TICKETS Angelosanto Becomes City's Top

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TICKETS Angelosanto Becomes City's Top ;WI? S F O R WIN FREE FUTURE TICKETS SEE CWSIFIEDS - SECTION C 60 TO HOMETOWNLIFE.COM TO ENTER SUNDAY READY REFERENCE M3V 8 2011 Newspaper ciassi S C tio r * ' are available n c WESTLAN The Observer & Eccentric ' Newspapers. Volume 46 Number 100 L l i $1.00 hometownlife f t com a g a n n e t T c o m p a n y WEE>C£p!D ~ IHSIDfc I N B R I E F M a e Hours State Rep. Richard LeBianc, D-Westiand, will hold his next local coffee hour 9-10 a.m. Monday, May 9, at the at the Battle over William P. Faust Public Library, 6123 Central City Parkway. Residents are welcome to visit with LeBianc and discuss issues and/or concerns. The local funding cuts coffee hour takes place on the second Monday of each month. Residents who have any comments or concerns, can also contact LeBianc toll-free at (888) 737-5325 or at (517} i s n ' t o v e r 373-2576 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. BY SUE MASON State Sen. Glenn Anderson, OBSERVER STAFF WRITER D-Westland, also will hold dis­ Wayne-Westland school officials are urg­ trict coffee hours on Monday, ing parents of students to continue to pepper May, 9, in Westland and Redford. state lawmakers with letters and e-mails, No appointment is necessary. protesting proposed school aid budgets that Anderson will be at the could short the district more than $14 mil­ William P. Faust Public Library New Westland Police Chief Greg Angelosanto takes the oath of office as his wife Kathleen holds the Bible. lion. 9-10 a.m. and at the Redford The call comes on the heels of a Senate- Community Center, 12121 approved education budget that would cut Hemingway, Redford, 10:30-11:30 per-pupil funding by $340 and take $395.9 a,m. million from the School Aid Fund to divert it Constituents who would Angelosanto becomes city's top cop to other budgets. like to address an issue with “The battle isn’t over yet,” Wayne-Westland Anderson but are unable Westland has a new police chief with the promotion of Supt. Greg Baracy said. “We still have to be to attend may contact him Greg Angelosanto to the department’s top spot. relentless in working with our state repre­ by mail, at P.O. Box 30036, A 20-year veteran with the department, Angelosanto sentatives. The cuts are still too great and Lansing, Ml 48933, by phone was sworn in as chief Thursday afternoon just hours after the state shouldn’t be raiding the School Aid at (866) 262-7306 or by e-mail the Civil Service Commission certified the promotional Fund.” at SenatorAndersonisenate. list. The budget, approved by the Senate last He had served as deputy chief since August 2010. week, faced opposition from both sides of Angelosanto has experience in numerous high the aisle, forcing Lt. Gov. Brian Calley to Oseo le d 13½ level positions as lieutenant, including serving as break a 19-19 tie by casting the deciding vote to pass the budget plan. Seven Republican The Friends of the William P. the commander of the Detective Bureau, the Special Investigations Unit and the Metro Street Enforcement senators — Tory Rocca of the 10th District, Faust Library will hotd a used ; Team, a multi-jurisdictional crime task force. Jack Brandenburg of the 11th District, Mike book sale Friday-Sunday, May During his career, Angelosanto has earned 34 depart­ Nofs of the 19th District, Rick Jones of the 13-15, at the library, 6123 Central mental awards and is a graduate of the Federal Bureau 24th District, David Hildebrand of the 2 9 th City Parkway, north of Ford of Investigation National Academy Associate School of District, Mike Green of the 31st District and Road. Leadership and the Eastern Michigan University School Geoff Hansen of the 34th District—joined Hardcover books, DVDs and of Police Staff and Command. their Democratic colleagues in voting no. CDs will sell for $1, large paper­ Angelosanto and his wife, Kathleen, have four children, Westland Deputy Police Chief Dan Karrick (left) joined “The people of Michigan put their faith backs for 50 cents, small paper­ two daughters and two sons, ranging in age from 5 to 18. recently retired chief Alan Ramsden and former deputy chief in us as elected officials to act in their best backs, videos, cassettes and The promotion is due to the retirement of former police Mark Engstrom in congratulating newly sworn-in police Chief interests and stand up for education, and the records for 25 cents, magazines Chief Alan Ramsden who worked for the city for more Greg Angelosanto. Republican budget vote to cut our schools and small paperback romance than 20 years and one year as chief. is a blatant betrayal of their trust,” said books for 10 cents. Hours will “I would like to thank Chief Ramsden for his many Chief Angelosanto on his promotion and thank him for Sen. Glenn Anderson, whose 6th District be 10 a.m. to 4 pm. Friday and years of service to the residents of our All-American City,” accepting the honor of the highest level of protection in Saturday. Sunday there will be a said Mayor William Wild. “I would like to congratulate serving our residents and this great city.” Please see BUDGET, A2 $4 Bag Dale Sale noon to 3 p,m. There also will be a preview sale 3-6 p.mjhursday, May 12, for Friends members. You can become a Friend at the preview Hearing adjourned in WYAA em bezzlem ent case sale. Proceeds from the book sale BY LEANNE ROGERS charge. she expected the preliminary examina­ being left in the door of the associa­ help the Friends are now paying OBSERVER STAFF WRITER Defense attorney tion to be lengthy. tion building on Farmington Road. for all programs that are held at Mary Mahoney told Free on $10,000/10 percent bond, Current WYAA President Don Haas the library. A preliminary examination for Judge Mark McConnell Huren is charged with stealing said that no cash deposits were made For more information, call a former Westland Youth Athletic that she had not yet $31,000 from the WYAA from January into the association account for about (734)326-6123. Association president charged with received the consider­ to July 2010 while serving as president. six months. embezzling more than $20,000 from able amount of discov­ Representatives from WYAA filed Now in its 53rd year, WYAA regis­ S e s i i f f p i i the group has been adjourned until ery needed to prepare a complaint with police in July 2010 ters about 1,000 youngsters 5-16 years The SJ.S. Department of Wednesday, May 25. Huren her case. after Huren had resigned as president. old annually in football, baseball, vol­ Homeland Security has award­ Garden City resident Galen Huren “I talked to the Huren, who has entered a not guilty leyball, basketball, softball and cheer­ ed Wayne County's Department Jr., 46, appeared in Westland 18th prosecutor and he was agreeable to plea, denied the allegations when leading. The group is self-supporting of Homeland Security and District Court Thursday when the adjourning the preliminary examina­ interviewed by police. through registration fees and fundrais­ Emergency Management $4 hearing was scheduled to determine tion. There is little likelihood that the WYAA officials began to realize ers. million to help strengthen whether there was sufficient evidence examination would be waived,” said there was a problem after finding bills emergency communications for him to stand trial on the felony Mahoney, who also commented that were unpaid. Shut-off notices were lrogers@ | ¢313) 222-5428 among communities along the U.S. border with Canada. Funding can be used for equipment purchases, plan­ ning, training and conducting Residents welcome new screening behind Art Van exercises. BY LEANNE ROGERS screening issues for neighbors. The tent sale The Implementing • OBSERVER STAFF WRITER approval was granted the day before the sale Recommendations of the 9/11 was set to begin. Commission Act of 2007 calied The Westland Art Van store will be getting a “I’m happy to bring this request to you. on DBS’s Office of Emergency new eight-foot fence to screen neighbors from After the last meeting, I took the opportunity Communications to establish the back of their building and also two tents to to meet with Art Van and consult with the the Border Interoperability hold their annual sale. neighbors on Marina Court” said Planning Demonstration Project to After hearing a repeat oflast year’s com­ Director Bruce Thompson. “The final solution identify solutions that facilitate plaints from residents living on Marina Court is an eight-foot high screening fence along the emergency communications about the poor condition of the screening common lot line. The chain link fence is to be Monday thru Friday, 11am - 3pm along and across the border, berm, noise, litter and lack of privacy, the removed.” and ensure that emergency Westland City Council rejected Art Van’s \ The eight-foot height of the fence was neces­ ■ Served with fries, soup or coleslaw response providers can com­ request to conduct their annual tent sale May sary due to the grade changes in the residential Grilled Chicken Sandwich • Baked Ham Sandwich municate during natural 3-25. properties, he said, which caused a six-foot Fresh Meatloaf Sandwich • Corned Beef Sandwich disasters, acts of terrorism, and Council members did leave the door open to screening fence to be ineffective.
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