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Newsletter December 2007.Pub GO WHISTLE D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 7 B u m p e r C h r ist m a s Issu e A LA IN R OLLA N D IN TER V IEW R ea d a b o u t A la n LEWIS a n d h is w o r ld c u p ex p er ien c e C OM M ISSION ER WEST GIV ES U S A N IN -C ITE TOM TU OHY R EP OR TS ON THE SC HOOLS SEM IN A R TM O STA Y OR GO ? A N D LOTS, LOTS M OR E Alain Rolland World Cup Final Referee 2007 Go Whistle ISSUE 4 VOLUME 1 S S O C I A T I O N O F R E F E R E E S L E I N S T E R B R A N C H DECEMBER 2007 E S T . 1 9 0 2 PRESIDENTS CORNER WITH NORMAN CAMIER On the evening of the 15th of nars and working among our- the question “What attracts you November I had the privilege selves and sharing experiences to refereeing” the four top re- of attending the Past Presidents and most of all always learning sponses were: dinner held in the St. Stephen’s and enjoying. Green Hibernian Club. I have a. Involvement in Rugby If I take that1400 figure it can to say it was a very humbling be assumed that we are making b. Fitness experience as I looked down Inside this issue: an average of over a 100 ap- both sides of the table and I c. Social pointment per week for the Presidents Corner 2 thought to myself what a lot of season so far. The number of Career path. rugby experience here. There d. referees which number around were 19 Former Presidents of Now that we are in December I From the Editor 2 150 and you will always have the ARLB in attendance and I commitments to European Cup would like to wish you all a guess if you added up all the AIB Cup, AIL, Touch Judging peaceful, enjoyable time with Schools Seminar 3 hours they have given to rugby Referees away, Injuries, work your families, great Christmas between playing, refereeing, and success with the board commitment and home com- assessing, watching and in of- games. 4 mitment, we normally end up An Irishman's journey fice it would be between one with a working pool of 120 Norman Camier and two million hours. The average. This clearly shows the ARLB is very proud of what Alan Lewis on France 5 wonderful contribution you they have moulded and set in You will notice that the number 2007 referees make to Leinster train for us. of matches over Christmas pe- Alain Rolland 7 rugby and your commitment is riod are very scarce. Starting I was delighted to report out exemplary. week commencing the 15th of that we have 26 new referees, December through to the first The ARLB has done trojan 8 1400 matches that we have week in January. The Comple- TMO Yay or Nay work in recruiting referees, made appointments for and tions Committee made this deci- now it is important to encour- completed 80 assessments at sion at the beginning of the year age them, provide appoint- New Recruits 9 that moment in time. I did also to reduce fixtures over the three ments, coach and support them stress the challenges we have week period and it is welcome as so that they can enjoy their ahead with the modern game it enables people to prepare for involvement in refereeing. I and the importance of commu- Christmas. Don’t stop the main- remember the questionnaire nication by this Newsletter, tenance of the fitness though!!!! we completed last year and to Website, Area meetings, Semi- FROM THE EDITOR GO WHISTLE would like to Alain Rolland refereed the think the knock on effect of with it. this will only make the ARLB extend their warmest con- World Cup Final. This is not This month we are obviously a better association. gratulations to Alain Rolland, only a great honour for Alain ‘bigging them up’ and rightly Alan Lewis and John West on himself, his family but also When we look at the amount so but we hope there is a fantastic Rugby World Cup for the ARLB. To have two of new recruits coming into something for everyone in 2007. I think you all will referees involved in the final the ARLB this year we can Go Whistles' Bumper Christ- agree that they all did us very was something special and only assume that these two mas Special. proud. unique to a refereeing asso- men have something to do ciation like the ARLB. I Happy Holidays. GO WHISTLE SCHOOLS SEMINAR—OCTOBER 17th 0om Tuohy reports on the "human" aspect of refereeing Action Points schools seminar that took at this level and called on all place on October 17th 2007. to be more patient with this Code of conduct to be age group on law matters. He drawn up between ARLB and Attendance: 52 ARLB and went on to explain that he the Schools Committee re. 30 School Coaches represent- saw the referee as a quasi the increasing incidents of ing 18 Schools. coach on occasion for these "sledging" i.e. abuse directed games. at opposition players during When we started planning schools games. this event the suggested tem- Finally there followed an plate came from feed back at open forum on law applica- ñ Complete intolerance of the School's committee which tion. The attendees were bro- any racial abuse no matter suggested that we needed to ken up into 4 groups compris- how insignificant. re-look at the seminar for- ing a good mix of referees and ñ mat. Also the event should be coaches. The purpose of this Schools to enforce a code held at an earlier date in the was to primarily allow the of conduct for their support- season to facilitate the coach- school coaches to explore ers & parents around referee ing activities of the various some of the intricacies around abuse. schools. Likewise the schools law interpretation with our ñ Call from the coaches for wanted more input on the members on a one-to-one consistency in law application subject matter from their side basis. This was quite success- by the ARLB at all matches. om Tuohy reports and a degree of interactivity ful and there was good inter- on the schools between themselves and our action between the coaches members. and our esteemed panel of On a personal note I wish to seminar that took experts (Dudley Philips, Paul acknowledge the help and place on October I think we achieved these Haycock, John Carvill & Ken support of both Denis Collins main goals and objectives Henley-Willis). Thank you to and Anne McInerney for all 17th 2007. with the seminar on October the panel for their valued in- their efforts in getting out the 2007. put. "troops" as the meeting was well attended. A number of suggestions were Again we owe a great deal of forth coming from the schools thanks to the inimitable G.P. Here's to a successful cup around subject matter prior Maher for his chairing and campaign….. to the night and this allowed stewardship of the meeting. the organising committee to His timely wit and organisa- The Leinster Schools Sen- set the agenda for the meeting tional skills ensured the event ior and Junior Cup cam- was a most enjoyable and paigns start in November Following some opening re- effective occasion. 2007 with the Section ‘A’ marks from Norman Camier, Competitions—namely the proceedings got under way A final word of thanks was McMullen and Duff Cups. with Alan Rogan's presenta- expressed on behalf of the Please forward you mid tion which was excellent. His schools by Lorcan Balfe to week availability to Denis use of video footage com- the ARLB for organising this Collins bined with a power point seminar. presentation fully explained the intricacies of the tackle, As with any seminar a great ruck and maul discussion was had and more importantly some action Kevin Beggs then followed points came out of the meet- PAGE 3 with a brief presentation on ing. refereeing "up to JCT". Kevin concentrated on the GO WHISTLE COMMISSIONER WEST X-CITING The object of citing is years ago each team had the TV studio, there were up to straight forward. It is to right to cite directly a player of 20 cameras covering a game. eliminate foul play by the opposition. The obvious sanctioning a player who, weakness of this system was Teams had 11 hours after the in the opinion of the Cit- that it led to "tit for tat" cit- end of a match to review the ing Commissioner, de- ings, a clearly unsatisfactory tapes and to bring an incident serves to be sent off for his outcome. Independent Citing to the attention of the Citing actions on the field of Officers were introduced in Commissioner who was the play. This is the Red Card 2000, the year Italy made their sole person with the right to Test, and the system oper- first appearance in the Six Na- cite and who had up to 48 ates independently of the tions Tournament. hours in which to make his Match Official's view of decision. There is no doubt the incident. The Citing Commissioners that the professional game is appointed are of a different increasingly faster and more The discipline procedure nationality to the referee and physical.
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