Record for 1992
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lia b 10 Registeredby Austra Post—pu lication No NAR 72 RECORD A Longburn GraduateinDemand students wereeligiblefortheprize. for thetopfirst-yearaccountancystudentatuniversity. About500 currently studyingatMassey UniversityinPalmerstonNorth,North A andanA-,wastheHead BoyandDuxofLongburnin1990.Heis competing forhimtodopostgraduate studieswiththem.—G. New Zealand.Severaldepartments oftheBusinessStudiesFacultyare Nolan King,whocompleted lastyear'sstudieswithsixA+grades,an won theprestigiousNewZealandSocietyofAccountancy Award former LongburnAdventistCollege(NewZealand) studenthas ISSN 0819-5633 E. Walsh. VOL 97NO16May2,1992 RECORD EDITORIAL Official Paper Seventh-day Adventist Church South Pacific Division Relationships Editor Bruce Manners t's a word that's changed in mean- cent people skills and 10 per cent of Associate Editor Alan Holman Iing over the years. Because if I said whatever is left. Staff aren't robots, Assistant Editor Karen Miller they're people with hurts, loves, Editorial Secretary Glenda Fairall I'd like to have a relationship with Copy Editor Graeme Brown you, you'd probably be shocked. But quirks and complexes—just like their Senior Consulting Editor Laurie Evans that's what I'm planning to have—if managers. Correspondents Ray Baird, Lyn Bartlett, Terry In our rapidly changing world, Butler, Ray Coombe, David Hay, Maua Kemo'o, Colin you'll let me. Winch, Neroli Zaska The reason for this burst of outra- humanity is often forgotten in the rush Regional Reporters Nigel Ackland, George Drinkall, geous impudence is that most of our to achieve record profits. But smart Eric Greenwell, Colin House, Larry Laredo, Malcolm Potts, Leigh Rice, Lyndon Schick, Gordon Smith, lives are tied up in relationships. And managers know that performance is Chester Stanley, Calvyn Townend. without an understanding of how they invariably enhanced by staff nurtur- Local Reporters Church Communication Secretaries operate we can flounder along in an ing. It's a two-way street, of course. Subscriptions South Pacific Division, $A31.00 $NZ43.40. unnecessarily unhappy world. The staff must learn to appreciate the All other regions, $A64.00 SNZ89.60. Air mail postage I don't claim special insight, but I stresses of management. How long is rates on application. Order from Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. do believe this: relationships are the it since you said thanks to your boss Manuscripts All copy for the paper should be sent to key to any significant communication for your job? The Editor, RECORD, Signs Publishing Company, I believe in a good relationship with Warburton, Victoria 3799. Phone (059) 66 9111. and, notably, the key to successful wit- Telefax (059) 66 9019. nessing. So here are a few homespun myself. Absurd, I hear you say. Printed weekly by Signs Publishing Company. beliefs. Religion is essentially a relation- I'd love to form a lasting Directory of the South Pacific Division of the Seventh- ship. What matters most, for me, is my day Adventist Church, 148 Fox Valley Road, relationship with you. Wahroonga, NSW 2076. relationship with God and Christ. If Phone (02) 489 7122. (Legal Trustee: Australasian salvation was based on a knowledge of Conference Association Limited. A.C.N. 000 003 930 Secretary: Tom Andrews, Assistant Secretaries: theology, my law-keeping and rote Maybe. But do you have one? I Richard Milne, Properties: Bruce Jackson, Finance.) renditions of texts, I'd have given up learned long ago that it's bad news for President Bryan Ball ages ago. Kinship with Jesus is the both yourself and others if you get Secretary Laurie [vans Treasurer Tom Andrews central point of my spiritual life. around in a mask. Let me tell you, it Assistant to President Gerald Clifford And while I'm "in Him," He goes doesn't work! Not only does the brain Associate Secretary Vem Pannenter about the difficult process of making have to work overtime to maintain the Associate Treasurers Owen Mason, Lynray Wilson Field Secretary me "like Him." posture, it doesn't fool anybody— Relationships are the basis of a least of all, God. Departments and Services: ADRA Harold Halliday (Director), Neil Hughes, happy home. I love my family—the I can laugh, shout, sing, whistle and Peter "1 ruscott whole tribe of them. But I don't feel good about myself. And I often Adventist Health Percy Harrold (Director), Harley always agree with them. What hap- do. It's not pride, it's self-worth sneak- Stanton Adventist Health Services—Life Plus Don Bain pens in a good relationship is that you ing through. And if more people had (Director), Val Charlton. learn to accept someone else's per- more self-worth, the world would be a Adventist Media Centre Nat Devenish (Manager) spective. That's one of my biggest much happier place. Archivist and Statistician Roy Clifford Auditing Service Max Mitchell (Director), Eric problems, but I'm working on it. But It's that self-worth that makes me Hokin, Ernie Moffitt, Neville Sawert, Robert Stratford the basic relationship is strong enough confident in my abilities. If I wasn't, I Christian Services for the Blind and Hearing to withstand the ups and downs. wouldn't be writing this. Some years Impaired Ray Coombe Church Ministries Bryan Craig (Director and Family Age is, of course, a factor. The older ago, a man told me that he confronted Ministries), Wilfred Bili (Stewardship), Colleen Buxton I get the less I worry about my chil- clients with the opinion that he was (Children's Ministries), Barry Gane (Youth), Alwyn dren—what they will do with their lives, undoubtedly the best man for whatev- Salom (Personal Ministries), Eric Winter (Sabbath School) who they will marry. It crept up on me, er job was on offer. He got work. Can Communication, Public Affairs and Religious often the hard way, but I now realise you, with confidence, say that about Liberty Ray Coombe Education Les Devine (Director), Barry Hill, Ian that my children were individuals with your work? Howie, Owen Hughes, Bob Spoor tastes most likely different to mine. Jesus was the master of relationships. Health Food Eugene Grosser (Director), Greg Who then was Ito tell them what to All of His witnessing and communica- Gambrill, Lance Rogers, Allan Staples, Ray Windus Ministerial Association John Gate do with their lives? My role as a father tions were people orientated. Sure, he Publishing Bruce Campbell is to support them in their choices. had a tight program, but He didn't let it Risk Management Service Robert Smith (Manager) And, in spite of the occasional agony, get in the way of loving. That's the Trust Services Jim Lansdown I'm enjoying every moment of watch- essence of a true relationship. ing them live. So how about it? I'll be writing to Relationships are the cornerstones you from time to time. I'd love to Coven Nolan King of good management. In fact, I reckon form a lasting relationship with you. Photo: G. E. Walsh that successful management is 90 per Alan Holman. 2 RECORD May 2, 1992 LETTERS been done on the number of cases of did say that the cost of each house Frustrated sexual abuse within the Adventist would be 11.650 German marks— I've been frustrated by the corre- Church, these letters do provide evi- roughly $20. The Khokana leper spondence regarding sexual abuse. dence of what has occurred—and is homes will be featured in the After reading the letter by G. E. occurring. RECORD within the next few weeks. Game (March 21), I couldn't be silent Unfortunately, it may be more seri- any longer. ous than we dare think. It seems that Oxymoronic? I was sexually abused by my Adventist family counsellors in Until now I have always thought Adventist father. Later, I married an Australia and New Zealand are fairly that the greatest oxymoron was a Adventist and felt that finally, life unanimous in stating that, from their "holy war." [Oxymoron: a figure of might have some meaning. Some 13 experience, the Adventist Church is no speech that seems a self-contradiction, years later, I discovered that he had better than the rest of the community in for instance "good grief."] After read- sexually abused our two daughters. the percentage of sexual abuse cases ing the article entitled "The Facts In my local church I have five that occur. (We've been in contact with About Lab I and II" (April 4), I friends who have been sexually only three, but it is a topic that has believe that the Adventist Church abused as children and I understand been discussed among Adventist coun- may have surpassed that with its sup- that there are others who are desper- sellors.) port of "Christian NLP." ate for support. As long as Christians The victims and the perpetrators Indeed, the title of the article was remain "tuned out" on this problem, need our help. itself a quasi-oxymoron (is there such families like ours feel unable to come a thing?), since the article contained forward for prayer and loving support. Wrong Message virtually no facts. Name Withheld. I recently read a Flashpoint article I marvel that many of our church in the RECORD about the Khokana officers can be so naive as to believe Head in the Sand? leprosy homes in Nepal (November that we can adopt a practice whose G. E. Garne has a "head in the 23, 1991). It was a good report except origins are steeped in Erikson mind sand" approach in his letter about sex- for the information that "each house control. I pray that the leadership of ual abuse in the Adventist Church. and materials will cost only $20." I our church will respond to the con- We may not want to accept its exis- lived in Nepal for 21 years, but I never cerns raised over neurolinguistic pro- tence, but it's fallacious to assume that found a place where I could build a gramming (NLP) by justifying its use Adventists are not affected.