My Magic Ebook Collection
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Magician books Aaron Fisher The Paper Engine FISM 2003 The Graduate Genii article 2009 Aaron Shields Dribble Block Pass Al Koran Legacy Professonal Presentations Alex Elmsley Collected works vol 1-2 Allan Ackerman Las Vegas Kardma 2004 lecture notes classic handlings here's my card the cardjuror 2012 notes Andi Gladwin The Cheetah's Handbook1-2 Andrew Wimhurst Down Under Deal Andy Nyman Bulletproof Annemann Practical Mental Magic The Jinx the life and times of a legend Anthony black Acaan Emote OOBE Resurrection dreams The sight of madness Antinomy 2005, 2006 Arthur Buckley Card control Improved and original card problems Asi Wind Chapter One Arturo de Ascano The magic of Ascanio vol 1-3 Atlas Brooking The prodigal the crusade Banachek Pyschological Subleties 1-3 Psychological Thought Reading Benjamin Earl Past midnight Bonus Booklet Dr Strangehand How to fool a Physicist Gambit 1&2 Bert Allerton The Close Up Magician Bill Cushman The Dr's Billet Tear Bill Dekel direct Mindcrafts psionics, visions Air Writer Digit Bill Goodwin Penumbra 1-11 lecture 1988 notes from the batcave the ancient empty street (1997) Evolution(2011) At the expense of grey matter Mini Lecture SAM 1994 Picking the carcas clean Theatricks Bill Montana psychic motherfucker Bill Simon Effective Card Magic bobo Modern Coin Magic Boris Wild ACAAB Brandon Queen Phatom Bruce Cervon Lecture notes 1995 card secrets Hard boiled mysteries Ultra Cervon Bryn reynolds the logar scrolls bullfrog issue 0-2 Caleb Wiles High Spots Cameron Francis Aberrations Convergence Everywhere Spell Frier Headroom Lets get small Moments notice 1-7 more headroom nitrate Charles T Jordan The four full hands Charlie Miller Card Index Chris Kenner Totally Out of Control Magicman examiner1-3 Chris Mayhew Clockwork Apple Chris Rawlins Mind Experiments Roulette Clarke Crandall The Senators Returns Colin Mcleod Contributions Deceit no shit Remarkable effects zen Force be with you Corinda 13 steps to mentalism Dai vernon inner, further and more secrets vernon book of magic ultimate Secrets Vernon chronicles vol 1-4 the Vernon touch Revelations Dale Hilbrandt Hand Bluffs and More stuff Red and silver Risk and Reward The life and times of b bizarre Dan&dave Five the notes Nursery Rhyms 1-3 Sleightly magical If an Octopus can palm Dani Daortiz Card Cemetry My person stack Playing C10 Daniel Madison Anthology how to cheat at cards 2011 lecture Darwin Ortiz Cardshark Designing Miracles Gambling Scams Scams and Fantasies with cards New book syndrome Strong Magic Pracitically Impossible Lesson in Card Mastery Annotated Erdnase Ephemeral notes (2008) David Ben Zarrow a life time in magic David Berglas Berglas effect (kaufman) David Britland Not the berglas effect manuscript the mind and magic of david berglas David Harkey Aha David Regal Close up and Personal Approaching Magic Constant Fooling vol1-2 David Roth Expert Coin Magic David Solomon Solomons mind (eugene burger) David Williamson Williamson Wonder Aunt Mary Terrible Secret Dee Christopher How to get a way with murder ANATE The Knowledge 1-2 vanity Denis Behr Handcrafted Card Magic 1-2 Derek Delgaudio Magic Con notes, only notes Derren Brown Absolute Magic Pure Effect Digital Pabular Pabular magazine Doc Docherty Nothing to hide Eastcoast Super sessions Doug Conn Wedding notes Connfidential 2.0 Earl Nelson Variations Ed Marlo Magazine 1-6 MINT 1-2 Marlo Without Tears Cardician Marlo in Spades the ten hand poker stack patented shuffle revolutionary card technique The card magic of Ed Marlo off the top early marlo riffle shuffle finale the shank shuffle faro controlled miracles the olram file deck deception card fan production riffle shuffle system classical foursome eric jones fingertips p1 Eric Mead Tangled Web Ernest Earick By forces unseen Farther cyprian you are magic Flord Collins Taking center stage Francis Menotti Full notes Frank Garcia Super Subtle Card Miracles Frank Simon Versatile Card Magic Fraser Parker True Mysteries Gary Ouellett Close up illusions the pass the hollywood double lift Gary Plants On the Zarrow Shuffle Gene Maze The art of bottom dealing Genii Jun-12 Sep-12 Greg Berman inspired devils acaan Guy Hollingworth Drawing Room Deception Harlen Tarbell Tarbell course Harry Lorayne Best of Friends 1-3 Close up Card magic Personal collections Personal secrets Reputation Maker Classic collection Vol1,4 The card classic of ken krenzel epitome location apocalypse 1-20 helder guimaraes ontology project reflections (english) Don’t xerox Hofzinser Card Conjuring The magic of JN Hofzinser Howard Hamburg D notes Howard Thurston Card Tricks Ian Keable Stand Up - A Professional Guide To Comedy Magic Ibidem vol1-3 Jack Carpenter Modus Operandi experts portfolio Jack Parker 52 Memories ashes 2 ashes (jason alford) exploration vol 1-2 set to stun set to kill kentucky fried aces Jason Alford Cyber Sessions Thinking and Wondering Dr Jacob Daley Daleys Notebook Jared Kopf Open Triumph (genii) Behind Your Forhead Jason England Jammin With the fellas From the Celler - Notes on the Bottom Deal Second Thoughts - Notes on the Second Deal Jay sankey the definitive sankey vol 1-3 Jean Hugard& Fred Braue Royal Road Expert card technique Encyopedia of card tricks Braue on False deals Jerome Finley Farewell Book Forbidden Mentalism Full Contact Mind Reading Guerilla Q&A Psycho Spiritual Mentalism Random Act of Kindness SOS Taboo Treatise Professional Choice 1-3 Though Channel Thought veil Psychic Directions Jerry Sadowitz Card Zone cut control cards on a table crimp issue 1-6,15-19,25, 27,28,31,32,39,40 jim Swain 21st century card magic miracles with cards Don't Blink JK Hartman CardCraft Card Dodgery Card dupery After Craft Caan Craft Trickery Treats John Bannon Dear Mr Fantasy Impossiblia View to kill smoke and mirrors John Born Meant To Be Cheating at texas holdem the flip shift John Carney Book of secrets Carneycopia John Guastaferro G notes one degree second storm ready set guastaferro Discoveries & Deceptions John Mendoza Book of John verse two John N Hilliard Greater Magic Jon Allen Experience John Scarne Scarne On Card Tricks John Racherbaumer Counthesaurus Pastiche II Hofzinser lost ace problem Hierophant Jose Prager Goats Grimore Joshua jay Destroyer (troy hooser) Session (joel givens) Runes World (rune Klan) Joshua Quinn Paralies including supplement Juan Tamariz mnemonica sonata 5 points in magic the magic way Justin Higham West end card sessions Reflections and refectors dexterity manual non automatic card tricks illogical dribble force All Hands on deck Kainoa Harbottle Cointopia Coins on edge Karl Fulves the Chronicles 1-30 riffle shuffle techniques preliminary notes 1,2 riffle shuffle techniques part I,II,III Faro Possibilities 13 Prophets 28 card tricks a die of another color card under glass Hocus Poker Cards #1 four card brainwave Cards #2 52 forces north Cards #3 interlock Cards # 4 Side steal Cards # 5 the multiple shift The Best of Slydini and more vol1-2 The Magical World of Slydini vol1-2 cryptology Parralel lines curioser Discoverie 1-9 epilogue fourcast interim report interlocutor 1-52 jack in the box kannibal kards method with cards 1-3 notes from underground octet off the book: index, 1-10 origins Packet Switches 3-5 Prolix 1,2 Prototype Quick Card tricks Riffle Shuffle Methods Setting up exercises Shape changers Swindle Sheet 1-9 Tenvelopes Two (Supplement for Prototype) The Noir Test The Nyria Effect The Pallbearer Review 1-10 Transpo Trix inner sanctum When Psychics play poker Wireless 2 Workshop Series No. 1 - Animation Workshop Series No. 2 - The Topological False Count The History of Brainwave Principle card counting coe norton omega wallet covenant fr cyprian tv card rise hardcore aces kaleidoscope roy walton the spread half pass shuffle off teleportation notes trick with dice riffle shuffle control word play fr cyprian on the hofzinser problem under tension underworld:index, 1-10 more selfworking card tricks Ken Weber Maximum Entertainment Kevin Ho Smooth Operations Kostya Kimlat candle-abra card work card play Thoughts On The Artistry Mastering The Cull The Joker Game Labyrinth Magazine Issue 1,6 Larry Jennings neoclassics The Cardwright The Classic magic of Larry Jennings jenning 67 Lee Asher Diving board double catch33 hand jobs Le Asher sex sells The Ripper Thunderbird Lennart Green Snap Deal Green Northern Lights Louis Tannen Stars of Magic Mark Elsdon conversation as mentalism Martin Nash Ever so Sleightly, Any second now, Sleight unseen king incognito ovation Matt Mello Signs Pulse Rate White umbrella Michael Close Workers Closely Guarded Secrets Michael Murray Between the lines ATM Sublime Influence Springboard+ bonus Michael Sibbernsen Frame of mind enigmas Magicians dream Michael vincent close up classics 4play with foursome Michael Weber Incredibly Difficult Things With Cards Made Easier Lifesavers Black ram 2 blackpool lecture notes 2012,2013 landing pad memorease an ear full of outsiders back to the drawing boards side effects thirteen step backwards for mentalism weber winning ideas Mick Ayres hoodwinking in plain sight PredictAbilities s'lie Opus Vol 1,3,4,5 Paralabs sense and meaning 2012 Patrick Redford Glemme consecution diapason largo mendacity triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon,heptagon Paul Brook Book Of lies the gift Two in the bush you know who card this way up (colin mcleod) one in the hand the brook test Paul Cummins FASDIU 1-2 Tricks of my trade (doug conn) Paul Curry The Power of Thoughts Worlds Beyond Paul Harris Art Of Astonishment 1-3 Supermagic Paul LePaul The Card Magic of LePaul