Cornell Law Library Scholarship@Cornell Law: A Digital Repository Historical Theses and Dissertations Collection Historical Cornell Law School 1895 Nuncupative Wills Stuart Dixon Jenks Cornell Law School Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Estates and Trusts Commons Recommended Citation Jenks, Stuart Dixon, "Nuncupative Wills" (1895). Historical Theses and Dissertations Collection. Paper 22. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Historical Cornell Law School at Scholarship@Cornell Law: A Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Historical Theses and Dissertations Collection by an authorized administrator of Scholarship@Cornell Law: A Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. NUNCUtTATI'V WILLS. --- 000--- TILESIS PFRESENTED BY STUART DIXON JENYZ FOR TILE DGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS. 0000000--.-.. CORNTELL UWIV/ERSITY. SCHOOL OF LAW. 1895. --- 000---- CONTJIST page INTRODUCT-ION. , oV' .00 00-2. CHAPTER I, ROMAN WILLS. ........................ .... -. it II, ANGLO SAXON WILLS.7 i III, FROM THE NORLMN CONQUIST TO THE STATUTE OF FRAUDS .0w.8- 9 tt IV, NtUNC'UPATIVE WILLS UNDER TH STATUTE OF FRAUDS AND SIMILAR EqACTMENTS........................010-25. it V, MILITARY TESTAMEqTS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LAW 26-30 --- 000---. NUNCUPATIVE WILLS. --- 000--- INTRODUCTI ON. Testamentary succession, it is now agreed, is an insti- tution of positive law. It grew cut of the idea of the universitas juris of the Romans, and wherever it has existed can be traced to Roman influence.(a) In the earliest times a mans children were considered to be his only rightful heirs, and at first the privalege of willing property was confined to thase who, had no children to succeed them.