PAOl TWENTT-FOU* WEDNESDAY. ^U'OUST 80, 1861 iiattrl)[]fBfor ?Ettra1ng ATcrage Daily Net Press Ron The Weather For tiio Week Ended June 8, 1961 FereeMt et C. S. Weather Barm* About Town 1 3 , 3 . 3 0 Fair and mild tonight. Lew In the eoe. Friday fair, hot and mere Member of the Audit XuchwUr liOdf* of Masoni hntnid. High aronnd 90. win ittMt at 7:1S at the Bureau et Oreolatlon lo4(a and will prooaed to the Wat- Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm )dna*W«it Poaeral Home at 7:S0 to oondnet a Maaonle Memorial tor John 8. Miner. VOL. LXXX, NO. 282 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 (Olamlfted Advertialng on Page M) PRICE FIVE CENTS Membere of Hoae Co. 2, Town lir e Department, will meet at 7 e'cleek tonight and proceed to the Watklne>We«t fimeral Home to pay reapecU to the late John Miner, who w ee a member of the department. Dr. Arthur L,. Berman of Tolland, Kennedy Accuses Russians author of a new book on the funda- mentala of dynamical aatronomy FASHION-FOR-FALL . .. PLUS and apace flight, haa been named profeaaor of phyalca at the Hart­ ford Graduate Center of Renaaelaer Polytechnic Inatltute. Prancls Herron Council, Pythian Sunahlne Glrla, haa been invited Of Blackmail with N-Tests to a dance given by the newly or- gianlaed Prince’a of Syracuse of 1 GREEN STAMPS TOMORROW Plalnville, a new boys group of the Knights of Pythias. The dance will m be field at the American Legion I • SHOP THURSDAY 9:30 to 9:00 • CONVENIENT FREE PARKING REAR OF STORE State News Why Nikitai Cite ‘^Peace-Loving Policy’ Hall In Plalnrille Saturday from 7 • FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS 9:30 to 5:45 • ENTRANCE O AK and MAPLE STREETS Says U.S. to 10 p.m. Sunshine Girls plan­ WITH ALL CASH SALES •TELEPHONEMl 3-4123 ning to attend should contact Mrs. • CLOSE MONDAYS THRU LABOR DAY Roundup Jane Smith, royal advisor. Lifted Ban Reds Blame Allies Weapons 3 Star of the Bast, Royal Black I Pre^tory, will meet at Orange Hall Friday at 7:90 p.m. Members 617,000 Pupils On N-Tests are reminded of the dinner at SHETLAND TYPE CARDIGANS For End of N-Ban Ocean Beach Park on Sunday. [ HIPSTITCHED, BOX PLEATED SKIRTS Due to Enter Tokyo, Aug. 31 (fl’)—Com­ Sufficient Cars will leave Orange Hall at 10 munist China today came out By .lOHN M. HIGHTOWER a.m. sharp. proportioned sizes, petite 8 to 16; reg. 10 to 18; State Schools with firm harking of the So­ By PRFXTON GR4)\'ER ®/and for producing more food. An 100% Tvool. sizes 34 to 40. white, black, navy, ^ ^ expensive nuclear program could Wa.shington, Aug. 31 (/P)— Advertisement— tell 12 to 18. ^ ^ 1 viet Union’s decision to re­ Moscow, Aug. 31 {/P)—The j eat heavily into Ru.ssian capital President Kennedy accused black, navy, gray, loden, blue, camel, kelly. ^ M ^ , .# blue, gold, red, green, bankeirs gray, street floor ^ Hartford, Aug. 31 ('P)— sume nuclear weapons tests. Soviet Union’s surprise can­ and postpone the good times even OONiNDCTIOUT^BANK AND street floor. About 617,000 pairs of feet celing of the ban on nuclear Russia today of “atomic TRIUST COMPANY offers you “The government of the more than the 20 years snnoiinced blackmail,” but said the Unit­ speeded-up service by Inaugurat- will scuff or skip into Con­ People’s Republic of China to­ testing prompted western in the parly program. Ing an AILL PU RPO SE TEJUUER necticut’s public, parochial predictions here today that a Ill scrapping the 3-year mora­ ed Stales has a supply of nu­ day issued a statement sup­ torium oil lesl.s the Soviet Union clear weapons sufficient for WTNDOW that lets you conduct all and private classrooms next porting the Soviet govern­ new explosion may l>e .set off your banking efllclently, a t 808 issued a warning to the West and il.s own and the free world’s Wednesday and in ensuing ment’s decision to conduct ex­ soon in this country. pleaded for understanding from tlie Main Street, 15 North Main Street days. One diplom at .said the Ru.s.sians defense. and Manchester Shopping Park- perimental explosions of nu­ nonaligned nations. The enrollm ent total wa.s drawn have urgent rea.son.s for the Premier Khrushchev gave the The While statement, is­ ade. School Opens Just Brazltlan Vice President Joao Goulart (right) and Sen. Barros Carvalho disembarked from their today from figures compiled by the clear weapons in the interests change of policy while uncom­ go-ahead to his scientists to test sued after an urgent conference among Kennedy, his cabinet advis­ Advertisement— lane In Miami last night, while it was refueling for the trip to Panama and South America. <3ou- State Education Department and of the defense of world mitted nations meet in Belgrade, new weapons ranging up to mon­ irt told reporters he didn’t know if he would return to Brazil or not. (AP Photofax). the Archdiocesan School Office. and only three week.s before the ster bombs with an explosive force ers and congressional leaders, On* Week from Today! g peace,’’ the New China News avoided for the moment any com­ Featured at Pinehurst Thurs- 1 Listen to Kathy Public school attendance is ex­ Agency said in a dispatch meeting of the United Nations As­ of 100 million tons of TNT—five day, Friday and Saturday: Block pected to touch the half-million sembly. times bigger than anything In the mitment on resumption of nuclear Godfrey, WINF- . . Houoo and Hale la prepared to mark this year, continuing a 20,000- from Peiping. weapons testing by the United Chuck Pot Roast and Pinehurst handle all your chlldren'a "back to One reason advanced was that American arsenal and 5,000 times tender cure Chuck or Extra Lean CBS, Manchester, Goulart Flying South student-per-year increase that has perhaps the Russians had certain more powerftti than the bomb drop­ States to match Russia’s announc­ school" clothing needs, plus all the held steady for several years. 6y THE A.S.SOCIATED PRE-SvS ed decision to resume. Brisket Corned Beef. See Pine­ 10:10 a.m. Mon­ new fall fashions! weapons ready to go and wanted ped on Hiroshima in World War hurst ad In Thursday night’s Her­ Catholic school enrollment is ex­ to test them promptly while the II. Kennedy had said last night that day thru Satur­ Western diplomats sug­ the Russian announcement made it ald. pected to touch 90,000, better than season for observations is right. The Soviets blamed the United day. Contest Ev­ half of it In the Hartford diocese. gested today that the mount­ "We suspect that it is going to States and its Allies for their de­ necessary for the United States to ery Day. Private schools, many of which ing Berlin crisis represented be a big and impressive bang,” said cision to resume nuclear testing. decide "what its own national In­ open later than the Sept. 6 begin­ only one factor in Premier one westerner. "It Is an open secret,” said a terests require.” Brazil Near Civil War That was the critical issue be­ ning for the others, wilt probably The announcement promised to 6,000-word government statement, Khrushchev’s decision to re­ fore today's conference, and pres­ have about 27,000 attendees, ac­ sume nuclear testing. affect the October Congress of the "that the United States is stand­ NOTICE Rio d e Janeiro, Brazil, Aug.^craft loyal to the govemment^neither stale Is supporting Rio cording to the latest figures com­ Russian Communist party, called ing at the threshold of carrying sure was building up at the capltoI were ordered to patrol Brazil’s Grande do Sul, however. piled by the state. Three other considerations—in­ for the United States to go ahead 31 < J P )—Brazil’s interim gov­ cluding the Soviet Union’s rest­ to approve plans for a great pro­ with testing. MEN'S NEW ernment today ordered Army, border and intercept him. Porto Alegre has a population of Catholic schools appear to be gram for building homes, factories (Continued on Page Sixteen) THE OFFICE OF A communique from the mili­ about 600,000 and the state has growing at a fa.ster rate than less relationship with" Communist Kennedy, In today’s statement, Navy and Air Forces to sub­ tary-dominated government Tele­ about three million people. It has othera, up nearly 20,000 in two China—also probably played said that the decision which was DR. BARNEY ALL-WEATHER COAT due Joab Goulart’s supporters communications Commission said few industries, but in a civil war years. part. broadcast by Moscow to the world in his stronghold state of Rio units of the 2nd Army, Air Force might draw supplies from neighbor­ In the Hartford diocese, three Khrushchev made his move at Calls Ban Fatuous Blunder at 6 p.m., EDT, yesterday wae WICHMAN and Navy were taking part In an ing Argentina and Uruguay. new Catholic high schools will open what would appear to be the worst "primarily a form of atomic black­ Grande do Sul, "action in force" against Rio The wealthy former Gaucho, 42- with 1,000 students am ong them, possible time as far as world pub­ mail, designed to substitute terror ’The nation appeared at the edge CLOSED AUGUST 26 Grande do Sul, Brazil's southern­ year-old Goulart, who is the center and new elementary schools will lic opinion Is concerned. for reason in the present Interna­ of civil war. most state. of Brazil's presidential storm, open In Manchester, Forestville, The announcement of the Soviet tional scene.” Military sources In Rio de Ja­ In defiance, the "Voice of Le­ meanwhile, left Panama for Buenos Branford and Milford. A number of Unions’ plan to set off nuclear In effect he chose, to focus the WILL OPEN SEPT. 5 neiro said the 2nd Army was driv­ Dodd Leads Appeal U.S. propaganda counter-attadi Aires. He said he would make stops others are under construction or blasts again came on the eve of A 22.99 gality," a chain of Rio Grade do ing on the southern state, ■ where Sul radio stations, announced that at Lima, Peru, and In Montevideo, being expanded. the summit conference of non- on what he and hls advisers con­ the governor and commander have all civilians in the state, had been Uruguay, to communicate with his N early 30,000 are expected In the aligned nations in Belgrade. Al­ ceive to be the most vulnerable declared their support of Goulart called to arms. Porto Alegre, the friend.s in Brazil before deriding on Bridgeport diocese and the Nor­ most all of these nations, regard­ point in the Soviet position—that • zip-eut orlon pile lining in defiance of Brazil's three mili­ state capital, was reported sur­ his next move. wich diocese is planning classes for less of their political orientation, Is, that Russia is deliberately using KAY WINDSOR JR. SHIRTWAIST tary ministers. rounded by trenches and barri­ He was on a tour of the Far East 11, 000. dislike the Idea of testing. For New U.S. Tests terror techniques to gain its ends. • dull sheen poplin and But best available inforihation cades. and Red China when President The new session of the United There were Indications that the PHOTO WORK acetate from Sao Paulo, eight hours after Rio Grande do Sul's governor, Quadros resigned last Friday, 265 to 172 Nations General Assembly con­ administration would allow time i the goKgnunent's order was that Leonel Brizzola, is Goulart’s throwing the nation into turmoil. venes In three weeks. Washington, Aug. 31 (Ah —^ "What our policy will be, no for thie lesson to sink iit areund (1) Copy and enlarging the 2nd Army had not moved. Sao brother-in-law. Gov. Brizzola and Gen. Cordeiro de Farias was Hartford. Aug. 31 The State chev's decision should produce the world before making any an­ • plaid lined Motor Vehicle Department’s dally Thirteen Senators teamed up to­ one knows,” the Democratic lead (f) Passport 10.99 Paulo, headquarters of the 2nd Gen. Jose Machado Lopes, head of some sharp comments there. day as sponsors of a resolution er added. "I'd hope we would study nouncement of U.S. intentions. the 3rd Army in the state, have (Continued on Page Sixteen) record of , automobile fatalities Here are factors which western Secretary of State Dean Rusk, U (2) Photostat Army, Is 600 miles northeast of thus far this year and the total urging resumption of U.S. nuclear this matter carefully. It has been • black olive shade Rio Grande do Sul. proclaimed tnelr support of the experts believe played a port in on leaving the White House after (4) Wedding Just one of many transitional cot­ on the same date last year: Russia's decision to break the weapons tests in stern response to stated that if negotiation failed Gen. Osvaldo de Araujo Motta, vice president. Russia’s action in sma.shlng the we would feel it incumbent iipon today’s conference, remarked to (5) Children ton shirtwaists in junior and misses 1960 1961 moratorium: newsmen: • reg. and long— 36 to 46 2nd Army commander, issued a Gen. Lopes yesterday defied an Killed ...... 165 172 moratorium on such trials. ue to resume testing underground (8) Black and vriilte and oolor si2es. black, rust or green, sizes 5 to order from acting President Rani- Police Hold 2 1. The announcement tends to "This business ot the Soviet manifesto appealing for confi­ Increase the muscular posture of The proposal was Introduced by to avoid pollution of the air.” photo finishing 15. dence of his men and said war eri Mazzilli relieving him of com­ Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D-Conn., as Union ought to soak in hard — mand of the 60,000-man 3rd Army. Fatally Injured the Soviet Union In front of the He said Khrushchev’s announce­ ought to soak in hard everywhere." AI.T. BLACK and WHITE minister Marshal Odyllo Denys the Senate opened its session in a ment is another "tactic tied to the would “respefct and obey... tha The 3rd Army Is considered one of Operatives of Westport. Aug. 31 (A^Spurgeon mood of icy anger the threat­ Kennedy said he je confident CUSTOM FINISHING IN OUR the best-trained and equipped of (Continued on Page Ten) ever-present crisis over Berlin" and supreme decision of congress.” Sullivan, 33, of 262 Davenport St , ening gesture from Moscow. other crisis elsewhere with which OWN DARK ROOMS Congress after much wavering Brazil's four armlet. Only the 1st Bridgeport, was fatally Injured Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel, R-Calif„ (Continued on Page Ten) Army In Rio de Janeiro is larger. Budeon Center ye.sterday on the Connecticut Turn­ the Kremlin may confront the free left: THE FABULOUS IRISH MIST finally voted to accept (Jou)art, the assistant GOP leader, spoke the world. the leftist vice president, as pres­ In addition Rio Grande do Sul Is pike when a car In which he was views of many of hls colleagues In SALEM NASSIFF the home of fight-loving Gauchos H artford, Aug. 31 UP — S tate a passenger grazed another car Kennedy Says Mansfield said that while the ident. It had not yet taken a stand accusing Soviet Premier Nikita S. West Is supposed to have won a Camera and Photo Shop —cowboys—who roam • the flat In passing, cros.sed the center Khrushchev of "sham and hypoc­ 891 Main St.—MI S-7869 TWEED COAT on how much power he would wheat - growing, cattle - raising and local police today arrested divider, and was by two on­ psychological victory in this case, have as the successor of President two of the operatives of the Bud- coming cars. risy." he hopes the Soviets -will alter Bulletins state. West to Seek Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana, Janlo Quadros. Apparently the only Air Force con Center, Westport, recently their course and that "somehow, Goulart, who claims he is the the Democratic leader, told the Culled from AP Wires unit—or most of it—deserted Gov. opened and widely publicized $600,000 Request Senate that Khrushchev’s an­ some way, an agreement can be rightful president, was en route Brizzola and Gen. Lopes, however. establishment for rejuvenation. Berlin Solution reached.” 38.00 south by air, with the supposed nouncement raises a new danger in Eighteen jet planps flew from Held \inder |2,.’>0O bond was Rockland, Maine, Aug. 81 (IP)— A Intention of returning to Brazil. MOO,000 bequest has l^en left the a world ridden w ith cri.sis. "The sham and hypocrisy of NAVY TO SELL PLANT their base near Pd^to Alegre two Yvonne Larocca, a former cosme­ He reached Lima, Peru. In Rio Knox County General Hospital un- Wa.shington, Aug. 31 — ‘I hope we will not become the Soviet Unon stands out In bold Washington, Aug, SI (AV-ITie days ago to Curablsa, near Sao tologist at a ."ith Ave., New York, Pre.sident Kennedy has assured relief before all the world,” Kuchel • for college or career Air Mlnistr.v sources asserted alr- Paulo. stampeded and will think It Navy disclosed today It haa of­ department store. (ConHniied on Page Sixteen) the world that western allies, ab­ through," Mansfield said, told the Senate. "I urge the goV' fered to sell its naval weapons • detachable raccoon collar The southern state has no navy. She was charged in a circuit horring the risk of atomic devas­ “What has happened should not ernment of the United States to Industrial reserve plant at But Brizzola sank three barges In court warrant with practicing me­ tation. w'lll erect no barricade to surprised us," Mansfield continu­ demonstrate to the world now that Bloomfield, Conn., to the Ka- Laga dos Patos (Ducks I.*goon), • orlon pile lined dicine and surgery without a li­ peaceful solution of the peril-laden ed. this sham and hypocrisy compels man Aircraft Corp., now using Goulart Denies the entrance to Porto Alegre's In­ cense. Berlin crisis. this country, in the interest of its It to build military helieopters, land harbor, temporarily blocking He said the Russians have shown • patch pockets—push-up sleeves Ted Budlong, a New York pro­ As of the moment, Kennedy told no real disposition to put a ban on own security, to perfect Its own for 94,227,136. In a letter to Rep. It, when Brazilian warships were a news conference yesterday, he nuclear arsenal Frank Kowalski, D-Conn., tile W e g i v e Tie with Reds reported en route there four days motion man who was one of the News Tidbits nuclear testing and western pro­ • green or brown tweed operators of the center, was ar­ cannot be wholly optimistic about posals aimed at an agreement have Department said It Is certifying ago. from the AP Wires prosjects for a negotiated settle­ Between Sao Paulo and Rio rested on charges of operating a been rejected time and time again. (Continued on Page Ten) to the General Services Admin­ • proportioned sizes 5 to 18; 12 to 18 Lima, Peru, Aug. 31 (IP)—B ra­ building as a hospital in violation ment. istration today that the plant Grande do Sull are the small states B ut the W est, he a.s.serted, la sil's Vice President Joao Goulart of the Connecticut safety code and now Is excess to Navy needs and of Parana and Santa Catarino. Rep. Charles A. Halleck of In­ prepared to use all available chan­ told newsmen here today "I am which are nominally under the of operating a hospital without a nruiy be sold. The conditions of CP.EEN diana, House Republican leader, nels toward a solution that will A Savage Nudge to the West sale are that the property bo n o t a Communist and the charge command of Gen. Lopes. says Congress "now realizes that guarantee West Berliners "the .S T A M P S ^ The Brazilian War Ministry said (Continued on Page Twenty-four) iiseql to meet continuing mili­ Oven cooking that I am one is a pretext by the our people have seen enough of right to live out their lives in a tary requirements. FASHION NEWS! military to eliminate me;’’ Ohristmas tree legislation," Wash­ way of their own choosing." is easy today... ington reports . . . Baltimore Sun, In the meantime, he said every­ LINEMAN ELECTROCUTED SHOULDER STRAP HANDBAGS Goulart Is on his way by plane one—not excepting former Vice Soviet N-Test Decision from New York to MonteWdeo, in Washington dispatch by How­ Meriden, Aug. 81 (AO—A line­ Pedigree Doesn’t Matter ard Norton, says former Vice President Richard M. Nixon - man for the fk>nnecticnt U*ht Uruguay, from whence he hopes should keep politics out of foreign to move Into southern Brazil Fh-esident Richard M. Nixon will ti Power Co. was killed by oleo- THE NEW "CAPRI" SLACKS ARROW HI-CREW PULLOVER nin for governor of Oalifomia policy. trlc shock today while working 5.99 where his backers say they are Kennedy met with newsmen as Called Terror Tactics ready to fight for his right to take next year . . . Mrs. EMward Demp­ atop a pole. He was Edward M. Dog Warden Adopted sey, mother of governor, is given the government was receiving its Charlco, 27, of 129 View St, • 100% worsted flannel over the Brasilian presidency. first alerts from abroad that Mos­ 3 • soft genuine cowhide • the newest look In men's "I am the president of Brazil be­ first policy under new Oonnerttcut By J.4ME.S MARI>OW i^ed States would have resumed. Meriden. Charlco was repairing 65 Plan for major medical Insur­ cow was planning a m ajor an­ (.4P News Analyst) Then Moscow could have had a a service wire atop a pole on • permaset crease • black, brown, tan sweaters cause the constitution thus dis­ nouncem ent. Whvsn It came, the poses," said (Soulart. "I am going ance for those 66 or older, accord­ Washington, Aug. 31 (Ah—The propaganda field-day, blaming the Smithfleld St. when he was kill­ By Affectionate Dog declaration that Russia would re­ ed. He did not fall to the ground. • 100% wool bulky weave 10.00 to Brazil to support the constitu­ ing to report from Hartford. Soviet decision to resume nuclear United States as the enemy of • plain and pleated front 15.99 new nuclear tests threw an omin­ testing—which makes no sense at mankind. Other linemen tried to revive • light olive, charcoal, brown tion. My government will not be a Tobe Brown, Memphis Negro ous light on Kennedy’s remark at other slacks who claims to be 102 years old, all from the viewpoint of world And Russia then could have an- Clierico but failed. Dr. Alfred • charcoal gray, bankers’ gray, partisan one but will be a govern Glastonbury, Aug. 31 UP— A visitor to the dog pound the conference that "there has olive and brown. SO to 42. • 38 to 46 ' ment for all Brazilians.” Is brought Into Memphis court by opinion -is the extreme example St. James, assLatant nsedlcal from 8.99 Man through the ages has offered to give the dog a home been a good deal of brandishing of of Russian terror tactics based on (Continued on Page Two) examiner, said death was caused Asked If he would follow the his 5©-year-old wife who says he nuci«ar weapons.’ adopted dogs and once in a and when the waiting period beats her periodically . . . Minute- naked power. by electric shock. policies of resigned President under law wa.q over Bisi turned At that time Kennedy said he Janlo Quadros, Goulart replied: ”I while a dog adopts a man, but man missile flies wildly out of con­ 1. It shows contempt for what the dog over to the new owner. was conscious, and sure Soviet the rest of mankind thinika. 15 INDICTED am a Laborite.” This Is the oppo­ It's rreal top news when a dog But the dog just didn't fit In trol and craahea In flainea on Oape Premier Khnishchev was conscl- Belgrade Delegates Newport, Ky., Aug. 81 (AO — fo's home heating Canaveral as It was being launched 2. It comes at a time when Pre­ sition party to that of Quadros. adopts a dog warden. This with his new environment. He The Campbell County Grand Goulart also was asked his opin­ for first time from underground mier Khrushchev has created a our w ay I story unwound In G laston­ picked a fight with what was (Oontinund nn Page Sixteen) crisis on Berlin and is like a sav­ Shocked by Soviet Jury, resuming Its Investigation ion of the alliance for progress aid supposed to be his companion, silo, according to report from of vice and alleged payoffs to program of President Kennedy. He bury. Florida . . . Senate battle over age nudge to the West that Rueeia Tou got promium quality left: CRICKETEER a male dog. He was quickly re­ means bualneas. ‘Slap in the Face’ public officials, today In^cted IS MobOheat with R T -98. . . the replied merely, ”I will work with Dog Warden Joseph Bisl turned to the pound but before Civil Rights legislation ends wdth persons on a charge of provid­ an open mind, In democratic legal­ noted a dog trotting down approi’Bl of hill to extend CIril Charity Gift A.sked 3. The announcement that this ing and keeping premises for most completely effeetivo fuel he could be confined, he noted gives Soviet acientlsta a chance to ity, and with a Christian spirit.” New London Turnpike. He a pickup truck like Bisi’s and Rights Commission for two years. Belgrade, Aug. 31 (IP — R ep­ horse race betting. The charge ofl addhivo in use-today. And left: ARROW SPORT COATS Latest Discoverer satellite 1s test super-ouper bombs — equal resentatives of 24 nonaligned na­ you got premium service. Au­ was, under the law "out of darted after it. Bisi was in­ For Goya Portrait Is a felony. AH 15, Unked w ith control.” Blsi stopped his orbiting earth every 91.4 minutes, to 100 million tons of TNT and far tions gathering here for a summit the Flamingo Club, Belmont tomatic deliveries . . . a bal- formed but all efforts to lo­ greater than any bomb the West pickup truck, whistled engag­ cate the stray went for naught. awaiting signal from earth to London, Aug. 31 (Ah- An anon­ conference were shocked today by .Sna\ Bur and the Yorkshire ancod payment plan and many 8 Persons Perish possesses —is sheer, brutal, terror the Soviet decision to resume nu­ BUTTONDOWN ingly to the wanderer who Next morning, when Bisi eject instrument capsule over Pa­ ymous letter writer claimed to­ tiiib in Newport, previously had otiMT astiaa darigned to make turned tail and ddrted cific Ocean, an official at Vanden- technique. clear testing. Some called it "a 29.95 went to the pound to take care day to have the Goya portrait of been indicted on a charge of fall­ ham boating rtalhr oatg. In Highway Crash through the fields. berg Air Force Base, Calif., an­ Even the circumstances under slap in the face” to the Belgrade of things there was the dog, the Duke of Wellington stolen ing to file statements of own­ Two hours later, Bisl, after nounces . . . Attempt to set new which the decision was announced conference. ership with the C4>unty clerk. who greeted him with every last week from London’s National OXFORD SHIRTS Bethel Springs, Tenn., Aug. 31 a busy day at answering com­ world speed record In XI5 will be yesterday — while American and Bitterest comment came over the That charge is a misdemeanor. • unbelievable variety ih the bit of affection a dog can show Gallery. He demanded 140,000 Mobilheat trl** ijp—Eight persons—six children plaints about roaming dogs, with tail, tongue and wiggle. made tomorrow if repairs to In­ Ruasian negotiators were meeting timing of the Soviet announcant newest fall colors and drove to his home for supper. struments can be made in time, pounds ($392,000) ransom be paid in Geneva to discuss a test ban— on the eve ot the talks here. Dis­ PLANE WRECK HUNTED and two adults—were killed early "Thia is when I gave in. If to charily for its return. patterns There, sitting on his hack a dog thinks so much of me, Edwards Air Force Base spokes­ makes thia Rassian move con­ armament Ls one of the main Ls.sues Block Island, R.I., Aug. 91 (A’) today when their car collided porch, tail a-w agglng, wa.s man says In California . . . Rev. The letter writer said: "The act temptuous of world opinion. to be discussed. , —Tile Coast Guard ordered a who am I not to give him a is an attempt to pick the pockets 5.00 • sizes 37 to 46 head-on with a tractor-trailer the wanderer. He greeted Bisi home. My wife and children Dr. Billy Graham at Philadelphia Three years ago the United “It was astonishing — even search today for what a OlvU of those who love art more than truck near this West Tennessee with the greatest affection like him and I .sure am as fond says wnve of snti-C4iristianity Is States and Ruasia stopped testing, shocking — for the Kremlin to an­ Air Patrol pilot described as WE GIVE ^.1^ • regular, short, long town. and as a reward was invited of him as he appears fond of flooding world with corruption charity." He went on to describe began negotiations to put a per­ nounce such a step on the eve of alrplahe wrei-kago two miles off GREEN STAMPS • authentic university styling The victims, all Negroes, were In to supper and an overtilght me. He’s here to stay,” Bisl such as It haa never known. details of the reverse aide of the manent ban on it. Yesterday the our conference,” said one Asian Block Island. The Coast Guard above: ARROW STRIDE not Identified immediately. How­ stay. declared. Robert Schlensker, slender volun­ portrait — some of which Immedi­ two sides had held their 338th delegate. "I'm sure some of our at Newport was told th e sup­ • nevy distinctive woven stripes ever, McNairy County officers said The next day Bisl adver­ The dog's pedigree? Even teer fireman, wriggles his way 75 ately proved to be correct. meeting and, as before, with ab­ leaders will-have things to say posed wreckage was sigh ted a t their car bore license plates from tised the dog In a lost and The lettlir was received this solutely no progrees. about this from the conference ro­ 6:90 last night by a pUot fiylng plus white, blue, light olive. Bisi would not venture to feet down well and rescues Scotty MORIftRtY UNDERWEAR Ekwambla County In southern Ala­ found column as being im­ guess. "It doesn’t matter to me Adams, 7, who had been trapped morning at the head office of There had been Increasing pres­ stru m .” from Block Island to H lU scrov# Done bama. They were believed to be pounded. Each day during the as far as pedigree is concern­ for more than hour in Rockford, Reuters Agency and immediately sure In this country, inside and Indian Prime Minister Nehru, Airport. The unidentified pilot, members of the same family. waiting period, when Bisl ed, it's what’s Inside that 111., mishap. United Nations com­ passed on to Scotland Yard. It outside Congress, for President who has long campaigned for nu­ was quoteil as saying he thought BROTHERS • sizes I4'/2 to. 161/2 Investigating officers said the went to the pound to care for counts. mand charges thkt North Korean said: Kennedy to order a resumption of clear and other disarmament. Is oue blue object m ight have been 3 fof 2.95 driver of the car apparently went his charges the black dog "A good dog, liks a good Communist soldiers attacked South "Query not that I have the American testing on the grounds expectsd to be especially angry, a body. The Bleek Island Ilfs- M I-IU CMtar St to sleep. His car was demolls’/ed, with the white spot on his friend does not have to have Korean guard post In demilitarized Goya. that th# negotiations tor a ban N ehru plans to go to Moscow Sept. b eat station was ordered to la- • tee shirtf In s., I. and ex-1. but did not catch on fire. The chest gTMted him happily; papers to prove one of the zone, kllUng one soldier and wound­ "It has a stlek label en back were hopeleas. 6 after the eenference. Sereral veotigate but darimess eloeed and wheii he left, appeared most priceless things in the ing few others, Panmunjom, If the Russians had waited a down before aajrthlac oeaM h*. • briefe 101« 42 (OoattBOed oa Pige Seweateep). dejected. world, true friendship.” Korea, reports. (OoatiBiied so Page Two) waek er so more, mayba the Unlt- (OoBttauMfi OB Sb^teen); - . iii.r __ . MANCHBSTEB EVENING kERALD, MANCHESTEB, CONN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 F A O l TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 PAGE THREE

•natgy. Ha anca .aiunmad up Us A Savage Nadge to the West tong acting caraar by saying: Charles Coburn Dies “ Moat actors saam to start out Squirmy Things DonH Bug Her j m playing slapatlek and work up to Sheinwold on Bridge rolas ao dignified that you have to put 'Mr.* In front of their names Cleveland— (N E A )—Tha woman Soviet N-Test Decision li > At 84; Veteran Actor on tha marquae- The Baby Has who aqueals at the tight o f eela, GRANTS GIVES “ I started out with a slight bit By Allred Sheinwold * spldera, wonna and the like of dignity, worked Into Shake- When you're counting tricks for By ANDREW MEISELS f coma an actor and, at tha aga of spesure, and now they call me N O in H wouldn’t be very happy In M n. Called Terror Tactics a cross-ruff, make sure ttmt you New York, Aug. 81 (8^)— ^Veteran 19, ba cama to Nuw Yortc. Ha did Charlie, and I get flaptocks in my 4b Q 10 9 7 David A. DeLong’a ahoes. can actually get all the ruffs that Been Named eee actor Charles Coburn, whose dis­ odd Jobs — wraK>lng paokagas, face. But I wouldn’t have it any The crawly creatures' are part Om>) stead, the Soviet announcement other way.” you need. . , j. tinguished face, gruff voice and usharing in a thaatar, avan riding West didn’t think of leading a of her everyday life. said: “ It la an open secret that ready wit were familiar to audi­ in a bicycla raca — to support Again, In 1969, when preparing So much so that she’s spt to seuncad thAt It, too, would n - the United States is standing on to marry his young second wife, trump, because a tnunp “ WEST x A i»r ences for more than half a century, himself until a Broadway oppor­ usually the worst possible lead forget how women react to them. ■umo tMtlnc but only In Hlf-dt- the threshold of carrying out un­ Oobuia told ap Intarvlawer: 4b 6 4 ^ - la dead at 84. tunity cama along. againet a slam. When West actual­ Plerea, Robert Boland Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierce, But the point was brought home derground nuclear tests" Cobum died of heart failure at “ Don’t aver believa that beauty ^ 6 3 ^XJ9I4 $8 Pioneer Circle. He was bom Aug. 23 at Manchester Memo­ f « u « becnuM tha Unltad Stntea Finally, his monay gava out, ly led the Jack of clubs. South OQ 10 42 073 to her recently when she showed SCHOOL SALE The evidence that Khrushchev and charm are the axclusiva prO)^ rial Hoepltal. His maternal grandparents are Troy Dennis, Guy hmA dona BO. Lenox Hill Hospital yesterday, and ha want homa — only to And hliatily counted eight trump tricks up with some of her creatures at decided to rely on power—and the shortly after undergoing minor a talegram thara ofN ring him a erty of youth. Like smooth brandy, Mills, Pa., and Mrs. Effie Laramore, Brandon, Fla. His paternal a meeting of the Cleveland PI Beta Inatead ----- juat u 3S nautml sax appeal Improves with age.” by crowruff plus four top cards on threat of power—to make the throat surgery. He had entered the job as advanca man for an at­ gran4lfather Is Alton F. Pierce Sr., 96 Welle St. His maternal Phi Alumnae Club. nationi wera pouring rapraaanta- West yield to him on Berlin came But If Oobum wsui witty and hospital Monday for a checkup. traction touring the Midwest. great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Backles, Canton, Okla., “ I ’d forgotten women can be so tives into Belgrada for a meeting on Aug. 9 when he no longer lively, he was also a sentimental South won the first trick with An energetic man more active From this connection cama his and Mrs. Lilly Dennis, Markleysburg, Pa. His paternal great­ sensitive,” she recalls. EXTRA SAVINGS OFF Btarting tomorrow— Moscow made talked of resuming nuclear tests man who filled his Hollywood the ace of clube. cashed the top 0 A K 9 « than many half his age, Coburn first professional role — as Ursus grandmother is Mrs. Myra Briggs, Hyannls, Mass. He has a Like Beal its announcement which shocked only after the United States did. home with relics and mementos diamonds and ruffed the three of 4, A r t i came here after completing a 6- in a Chicago touring production of clubs In dummy- Then he cashed brother, TTiomas Wayne, 16 months. Granted her bugs are not alive. capitals around the world. On that date he said if pros­ of a distinguished past. SMto Wart N«lh iMt * • • * • GRANTS REGUUR day only Sunday night in an ’’Quo Vadls” — just before the the ace of hearU. ruffed a heart 1 0 P * » 1 Pus But at first glance you’d think so. Yet, for years it had been as­ pects for peace did not Improve In his living room wera chairs, <9 Indianapolis production of “ You turn of tha century. In his hand, and ruffed the six of 2 A Pass 4 4b Pus MoOuUoagh, Linda Valerie, 0, at a Kremlin meeting, After a public outcry, the Wolf- ladies and a tongue fast with thVee clube In dummy, using these Lskvlgne, Diane Tvonne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and softness and add our own col­ Then she adds, "W e work hard. Khrushchev said: son Foundation and the British dress each other as “ Orlando” and Mystic, Aug. 31 (P) — The Lavigne, Billings Rd., Somers. She was bom Aug. 22 at Man­ a new lure Is put into production. or and odor,” says Mrs. DeLong. qnick-^, no-tron. Colors. S-M-L. quips. entries to ruff a second, third and Has Mrs. DeLong ever been But we have fun.” “ Some American leaders urge (Oonttnued from Page One) government Joined to pay Wrights- “ Rosalind.” Pequot-Sepoe ’Wildlife Sanctuary fourth heart In his hand. chester Memorial Hoepltal. Her maternal gfrandfather is Fred “We are the only soft vinyl com­ In 1943, he won an academy squeamish about bugs ? (the United States) to resume nu­ man the game amount to keep the Her death came as a great blow award for a supporting role in here has been given about 100 EflSTUJOOD Ortiz, Montpelier, Vt. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and pany that molds the hooks right clear weapons tests if the Soviet saying r. La Gallals and Son, De­ to Coburn, and he did not remarry acres ot woodland by Mr. and Mrs. Adelard Lavigne, Vernon. She has a sister, Doreen Ann, 3. “I got over that when I taught into the lure.” historic painting in Britain. "The More the Merrier.” He also • • • • • biology,” she answers. "The boys Union does not accept the west­ positories, Jersey, name, Duke of In the Channel Islands, Prank until 22 years later when, in a received award nominations for Mrs. Harvey C. Perry, Westerly, DeLong began his businesa as Leeds, Date 22.8.58, Number two. Las Vegas ceremony he wed Mrs. Gary Cooper St, Germain, Paul Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elude St. Ger­ brought me snakes and things ao ern powers’ demands (for a test le Gallals, director of an art de­ roles in “ The Devil and Miss R.I. The parcel la about six miles AIR-OONDITIONED Debra Kerr la an outgrawth o f his fishing hobby “ It has six cross ribs each way Winifred Jean Clements Natzka, main, Pinney St., Ellington. He was bom Aug. 3 at Rockville I had to learn not to be frighten­ STUDENTS', MEN'S ZIPPER CARDIGAN ban). We must warn these gentle­ pository in Jersey, said the de- Jones” (1941) and “ The Green from the sanctuary’s present 121 “THE NAKED EDGE” about 13 years ago. Prior to that men: (b a c k )... the picture is not and a widow exactly half his age. She acres. William L. Wyile, curator City Hospital. He has a brother, Hugh, 17; and three sisters, ed.” cription of the label appeared to Years” (1946). DANCE 1:80-6:80-9:46 he had spent some 18 years In the Zip eoDar eonvMrti to tnrtla node. “ No sooner the United States re­ will not be for sale — it is for was with him at his death. of the sanctuary, said the new Alice, 13, Margfaret, 8, and Susan, 6. Nature Never Made ’Em grocery and insurance businesses. be very genuine. He said the pic­ His recent films Include “ The EVERY TOURS.-FRI.-SAT. Also * * * • • sumes nuclear explosions than the ransom — 140,000 pounds — to Coburn's versatility as an ac­ Paradine Case,” "Gentlemen Pre­ land will be used a« a laboratory In trying to outwit the fish the Mrs. DeLong had been a church WarablendofT5*laa*»wool- 5 6 7 ture was in his hands briefly In “THE GREEN HELMET" Wieliozka, lis a Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Soviet Union (immediately) will be given to charity.” 1958 and very few people would tor was as polished as the mon­ fer Blondes” and “ The Remark­ for conservation groups and sanc­ DeLonga have come up with every­ soloist and a teacher before she 2666-Orion* aorylie. Ettaea 8, M, L. WALNUT with Bill Travers Wlellczka, 16 Nye St, Rockville. She was bom Aug. 16 at Rock­ start testing its nuclear weap­ The price the writer set is the know about the label on the back. ocle ha w'ore to combat astig­ able Mr. Pennypacker.” tuary members. The Perry’s gift thing from a squirm ( “ a cross bS' married her husband 11 years ago, ons ...” matism, and the dignity he 7 Walnut St.,—Mancheeter 3:16-8:15 ville a t y Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. tween a squid and a worm” ) to a after both of them had been wid­ amount American oil millionaire Scotland Yard said it already (jobum's wit was as real as his was announced last night. in one liaiuly home-pac ’XHAROR-IT"... GET EXTRA SAVmOS W M U S A ll PMCtS ARI But yesterday Moscow didnU and art collector Oiarles Wrights- brought to his craft was a real as Herman Richardson, Waterbury, Vt. She has two brothers, Gary, sneel ( “snake and eel” ). owed. Now they not only work to­ had received several anonymous T, and David, 5. The lures are so lifelike they not even make the pretense that this man paid the Duke of Leeds for calls and letters about the por­ his ever-present cigar. gether, they play tc^ether. IN EPFECT. NO MONEY DOWNi M DAYS. . . AtONTHS TO PAYI country had resumed testing. In­ the portrait early this summer. Charles Douvllle Cobum was only fool fish—they trick birds, The play, needless to say, usual­ trait but this was the first that Hayes, Kevin Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hayes, 69 according to Mrs. DeLong. "W e looked as though it might be genu­ bom in Macon, Ga„ on June 19, ly centers around fishing. 1877. He began his career at 14 n t J R N S I D E E Vernon Ave., Rockville. He was bom Aug. 16 at Manchester Me­ had one o f the worms In our back “ M y husband catches the fish. I ine. morial Hospital. His maternal grandfather is Clarence Flagg, as a program boy in the famous nuRN'.IDf A V t ■ L , H T r n EMM SATURDAY yard and a robin came by and car­ prefer stream fishing because I ’m SEPARATES GO TOGETHER IN The letter was written in pencil Brooklyn, N. Y. He has four brothers, Herbert, 6, Robert, 5, old Savannah Theater and became IdANCHESTE ried It off,” she says. apt to wander off to look at plants on plain paper In block letters. It O fi / - /»/ r JCT. 3I-32.WIUIMANTIC.ct;) IHJ Feature RnP Toniglif Jack, 4, and David, 2. the theater's manager three years Practical jokers find them very or birds Instead of paying t CLOSE COLOR HARMONY had been mailed last night in RUS 6 4 44A • HOI lUN NUU'H OARV COOPER ^ m it edwD useful, too. much attention to the fish,’’ says Northwest London. later. DEBORAH KERRr B S W WOMAN P O t m V i ^ Laplerre, Judy Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcel La- IM-D-Mm “We’ve heard lota of funny Mrs. DeLong. The WTiter said the picture is But he was determined to be- plerre, Carolyn Dr., Hebron. She was bom Aug. 22 at Manches­ AU WOOL OR] GINA stories. People like to put the lit­ While she admits women who A U WOOL undamaged "apart from a couple FIRST DRTVE-IN SHOWING ter Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and tle green worms and corn bores in fish are still in tha minority, she P A RT W O O t I10LL0BRI6IM] CARDIOAN of scratches at the side” and that Adults $1.25— Children Free ' ANTHOW Mrs. Joseph Moreau. St. Albans, Vt. Her paternal grandpar­ sal^s,” she says. thinks more women are taking up SKIRTS I the actual portrait is unhurt. The EAST 8:15______^ mm ents are jir . and Mrs. Leopold LAplerre, St. Albans, Vt. She has A restaurant owner screamed he the hobby to be with their hus­ £ «0 . SS9. letter added: ERNEST two sisters, Diane, 6, and Susan, 4. was ruined after a choice specimen I Sat. Mat. “Thief of Baghdad” * * • • • bands. " I f a fund Is started — it should THE 9EST BLOCKIMTER BORBNIIIE was planted In one of his salads by Playing or working, Mrs. De­ 20% on Cardigans and Skirts be quickly made up and on the OF THE VEAS...RIF8 THE HEARTP MoFall, Lori Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFall, a customer. Long is equally enthusiastic. Sweater In Shetland-tjrpe 90% wool, 10% mohair. promise of a free pardon for the ■MUV CaOIVrHU. NIW TOIK TIHM 85 Dlvlalon St. She was bom Aug. 25 at Manchester Memorial The wholesale hire company " I ’m only In the business be­ culprits -- the picture will be SUNDAY—SPECIAI, HOLIDAY SHOW! Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Magenta, teal blue, jade green, cinnamon, red, handed back. yjs) PLAN TO ATTEND! MEET YOUR FRIENDS! R Swsto, 76 Cottage St. black, white, gray heather; 84-40. Pleated skirts '•None of the group concerned iadietf, ***** . solid color wools, plaid wool-nylon-a(jrylic. Co­ in this escapade have any crim­ Fltagerald, John Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Robert F itz­ ordinate colors. Sizes 10-18. inal convictions.” Man’?r Alfo gerald, Laurel Rd., Ellington. He was bom Aug. 24 at Man­ FantMtle Adventuret chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. Of A Killer Ship and Mrs. Vincent Muscara, Somerville, Mass. His paternal •TNDEa TEN FLAGS** grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Fitzgerald, Somer- Tides, Winds. Show Starts At Dnsk "Dine in Authentic Colonial Atmosphere" Wlle, Mass. He has three brothers, Robert, 7, James, 6, and BuOy ITfiite ModnneWiASeft m Neio Donald, 2; and a sister, Mary Ellen, 4. Weather ***** •*»AreSakPrieed1oSaveT^jtS% Marshall, Gall Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar- Windsor Locks, Aug. 81 (JPi — PYQUAUC INN shall. Hillside Ave., Marlborough. She was bom Aug. 24 at CHILDREN’S The U. 8. Weather Bureau marine Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Her paternal advisory for today: I t l MAIN ST., WETHERSFIELD, CON N . WINDSO grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mason Marshall, Bowdoln, Maine. ORION* CARDIGANS 'Tides will be high along the Con­ hTONITB She has a brother, James, 6; and a sister, Jean, 4. ***** necticut shore between 1:30 and Exciting, Dramatic. Orion nerylle for little boys, girls. D o c t o r s 3:30 this afternoon and between Dseplj Moirlnx'! Murzyn, James Alan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Murzyn, (h!«w neck or eoQared bn]^ btMH 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. Friday. Low Past Eva Marls HfWERF8E8ENT8 ™ SMORGASBORD 138 School St. He was bom Aug. 25 at Manchester Memorial Newmaa Satnt SAUL HnVMAN/EVA MARIE SAINT Hospital. His maternal grrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert tiee for girii. nwbicB han. Y w tide at Old Saybrook is at 9 a.m. I d “ EXODUS" RALPH RWHAROSON/FETER UWFORD A Feature Bridgeman Jr., 73 Oak St. His paternal gprandmother is Mrs. tieal stitdMdenrdiganwith riunri this morning and 10 a.m. Friday. LU J.C066/SAL MINEO/JOHN DEREK Sunset today is at 7:26 p.m. Sun­ Admissloa tl.SA John F. Murzyn, CJoventry. He has a sister, Donna Lee, for boys. Sisw S to 6X. Fsr This EairacerasBl JILLHAWORTHr WEDNESDAY ***** rise Friday is at 6:18 a.m. OmljllOdIt H r e c o m m e n d Boating weather for Long Island SATURDAY, 6 to 9 P.M. Boulette, Angela Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emery ChUdrsRChU andsr 12 Frss Boulette, 62 Hickory Dr., Coventry. She was bom Aug. 24 at Sound to Montauk Point and Block BsxB o x Office Opea at 7 THE HOME OF Over S2% Savings During this B ig Sale Island—west to southwest winds at GOOD FOOD SUNDAY, 3 to '9 P.M. Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are 10 to 15 knots this afternoon and THE BEST AHEAD OE THE REST Mr. and Mrs. Alme Mercler, Lewiston, Maine. Her paternal grandparei)ts are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boulette, Coventry. She LITTLE GIRLS’ SLIPS southwesterly 5 to 10 knots to­ WE BOIL YOUR LOBSTER LUNCHEONS served 11:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. $1.25 up W H I C H s t y l e ? night. Southwest to south winds has two brothers, Daniel, 4>^, and Robert, 2 'i. A T NO E X TR A CHARGE rt rt * * * 10 to 15 knots Friday. Visibility 5 Reg. 1J9 Everglaze* polished DINNERS served 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. $2.75 up miles or better in the afternoon LARGE IXIBSTER Morrison, Sandra Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mor­ L E N G T H ? cotton bouffants with wide swMp and 2 to 4 miles at night. STUFFED WITH SHRIMP rison, 36 Strant S t She was bom Aug. 24 at Manchester Me­ 8-tiered skirts. Some wiUi ad- Marine observations: TONIGHT, FRIDAY and SATURDAY AND BAKED FOR $1.00 DELICIOUS SUNDAY DINNERS 12 Noon to 9 P.M. morial Hospital. Her maternal grandfather Is Albert Hammer, jiMttabie shoulder straps. 8-6X. WEE'WALKER Fire Island—Wind west north­ OVER PRICE OF LOBSTER Nuremberg, Germany. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and west at 9 knots, visibility 4 miles, Your Host, Mike Stanko, Preeents for You— Mrs. Albert Morrison, 225 McKee St. WIDTH? SPECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT— WHARFSIDE DINNER ***** clear skies, sea calm. LAAGC LOftSTER Montauk Point — Wind west CLOSED Ssymkowlos, Michael Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew northwest at 5 knots, visibility 8 TEL. JA 9-9463 Bzymkowlcz, 86 Clinton St. He was bom Aug. 25 at Manches­ 8 Lbs. to 8 Lbs. Lb. miles, hazy, sea 2 feet. "THE VERSATILES'" 79c MONDAYS AMPLE PARKING ter Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and r Save SS% on Ambrose Light Ship—Wind west For Yonr Dining and Entertaining Pleaenre! Mrs. Herman Quast, Hutchinson, Minn. His paternal grand­ northwest at 5 knots, visibility 5 Lbe. 8 Lbe. Lb. mother 1s Mrs. Bertha Szymkowlcz, Hartford. He has a sister, PACKAGED SPORT SOCKS miles, hazy, sea 1 foot. 8 to 89c AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR CX)MFORT Paula, 2. ***** New Haven—Cloudy, visibility 8 Oak Grill, 30 Oak St.— Air-Conditioned CHICKCN LORSTER miles tn haze. Temperature 68, Nielson, Laura Anne and Linda Marie, twin daughters of Mr. FOR SCHOOL GIRLS, BOYS winds missing. NO COVER • NO MINmUM e AMPLE PARKING and Mrs. Lawrence R. Nielson, 290 Llnnmore St., Hartford. $ 1.49 t o $ 2.99 Bridgeport— Cloudy, visibility 6 1 Lb. Avg. Lb. »1.09 Their maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Bowes, S3 miles in haze. Temperature 70, Phone MI 3-7832 Lydall St. Their paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Her­ Girls' socks of combed cotton wind west at 7 knots. FSeSH LOeSTERi HEAT bert Nielson, Garden Grove, Calif. (a fcw sl)dM h i| | M r) * « * « B liith Mozpnl* caffs or Dnrene* A LL DAY THURSDAY—German Specials u, »3.00 Bfahoney, Maureen Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. mcreerixed cotton crews, 9-11. Phone M I 8-7882 E s g Mahoney, 71 Cooper St. She was bom Aug. 25 at Manchester Boys’ slack soria of combed POTATO PANCAKES, To Go or Eat on Our Patio STATE Memorial Hoepltal. Her maternal gfrandmother Is Mrs. Eldlth coUon, varied patterns. T>11. 3 77< a 'W CONDIT'CNtP SAURBRATEN RED CABBAGE, Etc. TOM ORROW AT 2:00 PA4. Wlrtella, 79 Ridge St. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Anna TEL. TR 5-6269 Kennedy Bowse, Cambridge, Mass. She has a sister, Ronda CLAM BAKE Jean, 2. STATE Nutmegger House Friday AU Day Open Dally 10 AJH.-IO PJU. NOW SHOWING! 62J10 and $3.00 Fridays, Saturdays to 1 a.m. Knox, Brace James, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Knox, 186 84 Market Square, Newington, Conn. CLOSED MONDAY Woodland St. Ho was bom Aug. 24 at Manchester Memorial Save over 27^ —get SscH Stempe Mat. 2 P 3 f.—Eve. 6:80 Oont BUSINESSMEN’S LUNCHEONS SMORGASBORD Hospital. Hie maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shown A t 2:80-6:80-9:05 FULL COURSE DINNERS S at 5 to 10 p.m. Knox, Coventry, R. I. His paternal g^ndparents are Mr. and Mrs. Benjam Agostini, Stafford Springs. *GRANTOGS' Lim E BOYS' SLACKS ☆ OOOKTAIL LOUNGE $8.50 ***** aJOSHlMlDGANe Private Banquet Roams for Weddings, Parties and Meetinge BOB’S Wldham, Mitchell Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wldham, i r i d l R i t i Bedfoed cords tailored with zipper Bow Lane, Middletown. He was bom Aug. 25 at Manchester ☆ WrililtafsIlvM ALWAYS SEA FOOD e STEAKS e CHOPS fly, self bdt. Sanforised to retain Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Aleda OL Waah’n wear cotton; aiinfanum FISH "n FRYS M. Muske, 38 Maple St. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Charles Boulanger— Host NEWINGTON cara. Top buys at this priea. $ to 7. Eitward Helstoeky—Chef Windsor Ave.— Route 88 Mrs. Robert C. Wldham, 81 Santlna Dr. He has a brother, Scott Robert, 8. ☆ AIR-CX)NDmONED ROCKVILLE ***** AMPLE PARKING MOhawk 6-4467 Next to First National Bryce .Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bryce, 178 Irving St. She was bom Aug. 25 at Manchester Me­ morial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. HEADQUARTERS FOR GYM SHOES William Hlnman, Hartford. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. DEPEND ON KOFSKY"S TO BE SURE! and Mrs. CHlaude Bryce, Bristol. She has a brother, Robert W il­ liam, 3. New Improved Sole Construetion ***** W elm ow how to fit Stride Rites, fix>m years of doing. We have the Wm Walkars at thata fina atorast Chaves, John Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Chaves, 7 FOR BOYS'STURDY ''GYM" SHOES )/ e L c.o m e Oval Lane. He was bom Aug. 24 at Manchester Memorial Hos- experienced fitters, and the shoes long famous for quality. .. and Sltal. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. irezniak, 27 Waddell Rd. His paternal grandparents are Mr. you can have complete confidence in us both, always! Basketball atyle vrith aon-Ald ABStet and Mrs, Gregory G. Chaves, 91 Blssell St. He has two broth­ tread sole, epanga enaUen arch, 2 3 7 ers, Robert John, 7, and Edward Alan, 5. £ s0.A 99 * « « * • cushion ineole. Vfhlto er Mack. Files, Todd Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson Piles Jr., 550 Graham Rd., Wapping. He was bom Aug. 22 at Manchester C

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 PAGE FIVE M Q B F O X m ICANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ^CHESTER. CONN^ THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 "Hal Boyle ehack at $$3 80 (also Ineludea Bx- is an Indicator ot Inaured unam* gfandekUd, will be la the ataas. aha Whirlpool Wathori, $176,670 Paid Out tended Duration Program and ploymant, Loomis said. Three Generatioiis is the daughter o t Mks. Dalbart n V IM v T Curbing Underwater Boredom Space Age May Need Temporary ICxtended Unemploy­ The Miuichester area, which fat- wvii. OovlagtoB’s daughter by bis BsoMOHilcfll R#pcriis Ml In July Qaima ment Oompenaatfam. paid by tha clundad Vernon, Rockvilla aiid Enter First Grade The Old Woman’s Dryors TV-Radio Tonight Fadaral Cfovenimant). Payments Bolton, last year had 9,689 am- first wUb, new daeeasad. Radio. TV, StwM, by check are made directly to ployaa insured by the Unemploy­ The third member, Robin Oremar, Celestial Mechanics Priets os Low, * tltaampIoyiBaBt banaftts paid by claimahts in the local dnlco, ment Oompensation Law with Xing,. N. C , Aug. SI (P) — nirae 6, la a gieat-grandchlld of Coving­ Plioiiogiaph AppHonoM SerVico Thot's BoHor the Mancheatar offlca bi July Loomis said. monthly wages totaling $3,786,806, generations ot the same - Stekas ton. Her mother, Mrs. Doyle Brass Bedstead Cromer, is the daughter of Mrs. amounted to $176,670, It was an­ The weekly claims ratio filed Loomis also reported. County family will anroU tomorrow Jm By WARD CANNEL * 3. Watching the astral weather Television during the last week of the Alma Comatser of Rt. 3, Mocks- —changing space conditions akin nounced today by John J. Loomis, in the first grade here. Potterton's New York (ff),— They were two find a young couple willing to New York — (N E A ) — It’s all Potterton's M S TbMtar (tB pragrMi) The Real HcCoya 8. month to the number covered by Baby’s Own nastle vllle, who also Is Ctovlngton’s women alone In a big old home rent a museum like your old quite simple, apace experts say. So to earth’s rain, sleet, hurricanes, | Unemployment compensation of­ Numa O. Ckivlngton, 78, a to­ Phone M I 8-i6S7 ISO Center St.—Cor. of Cliiircli Show On p r o p w ) W. Frontiar Juatlca law was IB.O per cent as Com­ When you go visiting, always daughter by his first wife. toat h^d long memoriee for both. home,” he told his wife. “ But please do not kick and scream if heat waves, etc. This job is by far nm Show (la pTMren) . : Bat Maataraoa 10. fice manaKer.’ Covington and his second wife ISO Center St.—Cor. of Cfimroh pared with 6.3 per cent for the carry a large square of plastic in bacco farmer, and his second wife, As they reached the front door, they’re fond of antiques and they you run onto the following help- the hardest. RuekUbenr Hmrad^ I. 8:00 Tlm u Square Playhouaa also have two other young sons, Nowa My Three Soaa CSiecks disbursed compensated State. In July the Manchester of­ baby’s diaper b ^ . Spread this on who is 39, will enroll their 6-year- toe daughter, a stout comfortable liked all the pieces except one.” wanted item among the classified It’s quite possible, the experts Philip, 3, and Douglas, 3, irao will tb* ClowB Darld Nlyan Theater 5,4S2 weeks of July unemploy­ fice ratio was IB.B compued to the bed or couch on which you old aon, Ronnie. women so deep in middle age her "What was that?” asked Eve­ ads: say, that other planets have areas Bachelor Father 10. enroll in a few years. 1 Behiod Clooad Doon Wreatllng ment with an average weekly 9.3 per cent a year ago. .Ihe ratio change baby's diapers. Merrl-Dell Hall, 6. Covington’s Read Herald Advs. face bore no resentment of it, turn­ lyn. Celestial Mechanic for Mars- above them like our Van Allen Social Saeurlty la Actloa Ounsllnger ed to the other. "That old braae bedstead,” said Venus route. Clean work. Quiet radiation belts that could be a seri­ I Weattaar. Nava A Sporu S. " for Flowers " 8:30 The Untouchablea 8. 80, *T know it’s hard for you to Jim. conditions. Vast future. Retire­ ous hazard to astronauts. In addi­ Tli^tropa Brenner tion, the skies are filled with com­ For All Occasions, It’s I Hisawa> Bolldara Great Ghoata Talea 83. leave, mother,” she said. "But Jim "What do they plan to do with ment plan. Spona. Nova • waathar HllUon Dollar Uorla Despite advance billing, it turns ets and interplanetary dust that RoUla Jacoba Club Heuaa and I Just couldn’t stand the it? ” 10:00 The Groucho Shov 83. thought of you living any longer all "Junk it,” said Jim. out there’s a lot in common be­ could erode the space ship’s skin, Robla Hood CBS Reportii 8. either roasting the astronaut or Goba's Flowers I Evealns Report 10:80 Third Man by yourself in this old house. The old lady came out the door, tween going due east to Cape Cod, Call PAU L BUETTNER Hantlaylliliilloy U, tX. say, or due out from Cape Canaver­ causing rngteroid drag resulting in Douclao SMvaids 1. The Broihera Branagaa YOUR MONEY-SAVING SELF SERVICE ”We’d never be able to forgive carefully locked it, then walked (Formerly with Pentland’s) Snotgun Slade al or the moon. H alf the trouble is changed direction. H ‘2‘2 BURNSIDE AVE. 1 Jbn Baclnia Shov 8, Sllenta Please ourselves if anything happened to down the front steps like a soldier Weat Point you. smiling at a firing squad. getting there. There are also asteroids, or E.AST HARTFORD limtoB Dollar Herla Mike Hammer minor planets, to keep your eye 11:00 Neva, Sporta and Weather "You’ll be happier with us. Truly ■Tm ready at last,” she said. No matter how much styling UDOoverad on. Ten years ago our scienttaLs Deliveries Daily to Mancheste: Nava ft Waathar tl. K. 8. 8. 18. 80. you will. Jim loves you as much as "Let’s be on our way. Maybe we wizardry we use in our space The Big Neva DOWNTODN DISCOUNT STORE had ascertained orbits for about ■IA 8-5009 or MI 3-5476 RoucB Rldara he did own mother.” vehicles, they are still going to I KlUda of (lOK 11:15 JacK Paar Shov (C) 10. can still get home before it’s too 1,500. But today they estimate The Sporta Camara Feature 40 TTie white-haired old lady smiled. dark.” need mechanics to service the way. ErealnK Report Europe's Finest Kories She reached out a frail, blue-veined And pretty soon, too. Men are ex­ about 80,000 bodies lie between > Outlava 10. 83. 11:30 Premiere hand and patted her daughter com­ pectable on the moon inside the the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and Summer Sporta Spaetaeular 8. 13 World’s Best Kories easily capable of causing cata­ Ouaotvard Hot (8. (0 11:35 Neva fortingly. South Windsor decade, deeper space travel is like­ Blue Ancala 8 11:80 Jack Paar Shov (O presents an " I realize it’s for the best, ly to begin from there. strophic collisiorus with passing • ;00 Donna Road Shov I. M. &3 1:00 Late Neva So, if you’re looking for steady space ships. Neva. Prayer Evelyn” she said. Why don’t you • :S0 Talea ot the VUdnsa 18 work and would like to be a celes­ A ll in all. it could be a tough SISE B A T O IO A T ’ S I V WCISH FOR OOMPLKTB LISTING go on out and join Jim in the car? Site Change Asked ^ i r,d like to take one more last look tial mechanic, here’a what you’ll job for a celestial mechanic. But DOBIN'S not that tough, astro-physicists Around Just to be sure everything For Voter Session be doing. is right. 1. Plotting the Interplanetary point out. >RE J "That is such a nice young Shaney Frey, professional underwater painter. roadmaps for passing astronauts. Harvard University keeps a rec­ Donald M. Bennett, a Republi­ Radio couple that's moving in. I wouldn’t Space ships aren’t shot in straight ord of all artificial satellites — (This Bstlag iwelwd— only those news broadoawts ot 10 or 15-mlnnte can candidate for the Town Coun­ By WARD OANNEL line paths to their destinations. their risings, settings, .speeds and want them to find nythlng not in could solve the problem. Artist scuba, there are pre-numbered col- length. Some statfona carry other short newsoaste.) place.” cil, sent a letter to the Board of Newspaper Enterprise Asen. Fields of gravity from heavenly orbits. General Electric’s Space Frey says It’s really quite simple. or-and-canvas sets that will work Vehicle Department is now work­ W D Bo-uee *11:30 Starlight Serenade Her daughter sighed and said: Selectmen Tuesday auggesting a New York (N E A )— Because oil bodies along the way exert a tre­ 1:00 Sign M and water still don’t mix, you can "Your scuba tank gives you an underwater, too. You just put the mendous force on passers-by, so ing out plans for an Interplanetary 6:00 Neve RGAMUPOM. "A ll right, mama. I understand. indicated paint on the indicated 6:1)6 Today ea Wall 9tre«t w r o K - lu t change in site tor voter-making paint nifty pictures imderwater hour to work. A weight on your you won’s keep your job very long weather station to report on cos­ 6:10 S^rt Nave _ 8:00 Today In Hartford But don’t be long. W e have a long number and you’ve got a picture— :15 ConnecUcut Ballroom seseione. He stated: just as easily as you can in the easel keeps it from drifting away. if you let a Marsbound astronaut mic dust, asteroids, comets. And 6:15 Art Johnaoo Ib o v ? way to drive.” A weight belt on your knee keeps regardless of any distraction In the 8:06 Baynor ShinM :00 Bob Scott A fter she had left, the old lady “ In your awareness of the large park. end up in an orbit around Venus or physicists beginning with Isaac 1:00 Neva a Ott. 8:00 Ray Someri This is the word from Shaney you from drifting away. sea around you. Newton have been proving out .T—919 11:00 Neva turned to say goodby alone and in number of persons to be register­ the Sun by mistake. :00 Bound Btaga 11:10 Ray Somari ed for the October elections, you Frey, the foremost, if not the only, Brushes Get Floppy 2. Setting the time of departure. the effects of interplanetary grav­ ? 1:00 Del Raycee Shov her own way to the home she had :00 Edvard P. Korgaa I entered as a bride nearly 60 years saw fit to add two more voter- professional underwater painter "Then, merely apply the paint to TRAILER 85 FEET LONG The universe appears to move on ity. 7:16 Sound SUM WINF—1338 the canvas with a painter’s k n ife - 8:80 Nisbt ru im 8:00 Neva before. making sessions over those orig­ in the U.S. today. But whatever it Detroit — The world’s largest schedule. And nowadays with the All of this information will go 31:55 Neva 8:10 WaU Street A hint of dusk darkened the soft inally contemplated. In adjunct might mean to the art world, her brushes get a bit floppy underwa­ truck trailer is a newly designed sky brightened by U.S. and Rus­ into an electronic computer, to be 13:00 SlSD Q g______6:15 Shovcaae ter. And that’s all there is to It. 6:45 Lovell Thomas summer air outdoors. But the old to this, I suggest that you con­ ocean-floor studio may be the one monster so long its four crew mem­ sian mass-produced satellites, you on tap as needed. The celestial me­ 6:00 Neva, Weather ft Sporta 6:55 Phil Rizutto lady made no move to switch on sider moving the Sept. 7 session route out of a strange dilemma In The canvas will dry easily and bers must use a special system to might start a war by letting a chanic will need only a pad, a g-JO StrK^y Sports 7:0U Neva the lights. The feeling of gathering site from the Town Hall to the American sports. naturally after you’ve brought it keep in touch with each other. The space traveler crash into a dead sharp pencil and, of course, a 6:30 Market Report 7:10 CBS-In Peraon Scuba diving — fun and games up.” 85-foot trailer is longer than the 6:86 Three Star Extra. 7:30 New* t'wilight suited her mood. A very St. school. dog in orbit or a vital transmitter hammer— to thump the computer 7:06 Coaveraatlon Piece 7:46 Showcase Besides, she knew she could walk " I advocate this move since In hydrospace — is in^ real jeop­ And for people who don’t know bumper-to-bumper span of nine responsible tor keeping global TV when it doesn’t seem to be work­ 8:00 The World Tonight 7:80 Neve of tha World. that old house from basement to more than 200 people in this area ardy today, because of the tradi­ how to paint or aren’t Interested in compact cars. going.. ing right. 7:45 Tour Senator From Coaaaetleut 8:16 Shovcaae and Neva are eligible to become voters in tional American recreation shoal: 8:00 Popa Concert 8:55 Yankees at MlnneapoUi WASHERAMA! attic blindfolded and with a sick 9:00 Nlshtbaat 11:00 Neve See them all... yes, all the great RCA Whirlpool labor-saving washers at Dobin’s . . . baby In her arms and never our town. This move would en­ boredom. ;00 Ne'va 11:06 Shovcaae able many housewives to reg(lster Liook at it this way. The sun H:16 Simrts Final ______13:16 Sign Oft and at low money-saving prices. Dobin’s has all th# latest models on display. Consult stumble once. After half a century it held no surprises for her — only during the afternoon from 3 on and shimmers on the water. The div­ with our washer experts on the one best suited for your needs. You’ll be happy you did! certainties. would also be convenient for the ing float tugs lazily at its anchor. husbands to register when they Her heart knew every nook and You put on your mask, fins, reg­ come home from work. Likewise, ulator, snorkel, weight belt, safety Navy Frogmen Adapt cranny. So did her feet. So did the it would ease the problem of hands that lovingly had wiped and gear and compressed air tank. what to do with the young chil­ You’re ready. polished the old-fashioned furniture dren of the household who would But for what? The hydronauts’ she had insisted on retaining normally be going to bed under Deaf^s Sign Language through the years. parental supervision during the handbook. “ 130 Feet Down,” will She remembered how often the early evening hours. show you the way to the paltry IMPEIUAL MAM( XII vacation cost of $150. But once children had exclaimed in ex­ "While this may be a departure asperation: down, what is there to do? By JXBBT BENNETT f gars closed and the toumb and lit­ from the standard procedures of Seveitil Options TOUCH CONTROL "Mama, can’t you ever stand to the past, the town government has Newspaper Entarpriae Assn. tle finger extended means "Hold It, First, o f course, you can try Washington (N E A )—The Na'vy Is you have made an error.” throw anything away?” a responsibility to encourage the And she remembered the reply to get back up to the surface. teaching the dgn language of the Wisher, from OoUege Park, Md., citizens of the town to regrister was a naval training officer dur­ she had always given them: and participate in the first elec­ Failing that, there Is: deaf to frogmn so th ^ can com­ 1. Sight seeing and nature Ident­ municate with each other during ing World War IL During toe AUTOMATIC “What’s worth loving is worth tion under the new Council-Man­ Korean War he wss regimental keeping. You’ll know this when ager form of government. The ification — sharks, rays, whales, hasardous undersea opemtlona. barracuda, etc. The allent vocabulary was da commander at the Balnbrldge, Md., you’re older.” move outlined above would be a 2. Spear-fishing—with the add­ vrtoped for the Navy by Dr. Pater recruit training base. The old lady wanted to go one clear demonstration of govern­ R. V ^ e r , chairman of the phyal- by one through every room, but ment ‘For the People.’ ed attraction, often, of having to eal educaHon department and ath- WASHER she felt it would be unfair to keep “ As a Republlcsul candidate for fight off marine life dra'wn by the Itlc director of waShlngtan’s Gal- her daughter and son-in-law wait­ Town Council living In this area, kill. Isudet College. Oallaudet la the ing. But there were three rooms I would suggest that whichever 3. Treasure hunting, specimen A GGT DOMNAS only ccdlege tor the' deaf tn the The ■he had to say farewell to. candidate on the opposition slate collecting historical research — if U.S. LOW, LOW She paused briefly in the huge, would be designated as represent­ you know where to look. The U yearold teacher, a lieu­ high-ceiling li'ving room where the ing this section would gladly join Even underwater photography tenant commander in the Ne'va] Doctor Says MONGY-SAVmG fam ily had been warmed by hun­ in supporting the move I have has drawbacks because the deeper Reserve, got the idea of developing PMCE! dreds tk long winter evening fires. recommended.” you go th-e less your film will re­ a sign language for frogmen while Then she went out to the kitch­ This letter was addressed to the cord what your eye sees. on two weeke’^ active duty at the By HABOIiD THOMAS HYMAN, en, where she had as a bride learn­ attention of Thomas Burgess, First "Under these circumstances,” N avy’s Underwater Demolition M.D. Has Magic-Mix Filter—11 "self-setting” ed to cook on a wood-burning Selectman. Carbon copies were al­ cycles . . . the most dependable automatic say scuba experts Frey and her School, Little Creek, Va. Written for Newspaper Enterprise . MODEL HA91 ' RCA WHIRLPOOL RCA WHIRLPOOL stove, and later bathed the chil­ so sent to Frank Pierce, second husband Hank, "it’s not surpris­ A t the time frogmen communl- Assn. washer made! Special pre-rinse cycle for dren in bathtubs on the floor. selectman, Dexter Burnham, third diapers . . . top loading door . . . nist- ing that all kinds of gimmicks eated with each other by writing Until I read a recent report is­ A ONE YEAR FREE Still dry-eyed, she rested a mo­ selectman: Charles Enes, town U reaiatant cabinet. Free-now draining elim­ have been Invented for the sport en elates, a method too alow for 2-CYCLE-3-TEMP ment with one hand on the worn clerk; and Mrs. Arline Bid well. sued by the subcommittee on A c­ FACTORY SERVICE inates redeposit during draining. Giant 2-SPEED-2-CYCLE — underwater card gam’cs and emergencies. TTie few hand signals cidental Poisoning of the Amer­ walnut staircase before mounting Republican Regristrar of Voters. ON ALL RCA WASHERS capacity. group activities — to keep people ■ "m<5 ,:4>o need were inadequate to cover un- ican Academy of Pediatrics, 1 to her bedroom. She stood silently interested.” axpected situations. •g thought that lead poisoning AUTOMATIC WASHER AUTOMATIC WASHER by a great brightly gleaming old Manchester Evening Herald Uneasy Situation I ' g Part o f Oarrfcnlura (plumblsm) In children 'was a brass bedstead, the center of her South Windsor correspondent The situation is so uneasy today, ! l | # f Ehccluaive Surgllator agita­ life. Offioers In charge of the school danger that no longer existed to Bhcclusive Surgllator agita­ Laura Katz, telephone M I 4-1753. in fact, that even sales figures of need Wisher’s sign language Idea any extent With the elimination tor washing action. S-temp DO«N*S BUY IT Here all her six children had diving gear put the number of and made hla course a major part tor action, thorough rinsing of lead from IndoCr paints used wash and rlnee Water selec­ been delivered. Here her first-born HURT AOTOB IMPROVINO Americans in scuba anywhere from j. e f tha curriculum. Last summer and Free-Flow draining. 3- aon, his eyes wide in wonder, had on cribs, tojrs and the like, it tor. Magic-Mix dispenser PRICE "RIGHT" AT Munich, Germany, Aug. 31 (/P)— two million to 11 million. VHeher taught hla system at the appeared that a serious threat to temp wash and rinse water been strangled by diphtheria. Here Mo'vle actor Horst Buchholz, seri­ "You can’t tell who has extra Ns'vy’s Underwater Swimming filter removes lint, blends our youngsters' health had been selector. Magic-Mix dispens­ she had brought her husband his ously Injured in an automobile ac­ tanks,’’ says a salesman, “ and who School at Key West, Fla. IS LOWER1 DOBIN'S removed. in detergent automatically. er filter for lint-free launder­ last glass of water and he had died, cident Tuesday night, is improving has put his gear in the attic in dis­ Tha Oallaudet teacher recently However, the subcommittee now Rust-resistant cabinet keeps No Money Down 3 Years to Pay ■till holding her hand. rapidly, doctors said today. appointment.” demons^ted aign Isingiuge to the ing. The remembering tears came draws attention to chronic plum- its good looks for years. The 27-year-old German film And from a ecuba Instructor crew o f the nuclear submarine than into the old lady’s eyes. She biam that results from the child star had a quiet night after un­ with a long line of applicants for Nautilus. He believes It may be beat and patted pillows. 'Then she dergoing an abdominal operation. his classes: useful to submarine sonar opera­ chipping off and swallo-wing flakes . suddenly knelt and kissed the bed- of outdoor, paint, now and then. This morning he talked with his "I keep meeting former students tors who require ahaolute silence wife, actress Miriam Bru, who has who tell me angrily that the scuba when UstenlM for enemy ships. Since lead is slowly absorbed from ■’^ ^ d b y ,” she whispered. “Good- the intestines and even more been at his bedside for most of lessons were more exciting than Tbs A ir Force is Interested In by.” the past two days. slowly excreted, evidences of the real thing. They got down to the eouTM for use by helicopter Outside Jim honked the car horn Doctors said Buchholz should the ocean floor, they say, and 8«scae pUois. Cne A F officer be- chronic plumblsm may not ap­ Cil)kui£pooft — not too impatiently. didn’t have anything to do.’’ pear for several months. Then, leave the hospital In about three Beves ft may solve the problem "You know we were lucky to weeks. Underw’ater painting, however. a t eommunleations between pilots if they are not recognleed and if SDd crewmen who are sent down steps are not taken to prevent to strap casualties Into the rescue fuiiher ingestion of flakes of ex­ 2-SPEED-2-CYCLE Mrt Propeller noise la so loud that terior paint, the child's health What pilots and rescuers cannot hear and life are placed in serioua each other. Jeopardy. Surgllator Action Offidala of the Washington Fire How do you recognize the prin­ Department silso have expressed cipal symptoms o f chronic pl'um- other Interest in tha system. Wisher blsminyour child? You 'will note MODEL LJAOS AUTOMATIC says *Tbe language of signs has that they may easily be confused MODEL LJA70 gfreat possibilities for use in other with those of polio-myelitis, par­ children’s situatlona, such as riots and con­ ticularly if they occur at tha time RCA WHIRLPOOL struction work where there is a of an epidemic. R€A WHIRLPOOL WASHER ■tte high nolaa level.” 1. Loss of appetite. The eourse developed for frog­ 2 CYCLE COMPACT shoes 2. Tendency to becoiiijk^ess alert ** / men is an abbreviated vereion of 2 SPEED • 3 CYCLE DOBIN'S and playful. AUTOMATIC WASHER the sign language system used 3. Progressive irritability and PRICE CAN'T FAIR hy most deaf persona. It takes clumsiness. AUTOMATIC WASHER BE BEAT! measure up years to leam ■‘he complete vo- 4. Awkwardness at play and In DOBIN'S 'hiftiictote'!/ oabulaiy, but Wisher’s a.^ptatlon handling eating and drbiklng uten­ eaa be mastered In eix two-hour sils. 2-cycle automat­ SAVES YOU 24" wide! Exclusive Surgllator agitator tfaanoom sessions. Easy to use DOBIN'S ic in compact to this 5. Otherwise unexplained at­ DOLLARS action washes regulsr smd delicate fab- 3 pushbutton se­ 24” cabinet 179 Word Vocabulary tacks of nausea and/or vomiting. SELLS IT rtc.s thoroughly. 3-temp wash and rinse lector gives 5 washes with ex­ ON THIS! TIm first part of the course And, in prolonged serious poison­ FOR LESS! water selector with COLD water wash aovers too alpiwbet o f 36 finger po- wash and rinse ^ clusive Surgila- Budget Terms and 3-level water selector. Magic-Mix ings, convulsions. temp combina­ tor action, thor­ value? sitlona; each position represents Onod suspected by the alert Free Deliver}’ dispenser filter removes lint, blends in a letter. Later a special 170 word tions. Exclusive ough rinsing, Free-Flow draining. Mag­ mother, lead poisoning ia readily detergent automatically. vocabulary is taught. Surgllator agitator wasl ic-Mix dispenser filter for lint-free detected by the examining physi­ Each vrord or idea ia expressed Magic-Mix dispenser filter. washes. 3-temp wash and rinse water cian and soon confirmed by labo­ juniors love by hand and arm movements which selector with COLD water wash. npivssut actions or objects. The ratory tests. voeahnlary covers the majority of Of oourse, the most important Ideas that frogmen would want to way to keep your child from poi­ SKpreas during undersea work. soning la to keep him away from cotton knits A e alphabet enables them to spell the Bource. Most victims are be­ WHILE YOU'RE AT DOBIN'S SEE out any additional words needed. tween the ages of one and three. All signs are extremely eimpla So it is up to parents and older F or example, placing two fingers children to protect the little ones THE LARGE DISPLAY OF 1962 Only at National! Children’s io ^R e lfG u id # shoes with below the eyee and then pointing from this dangerous appetite for $ 19-98 means "look.” "H d p ” Is expressed lead-bearing paint flakes. by pushing the right fist up with Happily, there ia a rich promise tos first two fingers of the left of successful treatment if the hand. Placing the right hand under child’s plumblsm is at an UniBOND soles and heels are GUARANTEED 3 MONTHS! tbs cMb with the first three fin- RCA VICTOR early stage and not continued. And no wonder . . . especially wfien it's o dress and jacket en* . Fitted by trained experts! And priced at only 4,49 & 4.99 HOT “New Vista” TV eemMe! Poislay design short jock* PORTABLES • CONSOLES • TABLE MODELS et, fuNy lined . . . sheath skirted I (othens froDi from 3.99) I poisley dress with sofid color top Here’s a new measure of value in children’s shoes...a National is very fussy about proper fit. Using the EACH The URBANITE SPORTABOUT 3 month guarantee! These revolutionary Posture Guide acciurate Brannock measuring device, certified fitters and the PRICE is "RIGHT" at 19 ’ tube (overall diag.), 172 sq. in picture, . . . oleo Hnod. Grton or rust . shoes have the new U n iB O N D one-piece sole and heel measure yoiur child’s feet carefully— scientifically, a t * ®**“ **8 (design average) # 2-Speaker PIZZA that wears (Youngsters outgrow them prescribed by toe N .Y . State Podiatry Society. Coma Golden Throat" V H F sound • Front tunina and efaeeYtolS. —and tvears. f l a f o H o l j DOBIN'S...where YOU SAVE on sound e Full picture 19” tube (overall dlag.) • before they outwear them!) Posture Guides are com­ in! Y ou’ll be pleased with the expert fitting service at HOT OVEN GRINDERS mended by Parents* Magazine. Innersoles are Hy* S H p ES National and with toe quality features you’d expect Genie processed to resist germs and odors. only in shoes at twice the price. THE PIZZA HOUSE OPEN WED.. THURS., FRI. TILL 9 P.M. OPEN DAILY i'":. 309 NA7IONA1 $HOf STOMt IN lASTRN U. I. iflOOPaadOBOP DOBIN'S *828 MAIN STREET MON., TUE&, SATrt 10 AA4. to 6 PAL OBsaUAJLi*] SATURDAY TILL MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE—388 West Middle Turnpike-Open Wed., Thurg., Fri.-Eveningi fe ; It nakce meee leaM to Mup at VaMoaal • iMvtet tadapeafiKO Owe ehala. r 9 • I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 P A O i a z MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1961 PACK flmSN^ daasHy bs the underdeveloped than It can feed. The yrhole world rooms where patient# j***?.J? areas la outstripping efforts to needs a definite populatlco pol­ manipulate the man-made feet, PORHTimCIUM agers are unlikely to. tell their executive vic« president feel like tles into high gesx, arofeslonal Columbia Race Growth as Dangerous provide adequate food and bous­ icy.” Spark of Charity in Mexico hands, arms and legs. parents If they are stopped by a Guide Through Contest-land Santa Claus." contest enfftneens Mie Reiner ere ing. This does not mean that “any­ Anyone can be treated at the re- Police Spelling Out policeman for a tnffflc violation Actually, that safe company driving the eenfidenoe men Into one should, tell a woman bow haWllUUon center, regardless ef FARM FRCSH IM S when someone else la driving. wants to make friends with top- other fields. Clarkes Return Take ICaxlee as an eKampIe. Ignites a Rehabilitation Plan Now, he says, nearly all of them echelon secretaries who influence To Peace as Nuclear Arms Ihere are near^ four peraona many children she should have.” hla economic position. HCwever, those who can are expected to p ^ . will tell their parents because management’s buying decisions. bom in Mexico for every one who There must not be any dictation C A U O N they know the letter will be sent. Most Unusual Reasons The salt company wants to add From Vacation By UDOK DENNEN llce To prevent this the letters were free piggy-back advertising. In Mrs. James Plessinger, presi­ nearly 130,000 a day and 47 mil­ opments In agriculture and indus­ tions all existing Information on artificial left leg made of plastic be done to expand the center con­ By WARD CANNEL ^ "hundreds of other prizes” the Florida which they spent with their of populationu planning. population control. cept beyond iU present tropical 472 KEENffY ST. Under a plan suggested by a saying “my father knew he was mailed in a plain envelope. If the return for giving the prizes free dent of the Manchester Jaycee lion a year. try will help to produce more PrognsB" In Latin America which and kn idea. The artificial limb wrong. I can’t understand why he ■ Newspaper Enterprise Assn. entry blanks usually list. or at low coat, they get their son and his wife, Robert and Judy Thla la the conclusion of emi­ By the year 2,000, within the "Man’s present duty is to hold garden setting. In Mexico alone, veteran officer and adopted two name proved false, the driver was Wives, has appointed her chair­ necessities for the underdeveloped could bring welcome relief to a permitted'.him to become an excel­ two per cent of the population years ago a letter is sent to the is making a federal case out of asked to supply the right one. New York (NEA) — The busi­ And so the prize barrel today— trademarks on posters, ads and men for the 1961-62 committees. Bailey Clarke In Key West, where nent acientiata who have studied lifetime of many of us, it will reach areas. But not enough. in trust the resources of the earth countless number of handicapped lent swimmer, dancer and runner M l 9 -9 1 0 4 It.” estimated at a record quarter- entry’ blaniks. And as a major na­ The appointed chairmen ate Mrs. what is pc^larly known as the the staggering figure of six billion and to assess what he will do again. The idea carried him to the (some 600,000 persons) suffers parents of every child or teen­ The letters are personal, signed ness, Industry and populace of he is stationed with the Navy, Experts agree that only a curb persona south of the border. from bone Injuries and diseases. ager found in what police regard Ferguson says, however, that by Ferguson. They cite the situa­ billion dollars — is filled largely tional contest will spend $5 mil­ William Bryce and Mrs. John They took their boat along with *^pulation explosion.” As Sir —or more tbsm double in 40 years. on human fertility can solye the with the future—how he will The spark of the publisher of International Cooperation Adminis­ excuses by parents have been the the U.S. have gone contest crazy. with week-ends, portable appli­ Julian Huxley told me: achieve more enjoyment and less Throughout Latin America, there a potentially dangerous situation. tion In which the child was found. lion on promotion to give away Hartigan, ways and means; Mrs. them, and have taken a cruise What is the cause for this un­ population crisis. They warn that 'INovedadas,' Romulo O’Farrlll, tration, which agreed to supply are thousands of others waiting exception among replies to the But, as usual In the great Amer­ ances and lesser furs. a half-million-dollars-worth of Richmond Morrison and Mrs. Ed­ "The world's population rate of precedented growth? As the sci­ .suffering, more knowledge and 66, already has Ignited Into the equipment and technical experts to 'hie situations include hitch They point out that police feel the through the Everglades, Bob anil rrowth is equivalent to 10 baise- otherwise the misery, starvation for O’Farrill’s spark of charity to hiking, truancy, accompanying a more than 1600 letters sent out parent or guardian should know ican market place, not for the And, for the most part, few of prizes, it's a good deal all around. ward Bates, program; Mrs. Alan his daughter Debbie with them. entists see it, revolutionary im­ and hopelessness of many billions Ignorance, more human dig­ fireworks of the Mexican Insti­ train Mexican doctors in Its use. in two years. these prizes are made by the com­ ball teams complete with coaches, provements in health and sanita­ nity and less human degradation.” O’Farrlll then raised money from catch fire. reckless driver, parking on a lone­ when a child’s conduct could re­ reasons you may suspect. It remains only for an idea man Gould, nominating; Mrs. Leroy Family Camping Trip will Inevitably lead to chaos. tute for Rehabilitation. The In­ FALLOUT ly road, smd even pla ring in the The plan was the brainchild of sult in "serious consequences.” Not counting scholastic, patri­ panies that give them away. After to bring a contest and its prizes Parker, membership; Mrs. Philip every minute.” tion are prolonging life and low­ stitute provides some 1,200 pa­ private Individuals, biulness firms 3 Lt. Hugh T. Collins, balding, be all, who really wantg to win a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Armstrong I 'interviewed Britain’s noted ering death rates. But there has It Is a fact of life that people and the Mexican government. Two street. They end with an offer of further otic, religious, charitable, chain- together. And for a few unscrup­ Froh, publicity; Mrs. Robert of Sunnyslopes, and their two chil­ biologist a t the recent conference will not passively starve. They Iron Ore Enriched tients a year with artificial limbe Drug Shortage Acute spectacled father of five, who Is store or Inter-lndustry contests, safe (even a small one) in a safe ulous operators it has also been a Heavisides, refreshments; Mrs. been no compensating check on and the necessary training. years sgo, an Amerlcan-style tele­ SHELTERS The response, says Col. John P. an 18-year veteran on the state assistance and a suggestion the company contest? Who would com­ dren, and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of the World Population Emerg:en- birth rates. will fight to live. thon, involving more than 1,800 Ferguson, state police superinten­ force. He says one of his alms parents contact the State Prtlce there are about 250 big consumer way tp set up a nifty little de Rudolph Riccio, remembrance; Nuhfer and'tWo children’of Nuhfer cy Campaign. He believes that There Is thus the danger that Paris — French scientist Eugene As the largest and most Impor­ Washington — George Washing­ In event of euergsMy. few contests annually. pete for a box of salt (even a large partment store .at home. and Mrs. Alaric Drew, telephone. Rd., leave tonight for a camping Tet the earth, as Sir Julian Hux­ tant of its kind In Latin America, actors, technicians and suMistants ton’s men at Valley Forge lacked dent, has been amazing. Other was to get policemen and parents Youth Bureau. one) in a salt company contest? the global population crisis is as the underfed nations may. In Herzog has devised a process that raised $70,000. Special bullfights, areas If any, an as g ^ as states — among thorn Arkansas The letter is kept In a file and And while the professional judg­ One operator had his penthouse Plans have been made for a trip in a Vermont State Park near ley pointed out, is limited with a their struggle to survive, for­ the rehabilitation, center also la even the primitive comfort of the prepared shelters. They a n back together. "Few companies today run con­ dangerous ”a threat to peace as makes enriched iron ore possible. circuses, dances, rodeos and other and CUlfomia — have endorsed destroyed when the subject ing firm of Reuben Donnelly, Inc., tests to open new markets,” says jammed to the lintels with bar­ tea at the home of Mrs. Douglas St. Johnsbury. the atomic arms and guided mls- fixed amount of land and a limited feit freedom and turn to the false used as a training ground for Latin fund raising activities have upped medicines of that day. A Smithson­ a necessary Insuranee. Fra- An Old Idea estimates that we submit some 45 gains in new mattresses, encyclo­ Smith, 407 Woodbrldge St., on supply of natural resources. It will enable mines in Lorraine to doctors. ian In.stitution study says the Con­ the program and sought to copy "In the old days. If a kid looked reaches 18 so that it will not be S. Jay Reiner who has found a The Nuhfer family plan to stay m isles stockpiled by Russia and promises of a Nikita Khrushchev, the figure considerably since then. pare yours now. regarded as a police record. million entries each year, a sur­ pedias, weekends at nice resorts— Sept. 9, a potluck supper for the only for the week-end but the Arm­ Food production in most coun­ Mao or Fidel Castro. .separate ore' from silica. The pro- O’Farrill found the spark when tinental Army had almost no drugs It. like he was getting into trouble, life's work running contests tor the United States.” Today, the result is the rehabili­ And teen-agers themselves have vey among us reveals. eager companies. "The majority all at unbelievabl.v low prices first meeting in September, and a strongs will spend the next week. It took the human race from tries of Latin America, Asia and Policy Needed Involves treating pulverized he himself suffered the loss of tation center on 10 acres of land in until near the end of the Revoul- the local policemen would drop 1. We’re not always attracted Christmas Dance. his left leg In an automobile acci­ tion, when privies captured some LEON CIESZYNSla learned to live with It. One boy, around and chat with his parents,” Lighten the Load of entry blanks and prizes go out They hadn't cost him anything be­ its first appearance to the year Africa is not keeping up with the Sir Julian said: ’’Science can­ ore with caustic soda heated to Mexico’s federal district area out­ by big cash rewards. cause he had simply requisitioned Manchester Evening Herald Co­ 1930 to reach one billion. But birth of mouths to feed. Already not find a way of developing an 135 degrees centigrade. The grade dent in Switzerland six years ago. side the capital Itself. It has been opium, Peruvian bark, jalap. Ipecac, BuiMtf^-MI M 291 Ferguson recalls, supported the Collins says. Light and puffy beads are in or­ to keep salesmen on their toes, to castor oil, and Epsom salts from police In opposition to hla father. "These letters are the modem der for hot summer weather. Any 2. Most of us don’t want fancy make an old product seem new, to a few more prizes than were need Fresh or dried basil is, of course, lumbia oorreepondent Mrs. Donald in the next century the world’s more than half the people on our underdeveloped country if It con­ of the iron ore is raised from 37 per O’Farrill soon realized that he had stocked with a swimming pool, cars or mink coats, either. ed to pay off contestants. perefet for tomato dishes. But try R. Tuttle, Telephone AOademy population rose to two billion. It planet are tmderfed. Population tinues to produce more babies cent to 47. to go to the U.S. for much of his gymnasium, library and therapy British vessels. The boy was found hitch hiking. equivalent of that.” other jewelry seems to weigh a girl keep dealers in line or to make an When a letter was sent to the Collins said that moat teen' down. 3. Really, we don’t expect to win anything other than one of those Today, as the contest craze eet- it sometime In stuffed eggs. B-84S8. 3 Shop Early!:;Exciting Savings! first .Big 3-Day Holiday'Ahead! first National AT HOME..,os ANYWHERE... YOUR FINST NATIONAL IS THERE! Stores National Stores

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PORK & 16-OZ S n O W ^ l M W dO ClAM I 7W o r CAN 2 7 c BEANS CANS YOUNG HENS I TO 14 LBS LB 3 5 <

CAMPBEH’SReal Tasty, A Favorite For Picnics SAVI If Far a Tasty Sandwich Underwood 2 ?1n''^43c shop first National for a widt assortment of Domestic and Imported Canned Hami Smoked Picnics u43< Vniu-Pnii ‘ 'fc? 79« for the Long Holiday Week-end I REG Frnnkfurts 3 a. *1" Palmolive 3 lARS 3V QT Tasty CeM Cuts KOSHER JARS SWIFT'S PREMIUM F in n ct TAILI-RIADY-AUATS 102 ^ K. Pic-Nic-Pnc ea.0HiAiMA»«|« 73, ■ i i i S i M i Luxury, Tasty or Piekla and Pimanto Leaf PKG A a# ® U n o x imvortid 3-l ic a n ^,95 ^-'-*^^^4.79 3 31c A Real Picnic Favorite Cashmere 3k M U PICKLES Lobster Meat maw-pac-wish ca°n 1.59 Boiognn SLICID ■ ALL H IP 6 02 PKG 23< Stahl Meyer 5.89 I Ferris 0^4.99 can 3.29 Green Shrimp » 49c Y 0 I >0 AR rowdr L « M(G 3 3 c

Vel UQUIDMUROINT n-OZ ITl 3 7 c M orO 'G rocery SpecialsT H oliday H radaco H ayeS Refreshingly Delicioui SAVE Ic F a b DETCROtNT Mca 3 5 c JTVozett -FV>ocf FINAST 46-02 00 Sjp.eoia.ieS PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT CANS Ad I DETMGENT tCE RKG 3 3 c FRUIT WATERMELONS Tasty Hot or Cold *TOR'' OARDIN EASTERN SHORE Ajax Cleanser 2lSi31c 12-02 3 LUNCHEON MEAT HORMEL SPAM CANS F R E N C Lowest price ef the Seoton EACH R ed-Ripe a n d Full e f Juice Florient h^oican 79c Slietd Natural BRICES EfFiaiVI M FIRST NATIONAL SUFiR MARKETS ONtY A Real Thirst Quencher

8-02 PKG JUMBO — Full of Rich, Sweet Flavor NATIVE — Golden, Tender Kernels WISE POTATO CHIPS KRAFT SWISS CHEESE FRIES D 02 TWO-SUM HNAST 15'A 02 CAN MQULAR OR CRINKLE CUT Cantaloupes 2 4 9 * S w e e t C o rn Whole Beans Green or Wax !CONOMY^s\zE*-^SAVI Ic ALWAYS FRESH AND CRISP WA 02 CELLO 59c 23< Paper Napkins ^ 19< KIN G O S C A R — Fancy Norwegian CALIFORNIA - Full of FUvor CALIFORNIA - Solid Haadi 3V4 02 O N Sunshine Marshmallows 39c Sardines S A V I 4c 29< Educator 4«os*1®® Appian Way Pizza Mix nv4oi«<9 35c 9 -O Z P e a r s bartlett 2 3 9 ' L e ttu c e iceberg Tootsia Midgies •■omte 29c WANT YOUR HOLIDAY PICNIC TO BE A REAL FRESH BAKERY SPECIALSI PKGS CALIFORNIA — pluntp and Juicy Pard Dog Food 2 •♦4>xcANt 31c SUCCESS - SERVE FIRST NATIONAL'S OWN PRUNE FILLED NATIVE — Full Flavored Borden Instant Whipped Potatoes 29 c Frankfurt Rolls PKG OF 10 27* Musselman's Apple Pie Filling 39 c CRUNCH LOAF N e c ta rin e s 2 3 9 ' C e le r y pascal 2>«33* H arb-ox Beef C u b es «««>»« 2 3 c PKG OF 8 COFFEE CAKE Sandwich Rolls 25< Topped With EACH Pine, Tasty Herb-ox Chicken Cubes hoomj 2 3 c Delicious Crunch Breakfast llam EACH P M A T T * French Frl^l PKG OF 8 33< Westchester Boned Chicken iaozia* 4 3 c Hot Dog Rolls 25^ 702 $ i| 0 0 S A V I 4c SAVI «c PKGS ■ Westchester Chicken Ala King ioaoican 4 9 c Scallops 3 HURKYt OFFER ENDS SOONt Pream Instant Cream r-ouAi 5Jc 4-01 m 2 9 c ' "Whispering Wheat" Pattern Nine Uves Pet Food 2 714 01 CAW 2 9 c ”YOr* CAROM - Whole f i r s t Noxon Metal Polish 14-01 CAN 3 9 c MELMAC DINNERWARE Statler Towels JUMMIOU 3 lc COMING SOONI StrawbBrries N a t i o n a l —BREAD...... • MILK • EGGS... PUNK 4 WAONAU'S UNIT NO. 1 - 4 PC. PLACE SETTING River Rice HJKo I7 e STANDARD TREASURY OF LEARNINC S to re s Carolina Rica wiNto 21e H O W A R D J O H N S O N - Baked With Cheese DINNR PLATE • CUP UNITS 1 ~ t ON SALEI BUTTER• COFFEE*SODAS WITH BUILT-IN DICTIONARY 14-02 $ G 0 0 $ | 7 9 2 iv4 ex PKOi 3 5 c SAUCER e SANDWICH PLATE e a c h Get your complete sell Q-T Vanilla Frosting Mix Your Bail Offer in Childrmt'i loeiul PKGS ■ 4-eiPM 2 5 c P* (*** Hove Ineueh P e r th e Macaroni 3 UNIT Q-T Fluffy Egg Whita Frosting Available Only at Firsl NaHonal Sterae W l RUMVI THE KKIHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIU PRICU ffFKTtVI IN FIRST NATIONAL SUFIR MARKITS ON' WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Watch Next W aak'i Annouwcaiiienit X ' i '------rAGB BIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OOKN- THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 PAGE NINE always argued that ws should be matter who haa been doing it, no accumulation of Lupton speacli delight in those verbal risks SAU) •» Baooadlttoned Stand­ HUmrlrratFr the ones to brSak the ban because matter against whom it haa been excerpts, and sat down and exam­ which call, spades spades, a proc- Zion Will Return ards — Royals, Underwoods, it was a Russian trap for us. Well, done. We are sorry Chairman Mil­ Connecticut ined them along with the broad­ eea which, In polttlci^ can be dra­ SnltSs aad nolseleM tarewrit- CttmttiQ If^raUi matic, but also wind up over­ To Fall Schedule ers. . . Yonrs at $85.00. now Russia has let us out of the ler, feeling it safe to get back to side letter Marsilius wrote to statement. FU eU M U O # BY fB B Borubo’s Typswritor Sondoo trap, and that seems to demolish politics, couldn't do better than Yankee "members and officials of the Re­ Marsilius, perhaps even more Beginning with Sunday, Sept. that particular argument, and reach for a tactic already worn publican Party of Connecticut". intense than Lupton in his con­ 410 East Middle Tpke, , Maactkciter Ooo^ 10, the regular order for Sunday leave us completely free again. out by the out of power critics of Hy A. H. O. one could be pardoned the as­ victions, nevertheless expresses At the OrseB)—MI O -ftll TBOMA8 r rKROUBUN sumption that the two men, by School and Church will be followed WilLTER R FERGUSON What do we do now? One hopes the past two administrations. his conservatism somewhat more PubUiben The 25th Senatorial District la their Individual processes of phi­ conservatively, choosing words at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Fouadad October 1. IWl that, before we Join Russia in its losophy. and by their individual and slants which emphasize per­ one of the state's largest, com­ Church, the Rev. Paul G. Prokopy PubUebed Every ErenloR Except invitation to madness, we find mode of rationalization, and In suasion more than proclamation, haa announced. iiii Bundeye and Rolidaye. Entered at the time and will and unity to speak prising the towns of Easton. their individual selection of how and which present the arguments Poet Oftlce at Mancheiter Conn aa A Thought for Today em argument could most effec­ Sunday School will begin at 9 Second a a e e Mall Matter for civilisation, not merely be­ Fairfield, Monroe, Newtown. Shel­ and appeals of the right without a.m., Bible period at 9:30 a.m., Sponsored by the Manchester ton, Stratford, Trumbull, Weston tively be launched, were heading too o ^ n and. direct a flourishing 8UF8CRIPT1UN RATES cause Ruaaia has given ua a prop­ and church worship at 10 a.m. Conncil of Churches and Westport, a huge slice of down pretty much the same kind of labels. or Payable ta -Adraace of road toward pretty much the Free chartered bus service will Carrier Mail aganda opportunity to do so, but Fairfield County which makes the There, at the point of the Mar­ again be offered for those needing NOW... FOR PEOPLE 65 OR OVER WHO ASK, One Year ...... 60 same kind of objective for their SU mtlU because we realize that the sym­ .second largest district, population silius entrance into the Republi­ it because of distance, hazard, ix Montha ...... 7.76 ll.UU Man's Dominion wise, in the state. party. can public forum, the situation over fhree Montba ...... 8.90 8:10 bolism Involved in the nuclear "And God blessed them and Both seemed to share the same or lack of regular automomlble One Month ...... l.S t l.M Big as it is, we are beginning rested, for a few days, until the transportation. W eek ly...... 80 U testing issue may be completely said to them, 'be fruited and mul­ to wonder if it is big enough. basic outlook and values. Both next Lupton release arrived. It fateful, and, for the whole world, were tired of the "me-too" dilu­ Children from 8 years up may I HAVE COMPLETE MEMBER o r tiply and replenish the earth and This question began to pose it­ seemed that the 25th district had be enrolletf Friday or Saturday, THE ASSOCIATI'ID PRESS a psychological point of no return. self to us just the other day, im­ tion of what they believed should two stalwart champions of the information o n The Aaaoclated Preta Is excluatrely subdue it and have dominion over mediately after a certain sequence be Republican party principles. conservative philosophy out In the Sept. 8 and 9, by calling the par­ entitled to the use of republicatlon at the fish of the sea and over the of publicity releases which may Both decried the growth of big field, and It seemed rather diffi­ sonage, or on Sunday morning. WOULD I EVER MANAGE?" all aewa dUoatchea credited to It or Sept. 10. coNNecncuT ss not otherwiae credited In thla paper fowl of the air and over every be­ or may not establish a certain government and its paternalistic cult for a mere columnist to and also the local newa pupllahed here. More Jobs, More Jobless rivalry between political person­ usurpation of functions and re­ choose between them. Extended Health Insuraace All righta of republicatlon of apeclal ing that creepeth upon the sponsibilities they thought should Undercover Agent dlapatchea herein are alao reaerred. The impression that some Jong- alities in the 25th, but certainly The next release from the Lup­ earth'." (Genesis 1:28). suggests it, in any case. better be left to the individual. ton camp, however, clarified mat­ The four-button, linen cardigan Full aertice client of N E. A. Berr- range changes may be arriving in Through the summer, there has If there was much difference ters considerably. It identified in black Is one solution for cover- CAU Ml 3-1126 Ice. Inc This blessing which God gave up with a sleeveless summer dress. Publlahera Repreaentatlvea: IMa our economic cycles is reinforced, to Adam and Eve on the day of been something of a chain of re­ between the two, it seemed main­ Lupton as "Connecticut’s leading •Tullua Mathewa Special Agency — lYav again, by emploj-ment statistics leases from the district's incum­ ly a difference of choice of termi­ Republican conservative," thus York Chicago Detroit and Boaton. their creation was amply fulfilled. nology and language. Lupton is m em ber audit bureau 08 for this month of August. Man did become fruitful; he did bent Republican state senator. resolving any confusion which CmCUUtTIONS. multiply and replenished the John Lupton of Weston, all of a sort of maverick of the right, may have resulted from the Mar­ The total number of Americans which, summarizing speeches and who sometimes takes a smiling silius appearance on the scene. The Herald Printing Company Inc., at work is the highest number earth and he did gain dominion WINDOW SHADES aaaumea no financial reaponalbllltr tor over all living creatures. proclamations he has made at CONNECTICUT 6 ? typographic J errora appearing In ad- various points throughout the ever recorded for August—68,539,- However, man went one step Tertfaemen'A and other reading matter 000. The general economic picture state, have seemed to be building WASHABLE in The Hancbeater Evening Herald further and began to subdue also a certain kind of political posi­ which such a statistic reflects Is INTERSTATE Dlapiay adveraalng closing hours: I his fellowman. Dominion over oth­ tion, as a sort of labor of public Extended Health Insurance For Monday—1 p.m Friday valid. We are climbing swiftly out er men was not included in God's love on the part of Lupton. AQUA SHADES For Tuesday—] p.m Monday. I blessing and that is why mankind In the midst of such purposeful For Wedneada'Wednesday—1 p.m “Tuesday. of our brief recession; we are PRESCRIPTIONS O AE Made to Order For~ Thumday- 1 p.m. Wednesday. prosperous: and, wiUi all the Ber­ has not been able to create the and measured contributions to F o r Friday—1 p.m. Thursday. desired Garden on earth. Republican public thought in the ^ ■ 0 3 With Your RoUers For Saturday—1 p.m. Friday. lin crisis spending ahead of us, we Clasatfled deadline: 10:30 a.m. When men and nations will state, there came, the other day, 175 day of publication except Saturday— are going to be more prosperous a full-fledged and forceful procla­ Full Line of Custom t Am ceasvi to rule, to dominate, and to PAYS UP TO $10,000 FOR MAJOR MEDICAL CARE... REQUIRES NO still. subjugate other men and na­ mation of position from one New­ East Center man Marsilius, a resident of the 9-9814 VENETIAN BLINDS TTiursday, Aug;ust 81 But. even while this Ij happen­ tions, the era of peace, brother­ Street towTt of Trumbull, and, until the WE DELIVER ing. another statistic la standing hood and happiness will dawn upon the w'orld. Ribicoff landslide of 1958. Repub­ E. A. JOHNSON Sanity Loses A Foothold still. This is the statistic which lican senator from the 25th dis­ PHYSICAL EXAM... ENROLLMENT SEPTEMBER 1-30 shows the percentage of the avail­ Rabbi Leon Wind, trict. PINE PHARMACY PAINT CO. The decision to resume nuclear able labor force which still re­ Temple Beth Sholom. If, at this point, one took an 664 CENTER STREET—CORNER OF ADAMS testing is the most alarming thing mains jobless even in the midst of 723 Main S t, Tel. MI 9-4501 (4) EFFECTIVE DATE OF INSURANCE 65. The program was established by the leading Russia has done in a long time. such prosperity. That remains at health insurance companies listed below. These eom- It Is especially alarming because This enrollment period extends from September 1 approximately 7 per cent, where through Septembw 30, 1961. If you enroll in this panics are pooling their resources and their experi­ It does not seem to make sense. it haa been for nine montha. We period, you will be insured on October 1, 1%1. ence to give you the insurance protection you need. Russia announced a unilateral have never hitherto accepted a fig­ CONNECTICUT 65 BENEFITS ExMptlen: If you are not eligible to apply during suspension of nuclear testing In ure thla high aa a harmonious part FEEL LIKE A (8) RESPONSIBLE RELATIVES, March, 1958. 'nils was a surpris­ of a prosperity picture. If we were this enrollment period but become eligible prior to please note! ing, Imaginative, positive action to call the recession cured, by old- MANCHESTER ILLS $10,000 MAXIMUM gflJMO MAXIMUM January 1,1963, you may enroll during the calendar If you have an older person in your family whn MAJOR MEDICAL for Russia in the w'orld—almost fashioned standards, this figure MAJOR MUNCAL month in which you first become eligible or during might be hard pressed to meet the heavy costa of t the only such action which can be would have to fall below 6 per TEXAS MILLIONAIRE! the next succeeding calendar month. In either case, Cost (monthly paymant) $10.00 $ 7.50 major medical situation, you have a real opportunity credited to Russia in the post-war cent. It shows no signs of doing so. you will become covered aa of the first day of the now! Take one of the following courses of action era. For it, Russia reaped world 17.00 14.50 One half of the explanation is, WHh Connaeticut 65 Basic calendar month next following enrollment. before the midnight deadline of September 30: acclaim. And, as a good act, it was obriously, that our available labor Oil wells aren’t the so powerful that it could force the force keeps increasing, as a sim­ only things that Maximum lifatim* banafita $10,000 $5,000 (5) HOW THE PLAN WORKS (1) Encourage that person to enroll right away. United States into compliance ple population factor. But the Maximum banafita in any ont ealondar yoar 5,000 2,500 (2) Make that person a gift of Connecticut 65 cover­ with it, so that we too, the follow­ “work while you After you have incurred a "deductible” in a calendar other half haa to be that the econ­ year equal to $100 plus the amount of benefits pay­ age. Your signature is all that is required. ing August, also bound ourselves omy is no longer expanding its Exponsos covorod by tho Plan Includo: Up to a maximum of: sleep!” Your sav­ able (or to which you could have been entitled) to an Informal moratorium on nu­ employment opportunities as it DISCOUNT WORLD Genoral or Spocial hospital room (9) THREE IMPORTANT GUARANTEES clear tests, while negotiations for under Connecticut 65 Basic, Connecticut 65 Major used to. As the population grows, ings here keep on AT THE GREEN-511 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE $18 a day $15 a day ONE. . . If you are not entirely satisfied with the and board chargos pays up to $5,000 of the additional expenses of that a fonnal and permanent test ban the percentage of unemployment Plan, you may return your enrollment booklet with­ could take place. earning EXTRA Surgeons' foes on stated schodulo $600 $360 year under the $10,000 maximum and up to $2,500 remains the same, which means FREE PARKING • AIR-CONDITIONED • Ml 9-1509 in ten days of receiving it. Your first month’s pay­ That American decision was that the total number of appar­ money for you Physicians' fsss $6 a day $5 a day under the $5,000 maximum. In your lifetime, the former will pay up to $10,000 and the latter up ment will be refunded. taken in spite of divided counsels, ently permanently unemployed USB oua LAYIAWAY FLAM— $1 SO WILL HOW ANY PIHtCHiASC Rsglstsrod Graduate Nurses' foss $18 a day $15 a day and ever since American policy keeps increasing. month in, month to $5,000. TWO . . . Your coverage will not be canceled so long Convalsscsnt Hospital room and board $10 a day $8 a day as you remain eligible and make timely monthly has been of two minds, one anx­ So far, the only approach to this out. Start saving Covered expentea consist of two types: Type 1 and ious to resume testing at all costs, problem has been one which con­ (On transfer by doctor after at least fivs ($900 max. ($720 max. Type II. Type I expenses include hospital room and payments, unless the Plan is discontinued for all the other conscious of the price siders these permanently jobless here regularly! OPEN 10 A .M . to 10 P.M. MON. thru SAT. days in a gonsrsi hospital) a yaar) a year) bMrd chargee plus miscellsneous hospital extras. members. You, of course, have the right to cancel we would have to pay in world people individuals who have been i d Drugs and madicinos requiring proscription yes yas Type II expenses include surgeons’ fees, physicians’ at any time. prestige if we were the first to re­ hit by the disappearance or de­ Diagnostic x-ray and laboratory examinations yes yes fees, feat of registered graduate nurses, and certain THREE . . . Any change made in premium rates or sume testing. cline of some specific industry, medical servicea and supplies not hospital-furnished benefits will not adversely affect any claim baaed on and which proposes, as a remedy, Wonderful Styles For The Campus! Anesthetics and oxygen yes yas The Kennedy administration such as drugs and medicines requiring prescription, expenses incurred prior to the change. giving them special training so CURRENT ANNUAL OPEN TODAY mustered, for .the negotiations at JUMOR-MISSES' JUMOR-MISISES' Blood and blood plasma yes yea x-rays, laboratory examinations, etc. Connecticut 65 Geneva, a more slncei'e and thor­ they can find jobs in some new DIVIDEND Major pays the first $250 of Type I expenses plus HURRY TO JOIN NOW . . . ENROLLMENT ough effort to bring those negotia­ kind of occupation. This is a UNTIL 8 P.M. WOOL 80% of the balance and pays 80% of Type II tions toward success than had the worth while, inteUIgent endeavor, COTTON DRESSES PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: This chart outlines generally the benefits of Connecticut 65 PERIOD ENDS AT MIDNIGHT SEPTEMBER 30 * * -ft expenses, after the deductible. Elsenhower administration. This which can be Invaluable for aome Major Medical. To appreciate and undarstand axactly and fully what this new plan providts (10) HERE'S ALL YOU DO TO JOIN: new effort was greeted, In a cycle Individuals and aome communi­ CARDIGANS and does not provide, you should read the complete details. The benefits summarized in (6) EXCLUSIONS (1) Clip and fill out one enrollment form completely of events altogiether typical of all ties. But one doubts that it has this table are subject to Sections 5 and 6 at right. East-West negotiations, with a much relationship to the main ata- The principal exclusion! of Connecticut 65 Ex­ for each individual joining. For your conveni­ Russian retreat from positions tlatic Involved. That aUll aaya that -»**<*«» 78SS aiatST MBABCIAt laSflTBTfa' tended Health Inaurance are; injuries and diseases ence two forms are attached—one for you, /ffOZ onoe considered agreed upon. It we are heading toward one of two covered by Workmen’s Compensation; care for one for your spouse or other member of your became apparent that Russia was eventual necessities—either some $ V l . 9 7 mental and nervous conditions outside a hospital; family. BRANCH OFFICE—ROUTE 81, COVENTRY no longer interested in the test extraordinary means of expanding dental eare; expenses paid for under any employer (2) .Attach check or money order made payable to ban it Itself had originated. our production far beyond present plan or any government plan; diseases or injuries "Connecticut 65”. At this point. It became obiious horizons and apparent needs—or (1) CONNECTICUT 65 IS DESIGNED (2) CONNECTICUT 65 HELPS MAKE SURE arising out of any war. In addition, no benefits are (3) Mail to Connecticut 65, 650 Main St., Hartford that pressure upon President Ken­ some much greater artificial shar­ TO HELP MEET THE COSTS OF YOU CAN PAY YOUR OWN WAY New fall pattema and 100% imported virgin wool, boxy payible during the first nine months of coverage for nedy to restune testing was in­ ing of the work which Is avail­ BOTH LONG- AND SHORT-TERM Frequently, the heavy costs of illness or injury after 3, or give it to any agent or broker licensed to styles, dark prints, style in green, red, oxford gray, a condition for which the individual had medical creasing, and that very soon he able. plaids and solids. Sizes MEDICAL CARE age 65 work serious hardships on others near and write health insurance in Connecticut. Jmagenta and turquoise. Sizes 34 expenies during the ninety daya preceding the effec­ would probably do America the in­ 5 to 15, 10 to 20. V to 40. This long-awaited, widely-hailed plan is offered in dear. To pay the bills, a ion may have to mortgage tive date of his coverage. Other limitations are set OR, IF YOU PREFER... jury and Russia the favor of mak­ two parts in order (a) to make money for extended his home . . . a grandson may have to give up college. Safe For Politics Again? forth explicitly in the enrollment booklet which each ing this country the first to re­ medical expenses available to those who presently Connecticut 65 can help eliminate such unhappy dial OPERATOR and ask for ENTERPRISE B56S sume nuclear testing. One barometer—accuracy never A-B-C-D possibilities. The following typical cates show how: enrollce receives. BACK-TO-SCHOOL IN SMART FASHIONS carry only basic hospital-surgical coverage, and (b) Your name and address will be recorded snd you will Then yesterday, Russia made toUlly guaranteed—for reading a to provide the broadest possible range of benefits to be sent descriptive literature plus additional enroll­ the announcement itself, and took (7) THE RROBRAM HAS SOLID crisis Is the mood and attitude of those who presently have no health insurance. Pamt ment forms. the blame to itself. the loyal opposition at Washing­ PNEUMONIA...... 3 990 Total aapanu SUPPORT AND BACKING G4R1S' A is called Connecticut 65 Major. Past B is called Doing BO, It was fully aware of ton. GIRLS' Paid by Ceanadicut tS Buie You may place complete confidence in Connecticut Fdufards Connecticut 65 Basic. . 168 or is u iM otbar way...... the loss It would be taking in the Consulting this barometer, one Th£ S h o e f o r Ch il d r e h mind of the world. Its extended Paid by Connscticut IS Major.. . 620 would say that the Republican in­ DATE OF BIRTH t u ENROaEC'S PRINCIPAL PIAC( but w'eak defense of its decision C O A T SETS 3 7 « Total banaltt I HAMt ca IM O U II (INDIVIOUXl TO BC INSUSCO-HUSBANO OP RESIDENCE telligence at Washington thinks DRESSES PART A... Connecticut 65 Major I ^ a n d Win MUST SteARAmV ENSOUL) (SIracL CRY anO StaEa) proves that it knows the propa­ that the worst of the Berlin crisis f LUNG CANCER...... $2,517 Total axponia I Middle Q MalB Q FmubIb This coverage is designed to help provide protection I Mo. 0$y Yr. ganda price it la about to pay. It may be over. Paid by Connscticut 65 Bisic ! t n t ______Tlf»> indul against the financial drain which comet with a pro­ in seme olhtr way...... 785 ! ' IfN b i l A i T6------seems likely that, by waiting a For what the barometer reveals % or longed illness or a serious accident. It pays beyond i Paid by ConnKticut 65 Major. . 1,237 little while, it could have seen us is that Republican National Chair­ I St.l. the benefits provided by most basic hospital-surgical $2,022 TeUI baaafit wo. AWe STREtT ______CITY AND ZONE take the risk and pay the price, man William Mlllfr, who la a NAME OF ENROILEE'S SPOUSE BRAIN HEMORRHAGE ...... $3,332 Total expanse HAS ENROLlie MEN CONFINED IN A and had its own renewed freedom shrewd and Intelligent fellow, as plans. You have your choice of two coverage levels: HOSPITAL IN CAiT 31 DAYS) Q Y«» □ No IMPORTANT Paid by Coonacticut 65 Basic W IN a O U C E NOW INSURED UNDER ANY PLAN OR POLICY PROVIDING BASIC THIS SECTION TO BE COM. to test Just the same. PLETED ONLY IF ENROLLEE political chietaina go, has begun HOSPITAL OR aURSICAL SENEFITSF O Y. i □ N® $10,000 MAXIMUM MAJOR MEDICAL: or in aoma olhar way...... 497 HAS REACHED 55TH BUT It Enroll** Gainfully Employad for 30 Hour* or MorB This Russian willingness to defy again the business of attacking NOT 65TH BIRTHDAY A lesson Paid by Connaeticut 65 Major . . 2,191 R •■YES" EnrsIlM May Enrol I Only For Ophon 1 or 2.______Par Waak? □ Vat □ No______the opinion and wish of mankind— President Kennedy as an appeaser, Pays up to $10,000 during your lifetime. Costs CHECK MONTHLY I HEREBY REPRESENT THAT AIL OF THE ABOVE ANSWERS ARC TRUE AND $2,636 Total bonsKt ONE PAYMENT CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND RELIEF AND SHALL FORM coming in the very same area in as a fellow who is soft on Com­ $10.00 a month. OPT IONS THE BASIS UPON WHICH THE INDIVIDUAL NAMED MAY BE ENROLLED fOR HEART ATTACK...... $1,568Totil upODM CONNECTICUT 65 EXTENDED HEALTH INSURANCE. which Russia had previously found munism. worth learning! 1. SIO.OOO MAXIMUM MAJOR MEDICAL O $10.00 100% all wool, tweeds, plaids, Fine quality broadcloths. Paid by Connaeticut 65 Basic., that this opinion and wish of man­ $5,000 MAXIMUM MAJOR MEDICAL: There have been some weeks solids in the most wanted fab­ "Dan River” woven plaids or in toma other way...... 437 a. a 1,000 MAXIMUM MAJOa MeOKAL O i 7.50 kind had been powerful enough to (dunrds shoe quality is as easy to Pays up to $5,000 during your lifetime. Costs $7.50 a. 110.000 MAXIMUM MAJOR MEDICAL 1“] when Congreseman Miller, and rics. Orion pile, heavily quilt- and checks. Wash-n-wear Paid by Connecticut 65 Major. . . . 779 PLUS BASIC 1—1 $17.00 SIGNATURE OF PERSON REQUESTING ENROLLMENT DATE SIGNED compel the United States to follow any Republican who had any learn as the alphabet. Just come combed cottons. Latest styl­ a month. 4. a l.oeo MAXIMUM MAJOR MEDICAL |~| (If Other Than Individual Enrolling Give Ralatlonihtp) lined. Some with mouton col­ $1,216 Totil bsflifit PLUS BASIC U J $14.50 a Russian lead—represents a gam­ sense, must have been trembling ing in the newest fall colors. OFFICE USE ONLY in and look them over closely. . . lars. Sizes 2-8. Sizes 3 to 14. STROKE...... $1,496 Totil upoesi CHICK ea MONEY ORDER FOR ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE ble on the part of Russia which is PAVAILt TO OONNECTICUT SS AND SENT TO: in his survival boots for fear Todlins for pre-schoolers and PART B... Connacticut 65 Basic Paid by Connecticut 65 Baak disconcertingly bold. ast CONNECTICUT U 050 MAIN STREET HARTFORD 3, CONNECTICUT President Kennedy was going to ^unrds Regulars for the school or in aome other way...... 146 This Is not to say that it would be far too rash and too thuggy Connecticut 65 Basic is designed to help meet Paid by Connecticut 65 Major. . . . 1,029 Bot have been equally bad, and towards Communism. During set. You’ll notice the quality GIRLS' POLO SHIRTS GIRLS' SO X burdensome, short duration hospital-surgical ex­ ENROLLEE'S PRINCIPAL PLACE $1,177 Total bodoflt d a t e o f b ir t h 8EX NAME OF ENROLLCE (INDIVIDUAL TO IE INSURED-HUSBAND OF RESIDENCE equally serious, and equally alarm­ these weeks, a sensible Republican right away. You’ll like the styl­ 100% orlon morpul top, stretch penses. It is offered at the individual’s option as a FRACTURED H IP...... $ 717 Total uponii ^ a n d w i f i m u s t s e p a r a t e l y ENROLL) (StraaL City and tU t* ) ing, If we had been the first to could have been forgiven If he had Fancy weaves with novelty foot to fit sizes 9 to 11. White, aupplement to Connecticut 65 Major and pays in any MIddlB O Mala Q FamalB ing. Then watch how we fit them. Paid by Connecticut 65 Basis Initial Day Vr. resume nuclear testing. In that longed for the good old days of green, black, turquoise, magenta ...... 41$ As sure as 2 and 2 are 4 . . . trims, turtle neck, standup and rust. one calendar year: (1) General or Special Hoapital or in aoma other way...... r a n r case, W'e too would have been put­ ...... 174 John Foster Dulles, whose brink- Cduiards is THE SHOE FOR collars. All new colors to blend room and board charges up to $12 a day for 31 days Paid by Connecticut 65 Major. ting ourselves in defiance of the memship was relatively tame com- I Knee Sox. Sizes 9-11 . . . ,88c of confinement: (2) up to $125 for miscellaneous $ 567 Totil bonoW Sfata MO. AND 8TRCET CITY AND ZONE opinion of mankind, following CHILDREN. with skirts. Sizes 3-14. ' " ’ NAME OF ENROLLEE’S SPOUSE pared to that practiced by the' 75% orlon, 25% stretch nylon. hospital charges; (3) surgeons’ fees according to a "M il tNSOLLlt ailN CONfINSO IN A _g_Na_ IMPORTANT what we thought our own national young man now in the W hite' achedule with a maximum of $360. Examples: Up to h o s p it a l in U S T 31 PAYS? □ T t l IS IN B O IL K Nbw INSURED UNDIR A N r^LA N OR POLICY PROVIDING BASIC THIS SECTION TO BE COM­ policy necessities required. House. During these weeks. Re­ PLETED ONLY IF ENROLLEE — $60 is payable on a limple fracture of the ankle; up (3) YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PASS h o s p it a l o r SUBQICAL SINtFITSI □ Ya, □ Na HAS REACHin 55TH RUT it Enroll** Gainfully Employad for 30 Hour» Of Mord But the real hope was, of publican political proclamation BOYS' BACK TO SCHOOL A PHYSICAL EXAMINATION! NOT 65TH BIRTHDAY -Par ...... Weak? i-s□ aYa» -.. r-* Non,* BOYS' to $210 is payable for gall bladder removal. N ••YC8" Cnrotla* May Enroll Only For Option 1 or 2. FRER I HEREBY REPRESENT THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE ANSWERS ARE TRUE^ANO course, that neither we nor Russia was limited tc open support of the CHECK MONTHLY Believe it or not, you can qualify for Connecticut PAYMENT CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AND SHALL FORM would dare, in the final moment, President's firmness and boldness, “Yo-yo” With Every Connecticut 65 Basic can be purchased only as • OPTIONS ONE THE BASIS UPON WHICH THE INDIVIDUAL NAMED MAY BE ENROLLED FOR DRESS SLACKS SUBURBAN COATS 65 Extended Health Insurance without a phyiical CONNECTICUT 65 EXTENDED HEALTH INSURANCE. to break the nuclear test mora- accompanied by a silent prayer Pair Of Shoes! supplement to Connecticut 65 Major . . . and only if 1. $10,000 MAXIMUM MAJOR MEDICAL axamination. You need only be 65 or over and re­ torium. that he wouldn't go too far. • you have no other basic plan of health insurance in t. $ S.OOO MAXIMUM MAJOR MEDICAL It was, while it lasted, one small force. It if, however, NOT intended to be a substi­ side in the State of Connecticut. You must also not 1. $10,000 MAXIMUM MAJOR MEDICAL But now, apparently, things ASK ABOUT OUR PLUS BA$iC SIGNATURE OF PERSON REQUESTING ENROLLMENT DATE SIGNED symbol of possible sanity in the have eased up a bit, and President tute or a replacement for any other basic plsn of have been in a general, special or convalescent hospi­ ^ $ 8,000 MAXIMUM MAJOR MEDICAL (If othar Than Individual Enrolling Gtv* Ralatlonthip) FAMILY PLAN $14.50 wwld. Kennedy has been tough enough % . 5 4 health iniurance. If you'already have an adequate tal during the 31 days prior to enrolling. If your OFFICE USE ONLY *2.77 CHECK OR MONEY ORDER POR ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE In the w'orld of hard cold war to release his Republican friends 80% wool, 10% nylon, 10% rayon in checks and plaids. basic hospiUl-surgical plan, keep it. If you do not, spouse is 55 or older . . . and not gainfully employed PAYAiLt TO CONNECTICUT 88 AND SENT TO: Wash ’n wear flannels, gabardines. 75% wool, 25% ny­ policy, Russia has dons us a favor, into the pleasant luxury of the old, 20% OFF ON ALL AGCESSORIES; Some with detachable hoods. Sizes 4-8. you may lubacribe to Connecticut 65 Basic when at least 30 hours a week . . . she or he may also <92 CONNECTICUT <9 <80 MAIN STREET HARTFORD 3, (CONNECTICUT of taking the lead blame for some­ perennial political game of those lon. Sizes 4-18 OTHGRSi—sizes 10 to 16 ...... $7.87 you subscribe to Connectieut 65 Major. join the Flan. thing our own cold war policy also SNEAKERS, RUBBERS, SLIPPERS WHEN PURCHASED who are out of power during the WITH A PAIR OF SHOES NOW THROUGH SEPT. 2 waatsd to do. But It 1s a grisly, cold war—that of charging those •mlnous flavor Russia has doos us. who are in power with being soft ASSOCIATED CONNECTICUT HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES Ib plBos ct the slim, tantatlvs hold BOYS' WESTERN JEANS BOYS' CREW SOX on Communism.

. I MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 PAGE BLBVKN PAM nN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 80, 1961 Coventry ws balisva. W# ask you IntslUgsnt eltlMni, U this i;ood plannlnf?'\ Bolton Home Gardenei^s Notebook School RegiBtratioftB 94th Pentomic Kennedy Accuses Russians Regional 8 according to a statement releaaed Obituary Town Dump Problems Why Nikita Dedication Set , by Morris. $338,829 Budget Registrations for all public Heads to Catnp> BullaUn Boivd elementary schools In Manches­ Services at the Second Congre­ Of Blackmail with N-Tests For High School Goes to Printer Ten Tips for Easier Gardening ter will be held Friday from 9 Boston,. Aug. 81 (ffl—A movement Lifted Ban Damarjian Is Named gational Church Sunday will be at a.m. to noon In the adminis­ of Heavy military aquipment. in­ Put in Expert’s Hands The new Coventry High School 11 a.m. The Rev. Edwin C. Melne- trative offices of all the schools.. cluding artillery and tanks, started (OaatteMd from P ug* Om ) Sam Ginsburg, ker, pastor, will , use "The Car­ Copies of a budget for the town By ALLAN SWENSON gera of a thermo-nuclear holo­ will be dedicated at 2 p.m. Sunday. of Bolton totaling 5338,829.45 for from Massachusetts for Camp caust." penter’s Son” as his sermon topic. Written for Drum, N, Y., today as the 94th ttwt th« United Stntes h u nuclear An expert on sanitary engineering has been retained by School Superintendent The open house program will be The Women’s Auxiliary to the the 1962 fiscal year have been sent Newspaper Enterprise Asen. He called Ambassador Arthur Jeweler, Dies On N-Tests to (he printer in preparation for / \ Pentomic Infantry Reserve Division weaponi In lulllcient numbers and H. Dean home from nuclear test General Manager Richard Martin for $500 to help Manches­ from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Coventry Volunteer Fire Associa­ Summer brings a host of activi­ prepared for Ha annual two weeks of such destructive power as to be ban treaty negotiations with Rus­ The program will be conducted tion of South Coventry will have a presentation to the annual public V ^ / BESUURV80WtNC CHOOSE SHRUBS THAT VKOWY Local Stocks of combat training. Samuel Oinsburg, owner of ter solve the town’s pi-oblems in controlling the disposal area (OoBttnned from P»ge One) Aram Damarjian will be the^ married and the father of three food sale at 10 a.m. Saturday at hearing on Sept. 7. The new budg­ ties to compete for your time. Use OJT&ROVt TH EIR LOCATION •‘wholly adequate” for the defense sia at Geneva. on Olcott St. new superintendent of achoola for boys. His oldest son Is a Junior at by the Coventry School Building Tremblay's store on Rt. 31. et represents a 526,833.45 Increase these work-saving tips to get the Advance partle.* starting today And word went out from the Dewey-Rlchman Co. at 767 Main The general manager sal4 he expected diplomatic showdown on were led by MaJ. Smith W. Collins not only of this country, but of St., died this morning at Manches­ Tbe dump has been the cause of RegtonsLl District High School 8 Central Connecticut State Oollegs. Committee and the Coventry Board There will be a dance for local over that adopted for 1961. most from your garden and give Quotaaona Pnrnlahed by White House that in the next 24 bitter complaints lately from reel- did not know which fund would Berlin and Germany. Thla la the and the elementary schools of An­ His second son Is a freehman at teen-agers at 8 p.m. Saturday at The revised budget for the board Coburn 4k HIddInbrook, Inc. of Haverhill. Its Allies and the free world. hours the President wanted po­ ter Memorial Hospital. He was 64. be drawn on to pay the consult­ of Education, The dedication com­ you more time to enjoy it. A .lecond echelon gets rolling to­ Mr. Ginzburg had lived in Man­ dents of both Manchester and most obvious factor involved. All dover, Hebron and Marlborough, the University of New Hampshire, mittee is Joseph Motycka of the the Nathan Hale Community Cen­ of education includes a 54,125 In­ Bank Stoeka , Assistant press secretary An­ licy meetings with the Defense, ing engineers' salary, but that the and the youngest boy is a aeventh Regular lawn mowing Is necces- SPfLAV .RE60LARY morrow from *ix cities: Boston, drew Hatcher was asked whether chester since 1949 when he pur­ East Hartford. the big powers are putting up succoring Charles Abell who will blinding committee, and Mrs. Alma ter. Chaperons will be Mr. and crease for tuition to Manchester; Bid Asked Atomic Energy and State Depart­ chased the Main St. jewelry and money could be taken from the retire Oct. 11. grade student in Colchester where Mrs. Lionel G. Jean, assisted by an increase In salary for the school aary. But you can speed up this job Lawrence, Worcester. Brockton, this statement about the strength Town officials said Tuesday garbage fund, the highway fund, their sternest front In anticipation Heckler, and Walter E. Tedford, Conn. Bank and Truit Pittsfield and Springfield. The ment advisers and with congres- stationery supply store. He lived night that the altuatlon, cauMd As a member of the ataff of the the family resides. both of the board of education. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Pear­ secretary from 51,875 to 52,820 in several ways. Avoid irregular Co...... 56 59 of the U.S. nuclear arsenal implied esional chieftains. or the engineering department of what diplomats call "the crunch Damarjian received his bachelor son. major troop movement beg(ins Sat­ that the United States has decided at 37 Elizabeth Dr. by fires out of control, was the Rural Supervisory Service, State The program will Include guided due to the fact that the secretary plantings on or sround the lawn HarUord National urday, when some 8.000 reservists The Soviet move, coming in the He was born in Lowell Miuu., a "worst” since the dump was open­ fund. on Berlin.” Department of Education, Damar­ of arts degree in history and in­ tours conducted by the students. The Waterfront Heights Asso­ will be working full time at the that require extra trimming, Bank and Tnist Co. 55'-j 69 (.s •'at least for the time being” midiit of the Berlin crlcis, struck Chester Langtry, deputy direc­ 2. The Soviet Union, like the ternational relations in 1988 and leave from armories throughout the against resuming nuclear weapons son of Morris and Lena Shapiro ed. jian is an employee of the State Members of Qreen-Chobot Post ciation will have a public spa­ school and not dividing her time 1. Where beds and borders join CLEAN H-6HABPEN TOOLS SOAK DEPP WHEN VWTeftm Fire Insnranoe Companlee state. top Washington officials as a high­ Ginsburg, and was a graduate of Leroy 'VanKleeck of Bow'e Al­ tor of public works, explained United States and Britain, has Department of Education. His his masters’ degree in education No. 52, American Legion, will con­ ghetti and meat ball supper at between work for the board and lawns, grass often becomes a weed­ testing. Hatcher replied, "that’s ly significant turn for the worse Tuesday that the fires at the worked out theoretical advances Aetna Fire ...... 120 125 Division Commander Maj. Qen. the way I would Interpret it, but Lowell Schools. Before coming to bertson and Associates, consulting seiVices will be provided without in 1939 fron. Clark University, duct the dedication of the flag, 6:30 p.m. Saturday at the private the school: 5900 for renovations to ing problem among the plants. It Michael J. Galvin of Newton said in Soviet policy toward the rest Manchester, he was in the jewelry dump since Aug. 13 have b s e n to her existing nuclear weapons. cost to the'region and the three Worcester, Mass. After a year development clubhouse. There will Room 19 in the basement; 5100 also moves Into walks and drive­ Hartford Fire ...... 80’i 84 4 it’s up to you." of the world with these immediate engineers, and formerly principal which it has given. The Legion National Fire ...... 143 153 moat of his units will travel by Congressional leaders' were gen­ business in the Boston and Prov­ sanitary engineer with the State caused by an underground fire Theee cannot be proved, however, towna. and a half during 1942 and 1943 color bearers and color guards will be family charge. A Chinese auc­ for the food services since the ways. commercial bus, with an accent on ly predictable results: idence areas. that broke loose, a fire started by without new tests. Khrushchev as a teacher at the Nathan Hale- tion will be held. Families attend­ board decided not to discontinue 2. Edging lawns keeps them neat. Phoenix Fire ...... 116 126 erally closed-mouthed about the 1. It will produce a new burst Health Department, division of Damarjian has been principal Included Commander Eugene Rych- speed —with safety. White House conference after re­ He was a member of Germania sanitary engineering, has been re­ a cigarette, and a fire that was apparently feels he can’t wait any of RIHIAM High School since July Ray High School in Moodus, ha Ilng; chaplain Stanley J. Harris; ing have been asked to bring their the cafeteria this year. Use bricks, cinder blocks, wood or • A1ULTH AROUND BLACK PLASTIC OR MULCH Lite and Indemnity Inn. Coa. "In the ev’ent of mobilization It of effort by the big powers in the Lodge of Masons in Boston and tained by the town. either set by children or started longer. 1960. Previously he had been prin­ became assistant principal and own silverware. The board of finance will not in­ similar materials for attractive Aetna Casually ....139 149 turning to the capitol. nuclear arms race, especially senior vice commander La'Vvrence I TREES ri-'SHRUBS SAVES WORK WfEDINfr Aetna Life ...... 128 133 is quite poa.sible that units will be Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illi­ the Tall Cedars of Lebanon In Man­ ”It is expected that his recom­ from spontaneous combustion. 3. The 3-ipower negotiations at cipal of Bacon Academy, Col­ teaching coach at Durham High Perry aergeant at arms James clude the 51,500 item for the dog visible borders. If you prefer to use forced to utilize commercial trans­ since the Moscow announcement chester, and Temple Beth Sholom. Genova were deslg(ned to produce Manchester Evening Herald warden and rental of the pound in Conn. General ...... 263 278 nois, the Senate GOP lender, said spoke of developing a 100-megaton mendations will Include rules and Langtry and Martin agreed that chester, for 13 years. School in Durham. In 1947 ha Hoyt, aluminum, steel or plastic invisible portation,” he explained. The main the only thing he was authorized A widower, Mr. Ginsburg is sur­ regulations for close control by the best way to control the dump a treaty to which all the world’s Born in Providence, RJ., he la moved to Colchester. Coventry enrreiMpnndent, F. Pau­ the town budget this year but will edging, make sure it is set firmly Hftd. Steam Boiler 115 120 echelon will move on the Massa­ bomb (a force equivalent to 100 vived by a daughter, Paula T. Gins­ powers would subscribe. •The Coventry High School Choir line Little, telephone PI 2-6231. Travelers ...... 136 4 1414 to say was: million tons of TNT). the town of the disposal area as and prevent fires is to keep the will lead the National Anthem, fol­ take the necessary funds from the in the soil to avoid damaging lawn — V ON SLOPES chusetts Turnpike and the New "We will continue to keep our­ burg, at home; two sisters, Miss soon as the town commences the public out, but this can only be Many western authorities be­ dog license fund. mowers when you cut over It. Public Ctllltiea York Thruway. 2. It means an intensification of Daisy Ginsburg at home and Mrs. lieve Khrushchev found out he lowed by the laying of the corner­ In answer to a letter from the ( ) USE (SROUND APPLY ANTI-WILT selves prepared to test if and the Berlin dispute with its dan­ proposed combined collection of done when the town undertakes stone. 3. Soil sticks to dull, dirty hoes Conn. Light & Power 28 30 The 94th Division will replace the when, at any given time, it is Beatrice Funschelle of Mattapan, garbage and refuse (In Decem­ the entire responsibility for trash could never be sure the Chinese board of education, the finance and spades. Dull pruning shears COVERS SPRAYS OM EVER6REENS Hftd. Electric Light 73 4 76Vs 43rd National Guard Infantry Divi­ gers of a military clash In Ger­ Mass.; and six brothers, Edward, First Selectman Richard M. St. Mary’s Rector board reaffirmed its approval of deemed desirable that testing be many that could lead to nuclear ber)," said Martin. collection. Communists would agree to such AEC Set to Resume Galinat will give the welcoming and saws make cutting hard and Hartford Gas Co. ... 56 sion at Camp Drum. Units of the re.sumed." war. at home, Harold of Fall River, a pact and lacked the power to a 55,000 appropriation to secure often damage the wood which I Southern New England 43rd niviaion, made up of troop* Mass., George and Bernard, both of force them to do so. Russia's in­ address and Horace Seely-Brown Arrives in Town preliminary plans for additional from Connecticut. Rhode Island and 3 means repairs are needed. A few Telephone ...... 52 4 55's Elsewhere, well-informed au­ 3. It torpedoes the Geneva Con­ Sharon, Mass., and Lester and of Pomfret. Second District Con­ thorities held the view’ that test­ ference on a Nuclear Test Ban terest In getting a treaty began to school facilities. The education minutes to clean and sharpen tools out attack on pests that get out work. Peat moss, ground corn Vermont, will move out of Camp Douglas, both of Mattapan. Calls Ban Fatuous Blunder decline from that point. gressman of Connecticut, will give The Rev. George F. Nostrand board has asked for a special town of hand. Manufacturing Comuaniee Dnim early Friday morning on tha ing on Russia's part would force Treaty. The United States, Brit the dedication address. during the off-season will save cobs, straw and similar organic Arrow, Hart. Heg. . . 63 4 67 4 aln and Russia opened the con­ Private funeral services will be 4. And finally the control ar­ N-Weapons Testing has arrived in Manchester to as­ meeting to give townspeople a hours when the tools are needed. 8. Hand watering wastes time return to their home bases. the United States to resume and held In Lawrence, Mass., tomorrow, Motycka. as master of cere­ choice of voting for a junior high materials also conserve moisture Associated Spring . . 16 18 Tile Connecticut units are ex­ to do BO quickly. But it was evi­ ference In the fall of 19S8 when rangements envisaged In the monies, will introduce Bertron A. sume his duties as rector of St. 4. Use an Island of soil or mulch and water. Let a sprinkler do the Bristol Brass ...... 13 15 they suspended nuclear weapons and burial will be In the family Geneva negotiations carried im­ school, a junior-senior high school, around trees and shrubs. It pre­ work. Choose one that covers a and improve soil tilth. Black plas­ pected to reach their home ar­ dent that Kennedy was avoiding Hunt, achool building committee Mary’s Episcopal Church tomor­ Dunham Bush ...... 5 4 64 mories early F'riaay evening. at this time any move w’hich would testing; it had made no process plot In Pelham, N. H. Memorial plications from which Khrush­ Washington, Aug. 81 W — The9AEC’s vast testing ground In tha an addition to the present elemen­ vents grass near the base, and square or rectangular area, since tic stops weeds, keeps plants clean­ ■Week will be observed at his sis­ Dodd Leads Appeal chev backed away. chairman, with Hunt Introducing row. tary school, or "no, we do not need most lawns are in that shape. For er and cuts disease problems. Em-Har£ ...... 84 4 88 4 offset the Impact of the Soviet for months but up to yesterday all U.S. atomic weapons f*Bt aite in desert regions. the architects, Russell, Gibson and you’ll avoid bruising trunks when Fafnir Bearing ... . 54 58 decision on world public opinion. three powers had been unwilling ter's home in Mattapan. The United States and Britain He was also asked about a state­ The Rev. Mr. Nostrand is the any additional facilities,” trying to mow close. borders, beds and vegetable gar­ 10. Apply anti-wilt sprays to Ice Cold Cooler Friends are Invited to make con­ Nevada is ready on a stand-by basis vonDohlen, and representatives of The request for a special town dens, irrigate with inexpensive protect evergreens from summer N. B. M achine...... 21 23 If you don't an astringent The timing of U. S. counter- to force an open break. insisted from the first that any ment made in July before the former rector of Calvary Episco­ 5. On slopes where grass is thin North and Judd ... . 14'4 164 4. It shows Soviet disregard for tributions to the Cancer Fund in treaty banning atomic and hy­ but the time it would take to get Senate-House Atomic Committee the building contractor, Wadhams pal Chnrrh, Utica, N.Y., and dean meting Is expected to be consid­ soaking devices In hot, dry weath­ heafand drought injury. They are any other time, become a summer steps is evidently related to the lieu of flowers. and May. and mowing a problem, use ground er. Deep soaking is better than good on both narrow and broadlcaf Stanley Works .... . 154 174 time addict of this cooling lotion. meeting tomorrow of a conference opinion In western and neutralist drogen weapon tests would have going depends on the nature and by Col. Jack C. Ledford, of the of 27 Episcopal Churches in the ered by the board of selectmen at covers. Pachysandra, ivy, various countries. There had been hope For New U.S. Tests Defense Atomic Support Agency. Hunt will turn the keys of the a meeting tomorrow at 8 at the light wetting that would encour­ evergreens. Photosynthesis goes on Veedcr R o o t...... 50 4 544 Kept In the refrigerator between of neutralist nations at Belgrade. Mrs. Katherine T. Williams to contain an effective Internation­ aims of any trials that might be Second District of the Diocese of creepers and similar plants make the great powers would agree on al control system to prevent Ledford, referring to tentative new school over to Mrs. Heckler, Central New York. Community Hall. age shallow-rooted weeds. while the filmy transparent pro­ The above quotations are not to, it can be as cooling aa an Kennedy would like a favorable at­ Mrs. Katherine Tierney Wil­ ordered. And only the White House who in turn will introduce Super­ attractive foliage displays and re­ 9. Use mulch to .save weeding tection stops excessive drying. be construed as actual markets. air conditioner. titude on the part of the confer­ a permanent nuclear test ban as cheating. American plans to hold special un­ The rectorship of St. Mary’s Reservation Mixup quire minimum care. a first step toward broad-scale liams, 72, wife of George H. Wil­ (Continued from Page One) is no way of knowing whether the The two western powers ham­ could release information on such derground teats to explore pos­ intendent of Schools Royal O. An apparent mix-up in reserva­ ence tow'ard U. S. policies in gen­ liams of 105 Oxford St., died Communists have been conduct­ time-table rainges. was vacated by the resignation on 6. When you buy landscape eral, and In particular toward U. S. disarmament. mered at this theme month after sibilities of developing means for Fisher. Superintendent Fisher will Feb. 8 of The Rev. Alfred L. Wil­ tions at the Community Hall is shrubs, choose a variety that The Pre.sldent and his advisers suddenly this morning at Man­ Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo., ing secret underground tests dur­ month. At one stage in the long That is the sum of answers at detecting sneak tests, said all was Introduce the school faculty and expected to be resolved today. The reluctance to start up nuclear test­ a former Air Force secretary, ing the self-imposed U.S. mora­ the Atomic Energy (Jommlssion to­ liams, who died shortly after. The won’t outgrow Its location. That ing again. agreed that Russia would take a chester Memorial Hospital. negotiations It appeared that So­ in readiness to start the first low- Principal Francis A. Perrottl. Ref. Prescott Beach, former board of finance has scheduled its way you save hours of annual propaganda beating for Its de She was born in Ireland on Dec. said he is worried “about the way torium. viet delegate Semyon Tsarapkin day to questions about the time yield tests in Nevada 10 weeks The program will close with public hearing for Sept. 7, consid­ Nevertheless, officials concerned, cislon. The President’s statement we talk about Soviet Russia’s re­ Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, R- Involved if President Kennedy, resigned to be­ ered a standing re.servatlon from pruning and shearing. not wdth propaganda but with the 11, 1888, and has been a resident was moving toward the western po­ after a policy decision. tape by the Green-Chobot Post. come vicar in New Lenox, Mass., 7. An ounce of pest prevention reflected that conclusion. of Manchester for 66 years. She sumption of testing." N. Y., said national self-preserva­ sition. should order tests in response to The AEC spokesman said any American Legion, Bugler Walter year to year, while the Bolton UNDERWOOD hard realities of policy, said the "The Soviet government's decision “We don’t know of the Soviets tion requires acceptance of the re­ the Soviet decision to resume that and the Rev. Canon Thomas D. Junior Baseball League annual is worth pounds of cure. Check central question Is one of U. S. was the daughter of the late Then this spring the Russian tests of the type Ledford refer­ W. Elwell. Byrne, who served as part-time plants periodically and maintain to resume nuclear weapons testing I James and Margaret M u 1 h e r n ever stopped ‘ iting,’’ he said. ports that clandestine explosions delegation changed course. To its activity. red to would Involve devices al­ New 'Voter Tally banquet Is set for the same night military p>ower and security. They "Why should we assume they are An AEC spokesman said It is religious education director, is now at 6:30 p.m. a weekly spray or dust program. said no propaganda considerations will be met with deepest concern i Tierney. behind the Iron Curtain were nu­ other veto demands it brought In ready developed and immediately The registrars of voters have That avoids damaged plants or and resentment throughout the Mrs. Williams was a member of not testing?" clear tests. the "troika principle” for the top "not possible to say how socm testa available. assistant at St. Thomas' Episcopal Fuel Bids DEVILED HAM can be permitted to stand in the world,” Kennedy said. Symington suggested that advo­ could be resumed Mdthout knowing completed a preliminary list of Church in New York CJity. Bids on furni.shing fuel oil for having to make an expensive all- way of decisions which may be nec­ the Rockville Ehnblem Club and The Senate met three hours a.i.ninlstrative post in the control In contrast, he indicated, any voters in the town. In the first dis­ "The Soviet government’s de­ cates of disarmament, and some early to work on a thick stack of system. the kind of tests ordered, the tyi>es future weapons tests for other Since the Rev. Mr. Williams’ the town and gasoline for town essary to keep the United States past supreme president of the scientists, should get less attention of devices to be tested, and the trict there are 2,060 and in the retirement, the religious and pas­ In the strongest possible position. cision to resume nuclear weapons Supreme Emblem Club of the U.S. pre-adjournment legislation but Instead of having one neutral In purpose would involve devices trucks and other equipment will No. V/t testing presents a hazard to every now while experienced military grim-L.jed reaction to the Soviet general objectives of the tests.” not necessarily available as hard­ second district, 976. toral dutias of the church have be received by First Selectman The White House statement said: She was also past president of St. leaders receive consideration. this job, as the West wanted, the But as long ago as January the been handled by the Rev. Roman FOOD STORES human being throughout the world Agnes’ Guild in Hartford, and the nuclear move pushed that aside. Soviet delegate called for a 3-man ware on the shelf at the present TTre corrected preliminary list Charles A. Robbins at his home t For "What the Soviet Union is ob­ by increasing the dangers of nu­ Dodd said the U. S. ban on test­ board—a oieutral. a westerner and AEC said the test installation was time. has been filed In the town clerk's Harding of Hartford, a retired on Rt. 6 until 1 p.m. tomorrow. 37c viously testing is not only nuclear clear fallout. Daughters of Isabella In Manches­ ing was "the most fatuous blunder "This," said one senator, ’’ Is a being maintained "on a stand-by Episcopal priest. The bids will be opened and read THE BEST NEIGHBORHOOD STORES ter. She was a member of St. long step toward war." Another a Communist. In its most recent annual re­ office. ’The list from the printers devices but the wrill and determina­ "The Soviet government’s de­ in our history.” readiness state.” port last January the AEC re­ U expected Saturday. at the selectmen's meeting to­ 47 Or.. tion of the free world to resist such Bridget’s Guild. He said he could not understand suggested that President Ken­ But Khrushchev's underlying ob­ When asked by a reporter today morrow, CARRY SUGAR HEART FOOD PRODUCTS 45c cision to resume nuclear weapons nedy address the U.N. General jection to control all along was be­ iterated, in the strongest terms it Voters are urged to check in the SCIENTIFIC tactics and to defend freedom. testing Is in utter disregard of the Besides her husband, she is sur­ hy anyone "should trust the Soviet wheter at least a rough estimate ever used, a pet argument. That town office building to be sure Fund for Cant ft Cournnt Beverley Gage, daughter "The President is entirely confi­ vived by a son, George B. Wil­ Assembly. lieved to stem from the tradition­ desire of mankind for a decrease In Union which had broken a thou­ al Soviet reluctance to have for­ could be made of time scales for the halt in nuclear weapons tests their names appear on this pre­ of Mr. and Mrs. (Jharles Gage of V TRAINING dent that the size of the U. S. nu­ the arms race.” liams of Bolton; two brothers, sand agreements.” Several said the Russian move various kinds of tests — ranging represented a threat to the free Hartford, Aug. 31 (jD — The Hebron Rd. was the guest of hon­ clear weapons stockpile and the Michael Tierney of 282 Cooper St., underscored a need for the United eigners roaming at large In their liminary liat. >.. . « Oc. 17c The statement also said the de­ The Dodd resolution, which the territory. from the simplest to the most com­ world- The registrars of voters will be Hartford Courant Foundation has or at a per.sonal shower at her HEINZ KETCHUP 14 Oz. DOG YUMMIES capabilities of individual weapons cision indicates ’’the complete and James F. Tierney of 141 St. Connecticut Senator drafted Aug. States to drop Its self-imposed plex—the AEC spokesman said In that same report, the com­ received a check for 537,880 from home Tue.sday night. Guest.s were lo provido 27c and delivery systems are wholly moratorium and begin testing One western source put It this in session Sept. 7 at their new hypocrisy of (Soviet) professions John St.; two sisters. Mrs. Annie 9 and withheld until today await­ way: technicians immediately contacted mission declared: office St the Center School to make the estate of M. Oakley Stafford, present from East Hartford, Man­ adequate for the defense needs of about general and complete dis­ Hickey of Hartford and Mrs. ing development, calls for Imme­ again. would offer no such estimates. He "Weapons test facilities at the long time Coiirant columnist who chester and Bolton. Gage the United States and the free armament.” Repeated again and again was "No person can say with any said later that because "this Is a any corrections on the preliminary SKAT PASTE HAND SOAP Jumbo 35c Martha Gardner of Manchester; diate resumption of U. S. nuclear certainly what goes on inside Nevada test site have been main­ Hat. died July 2, 1959. and Alfred Logan will be married world.” The first word of the Moscow six grandchildren, amd several testing. the charge that the Russians, who matter of national concern,” only tained on a stand-by basis” The amount, announced in the at 11 a.m. Saturday in St. Mau­ HEINZ VEGETABLE SOUP 2 For 27C The big question as Kennedy con­ Khrushchev’s mind. There is con­ the White House could comment on Oil Pollution rice Church. policy switch reached the Presi­ nieces and nephews. It was co-sponsored by Sens. have professed desires for nuclear siderable evidence, however, to It said that its Pacific Proving newspaper today, represents one- FUTURES Dry X For 89e ferred with leaders of Congress dent In a curious and Inconclusive Funeral services will be held Gordon A 1 o 11, R-Colo., Styles disarmament, were h3T>ocrltical such matters. Grounds—at Enlewtok—had been The Waterfront Height.s Asso­ third, or the largest share, of the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Danielson and the administration wws wheth­ Bridges, R-N. H., John Marshall show that he went through a lot He said he could not comment ciation challenges the decision of of Colonial Rd. and their two chil­ TREND Liquid X For 89e A way. It was mentioned in a Tass from the John F. Tierney Funeral and had broken their word of second thoughts on the whole kept on a similar stand-by basis estate valued at 5150,359 at the er the United States would resume news agency dispatch broadcast Home, 219 W. Center St., Monday Butler, D-Md., Howard W. Cannon, Sen. George D. Aiken, R-'Vt., on a published report that It would until June 30, 1960, when the fa­ the zoning and planning commis­ time of Mrs. Stafford's death. dren have returned after a motor c o n t a d t HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD r For problem of nuclear test suspen­ take three weeks to get the sion In recommending the pur- 9 For 95c its owm tests quickly. from Moscow to central Russia at 9:15 a.m., followed by a solemn D-Nev., Hiram L. Fong, R-Ha- saw in the Russian announcement sion. cilities were made available to tha The funds will be used for the trip to Mrs. Daniel.son’s native / The White House statement also early yesterday afternoon Washing­ waii, J. J. Hickey, D-Wyo., Andrew Jackass Flats area of the Nevada Defense Department for its Pa­ ehase of the Moriarty property for state of Iowa. While there, they high Mass of requiem at St. a long stride toward war. But Aik­ "This probably came about when operation of Camp Courant, a C Oa. said: ^ ton time. The broadcast wag heard Bridget's Church at 10 a.m. Buri­ P. Schoeppel, R-Kan., Hugh Scott, en, a member of the Senate For­ teat site In readiness for tests. He cific missile range. s town park and beach, according visited Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Aurand, BLUE-WHITE FLAKES 25c "The President shares the dis­ R-Pa., George A. Smathers, D-Fla., the Geneva talks seemed to be did say Jackass Flats is not a to Harvey Morris, president. charitable organization. Mrs. Danielson's sister and hus­ by mtmitors outside Russia and re­ al will be in St. James' Ceme­ eign Relations (Committee, called within striking distance of produc­ But the AEC added; "The HEINZ SWEET MIXED PICKLES 7'/, Oz. appointment regrlstered throughout layed to the State Department tery. Herman E. Talmadge, D-Ga., for one more effort to get from weapons test area but one reserved (Ehlwetok) proving ground will re­ According to Morris, the direc­ band, in Ames, Iowa, and Mrs. 29c the world that serious and sus­ shortly after 4 p.m., Washington Strom Thurmand, D-S. C., and ing a treaty. for tests In connection with Ameri­ main available for commission ac­ tors of the as.soclatton claim "that POLICE AIDES BACKED Danielson's mother, Mrs. H. C. A Friends may call at the funeral the Russians some sincere nego­ "Such a treaty with its provi­ Hartford, Aug. 31 (g’) — Gov. tained attempts to ban nuclear time, officials later reported. John G. Tower, R-Tex. tiation toward a ban of nuclear can efforts to develop nuclear pow­ tivities if needed." the oil from the Gorris’ oil tanks Finney In Fort Dodge, Iowa. They SWEETHEART SOAP Sale ■* T o t 31e testing have come to this abrupt home Saturday and Sunday from The Senate and House Republi­ sions for International controls ered rockets and ramjets. The Eniwetok proving ground is has for years been polluting the John N. Dempsey has promised also visited the Iowa State Fair, At 4 o’clock President Kennedy 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p,m. weapons tests. would have meant some opening end.” had started a news conference. In can leaders. Sen. Everett M. Dirk­ The weapons test area in Nevada, the one reserved for testing weap­ park and beach of the Waterfront State Police Auxiliaries that the which is comparable, Mrs. Daniel­ KARO SYRUP RED OR BLUE LABEL 27c This second 'White House pro­ sen of Illinois and Rep. Charles "It is my guess,” Aiken said, up of the Soviet Union to inspec­ he said. Is the Frenchmen’s Flats ons in the hydrogen bomb cate- state government "will back your son said, to the Eastern States U the course of the conference he Mrs. Mary T. Richmond "that If testing Is resumed, war Heights and It should be expected nouncement added to the denuncia­ was asked abmit the Geneva nu­ A. Halleck of Indiana, noted at tion team.s. That country would and Yucca Flats section of the gory. to reach that proposed stvimmlng efforts all the way” during the Exposition at Springfield. BEADS O' BLEACH 18 Ox. 41c tion expressed by the White House Mrs. Mary Tracy Richmond, 90, their weekly news conference that won’t be very far away.” never again have been the closed coming Labor Day weekend. Ad­ clear test negotiations. He said that of 608 S. Main St., died this morn­ The suggestion that Kennedy society It is now. area before too long.” Pt. 410 last night soon after the Soviet Dean would stay there until the they have been urging that a They also claim that "there Is dressing a meeting of the aux­ Manchester Evening Herald v„ ing at her home after a brief ill­ deadline be set on nuclear test address the United Nations came "Someone must have gotten Bolton rorrespondent, Graee Mc­ -i-' MAZOLA OIL q t 71o decision was made known. end of next week. Then he would ness. She was the widow of Rob­ from Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, Rockville-V ernon only one solution to this menace iliaries here last night, the Gov­ i. Hatcher described Kennedy’s return home and report on future ban negotiations. Khrushchev's ear and explained and that Is to move, the oil tanlis ernor said the 3-day holiday is one Dermott, telephone Mitchell DUTCH CLEANSER Lg. SiM 2 For 25c conference this morning as one of ert Richmond “Now it seems that the dead­ D-Minn. TTils move, Humphrey this to him. He may have decided 3-6566. l^nf eLwyfcninwiU iMi prospects. After that, Kennedy said, She was born Sept. 28, 1870, the said, would dramatically call out of the lake water shed. We of the most critical of the year. a series to deal with United States he would make the ’’appropriate' line has been reached,” said Hal­ to kill off the prospects for a The auxiliaries will be aiding State daughter of Calvin Loomis and leck. world attention to U.S. efforts to treaty then.” believe this can be done through MAZOLA OIL G«l. SUGAR HONEY strategy. declaitm.” !Jane M. Tracy, and lived all her get an agreement on a test ban. redeveloping. The zoning and plan­ Police regulars this weekend in full ^2.29 Congressional leaders from both The news conference ended at Dirksen commented that "now Olson Declines to Run ning commission are responsible force, as Is customary over holi­ NABrSCO GRAHAMS 1 Lb. Pkg. 37t parties were among those who life in the home built by her fa­ is the time to come to grips with The proposal by the assistant 4:30 and Kennedy went back from ther. She was a trustee of the Democratic leader received cau­ for them (the tanks) being there, day periods. gathered at the White House for the State Department conference this thing and see what we can South Windsor 24 Oz. .Tar 59o the emergency session. Most of South Methodist Church for almost do about our own nuclear de­ tious approval from the No. 1 Sen­ room to the White House. Secre­ 40 years, an active member of fense” ate Democrat, Mike Mansfield of Against Leo Flaherty BOSCO SYRUP 12 Oz, Jar 37o S.\UCE No SOS For them entered by a side door and did tary of State Rusk Joined him the Willing Workers Group of the MUSSELMAH 2 45c not talk to newsmen. Sen. Albert Gore, D-Tenn., told Montana. Three in Family LABOR DAY there and reported on the Tass church, and a long-time member the Senate Russia Is trying to Mansfield said "There is merit” Kennedy said last night that the dispatch. of the Women's Chri.stian Tem­ By ROBY O’OONNOB <^aldermec. 5: Eight Uon today, Olson said he feels he borg of the Atomic Energy Com­ Rusk took the statement to Ken­ drive the trucks for the day. after the Haverty Co. has taken does not have to run to uphold his • specisl foam cushioning EXTRA 14 Oz. 98e mission, and McGe'orge Bundy, The collectors protested, verbal- record as mayor for four years nedy about an hour before It was Karl William Bogll over, has not yet been determined, ending In 1959. SPECIAL! 1954 PONTIAC Roach and Ant Killer (Spray) special assistant to the president released, some time being required Funeral services for Karl Wil­ 1 ly but vigorously, and then jumped said Martin today. It will be dls- • walkable shaped heal for National Security Affairs. for its final revision by the Presi­ liam Bogll, 555 Bush Hill Rd., were Into the trucks and drove off on the cu.s.sed, he said. Rockvil 1 e-Vernon "I’m not intereeted in politics for Pt. ,59c Hatcher could offer few details dent. held yesterday at the John F. I routes. The directors objected to the politics’ sake,” he said, "I’m in­ CHBVROUVT 2 DOOR SEDAN about the hastily-arranged confer­ The statement reviewed the 3- Tierney Funeral Home. The Rev. I General Manager Martin, on be- number of accidents In which the terested in the welfare of the com­ 6 Cylinder, Standard Tran*mls*lon ,, ence. He said he wasn’t even cer­ year-long efforts to negotiate a Karl Blake of St. Mark’s Lutheran I ing informed of their action by garbage collectors had been in­ munity. 1957 $745 tain how many of 18 Congress (Chester Langtry, deputy director Risley Says Pitkat Needs "That’s why I'm running in the nuclear test ban treaty and re­ Church, Glastonbury, officiated. volved with the town-owned PLYMOl’TH 4-DOOR SEDAN SAY ONLY members Invited were able to at­ called that only this week Dean Burial was in East Cemetery. ; of public works, called the police trucks, and also the appearance town election.” Colors: tend. had made new proposals ”in the Bearers were William Inne, i to stop the trucks. of the trucks. Referring to his term as mayor, 1957 Automatic TranMnl*Kion ...... $695 X. The invitation list included: hope of moving toward a teat ban Henry Locke Jr.. Albert Bogll, But by the time the police had Lesson on Duties He Seeks Olson said "there wa* no one before Brown and Black 2(l(l's 2 F»r 29c Senate Democratic leader Mike under effective international con­ Herbert Bogll, Casey Dangnecks, stopped two of the trucks, Martin or after me that was any better. PI.Y.MOFTH STATION WAGON Mansfield of Montana, Chairman trols.” But, it declared, "The So­ and Harold .Strickland. had decided to let the regular col­ I proved that a government admin­ Green and Black Richard Russell, D-Ga., of the lectors go ahead on their rounds. Driver of Scooter Democratic First Selectman,s)happens to have been chairman of istration can be run in a business 8 Cylinder, Standard Tran*ml**lon .. viet government wished to aban­ The general manager said this candidate Francis J. Pitkat needs the board of finance for the last way.” 1958 $895 Senate Armed Services Commit­ don serious negotiations in order AID BILL HOPE.S FADE two years,” he said. Plum and Black For 400’s For tee, Chairman J. William Ful- to free its hand to resume nuclear afternoon, "I had arranged to put To Face Charge to be better informed "with re­ He said moveover that his busi­ 2 83c 2 49c Washington, Aug. 31 —Sen. .some of our drivers on the trucks, He referred to William F. Lud- ness, the Ladd and Hall Inc furni­ brlght, D-Ark., of the Senate weapons testing." J. William Fulbriglit, i>-.\rk., spect to the duties and limitations decke, whose term on the board of Foreign Relations Committee; and some of them (the regular A second arrest has been made ture store, takes much of his time Get Our Clearance Prices ’"nie United States continues to appeule l today for Senate pas­ drivers) objected.” with the office he is seeking," Plt- finance expires this year and who and he feels he has devote time I I House Democratic Leader John share the view of the people of the sage of the 84,253,500,000 for­ Tuesday night several members as result of a car-motor scooter ac­ kat’s Republican opponent said to­ is a candidate for the two-year McCormack of Massachusetts, world as to the importance of an eign aid bill but hopes for Im­ cident that took the life of 14-year- only to the town election and the of the board of directors had said day. term on the board of education. position of selectman if elected. Chairman Thomas Morgan, D-Pa., agreement to end nuclear weapons mediate action faded, partly as they wanted the trucks, which are old John (Cassinelll) Stocks Tues­ George E. Risley, GOP candi­ "If the Democratic candidates I 1961 CHRYSLERSy I House Foreign Affairs Commit­ tests under effective safeguards," a result of the Soviet decision owned by the town, to be day. date and current holder of the of­ feel that there is excess fatty ma­ OPEN tee; Chairman Carl 'Vinson, D-Ga., the statement continued. "Such an to resume nuclear testing. The drive* by the Town Highway De­ Robert J. Banville, 17, of 18 fice, led off a reply to criticism terial in the budget,” Risley con­ TONIGHT I DODGES and LAr^^S ____| of the House Armed Services agreement would represent a ma­ Senate met three houm early to partment staff rather than the Chestnut St., has been charged with that statement and said the tinued, "I suggest that . . . they CoRunittee and Rep. Chet Holi- jor breakthrough in the search for dispose of the foreign aid author­ employes of the Connecticut Cart­ with negligent homicide.' Republicans will continue to give . . . privately discuss it. About Town TILL 9 FEMININE NAPKINS fieM, D-Calif., Chairman of the an end to the arms race. ization bill, with Its compromise ing (Jo. Banville, driver of the motor the best service to the communtty "The selectmen have the control MA.\Y MORE USED GARS TO CHOOSE FROM Senate-House Atomic Energy "It would stop the accumulation provision for long-term commit­ Marlin said he had called the scooter on which Stocks was a at minimum coat. for only their portion of the budg­ The Ladies Aid of Zion Lutheran AT BARGAIN PRICES QUART ...... 22c , of stockpiles of ever more powerful ments on development loans passenger, was traveling west on Church will meet Wednesday after com m ittee. police, "They (the reg­ He said the office of first select­ et,” Risley said. Labor Day in the parish house of Also Bens. Styles Bridges, R- weapons. I t would Inhibit the abroad. ular collectors) went out before I E. Center St., police said. An man is limited in its powers and Risley pledged that the "Re­ LOW DOWN PAYMENT—BANK FINANCING 2 : 8 9 ” Vx G A L iO N ...... 41c spread of nuclear weapons to other had decided who was going to bound'ear, driven by Richard W. the Zion Evangelical Lutheran N. H.; Bourke Hickenlooper, R- indicated P itkat. should brush up publican party and its candidates Church to discuss the shipment of Jew t; Hubert Humphrey. D-Minn.; countries with its increased risks BED SETS JUMP MAR" drive the trucks.” Kallio, 26, of 34 Helatne Rd., made on hia study of the town financial have and will continue to be of nuclear war. Sofia, Bulgaria, Ang. 81 (/Ph— Police Chief James Reardon E left turn, in front ot the scooter, accumulated relief clothing and 1 G ALLO N ...... 65c K^everett SeltoM tall, R-Maas.; administration. prudent in excessive spending. paper gathered for the benefit of "These results, with their pros­ Valery Bnimel of said the entire dlsagreemmt was onto Parker St. Pitkat yesterday charged the John O. P w tore, XKRX; and Alex- pects for rsduelng the posslbilty of However, with the rapidly expand­ Zion’s scholarship fund. CHORCHES ■adar WOey, R-Wls., as well as bettered hia own world record reported at 8 a.m. "and It was The scooter struck the right (K)P administration with allow­ ing growth experlehced by us, more a nuclear war, have been blocked for tlio high Jump, eiearuii, all over In 30 minutes." rear of the car. Kapa. t«aUo Aranda, R -ni., and ing taxes to mount alarmingly in services will be required. Joseph Schelbenpflug. son of Mr. by the Soviet unilateral decision feet, 41/] inohes (2.25 noeters) Another aspect of the situation, Kallio was arrested yesterday the past two years. "Consequently,” Risley went on, R&R Oarl Albwt, JMJkla. to resume nuclear teatlng. on his third attempt at the according to Langtry, was that a and Mrs. Frank 8. Schelbenpflug GUSTAFSON’S KASCO LACHOY Kaonady laeued a atatemant de- and charged with reckless driving. "First of all," said Risley, "the "more money will be needed to pro­ of 276 School St., will be the first BONED CHICKEN...... 6 "The Soviet Union bears a heavy World Student Oamee here. representative from the E. J. A charge of negligent homicide board of finance is responsible for MOTORS D O G MEAL CHINeSE D8NNERS Bouaeing the Soviet atep aa a reoponsibUlty before all humanity Bnunei’s old world mark was Haverty Co., of W4st Hartford, vide adequately those services." member of the Zion Evangelical CHICKEN FRICASSEE...... 14 Wasr to worldwide hopaa for dla- was placed against him today. paring and preparing the budget. Risley said that he will striys, Lutheran Church to enter Val- SHOE STORE IMKDOK AND OHRYSLJIR for this decision, a dsciiion which 7-4^i Indoors, where records the company which v^ll take over Both Kallio and Banville will ap­ "Therefore, I suggest that he CHICKEN A LA K IN G ...... IC /a ■BBimBtaBdA ''threat to the an- was mads In ecmplsts disregard of are net reeognlzetU and 7 -i In the collection of garbage In Mari' if elected, to give the community Valparaiso. 86 OAKLAND BCTIEET KAN< 5 Lbfc 69c 51c pear In Circuit Court 12, Manches- talk wit}> another candidate who - . ' 1 < ’ ) MM fnrld fey laeraasiiig ttw dan- ttaa United Natlpos." the open. cheater tomorrow. ■ - servlcee under his control at a Ind., which Is affiliated with the 705 Main St., Manehastiiir ^ ’””id tor, on Sept 18. la numing with him. and who also minimum cost Uitheran Church, Missouri Synod. . .)■

rxC l TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 Section Two - THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 iianrl;rBtrr lEvriting l|rralh THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 Pa^B 13 to 1 4 $240 Pay Boost Statistics Prove) Seat Belts HEALTH CAPSULES Notice by Mlrbael A Petti, MJX We*re Losing the Pigeon War For Hub Teachers and W. T. Grant Co. has signified Increase Safety on Highways W l HAVI DAILY Rockville-Vemon It will open a branch of Ha chain CO -ntANQUlUZERS OR In the plaza. Haverty Gets Contract By WARD GANNKD ^hava proved very helpful in pre-^you, Uwn K will be a ooj>, backed Boston, Aug. 31 (ff)-Annual sal­ Also, Javit aaid, a Boaton dis­ NERVE MEPICINC& HAVE A Nswqtaiier DnterprlM Aasodattoa venting the pigeon nests from up by an ocxUnanoe on file at the ary Increaaes of loach- DAIVERY TO THI WAKD OAJfXIX flocked in by a fishy stare frcnn the CURATIVE EFFECT f count department store ehaln will New York— (NBA) — Chin up, falling to the ground In heavy city haU. ors, offoctlvo tomorrow, have boon start a branch In the plaza occupy­ If ewuBper BitMvriae A m b . auto dealer at the request for seat weather. At this writing, unbsppiUy, only Flaherty Will Seek N « w Toric— tNKA)—Suddenly, belts. But with manufacturers in­ folka. But not too far up. A new voteec. 1, said Clement was the second person stuck. quency. EVERY MON DAY-8 P.M. continue, to provide some intelli­ Rd.; Helen E. Pressler to Nicholas installing aeat belt anchors as Installed the gear. as we can.’’ gent relief for these people,” he tions in July 1956 and has been a and Kathleen Juliano, property on Marlin. standard equipment in new can. Why not? Oh. plenty of good rea­ to be rescued from the Alaska Each year New York adds a few To top it off, of course, It’s Four members of a German P. A C. SMUOOM practicing attorney since then. In wilderness In the past week. Last more feet of low voltage electric ■aid. Village and Orchard Sts.; Crest­ However, this figure will prob­ Array of Endorsen sons—from indisputable economics ill^pal in most places to kill, meilm family and an Italian father and 26 VILLAGE STREET— ROCKVILLE "In addition, we have several February 1960 he formed a law line Realty Inc. to Roy C. Con­ Police Arrests ably not remain the .same, he said, The National Safety Council will to dossiers on all the seat belt Saturday, William C. Waters, 42, line to the ledges of municipal or trap pigeons (or pigeon feed­ son were killed when two of the partnership with Attys. Herbert he plans to negotiate with Erlanger, Ky.. was found after be­ ambitious programs which will yers, property straddling Man be Joined by an array of endonen salesmen who didn't have their seat buildings. This year there are 20 ers). If a society against cruelty cable cars derailed and crashed have a long-term effect on our Hannabury and Robert D. Baum. chester-Vernon line on Rt. 83. the company toward the end of No­ belts fastened when they drove past ing lost for 10 weeks. miles of antipigeon wiring. They including the U. S. Department of or fory birds doesn’t descend on to the glacier below. area.” Flaherty Is married and the Rond for Deed James McVeigh, 19, of 257 vember after the company has had the auto plant guard house. father of four children. Health. Education and Welfare, Flaherty said he felt a respon- Lawrence R. and Annette R Spruce St., was charged with experience with the routes it must the U. S. Public Health Service, the ■Ibility to run again and will cam­ 58-Year Lease Gordon to Robert A. Simons, nine follow, and the amount of collect­ American Medical Assn. paign actively for re-election. An 11-acre tract of land off lots at Lake St. and Tunnel Rd., breach of peace and ing to he done. And to sell the idea, the Adver­ Thanks Supporters Kelley Rd. at the Vernon traffic performance to take place on or driving yesterday, on a complaint Collections, both during ths tising Council will get at least 310 Lost Pilot He said the decision to serve an­ circle, where the proposed huge before Feb. 15, 1963. from another motorist. He will ap­ three-month trial period and dur­ million worth of coopentlon from other term as mayor precludes his Tri-City Shopping Plaza will rise, Trade Names pear In Circuit Court 12, Man- ing the seven-month combined col­ all media. running for Congress. He thanked has been leased to a Hartford Mi.s.s Eileen Hoath of Stafford hester, on Sept. 18. lection period, will be made twice Even the General Federation of Found Alive those people who have supported realty firm for 53 years. Sprlng.s now doing business as a week from the rear of dwellings Women's Clubs Is getting the la­ him for the national post in the The notice of lease ha.s been Rockville Accordion Center, 6 Rayon Plant Started and eating places. dles to pledge that they’ll have Anchorage, A laska, Aug. 31 past and pledged support to Demo­ filed with the Vernon town clerk Main St., room seven. Anything that fits in a 20 to 22 seat belts Installed. cratic candidates In the 1962 elec­ gallon garbage can qualifies as —An Anchorage pilot who disap­ and describes a two-term lease Donald A. Delnicki of 88 Hem­ New Delhi — The foundation It's all very impressive. But what tion. lock St., Manchester, now doing stone of India’s biggest rayon garbage during the trial period, peared on a flight Into rugged from Joseph L. Bury of Rockville .said Martin. took so long? Especially since Dr. Swifts 1 Flaherty, considered a liberal to the Tri-City Realty Inc. business as Don’s Flying ‘‘A’’ plant was laid recently at Kalsur No contract has been signed yet James Malfetti, Safety research country nine days ago was found political thinker. Is at -38 a veteran The first term will being Dec. Service, 180 Union St. by Minister of Industries Manub- program chief at Teachers College, alive and well last night. of political wars with a history of Hospital Notes Hasn’t Scratched Yet! with the company, he said« and 1 and will expire when the shop­ hal Shah. A 321,000,000 Indian- consequently no arrangement has Columbia University, says that Sie TTie pilot, Dick Clement, was PrEffliuniJ leading minority causes. ping center buildings are up, or Admitted Wednesday: Milton Bon Ami forgot Ita famous chick when It packed up and moved out of Manchester two years ago. French venture, the factory 1s yet been made for a performance need for seat belts is one of the few tired and himgry but otherwise In He has served as city tax col­ Schliphack, 3 Farmstead Lane; Not the real chick, you understand, but the costume used by the firm as an advertising g;immick. scheduled to start producing 110 Nov. 31, 1960, whichever is sooner. Francis Phillips, 14 South St.; Lau­ Sue Gaffney, 14, of 24 S. Hawthorne St., donned the sheepskin, leather backed outfit Monday and at­ bond. positive findings in safety investi­ good shape. O v k i k V e i ^ lector and has been a member of metric tons of rayon pulp a day gation. TTie extended term of the lease rie Grassette. 59 Spring St. tracted all the youngsters In the neighborhood when she walked dowm the street. The outfit was The company had the contract A bonfire set by Clement was the Vernon Board of Education. within two years and to be Uirn- ‘Public Indifference spotted by two Civil Air Patrol He battled for enlargement of will last for .51 ycar.s beyond that Admitted Today: Lavonne Mat­ given to her two brothers, Edward Jr. and William, by the Jack Hunter Associates, now part to collect garbage In Manchester One big obstacle, experts say, pilots. the Democratic Town Committee date, w'ith the les-see granted an thews, Merrow. owner of the former Orford Soap Co. plant on Hilliard St. (Herald photo by Satemls.) ing out 350 tons a day In about from 1953 to 1956. option to buy the land after 20 six years. has been public indifference — Clement disappeared Aug. 31, a beginning 10 years ago, succeeded Birth Wednesday: A daughter to The board of directors Tuesday in achieving his aim In 1955, and years. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown, Center night, after a special hearing, em­ FOR VOMR'B>MllyS M EH SI Three Major Tenants Rd., Vernon. John Olsen, and toured Mystic Sea­ U.S. 1, which runs north and powered Martin to decide on a led a successful Intra-party fight John Atkinson, Keith Miller, Max Javit, Hartford real estate Discharged Wednesday: Susan port. south along the East Coast, grew contractor after negotiating with for various reforms two years ago, BOYSCOVT During a court of awards, badges Smole, Richard Brander, Richard •merging as the acknowledge lead­ broker and president of Tri-Clty Combs, Depot St., Broad Brook out of an old pack trail down the all six of the contractors who sub­ were awarded as follows: Holman, Bernstein, cooking. fall line of the Eastern Seaboard. mitted bids. er of the party In town. Realty, said earlier In the summer Mary Skewes. 46 Phoenix St., Ver­ Also, Smote, Prentice, Lawrence non: Eleanor Skinner, Skinner Rd ?lotes and News Robert Halllaey, Robert Bagge, He haa been active In politics on that three major tenants for the Fldward Kiederling, David Phelps, Adams, Dwight Phelps, Palmer, the state level, bring^lng a measure proposed plaza have committed Vernon; Barbara Booth, Dart Hill Post, Kipp Miller, Robert Smith, Rd., Vernon; Irving Tautkus, Bon- Gary Moore, Victor Geiger, Ray­ of control of the State Young themselves to space there. Troop 47 of South Methodist mond Holman, Frank Champ, John Dixon, Towle, Loney, Keith Miller, FINE BEEF IS A Democratic organization to the Stop and Shop Supermarkets alr Rd., Ellington. CSiurch completed a two-week stay Burke, Larson, Kelsey, Richards, % Chof^ FAMILY TRADITION Smith, William Vince, Richard •mall town membership, sen-ing as Inc. of Hartford will open a store at the Lake of Isles Camp In Baker, Holman, Brander, Cart- AT FIRST FOOD Kutzko, Charles Gamachs, Robert Vernon and Talcottvllle news Is North Stonlngton recently. w igh t and McQuade, rowing. handled through The Herald’s Gamache, David Plrie, Thomas Scoutmaster Robert VonDeck was McKay, Bruce Kingsbury and Jona­ Also, Atkinson, Flnkbein, Post, w ill giife you Kockville bureau, 5 W. Main St., Richards, Larson, Keith Miller, STEAKS TR 6-SlSB or Ml 9-6797. leader of the camp stay, aided by than Rood, second class. Assistant Scoutmasters David Also, David Baker, Barry Mid- B r u k e, McQuade, Lawrence Kelsey, Frank Boyd, Edward Diehl wood, Kenneth Royce, Frederick Adams, F*rentlce, Baker, Newton A Aluminnm Abundant and Junior Assistant Scoutmasters Burr, Michael Stavens, Kenneth Royce, Mello. Adams, McCarthy Richard Dixon and Steven Morri­ Adam.s, Arthur McCarthy, Charles Hastings, Lawrence, Burr Mid­ New York — There Is more son. Bernstein, Keith Miller and Kipp wood, Stavens, Dixon, Kipp Miller, biggest selection in the area . . . our aluminum in the earth's crust For the first week, the boys Miller, first class. Loney, Brander, Kelsey, Cart­ customers tell us. it's either FAIRWAY than any other metal. It Is the Worked on conservation of two Also, Thomas Muldoon, Robert wright, Holman, swimming. SIRLOIN (main st. or pike plaza) for ribbons and most important of the nonferrous areas for planting next spring,, and Mello,' Lawrence Adams, Kenneth Alao, Palmer, Burke, Towle FINE WINES AND LIQUORS trimtnlngs of both the usual and nn- metals. About 4,0(K),000 tons are corrected soil erosion along the Richards, Dwight Phelps, Donald Newton, Tedford, Kelsey, Kipp Miller, Richards, James Lingham / asaal kind. produced annually. Outsld-a the waterfront and on some of the Kelsey and George Cartwright, Soviet bloc, the largest worked Mello,. Muldoon, Robert Smith Shop Early! Closed Labor Day ' OR paths around camp. Troop 25 of star badges; Alan Morrison, David deposits of bauxite, from which Manchester assisted In the pro­ Johnson and Frederick Tedford, Phelps, Johnson, McQuade, Mid primary aluminum is smelted, are gram. forestry badges; Muldoon, bu­ wood, Larson and Burr, wildlife : U management. in the United States and three Meals were cooked over coals In gling. Caribbean countries: .Tam a lea, a training program. F5rst class Also, Dwight Phelps, William GIJVS Dutch Guinea, and British Guiana. cooking was done on the first Palmer, Tedford. Terrence Towle, Terms to Be Standard Thursday and work for cooking Muldoon, and Lawrence Smole, merit badges was completed the canoeing; Bruce Burke, James New Delhi—^India's Government : following Thursday. N e w t o n. Baker, Keith Miller, hOd set up a commission o f legal RED CROWN Short Other activities Included a Lawrence Adams, David McQuade, experts to prepare standard legal HALF O O je 5TH O / I IB C fts u ! OUTSTANDINGLY TENDER, JUICY and greased watermelon contest, a Richard Larson, Paul Flnkbein, terminology for use in all the many 90 PROOF g a lO# w 9 botO sH tS Moras code treasure hunt, boxing, Robert Post, Tedford, Kipp Miller, Indian languages. The group, head­ : DELICIOUS—TRY ONE TODAY a swim meet and a carnival. Joseph Loney, Richard Brander, ed by C. P. Slnha, retired chief jus­ Ths senior scouts attended a Kelsey, and Richards, lifesaving. tice of the Assam High Court, will • a. just for treating dance with Senior Girl Scouta from Also, Royce, Larson, Burke, be responsible also for translating Mystic, New London and Wllllman- Robert Prentice, McQuade, New­ all statutes into Hindi, the official ROBIN HOOD HONOR MAID CENTER CUT SMALL LEAN SHORT SHANK tongue. your family to the best SMALL LEAN Uc, and a miniature canoe trip ton, Palmer, Johnson, Richards, HAIFA A j e 5THa /am around the lake with an overnight Kipp Miller, Plrie, Michael Dixon, 90 PROOF GALOsOD B O T W a 4 9 L. T. W O O D campout on an Island. They also Mc(?arthy, Robert Gamache, Chow Mein Dinner visited the Pachaug Tree Nursery James Brennan, Robert HaUlse.v, SMOKED FRESH and were given a tour by Ranger Loney, Post, William Murray, Locker Plant Meat Market Now Open you ever served ib Ib Ib COAST TO COAST AAA S p a r e Labor Day Weekertd Specials 80 PROOF G A L /a O V BOtO.IV Picnics RIBS RE1MBURSEMEHT FOR A TALL, COOL REFRESHING DRINK, TRY A COLLINS! MIRACLE WHIP GRAYLEDGE FARM NATIVE U.S.D.A. CHOICE SERVICE MADE WITH GIN OR VODKA Room 4— 4A — 869 Main St. QUART FROZEN C PRODUCE Call M R H. H. PETERSON VODKA JAR TURKEYS Shoulder Steaks SALAD DRESSING FOR OUTDOOR BROIL OR U B B rS MI 9-6317 BETTY CROCKER FANCY LARGE SWISS STEAK Spiecializins; In COAST TO COAST ICEBERG LETTUCE half^ O O O O PKGS. lb Commercial and 80 PROOF GAL # o W BOTW.a,46 ^ LEMONADE BROWNIE MIX 3 Professional Collection 6 to 8 Lbs.—-18 to 22 Lbs. SWEET LIFE ______2 29® C D A / ^ L J E r T T I Elbow Macaroni O 16 OZ. RED CROWN can CHUCK GROUND W l n VI r ib I I I or Thin Spaghetti ^ PKGS. EXTRA LARGE JUMBO ; 100 PROOF BOT PINK MEAT WAYBEST FRESH NATIVE ””4.0 9 HEINZ HAMBURG : 3 kinds: beef— chicken FARMHOUSE CANTALOUPES 3 l E ^ Tastes Better, ^ 14 OZ. CHICKENS W H tSK M ES — mushroom! APPLEPIES B m C i I Goes Further ^ BOTS. FRYERS...... Lb. 39e ICHOICEST MEATS IN T0W N...!|| each STRAIGHT 5THa a FANCY FLORIDA SUNSHINE e N ew —(ffispiest, fireeheet you can buy! each LARGE, MEATY BREASTS .. Lb. 59e Wright's BOURBON BOTW aw9 GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS S i 2 39c VIENNA FINGERS e Thrifty—family-size can serves six! FANCY NATIVE LARQE, MEATY LEG S ...... Lb. 49c 80 PR(X)F - 6 YEARS OLD - HALF GALLON B.25 Oz. Pkg. 29c EXTRA LEAN— FRESHLY GROUND NEWUli MPINfi PUT THF/OOD mUES HERE! e Quick—ready to enjoy in five minutes! HOWARD JOHNSON’S COTT'S CAN SODA All Flavors 11 c . 99e SUMMER SQUASH (NOT PRE-PACKAGED) BLENDED STHa • Serve with tasty, crunchy La Choy Chow FRIED CLAMS SWEET LIFE MARGARINE 2 47c KEEBLER FRESHLY MADE Plump Native— 5 '/j to 6 Lb. Average Briarcliff WHISKEY BOTWaHV Mein Noodles for a wonderfully different GINGER SNAPS 86 PROOF - 4 OR MORE YEARS OLD - HALF GAL S.69 meal! Sibs 19« Steakette Patties IS: 67 c SWEET LIFE BREAD 2 37c 11 Oz. Pkg. 29c FRAN KFU RTS ROASTING BLENDED 5THa i « A GROTE and WEIGEL Q C CHICKENS Old Harvey WHISKEY BOt O o/V MUCKE ...... Lb. O d C 86 PROOF - 4 OR MORE YEARS OLD - HALF GAL 9.25 How to get PLUS GREEN STAMPS FIRST PRIZE oj c your 50^ STAHL MEYER ...... Lb. / D C U. S. CHOICE U. 8. CHOICE FOR OUTDOOR GRILLING BLENDED 5THa a A • Simply buy 1 targe AMPLE PARKING AT FRONT, SIDE OR REAR OF BUILDING • Top Round Steak u ,. 99c | Cube Steaks Ui. 99c Lynnbraak WHISKEY B O r O a O V U.S.D.A. CHOICE family-iize can of La SIRLOIN— PORTERHOUSE 86 PROOF - 5, 6, 7 YEARS OLD - HALF GALLON 9 .1 5 Choy Chop Suey Vege­ GROTE and WEIGEL GORMSH tables— with Beef, Chicken, or OPEN W ED, till 8 P.M, - THURS. till 8:30 P.M. - FRI. till 9 P.M: FIRST PRIZE MoslirpoBa, 1 large can of La Choy STEAKS GAME Cbow M ain Noodles, Euid a bottle STAHL MEYER Red Crawn BOURBON BOT 4#49 of La Choy Soy Sauce. Write name Sweet Lady A A _ HENS 2 i l “ : ’ 100 PROOF-DISTILLED IN KENTUCKY ■■■d w M n m on bock of Chop Suey Finger Grapes Lb. A ^ C ABOVE ITEMS INCLUDE STATE SALES TAX la lid sad iweil on throe labels to lb. CO LD CUTS NABISCO "Fomoua X a C b a y, D o p L 50, Archbold, O. We SLICED FRESH TO ORDER Fancy, Native 4% Cello A c MANY OTHtt BUNDS ON UNO win aond you 60t-Offer limited: one Oookla AzoortmeRt" IS oz. S9« 1 .0 9 45 VARIETIES ChuTota A p o c k s ^ w C 5 UMk 6»e por taanOy earpiree J «n . 91, 1962. f u ( h u u FIRST FOOD IF YOU UKE THE BEST GIVE US A TEST 118 STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. 51 BISSELL ST« Rear of Ico Pkmt T E t Ml 3-8424 HIGHLAND PARK MARKET: EAST CENTER STREET PfcoM Ml 3-4278 M l VOODt ECONOMY 646 CENTER STREET PLENTY OF FREE PARKINQ PLENTY OF FREE PARKINO SPACE 317 HIGHLAND ST., MANCHGSTER 4 ■ m-m-n / m m f O U ET E g W MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,^ THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 PAGE FIFTEEN

W hat Careers llt’s FuU Back End at Altar? G R A N D U N IO N is the place to buy GRAND U N IO N is tke place to save In Fall Coata BOCCTTK BAROBOVK GAUM DITOAd KOTnoapar EntorpriM A an. Faria (NBA)—MurHaft, it would Hewsp^MT Pntoiprtea aaam, la tha ba-all and and^aU to W om n’a Kd. t.T out o( every 10 French women. summer holiday weekend Ze/ Grand Union supply all your... New York — (NEkA) — Tha aoat But to reach Uiat Utopian plateau I with a full back la tto oaa thatli of their dreama, many of the ^.T I front and center tbla fall. muat travel aloof a bumpy road TUa width is hsndled la many marked with pltfalla called “ ea> reero." I ways. It may atart with an Invart- Oondder the aky>hifh dreama of ed pleat high at the back; atem the 600 phyaically fit, attractive from gathers; show a rippling fun- firla under 30 with hifh I.Q.a em­ nesa; flare from shoulder yokes or ployed aa atewardeBaee for the aix sleeves set low. It In no way re - French alrlinea. If that marriafe Mmblea the tentlike look of sea­ ratio ia roufhly correct, at leaet sons past. It is more contrived, 683 of them dream about fettinf I more artful. married. n c M c Welt seaming is very big this Rifht away, they are in trouble. I fall. It’s used for coata with daml- They can't have their cake and eat fltted tops that blossom into wlda it, too. A clause in many of their skirts at or below the waistline. contracts says that they can’t be But it also appears in a few per- married and remain as steward­ I fectly straight and coUarlees coats. esses. Coat fronts are sometimes flat, One brave young thing, Anne- I sometimes semlfltted, sometimes Marie Domergue Barbier, chal­ U.S. C O V T IN SP E a E D For Your Shopping Convnionco I shaped. lenged the decision on the grounds There's a lavish use of fur. Mink, that the clause was illicit and im­ I of course, but rich rings of sable moral, leading to extra-marital re­ Freshpak COV'T GRADE "A " I have been used in lieu of collars. lationships Or the hiring of unmar­ OPEN'Tir* NIGHTS Fur is used for luxurious coat ried mothers. It seems, under the I Unlng;s and for some not so luxuri- clause, a woman can be anything FANCY—YOUNG aOSB> MONDAY— LABOR DAY I ous but still very smart. —so long as she is not married. Textured fabrics are happily Anne-Marie lost her fight in K>BEANS [with us this fall. Mohair, in all its court. A spokesman for Air France I fuzzy and loopy aspects, has made explained; OR VEGETARIAN BEANS a big return. Checks and plaids “ Only a single girl's independ­ are big for daytime with sllk-and- ence of mind can enable her to do Pic/lic FixihS worsted leading off for dressy her Job and preserv’e her com­ Summer coata. Tweeds, both on their own SKINLESS posure and presence of mind in or in combination with fur (oppos- unpredictable or dangerous eir- BARBECUI Mb. C C c FAVORITE callopItO, sum, for one Instance) are in full eumstances." HOT DOGS I favor. If airline hostessing, which Clearance Sale! N A N C Y LYNN Colors veer sway from the hot should give women a worldly I shades of a year ago suid turn into approMh, is not the clearest career the true colors of autumn. Greens path to marriage, what is? HOT DOG ROLLS A N Y S i S 9 0 a _ _ are Important (bronze, olive, moss, Certainly, the trail does not lead ALUMINUM emerald and jade). There are 111 the direct opposite direction— careers like coeonetics, hairdress BOLOGNA OR iiVERWURST le. Slajy N>. 2 9 c FRESHBAKE PUUMAN LOAF I crucified with Christ MidiaMotorized AJ—u gg - Brazier--- a I marriage and career then seems to wfvi noeSf ifiewr ens spn DELICATESSEN SPECIALS AT MANCHESTER ONLY loaf be: If you meet the man of your Adjustable HsWrt O voiM Grid. SANDWICH BREAD 0 —la it correct to let the TJnlt- dreams, find out if he needs a a^esMien fidtotoiwit S" LONG HLAHD— U m i MCK FRESHPAK I ed States fiag touch the ground secratry. BiAberTlta Whsala feppari""* while it is being lowered? RnWi. Heavy Duty Steel dewL A—The flag should never touch FRESH CLAMS BLACK PEPPER I anything beneath It HELLM ANN'S Ruth Millett *9** SANDWICH SPREAD 0—For how long was Poor Comparable Value 19.95 I Richard's Almanac publi^ed ? Ffcaen ibr Quk^Basy Use! From our Oairy Doparirmht! F r e s h SCALLOPS » 5 9 ' A—It was started by Benjamin Franklin in 1732 and publlriied for Help Her to Beeame a OCEAN PAM W Non-Interfering In-Law KirCHM GARDEN— FRBICH CUT A QUALITY MAID PAST. PROCESS-SLKR> _ _ HOT DAWG RELISH (or 25 years. HEINZ Any smart husband can help his 0 —On what data Is Emplra wife become a non-interfering TUNA LINKS n 69* I Day, the British patriotic holiday mother-in-law. For husbands who GREEN BEANS 2 AMERICAN CHEESE'^£39' INDIA RELISH I celebrated ? don’t see just how it can be done, SEABROOK FARMS — MIXED a QUALITY MAID SWITZERLAND NABISCO A—May 24, anniversary • t here are a few Ups. I ()ueen Victoria’s birthday. The first time your wife an­ lO-ez. pkgi. SLICES pkg. FIG NEWTON CAKES nounces that she is going to pay VEGETABLES 2 SWISS CHEESE 5 3 BURRY COOKIES Q—Which is the most noted the young folks a visit, lay down I shrine of the 0}nfederacy? one law; DOWNYFLAKE ^ WISPRIDE riD WB. pkgi. Rck of ik Crop-Fresh Produce! HAPPY FAM ILY ASST. pig. A—Beauvoir, last home o f Oon- Tell her that you are willing for federate President Jefferson Davis her to go if she will limit her visit WAFFLES 2 of S CHEDDAR WEDGE WESTON ASSORTMENT dtaM.. near Biloxi, Miss. to five days. Don’t even imply that Clip this she may wear out her welcome if DON THE BEACHCOMBER GRAND UNION m GEORGE INN COOKIES '.c37‘ Q—'Who was BarabbasT she stays longer. HEATH FROZEN ^ Starib.. A—Barabbaa was the rebel and Just tell her you can't get along DIAQUIRI MIX MUENSTER WEDGE ^ 67* I murderer whom Pilate released to without her any longer than that yw eet Cslilbm isM ne Ripened ICE CREAM BARS 4 X 3 9 ' the Jews when he delivered Jesus and ahe'll say happily when she SARA LEE TREASURE CAVE etoOto. to be crucified. leaves the young couple, "I wish I could stay longer—but you know 17-ot. how helpless your dad is." BONUS CREAM CHEESE CAKE pkg. BLUE CHEESE t ? 2 9 ' POP CORN 29' Q—^When did Egypt become a The first time your wife starts I united nation ? to criticise her new son-in-law or KITCMN GARDEN ^ DOWNEY PLAIN OR CINNAMON rito AM . A—In 3200 B. C. when Menes daughter-in-law say quietly but 10-oz. I conquered the whole country and firmly, "Remember—you’re talk­ SPEARS pigs. for the first time brought Egypt ing about a member of our fam­ BROCCOLI 2 HONEY BUTTER 3 9 * I under a single ruler. ily ” COUPON The first time your wife thinks HONEYDEW MELON Q—'What famous war vsteoran her new daughter-in-law is being recently died at the Detroit 2!ooT extravagant with your son’s A—’X3. I. Joe,” the pigeon ered- money—remind her that it is I Ited with saving the lives oS about ’THEIR money. Haney Lynn BUDGni^^BAUNCEOTTy 1,000 English soldiers. Then say in shocked disbelief, "How do you know how much she Q—How large an area o f the p^d for the living room draperies. earth’s surface do the oceans ooow You didn’t ask her did you?” I prise? If she has been asking personal buieberm pie LARGE A—Three-fourths. questions, that ought to put an end to them. 0 —^What famous artist gmvs Us Hie first time she begins to wor­ SIZE name to a color of hair? ry and fret over the young cou­ A—Utlan. ple's plans for the future, remind her gently of the “crasy” things Q—What charge was Isvted the two of you did that turned out H-eiT" against Eugene V. Debs durtee all right—or at least taught you a I World War I? ^ valuable lesson. A—(Baplonage. But most important of all, keep (Newiqigper Enberpriae Aeee.) your wife so busy looking after W-ez.diil you and making you happy that 27 . 0 —'When was the United States Flag first raised in California? rile doesn’t have time to even want jum bo to lead her children’s life. A—In 1846, when Port Stockton I f she is convinced you need her, GRAND DUCHESS FROZM NANCY LYNN MELT-A-WAY atdks was established. she won’t have to feel that her tO -ox.^1 f l i c PASCAL CELERY grown children still need her, too. , Q—^How frequently is there a BEEF STEAKS pkg. COFFEE RING I conjunction of the pu nets Jupiter VALU-PAK FROZEN CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE NANCY LYNN heodi. I and Saturn? Wax Formula ISpw BOSTON LEnUCE GARDEN FRESH A—Every 20 years. Jumbo ^ | C f\A U | | T r PLAIN • CINNAMON (%lcago—A new formula in waxes PEPPER STEAKS 18-oz;pkg. I U U Ie ll I ) half 'n half • su g a r doz. Q—What do the colors In the will soon' enable houaswlves to CRISP RED RADISHES FOR HOLIDAY SALADS 2 ; t 1 5 < I United States Flag symboUse ? ■erub floora with detergents with, \1 ^SWANSON FROZEN NEW! NANCY LYNN ^ Reducei Flors-up * Absorbs Grease Drippings ^ I Hardwood e long Burning A—Traditionally, white forpurw out ■poillng the glossy wax finish. o g T iN Tiil «Kd NKRC I ity and innocence, red for hardinesa Ih e chemical additive changes 11-oz. pkg. Bor-B-Sorb bog 0 9 * I Charcoal iMMn 10 * 75 and valor, and blue for vtgllanos^ waxes from alkali-soluble to aeld- 'liTV DINNERS LADY FINGERS perseverance, and Justios. aoluble ao detergents won't dlasolvs them. Q — What does 34,808 aritaR I messure? U'KIOHT OAININO iUOED A — The olrounfarMMS o f Z w OMoaip) — A new S3mthetic You Save Cash and Stamps at GRAND UNION Get beautiful free gifts with Triple-S Blue Stamps I earth at the squator. steroid bormooe. Just mads avail­ able to pjiysMtna aa a tablet, Q-Jn a plsos of olotti what to ______rro the right to limit quantities. Manebestr Shoppinc Parkade. iMlpa patiwts gain Prices effective In upper Connecticut Grand Pnhm dnper Merketo threngh d a ta r^ . Sept. 3. We Prices effective In nnier OonnecUeot Grand Unlea I I threngh datatdag, dept. S. W e riesn ri tiw right to Bmlt qnantitlea. Maaehestr SlHH>pli>g Parkade. tbs dUfetenos htowhsn tha waep dWa Indtoato Hwt sotm y u n o r s lyraatw MXiaHCTfrwvv OENTiaB* UO MABKBf SQHABB) NEWIMOTON — W B H DAILY • KM. to 6:S0 VM. — ddUDAT laO H IS UBTIL • and the woof? ft Bate • to 16 y m r o i M ! , idd MAiMBr iOiOABd; irzwDwwMf — on a r d a i l t b a m . to itdd t m — nuDAY anoBn vm iL t A-Ths waip to MOdlDATd. ------MOifDlAZd. knad, tha waSir

I' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 PAGE SEVENTEEN rMmrraaf MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 shipped from western growing A oomprahanalve, long-ranga ra- Linda Christian zhouldar &• inerMUMf without Cite ‘Peace-Loving Policy* Turkey^ Ham to Take Labor areas. 6 Indians Killed port on the area's transportation ICennedy Says boosting prlcei and atlll ahow a You can get good buys, too, State N ew s problems is due In twro years. good profit From Your'Neighbors Kitchen Fights with Actor among apples, blueberries, peaches, As Car Hits Cliff Appointment of the cofnmittee Auto NogoUationa — Hold tha pears, plums, prunes, nectarines Brazil at Edge was announced yesterday by Gove. govammant aloof from talka ba- Out of Labor Day Weekend West to Seek Rome, Aug. 31 (ff’)—Linda Chris­ and California oranges. Kelson A. Rockefeller of New twean tha Unttad Auto Workara (Ed. Note: While Marge Flynn Is Mexican Hat, Utah, Aug. 81 (JPl— Roundup Reds Blame Allies on vacation, her column will be tian and Edmund Purdom scratch­ New arrivals in produce markets Six Indiana were killed when their York, Robert B. Meyner of New and General Motora, Ford and By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i Pre-cooked chicken, an item filled by news service food editors.) ed and slapped to a bloody draw In include New York State pears, Con­ Jo^aey and John Dempsey of Con­ Berlin Solution Chryaler. the unscheduled main event of a Two long-time holiday favoritea, which removes practically all of cord grapes, prunes and peaches; car crashed Into the aide of a cliff (Oanttnuad from Pago Oeo) necticut Unamploymeat—Daapita a “tra- party two midnights ago. turkey and imoked ham, are of­ the labor out of cooking, la fea­ Michigan peaches; New Jersey near this southeastern Utah com­ Rockefeller said It would be an By CECILY BBOWN8TONE mandoua aconomlo raoovary,” a The scrap was reported by wit­ tured in some Eastern chains. nectarines; Pennsylvania nectar­ munity yesterday. Of Civil Strife the will of Judge Frederlek W. “action-oriented” committee ready (Continued from Page One) Aaeoelated PreM Food Editor fered by many supermarkets this Usually these are cooked In the der hard core of unemployment atill For End of N-Ban ^ v e d of the eame old ealade? nesses and the Italian press. ines and grapes; Ohio spinach and The only survivor, Tom Atene, Huxford, Stamford, Oonn. to deal with both Immediate and exlsU. Ho urged Oongreaa to paaa . 1. week, enabling housewives to take store In a rotisserie-type oven and ous, o f what destruction nuclear new ottering may beguile you. The battleground was the pent­ Virginia sweet potatoes. 26. waa seriously hurt. a tn m Vkt* Om ) Huxford, a former state legis­ long-range problems. hia bill for retraining jobleaa work­ some of the labor out of Labor Day packed in an insulated bag. T>pi- claimed that the rest of the armed lator u d judge of the Connecti­ war would bring. main ingrediente for this house apartment of American actor Highway patrolman Claude Lacy forces — about 190,000 men—re­ Said Dempsey: ers, but said other measures may (CMttancd from Pag* OiM) prai weekend. cal prices run around 59 cents a APPEAL SCHEDULED cut Juvenile Court, died in 1946. “We’re all tired of study com­ Kennedy announced he "was call­ have to be conaldered. Mmmnatlon are chtekene or tur- Ivan Desny. pound or no more than 99 cents for said the car waa going too fast to Mportod appointed chief of the mained loyal to Marshal Denys and powerful enough to wipe out an hey, oranges and water cheetnute. Spectators Included the com­ Both readily adapt to multi-mesU New Haven, Aug. 31 (ff”) '— The negotiate a curve off the San Juan oomhlned armed force ordered Into He left his estate to Miss Lucia F. mittees. We will get action, and ing retired Gen. Lucius Clay from Foreign Aid—Called on Gongresa out tmdOrground nuclear explo- entire city. any chicken. the interim government. Tfiie com­ Huxford, a sister, until her death I’m willing to tell the people of Bionz and only wslta for the first For the UBual background, epinach plete cast of "I’Ammutlnamento” treatment—for the family one day conviction of Salvatore Annunziato, River Bridge. military action afainat Rio Grande munique said that even some 3rd civilian life to serve as his per­ to appropriate as nefcrly as possi­ Tha aimouncement landed on tha or other aalad greens and chives (The Mutiny), invited by Desny to and guests the next, for family or Some stores, obviously with who was charged with taking a Killed wci'e Mrs. Ted (Helen) do Sul. Gen. BVulaa previously was In 1960, when It reverted to the my state we will get action.” ble nil the $7.2- billion that would ■ultabl* pretext to atart them." picnics in mind, offer such items Army units outside Porto Alegre hospital. sonal representative and add “ to Becauaa of that, and becauee Russian people like an atom bomb art used. The recipe includes a a midnight dinner-dance. Among guests both days, or whatever the bribe from an employer while serv­ Cly, 29, and her 4-montha-old named commander of the 3rd A prepared statement by the be authorized over the next five Itself. Only lately have they been them were Anna Marla Pierangeli, case may be. Thus, the housewife aa luncheon meat, frankfurters and ing as a union agent, will has sent messages of support to Hospital spokesmen said income governors said some areas to be our resources of judgment and France has exploded some bombs, mayonnaise dressing enlivened with daughter Eva; Lucy May James, Army to replace Gen. L’ source said Politlcz—Prompted a laugh when proposals. This announcement ap­ mood except Purdom. clamors for them. Outstanding fruit buys are ally aa Midge Renault, wh.s con­ tion of Rio Grande do Sul where integration of rail and highway man of Continental Can Co. for arsenal It claims it already has. (packed down) or other salad All lived in this area. •ome Air Force officers teiyned the unpatriotic action of Gov. he eaid he had an opinion aa "A The statement linked the gov­ peared likely to bring It home to greens "He was in a black mood. Sud­ An added bonus for those select­ cantaloups, limes, Thompson seed­ victed of accepting a $300 payment disloyal to the Maasilli interim Starts Final Voyage passenger transportation, analysis the rank of ambassador on his re­ fellow practitioner'' of the political them with a bang. It told them: 1 cups diced cooked chicken or denly he whirled against the danc­ ing turkey are generally favorable less grapes, lemons, watermelons from a contractor and sentenced Brizzola seeks to launch the broth­ turn to Berlin. ernment's decision to the Berlin ACTOR PACTED TO SING government were arrested in Rio Mystic, Aug. 31 LT) — Another of freight movements by rail, high­ art as to whether Nixon should run “The Soviet people, the Soviet turkey ing Linda and shouted, 'Let’s get prices resulting from considerably and honeydew melons. The last- to a year in prison. The attorney, ers of the south against the rest of way, water and air; a study of air­ He was the military commander crisis as well It aald: John Ashley, young co star of de Janeiro. This informant said Brazil,” the communique said. ship is heading for a final anchor' for governor of California. He government cannot but reckon with 1 can (6 ounces) water chest­ out of here, ’ ” said an eye-witness. larger supplies of turkeys this named have been expensive most of Howard Jacobs, said he would take the new "Straightaway” series, port needs, a study of how trans­ who directed the airlift that over- "The Soviet government has K was believed about 20 military age at the Mj'stic Seaport. didn’t aay what his c^iinlon was, been compelled to take this step, the fact that, like 20 years ago, nuts (drained and cut in wide Linda, dancing with French year. Government experts figure the summer but recently moved up the case to the nation's highest has been inked by Am-Par ReC'- aircraft remained at Gravatay Air The 64-foot ketch Gundel left portation plans will affect land- swept the Communists’ ground but offered to give it If requested. ominous clouds of war are once elices) guitarist Armand Mestral, protest­ that 25 per cent more birds will go to the best buy class as more near­ court after the Second Circuit of ords, He did his first singing with use patterns; means of Improving blockade of the city in 1948-49. whose significance it fully appre­ Base near Porto Alegre after the Boothbay Harbor, Maine, on her Desegration—Congratulated offi­ ciates, under the pressure of the again overhanging the approaches 2 large oranges (peeled, sliced ed. Purdom. who has been her to market this year compared with by melons reached markets to the U.S. Court of Appeals turned college orchestras at Oklahoma departure of 18 Jots, but he said he 12th Circuit way here yesterday and is expect­ mass transit, and ways to insure His popularity was demonstrated cials, parents nnd pupils for the to our motherland, that West Ger­ and diced) companion for many months, grab­ 1960. compete with the more costly ones down a petition for a rehearing. Slate University. intergovernmental cooperation. ' 'responsible, law abiding, manner” International situation created by did not know what kind of planes ed to arrive in about a week. by the crowds that.greeted him the imperialist countries many and the present Allies of 14 cup chopped chives bed her arm. remained. Mystic Seaport Is a museum and Vice President Lyndon B. in which Atlanta desegregated four German militarists are feverishly 2/3 cup mayonnaise Then the fireworks started. One VENDING MACHINE TAX "The policy of the leading Governor Oelso Pechanha of the Court Cases that combines indoor exhibits and Johnson on their morale-boosting high schools yesterday. Other com­ NATO powers—the United States, engaged in military preparations.” 2 tablespons lemon juice of the guests reported it this way; state of Rio de Janeiro called for an assortment of ships from earlier Hartford, Aug. 31 (ff^ — Fees of trip to West Berlin 10 days ago. munities facing ’’this difficult It appeared certain that a new 1 teaspoon sugar “ Purdom returned to the attack: 10 and 50 cents have been pro­ transition” could follow AUanta’a Britain, France and the Federal a meeting here of all the gov- days. Among ships that have a To restore to high level the (West) German Republlc^and of deluge of letters would come to 2 teaspoons soy sauce Clack, ciack — another pair of posed for registration of vending example, he said. emore of Brasil's 21 states to .M.\NCHESTER SESSION permanent home here are the West's emergency planning, Ken­ this aggressive bloc as a whole, Moscow from all parts of the Salt and pepper blows. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY TENDER CURED, HARDWOOD SMOKED seek a political solution of the CTliarles W. Morgan, a 120-vear-old machines in the slate. Attilio R, Neutriils—Read a message to the leave the Soviet Union no other country to endorse this latest de­ In a large salad bowl toss to­ "Others try to intervene. But A 1200 bond was set by Judge whaler. nedy also announced that the west­ conference of uncommitted nations crisis. Frassinelli, consumer protection ern Big Four foreign ministers will choice.” cision. But the atmosphere of war gether the spinach, chicken, water Linda hurls herself against Pur­ Robert Lacey for William Lard- Patrick T. Jackson. Boolhbav conimiseioner, said yesterday that opening at Belgrade tomorrow, The governor also called .on reassemble in Washington on Sept. The statement appeared to that It seemed to carry appeared chestnuts, oranges and chives. In The salad features chicken or turkey, spinach or other salad greens, dom, slapping him and sinking her Harbor, owner of the Gundel, said 10 cents would be charged for pen­ saying the United States believes a small bowl, mix together the plus refreshing oranges and crisp water chestnuts. fingernails into his face so that it State Di^artments to rush state ner, 25, of Bolton, charged with 14. they are committed to a world so­ sound the death knell for the Ge­ certain to disturb Russians who his ship has the sort of interesting ny machines and 50 cents for all In days ahead, Kennedy said, the neva test ban talks after the 338 have suffered two disastrous wars mayonnaise, lemon juice, sugar, bleeds. Then, they are separated.” military police to their barracks. non support. past t>Tplcal of boaU at the Mys­ others. The Department of Con­ ciety of self-determination and Smoked Hams Purdom appeared on the set yes­ A run by women on food stores United States will be cotuiidering pledging U.S. influence to abolish sessions begpm in October 1958. In as many generations. soy sauce and salt and pepper to record, the National Safety Coun­ INCtUDING ZAC Judge Lacey refused to release tic Seaport. sumer Protection was authorized taste. Pass dressing with salad; terday with his face plastered with virtually stripped the shelves of what new steps It may take and exploitation. The Russians showed concern The announcement on resuming 8 Persons Perish cil said today. Shank Half CENTER StICES IB “ A SHANK PORTION Lardner unless the bond was She was built in 1893 in Den­ by the general assembly this year themselves about the possible ef­ or, just before serving, toss dress­ tape. Rio de Janeiro stores. Some shops hoping all North Atlantic 'nations nuclear tests was followed quick­ The 20,290 traffic fatalities up INCtUDING egc posted in his behalf. "It Is im­ mark, and carried cargo for 50 to set regulations for vending ma­ will contribute their utmost to the fect of their about-face on world ing with salad. Makes 6 servings. ’II Paese reported rumors that were forced to close their doors portant that >xiur wife and chil­ years between Sweden, Iceland, and chine operations. ly by a Pravda declaration blam­ In Highway Crash to Aug. 1 compared to 20,620 for Linda is now in love with a Butt Half CENTER SLICES LB 3 * when long lines of shoppers ap­ free world alliance. As for chances opinion. The Soviet statement the first seven months of 1960, a dren are taken care of,” the judge Greenland. of negoiating a peaceful eettle- Daiii#iores Minor went to great length to plead a ing President Kennedy for the in­ Spanish singer. Some said, how­ OF SMOKED ZAC peared at dawn. ternational arms buildup. Not Expecting decrease of 2 per cent. The total Butt Portion H A M LB said. When World War II ended, 29 ment, Kennedy conceded: "I do not "peace-lotlng policy.” It directed tCootinned from Page One) ever, that he was not a singer but . 32’ A S-day bank holiday was de­ Latvian men and women used her It said "The new master of the included 3,310 deaths on the high­ a bullfighter. No name was men­ clared in Rio de Janeiro. Lardner said he would post Belgrade Delegates have information today which In 2-Car Crash an appeal to those foreigners “who Washington, Aug. 31 ( ^ — The ways in July, four per cent below bond In the next few days. The to escape from communism and would make me wholly sanguine would perhaps judge too severely White House” ordered a military driver of the truck' waa not In­ tioned. The I^blishers Association, in buildup from the moment he took White House has denied a report the 3,460 in July last year. Ap­ SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY FULLY COOKED MILDLY CURED case was then continued until landed in Provincetowm. Mass., af­ about the present prospects.” the Soviet Union’s carrying out that President Kennedy and his jured seriously. a commiinication signed by 13 Rio ter a 46-day crossing of the At­ Shoeked by Soviet A rear end collision on Hartford office and "unlicd the hands of proximately 700,000 persons were de Janeiro publishers, accused Gov. Sept. 11 to see if Lardner will Kennedy hardly cushioned a rap tests of new types of nuclear wife, Jacqueline, are expecting The truck bore the name "Pur­ Superbomb in Brief lantic. Rd., east of McKee St., caused weapons." the frantic militarists," injured in traffic accidents from Carlos Lecerda of Guanabara State make payments of support, or If at Nixon and Rep. William E. their third child. nell Pride” and waa hauling shell­ Jan. 1 to Aug. 1, the council said. the court will have to take The refugees later were granted ‘Slap in the Face’ Miller of New York, the Republi­ minor damages to two cars yester­ The Rus:;^ns said every pre­ "Rolling up their sleeves, the The New York Dally News, quot­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (the federal district of Rio de Ja­ first citizenship papers through generals and the admirals began ed com. It carried Mississippi The 2 per cent decrease in neiro), of “illegal, intolerant cen­ further action. can national chairman. He said he day. There were no Injuries or ar­ caution will be taken to minimize ing authorative sources, said yes­ How much punch wopld a 100- Stock up now for the special legislation introduced in the harmful effects of the to whip up file arms race and to license plates. The accident oc­ deaths and a one per cent increase Cooked Hams sorship," and called on the Inter- John J. Vaudrain, of Center (Continued from Page One) had no comment on Nixon's criti­ rests. terday it had learned Mrs. Ken­ megaton bomb pack? long Holiday aheadi their behalf by President Kennedy, thermonuclear weapon tests on increase the armed forces of the curred on U.S. Highway 45. in travel in the seven-month per­ American Press Association to ex­ Falls, R. I., was fined JIO for cism of sending additional troops nedy was pregnant. iod, the council said, resulted In It would unleash the equivalent c es SHANK PORTION then a congressman from Massa­ to West Berlin as useless and pos­ Police repotred that a car driven living organisms. But the program country... with every passing The bodies of the vlctoms were ShonkHalf ^ I ^ t.45* pel him from its membership. Intoxication. A charge of evading Asians said he will probably raise by Mrs. Joyce H. Carter of Clark Letitia Baldrlge, Mrs. Kennedy’s the recod low mileage death rate. force of 100 million tons of TNT. chusetts. and Henry CTabot Lodge, sibly self-defeating, nor on Miller's outlined appeared clearly intended day, the United States is becom­ taken to Shackelford Funeral B i i M U m I I i n c l u d i n g e c c An appeal for a writ of habeas taxi fare was nolled. the question of nuclear testing with Rd., Bolton, was traveling west on social secretary, said she was sure The mileage death rate of 4.9 It would be 6,000 times more who w as in the Senate. statement that the Kennedy admin­ to shake the western Allies into ing more and more like a mili­ the report was not true. Home at nearby Selmer. Identifi­ A&P CLOSED DUfi nail CENTER SLICES IB c corpus for the release of Marshal Jack Early of Hebron Rd., Bol­ Soviet Premier Khrushchev. Hartford Rd. The brake lining deaths per 100 million compared powerful than the U.S. atomic Jackson has owned the Gundel istration is taking a general atti­ coming to a conference table more tary camp,” the article said. Andrew T. Hatcher, assistant cation was made more difficult by bomb dropped on Hiroshima at the Henrlque Teixelra Lott, former ton. was fined 35 for allowing a since 1949. The presidents, kings, emperora broke near the rear axle and she the fact that several of the victims with the 5.0 rate for the compar­ LB war minister, was scheduled in tude of appease! ent. ready than they are now to ac­ liie article made no mention of "White House news secretary, said, end of World War II. Butt Portion u 45" dog to roam. and premiers meeting here claim The President quickly added, waa unable to slow down. Her car cept the Russian demands for a the nuclear test announcement but "1 know nothing about it.” carried no identification. able period in 1960. court here today. Lott was arrest­ It would pulverize everything— MONDAY 1< OTP in U lA R FBiCC — OCLICIOUB A charge of making an impro­ to have policies free from the big however, that anyone aware of the struck the fear of a westbound German peace treaty. was obviously designed to justify Billy Wolfe, director of the The council .said that In the ed and put in a fortress when he Vote tvith Minority car driven by Jesse J. Vierira, 26, In Newport, R. I., Mrs. Ken­ and klU everybody—within an esti­ OcMM Spray Cranberry Sooce tlKVrO WtTH TUBREY OB HAWS per turn against Brian J. Wells, power blocs. Some who have sup­ vast power that could be triggered "The Soviet Union has worked it. nedy's mother. Mm. Hugh D. funeral home, said five of the vic­ last 15 years the death rate per mated radius of 12 miles of Ground September 4 — Labor Day came out for Goulart. 19. of Ne-w- Britain, waa nolled. Washington, Aug. 31 — Most ported Soviet policies on "gen­ of Wapping. On another page. Pravda had tims were less than 10 yeara old. 100 million miles traveled dropped Gen. Antonio Carlos da Silva of Connecticut's congressional dele­ by either side in the Berlin dis­ out designs for creating a series of Auchlncloos, commented, “If she Zero, the point of detonation. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY 4 to 8 LBS 8 to 14 LBS 16 to 20 LBS The companion case of James eral and complete ” disarmament pute should "be careful in attempt­ The front grill and radiator of super-powerful nuclear bombs of an article from Bonn with appar­ Is, I don't know about It.” Another was a girl about 19 years from 11.3 in 1945 to 5.8 In 1960. Muricy, head of the gfeneral staff gation voted with the minority yes­ the Carter car and the rear bump­ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ J. Keiley, 17, of 220 Center St., are bound to be embarrassed by ing to take any political advantage 20, 30, 50 and 100 million tong of ently the sanle purpose. It old. The other two were a man SQUARE DANCE WEEK ------* 1 c of the 3rd Army, was reported ar­ and Ronald Pinney, 18, of 15 Earl terday as the House defeated’ Pres- er and tail light of the Vierira car claimed "jounialistic circles” in FREESTONE rested yesterday when he returned the Kremlin's decision to resume out of our present difficulties.” TNT,” said the statement issued NAMED RENEWAL CHIEF and womtv^ Bronchitis Costly Hartford. Aug. 31 (iff’) — Gov. St., both charged with breaking ident Kennedy’s aid to education nuclear explosions. received minor damages. Bonn su.spectcd the Allies of mak­ from Brasilia the inland capital bill. The West could not hold Berlin by the official news agency Tass. PeekskUl, N. Y., Aug. 31 (>P) — Bethel Springe is 22 miles south John N. Dempsey has urged the TURKEYS 37t. 36‘. 34 and entering and larceny, was One is Indonesia, which is against a frontal Soviet assault, Furthermore, the statement con­ ing a secret agreement to supply Vincent L. Hayes, Norwalk, Conn., of Jackson In west Tennessee. London — A three-year study of citizens of Connecticut to learn to the Gcmlart stronghold at Porto turned over to the juvenile court Rep. Abner W. Sibal, a Repub­ West Germany with nuclear rock­ PURPLE PLUMS SWIFTS Alegre. While in Brasilia, (3en. lican, voted with those that op­ friendly with Moscow and one of Kennedy said. Barbers Alerted tinued, Soviet scientists have de­ has been appointed Peeksklll’s British postmen has convinced doc­ to square dance. In fact, he has for disposition. the leading nations at the confer­ A record audience of 437 at­ veloped powerful rockets to lift ets. urban renewal director. The ap­ LOWEST MILEAGE DEATHS ITALIAN A A r c Muricy conferred with War Min­ posed the bill. The four Connecti­ tors that there is a relationship be­ proclaimed Sept. 8-16 "Learn to 4 LB ister Marshal Odylio Denys and E.\ST H.\RTFORD SESSION cut Democrats in the House. Emilio ence here. tended Kennedy's meeting with the Hartford, Aug. 31 (ff*! — Con­ the giant bombs “ to any point on "Atomic fever and military prep­ pointment was announced yester­ Chicago, Aug. 31 (ffV—The na­ tween air pollution and bronchitis. Square Dance, Week” in the state. PRUNES L LBS 0 3 declared the 3rd Army was stand­ A $2,500 bond was set for Wil­ Q. Daddario, Robert N. Giaimo, An Indonesian government press. For it, he wore the charcoal necticut barbers were alerted to­ the globe.” arations on the Rhine,” Pravda day by the common council. Hayes tion’s traffic accidents killed more This has important implications be. A good way to start, his procla­ CAN ing by the war minister. liam Berger, 21, of no certain ad­ John S. Monagan. and Frank spokesman in Jakarta said cauti­ blue suit and purple tie that seem day that all barber licenses expire The rpekets were described as continued, "call for heightened has been assistant director of the than 20,000 persons In the first cause bronchitis is estimated to mation said, is at the annual NONE PRICED HIGHER CANNED HAMS 2.99 to be hts regular ncw.s conference Sept. 30 and applications for re­ sim il^rio those which shot .Soviet vigilance because the militarists Norwalk redevelopment agency. seven months this year but was The general staff issued a man' dress, yesterday. He Is charged Kowalski, voted in favor of it. ously the Soviet move “ reflects the cost Britain 30,000 deaths and 20,- county dance festival in Milford CRISP LARGE 8UNCH a 6 oz jar of ANN PAGE MUSTARD at no cost with EACH ifeato declaring the armed forces with unlawfully carrying weapons explosive world situation and de­ outfit. He made observations newals must be taken care of be­ astronauts Gherman Titov and are ready to take any gamble.” His salary will be $8,500 a year. the loweet mileage death rate on 000,000 lost workdays each year. Sept. 8. The vote of the sixth, Connecti­ The Berlin situation was men­ Pm u I—N e e . A POUND purchased at the regular price, o f . .. were acting to "impede the march in a motor vehicle, driving with­ cut congressman. Rep. Horace See­ mands every effort to prevent fur­ on other topics: fore then. Yuri Gagarin on space flights tr e e " School Aid — Admitted defeat The State Board of Examiners around the globe. , tioned in the following fashion: Colery Priced Higher * BCHS 25' of the new barbarians (Commu­ out a license, driving an unregis­ ly-Brown. another Republican, was ther deterioration and to safe­ SUPER-RIGHT SKINLESS ALL MEAT 1 lb pkg 59« nists) infiltrated in the political tered motor vehicle. Improper use guard the peace." in his effort to get Congress to of Barhcr.s said that 2-year licens­ The announcement of the super- "Attempting to hamper the peace­ NONE PRICED HIGHER not recorded. ful settlement with Germany, life of Brasil.” of registration plates, and \-a- The Yugoslav government news­ provide funds this year for school ing period from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30, super-bomb came as no surprise, LottucA 17« The start of military action was grancy. construction but promised. "We 1963. The application form is at­ however. Khrushchev on Aug. 9 some circles on the Rhine have LaiTUUO ICHIRO HEAD 2 “ g 1 . 1 5 Dodd Rapfi Jagan paper Borba published the Krem­ clearly lost their self-control and FRANKFORTS announced shortly after the Na­ Berger was arrested Tuesday lin's announcement on an inside will be back next year." School tached to the present license and said Soviet scientists had suggest­ CALIF. DEIICIOUS tional Congress voted overwhelm­ Washington, -\ug. 31 (yP) — Sen. children, he inaintained, and not must be signed and enclo.sed with ed they could build a bomb equal are acting according to the princi­ by Manchester police. He will ap­ page, without comment. Borba al­ ples of all or nothing.” FROZEN-IDEAL FOR SALAD ingly to set up a parliamentary pear in Circuit Court 12, Manches­ Thomas J. Dodd, D-Conn., today so published President Kennedy's the administration were the losers the fee. to 100 million tons of TNT and Grapos seedless 2 IIS 35* system of government with Gou­ called for concerted action by the this year. All apprentice licenses expire that he would p v e the signal for ter, on Sept. 29. message to the conference, using Is Yours True Beauty? NONE PRICED HIGHER lart as president. But wavering United States and Britain before both the text and a Washington Steel Prices — Called on pro­ Sept. 30 and renewal applications construction if prospects for peace 1 MEDIUM LB did not improve. Graciousness and charm add to S h rim p under pressure from War (Army) Dr. Cheddi Jagan is able "to com­ dispatch on an inside page. It gave ducers to absorb wage increases together with a $3 fee must be Honeydew Melons ea59* hlinister Denys and the Air Force pletely Castroize British Guiana.” no editorial comment. scheduled for October in order to sent to the Board. State Office U. S. military experts said then any woman's ailra o f beauty. The and Navy chiefs, the lawmakers Hospital Notes In a prepared Senate speech, "What a sad thing for them to avert another inflationary spiral. Building, before Oct. 1. Appren­ it would be comparatively easy to way you sit, walk and talk creates could not decide whether the pres­ Dodd reiterated his charge that do." a member of the Indian dele­ He said his economic advisers be­ tice licenses must be renewed on build such a bomb but not worth­ an atmosphere pleasing or un­ idency would be a powerful post Jagan's election as premier gave gation said of the Soviet announce­ lieve the steel companies can a one year basis. while from military standpoint pleasing to persons around you. or only a fig(urehead. visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. the Kremlin its first beachhead in ment, GINGERALE AND ASSORTED FLAVORS SUPER-RIGHT SPECIAL A joint session in Brasilia vot­ for all areas except maternity the South American continent. “It looks like they w’ant to smash C H A S E & SA N 8 0 R IN BONELESS ed 298-14 to amend the constitu­ where they are 2 to 4:80 and 6:30 "The United States and Great our meeting,” one Arab delegate tion, abolish the present repub­ to 8 p.m.; and private rooms where Britain,” Dodd declared, "must commented.' Beverages moN 2 ?on?s'2 9 ' LuncliMn Meat 2 CANS 79= lican form of government parallel­ they are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Visitors accept the fact that the Carib­ A steady stream of delegatea vis­ ing the U. S. system, and “respect are requested not to smoke in pa­ bean area has become a major ited the conference press center, COFFEE Pot Roast AMkRVEL ASSORTED FLAVORS LINCOLN all present elective offices,” mean­ tient's rooms. No more than two theatre of Communist political seeking confirmation of the Soviet ing Goulart’s vice presidency and visitors at one time, per patient. and military operations, and w-e decision to resume testing. Prune Juice ^T 29c his right to the presidency. must make plans, In concert, to “ Unbelieveable" and “impossi­ Ice Cream ’/^GAL 69'= The questimi of the presidential Patients Today: 212 deal with this danger.” ble’’ were words most frequently BUMBLE BEE FANCY A&P powers was to be debated in sep­ POPULAR BRANDS REGULAR SIZE ADMITTED YESTERDAY: used by Asian and African repre­ JANE PARKER S INCH, 111 I OZ arate sessions of the chsimber of Sharon (JicszjTiski. 288 Green Rd.: sentatives wheik told that the re­ PRICED FOR Plan to Wed BEC. S9c SPECIAL Pineapple jum' 29“^ deputies and the Senate later to­ Mrs. Marion Guyette, Wapping: port was correct. lb APPLE PIE 39' Cigarettes CONN. a N 2.39 day. The issue was whether to Mrs. Flora Perkins. Stafford Wallingford, Aug. 31 iff’) — JANE PARKER-REG.'eSc A&P have a parliamentary system with Cuba's delegation, whose govern­ WHITE TUNA - Springs: Claude LeBlanc. 99 Cole­ Yvonne OjnatanL, Parisian actress ment is closely aligpied with the 35 ' P. Lebel Frozen Concantrita 4-6 oz cans 45c ORANGE CHIFFON 49' a strong president as in France, man Rd.: Mrs. Margaret Keough, and orchestra leader G e r a h o n Russians, paid little outward heed « 12 0Z 8«C or a system like Italy’s where the Jiiw Perker Rip lO’/boz., reg 1 let Grapefruit j,ic2' 'SkNs°^ 55‘ Laurel Manor Convalescent Home; Kingsley will be married here on to the nuclear development but in­ Lemonade L CANS n O presidmcy is a ceremonial office James Walch, 53 Ardmore Rd.; Friday, they said. quired for the latest news from LARGE CANS YELLOW CUNG POTATO CHIPS “X49' A&P and the government power lies Joseph Krauzailis, 190 Union St.; Kingsley said Mias Constant Brazil. CHICKEN PARTS with the prime minister elected SHURFINE JANE PARKER BLUE-RIBBON 1 Q T 14 OZ Miss Dorothea Benjamin. 33 Cool- and he met while she was appear­ Nehru arrived today and got a WHITE BREAD 2 by parliament. idge St.: Robert Brault, Coventry: ing in a Broadway show i"La PKGS A A C Orange Juice CAN 4 3 ' The congress affirmed its sup­ warm greeting from "1110. He told BREASTS, lb. 55c LEGS, lb. 45e Richard Fox. East Hartford: Mrs. Plume de ma Tante” ) in which newsmen he had not yet read the JANE PARKER-Rcg. Price $Sc Napkins LUNCWON 4*1 OF 80 W 7 port of Goulart’s succession despite Doris Greene. 149 Branford St.; he conducted the orchestra. cans Sunnyfield High Score 1 lb print 73« the servioe driers earlier rejection Soviet announcement and could FRUIT BUNS SfCCIAL 33' Barbara Pitkin. 279 Fern St.; Mrs. He said today that he well take not comment specifically. PEACHES 3 MORRELL LIBBY'S NEW-PACK 1 Qt 14 Oz Can 31e D i i M a b i SILVERBROOK 1 LB v a C o f a proposal to let the vice pres­ Josephine Snow, 114 Maple St.; off for Germany on Sunday for ident return as a figurehead pres­ But he added: "I'm against DUTTei FRESH CREAMERY PRT IL Mrs. Jean Willard, 75 Steep Hol- four weeks to conduct for a (3er- nuclear tearing anjiime, any- can ident and a statement from the lofiv Lane; Mrs. Mabel Caine, Win- Temote Juice 2 I29'^ military leaders last night reiterat­ man theatre group sponsored by wliere.” LB. PACKAGES ISLE OF GOLD CANNED HAM B A T H M A C sted: Mrs. Sylvia Merriman, 53 the Bonn Government. Miss Con­ Nehru came to the door of the Zest Both Soop 2 S IZE A » ing their opposition to Goulart’s re. Lawrence St., Rockville; Mrs. 9-LB. CAN SoDiLDIC T bflonA ul turn to the country. stant will remain In New York to Yugoslav airliner and gave an in­ Stella Stairs. 34 King St.. Rock- perform at a night club until formal salute to the crowd wait­ em s Off - MONEY SAYERS! 63*= The military chiefs in a mani­ ■vllle: Paul Kulick, Tolland. BEST IN YOUR Salad Dressing MIRACIE WHIP QT festo charged that Goulart was Kingsley returns. ing for him. Halfway down the l-peir ADMITTED TODAY: Justyn Margarine 2 3 9 ' 30/0FF! betel lla S ity D o lic k >^OTDOGOR a q c tied too d < ^ y to the Communists Both have ben married once be- ramp he miased a steip, stumbled nvinz RailSn h a m b u r g e r h o z j a r AT C y T , 40 Bretton Rd.: Clyde Rau-j 7c OPP Giant Pkg 7Sc H A M B U R G E R 11 O Z J A R ' smd aald his return as president against a guard rail, then caught schenbach, 63 Thompson Rd.; Mrs. | ’ ______himself, smiling. MEtlOVKMOOD-Reg. H o t LARGE M A C P K G C 8 C would set off “a disquieting period Our Own Tea Bogs le S A L E O F 64'» 3 * t of agitation, of tumult and even Letitia Curtis. 7 Pleasant St. 1 r u t d 'J At the bottom of the stairs Tito 400 C O U N T DELUXE SHEERS 2'««99' Cheer scopp PKG a Z BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son, Call for lUas grabbed Nehru in a bear hug. It Moody clashes in dties and towns.” to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Koblect, 98 ' New Haven, Aug. 31 iff’)—This MEILOWMOOD-Reg. 1 for 1.59 An airlines spokesman said Gou­ appeared that they kissed ^ c h 4< OPP Large Pkg SSc Scotties Focinl Tissue W. Main St., Rockville: a son to i city will invite bids on Sept. 20 other on both cheeks. STRETCH SMtetS 2 '9 * 1.29 lart had reservations to Buenos A I 9LB130Z Ynka Flnur bettycrocker z t e g i i c Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hardy, 889 Ifor Its first housing project for boxes MEILOWMOOD-Reg. 2 1.69 Aires and then on to Montevideo, The two leaders and President NEWSPAPER for \,anc riuur s o f t -a -s i l k "S e o f e " p k g 3 ' 4 ' Hartford Rd.: a son to Mr. and Pthe elderly. Dovalettes 4 C O R N K IN G iFasn ROcopp PKG PI Uruguay. It was believed his des­ Nasser of the United Arab Re­ 2.19 Mrs. John Creagan, Wapping; a According to the announcement SEAMLESS SHfCBS 2«« 1.39 jy ||„ BETTY CROCKER GINGER 14Va O Z C l C tination was Rio Grande do Sul. public have conferred together in son to .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rob­ m ix BREAD-" 7c O F F " 2 P K G S 3 1 AP correspondent Morris W. yesterday by Mayor Richard C. the past as the Big Three of the 4c OFF 12 Oz Can 33c . Rosenberg reported from Porto erts. Wapping; a son to Mr. and Lee, the 23-unit project on Co­ little powers. FRANKFURTS 32 OZ A AC Mrs. David Napper. Wapping. lumbus Ave. is expected to cost Nasser and most other national Pie Crust M ix 33^ Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter about $375,000. Your fMwipoper brings you pieturt* of import o im I intortet in eenvonient Joy Liquid 111 OFF CAN o z Sul, that the city was crowded with leaders have already arrived for FRO-JOY ICE CREAM t r o ^ and that Machado Lopes al­ to Mr. and Mrs. Brian Field, 1 The units in the project, one of the conference. It plans to issue a Kleenex Tissues Emerald St.. Rockville; a daugh­ four planned by the city, will be 3c OPP 3-14 Oz Cant 37c 40e Off pkg of 72 2.03 13c Off pkg of 24 70e ready had put his 60,000-man 3rd communique outlining positions on form whom you con got morn Hk n i a fleotinq look, whor* you con look at ter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, all one-story, with ramps instead i Gal. 69c rACIAL 3c GT a a C TABLETS 6c OFF Army on the alert to meet attack. 272 Vernon St. arms, Germany, economic devel­ Goulart's political backers in of stairs, non-skid floors, and easy- Hi * picturti, itudy Hio pictura* for os long os you Kke. Comet Cleanser OFF CAN X U SALVO Pkgof12i to-reach lights and shelves. They opment, colonialism, what some PKG M V C Detergent Porto Alegre organized a “Demo- DISCHARGED YESTERDA’Y: of the countries here call neo­ Mrs. Elizabeth Holmes. 38 Church will all face on a common garden. NEW by NABISCO . . . ONION THINS...... box S7c O P 400 eratle Resistance Movement” op­ colonialism, and other topics. a BiI om limm ki IBF« ad thnt Sot., I«at. t A tH«ctlv« at ALL AAP.Suptr Mirkets In tJtii cMnoiunlty A vUlatty posing any change in the constitu- St.; Ernest McNeill. 5 Lawton Rd.; The coat is to be financed by a John Trueman. South Coventry; federal loan which will be repaid The Indian prime minister in the NEW by KEEBLEB . . . DUTCH APPLE COOKIES, bag 49c tlan that would prevent Goulart past has played a moderating role from assuming the presidency. Mrs. Jennie Conrady. 22 Earl St., by the sale of city bonds. i SWIFT'S Rockville: Herbert Fffeiffer, Cov­ The plans are under final re­ in discussions on world problems. Your new$paper onabl«$ you to look at the picture$ YOU FROZEN FOODS THi e i u T AUAHiic a pacific tea company, inc Leaders of the movement said they Initially, he waa reported reluctant had organized a radio network of entry; Erwin Reed. East Hart­ view by the Federal Public Hous­ Zorex ford: Thomas Scata. East Hart­ ing Authority. to come to Belgrade, fearing the Pard Dog Food 114 stations in four southern states conference would develop primar­ CHOOSE. Your valuable time need not be consumed by for the propaganda battle. ford; Mrs. Mabel Ducharme, An­ Construction should start a few FARM HOUSE PURI PUVOMO PflUIT SYRUPS dover: Raymond Bidwell, 118 Mc­ weeka after the bids are opened ily into a mud-sUnging contest ^ a r k e t s l Porto Angre was reported out­ with the West as the main target. subfects in which you have little or no interest. Most im­ wardly calm last night but there Kee St.; Leo Boudreau, 29 Mar­ Oct. 20. It is expected to be com­ IMimCA'S DIPINDABU 1000 MERCHANT SINCE IIIS9 garet Rd.; Mrs. Ethel Peteraen, It was reported that he decided to 2 pujT. 6 5 ' A cANS 3 0 was ample evidence of the tension. pleted within a year. BLUEBERRY PIES 328 E. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Maude Anyone who has lived at least a attend, however, to try to keep the portant, your newspaper makes these pictorial reports 1 1 Banks and schools have been Broufchu, 401 Adams St.; Carol meeting balanced. for delicious, healMil eating! closed there alnoe Monday and the year in New Haven and is over 62 Dennison, 20 Steep Hollow Lane; may apply for an apartment. The Soviet embassy distributed gorimmor's palace was under heavy available to you AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. You can see 5UNKIST FROZEN ASSORTED DAZZLE Mrs. Beatrice Maher, 58 Dudley Single tenants will be restricted to to the heads of all delegations BAXTER'S FROZEN guard by troops. St.; Mrs. Marilyn Lennon, 940 E. copies of what appeared to be the ea. Heinz Macaroni Fruit Punch*! 2 ‘” “«39' The s t a t e government also an annual income of less than $3,- them at the,time you want to see them. FANCY, HRM Pototo Puffs 2»“ ««43' Bleoch «” 20' ' ' “ ^39 Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Jean Fenn, 000 a year. Couples will have an text of the Moscow announcement. requiBittMied all gasoline and fuel COOKED 395 N. Main St.; Arthur Hills, 150 income ceiling of $3,200. But most delegates got the first oil stocks. Motorists formed long word from news reports. ELBERTA FREESTONE N IN E LIV ES THREE tiniE KinENS Greenwood Dr.; Stephen Gourley, For a 3-room apartment the WHITE CHUNKS Sc O F F A ISUOZ «AC lines at filling stations for th’4ir "The Soviet Union has accused Cot Food 2 i^kcans2 5 ' 343 Summit 'St.; Charles 'Weber, rent would be no more than $70 a Tuna TTAIIKIST 4Vi U CAN 3 0 ' A C A N S Cat Food 2 ‘«“«27' gSKdtaa ration. 45 Talcott Ave., Rockville; Sharon the United States of preparing for ▲ War Ministry communique month, depending on the occu­ Jones, 34 Park PI, Rockville; Mr*. pant's income. “Elfflciencies” would a resumption of nuclear tests and W hatever it is • - if it's newsworthy > - PEACHES Joan Klely, and daughter, 31 San- be $66 or leea. The rent includes uses that as an excuse to resume i tlna Dr. utillUes. large-scale tests itself,” said one or intemsting - - DISCHARGED TODAY: Ver­ Aslan delegate. “That looks to us 3 Lbs. 39c Waldorf Softweve Scotkins INVITATION non Smith. Crystal Cabins, Rock­ like bad faith on the part of the Scot Tissue ville: Paul Dumond, 681 Hartford Transport Committee Russians.” TO BID Rd.; Mrs. Ethel Schadllch, 334Ij New York, Aug. 31 (/Pi—^le Several sail the Soviet docu­ Toilet Tissue ToHet Tissue WHITE OR COIORED Dinner 25<= Scaled b(da vlU be received at Center St.; L. Scott Price. 138 Park governors of New York, New Jer­ ment, contending that Russia was the OfOoe o f the General Mana- St.; Debra Santos, Tinker Pond sey and Connecj-icut — promising "forced" into a resumption of tests, DEUCtOUS. RIPE 4 * 0 0 , 3 7 ' Z i e o s Z r 2 R o t u 2 r gar, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Rd.. Bolton; Angelo Giola, 238 "action” on metropolitan area did not in their minds, justify the Lunclwon 2 ^ ^ 3 3 ^ OoBOMtleat until September 12, Keeney St.; Mr*. AUot MiUer, transportation — have named a Kremlin’s action. ------— — J— IS O « t UiOO A -X . fbr Water Main Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mrs. Daisy Cur­ Trlstate Transportation Ck)mmit- Yugoslav officials privately call­ JUICY itetoslanyiiiiiy street ai ' ran, 35 Baldwin Rd.; Mrs. Barbara tee. 1 1 1 0 committee, as if to prove ed the Kremlin’s nuclear decision BefiiNiBdk Street' . Herrick, 3 Barbara Rd., Rockville; the clsim, went Into a eession at another sign of Rsd Chinese pres­ Cut'Rite Scott Scot Towols Boocli-Nut BM fbnna and jMetflcationa are Mrs. Stella Stairs, 34 King 8t. once. sure on Khrushchev. PEARS ewhle, at the ctetroUar’s Of- Rockville; Mrs. Mary Mahoney The group scheduled a meeting ‘This means that the tough line Wax Paper Family Nopkins REGULAR ’ A « C Boby Food ter JhriMt, M uchas- and daughter, 71 Cooper St.; Mrs. in Washington Sept. 18 with rep­ of Peiping is gaining in influence tin r o u a I resentatives of the U.S. Bureau of in .the Soviet Union,” said one Strpinod 9 j a m 9 5 ^ Mary-Lou Franklin and daughter, 3 Lbs. 29c 1MFT. AVC JtMsao g g c MAWCHUSTBR. 92 Valley St.; Mrs. Mary Brick Public Roads and the U.S. Hous­ Yugoslav. "It appears to be just te a 45# eou # 0 and aon, Ellington; Mrs. Donen ing and Home Finance Agency, another concession by Khrushchev Janior 6 m m 9 1 ° Bhaw and son, Tolland; Mia. Clayra and it promised to have its first to the constant Chinese cooplaints V S S S ^ B a n /a d dangbter, 11 Ford I t recommendatloais ready by h(ov. 1. that he Is 'going aoft’ on the w est” I- • ■ u g h t o e w IIAJJCHESTER. EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 WAxm MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 PAGE NINETBBN BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith MAJOR HOOPLB DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLl In the interest rate or other provi­ A n d o ver VlktfNmAU.^ TH ERrS ANOTOEft Your Pocketbook sions of the mortgafe. icMPsaTHwe^ SPOT OVER HERB Q—When I loat my Job a year The G pen Forum By PAVE HENLB ago, I was unable to keep up the Horse Show Set ~W)AT AMDS Mb MTSLUfI MEHB paymenU on my life insurance. Giriish Bit Oocununlcfctloiui tor publlcatioiu in Uia Optn Forum wUI not ba PaAffiook Loans Are Easy The policy lapsed. Things are look­ By Rhythm Riders OVl-O0/VU0MD«RWIHICrtOM^«?°'^''^'*'^^ .VJASSAkB ing tetter now. Do I have to buy 0 [ & L A R O T U 6 / M O O PLE.IH ' gusrsatMd pubUoatbm if thay contain more than SOO worda. Tha To Obtain and Inexpensive a fbPPeo ME.'THtsavMAcrx new policy or can the old one be 6ET PER GR0W\H''A MU9TACHS TRVIH'TOjA/tMAWXrs Sm W HaraM raaarr* tha rlfht to dacUnt to publiib any matter that Q—I am a teen-ager with almost The Andover 4-H Rhythm Rid­ HEWASNTTTVfAVlHy’.tSAW . •niMi reinatoted?— S. S. T. ers will sponsor a horu show at l b lo o k UKB THAcr EYcmaAo may ba Ubaloiu or which la In bad tMtc. Free expreaaion of polit­ $200 In the savings bank. I would /MAiS0 l^ - * 3 (| j a k b u s s r I lORtOWll ical i ^ a to daalrad by contribuUona of thto character but let- A —Dear S. S. T.: I f you can the Tolland County Agricultural 0ia9RHH;OPMlMB.<«>ANi' CT tlMlbMaM like to borrow $100 to go on a prove your health Is good, by pay­ O nter (TAG) falrnwmds In Ver­ O09TAUE«l2TMArHe- •ItaiaiM UU»angw tar- wUch ara defamatory or abuaiva will be rejected. nkloMiM ilApWiara blcyle trip. Dad says I can borrow ing any unpaid premiums together non Oct. 1- Mrs. Joseph Remesch AlUSTA OVIED THOSE MU6S 11 Otnu frail Jr., of Hebron Rd., Is serving as O W - o o - w n itlMibag on my bank savings. Is this expen­ with Interest, you can have your UHoaiUia aiHuiMpa Oaibaca OoDeetlona old policy reinstated: The cost of publicity chairman for the group MV ©U/H.VJT’^A dineUoa < >other potiUonj making it necessary sive?— M.B. on Its major project of the year. To the Editor. to bench some other youngater. Tve premiums is lower since you were StMara Why are we worrying about two A — Dear M. B.: You and anyone younger when you first took out The club includes members from asGarauBt seen some boys play four different else can borrow on the money Manchester, Bolton and Hebron lAKOM 94 ScudlBarlaa earbaca and trnahih cMlecUona a positions. this policy and you are further they have In a savings account. 'along toward building cash values as well as this town. A percentage ITUiMaai week at an Mtlmated coet of The umpires on a wholq from* the ItAihMi ■ E L MOaaRiMliW 43 M i 1167,B40 a year at the very least This is called a "passbook loan” In it. of the profits will be donated to ■affix 44ahl0i games I witnessed were very bad. and is about the cheapest kind of TAG. ($116,640 for tha contractor and Some of the decisions they made Q—Where can I get a copy of MDadm 4753C tol,000 for. dump help and equip­ a loan you can make. You would Garden Club Project ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN aSAtBMBplMn aBWwttatwek 40a*eirtj* would make you laugh. The laat "You, Your Banker and Your Mort­ 3THi«Girdaar 39 SMd app«iili«i 41 BanlUM ment) when we can’t even get be ahead of the game If you left gage" mentioned in a recent co­ The Andover Garden Club Is now garbage alone picked up mice a few games at the International your money In the bank and bor­ taking orders for spring bulbs, as JOPOMB SIZm Imu 43J«pumm League Park umpires were taken lumn?—D. K. 31 Sm bird MHawaUaafood girdlM week for over $100,000 a year rowed against it. You would be A —Dear D. K.: This publication a club fund-raising project. Resi­ SlGIbbaa from the stands. now? forced to save to repay your loan of the American Bankers A.ssn. Is dents are invited to call Miss 3SBrldl«pttt 1 E 1 r r We also saw some dtsiJLs^sting ac­ and wouldn’t lose your good sav­ Dorothea Raymond. Andover Cen­ 34ThrM Aa I writ# thto letter, Thursday tion from League omclals and free. Write to 12 East 36th St., asCnekon afternoon, Aug. 24, our garbage ings habit. New York 16, N. Y. ter. for Information In varieties IT coaches, a League official calling Q—I am about to buy a house and prices of tulip, narcissus, hy- UMkblrd has been sitting at the curb since Q—When my friend talks about 38 AbMnct bailie ' 1 1! Tueaday avening, Aug. 22, as has spectators a bunch of bums and which already has an F H A mort­ acinth__and other bulbs for fall STBoondait 14 everyone could hear It. It no her husband's stocks, she always planting. n J l that o f all our neighbors. W e have gage. I don’t understand the dif­ points out that he Is "locked in" (eoDb.fanB) II always carried it to the curb in wonder parents‘ do not backto this ference between the terms "assum­ Bulletin Board 38Aitiat'afr>ina League 100 per cent. and thus they have no profit on 40Wreof4oara our neighborhood. It will be pick­ ing the mortgage” and "subject their investments. What is she talk­ Andover’s .school bus drivers ed up scion because I Just called I f they want to teach these boys to the mortgage.” Is there a dif­ will meet with the board of edu­ 43KUipaoidal sportsmanship, fair play, baseball, ing about?—M. M. R. 45 Self-aataam in a complaint to the f^arbage de­ ference?—J. M. cation at the Andover Elementary C3g t . cooperation and how to get along ^HOT ^eiMs-miE 4« Apeear i i i l i l H a partment this morning. A — Dear J. M: Yes, there Is a A — Dear M. M. R.: An investor School at 8 o’clock tonight. SODafunaf M J k A t the public hearing on the with other boys let’s teach them difference. When you, the buyer, is said to be “ locked in" when he The Andover Public Library will A1AgOg.StA.qAKE^ USawinc right or not at all. I f they want budget in April this year it was assume a mortgage your name is has a prfWAtatiiia9atbLat>aa* the difference in tax dollars be- down-to-earth examination of the BACK TO SCHOOL - KING’S SUPER FOOD VALUES! nSimmc. calling "Manchester a City with books of any big utility. twsen one garbage collection a **l tiiought you said that Jimmy of yours sirts an Village Charm.” Better change Hence, the public utilities com­ week and two put Into the educa­ Center St. to Crazy Drivers mission will have to grant the BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD tion budget so the old small schools amatsur magieianl No amateur eould msks a Boulevard. utility companies an increase and in town, such aa Buckland, could ARMOUR'S STAR four>pound roast disappear that fasti'* 1 am glad and lucky to bv the users of telephones and elec­ obtain educational facilities equal tricity can thank the recent Gen­ 8 to 14’^lba with thoae of the newer bigger going back to Florida where you can get rest and peace and at a eral Assembly (both parties) for TENDER, LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON schools. A spesch therapist, social not even having the ' business worker, or physical education in­ much lower tax rate too. Caw-'*! 6*1 FesfwwCsipe Paul Ecabert. judgment to make the utility tax- AVG. TU-Wor^d K;«WtKsaA structor (which are now denied be­ increases limited in time until we MEATY cause of lack of funds in the edu- Predicts Rate Increases wipe out the deficit inherited from TURKEYS eetional budget) being made avail­ To the Editor, the previous state administration. able would be a start. I rather doubt that the political Mrs. Ralph C. Lewis About 98 per cent of the time without mental reservations, I leaders will know what I am talk­ 149 Adams St. ing about. Manchester go along with The Herald’s ex­ ARMOUR STAR SHANK SECTION BUTT SECTION * cellent editorials but when you Willard Rogers Oratedul PaUent write that the new tax on public utilities should not be passed on To Manchester Memorial Hospital, 1893 Quarter Unique 8-?/ to the public I not only must take FLAVORFUL Thanking the surgeon, doctor, definite exception but I go further all nursea and aides, who did so * Washington—In 1893, in connection, and predict that the electric light with the World’s Columbian Ebepoei- much for me In helping me hack and telephone companies will be TENDER B. C. BY JOHNNY HART on road to recovery and better tlon at Chicago, the United States permitted to raise their rates be­ issued its' only commemorative BUZZ SAWYER health; slIso the North Methodist BY ROY CRANE cause of thi.s act of the last Gen­ quarter. Thia is also the only Amer­ IF EVCRVTMlMC. CAME ITS a s r a r ---- Church minister who visited me r eral Assembly. i c a coin that suggests monarchy. HAMS ^ BurwEWMr troPiD/ -ms FROM THB. SEA, 1 WONDER As I C «T * and gave me much comfort with The only grounds upon which the On one aide it showa the crow n^ 35 45 ONLY ONE } COMMUNIST WRY MBtriSI MC3W A He AW ROC< LK E Be f o r e m y his prayer for my health. Many public utilities commission could head of Queen Isabella of Spain AMRTAR, /iSTDMAKEANOISe cards and fiowers, from neighbors, PEcmtHr.q m iisr,------T;i i s & o r CLEAR o u r m e r e . LEfwS WORE OFF I rule against increases by the elec­ and on the other a kneeling wom­ For The Holiday Picnic, Outing or Cookoui! PRE-HOLIDAY 6R0CERY SPECIALS COMRAW. /SOTBEYLUKINKINE friends who visited me. EJverythlng tric, gas and telephone companies R i R L l JOIN IHEMONfiOOSE'S NOTA , /HMlEAHUNrEBP an. The coin has a catalogue value possible was dene for me and was is that they have either teen Of $40. H, L. HANDY’S "STAFT” QUAIATY WmERY.y MORTARS. ISTJ WYE mere than appreciated. Many NOISE/ nRETHE .thanks and God bless each and AT ONE LOW PRICE! 46 Os. MORMR...THf/IUCINE •very one of you. Once again, TOMATO JUICE OSBS 99c «IMS.TttMMBOOLOi ONiy^rmessMeBiRnAND years and having a son play Little LIVERWURST or BAM IR3UNOANan^a^ •nTLsoFir-ssr oim j COULD AND A BOOKTlTLeo; League baseball and coaching an and • JACKET 28 0 «. YEAH, BUT tVE HAVE l « R y GOOD BOOK— 'itXRBtOOO • HOW'iO INDUCE WHOLB Alumni Farm team I am interested BOLOGNA CHUNKS PEA BEANS OSM 99c , alotofholeslefx ir»3-SORrOFA 0 0 - ALL ATINOLB? OOLONIB50F


(■ .... ^ ” 7^

1 y PAGB TWENTY ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 BiANCHESTfiR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, COiW., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1961 PAGE TWENTY-ONB • ______T _____ Look Through the Camera Lens at Training Camp of at Fairfield THE Herald Angle Little Talk About Home Runs, By EAR L Y O S l Sporta Editor Yankees Interested in Pennant Stadium to Bulge at Seams on Weekend will be bulging at the seams this week­ end, starting Friday night, when the challenging Detroit Ti­ Minneapolis-St. Paul, Aug.'*'*"’* *hor* interestsd in winning# r$> Houk aaid he felt no concern*, “It's my business now to lay gers move into the huge ball park in the first of k do-or-did thi pennant.” Miiriii and Mantle at the slide, but "I would have if he off those bad pitches. The other 31 {IP)— Mickey Mantle had hadn't tried to break up the play. series with the leading Yankees. The Ti­ That feeling: carrits iVin to atat- guy (Mantle) will start hitting just swatted his 47th home Istician Bill Kant, who makto At Bat .Weidnfiiday These guys are all professionals gers must take two of the three games and then hope to do run, but there was little no mention in his press lih44t of Maris now. They should know how to some more homers and then we'll bfetter in a four-game, three-day set in Detroit Sept. 15, 16, talk in the Yankee dressing how dost Mantle and Rogir Mariii, Inning; slide.” ace if the start pitching 17. 'The M-Boys, Mickey Mantled... ■ ■ ■ ...... who has 51 roundtrippers, irg tO First: Struck out. Mantle spent his time in the to me again.” and Roger Marhs, who have been room about that. Everyone Fourth: Wglked. was more concerned over how sec­ BAbS Ruth’s record (lO homAfl. training room, not too anxious to Maris said he is a free swinger hogging the headlines In recent a leading shirt manufacturer, Sixth; Filed to center. and has A tendency to swing at Clifford reported . . New York ond place Detroit came out with Risked Injury talk about the which weeka will have to share honors Biirhth: Hit RBI single to left him one game ahead of Ruth’s bad pitches. with the big battle for first place. Giants and Baltimore Colts will Chicago, iTie pennant fever wits best Ex­ center. each cart away $37,600 as their Most of the Yankees had left the hibited last night by Maris, ^vho pace. Stafford was the other star, but All box and reserved seat tick­ Mantle it also was no surprise to Houk. ets have been sold for Friday guarantee for partlcipatiiig in the dressing .room x/hen the final score risked injury sliding hard into ascond: Struck out. Maris, who is seven games up Albie Booth Memorial Fund gamt waa posted: Chicago 7, Detroit 4. Minnesota second baseman Billy on the Babe, was much more will­ "He’s been pitching real well night's contest as well as Sun­ Fourth; Hit into force play, for us lately,” said the Yankee day afternoon, which will close at Yale one week from Sunday, That, coupled with New York’s Martin when Martin was attempt­ seventh: Hit 47th home run, ing to chat. Sept. 10 at 2 o'clock. No ticket 4-0 victory over the Minnesota ing to complete a JoublEplAy. The skipper. "An injury slowed him out the series. For Saturday af­ baMA-empty Into leftfield Hitting Bad I>itch<«s outlets have been set up in Man­ Twins behind the four-hit pitch­ bail sailed into the Twins’ dugout bleachers. earlier this year hut’s come on ternoon's meeting, only grand­ strong fllncc.” stand reserved seats in the out­ chester but tickets ar* available ing of Bill Stafford last night, put and resulted in the YArtkS’ first Ninth; Filed to center. "I’ve been getting a great many field, plus bleacher seats, are un­ in Hartford at th* Courant and the Yanks 2 'A games ahead of run. mors bad pilches lately.” he said The .season’s finale against the sold at this time. Naturally, Savltt'a. the Tigers. "I had to take my chances with after loser Jim Kaat three times two clubs today pits Roland Shel­ bleacher seats will also be sold * « * “There isn’t much talk about an injury,” aSid Maria. ‘Th* scor* a possible run. Wa’re out to win went to three balls on the left- don against Minnesota’s Jack the pennant and any records will handed slugger. "And I’ve been Kralick. The Yankees now hold a Friday night and Sunday after­ Bouquet Due the home runs,” explained Yankee waa 0-0 at the time and if I could noon. Manager Ralph Houk. ’The boys upset the doubleplay, that meant be incidental.” swinging at too many of them.” 14-3 season edge over the Twine. Anyone who hasn’t a ticket is Evelyn lx>rentzen Tates a bou­ advised to .stay home. All three quet as a woman who never gives games will be broadcast on radio up. Three times in the last five tvith (Channel 8 bringing in the Sat­ years, Mrs. Lorentzen has been Gentile Only Six Behind Ruth^s Home Run Pace urday and Sunday games on runner-up in the coveted Club Recalled hy Cuba teevee, while Channel 11, if you Championship Golf Tournament In can pick it up, will also feature the Women’s Division at the Man­ With the Class B Friday night’s attractive offering. chester Country Club. Every oth­ Detroit Chopped Down by Chisox Northwest Baseball • * * er year, starting In 1057, the League title Top Average Men local housewife was second — within his grasp, Man­ 1957, 1959 and 1961... Gene John­ New Ynrk, Aug. 31 (IP)— ^ total hit at Wrlg|ey Field to 204,* double play grounder and How- Four of the five members of the son, with his batting average jitill a one-season record for an AL ard's single. chester’s Moe Morhardt, Holiday. Lanes’ bowling team on the rise, missed making the ’The Detroit TiirerS, looking park. It was Gentile’a seventh * « • above, has been notified which set a new world’s team sea­ All-Star team in the Three Eye ahead to their weekend show­ home run in nine games, but he’s ORIOLES-ANGELS—Gentile had to report to the Chicago son record last season are listed Class B Baseball League this sea­ down at New York for the six behind Ruth’s pace for 136 three hits and drove in four runs, Cubs of the National among the top 25 duckpin rollers son. The local inflelder with Cedar snatching the RBI lead from American League lead, sud­ games. League following com­ in the United States. According to Rapids, Iowa, was a utility man denly have been chopped Cleveland clobbered Washington Maris with 124, for the Orioles, the National Duckpin Bowling on the 1960 squad. Batting fourth 9-0 for the Senators’ 12th straight who picked up their other home pletion of regular season Congress, George Pelletier ranks down from behind by the charging runs from Jackie Brandt, Earl with the second place Braves, Chicago White Sox. defeat, and Boston whipped play. The Northwest fourth with a 131.187 average. Johnson is now hitting .267... Kansas City 9-3. Robinson, Ron Hansen and Jerry Hippo Correnti is ninth at 130.88, The Sox, who have a long way to Adair in support of Jack Fisher League closes shop Sept. Fine baseball attraction Sunday • • « 5 and the local first base- Two ‘Giants’ of the Future Size Up 1961 Aggregation Koi>v Grier Dwarfs Insuranceman Tom Conran Quarterbacks Y. A. Tittle, Lee Grosscup, Jerry Maloney 13th with a 129.120 afternoon at the Weat Side Oval go even to nail third place, put (8-111. Ron Moeller (4-8) was the Herald Photos by Oftara marie and Roy Lipp, 25th, and will find Fogarty’s hosting Glas­ away their lixth etraight success WHITE SOX-TIGER8—The Tig­ loser. man is expected to join and Second in a row over Detroit, ers, playing without flu-stricken 128,120. Walt Berthold, the fifth tonbury with all proceeds to be Ted Kluszewski homered for the the parent Cubs the next 7-4, list night. It was only the Norm, the AL’s batting lead­ Angels, who have totaled 99 home member of the squad and the No. 1 turned over to the Danny Mon- day for the final month pinner in the Northern Connecti­ third loss In l3 games for the ing batter at .366, committed three runs to 105 by the opposition at chuck Memorial Scholarship Tigera, but they’ve dropped these errors for the -second straight Wriglcy Field in cracking the AL of the season. Little Scathack Once Led Local Merchant Scorers Caught Short! cut League, gained a spot on the Fund. Action starts at 2 o’clock. honor roll, missing the rankings latest two behind aces Frank Lary game and were checked on five record of 200 in one park set at Morhardt boasts a .341 Jofree Top Boxer * • * for not having rolled enough sanc­ and Jim Sunning, and have skid­ hits by Southpaw Juan Pizarro (11-: Detroit in 1959. There are 15 batting average and W’ashington, Aug. SI CF) — tioned games. Howard Hampton, Fine Facilitiea ded 2'A games behind New York. 6), who struck out 10. Running (5-'games left on the Wrigley Field Former Vice President Richard 10) was roughed up for 10 of Chi-1 schedule, enough to wipe out the leads in doubles with 27 out.standing Manchester bowler, Fairfield University , offers ex- The Yankees added a game to and is second in homers Ni.von was iate for a golf date al.-o made the honor roll for 1960- their lead with a 4-0 victory at cage’s 15 hits, but it was a three- major league home run record of with his one-time boss yester­ In Ring Rankings 61 play . . Holiday Lanes has en­ c-ellent facilities and as a rasult run eighth against reliever’s Gerry 1 219 set at Cincinnati’s Crosley with 18 and runs bat(:^^ the New York Giants will return Minnesota as Mickay Mantis and Webb Still Hopeful of Chance day because he had to borrow tered the Connecticut Men’s Ma­ Staley and Hank Aguirre that won ' Field In 1957. in with 89. He is playing' again next year for their pre- Elston Howard crashed solo home it for the Sox. They got the three pants, shirt and shoes for the jor Duckpin League with Lipp runs behind the four-hit pitching game. National Football League train­ on a walk, a triple by Sherm Lol INDIANS-SENATOR8—The Sen- with the Wenatchee, New York, Aug. 31 (/P)— Eder Jofree, world bantamweight acting as manager. The regular of Bill SUfford. lar, a single by Pizarro, an error Wash., Chiefs. Apologies made, Nixon bor­ rollers will return with Red Bo­ ing sessions. President Jack Mara ator.s, after benching slugger Wil­ By EARL YOST rowed a tee from his fellow champion who won the same designation for July, again was of the Giants said not only is the ■ It was No. 47 for the switch- and a single by Floyd Robinson, lie Tasby, Dale Ixing and Gene The 1961 season has gush H.s a substitute. Each team in hitting Mantle, and he got it bat­ who had three hits and drove in Six years ago, little Allan Webb, a fleet-footed halfback out golfer, former President Dwight named “ Fighter of the Month’’ by Ring magazine in its Au­ NATIONAL LEAGUE the new league must average 615 front office happy with the setup Green for "lack of hustle,” gave been by far his best in Eisenhower, and drove off. W. U Pet. G.B. but also the players, many of ting righthanded against aoiith- three runs. the Indians an unearned run in gust ratings released today. ^ a game or be assessed a $25 fine. * * * professional ball. Given a of Arnold College in New Haven was the last man to be cut The game was arranged Cincinnati .... 79 53 .698 — whom reside in the New York- paw Jim Kaat. That left the Mick the second inning and then were Jofree retained his unbeaten status Folley from No. 7 to 8, Cleveland * * * one game ahead of Babe Ruth’s YANKS-TWIN8—Stafford (12-7) substantial bonus for from the roster of the Los Angeles Rams in the National earlier this week when Nixon by knocking out Ramon Arias in Los Angeles ..78 52 A84 2!', New Jersey area... Big Al De- rapped for eight runs in the fourth. Football League. Wanting to play football, Webb cast his'lot and Eisenhower met at the for­ Williams from No. 8 to 9 and Chu­ San Francisco 69 56 .552 6'/j Off the Cuff Rogatis, former Duke tackle, will record-60 pace of 1927. Teammate dueled Katt (7-13) with only a 1-0 Gary Bell (9-14) pitched his first signing by the Cubs in Caracas in successfully defending valo from No. 5 to 7, Roger Marie, after going O-for-10, lead until Mantle walloped his shutout of the year with a four- with, the Manchester Merchants'*' mer president’s farm home near his crown. .MUwaukee . . . 69 57 .548 7 Manchester Rifle Club can credit do color on all Giant radio game 1959, Morhardt batted Gettysburg, Pa. Archie Moore is recognized by picked up a single but failed to first home run in nine games hitter. John Gabler (3-7) was the and for two years was a crowd The runner-up spot goes to NBA St. Louis ...... 66 61 .520 10'/, Norman Larson, secretary, for its broadcasts this fall. He’ll assist only .205 with Lancaster, pleasing halfback who could sweep if the situation warrants. Last The foursome at Eisenhow­ Ring as light heavyweight cham­ IMttsburgh ...61 64 .488 14'/, add to his n/iajor league leading leading off the seventh inning. loser. year Webb was on the Giant re­ Light Heavyweight Champion pion, with Johnson the No. 1 chal­ fine coverage. For several years Joe Hasel behind the microphone Maris drove in his 121st run of the • • * Pa., in the Class A East­ A the ends or catch passes with er’s old home course at Burn­ home run total of 61. He's now serve list but did not get the call Harold Johnson for his victory in a lenger. Doug Jones, unbeaten New Chicago ...... 58 73 .421 23 Larson has handled public rela­ . . . Look magazine’s Tim Cohane year with a two-out single in the equal ability to the delight of local ing Tree in suburban Maryiand Philadelphia ..37 91 .280 40 only seven games ahead of Ruth. RED SOX-A’S—Winning right­ ern League in 1960. In to play. title match 'Tuesday night over Yorker, is No. 2. tions for the club in big Jeague predicts Syracuse, Army and The hottest home run slugger eighth, and Howard hit his 14th hander Gene Conley (9-11) beat fans at Mt. Nebo. included William Rogers, attor­ IVednesday’s Results Penn State — in that order—will one year’s time, Mor­ "I feel great, the speedy Webb ney general imder Elsenhower, Eddie Cotton in Seattle. Terry Downes of England is style . . . Earle Clifford reports of the moment, Jim Gentile, belted home run in the ninth, off reliever the A's and Jim Archer (8-11) Six years later, still determined said. “ I trained hard for this There were several changes in Pittsburgh 3, Cincinnati 1. meeting ousted National League dominate college football in the hie 43rd as third place Baltimore Ray Moore. Kaat struck out eight with a tie-breaking, two-run sin­ hardt has upped his bat­ to make good in the No. 1 profes- and Lt. Col. John Elsenhower, recognized as middleweight cham­ Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 3. chance and I even put on 10 son of the former president. the heavyweight rankings. Alejan­ pion. NBC Champion Gene Full­ Umpire Frank Dascoll and says East thLs season. Cohane goes out walloped five homers and crushed in his eighth innings, giving up the gle in the seventh for the Red ting average more than siotial grid circuit in the world, pounds. I now weigh 175 pounds. dro Lavorante of Argentina ad­ Los Angeles 5, Chicago 2. the Danielson resident has accept­ on the limb and tabs Yale to win Loa Angeles, H-4. There were six big run in the fourth on a walk Sox, who pushed across five more Webb tried his luck again with the mer, who retained that title by 135 points to earn th« Leave of Absence vanced from sixth to fourth by beating Florentino Fernandez, is San Francisco 2, Milwaukee 1. ed a sales position with the Jes­ the Ivy League title, no small home runs in the game, upping the to' Marls, an error on Mantle’s in the ninth. promotion to the Cubs. New York Giants. LAte Tuesday Webb is on a leave of absence knocking out Willi Besmanoff, and the No. 1 challenger, trading posi­ Today’s Games sup Steel Co. Dascnii, who was order... New golf course is now afemoon, Webb was informed by from his duties as recreation di Champs Honored Bob Cleroux was shoved up 'from tions with Paul Pender. San FVanclsco (Marlchal 13-8) fired by N. L. President Warren under construction In Farmington the Giant front office that he had rector at the Connecticut State ninth to sixth after he retained his Luis Rodriquez of Cuba dropped at Chicago (Curtis 8-10). Giles two weeks ago for off-field and will be known as the Planta- been placed on the National League Wednesday’ s Homers Prison in Wethersfield. ’The Nut At Racing Card, Canadian title by beating George from second to fourth among the St. Louis (Broglio 0-10) at remarks, turned do'wn a bid from tion Country Club. H waiver list At 31, although he's megger said he “ loved” his work Chuvalo. welterweights as a result of his up­ Philadelphia (Mahaffey 9-17), 8:05 Major League listed as being 20 in the New York Inside the high walls, much bet. Anderson Winner Inactive Ingemar Johansson set defeat by Curtis Cokes of i p.m, (Season total fai parentheses) press brochure, Webb is still far LEADERS—Camilo Pascual (left), Min­ AMERICAN LEAGUE ter than teaching school or work­ dropped from No. 4 to 5, Zora Dallas. Los Angeles (Drysdale 10-8) at nesota, and Whitey Ford, New York, strikeout leaders in 90 Wins Possible from downhearted. ing in a'shop, but wanted to ful Milwaukee (Hendley 4-3), 9 p.m. Tom Sturdivant Comes Back = L e a d e rss= Mantle, Yankees (47) While the sun was baking down fill a long- standing ambition by East Hartford turned out in the American League, look at a picture of Pascual’s new Howard, Yankees (14)) force to salute a 9-year-old home­ (Only Games Schedul^). on the li^rfield University prac­ playing with the Giante- Webb Friday’s Schedule baby before start of last night’s game in the ’Twin Cities. Gentile, Orioles (43) served two years in the Navy. town boy at quarter-midget races tice field Tuesday, I asked Webb Seeded Players Ask Net Head San Francisco at Chicago. Pascual has 179 this season and leads the To Gain N.L. Flag NATIONAL LEAGUE Brandt, Orioles (IS) of his plans. Seveial hours previ­ Six years ago, , in Buckland last night. Batting — Clemente, Pittsburgh, Hansen, Orioles (11) I .O S Angeles at Milwaukee, (N). ous, Ray Walsh, Giant general now captain of the Giants defen­ Tommy Erdin was given a blue Castoff Beats Redlegs league. Ford, who leads the league in victories has 175 .360; Pinson and Ro(bljison, C ln ^ - Adair, Orioles (8) sive unit, then a fine end with the and gold racing jacket by Carl To Lift Ralston’s Susp ension Pittsburgh at St. Louis, (N ). strikeouts. Pascual’s baby was born Tuesday morning. E. Robinson, Orioles (8) manager, had told me WeM was (Only Games Scheduled). and Sanford for seven each, natl, .335; Aaron, Milwaukee, .322; being put on the waiver list. Webb, Rams, recommended Webb to his Kentworthy, president of the East (AP Photofax.) Milwaukee, Aug. t l UP) — Moon, Los Angeles, .320. Bmton, Tigera (15) Hartford Rotary Club, in recogni­ with Sam Jones getting the G employers at the time. Both Webb ITie and while we were conversing, did not AMERICAN LEAGUE Runs Batted In — Cepeda, San Bertoia, Tigers (2) and Robustelli were products of tion of Tommy’s accomiplishment Forest Hills, N. Y.. Aug. 31 (iP)—^players and members of the Inter- To End Winning Streak nod In others. Marichal was Khuzewskl, Angels (14) know of the front office action. Denis Ralston, the Peck’s bad boy W. L. Pet. G.B. the Milwaukee Braves are named to go against the Cubs Francisco, 118; Robinson, Cincin­ Giants or No One Arnold College, now part of two weeks ago in winning the national Lawn Tennis Club of the NATIONAL LEAGUE of American tennis' continued to United States who sig^ned a tele­ New York ___ 87 44 .664 — knocking heads in a battle for in Chicago today. nati, 114; Aaron, Milwaukee, 102; *Tf I don’t make it, I still want Bridgeport University. Webb just New England Quarter Midget Musial Plans to Play in ’62, •Mays, San Francisco, 101; Adcock, Santo, Cubs (19) missed by a hair of getting a con­ have a controversy rage about his gram to USLTA President George Detroit ...... 85 47 .644 2'/, New York, Aug. 31 )— Remember Tom Sturdivant? He’s third place. And both are Dresaen planned to start to stay with the Giants. I’ll know Junior Championship. Baltimore ____78 57 .578 11 (IP Milwaukee and Stuart and Cle- Neal, Dodgers (9) tract. suspension by the United States Barnes. resting their diminishing pen­ rookie southpaw Bob Hendley, N. Sherry, Dodgers (4) later today when the waiver list is On hand to applaud Tommy were Chicago ...... 70 62 .530 17'/, the big, knuckleballing righthander who helped pitch the New inonte, PiltslHirgh, 84. 50 East Hartford retarded chil­ Lawn Tennis Association today Barnes gave no indication that holder of a 4-3 record, in the CalUson, Phils (8) posted. I don’t want to play with After playing with Manchester as world ranking tennis players Cleveland ___ 66 66 .500 21 York Yankees to successive American League pennants in Big Kick Suiting Up Each Day nant hopes on almilsr notes. opener of a three-game series and leading the locals in scoring, dren who were taken to the track he would lift the suspension of Home Runs— Cepeda, San Fran­ anybody but the Giants,” the An- gathered for the start of the Na­ Boston ...... 64 72 .471 25'/, 1956 and 1957—and then dropped back to the minors within Rival Managers AMn Dark with the second-place Dodgers cisco, 36; Robinson, Ctncinnatt,S5; s o ^ resident said. Webb performed the last two by bus under sponsorship of the Ralston, who wajs also on a year’s four years. pitcher, was hon­ Milwiuikee yesterday by edg­ and walked Just one, retiring 20 IB ’The Rotary Club also gave Ralston was suspended Tuesday Baltimore II, Los Angeles 4. up by Washington in the AL’s ex­ GIANTS — BRAVES — San Field Position mows you down. After Hank .326; Mantle, New York, .320. punt return but was short of sen­ Being assigned the retired Butch Salerno, 11, of Southington for unbecoming conduct during the McKinley of St. Louis, wllf meet ored yesterday at a luncheon by the ing the Braves, 2-1. for a *""1 Aaron walked in the ninth, I a row over one span, for 8-1 vic­ sational in his next two outings. ’s jersey bearing Tmlay’s Games pansion pool. It was the Senators Francisco managed only four hits, Runs Batted In — Gentile, Balti­ a jacket. He is Senior Quarter American zone Davis Cup final in George Stoessor of Tucson, 'Ariz. but paired two of them, a double Philadelphia Sportswriters As­ of a two-rame series. The Intended to give Adcock qne more, 124; Marls, New York, 121; tory over first place Reds and fifth “ We would like to keep Webb,” numeral No. 18 didn’t help Webb Chicago (Baumann 9-10) at De­ who shipped him back to the mi­ victory left San Francisco Midget Champion of New Eng­ Cleveland earlier this month. 'The 'The next ranked American man troit (Foytack 9-8). by Joe Amalfitano and a triple by sociation. ‘ Detroit, Aug. 81 (JP) — Al Lopea, .shot and then have him bunt. Colarito, Detroit, 120; Mantle, New straight . Walsh told me. “ He can do a this season. Perhaps the Giant nors In a trade with Pittsburgh. Referring to‘the two new teams who managed the Chiqago White with a 69-66 record while the land. 19-year-old Californian from Bak­ is Frank Froehling, No. 6, of Coral New York (Sheldon 9-3) at Min­ Willie McCovey, with an infield out Then he hit into a doubleplay York, 118; Cash, Detroit, 109. Hitting — Don Demeter. Fhlla, lot of things and we think he coaching staff expected too much In ail that time after those two which will come into the National Sox to their first pennant in 30 Braves dropped to 69-57. might help. However, we have a from the guy with No. 16. Gif­ Race Winner ersfield was declared ineligible for Gables, Fla., who takes on Jackie nesota (Kralick 11-9). 16-vlctt)ry seasons with the Yanks, for two runs in the fourth inning and two more hits were wast­ Home Runs — Maris, New York, drove In two runs with pair of Robbie Anderson. 10, of Talcott- the Nationals and his status for Cooper of Louisville. off Carl Willey (5-9). Mike Mc­ League In 1962, Houston and New years in 1969, is reported under "I’m still pointing for 90 ed.” doubles, breaking S-S tie witii number of new men, 'particularly fords don’t come along every year Cleveland (Grant 12-8) at Wash­ Sturdivant managed just one com­ consideration as Paul Richards’ victories,” Dark said. "That 51; Mantle, New York, 47; Gentile, ville took the checkered flag in a the upcoming Davis Cup matches Darlene Hard, the top-ranked ington (Daniels 8-8), 8:05 p.m. Cormick (11-13) was the winner, York. Musial said: Baltimore, 4S; Colavito, Detroit, 89; second in the eighth Inning for 4-8 P6MS receivers, with a lot of Na­ but Webb still feels he can help plete game, a one-hit, 4-0 victory ’’I’ll be anxious to see what I successor as manager of the Balti­ means we’ll have to win 21 of tional League experience and we the Giants. Maybe he can. 25-lap feature race for junior driv­ against India also is doubtful. woman,, from Montebello, Calif., Kansas City (Shaw 8-12 and Bass combining with reliever Stu Miller Klllebrew, Minnesota, 87. victory over Cards. The latest to ask America’s gov­ plays Christine Safford, Lans- over Bo.ston last May 13. can do next year In New York.” more Orioles. Richards has accept­ our last 29— and that isn’t too have to give these men first at­ Herald l-i.oio by . ers. Tommy Erdin ran second and 7-9) at Ix)s Angeles (McBride 11- Now he has come back to th? for a six-hit job on the Braves Blackie Takes Issue Su.san Orrill, 9, of Meriden was erning tennis body to reconsider downe, Pa. The top foreign player * • • Then he added: ed the general managership at bad. The big thing is that tention.” \ COLLEGE COUNTDOWN Nutnie^gers AI Webb and Andy Hobutitelli 10 and Grba 7-11), 9 p.m. majors with the Pirates, and he’s Houston. we have three games left with Actually, Webb, if not claimed New York — (NEA) — Opera­ third. were seven of the eight seeded is second ranked Angela Mortimer Only Games Scheduled. PHILS — CARDS — The last ’’But I am coming back. The big­ Tampa, Fla., (A5—Ewell Black- players in the singles competition. of Great Britain, who meets Vir­ come back big—knocking off first gest kick I get out of baseball is A reliable source told the Asso­ Cincinnati and seven with the by any other National League tion collegiate countdown is under Rickey Anderson, 14, of Talcott- I'rlday's Schedule place Cincinnati 3-1 on four Phils blew a 2-0 lead, but cracked well former star pitcher who ap­ ville was first to the finish line in They were aunong a group of 45 ginia Brown of Fort Worth. Tex. putting on the uniform each day. ciated Press last night that White (Los Angeles) Dodgers. peared in .six straight All-Star team, will be placed on the Giant way at National Football League Kansas City at Los Angeles. single.a night for his fourth a 3-3 tie w'ith two out in the eighth Sox manager Lopez was contacted "I think 90—or maybe 92 reserve, or taxi list, which would headquarters in New York. The a 30-lap senior feature. Jimmy inning on Don Demeter’s RBI As long as I can be an aaset to the „Hines, takes issue with players Lengthy Training Program Chicago at Washington (2). victory in five decisions in the Na­ Cardinals I want to keep playing. by Richard himself regarding ths victories will make things make him eligible to step up with project will determine the profes­ Milo, 14. of Southington was sec­ Detroit at New York, 8 p.m. tional League. And it was his double, his second of the game off mighty close. There certain­ who oppose two All-Star games. ond. Donna Smola, 13, of Groton Baseball has done a lot for me. It Baltimore post. "They ought to have their heads the varsity at any time when and sional eligibility of 50,000 players. Cleveland at Baltimore. 8 p^n. fifth .straight complete game. Card ace Ray Sadecki (12-7). Don The source said Richards, who ly won’t be any breathing was third. Ferrarese (3-9) was the winner In has been my life.” examined.” says Blackwell. "Their 3 Ends ior Walker Cup Matches Boston at Minnesota, 9 p.m. That ended the Reds’ brief win­ The 40-year-old Musial,. who quit Baltimore Tuesday, was signed room.” pension benefits from the games Allen Bedell, 13, of Manchester ning string at three and trimmed relief. six weeks ago as general manager "This loss to the Giants hurt won the novice main event. holds a host of records and who alone are worth it.” their hold on first place to 2 'i has passed the 3.000 mark in hits, of the Houston team that enters plenty, but we still can do it,” Seattle, Aug. 31 '.I’l — A four-efore giving (equal goals and comer kicks), "I usually don’t make up my ALL 4 WHEELS tetter Performance. Extra pratecKoa agalnit ivet SET CASTER Lawrie and Jack Westland, the 23-year-old English stroke play up singles by Coleman and Jerry baseball scout for the Chicago o-olfing Congre.s.sman from Everett, champion who practiced two men during his three-inning stint. backs, the passing should be chance as a 3:year-oId "to show his two extra, five' minute halves will mind until the last few days of ths Ineindea Parts and Labor and cerroelon . . • real stuff.’’ Lynch with two out In the ninth. be played. If the score is still White Sox who signed Roger SET GAMIER Wash., who is the United States hours each morning before going He was the winning hurler in the a more effective weapon. Maurice (Hippo) Cor- Maris to his first professional con- season.” Lopez said. to work: and Jimmy Walker, the first game. He finished the game We’ll have a better offensive It was only the ninth start this Then he got Gus Bell on a game­ deadlocked after 10 extra minutes, PLUS: s r r T O E - I N captain, will name their teams and renti, above, has been ending grounder. tract. O’CTonnor, 49, died of « pairings at 6:30 p.m. (EST) today former cop who has laughed his in Boston by striking out Mickey line with more overall team year for the colt which, driven a' sudden-death playoff will de­ All Work by Jimmy Arthur, swept the first The Pirates heal Bob Purkey cide the winner. heart attack in Halifax Hospital • FAST... 15 MINUTE MSTALLATION after the ceremonial flag raising. way to recognition as one Of Scot­ Mantle, Ellie Howard and Roy speed, especially in the back- ranked ninth by the Na­ early Tuesday. He was a native Guaranteed land's greatest amateurs Sievers with Al Kaline on second field and the guard position. tional Duckpin Bowling and second heats of the classic (14-10) with two runs in the first One loss will eliminate a team In Writing • SERVICED BY FACTORY TRAINEO EXPERTS ‘T have kept in touch with my Inning. Bill 'Virdon’s Icadoff single, of Middletown, Conn., but lived in AMERICAN players by mail and wire aU dur­ base with the 'winning run. Three of last year’s regular yesterday. from the tournament. The three All the British have been prac­ Congress for the 1960-61 Dick Groat’s triple and a wild referees will form a board to de- suburban Holly Hill for the past CAB ing the summer,” said Lawrie, a defensive backfteld must be Arthur, 42, who had driven Har­ 10 years. O'Connor formerly was FORD a CHEVY Drivo in*..or co/i fodoyf ticing wrlth the larger and heavier season. The local insur­ lan Dean only twice this season pitch did it. Purkey, who now has cide all questions except those one-time Scot who now is a,farmer American ball because of the lush Back Yard Golf replaced. All in all, however, scout for Cleveland and later PLYMOUTH 6 I feel wa have a reasonably ance agency head, who is before the Hambletonian, acknowl­ loat three in a row and five of his having to do with entttoce re­ Others BUghtly Higher in Wales, “ and I have tried to make fairways and the heavy rough. quirements. A non-club member went to the Chicago Whlto Sox U m m GUARANTEI them forget our wretched record good chance to surprise the , also part owner of the edged he hadn’t been certain of the loot aix decioiona, waa charged with with General Manager Hank Pent — Mworo Mina, None expresses concern about Die Roebeater, N. Y. OP) — Four colt’s potential. will he the official timekeeper for FRONT END in this event, to forget all the pub­ couples with adjoining backyards '‘experts” who have consigned Holiday Lanes, averaged three ■wild pltchea. The Buca’ other Greenberg. 1751/j, Peru, defeated Jcae« Boew- towering Douglas flrs that fringe "I can’t say I really knew an run acored in the fourth on one of all tournament games. A T NO EDCn&A COST licity they would read about the the course. Clumps of them also decided to build their own golf us to last place In the Ivy dry, n S '/i. S t Louie, 10. •SaraS?' Ea*y credit Terms League. 130.88 in 360 sanctioned awful lot about him, though I drove two passed balls by Darrell John­ Individual prizes will be given SHOP Americans and to make believe form hazards on numerous fair­ course. It has five holee, is 100 ganws last season to to all seven players on the win­ WEDNESDAY'S MINIMI Phoenix, Ariz. — Zora Follejr, MANCHESTER 357 Broad they are playing the chap next ways. him quite a bit as a 2-year-old,” son. 203, PlM>enix, knocked out Ben MUFFLER 187 BROAD ST. yards long and has apotUghto for Arthur aaid after the race “But I • • • ning team and the sponsoring club LEAGUE RESUUrS E 'I C I f BKAKE door at home.” "They are big enough to be seen achieve his lofty rating MorehaU. XU, Oklahenw City. S. 357 Brood St. Street -2444 night play. The owners say It cost learned In a hurry when we decided DODGERS — CUBS — The will also get a trophy. The seven Eoatern Leogne MI t The British player contingent is from any tee,” explains Welker v«sy BtUs to build—and so fiar no among all duckpinners in Ktogtoon, JanoOea — Freddie r I9i% SHOP SHOP MI 3-2444 In the stretch (of the first heat) Dodgers did it with two-run homers members of the loMng finalists Johnstown 4, Springfield 8 Ml 3-Z444 FISK BOtek to sgrcc that tf they beat the with a grin. oo* IMS broken par, which k 16. Btodea Mlamri. F to , fitoaaitod Aik the United States. to beat Caleb and M^tastar, by Oiarlia Neal and Norm Sherry sflU|«l wlU also receive-individual WUUamaport 10, Loaoaatar t pzlaaa. , Btogtantop T, RMdiaff 1 lA ¥ f and ths strikeout pitching of Larry F A Q I TWENTT-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 PAGE TWENtY-THHlE Auto DiiTlnf School 7-A THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Help Wanted—Peaale 86 SitaaUons Waatad—. Articles For Sale 45 Wanted—^To Buy 58 Houses For Rent 65 Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Sale ' 72 Lota For.Salt 73 MORTLOCK’S Driving School—Of* CLBRK-TYFIBT, full-tlms, must be Female 88 flea, 44S Main St., Maneheatar. accurate, experience not naces- FLAT WAU. STONE, fireplace and WANTED TO BUY for cash an­ CHARXfINa 6 room ranch with ROCKVILLE:—A flne.O room ranch TWO FAXOLy RANOT, 5-4, en- MANCHESTER GREEN —6 room MANCHESTER---8 room Dutch Co­ DOUBLE A, B and induatrial aonad BU3ERLY LADY aasUng board, venaer atone. Five sizes to select tiques, old furniture, primitives, homa recently redecorated Is cloeed breezeway. garage. I^rge CLASSIFIED Laaniliw corracUy “May Sava _ , ASEim iEO Vduo M4MALTRAINER ■But HtBUniE INENAS AT HOME- HA! aary, RUl train. Apply in person. room and vompanlonahm in pri- carport available now on lease at Cape, full shed dormer, complete­ lonial, large private yard, nicely lots. Charles Ponticelll Afsney, XQ . from. Bolton Notch Quarry Tel. oil paintings, bric-d-brac. Will call 61 Alice Drive. $160 monthly. XU available for immediate occupan­ lot, trees, $19,600. Carlton W. ly redecorated, garage, foundation Tour Lite.*' Drivar education EPSOM PUTS HI9 « a c m TKR0U6HTWBR H n NEVERVETISEH ABLE ID MAKE THEM Clrouita, Inc., 1445 ‘Tuland Tpka-i Tata hoiua. Coll XQ 9-1810. xn 9-0417. landscaped, city utilities, 14x19 9-9644, xn 3-8109. clasaaa. Member, Connecticut Pro- Manohaater. privately. Village Charm An­ 3-0095, cy. A few of the features include Hutchins, xn 0-5132. ready for large family room. living room with fireplace and mCES vntH ANIRON HAND MIND HIMf tiques. x n 9-4336. a 12’x28’ living room, kitchen with Looking for a bargain? Call Wes open stairway. 13x13 kitchen, din­ 7% ACRES, high staYAtlon, bsautl* feaslonal Driving School Aaan. Ml LARGE SIX room houie for rent, •-78M. TBIAOTER for nursery school In IRONINQ DONE In your homa er TAPE RECORDER, 2-ipeed $50. ample dining areS, 8 large bed­ BOLTON Smith today, XU 9-8952. Beechler- ing room, 3 twin-sized bedrooms, fui view minutes out, tzMS, only ADVERTISING town, 6 hours weekly, experience mine, XII 9-S687. $100 per month, blocks from rooms, full oath, oil hot water Farm House Smith, Realtors. plastered walls, oil hot water $2,500. CJarlton W< Hutchins, XO Call x n 8-0477 between 10-4! 10-20 GALLON AQUARIUM. XU Main St. Call XU 8-0549 or XU heat, aluminum storm windows 9-5132. PREPARE FOR driver'a teat. and/or college prepwatlon necea- 3-4782. heat, desirable location. Asking Agea IB to 60. Driving and claaa aary. Please call MI 8-1895 for in­ COLLEGE graduate, mother o( 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN with poly 9-3002. and acreena, tity water and sew­ 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms and den, $17,500. Robert Wolverton Agency, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ers, and la closa to both shopping modern kitchen and bath. Ideal for CHOICE LOT—A well treed 100*281 room. Three inatructora. No wait* terview. one, will babysit for pre-school choke, $50; portable electric eew- MANCHESTER—Home and busi­ HOLIDAY MI 3-1914. 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ chUd. Off West Xflddle Tpke., Ing machine. $75; 3-piece den eet and bus service. This home la ex­ large family. Over one acre of land. lot is now available at the crest ot WANTED — Walttesses full-Ume, Rooms Without Board 59 ness opportunity. Five acres of ceptionally priced at $11,900. For Selling for $18,400. COVENTRY—Lovely 4 room ranch, the hill on Ludlow Road, Rock- my. PI 2-7249. Manchester. Clark, XII 9-6765, with ellp covers, $50 leather top land, two large bams, roadside daya. Howard Johnson’s, 894 Tol­ detk, $20. All In good condition. TWO EXCELLENT rooms for additional Information or appoint­ large stone fireplace, plastered ledge. This moat desirable lot la COPT CLOSING TIHB FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. LARSON’S Connecticut's first li­ land Tpke., Manchester, Apply In stand, modem 3 room apartment. ment call McCarthy Entei^rises; VALUES walls, combination windows, 2 reasonably priced at $5,500. For Call xn 9-1246 after 6 p.m. teachers, all privileges. Call Xn Ideal location. Evenings XU 4-0181. R. F. DIMOCK CO. MOMDAT n r a ffVIDAT f m AJi.~«ATDBDAX t AAL censed driving school trained — person. Mr. Ford. Hitnations Wanted—^Male 39 9-6258 after 5. Inc. xn 9-5391, John Panders, Xn MI 9-5245 extra lots, good condition through­ additional information or appoint­ Certified and approved la now of­ 1952 2-DOOR Chevrolet, $75, Apart­ 9-1898. MANCHESTER out. Full price only $10,300. U A R ment call McCarthy Enterprises, CREDIT INVESTIGATOR to assist YOUNG XIAN, over 18, desires Job THREE ROOM partially furnished Inc. xn 9-5391. John V Pandora, fering classroom and behind ment size gM stove, $15. 5 Walnut home in Coventry. Inquire Peter Barbara Woods xn 9-7702 Realty Co., MI 3-2692, R. D. Mur­ PLBASR READ YOUR AD wheel instruction for teenagers. in processing of Medical, Com­ as driver. Dependable, good driv­ Street. DUPLEX—School Street. 8-8, 2-car Johanna Evans MI 9-5653 Your best opportunity today is dock, MI 3-6472. MI 9-1898. ing record, careful. OWi car. Ray ROOM WITH kitchen privileges for Allegrettl Jr., Reynolds Drive, this modem duplex ranch, 4-4 «r A«B” mrm takaa w m th MI 9-607B. mercial, and Retail collection woman school teacher. Xn 3-4096. Coventry. garage. In good shape. Priced un­ Tk« MlvcrtiMr ■feooM iMd kla the FIRST DAT IT clalma. Modem downtown office. Beaaw, 172H Spruce. PORTABLE air conditioner H der asseasment, $15,800. James O. TWO FAMILIES—Stop the search rooms, one side with completely fin-1 MANCHESTER-Charming 6 room TOLLAND 1 ', acre building lot, Phone Mlaa Baxter for Interview h.p., like new, Iona blender new, ROOM FOR rent, kitchen privi­ Dowling, MI 9-7677, MI 9-8816. and call Ray Blanco in our office. i.shed rec room, 2 excellent heating Cape with garage. Four finished good location, only one left. Pries APTBABS REPORT ERRORS tai tliM tor tiM MXt tosw^ SEPTEMBERrJUNE, Fivg room systems, well landscaped lot. Own­ $1,300, TR 5-7812 RMi. Tlw HaraM la taapoMAIa tor ontj ONE laeorTMt ar amlttod appointment. MI $-1518. half price. Phone Xn 3-4822.' leges, lady or gentleman. 128 Birch completely furnished, winterized He has the complete data on prac­ plus rec room. Plastered walls, ex­ Motorcycles—Bicycles II Dogs—Birda—Pets 41 St, Free parking. Xn 3-4451. EIGHT ROOM colonial, all the tically every multiple family home er leaving for Florida. Outstanding haust fan, new awnings, private tar a«j •dvarttaaoMat Md tkea omty to tke ezteat at m SALESGIRLS—Apply In person be­ LADIES—New shipment of woolens cottage at Andover Lake. All fa extras Included, family room, value at $19,900. yard with fireplace, good lor-atlon. Brrara wkleh da aat laaaea Um aaloa at DACHSHUND puppies, champion cillties. Oil heat. Ideal for teach­ in town, at present he knows of tween 1-4 p.m. Bess Eaton Donut, for rug making Just arrived st EXCEPTIONALLY nice large ers. xn 9-7465. formal dining room, 4 large bed­ better than 14 two families. T. J. tip top condition. $15,500, Robert Resort P roperty por Sale 74 ; wIB M l fea earractad hy *iwalta gaad" toaratlaa. ENGUSH BICYCLE for aale, $25. 160 Center St. sired, AKC registered, reasonable. Pilgrim Mills. Hartford Road. room, next to bath, garage, pri­ rooms, 1% baths, attached ga­ Crockett, Realtors, MI 3-1577 If you are Interested in owning Wolverton Agency, MI .3-1914, MI 9-21S9. XU 9-0016. Manchester. Open every day noon vate entrance, excellent location, COVENTRY LAKE—Furnished 8 rage, secluded yard. Priced for a larger 2-family home with 2-car TODR COOPERATION VVILI. WANTED—Reliable woman to care tin 9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m till xn 9-4966. room 3 bedroom house, ideal for your pocketbook, Beechler-Smith, WADDELL SCHOOL AREA — garage, here is your chance. 6-6 FRANKfilN Street- Neat 7 room BOLTON—First lake —waterfront for three pre-school children in my FOR SALE—CoUle setter type pup­ Realtors. Xn 9-8952. rooms that have been extensively home Just off E, Center Street. 6-room cottage which, can ba BE APPRECIATED Diol Ml 3-2711 pies 9 weeka old. Tel. CJoventry PI 8 p.m. U-Conn students, September Six room Cape, near schools GIRL’S 24’’ bicycle, good condition, | home days. MI 8-0688. ROOM FOR rent with shower and through June. PI 2-7659. and shopping center, reasonably remodeled, on west side of town, Can bp 4 bpdronms. Oarage, easily winterized. Marion E. Rob­ reasonable. Mi S-0444. i 2-8734 after 6 p.m. 18’’ REEL POWER mower, good private entrance, male teacher LARGE 6 ROOM Cape, full shed priced. Financing arranged. convenient to buses, $23,900. ■ $15,000 for immediate sale. Bel- ertson, broker, XH 3-5953 condition, very reasonable. MI preferred. lOt Chestnut St. NEW 4 ROOM ranch, 2 bedrooms, dormer, Vk baths, hot water oil Charles Ponticelll Agency, MI fiore Agency, MT 3-5121. Help Wanted— Male 36 ’I'HttEE UTTLE kittens, heart- 9-2085. heat, fireplace, near school, shop­ This 8-room modified colonial BOLTON LAKE—A 5 room cottage, face, white-noee and sober-puss, redwood paneling, modem formica 9-9644, xn 9-8109. Llvnwood Drive, winterized, has ROOM FOR professional or busi­ kitchen with built-in range, oven, ping center. Must me seen to be has many offerings, 2-car garage, Manchester Business Services Offered 1.^ WANTED—^FliU-time salesman, ex­ want good homes. XU 9-7953. TWO-PIECE lavatory set, includ­ ness woman, middle-age, home appreciated. Priced at only NINE ROOM single, four bed­ aluminum siding, wall to wall car­ company water, located near the and cabinets, full cellar and attic, beach. Immediate occupancy. Ap­ FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE perience required. Promising fu­ NOW IS THE time to get that pet ing all fixtures. Good condition. privileges, in nice respectable basement garage in nearby Bolton, $16,700. Charles Lesperance, XU rooms. Located on a terrific 155 peting, air conditioning, inter-com, Income or In-Law Special CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. ture with growing chain. Apply Call xn 3-7489. home. Call MI 9-9043 between 6-7. 9-7620. by 238 foot lot on Bigelow St., built-ins, extra lot Included, Owner ply Edward J. Holl or your own Reasonable rate*. Call PI 2-7558 you have wanted We have eome $125. J. D. Realty Co. xil 3-5129. broker. Tel. XU'3-5117. Stein’s Store, Parkade. Manches­ beautiful buff (jocker pups, 8 in the center ot town. Vacant. can verify Sll.OOO in improvements. Large 6 room home and a 4 room between 1:30-4:30 or any time ter. BOWERS SCHOOL-5^ room Co­ Owners have dropped the price Priced under $22,000, home together on a large lot, 3-car A M-HOUR WANT AD ANSWERING Saturday or Sunday, weeks, AKC registered. Also we Boats and Acressnries 46 ROOM FOR RENT, kitchen privl lonial 2-car garage with screened garage, garden space, near Center, Schools & Classes 27 will board your small dog at a Suburban For Rent 66 and are ready to sell. T. J. Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Help Wanted—Female 35 MILLER PHARMACY requires leges, single woman. XH 9-2651. patio, extra lot. Call Wes Smith, Crockett, Reaitor. Ml 3-1577. Why not take a look at this asking $28,500, Wanted—Real Estate 77 AMESITE DRIVEWAYS construct- help for full-time and part-time reasonable rate. H. C. Chase, MI 9-8952, x n 3-6969. Beechler- Dutch-Cape on Princeton St. that 3 THE PROSPECT HlU School wlU THREE ROOM apartment furnish­ SERVICE FREE TO HERALD READERS er—resurfaced—sealed. Superior ROOFING— Specia'izing repairing CHILflREN BACK to school next general drug store work. Must be Harmony Hill Kennel, Hebron Rd., FIVE H. P. JOHNSON, 3.3 h.p. Smith, Realtors. MANCHESTER — New 5',4 room has all the prestige of a fine neigh­ Pavers. MI 3-6515. roofs of all kinds, new roofs, gut­ have an aftemocm session from week 1 Spare time 6n your hands? Bolton, XU 3-5427. Neptune. XU 3-4823. Rooms With Board 59-A ed, heat, hot water, private en­ borhood. Wall to wall carpeting, LAWRENCE F. FIANO IF YOU are interested in selling :80-2:30 Monday through F’rlday. reliable and pleasing personality. trance. $75 per month. PI 2-6975. ranch. Plastered walls, cast iron snd are looking for personalized Want iBfonnatloa aa oae af aor claaalfled advertlaaaaaataf No ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ 12 Just a few hours a day will start Experienced preferred. Driver’s PITKIN STREET—aean Dutch Co- hot water heat. Fireplace, garage. oversized garage, lovelv lot Many Realtor MI 3-2766 aaawar at tta tolaphoBe Ustad? Simply can tha HOME LANDSCAPING, lawn main- paired. Aluminum siding. SO School opens Monday, Sept. 11. you on a career In AVON Cosme­ BOARD AND room for retired gen­ lonial on a lovely landscaped lot. extra.s, $18,900. service, call this office. Alica tenance, hedge pruning. Contact license, no phone calls. 269 Green FIVE CUTE puppies, part Cocker. CANOE—17 foot aluminum, tleman, quiet home in country, one ANDOVER—Route 6— Convenient, Unexcelled workmanship. Only Clampet, 843 Main St. ManchM- years' experience. Free estimates. For further information please call tics. DON’T WAIT! Talk to an Rd. $126. Three bedrooms, one bath. Big $17,500. Builder Ml 3-4860. Ed Crawford MI 9-4410 MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE John E. Whitinam, Ml 9-7090. Call Howley, MI 3-5361, MI 3-0763. MI 9-5767. Avon Manager today and learn Call XU 9-9874 after 5. xn 3-0889 floor, love and kindness Reason­ comfortable 4 room apartment, porches, two-car garage. Excellent To settle estate will sacrifice this ter. Tel. MI 9-4543, able. Write Box W. Herald. Immediate occupancy, business or 28 SO. HAWTHORNE St.—Six room LAWN MOWERS aharpened and how you can earn $1,000 by DRIVERS for school buses Man­ retired couple. PI 2-6694. condition. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, MANCHESTER—Cape, may be had older 6 room colonial with 80x308 Ml 9-0500 Christmas. Call BU 9-4922. chester and Vernon, 7:15-8:45 xn 3-1577. with extra lot, city utilities full lot on Summit St, 3 bedrooms, full rape with new exterior and im­ repaired salea and service, pick Heating and Plumbing 17 Bonds—Stocks Mortgages 31 THREE XIALE part German Shep­ Building Materials 47 FURNISHED rooms for • young basement and attic. I baths, maculate interior. Yard is all up and delivery. Complete line of a.m., 2:15-3:30 p.m. We will train. herd puppies, $4 each. PI 2-8096. man. elderly man, or lady with cellar, $13,200. Also 8 room Cape, 14 A BIG “IF” aad laava year maaaaca. Tan’ll haar from our adrerBaer tai Jig LOCAL INSURANCE company has Phone MI 3-2414 from 9-5. LAKEWOOD CIRCLE — Custom nice yard with trees, fireplace, ga­ yours for only $13..500. fenced in, plenty of trees and flow­ time without apendiag an erenlng at the telephone. Toro rldera, reels, and rotaries, PLUMBING AOT) heating - re­ SECOND MORTGAGE money—We clerical-typist position. Hours 8:15- ASSORTED USED lumber, build­ meats or kitchen privileges. XII Busines-s Property For Sale 70 built ranch in an ideal setting. ing and plumbing supplies, radia­ 9-5459. rage, $13,990, Robert Wolverton ering shrubs. Asking $13,900, in­ IF—I knew how much .... garden and lawn supplies. L A M modeling installations, repairs. can supply any amount of money 4:15, 6-day week. Good starting EXPERIENCJED mechanic, full- Three bedrooms, IH baths, large Agency, MI 3-1914, Seldom a chance like this to own cluding the combination windows Equipment Corpomtion, Route 83 All work guaranteed, 25 years ex­ for mortgages. Terms to fit your salary. Evening interview by ap­ Articles For Sale 45 tors, pipes and fire bricks, doors ROCKVILLE kitchen, plus a dining room. Cen a 4 bedroom colonial home with 2- 'tlme. Apply In person. Don Willis and windows. Open Ually 3:80-6 and awnings. T J. Crockett, Real­ IF—I could sell quick .... Vernon, Conn. TR 5-7609. perience. 24-hour service. Call needs, (^nriruction mortgages pointment. MI 3-1124, MI 3-1125, Garage, 18 Main St. TV ANTENNAS, tubes, parts and ter entrance hail. Finished rooms MANCHESTER—Bowers School—7 car garage In central location. Only tors, MI 3-1577. Earl VanCamp. Ml 9-4749. also available. J. D. Realty, 470 p.m., 8-4 Saturdays. Yard at Stock Apartments—Flats— Commercial building close to in basement. The newly purchased onp home like this and it can be Why be half sure? Let ug taka P c n o n a ls Automobiles for Sale 4 COSMA APPLIANCE Service—Re­ accessories sale in our famous "Do Place off North Main St, Choman’s center of town. Approximately 2,000 rooms, I 'j baths, fireplace, ga­ Main St., MI 8-6129. MARRIED MAN for kitchen help, it yourself department. Receiving Tenements 63 rugs and drapes are Included. T. rage, hot water oil heat, custom yours if you act today for $14,500. ROCICVILLE—Close to Henry Park the "IF ” out of selling your prop­ pairs all make# refrigerators, WOMAN TO DO light washing and nights and weekends. Apply In Housewrecking, Ml 9-2392. square feet of floor space on first J. Crockett, Realtor. XH 3-1577, built 1950. Escott Agency Ml —5'4 room ranch with garage, fin­ erty. Call Us now for a free evalua­ ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, 1653 FORD, good transportation, freezers, washing machines, dry' Radlo-TV Repair tubes, 40% ofl AST picture tubes, GENERAL RENTAL agency, J. D. floor. Two rental apartments up­ When your thoughts say "buy” banded representative, Alfred $75. Can be seen at 200 Center Ironing. MI 3-1859 after 6:15. person. Vic’s Soda Shop, 153 W. most “21’’ size, $21.95, and up. In­ 9-7683. ished recreation room and more tion of your home. We hav* pro­ ira ranges, oil and gas burners. Business Opportunities 32 Realty, 470 Main Street, XU stairs. Suitable for wholesale, re­ BEAUTIFUL 6 room ranch, at­ and your purse says "rent,” then extras. Price reduced $13,900. Can- Amell, 906 Henry St. Tel. MI St. between 8 a. m. and 8 p.m. MI 9-0055. All work guiu^teed. Services 18 EXPERIENCED salesgirla wanted Middle Tpke. door antennas from 89c and up. Diamonds— Watch 3-5129. tail or small industry, $13,900. spective buyers for all types of S-0450. tached garage, full basement, built it's time to look at this 6 room toj- & Goldfarb Realtors, MI properties. TV SERVICES—All makes. Honest, AN EKCELLEOiT opportunity for in Manchester’s most popular DAIRY AND frozen food man, ex­ Outdoor antennas from $1.99 and Jewelry 48 in 1959. Lot 135x137. Marion E. MANCHESTER—$14,900 home that is located one block from 3-8442, TR 5-6244. 1960 CHEVROLET Impala, V-8, SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired Economical. High quality parts. a mechanically inclined man to fabric retail outlet. F\ill and part- up. C3iimney mounts only 99c. ROCKVILLE — 2-family of 8-7, Robertson, Broker, xn 3-5953. Summit St, XIany possibilities at RIDE WANTED from Box Moun­ turboglide, fully equipped, low from the shop. Can take care of perience preferred, full-time 5-day VKF wire 2c a foot. Also, used FOUR ROOM tenement—76 Weils tain Homes to Manchester Me­ Guaranteed 90 days Famous for own his own automotive service time help needed. Ideal Job for week. Excellent working condi­ LEONARD W. YOST, Jewelers - zoned commercial, $13,200. 6 room ranch, plaster walls, con­ $9,900. BOLTON—First time offered. Love­ mileage, original owner, excellent all your upholstering needa at facility In rapidly growing com­ the style conscious 8iri. Apply TVs completely overhauled. See Repaira, adjusts watches expert­ Street. MI 9-5229. 9-6. VERNON—Seven room split with veniently located. Assume 4H % JARVIS morial Hoepital, 8-B. Call MI condiUon. Call MI 3-8295. Can be service since 1931. Phone Ml tions. See Meat Department Man­ ly 6 room ranch, large living great aavings. CaU CH 3-2378. 9-4537. Potterton's. 130 Center St. munity near Manchester. Financ­ Manager Pilgrim Mills, Hartford ager Popular Food Market, E. Us first for the best deals. (3pen ly. Reasonable prices. Open 'Tues­ V,i baths, garage and big wooded mortgage or minimum down — ail room, 3 bedrooms, dining room, 9-6564. seen at Oxzle'a Shell Service, Main ing available. Write name, ad­ evenings till 9, Saturday till 5. FOUR ROOM apartment, duplex, lot. Wall to wall, too. Steal at Exclusive with __ MACHINES repaired and sold — Road. Open dally noon to 9, Sat­ Middle 'Tpke. day through Saturday, Thursday CANTOR & GOLDFARB, types of mortgages available. also a finished famliy room, fire­ RIDE WANTED from Weat Side St. CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, dress, age, telephone employ­ urday 10-6. Prices In effect till supply Is ex­ evenings. 129 Spruce St. Xn 9-4387. furnace heat, new hot water tank. $18,900. T. J. Crockett, Realtors place, dishwasher, double vanity REALTY CO. typewriters, adding machines. hausted or replaced by similar Adults preferred. MI 3-7550 to vicinity of Main and Pearl Sta., Pick up and delivery. Noel’s Office available all hours. Satisfaction ment, cr^t, and banking refer­ MAN TO drive school bus. Must Realtors xn 3-1677. bath, combination window’s, base­ Realtors MLS Insurers Hartford. Hours 6-5. MI 9-0782. 1956 CHEVROLET atation wagon, guaranteed. Call MI 9-1315. ences to Sox I, Herald. have public service license. Hours Items. Satellite Electronic Service, LAWRENCE F. FIANO ]. D. REALTY CO. ment garage, a plastered ’ house 283 E. Center St. XQ 8-4113 V-8, automatic, radio, heater, good Machine Service, 7 Franklin St., 165 School Street, Manchester, Xu Garden— Farm—Dairy ANDOVER— 3 room apartment $11,900—3 BEDROOM ranch, firo- RockvUle, TR 5-2977. 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 3-4 p.m. Call heat, hot water, stove, refrigera xn 8-8442 TR 6-6244 470 Main St. xn 3-5129 throughout. Large lot with shade RIDE WANTED to Windsor at 7:80 ehape. Reasonable. Can be seen at TELEVISION antennas and rotor FOUNTAiN-Luncheonette conces­ MI S-4814 after 6. 9-1788. Products 50 place, aluminum storm windows, Realtor xn 8-2766 trees. Excellent location. Many CASH WAITING for property own­ a.m.-4;30 p.m. Call after 6, MI 455^ Main St. MI S-8388. systems Installed and repaired. sion for lease in drug store. Call tor, and garage. PI 2-8043. large lot, cellar. Carlton W. ers. Please call us t^fore you buy TAPE RECORDERS for rent. Call MI 8-4639. HOME MADE ravloU, fresh or Ed Crawford xn 9-4410 OVERLOOK DRIVE—Seven room extras. Priced to sell at $18,300. 8-2570. Marlow’s Furniture Department, Serving Manchester and suT' DONUT MAKER helper, no exper­ 4’i ROOM apartment, second floor, Land For Sale 71 Hutchins, xn 9-5132. cape with extra lot if desired. U A R Realty, MI 3-2692, R. D. or sell. Speedy service, J. D. 1960 LARK 4-door sedan. Trade ac­ roundl^ areas. Modem TV Serv­ ience necessary. Apply In person frozen, 30c doz. H. Pasqualini, 346 TOMATOES—Pick In own contain­ Realty. XQ 8-5129, MI 9-5221. Avery Street, Wapplng. heat, hot water, garsige, gas range CHARXnNG 5 room ranch with House has five down, two up, full Murdock, MI 3-6472. cepted. Owner must sacrifice. PI ice, 405 Center St.. MI 8-2205. THINKING between 1-4 p.m., Bess Eaton ers, 80c peach basket. Angel St. and oven available. Adults oniv. FOUR LOTS, Bolton Notch, Water MANCHESTER—Center Street, In­ basement. Spotless, too. Ijots of WANTEI>— Ride or pool to MCrae 2-6051. Help Wanted—Female 35 Donut, 150 Center St. included on each. $3,200. 12 acres carport available now at 61 Alice vestment property. Business zone. WISH SOXCEONE to handle youS STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, RADIO-TV RES’AIRS, any make, LOAM SALE—Rich, clean $14 loam MI 9-40BR. Drive. Owner, XII 3-0095. trees. Excellent buy at $17,500. BOLTON College. MI 8-2007. fireplaces, flagstone terraces. TOMATOES —Pick in yoUf own Andover, $2,200. PI 2-8090. 4-famlly. First floor 4 room apart­ T. .1. Crockett, Realtors Xn 3-1577. real estate? Call ma at Ml 9-0820 PLYMOUTH 1954—2-door, 6 cylin­ free pickup and deliveiy on small WAITRESS—8 full days weekly. INVESTIGATIONS— Married man for $12.50. Also fill, gravel, sand containers, 50c half bushel. 437 (or prompt and courteous service. Work done at reasonable prices. Apply Comer Soda Shop, 735 Main About a Job ? and stone. Miller Sand 8t Gravel. MANCHESTER-Bolton—Over 200 ment vacant for buyer. Easily Custom built oversize T room, WANTED—Ride from W. Middle der station wagon, standard shift, Guaranteed. MI 3-0796. radios, phonographs. Hours 6-10 to train as credit Investigator. Clark St., Wapplng, off Route 30. FIVE ROOM apartment, second SHOPPING CENTER SITE — four F.H.A. fianced. Shown by ap­ 4 bedroom Cape with attached ga­ Joaeph Barth, Broker. Tphe. to Central Connecticut p.m. H A E Radio and TV. Ml St. Medical, Commercial, and Retail Xn 3-8603. acres. Good future possibilities, years old. Large 9 room Colonial. MANCHESTER—CAPE 5 excellent tires, wonderful second floor, adults only. Call XH 3-4544 Basically sound. Furnace heat. pointment. Phone x n 3-6273, Brae- rage, 2 full baths, formal dining State College. Call after 5 p.m. Ml car. Owner MI 9-2034. SAVE A BUCK at Manchester 9-5582, MI 8-1479. If you are, we have something collection claims. Excellent future. HALE HAVEN peaches for can investors investigate. Tongren Bum Realty. room, cloeet space galore, kitchen 9-0858. SEWING MACHINE operators 8 LAWN MOWERS—Toro, Jacobsen, ning. freezing, end eating at Fer Large shade trees. Lot 309x200. 74 Wedgewood Road Welding Service, MI 9-1658, MI In which you might be Interest­ Phone Miss Baxter for Interview Bolens, Goodall, Aliens. Riding 4','S ROOM garden type apartment Agency, XH 3-6321. with huilt-ins, large living room a.m.-4:80 p.m., experienced pre­ appointment. MI 8-1618. rando's Orchard, Birch Mountain available Sept. 1. Includes heat, Extra lot available. Charles Les­ SIX ROOM Cape Cod, lt4 baths, Legal Notice 9-8762. Have It welded, repaired, ferred. Apply Kaklar Toy Com­ ed. There are several Immedi­ mowers. Bolens 7 h.p. Rldamatlo perance, MI 9-7620. 8 or 4 bedrooms, hot water oil with fireplace, one acre lot, shade 1952 DESOTO, |95. Call MI 8-6889 sharpened. Guaranteed. Millinery Dressmaking 19 Road, Glastonbury, off Route 94 hot water, stove, refrigerator, and city utilities. Must be sold. Beech­ heat, aluminum siding, aluminum trees. Reduced to $19,900. AntomobOca for Sals 4 after 6 p.m. pany, 60 HiUlard St. ate openings for business ma­ tractors with over 31 attachments. or Hebron Ave. ler-Smith, Realtors Xn 9-8952 Xn STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Probata FOR DRESSMAKING and altera chine operators on our second Used mowers and tractors. Parts parking, $105 monthly. Call MI Rouses For Sale 72 BOLTON—8 room Ranch, 3\i years combination.s throughout, large Court, Town of Andovar, District of An­ shift (4:15 p.m. to 12:80 a.m. Help Wanted— 3-7925. 3-6969. fenced in lot. Asking $15,200, LAWRENCE F. FIANO dover, August 25. 1961. OLDER CARS mechanics ape- tl(»is, call Lyn Kratzke MI 8-0683 and service. C^tol Equipment $12,600—SIX ROOM colonia', nice old, modem kitchen with built-ins, Eatala of Harry Taylor, late of An­ any time. OONNEXynCUT licensed nurse, any with a 45-minute supper Male or Female 37 Co.. 38 Main. Xu 8-7968. dining room, hot water baseboard Realtor MI 3-2766 dover, in said District, deceased. A cials, flxlt yourself cars, always Boasebold SerrieM shift, private hospital. TR 6-9121. Household Goods 51 FIVE ROOMS and bath, front and condition, picturebook kitchen, MANCHESTER —New listing. 6 a good selection. Look behind our Special Prices on period.) bark porche.s, second floor garage very central. Carlton W. Hutchins heat, full basement with recrea­ rooms, fireplace, oil heat, 2-car R. F. DIMOCK CO. E. Crawford MI 9-4410 Present, Hon. Charles H. Nicholson, Offered IS-A ALTERATIONS and repair work. FULL OR PART-TIME farm help FARM LOAM, top quality, stock TORO LAWNMOWERS at new low tion room, 2-car garage, amesite Judge. office. Douglas Motors. 833 Main. Free pickup and delivery. Call MI DEIMONSTRATORS and managers for picking vegetables. CaU XII piled 2 years, $2 per yard deliv­ available. Five minutes from Cen­ xn 9-5132. garage with attached screened MI 9-5245 EAST HARTFORD — Excellent 7- The administratrix having exhibited FLAT FINISH Holland window needed In this area for new sensa­ These positions provide: prices. 21’’ self-propelled ■ Toro ter, Clean. Niro neighborhood. drive, large lot. $17,900. Philbrick patio, trees, nicely landscaped, her administration account with said NEED A CAR and had your credit Select Used Cars 8 -0211 . 9-3401. ered. Call after 8 p.m. Max Rank], rotary, reg. price $139.95. special 81 GOODWIN STREET—8 room Agency, XII 9-8464. with extra lot. Dwelling in very Barbara Woods MT 9-7702 year-old, 6 room Cape Cod. Con estate to this Court for allowance, U is shades made to measure. All tional Jewelry party plan. No In­ Columbia AC 8-9323. Rea.sonable. No children. Call MI Johanna Evans XTI 9-5653 venient location. Hot water oil ORDERED: That the 8th day of Sep­ turned 6ownT Short on down pay­ metal Venetian blinds at a new vestment, no collecting, no deliv­ COUNTER HELP, experienced, in­ $99.95. Marlow's, Inc., 867 Main, 9-0885. Cape, newly remodeled kitchen, good condition throughout. Quick tember. 1961. at ten o'clock In tha ment? Bankrupt? Repossesdon? 1961 Cadillac convertible, low mile- FUll-time salaried employ­ xn 9-5221 hot water oil heat, 1V4 car garage, SIX ROOM ranch, 6 years old, occupancy. Asking price, $17,600. heat, 2 full baths, fireplace. morning at the Probate Office in An­ low price. Keys made while you Moving—^Tmcking— ering. Highest commission to deal­ ment. cludes Sundays. Apply Home Maid AUTOMOBILE mechanic’s Her- Bowers School, all rooms better SIX ROOM Colonia) far below own­ Usable 3 or 4 bedrooms. Easily Don't give up! See Honest Doug­ wait. Marlow’s. er and manager. All inquiries con. Bakery, 699 Main, Manchester. band tool box complete with tools 2.50 MAIN STREET—Four large trees, private backyard, near bus. Charles Lesperance, MI 9-7620. er'.^ cost, 2 large bedrooms, panel­ dover be and the same Is assigned for las, get the lowdown on the lowest Storage 20 rooms, ground floor. Big yard, Philbrick Agency, xn 9-8464. than average in size, entire base­ financed. Quick occupancy. Phone a hearing on the allowance of said ad­ 1960 Cadillac convertible, like new, fidentlal. Marion Kibbe Fashion and rollaway. XU 9-0818, 9-8 p.m. MOVING—FURNITURE and ap­ ment finished off into large family ed den, large living room, alum­ MI 3-6273, Brae-Bum Realty. ministration account with said estate, down snd smallest payments any­ white, red Interior. RADIO-TV REPAIRS all makes. Shows, Avon, Conn. OR S-34S5, or Top salary. BOOKKEEPER with general ledger ample parking, $90 per month plus STERLING PLACE—Just off Xlain. and this Court directs that notice^ of the Cars, phonogrspha changers. MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ pliances. Reasonable. Xn 3-4902. BOWERS SCHOOL—8 room Eng room. 4',4% mortgage, priced for Oversized cape built by Paul Dou- inum siding, storms and awnings. time and place assigned for said bearing where. Not a amall loan or finance ing Company. Local and long dis­ OR 3-9829, 7-9 p.m. and payroll tax experience for ac­ heat lapprox. $10 per month). T. Exceptional yard. “~OWncr XU MANCHESTER—Owner moving. 6 eompany plan. Douglas Motors, 1960 Ford V-8 ranch wagon, like Honest, economical. Guaranteed 90 counting office. Will consider re­ J. Crockett, Realtor, MI 3-1577. lish Colonial, 1% baths, large quick sale, $16,900. Philbrick gan. Four extra large rooms, plus be given to all persons knox^n to be H tance moving, packing and stor­ BIGGEST BARGAIN IN TOWN 9-5051. room ranch, aluminum storm Interested therein by publishing a copy 888 Slain s i new, radio, heater, automatic. days. Famous for service for 80 • Complete employe benefits. kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, large Agency, MI 9-8484, expansion attic. Quiet but ex­ of this order in some newspaper bdfing age. Regular service throughout DRIVERS FOR school buses, Man­ cent accounting school grraduate. TAKE YOUR TIME PAYING! wooded lot, 25x50’ outdoor swim­ doors, windows, near shopping 1986 Ford, Fairlane 500, hardtop years. Phone MI 9-4587. Potter- chester and Vernon, 7:16-8:45 Right pay for right person. Cal! ROCKVILLE -- Centrally located, tremely central. Owner trans­ a circulation in said District, and by ton’s. New England States and Florida. 1, 2. Or 8 YEARS TO PAY! 3'i rooms. Kitchenette, bath, liv­ ming pool, tennis court, barbeque, ferred. T. J. Crockett, Realtors, XIANCHESTER-5 room Cape, lot schools. Sacrifice. MI 6-9468. posting a copy of this order on the sedan, 2 to choose from. MI 8-6563. a.m., 2:15-3:30 p.m. We will train. You must be a high school MI 9-2206 for appointment. For Rent "SUPER DELUXE” 1-car garage, $28,900. Philbrick 150’ deep,, 500' frontage, B zone, public s in post in (he Town of Andover 1955 FORD, radio, heater, good Phone MI 3-2414 from 9-5, ing room, bedroom, appliances COME and TAKE xn 3-1577. ROCKLEDGE—New (two years) 8 where deceased last dwelt, and by diape, $275. CaU after 6. MI 8-2934. WASHER - REFRIGERATOR re­ grauate. Experience desirable 1 ROOMS OF FURNITURE furnished. $65 per month. Call MI Agency, MI 9-8464. priced right. West Side Realty MI 1958 Oldsmobile, hardtop coupe. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- but qualified candidates with­ ALL 100% GUARANTEED 9-5315. room 2>,i bath completely modem sending a copy, certified mall, pottaga pairs. Prompt, economical, expert, FIVE WOMEN, two or three eve­ Situations Wanted— MUSIC STUDIO 3-1869, TR 5-3485. 15 THISTLE ROAD — 2 bedroom home south of Garth Road. Home prepaid, to: 1960 FORD 860 engine, bored, % 1957 Oldsmobile, 98 Holiday aedan. guaranteed. Phone Ml 9-4687, Pot- moving, packing, storage. Low out experience will be trained. ONLY $433 SIX ROOM Cape, fireplace, garage, ranch, extra large living room, Miss Vera Karen Taylor. adminlatra» rate on long distance moves to nings a week, $30 to $50 In com­ For further Information call Female 38 EQUIPPED WITH PIANO near to atores, schools and bus. A LOOK is empty and must be sold. Eve­ trix, by her attorney John H. Yeomans, cam, solids, 406-d, tri-power, ^ 5 . 1957 Oldsmobile, Super 68, Holiday terton’a, 180 Center St. missions. Must have car available. $16.18 Delivers FIRST FIvOOR, 5 room apartment, fireplace, garage, sundeck with IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Route 8. Andover. Connecticut. 48 states. Personalized service, MI The Travelers Insurance Com­ and FURNISHINGS. $16.18 Month newly decorated, all improve­ Xiarion E, Robertson 'broker. XO Thursday, Friday nights nings R ^ Holcombe, Xtl 4-1139. Mrs. Marlon G. Taylor, by her attor­ Gall JA 8-8192. coupe. 3-5187, CH 7-1423. Call TR 5-7115 between 10 a.m. pany, JA 5-0121, Ext. 2994, or RESPONSIBLE, mature woman awning. Owner Xn 9-6211. Warren E. Howland realtor XII SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired and 7 p.m. Immediate Occupancy — YOU GET — ments, garage, adults only. 66 3-5953. from 5-8 p.m. Manchester—New custom built ney'. John H. Yeomans, Route 8. An­ 1957 Crown Imperial hardtop, low, from the shop. Cai, take care of visit our Personnel Department, will care for children for working 18-PIECE BEDROOM Davis Ave,, Rockville, TR 6-3931. executive ranch with magnificent 3-1108. dover. Connecticut. FORD 1955 4-door 9-paasengcr sta­ MANCHESTER Package Delivery. TEL. Ml 9-2090 BOLTON lakefront $24,900. Contem­ $13,500 Harry Taylor Jr., Hebron Road. An­ low mileage. all your upholstering needs at 3 WOMEN, 8 daya per week, 3 third floor. Central Row Build­ mother. Best of care. Beautiful 18-PIECE LIVING ROOM view, located in St Bartholomew dover Connecticut, G tion wagon, V-8, automatic trana- Light trucking and package deliv­ porary ranch, 7 rooms, 2 fireplaces, Open for your inspection mladon, g ^ condition. Owner great savings. Call OT 2-2878. hours per day, commisslona. Call ing. yard to play in. Reasonable. XU Between 5 P.M.-7 P.M. 12-PIECE KITCHEN 180 CENTER ST., 2 bedrooms, DUPLEX 5-5 Parish. Features 6 large rooms, 2 Karieen Joan T^Ior, by her guardian. 1966 CadlUae sedan DeVille. ery. Refrigerators, washers and 9-6985. — Plus — large kitchen living room. Phone ultra modem kitchen, 3 large bed 113 Pine Street, Manchester full baths, "picture-book” kitchen Mrs. Marlon G. Taylor, Hebron Read, MI 8-0788. WEAVING of Burns, moth holes stove moving specialty. Folding TR 5-8571 any time. rooms, baths, 2-zone heating, Lots For Sale 73 Andover. Connectieut. ELEtTTRIC REFRIGERATOR xn 3-2457, after 5, XO 9-3101. 4 bedroom 7 room house, wall-to- North End, separate oil burners, with stainless built-ins, formal din­ Marion Laura Taylor, bv her guard­ and tom clothing, hosiery runs, chains for rent. MI 9-0752. THE TRAVELERS TV SET AND COXIB. RANGE thermopane windows, garage 1-car garage, city utilities, excellent ing room, center hail layout. 2-car ian, Mrs. Marion C. Taylor. Hebron WANTED TO BUY—Clean Chevro­ handbags repaired, zipper re­ DEMONSTRATE TOYS FOUR ROOMS, oil hot air heat, apace for 2 cars. Marion E. Rob' wali carpeting, modem kitchen, PRIVACY PLUS In this two bed­ Road. Andover. Connecticut, let, Ford or Plymouth, standard SCRANTON Free storage until wanted. Free steam heat. Many extras. Investment property. garage and much more. Priced room ranch. All big rooms with placements, umbreUas repaired,, INSURANCE COMPANIES near Parkade. Adults. 34 Durant ertson. Broker, XU 8-6953. under $28,000. all at least five days befbra tha lata dim , up to 1967 Call Xa 6-3422 Painting— Papering 21 Work August until December, ex­ delivery. Free set up by our own St. I ’-i baths, combinations, 2 fire­ set for said hearing. , men’a shirt collars reversed and cellent commission, no Investment, SEPTIC TANKS reliable men. R. F. DIMOCK CO. places, air-conditioning,porches, CHARLES H. NICHOLSON, between 8-9 p.m. MOTORS, INC replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ (Center of Downtown Hartford) SEVEN ROOM Cape—on bus line, Neat and trim 6 room Cape with ing Shop. EXTERIOR and Interior painting, car and telephone necessary, larg­ WANTED AND Phone for appointment AVAIIJIBLE Sept. 15, adults only, large family room, modem kitch­ WEST SIDE etc. Nice yard, ail enclosed with ORDEB OF NO’nCR \ Cadillac-Oldsmobile-Pontlae decorating, ceilings, floors. Clean est party plan In the country. Samuel Albert. Htfd. CH 7-0358 AH 9-5245 full shed dormer, I 'j baths, formal STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Prohat, 1 I960 CHEVROLET Impala 2-door Dealership large 3 room apartment. Heat, hot en, dining room, 3 or 4 bedrooms dining room. .spaciou.s cabinet shrubs. Basement garage. Owner hardtop. Take over payments. JA HAROLD A SONS, Rubbish remov­ workmanship. Free estimates. No ■'SANTA’S PARTIES’’ ORchard PLUGGED SEWERS See It Day or Night water, large range and refrigera­ basement finished in knotty pine has dropped the price to $21,900.. Court, Town of Andover, District of .An- 8-0627. 166 Union 8t. Rockville Job too small. John Verfaille. MI 3-3207 .ORchard 3-3455, or ORchard If you have no means of transpor­ REALTY Barbara Woods MI 9-7702 kitchen, aluminum storms and dov(*r. 25. 1961. al, cellars, and attics cleaned. Man for tor, tile bath and shower. Large garage, wooded lot, close to Johanna Evans MI 9-,5653 screens, city utilities, good loca­ a real good buy. Come out and Estate of Paul Carter, of Andover. In MI 8-0216 TR 5-2521 Ashes, papers, all rubbish. Harold 3-2521. 3-9829, Avon. Conn. Machine Claaneil tation, I'll send my auto for you. closets. Centrallv located. Park' schools and shopping $15,900. Phil­ see for yourself T. J. Crockett, said District, a minor. No obligation MI 9-5315 tion, Asking' $16,900. Realtors, MI 3-1577 Present, Hon. Charles H. Nicholson. Hoar. MI 9-4084. GENERAL OFEICE position open, WOMAN TO Cook and keep house General Maintenance Septic Tanka, Dry Wells, Sewer ing. $93. MI 3-6396, brick Agency, XH 9-8464. FIVE ROOM Cape, $13,600. Near Judge. In rectory, one priest. Write Box A—Lc-B—E—R—T— S MANCHESTER — 8 rooms, 1^ schools and shopping, full shed We have many other listings in Upon the application of Joseph B. Saw Eaiy Culefta-Skiri’ REUPHOLSTERING and Blip PAINTING, papering, floor aand- long established firm, 4 or 4V4 Unee Inatolled—klellar Water­ RANCH—5 rooms, first time on Carter, guardian of the estate of said Save Monty—Use Scraps! Ing. Call MI 9-0726. day week. Must be experienced, J. Herald. Full-time; hospital background proofing Dene. 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD baths, garage, excellent location dormer, fireplace. Call owner MI all priced homes from $4,600 up. covers expertly done at low cost. Open Mon.thru Frl. till 8 P.M. SIX ROOM apartment for rent, $95 market. Bowers School. Plastered and condition. Close to bus and 3-4205. minor, praying for authority to com­ Workmanship guaranteed MI good at figures, accurate typist dealred but not necessary. monthly. MT 9-8900. walls, cast iron radiation, hot Legal Notice promise and satisfy a certain claim of EXTERIOR and interior painting. and write good hand. Fbccellent shopping center. Charleg Leaper- said minor, as per application on file 9-1154 after 5. Paperhanging. Wallpaper books. G.E. FILTER FLO fully automatic water heat, choice setting with ance, Xft 9-7620, MANCHESTER— Nice 4 bedroom ELSIE MEYER AGENCY, ORDERED: That said application be salary. Write Box Y. Herald. W rit* to: P. O. Box 547 McKinney bros. washer. Excellent condition. Like trees, $18,900. Philbrick Agency, ranch, plus garage and large lot. STATR OF CONNECTICUT- Court of heard and determined at the Probate RUBBISH REMOVAL—Cellars and Wallpaper removed. Ceilings. FOl'R ROO.MS to rent, XU 9-9257, Common Pipaa, County of Tolland Au- more fully appears, it Is hereby. BURTON’S WANTS sales people, Sewerage Disposd Co. new. Also, playpen. PI 2-8420. xn 9-8464. COLUXIBIA, comfortable, five- Full price $14,900. Beautiful 2-fam- Realtors Cuat 23. 1961. Office in Andover. In said D istrict, on attics. Incinerator and commer­ Floors. Good clean workmanship. 5 Bedroom... Monchostor, Conn. 9 a.m -7 p.m. Town of Andovpr va. George I.^dd. Flilly Insured. Reasonable rates. part-time, full-time. Hours can 180-1S2 PenrI S t—Ml S-8S08 room home. Two floors. Near lake lly home, 2 hot water oil heating MI 9-5524 x n 3-6930 the 5th day of September. -A.D. 1961. at cial light trucking. MI 9-0339. MOVING—Selling living room, GLASTONBURY—6 ro(^m ranch, 2 Oil heat, $14,900, Owner AC 8-9343! systems, recreation room, 8-car Notice to George Ladd, ten o^lock in the morning, and that Leo Pelletier, MI 9-6326 or MI probably be worked for your con­ Older home, newly remodeled, dinette set, electric power mow­ baths, center hall, 3 twin size b ^ Upon the romnlalnt of the plaintiff in notice of the time and place set for said 9-5082. venience. Also, opportunities for Furnished Apartments 63-A garage, patio, park-like lot. the abovp entitled action, praying for hearing be given to all persons inter­ next to school and public play­ er, table, miscellaneous, xn 9-9468. rooms, 146 foot lot, only $18,400. BOLTON—Immaculate six room $22,000. Short way out—nearly new reaaon.a therein a#*t forth, for a fore- ested by causing a true ropy .of this wrapping desk cashiers. Apply Carlton W. Hutchins. Xu 9-5132. ranch in th choice Bayberry Sec­ GOLF — NEAR HOME!!! c.loaure of tax li^na on the property order to be published once in some Building-Contracting 14 PAINTING AND paperhanging. Burton’s Office, Mrs. Harris, 11 ground. 1\ 2 acre lot with large ROCKVILLE—24 Grove ' treet — 3 bedroom ranch over one-half Known aa Lot No. on a m ap en- new.spaper having a circulation *ih said Good clean workmanship at rea­ a.m.-4 p.m. bam. Call for appointment. MARLOW’S-BEST BUYS! Single light housekeeping room tion. Large lots, artesian water, acre lot. Can't he beat for $12,900. EIJJNC.TON RIDGE COUNTRY titled: "Map of Andover Lake Proper­ District, and posted on the public sign­ CARPEH^TRY— Roofing, remodel­ WALKER STREET—8 room Cape, fireplace. Top value at only ty. July 1927. H. E. Daggett C. E *’ sonable rates. 30 years in Man­ BACK TO SCHOOL DESKS from $10 weekly. Well furnished 2-room screened porch, fireplace, 1-car Many more $4,600 up. (Jail the CIjUB 4 minutes from luxurious 6 post in the Town of Andover where said ing, repaira. No Job too small. Ed chester. Raymond Fiske. MI SECRF3TARY and general office apartment $20 weekly. Tel. TR $14,200—far below the cost. T. J. Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Real­ room Ranch type home. Full acre which m an in on file in the Town minor resides, and sent by certifed Staaiak, PI 2-7564. Everett W. Yon Dyne $19.95. garage, shaded lot, $16,000. Phu Crockett, Realtors. MI 3-1577. Clerk’a Office In aaW Town of Andov Carter, guardian of the estate of said 9-9237. work with established 44 year old AMESITE PAVING 5-9594 brick Agency, Xn 9-8464. tors, MI 3-6930 or MI 9-5524. landscaped for privacy. Charming and po.R.aea.aion of said prem ia .. ..TP- minor, by his attorney^. John F, Shea business. Salary open. Phone JA Desk lam ps..$2.98 up. formal dining room. Living room tiirnable before the Court of f'onimon mall, po.stage prepaid, to Joseph B. ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re­ Builder — CH 6^781 RANCH—51,4 rooms, 3 years old Pleaa within and for Tolland ('ountv Electrical Services 22 7-9208. Kiddle baths, deluxe model—$16.88. TWO ROOM furni.shed apartment. BUSINESS ZONE—8 room home In VERNON— Minutes from schools 17'x21', 10' fieldstone fireplace, Jr.. 57.5 Main Street, Manchester. Con- modeling all types of carpentry. e DRIVEWAYS a WALKS a PARKINO LOTS Heated. Kitchen set, refrigerator, Bowers School area, family site and shopping—we have a 2 bed­ to be held at Horkville on tin* fir.«t pectlrut. all at'least .seven days befora Nelson Higgins. Ml 4-1700. Folding Stroller—$6.88, excellent condition off East Center solid walnut paneled den. Andersen Tue.sday of Sepi»-niber. A D. 1961 and the dav set for said hearing. FREE ESTIMATES—Prompt serv­ bedroom act. I--ow rent. Adults. Street. Good location for doctor, kitchen, plastered walls, cast iron room ranch, half acre lot, high casement windows. Wall-to-wall iiiwn an application In said action for CHARliES H. NICHOLSON. Judge. ice On all types of electrical wir­ MACHINE GRADED e PAVED and ROLLED Baby carriages from $18.88. Apartment 4, 10 Depot Square. baseboard heat, 1-car garage. This with trees, attached garage, en­ carpeting, through hallway, an order of notice. It appearing to and CARPENTRY repairs, renovating, hairdresser, etc. $25,000 For fur house offers you those little extras being found by the aub.«(rrlbing author­ STATF, OF rONNBCnCUT, Prohat, ing. Licensed and insured Wilson Thayer Crib and Mattress—$27.88. closed patio, big kitchen, plenty of baths. Full basement with fireplace. ity that the defendant whose name i.a 3 tile ceilings, floors leveled, build­ ROCKVILLE — 12 Ellington Ave., ther Information call the Philbrick that make a house a home, $19,500. Court. Town of Andover, District of An­ Electrical Co., Manchester, MI • SEPTIC TANKS Complete twin bed outfits from Agency, Xn 9-8464. cabinets, glass enclosed ceramic 2 -car attached garage. 25 minutes as follows: George l.add is-absent from dover. August 26. 1961. ings straightened, new beams. WANTED FREE ESTIMATES # CALL ANYTIME large well furnished 2-room apart­ Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. bath, big living room with picture thl.a State . the residence of ihe defend­ Present. Hon. Charlea H. Nicholson, Porches a specialty. No job too 9-4817, Glastonbury, ME 3-7376. CLEANED and INSTAUJEO $54.95. to Hartford or Springfield. 10 min­ ment. adults onlv, $25 weekly. Tel. 126 NORTH ELM ST.—7 room Co­ window, view for miles, fully utes to Hamilton. Many luxury fea­ ant is unknown to the plaintiff, e.xcept Judge. small. TR 5-5759. EXFKRIENOED Wardrobes from $10.88. TR 5-9121. RANCH—A fine 5 room ranch style stormed. Retired owner has kept a.a *et forth in .^aid complaint. ha.s On motion of Philip D. Brass, admin­ • SEWERS lonial, I'/i baths, den, 24 foot liv home with attached garage Is now tures to please Mr. and Mrs. Par­ gone to part.s unknown, and that notice istrator on the estate of Fred W. Brass, AtAOUINd CLEANED THE PRK^ IS RIGHT 9x12 Fiber Rugs—$17.95. ing and master bedroom, 12x14 this I ’z year old home NEW. Rob­ ticular. lx>w 30s. of the Institution of thl.«« action most late of Andover, within said district, de­ NURSES' AIDES available in an excellent suburban ert Wolverton Agency, MI 3-1914. likely to come to hls attention Is that ceased. LEGAL NOTICE Always shop Marlow’s Furniture Business l.iocations screened porch, aluminum siding, area. A few of the features of this hereinafter ordered: It i.s Thl.s Court doth decree (hat six Roofing—-Siding 16 FOB DAT SHIFT • INSTALLATION TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED 1-car garage, G.E. hot water heat, desirable home are 3 bedrooms, Walton W. Grant Ajicnc.v ORDFJRED: That notice of the Institu­ month.s be allowed and’limited for the The Registrars of Voters of the Department before buying any- For Rent 64 double lot. 4%% mortgage may be OUR TWO-FAMILY listings start tion of said action be given the said creditors of said estate to exhibit their A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, siding, Towm of Coventry will be In ses­ See MR. DELLAFERA SPECIALIST where. 861 Main Street. assumed or FHA insured loan to fireplace, large kitchen with built- at $13,900. “East side, west side, Llllisn Grant, Realtor MI 3-1153 defendant by some prf>per officer or claims against the same to the admin­ painting. Carpentry. Alterations sion September 7, 1961 from 10 . OR XmS. BINGE EXCELLENT spot for any busineaa $19,900. Philbrick Agency, XU in oven and range, aluminum all around the town.” Call Wc.s other person causing a true and at­ istrator and directs that public notice a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Registrars’ SEVEN CUBIC foot Montgomery storm windows and screens, built- Smith. MI 9-8952 for details. tested copy of this order of notice to he be gtven of this order by adve.rtislng in and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ or office. Center of town, plenty 9-8464. rORTER ST. SECTION published In the Manchester Evening a newspaper having a circulation in ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. office, Center School, Main Street, Crtstfidd Town and Country Ward refrigerator, 10 years old, of parking. Ml 0-6229 9-6 in fire alarm, split rail fence. It is Beechler-Smith, Realtors Herald a newspaper having a circula­ said district, and by po.stini^ a cepy MI 3-4860. Coventry, Conn, for the purpose of DE MAIO BROS. Ideal for cottage or newly married BRICK HOXIE—6 large rooms, located on a spacious 100x200’ lot. tion in the Town of Andover. three thereof on the public sign post in said correcting the preliminary' list of couple, excellent running condi­ OFFICE FOR rent clo*e to shop­ full baths, 2-car garage, excellent For additional information call BENTON STREET — 4 bedroom limes consecutively, once a week for 3 Town of Andover nearest tha- placa BIDWELL HOME Improvement ConvolMCMit Hospitxil DRAINAGE CO. tion, too small for growing fam­ ping center, Ideal for any busi­ McCarthy Enterprises, MI 9-5391. home with heated porch, living successive weeks, commencing on or where the deceased last dwelt. electors ell^ble to vote on Octo­ 665 Vernon St.—MI 8-Z461 TEL. Ml 3-7691 condition. Between one and two ENTICING before August 24. A.D. 1961. and that CHARLES H. NICHOLSON. Judge. Company—all types of aiding and ber 2, 1961. ily. Xfl 9-3110. ness,, reasonable rent. 186 Weat acres of land. Fruit trees. High John Panciera, MI 9-1TO8, room with fireplace, formal din­ return of such service be mad« to the roofing. Aluminum clapboards a Ml 9-4143 Middle Tpke. XU 3-6802. ing room, lU baths, 2-car garage. above named Pourt. Dated at Coventry, Conn. Au- SEWING MACHINES—Singer and elevation. Six miles from Man­ MANCHESTER—247 Charter Oak. SHIRLEY W. KUSH. specialty. Unexcelled workman­ g;ust 29, 1961. chester. Philbrick Agency. XU $16,200. Belfiore Agency. MI COLONIAL Assistant rierk r day of August. Weirauch Estates The simple plnwheel design of Marlow’s, 867 Main. SHOPPING BOLTON—Volpl Road. Practically PHONE JII 3-6273 A,D. 1961. FOR 3 MEN TO S a L 210 Mountain Rood Open tonight till 9. of Manchester’s most desirable Present Hon. Elmore Turklngton, Brandy Road, Bolton, Connecticut. MTT-O-UMA this handsome quilt makes it pos­ From this neat 3 bedroom ranch areas. This fine home placed on new 3 bedroom ranch, large kitch­ Judge BIG BASEMENT of Main Street on Woodhill Road in Manchester. en, lovely living room with fire­ All Bids must he .sealed and In You’ll love the comfort and good sible for you to use fabrics left­ a shaded well shrubbed lot in­ K.^tate of Ariudd Poole Avery, late of writing and must be aubmitted looks ot this outstanding culotte- over from other sewing project — WVITATION INVITATION Musicnl Instruments 53 store in excellent location. Ideal Features G.E. built-ins, full base­ cludes the following features: A place. full basement. Belfiore Coventry In said district, deceased. THE NO. 1 SALES LEADER 7-room split level, 2-car garage, reception hall for beauty shop, shoe department, ment, All city facilities. Assumable Agency. MI 3-5121. Brae-Burn Realty T^on application of Harold C. Norton, to the Town Clerk of Bolton by sklrt that can be made in various thus saving you money! Blocks are large living room with fireplace, praying that ah In.stniment purporting Saturday. September 16, 1961 at tebrles to suit the season. about 6.’’ TO BID TO BID ONE SUGHTLY used spinet piano, bridal shop, etc. Large show win­ mortgage. formal dining room, family size to he the will and testam ent of said large recreation room with fireplace save $250. We will give new piano dow space. Reasonable rent, too. MANCHESTER—113 Pine St. 4 bed­ MANCHESTER—Excellent 6 room deceased he admitted to probate and 11:30 A.M., when they will he No. 8144 with Pstt-O-Rama is In Pattern No. 5332 has pattern Sealed bids will be received at Sealed bids will be received at kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, room house of seven rooms, cen­ opened. Certified check or caah Msto 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 14, pieces, material requirements; dia­ living room with fireplace guarantee on this one. Ward Music 'T. J. Crockett, Realtors, MI 3-1577. baths, laundry room, side porch, custom built ranch. Features in­ that letters of administration’ with (he the Office of the General Mana' the Office of the General Manager, Co., 99 Summer. Open evenings. JARVIS tral. St.. James Parish,' modern­ clude 2 full baths, 2-car garage, will annexed be granted on^aald estate, amountinfT to 10% of the bid must 8% yards of 85, 88 or SO-lnch; 2% gram and finishing directions. ger, 41 Center Street, Manchester, 41 Center Street, Manchester, full dining room plastered walls, full basement', oil ized, exclusive. West Side Realty, as per application on file, U Is accompany bid; baianoa of pur­ y ttd s of 04>inch. Houses For Rent 65 heat, copper plumbing, 1-car ga­ large iot, convenient location. ORDERED: That the foregoing appli­ To order, send 25c In coins to;— Conneettout until ^ptember 8, Connecticut until September 11, at xn 9-5315. Phone xn 8-6273, Brae-Bum Real­ cation be heard and determined at the chase price within SO days. Sals Tm oedar, sand 86e In coins to: Anns Cabot, The Manchester Evs- all electric kitchen with dining area used REALTY CO. rage, amesite drive. Reasonably Probate office in Coventry In said Dis­ 1961 at 11:00 A.M. for Public 11:00 A.M. for Sanitary Sewer SPANISH GUITAR white, COVENTRY—8 room house, unfur­ ty. is aubject to the approval of the Ena Euntott, Tlw Manchester Eve* nlnr Herald, 1150 AVE. OF Alarm Air Horn Plant for Fire Construction—Hillside, Cole, and 2 ceramic tile baths very little. Phone MI 9-2718. nished $80. 4 room furnished cot­ xn 3f-4112 XIrs. Smith XH 9-2519 priced at $20,500. For additional MANCHESTER—Buslnesa zone. 2- trict. on the 7th day of September. Probate Court for the IRatrict of Btatmid, t m AVB. OT AMBEIOA8, MEW YORK 86. N. Department. Asylum Streets. Mr. Werbner MI 3-7847 information or appointment con­ family. Shown by appointment A.D. 1961 at 10:30 o clock in the fore­ Andover, and the adminiatrator of tage, $55. Available Sept. 1. Call tact McCarthy Enterprises, Inc., MANCHESTER—West Side. CTose noon. and (hat notice be given, to all ------MEW TOBK 88, Y. Bid forma and specifications are Bid forms and apeciftcatlona 3 large bedroenns with walk-in and doable clooeUi Wanted—^To Buy" 58 between 4-6 p.m. PI 2-6452. only. Phone' XH 8-6273, Brae-Burn to Center Street, 6 room Cape, 2 person.s interested in said estate of the said Estates reserves the rijtht to M.T. For Ist-clsss mailing add lOe available at the Controller’s Of­ are available at the Controller's ANSALDI HEIGHTS—Excellent 5 xn 9-5391. John V. Panciera. XU Realty. pendency of said application and (he accept or reject any or all Bids. room, ranch, full basement, plas­ 9-1898. ceramic tiled baths, enclosed time and place of hearing thereon, by Ear Ist-clsti Bislllng add lOe for for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ fice, 68 Center Street, Manchester, Office, 66 Center Street, Manches­ WE BUY, SELL or trade antique COVENTRY—9 room house, un breezeway, garage, lovely land­ publishing a copy of this order in some Transfer will be by Administra­ tosh tttts m . Print Naqaa, Addrsss dress with zone and Pattern Num­ Connecticut. ter, Connecticut. and used furniture, china, glass, furnished, attached garage. Avail­ tered walls, fully insulated, fire­ MANCHESTER— 5 room ranch new.spaper having a circulation in said tor's Deed. AH adjustments tn- JOHN As PARTRIDGE, Builder place, ceramic tile bath, hot water A WINNING combination— Over­ with rec room In Verplanck School scaped lot. House in "glassy district, at least five davs before the yrtUi I s m , Etyls No. and Biss. ber. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, TOWN OF MANOTE8TBR, OEM CHEVROLET, INC. silver, picture frames and old able Oct. 1. Box G, Herald. clean” condition. Wail-to-wali car- cludlng taxes will be made as of In Etiriag—a eompMs oil heat, amesite drive, city water sized 6 room ranch, Bowera School area, attached gara», nice shad­ day of Mid heating, to app^*r_^! Hava you the '61 Album oon- ' OONNECnCUT O O N N H C nC U T Ml 9^3346 coins, old dolls and guns, hobby ed lot, only $13,600. Evenlnga Mr. Tietlng Included, $15,200. Evenlnga »,« eauM at aalA tlnv, uvid plae* * ' ‘ and ■* date of tranofer. ■1 for tha laiag SHiur lovely daalina aad RICKARD MARTIN, RICHARD MARTIN. 1182 MAIN 8T„ WILLIMANTIC—HA 8-1608 •oUectlana, attic contents or whole and sewerage, laiga yard. In ax- area. Make a date to see this o»*- b, heard_____ rMatir,______.heretothereto, and mi“lak. For further lnfnaaia$liu tail rOUR R(X)M houaa fumlohad, oellent condition thrmighout BeechlaiQBmlth, Raaltora, MI Boles, xn 9-98S8. Warren B. How­ Mr. BoIm , xn 9-9858, Warren E. to thia court. fraa f t t i m S f . l86s A uapfl CUDfERAIi KAlTAjCnR OXanORAli MANAXMOR estatas. Funiltura Repair Service, land, ItsaMor. MX S-U0$. H ow la^ rsaltor, MI $-1108. BLHo*B~'riTRKn(ekiw. AnthonF Maaafgta! lUootMDa, Cmm. T tS T v i DTMS. aonatato. K fi-TiM. Chiulaa LaapaiiMea. MX U-Taao. M903. % I » FA6K Twemr-FOTni iHanch^Bti^r lEv^ttittij H m U i raURSDAY, AU6XWT 81, 1861

Open house will'be held at the Polish American dub, 106 Clin­ A b o u t T o w n ton St, on Saturday ,nig^t A buf­ Police Hold 2 fet will be served, and there will Ctaapmaa Court, Order of Amar­ be dancing from 7 to 1. Members anth, will meet tomorrow at 7:80 and guests are invited. O p e ra tiv e s o f p.m. at tha Maaonlc Temple for a abort hualaeaa meetin; and then a Members of the MSncheeter myatary ride. Refreahmenta will be Watea who are taking part in Budeon Center aervd Mra. Guataf ^nderaMi and the entertainment for the Nation­ her committee. Officeiii will wear al Convention of Wates will re­ (CoBthmed from Page One) atreet elothea. hearse tonight at 7:80 at the home of Mrs. Sipertaco Nerl, 57 Prospect license. His bond was set at 8500. Anny 2nd Lt. Alfred W. Rous- St., Rodr^lle. Other warranta were still bo be eeau J r , aon of Mr^ and tin . A. served, it was learned.' W. Routweau of 128 Barry Rd., re­ There will be a board of di­ cently participated in a four-week rectors meeting of the Manchester The arrest followed an investi­ Fresh—Oven Ready training exerclae in Grafenwohr, Wates tomorrow night at 7:30 at gation tn which MaJ. Carrol E. Connecticut Farm Fresh Germany. Lt, Rousseau, executive the home of Mrs. Mary McCarthy, Shaw, commanding officer of the 1961 Crop officer of Co. D, 35th Armor, 4th 12 Warren Ave., Vernon. Armored Division, entered the Stabs Police Division of Public LaBroad-Aberle * f Army in May 1060, was last sta­ The Saturday meeting of the Safety, and Dr. Alexander J. tioned in Ft. Knox, Ky.. and arrived Hammond Organ Society hasbenen Tiitles, director of the Medical overseas September 1060. postponed until Saturday, Sept. 9, Services Division, State Depart­ at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. ment of Health, both cooperated. Tiirkeys Vivien Cole. 58 Stephen St., will George Moberg, 98 Forest SL An order was issued by Major attend the three-day House Chair­ Shaw, also deputy state Are mar- 16 to 18 lb. toms will sell at men's Institute at the women's col­ Gets Scholarship, and Fire Chief Harold A. 49c and 10 to 12 lb. hens at lege of Rutgers University as one Thomas J. Dzurenda, 49 E. Eld- Edward G. Stiles, son of Mr. 53c Ib. Since supply will be ridge St., and Thomas E. Skoran, Shipipey of Westport, the local of 80 young women who will serve and Mrs. George E. Stiles of 125 Are marshal, directing the im­ somewhat limited, it will be aj ad^sors and leaders during the Green Manor Apartments, W. Mid­ mediate termination of the center well to phone MI 3-4151 and coming college year. dle Tpke., have been elected di­ Hollister SL, has been awarded a place your order. Sold at rectors for the Central Connecti­ facilities for hospital purposes. scholarship by the Maine Osteo­ It was ordered that paLients be service counter. The Glastonbury Antique Show, cut Chapter of the American In­ pathic Association. stitute of Industrial Engineers for evacuated as soon as possible, sponsored by SL Baul’s Men's Club, Stiles graduated from Bates with due consideration to their wiU be held Sept. 11, 12, and 13, the coming year. t I College, Lewiston, Maine, In June health and welfare, but in all cases For the best buy in ready- from noon to 10 p.m. at Naubuc 1960, receiving a bachelor of sci­ no later than wdthln 10 days. Hall on Naubuc Ave., Glastonbury. to-eat hams in cans . . . we ence degree In chemistry. While Authorities explained that two suggest the at Bates, he was secretary-treas­ of the patients underwent the re­ PubKc Records urer of the Lawrence Chemical juvenation treatment yesterday Society, and a member of the and that rest and immobility were MORRELL HAM Warrantee Deeds Bates radio station staff. He was required for a period of days after­ new six pound size Theodore W. and Helen M, Da- on the varsity soccor, golf, and wards. There were six women and at only $4.98 can boll to Carlo V. and Betty R. sailing teams, and was active in one man among the patients today. the dramatic club. . Also available in 3 lb. size Petricca, property at 218 Porter The rejuvenation treatment, for at 82.98 and 8 lb. cans at St. Stiles graduated from Manches­ which up to 81,000 was being 86.39. On .display in self Edward H. sind Patrica C. Phil­ ter High School in 1955, and from charged. Involves applying an acid service bacon case. lips to FYed W. and Margaret S. Monson Academy, Monson, Mass., solution to the face and burning Geyer, property at 330 Spring St. in 1956. After graduating from off some of the skin. Robert M. and Ulia G. Parmer Bates, he .was employed as a pro­ fessional service representative in to Noel R. and Marlene E. Thft, Come to Pinehurst •for property at 47 Bunce Dr. the central Maine area by Pfizer Tax Liens Filed Alice Q. TeeU to Richard W. and Laboratories of Brooklyn, N. Y. famous TENDERCURE Maria Lemleux of Hartford, prop­ The scholarship is awarded an­ For Back Taxes CORNED BEEF and erty at 65 Finley SL nually by the Maine Osteopathic Fred William and Margaret S. Association, through its Student Morrell's ready to eat H O W H O T Geyer Jr. to David and Edna Werb- Selection Committee, to an Indi­ The United States government ham. Very lean Brisket ner, property at 66 Constance Dr. vidual entering osteopathic col­ has Aled tax liens against two lege. Stiles will enter Klrksville and Chuck Corned ! ’ IS STEEL? Building Permits local persons and one corporation, College of Osteopathic Physicians Beef. . . Buy a whole E. R. Osborne of Boston, Mass., and Surgeons, Klrksvllle, Mo., according to papers Aled in the Follow the flow. Get the latest for the California Oil Co., to con­ next week. He leaves for Mis­ town clerk's office. 10 Ib. ham, a butt half stock market news every week­ struct a building at 452 Hartford souri Saturday. Named in the writs, submitted or the almost boneless day at_ 5 p.m. and 6:05 p.m. Rd., 811,990. by the U.S. Treasury Department’s WE BDAUNTEE IT! If you*re not completely satisfied over WDRC, 1360 on your radio Regal Builders Inc., to build two Internal Revenue Office, are Oak­ round half. Buy at dial. Presented Iw Shearson, houses off Leland Dr., for 812,000 Crestfleld Conavlescent Home, al­ land Motors, Inc. at Stock Pi., for service counter. with anything you buy in our fine meat department—just tell and 811,000. terations to building at 565 Vernon back taxes of 81,228.52; Kenneth Hanunni & Co., 913 Main SL. John R. Wennergren Co. for Manchester. SL, 82,800. A. Miller of 70 Foley St., a tax us about it and we’ll gladly refund your money. You have our assessment of 8715.60 for 1059-60; and Roy A. Vaughn of 122 Avon­ word on that—om . PERSONAL GUARANTEE. dale Rd. for unpaid taxes of OPEN TONIGHT and 8179.46. FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 0 CLOSED LABOR DAT • A. Mon* AoadMS Square Dancers To Open Season The block chuck, bone in, pot roats, pictured at the The Manchester Square Dance Club will hold its first Indoor left, has become a best seller this summer . . . dance of the fall season Saturday goes to show the customer knows a bargain when from 8 to 11 p.m. at Waddel she sees it . . . take your choice . . . either cut School. is a budget value . .. Earl Johnston will be caller for the dance, open to all club dancers. Names of delegates to the Atlan­ CHOICE GRADE tic City convention trip will be drawn during the evening and re­ freshments will be served. The club, sponsored by the Block Chuck Roast ANOTHER Town Recreation Department, will offer lessons to the public begin­ ning Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. For in­ 1st Cuts Center Cuts formation, those Interested may CANDY call Mrs. Miller Haugh. Discs Teach Miscellany • 3 9 ' * 4 5 ' KITCHEN New York — The Aeld of teach- yourself record albums is grow­ Chuck or Shoulder S te a k s...... Ib. 59c MUNSON’S ing fast. They cover a wide Aeld AT MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE and Include such diverse ritles as "Hear How To Look Your Lovel­ iest,’’ "Hear How To Tell Your Pmehurst meata 'are sold Buy these two special values Children The Facts of Life,” "Hear the service way . . . buy 1 "Fresher-By-Far" How To Skin-Dive,” and ‘Teach chicken leg . . , 1 breaat in the Frozen Food case . . . Pinehurst Your Dog To Hunt, Point, and . . . 1 wing or a dozen of Retrieve.” each if you wish. . .All GROUND MEATS our chickene and parts are 6-OZ. CANS SHURFTNE FROZEN U. S. Grade A Connecticut ORANGE JUICE 5 for 99c CO LD CUTS farm fresh. FRANKFURTS G U M T NEW FUEL O il CHICKEN WINGS PINEHURST LEAN ASHFORD DtVBLOPMMNTI PLUMP BROADBREASTED U. S. GRADE A GROUND OfFCRS YOU CHOICE HEN TURKEYS lb. 45c CHUCK lb. 79c ft 2 5 ' 10 to 11-lb. average BIHUMNG SmS^ UBERAL Save 14c Lb. PINEHURST • TERMS AT THIS CHARMING BROILERS HAMBURG lb. 55c FRYERS SELF SERnCE GROCERIES SUMMER UVIHG SPOT. ROASTERS 3 in 1 blend Beef, Pork, The larger the chicken leg SAVE 10c ON DEAL PA£K 6-OZ. INSTANT Veal for meat loaf or (OfF ROUTE 44-A . . . the more meat . . . Swedish meat balls or use these extra large legs MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE jar 89c try stuffed peppers with —26 MILES EAST OF for chicken salad. . .sand­ wiches . . . or for barbe­ this 3 in 1 blend . ,1b. 79c MANCHESTER— cues. ASSORTED FRESHLY ASHFORD. CONH.) fHICKEN LEGS Save 4c on SLICED COLD CUTS NABISCO FIG NEWTONS . . . Ig. pkg. 35c lb. S9c IMPORTED SLICED ft BOILED HAM most but not all centers CHICKEN LIVERS, lb. 89c lb. 81.19 MANY NEW COTTAGES Save 20c on lOO's CHICKEN SOUP NECKS NOW UNDER 5c Lb.—8 Lbs. 25c TETLEY TEA BAGS 99c FRANKFURTS CONSTRUCTION 1st Prize HURRY!HURRY! skinless Fresh Sword season soon over. Barbecue it . . . COTT SODA IN CANS, case of 24 . $2.00 Grote & Weigel broil it in the oven plac­ 9 cans 87c not skinless ing a little milk in bottom Helps keep your of baking pan and insist with the strike over, we again offer Rath’s bacon . . . burner clean as it on Pinehurst Fresh Every day low prices . . . Milk in gallons 76c. Party Pac Ice Cream half gallon 69c, Royal Vanilla Ice heats your home I BLOCK ISLAND Cream and Sherbet, half gallon 99c, and Royal Sher­ Fresh Bacon Wrapped RT-98 Is the most completely SWORDFISH bets ip half gallon reusable containers S9c. LAMB PAHIES Ib. 39c effective fuel oil additive in use 69c and 79c Lb. Cigarettes 82.39, 82.48 and 82.50 carton. today. This helps your oil 3 Lbs. $1.00 burner deliver more dean, de­ pendable heat. You get pre­ mium service, too. Ail designed to make home heating easy. A NEW PERO APPLE And New Melons at Pinehurst. along with Canta­ EVERY FEW DAYS . . . loupes and ripe Watermelons we now feature DRIVE OUT THIS WEEKEND OR ON LABOR DlAY Call today for We started with Pero’s Red Astrakhans,' then went to Pero’a PERSIAN MELONS Early Macs and now offer you AND PROVE TO YOURSELF THAT Mobilheat SELECTED CRAVENSTEIN CASABA MELONS CRANSHAW MELONS APPLES A New Cracker From Nabisco '' WE GIVE which are line right now for pies and sauce. Let them stand French Onion T h in s ...... box 37c GREEN STAMPS a day or two and they are a nice apple for the children to ‘ eat. If you want the beet Yellow Peaches . . . buy Pero's A New Keebler Cookie to Follow Candy Stripe and at Pinehurst. Custard Summer Cookies. Bag of 60 DUTCH APPLE COOKIES...... bag 49c ASHFORD LAKE -AT PINEHURST IS THE PLACE FOR YOU MORI ARTY GREEN PEPPERS 2 for 5c AT PINEHURST liiiii BROTHERS GOLDEN CARROTS 10c ARTHUR A; KNOFLA, Agent !■ ■ " tm Ml 3- i 440 Ml 9.5938 Ml 3-5135 Corner Main and Middle Turhpike 301-315 C mHw St. PINEHURST iiill A

L'’ ■ f