
Author Read Alike

Genre: Mystery

Swedish author Henning folds - victims that are nection between teenage Mankell may have become axed then scalped. All the killers, power failures, and known to many Ameri- victims are male, but they cyber terrorism. In One cans in 2009 when a few are unconnected to each Step Behind, the detective of his mystery stories fea- other. solves the murders of turing protagonist Kurt three teens and tracks a were featured Mankell’s command of psychotic intent on killing on the PBS Masterpiece meticulous details, his victims just because he Mystery! show. Wallander emotive descriptions of finds them happy or con- was portrayed by actor Wallander’s though proc- tent. . esses and logic leaps, his masterful treatment of The first Wallander mys- modern themes, and his tery adapted to the PBS use of fine-tuned, subtle production was from secondary characters has Mankell’s work Side- been commended in his tracked: A home country. His Wal- Mystery. As the story lander mysteries have opens, inspector Wal- earned a place in the up- lander tries to stop a per echelon of mystery young woman in a writing. farmer’s field from immo- lating herself. The overbur- Other mystery titles dened detective looks on adapted to the PBS show in horror as the girl sets from this series include: herself ablaze. As the po- and One step Be- lice solve this mystery, a hind. In Firewall, Wal- set of serial slayings un- lander must solve the con- Henning Mankell

Read Alike—Ian Rankin

For those who like Euro- Wallander’s, and the Scot- rial murders of teen girls. pean mystery procedurals tish inspector also shares With a knack for strong but want to skip across the his Swedish counterpart’s characters, psychologically English Channel from penchant for solitary in- adept observations, and and Inspector vestigations of crimes tightly drawn, enthralling 800 Park Avenue Wallander to the United mired in the murky side of plots, Ian Rankin and In- Plainfield, NJ Kingdom, try author Ian society. Interested readers spector Rebus will be a Rankin’s Edinburgh police should begin with Knots welcome addition to the 07060 inspector John Rebus. and Crosses, the first book list of international authors 908-757-1111 of the series. Rebus must and sleuths you’ll want to Rebus’s life resembles that investigate a string of se- put on your “to read” list! [email protected] of confounded workaholic Plainfield Public Library ▪ 800 Park Avenue ▪ Plainfield, NJ ▪ 07060 ▪908-757-1111 ▪ [email protected]

Read-A-like - Arnaldur Indriðason

Arnaldur Indriðason’s Ice- less murder. face of an outwardly open landic detective, Inspector and progressive society. Erlendur Sveinsson, finds In Arctic Chill, the Ice- himself solving a case in- landic detective solves the Divorcee Sveinsson solves volving the murder of a stabbing of a dark-skinned his cases against the back- Christmas Santa Claus in a victim and the disappear- drop of a hectic personal Reykjavik city hotel in the ance of his Thai step- life, replete with the ongo- title Voices. Sveinsson brother. Soon, the case ing crises of his co-workers must investigate everyone yields some dark under- and his desire to recon- in the establishment to tones about race relations nect with his estranged solve the seemingly sense- lurking beneath the sur- children.

Read-A-like - James Lee Burke

American mystery writer cast of seedy characters style, character complexity, James Lee Burke adds his who are trying to ship darkly atmospheric con- own flair to his sleuth crea- arms to Nicaraguan con- flicts (internal and exter- tion, one Lieutenant Dave tras. These villains frame nal), and portraying a Robicheaux, a Cajun New Robicheaux, who must widower sleuth who is Orleans homicide cop. In settle matters on the lam. caught amid his own the first novel of the series, whirlwind of demons, in- Burke is as talented as his Neon Rain, the detective cluding overcoming alco- European counterparts at finds a dead body in a holism while protecting an conveying the rich color of bayou. This discovery pulls adopted daughter. He has his surroundings, a him into the midst of a an obsession with the thoughtful and elegant sleazy, aberrant side of life.

Read-A-like - Lynda La Plante

Back across the Atlantic, first novel and television own troubles as her male Scotland Yard DCI Jane episode, Prime Suspect, counterparts, having to Tennison, in several Prime we find Jane consumed in fight sexism during the Suspect novels and award- nabbing a serial killer of Marlow case, and later winning PBS television women, a crafty villain unremitting personal di- productions, has her own named George Marlow. lemmas, such as unsuc- set of proverbial crosses to She finally catches him cessful personal relation- bear throughout her ca- with her team as he enters ships, pregnancy issues, reer with London’s metro- a garage. and the specter of increas- politan police force and in ing alcohol addiction, her own life. In La Plante’s Jane is as buried in her even as she gains the re- spect of her peers.