
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.50.9.1148 on 1 September 1987. Downloaded from

Journal ofNeurology, , and Psychiatry 1987;50:1148-1152

Post-epileptic and

F SCHON, J N BLAU From the National Hospitalsfor Nervous Diseases, Maida Vale Hospital, London, UK

SUMMARY One hundred epileptic patients were questioned about their . Post-ictal head- aches occurred in 51 of these patients and most commonly lasted 6-72 hours. Major were more often associated with post-epileptic headaches than minor attacks. Nine patients in this series of 100 also had migraine: in eight of these nine a typical, albeit a mild, migraine attack was provoked by fits. The post- in the 40 epileptics who did not have migraine was accompanied by in 11 cases, in 14 cases and vomiting with photophobia in 4 cases. Further- more, post-epileptic headache was accentuated by coughing, bending and sudden head movements and relieved by . It is, therefore, clear that seizures provoke a syndrome similar to the headache phase of migraine in 50% of epileptics. It is proposed that post-epileptic headache arises intra- cranially and is related to the vasodilatation known to follow seizures. The relationship of post- epileptic headache to migraine is discussed in the light of current ideas on migraine pathogenesis, in particular the vasodilation which accompanies Leao's spreading cortical . Protected by copyright. Little is known about post-epileptic headaches, al- including and vomiting, photophobia, , though their occurrence is accepted by patients and and visual disturbances were also noted. Patients were doctors. Yet standard works' - on both and specifically asked whether they suffered local head trauma during their fits, and only patients who rarely experienced headache give the subject cursory mention only. any and clearly developed headaches without Gowers4 drew attention to their duration, describing trauma were included in this study. Details of other head- them as "severe headaches, general, lasting for several aches, associated neurological conditions, electro- hours and often continuing during the rest of the encephalographic and neuroradiological findings were day." In contrast, headaches occurring as a warning recorded. The results of computed tomographic scans were of impending fits, either as part of the or present in the notes of 32 patients, of which five revealed the , have been extensively studied most recently abnormalities (two presumed , neither of which had by Young and Blume5 in 1983. In this paper the au- been operated upon, one infarct, one arteriovenous mal- thors have studied the incidence and characteristics of formation and one ). All patients had experi- enced more than 10 fits and only patients who had post-ictal post-epileptic headache. headaches after more than a quarter of their attacks were included in the Method detailed analysis of post-epileptic headaches. One hundred epileptic patients (39 men and 61 women, aver- Results age age 32 years) were interviewed, 70 at neurological out- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ patient clinics, 15 while they were on general neurological Incidence ofheadache in-patient wards and 15 at a specialist residential centre for Post-epileptic headaches occurred in 51 patients. In epileptics. Patients were questioned about prodromal symp- 35 they were invariable, in five a usual sequel and in toms, auras and post-epileptic phenomena, particularly 11 they occurred after 25-50% of fits (fig). In con- those related to headache such as head , trast, 42 patients never suffered such headaches and use and whether the was affected by manoeuvres such seven others only rarely recollected headaches after as coughing or sudden head movement. Other symptoms fits. Headaches preceding fits affected only seven pa-

tients. on October 2, 2021 by guest. Two patients experienced prodromal headaches: one described a sensation of bifrontal pressure associ- Address for reprint requests: Dr F Schon, Department ofNeurology, ated with mood depression for 2 days prior to a fit Middlesex Hospital, Mortimer Street, London WI N 8AA, UK. and the other right frontal headache, tiredness and Received 8 October 1986 and in revised form 15 December 1986. urinary frequency for 3 days preceding fits. Five pa- Accepted 23 December 1986 tients suffered a cephalic aura: two complained of a 1148 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.50.9.1148 on 1 September 1987. Downloaded from

Post-epileptic headache and migraine 1149 50- Associated symptoms Alimentary dysfunction Seven out of 51 patients in- variably vomited repeatedly after seizures. A further 40 five vomited only after one third of fits, and also suffered prolonged nausea. Two other patients had vomited regularly after fits as children, but the vom- 3 iting ceased when they became adults. Pronounced No nausea preventing liquid or solid food intake for 24 hours, but without vomiting was noted in three other 20 patients. Thus 17 of 51 patients with post-epileptic headaches had significant alimentary dysfunction. Visual symptoms Nine patients experienced visual 10 symptoms in association with their fits, which in seven cases took the form of a visual aura lasting 3 to 10 minutes, six described flashes of light and one blurr- ing of vision. Two patients complained of post-ictal 25 50 75 100 visual disturbances: one had for 2 hours after her fits, and the other multicoloured scin- Fig Incidence ofpost-epileptic headache. The percentage of tillations for 5 minutes after she regained con- fitsfollowed by headaches in the 100 patients studied: R and sciousness. Seven of these 9 patients, including the M indicate that patients'fits were "rarely" or "mostly" two with post-epileptic visual phenomena, also had followed by headaches respectively. regular post-epileptic headaches, but none had mi- graine. mi- Migraine Nine patients in this series of 100 had Protected by copyright. vague ache in the head for 5 minutes, two had sharp graine in addition to epilepsy: eight of the nine had stabbing retro-orbital lasting only a few seconds post-ictal headaches and they described both pains as and one had a sensation of electricity passing through having the same quality, although in three the mi- her head. graine headache when it occurred by itself was of greater severity. In addition to the head pain, these Features ofpost-epileptic headaches eight patients also experienced other symptoms usu- Duration In 30 patients the pain lasted 6-72 hours, ally associated with their migraine attacks such as in 19 the pain continued for up to 6 hours and in three photophobia, nausea and vomiting (table). One pa- its duration was less than 30 minutes. tient with common migraine and a further one with Characteristics In the 51 patients with headache, the childhood bilious attacks, but no migraine, did not pain was bilateral in 35 (generalised in 16, bifrontal in suffer post-epileptic headaches. 15 and bioccipital in four), predominantly unilateral in 12 and four were uncertain of the distribution. The Relationship between post-ictal headaches and type of quality was described as throbbing by 16; the remain- seizures der had aching pains. Post-ictal headaches occurred after both major and Photophobia necessitating prolonged periods in a minor seizures, but they were most frequent after darkened room was described by 20 patients and in grand mal attacks. The 49 patients who never had most was accompanied by phonophobia. Scalp headaches after fits comprised 15 with major fits only, http://jnnp.bmj.com/ tenderness in the absence of generalised muscle ac- 15 with minor and major fits and 19 with minor fits hing was mentioned by 14. Coughing, sneezing, ben- alone. The 51 patients with regular post-ictal head- ding and sudden head movements increased the pain aches included 17 with major fits only, 12 with both in 27 out of 51 patients. Three volunteered that even major and minor fits, and 13 with minor seizures only. after the headache had worn off, these manoeuvres Nine of the 12 patients with major and minor fits precipitated further pain. Most patients found that suffered headaches only after major seizures and sleep helped the headache, and two people with noc- never after minor attacks. Two patients felt that their turnal fits only experienced headache if woken shortly headaches were worse after prolonged or repeated sei- on October 2, 2021 by guest. after the fit, but not if they slept several hours, usually zures. None of these 100 patients suffered from petit until morning. mal (3/s spike and wave) epilepsy. Analgesic requirement Twenty-five patients regu- There was no consistent relationship between the larly needed for their post-epileptic head- side of the EEG focus in patients with prolonged uni- aches. Most took two or four tablets on the day of the lateral headaches and the side of the pain. Four pa- fit, but in two cases 8-12 tablets were required. tients with post- headaches had other, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.50.9.1148 on 1 September 1987. Downloaded from

1150 Schon, Blau Table Features ofpost-epileptic headache (PEH)

Total PEH & PEH Non PEH PEH patients migraine only patients No of patients 51 8 43 49 Duration: 30 min 3 0 3 I/2-6 h 17 5 12 - 6-72 30 3 27 - Notknown 1 0 1 Nausea and vomiting 15 4 1 1 1 * Nausea alone 4 1 3 1* Photophobia 21 7 14 1* Vomiting and photophobia 7 3 4 Throbbing 18 5 13 Exacerbation on bending 32 8 24 Routine analgesia 26 6 20 - *These three patients without post-epileptic headache had however the associated features shown.

neurological conditions, one , one pains as being essentially the same. Basser7 commen- presumed intracranial tumour, one previous optic ted on a patient with and epi- and one chronic central lepsy: "it is interesting to note that the patient degenerative condition while five of the 49 patients considered his post-ictal headaches to be identical to without post-seizure headaches had other abnormal- his independently occurring migrainous headaches". ities; one presumed tumour, one cerebral infarct, one The acknowledged features of the headache phase Protected by copyright. unilateral temporal arachnoid cyst, one arteriovenous ofmigraine are: its prolonged nature; throbbing qual- malformation and one spinocerebellar degeneration. ity; the associated gastrointestinal disturbance and the presence of photophobia. Although in this series Other inter-ictal headaches of 51 patients with post-epileptic headaches all these The incidence of did not vary be- four cardinal features were only present in three cases, tween patients with post-epileptic headaches and 8 patients showed three of the four features, 17 suf- those epileptics without post-ictal headaches. Neither fered two, 11 only one and eight patients had none of of the two patients with presumed gliomas suffered these features. This does not, in the authors' opinion, the headaches of raised . detract from the similarity between these two condi- tions. In a survey8 of 750 patients only 49% of Discussion migraine sufferers described their headaches as throb- bing in type. Furthermore, none of the various crite- Thus epileptics could be divided into two groups, half ria for defining migraine demand all the cardinal who regularly experienced post-seizure headaches features to be present. and half who never did. Within the former group, The similarity between migraine and seizure head- headaches were more common after major than aches was also noted by Swainman and Frank9 in six minor fits. children with paroxysmal headaches, epileptic EEG Seizures provoked a migraine attack in eight of the changes and a good response to drugs. http://jnnp.bmj.com/ nine migraineurs who had both conditions. In a fur- They considered the headaches as epileptic equiv- ther 40/91 patients, fits provoked a headache that has alents, a view shared by others'° " including interesting similarities to the headache phase of Halpern"2 (who used the term epileptic cephalia). migraine. In three patients a brief headache occurred Vining"3 in 1922 wrote on "bilious attacks and epi- without migrainous features and of uncertain type, lepsy" and was convinced that bilious attacks, partic- possibly similar to the cephalic auras that a few epi- ularly in children and adolescents were "an leptics experience. expression of a potentially epileptic nervous system". The headache characteristics common to migraine He described patients in whom major seizures were on October 2, 2021 by guest. and post-epileptic headaches are: throbbing quality, invariably followed by headache and vomiting and exacerbation by coughing and sudden head move- even speculated that those waking in the morning ments, nausea and vomiting, photophobia, and relief with a bilious attack may have had a nocturnal sei- by sleep.6 The similarity of the two conditions is fur- zure. ther underlined by the fact that the patients with both The aetiology of post-epileptic headaches is uncer- post-epileptic headache and migraine recognise the tain. Physical exertion which can provoke headaches J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.50.9.1148 on 1 September 1987. Downloaded from

Post-epileptic headache and migraine 1151 after sexual intercourse14 and running15 seems Although the mechanisms underlying migraine unlikely to be the cause as minor fits involve minimal attacks are still unclear, it seems likely that they have muscular activity, similarly which is involved a primary neural basis.22 Leao's spreading cortical in the headaches of mountain sickness'6 does not depression has been suggested as an explanation for occur after minor seizures. the progression of the visual aura.2324 Spreading Post-epileptic headaches may be related to intra- depression in experimental animals causes marked cranial vascular changes known to be associated with vascular changes in pial arteries as well as veins over- seizures. In dogs and monkeys Plum et al'7 described lying the involved .25 Arterial diameter a four-fold increase in cerebral blood flow during increased by 50-100% and as Leao stated "the flow in chemically induced seizures which only persisted for 2 the veins is strikingly increased and these vessels minutes after the cessation ofthe fit. Gibbs etaal8 first promptly became as scarlet as the arteries". Follow- demonstrated an increased cerebral blood flow in ing this marked vasodilatation which lasts only one patients during spontaneous fits in 1934 using a ther- and a half to three minutes, a minor, but prolonged, moelectric flow recorder inserted into the jugular reduction of cerebral blood flow occurs.26 The vein; within seconds of the onset of a major seizure, observed transient vasodilatation is very similar to blood flow increased rapidly and remained at a high that seen after seizures. level for approximately one minute after the fit In addition to describing spreading electrical ceased; during the subsequent 6 minutes, flow gradu- depression after mechanical stimulation of the rabbit ally returned to the preconvulsive level. Similar cortex, Leao also mentioned a second associated elec- changes were seen in some patients with minor sei- trical phenomenon: "often during the period of zures, but in one patient no change in blood flow depression of a region... fast components may also occurred during a minor attack. More recent studies appear and the activity when intense closely resembles using both intra-arterial xenon injection'9 and posi- the seizure pattern of experimental epilepsy". Fur- tron emission scanning20 have confirmed the rise in thermore, he viewed the depression and the "tonic- blood flow during seizures. clonic" activity of experimental epilepsy as closely Protected by copyright. Penfeld and Jasper2' studied the exposed human related phonemena.23 However, blood flow studies cerebral cortex during and after fits: during seizures during migraine attacks have given conflicting results, visible pulsations in the pial arteries disappeared over some authors reporting oligaemia27 and others the whole ; towards the end of the hyperaemia.28 fit, these pulsations returned, often becoming more The features of post-epileptic headache conform to pronounced post-ictally than before the fit. When a pattern of pain assumed to be of intracranial origin, respiratory embarrassment occurred during a seizure other examples being migraine, and hista- the cerebral veins became swollen and "the mine headache. injected into the external seemed to enlarge due to the venous engorgement carotid artery did not cause headache, whilst injection within the cranial cavity". In addition they frequently into the common and internal carotid artery resulted also noted "reactive post-ictal hyperaemia" in the in pain.29 Charactestic differences between head- region of the discharging focus. Some minutes after aches of intracranial and extracranial origin have the end of the fit bright red blood was seen in large been previously proposed by Blau and Dexter.30 pial veins persisting for up to 30 minutes. In conclusion, post-convulsive headaches occurred This increased blood flow probably involves more regularly in 50% of epileptics and shared many fea- than one process. Plum et all7 found that most of the tures associated with the headache phase of migraine. increased flow was abolished by cervical cord transec- Post-epileptic headaches may offer a migraine model tion and argued that the blood flow changes were sec- worthy of further study. http://jnnp.bmj.com/ ondary to the loss of autoregulation due to the increased blood pressure during the fit. Penfield2" The authors thank Miss C Zeppetella for her expert however thought chemical factors released from the secretarial help. discharging focus were responsible. The explanation of why 50% of patients never References experienced post-seizure headaches is not clear. It is unlikely that these patients forget their post-epileptic I Wolff HG. Headaches and Other Head Pain. 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, 1963. on October 2, 2021 by guest. symptoms because the other 50% were able to give a 2 A Textbook of Epilepsy. Edited by Laidlaw J, Richens A. Edin- surprisingly clear account of their pain. Perhaps only burgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1976. some patients have marked blood flow changes after 3 Brain's Diseases ofthe Nervous system. Editor: Walton J. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. seizures. This hypothesis could be further studied to 4 Gowers, WR. Epilepsy and Other Chronic Convulsive Diseases: see if the presence ofpost-seizure headache correlated their Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. London: Witham, with the changes in blood flow. Wood & Co, 1885. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.50.9.1148 on 1 September 1987. Downloaded from

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