Pital (GNSH) Raibi N Rt of .2 Ass Datetz078/02 02 2021 Refd

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Pital (GNSH) Raibi N Rt of .2 Ass Datetz078/02 02 2021 Refd t .:.:\ (iove Ministry tion aiendra Na pital (GNSH) Raibi N rt of .2 Ass DatetZ078/02 02 2021 Refd. Result Age Ward Contact No. Lab lD Created At Case Name Gender District Municipality Hospital S.N. (Yrs) 2021-05-1 5 18:30 ptari athi Koiladi 4 9852820157 Tilathi Koiladi GNSH543X 1 Raj Kishor Pd Singh 65 Male Sa Koiladi NSH642X 2027-05-15 78l.27 t\ Sa ri Tilathi Koiladi 4 98s2820157 Tilathi 2 lndra Jlt Pd ,h 7L Male 2021-05-1 5 18:25 Negative Koiladi 4 9852820157 Tilathi Koiladi GNSH641X f Rabln Kunrar Singh 37 Male Sapta ri Tilathi 2021-05-15 18:23 Koiladl 4 9852820157 l-ilathi Koiladi GNSH64OX 4 Mintu Singh 30 Male Sapta ri Tilathi Tilathi Koiladi GNSH639X 2021-05-15 18:21 Sa pta ri Tilathi l(oiladl 4 98s2870757 5 Bipin Prasad Singh )o fr4 a le 2021-05-15 18:18 N ptari Tilathi Koiladi 4 9852820157 Tilathi Koiladi GNSH538X 6 Nira 55 Female 5a 2021-05-15 18:16 N Tilathi Koiladi 4 9852820157 Tilathi Koiladi G NS}i637X 7 Smriti Sin 7 Female Saptari 2021-05-15 18:16 ptari Kolladi 4 9852820157 Iilathi Koiladi G IiSH644X Ranr l<umari Singh 63 Ferna le Sa Tilathi 'tilathi 2021-05-15 18:16 Kolladi 4 9852820L57 Koiladi G I{SH645X o Gyarr Mala Singlt tla, Female Saptari I ilathi GNSH646X 2021-05-15 18:16 Tilathi Koiladi 4 9852820157 Tilathi Koiladi 10 Suman Pd. Singh 40 Male Sapta ri 2021-05-15 1B:16 Tilathi l(oiladi 98528201.57 Tilathi Koiladi C NSI'I647X 11 Purnima Singh 35 Fenra le Saptari 2021-05-15 18:16 l(oiladi 4 9A52820\57 Tilathi Koiladi GNSII64BX t2 Aadash Singh 1.7 Male Sapta ri Tilathi 2021-05-15 18:16 Negative Tilathi Koiladi 4 9852820757 Tilathi Koiladi GNSH649X 13 Sonu Mandal 22 Male 2021-05-15 18:16 N Tilathi Koiladi 4 9852820757 Tilathi Koiladi GNSH65OX 74 Amrendra Deo 55 Male Tilathi Koiladi Gl\lSH651X 2021-05-15 18:16 Negative Sa ptari lilathi Koiladi 4 9852820157 15 Anjut Mandal 20 Male SampleType:- Nasopharyngeal & Oropharyngeal Refd. By: Mr. DuniYa LalYad 2821606) China) by DLAB 96 of ORFlab, N gcne and E gene (Jian gsu Mole Bioscinece Co., Ltd. Note : These results are real time PCR amplification Department of MicrobiologY M h Shah -r.ji:^,\! GNSH, Rajbiraj M.Sc. ical Microbiology NtIPC No.1.25 Med. MicrobiologY Department of MicrobiologY GNSH, R,ajbiraj J,i *-^j \ 1 6:56 PM 202r 05-1.6 ---,l:' epal Gajendra Na isi Hospitat (GNSH) Rai Nepal ort of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Date:2078 2/02 (t6th 2021 Age Refd. s.N. Case Name Gender District Municipality Ward Contact No. Lab lD Created At Result (Yrs) Hospital t lkh Narayan Shrestha 56 Male Saptari Kanchanrup !2 9814746543 Covid Hospital GNSH931X 2021-05-15 17:00 Negative 2 Kumar Shrestha 52 Male Sa ptari Karrchanr up L2 9829724209 Covid Hospital GNSH93OX 2021-05'15 16:59 PositiVe 3 Jibchhi Devi Majhi ll Female Saptari Kanchanrup 1-1 9a16783922 Covid Hospital GN5H929X 2021-O5-15 16:51 Negative 4 Nirajan tVlajhi td Male Sa pta ri Kancharrrup 1.1. 981.6783922 Covid Hospital GNSH928X 2021-05-15 16:55 Negative t: Bimla Devi Majhi 36 Female Saptari Kanchanrup 11 98L6783922 Covid Hospital GI.,ISH927X 2O2L-05-L5 1,6:54 Positive 6 Dharmendra Majhi 25 Male Saptari Kancharrrup 11 9816783922 Covid Hospital GNSt-t926X 2071-O5-15 16:52 Po.sitiVd 7 Shrawan Majhi 30 Male Saptari Kanchanrup 11 9816783922 Covid Hospital GNSH925X 2021-05-15 16:50 Po$itfvdli: o Gita Devi Majhi 40 Female Saptari Kanchanrup 71. 9816783922 Covid Hospital GNSH924X 2021-05-15 L6:48 Fstititl,s l. :\:; 9 Rita Shrestha 40 Female Saptari Kanchanrr:p L2 98L4746543 Covid Hospital GNSH923X 2021-05-15 16:46 POSmVe 10 Amrendra 5ah 26 Male Saptari Kanchanrup 2 98667t7260 Covid Hospital GNSH922X 2021-05-1.5 t6:44 Posltlve,,rrl 11 Sugam Pokharel Male Saptari Kanchanrup 1.2 9810533971 Covid Hospital GNSH921X 2O2t-A5-15 16:42 Pbsitive 12 Md Majhi 48 Male Saptari Kanchanrup 6 9801082685 Covid Hospital GNSH92OX 202L-05-15 t6:39 Positi$$ 13 Sahabun Khatoon 42 Female Saptari Kanchanrup 6 980L082685 Covid Hospital GNSH919X 2021-05-15 16:38 Psgitinre:,, :: L4 Kamal Sah 60 Male Saptari Kanchanlup B 9807740208 Covid Hospital GNSH9].BX 2021-05-L5 16:33 Positive . 15 Pabitra Magar 35 Female Saptari Kanchanrup t2 9814723033 Covid Hospital GNSH917X 2021-05-15 16:31" P,o$itfvo rr',: '' 16 Dev Narayan Shrestha 50 Male Saptari Ka nchanrup L2 9816710059 Covid l-lospital GNSH916X 202I-05-15 1,€,:28 Positive 1l Surya Narayan Shrestha 55 tvlale Saptari Kanchanrup 1.2 9862921909 Covici t1r.>spital GNSH915X 2O21,-05-L5 16:26 18 Fanindra Chapagai 27 Male Sa pta ri Kanchanrup 9 9818115501 Covid Hospital GNSH914X 2O2L-O5-75 16:22 POSEIVE L9 Sumit Chapagai 22 Male Saptari Ka ncha rr ru p 9 981"81L5501 Covid Hospilal GNSH913X 2021-05-1.5 16:20 Po$itive 20 Saroj Shrestha L6 lrlale Sa pta ri Kanchanrup 1.2 981.4746543 CoVid tlospital GNSH912X 2021-05-15 16:16 PssitiVe 21. GS Shrestha 15 Male Sa ptari Kanchanrup 1.2 9842075532 Covid Hospital GNSH911X 2021-05-15 16:13 Pjositivsit:rtrr i )) Pesal Karki 33 Male Saptari Kanchanrup 12 9825794591. Covid Hospital GNSH9lOX 2021.-O5-15 16:Lt S.,n$i8ve ,,,.. 23 Satrughan Prasad Rauniyar 69 Male Saptari Kanchanrup 8 9842822334 Covid Hospital GNSH9O9X 2021-05-15 16:09 P,{iiHive 24 Suresh Sardar JO Male Sa pta ri Kanchanrup 8 9826757670 Covid Hospital GNSH9O8X 7A21.-O5-1.5 1.6:O7 25 Umesh Budhathoki 24 Male Saptari Kanchanrup 8 9826763290 Covid Hospital GNSH9OTX 2021-05-15 16:02 Pbiitive'..,,ri iin 26 Uday Budhathoki 49 Male Saptari Kanchanrup 8 9826163290 Covid Hospital GI(SH9O6X 2O2't-O5-15 16:O1. F,ositive Chitrakala tludlrathoki 48 Female Saptari Kanchanrup B 9826763290 Covid Hospital GNSH905X 2021.-05-15 15:58 Po$[tlve 28 Nirmala Luitel 75 Female Sa pta ri Kanchanrup 8 9815721185 Corrid Hospital GNSHgO4X 2021.-05-15 15:56 Positive 29 Sunil Kumar Yadav 19 wiale Saptari Kanchanrup 7 985289050s Covid Hospital GNSH9O3X 2.071-O5-1.5 1"5:54 Negative 22 i-enra le Sapl ari Kanchanrup 8 ep?pz?;ii903 Covid Hospital GT.JSH902X 2O2L-O5 L5 L5:57- Positi:,rul llili,'l tt;::=r':: ,AQ N Iljph4pishwakarma 1 3L Manisha Ku mari Sah 46 Female )a Manchan ,Sah 22 Male _g_t_984r8r1100 Covid GNSH9OlX 2021-05-15 )J Neha Sah 8 e84zsJi1o; 15 :-50 24 I Covid I Saptari GNSH900x 202L-05-15 34 h Prasad B 984282L 15:48 Shah 56 Male 100 Prasad 8 s84tiloo 2021-05-1.5 15 57 ale I Covid GNSH898X Saptari Kancha 2021-05_15 36 lanki Kuma ri Sah 2 98428s1.887 1.5:44 0 Female Sample Type:- 7 9814478t490 2021.-05_1,5 & Oropharyngeal Covid GNSH988X Refd. By: 202 1-05-15 Mr. Bikash Kurnar Gupta (98424472s8) 15:38 Note : These results are based real titme PCR amplification of oRFlab, N gene and E gene (Jiangsu Mole Bioscinece co., Ltd. china) - by DLAB Accurate 96. &-qh.F* Shah .4*r]t j,h" ^.o M.Sc. Medical -t:+::. F ,^ . Microbiology eiqi:yiit'-:i) J.W 1*F- Department NHPC No.125 I\4ecl" %"+M*Y.,,+ of Microbiology Microbiology .ij {-.... '+.j Department of Microbiology GNSH, Rajbiraj GNSH, Rajbiraj ffi\-H:*e I / 2a21,-05_1,6 6:56 PM 2 I epal f Gaiendra N spital (GNSH) Rai ffi ort of t.v-a Date:2078102/02 15th M 2021 Refd. Age No. Lab lD created At s.N. Case Name Gender District Municipality Ward Contact (Yrs) Hospital lnesurt 98s282 1606 Hanumannagar K. GNSH803X 2A2-lO5-14 12'.56 Negative 1 Binda Devi Yadav 60 Female Saptari Hanurnannagar Kankalini 7 9852821606 Hanumannagar K. G NSH791X 2O27-O5-1'4 12:21 2 Dipak Prasad Das 35 Male Saptari l-lanumannagar Kankalini a 9842853718 Hanumannagar K. GNSII779X 2O27-05-14 12:20 3 Jamun Sah 45 Male Saptari Hanunrannagar Kankalini 7 98428537 10 Hanumannagar K GNSH767X 2027-05-14 12:O6 Negative 4 Ar:nrol Das N4ale Sa pta ri Hanunrannag;rr Kankalini 7 984285371 8 l-lanumannagar K. GNSH765X 2.O27-O5-14 72:04 5 A,lok Das 16 h4a le Saptari Hanumannagar Karrkalini Sample Type:- Nasopharyngeal & Oropharyngeal Refti. lly: Mr. Duniya Lal Yadav(9852821506) N gerre anti E gene (Jiangsu Mole Llio:'t:i rrcce Co., Ltd. China) by DLAB A(curate 96.-, Note : l'hese results are real time PCR amplific;rtion of Oiil'1ab, Yor-Lt,r\ u___/ vt-r i it,.n Department of N4icrobiologY GNSH, Rajbiraj M.Sc. Microbiology NHPC No.l"25 Med. MicrobiologY Department of MicrobiologY GNSH, Rajhiraj '2o2t-o5-1"6 6:54 ['M 1 Cnvertrnteltl of Ministrl, of llealth & ulation iendra Nara s ital (GNsn] Rajbi of 2 RT- Date: 207 16th s,N. Case Age 102 202 Name I o"nuu, District I nera. -- Municipality No. i lward Lab lD Created 7 Prameshawar I Hospital At Result 20 Male Sapta ri F-_ Chhinnamasta lE 981.7747064 2 Rabindra tr GNSH853X Sada 18 Male Saptari L--il:L-- 15 1.3:31 Chhinnamasta r-, 981 Prakssh Sah GNSH NSH852X 18 Male Saptari 2021-05-1.5 13:30 ______! __,_l innamasta 987774-7064 4 neshwar Sada __L_l GNSH I GNSH851X 2021-05-15 25 Male Saptari Chhinna 13:281 Negative q masta 9877747064 Koshi GNSH G NSt.t850x 2021-A5-15 18 Male sapta ri I Negative I Chhinnamasta 5 9817747064 GNSHB4TX _i* 25 Male 2027.05-75 Negative Ep,* - Ch h in na nr asta 5 9877747064 t- Hari Sada GNSI-I844X 202 1-05- 40 Male Sa ptari 1s Negative Chhinnanrasta 5 981.7747064 I Anil Kumai Sacia GTISHB4l}I 2021-O:i-15 IMale Sa pta ri Negative Ch h in na rit asta 5 Sample 1'ype:- 9877747064 GNSI.I G r{sH840X lr,lasopha ryngeal & Oropharyngeal 2021-05-15 13:12 Negative Refd.
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