Go Whistle ISSUE 1 VOLUME 2


Presidents Corner

Norman Camier unexpected. Talking about painted this year !!!!!). It is Inside this issue: the unexpected if there are always pleasing then when any worth publishing do we do. Presidents Corner 1 We are fast approaching our Seminar on the 19th of send them in to us. I wish everybody a very August and I hope as many September brings it’s own successful coming season. News and Views 1 as possible will be able to excitement with the start Yours in rugby, make it to Old Belvedere. of the World Cup and the Seminar News 2 first match between France Norman (Details inside this issue) and Argentina which will Unplayable Grounds 2 You will notice that this have a real bearing on Ire- year the plan is in place to land’s group. That match have more meeting avail- th National Conference 3 kicks off on Friday the 7 able to our members and and Ireland’s first match is this has been done to in- against Namibia Sunday the Alain Rolland 4 creasing communication 9th. among us. It is important (See our world cup special) WORLD CUP SPECIAL 5-6 to share information as well as using the occasions to As a member of the ARLB foster the fellowship that it is also good for all of us exist between us. No refe- to set out our objectives for ree goes through games the year, we do it at work, without having experiences we do it at home (I must be they Law issues or the get the outside of the house


JOHN PAUL DOYLE wish him well for the future. ASSESSORS MEETING ing do come along.

JP is the son of former presi- The meeting will be held in John Paul Doyle who started dent Terry Doyle. He is a Dave McHugh has kindly Old Belvedere at 7.30pm. his career with the ARLB has member of Terenure College agreed to kick-off our series been appointed to Division 1 RFC and the London Society of meeting on the 6th of Sep- in England. This is the second of tember. All Assessors / highest level and just below Referees. Coaches are invited. If there are people who are interested top 15 elite. We are de- in either assessing or coach- lighted with JP’s progress GO WHISTLE


perience. Bertie refereed at A further Seminar is planed The emphasis this year is on the highest level and contin- for November 15th in Law- development allied to an at- ues to be actively involved in lors Hotel Naas Start 8pm. tempt to address some of the referee’s affairs. More details will be on our issues raised in the end of web site nearer the time. season questionnaire. Aoife Mc Carthy will give an insight into her refereeing We are delighted to confirm at International level. that Steve Griffiths will be With thanks to G.P. Maher. taking much of the morning Alan Oliver (retired child session and addressing the protection officer Scotland issue of Assertiveness - how Yard) will give a talk on child Seminar & Workshop to empower referees in the protection and the areas, crucial area of Man Manage- which have reference to the Dates ment. The evidence of recent ARLB. Dates for the laws meet- assessments would suggest ing for season 2007/2008 that this is one key area re- In addition to all the above, quiring improvement, par- Ciaran O Brien is organis- ticularly for emerging refe- ing a welcome pack for all Old Belvedere Rugby Club rees. referees and assessors, con- 19th August 2007 tents of same awaiting confir- More and more often now mation! Lawlors Hotel Naas referees have touch judging 15th November 2007 The steering group will con- ‘diary in Sunday appointments, often at levels of games higher than those at tinue to meet during the off- August 19th season and feel free to throw Old Belvedere Rugby Club which they normally officiate. 28th February 2008 and we all look I am delighted to confirm that in suggestions to Alfie or Norman. forward to seeing David Keane has agreed to SYMPATHIES take charge of this module. you on the day.’ So diary in Sunday August To show we have an All Ire- 19th and we all look forward The Association would like to extend our sympathy to John land perspective we have in- to seeing you on the day. Nolan on the Death of his fa- vited Bertie Smith from the ther in law Michael Breen Munster Association to share ‘May he rest in peace’ with us some of his vast ex-


ion; the ground is in an unsafe site. Please be advised that in the c o n d i t i o n . event of a grounds man de- Honorary Secretary ARLB claring a pitch unplayable, SPEEDY RECOVERY referees have no responsibility P.S. It is always a good idea to or authority to offer a con- give the club where you are We would like to send our best trary opinion. In these situa- refereeing a call before you wishes to Ciaran O Brien and tions it is the grounds man's set out on your journey espe- Bernard Doyle and a speedy responsibility and we should cially if you are refereeing recovery from recent illnesses. not get involved. The only quite a distance away. All club authority a referee has is to contact numbers can be found PAGE 2 cancel a match if in his opin- in the hand book or on the GO WHISTLE


July 27th/28th 2007 saw the where Dave McHugh was the scrum half prior to a match. annual IRFU referee confer- prosecution and then retiring

ence in Belvedere RFC. The to refresh ourselves at Paddy AIL referees come together to Cullens hostelry. An interesting exercise was to discuss the recent season, show clips of foul play spotted

possible upcoming law by a Touch Judge. The room changes, focus points on the 9.00am Saturday saw every- would view the clip with no ‘’Kevin Beggs upcoming season as well as one reappear and the seminar sound and some one would be reports from the the dreaded 150 fitness test. kicked off with Owen Doyle picked out to give a TJ report We w ere fortunate to have in from the IRFU going over to either or Alain recent IRFU attendance on the Saturday points of clarity that have Rolland who had turned their National Alan Lewis and Alain Rolland been raised by the various back to the screen. It really who gave their input and unions. There are no new law showed how critical it is to Conference for opinions on a range of issues. changes being introduced this give the correct information Referees’ season, however one clarifica- to the referee in a manner

tion was to ensure players are which is calm and descriptive Friday night was the fitness penalised for diving over play- and yet uses the right termi- test. Forty five of Irish rugbys ers on the ground in front of nology which indicates to the finest whistlers arrived, how- them in order to reach the referee the severity of the ever only about thirty one ball which has either just offence. I think every one in were kitted out to complete emerged from a ruck on the the room learned something the test. The rest managed a ground, or is still in the oppo- from this exercise. wide range of excuses and did site players hands. A player

the marking duties. For those may come from his own side not aware of the test it con- as long as this player stays on Proceedings were brought to sists of a shuttle sprint with his feet and is on side. a conclusion at about 3.00pm cones marked out at five, ten, and left us all raring to go in

fifteen, twenty, and twenty what will be a busy World five metres. The participant Simon McDowell then con- Cup year with the Heineken has to run back and forwards ducted a Television Match Cup, Magners League and flat out for thirty seconds, Official over view. The AIL vying for everyones at- rest for thirty and then repeat Magners League this season tention. By the way, I hear the exercise. This happens six will have a TMO in operation the All Blacks have booked a times and in the space of six and it was interesting hearing spare seat on their plane back minutes everyone was re- how the system operates to New Zealand on October duced to mere shells of their around the world. Also on the for someone called William former selves. The rest of the agenda for the day was Alain Webb Ellis…….I’m off to night was spent at dinner, Rolland discussing the way he Paddy Powers. addresses the front row and attending the court session Kevin Beggs (A dreamer)


Name: Stephen McCann Notes: Matches of note 2006 rees from around Leinster in Dunne cup final, 2006 jnr dev coming issues so if you local rep Date of Birth: 24 /11/1978 cup final 2007 snr schools 2nds asks please give your full sup- Club: Newbridge cup final, 2007 counties S/F— port. apparently John Downey has all Level Reached: J1 the good stories on Stephen. We will be profiling more refe- PAGE 3 ISSUE 1 VOLUME 2


With only a few weeks to go sists of weights, running, which I vary, as some days it change a little next week to to RWC 2007, I’m moving speed work, and cycling. will be on the treadmill and allow for the matches at the into to the final stages of my other days it will be out- weekend. I’m in the gym doing a com- preparations and there is an doors. I have a circuit that bination of weights for my I have another isokenetic test extra zip in my stride. goes from the Iveagh gym in upper and lower body on booked for Monday 13th Au- Christchurch, up to Harolds This months brings a number Monday’s, Wednesday’s and gust as this will test the Cross bridge, along the canal of warm up matches, if you Friday’s. The gym is beside strength and balance ratio in to Baggot St and then back could call France v England a my office in town so I go my hamstring, quads and through Stephen’s Green warm up, so the next few there at lunchtime and it calves. It’s a test I do twice a park. weekends re introduce the takes 50 minutes. year, once off season and airport and flights!!! I cycle for an hour to an hour once in season so I’, looking I do a speed session in Santry and a half at 6am on Monday forward to it. Work is also busy so being at 11 on a Wednesday which and Friday morning and after able to balance it all brings takes a total of one hour. This will continue up to work on a Tuesday. Saturday on many challenges. when we assemble in Paris I do a 30 minute run on and Sunday are currently rest on Friday 31st August. My training currently con- Tuesday’s and Thursday, days so my routine will Alain Rolland


Those of you who ordered Kevin Beggs and Dan Wal- Lots of stock available— “Have your yellows off field leisure wear from lace have been counting and email danwal- Eden Park should have re- there is still plenty of gear [email protected] or turned pale? Are ceived a call from them to available in the container in Kevin.beggs@quinn- those shorts a little say that your order is in. Donnybrook. If you need any direct.com to order more. gear for the 2007/08 season tighter than last If you have not please contact We hope to have some spe- please let them know before the shop in the Powerscourt cial offers on ARLB t-shirts at year? Has that neck the seminar so they can have Centre in . Thanks go the upcoming seminar in thickened? “ Get it available for you. to Robbie Doyle for getting August. your new gear... this sponsorship deal—this is Have your yellows turned top quality gear. pale? Are those shorts a little

tighter than last year? Has www.eden-park.fr that neck thickened?

When he’s in full flight, he’s just a joy to watch..



Paddy O'Brien, the Interna- have had enough of this; it has tional Rugby Board (IRB) got to stop. "All opensides contest at the refereeing co-ordinator, breakdown. It doesn't mean has declared war on "I am determined that the McCaw is cheating. Rugby Union's whingers. World Cup will be won by the best team on the paddock, "And as for the Australian O'Brien said coaches, players not in newspaper columns front row, I don't accept they and officials will not be al- and certainly not by a coach won't scrummage. All teams lowed to question referees' running to a newspaper, get some scrums wrong, it's decisions at the World Cup in bleating. part of the game. To suggest France later this year, while they're doing it deliberately is coaches will also no longer be "We are banning all meetings absurd. Such talk has got to allowed to meet with referees between coaches and referees stop." before matches. [allowed before the Tri- Nations game at Eden Park] O'Brien blames the trend on "This [issue] has crept back before World Cup games. growing pressure on coaches, into the game," O'Brien told and the willingness of some the NZ Herald. "No other sport allows reporters to pass on as gospel coaches to go in and see refe- everything a coach says. R e f e r e e s m u s t "Experienced players are tak- rees, armed with laptops, referee what they ing on inexperienced referees statistics and photos, before a "I think some coaches believe see in front of them and cashing in on their lack of game. Rugby should not be they can use the media to get on the field during a experience. the first; it is absurd. the upper hand, and some game, not have pre- reporters have no credibility conceived ideas "We're not going to accept "Referees must referee what at all," he said. through coaches this at the World Cup. Those they see in front of them on trying to influence players doing so will be penal- the field during a game, not "But as I say, this World Cup them 24 hours ised at once." have pre-conceived ideas should be won by the best before a match even through coaches trying to team. I don't care which side starts. O'Brien says world rugby influence them 24 hours be- that is but I do know that chiefs have been dismayed at fore a match even starts. referees cannot afford to lis- the growing trend for coaches ten to public opinion and they to use the media to under- "We will be putting a huge can't afford to let myths mine match officials and play- emphasis on that point before grow. They have to deal with ers. the World Cup begins." facts."

"Some of the comments I O'Brien said he was disturbed read in the build-up to the by the number of allegations two [Tri-Nations] Test being made about cheating. matches in New Zealand were absurd," he said. "To take the two recent sub- jects of this trend, Richie "The Australians were ac- McCaw is an outstanding cused of not scrummaging, No.7, probably the best the and individual players were world has ever seen," he told PAGE 5 accused of being cheats. We the newspaper. WORLD CUP SPECIAL ISSUE 1 VOLUME 2


It is easy to see why, as soon Stade de France on 7 Sep- have revenge in mind at the as Pool D was drawn, it was tember – will also have an Parc des Princes on 30 Sep- described as the arche- extra motivation, if ever one tember in the last Pool D typal group of death. With were needed, with both match which should deter- host nation France set to do Marcelo Loffreda and Ber- mine the two that progress to battle with Ireland and Ar- nard Laporte stepping down the knockout stage. gentina – three of the top six as coach after the tourna- Romania in June, one they nations in the IRB World ment. For both Georgia and Na- Rankings - one genuine title will hope to repeat with mibia – just like in 2003, their traditional strong de- contender will bow out be- Ireland and Argentina, drawn in the same Pool as fore the quarter final stages. though, are certainly no fence creating a platform for Ireland and Argentina – the backs to shine. strangers in World Cup his- Stade Félix-Bollaert in Lens France have the best Rugby tory, the Pumas having won on 26 September could be- Players to look out for in- World Cup pedigree of the their quarterfinal playoff 28- come somewhere they never three, having twice been 24 in 1999 to automatically forget, as the venue of their clude David Skrela for losing finalists, although Ire- qualify for the next tourna- first ever France, twins Felipe and land and Argentina have both ment, only for Ireland to victory. Manuel Contepomi in the reached quarterfinals in the then turn the tables with a Pumas backline, Georgian fly past, ironically losing to Les 16-15 victory in Adelaide. The two sides have met only half Merab Kvirikashvili and Bleus between them at the once before, Georgia gaining his counterpart Justinus van last three tournaments. The Pumas, many of whom a psychological advantage der Westhuizen, who scored play their rugby in France with their 26-18 victory dur- four tries on his Namibia Argentina and France – who and so missed the series de- ing the IRB Nations Cup in debut. meet in the opening match at feat of Ireland in June, will

Date - Time Venue

09 Sep - 20:00 Ireland Namibia Bordeaux

15 Sep - 21:00 Ireland Georgia Bordeaux

21 Sep - 21:00 France Ireland Saint-Denis

30 Sep - 17:00 Ireland Argentina Paris


REFEREEING OTHER DUTIES ALAN LEWIS ALAN LEWIS Saturday, September 8th Australia v Japan Sunday, September 9th Scotland v Portugal 4th Official Saturday, September 22nd England v Samoa Tuesday, September 11th Argentina v Georgia 4th Official Saturday, September 30th France v Georgia Wednesday, September 26th Georgia v Namibia 4th Official

ALAIN ROLLAND ALAIN ROLLAND Sunday, September 9th Wales v Canada Friday, September 7th France v Argentina 4th Official Sunday, September 16th France v Namibia Wednesday, September 12th Italy v Romanian 4th Official Friday, September 28th England v Tonga Tuesday, September 25th Canada v Japan 4th Official Sunday, September 29th Wales v Fiji 4th Official


55 Main Street Donnybrook Dublin 4 Ireland

Association of Referees Leinster Branch Proudly sponsored by Subaru, Ireland. Kukri - Official Kit suppliers to the ARLB. Eden Park – Official off Field Clothing Sponsor to the ARLB. Association of Referees Leinster Branch Online @ www.arlb.net

Many of the articles included in this publication are open for discussion on the ARLB Message Board available at ARLB.net

If you have any queries, articles or photos for inclusion in Go Whistle please contact one of the following: Alfie Acheson [email protected] Danny Wallace [email protected] Robert Doyle [email protected]