May 2009 Loriane Py School of Economics - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Maison des Sciences Economiques (MSE)

Professional details Personal details Maison des Sciences Economiques 106-112 Bd de l’Hôpital Born June 15 1984 75647 Paris Cedex 13 Nationality : French Tel : (+33) [email protected]


2008 - 2009 RESEARCHSCHOLARAND TEACHING ASSISTANT. Department of Economics, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, Paris

Research Interests

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Geography


Since October 2007 PHDCANDIDATE IN ECONOMICS,ADVISOR :PR.THIERRY MAYER. Paris School of Economics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne . Thesis Title : Strategies and Performances of Firms on Foreign Markets.

2006 - 2007 MASTERIN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. Paris School of Economics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne . With high honors.

2005 - 2006 MAÎTRISEIN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS (4 YEARSUNIVERSITYDEGREE). University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne . With high honors (Award of the Chancellery of Paris Universities).

2004 - 2005 LICENCEIN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS (3 YEARSUNIVERSITYDEGREE). University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne . With high honors.

Teaching Experience

2008-2009 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY (MASTERLEVEL (M2)). University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne . Instructor.

2007 and 2008 INTERNATIONAL TRADE (3rd YEARUNIVERSITYDEGREE). University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne . Teaching assistant for the course of Pr. Lionel Fontagné. Professional Experiences

June-September OECD. 2008 Consultant for the Working Party on the Globalization of Industry, Paris . Study on the location determinants of activities related to innovation of multinationals.

May-September MINISTRYOF ECONOMICSAND FINANCES. 2007 Internship at the Invest in Agency, Paris . Study on the location determinants of multinational firms in Europe.

June-August 2006 CABINETOF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Internship at La Calade, Sophia Antipolis, France . Cost benefit analysis of sustainable investment projects in the report "Sustainable Housing in Europe" (for the European Commission 2007).

Working Papers & Work in Progress

"Where do Multinationals Locate manufacturing and Service Activities in Europe and Why ?", joint with Fabrice Hatem, under review in Economie et Statistique.

"Need for Product Adaptation and Performance on Foreign Market : an Analysis of Japanese Multinational Firms", joint with Laura Hering.

"Location Factors in the Activities Related to Innovation of Multinationals : a Litera- ture Review", joint with Fabrice Hatem, DSTI/IND/WPGI(2008)6, (OECD report).


April 2009 9th RIEF Doctoral Meeting (Aix en Provence)

October 2008 Annual Meeting of the Working Party on Globalization of Industry, Paris, OECD.

Additional skills

Languages : French : native speaker - English : fluent - Spanish : fluent

Computer skills : Stata, Eviews, LaTeX, GAMS (basics)


PROFESSOR THIERRY MAYER. Paris School of Economics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CEPII. Phone : (+ 33) 1 44 07 81 16, E-mail : [email protected]

PROFESSOR SANDRA PONCET. Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, University of Paris 11, CEPII. Phone : (+ 33) 1 44 07 91 94, E-mail : [email protected]

PROFESSOR FARID TOUBAL. Paris School of Economics, University of , CEPII. Phone : (+ 33) 1 44 07 82 67, E-mail : [email protected]

MR.THOMAS HATZICHRONOGLOU. Structural Policy Division, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD. Phone : (+ 33) 1 45 24 93 97, E-mail : [email protected]