౽ѐಧኧӠા(HaNDL) ༙๭࡭ Syndrome of transient Headache and Dull type 52 Neurological Deficits with cerebrospinal ϩϬᄑ fluid Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) 20,76,82 ཇቍୈਿߞжЄϘઉмว(NO) Ϙઉмว៖ҍߏє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ Messenger molecules nitric oxide (NO) 26ڍ๻мӟ޵ᔝ๭Ȃண "Nitroglycerine headache, see Immediate NO

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ཝቝ೟४ጳ ၚጳ Phaeochromocytoma 22,105,107-8,110 Neoplasm 20,57,76-7,80,103,115 ཥះూྏ ၚጳє୓ᣒаᕅп୼ݕѪၝ Osmophobia 134,145 Increased intracranial pressure or hydrocephalus ཥះᓵ༙ caused by neoplasm 20,76-7,80 Hyposmia 115 ၚጳݑም໒ᇨ፯߆ȃၝ߆ ྍᝊЙ౻ Neoplastic arachnoiditis encephalitis 82 Obtundation 107 ၛൊஐᔝ๭ ྏࣖ Abdominal migraine 17,25 Infection 3,11,13,16,21,53,56,77,100-3,113,116,123,139,40 ၝϭ࡬ᢜКল ྏះಳ௱ Pituitary apoplexy 19,52,64,71,75 Dysaesthesia 126,130,142 ၝϭ࡬ᢜґକֲϭ ྏះಳ௱ Hypopituitarism 71,79,110 Paraesthesia 27,30,90,107,126,129,130,142,144 ၝϭ࡬ᢜ೟४Ꮃ౵കӨ ྏះಳ௱ Hypophyseal cytosol protein 79 Sensory disturbances 27 ၝҍ֕ ྏះᓵ༙ Intracerebral haemorrhage 19,52,55,64,66-7,72 Hypaesthesia 129,144 ၝ߆ ྨஜ Encephalitis 21,83,100-4,140 ৃ〉Pulsating 25-6,47,51,69,87,88-92,94,100,107-8,134,136,138,146 ၝ૿֕Н ஜݑ Ischaemic threshold 27ྨ Pulsating quality 25,87-92,108-9,134 ၝଖᢛ౵ ᇒᔝ๭ ஜݑȂዡ഼ዡ഼ߞႯ CSF fistula headache 19,76,78,80ྨ Throbbing 26,31,146 ၝଖᢛ౵Ө֕ಧኧӠ ஜݑօኀ CSF pleocytosis 29,68,82ྨ Pulsatile tinnitus 67 ၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅ ྲߞᔝ๭ Low cerebrospinal fluid pressure 19,76,78 New headache 16,26,50,57,58,64-5,69-70,76,86,100,105, ၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅ 112,119,133,138,146 CSF hypotension 53,61,70 ๴Ӡُџࢺ᠈ݑᔝ๭(NDPH) ၝଖᢛ౵୼ᕅᔝ๭ྲ New daily-persistent headache (NDPH) 18,40,50,53,55 Raised CSF pressure headache 53 (ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭(IIHށᙩԯݺ১ԯЙڍ๴Ӡᔝ๭ ၝ፯ѪၚȂணྲ De novo headache 57,137 Meningeal hydrops, see Headache attributed (๴Ӡُџࢺ᠈ݑᔝ๭(NDPH) to idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIHྲڍ๴ᅙݑᔝ๭Ȃணྲ De novo chronic headache, see New ၝ፯֕ᇒጳ daily-persistent headache (NDPH) Meningeal angioma 67 (ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭(IIHށᙩԯݺ১ԯЙڍᙇ ၝ፯߆Ȃணླ Scotomata 31,73 Meningitis, see Headache attributed to idiopathic ဏထ intracranial hypertension (IIH) Paresis 127-9 ၝ፯ၝ߆ ြൊᣒᔚ։௺ϧಳ௱ા Meningoencephalitis 140 Segmental Craniocervical dystonia 114 ၝᗘᆹ ၃ө၃֕ᇒວ֕ᇒ՘࡭ങ(PTA) Brain abscess 21,100-2,104,139 Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) 69,73 Ⴛஜє๴Нஐᔝ๭ ၃௱ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ Exercise-induced migraine 51 Frequent episodic tension-type headache 15,18,26,38-41,113,136 ႻஜҵᎠ ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ Ataxia 30,35,81,135ۀ၃௱ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ЙԪ ئFrequent episodic tension-type headache Ⴥ࢘់ not associated with pericranial tenderness 17,38,40 Hypervigilance 143 ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ Ⴥ࢘៿ࣹા৏၏ۀ၃௱ୱ๴ݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭Ԫ Frequent episodic tension-type headache Hyperperfusion syndrome 69 associated with pericranial tenderness 17,38,40,113 ჩᕝᔝ๭ ၖႽᓐቝ೟४ጳ Thunderclap headache 13,18,50,52,55,66,69-72,74-5,80 Enterochromaffin cell tumours 107 ც๯᡾ᖚޱࢢᔝ๭

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Post-electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) headache 138 Chronic tension-type headache 17-8,38,40-3,53-4,57,87-8, ჰԏ 92-3,95,113,119,136 ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ۀAura 13-7,25-34,36,39,41,54,58,65,67,70-1,74, ᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ЙԪ 81-2,85,88,90-1,93,109-10,115,134,135,138,145-6 Chronic tension-type headache not associated ჰԏஐᔝ๭ with pericranial tenderness 17,38,41,113 ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ۀMigraine with aura 13,15,17,25-7,29-30,32-6,54,65,67,70-1, ᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭Ԫ 74,81,134-5,145-6,26 Chronic tension-type headache associated ߞઽನᑟᚼ-ཇያݑၝ૿֕ with pericranial tenderness 17,38,41,113ܠჰԏஐᔝ๭પ Pathognomonic spreading oligaemia of ᅙݑᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ migraine with aura 26 Chronic cluster headache 14,18,45-6 ఈࢢᔝ๭઼ܠᅙݑᢜаࢮ ϩұᄑ Chronic post-homoeostasis disorder headache 105,140 ኄ߆ኄឭ߆ ᅙݑᣒа઼ఈࢢᔝ๭ Rhinosinusitis 22,112,115-7,141 Chronic post-intracranial disorder headache 76,138 КѤાכኄວ҇֕ ᇂ્۲ Nasal congestion 45-7,53,116,136 Sleep apnoea 21,105-7,110 КѤાᔝ๭כኄဘૠ၃๭ ᇂ્۲ Nasociliary neuralgia 23,123,125,130 Sleep apnoea headache 21,105-7,110 ኄឭ߆ ᇂ઼્ఈ Sinusitis 52,102,112,115 Sleep disorder 107,119 ኄឭᔝ๭ ᇂ્Ⴥ࢘ Sinus headaches 115,117 Hypersomnia 141 ᅆԍݕᗏরూྏ ᇂ્ቪᜣ Sensitivity to light or sound 27 Sleep disturbance 59,106,142 ᅙݑ ᇂ્ᔝ๭ Chronic 13-41,16-8,21,25-6,30,31-49,53-5,58-62,64-5,67, Hypnic headache 13,18,50,52,54-5 ᇂ્ᔝ๭ڍᇂ્ᔝ๭ા৏၏Ȃண 76-7,86-9,92-5,97-101,103-5,107-8,110-3,115,117-21,132 ᅙݑКࣲࢢᔝ๭ Hypnic headache syndrome , see Hypnic headache Chronic post-intoxication headache 89 ᇟૠж໘ા ᅙݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ Schizophrenia 120 Chronic post-traumatic headache 16,18,58-62,66 ᇟૠ઼ఈ ᅙݑ֕ᇒ઼ఈࢢߞᔝ๭ Psychiatric disorder 3,10,13,22,56,119,141 Chronic post-vascular disorder headache 137 ᇟૠઽݑ઼ఈ ᅙݑߏᎳతៈࢢНᔝ๭ Psychotic disorder 22,119-21 Chronic post-substance exposure headache 87,138 ᇟૠஜ֯ᑬ្ ᅙݑࠧ೟ໂݑྏࣖࢢᔝ๭ Psychomotor agitation 141 Chronic post-non-bacterial infection headache 100,103,140 ᇯӠ૵AჅԺા ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ Hypervitaminosis A 78ڍᅙݑૠ၃๭ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭Ȃண Hemicrania neuralgiformis chronica, see ᇴ෼๳ Cluster headache Triptan 8,13-4,20,26,86,92-3,97,110,139 ӡᔝ๭ڹᅙݑஐᔝ๭ ᇴ෼๳Ⴥ࢘ Chronic migraine 13,17,25-6,31-3,36,39,41,57,62,93 Triptan-overuse headache 21,86,92-3 ᅙݑ೟ໂݑၝ፯߆ࢢᔝ๭ ሃѡ၃हᝯஐᔝ๭ Chronic post-bacterial meningitis headache 21,100-1,103 Menstrually-related migraine 26,134-5 ఈ઼כᅙݑ๴֯ݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ ሃᇂ્գᝯߞ۲ Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH) 18,34,45,47,49,55,67,117 Sleep-related respiratory disorders 107 ᅙݑྏࣖࢢᔝ๭ ሔӨ Chronic post-infection headache 21,100,103 Pallor 27,30-1,107,135 (ᙩԯݺ֋๴ݑ ም໒ᇨ፯ϭວҍ֕(SAHڍᔝ๭Ȃணږᅙݑၝଖᢛ౵Й ȟၝଖᢛ౵ֲᕅНᔝ๭ Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) 19,51-2,55,59-60,64-7ށȞݕઽԯЙ "Hypoliquorrhoeic headache, see Headache 69-73 ાߐڏattributed to spontaneous (or idiopathic) low ሬ CSF pressure" Speech symptoms 27-8 ᅙݑᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭ ቅ࢘⮰ѕ Mild nausea 40-2,53

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ቈ໛ Late-onset post-traumatic headaches 58 Hypermetropia 146 ᓵᆖ ቈ໛ Retardation 141 Hyperopia 114 ᓷ،ા ӡᔝ๭ Enuresis 119ڹ᎑Ԫ᜽ߏჅ࢘ Combination medication-overuse headache 20,86,93 ϩбᄑ ᓿᅋߐᔝ๭ڍᔝ๭Ȃண؛᎑໛ ᓿᅋ Diplopia 30,77,81,115 Coin-shaped cephalgia, see Nummular headache ჰԏஐᔝ๭ ᓿᅋߐᔝ๭ڍ᎑ᛔஐᔝ๭Ȃண Complicated migraine, see Migraine with aura Nummular headache 126,143 ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTH) ᔖଔឭંཫڍᇦ௺ݑᔝ๭Ȃண Tension headache, see Tension-type headache (TTH) Sinus thrombosis 67,74,77 ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTH) ᔖଔឭંཫ Tension-type headache (TTH) 2,11,14,15-8,24,26, Venous sinus thrombosis 74,77 ᔚԯݑᔝ๭ ,34,38-44,52-4,57-8,64,76,81,86-7,88,91-3,95,98,100 105-6,112-3,116,119,136 Cervicogenic headache 22,42,44,106,112-7,117 ᙝНᔝ๭ ᔚ֎ા৏၏ئቬᑬ૵ Oestrogen-withdrawal headache 21,86,94,135 Neck-tongue syndrome 23,117,123,126,131 ዶ੡ݑஐᢨ ᔚஜଔ֕ᇒ՘࡭ങࢢᔝ๭ Transient hemiparesis 30 Carotid angioplasty headache 19,64,69,73 ᔚஜଔݕଖปஜଔ๭Нૂ๭ ށዶ੡ݑඏೀҵ Transient monocular blindness 31 Carotid or vertebral artery pain 19,64,69 ዶ੡ݑၝ૿֕(TIA) ᔚஜଔ৤ᛓ Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) 19,29,64-5,71 Carotid dissection 28,69,73,114,137 ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭(IIH) ᔚൊӢཋށᙩԯݺ১ԯЙڍግ౵ݑၝ፯߆Ȃண Serous meningitis, see Headache attributed to Whiplash injury 18,58-60,62-3 idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) ᔚൊӢཋࢢНᅙݑᔝ๭ ϩУᄑ Chronic post-whiplash injury headache 59,60 ጕѪᔝ๭ ᔚൊӢཋࢢા৏၏ Diving headache 22,105-6,110 Post-whiplash syndrome 60 Ϙઉмว៖ҍߏє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ ᔚൊ኉๼ڍጤߓᔝ๭Ȃண Hot dog headache, see Immediate NO Neck stiffness 27,78,101 ᔚԯݑᔝ๭ڍdonor-induced headache ᔚൊᔝ๭Ȃண ጤ጗॓ Cervical headache, see Cervicogenic headache Hot flushes 142 ᔝȃᔚൊ֕ᇒݑ઼ఈ ።ᚪ Cranial or cervical vascular disorder 2,10,18,56,137 Nematodes 139 ᔝൊф/ݕᔚൊҳཋ ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ Head and/or neck trauma 3,11,18,58-9,61-2,112ڍᎅᛠૠ၃๭Ȃண Sphenopalatine neuralgia, see Cluster headache ᔝൊф/ݕᔚൊҳཋȂࢧݑᔝ๭ Ᏹ։௺ϧಳ௱ા Head and/or neck trauma, acute headache 58,61 Mandibular dystonia 114 ᔝൊф/ݕᔚൊҳཋȂᅙݑᔝ๭ ᇂ્ᔝ๭ Head and/or neck trauma, chronic headache 58,61ڍᐂៗᔝ๭Ȃண Alarm clock headache, see Hypnic headache ᔝൊфᔚൊҳཋ ᙝНᔝ๭ Head and neck trauma 58,62ئᐈѯ᝷ ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍOpioid-withdrawal headache 21,86,94 ᔝൊ߳ᇑ॓๭ઽȂண ӡᔝ๭ Erythro-melalgia of the head, see Clusterڹᐈѯ᝷Ⴥ࢘ Opioid-overuse headache 21,86,93 headache ᐯ೫ቪᜣ ᔝ๭ Learning disorder 119 Headache 1-146 ᑆ֯࡭໧ᙝ௄࿤ ᔝ๭(ݕૂ๭)๴֯ Operational diagnostic criteria 7,13 Attack of headache (or pain) 145 ᒤ،ઽೀൊૠ၃ઽᢏ ᔝ๭чዴ Ocular diabetic neuropathy 23,123,127,131 Headache days 145 ᓵ๴࡭ҳཋࢢᔝ๭ ᔝ๭ા৏၏

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Headache syndromes 14,48,52,54-5,117,121,138 ᖠ༡໛ൎላ፵ ᔝྶ Transient visual obscurations 77 ᙕ๭ەLight-headedness 106 ᖠ༡ሃ؊ൊ ᔝᣒȃᔚȃೀȃօȃኄȃኄឭȃѰȃϾݕ Transient and localised stabs of pain 50 ҹᛞবݕᔚൊຕᅹ ᙩԯݺКݕদ࢘ᔝൊҳཋНࢧݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ێ Cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, Acute post-traumatic headache attributed teeth, mouth or other facial or cervical to moderate or severe head injury 18,58-9,61-2,65 structures 3,12-3,21-2,56,100,112-3,116 ᙩԯݺКݕদ࢘ᔝൊҳཋНᅙݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ ᣒ୻з༟ങࢢНᅙݑᔝ๭ Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed to Chronic post-craniotomy headache 19,58,61 moderate or severe head injury 18,58,60 ⮰ѕݕၛ๭ ᙩԯݺ҃ᘁȃКࣲݕഈᆬላ১ԯᐱ७ᣒа୼ᕅНᔝ๭ Nausea or abdominal distress 142 Intracranial hypertension secondary to ᕅϧє๴Нૂ๭ metabolic, toxic or hormonal causes 19 Pressure-induced pain 146 ᙩԯݺԺ๴ݑ๼мાНᛞব๭ ᇦᖺ࡭ᔝ๭(TTH) Facial pain attributed to multiple sclerosis 23,123,129,132ڍᕅϧݑᔝ๭Ȃண Stress headache, see Tension-type ᙩԯݺஜଔ৤ᛓߞᔝ๭ݕᗚൊȃᔚൊНૂ๭ headache (TTH) Facial or neck pain attributed to arterial dissection ᕅϧเ๭ኇ 19,64,69,137 хᕕНᔝ๭ډPressure algometer 43,146 ᙩԯݺᅙݑ᜽ߏЙ ᕅঝ/ᇦᖺݑ Headache as an adverse event attributed Pressing/tightening 39-41,53,92,93,136,146 to chronic medication 21,77,86,93,99 ᕅ๭ ᙩԯݺቅ࢘ᔝൊҳཋНࢧݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ Tenderness 38-43,102,113,116,125-6,137,144 Acute post-traumatic headache attributed ᖛݑၝ፯߆ to mild head injury 18,58-9,62 Carcinomatous meningitis 20,76,80 ᙩԯݺቅ࢘ᔝൊҳཋНᅙݑҳཋࢢᔝ๭ ᖝыᖺЈ Chronic post-traumatic headache attributed Miosis 45-6,53 to mild head injury 18,58,60 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ ᙩԯݺᔚൊӢཋНࢧݑᔝ๭ڍᗍᇒૠ၃๭Ȃண Vidian neuralgia, see Cluster headache Acute headache attributed to whiplash injury 18,58,60 ᗘᆹ ᙩԯݺᔚൊӢཋНᅙݑᔝ๭ Empyema 21,100,102,104,139 Chronic headache attributed to whiplash injury 18,58,60,62 ᗝদ߰ᔝ๭ ᙩԯݺᔝൊф/ݕᔚൊҳཋНᅙݑᔝ๭ Weight-lifters' headache 51 Chronic headache attributed to other head ᘳݑె໛ and/or neck trauma 18,58,61 Latent strabismus 145 ᚼೊ ᘳె໛ Metastases 113 ୧ᇟє๴Нᔝ๭ڍ୧ᔝ๭Ȃண؍Heterophoria 22,112,114,145 ᛗ ᙆ፯తៈᙇᔝ๭ "Cocktail headache, see Alcohol-induced Mucosal contact point headache 115,141 headache" ҁϬϽ֋ࢠૠ၃ᔝ๭ ᛞব֕ᇒጳێᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ф Cluster headache and other trigeminal Facial angioma 67 autonomic cephalalgias 2,11,15,18,24,45,136 ᛞব๭ ,ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭๴֯ Facial pain 3,12-3,21-3,42,56,69,100,112-3,115-8,122-3 Cluster headache attack 46,49,88,91,145 125,127-33,141,143,145 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭፤ႋง ᙝ঴ Cluster remission period 145 Fasting 22,105,109,111 ᙍ๴ง ᜕ओ࡭ᔝ๭ Cluster period 46,87-8,145 Explosive type headache 52 ᚎඏҗ᝝ᔝ๭,參見無預兆偏頭痛 ᜕ओଠᔝ๭ "Hemicrania simplex, see Migraine without aura" Explosive headache 52 (ӡᔝ๭(MOHڹ᜽ߏჅ࢘ڍ᚞ᇍ ᜽ߏє๴Нᔝ๭Ȃண Previously used term 14,25-6,30,33,38,45,50-3,67-8,77-8, Drug-induced headache, see Medication- 82,87-9,92,113,120,123,125,127,129,133,143,146 overuse headache (MOH) (ӡᔝ๭(MOHڹᝯြჅ࢘ࣿஜા ᜽ߏჅ࢘ Joint hypermobility 116 Medication-overuse headache (MOH) 15,21,26,32-3,40-1,

176 ICHD-Ƕ ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

53,57,86,92-3,96,136 ᣒа௙Ӡᚪྏࣖ ӡᔝ๭(MOH) Intracranial parasitic infestation 139ڹ᜽ߏჅ࢘ڍ᜽ߏሱӡНᔝ๭Ȃண Medication-misuse headache, see ᣒаྏࣖ Medication-overuse headache (MOH) Intracranial infection 13,21,77,100-2,139 ᝷ևጳઽ ᣒаၚጳ Sarcoid 20,76,79,84-5,128 Intracranial neoplasm 20,57,76,80 ᢜ ᣒаᛔরڗ᝷ Somatoform 120-1,142 Intracranial noises 77 ᢜ઼ఈ ᣒ۹։ևڗ᝷ Somatoform disorders 119,121,148 Pericranial muscles 38,42-3,146 ᝷লᖅݑᝯြ߆ ᣒ۹ᕅ๭ Rheumatoid arthritis 113,116 Pericranial tenderness 17,38-41,43,113 Ҟକஐᔝ๭ ᣒૠ၃๭۶Кዽݑᛞব๭ڍ᝷ஐᔝ๭઼ఈȂண Migrainous disorder, see Probable migraine Cranial neuralgias and central causes ાߐ of facial pain 3,12,22,112,123,143ט់ Warning symptoms 27,73,145-6 ᣒ୻ ៵ᐯા Cranial bone 22,113,116,127 School phobia 119, ᣒ୻з༟ങࢢНᔝ๭ ஜଔጳ Post-craniotomy headache 19,58,61-3؛ᡃ Saccular aneurysm 19,64,66,72 ᣒ୻з༟ങࢢࢧݑᔝ๭ ᡘϧቪᜣ Acute post-craniotomy headache 18,58,61 Hypacusia 30,78,81 ᣒᔚ։௺ϧಳ௱ા ᡘૠ၃ጳ Craniocervical dystonia 22,112-4,117 Acoustic neuroma 62-3,115 ᣒᔚ઼ఈࢢНᅙݑᔝ๭ ᡘះჅూ Chronic post-craniocervical disorder headache 112,141 Hyperacusia 81 㡅୻ܬൊ߆ ᢉᇯ։๭ા Petrositis 113 ᙩԯݺһ೟४ஜଔ߆ȞGCAȟНᔝ๭ڍFibromyalgia 140 㡅ஜଔ߆Ȃண ᢖݑె໛ Temporal arteritis, see Headache attributed Manifest strabismus 145 to giant cell arteritis (GCA) ᢖె໛ 㡅ൊૂ๭ Heterotropia 22,112,114,145 Temporal pain 45-6 ᢘᕂхᕕ 㡅ᔜᝯြ઼ఈ Startle response 143 Temporomandibular joint disorder 22,112,116,118 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍൊૠ၃๭Ȃணܬ(Gardnerѩ) ܠᢜаࢮ Homoeostasis 3,11,13,22,56,105,109,140 Petrosal neuralgia (of Gardner), see ᢜмા Cluster headache ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍSomatisation disorder 22,119-20 (Harrisѩ)᝷ஐᔝ๭Нૠ၃๭Ȃண ᢩピ Migrainous neuralgia (of Harris), see Epilepsy 25,33,37,67,80-1,85,135 Cluster headache ᐡ࠳་ᐗۦピݑҗ᝝ᔝ๭ 5HT1B/Dతᢩ Hemicrania epileptica 20,76,81,85 5HT1B/D receptor agonists 26 ೐Ϙ࡭؛ピࢢᔝ๭ Arnold-Chiariѩဋᢩ Post-seizure headache 20,76 Arnold-Chiari malformation type I 51 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍピ๴֯ Bingѩবൊ॓๭ઽȂணᢩ Epileptic seizure 20,67,76,81,85 Erythroprosopalgia of Bing, see Cluster ピ๴֯ headacheᢩ Seizure 17,20,25,28,33,36,57-71,76,81,85,107-9,121 Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)є๴Нᔝ๭ ピ๴֯ࢢᔝ๭ Calcitonin gene-related peptideᢩ Post-ictal headache 81 (CGRP)-induced headache 21,26,42,86,91 ᣒа֕ᇒ઼ఈ CGRPє๴НӲ׈࡭ᔝ๭ Intracranial vascular disorder 19,64,70 Immediate CGRP-induced headache 21,86,91 ᣒа୼ᕅ CGRPє๴Нܼᓵ࡭ᔝ๭ Intracranial hypertension 66-7,70,74,76-8,82-4,86,93,105 Delayed CGRP-induced headache 20,86,91

ICHD-Ƕ 288 ۍ˟ௐۍᅫᐝ൭়ঽ̶ᙷ ͛̚ ઼

ኄဘૠ၃๭ڍCharlinѩૠ၃๭Ȃண Charlin's neuralgia, see Nasociliary neuralgia (೐Ϙ࡭(CM1؛Chiariѩဋ Chiari malformation type I (CM1) 20,51,76,81,85 Eagleѩા৏၏ Eagle's syndrome 130,132 Glasgowރ୛ࢽዴ(GCS) Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 59-60 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍHarris-HortonѩઽȂண Harris-Horton's disease, see Cluster headache Hodgkinѩઽ Hodgkin's disease 128 Hornerѩા৏၏ Horner's syndrome 69 ᙩԯݺһ೟४ஜଔ߆(GCA)Нᔝ๭ڍHortonѩઽȂண Horton's disease, see Headache attributed to giant cell arteritis (GCA) ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍHortonѩᔝ๭Ȃண Horton's headache, see Cluster headache ۘغLeaoѩөᎳཇያݑ Cortical spreading depression of Leao 27 Pagetѩઽ Paget's disease 113 ᐗє๴Нᔝ๭ۘغ(Phosphodiesterase (PDE Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor-induced headache 20,86,88 Pickwickianѩા৏၏ Pickwickian syndrome 107 ᙍ๴ݑᔝ๭ڍSluderѩૠ၃๭Ȃண "Sluder's neuralgia, see Cluster headache" Sluderѩᎅᛠૠ၃๭ Sluder's sphenopalatine neuralgia 130 ϬϽૠ၃๭ۀSUNCTԪ SUNCT with coexistent trigeminal neuralgia 47 Tolosa-Huntѩા৏၏ Tolosa-Hunt syndrome 23,123,128,131 Vailѩᗍᇒૠ၃๭ Vail's Vidian neuralgia 130 Valsalvaѩᑆ֯ Valsalva manoeuvre 50,78,83 ১๴ݑ࡜ᄙᔝ๭ڍValsalvaѩᑆ֯ᔝ๭Ȃண Valsalva- manoeuvre headache, see Primary cough headache Vogt-Koyanagi-Haradaѩા৏၏ Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome 79

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