
Bold numbers indicate chapter/section headings

Abdominal 16, 24, Arnold-Chiari malformation Benign sex , see 30–1, 35 type I 50 Primary headache associated Accompanying symptoms 49, Arterial dissection 18, 50–1, with sexual activity 129, 138, 150 65–6, 70, 74, 142 Benign , Acoustic neuroma 62–4, 117 Arterial hypertension 20, 107, see Primary thunderclap Acute adverse event attributed 109–10, 112 headache to medication used for other Arteriovenous malformation Benign vascular sexual indications 19, 88, 93, 144 (AVM) 18, 27, 65, 68, 71, 73, headache, see Primary Acute frontal non-pulsatile 82 headache associated with headache 130 Arteritis 18, 65–6, 68–9, 74, 120 sexual activity Acute glaucoma 21, 114, 116 Aseptic (non-infectious) Blurred vision 26, 91, 117, 122–3 Acute headache attributed to meningitis 18, 77, 80, 85, 88 Brain abscess 20, 102–4, 106, whiplash injury 17, 58, 60 Ataxia 29–30, 35, 83, 140 144 Acute post-craniotomy headache Attack of headache (or pain) Burning mouth syndrome 22, 17, 58, 61 150 126, 133, 135 Acute post-traumatic headache Attacks without aura 24, 26 15, 17, 58–60, 62–3, 66 Atypical facial pain, see Caffeine-withdrawal headache Acute post-traumatic headache Persistent idiopathic facial 20, 88, 96, 109 attributed to mild head injury pain Calcitonin gene-related peptide 17, 58–9, 62 Atypical odontalgia 133, 135 (CGRP)-induced headache 19, Acute post-traumatic headache Aura 11–12, 14–16, 24–31, 36, 25, 41, 88, 93 attributed to moderate or 38–40, 53, 57–8, 66, 68, 71–2, Cannabis-induced headache 19, severe head injury 17, 58–9, 75, 82–3, 86, 90, 92–3, 95, 88, 92 62, 67 110–12, 118, 138, 140, 143, Carbon monoxide-induced Acute pressor response to an 150–1 headache 19, 88, 90 exogenous agent 20, 88–9, Carcinomatous meningitis 19, 107, 111 Bacterial meningitis 20, 102–3, 77, 81 Acute substance use or exposure 105–6, 145 Cardiac cephalalgia 20, 107, 19, 88–9, 93, 97 Basilar artery migraine, see 112–13 Acute-onset aura 26 Basilar-type migrane Carotid angioplasty headache Acute-onset headache 61 Basilar migraine, see Basilar-type 18, 65, 70, 75 Alarm clock headache, see migrane Carotid or vetebral artery pain Basilar-type migraine 16, 24, 18, 65, 70 Alcohol-induced headache 19, 29–30, 35, 140 Carotid dissection 27, 70, 74, 88, 91 Benign angiopathy of the central 116, 142 Alternating hemiplegia of nervous system 18, 65 Cavernous angioma 18, 48, 65, childhood 140 Benign cough headache, see 68, 74 Amaurosis fugax 31, 69 Primary cough headache Central causes of facial pain 5, Anaesthesia dolorosa 22, 126, Benign exertional headache, see 7, 21–2, 114, 126, 132, 149 132, 134 Primary exertional headache Central or primary facial pain 5, Analgesic-overuse headache 19, Benign intracranial hypertension 7, 22, 136 88, 94–5 (BIH), see Headache attributed Central post-stroke pain 22, 126, Angiography headache 18, 65, to idiopathic intracranial 132, 135 71, 75 hypertension (IIH) Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Anorexia 31, 38–9, 108, 141, Benign paroxysmal torticollis Arteriopathy with Subcortical 150 140 Infarcts and Aphasic migraine, see Migraine Benign paroxysmal vertigo of Leukoencephalopathy with aura childhood 16, 24, 31, 35, 140 (CADASIL) 18, 65, 71–2, 75

152 © International Headache Society 2003 Index 153

Cerebral venous thrombosis Chronic post-intracranial Coin-shaped cephalgia, see (CVT) 18, 51, 65–6, 71, 75 disorder headache 77, 143 Nummular headache Cervical headache, see Chronic post-non-bacterial Coital cephalalgia, see Primary Cervicogenic headache infection headache 102, 105, headche associated with Cervicogenic headache 21, 41, 145 sexual activity 43, 108, 114–16, 119 Chronic post-substance exposure Cold stimulus headache 134 Charlin’s neuralgia, see headache 88, 144 Combination medication- Nasociliary neuralgia Chronic post-traumatic overuse headache 19, 88, 95 Chiari malformation type I headache 15, 17, 58–62, 66 Common migraine, see Migraine (CM1) 19, 50, 77, 82–3, 86 Chronic post-traumatic without aura Childhood periodic syndromes headache attributed to mild Complicated migraine, see that are commonly precursors head injury 17, 58, 60 Migraine with aura of migraine 16, 24, 30, 33 Chronic post-traumatic Complications of migraine 16, Children 25, 30–1, 34–5, 53, 79, headache attributed to 24, 31 86, 101, 106, 120–1, 123, 140, moderate or severe head Constant pain caused by 149 injury 17, 58–9, 61–2, 66 compression, irritation or Chinese restaurant syndrome, Chronic post-vascular disorder distortion of cranial nerves or see Monosodium glutamate- headache 142 upper cervical roots by induced headache Chronic post-whiplash injury structural lesions 21, 126, 130 Chronic 11–12, 15–17, 20, 24–5, headache 59–60 Cortical spreading depression of 29, 31–48, 52–4, 57–62, 65–6, Chronic tension-type headache Leão 26 68, 77–8, 88–91, 94–7, 99–103, 16–17, 37–43, 52–3, 57, 89–90, Cranial bone 20, 114–15, 118, 130 105–7, 109–10, 112–15, 117, 94–5, 97, 115, 121, 141 Cranial neuralgias and central 119–23, 135, 141–6, 149–50 Chronic tension-type headache causes of facial pain 5, 7, Chronic 12, 17, associated with pericranial 12–21, 114, 126, 149 44–5 tenderness 16, 37, 40, 115 Cranial or cervical vascular Chronic from onset 12 Chronic tension-type headache disorder 4, 7, 17, 55, 65, 142 Chronic headache attributed to not associated with Craniocervical dystonia 21, other head and/or neck pericranial tenderness 16, 37, 114–16, 119 trauma 17, 58, 61 40 Cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, Chronic headache attributed to Classic or classical migraine, see sinuses, teeth, mouth or other whiplash injury 17, 58, 60, 62 Migraine with aura facial or cervical structures 5, Chronic headache with acute Classical glossopharyngeal 7, 20–1, 55, 102, 114–15, 118, onset, see New daily-persistent neuralgia 21, 126–7 146 headache Classical CSF fistula headache 18, 77, 79, Chronic migraine 11, 16, 24–5, 21, 126–7, 132 81 31–3, 36, 38, 40, 57, 62, 94–5, Close temporal relation 15, CSF hypotension 52, 61, 71 99 24–30, 32–3, 37–40, 44–6, 49, CSF pleocytosis 29, 69, 83 Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania 52, 56, 58, 61, 65–7, 69–71, Cyclical vomiting 16, 24, 30, 35 (CPH) 17, 34, 44, 46, 48, 54, 77–81, 83–4, 88–96, 102–3, 105, 68, 119 107, 110–11, 114–18, 121, 132, De novo headache 56, 142 Chronic post-bacterial 141, 150 De novo chronic headache, see meningitis headache 20, Cluster headache and other New daily-persistent 102–3, 105 trigeminal autonomic headache (NDPH) Chronic post-craniocervical cephalalgias 4, 7, 14, 17, 23, Delayed alcohol-induced disorder headache 114, 146 44, 141 headache 19, 88–91 Chronic post-craniotomy Cluster headache attack 45, 48, Delayed CGRP-induced headache 17, 58, 62 90, 93, 150 headache 19, 88, 93 Chronic post-homoeostasis Cluster period 45, 89–90, 150 Delayed histamine-induced disorder headache 107, 146 Cluster remission period 150 headache 19, 88, 92 Chronic post-infection headache Cocaine-induced headache 19, Delayed NO donor-induced 20, 102, 105 88, 92, 111 headache 19, 88–1 Chronic post-intoxication Cocktail headache, see Alcohol- Diagnostic headache diary 15, headache 91 induced headache 39–40

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Dialysis headache 20, 107, 109, Episodic migraine 32 Focal dystonias 116 112 Episodic orbital pain 131 Focal symptoms 150 Dietary headache, see Head Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania Food components and additives induced by food components 17, 44, 46 19, 88, 91 and additives Episodic SUNA 142 Forehead and facial sweating Difficulty in concentrating 26, Episodic tension-type headache 44, 46 58, 105 14–17, 25, 37–40, 89–90, 94, Foreshortened future 149 Diplopia 30, 78, 83, 117 115, 141 Fortification spectrum 27, 150–1 Disorder of ears 21, 114, 117, 119 Ergotamine-overuse headache Frequency of attacks 33, 150 Diving headache 20, 107–8, 112 19, 88, 94–5 Frequent episodic tension-type Drug-induced headache, see Ergots 94, 101, 112 headache 14, 16–17, 25, 37–40, Medication-overuse headache Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 115, 141 (MOH) (ESR) 69, 116 Frequent episodic tension-type Dull type 51 Erythro-melalgia of the head, see headache associated with Dural arteriovenous fistula 18, Cluster headache pericranial tenderness 16, 65, 68, 74 Erythroprosopalgia of Bing, see 37–9, 115 Dural arterio-venous fistula 68, Cluster headache Frequent episodic tension-type 74 Essential headache, see Tension- headache not associated with Duration of attack 150 type headache (TTH) pericranial tenderness 16, Dynamite headache, see Evolving from episodic 12, 39 37–9 Immediate NO donor-induced Exercise-induced migraine 50 Fully reversible dysphasic headache Exogenous hormone-induced speech disturbance 26–9 Dysaesthesia 129, 132, 149 headache 20, 88, 96 Dysphasic 26–9 Explosive headache 51 Gambian sleeping sickness 145 Explosive type headache 51 Gastro-oesophageal reflux 140 Eagle’s syndrome 133, 135 External application of a cold Generalised anxiety disorder Ears 5, 7, 20–1, 55, 83, 102, 104, stimulus 21, 126, 129 121, 147 114–15, 117–19, 122, 127–8, External compression headache Genetic relationship 26 130, 133, 146, 151 21, 108, 126, 129, 134 (GCA) 18, East African sleeping sickness Eyelid oedema 44, 46–7, 141 65–6, 68–9, 74 145 Eyes 5, 7, 20–1, 30–1, 35, 46, 55, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) East African trypanosomiasis 69, 102, 114–19, 122, 129–30, 59–60 145 134, 146, 151 Glaucoma 2, 114, 116, 119 Eclampsia 20, 98, 107, 110–11, Glossodynia 133 113 Facial angioma 68 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia 21, Empyema 20, 102, 104, 106, 144 Facial or neck pain attributed to 126–8, 133 Encephalitis 20, 84, 102–6, 145 arterial dissection 18, 65, 70, Endocrine disorder 79 142 Haematoma 17, 58–61, 66 Enlarged blind spot 78 Facial pain 5, 7, 12, 20–2, 41, 55, Haemodialysis 109 Enterochromaffin cell tumours 70, 102, 114–15, 117–20, 125–8, Haemorrhage 18, 50–1, 54, 110 130–6, 146, 149–50 59–60, 65–8, 70, 72–4 Enuresis 121 Facial pain attributed to multiple headache, see Delayed Epidural haematoma 17, 58, 61, sclerosis 22, 126, 132, 135 alcohol-induced headache 66 Familial Harris-Horton’s disease, see Epilepsy 29, 33, 36, 68, 82, 86, (FHM) 12–13, 16, 24, 26–30, Cluster headache 140 35, 84 Head and neck trauma 55, 62 Epileptic seizure 19, 68, 77, 82, Fasting 20, 107, 111, 113 Head and/or neck trauma 4, 7, 86 Fatigue 26, 108, 145, 147, 151 17, 58–9, 61–2, 114 Episodic 12, 14–17, 25, 30–2, 35, Fibromyalgia 145 Headache 1–151 37–40, 44–6, 89–90, 94, 115, Flickering lights, spots or lines Headache as an adverse event 121, 131, 140–2, 150 26–9 attributed to chronic Episodic cluster headache 12, Focal cerebral dysfunction 150 medication 20, 78, 88, 95, 101 17, 44–5, 150 Focal deficits 66–9 Headache days 150

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Headache not classifiable, see Hot dog headache, see Hypothyroidism 20, 107, 111, Headache not elsewhere Immediate NO donor-induced 113 specified; Headache headache Hypoxia 20, 107–9 unspecified Hot flushes 147

Headache not elsewhere 5HT1B/D receptor agonists 25 Ice-cream headache, see classified 22, 136 Human trigeminal- Headache attributed to Headache syndromes 12, 47, 51, parasympathetic reflex 44 ingestion or inhalation of a 53–4, 119, 123, 143 Hypacusia 30, 79, 83 cold stimulus Headache unspecified 22, 136 Hypaesthesia 131–2, 149 Ice-pick pains, see Primary Hemianopia 28, 31 Hyperacusia 83 stabbing headache Hemicrania angioparalytica, see Hyperaemia 26 Ictal discharge 82 Cluster headache Hyperaldosteronism 145 Ictal manifestation 82 11, 17, 34, Hyperalgesia 131 Idiopathic intracranial 44, 48–9, 52, 54 Hypercalcaemia 145 hypertension (IIH) 18, 77–8, Hemicrania epileptica 19, 77, 82, Hypercapnia 20, 107–9, 145 84–6 86 Hyperglycaemia 145 Idiopathic torsional dystonia Hemicrania neuralgiformis Hypermetropia 151 140 chronica, see Cluster headache Hyperopia 116 Idiopathic headache, see Tension- Hemicrania simplex, see Hyperperfusion syndrome 70 type headache (TTH) Migraine without aura Hyperprolactinaemia 81 Immediate alcohol-induced Hemicranium 49 Hypersomnia 147 headache 19, 88, 91 Hemidistribution 151 Hypertensive crisis without Immediate CGRP-induced Hemiparaesthetic migraine 26 hypertensive encephalopathy headache 19, 88, 93 Hemiparaesthetic, see Migraine 20, 107, 109 Immediate histamine-induced with aura Hypertensive encephalopathy headache 19, 88, 92 Hemiplegia 140 20, 74, 107, 109–10 Immediate NO donor-induced Hemiplegic migraine, see Hypertensive retinopathy headache 19, 88–9 Migraine with aura (Keith-Wagner classification) Increased intracranial pressure Hemisyndrome 132 110 or hydrocephalus caused by Herpes simplex virus 86, 103, Hyperthyroidism 145 neoplasm 18, 77–8, 81 106 Hypervigilance 149 Infection 4, 7, 11, 15, 20, 53, 55, Heterophoria 21, 114, 117, 150 Hyperviscosity syndrome 110 78, 102–6, 115, 118, 126, 144–5 Heterotropia 21, 114, 117, 150 Hypervitaminosis A 79 Influenza 102, 104 High-altitude headache 20, Hypnic headache 11, 17, 49, 51, Infraorbital neuralgia 134 107–8, 112 53–4 Infrequent episodic tension-type Histamine-induced headache 19, Hypnic headache syndrome , see headache 14, 16, 25, 37–8, 40, 88, 92 Hypnic headache 115, 141 Histaminic cephalalgia, see Hypoglycaemia 111–13 Infrequent episodic tension-type Cluster headache Hypoglycaemia-induced brain headache associated with HIV/AIDS 20, 102, 105–6 dysfunction 111 pericranial tenderness 16, Hodgkin’s disease 131 Hypoglycaemia-induced 37–8, 115 Homoeostasis 5, 7, 11, 20, 55, migraine 111 Infrequent episodic tension-type 107, 112, 145–6 Hypoliquorrhoeic headache, see headache not associated with Homonymous visual symptoms Headache attributed to pericranial tenderness 16, 26–8 spontaneous (or idiopathic) 37–8 Hormone replacement therapy low CSF presure Ingestion or inhalation of a cold 36, 96, 101, 139 Hyponatraemia 145 stimulus 21, 126, 130 Horner’s syndrome 70 Hypophyseal cytosol protein Insomnia 58, 147 Horton’s disease, see Headache 81 Insulin-induced hypoglycaemia attributed to giant cell arteritis Hypopituitarism 72, 80–1, 113 111 (GCA) Hyposmia 117 Intensity of pain 45, 150 Horton’s headache, see Cluster Hypotension 52, 61, 71–2, 79, Intracerebral haemorrhage 18, headache 84–5, 109 51, 54, 65, 67–8, 73

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Intracranial hypertension 18, Leptomeningeal angiomatosis Menstrually-related migraine 67–8, 71, 75, 77–9, 84–6, 88, 96, (Sturge Weber syndrome) 18, 25, 139–40 107 65, 68 Messenger molecules nitric Intracranial hypertension Leukoencephalopathy 18, 32, 65, oxide (NO) 25 secondary to hydrocephalus 75 Metastases 115 18, 77, 79 Light-headedness 108 Migraine accompagnée, see Intracranial hypertension Lingual dystonia 116 Migraine with aura secondary to metabolic, toxic Listeria 103 Migraine aura status 36, 140 or hormonal causes 18, 77–8, Loss of vision 26–9 Migraine in general 34 88, 107 Low cerebrospinal fluid pressure Migraine with acute-onset aura Intracranial infection 11, 20, 78, 18, 77, 79 26 102–5, 144–5 Low CSF-volume headache, see Migraine with aura 11, 14, 16, Intracranial neoplasm 18, 56, 77, Headache attributed to 24–6, 28–9, 32–6, 53, 66, 68, 81 spontaneous (or idiopathic) 71–2, 75, 82, 139–40, 150–1 Intracranial noises 78 low CSF presure Migraine with cerebrospinal Intracranial parasitic infestation Lymphocytic hypophysitis 18, pleocytosis, see Syndrome of 145 77, 80–1 transient Headache and Intracranial vascular disorder Lymphocytic meningitis 20, Neurological Deficits with 18, 65, 71 102–3, 105 cerebrospinal fluid Intrathecal chemotherapy 81 Lymphocytic pleocytosis, see Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) Intrathecal injection 19, 77, 80–1 Syndrome of transient Migraine with prolonged aura Ipsilateral conjunctival injection Headache and Neurological 26, 36 44, 46 Deficits with cerebrospinal Migraine without aura 11, Ipsilateral eye 46 fluid Lymphocytosis 14–16, 24–34, 36, 38–40, 57, 90, Ipsilateral eyelid oedema 44, 46 (HaNDL) 92–3, 95, 111–12, 118, 138–40, Ipsilateral nasal congestion 44, 143, 151 46 Major depressive disorder 121, Migraine-triggered seizures 16, Irritability 59, 91, 140, 147, 149 146–7 24, 33, 36 Ischaemic heart disease 112–13 Malaise 104, 140 Migraineurs 34, 39, 43, 89–93, Ischaemic infarction 32 Malignant hypertension 98 99, 123 Ischaemic stroke (cerebral Mandibular dystonia 116 Migrainous disorder, see infarction) 17, 65–6 Manic or hypomanic episodes Probable migraine Ischaemic stroke or transient 147 Migrainous infarction 16, 24, 32, ischaemic attack 17, 65–6 Manifest strabismus 150 36 Ischaemic threshold 26 Mastoid 115 Migrainous neuralgia (of Isolated CNS angiitis, see Medication-misuse headache, see Harris), see Cluster headache Headache attributed to Medication-overuse headache Migralepsy 33, 82 primary central nervous (MOH) Mild nausea 39–41, 52 system (CNS) angitis Medication-overuse headache Miosis 44, 46, 52 (MOH) 14, 19, 25, 32–3, 39–41, Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Jabs and jolts, see Primary 52–3, 56–7, 88, 94–5, 98, 141 Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like stabbing headache Meningeal angioma 68 episodes (MELAS) 18, 65, 72, Jaw claudication 69 Meningeal hydrops, see 75 Joint hypermobility 118 Headache attributed to Monocular visual disturbance idiopathic intracranial 27, 31 Kinking 83 hypertension (IIH) Monosodium glutamate-induced Meningitis, see Headache headache 19, 88, 92, 98 Lacrimation 44, 46, 48, 52, 128, attributed to idiopathic Monothetic 14 141–2 intracranial hypertension Motor weakness 26–30 Lancinating 128, 149, 151 (IIH) Mucosal contact point headache Latent strabismus 150 Meningoencephalitis 145 118, 146 Late-onset post-traumatic Menstrual migraine 25, 139–41 Multiple myeloma 115 58 Menstrual relationship 14, 25, Multiple sclerosis 22, 126–7, 130, Learning disorder 121 139 132–3, 135

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Muscle contraction headache, see Non-menstrual migraine Osmophobia 139, 150 Probable chronic tension-type without aura 139–40 Osteoarthritis 118 headache Non-traumatic intracranial Osteochondrosis 114 Myofascial pain and headache haemorrhage 18, 65–6 Osteomyelitis 115, 130 118 Non-traumatic subarachnoid Otalgia 117, 119, 128 Myopia 151 haemorrhage with or without Other acute substance use or other clinical signs 67 exposure 19, 88, 93 Nasal congestion 44, 46–7, 52, Non-vascular intracranial Other cranial neuralgia or other 118, 141 disorder 4, 7, 18–19, 55, 77, 84, centrally mediated facial pain Nasociliary neuralgia 21, 126, 142 22, 126, 133, 135 128, 133 Not sufficiently validated 91, Other medication overuse 19, Nausea or abdominal distress 115, 118, 133, 145, 151 88, 95 147 Nuchal onset 116 Other non-infectious Neck stiffness 26, 79, 103 Nuchal region 151 inflammatory disease 18, 77, Neck-tongue syndrome 21, 119, Nuchal rigidity 67, 103 80 126, 129, 134 Numbness 26–9, 129 Other systemic infection 15, 20, Nematodes 144 Nummular headache 129, 149 102, 105 Neoplasm 18–19, 56, 77–8, 81, Nystagmus 31, 83, 140 Other terminal branch 105, 117 neuralgias 21, 126, 129 Neoplastic arachnoiditis Obtundation 109 encephalitis 84 Occipital headache 25, 119 Pachymeningeal enhancement Nervus intermedius neuralgia 21, 126, 129, 79–80, 85 21, 126, 128, 133 134 Paediatric headache 121 Neuralgic pain 126 Ocular diabetic neuropathy 21, Paget’s disease 115 Neuralgiform headaches 17, 44, 126, 130–1, 134 Painful tinnitus 70 46–8, 68, 114, 141 Ocular inflammatory disorder Pallor 26, 30–31, 109, 140 Neuroborreliosis 84 21, 114–15, 117 Palpitations 109, 147 Neurobrucellosis 84 Ocular motor abnormalities 140 Panic disorder 121, 123, 146–7 Neuroimaging 11, 29, 32, 49–50, Oestrogen-withdrawal headache Papilloedema 78–9, 83 59–61, 66–8, 70–2, 74, 79, 83, 20, 88, 96, 140 Paraesthesia 30, 92, 109, 129, 103–5, 134, 144–5, 151 One side of the body and face 133, 147, 149 Neurological symptoms 25–6, 27 Paresis 130–2 29, 35, 70, 83, 87, 91, 103, 106, Operational diagnostic criteria Paroxysmal attacks 126–8 110, 122–3, 144–5 8, 12 Paroxysmal brain disorders 33 Neuroma 62–4, 117, 126 Ophthalmic, see Migraine with Paroxysmal headache 109 Neuropathy 21, 31, 69, 119, 126, aura Paroxysmal hemicrania 17, 34, 130–2, 134 Ophthalmic division trigeminal 44–8, 54, 68, 119, 150 Neurosarcoidosis 18, 77, 80, neuralgia 141 Paroxysmal hemicrania with 85–6 Ophthalmic migraine, see coexistent trigeminal neuralgia Neurosyphilis 84 Migraine with aura (CPH-tic syndrome) 45–7 New daily-persistent headache Ophthalmodynia periodica, see Paroxysmal hypertension 110, (NDPH) 17, 39–40, 49, 52–4 Primary stabbing headache 112 New headache 15, 25, 49, 56, 58, Ophthalmoplegia 12, 22, 25, 36, Paroxysms 127–9 65–6, 70–1, 77, 88, 102, 107, 68, 72, 126, 131–2, 134 Pathognomonic spreading 114, 121, 136, 143, 151 Ophthalmoplegic migraine 12, oligaemia of migraine with Nitric oxide (NO) donor- 22, 25, 36, 126, 131–2, 134 aura 25 induced headache 19, 88–9 Opioid-overuse headache 19, 88, Percutaneous transluminal Nitroglycerine headache, see 95 angioplasty (PTA) 70, 75 Immediate NO donor-induced Opioid-withdrawal headache Pericoronitis 118 headache 20, 88, 96 Pericranial muscles 37, 41–3, 151 Nociception 41–2, 151 21, 119, 126, 130, Pericranial tenderness 16, 37–40, Non-caseating granulomas 80 132, 134 42, 115 Non-infectious inflammatory Orgasmic headache 17, 49–51 Periodontitis 118 disease 18, 77, 80 Oscillopsia 83 Peripheral pain mechanisms 37

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Persistent aura without Pounding heart or accelerated Probable frequent episodic infarction 16, 24, 32, 36 heart rate 147 tension-type headache 17, 37, Persistent idiopathic facial pain Pre-eclampsia 20, 98, 107, 110, 40 22, 126, 133, 135 113 Probable infrequent episodic Petrosal neuralgia (of Gardner), Pre-existing primary headache tension-type headache 16, 37, see Cluster headache 15, 49, 53, 57–8, 65, 77, 88, 94, 40 Petrositis 115 102, 107, 114, 121 Probable medication-overuse Phaeochromocytoma 20, 107, Premonitory symptoms 26, headache 19, 32, 40, 53, 57, 88, 109–11, 113 150–1 95, 141 Pharyngeal dystonia 116 Preorgasmic headache 17, 49–50 Probable migraine 14, 16, 24–6, Phonophobia 24–5, 38–9, 41, Presbyopia 116 32–3, 36, 40 51–2, 94, 102–3, 108, 139, 141, Pressing/tightening 38–9, 41, 52, Probable migraine with aura 16, 150–1 94, 95, 141, 151 24, 26, 33 Phosphodiesterase (PDE) Pressure algometer 42, 151 Probable migraine without aura inhibitor-induced headache Pressure-induced pain 151 16, 24–5, 32–3 19, 88, 90 Previously used term 12, 24–5, Probable ocular diabetic Photophobia 24–5, 38–9, 41, 29, 33, 37, 44, 49, 50–2, 68–9, neuropathy 131 51–2, 79, 82, 94, 102–3, 108, 78–9, 83, 89–92, 94, 115, 123, Probable opioid-overuse 116, 139, 141, 143, 150–1 126, 128, 130, 133, 136, 149, 151 headache 95 Pickwickian syndrome 109 Primary chronic cluster Probable optic neuritis 130 Pin-prick 132 headache 45 Probable paroxysmal hemicrania Pins and needles 26–9 Primary CNS angiitis 69, 72, 74 17, 44, 47 Pituitary apoplexy 18, 51, 65, 72, Primary cough headache 17, Probable 1 76 49–51, 53, 83 Probable SUNCT 17, 44 Polycythaemia 145 Primary exertional headache 17, Probable tension-type headache Polymyalgia rheumatica 69, 74 49–51, 53, 108 16, 37, 40 Polythetic 14 Primary headache associated Probable trigeminal autonomic Post-craniotomy headache 17, with sexual activity 17, 49–51, cephalalgia 17, 44, 47 58, 61–3 53 Probable -overuse Post-dural puncture headache Primary headache syndromes headache 95 18, 77, 79, 85 12, 47 Prodrome 26, 34, 150–1 Post-electroconvulsive therapy Primary intracranial Progressive encephalopathy 140 (ECT) headache 143 hypotension, see Headache Prolonged aura 26, 36, 68, 72 Post-endarterectomy headache attributed to spontaneous (or Proteinuria 110 18, 65, 70, 74 idiopathic) low CSF pressure Pseudomigraine, see Syndrome Posterior fossa dysfunction 83 Primary otalgia 117 of transient Headache and Posterior hypothalamic grey Primary stabbing headache 17, Neurological Deficits with matter 45 49, 53 cerebrospinal fluid Post-herpetic neuralgia 21, 126, Primary thunderclap headache Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) 131 11, 17, 49, 51–2, 54, 70–1 Pseudotumor cerebri, see Post- 82 Probable analgesic-overuse Headache attributed to Post-partum angiopathy 72 headache 95 idiopathic intracranial Post-radiosurgery headache Probable childhood periodic hypertension (IIH) 142–3 syndromes that are commonly Psychiatric disorder 5, 7, 11, 21, Post-seizure headache 19, 77 precursors of migraine 33 55, 121–2, 146 Post-traumatic amnesia 59 Probable chronic migraine 16, Psychogenic headache, see Post-traumatic headache 15, 17, 24, 32–3, 57, 95 Tension-type headache (TTH) 53, 58–9, 60–2, 66, 119 Probable chronic tension-type Psychomotor agitation 147 Post-traumatic stress disorder headache 17, 37, 40–1, 95, Psychomyogenic headache, see 148–9 141 Tension-type headache (TTH) Post-traumatic syndrome Probable cluster headache 17, Psychotic disorder 21, 121, 123 58–60 44, 47 Ptosis 44, 46, 52 Postural headache 50, 80, 85 Probable ergotamine-overuse Puerperium 110, 111 Post-whiplash syndrome 60 headache 95 Pulsatile tinnitus 68

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Pulsating 24–5, 46, 50, 70, 89, Secondary headaches 7, 11–12, Spontaneous intracranial 90–4, 96, 102, 109–10, 139, 141, 15, 53, 55–7 hypotension, see Headache 143, 151 Segmental craniocervical attributed to spontaneous (or Pulsating quality 24, 89–94, dystonia 116 idiopathic) low CSF pressure 110–11, 139 Seizure 16, 19, 24, 27, 33, 36, Sporadic hemiplegic migraine Pure menstrual migraine 1, 68–72, 77, 82, 86, 109–11, 123, 16, 24, 27, 29–30, 35 139–40 140 Stab of pain 151 Pure menstrual migraine Sensitivity to light or sound 26 Startle response 149 without aura 139–40 Sensory disturbances 27 Status migrainosus 16, 24, 32–3, Separation-anxiety disorder 121 36 Raised CSF pressure headache Sepsis 102 Stomach-aches 148 53 Serous meningitis, see Headache Stress headache, see Tension-type Rebound headache, see attributed to idiopathic headache (TTH) Medication-overuse headache intracranial hypertension (IIH) Strings and beads 72 (MOH) , see Primary Subacute encephalopathy or Recurrent headache disorder 24 headache associated with cavernous sinus syndrome Referred otalgia 117 sexual activity 71 Referred pain 42, 117, 133, 151 Short-lasting unilateral Subacute haematomas 61 Refraction error 151 neuralgiform headache attacks Subarachnoid haemorrhage Refractive errors 21, 114, 116, with conjunctival injection (SAH) 18, 50–1, 54, 59–60, 119 and tearing (SUNCT) 17, 44, 65–8, 70, 72–4 Regional cerebral blood flow 46–7 Subcortical dementia 71 25–6 Short-lasting Unilateral Subdural empyema 20, 102, 104, Retardation 147 Neuralgiform headache 106, 144 Retinal migraine 16, 24, 31, 33, attacks with cranial Subdural haematoma 17, 58, 61, 35–6 Autonomic symptoms 66 Retro-orbital headache 81 (SUNA) 47, 141 Substance 4, 7, 19–20, 34, 41, 55, Retropharyngeal tendonitis 21, Sinus headaches 117–18 79–80, 88, 90–1, 93–4, 96–9, 114–16, 119 Sinus thrombosis 68, 75, 78 101, 104, 121–2, 123, 144, Reversible benign CNS Sinusitis 52, 104, 114, 117 147–8, 151 angiopathy 51 Sleep apnoea 20, 107–9, 112 Substance withdrawal 20, 88, 96, Reversible focal neurological Sleep apnoea headache 20, 101 symptoms 25 107–9, 112 Sumatriptan 12, 85, 99–100, 112, Rheumatoid arthritis 115, 118 Sleep disorder 109, 121 143–4 Rhinorrhoea 44, 46–7, 52, 141 Sleep disturbance 59, 108, 147 SUNCT with coexistent Rhinosinusitis 21, 114, 117–20, Sleep-related respiratory trigeminal neuralgia 47 146 disorders 109 Superior laryngeal neuralgia 21, Ruptured cerebral aneurysm 51, Sluder’s neuralgia, see Cluster 126, 128, 133 54, 67, 73 headache Supraorbital neuralgia 21, 108, Sluder’s sphenopalatine 126, 128, 134 Saccular aneurysm 18, 65, 67, 73 neuralgia 133 Symptomatic and idiopathic Sarcoid 18, 77, 80, 85–6, 131 Small artery disease 71 occipital epilepsy 82 Schizophrenia 123 Social phobia 148 Symptomatic cluster headache School phobia 121 Somatisation disorder 21, 121–3 44 Scintigraphy 118, 151 Somatoform 121–3, 148 Symptomatic cough headache Scintillating scotoma 35, 66, 74 Somatoform disorders 121–3 50 Scintillation 31, 151 Spark photopsias 83 Symptomatic glossopharyngeal Scotoma 27, 31, 35, 66, 74, 130, Spasmodic torticollis 116 neuralgia 21, 126–7 151 Speech symptoms 26–8 Symptomatic hypoglycaemia Scotomata 31, 74 Sphenopalatine neuralgia, see 112 Secondary chronic cluster Cluster headache Symptomatic migraine 24, 33, headache 45 Spondylosis 114–15 68, 94 Secondary CNS angiitis 74 Spontaneous haemorrhagic Symptomatic trigeminal Secondary cough headache 50 infarction 72 neuralgia 21, 126–7

© International Headache Society 2003 160 Index

Syndrome of transient Headache Tic douloureux, see Trigeminal 126–8, 131–2, 134, 139, 141, and Neurological Deficits with neuralgia 143, 151 cerebrospinal fluid Tinnitus 30, 68, 70, 78–9 Unilateral neuralgiform Lymphocytosis (HaNDL) 19, Tissue oedema 110 headache 17, 44, 46–8, 68, 141 77, 83 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome 22, 126, Unilateral sensory symptoms Syringomyelia 83 131, 134 26–8 Systemic arteritis 69 Tonic spells 140 Unruptured vascular Systemic bacterial infection 20, Torticollis 116, 140 malformation 18, 51, 65, 67, 73 102, 104 Toxoplasmosis 125 Systemic disease 89, 107, 133 Transient and localised stabs of Vail’s Vidian neuralgia 133 Systemic infection 20, 102, 104–6 pain 49 Valsalva manoeuvre 50, 81, 83–4 Systemic lupus erythematosus Transient hemiparesis 29 Valsalva-manoeuvre headache, (SLE) 80, 85–6, 122, 145 Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) see Primary cough headache Systemic viral infection 20, 102, 17, 28, 65–6, 73 Vascular disorder 4, 7, 17–18, 55, 105 Transient monocular blindness 65–6, 71, 78, 142 31 Vascular intracranial disorders Teeth, jaws or related structures Transient visual obscurations 51, 77 21, 114, 118, 120 78 Vasculitis 74, 76, 84, 98, 131 Teichopsia 151 Traumatic brain lesion 59–60 Vasospasm 54, 76, 98, 151 Temporal arteritis, see Headache Traumatic epidural haematoma Venous sinus thrombosis 75, 78 attributed to giant cell arteritis 66 Vertebral artery pain 18, 65, 70 (GCA) Traumatic intracranial Vertigo 16, 24, 29, 31, 35, 83, Temporal pain 44–5 haematoma 17, 58, 60 140 Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) Trematodes 144 Vidian neuralgia, see Cluster disorder 21, 114, 118, 120 Trigeminal autonomic headache Tenderness 37–42, 104, 115, 118, cephalalgia (TAC) 4, 7, 14–15, Visual analogue scale (VAS) 116, 128–9, 142, 149 17, 23, 44, 47, 51, 141, 150 146, 151 , see Tension- Trigeminal neuralgia 21, 45–8, Visual aura 26–7, 34, 36, 150 type headache (TTH) 126–7, 132–5, 141–2 Visual blurring 83 Tension-type headache (TTH) 4, Triptan 9, 11–12, 19, 25, 88, 94–5, Visual field defect 78 7, 12, 14–17, 23, 25, 34, 37–43, 99, 112, 144 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada 51–3, 56–8, 65, 77, 82, 88–9, 90, Triptan-overuse headache 19, syndrome 80 93–5, 97, 100, 102, 107–8, 88, 94–5 114–15, 118, 121, 141 Typical aura with migraine Warehouse workers’ headache, Terminal branch neuralgia 21, headache 11, 16, 24, 26, 28 see Carbon monoxide-induced 126, 129, 149 Typical aura with non-migraine headache Throbbing 25, 31, 151 headache 16, 24, 27, 34 Warning symptoms 26, 74, Thrombocytopenia 110 Typical aura without headache 150–1 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic 16, 24, 28, 34 Weight-lifters’ headache 50 purpura 145 Whiplash injury 17, 58–60, 62–3 Thunderclap headache 11, 17, Undifferentiated somatoform Withdrawal from chronic use of 49, 51–2, 54, 67, 70–3, 75–6, 81, disorder 121–2, 148 other substances 20, 88, 96 143 Unilateral 17, 24–8, 31, 44–8, Tic, see Trigeminal neuralgia 52–4, 67–8, 70–1, 94, 104, 116, Zig zag line 151

© International Headache Society 2003