Jamestown Historical Society HERITAGE

FALL 2016

To collect, preserve, and share with others the heritage of Jamestown, .


I am honored to have been elected as president of In the news- the Jamestown Historical Society, following in the letter you will footsteps of longtime Board member and former learn of all of the Board president, Rosemary Enright. Having served on great work of the JHS Board for six years and as a Museum Dianne Rugh, Professional at the International Tennis Hall of Fame, Collections I’m eager to bring my experience to support all of the Committee chair passionate and hardworking people who serve and and her dedicated execute this mission year-round. team who care for The Board is a very special group of people from our valuable and our community who work tirelessly to collect, diverse collection. preserve, and share with all of you the heritage of Thousands of Jamestown. I look forward to working with them. artifacts are stored and cataloged We say good-by to two outgoing Board members under Dianne’s this year, and I’d like to thank them for their service expert guidance and the records made accessible and dedication. Terry Lanza, as Program Committee online through our website. chair, has overseen three years of events, including very successful House Tour Preview Party fundraisers. In closing, I’d like to recognize each and every For six years Larry McDonald, our Battery Committee Board member and volunteer – those who support us chair, has worked hard to make the town’s Conanicut with membership and annual fund donations and who Battery Historic Park a beautiful place to walk, keeping attend our events such as the House Tour and the existing paths opened and encouraging prospective Windmill Day as well as those who work in the vault Eagle Scouts to build new ones. on a weekly basis; the many who volunteer to greet visitors at the meetinghouse, windmill and museum; I’d also like to welcome and recognize new Board and those who help plan and manage our events. The member, Stephanie Amerigian. She has been a worker bees are listed in the Honor Roll of Volunteers member of the Collections Committee and very active on page 3. in cataloging the archival material in the collection. The newsletter includes the reports of our We are very fortunate that Rosemary Enright is Committee Chairs, so enjoy reading about all of the committed to continuing her tireless work on the exciting accomplishments from 2016. Executive Committee as our treasurer. I’m grateful for her support and guidance with the other Executive Please remember us in your philanthropic giving Committee members, vice president Jim Buttrick, who at the end of the year so we can continue to tell the is also Finance Committee chair, and secretary Heidi compelling and important stories of the history of Keller Moon. Jamestown. Your donations help us to continue our great work! Fall 2016 - 1


The income to support the activities of the society Income from the other endowments is directed to comes from many sources. This year, annual dues and specific purposes. The windmill, meetinghouse, donations directly to the society accounted for battery, and collections all have dedicated endowments approximately 40 percent of our operating budget. and the Buttrick Building Fund income may be Sales and programs generated another 21 percent. directed to any “bricks and mortar” project. Income from the sale of Historic Tales of Jamestown In addition, the Finance Committee manages contributed significantly. approximately $180,000 in JHS investments. Over the Two grants were received in response to specific last 12 months, all income and dividends were proposals. Senator Theresa Paiva-Weed sponsored a reinvested. $1,000 Rhode Island Senate grant for maintaining the Expenses during the past year included $16,000 view corridor at the Conanicut Battery, and for major repairs at the windmill, two-thirds of which Representative Deb Ruggiero sponsored a $1,000 was paid for with a grant from The 1772 Foundation General Assembly grant to fund Windmill Day. received in 2015 and a matching grant from the Seven endowments have been established over the Buttrick Building Fund. Major components of the years to benefit the society. Income from the General administrative costs were insurance for the various Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation, along with dues sites and upgrade of hardware and software used by and donations, funds the general activities of the the Collections and Membership committees. society. Life memberships are added to the General Operating income for 2016 is expected to exceed Fund so that they continue to generate annual income. expenses by approximately $8,000.


We are pleased to report that we have 312 paid If you are reading this and have yet to renew your memberships, including 124 lifetime members. membership, please considering doing so. If you have Roughly 15 percent of the households in Jamestown never been a member, we welcome you to join us. are members – a tribute to the people of Jamestown Dues pay less than 20 percent of the society’s and their affection for their town and its history. operating budget. Our Development committee will Our membership year is July 1 to June 30, and this be sending a donation request soon. And please year our first email reminder went out to members in remember the society in your estate planning. June. We followed up with "snail mail” reminders in A final note: we are getting accustomed to a new July and October. More than 80 percent of our tracking system for memberships and forgive us if members renewed – many with donations in addition there were a few glitches. We did our best to keep on to dues. Five became life members. top of it.


Alexandra Allardt Jessie Dutra Bill Leonard Carroll Pruell Dick Allphin Joe Dutra Marcia Lindsay Connie Rainone Joyce Allphin Linda Ellis Dorrie Linn Deb Ruggiero Craig Amerigan Connie Enright Anne Livingston Dianne Rugh Stephanie Amerigan John Enright Joe Logan Jim Rugh Suzi Andrews Rosemary Enright Fran Lopes Bill Salmons Rita Antine Cheryl Fernstrom Mary-Alice Lurgio Mary Lou Sanborn Jeanne Archambault Aileen Flath George Lynch Julie Sanford Eric Archer Bob Flath Stacey Lyon Ginny Saunders Carolyn Armington Moira Flath Sue Maden Lisa Sheley Judy Bell Donna Fogarty Kathy Maloney Jane Sigal Jane Bentley Denise Gamon Maggie Marcus William W Smith III Anna Bernath Ken Gladding Peter Marcus Linda Sullivan Judith Boone Nikki Gladding Myrna Maxfield Bob Sutton George Boyer Michael Glier Larry McDonald Tom Swift Sonia Boyer Janet Grant Sandra McQueen Deb Swistak Fred Brown John Grant Lois Migneault Betty Ann Taylor Lisa Bryer Mike Gray Martha Milot Gayen Thompson Carol Buglio Joan Hall Jane Miner Pat Ustick Alan Burse Madeline Gromada Karen Montoya Nancy VanDevanter Jim Buttrick Brookie Harding Heidi Keller Moon Joan Vessella Kevin Carty Mary Heath John Murphy Andy Wade Donna Chellis Gabrielle Highstein Mary Jane Murphy Chris Walsh Louis Christopher Deborah Homer Mickie Musselman Linda Warner Stacie Christopher Polly Hutcheson Martha Neale Pat Watrous Matthew Clarke Sandra Johnson Christopher Neronha Dennis Webster Edwina Cloherty Dr. Shelly Johnson Jose Neronha Ann Wilson Nicole Contino Rose Karentz Manny Neronha Jack Wilson Peter Converse Varoujan Karentz Peter Neronha Dan Wood Nancy Cresser Delia Klingbeil Zachery Neronha Dan Wright Ann Crompton Ralph Klingbeil Ken Newman Harry Wright Fuzz Crompton Bill Knapp Pat Newman Josy Wright Judy Curtis Judy Knight Barbara Parent Ann Zartler Elizabeth Di Censo Jane Koster Roland Parent Dedee Zeek Paul Di Censo Carol Lake Molly Bruce Patterson Greg Zeek Pat DiPaola Anne Lane Linnea Petersen John Drotos Terry Lanza Paul Petersen



This was the first year of a program of occasional 2016 Annual Meeting outings for members to attend talks and events and to visit historic sites and museums. Our annual meeting was held at the Jamestown Philomenian Library on August 8. After a brief state- Our first event was a visit to the Naval War of-the-society report by retiring president Rosemary College Museum where former Jamestown resident Enright and the election of officers and directors, Tom Todd spoke about the ship model of the USF Brian Wallin, who writes for The Online Review of Rhode Constellation he had built and donated to the War Island History, gave a presentation about World War II College Museum. prisoner of war camps in Jamestown. House Tour Preview Party The beautiful 1885 Bryrstane on Bayview Drive, owned by Fricky Vaughn of Florida and Jamestown, was the site chosen for this year’s annual members- only House Tour Preview Party. Ms. Vaughn’s nieces Stacey and Perrin Lyons graciously hosted the summer soiree on Friday, September 9. The historic summer home is a sprawling Shingle Style cottage with an expansive porch, large lawn Tom Todd (left) and John Hattendorf, Director of the down to the East Passage, and sweeping views of the Naval War College Museum, in front of Tom’s model of the USF Constellation.

In late April we attended the Rhode Island Historic Preservation Conference, an annual gathering held this year in Wickford. Talks, panel discussions and tours always make this full day event worthwhile. Our June outing was to Smith's Castle, a 1678 house museum in Wickford with Jamestown and Roger Williams connections. An in-depth tour was given by local historian and author Bob Geake. In late July we visited Fort Adams and were given Enjoying the view from the porch at Bryrstane. an outstanding tour by Rob McCormack, head of the bay and the Newport-Pell Bridge. The party was a visitor program. He is a Jamestown resident and smashing success with 120 member guests in lifelong student of the forts of . A attendance. highlight was exploring the 'listening tunnels." In The evening was exceptionally hot and humid as August we attended the Middletown Historical temperatures reached the mid-80s, but it did not deter Society's Founders' Day to see Boyd's Mill in guests from enjoying the home’s charming vintage operation. This windmill, of the same era as the interior. Multi-generation Vaughn family photographs, Jamestown Windmill, is noted for having eight vanes. paintings, and portraits blended with period bric-a- It is also maintained by our millwright, Andy Shrake, brac, rugs, and furniture. who was in attendance and spoke about its operation. Open French doors led guests onto the wide Notices of the events are sent out by email to all wooden porch for chilled cocktails and freshly members for whom we have emails. If you haven’t prepared hors d’oeuvres. The spectacular view enticed received them, please send us your correct email. We guests with cocktails in hand to spill out onto the lawn look forward to continuing the program and solicit for a walk to the water’s edge. suggestions of sites and events from members.

4 – Fall 2016 We thank the Vaughn and Lyon family for their Cottage at 40 Emerson Road. Creighton Withers, a gracious hospitality, as well as Ken Newman and Newport architect, designed the gracious three-story everyone who helped with refreshments, flowers, cottage with wraparound porches in 1899 for Marion invitations, reservations, and publicity. L. Davis from St. Louis. Local architect, Ron DeMauro recently designed the carriage house garage House Tour off Bryer Avenue with careful reference to the Down the street and the day after the preview architecture of the original house. The beautifully party, the 31st annual Historic House Tour took place decorated Davis Cottage is owned by Joan and Tom in the Bryer Avenue/Bay Voyage area. Four homes Swift. were featured: The Chapel, Longwood, and the Marion L. The tour concluded at the top of Bryer Avenue Davis and Cary Magruder cottages. The beautiful with a crossing at Prudence Lane to the large east lawn historic homes along with perfect weather attracted of the Cary Magruder house at 24 Prudence Road. 225 visitors – our second largest turnout to date. The Colonial Revival house was designed by The successful house tour began at The Chapel, 11 Commodore Cary Walthall Magruder, USN, who also Harbor Street – originally Jamestown’s Movable oversaw its construction in 1923. The handsomely Chapel. The unique structure, designed on wheels by maintained home is now owned by his grandson Jim Charles L. Bevins in 1898, has been lovingly restored Buttrick, who in recent years added whimsy to its by owner/decorator Julie Sanford and her husband outdoors. Of particular enjoyment is an ornamental George Lynch. octagonal “folly” large enough to nest and nap in and From Harbor Street, the walking tour continued a “folly” door that opens to the woods beyond. across Conanicus Avenue to Longwood at 9 Bryer Everyone enjoyed this year’s neighborhood event. Avenue, sometimes known as “The Pink House.” Our sincerest gratitude to the homeowners who Now owned by Louis and Stacie Christopher, opened their homes to the tour. The event would not Longwood was commissioned by retired Admiral Clark have been possible without Sue Maden, who organized H. Wells and, like The Chapel, was designed by Charles the league of docents, and the docents themselves, L. Bevins. The 1886-1887 house with sweeping views who are listed in the Honor Roll of Volunteers on of the harbor has recently undergone significant page 3. Special thanks to Jane Bentley for securing renovations. Although no longer painted pink, interior permission to use the houses and Rosemary Enright decoration pays homage to its former exterior color. for writing the program. Last but not least, thank you A short stroll up Bryer Avenue led to the back to the local business owners and organizations that yard and everyday entrance to the Marion L. Davis helped promote the tour by displaying our posters.

A highlight of The Chapel is the original nave that One of Buttrick’s “follies” built has been preserved and updated as the living from architectural elements room. Decorations and themes throughout the salvaged from renovated or house have been chosen to complement the demolished island buildings. building’s original purpose.

Fran Gorman’s drawings of the homes graced the poster from edesign of Newport.

Fall 2016 - 5


More than 800 visitors signed the visitors’ book at Martha Neale sent over some animals from the windmill this summer. Since that number doesn’t Windmist Farm for the children to play with, and the include the more the 200 who came on Windmill Day Elderly Brothers provided the entertainment. or many of the visitors who on the busiest days – like Joe and Jessie Dutra let us use the field between Labor Day – duck out the back door, we probably had the meetinghouse and the windmill for parking. at least 1,500. Maybe more. Dennis Webster and Bill Salmons built a They came from all the states in the stile over the stone wall between the northeast and from as far away as Dutra and windmill fields. It was a little California and Arizona. Two couples like climbing a ladder between the fields, noted in the book that they had gotten but no one seemed to mind, especially married that day. with volunteers right there to give a The big attraction, of course, was our helping hand. biennial Windmill Day on July 16. We We couldn’t show the windmill each had a wonderful time putting the cloths summer without the volunteers who on the windmill sails and watching the open the mill and welcome the visitors. sails turn in the wind – after the wind If you’d like to be a “windmill sitter” next picked up about 12:30. Jim Buttrick year, please let us know. Our volunteer made a video on his cell that we’ve coordinator will start calling in May to set uploaded to the JHS YouTube area. You up the schedule. can also reach it from our website or Thank you to everyone. We look Facebook page. forward to seeing you all next season.


Prospective Eagle Scout Josh Neronha mobilized location can only be appreciated if we keep some of Jamestown’s Boy Scout Troop 1 this spring and these views open. summer to reverse 15 years of erosion damage on the Larry McDonald and Dennis Webster devote Big Boulder Trail. On a rainy spring day the scouts countless hours keeping the Conanicut Battery in its cut brush and dug a drainage ditch. They returned in inviting condition. They do most of the weed July and added twelve cubic yards of fill to the eroded whacking, removal of fallen branches, and general trail plus two water bars and three French drains to sprucing up, often in the dog days of summer. We are direct water off the trail and prevent future erosion. all grateful for their unfailing commitment. Jamestown’s Department of Public Works provided Looking forward, Battery Day has been scheduled the gravel for the project, and a $600 Trails Grant for June 4, 2017. Festivities will begin at 11 AM. from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management covered other expenses. In October, thanks to a senate grant from Senator Theresa Paiva-Weed, trees and brush obscuring the view from the Battery to West Passage were removed. Weather permitting, volunteers will plant native grass seed in the new 40 foot by100 foot clearing on Saturday, November 12. When the Conanicut Battery was constructed in 1776, the Beavertail peninsula was mostly pastureland, affording unobstructed views across the bay. The significance of the Battery’s West Passage viewed from the Conanicut Battery.


The best way to keep in touch with the Jamestown We’ve added a calendar to our website that lists Historical Society is to be a member. It is now easier official society events. There’s a link to our home to become a member or renew your membership page and under the News & Events menu tab. using the Get Involved link on our website. It’s still easy to access our online catalog from the main menu, and our website now makes it easier to purchase and view our publications. Included on our Publications page is a link to our YouTube Channel. Did you miss our Windmill Day this summer? You can see a video of sails turning on our windmill in the website Windmill link.

Get Involved through the JHS website. As a member, you receive timely emails that keep you up to date with our many activities and exhibits. The emails always contain links to our website. If you’re a member and you’re not getting emails now, just go to the website and subscribe. The subscribe Link to and share our YouTube videos. button is at the very bottom of each page. We also have a Facebook page – JamestownHistoricalSociety. Don’t forget to “Friend Us”. Besides putting the news on our own media outlets, we try to keep the public aware of the society’s mission. The monthly JHS News column in the Jamestown Press tells everyone in town about our activities. The Press also publishes a monthly feature on some aspect of Jamestown history by Rosemary Subscribe to JHS News. Enright and Sue Maden under the JHS logo. .


While the Quaker Meetinghouse was having its applying for grants from several foundations, usual quiet summer with respect to visitors, the including our Buttrick Building Fund at The Meetinghouse committee was having increasing Philadelphia Foundation, for help. concern about the state of the building’s roof. After As usual the committee has worked closely with considering the cost of spraying the roof with a sealant the Conanicut Friends Meeting, whose members meet that could extend its life for a few extra years, the weekly at the meetinghouse during the summer, committee decided to bite the bullet and commit both infusing it with continuing Quaker spirit. The Friends to an entirely new roof and to new shingles on the have worked tirelessly to keep the building clean, the always-exposed south facing siding. trim painted, and the committee aware of any rising The committee hopes to be able to undertake this structural problems. challenge – which will cost an estimated $13,440 – sometime next spring. In the meantime, we are Fall 2016 - 7 MUSEUM AND EXHIBITS SUZI ANDREWS

The summer exhibit in the Jamestown Museum, Jamestown and the Military on Narragansett Bay, previewed the weekend after Memorial Day and opened officially on June 18. About 60 fifth grade students visited the museum during the preview period in early June, and the exhibit attracted over 500 visitors before it closed on October 10. The flower arrangements brought in weekly by the members of the Jamestown Garden Club added a special touch. We have already begun work on next summer’s museum exhibit, curated by Jim Buttrick and tentatively entitled Lost Jamestown. Since early May, the exhibit team – Rosemary Enright, Carol Lake, Sue Maden and I – have mounted Reproduction of Auction at Fox Hill Farm by Grant six smaller exhibits. Four were in the JHS display case Reynard on display in the police station. in the lobby of the Jamestown Philomenian Library. The most ambitious was the July celebration of 10 Waterfront in 1900” and print number 96 of 650 of years of displays in the case. The exhibit contained 51 Joseph Szarek’s “View from Watson Farm.” objects from the 62 previous library exhibits. Physically the museum is in good shape, with the For the fall semester exhibit at the Lawn Avenue exception of the back door. During the renovation in School, we focused on the history of voting in 2006, an emergency exit was built where the rear Jamestown. In addition to sample ballots from the window on the east side of the building had been. times of the ballot box and early voting machines, the Exposure to the elements has rotted the bottom of the exhibit shows a wooden ballot box that was used at door and the sill. We are investigating solutions that financial town meetings before electronic voting. will prevent this from becoming a recurring problem. The artworks now on display in the police station Painting of the iron railing and some touch up are prints, rather than original pieces. Among them is painting on interior walls are also planned for the print number 9 of 1200 of Maxwell Mays’ “Jamestown spring.


Two important works of arts were added to the Inness, who invited him to come to Medfield, JHS Collection this summer. Thayer Hutchinson and Massachusetts, to study and paint. the Hutchinson family donated the painting “Sheep Monks devoted most of his art to animal Crossing Great Creek” by John Austin Sands Monks. depictions, especially sheep. He had a summer The sheep in the painting are on the North Main Road residence and studio on the north end of Jamestown. bridge across the Great Creek and saltwater marsh He died in 1917. The Hutchinsons are descended with the Jamestown windmill in the background. The from Monks’ daughter Helen. painting appeared on the cover of the book Jamestown: The family gave another Monks painting, “Flock A History of Narragansett Bay’s Island Town. at Pasture,” to the Town of Jamestown in 1973. It John Austin Sands Monks was born in Cold hangs in the Town Council Chamber. Springs, NY, on November. 7, 1850. He was a wood The Collections Committee used funds in the carver before moving to and becoming an acquisition budget to purchase the watercolor, apprentice with an engraving firm. After moving to “Jamestown,” done in 1904 by John Price Wetherill. Boston, Monks attracted the attention of George It joins another JP Wetherill painting, “Fort

8 – Fall 2016 Dumpling,” given to the society in 1981. John Price Fred Smith donated 22 Jamestown Council of Wetherill of Philadelphia had a summer home in Defense air raid warden cards from World War II. Jamestown. The cards give the air raid warden’s name, address, Although both of the newly acquired paintings age, and phone number. The wardens ranged in age were in remarkably good condition, the Collections from 14 – an assistant warden – to 69. Committee sought the advice of Alex Allardt, a Cathy Kaiser photographed the demolition of the Newport conservator, who advised some minor Portuguese American Club and donated the restoration work. Patricia Rhoad and the Rhoad photographs to JHS. family recently donated $500 in memory of Robert R. JHS is grateful for these and all donations Rhoad Jr. for the preservation and restoration of received. A complete list of donations that came to works of art in the collection. The donation was the Society since May is on pages 10 and 11. gratefully used for the restoration and reframing. It is the responsibility of the Collections Not only was art work added to the collection but Committee to oversee the collection. Sue Maden, JHS there were also important donations of objects, archivist, is a member of the Collections Committee photographs, and archives. Chris Powell donated the along with Stephanie Amerigian, Elizabeth Di Censo, blackthorn walking stick belonging to Richard L, Rosemary Enright, Delia Klingbeil, Carol Lake, Joe Champlin, a Jamestown resident who was librarian at Logan, Linda Warner, and Dianne Rugh, who serves Redwood Library and one of the foremost natural as chair. The committee meets the first Tuesday of history experts in Rhode Island the month to consider donations according to the Janet Larson gave four Save the Bay medals and a guidelines of the JHS Collections Committee Rotary Bicycle Race medal. Collection Policy. The 1956, 1958, and 1959 programs of the A dedicated group of about 20 vault volunteers “Annual St. Patrick’s Day Kiddies’ Revue and Down record and care for donations coming into the Memory Lane” came to the society from Larry collection. For each donation, a volunteer creates a McDonald. Programs for the revues held at St. Mark catalog record with a description of the item along Church contain names of participants and information with donor information. on Jamestown in the 1950s. Before placing donations in archival storage containers, volunteers photocopy newspaper articles on acid free paper, hand sew into textiles small archival tags with the item identification number, and wrap textiles in special tissue paper depending on the kind of fabric. Incoming photographs and some archives are scanned. Objects are photographed. The images are attached to the catalog records. The records and images can be viewed in the JHS online catalog at jamestownhistoricalsociety.org. On the home page select Online Catalog. Next click on Search the Online Catalog. Periodically volunteers inventory the Collection to insure items are properly stored in their correct locations. The vault, located in the lower level of Town Hall, is open Tuesday and Thursday, 9 AM until noon. Please visit the vault to see the collection and the work Lt. Cdmr (later Admiral) John Van Benthuysen Bleecker of the volunteers, to deliver donations, or make a at his summer home Bleecker’s Box in the summer of reference request. Reference requests can also be 1896. From an album donated by his great- emailed to [email protected] or granddaughter Ellen Bleecker Liversidge. mailed to P.O. Box 156. Fall 2016 - 9 DONATIONS AND ACQUISITIONS May 2016 through October 2016 Stephanie Amerigian: poster for “What is the Chapter, Jamestown, RI Certificate of Future of Dutch Island,” August 3, 2016. Merit…Marcy S. Sheehan, June 10, 1968; Bob Bailey and Kerry Sheehan: T-shirt Jamestown newspaper articles about Jamestown. Rocket Hogs 2016. John Doty: photo of his father, John Doty Sr. taken Anna Bernath: broom and dust pan for Museum inside the Variety Store. Family of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Biddle Jr.: two Peter Drury: family photographs to scan and return. blueprints of Audley Clarke’s proposed Michael Dupre: Bay View Hotel stationery; book of development of Beaver Tail Golf Course; 32 Trip Ferry Boat tickets; audited Financial newspaper clippings and photographs; Memoirs Statements Jamestown Bridge Commission – of a Yacht Club by Marston W. Keeler; Yacht July 2 to Oct. 27, 1969 Club letter and memorandum, 1980; Conanicut Rosemary Enright: Evan Fall Protection key chain; Battery plat map; Beavertail Lighthouse 2016 Jamestown FTM voter’s card and warrant; Museum Association time line; documents Jamestown Press magnet. relating to proposed Zoning Ordinance Pattie Faria: military and personal papers and amendment, 1982; Taxpayers Association photos of Joseph Robert Frank. letter, June 21, 1982. Janice Fletcher: Guest Book registry from home of Rob Birchill: photographs of the 1928 Chrysler Harriet and Hiram Beers; Mrs. Hiram Beers’ Estate Wagon owned by BE Hutchinson. business card; photo of Hiram Beers, Shirley Ann Boyton: photographs, correspondence, and Beers Whitehead, Ruth Beers Remick. score card from Beaver Tail Golf Club; photos Gabe Highstein: June Luedke Webb notecards with Jamestown 1st grade class (ca. 1945), Navy Base Jamestown scenes; computer mouse. Beavertail (1945), walking Jamestown/- Hutchinson Family: painting by J. A. S. Monks. Verrazano Bridge (1992), Bay View Hotel (1944). Cathy Kaiser: photographs of the PAC’s last day. George Boyer: article “Turret & All” by Jill Connors, Varoujan Karentz: “A supplementary Essay on the Design New England, Sept/Oct. 2016. Disestablishment of the Goat Island Torpedo Harry T. Burn: cup and saucer in the Unity pattern Station,” by Varoujan Karentz, August 2016. from Cottrell family set. Ralph Klingbeil: Bridge: Magazine of the Naval War Jim Buttrick: deed, Ocean Highland Company to College Foundation, Spring 2016 with photos of Elmyra D. Buttrick, April 10, 1925; article, JHS visit to Naval War College Museum. “Masterwork: The historic shingle style house in Janet Larson: four Save the Bay and one Rotary Jamestown, Rhode Island,” Design New Bicycle Race medals. England, May/June 2016; two copies of Jamestown Bridge Commission Report, one with notes by Cary Magruder; photos of Bay View, Tefft Cottage; Land Trust correspondence, 2008. Anna Templeton-Cotill: aerial photos of Beavertail and Ft. Getty. Elizabeth Di Censo: program, Reading Across Rhode Island, 2016; history of the Junior Women’s Club of Jamestown; material from the William Sheehan family; 12 photos including Bay View condo construction; North Kingstown HS

Commencement Exercise, 1972 and 1975; invitation to NKHS graduation, 1975; graduation “Crossing the Great Creek” by J.A.S. Monks, a gift program Jamestown School, 1975; John Eldred from Thayer Hutchinson and the Hutchinson family.

10 – Fall 2016 Dorrie Linn: Jamestown souvenir ash tray. poem by Isaac Howard Clarke; certificate to Bertram Lippincott: genealogies of the Remington, Alice Clarke Rhoad for wartime efforts, 1918; Arnold, and Parker families certificate of election to Jamestown School Little Compton Historical Society: book, If Jane Board, Isaac H. Clarke; letters to/from Isaac H. should want to be sold: Stories of enslavement, Clarke; Isaac H. Clarke business papers and four indenture, and freedom in Little Compton, deeds for properties owned by him; military Rhode Island by Marjory Gomez O’Toole. paper relating to R.R. Rhoad; military caps of Ellen Bleecker Liversidge: Bleecker family photo R.R. Rhoad; photo album of Rhoad family and album, summer 1896 at Bleecker Box. associates to scan. Sue Maden: decoupage decorative item with image William R. Ross: thesis, Preserving Jamestown of Bay View Hotel; article, “The Shift: Plats Rhode Island by William R. Ross. DuJour” by Jane Sigal, Wall Street Journal Bill Salmons: The Jonnycake Cookbook, published by Magazine, August 13, 2016; article, “History the Society for the Propagation of the Revisited,” Newport Life Magazine, Sept/Oct. Jonnycake Tradition in Rhode Island, July 1993. 2016; magnets, Jamestown Seaside Car Cruise. Fred Smith: Jamestown air raid warden cards; eight Barbara Magruder: book, Stones & bones of New cancellation postcards with drawing of the England, 2004, by Lis Rogak. windmill; blueprint for the refloating of the John Murphy: portrait by Jeanne Bunkley; American Governor Carr with signature of John Smith; Ye National Red Cross certificate to Julia A. Olde Map of James Towne or Quononoqutt Murphy, 1946. Island, with ribbon and signatures of Nancy Richardson McDermott: photo of Harold Jamestown Town Council in celebration of the Richardson’s Garage at 31 Narragansett; photo Tercentenary; Postcards of Jamestown. of oil painting of Central Garage by June Webb. Raymond Smith: History of Jamestown Rhode Island Larry McDonald: three programs of the Annual St. by W.L. Watson; article series, “A History of the Patrick’s Day Kiddies’ Revue and Down Memory Town of Jamestown: Early days around Lane, 1956, 1958, 1959. Narragansett Bay” by Mrs. Helmick. Ken Newman: magnet, Jamestown Art Center. St. Matthews’ Thrift Shop: key chains from Island Newport Historical Society: 10 audio discs U.S. Realty, Consistent Care, Jamestown Realty. Naval Torpedo Station Oral History. The Vieira family: grammar school graduation Bob Peckham: Jamestown Police Department picture of Mary Vieira Ragland; photos from the uniform patches. 1940s and 1950s to scan and return; article, Donna Peckham: photos of Jamestown and of the “Beavertail Light,” Providence Journal, Oct. 23, Richardson and Caswell families. 1949; statement, advertisement, and window Linnea Petersen: Covenant of Faith, Respect and sign from E.R. Vieira Co.; program Jamestown Mutual Concern, Agreed to by Three Junior High Graduation Exercises, 1963. Jamestown Churches, 2016. Brian Wallin: photo of Mary Miner. Frank Petrin: article, “Rhode Islanders in the Army Dennis Webster: plans for construction of stile at Camps,” Providence Journal, Dec. 21, 1941. windmill; three pamphlets prepared by the Chris Powell: blackthorn walking stick belonging to Arnold-Zweir Post 22 of the American Legion. Richard Champlin; four pins, Jamestown Yacht Harry and Josy Wright: letter about the Arnold Club 25th anniversary, Beavertail Light, Cemetery; “Arnold Memorial: William Arnold of Canonicut Yacht Club 1892, I Walked the Bridge Providence and Pawtuxet 1587-1675” compiled Oct. 1992; Fool’s Rules 2016 t-shirt. by Elisha Stephen Arnold, 1935; “Lost Course of Ginny Prichett: details of Town Plats Nos 1, 8, & 10. Narragansett Bay” by Rich Skyzinski, Golf Richard A. Hurley Realtor, March 27, 1947. Journal, Jan/Feb 1995; Lighthouses of New Jeff Rhoad: painting of Hull Cove by R.R. Rhoad Jr.; England by Malcolm F. Willoughby; material “Ye Olde Map of Jamestown” hand colored by concerning donation of development rights of R.R. Rhoad Jr.; book, Rhoad and affiliated Jamestown tract to Nature Conservancy, 1987- families by Robert R. Rhoad; book, Clarke 1988; Jamestown newspaper articles from the genealogies; typescript, Arnold family 1550- 1970s; “Quononoquott Club” by Sue Maden. 1966; baptismal certificate of Elizabeth Clarke Anne Ashton Ewing Zettek: Altamira pocket knife. Rhoad; letter from Alice Clarke Rhoad with Fall 2016 - 11 Jamestown Historical Society . Non Profit P.O. Box 156 Organization Jamestown, RI 02835 U.S. Postage PAID Newport, RI Permit #286

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Officers 2016-2017 Directors to 2017 President Judy Bell Mary Heath Jane Bentley Vice President Matthew Clarke Jim Buttrick Peter Converse Secretary Bob Flath Consider giving a Heidi Keller Moon Harry Wright friend or family Treasurer thru 12/16 Directors to 2018 member a gift Delia Klingbeil Suzi Andrews membership so they Treasurer elect Dianne Rugh too can enjoy the Rosemary Enright Bill Salmons benefits of being a Dan Wright JHS member. Directors to 2019 Stephanie Amerigian Eric Archer Polly Hutcheson Delia Klingbeil