5 Day Forecast 5/21 a.m 5/21 p.m. 5/22 a.m. 5/22 p.m. 5/23 a.m. 5/23 p.m 5/24 The Madill Record ‘In the Arms of Lake TTexoma’exoma’ Vol. 125 — Number 48 Madill, Marshall CountyCounty,, OK 73446 — ThursdayThursday,, May 21, 2020 14 Pages in 2 Sections — $1 EARLY DEADLINES Parade helps Madill residents wish MPS seniors farewell Memorial Day By Matt Caban early deadline
[email protected] May 15 was the original date for Because of the MemorialDay the Madill High School Class of 2020’s holiday, The Madill Recordwill graduation ceremony. However, the be closed Monday,May 25. outbreak of the coronavirus caused Early deadlines for the May schools across the state to reshuffl e 28 issue of The Madill Record their calendars. are as follows: submitted news, Although graduation has been correspondence, real estate, rescheduled for Saturday, June 6, classifi ed, display advertising, the administrators at MPS and the and legal notices are due by 3 city at large wanted to celebrate the p.m. Friday, May 22. seniors with a parade May 15. The printed edition The Ma- Even bad weather couldn’t prevent dill Record will be available for the Wildcat faithful from showing sale on Wednesday afternoon, their appreciation for this group of as usual. seniors. We caught up with a pair of seniors asmembers of the Class of 2020 gath- SORD SCHEDULE ered in the Oakview Baptist Church parking lot to prepare for the parade. First up was senior Rayne Adams, SORD memorial who was driving his Papa’s white Jeep.