QUARTERLY In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful The Also published on the Internet at the web-address (URL): MessaMessaggee www.aaiil.org/trinidad Editors: Nasir Ahmad, BA, LL.B June 2006 Imam Kalamazad Mohammed, BA, Dip. Ed. The Muslim Literary Trust, Trinidad and Tobago

In this Issue Chapter 96 Al-’Alaq — The Clot by Dr. Basharat Ahmad Commentary of the Holy Qur’an (Translated by Imam Kalamazad Mohammed, BA, Dip. Ed.) Dr. Basharat Ahmad 1

Expo Books Exhibition, It is unanimously accepted that the first that he requested of Lady Khadija, Washington five verses of the chapter Al-Alaq (The “Cover me. Cover me.” Report by Mrs. Samina Malik 3 Clot) were the first words of revelation Read in the name of thy Lord Who In Memory of to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sas). Muhammad Anwar 4 The remaining verses of the chapter creates. That is, seek the assistance of your Lord and read. What must be ’s Teaching on Response were revealed later on. The Holy to Abuse and Mockery Prophet was deeply engrossed in read? The meaning is, Read the Holy Dr. Zahid Aziz 5 devotion (meditation) in the Cave of Hira . My Dream Has Come True when the Angel Gabriel descended and When a book of guidance is being read, Enayat Mohammed 8 said to him, “Read!” what are the things that are needed that Unveiling the Mystery about He replied, “I cannot read.” will help us to seek that guidance? The Jesus’ Birth, Mission and first thing is that true knowledge of it Death 10 The Angel then squeezed him in a tight may be acquired. The second thing is Poem: Hazrat Mirza Ghulam embrace and repeated the command: that we may receive guidance in putting Ahmad Sahib 15 “Read!” Again the Holy Prophet this knowledge to proper use, for if we answered: “I do not know how to read.” do not have true knowledge of a book, or if the knowledge is there but the So bear patiently what they This happened three times. Then the action does not correspond with it, then say, and celebrate the praise Holy Prophet began to read and the the reading of the book becomes of thy Lord before the rising Angel read out these five verses to him. useless. Therefore, before reading the of the sun and before its set- The Holy Prophet then returned home, Holy Quran, we are commanded to ting, and glorify (Him) during and so overcome was he by the majesty seek the help of our Rabb (Lord) Who of the revelation, that the flesh on his the hours of the night and sent down this book in order that we parts of the day, that thou shoulders and throat began to shiver so mayest be well pleased. (H.Q. 20:130) PASS ON THE M ESSAGE

1 may make greater and greater progress man. The first is His Rahmaniyyat and perfection by understanding the Holy in life. We are to do this so that, through the second is His Rahimiyyat. That is, Quran and acting upon it. The attribute Allah’s Providence, we may acquire the Allah Most High, solely through His of Rahim signifies that if man acts in correct knowledge and the blessings of favour and mercy and without any effort accordance with the teachings of the acting according to this guidance. on the part of man has made ample Holy Quran, he is given the highest provisions beforehand for man to attain rewards through which he can achieve Thus, before beginning the Holy Quran, a state of perfection. That is His the purpose of his creation. Almighty Allah has given the command Rahmaniyyat. When man makes good to seek His help so that He may bestow So to say Bismillah ir Rahman ir use of those provisions, then Allah on us the right knowledge of this book Rahim before reading the Holy Quran rewards his actions with higher and and the right ability to act upon it. It is means that we are seeking Allah’s aid, higher and better and better results. for this reason that we find in the that He Who blessed us with the Holy That is His Rahimiyyat. For example, beginning of the Holy Quran, in Suratul Quran through his Rahmaniyyat may only through His grace and mercy has Fatihah, the following words that are by that very Rahmaniyyat now confer Allah provided man with the sun, the uttered in the presence of the Almighty, on us knowledge and the guidance to moon, air, water, rain, earth, seed, the Lord of the worlds: Thee alone do act upon it and then through His attribute hands, feet, eyes, brain, intellect etc. we serve and Thee alone do we of Rahim He may bring about such This aspect of Allah’s Providence to beseech for help; and the petition is results that will enable us to attain the man is called His Rahmaniyyat. Now, made: Guide us on the right path. That highest perfection. And that is the reason when man makes efforts, for example, is, grant us the knowledge and for which the Holy Quran was sent he ploughs the land, sows the seeds, in understanding of the Holy Quran; let not down. short, when he makes use of his hands our actions make us swerve from this and feet and other provisions, then in a In short, together with the command to straight path nor let us stumble along it, short time he reaps mounds and mounds read the Holy Quran, the instruction to and let us be among the group who have of grain from a very small number of seek the help of Allah’s Providence was inherited Thy favours. But more than seeds that he sowed. This second also given in order that guidance in this, we find in the beginning of every aspect of Allah’s Providence to man is knowledge and action may be acquired. chapter, except chapter 9 (At-Taubah) called His Rahimiyyat. But it was important for us to know and in the beginning of Suratul Fatihah Who that Rabb (Lord) was so it was itself, the words: Bismillahir Rahmanir Therefore the command Iqra bismi said: Al-ladhi khalaq (The One Who Rahim, which are placed there for that Rabbika (Read, by seeking the created you). This is the testimony of purpose. assistance of thy Lord) finds its full man’s inner voice, for every man knows compliance in the words Bismillah ir- In short, the words, Bismillahir that he is not his own creator but that Rahman-ir Rahim (In the name of Rahmanir Rahim, are placed at the someone else created him. So we are Allah, the Rahman (Beneficent), the beginning of every chapter and even at commanded to read by seeking the help Rahim (Merciful). Here we find in the beginning of Suratul Fatihah, of our Rabb (Lord) Whose Providence Rahman and Rahim the two aspects which itself contains a du’a (petition) brought into being thousands upon of Allah’s Providence. That is, the for seeking the help of Allah. The object thousands of provisions with the express Rahman, without any effort on the part is that we should seek the assistance of purpose of creating us. And this we of man, bestowed the Holy Quran Allah when reading the Holy Quran. cannot deny. (When the whole heaven purely as a gift as is mentioned in 55:1- and the earth and the sun and the moon, There are two aspects of Allah’s 2. The Rahman (Beneficent) taught the air, water, grain, in short, the result of Rububiyyat (Providence) in relation to Quran so that man may attain his all the workings of the whole universe the whole of creation. Your being the EXPO BOOKS EXHIBITION, is solely for the creation and best of creation will be easily recognised WASHINGTON maintenance of man, then it becomes by all and sundry. This is the reason Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at-i Islam evident that man has indeed been behind our Holy Prophet’s saying that () USA Participated created for a very high purpose.) Thus, Allah’s rahm (mercy) and the rihm Report by Mrs. Samina Malik, In-charge, Publications and Translations we should always keep in mind Allah’s (womb) of a mother resemble not only Providence with which He has blessed in pronunciation and form but also in Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at-i Islam (Lahore) USA participated in the second us before our birth, and consider well beneficence. Just as by clinging to the largest book fair of the world “BOOK that if we forge a bond with that Rabb womb of a mother a contemptible EXPO” held in Washington D.C. from (Lord) and Creator, to what great sperm is transformed into a beautiful 18 to 21 May, 2006. This fair is attended heights of advancement and perfection human being, in the same way by mainly by Librarians and Booksellers. It is not open to the general public. A fee will His Providence lead us. clinging to Allah’s mercy a lowly human of $ 90.00 has to be paid to attend the being can obtain the perfection of his Exhibition. The USA Jama‘at purchased Creates man from a clot. humanity and become the inheritor of a 10 x 10 ft. booth with bookshelves, tables and chairs for over $4000.00. ‘Alaq means attachment or clinging. the highest excellence. Miss Sara Ahmad, daughter of our very Read and thy Lord is the Most Today Science has discovered that devoted member and Financial Secretary when the male sperm and female egg Honourable. of the Central Anjuman, Mr. Saadat combine, first of all it clings to the womb Ahmad, came all the way from Here, for the sake of emphasis, the Minneapolis at her own expense. She is and this clinging or attachment is called command Iqra’ is repeated, meaning: presently completing her Masters in ‘alaq. Allah says here: O man, ponder Indeed read! Your Rabb is the Most Biochemistry at the University of over your former creation which was Minnesota. Similarly, another of our Honourable of those possessing only your bodily or animal creation – enthusiastic members, Mr. Tariq Ahmad, honour. Whomsoever He gives grandson of the late Hazrat Maulana that when the male sperm and female knowledge is honoured in this world , and his wife Maliha egg combined and formed an and the next. His teaching contains in Ahmad, who live in Washington, also attachment with the womb, then through helped us in manning the Ahmadiyya itself intrinsic honour and excellence. It this Providence in the mother’s womb, Anjuman’s booth. Bro. Fazeel S. Khan, is impossible for anyone who acts one of our Directors, had designed a flyer it received such nourishment that a according to His teachings to be of the book Jesus in Heaven on Earth beautiful and perfect human form was copies of which were distributed to disgraced. Instead, his honour is assured produced. That came about because of thousands of people at the Exhibition. It both in this life and in the Hereafter. received special attention because of the its attachment to the mother’s womb. Whoever acts upon His teachings and wide publicity given to the best seller, The Now, a mother is only a minuscule stands under the umbrella of the Da Vince Code, which proves the manifestation of your Rabb’s (Lord’s) bloodline of Mary Magdalene as wife of Providence of this Most Honourable Providence. So if you form a strong Jesus Christ, and the film based on this Lord, and establishes a strong book which has recently been released. connection with your real Rabb and if connection with Him, will definitely We also distributed a flyer about The you fall into the lap of His mercy and verify the truth of the Quranic verse: Religion of Islam which we had grace, then your spirituality or, in other prepared to be placed in the New York Karramna bani Adama (We have words, your humanity, will achieve such Times. Besides the flyers, we also honoured the Children of Adam – distributed thousands of copies of the two nourishment and perfection that you will 17:70). A booklets by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad achieve the stature of Akram (most Ali, viz., Islam the Religion of honourable). That is, you will obtain To be continued … Humanity and The Prophet of Islam, along with the catalogue of our pre-eminence in honour and rank over publications.A sincere, humble and charged with In memory of MuhammadAnwar spiritual life. He bore all sorts of hardships cheerfully, without the slightest As this paper is being compiled, we are U.K. as our Imam in 1981, with his complaint, in his daily jihad in the way passing the 20th anniversary of the wife Bano, leaving his teaching career of Allah. The Holy Quran also tells us death by martyrdom of Mr Muhammad in Pakistan to devote himself to this that martyrs continue to live after their Anwar, our Imam in the U.K. from Movement. He served during a crucial physical death. It says: “Do not speak 1981 to 1986, who met his demise at time in the early period of the U.K. of those who are slain in Allah’s way the hands of a gunman in Guyana, South Jama‘at when it was being established. as dead. Rather, they are alive but you America, on 9th April 1986. Inna li- It was during that time that the Darus do not perceive” (2:154), “Do not llahi wa inna ilai-hi raji‘oon. Mr Salaam building was purchased and think of those who are killed in Anwar had travelled there from London became our U.K. Centre. He Allah’s way as dead. Rather, they are to attend a convention of our undertook many hardships in the path alive, being provided sustenance Movement which was also being of working for our Movement, an from their Lord, rejoicing in what attended by delegates from many other example that has been continued by his Allah has given them out of His countries. wife since then till now. A person grace” (3:168). becomes a martyr in Islam more by how The assassin had gone into Guyana for he led his life than by how he met his These words indicate, of course, the the set purpose of seeking out and killing death. highest level of spiritual life being some prominent delegate to the granted to them. But they are also alive Ahmadiyya Convention, and he The Holy Quran says: “Surely Allah in the sense that their cause continues achieved his dastardly and inhuman has bought from the believers their to live because of their sacrifice. They objective by committing the brutal person and their property — theirs and their lives are so closely identified murder of the perfectly innocent in return is the Garden” (9:111), but with the cause, because they lived and Muhammad Anwar. The culprits who goes on to add: “Those who turn to died for it, that in a sense they are the carry out such crimes, and the fanatical Allah, who serve Him, who praise cause that they represented. As the leaders who incite them to do so, Him, who fast, who bow down, who cause is not dead but lives on, so do misguidedly believe that they are serving prostrate themselves, who enjoin they.A the cause of Islam by murdering what is good and forbid what is evil, (Taken from http://www.ahmadiyya.org/uk/ someone who, in their view, is an enemy and who keep to the limits prescribed light-may06.pdf.) of Islam. But what they are actually by Allah — and give good news to succeeding in doing is to deal a deadly the believers” (9:112). Say: As for me, my Lord has blow to Islam. On the one hand, their guided me to the right path – a crimes blacken the image of Islam as a To be a martyr in Islam, a person must right religion, the faith of Abraham, the upright one, and religion that preaches wanton violence display these qualities in his life and be he was not one of the polythe- and promises heavenly reward to the serving the cause of the faith through ists. perpetrators. On the other hand, their sacrifice of material interests. We in the Say: My prayer and my sacri- actions are weakening those who are U.K. Jama‘at, and many other people fice and my life and my death striving to enhance the honour and in the world who knew him well, are are surel for Allah, the Lord of prestige of Islam in the world by witness to the fact that Mr Anwar the worlds – correcting such distortions. exemplified exactly these great qualities No associate has He. And this in his life. Allah’s mention and His praise am I commanded, and I am the were ever on his lips. His prayers were first of those who submit. Mr Muhammad Anwar came to the (H.Q. 6:162-164)

4 ISLAM’S TEACHING ON RESPONSE TO ABUSE AND MOCKERY Show patience under provocation, disregard abuse and politely turn away from abusers. Violence not allowed. by Dr. Zahid Aziz According to the religion of Islam, It is entirely false and totally unfounded of punishment on the accusers. If such Muslims can only respond to verbal to allege that Islam teaches Muslims to abuse or criticism requires to be silenced abuse, mockery and lampooning of their attack or seek to murder anyone who by force, then why should the. Qur’an faith and its sacred figures in the verbally abuses their religion, mocks it, itself have quoted so much of it from its following forms: or offends their feelings towards their opponents’ mouths and thus preserved faith. it forever? 1. Any criticism of Islam, or allegations against it, which underlie the abuse Below we give arguments from the Holy The Holy Qur’an tells Muslims: must be refuted and answered by Qur’an and incidents from the life of the 1. “You will certainly hear much means of words and speech. Holy Prophet Muhammad to prove the abuse from the followers of above points. Weare confident that no previous books and from the idol- 2. Apart from answering specific one can cite any text from the Holy Qur’ worshipping people. And if you criticism, all possible efforts must be an which contradicts the position set out are patient and keep your duty - made to present the true and below. this is surely a matter of great accurate picture of Islam in general. resolution” - 3: 186. With more enlightenment and less We may preface our discussion with the 2. “Many of the followers of previous ignorance prevc;liling about Islam following saying of the Holy Prophet books wish that they could turn and its Holy Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad: you back into disbelievers after the instances of abuse, vituperation you have believed, but you should and mockery will decrease. “The Muslim who mixes with the people pardon and forgive” - 2:109. and bears patiently their hurtful words, 3. As regards the offence or hurt that is/better than one who does not mix with In connection with these verses, it is Muslims naturally feel as a result of people and does not show patience recorded in the collection such abuse, they are taught to under their abuse” [Mishkat, Book: Bukhari: respond by: Ethics, chapter: ‘Gentleness, modesty a) bearing the provocation with and good behaviour’]. “The Messenger of Allah and his resolute patience, Companions used to forgive the b) ignoring the abuse, What a noble and wonderful piece of idolators and the followers of previous c) separating themselves guidance, which is so applicable in the books, as Allah had commanded them, temporarily from the company modem world in which people of widely and they used to show patience on of the abusers while the abuse differing faiths and opposing views have hearing hurtful words” [Bukhari, Book: continues, to mix and come into contact so much! ‘Commentary on the Qur’an’, ch. 16 d) exercising forgiveness in view under Sura 3. In the Muhsin Khan of the ignorance of the abusers. Teachings of the Holy Qur’an translation see the report 6:60:89].

All this is stated plainly and categorically As a general point, it may first be noted Addressing the Holy Prophet, God says in the Holy Qur’an and is evident from that the Holy Qur’ an itself records the in the Qur’an: the actions of the Holy Prophet many accusations made against, and the Muhammad. It is not allowed by Islam insults heaped upon, the Holy Prophet 1. “Bear patiently what they say” - to respond intemperately with fury and Muhammad by his opponents during his 20: 130 and 50:39. rage, call for physical retribution and life (for example, that he was insane, or 2. “And bear patiently what they say punishment, or threaten or attack that he fabricated his revelation), and it and forsake them with a anyone with physical violence. answers these charges, but nowhere becoming withdrawal” -73:10. does it require Muslims to inflict any kind 3. “Obey not the disbelievers and the 5 hypocrites, and disregard their Muslims are instructed to part company The Holy Prophet replied without hurtful talk” - 33:48 with them for the duration of their hesitation: gratuitous abuse but still maintain other In the verses quoted above, Muslims aspects of their relationship with those “Certainly not. I will not mutilate are taught to bear their feelings of hurt very offenders. Can any teaching be anyone, for God would mutilate me and anger with patience, and to ignore nobler and more uplifting? even though I am His Prophet. “ the abuse. Any criticism underlying the abuse must, The Holy Prophet also made this Another verse having some bearing on of course, be answered. But the prediction about Suhayl: this subject is as follows: response to any sheer abuse, ridicule or mockery is withdrawal of oneself “Perhaps one day he will say “And if you invite them to guidance, from the company of the abusers. The something which will make you they hear not; and you see them following verse, addressed to the happy.” Some six years later when looking towards you, yet they see not. Prophet Muhammad, has already been Makka was conquered by the Holy Hold fast to forgiveness and enjoin quoted above: Prophet, he declared a pardon for goodness and turn away from the all his former enemies including ignorant” 7:198-199. “And bear patiently what they say Suhayl. Deeply moved by this and forsake them with a becoming compassionate treatment, Suhayl This directs us that when we have to withdrawal” -73:10. embraced Islam. Two years later deal with people who are blindly when the Holy Prophet died and the prejudiced/and ignorant,and therefore The word for “becoming” here means Muslims were plunged into fail to understand the guidance, we must literally ‘beautiful’. The ‘withdrawal’ confusion and uncertainty, then just not give vent to anger, fury and violence therefore is to be done in a dignified, as in Madina Abu Bakr made a against them. We should treat them with well-mannered way, not by descending speech that restored their faith and forgiveness, do our duty of enjoining to their level of misbehaviour and abuse. composure, likewise in Makka it fell simple acts of goodness that everyone to Suhayl to make a similar speech recognises as good, and then turn away Some incidents from the Holy that reinforced the confidence of the from them, leaving the matter in the Prophet Muhammad’s life Muslims of that city too that Islam hands of Allah. would continue to exist despite the 1. Suhayl ibn Amr was a prominent Holy Prophet’s death. Thus was Withdrawing from company man among the opponents of the fulfilled the Holy Prophet’s Holy Prophet Muhammad at prophecy that the man who was Muslims are told: Makka. He was a spokesman and making speeches attacking Islam “When you hear Allah’s messages skilled orator of the Quraish tribe, would one day make a speech that disbelieved in and mocked at, sit not and used to employ his oratory in would bring Muslims great joy. with them until they enter into some making speeches against the Holy [Compiled from: (1) Muhammad other discourse” - 4:140; see also Prophet. He was captured by the Husein Haykal, The Life of 6:68. Muslims at the battle of Badr and Muhammad, ch. The Great Battle brought before the Holy Prophet. of Badr, p. 239 of the 8th edition’s These passages deal with the case when translation, 1983. (2) The the religion is being mocked and derided Umar ibn al-Khattab suggested that biography ofSuhayl Ibn Amr at the (as distinct from being criticised). A the following punishment should be University of Southern California Muslim is required to do no more than applied to him before releasing him: Muslim Texts website: to withdraw from such a company, and www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/history/ even that only while the mocking “O Prophet of God, let me pull out biographies/sahaabah/bio. SUHA continues, and actually to rejoin the Suhayl’ s front teeth so that he YL - IBN - AMR.html. same company when they have would never be able to exercise his changed the subject! How far from oratory against you.” 2. Once when the Holy Prophet ordering Muslims to kill such people! divided some wealth among his 6 followers, a man accused him to his using harsh and bad language.” [Bukhari, Book Ash-Shahadat, ch. face of being unfair and insulted him 15. In the Muhsin Khan translation, by telling him: The Holy Prophet said that he had see the report 3:48:829]. “Fear God, O Muhammad.” heard their greeting and had given them a sufficient reply by’ simply Note that this allegation was not made After the man had left, a Muslim saying: “and upon you too”. against just an ordinary Muslim woman, asked the Holy Prophet’s but the wife of the Holy Prophet, and permission to go and kill him. The Thus the utmost extent of the therefore it struck at the holy household Holy Prophet refused to allow it retaliation, far from being to attack at the centre of the religion of , Islam, and actually tried to find some good them physically, was not even to which was required to be a model of in the man by saying: repeat the same words against them purity for all Muslims. In view of this, but to reply that whatever they the forgiveness taught in the above “Perhaps he says his prayers.” wished him, he wished them the verse, and put into practice by Abu same - [Bukhari, Book A I-A dab, Bakr, the greatest of Muslims after the That Muslim replied: ch. 35 and ch. 38. In the Muhsin Holy Prophet, becomes all the more Khan translation, see the reports generous and magnanimous. “There are many people who pray, 8:73:53 and 57]. but what they say with their tongues In incidents number (1) and (2) above, is not what is in their hearts.” 4. Once there were four men who the Holy Prophet Muhammad spread an accusation of immoral protected from any harm those who had He meant that the man might not conduct against the Holy Prophet’s insulted and abused him. In number (2), be a Muslim at heart. The Holy wife Aisha. Their allegation was he did not even want to think ill of Prophet replied: ultimately proved to be false. One his slanderer. In incident number (4), the of them, .called Mistah, who was Holy Prophet Muhammad received “I have not been commanded by poor, used to receive financial revelation from God God to look inside people’s hearts assistance from Aisha’s father, Abu asking Muslims not only to pardon a or cut open their insides” [Bukhari, Bakr (the foremost follower of the man who had slandered his wife with Book Maghazi, ch. 63, and Book Holy Prophet Muhammad and later an accusation of immoral conduct but Al-Anbiya, ch. 6. In the Muhsin the first Caliph of Islam). After this also to continue providing financial Khan translation see the reports incident, Abu Bakr swore never help to him. Obeying this, Hazrat Abu 4:55:558 and 5:59:638]. again to help Mistah. The following Bakr continued to financially assist a verse was revealed to the Holy man who had stigmatised his daughter. 3. Once some Jews accosted the Holy Prophet on this occasion: One cannot imagine F that anyone, Prophet Muhammad by distorting whether Muslim or non-Muslim, faced the greeting as-salamu alaikum “Let not the possessors of grace with the same situation whether in those (“peace be upon you”) and saying and means among you swear days or now, would ever forgive such a it as as-samu alaikum, which against giving to the near relatives man. means “death be upon you”. His and the poor and those who had to [Taken from: www.ahmadiyya.org/ wife Aisha retorted: “And upon you flee in God’s way. Pardon and islam/abuse.pdf.] A be death and curse”. The Holy overlook. Do you not love that God Prophet told her: should forgive you?” (24:22). And abuse not those whom they “Be calm, Aisha, Allah loves that call upon besides Allah, lest, Hearing this, Abu Bakr exclaimed: one should be kind and lenient in exceeding the limits, they abuse Allah through ignorance. all matters”, or according to another “Indeed, I certainly love that God Thus to every people have We version he said: should forgive me.” made their deeds fair-seeming; then to their Lord is their return “Be calm, Aisha. You should be He then resumed providing so He will inform them of what kind and lenient, and beware of assistance to Mistah, as before -’- they did. (H.Q. 6:106) 7 MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE In 1990, my wife, Hazra, and I visited Lahore to renew our bia‘at with the (Summary of talk given by Mr. Enayat Mohammed, Chairman, Ahmadiyya Muslim Literary Trust, Trinidad and Tobago at Masjid Darus Salaam, Lahore on 26 December, 2005.) newly appointed Ameer of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, the late Dr. “In the name of Allah, the Imagine this was written almost one Saeed Ahmad Khan. We were very Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be hundred years ago. But amazingly, how inspired by him and we pledged our to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the appropriate it is today for us in this year commitment to continue in the service Beneficent, the Merciful. Master of of 2005. We spontaneously responded of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. the day of Requital. Thee do we to the invitation of the Central Anjuman serve and Thee do we beseech for and we are here today. In August 2004, my wife, Hazra, and I help. Guide us on the right path, the again renewed our bai‘at with our path of those upon whom Thou has Let me first introduce myself. I am present Ameer at the Lahore bestowed favours, nor those upon Enayat Mohammed, Chairman of the Ahmadiyya Convention in Suriname on whom wrath is brought down, nor Ahmadiyya Muslim Literary Trust, the happy eve of our 49th wedding those who go astray.” Trinidad and Tobago. Previously I had anniversary. And thus we came close been President of the Ahmadiyya to him when he visited Trinidad soon My dear respected Hazrat Ameer, Anjuman Isha’at-i Islam, (Lahore), after the Suriname Convention. We Chairman, Brothers and sisters, Trinidad and Tobago for more than ten realised that here was a leader who was Assalamo alaikum wa Rahmatullah years. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Literary young and vibrant and was. dedicated wa Barakatuh. Trust was started just about six years to further the progress of the Lahore ago. Ahmadiyya Movement and we First of all I would like to offer my seriously responded to his appeal to join profound thanks to Almighty Allah for Thanks also to Almighty Allah and to him in moving the Ahmadiyya Anjuman allowing me and my wife to be present the Central Anjuman for making it Isha’atIslam, Lahore forward. Our on this auspicious occasion at the possible for my wife, Hazra, and me to desire to attend the annual spiritual Masjid Darus Salaam of the Central attend the Salaana Du‘aiyya this year. gathering (Salaana Dua‘aiyya) at Anjuman, Lahore. I would like to quote It has been a dream come true for us. Lahore further increased. from the writings of our holy Founder, Our desire to attend a Jalsa started in Hazrat , the late 60s when the late Maulana When Central Anjuman invited the regarding the importance of such annual Sheikh Muhammad Tufail was in Ahmadiyya Muslim Literary Trust to the gatherings, and I quote from the letter Trinidad doing religious work on behalf Salaana Dua’iyya from the 22nd to of invitation which was sent to us: of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman. 26th December 2005, and also indicated their willingness to give “Efforts will be made before the In 1970, Hazrat Ameer, late Maulana financial assistance, my wife and I Most Honourable and Glorious Sadr-ud-Din, visited Trinidad when my immediately decided that we must Allah to unify all the brothers wife, Hazra, had the pleasure of taking make every effort to attend it. A few spiritually and to remove their the bai‘at at his hands. Our desire to days after the receipt of the invitation, aloofness, alienation and visit since then increased much more. that is, on 17th October, I developed a differences. There will be many After that, many dignitaries of the problem in my right eye. I had major other spiritual benefits and profits Central Anjuman visited Trinidad to surgery to correct the problem (torn of these gatherings that shall, participate in the Conventions of the retina). This failed and I was referred lnshaallah, become manifest from Anjumans of Trinidad, Guyana and immediately to another ophthalmologist. time to time.” Suriname. And it had been our pleasure By then my, eye was haemorrhaging to be the host to many of the dignitaries. and the new doctor had to stop the 8 bleeding. He further found that there many booklets and translations from Movement in that region. were blood clots and that the retina had Urdu with the help of Bro. Nasir Ahmad become detached. I was now of Pakistan and Imam Kalamazad As I close, I would like to thank our completely blind on my right eye. After Mohammed of Trinidad. The Trust has Hazrat Ameer and all members of many weeks of treatment, the doctor almost completed the English translation Central Anjuman for making it possible gave me, on 21 st November, a date of the well-known commentary of the for bringing us, the foreign delegates, for another major surgery to be done Qur’an, Anwarul Quran, by Dr. to the Salaana Dua ‘iyya. We thank on December 15, 2005. On that day I Basharat Ahmad, viz. parts 27th and you for the hospitality shown to us. We realised that the trip to Lahore for the 30th. The list of publications so far done have certainly benefited spiritually - the Salaana Dua’iyya would have to be by the Trust has been handed over to main purpose of the Salaana cancelled. On 22nd November I said I the Central Anjuman. We are happy to Dua’iyya. I could not have benefited will inform the Central Anjuman of our note that many of our publications are from the speeches made here were it inability to attend the Dua’iyya. But on being translated into Indonesian and not for the translators who were the morning of the 22nd November, I Dutch. All these publications have also organised by Hazrat Ameer. For this I received a call from the doctor’s office been put on the Central Anjuman’s wish to thank Dr. Jawad Ahmad, that the doctor will perform the surgery website, that is, www.aaiil.org. The especially, and others who assisted in on November 24th. By then I felt that message I would like to leave with you this much-needed service. We wish to there was a possibility of attending the is taken from chapter 47 verse 19 of thank all others who became our Dua’iyya if the surgery went well. The the Holy Qur’an: friends, for their love shown to us. We surgery was successful and after eight thank especially our hosts. days I was given the approval to travel “So know that there is no God with certain restrictions. Allah had but Allah and ask protection for Finally,. I would like to appeal to all answered our prayers to go to Lahore thy sins and for the believing men present and even those who are absent to attend the Dua’iyya. We immediately and the believing women. . . .” that we pledge our full support to our made arrangements and by the grace leader, Hazrat Ameer, and contribute of Allah we arrived here on Thursday Let us all, in our daily prayers, pray for generously towards the plans he and the the 22nd December 2005. Our dream protection from sin at all times, just as Central Anjuman have for the progress of more than 30 years has been realised we do in the Fatihah, Darood and and the betterment of the Lahore with the grace of Allah and the help of Qunut prayers where we pray not only Ahmadiyya Movement. May Allah bless the Central Anjuman. So I would like for ourselves but for all the believing men us all and have His mercy and peace to thank the brother who very and women. We need this to bring about on all of us and the Muslim Ummah.A generously financed our visit. love and unity among ourselves and an urge of dedication for the cause of I am here as Chairman of the Islam. What is with you passes away and what is with Allah is en- Ahmadiyya Muslim Literary Trust of during. And We shall certainly Trinidad and Tobago. I am also happy Before I end, I will like to recall the great give to those who are patient that Bro. Ashraf Ali and his wife Nafiesa loss we have suffered in the death of their reward for the best of what they did. of the Trust were able to come to the the coordinator of Suriname, Guyana Dua’iyya as well. The Trust has and Trinidad, Bro. Rashied Pierkhan. Whoever does good, whether embarked on publications pertaining to It is difficult to replace him at this time. male or female, and is a be- liever, We shall certainly make the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. Our May Allah forgive him his,faults and him live a good life, and We regular publication is a quarterly, The reward him for all the good work he shall certainly give them their Message, which is in its 6th year of has done for his community and the reward for the best of what they did. (H.Q. 6:96-97) publication. We have so far published cause of the Lahore Ahmadiyya 9 UNVEILING THE MYSTERY ABOUT JESUS’ BIRTH, MISSION AND DEATH (Publication of books on Leonardo Da Vince’s Code and the Three Parts of James .Polster’s account on the Yahoo Website [http:// travel.news.yahoo.com!b/rba_daily/200605l5/rba_daily/rba - daily4336] of his visit to the Martyr’s Tomb in 1979 in Srinagar, Kashmir have given rise to many questions and doubts about the validity of what has been said in the past by Christian and Muslim religious scholars interpreting relevant verses of the Bible and the Qur’an: interpretations put forward and researches made more than.a hundred years ago by the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, and Ahmadiyya scholars are proving amazingly true in the light of what is very much in the media these days. It has unveiled the personality of Prophet Jesus (as) from mystery into a reality in a much more impressive and inspiring manner as one of the most influential religious personalities among the founders of the three great religions. We will be reproducing writings of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement and Ahmadi scholars whose interpretation of sacred texts, and researches made, are corroborative to the recent revealing facts and interpretations coming up in the media these days. In this issue we are reproducing from Jesus in Heaven on Earth replies to some of the wrong interpretations of some of the verses of the Qur’an put forward by Muslim and Christian scholars. It is a well-known research work done by Khwaja Nazir Ahmad, a leading lawyer of Pakistan, who, after seven long years of deep study and research, published his book in 1952. - Ed.)

Christian critics of Islam raise various is frequently used in the Holy Qur’an those places shows that Divine objections and try to justify their dogmas to mean a prophecy. Thus the promise prophecies are meant (The Holy Quran, by wrongly interpreting certain verses given to Zacharias was “a word from 6: 34, 115; 10: 64). Further, all creatures by attaching special meaning to the Allah” (Ibid., 3 : 39), and John was the have been declared to be words of Allah words of the Holy Qur’an. I will now verifier of that word because his birth (Ibid, 18 : 109). deal with these objections. brought about the fulfilment of that prophecy. A comparison with another Jesus was spoken of as a “sign” of God 1. Jesus has been described in the verse makes the position perfectly clear: as in the case of his birth a difficulty had Holy Qur’an as a Kalimah (word) of . to be removed. But even so, all God and a Ruh (inspiration, prophets of God have been spoken of “And Mary, the daughter of Amran, revelation or spirit of God), and as as “signs” of God because they, like who guarded her chastity, so We a sign of God into whom the spirit Jesus, bring with them Divine arguments breathed into him Our inspiration and of God was breathed. It is, and revelation (Ibid, 2 : 87, 253). The she accepted the truth of the words therefore, urged that Jesus had no creation oIthe heavens and the earth of her Lord and His books, and she father: (Ibid, 2 : 164), the creation of night and was of the obedient ones” (Ibid., 66 : day (Ibid, 3 : 190) and the creation of 12. See also 3: 45). The relevant verses are: man himself (Ibid, 30 : 20) have been described as “signs” of God. “O people of the Book, exceed not Speaking of Mary the Book says that” the limits in your religion, nor speak she accepted the truth of the words of I have already explained that the Book any thing against Allah but the truth. her Lord.” Thus here Mary is the verifier speaks of Divine inspiration or spirit The Messiah, Jesus. son of Mary, is and not Jesus. The only meaning that having been breathed into him (Ibid, only a messenger of Allah and His can be given to the word Kalimah in 66 : 12). Evidently the word him cannot word which He communicated to the verse is the prophetic words of her refer to Mary and this personal pronoun Mary and a mercy from Him” (The Lord\ that is, the Divine inspiration has been taken by commentators like Qur’an, 4 : 171. See also 19: 17; 21: which she received from God relating Imam Fakhr-ud-Din Razi to refer to 91). to the birth of Jesus. It is noteworthy Jesus (Tafsir-i-Kabir, Vol. 8 : 176). that the inspiration is breathed into Therefore the verse means that Mary The Arabic words are Kalimah and him, that is, Jesus. gave birth to Jesus who received Divine Ruh. Kalimah, a word from Allah, inspiration. It would make no difference stands for a prophecy of God; and Jesus The Holy Qur’an in numerous places if the word Ruh is taken to mean spirit was bprn in accordance with a speaks of the word of Allah to indicate for we are told that the spirit of God is prophecy from God to Mary. This word Divine revelation, and the context in breathed into every man:

10 “Who made good everything that He attended by the Divine spirit (Ibid, 58 : circumstances that Renan, in his Life of created, and He began the creation 22) and we have on record that the Holy Jesus, says: of man from dust. Then He made his Prophet addressing Hasan bin Sabit progeny of an extract of worthless said: “Joseph had died before his son had water. Then He made him complete “And Ruh-ul-Qudus is with you.” assumed any public position. Mary and breathed into him of His spirit, remained in a manner the head of the and made for you ears and eyes and 2. The Holy Qur’an does not family and this explains why Jesus, hearts; little it is that you give mention the name of the father of where it was desired to distinguish him thanks!” (The Holy Quran, 32: 7-9). Jesus. from others of the same name, was most frequently called Son of Mary” (Renan, Again speaking of the creation of man I have already stated that the Holy Life of Jesus, p42). the Book says: Quran is not a book of history. There was no necessity for Joseph’s name to I may mention that the Fatimids are “And when your Lord said to the have been mentioned. The name of called after Hazrat Fatimah, the angels: surely I am going to create a Zacharias’s wife is omitted. There are daughter of the Holy Prophet, and not mortal of sounding clay, of black mud other Prophets of God, Moses for after her husband Hazrat Ali for similar fashioned into shape. So when I have instance, whose fathers’ names have not reasons. made him complete and breathed been mentioned. The name of the father into him of My spirit, fall down of the Holy prophet is not mentioned. 3. There Js no mention in the Holy making obeisance to him” (The The reference to Jesus as son of Mary Qur’an that Jesus had a father. Qur’an, 15: 2829. See also 38: 71-72). was really to indicate: firstly, that Mary was a chosen one of God and thus her Those that urge this objection, really These verses indicate that man is made character was cleared of the allegations expose their ignorance of the Holy complete only when Divine inspiration made against her: and secondly, to Quran. The Book says: or spirit is breathed into him. Thus if indicate that Jesus was born of woman. Divine spirit was breathed into Jesus, it This in itself established that Jesus was “And this was Our argument which does not prove that he was born without neither God, nor son of God, for one We gave to Abraham against his a father. In fact Lane says that born of a woman can never be God people; We exalt in degrees whom breathing of spirit signifies quickening (Job 25: 4). There was yet another We please. Surely your Lord is Wise, with spirit (Lane, Arabic-English reason. For purposes of identification, Knowing. And We gave him Isaac Lexicon). In dealing with the relevant the Jews used to couple a man’s name and Jacob. Each did We guide: and verses regarding breathing of spirit into with that of his father. But in this case Noah did We guide before and of his Jesus, Imam Fakhr-ud-Din Razi they were faced with a difficulty. descendants, David and Solomon attaches this very significance to these Joshuah (Jesus) was a very common and Job, and Joseph and Moses. And words (The Qur’an, 21: 91 and 66: 12. name among the Jews and so was Yusuf Aaron, and thus do We reward those See Imam Fakhr-ud-Din Razi’s Tafsir- (Joseph.) Thus Joshuah ben Yusuf - who do good (to others). And iKabir, Vol. 6: 130 and Vol. 8: 176). Jesus, son of Joseph - would have failed Zacharias and John and Jesus and But the real interpretation is inspiration, to achieve the desired result. I give but Elias; each one (of them) was of the for Divine revelation has been called one instance. Barabbas who is righteous; and Ishmael and Elisha Ruh (The Qur’an, 16: 2; 40: 15) and mentioned by Pilate in the trial and Jonah and Lot and each one of the Qur’an itself has also been named proceedings was also named Jesus them We made to excel the ‘people. as such (Ibid, 42 : 52). The Qur’an also (Dummelow, Commentary on the And some of their fathers and their refers to Jesus being strengthened by Holy Bible, 716. See also Peake’s descendants and their brethren. And Ruh-ul-Qudus (Ibid, 2 : 87, 253), but Commentary on the Bible, 772). The We chose them and guided them to it is not a special attendant of Jesus for name of his father was also Joseph, the the right way” (The Qur’an, 6:83-87). the faithful followers of the Holy Teacher. To avoid confusion, Pilate Prophet were all strengthened and referred to him as Barabbas (son of a Jesus, among other prophets of God, teacher). It is because of these peculiar is spoken of as a descendant of 11 Abraham. Without a father he could not to her people carrying him in her arms, (Matt., 21: 7: Mark, 11: 17: Luke, 19: be styled as such. But this is not all. they charged her with adultery because 35); and that Mary, with other women Some eighteen prophets have been she had given birth to Jesus while she of Galilee, was with him (Matt., 27: 55- mentioned by name in these verses and was unmarried. If such had been the 57: Mark, 15: 40-41. Luke, 23: 49). their fathers are also mentioned. The case, it is surprising indeed that neither last verse (88), which deals with their Mary nor Jesus refuted this charge. But the question whether Mary was fathers, must be taken “to refer back to Besides, as a result of this accusation carrying Jesus in her arms or on an all the four groups” (Yusuf Ali, Mary should have been stoned to death. animal can be conclusively settled if the Translation and Commentary of the The fact that she was not, conclusively period to which these verses refer can Holy Qur’an, p. 313, n. 207). If Jesus, establishes that they had not charged be determined. For this purpose we according to the Holy Qur’an, had no her with adultery. should compare these verses with father, his name ought not to have been verses 9 to 12 of the same chapter included in any of these groups - for To begin with, the word tahmilahu which deal with John. In both cases the Holy Qur’an refers to the fathers of (carrying him) does not mean “carrying there is a gap of time, and it is evident all the eighteen prophets mentioned in him in her arms.” It means “carrying him that the Book does not mention all the these verses. It is contended that the on an animal” (Lisan-ul-Arab, Vol. 13: details of the lives of John and Jesus. In word abaa-i-him means paternal 185. See also Tajul-Arus, Vol. 7: 28). verse 9 the news of John is conveyed. grandfathers, and not fathers. This is Lane relying on the Misbah ofE! Verses 10 and 11 speak of certain incorrect, for there can be no paternal Feiyoomee translates it as carrying or instructions given to Zacharias, and in grandfather without a father. mounting him on a beast (Lane, Arabic- verse 12, all of a sudden the Holy English Lexicon, Vol. 2: 647). If we Qur’an, directs John to “take hold of 4. The following verses of the Holy turn to the Holy Qur’an itself, we find the Book,” thus indicating that in the Qur’an are relied upon to prove that that the same word occurs twice in meantime he had reached the age of Jesus had no father: another place. Some of the . The same sequence is Companions of the Holy Prophet maintained in the case of Jesus. Verses “Then with him (Jesus) she (Mary) came wanted to join an expedition. They had 23 to 25 relate to the birth of Jesus; to her people carrying him (with her). neither horses nor camels to ride on and verse 26 contains directions to Mary They said: 0 Mary! surely thou hast came to the Holy Prophet and which are somewhat similar to those brought a great evil. 0 sister of Aaron! requested him to provide them with which had been given to Zacharias, and thy father was not a bad man, nor was some animals for that purpose. The verse 30 suddenly represents Jesus as thy mother an unchaste (woman). Holy Prophet could not do so and the saying: Thereupon she pointed towards him. Book exonerated them from any They said, How can we speak to one responsibility: “He has given me the Book and made who was a child in the cradle? He said: me a Prophet.” Surely I am the servant of God, He has “Nor on those to whom when they given me the Book and made me a came to you that you might carry Thus, both verses 12 and 30 refer to a Prophet. And He has made me blessed them, you did not say: I cannot find period when John and Jesus had wherever I be, and He has ordered me that on which to carry (mound) you” respectively been made Prophets of prayer and (to give) alms (poorrate) so (The Qur’an. 9: 92). God. Jesus could have stated: “He has long as I live, and (He has) made me made me Prophet” only when he had good to my mother, and He has not This verse does not mean that the Holy been entrusted with the mission, and he made me rebellious, unhappy” (The Prophet was to carry them in his arms, must have already reached the age of Holy Quran, 19: 27-32. Translation by “but rather had to take them with him, prophethood. In any case Jesus could Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar). carrying them on animals.” not have been enjoined to say his prayers soon after his birth. Even if it It is urged that these verses follow, as The verses in question really point to be conceded that every child prays to they do, the reference to the birth of the fact that when Jesus entered God irrespective of his age, can it be Jesus, indicate that when Mary came Jerusalem he was riding on an ass urged that a child could also have been 12 enjoined to pay the poor-rate (alms)? for one year. It was during this time that his disciples and of his doctrine. Jesus To comply with this command he must Jesus went to the temple in Jerusalem answered him, I spoke openly to the have had some independent means of and had a talk with the Scribes and world; I ever taught in the synagogue, income .or must have owned some Pharisees. He then realised the and in the temple, whither the Jews property in his own name or right. That impossibility of any argument or always resort, and in secret have I said Jesus, during his ministry in Palestine, reconciliation with these authoritative nothing. Why asketh thou me? Ask had funds is evident from the fact that exponents and leaders of Judaism. He them which heard me. What I have he had appointed Judas Iscariot as was shocked at their shortcomings and said unto them: behold they knew what treasurer, or as one who, in the words wrong-doings and gave vent to his I said” (John, 18: 19-21). of John, “had the bag” (John, 12 : 6). indignation. The violence of his language Further Jesus said: overreached all bounds, for he called It is obvious that his disciples were not them fools and blind hypocrites, present and the elders had to question “(He has) enjoined me to be kind to serpents and vipers (Matt., 23: 15: 33), Jesus about them and “his doctrine” but my mother.” and described them as the children of Jesus “held his peace” (Matt., 26: 63: the devil (John, 8: 44). They, therefore, Mark, 14: 61) and refused to plead to How could he have been good to his decided to try him and kill him. the charge. Then as was required by mother if he was an infant? No child of Law: “The chief priests and all the that age can be of any help to himself, The Sanhedrin under the Roman Law council sought for witnesses against much less to his mother. had the power to try all Jews, but it Jesus to put him to death, and found could not impose the capital sentence none” (Mark, 14: 55 cf. Matt., 26:59). No, the incident mentioned in the Holy (John, 18: 31) and it had to be confirmed Qur’an refers to a period when Jesus by Pilate. The offence they had charged The high priest and the elders then tried had already become a Prophet of God, Jesus with was: to persuade the blind man, whom Jesus and had in fact been entrusted with the “We found this fellow perverting the had cured, to testify against him. They mission. He was then over forty years nation and forbidding to give tribute to asked him: “What sayest thou of him; (Ubi. Sup., pp. 86-87), or at least thirty Caesar, saying that he himself is an that he hath opened thine eyes? He said: years old as mentioned by Luke (Luke, anointed king” (Luke, 23: 2. Revised He is a prophet” (John, 9: 17). 3: 24). That is why Jesus referred to Version, p.1163 discloses another himself as a servant of God in the Christian forgery. The word Christ was The blind man was thus of no help to present tense. But throughout the inserted later on.) them; and they next questioned his remaining part of his speech he spoke parents (John, 9: 18-22), but they also in the past tense. It is for r these reasons In John the charge against Jesus is would not, or could not, give the desired that Maulana Muhammad Ali in his explained thus: “Whosoever maketh testimony. In the absence of the other Commentary (Muhammad Ali, himself a king speaketh against Caesar” disciples of Jesus, who had all fled Translation of the Holy Qur’an p. (John, 19: 12). (Matt., 26:56: Mark, 14: 50), they 614, 19: 29) and also the learned author questioned Peter, through three different of Tafsir Ru al-Ma’ani (Tafsir Ruh- No doubt, the charge was so framed, persons. Peter not only denied on oath ul-Ma’ani, Vol. 5: 174) state that the on false allegations, as to give Pilate his his connections with Jesus but even reference to Jesus as being “one who jurisdiction to impose the capital cursed him (Matt., 26: 70-74; Luke, 22: was a child in the cradle” related back sentence. The procedure laid down in 56-60). All this took place, as required to a past event and that Jesus was not a the Talmud for establishing -the guilt of by Law, in the presence of Jesus: child in the cradle at the time when this an accused person required that he conversation took place. It is therefore should be questioned first. If he did not “And the Lord turned and looked upon wrong to allege that Mary was carrying plead to the charge or admit his guilt, Peter and Peter went out and wept Jesus in her arms at that time. two witnesses had to depose to his bitterly” (Luke, 22: 61-62). guilt. Jesus was accordingly questioned: The ministry of Jesus in Palestine, The only person left was Mary. according to Matthew and Luke, lasted “The High priest then asked Jesus of Speaking of the atrocities of the 13 Sanhedrin on this occasion, Dean itself suggested a defence which would Ecclesiastical History, p 201). It is this Milman says that they maltreated all have disproved the charge of Jesus address of Jesus which is reproduced partisans of Jesus with the terrible being a “King of the Jews” as Joseph in the Holy Quran in the verses under threats of excommunication and the was a “son of David” (Matt., 1: 20) and discussion timid believers and his relatives, the Messiah, whom the Jews expected including Mary, were put before this to be their king, redeemer and deliverer, (The Qur’an, 29: 30-33). Had the awful tribunal, and when questioned had to be “born of the seed of the loins question in issue been his legitimacy, or refrained from saying anything, lest their of David.” the conduct of Mary herself, Mary, and testimony should be used against Jesus; Mary alone, could have thrown light on but they one and all referred it to Jesus The background of this form of address it. In any case, Jesus ought to have himself for information (Dean Milman, is purely Oriental. Jesus was spoken of referred to this matter in his reply. But History a/Christianity p. 272). as an “evil” because his deeds appeared he said nothing of the kind. The reply to the Pharisees to be against the Law; of Jesus becomes intelligible only if we It is to this incident that the Holy Qur’an it had nothing to do with the birth of consider it in the light of the charge which next refers: Jesus. the Pharisees and elders had framed “They said O Mary, thou hast indeed against him. They wanted to know of brought a strange thing. 0 sister of Mary, however, quite naturally refused his “doctrine” and the charge was that Aaron, your father was not a wicked to answer and “pointed to him” for a he was a rebel against Caesar as he man, nor was your mother an reply. But the elders wanted her claimed to be a “King of the Jews.” unchaste woman!” (The Qur’an, testimony. They had, only a short while Jesus, in his address explained his 19:27-28). before the trial, when Jesus was talking “doctrine” and then concluded it by of Abraham, taunted him: “Thou art not refuting the specific charge. He said: The mention of Mary as sister of Aaron yet fifty years old” (John, 8: 57). The “Surely I am the servant of God. He had a far deeper significance. It was elders, therefore, goaded her to speak has given me the Book and made me a meant as an appeal to her high lineage, and pointed out to her in the same prophet to her better sense of justice; for Aaron, Oriental strain that they could not speak He whose descendant she was, had been in her presence to one who “was a child has not made me rebellious” (Ibid., 19: the first in the line, the fountainhead of in the cradle.” There was nothing 30-33, Translation by Hafiz Ghulam the Israelite priesthood: a saintly man extraordinary for the elders to speak of Sarwar: See Lane, Arabic English bound by the Law. It was an appeal to Jesus in these terms. It is noteworthy Lexicon, Vol., 2 : 375). Mary to do her duty, to uphold the Law that they referred to him as one who and to support and side with the was and not is “a child in the cradle.” It is, therefore, abundantly clear that Pharisees who “sat in Moses’ seat,” They had in their own Oriental way tried Jesus was forty or at least thirty years even though her so doing would set her to appeal to Mary once again and had old, and his mission had already been up against her own son. She was also applied this phraseology, a subterfuge, entrusted to him when the incident reminded that she belonged to a noble to induce her to speak. mentioned in the Holy Qur’an took family, the pride of Israel, and that her place and that the only charge against parents had also been virtuous and Jesus realised the awkward position in him was that he had rebelled against noble; and that, therefore, she was which his mother had been placed. He Caesar; and that the chastity of Mary expected and ought to give the required already knew that her refusal might or the birth of Jesus was not being testimony against the “great evil” which expose her to maltreatment by the challenged by the Jews. These verses she had unwittingly brought into the Sanhedrin. To spare her the ordeal and of the Holy Quran do not, therefore, world. They did not refer to Joseph suffering, and to be true to the character discuss or deal with the chastity of intentionally. Firstly, because he was of being “kind to his mother,” he Mary. A dead at that time (For the lamentations decided to and did address the elders of Jesus at the death of his father Joseph, himself. This address was both a see Ubi. Sup., p. 113), and, secondly, memorable speech and a masterpiece even a mention of him would have by of advocacy” (Lawrence, The AA 14 Ai dos-to jo parh-te ho um-mul Successful are the believers, ki-taab ko Who are humble in their prayers And who shun what is vain, Ai dos-tojo parh-te ho um-mul ki-taab ko, And who act for the sake of purity, Ab de-kho me-ree aan-khon se is aaf-taab ko. And who restrain their sexual passions – Except in the presence of their mates or So-cho du- ‘aa-e Faa-ti-hah ko parh ke baar baar those whom their right hand posess, for such Kar-tee hai yeh ta-maam ha-qee-qat ko aash-kaar surely are not blamable, But whoever seeks to go beyond that, such De-kho Khu-daa ne tum-ko ba-taa- ee du- ‘aa ya-hee are transgressors – Us-ko ha-beeb ne par-haa- lee du- ‘aa ye-hee And those who are keepers of their trust and their covenant, Parh-te ho panj waqt u-see ko na-maaz mein And those who keep a guard on their prayers. Jaa-te ho us-kee rah se dar-e be ni-yaaz mein These are their heirs, Who inherit Paradise. Therein they will abide. Us-kee qa-sam ke jis-ne yeh soo-rat u-taa-ree hai And certainly We create man of an extract Us paak dil pay jis-kee woh soo-rat pi-yaa-ree hai. of clay, Then We make him a small life-germ in a firm resting-place, Friends who read the Holy Qur’an, the mother of all revealed Then We make the life-germ a clot, then We Books, make the clot a lump of flesh, then We make Now look at this glorious sun through my eyes. (in) the lump of flesh bones, then We clothe the bones with flesh, then We cause it to Ponder over the prayer that is the Fatihah and read it over grow into another creation. and over; So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators! It brings to light all the profound truths of life. Then after that you certainly die. Then on the day of Resurrection you will Behold! This prayer has come to you from God Himself, surely be raised up. And it was his beloved friend who taught it to you. And indeed We have made above you seven ways – and never are We heedless of cre- This is the du ‘a that you recite five times a day in your ation. prayers, And We send down water from the cloud And this is the path that leads you to the threshold of the according to a measure, then We cause it Self-Sufficient One. to settle in the earth, and We are indeed able to carry it away. I swear by Him Who has sent down this chapter, Then We cause to grow thereby gardens of On that pure heart (of the Holy Prophet) whose countenance palm-trees and grapes for you. You have is so sweet and beautiful. A therein many fruits and of them you eat. (H.Q. 23:1-19) 15 AVAILABLE FOR SALE ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ MB) at aaiil.org ([email protected]; or The books, Commentary on Wide selection of books on Islam [email protected]; or Chapters 102-114 of the Holy in general and Ahmadiyyat in [email protected]). Qur’an, Commentary on Chapters particular available at Send FREE e-cards from aaiil.org 86-101 of the Holy Qur’an and USA Commentary on Chapters 78-85 of If you would like to receive The the Holy Qur’an by Dr Basharat PO Box 3370, Dublin, Ohio 43016 Message by e-mail, Ahmad. Phone: 614-873-1030 please inform the Editor. Translated by Kalamazad Fax: 614-873-1022 Mohammed, BA. Dip. Ed, Nasir E-mail: [email protected] or ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Ahmad, BA. LL.B., and Capt. Abdus [email protected] Published by: Salaam Khan. WWW: http://www.muslim.org The Ahmadiyya Muslim Literary An in-depth study and well-structured Trust, Trinidad and Tobago comprehensive explanation of the UK short popular surahs of al-Qur’an. The Islamic Book Depot Also published on the Internet at Suitable for imams on which to base 15 Stanley Avenue the web-address (URL): their khutbahs. Wembley, London. 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And the camels, We have made them of the signs appointed by Allah for you – for you therein is much good. So mention the name of Allah on them standing in a row. Then wheen they fall down on their sides, eat of them and feed the contented one and the beggar. thus have We made them subservient to you that you may be grateful.

Not their flesh, nor their blood, teaches Allah, but to Him is acceptable observance of duty on your part. Thus has He made them subservient to you, that you may magnify Allah for guiding you aright. ANd give good news to those who do good (to others). 16 (H.Q. 22:36-37)