Français ANNUAL REPORT 2014


Word from the President 04


Institutional Activities. 06 General Assembly 06 Donors and Partners 06 International Festival of Human Rights Films 06

Training Sessions 07

Training sessions in 07 1. Teaching sessions 07 Summer Course on Refugee Law 07 Annual Study Session 10 2. Continuing training 15 Referral to the ECHR 15 France and ECHR 16 3. Seminars 17 Seminar for Italian Law Practitionners 17 Seminar on Administrative Detention 18 4. Educational Activities 19 Human Rights Clinic 19 René Cassin European Pleading Competition 20

Training sessions in Strasbourg 21 Italy 22 Mali 23 Lebanon 26 Morocco 28 Côte d’Ivoire 30 Republic of Congo 32 Haiti 34

International Conference 37 Abolition of the Death Penalty 37

Research Activities 39 Symposiums 39 René Cassin Thesis Prize 41 Publications 42

IIHR Programme 2015 44


Innovation and development have marked the year 2014.

Indeed, for the first time this year, the Institute organised a high level International Conference, that gathered highly renowned specialists to debate on « the Universal Abolition of the Death Penalty» in order to contribute to political change and progressively putting an end to this barbarous practice that violates human rights. Organised in October at the headquarter of the Interamerican Court of human rights in Costa Rica, to which I would like to personally give thanks for their precious support, this event aimed at putting in perspective different reductionists and abolitionists strategies, in particular moratoriums in law or in practice. This Conference also reflects the will of our Institute to develop more activities in Latin America. In addition, the Court of San José came to visit the Institute on 22 October, a first.

We developed new sessions in Africa and wider the scope of our action to the Maghreb by organising a session in Rabat designed and dedicated to the executives of the Council of Human Rights of Morocco. We also strengthened our action in Central Africa with the setting up of a session in Mali, as well as a session in Republic of Congo in partnership with the French Embassy and the European Union, that was a success and will be renewed in 2016. These three sessions were devoted to improve the protection of the most vulnerables such as children, women, victims of conflict and minorities.

Last year we put in place a Human Rights Clinic in Strasbourg in partnership with the Strasbourg Law Faculty. The Clinic is a legal training which aims at allowing students to learn law while practicing. In December 2014, the students of the promotion 2013-2015 have for example submitted a third-party- Intervention to the ECHR in the Lambert case related to the end of life, thus putting in practice before one of the most prestigious Judicial Institutions the knowledge gained during their university programme. The Clinic welcomed a second promotion in Octobre 2014. The students of the two promotions also had the opportunity to follow seminars given by renowned experts. At the end of the Clinic programme, a university diploma will be delivered to the students.

We supported the organisation of the René Cassin Moot Court Competition 2014. Created in 1984, the ‘Cassin’ is an international French-speaking moot court competition based on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Over the years it became the most distinguished French-speaking moot court competition in this field. Each year, it offers the opportunity to students coming from all over the world to face each other at the occasion of a fake trial before the Court.

Finally, we have started to change the legal status of the Institute (currently association) into a Foundation, which should lead to a better management and development of our activities. This major turning point, unanimously approved in its principle by the IIHR General Assembly in September 2014, should be endorsed by a decree of the Conseil d’Etat (Council of State) in 2015. Local authorities and ministries will be stakeholders of the Foundation, which thanks to tax incentives due to this status, will be able to receive donations from private partners.

The year 2015 should open the doors to new perspectives. But none of this could be possible without the work and the talent of all the people, of all countries, the Institute relies on: members of the staff, professors, sessions’ participants, members of the association… To all, I wish a happy new year, and I thank them warmly.

Jean-Paul Costa IIHR President



Jean-Paul COSTA President

Sébastien TOUZÉ Secretary General

Jean-Pierre WACKER Treasurer


Delphine LENEUTRE Programme Officer

Muriel SOGNIGBE SANGBANA Project Officer


Mehdi BELKAHLA Scientific Coordinator


Astrid SALCEDO Communication Officer


Kathy BINGLER Administrative and Financial Officer

Anne-Laure GRUSSI Executive Assistant


Meeting of the General Assembly and the Executive Board

The General Assembly is comprised of all the IIHR members and elects among them the representatives of the Executive Board. Every year the General Assembly and the Executive Board meet in order to put in place the overall policy strategy of the organisation.

The Executive Board gathered on 14 June 2014 in Aix-en-Provence, at the end of the IIHR Annual symposium, in order to discuss current issues including the project of IIHR legal transformation (currently association) into a foundation. On 13 September 2014, the Institute held an ordinary General Assembly and extraordinary General Assembly in . The change of legal status into a foundation recognised as being one for public purposes was officially endorsed and should happen in the course of 2015.

Reelection of the President and the Secretary General

On 1st December 2014, the Executive Board of the International Instititute of Human Rights has reelected Mr. Jean-Paul Costa as President and Mr. Sébastien Touzé as Secretary General for a three-year term from 1st january 2015.

Donors and Partners

Thanks to the financial support of our donors and partners, the International Institute of Human Rights is able to implement and develop its training and research activities. The Institute’s activities are supported by: EPAS (the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport); French-Speaking University Agency (AUF); French Embassy in Congo; French Embassy in Haiti; French Embassy in Morocco; National Assembly (France); Strasbourg Bar; Centre de Recherche et d’Études sur les droits de l’homme et le droit humanitaire (CREDHO); Centre d’Études Internationales et Européennes de l’Université de Strasbourg; Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue; Jean Bodin Centre; United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa (CNUDHD-AC); National Commission for Human Rights in Côte d’Ivoire (CNDHCI); European Committee of Social Rights; Conseil national des droits de l’homme of Morocco; Interamerican Court of Human Rights (IACHR); Delegation of the European Union in Congo; School of Higher Economics of Moscow; School for Magistracy (EMA) in Haiti; Strasbourg Lawyers’ School (ERAGE); Strasbourg Law Faculty; Faculty of Political Sciences of Bologna; International Basketball Association (FIBA); Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty; Marangopoulos Foundation; King Baudouin Foundation; Government of Germany; Government of the Netherlands; UNHCR; Initiative de la Société Civile ; Human Rights Institute of the Paris Bar; European Bar Human Rights Institute; Institut judiciaire du Mali; Ministry for Foreign Affairs (France); Ministry for Justice (France); Ministry of sports, youth, Education and community life (France); UNOCI; Ordre des Avocats à la Cour d’; International Organisation for Francophonie; Prime Minister (France); MINUSMA; Région Alsace; Denmark Permanent Representation before the Council of Europe; France Permanent Representation before the Council of Europe; Luxembourg Permanent Representation before the Council of Europe; Senate (France); European Union; Angers University; Catholic University of Milan; University Marien Ngouabi; Strasbourg University; University Jinan (UJL) of Lebanon; City of Strasbourg.

International Festival of Human Rights Films The International Festival of Human Rights Films (FIFDH) is the festival of documentaries on Human Rights in France. Its objective is to raise public awareness on the fight for human rights. At the end of each films, debates were organised with film directors, professors, journalists, human rights defenders. Since afew years, the IIHR support the FIFDH of Strasbourg and Paris.


1. Teaching sessions The Institute organises every year in Strasbourg two types of teaching sessions: on the one hand, a session dedicated to International Refugee Law and on the other hand, a session dedicated to International Human Rights Law.


Better responding to massive influx of refugees

OBJECTIVE In 2014, the Institute and the UNHCR organised their 17th Summer Course on Refugee Law aimed at an international French speaking audience. It took place from 23 June to 4 July at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg. This training course, established in 1998, aims at strengthening capacity of professionals/ persons who already have field experience or/and theoretical knowledge of this topic.

This Course addresses International Refugee Law and examines international and regional issues related to refugees, internally displaced and stateless persons. The lectures are given by high level experts selected for their field experience or the academic knowledge. They teach during two weeks in-depth courses on the matter. Participants are also confronted to a fictive application from an asylum seeker in order to allow them to gain some practice. The aim of this course is to respond to existing training needs of professionals dealing with issues linked to refugees, internally displaced and stateless persons in order to provide them with better support and protection.

The session is designed for: Members of Police Force Members of National Eligibility Committees Judges, lawyers and legal professionals Academics UNHCR Staff Government Officials Students OFPRA Officers UN Staff International and National NGOs Staff

7 THEMES Courses Speakers Welcoming statements Jean-Paul COSTA, IIHR President, Former President of the ECHR; Philippe LECLERC, UNHCR Representative in France, Paris Opening conference Maya SAHLI-FADEL, , Commissioner, Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Displaced Persons and Migrants in Africa, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Banjul (Gambia) Refugee Law and International Human Rights Law Sandrine TURGIS, Lecturer at University Reims Champagne- Ardenne Introduction to the UNHCR’s terms of reference and its activities Gert WESTERVEEN, Representative, UNHCR Representation to the European Institution in Strasbourg Convention of 28 July 1951 and Protocole of 31 January 1967 on Jean-Yves CARLIER, Member of the Academic Network the status of refugees : article 1 A, inclusion Odysseus, Professor and President of International Law Department at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium Convention of 28 July 1951 and Protocole of 31 January 1967 on Jean-Yves CARLIER, Member of the Academic Network the status of refugees : article 1 C and F1, exclusion and cessation Odysseus, Professor and President of International Law Department at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium Refugees in armed conflicts Ghislaine DOUCET, Legal Councelor, ICRC, Delegation in Europe Convention of 28 July 1951 and Protocole of 31 January 1967 on Alexis MARIE, Adjunct Jugde at UNHCR for the Cour Nationale the status of refugees: article 33, non-refoulement principle du Droit d’Asile Internaly displaced persons Louise AUBIN, Deputy Director, Division for international protection, UNHCR Geneva Statelessness : How to prevent it and what rights for stateless José FISCHEL DE ANDRADE, Senior Protection Officer, persons? UNHCR, Paris European policy on asylum and immigration Maria-Teresa GIL-BAZO, Lecturers, Director of postdoctoral research project, Newcastle Law School Visit to the European Court of Human Rights Ledi BIANKU, Jugde at the ECHR Round Table on activities of the UNHCR Representation in Jutta SEIDEL, Associate Senior Legal Officer, UNHCR Strasbourg with representatives of the Council of Europe Representation to the European Institution in Strasbourg; Fredrik SUNDBERG, Deputy to the Head of Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights; Laurent VIOTTI, Coordinator of collective actions of the European Social Charter service; Matthieu BIRKER, Advisor to Human Rights Commissionner; Kelly SIPP, Co- Secretary, Committee for migrations, refugees and displaced persons, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Johan FRIESTEDT, Administrator, Secretariat of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degading Treatment or Punishement (CPT); Gerald DUNN, Administrator, Secretariat for the Convention of the Council of Europe on the fight against human trafficking Refugees protection in Latin America Jaime RUIZ DE SANTIAGO, Professor of International Law, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Refugees protection in Africa Brigitte MUKANGA-ENO, Senior Protection Officer, Africa, UNHCR, Geneva Refugees protection in the Arab world Mohamed DAYRI, Regional Representative, UNHCR Cairo Moot Court Moderator- Maître MONGET-SARRAIL, Lawyer Coordinators Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Programme Officer; José FISCHEL DE ANDRADE, Senior Protection Officer, UNHCR, Paris

OUTCOME The session welcomed 75 participants from around 40 countries of whom a half were women. The success of this session still increases. In 2014, the number of applications to the Summer Course on Refugee Law increased significantly, due to, among other things, the numerous conflicts in the Middle-East Countries as well as in Africa, provoked major population displacements (refugees, internally displaced persons). The professionals working with refugees have to face lots of difficulties and are willing to gain through this high level course the necessary tools to better support them and protect their rights.

8 Participants by geographical areas

Africa Asia Europe Latin America and the Caribbean North America

Participants by professional activities

Members of Police Force Members of National Eligibility Committees Judges, Lawyers, Legal professionals Academics Membres of UNHCR staff Goverment Officiels Students OFPRA Officers UN Staff International and national NGOs and OI staff

Participant’s Testimony

Sébastien BRISARD, Rapporteur at la Cour nationale du droit d’asile (National Court for right of asylum) in France and PhD student in Law at the University of Szeged in Hungary.

« Participating in a training session on refugee law when you are a professional working in this field could seem irrelevant. On the contrary, that is in my views a necessary step. Indeed, this training session offered the opportunity to share personal experiences, ideas and to compare the different views of asylum specialists from various nationalities and backgrounds. This was necessary for a better understanding of the various backgrounds of asylum seekers we have met through our work. In my opinion, it is exactly what I expected from a training organised by the International Institute of Human Rights (IIHR) and the UNHCR. The courses, given in a studious and friendly atmosphere, were rich in terms of debates and questions they raised among participants and even provoked verve which sometimes pertubated the speakers and the coordinators, even though the good spirit remained. The availability and accessibility of those last ones allowed participants to follow with serenity all the courses. While it is certain that I liked the substantial enlightenment brought by the speakers on Refugee Law and the UNHCR approach worldwide, my favorite part of the training session was the moot court exercise which consisted of an asylum seeker’s request. This moot court was prepared in a relaxing atmosphere within different working groups (judges, lawyers/State, and lawyers/applicant) and addressed several topics including political opinions, social group, internal asylum and exclusion. This exercise really strengthened the existing community spirit among participants and even led to create friendships. Therefore I would like to address my thanks to the IIHR and the UNHCR, and more specifically to the coordinators and the interns, for organizing this summer course have contributed to my personal and professional enrichment.»


Sport and International Human Rights Law

OBJECTIVE In 2014, the Institute organised its 45th annual study session. This session was put in place for the first time in 1970 by René Cassin, IIHR founder, in order to train law practitioners, professors as well as students on international legal instruments in the field of human rights protection while addressing a current topic.

This 45th annual study session took place over three weeks in Strasbourg from 7 to 25 July 2014 and addressed the theme « Sport and International Human Rights Law ». It aimed at allowing participants to deepen their knowledge in International and Comparative Human Rights Law while learning the different legal techniques and challenges linked to the protection of fundamental rights in sports. Fundamental courses were given in 5 languages: English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. They were taught by internationally renowned experts having a very thorough knowledge of Human Rights international and regional protection.

The session is designed for: Academics and Researchers NGO Members Legal Professionals International and National Civil Servants Advanced Students in law, political, human and social sciences Other Professions confronted with Human Rights issues

10 THEMES Opening ceremony Thorbjørn JAGLAND, Secretary General of the Council of Europe; Chantal CUTAJAR, Adjunct to the Mayor of Strasbourg; Jean-Paul COSTA, IIHR President ; Sébastien TOUZÉ, IIHR Secretary General, Professeur in Public Law; Martine ANSTETT, Director a.i, Direction for peace, democracy and human rights, International Organisation for Francophonie; Nordine DRICI, Programme Director and of Pôle Actions, Association des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture (ACAT-France); Édouard MEHL, Vice-pesident of Strasbourg University Theme 1 : Compliance of sports regulations with international human rights law Thematic Course 1 : General principles of sports regulations and Ian S. BLACKSHAW, Professor, International Sports Lawyer international human rights law Thematic Course 2 : Protection of children’s rights in sports Paolo DAVID, Chief, Capacity building and harmonization section, Human Rights treaties division, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Cours d’approfondissement 1 : Les règles et principes en matière Taimour MOSTAFA-KAMEL, Président honoraire du Parquet d’égalité de traitement dans les règlementations sportives administratif, Vice-président honoraire du Conseil d’État, Égypte Cours d’approfondissement 2 : La protection du droit au respect de la vie Nathalie KORCHIA, Avocate, Barreau de Paris privée dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre des règles en matière sportive Theme 2 : Compliance of sports disciplinary procedures with international human rights law Cours thématique 3 : La prise en compte des droits procéduraux Gérald SIMON, Professeur, Centre de recherche sur le droit d’origine internationale dans le cadre disciplinaire national – des marchés et des investissements internationaux, Université approche comparative de Bourgogne Cours thématique 4 : Le droit international des droits de Jean-Philippe DUBEY, Conseiller, Tribunal Arbitral du Sport l’homme dans la jurisprudence du Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Cours d’approfondissement 3 : L’arbitrage en matière sportive Pierre CORNU, Conseiller juridique senior, Centre International et le droit à un procès équitable d’Étude du Sport Theme 3 : Specific institutional actions related to human rights protection in sports In-depth Course 4 : Fighting violence in sports Alexandra VEUTHEY, Researcher, International Centre for Sports Studies Cours d’approfondissement 5 : La lutte contre la corruption Sabrina ROBERT-CUENDET, Maître de conférences, dans le domaine sportif Université Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) In-depth Course 6 : Fighting racism in sports Rosarita CUCCOLI, Sport and media Expert, Founder and Director, Stadio Novo, President of the European Network “Women and Sport”, Non-Executive Director of “Sport and Citizenship” Thematic Course 5 : The fight against doping and protection of persons Ulrich HASS, Professor, University of Zurich Cours d’approfondissement 7 : L’action de l’accord partiel Stanislas FROSSARD, Secrétaire exécutif de l’accord partiel élargi sur le sport dans le domaine de la protection des droits élargi sur le sport, Conseil de l’Europe fondamentaux des sportifs In-depth Course 8 : Olympic movement and human rights Kazuo UCHIUMI, Professor, Sociology and Sport, Hiroshima University of Economics FIBA policy on doping Gabriel ZANGENFEIND, Anti-doping and legal affairs assistant, International Basketball Association (FIBA) Introductory Course International human rights law French : Olivier DE SCHUTTER, Professeur, Université Catholique de Louvain, Rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur le droit à l’alimentation - Chaire Fondation Roi Baudouin English : William SCHABAS, Professor, Middlesex University Business School Spanish : Elizabeth Silvia SALMON GARATE, Profesora, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Russian : Anatoly KOVLER, Former Judge, European Court of Human Rights, Professor, International Center for European Training, Nice Arabic : Ali SEDJARI, Professor, UNESCO Chairholder in Human Rights, Faculty of legal, economic, social and political Science, University Mohammed V, Agdal – Rabat René Cassin Conference Emmanuel DECAUX, Professor, University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)

11 Special conference Protection of economic, social and cultural rights in the context Sergio SALINAS, Lecturer, University of Saragosse of crisis

Fondamental Courses The human rights protection system of the United Nations and French: Marc BOSSUYT, Professeur émérite de l’Université of its specialized agencies d’Anvers, Président émérite de la Cour constitutionnelle belge, Membre du Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale English: Eckart KLEIN, Professor, University of Potsdam- Chaire Marangopoulos Spanish: Juan E. MENDEZ, Professor, Washington College of Law, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture Russian: Alexander TIKHONOV, Former Secretary, the United Nations Human Rights Committee Arabic: Ahmed ABOU-EL-WAFA, Professor, Cairo University The European human rights protection system French: Pascal DOURNEAU-JOSETTE, Chef de division au greffe, Cour européenne des droits de l’homme English : Rick LAWSON, Professor, Leiden Law School Spanish: Alejandro SAIZ ARNAIZ, Profesor, Catedràtic Jean Monnet de Dret Constitucional Europeu Director del Departament de Dret, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Russian: Dimitry DEDOV, Jugde, European Court of Human Rights Arabic: Mohammed Amin AL-MIDANI, President of Arab Centre for Education in International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law (France), Invited Professor at Strasbourg University The Inter-american human rights protection system French: Antônio Augusto CANÇADO TRINDADE, Juge, Cour internationale de justice, Professeur à l’Université de Brasilia, Ancien Président de la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l’homme English: Claudio GROSSMAN, Professor, Dean of the American University Washington College of Law, Raymond Geraldson Scholar for International and Humanitarian Law Spanish: Manuel VENTURA ROBLES, Juez, Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Russe: Ekaterina ALISIEVICH, Professor, Department of International Law, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia The African human rights protection system French: Komla Dodzi KOKOROKO, Professeur, Directeur du Centre de droit public, Université de Lomé English: Frans VILJOEN, Professor, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria Spanish: Felipe GOMEZ ISA, Profesor, Instituto de Derechos Humanos Pedro Arrupe, Universidad de Deusto Russian: Aslan ABASHIDZE, Head of the Department of International Law, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Arabic: Rafaa BEN ACHOUR, Professor, Faculty of legal, political and social sciences of Tunis, Membre of African Union Commission of International Law Special courses The Arab Charter on Human Rights French: Tarek MAJZOUB, Professeur, Université la Sagesse, Magistrat au Conseil d’Etat libanais English: Mohamed Y. MATTAR, Senior Research Professor, American University Washington College of Law, Executive Director of The Protection Project at The Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies Human rights protection in Asia French: Nicolas AGOSTINI, Délégué de la Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l’Homme auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies à Genève English: Debbie STOTHARD, Secretary General, International Federation for Human Rights, Coordinator of the Alternative Asean Network on Burma Director of studies Mehdi Belkala, Scientific Collaborator at the IIHR

12 OUTCOME The session This session welcomed 160 participants coming from over 40 different countries of which half of them were women. Participants could follow thematic courses covering topics including doping, corruption and the protection of the rights of the child in sports. This session allowed participants not only to deepen their knowledge of the different existing human rights protection systems in the world but also to better comprehend the stakes linked to the implementation of human rights legal norms in sports.

Participants by geographical areas

Africa Western Europe Asia Central and Eastern Europe Latin America and the Caribbean North Africa and the Middle East North America

Participants by professional activities

Students Judges, Lawyers, Legal practitionners NGOS, OI staff/ other professions Academics and Researchers International and national civil servants

IIHR Diploma The Diploma of the International Institute of Human Rights is open to participants of the Institute’s annual study session who already have extensive knowledge of International and Comparative Human Rights Law (L.L.M, Master’s and postgraduate degree). The Institute’s Diploma is distinct from the session’s certificate which is designed to test general knowledge acquired during the session. It is ahigh-level exam in the area of international human rights protection divided into three stages (written, practical, oral). The Diploma laureates for 2014 session are Marie-Sophie VACHET (French), Emmanuel GIAKOUMAKIS (Greek) and Guillaume DARTIGUE (French) who obtained the mention suma cum laude.

Training the trainers: International Center for University Human Rights Teaching (CiedhU) In 1972, in the spirit of the IIHR founder René Cassin and with the ambition to «train the trainers», the Institute put in place the CiedhU (International Center for University Human Rights Teaching) in order to ensure effective teaching of Human Rights worldwide. In the framework of the July Annual Study Session, university professors, assistants and researchers can follow 12 hours of specialized training seminars on various teaching methods in order to develop their teaching skills and optimise their research work. The seminar includes two linguistic sections.

13 French-speaking section The French-speaking section was animated by Laurent TRIGEAUD, Lecturer at University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II). The participants included professors, magistrates, diplomats, lawyers and trainers from NGOs. The six seminars aimed at elaborating an operational work plan for the professor, including three main elements: a lesson plan, a relevant bibliography, and work exercises for seminars (subject of essay, documents for a concept note, case study). This three work tools were elaborated all along the different seminars through the interaction between the professor and the participants. In addition, one of the objectives of the seminars was to develop research methods based on the main web browser and websites of the main international institutions (UN, Council of Europe, Peace Palace Library, etc.) in order to ensure the most efficient use of Internet resources, in particular for professors who have a limited access to print versions. The outcome of those seminars was extremely positive: participants actively contributed to the continuous and constructive process of the seminars.

English-speaking section The English speaking section was animated by Jim MURDOCH, Professor at Glasgow University. Seminars aimed at exploring methods of human rights teaching and assessment at undergraduate level, and to discuss human rights research strategies in higher education. The programme tackled issues such as the changing contexts of legal education, and the implications for human rights training; learning of the different teaching approaches; identifying teaching and learning resources; using group work in human rights education at advanced level. Participants were asked to complete two exercises. The first was to prepare and to present a brief on a human rights topic. The second one was to develop an outline course proposal for a module on human rights. Participants had a high satisfaction rate with the intended learning outcomes, and with the course as a whole.

PARTNERS The organisation of the session would not have been possible without the support of our partners and donors: Prime Minister (France); International Organisation of La Francophonie; Senate (France); Council of Europe; City of Strasbourg; Alsace Region; Strasbourg Bar; ; Strasbourg Law Faculty; Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty; Marangopoulos Foundation; King Baudouin Foundation; Ministry of sports, youth, Education and community life (France); International Basketball Federation (FIBA); EPAS (the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport); Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue; National Assembly (France).

Participant’s testimony

«My name is Jules AKEZE and I am from Cameroon. I am the Head of department for Extra-African Cooperation (C/SCEA) and Human Rights Manager at the University of Maroua in the North Region of Cameroon. I studied Archeology at the University of Yaoundé I, a field in which I am conducting in–depth research as well as in the field of Human Rights. Member of EIP-Cameroun and Communauté Equitas, I hold a certificate of Professor in Physical Education and Sport (CAPEPS) delivered in 2009 by the Institut National de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Yaoundé - capital of my country. The IIHR, through its training sessions, gained one of the most interesting international reputations, thanks to the relevancy of the thematic subjects chosen, the quality of its teaching as well as the quality of the teachers and participants to its sessions. The theme of the 2014 July session being dedicated to Sport and International Human Rights Law, I decided to register for this incomparable yearly event. This stay in Strasbourg allowed me, not only to improve my knowledge of International Human Rights Law and International Human Rights Comparative Law, but also to deepen my knowledge of sport law, through thematical courses cleverly chosen which addressed current topics. Another key aspect that makes me cherish those sessions, is the opportunity to meet participants coming from all over the world and the enriching exchange I had with some of them. This year was my third participation in a row to the July session, having attended the 2012 and 2013 sessions which were already very high level trainings, I can assert that the 2014 session was the most difficult of the three. It was thanks to my IIHR certificate obtained in 2012 that I was nominated and promoted as C/SCEA. Of course, as soon as I got back to my home country, as I did the 2 years before that, I started to share the knowledge gained in Strasbourg, not only with the academic community of my city, but also with some colleagues in the field of sport and physical education. It is obvious that once you have participated in an IIHR session in Strasbourg, you always want to come back. I am looking forward to attending next year session! And this time I will apply for the IIHR diploma.»

14 2. Continuing Training Sessions

In cooperation with different Bar associations and administrative schools, the Institute organises specialized trainings on International and European Human Rights Law designed for legal practitioners. These trainings may be validated in the context of the continuing training for professionals. These training sessions are also opened to advanced students.


On 14 February 2014, a training session was jointly organised in Angers by the University of Angers, Jean Bodin Centre and the Ordre des Avocats à la Cour d’Angers and with the Support of the IIHR. This training day addressed the issue of the “Referral to the European Court of Human Rights”. Currently, more than a quarter of the rulings by higher domestic courts concern provisions of the European Convention of Human Rights. Consequently, the referral to the Strasbourg Court is becoming a common practice. This session was aiming at providing participants with a better understanding of the proceedings, the office of counsel and the conditions of admissibility before the court.

Welcoming statements Michèle FAVREAU, Dean of the faculty of law, economy and management; Hervé RIHAL, Professor at Angers University, Director Jean Bodin Centre 1st part Presidency Colette MARTIN-PIGALLE, First President of the Court of Appeal of Angers How not to go to Strasbourg Bérangère TAXIL, Professor at Angers University Why going to Strasbourg Sébastien TOUZÉ, IIHR Secretary General, Professor of law at Strasbourg University Pleading before the European Court of Human Rights Michel PUECHAVY, Honorary Lawyer of the Paris Bar Iterim and emergency measures before the European Court of Yannick LÉCUYER, Lecturer at Angers University Human Rights 2nd part Presidency Jean BROUIN, President of Angers Bar Exhaustion of domestic remedies Fabien MARCHADIER, Professor at Poitiers University Term for appeal Marjorie BEULAY, PhD Student at University Paris X The importance of the damage David SZYMCZAK, Professor at The exception of litispendance Julie TAVERNIER, PhD student at Strasbourg University


The Human Rights Institute of the Paris Bar organised, in collaboration with the Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes sur les Droits de l’Homme et le Droit Humanitaire (CREDHO) and with the support of the IIHR and the European Bar Human Rights Institute, a seminar on “France and the European Convention on Human Rights”. This one-day seminar was directed to legal practitioners and held on 4 April in Paris. Its aim was to provide an overview of the recent case law of the Strasbourg Court. In this context, academics and legal practitioners analysed and discussed the decisions of 2011, 2012, 2013 ruled against France. This training session was recognised as part of the continuing training of legal practitioners.

Welcoming statements Christophe PETTITI, Lawyer, IFDHBP Secretary General; Sébastien TOUZÉ, IIHR Secretary General, Professor of Law in Strasbourg; Paul TAVERNIER, Director of CREDHO 1st part: Introductury statements The challenges of the European Court of Human Rights (the Josep CASADEVALL, Vice-President of the ECHR current situation of the Court, reforms and future) The contribution of France to the developments of the case law Paul TAVERNIER, Director of CREDHO of the European Court of Human Rights 2nd part : the case law in 2011, 2012, 2013 Regarding freedom of speech and historic truth: the case of the Nathalie ANCEL, Deputy Director of Human Rights, French armenian genocide and lessons learned for France from the case Ministry of Foreign Affairs Perinçek v/ Suisse, decision of 17 December 2013, n° 27510/08 Judgments on Article 10 of the Convention on the Freedom of Jean Yves DUPEUX, Lawyer speech Economic life, the business world and the case law of the Christophe PETTITI, Lawyer Court : ECHR, 5th sect., 11 July 2013, Sofiran et Bda v/ France, n°63684/09; ECHR, 5ème sect., 13 December 2012, Flamenbaum and others v/ France, n°3675/04 et 23264/04 ; ECHR, 5th sect., 7 June 2012, Segame SA c. France, n°4837/06 ; ECHR, 5th sect., 5 May 2011, Société Métallurgie Liotard Frères v/ France, n°29598/08 ; ECHR, 5th sect., 6 October 2011, Soros v/ France, n°50425/06 ; ECHR, 5th sect., 30 June 2011, Messier v/ France, n°25041/07 ; ECHR, 5th sect., 12 April 2012, Lagardère v/ France, n°18851/07 Police custody in question (ECHR, 5th sect., 27 October 2011, Olivier BACHELET, Judge Stojkovic v/ France and Belgium, n° 25303/08 and ECHR, 5th sect., 27 June 2013, Vassis and others v/ France, n° 62736/09) The lawyer and the fight against money laundering: The Jean-Christophe GRACIA, Ministtry of Justice Michaud Case (judgement 6 December 2012) Freedom of Religion in France : judgments of 31 January 2013 Thierry MASSIS, Lawyer Association des chevaliers du Lotus d’Or v/ France, Eglise évangélique missionnaire et Salaûn v/ France and Association cultuelle du Temple Pyramide v/ France The case of the Jehovah’s Witnesses : the judgment Association Anne DEMETZ, Lawyer les Témoins de Jéhovah v/France (ECHR, 5th sect., judgments of 30 June 2011 and 5 July 2012) (just satisfaction) Paternity search and DNA test: the Pascaud case (judgments of Bertrand FAVREAU, Lawyer 16 June 2011) Duration of a judicial liquidation procedure: the case Tetu v/ Michel PUECHAVY, honorary Lawyer France, 22 Septembre 2011, n°60983/09 Jurisdictional immunity of States: the case Sabeh el Leil Patrick JACOB, Lecturer at University Paris-Sud, Deputy (judgements of Grand Chamber, 29/6/2011) Director of IEDP

16 3. Seminars

For several years, the International Institute of Human Rights has been organising specialized seminars for Italian law practitioners. The IIHR also organises seminars jointly with other organisations on Human Rights issues.


Interaction between the national judge and the European judge

From 4 to 6 September 2014 in Strasbourg, the International Institute of Human Rights and the Catholic University of Milan organised under the supervision of M. Michel de Salvia, IIHR Vice- President, a seminar in Italian designed for Italian lawyers and law practitioners. The seminar welcomed 12 participants. It addressed the following topic: “the joint-action of the domestic judge and the European Court of Human Rights for the protection of fundamental rights”.

Courses Speakers Presentation Guido RAIMONDI, Italian Jugde at the European Court of Human Rights and Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights Universal Jurisdiction and subsidiarity in the ECHR system Michel DE SALVIA, IIHR Vice-President, Former Registrar and Jurisconsult at the ECHR, Professor of law at The Catholic University of Milan The Italian and the ECHR: evolution and perspectives Michel DE SALVIA, IIHR Vice-President, Former Registrar and Jurisconsult at the ECHR, Professor of law at The Catholic University of Milan Presentation Andrea TAMIETTI, Head of division, Registry of the ECHR The European arrest warrant and protection of fundamental Fausto CAPELLI, Professor of EU Law at the College of Europe rights and Parma University, Director of the Journal of EU Law and International Relations


The administrative detention of migrants and the protection of fundamental rights

Five students of the Human Rights Clinic organised a seminar on the topic “the administrative detention of migrants and the protection of fundamental rights”. It was designed for students, professors and professionals who are interested in this issue. This seminar took place on 3 April in Strasbourg at the Strasbourg Lawyers’ School (ERAGE). It welcomed around 80 participants.

Welcoming statements Jean-Paul COSTA, IIHR President, former president of the ECHR; Sébastien TOUZÉ, IIHR Secretary General, Professor in public law in Strasbourg; Clémence NIEDERCORN, student in law, student at the IIHR Human Rights Clinic Theme 1 : Compliance with European norms in the field of migrants detention Presidency Agnès NOLLINGER, Head of the Secretariat of the Commission for migrations, refugees and displaced persons of the Parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe The implementation of European norms in the field of Johan FRIESTEDT, Administrator at the European Committee administrative detention for the prevention of torture Theme 2 : Administrative detention in France: state of play, procedure and illustration with practice and issues observed within detention camps Presidency Samuel BOUTRUCHE, Legal associate, UNHCR Reprentation to the European Institutions in Strasbourg The procedure for administrative detention in France and the Lucie FEUTRIER-COOK, Officer in charge of the CRA National respect of retained persons – the role of l’Ordre de Malte France Coordination within Ordre de Malte France in the implementation of retained migrants Legal support for the retained persons at Geispolsheim, Emilie ROZIER, Legal aid at the detention camp Geispolsheim- difficulties and local practice observed Strasbourg Theme 3 : The specific situation of vulnerable persons : the example of minors placed in detention Presidency Robert BLANC, Representative of the Défenseur des Droits dans le Bas-Rhin The issue of the detention of children accompanying their Matthieu BIRKER, Advisor to the Human Rights Commissioner parents of the Council of Europe The question of the protection of isolated foreign minors in Serge SLAMA, Lecturer at University Evry-Val d’Essonne and detention member of CREDOF

18 Organisers’ Testimony

Chloé, Fiona, Clémence, Gloria and Marie-Sophie, students in charge of monitoring the activities of the Council Europe within the Human Rights Clinic:

‘‘We organised on Thursday 3 April 2014 a seminar in French on “the administrative detention of migrants and the protection of fundamental rights” in the framework of the Human Rights Clinic. We thought it was relevant to organise a half-day seminar on the topic in order to shed light on the numerous legal norms and sources, which are applied in this area and to confront them to the practical reality which detained persons and professional working on the field have to cope with. To achieve this goal, we invited as speakers: French academics specialised in this topic, representatives from international, European and national institutions (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Committee for the prevention of torture, UNHCR, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, French Ombudsman) as well as legal practitioners from ‘l’Ordre de Malte’, association working in detention centres in France. Speakers presented their own points of view on the different topics addressed during the seminar and answered the questions from the audience. 80 persons participated in this seminar (lawyers, professors, students and staff of associations). We invite you to read the full report on the seminar which will be soon made available on the IIHR website in the Human Rights Clinic section.”

4. Educational Activities


The Human Rights Clinic of Strasbourg, put in place by the International Institute of Human Rights and the University of Strasbourg, reopened its doors welcoming this year two classes. The Clinic’s method is based on in-depth theoretical training in International Human Rights Law and dealing with cases before the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations Human Rights Treaty bodies. A law clinic is a legal academic training combining both theory and practice using actual cases. To this end, students receive academic training while «practicing» law and being supervised by professors and practitioners. Law clinics were developed in American universities in the 1960s. About twenty Human Rights clinics now exist in the United States and the vast majority of them are a great showcase of the most prestigious law schools.

19 Various clinical seminars, given by high-level specialists, were organised for the students all along the year:

• Case study on the dynamism of UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies: UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination”, given by Régis de Gouttes, Honorary First General Attorney of the « Cour de Cassation », Former President of UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and currently member of the Advisory National Commission on Human Rights. • ACAT and Torture, given by Nordine Drici, Director of Programmes and Pôle Actions at ACAT-France • The Procedure before the European Court of Human Rights – Perspective of the Lawyer, given by Caroline MECARY, French Lawyer • The analysis under the macroscope of the International Human Rights Law, given by Mr. Ludovic HENNEBEL, Researcher, F.N.R.S, University Libre de Bruxelles • Case Law and the current issues related to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, given by Mr. Ludovic HENNEBEL, Researcher, F.N.R.S, University Libre de Bruxelles • Litigation strategy in Human Rights, given by Mr. Ludovic HENNEBEL, Researcher, F.N.R.S, University Libre de Bruxelles • Procedure before the European Court of Human Rights - Perspective of the Registry, given by Pascal Dourneau-Josette, Head of legal division at the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights.


On 11 April 2014, the 29th edition of René Cassin Moot Court Competition ended with the victory in finals of Luxembourg University against College of Europe from Bruges. At the end of the competition which took place in the main ECHR court room, the winners were offered the opportunity to complete an internship at the ECHR. In addition, awards have been granted during the closing ceremony at the Alsace Regional Council. First, a prize was awarded to the winning team of Luxembourg University (Martin BRAYER, Maxime LASSALLE and Guillaume BENOIT). Then, the prize of the best oralist was given to Jeanne PONTE together with an invitation to the annual teaching session in International and Comparative Human Rights Law organised by the IIHR. Finally, the team from Université de Valenciennes et Hainaut Cambrésis received the prize of the best written memorial.


Development of training sessions abroad responds to a growing local need in the area of Human Rights education. Indeed, this type of programmes generates undeniable interest from professionals in the area. The objective of these sessions is to promote better protection of fundamental rights and freedoms through the strengthening of capacity-building of key stakeholders. They are primarily organised in regions where the lack of training hinders development of efficient systems for protection and promotion of Human Rights.

IIHR activities abroad Côte d’Ivoire, Republic of Congo, Costa Rica, Italy, Haiti, Mali, Morocco, Lebanon, Senegal


The European Convention on Human Rights and the principle of non-discrimination

OBJECTIVE From 13 to 17 January 2014, the International Institute of Human Rights together with the Faculty of Political Sciences of Bologna and the School of Higher Economics of Moscow organised a Winter School dedicated to the theme ‘the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR): the Principle of Non-discrimination’ in Forli (Italy). Courses were given in French and English.

THEMES Opening remarks Jean-Paul COSTA, IIHR President, Former President of the ECHR ; Nina BELYAEVA, High School of Economics of Moscow (HSE); Patrizia PEDERZOLI, School of Political Science Opening Conference The Principle of Non-discrimination at the International and Jean-Paul COSTA, IIHR President, Former President of the European level ECHR Fondamental Courses The European Human Rights Protection System Marco BALBONI, University of Bologna The European Human Rights Protection System Michele DE SALVIA, the Catholic University of Milan, IIHR Vice-President, Former Registrar and Jurisconsult at the ECHR

The European Human Rights Protection System Andrea TAMIETTI, Legal Officer at the Register of the ECHR

Thematic Courses The Development of the Case-Law of the European Court of Eva BREMS, University of Ghent Human Rights regarding Non-discrimination – A focus on Protected Grounds The Margin of Appreciation Doctrine and the Consensus Rule: Eva BREMS, University of Ghent The ECHR’s Need for Legitimacy in relation to the Member States in the Case-law on Non-discrimination The Principle of Non-discrimination in the European Convention Michel DE SALVIA, The Catholic University of Milan, IIHR on Human Rights Vice-President, Former Registrar and Jurisconsult at the ECHR Concept of Law in ECHR Decisions: the Case of Minorities Yury FOGELSON, HSE Moscou Violation of Minorities Rights: Data and Reasoning Concept of Law in ECHR Decisions: the Case of Minorities Dmitry ZAYTCEV, HSE Moscou Violation of Minorities Rights: Data and Reasoning A Comparative Approach of the Principle of Non-discrimination Edouard DUBOUT, University Paris-Est Créteil in the European framework: ECHR/EU Law Closing conference Minorities, Identities and the Law : What It Takes to Be Nina BELYAEVA, HSE Moscou Recognized and Protected on Both National and Supra-National Levels

OUTCOME The session welcomed around 70 participants from 20 countries. Participants were able to better comprehend the notion of discrimination as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights as well as how its violations are addressed in the ECHR caselaw. They also could compare with the interpretation made of the notion at the light of the European Union Law.


International Criminal Law: Sanctioning and Preventing Human Rights Violations

OBJECTIVE The IIHR partnered with the Friedrich Nauman Foundation for Liberty (FNF), the MINUSMA (The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali) and with Institut judiciaire du Mali to organise a training session in International Criminal Law in Bamako. This partnership made possible this activity, the objectives of which respond to the political situation of the country. The participation of the FNF falls within the framework of the consolidation of its action in the region and answer the commitment of the Federal Republic of Germany to contribute to the stabilization of Mali by strengthening democratic institutions. The IIHR commitment aligns with the objective of human rights protection and promotion as well as the improvement of judicial systems performance. Concerning the MINUSMA, this action falls within its mandate which includes among other things security, civilians protection, support to national political dialogue and national reconciliation, as well as reestablishment of the authority of the State in the whole country, the promotion and protection of human rights, and humanitarian aid.

In the wake of all the atrocities commited in Mali since 2012 as well as in the neighbouring countries including the Central African Republic, it seems essential to support key actors in the region through providing them with the necessary tools for the establishment of a tailored criminal justice system. Indeed, the initiators of the project aim at promoting instruments of International Human Rights and Criminal Law towards professionals from the judiciary world and governmental administrations, in order to allow them to sanction and prevent serious human rights violations. Moreover, it was crucial to allow those institutions to contribute to the development of an efficient criminal justice system, thus enabling them to become in the long-term key actors of the establishment of lasting peace. Therefore, this training session in International Criminal Law tends to provide key sector players with the right tools in order to allow a good management of the post conflict period including guaranteeing a better protection of citizens’ liberties and fundamental rights, as well as to strengthen the Rule of Law and democracy in Mali.

The IIHR, the FNF, the MINUSMA as well as the Institut judiciaire du Mali therefore organised from 16 to 21 February a training session in Bamako (Mali) on International Criminal Law. This session, given in French, was designed for professionals from the judiciary system, government officials, law enforcement officers and staff of international organisations and NGOs.

23 THEMES Themes Speakers Welcoming addresses Werner NOWAK, Regional Director for West Africa, Foundation Friedrich Naumann for Liberty (FNF); Jean DHOMMEAUX, Professor emeritus, University I, IIHR Representative; Günter OVERFELD, German Ambassador in Mali; Oumar TATAM LY, Prime Minister in Mali International Human Rights Law Jean MATRINGE, Professor of Public Law, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin Inaugural Lecture : the importance of international criminal law Abdoulaye BATHILY, MINUSMA in the African context International Humanitarian Law Alexandre FAITE, Deputy head of ICRC delegation in Mali

International Criminal law : Applicable charges and rules in Philippe CURRAT, Lawyer, Secretary General of the Common Criminal law International Criminal Bar International Criminal Law : the forms of responsibility and Philippe CURRAT, Lawyer, Secretary General of the the representation of victims before the International Criminal International Criminal Bar Court International Criminal Law : the procedure before the Damien VANDERMEERSCH, General Attorney to the International Criminal Court Cassation Court, Professor at Leuven University and Faculties of the University St Louis in Brussels International Criminal Law: prosecutions before the national Damien VANDERMEERSCH, General Attorney to the courts (trial investigations and stakes) Cassation Court, Professor at Leuven University and Faculties of the University St Louis in Brussels Thematic course : Relationship between the African Union and Djacoba Liva TEHINDRAZANARIVELO, Deputy Professor at the United Nations in the field of peace building law Boston University Closing Conference: « Interactions between International Olivier BEER, Deputy Representative in Mali, UNHCR Criminal Law and Refugee Law» Closing Statements Douda SECK, Deputy Representative in Mali, UNHCR; Delphine LENEUTRE, Programme Officer at the IIHR; Bert KOENDERS, Special Representative to the UN Secretary General in Mali; Mohamed Ali BATHILY, Minister for Justice in Mali Coordination Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Programme Officer

OUTCOME The session welcomed around 90 participants coming from 11 African Countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Central African Republic, DRC, Senegal, Chad). The objective was to address current issues and put into perspective the different utilisations of legal tools aiming at punishing and preventing human rights violations at national and International level. Experts (University professors, partitionners and international civil servants) provided high level courses enabling participants to deepen their knowledge of International Human rights protection standards in order to contribute more efficiently to strengthening the Rule of Law once back in their home country. A new session will be organised in 2015.

Participants by Professional activities

Jugdes, lawyers, legal pratitionners NGOs International civil servants National civil servants Law enforcement officers Academics, researchers Students

24 Participant’s Testimony

My name is YAMEOGO Romuald Marcel Narélwendé Judge, at the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

This first session on International Criminal Law in Mali fully met my expectations. Indeed, this session fully reached its objectives by: - Its teaching content which fully responded to the current events in Mali, Africa and worldwide. - The high-quality, the availability as well as the sincerity of its well-renowned professors and the other speakers (Minister of Justice in Mali, Special representative of the UN Secretary General). - The number, the quality and the open-minded spirit of the participants as well as their various geographical origins (17 nationalities) and their backgrounds (Human Rights activists, judges, lawyers, traditional communicator, students…): all this led to fructuous exchange on various experiences.

This sincere, spontaneous and friendly melting pot enabled the participants, in less than a week, to overcome their shyness and to create a strong feeling of belonging to one big family, what will certainly last.

I was more than fully satisfied, not only because of the prize I had the honour to receive, but mostly for all the knowledge I have acquired in Bamako that will be more than useful in my everyday work as a judge, and will turn me into a real Human Rights advocate in my country, Burkina Faso and more specifically within my tribunal.

To conclude, I would like to express my gratitude to the organisers of this session, including the International Institute of Human Rights (IIHR), the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty, the Human Rights Division of the MINUSMA, the Coalition Malienne pour la Défense des droits de l’Enfant (COMADE) as well as the Institut National de Formation Judiciaire (INFJ) and all those I would have forgotten to mention.

I hope the session on International Criminal Law in Mali will last.

Good luck to IIHR and its partners for their salutary action in the human rights protection.


Enabling Human Rights Defenders of the Arab World to strengthen their actions of defense and protection of human rights in the region

OBJECTIVE Since 2011, the Arab world has been going through major crises. The countries from Middle-East are going through an important transition phase. In this context, civil society must play a key role in the reconstruction and in the democratic reforming process. The Libanese University «Jinan» as well as local NGOs expressed the need to reinforce training in human rights. Therefore, the University Jinan initiated in 2013 this project putting in place this training session in International Human Rights Law aimed at human rights defenders of the Arab World.

Provided in French and Arabic, this second training session in International Human Rights Law was jointly organised by the IIHR, the Human Rights Department of University Jinan and with the support of the French-Speaking University Agency (AUF). This programme was developed for judges, lawyers, legal professionals, academics and members of NGOs and international organizations of the Arab world. It took place in Beirut from 12 to 16 May 2014.

THEMES Themes Speakers Welcoming addresses Abed YAKEN, President of University Jinan; Sébastien TOUZÉ, IIHR Secretary General, Professor of law at Strasbourg University; Salwa NACOUZI, Regional Director, French- Speaking University Agency (AUF); Patrice PAOLI, Ambassador of France in Lebanon; Achraf RIFI, Lebanese Minister for Justice Opening Conference Ibrahim NAJJAR, Former Libanesse Minister for Justice Human Rights Protection at the Universal Level Frédérique COULEE, Professor at University of Evry (France) The European system of Human Rights protection Sébastien TOUZÉ, IIHR Secretary General, Professor of law at Strasbourg University The Arab system of Human Rights protection Mohammed Amin AL-MIDANI, Invited Professor at UJL International Humanitarian Law Said MAJZOUB; Head of the Human Rights Department of UJ; Ahmad ECHRAKIEH, Vice-President of UJL International Humanitarian Law: Implementations Tanguy DE BLAUWE, Legal Advisor at ICRC, Lebanon; Yara KHAWAJA, Communication Officer at ICRC, Lebanon

26 International Criminal Law Isabelle MOULIER, Lecturer at the University of Clermont Ferrand Round table : the role of NGOs in the promotion of human rights Renaud DETALLE, Representative of the UNHCHR in Lebanon; Mohamed Amin Al-MIDANI, Invited Professor at UJL; Nadim HOURI, Representative of Human Rights Watch, Lebanon Round table: the right to education Zahida DARWICHE-JABBOUR, Secretary General of the National Committee of UNESCO in Lebanon, Professor at the University libanaise; Samira BAGHDADI, Director for social development at the Fondation Safadi; Rouba CHAARANI, Dean of the Faculty of education at UJL Round table: the rights of refugees Dominique TOHMÉ, Head of the legal Departement at UNHCR, Beirut; Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Programme Officer;Tarteel DARWISH, Lecturer at UAB Closing Conference Georges CORM, Professor at the Institute of political sciences at University Saint-Joseph, Former Minister Closing statements Aicha YAKAN, Vice-Presidente at University Jinan ; Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Programme Officer Coordination Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Programme Officer

OUTCOME Around 80 participants coming from countries of the Arab World took part in the training session in Beirut. Professors gave in-depth courses on the different Human Rights protection systems in order to strengthen participants’ capacities and enabling them to contribute to the consolidation of the democratic systems and values in the countries of the Arab World. Moreover, round tables were dedicated to regional legal issues such as the right of refugees or the right to education.

27 MOROCCO The right of vulnerable persons and groups

OBJECTIVE The IIHR, in partnership with the French Embassy in Morocco and the Conseil National des Droits de l’Homme (CNDH) organised, in Rabat from 28 to 30 October 2014, its first training session in International Human Rights Law dedicated to the theme « the right of vulnerable groups and persons ». The session was designed for members of the CNDH. The objective of this seminar was to provide the members of the different departments of the CNDH with the necessary tools for a good conduct of their activities. The thematic of the session was determined in accordance with the beneficiaries of the training session. They were from different backgrounds: IT specialists, sociologists, journalists, philosophes, legal experts. Most of them come from the civil society and often face field realities. The CNDH is the national institution in charge of Human Rights promotion and protection. It succeeded to the Conseil Consultatif des Droits de l’Homme (CCDH), institution created ahead of the political change in 1990. The CNDH is a consecration of the consolidation process of the Rule of Law and democratic institutions. Indeed, it has been provided with wider prerogatives and attributions than the CCDH, thus guaranteeing more independence and impact on Human Rights protection and defense. In this context, the CNDH committed to put in place a diversity of actions which included a massive number of recruitments and an important training need.

THEMES Themes Speakers Welcoming addresses Abdelatif MOUNIR, Executive Director of CNDH; Muriel SOGNIGBE SANGBANA, Project Officer at the IIHR; Payam SHAHRJERDI, Head of Governance department at the French Embassy in Morocco International Human Rights Law Jean DHOMMEAUX, Professor emeritus at The fight against violence inflicted to women Mathias MÖSCHEL, Associate Professor at the Central European University of Budapest, Hungary The protection of persons deprived of liberty Yannick LECUYER, Lecturer at Angers University

International Protection of Migrants Jean-Yves CARLIER, University Professor, Belgium The International Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons Jean DHOMMEAUX, Professor at the University of Manchester The issue of adoption in the light of the International Human Hynd AYOUBI IDRISSI, Professor of law at the University of Rights Law Souissi, Rabat Closing Conference: the notion of vulnerability in International Jean d’ASPREMONT, Professor at the University of Manchester Human Rights Law Closing ceremony Abdelatif MOUNIR, Executive Director of the CNDH; Muriel SOGNIGBE SANGBANA, Project Officer at the IIHR; Payam SHAHRJERDI, Head of Governance department at the French Embassy in Morocco Coordination Muriel SOGNIGBE SANGBANA, Project Officer at the IIHR

28 OUTCOME The outcome of this first session in Rabat was very positive. Indeed, the general thematic of the session was warmly welcomed by the organisers and the participants who sought the most details on the notion of vulnerability. The various themes developed responded to existing issues which participants face in their everyday work. They were particularly interested in the caselaw and the examination of the different international texts addressed. The professors were very appreciated by the participants because of the quality of their interventions. The use of concrete cases from the case law to illustrate the courses, the opportunity of exchange through questions and answers allowed participants to acquire the relevant tools in order to improve their work on the field. This session opened the door to a future partnership between the CNDH, the IIHR and the French Embassy in Morocco. A second session is planned for 2015. The group of participants included 25 persons - 13 women and 12 men.

Participants by gender

Men Women


The issues linked to the humanitarian situation in countries in conflict and post-conflict situation

OBJECTIVE From 15 to 20 November 2014, the IIHR and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for liberty, in partnership with UNOCI and the National Commission for Human Rights in Côte d’Ivoire (CNDHCI), organised their third training session on International Humanitarian Law in Abidjan. This programme is designed for law enforcement officers, representatives of international organisations and NGOs, magistrates and lawyers.

The humanitarian landscape continues to evolve. Since 2011, we observe a proliferation and intensification of new crises which implied extremely serious humanitarian consequences. Put in place in 2012, this session aims at responding to a high training demand by professionals working in countries in conflict or post conflict situation. Therefore, the objective of the session is to strengthen legal capacities of key actors from the region in the field of International Humanitarian Law.

THEMES Themes Speakers Welcoming statements Sophie KONATE, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty; Delphine LENEUTRE, Programme Officer at IIHR; Paulette BADJO, President of the CNDHCI; Claus Bernard AUER, German Ambassador in Côte d’Ivoire; Mamadou DIANE, Advisor to the President of the Republic in charge human rights and humanitarian issues Inaugural Conference : « Human Rights in a post-crisis situation» Ouraga OBOU, Advisor to the President of the Republic in charge human rights and humanitarian issues International Human Rights Law Bérangère TAXIL, Former Dean of Abidjan Law Faculty, Former Advisor to the Constitutional Council International Humanitarian Law Eric DAVID, Professor emeritus, University Libre de Bruxelles, President of the Advisory Committee for International Humanitarian Law of the Red Cross Belgium International Criminal Law Anne-Laure VAURS-CHAUMETTE, Lecturer at Nanterre University Refugee Law Catherine-Amélie CHASSIN, Lecturer at Caen University Thematic Course : Transitional Justice Drissa TRAORE, Lawyer, Vice-President of the FIDH Thematic Course : The role of the ICRC in the promotion and the Pélagie MANZAN DEKOU, Legal Officer, ICRC, Regional development of International Humanitarian Law Delegation in Abidjan Thematic Course: What rights for stateless persons? Innocent SANGARA, Senior Protection Officer, UNHCR Côte d’Ivoire

30 Thematic Course: International Prohibition of Torture Eugene NINDORERA, Head of Division for human rights at UNOCI, Representative of the UNHCHR in Côte d’Ivoire Thematic Course: Nationality and Armed Conflict Epiphane ZORO, Lawyer, Director of the Comité National des Jeux de la Francophonie Closing Conference Cherifou GASSAMA, Special Advisor to the Representative of the UN Secretary General in Côte d’Ivoire Closing Ceremony Sophie KONATÉ, Programme Officer, FNF; Traore WODJO, Vice-president of the National Commission for Human Rights in Côte d’Ivoire; Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Programme Officer Coordination Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Programme Officer

OUTCOME 83 participants coming from 8 countries (Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Central African Republic, and Democratic Republic of Congo) took part in this third training session in International Humanitarian Law in Abidjan. The objective was to provide participants with a better knowledge of International Human Rights Law in order to better prevent, establish, report and sanction human rights violations, through the study of fundamental principles in International Humanitarian Law, monitoring and investigation mechanisms, the current challenges linked to the Armed Conflict Law, International Criminal Law as well as the International Prohibition of Torture and Refugee Law. This session contributed to strengthening knowledge of practitioners in order to guarantee the implementation of the texts consecrating the essential values of the protection of the person. Indeed, even if legal protection tools and implementation mechanisms still develop and improve, too many serious violations of International Humanitarian Law remain. The IIHR and the Presidency of Côte d’Ivoire agreed on the importance to reinforce training of the police force and the army particularly confronted to humanitarian issues, a significant number of law enforcement officers of Côte d’Ivoire took part in the session.

Participants by professional activities

Jugdes, Lawyers, Legal professionals National Civil Servants International Civil Servants Law enforcement officers (Police force, Army) NGOs Academics, Researchers


Rights of vulnerable persons and populations

OBJECTIVE On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day in December 2013, the French Embassy and the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Congo organised jointly a conference on the African human rights legal framework. Moreover, during a meeting organised at the Delegation of the European Union, the main human rights protection organisations of Congo established a state of play of the national situation. The debates during those events highlighted the necessity to modernise the legal framework of Congo in the area of human rights including regarding continuous training of professionals. The reinforcement of capacities in the field of human rights defenders protection also came up as a priority as well as associations network building, increasing visibility of their actions on the international scene and the reinforcement of the cooperation between the different actors of the political, legal and media landscapes in Congo.

The IIHR organised, from 1 to 5 December 2014 its first training session in Brazzaville in partnership with the French Embassy and the Delegation of the European Union in Republic of Congo as well as with the support of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa (CNUDHD-AC) and the University Marien Ngouabi. This regional seminar in International Human Rights Law was dedicated to the theme « rights of vulnerable persons and populations». It was designed for legal practitionners, judges, lawyers, members from NGOs, civil society, public administrations and the United Nations.

THEMES Themes Speakers Welcoming statements Armand MOYIKOUA, Rector of the University Marien Ngouabi; Delphine LENEUTRE, Programme Officer at the IIHR; Catherine TSHEFU, Representative of United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa; Saskia DE LANG, Ambassador of the European Union in Republic of Congo; Jean-Pierre VIDON, French Ambassador in Republic of Congo; Alphonse Dinard MOUBANGAT MOUKONZI, Director of Cabinet of the Ministry for Justice and Human Rights of Republic of Congo Opening Conference Babacar KANTE, Professor and Honorary Dean of the UFR for legal and political sciences at the University Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis in Senegal International Comparative Human Rights Law Mactar KAMARA, Professor in Law, Head of Departement for Pubmlic law and political sciences of the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD) African System of Human Rights Protection Emmanuel GUEMATCHA, Doctor in International Law, laureate of the Thesis Prize Jacques-Mourgeon in 2013

32 Thematic Course : International Protection of Women Rights Suzana SANZ CABALLERO, Professor at University Cardenal Herrera of Valencia, Spain Thematic course : International Protection of Children Rights Jean DHOMMEAUX, Professor emeritus, University Rennes I, France Thematic course : Protection of Minorities Dandi GNAMOU, Professor at University Abomey-Calavi Closing conference: the Notion of Vulnerability in International Jean DHOMMEAUX, Professor emeritus, University Rennes I, Human Rights Law France Closing ceremony Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Representative ; Richard MOUTHUY ; Advisor for Cooperation and cultural action; Catherine TSHEFU, Representative of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa Coordination Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Programme Officer

OUTCOME The session welcomed 58 participants from Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo. Professors studied all the instruments protecting or promoting human rights as well as the different monitoring mechanisms. This regional seminar tackled the African human rights system which has been studied in-depth. The issue of sexual violence against women in armed conflict was also largely covered. In the current African context, it was necessary to study the issue of the rights of minorities because minority groups are rarely protected as such, and, even if some African States have recognised them specific rights, they do not always have at their disposal the necessary means to guarantee their protection. In the framework of this first seminar, a moot court competition designed for law students and students of the National School for Magistracy was organised. This competition offered the opportunity for Congolese to face each other on current legal topics. Among the awards offered to participants were tablets, smartphones and other prestigious gifts. Finally, a meeting was held between speakers and NGO representatives at the headquarters of the Association «Actions de Solidarité Internationale» which leads a programme aiming at supporting vulnerable young girls of Brazzaville. This meeting allowed humanitarians who very often feel isolated to share concrete field experience with professors. At the end of this meeting, the Embassy committed to send several humanitarians to our annual study session in July 2015 which will address the theme of Children Rights. A new training session should be organised in Brazzaville in March 2016.

Participants by professional activities

Jugdes, Lawyers, Legal Practitionners National Civil Servant International Civil Servants Law Enforcement Officers NGOs Academics, Researchers, PhD students


International Human Rights Law and Children Rights

OBJECTIVE In partnership with the service for cooperation in cultural actions of the French Embassy (SCAC), School for Magistracy (EMA), l’Initiative de la Société Civile (ISC) and Delegation of the European Union in Haiti which joined the programme this year, the IIHR organised from 2 to 12 December 2014 its third training session in International Human Rights Law dedicated to the theme « International Human Rights Law and Children Rights ». This session was designed for a large and diverse audience coming from different professional sectors. The participants encompassed judges, lawyers, legal practitioners, civil society actors, international civil servants, executives from various national administrations, social workers, journalists, sociologists, psychologists, medical doctors, members of the police force, coming from all over the country. Courses were given by local and international experts coming from the academic and institutional worlds.

Put in place in 2012, the session in Haiti aims at responding to the high number of requests from persons interested in attending IIHR training sessions but could not come to France because of a lack of financial resources. The project was initiated by the French Embassy in Haiti who could not answer positively to all the requests for financial support to participate in Strasbourg sessions. The objective of the session is to provide beneficiaries access to high level teaching in the area of International Human Rights Law.

THEMES Themes Speakers Welcoming statements Kesner Michel THERMESI, Director General, School for Magistracy; Rosny DESROCHES, Executive Director, Initiative de la Société Civile; Muriel SOGNIGBE SANGBANA, Project Officer at the IIHR; David BOUANCHAUD, Programme Officer for Governance issues of Delegation for the European Union; Bruno ASSERAY, Advisor for cooperation and cultural action at the French Embassy Opening conference: the Child in International Human Norah AMILCAR JEAN-FRANÇOIS, Judge at the Court Rights Law of Appeal in Port-au-Prince The Human Rights Protection System of the United Olivier DELAS, Professor at the University de Laval Nations and of its specialized agencies (Québec) Thematic course : Freedoms and civil rights of the Child Alain VALLIERES, Lawyer and lecturer at the University in International Human Rights Law of Montreal The European Human Rights Protection System Colombine MADELAINE, Lecturer at the University François-Rabelais, Tours

34 Thematic course: the protection of economic, social and Laurent TRIGEAUD, Lecturer at the University cultural rights of the child Panthéon-Assas, (Paris II) Seminar : the legal status of the child in Haïti and the right Dilia LEMAIRE, Membre of the Conseil Supérieur du to an identity Pouvoir judiciaire, Haïti Introduction to International Humanitarian Law Eric TARDIF, Legal Advisor, Regional Delegation of ICRC in Mexico Thematic Course: International rights and guaranties of Fanette BLANC, Protection Officer at the OIM, Haïti the migrant child: crossed analyses of the regional systems Refugee Rights Soufiane ADJALI, Head of Office, UNHCR Haïti Thematic Course : the International protection of the child Louis-Pascal METELLUS, Head of Training, Citizen against bad treatments and other forms of violence Protection office in Haiti The Interamerican Human Rights Protection system Karine RINALDI, Consultant in Human Rights Thematic Course : The third optional protocol to the Patrick PELISSIER, Judge, Human Rights Officer, Convention on the Rights of the Child and reinforcement MINUSTAH of the international litigation in the field of human rights Seminar : Compliance with general principles of the Nino KARAMAOUN, Senior Advisor- Rule of Law, Convention on the rights of the child in the field of American States Organization international adoption Closing Conference: the interpretation of the principal of Catalina MARTINEZ CORAL, Human Rights Expert, Superior interest of the Child by the Interamerican jugde Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Closing Ceremony Kesner Michel THERMESI, Director General, School for Magistracy; Rosny DESROCHES, Executive Director, Initiative de la Société Civile; Muriel SOGNIGBE SANGBANA, Project Officer at the IIHR; David BOUANCHAUD, Programme Officer for Gouvernance issues of Delegation for the European Union; Patrick NICOLOSO, French Ambassador in Haiti; Jean Renel SANON, Minister for Justice and Public Safety Coordination Muriel SOGNIGBE SANGBANA, Project Officer at the IIHR

OUTCOME The session welcomed 82 participants. They strengthened their capacities in Human Rights, Children Rights and International Law, and updated their knowledge through the study of the last developments in terms of new provisions and protocols as well of the most recent case law regarding human rights. According to participants, the training was very relevant for their everyday work. For example, lawyers and judges largely welcomed the interpretation based on international approach of internal instruments; police force having gained a better understanding of children rights, recognised the need to change their behaviour, in particular towards children in detention. Courses allowed participants to rethink their profession.

35 Participants by professional activities

Judges, Lawyers, Legal practitionners National Civil Servants, Law enforcement Officers NGOs Professional working in the field of child protection

Participant’s Testimony

Yvon JANVIER Lawyer-Trainer

« This testimony can look like a grain of sand on the beach, nevertheless I wish through this testimony to express my gratitude for the excellent work accomplished in Haiti with the organisation of the training session in international human rights law, and more specifically on children rights. If this can advocate for convincing the initiators of the project to maintain it permanently, I would have reached my goal beyond my expectations. I decided to study law in order to serve people and because I thought that it was a necessary added value to my professional skills. Studies, interrupted twice to follow training in the United States in Educational Sciences, that I managed to complete despite my double positions of Mayor and Professor at the time. As a fish in captivity in its aquarium feeling the permanent need to swim towards the open water, I felt this lack, the limit coming from the absence of an in-depth training in International Human Rights Law. Therefore, I decided to apply for a Masters’ degree set up by UNICRI and the University of Turin. However, due to technical problems with my personal papers I unfortunately could not go through. Convinced that coincidence does not exist, and having focused all my energy on the accomplishment of my dream, the opportunity of this training session on International Human Rights Law, organised by the French Embassy and the International Institute of Human Rights (IIHR), came naturally to me. I participated to the session from 2 to 12 December 2014 at the School of Magistracy in Port-au-Prince. Of course, I was motivated by other factors. Researcher, Lawyer, Professor, Journalist, active member in my community, I always share my knowledge, as I think that is an essential element towards the establishment of the Rule of Law and sustainable development. This session overcame my expectations: it was coordinated perfectly by Ms Muriel Sognigbe Sangbana, IIHR staff and with a variety and a richness of themes addressed with excellence by most of the professors. To my opinion, all righteous persons, men and women, from lawyer to judge, social workers, all men or women willing a fair society respecting human rights, should receive, at least once, such training. Therefore, I would like this training session to continue for the well-being of my compatriots. Like this, every year the number of human rights defenders in Haiti with improved knowledge will multiply rather by participating in this training session or at least by following conferences or seminars given by former participants to this session. I personally planned to share the baggage of knowledge gained at EMA thanks to the IIHR, with Jérémie Law School students and with other actors of social and political life of my region and with even more people in the future. In order not to go cold feet, I already informed the rectorate of the law faculty as well as my colleagues-lawyers of my intention. I will start very quickly. On behalf of myself, the 84 attendees of the session, the numerous peoples who will follow it in the future, I would like to express my feelings towards the initiators and partners of the project with a single word: THANKS. I will use effectively this intellectual baggage that I gained thanks to you.”



OBJECTIVE Initiated by the Permanent Representation of France to the Council of Europe and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), the IIHR was solicited to organise an International Conference on the Universal Abolition of the Death Penalty in San José, Costa Rica. San José was not only chosen to welcome the conference because there is the Headquarters of the Interamerican Court of Human Rights (IACHR) but also because Costa Rica is one of the first State which abolished the death penalty as soon as the middle of the 19th century. This project received financial support from governments of France, Germany and the Netherlands.

The Conference took place from 9 to 11 October 2014 at the headquarters of the IACHR. This event, which felt within the French diplomatic action for the establishment of a generalized moratorium, aimed on the one hand at raising awareness within the International community, as a prerequisite to the universal abolition of the death penalty, on the other hand at informing practitioners on the opportunity of a “judicial moratorium”. It was designed for lawyers, judges and diplomats working at international level. The conference was held in French, Spanish and English.

THEMES Opening Humberto SIERRA PORTO, President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; Jean-Paul COSTA, President of the International Institute of Human Rights, Former President of the ECHR; Alejandro SOLANO ORTIZ, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica; Jean-Baptiste CHAUVIN, Ambassador of France in Costa Rica; Ingo WINKELMANN, Ambassador of Germany in Costa Rica; Mette GONGGRIJP, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Costa Rica Message registered for the participants Robert BADINTER, Former French Minister of Justice Theme 1 : The universal mobilization in favor of the abolition of death penalty Presidency Humberto SIERRA PORTO, President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights The United Nations actions and challenges in the universal Mathias FORTEAU, Professor in law at the University Paris abolition of the death penalty Ouest, Nanterre-La Défense, Member of the International Law Commission of the United Nations A legal perspective: judicial activism and constitutional Saul LEHRFREUND, Advocate, Executive Director of the developments restricting the use of the death penalty Death Penalty Project Theme 2: The derived means of human rights protection (part 1) Presidency Jean-Paul COSTA, President of the International Institute of Human Rights, Former President of the ECHR Extradition and death penalty Jean-Marc THOUVENIN, Professor in law, University Paris X Nanterre-La Défense The question of the Extrajudicial Executions and Forced Emmanuel DECAUX, Professor in law at the University of Paris- Disappearances II Panthéon-Assas, President of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances

37 Theme 2: The derived means of human rights protection (part 2) Presidency Emmanuel DECAUX, Professor in law at the University of Paris- II Panthéon-Assas, President of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances Comparative approach of the international case law solution William A. SCHABAS, Professor, Middlesex University, London, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at the National University of Ireland in Galway, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Criminal Law Forum The interim measures Josep CASADEVALL, Vice-President of the ECHR

Theme 3 : From national practices to the universal abolition (part 1) Presidency Christian TOMUSCHAT, Professor Emeritus, Humboldt University of Berlin The alternatives to the death penalty Françoise TULKENS, Former Judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Former Expert at the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture The abolition of the death penalty’s conventionalisation William A. SCHABAS, Professor, Middlesex University, London, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at the National University of Ireland in Galway, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Criminal Law Forum Theme 3 : From national practices to the universal abolition (part 2) Presidency Christine LAZERGES, President of the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (CNCDH), Professor emeritus of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Comparative national practices and actions The example of Lebanon, Tarek MAJZOUB, Professor, University La Sagesse of Beirut, Judge at the Lebanese Council of State The example of the USA, Bryan STEVENSON, Attorney-at-law, Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative, Professor at New York University School of Law The example of Japan, Maiko TAGUSARI, Attorney-at-law, Vice Secretary-General of the Committee on Prison Law Reform of Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) and Vice Chair of JFBA Death Penalty Moratorium Implementation Committee The example of Russia (moratorium), Anatoly KOVLER, Former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights The example of Trinidad and Tobago, Margarette May MACAULAY, Attorney-at-law, Former Judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights The example of France, Richard SEDILLOT, Attorney-at-law, Former Member of the National Bars Council, Expert at the Council of Europe The example of Mexico, Francisco HOLGIN GONZALEZ, Officer in charge of political affairs, human rights, and press relations at the Mexican Embassy in Costa rica Closing Conference Humberto SIERRA PORTO, President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; Jean-Paul COSTA, IIHR President, Former President of the ECHR; Jean-Baptiste CHAUVIN, Ambassador of France in Costa Rica Coordination Delphine LENEUTRE, IIHR Programme Officer

OUTCOME The Conference offered high quality programme and debates, and gathered best specialists on the topic from all over the world. Indeed, the Conference welcomed lawyers and highly renowned academics engaged in the fight against the death penalty coming from Japan, United States, Trinidad and Tobago, France, Lebanon, Mexico, Germany, United Kingdom and Belgium. Speakers addressed issues such as the worldwide mobilization for the abolition of the death penalty, alternative means of human rights protection and putting in perspective national practice aiming at reaching the objective of the universal abolition of the death penalty. Moreover, the speech of M. Robert Badinter, Former French Ministry of Justice, recorded for the occasion, pointed out that the moratorium was only a step in the long process of abolition, and that the aim is not only to prohibit coming-up executions but also to offer amnesty to people currently sentenced to death penalty. Aside of this event, Mr. Jean-Paul Costa, IIHR president, also animated a public conference on the same theme on the 8th of October 2014 organised in collaboration with the Ministry of External Relations of Costa Rica and the Interamerican Institute of Human Rights.



IIHR Symposium on “the Criticisms of International Human Rights Law»

Every Year, the Institute organises a symposium which gathers experts in the field of Human Rights, in order to debate and deepen research on this subject. This year, the Institute held on 12 and 13 June in Aix-en-Provence a symposium on «the Criticisms of International Human Rights Law» which gathered among its speakers, professors and international civil servants. It was organised in collaboration with the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-Marseille University and the CNRS, and with the support of the CERIC, the Centre de Philosophie du Droit and the UMR 7318. It welcomed around 80 participants.

Opening statements Philippe BONFILS, Dean of the Faculty of law and political sciences of Aix-Marseille; Yann KERBRAT, Professor at Aix-- Marseille University; Jean-Paul COSTA, IIHR President and former ECHR president; Sébastien TOUZÉ, IIHR Secretary General, Professor of Public Law at Strasbourg University Theme 1 : Reflecting on the International Human Rights Law Presidency Xavier PHILIPPE, Aix-­Marseille University Critisms of International Human Rights Law : introduction and Ludovic HENNEBEL, University Libre de Bruxelles selected issues Contemporary critisms of IHRL: Witness for Prosecution? Ignacio DE LA RASILLA DEL MORAL, Brunel University, Human rights on trial London Contemporary critisms of IHRL: Feminist Approaches Mindy ROSEMAN, Harvard University, Cambridge MA Contemporary critisms of IHRL: Positive Approach Niki ALOUPI, University of Strasbourg Third-world critisms of IHRL: Imperialism, oppositions and Jeremy PERELMAN, Sciences Po,Paris emancipation Theme 2 : Creating International Human Rights Law Presidency Jean DHOMMEAUX, University of Rennes Critical thoughts on the normativity of International Human Jean D’ASPREMONT, Manchester University Rights Law The Hermeneutic Model of International Law of Human Rights Eirik BJORGE, Oxford University The case law of international bodies of Human rights protection: Vincent COUSSIRAT-COUSTÈRE, Professor of Law towards the appearance of a judiciary imperium Universalism and universality of International Human Rights Céline HUSSON-ROCHCONGAR, University of Picardie law What effectivity of the International Human Rights Law Hélène RASPAIL, University of le Mans Justifiability and opposability of human rights: the example of Jean-François AKANDJI-KOMBÉ, University Paris I Panthéon- economic, social and cultural rights Sorbonne Theme 3 : Building international human rights law Presidency William SCHABAS, Middlesex University, London Round table and debates on the effectivity and the challenges of Felipe GOMEZ ISA, University of Deusto, Spain; Ahmed human rights protection mechanisms Mahiou, AMU, Former President od the CDI and former judje of the ICJ; Vitit MUNTARBHORN, University of Bangkok in Thaïland, Membre of the International Investigation Committee in Syria; Paulo PINTO DE ALBUQUERQUE, Jugde of the ECHR; Fabian SALVIOLI, National University of la Plata, Argentina, Member of the UN Comittee for Human Rights; Dinah SHELTON, George Washington University, Etats-Unis, Member of the Interamerican Commission for Human Rights Closing Conference Antônio A. CANÇADO TRINDADE, Jugde at the ICJ

39 Symposium on “the European Convention on Human Rights and Workplace Relationships”

On 30 and 31 January 2014, a Symposium on “the European Convention on Human Rights and Workplace Relationships” was jointly organised in Strasbourg by Strasbourg Law Faculty and the European Committee of Social Rights and with support of the IIHR. The accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights opened new perspectives to the recognition of social fundamental rights in the EU. The major evolutions implied by this accession were analysed in an important publication of the working group on “Transnational Trade Union Rights”. The objective of this symposium was to present the main conclusions of the work achieved by several authors of this publication and to submit them for debate and criticism to high-level European specialists in Social and Human Rights Law as well as to current and former members of the European Court of Human Rights, of the European Committee of Social Rights and of the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions.

Theme 1 : From dialogue to cooperation : the stakes linked to human rights in the workplace Presidency Luis JIMENA QUESADA, President of the European Committee for Social Rights Speech Angelika NUSSBERGER, jugdge of the ECHR Human rights in the workplace/ Human rights and relationship Olivier DE SCHUTTER, Catholic University of Leuven in the workplace Demir & Baykara, an emblematic decision for international Klaus LÖRCHER, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) norms in Labour Law The dialogue between European Committee of social rights and Jean-François AKANDJI-KOMBÉ, University Paris I Panthéon- the European Court on Human Rights Sorbonne The adhesion of the EU to the European Convention on Human Frédérique BERROD, University of Strasbourg Rights Moderator Jean MOULY, Theme 2 : « Work to do» for the Convention for human rights in the workplace Presidency Jean-Paul COSTA, IIHR President, Former President of the ECHR From « renaissance » to servitude and forced or compulsory Nicolas HERVIEU, University Paris X labour in France : the lessons learned from the Strasbourg Court The Freedom of (expressing one’s) religion and the principle of Fleur LARONZE, University of Strasbourg neutrality after Eweida decision Freedom of speech in the workplace Dirk VOORHOOF, University of Gent The principle of equality and non-discrimination : the Niklas BRUUN, Universities of Helsinki and Stockholm contribution to the European Convention on Human rights Moderator Alexia GARDIN, Theme 3 : Freedom of trade unions: a challenge for the dichotomy between civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights Presidency Isabelle SCHÖMANN, ETUI, Coordinator of the Transnational Trade Unions’ Rights (TTUR) The right to join and form trade unions Isabelle VAN HIEL, University of Gent The right of collective negotiation Mélanie SCHMITT, University of Strasbourg The right to a class action Filip DORSSEMONT, Catholic University of Leuven Moderator Antoine JACOBS, University of Tilburg Table ronde conclusive Presidency Nicolas MOIZARD, University of Strasbourg How to avoid a too « atomizing » approach of human rights in Csilla KOLLONAY, University of Central Europe Budapest, the workplace, particularly, an approach too individualist of the former member European Committee for Social Rights freedom of association? Simon DEAKIN, University of Cambridge How to improve the dialogue and cooperation between judges, Bruno VENEZIANI, University of Bari including Constitutional Courts which sometimes have more Pierre -CAEN, member of the expert Committee for the protective declarations in the field of human rights? implementation of the ILO Conventions

40 René Cassin Thesis Prizes 2014 The French-speaking René Cassin Thesis Prize 2014

The French-speaking René Cassin Thesis Prize 2014 was awarded to Anne-Catherine FORTAS from the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) for her thesis on: « la surveillance de l’exécution des arrêts et décisions des Cours européenne et interaméricaine des droits de l’homme». On 7 July, the prize-winning candidate received her award from the Chair of the jury M. Vlad CONSTANTINESCO, Professor emeritus of Strasbourg University, during the opening ceremony of 45th Annual Study Session. The jury members were professors Samantha BESSON, Professor, Fribourg University, Louis D’AVOUT, Professor, University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), Olivier DE FROUVILLE, Professor, University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), Anne LEVADE, Professor, University Paris-Est - Créteil Val-de-Marne, Laure MILANO, Professor, University d’Avignon et des Pays du Vaucluse, Sébastien TOUZÉ, Professor, Strasbourg University.

A Special Mention was awarded by the jury to Jean-Pierre SCHOUPPE from the University Panthéon- Assas (Paris II) for his thesis on: «la dimension institutionnelle de la liberté de religion dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme».

The English-speaking René Cassin Thesis Prize 2014

The English-speaking René Cassin Thesis Prize 2014 was awarded to Valentina SPIGA from the European University Institute of Florence for her thesis on: «The Right to Justice for Victims of Human Rights Crimes». On 7 July, the award–winning candidate received his award from the Chair of the jury Sir Nigel RODLEY, Professor at University of Essex, during the opening ceremony of the 45th Annual Study Session. The jury members were Douwe KORFF, Professor at London Metropolitan University; Gerald L. NEUMAN, Professor at Harvard Law School; William SCHABAS, Professor at Middlesex University.

A Special Mention was awarded by the jury to Yvonne McDERMOTT from the National University of Ireland in Galway for her thesis on: «The Right to a Fair Trial in International Criminal Law».


Published in 2014

In the collection “Publications of the International Institute of Human Rights”, Pedone editions:

Aurélia SCHAHMANECHE, La motivation des décisions de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, Collection des « Publications de l’Institut international des droits de l’homme », n°22, Pedone, Paris, 2014

Emmanuel GUEMATCHA, Les commissions vérité et les violations des droits de l’homme et du droit nternational humanitaire, Collection des « Publications de l’Institut international des droits de l’homme », n°23, Pedone, Paris, 2014

To be published in 2015

In the collection “Publications of the International Institute of Human Rights”, Pedone editions:

Emmanuel DECAUX, Sébastien TOUZÉ, La prévention des violations des droits de l’homme, Collection des « Publications de l’Institut international des droits de l’homme » Pedone, Paris, 2015



Training sessions In February, 2nd training session in Bamako, Mali In March, ‘Spring University’ in Strasbourg on Family Law in the European Legal Framework. In May, 3rd training session in Beirut, Lebanon In June, 18th Summer Course on Refugee Law In July, 46th Annual Study Session on «Children and International Human Rights» In September, 6th training session in Dakar, Senegal In October, 2nd training session Rabat, Morocco In November, 4th training session in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire In December, 4th training session in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Research activities René Cassin thesis Prize, French and English speaking in July IIHR Annual Symposium in The International Institute of Human Rights is an association under French local Educational activities law, based in Strasbourg, The Human Rights Clinic of Strasbourg with a membership of Support to the René Cassin Moot Court Competition around 300 (individuals and organisations) from all over the world (academics, researchers and human rights practitioners). It was created in 1969 by René CASSIN following its Nobel Peace Prize in 1968 (on the occation of the 20th anniversary of the Universal Human Rights Declaration of wich he was one of the main writers).

2 Allée René Cassin- F - 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 0033(0) 3 88 45 84 45; Fax: 0033 (0) 3 88 45 84 50 Site Internet: Email: [email protected]