SYLVESTRE, Florence ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7870-0918 Date of birth: 24 February 1970 Nationality: French URL for web site:

• EDUCATION 2002 Habilitation/HDR GeoSciences/ University of / Angers, Highest French degree, require to supervise PhD students and reach Senior position 1997 PhD GeoSciences/ National Museum of Natural History/ , France 1993 Master/ Faculty of Geography/ Department of Physical Geography, University Paris 7/ France

• CURRENT POSITION(S) Since 2005 Senior Scientist (DR1)/ CEREGE/ IRD/ Aix-en-Provence, France

• PREVIOUS POSITIONS 1997 – 2005 Assistant Professor Sciences/ Faculty of Sciences/Department of Geology, Angers University/ France

• FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS 2014 ‘Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite’ from French President F. Hollande/ France 2004 – 2005 Visiting Assistant Professor/ CEREGE/CNRS/ Aix-en-Provence, France (12 months) 2002 Visiting Assistant Professor/ University of Waterloo/ Waterloo, Canada (6 months)

1993 – 1997 Scholarship, Geology, National Museum of National History/ France (1st student promoted) 1991 – 1993 Scholarship, Physical Geography/ Paris 7 University/ France (Top 10 Master students)

• SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS Since 2005 Supervisor of 5 postdocs Since 2002 Supervisor of 6 PhDs, 1 defense expected in 2021 Since 1998 25 Master Students (5 to 6 months) and 11 Undergraduate (1 to 3 months)

• TEACHING ACTIVITIES At Angers University (1997-2004), I have taught courses in Geology, Soil Science, Climatology for approximately 220 hours/year. In addition I have been Head of academic programs. This role involves defining content of programs and leading the reflections of the pedagogical methodology. Then, since 2005 in full research position, I have taught in the frame of seminar for Master, PhDs, and postdocs. Below is a selected list of courses that I have created in the recent years. 2014 – 2019 Paleohydrology, University of N’Djamena, Geology Department/ Chad (each year/1 semester/undergraduate and Master students) 2008 – 2009 The use of stable isotope in palaeoclimatology, University of Potsdam, Earth Sciences Department/ Germany (each year/ PhD and postdocs) 2006 – 2008 Diatoms as bio-indicators of environmental changes, Aix-Marseille University, Earth Sciences Department/ France (each year/1 semester/undergraduate and Master students) 2003 – Diatoms as bio-indicators of environmental changes, University of Geneva, Sciences Department/ Switzerland (seminar/ PhD and postdocs) 1998 – 2000 Diatoms, University of Sao Paulo/ Instituto Oceanografico/ Brazil (seminar/ PhD and postdocs)

• ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS 2021 ADLaF, French Diatomists Association/ Aix-en-Provence, France/co-chair. 2016 Kick-Off Workshop ICDP-CHADRILL Project/Aix-en-Provence France/chair, 2016 Scientific session CL1.16 European Geophysical Union (EGU)/ Vienna, Austria/ co- chair. 2015 Scientific session COP 21 Paris ‘From the Holocene to the Anthropocene: The history of human-environmental interactions’/ Paris, France/ chair 2015 Meeting ‘Tropical deserts and lakes though time: Paleohydrology, Isotope geochemistry, Climate and Societies’ /Aix-en-Provence, France/ co-chair. 2006 Scientific session PP13 American Geophysical Union (AGU)/ San Francisco, USA/ co-chair.

• INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 2020-2022 Head of IRD in Chad (scientific and diplomatic relationships for IRD in Chad) Since 2017 Joint Director for International Relationships/ CEREGE/ Aix-Marseille University/CNRS/IRD/ France Since 2008 Member of the Scientific Committee CEREGE/ Aix-Marseille University/CNRS/IRD/France 2008 – 2017 Executive Joint Director/ CEREGE/ Aix-Marseille University/CNRS/IRD/ France

2015 – 2016 Executive Director Department ‘Environment and Ressources’/IRD/ France 2012 – 2019 Advisor International Relationships Department/ Aix-Marseille University/France

2009 – 2014 Joint President of the Scientific Committee National Program LEFE-EVE/IMAGO/ CNRS/ France 2008 – 2010 Member of the Scientific Committee National Program LEFE-EVE/ CNRS/ France

2001 – 2005 Member of the Scientific Committee/ Faculty of Sciences/ University of Angers/France 1995 – 2005 Member of the Department Committee Geology/ University of Angers/France

• REVIEWING ACTIVITIES 2020 – Scientific evaluation French High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, University of Savoie/ EDYTEM/ France 2019 – Scientific evaluation, French High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, University of / ISEM/ France

2015 – Review panel member, Full Director of Research position, IRD/ France 2014 – Review panel member, Full Assistant professor position, Aix-Marseille University/ France 2011 – Review panel member, Full Assistant professor position, IRD/ France 2011 – Review panel member, Full Assistant professor position, Aix-Marseille University/ France

Since 2010 – Review panel member, French National Research Funding, France (8 reports)

Since 2000 – Scientific panel member, 3 projects (U-Gent Belgium, U-Winnipeg Canada, Aix- Marseille University)

Since 2000 – Reviewer for more than 20 journals (PNAS, PLos ONE, Quaternary Science Reviews, Journal of Paleolimonology), 4 to 6 reports/year

• BOOK EDITION 2019 – Le Tchad des lacs. C. Raimond, F. Sylvestre, A. Moussa, D. Zakinet (eds), Editions IRD, 365 pp. 2009 – Past climate variability in South America and Surrounding regions: From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene. F. Vimeux, F. Sylvestre, M. Khodri (eds), Editions Springer- Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Series, 418 pp.

• MAJOR COLLABORATIONS Dr Daniel Ariztegui, Paleoclimatology/ University of Geneva/ Switzerland Dr Jean-Claude Doumnang, Geology, Faculty of Sciences/Geology/ University of N’Djamena/ Chad Dr Philip Hoelzmann, Paleoclimatology, Geochemistry/ University of Berlin/ Germany Dr Martin Melles, Paleoclimatology, Geochemistry/ University of Cologne/ Germany Dr Antje Schwalb, Paleolimnology/ Technische Universität Braunschweig/ Germany Dr Hendrik Vogel, Paleolimnology/ University of Bern/ Switzerland Dr Nicolas Waldmann, Paleoclimatolgy, Sedimentology/ University of Haifa/ Israel