PAOl TWENTT-FOU* WEDNESDAY. ^U'OUST 80, 1861 iiattrl)[]fBfor ?Ettra1ng ATcrage Daily Net Press Ron The Weather For tiio Week Ended June 8, 1961 FereeMt et C. S. Weather Barm* About Town 1 3 , 3 . 3 0 Fair and mild tonight. Lew In the eoe. Friday fair, hot and mere Member of the Audit XuchwUr liOdf* of Masoni hntnid. High aronnd 90. win ittMt at 7:1S at the Bureau et Oreolatlon lo4(a and will prooaed to the Wat- Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm )dna*W«it Poaeral Home at 7:S0 to oondnet a Maaonle Memorial tor John 8. Miner. VOL. LXXX, NO. 282 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1961 (Olamlfted Advertialng on Page M) PRICE FIVE CENTS Membere of Hoae Co. 2, Town lir e Department, will meet at 7 e'cleek tonight and proceed to the Watklne>We«t fimeral Home to pay reapecU to the late John Miner, who w ee a member of the department. Dr. Arthur L,. Berman of Tolland, Kennedy Accuses Russians author of a new book on the funda- mentala of dynamical aatronomy FASHION-FOR-FALL . .. PLUS and apace flight, haa been named profeaaor of phyalca at the Hart­ ford Graduate Center of Renaaelaer Polytechnic Inatltute. Prancls Herron Council, Pythian Sunahlne Glrla, haa been invited Of Blackmail with N-Tests to a dance given by the newly or- gianlaed Prince’a of Syracuse of 1 DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS TOMORROW Plalnville, a new boys group of the Knights of Pythias. The dance will m be field at the American Legion I • SHOP THURSDAY 9:30 to 9:00 • CONVENIENT FREE PARKING REAR OF STORE State News Why Nikitai Cite ‘^Peace-Loving Policy’ Hall In Plalnrille Saturday from 7 • FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS 9:30 to 5:45 • ENTRANCE O AK and MAPLE STREETS Says U.S. to 10 p.m. Sunshine Girls plan­ WITH ALL CASH SALES •TELEPHONEMl 3-4123 ning to attend should contact Mrs. • CLOSE MONDAYS THRU LABOR DAY Roundup Jane Smith, royal advisor. Lifted Ban Reds Blame Allies Weapons 3 Star of the Bast, Royal Black I Pre^tory, will meet at Orange Hall Friday at 7:90 p.m. Members 617,000 Pupils On N-Tests are reminded of the dinner at SHETLAND TYPE CARDIGANS For End of N-Ban Ocean Beach Park on Sunday. [ HIPSTITCHED, BOX PLEATED SKIRTS Due to Enter Tokyo, Aug. 31 (fl’)—Com­ Sufficient Cars will leave Orange Hall at 10 munist China today came out By .lOHN M. HIGHTOWER a.m. sharp. proportioned sizes, petite 8 to 16; reg. 10 to 18; State Schools with firm harking of the So­ By PRFXTON GR4)\'ER ®/and for producing more food. An 100% Tvool. sizes 34 to 40. white, black, navy, ^ ^ expensive nuclear program could Wa.shington, Aug. 31 (/P)— Advertisement— tell 12 to 18. ^ ^ 1 viet Union’s decision to re­ Moscow, Aug. 31 {/P)—The j eat heavily into Ru.ssian capital President Kennedy accused black, navy, gray, loden, blue, camel, kelly. ^ M ^ , .# blue, gold, red, green, bankeirs gray, street floor ^ Hartford, Aug. 31 ('P)— sume nuclear weapons tests. Soviet Union’s surprise can­ and postpone the good times even OONiNDCTIOUT^BANK AND street floor. About 617,000 pairs of feet celing of the ban on nuclear Russia today of “atomic TRIUST COMPANY offers you “The government of the more than the 20 years snnoiinced blackmail,” but said the Unit­ speeded-up service by Inaugurat- will scuff or skip into Con­ People’s Republic of China to­ testing prompted western in the parly program. Ing an AILL PU RPO SE TEJUUER necticut’s public, parochial predictions here today that a Ill scrapping the 3-year mora­ ed Stales has a supply of nu­ day issued a statement sup­ torium oil lesl.s the Soviet Union clear weapons sufficient for WTNDOW that lets you conduct all and private classrooms next porting the Soviet govern­ new explosion may l>e .set off your banking efllclently, a t 808 issued a warning to the West and il.s own and the free world’s Wednesday and in ensuing ment’s decision to conduct ex­ soon in this country. pleaded for understanding from tlie Main Street, 15 North Main Street days. One diplom at .said the Ru.s.sians defense. and Manchester Shopping Park- perimental explosions of nu­ nonaligned nations. The enrollm ent total wa.s drawn have urgent rea.son.s for the Premier Khrushchev gave the The While statement, is­ ade. School Opens Just Brazltlan Vice President Joao Goulart (right) and Sen. Barros Carvalho disembarked from their today from figures compiled by the clear weapons in the interests change of policy while uncom­ go-ahead to his scientists to test sued after an urgent conference among Kennedy, his cabinet advis­ Advertisement— lane In Miami last night, while it was refueling for the trip to Panama and South America. <3ou- State Education Department and of the defense of world mitted nations meet in Belgrade, new weapons ranging up to mon­ irt told reporters he didn’t know if he would return to Brazil or not. (AP Photofax). the Archdiocesan School Office. and only three week.s before the ster bombs with an explosive force ers and congressional leaders, On* Week from Today! g peace,’’ the New China News avoided for the moment any com­ Featured at Pinehurst Thurs- 1 Listen to Kathy Public school attendance is ex­ Agency said in a dispatch meeting of the United Nations As­ of 100 million tons of TNT—five day, Friday and Saturday: Block pected to touch the half-million sembly. times bigger than anything In the mitment on resumption of nuclear Godfrey, WINF- . Houoo and Hale la prepared to mark this year, continuing a 20,000- from Peiping. weapons testing by the United Chuck Pot Roast and Pinehurst handle all your chlldren'a "back to One reason advanced was that American arsenal and 5,000 times tender cure Chuck or Extra Lean CBS, Manchester, Goulart Flying South student-per-year increase that has perhaps the Russians had certain more powerftti than the bomb drop­ States to match Russia’s announc­ school" clothing needs, plus all the held steady for several years. 6y THE A.S.SOCIATED PRE-SvS ed decision to resume. Brisket Corned Beef. See Pine­ 10:10 a.m. Mon­ new fall fashions! weapons ready to go and wanted ped on Hiroshima in World War hurst ad In Thursday night’s Her­ Catholic school enrollment is ex­ to test them promptly while the II. Kennedy had said last night that day thru Satur­ Western diplomats sug­ the Russian announcement made it ald. pected to touch 90,000, better than season for observations is right. The Soviets blamed the United day. Contest Ev­ half of it In the Hartford diocese. gested today that the mount­ "We suspect that it is going to States and its Allies for their de­ necessary for the United States to ery Day. Private schools, many of which ing Berlin crisis represented be a big and impressive bang,” said cision to resume nuclear testing. decide "what its own national In­ open later than the Sept. 6 begin­ only one factor in Premier one westerner. "It Is an open secret,” said a terests require.” Brazil Near Civil War That was the critical issue be­ ning for the others, wilt probably The announcement promised to 6,000-word government statement, Khrushchev’s decision to re­ fore today's conference, and pres­ have about 27,000 attendees, ac­ sume nuclear testing. affect the October Congress of the "that the United States is stand­ NOTICE Rio d e Janeiro, Brazil, Aug.^craft loyal to the govemment^neither stale Is supporting Rio cording to the latest figures com­ Russian Communist party, called ing at the threshold of carrying sure was building up at the capltoI were ordered to patrol Brazil’s Grande do Sul, however. piled by the state. Three other considerations—in­ for the United States to go ahead 31 < J P )—Brazil’s interim gov­ cluding the Soviet Union’s rest­ to approve plans for a great pro­ with testing. MEN'S NEW ernment today ordered Army, border and intercept him. Porto Alegre has a population of Catholic schools appear to be gram for building homes, factories (Continued on Page Sixteen) THE OFFICE OF A communique from the mili­ about 600,000 and the state has growing at a fa.ster rate than less relationship with" Communist Kennedy, In today’s statement, Navy and Air Forces to sub­ tary-dominated government Tele­ about three million people. It has othera, up nearly 20,000 in two China—also probably played said that the decision which was DR. BARNEY ALL-WEATHER COAT due Joab Goulart’s supporters communications Commission said few industries, but in a civil war years. part. broadcast by Moscow to the world in his stronghold state of Rio units of the 2nd Army, Air Force might draw supplies from neighbor­ In the Hartford diocese, three Khrushchev made his move at Calls Ban Fatuous Blunder at 6 p.m., EDT, yesterday wae WICHMAN and Navy were taking part In an ing Argentina and Uruguay. new Catholic high schools will open what would appear to be the worst "primarily a form of atomic black­ Grande do Sul, "action in force" against Rio The wealthy former Gaucho, 42- with 1,000 students am ong them, possible time as far as world pub­ mail, designed to substitute terror ’The nation appeared at the edge CLOSED AUGUST 26 Grande do Sul, Brazil's southern­ year-old Goulart, who is the center and new elementary schools will lic opinion Is concerned.
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