J Headache Pain (2006) 7:347–350 DOI 10.1007/s10194-006-0326-y BRIEF REPORT Aynur Özge Autonomic headache with autonomic seizures: Hakan Kaleagasi Fazilet Yalçin Tasmertek a case report Received: 3 April 2006 Abstract The aim of the report is the criteria for the diagnosis of Accepted in revised form: 18 July 2006 to present a case of an autonomic trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, Published online: 25 October 2006 headache associated with autonom- and was different from epileptic ic seizures. A 19-year-old male headache, which was defined as a who had had complex partial pressing type pain felt over the seizures for 15 years was admitted forehead for several minutes to a with autonomic complaints and left few hours. Although epileptic hemicranial headache, independent headache responds to anti-epilep- from seizures, that he had had for tics and the complaints of the pre- 2 years and were provoked by sent case decreased with anti- watching television. Brain magnet- epileptics, it has been suggested ౧ A. Özge ( ) • H. Kaleagasi ic resonance imaging showed right that the headache could be a non- F. Yalçin Tasmertek hippocampal sclerosis and elec- trigeminal autonomic headache Department of Neurology, troencephalography revealed instead of an epileptic headache. Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Mersin 33079, Turkey epileptic activity in right hemi- e-mail:
[email protected] spheric areas. Treatment with val- Keywords Headache • Non-trigemi- Tel.: +90-324-3374300 (1149) proic acid decreased the com- nal autonomic cephalalgias • Fax: +90-324-3374305 plaints. The headache did not fulfil Autonomic seizure • Valproic acid lateral autonomic phenomena and/or restlessness or agita- Introduction tion [3].