Version #1

Ayres, Mick

Predictabilities © 2006 by Mick Ayres p 6 Fate From a shuffled deck, a single card is removed and openly shown to the audience. The cards are dealt face up and the performer is stopped by a guest at any other card, which is fairly selected. When revealed, it is the same color and value as the prediction card; this effect does not meet all the stipulations Paul Curry put forth in his well-known Open Prediction challenge (it‟s not the spectator who deals the cards face up on to the table). Nonetheless, with little effort Fate hits the target pretty close to the bulls-eye.

Bannon, John

Open & Notorious (Bannon‟s Ebook on the „Open Prediction‟) with three routines around the Open Prediction; On Nov 4 2009 John Bannon‟s „Bullets After Dark‟ was to hit the shops, released by BigBlindMedia. Everyone who would pre-order with BigBlindMedia was getting two exclusive Bannon freebies one of them being Open & Notorious.

Baxter, Thomas

- The Open Prediction Project e-book: 51 Open Predictions (in homage to ) with a huge variety of methods and presentations. Something for everyone, with contributors such as Marc Paul, Michael Weber, Barrie Richardson, Patrick Redford, Mick Ayres and Hector Chadwick …

- A dianoetical rage: best looking version, the closest to all the Curry‟s conditions. Unpublished

Beam, Steve

Semi-automatic Card Tricks Vol 1 © 1993 by Steve Beam, Open Prediction tricks, one of which is kind of like the ultra-simple one in Fulves' book.

Bean, Gordon

"The Los Angeles Open" Open Prediction trick which comes along with a trick called "Joker Joker." Most people seem to think that "Los Angeles Open" is actually a far superior trick to "Joker Joker".

Bilis, Bernard

- Card College Vol 3 ©1994 by © 1998 for the English translation Published by Hermetic Press, p 733 The Open Prediction uses Al Leech Negative Misdirection concept (not credited) and Paul Le Paul Palm Reverse. This version actually makes practical the imprecise Gerald Kosky‟s initial intuition. The prediction is indeed open being marked on a Post It Note or similar. The spectator does shuffle the deck himself and, without the performer touching the shuffled deck, deals the cards face up leaving any card that he chooses face down and keeps dealing to the end of the deck: the predicted card is the only one that didn‟t show up (Al Leech negative misdirection). Opening the face up cards, the face down card is out-jogged and tabled (Paul Le Paul Palm Reverse duly credited). The spectator turns it face up himself and it indeed matches the prediction.

- DVD Génération Bilis (first DVD)

Binarelli, Tony

Class Act © by Gary Ouellet, Truly Ultimate Open Prediction, is fully explained, and is virtually self- working

Bloom, Gaëtan

Open Prédiction (special Bicycle deck included)

Bossi, Vanni

Las Vegas Lecture © 2005 by Vanni Bossi Selfpublished, p 29 V.B.'s Very Open Prediction

Callahan Jim & Ayres, Mick

In Plain Sight, © 2007 by Mick Ayres. This creative collaboration between Mick Ayres and the controversial paranormalist Jim Callahan, allows to share this captivating tale with any audience and make history at the same time by solving Curry's Challenge. This dramatic presentation has earned standing ovations repeatedly. Why? Because, to our audience, In Plain Sight is not just an is an unforgettable event. There is absolutely no challenging sleight-of-hand involved. The presentation allows for repetition without diminishing the mystery.

Campbell, Dave

Dave Campbell Legacy ©1994 by Peter Duffie, International , London, p 347 An Open Prediction

Cervon, Bruce

The Cervon File ©1988 Academy of Magic Arts p 220 Open Prediction

Chrétien, Yannick

Yannick Chrétien DVD © 2009 by Jean-Luc Bertrand and David Stone Open Prediction

Craven, Tom

Apocalypse Vol 12 No 8 © Aug 1989 by Inc, p 1672 Unclosed Prediction: an open prediction effect

Curry, Paul - More No. 3 © 1940 by Jean Hugard p 49 A Cur(R)I-Ous Prediction. Magician Paul Curry proposed an effect with playing cards that seemed impossible. Despite the best efforts of the top magicians of his day, the effect became known as The Curry Unsolved Card Problem. For more than 60 years, mentalists and magicians have wracked their brains, trying to find the perfect solution for Curry‟s challenge, now known as The Open Prediction.

- Special Effects ©1977 by Paul Curry p 42 The Open Prediction

Cummins, Paul

From a Shuffled Deck in Use (Fasdiu 1) Open Prediction & From a Shuffled Deck in Use... Part Two © 1996 by Paul Cummins p 16 Almost Open Prediction

Cyprian, Father

Stand Up Close ©1980 Father Cyprian, p 4 Very Open Prediction; p 5 Fairly Open Prediction

Duffie, Peter

The James File 3 volumes set © 1995 by Alan Slaight: The Outcast & Obscurities © 2008 by Peter Duffie The Outcast This is Peter's solution that appeared in the James File to one of the most captivating problems ever posed in the history of card magic, Stewart James' "51 Faces North", which is his method for Paul Curry's "Open Prediction." To date Peter has not seen a solution which complies with every one of the conditions laid down by Stewart James. That he already has the method on which the stringent conditions are founded, it therefore seems meaningless to feel happy with a solution that fails to meet all the requirements. All Peter is prepared to say about the following solution is that it does meet every one of the conditions laid down by Mr. James, and the method could be construed as a “new angle on a known principle" & Card Conspiracy Vol. 1 © 2003 by Peter Duffie with Robin Robertson, p 59 S. O. P. (Slightly Open Prediction ) thanks to a Double Deal Turnover

Elmsley, Alex

Collected Works of Vol 2 ©1994 by Stephen Minch, L&L Publishing, p 37 The Mexican Prediction; p 56 Open Intruder

Eston, William

Talk About Tricks Vol 2 DVD © July 2007 by Joshua Jay, L&L Publishing Mates Prediction. This is another open prediction, but this time the card is face up throughout the counting of the deck. At any time (no forcing), spectator can say stop and that card is revealed to be the mate of the prediction. The effect looks very clean, and having a prediction face up is a nice change. The trick is not very technically demanding: the sleight is easy, but does require some good timing.

Fulves, Karl

51 Faces North (Cards #2) © 1978 by , Selfpublished, p 11 You Missed: apparent mistake where the open prediction is seen dealt face up, still successful outcome; p 13 A Device, Cloaked; p 23 Under-the-Hank Open Prediction; p 24 Quarter Finale: further comments on the "Open Prediction" plot & More Self-Working Card Tricks - 88 Foolproof Card Miracles for the Amateur Magician ©1984 Dover Publications, p 9 The Open Prediction; this routine has one big advantage: at the end, you're clean, you have a clean stage picture, and the spectator himself turns the one face down card over.

Garrett, Dan

Best of Friends Vol 3 © 2007 Harry Lorayne Inc. p 457 Master's Open (Prediction) but the performer is the one doing the dealing

Gemmel, David

Open Ended: A monograph on the open prediction 2009, 23 pages This is a collection of solutions to the famous 'open prediction' problem posed by Paul Curry & 51 for Two 2009 6 pages A prediction is made known to all (open) and a spectator deals through a deck of cards stud fashion. At some point in the deal, one card is dealt face down either to one side or in the pile. This is followed by the talon being stud dealt until the spectator has run out of cards. At this point the face down card is shown to match the Open Prediction made at the beginning of the effect & The Journey continue 2009 54 pages Almost Open: An unusual handling for the classic Open Prediction effect; Open without Tears: David‟s starting point for this handling was 's inspired handling from Marlo without Tears by Jon Racherbaumer. I love the boldness of Ed's approach, but wanted a cleaner ending

Giobbi, Roberto

Card College 3 ©1994 by Roberto Giobbi © 1998 for the English translation Published by Hermetic Press, p 152 (p 732) The Open Prediction is the Bernard Bilis version & Card College Lighter p 75 10-11-12. The magician makes an open prediction by setting one card to the side, face up. Someone rolls three dice and deals the number of cards indicated by the dice. The last card dealt matches the prediction card

Guglielmi, Tommaso

- Open Prediction The magician begins by placing a face up card (for example the King of Diamonds) onto the table for all to see and claims that it is a prediction. Next the magician introduces a deck of cards, which can be shuffled, and asks the spectator to deal out, one by one, the cards face up onto the table with the deck held face down. The magician then instructs that at any point in the dealing process, the spectator is to stop and deal a card face down onto the pile. Once the rest of the cards are dealt face up on top of the face down card, the King of Diamonds has not been seen yet, and the card dealt face down is shown to match the prediction

- Criminal Induction : unpublished

Hartman, Jerry K.

Card Dupery & Apocalypse Vol 16 No. 1 15th Anniversary Issue © Jan 1993 by Harry Lorayne, p 2161 Prophet Minded: revamp of Ed Marlo's Logical Prediction

Haxton, Francis Marlo demonstrated one of his solutions for Francis Haxton who when he returned to England wrote to James (11th Oct 1952) saying that he had created his own version of the trick. In his reply James revealed that he too had a solution. There then followed a series of letters in which they swapped ideas about the „Marlo problem.‟ This culminated in the publication of two tricks in the March 1953 issue of The Pentagram: ‟s Angle on Marlo and Stewart James‟ Angle on Angle on Marlo. The tricks were accompanied by a piece from Haxton describing how Marlo had originally given him the problem and how he had then set the same problem to an „exclusive gathering‟ of magicians in the UK, one of whom was Peter Warlock. Haxton regretted the publication of the tricks almost instantly. James pointed out that Haxton had missed out the main point of the problem, that the prediction is made openly and not written down on a folded piece of paper as it was in the versions published in The Pentagram. Haxton explained that he didn‟t consider the open nature of the prediction to be the best part of the problem and argued that it lessened the suspense and could only lead the spectators to conclude that the predicted card was not in the deck to begin with. On that point Haxton and James always disagreed. But more importantly for Haxton was the realization that Marlo had not yet published any of his own solutions. The problem was „underground‟ and Haxton had just been instrumental in bringing it into the light. He soon learned from others that Marlo was not happy with the situation and appears to have written to Marlo to apologize and smooth things over

Higham, Justin

Best of Friends Vol 3 © 2007 Harry Lorayne Inc. p 354 "Opps" Open Prediction using a variant of the Henry Christ Force


Intuition by Hondo marketed item with DVD and deck of cards by David Leon Productions. On the table there is an envelope and a deck of cards. From this moment on, the performer doesn‟t touch anything until the end of the routine. The spectator deals between 1 and 52 cards with a totally free choice to stop and place any card that he feels like. It is the same as the one in the envelope.

Hooser, Troy

DesTROYers by Joshua Jay, p 115 Closed Open Prediction: a card of unknown identity is removed and tabled. The spectator names a number. The card lying at the named position is revealed to be the mate of the isolated prediction.

Hopkinson, Edward H.

The Miracle Makers "Some Boulevards to Entertainment" ©1975 by J.G. Thompson, Jr.; Magic Unlimited - Lloyd E. Jones; Lee Jacobs Productions p 90 Prediction Supreme: produce named, missing card instantly; with variations

James, Stewart

Ibidem No.3 © August 1955 by Howard P Lyons, 25 solutions to the Open Prediction including an article by Stewart James first laying down the (almost) impossible 22 conditions for the effect dubbing his idea as "51 Faces North": Borrowed cards may be used. A brand-new deck is not required. The deck might even have cards missing from it, you do not have to know which ones or how many, you have only to be sure that the card you predict is there. You do not need privacy with the cards to set something. The deck is never out of sight for a moment. No card or cards are stolen from the deck. Borrowed writing material may be used. It is described as a prediction at the time of writing. The prediction is nothing more than the name of a card. It is known to all before the first card is dealt. No alternative meanings. No alternative effect. Strictly impromptu. Nothing but the borrowed articles used. When he starts dealing, you do not know where predicted card is. It would not help you to know, with this method. Nor do you know the location of any other card. You never know when he will leave a card face down, until after he has done it. He would take it to his grave in 1996. At least that‟s what everyone thought until in 2001 Allan Slaight, the noted collator of James‟ material, found a single typescript sheet among James‟ papers which described the solution in detail. It can viewed online at the Stewart James Exhibition curated by Joe Culpepper at the University of Toronto. The James/Haxton correspondence is also available and at the “Ask Alexander” database courtesy of the Conjuring Arts Research Center. For magicians looking for an amazing trick the solution is disappointing. It has the bizarre quality of meeting all the conditions James set down but not meeting any of the expectations of Paul Curry‟s Open Prediction. To meet the conditions it links three effects together, each one setting up another, which is why it doesn‟t resemble the clear cut notion of a spectator dealing one card face-down as he deals the rest of the cards face-up. Instead the spectator has to cut a portion of cards off the deck during a previous trick, count them and then later deal down to that mentally selected number in order to find out which card will be left face-down during the deal. It resembles an overly complicated version of the mathematical clock effect. The secret of Fifty-One Faces North is so disappointing that some magicians refuse to believe that this is Stewart James‟s real solution to the problem. They prefer to believe that Stewart James had a hitherto unrevealed method that remains unpublished. There is no evidence that points to James having such an effect and a lot of evidence pointing in the other direction. The most obvious point is that the title of the trick is at the head of the instructions. It is clearly titled Fifty-One Faces North. James made no claim that he had a whole genre of tricks entitled Fifty-One Faces North. Just one method that met all the conditions he set out in Ibidem. James was very particular about titles. It seems unlikely that he had two tricks with the same title. The trick is dated July 15th 1955. Ibidem issue 3 was published in August 1955. That the two dates are so close together it is difficult to believe that the trick found by Slaight is not the trick Stewart James wrote about in his letter to Howard Lyons. I don‟t think James meant to hype the trick in the way it has subsequently been hyped. He had said to Lyons that it might make a good „teaser‟ but he couldn‟t have envisaged the way it would be viewed many years later. Curiously James did not hype the trick to his friend Francis Haxton. He never made special mention of the trick either by describing the effect or offering a solution. Having read through their correspondence I can understand why. Haxton made it clear to James that he was not interested in convoluted solutions to the Open Prediction. He did not enjoy roundabout methods of forcing the spectator to stop on a particular card. James‟s solution undoubtedly fell into that category. One aspect that is easy to overlook about Fifty-One Faces North is that James does not describe the effect. He describes only the conditions under which the effect takes place. It is easy to assume that he is talking about a clean version of the Open Prediction but a read through of his other solutions to the problem in Ibidem reveal that he had a very broad interpretation of the effect. Few of his routins involve the simple straightforward procedure of a spectator dealing through a deck of cards and leaving one of them face-down. So why assume that Fifty-One Faces North goes back to Paul Curry‟s original ideal? If the trick was as good some currently believe, you might wonder why Stewart James didn‟t perform it, which, after all, is the sole purpose of any magic trick. Around 1970 James wrote to Haxton telling him that Bill Miesel had been one of those who doubted that the effect existed. You would have thought that the solution to this dilemma might be to perform the trick for Miesel. But James took another route to convincing the sceptics. He told Haxton: “This year I had Al (Richards) get a deck and I worked the trick with him checking every statement in IBIDEM. Later I met Miesel for the first time. Al had already got to him to tell him triumphantly that he had seen it done. Miesel seems a pleasant enough chap but I am not sure he is convinced Al and I are completely truthful.” I think Stewart James was being truthful. But it seems reasonable to assume that the reason he didn‟t show Miesel the trick is because he knew Miesel, and anyone else who discovered what the real effect was, would be disappointed. The trick he showed to Al Richards could have been the trick that Allan Slaight found and this would allow James to honestly claim that it met all the conditions in Ibidem. Prompted by James odd story Haxton did write to him in 1971 asking whether Fifty-One Faces North had ever been published or whether he had any intention of doing so. But there wasn‟t the least bit of curiosity shown by Haxton about the workings of the effect. And Haxton had never taken its mention in Ibidem as an indicator that there was some great mystery to be learned. It was left to others to create the legend of Fifty-One Faces North, a practice that continues today whenever effects are hyped beyond their capacity to deliver. They say the best way to keep a secret is to publish it. That is true in the case of Fifty-One Faces North because while many people have searched for a solution that meets all Stewart James‟ impossible sounding conditions, they have overlooked the fact that Ibidem 3 already contains such a trick. Yes, a solution to Fifty-One Faces North has been hiding in plain sight for over fifty years. Let‟s recap what the major conditions are, you can check them all at your leisure. The trick has to be impromptu, performed with a borrowed deck which might not even be complete. All you do know is that it contains the predicted card. The prediction is clear and unambiguous and is in full view from the beginning of the routine. Most interestingly you never know when the spectator will deal a card face-down. You also don‟t know the location of your predicted card before the deal begins. Yet the face-down card will always match the prediction. The solution is listed as method 8 in Ibidem. And this time there is no doubt that it was created by Stewart James. It is easily overlooked because it is not described in any detail being an extension of previous methods.

Jennings, Larry

Genii © April 1999 by , p 44 Devious Open Prediction & Richards Almanac 23-24 © July-August 1984 by Richard Kaufman, p. 227 L.J.'s Prophecy is different from his Optical Prediction p 80 of The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings

King, Bob

Apocalypse Vol 9 No 6 © June 86 by Harry Lorayne p 1223 Open Choice: card prediction effect using Mexican Turnover

Kosky, Gerald

The Phoenix N° 193 © 30 December 1949 by Bruce Elliott. Copy of a letter sent on December 6,1949 by Gerald Kosky to Bruce Elliott and proposing, without a real workable method a solution using a card from the performer‟s pocket. Ponsin in his Nouvelle Magie blanche dévoilée, dated 1853, had already proposed to secretly switch a card to a prediction & The Miracle Makers "Some Boulevards to Entertainment" ©1975 by J.G. Thompson, Jr.; Magic Unlimited - Lloyd E. Jones; Lee Jacobs Productions p 64 Svengali Deck includes Gerald Kosky's The Perfect Prediction.

Kougasian, Peter

Apocalypse Vol 11 No 5 © May 1988 by Harry Lorayne, Inc p 1489 Let's Face It is an open prediction idea with cards

Krenzel, Ken

Ken Krenzel's Close-Up Impact! ©1990 by Stephen Minch, Hermetic Press p 49 Subterranean Shelf and Related Ideas: as a packet switch; in the Curry Open Prediction effect; Joint Futures, spectator cuts to mates of two predictions.

Llasser, Manuel

Talk About Tricks Vol 2 DVD © July 2007 by Joshua Jay, L&L Publishing, Llasser Open Prediction: the performer openly tells the group that spectator will stop at the 10 of diamonds, then counts cards face up until they say stop (no forces, no talking whatsoever). Spec is then given a choice of changing their mind for a few cards down. Card is turned over to reveal the 10 of diamonds. The routine is technically easy and uses an unusual sleight that most of us probably didn‟t practice much (if at all), plus we need to nail the sleight very well if not perfectly. Amazing effect, looks like real magic.

Lessor, Fred

Epilogue Issue 10 © 1967-1976 by Karl Fulves © 1993 by L&L Publishing, p 79 Open and Shut Prediction

Lorayne, Harry

Personal Secrets © 1964 by Harry Lorayne, D. Robbins & Co., p 31 Color Quickie: a spectator selects the card that matches an odd-backed prediction, then the prediction changes to another random card (ala Red Hot Mamma) & Afterthoughts © 1975 by Harry Lorayne, Inc., p 80 The Lorayne Force Open Prediction & Marlo without Tears 1983 by Jon Racherbaumer, D. Robbins & Co., p 293 Olram's Open Prediction & The Classic Collection, Vol 2 Rim Shots section Amazing Prediction.

Lyons, Howard P.

Ibidem No.3 August 1955, 11 solutions to the Open Prediction

Marlo, Edward

The Cardician © 1953 by Ed Marlo, Magic, Inc., p 152 Open Prediction multiple methods & Expert Card Conjuring 1968 by Alton Sharpe, Selfpublished, p 118 Ultra Open Prediction & Hierophant by Jon Racherbaumer p 88 Marlo‟s Original Solution To The Open Prediction; p 90 Action Lift For the Open Prediction & Marlo without Tears by Jon Racherbaumer & Marlo's Magazine Volume 3 © 1979 by Ed Marlo p 153 The Re-Opened Prediction 5 methods & Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 © 1984 by Ed Marlo p 317 Application to Open Prediction 7 methods & Bill Malone Meets Marlo Volume 2 © 2009 by L& L Publishing, Open Prediction

Morgan, John

L.I.N.T. Pocket Stuff for Close-up Magicians © by John Luka in his "Thoughts On..." column which ran in The New Tops magazine between October 1993 and December 1994, and then ©1997 by L&L Publishing p 70 Wide Open Prediction: A cleverly worked out impromptu version of Paul Curry's popular effect.

Parrish, Robert

Great Tricks Revisited, Thoughts on Classics ©1995 David Meyer, Magic Book p 70 Immortal Card Trick: Three effects: the Open Prediction, the Card in the Envelope, and the Torn and Restored Card

Paul, Marc

Mind Blasters © 2008 by Peter Duffie, 196 pages, Shuffle Challenge Too: A hands-off miracle! You show a deck of cards to be all different. These you then shuffle and then set in front of the spectator. You do not touch them until the end of the effect. The spectator is asked to think of a number between 1 and 52, this number is a free choice and is never revealed to you. While the spectator is concentrating on their number you make an open, verbal prediction of a playing card, let's say the Five of Clubs. The spectator now shuffles the cards and then they deal down to their secret number. When they turn over the card that they randomly arrived at it is the Five of Clubs.

Pinard, Andrew J.

The Shared Experience; An Approach on the Presentation of Magic © 2002 by Andrew J. Pinard; Absolutely Magic, Bradford NH, p 32 Open & Closed Prediction: original two-phase effect wherein a card is removed from the deck, signed on the back and set aside as a prediction; a second card is then selected by the spectator and signed on the face, lost in the deck and revealed to have been sitting on the table the whole time. Two versions, one which resets in seconds.

Powers, Mike

Power Plays: High Voltage Magic ©2006 by Mike Powers Magic p 49 Open Prediction 999

Racherbaumer, Jon

Sticks & Stones two year column in The Greater Son of the Bat Jr. journal (S.O.B.jr.) gathered in this work p 7 Open Prediction

Madhok, Raj

Joshua Jay's Talk About Trick Vol 2 DVD Open Perception is almost impromptu, self-working, no memory involved, no sleights. The performer writes down a prediction (8 of hearts), hands to spectator, who then deals cards face up and stops at any time (can really be ANY time). Prediction is shown, and deck is spread across to hunt for the 8, which is not found. Face down card is turned over to reveal the 8 of hearts.

Reiga, Amilkar

Secret Sessions By Varied Artists DVD © by A-1 Magicalmedia Open Prediction

Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugene

Les Secrets de la Prestidigitation et de la Magie © 1868 by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin, offer the first effect (with solution) for the card placed on the table before being named by the spectator: it is called “La Pensée Prévue”

Rogers, Steve

Apocalypse Vol 10 No 8 © Aug 87 by Harry Lorayne p 1383 Central Limit: with a mathematical concept of forcing

Sanders, Richard

Richard Sanders' Super Cards DVD © November 2005 by SF Magic and Jay Alexander, Open Prediction Gone Wild

Sanvert, Jean Jacques Best of JJ Sanvert - World Champion Magic Vol 2 DVD Impossible Prediction - The performer writes the name of a card on a slip of paper and it's found to match the card found at the spectator's freely named number. A strong and virtually self-working miracle

Sauloup, Jérôme

Automatic Open Prediction Marketed Item. The supplied gimmick is a sort of dyachilon rubber which enables to make any key card a rough one in actually two seconds. This is far better than the Fin Jon one sold years back and the card is not felt as tacky. The gimmick offers plenty of opportunities for the Open Prediction or other effects.

Searles, Lin

Ibidem 26, © September 1962 by Howard P. Lyons, p 605 The Open Prediction, What Else!

Shufton, Steve

Miracle Premonition Marketed Item by Shufton Magic A prediction is made with a mini card in a matchbox tied up with a rubber band; a card is selected visually from a ribbon spread deck. The card is named and when the mini card is taken out of the match box it‟s the selection. Very clean.

Skinner, Michael

Michael Skinner's Professional Close-Up Magic Vol 3 DVD © VHS: 1998 © DVD: March 2005 by Meir Yedid Magic, Open Prediction: A card is named prior to the routine. A spectator deals the deck face up looking for the card, leaving one card face down. Amazingly, the previously named card turns out to be the card the spectator left face down.

Solomon, Dave & Siegfried, Jeffery

Kabbala © June 1972 by Jon Racherbaumer Solomon's original Doubly Open, slightly different than his present handling & The Wisdom of Solomon ©2007, Pro-Print, Highland Park IL, p 172 Doubly Open - two-spectator version of Curry's Open Prediction; uses a deck of readers with two cards roughed(!), although I suspect a memorized deck would also work instead of readers. See

Tamariz, Juan

Mental Blockbuster Prediction 1980 the prediction is a card turned over in another deck.

Trost, Nick

Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations Vol 1 ©2008 by H&R Magic, p 153 Trost's Open Prediction using a double facer

Tucker, Stephen

Card Bored? © 1992 by Stephen Tucker p 30 An Open Prediction

Warlock, Peter

The Pentagram © March 1953 by Peter Warlock, Angle on Marlo and Stewart James‟ Angle on Angle on Marlo. Marlo claimed that he had demonstrated one of his solutions for Francis Haxton who when he returned to England wrote to James (11th Oct 1952) saying that he had created his own version of the trick. In his reply James revealed that he too had a solution. There then followed a series of letters in which they swapped ideas about the „Marlo problem.‟ This culminated in the publication of two tricks in The Pentagram. The tricks were accompanied by a piece from Haxton describing how Marlo had originally given him the problem and how he had then set the same problem to an „exclusive gathering‟ of magicians in the UK, one of whom was Peter Warlock.

Wilson, R. Paul

Extreme Possibilities Vol 4 DVD © January 2008 by L&L Publishing, DDT Open Prediction