Cluster Headache: a Review MARILYN J
• Cluster headache: A review MARILYN J. CONNORS, DO ID Cluster headache is a debilitat consists of episodes of excruciating facial pain that ing neuronal headache with secondary vas is generally unilateraP and often accompanied by cular changes and is often accompanied by ipsilateral parasympathetic phenomena including other characteristic signs and symptoms, such nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, conjunctival injec as unilateral rhinorrhea, lacrimation, and con tion, and lacrimation. Patients may also experi junctival injection. It primarily affects men, ence complete or partial Horner's syndrome (that and in many cases, patients have distinguishing is, unilateral miosis with normal direct light response facial, body, and psychologic features. Sever and mild ipsilateral ptosis, facial flushing, and al factors may precipitate cluster headaches, hyperhidrosis).4-6 These autonomic disturbances including histamine, nitroglycerin, alcohol, sometimes precede or occur early in the headache, transition from rapid eye movement (REM) adding credence to the theory that this constella to non-REM sleep, circadian periodicity, envi tion of symptoms is an integral part of an attack and ronmental alterations, and change in the level not a secondary consequence. Some investigators of physical, emotional, or mental activity. The consider cluster headache to exemplify a tempo pathophysiologic features have not been com rary and local imbalance between sympathetic and pletely elucidated, but the realms of neuro parasympathetic systems via the central nervous biology, intracranial hemodynamics, endocrinol system (CNS).! ogy, and immunology are included. Therapy The nomenclature of this form of headache in is prophylactic or abortive (or both). Treat the literature is extensive and descriptive, includ ment, possibly with combination regimens, ing such terminology as histamine cephalgia, ery should be tailored to the needs of the indi thromelalgia of the head, red migraine, atypical vidual patient.
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