Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme Between Earth and Sky

Using the Elements as a Theme Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme Pancha Mahabhuta

Maha — great Bhuta — to be, become

The Elements in the Body

The ancient Samkhyan and later, the Tantric philosophers, endeavored to take an account of all that was known.

They developed the Tattva System which categorized everything within their realm of experience and knowing.

In this system each element found in nature exists within the realm of the body. Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme

Akasha Space/Ether —Where all things exist, present in everything seen and unseen.

Vayu Air — Akasha in motion. Responsible for all movement.

Tejas Fire — Responsible for all transformation, chemical and electrical activity (metabolism- conversion into energy, catabolism - breaking down to release energy)

Jala Water — flow, cohesion, lubrication, and connection - physical, mental and emotional

Prithvi Earth — form, mass Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme

Consider Each Element

Earth Fire Space/ What qualities or words come into your mind? Ether Water Air Make a word list for each element. Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme

Personal Contemplation

What is your strongest element?

How does this relate to how you approach your personal practice?

What element do you want to expand more or enhance?

How would this benefit you?

How could you impact other people’s lives with this quality?

Understanding your own predisposition will help you to develop a practice that suits you and will increase your ability to relate to other people. Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme What poses can you think of that would relate well to and demonstrate your element?

For example: What postures have an ‘earthy feel’, an ‘airy quality’, or relate to the characteristics of fire or water?

What postures stimulate the area of the body where the element is related with?

For example: Standing postures bring activity to the legs and hips, stimulate the large muscle groups and help to warm up the body. They are great for working with the steady, grounding quality of the earth energy and for enhancing agility and mobility qualities of the water element. Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme

Basic Class Template

Sunsalutations Utthita Vrksasana (tree 1 pose) (warrior 1) Mukha Svanasana Parivrtta Downward-Facing Dog Parsvakonasana (one leg raised with and (revolved side angle without twisting) pose) Janusirsasana (head to Virabhadrasana 2 knee pose) (warrior 2) Upavistha Konasana (wide leg forward bend - (side angle stretch) sitting) Utthita Pascimottasana (forward (triangle) bend - sitting) Ardha pavana (wide legged forward muktasana (½ wind bend) relieving posture) Parsvottanasana Intense Supra Padangusthasana Weave your postures that Side Stretch Pose (reclining big toe pose) relate to your theme into a (pyramid) Reclining Twists basic sequence. Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme Connect the Mind to the Body with Linking

Use linking words with words that convey the essence or quality of an element to move the body and involve the intellect so that the body and mind are working in relationship to effect more lasting shifts in awareness and personal development.

Linking Words Examples

bring convey express communicate encourage invite

create establish generate activate give rise to

A sense of a feeling of the essence of a sensation of a mood of / mood

in order to so that as if to Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme Connect the Mind to the Body with Linking Words

Cueing Template

1. Create ______(quality related to an element) By ______

______(action – for example: ‘root to rise’ or refer to the midlines of the body, a reference to the breath.

2. ______“to”______Action/Command Result related to the qualities of an element.


“Push deep into your feet to create a steady connection as you stand up.” Action/command result

“Cultivate a sense of calm and support the framework of your body with the rhythm of your breath.” Quality related to the element Action

“Refresh your posture by letting the movement of your breath guide the form of your body.”

“Close your eyes and turn your gaze backward and down as if you were looking into the interior landscape of your body.”

Class Design: Using the Chakras and the Elements as a Theme Earth

Create Transform Structure Generate Transformative Framework Produce Rooted Platform Nourish Root Source Nurture Grounded Plant Tend Embody Planted Cultivate Stable Magnetize Make Stabilize Magnetic Realize Stability Attractive Natural Connect Attraction Refresh Connection Gravity Sustain Grow Force Maintain Strengthen Charged Feed Sturdy Charge Rhythm Steady Open Cycle Steadiness Support Evolve Focus Supportive Revolve Focused Solid