Synthesis and Characteristics of Phosphonate- Containing Maleimide Polymers

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Synthesis and Characteristics of Phosphonate- Containing Maleimide Polymers Polymer Journal, Vol.33, No. 9, pp 676—684 (2001) Synthesis and Characteristics of Phosphonate- Containing Maleimide Polymers ∗,∗∗ ∗,† ∗∗ Wei-Jye SHU, Li-Hsiang PERNG, and Wei-Kuo CHIN ∗Department of Chemical Engineering, Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology, Chiung-Lin, 307 Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China ∗∗Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 300 Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China (Received March 12, 2001; Accepted May 17, 2001) ABSTRACT: Phosphonate-containing N-phenyl maleimide monomers were synthesized by a two-step reaction. All maleimide polymers were synthesized by free radical polymerization in toluene solution using azobis(isobutyronitrile) (AIBN) as initiator. The structures of the maleimide monomers were identified by 1H, 13C, 31P-NMR, and element analysis. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG) were used to analyze the thermal properties of the polymers. The degree of polymerization in phosphonate-containing maleimide polymers should be affected by side chains. The introduction of phosphonate into a side chain of maleimide polymer may reduce the glass transition temperature (Tg) and thermal stability, but increase char yield of solid residue as an excellent flame retardant. Tg and thermal stability of the phosphonate-containing maleimide polymers depended on substitution of the phenyl ring in the side chain. Phosphonate-containing maleimide polymers with halogen or sulfur atom may combine the flame retarding mechanism of gas-phase and solid-phase to promote their flame retardancy. KEY WORDS Phosphonate-Containing Maleimide Polymers / Flame Retardant / The combustibility of organic polymers limits their properties, studies of phosphorus-containing flame re- application. Therefore, the development of organic tardant have changed gradually from additive type to polymers with flame retardancy has become an impor- reactive type. tant study topic. Traditional flame retarding polymers N-substituted maleimide monomers, such as N- are prepared from physical blending with flame retard- phenylmaleimide (PM), N-hydroxyphenylmaleimide ing additives.1, 2 Flame retarding additives are always (HPM) and halogen-substituted N-hydroxyphenylm- halogens. Halogen ions catch free radicals released aleimide (XHPM), are usually designed to modify ther- during combustion and interrupt combustion reactions mal stability and fire resistance of organic matrix ma- to get higher flame resistance. Nevertheless, such de- terials.5–8 All these monomers are homopolymerized composition reactions release simultaneously smoke or copolymerized with monomers such as styrene for and toxic substances. The applications of halogen- the purpose of materials-modification. Copolymers, for containing flame retardants are limited due to more and example, of PM with styrene,9–11 methyl methacry- more strict environment laws. In contrast, the devel- late,12–14 acrylonitrile15 or vinyl acetate16 have higher opment of non-halogen flame-retardants, such as the thermal stability and fire resistance. HPM polymer phosphorus-containing flame-retardants with the lower use is limited since the phenol group induces chain smoke density and toxicity will become the mainstream transfer during polymerization to lead lower polymer- in the future. Like halogens, phosphorus-containing ization. The introduction of substituted side groups compositions evolved in gas phase catch free radicals in the HPM monomer17 promote polymerization. released during combustion and interrupt combustion Halogen-substituted XHPM polymers possess thermal reactions. The thermal decomposition of phosphorus- stability from imide ring and flame retardancy from containing polymer, mainly having a flame retarding halides.18–20 Studies on phosphorus-introduced flame ability in condensed phase,3 produces condensation re- retardant systems are few in the literature.21 We de- actions and catalyzes the chain transfer of carbonization signed N-phenylmaleimide polymers with different to form high char yield of solid residue. The char layer substituted phosphonate-containing side groups to prevent heat transfer, brings down the burning temper- study thermal stability and flame retarding properties. ature and inhibits the release of combustible gas to get a fine fireproof effect.3, 4 Due to restrictions in applica- tions for some reasons such as processing or physical †To whom correspondence should be addressed (Tel: +886-3-5923551, Fax: +886-3-5927310, E-mail: [email protected] (Li-Hsiang Perng)). 676 Phosphonate-Containing Maleimide C–OH); 168.4 (2–C=O). EA(%): C, 63.1; H, 3.8; N, EXPERIMENTAL 7.1 (calc.: C, 63.5; H, 3.7; N, 7.4). N-(2,6-Dibromo-4-hydroxyphenyl)maleimide Materials (DBHPMI).24 With the same type of flask as 4-Aminophenol, 3-aminophenol, 4-amino-2,6-dib- above, 10 g (0.0288 mol) 4-amino-2,6-dibromophenol romophenol, maleic anhydride, and cuprous (I) chlo- were added gradually to a solution of maleic anhydride ride were obtained from Lancaster. Acetic anhydri- (3.5 g) in 50 mL THF and the mixture was stirred 5 h de and triethylamine (TEA) were obtained from TE- in a water bath to obtain a clear amic acid solution. DIA. Diethyl chlorophosphonate (DECP), diphen- The mixture including stoichiometric amounts of ylphosphoryl chloride (DPPC), and diethyl chloroth- acetic anhydride, 0.5 g cobalt acetate and 1.5 g TEA, iophosphonate (DECTP) were obtained from Aldrich was added dropwise to this solution of amic acid Chemicals. Cobalt acetate was obtained from Showa. already raised temperature to 80◦C. After stirring 5 h, All reagents were used as received. Tetrahydrofu- the mixture was distilled to remove THF and obtain ran (THF) was distilled after dehydration with sodium. the precipitate. The precipitate was washed several N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) was dried over CaH2. times with de-ionic water to reach a neutral state and Other solvents were purified by conventional methods. recrystallized several times with ethyl acetate/n-hexane to obtain the bromine-containing N-phenyl maleimide Synthesis monomer dried under reduced pressure. , N-Hydroxyphenylmaleimide.22 23 In a three-neck Yield 60% as fine golden yellow needles, mp 202– flask equipped with a teflon-stirrer and a thermometer 203◦C. 1H NMR (d- chloroform), δ (ppm): 6.84 (2 H, and purged with nitrogen gas at a constant flow rate, s, –CO–CH=CH–CO–); 6.65 (2 H, s, 2–H,6–H); 10 g (0.0917 mol) of 3-(or 4)-aminophenol were added 3.64 (1 H, 4–OH). 13C NMR (d-chloroform), δ (ppm): gradually into the solution of maleic anhydride (11 g) 115.5 (3–C,5–C); 122.6 (1–C–N–); 128.5 (2–C,6– in 50 mL of DMF and the mixture was stirred 2 h in C); 134.5 (–CO–CH=CH–CO–); 157.1 (4–C–OH); a water bath to obtain a clear amic acid solution. A 170.4 (2–C=O). EA (%): C, 34.0; H, 1.5; N, 4.2 (calc.: mixture of 5.5 g phosphorus pentaoxide, 2.5 g sulfuric C, 34.6; H, 1.4; N, 4.0). acid and 50 mL DMF was then added dropwise to the Phosphonate-containing Monomers.25 The flask as ◦ amic acid solution, already raised temperature to 80 C, above with ice bath was charged with 100 mL THF over a period of 1 h. After stirring for 6 h, the mix- and added to a mixture of 0.016 mol N-hydroxy- ture was cooled and poured into 500 mL ice water to phenylmaleimide, 3 mL TEA and 0.012 g Cu2Cl2.A obtain the precipitate by filtering. The precipitate was solution of 0.0192 mol chlorophosphonate (such as di- washed several times with de-ionic water and recrys- ethyl chlorophosphonate, DECP 3.3 g) in 50 mL THF tallized several times with isopropanol to obtain the N- was added gradually to the mixture during 2 h. The re- phenylmaleimide monomer dried under reduced pres- action was kept at room temperature for 12 h. The mix- sure. ture was filtered to remove the precipitate of amine hy- (i) N-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)maleimide (3HPMI). drochloride and distilled to remove THF to obtain the ◦ 1 Yield 64% as straw yellow powder, mp 137–138 C. H precipitate. The precipitate was dissolved in 100 mL NMR(DMSO), δ(ppm): 6.73(2 H, m, 2 –H, and 4 – ethyl acetate and extracted by 1% NaOH solution to H or 6 –H); 6.88 (1 H, dd, J = 8.2 and 2.4 Hz, 4 – obtain the organic layer. The organic layer was iso- H or 6 –H); 7.13 (2 H, s, –CO–CH=CH–CO–); 7.24 lated and dried with anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The (1 H, dd, J = 8.2 and 8.2 Hz, 5 –H); 4.05 (1 H, s, 3 – organic layer was recrystallized with n-hexane to ob- OH). 13C NMR (DMSO), δ (ppm): 113.8 (2 –C); 114.7 tain the phosphonate-containing N-phenyl maleimide (4 –C); 117.2 (6 –C); 129.5 (5 –C); 132.4 (1 –C–N–); monomer dried under reduced pressure. 134.6 (–CO–CH=CH–CO–); 157.6 (3 –C–OH); 169.9 (i) Diethyl (3-(N-maleimido) phenyl) phosphonate (2–C=O). EA(%): C, 63.0; H, 3.9; N, 7.0 (calc.: C, (3MIP). Yield 78% as a dark brown liquid, 1H NMR 63.5; H, 3.7; N, 7.4). (d-chloroform), δ (ppm): 7.38 (1 H,d, 2–H); 7.14 (ii) N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)maleimide (4HPMI). (1 H,d, 6–H); 7.29 (2 H, d, 4–H,5–H); 6.83 (2 H, s, – ◦ Yield 71% as orange needles, mp 185–186 C. 1H NMR CO–CH=CH–CO–); 3.87 (2 H, q, O–CH –CH ); 1.65 2 3 (d-chloroform), δ (ppm): 7.38 (2 H,d, 2 –H,6–H); (3 H, t, O–CH –CH ). 13C NMR (d-chloroform), δ 2 3 7.19 (2 H, d, 3 –H,5–H); 6.83 (2 H, s, –CO–CH=CH– (ppm): 151.5 (3–C–O–P), 130.5 (5–C); 132.4 (1– 13 CO–); 3.70 (1 H, 4 –OH).
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    Pure & Appl. Chem., Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 489493, 1988. Printed in Great Britain. @ 1988 IUPAC Kinetics and mechanism of the hydrolysis of functional groups in the side-chain of macrocyclic Cu2+-com piexes Daniel Tschudin and Thomas A. Kaden Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Spitalstr.51, CH 4056 Basel, Switzerland Abstract- A series of functionalized tetraazamacrocycles 2-8 carrying in their pendant side-chain a group which can be hydrolyzed, have been synthesised and their Cu(I1) complexes prepared. The structure analysis of the Cu(I1) complex with 5 shows a pentacoordinate Cu(I1) surrounded by the four nitrogens of the macrocycle and the carbonyl oxygen of the ester group in a distorted square pyramidal geometry. Whereas the Cu(I1) complexes with the amide derivatives 7 and 8 do not react, the nitrile, the esters of the carbonic acids and of the phosphonate are hydrolyzed in alkaline solution. The kinetics of these reactions were measured and the rate constants determined. The pH-profiles log k/pH are linear with pH for the esters 3-5, whereas those of the nitrile 2 and the phosphonate ester 6 exhibit a plateau at high pH. This allows to state that the hydrolysis of these last two compounds proceeds through an internal OH- attack. For the mechanism of the carbonic acid ester hydrolysis several possibilities are discussed, but no definitive choice is yet possible. INTRODUCTION In several esterases and peptidases metal ions play an important role at the active site (ref.1). In general they are essential for activity and it is thought that the metal ion acts as a Lewis-acid and polarizes the bonds of the reactive group so that a nucleophilic attack is facilitated and thus hydrolysis takes place.
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