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1952 The olC lege News, 1952-06-03, Vol. 38, No. 25 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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'l'rut.. of 25 "WIld 1952 CoP)'rlabt. 20 VOL, XLVIII-NO, ARDMORE BRYN MAWR, PA" TUESDAY, JUNE 3, Bryn .hwr Collere, 1952 PRICE CENTS

Bryn Mawr Winner Semel & Benedict a o Fosdick Avers M" Thomas Prize Of "Prix de Paris" Dividt: Fellowship T yl r Defends Urges Participation For Coming ear Seniors' .For Joyce Essay ' The moat important thing that Y Ll"ngul"stl"C Uses ( wi'ah to do is to urge all jun o Need The M. Carey Thomas Ellay i l:S The Bryn Mawr European Fe!. who are Jnte�ted to tr Prize, a warded annually to a mem­ at all y lowahlp haa this year been split, ouL lor the stated Ka- and awarded ,to two members Faith ber ot the Senior clal8 for the 'Prix. .. 01 Present Day Vital CherMlett.eIT,. .tec8l.t beat paper written in t.he courae ot Lushka '02, the graduating clasa. Reba Ben­ In Of winner ot the Voeue "Prix de a· Semel hel' studies. goes tnis year to P ed!t:� a.nd Joanna are the 'New Int eruationa li sm' Ba ccala ureat e Sp ea ker ris" conteat. "It really worth Lydia S. Biddle. i.s recipients ot the Fellow.hip. Lhe experience you might even was founded in 1889. Sbarp ens Need Fl ails "Es capis m" The paper was done on James and This award Joyce, and was a unit the Hon­ hav.. this 'Won- and is rranted annually. to be apo In St ud y 01 lame unex.pected, Of St ud y ors work done English by Lydia dedul thing .happen to you." plied toward the expelUle8 ot one in "We're in tor an ,uproarious era," t.he "Prix", year's study at aome toreil'n uni­ "You who today have received a for Miss Woodwort.h. At the time AI winner of X'S· lu.shka wj)) have the .prl!':5u.mot�- versity. and Jo Bryn Mawr decree are in a posi­ but the (ruitl are "OM: world in this distinguished prize waa made ,BolJr Reba anna title jUnior editor ot Vogu� have done work blghest excel­ Reverend known, it was done eo tor newa !)Ulo 01 tion to go on reading, and also the making." The IHa.rry 01 purpoBea, but was a carelully tor a year. .During this year. lence, the former a Geology major. .Jpeaking. foreign langu_rcs." Em\::l'8On Fosdick. D. D.. LL. D., begins in August. wHi Continued on Pale <.AI. 3 guarded secret. so that Liddie her- whicil 21M 6, Miss Lily Roll Taylor ad­ expressed his viewa on the era in Jtaled Contmued on Page 6, Col. ! work in the Vogue office in .New Jressing the Class ot 1962 at the which we live evaluated the for six mOnths -and then will and York commenc:.m.;mt exerciBea on posit:on the graduate who musL �ravel to for remaining Jun\l 01 Pml the G�uate Scholars six months. "J'm almost embar. entee it, a:l he deHvered .tbe Bac­ Diplomas Indicate .3. "You have proved that you have rused to answer inevitable\fermon to the the Brighten Academic a rca.tin..r knowledge of two lan­ CIns o! senlur quest.ion 'What aTe you 1962 01) SuMay evenIng. 01 gunges. You ought to read French Work for Honors Continued on Page Col. 3 In each individual penon there 2, Hoods in Ceremony and Gcrn1an and Italian. and try the atrength to develop an to them. you Jike mint be speak II hm. and iu­ In Vari� Maiors you ourht. to use the lin· ethical .. moral The following were candidates tor guages the entire gamut Wells and Price Arts guistic experience you have gain. teU;gence whieb The following Seniors received the Master ot degree for the todays demanb To year 1951·52: !'d to Icarn more languages. They 01 problems . their degrees with Honon in .pe­ may not your !protession. but rile oJbove this hectloc world which eial subjects: Head New Alums Biology be George Bernard Shaw called I hey are a deli,httul hobby. And . "the Biolou Ryda Dwarys Rose Philadel· The senior clus i8 very happy 01 il your 8tudy languagel inSMe uylum :lor other planetA". Claire H. Liacbowitz phia, Pennlylvania; A.B. Univer­ in 01 and mal.l must solve ain· to announce the election of ita literature you su«eed In puttlnl' hi.. prcrblerms Ann Lawruon Perkina sity ot Pennlylvania 1950. gly with the realization that eftf'Y youraell in the place of other Marianne Francaise Schw6b ):)ermanent elaas omeera. EDen Chemistry �umi1'l'l' .point the put bes peoples. in seeing what their eul­ in, Wella, all president, will be chief .. Laj-Cheng um ot lpoh. Malaya; evoh'eel faith .mt Inner turcs and their ide.l. mean, you :ftrcm the Yun-Wen Chu organizer and leader of '62 corre- B.Sc. University Malaya 1950 strength Indmdual. The 01 will have done aomethiDI' to re­ Sherry Patricia Oobrow a.nd M.&!. 1951. of the apondence and reunion.. The Je(!- move a barrier wbich keep. "ttimdes and quaJitiea most need­ Constance Elizabeth Schull: Irina Nelidow New York City; .till retal')' and class editor, Caroline at us � a ;people in isolation. meet eonitat euch an ace Chine Yuan A. U. 8l}'D'Mawr College 1960. ed fA and j'Forty yean ago we were all as vun. in 'Which evory Clauleal uoIol1 Price, will collect class newa and .foeu. is ArdI En,Ush of us more or leIS Isolationist and ,lu}leJldoU3, Dr. Fosdick condenl(:d Ann Barnwell Aahmead condense It for the five hundred Ella Trew Simpers Andenon confident ot our ability to keep mto three InclWJive cateroriel. 01 Martha Calef Heath linea .Hotted to the dass the in Darby. Pennsylvania; A.B. Wei· free ot the conftictl and tenaions E!1ch us must, -with lib6nll at Miriam Reese Alumnae Bulletin. Alice Mitehell lesley CoHere 1924; B.S. Drexel . Ervin the rest this planet," !Min ret rospection, Jearn not to deaplse 1949. of a1 hal been elected to publish a IUp- Institute of TechnololY Taylor explained. uTwo world this our troubled era, .but real· &0_ to Georgi.nna Alice Mitchell plementary buJletin next year for Joan Morriaon ot Montreal. Que· wars and the developments ite instead that there Is ,in our 88'e Lois Kalina Sudanky 01 Canada; B.A. McGill Univer· communications by radio and air­ a momentoua wealth procreD Enclillh the first reunion. Nancy Alex- bec, .at sity 1949. c1us plane have produced a revolution. belllg made. The trreat &1ft ue Lydia Spencer Biddle ander will hold the pune Myra Vanderaalt ot Cairo, Now few of UI is really isolation­ uftl�LI,:ble ones. IF'oIctick Helen-Louise Knlckerbacker strings as trea.eurer and collector. as .Dr. Egyptj A.B. CoUege of Wooster ist. We have most us become. proved by nviewinc the PUt em­ Simpson Serrerman Addie Lou Maucke will be busy of 1947, it not intematlonalista. at leut Out the J.8th �tury Joanna Semel next year arranring and .ched- t"n .i.ea. 01 Continued on Pale Col. .. Continued on Pare Col. Continued Continued on Pace 2, Col. uling as the ftnt reunion manager. 2, 2. 5 on Pap 5. CoL' I a Look. like will continue be ------:-:-T------·I '62 to In good handst I ___ Benedict Semel, McVey, Yuan, One �undred-Hnty Nine Seniors Ching Yuan Merits Graduate in �ecord (lass of Prize in Chemistry All Summa, (apture Distinction The Chembtry Department has The following Senlon received Mary Nateoon The lollowing Senlon received MIriam Ervin Reeee of PennlylvAnla'52 nominated. .ching Yuan as the Lucy Curti. Tumbull of Ohio their derrees with distinction: Nancy Colbert Pe&l't1l their Bachelor ot Arta del'roeet at Bryn Mawr College winner the I 1itefI.. ..e. 01 Joanna Penn)'J*:ker award given by the Philadelphia So_a ea. I..ade the clOBe ot the alxty-aeventh aca· AIIIJIOn PhlllpJ)a lhan of Jlllnol. Dorothy Alma Raindord l:1Iaa.beth Hulett Kllvln of VI",",nla aection the Aaaeriean demlc year in Goodhart BalJ on Geora1ulna Allee Mltehell of IndianA 01 OIemlttr, Reba W.rd Benedict Eleanor Virylnia Rf!ea June 1952: ltary Nate'-on of Naw York Society. Only Itudenta from col· Ruth Thomas McVey 3, ludy EIII!n RIvkin of Nllw York Marianna Francoise ��ges in this sector accrediUd. by ScJrwab BI.�IT �I" Kalina Sudaraky of Connect!cut Joanna Semel Helen-Louise Knlckerbacker Aliett L.m(1�f CarT of Pen.nlylvanla • •• are X II... I the society. (there about ten) Chinl' Yuan Claire H. Uacho'fl'lli of Penn.ylvanla hannA SimpJOn S � Jq Alderfer of PennlJ)'lvlUlla At• Helen Kn),wlec.OlJtola of New York are II 'ble -lor' II award . Felratetn Bennan. of Pennayl· th Judith Helene Silman Un /lbaentla) 08 oe K'l MaIDa I..ode vanIa tainment the priZIl is non-(om- C 1lIIl Ann IAwrallOn Perkin, of Wa..,..anj1 Vary LoU'DIanchl of New JeMMlY . 01 line Anna Smith Marianne rr.noo," Schwob of Ven.. petltlve. and given to the .enior SaIlY�he«er Ankeny Caro f�ydl8 Speneer Blabop or Connecticut is Eva Wiener auele. "arjory Cotin Blum or Pennaylvanl. in �ach college with the Ann Ham"ell Alhmea.d (:"e.MI"� �ary WIll Boone ot Ne.. York h;obelt.. Yun-Wen Cbu or ChIna was first Denlae Anne EUaab6th Chambe,. of Mary- ftI�Uks. The award civen �tryn c..Lo_ Sherry Patricia Dobl'Ow of Ohio I�. Jast year and Chlnr will bave her t'un·Wen Johanna Alderfer Adelaide Watilert "auck of Penn.,.1· Mary Euaenl. ChaM of the Dltltrlct Cha vania U name added to the plaque beaide ShelTY tricia lJobrow Nancy Ethel Warela Hamet Polak of New Yorlr. Bao:INl�I J�.!o n Fife of New York P. AlaaDeler Con.unce EUaabe:th Schula of Penn­ lIary Anne HenneAe,. of ll.a.aeachu- that of last yeara winner will Leyla Fettah Mary Whitne, Allen o'h'anla &ad alao receive a certUlcate. Martha Calef Beath Alexine AMine R oeema,.,. Spicer of Florida Ji;1=�th Kun .. -JILlu of China Lnrin AtherloIL Chin. Yuan of Cblll& EliSAbeth Lo"-n. of New Jel1le)' Ching been offered man, Berminabaul Pauline HarI'Jette Au.tiD . CI .. '-I A "*_"u Cynthia Muon 0' IIIlno" .baa Sara Eliu.beth acholanhlPt for nen but EJlen McGehee Feinateiu .....ney Ethel AI ....nd.r of New York Till Joan "eAnne), of New York fall II LaDCU, Dee Bermaa Ann Harnwell d of P.nllQl­ Ellen LaFleur .. �nI'OY of 01110 .-.ptlnr a n8Se • Elaine lIarb Mary Lou BlaDch] vania ... ChI Ieb tanh'p to JAn. AUll'Ulline "oriel' or the DI.. 0 KcBride !.tary Loul.. Buckhlpam of Tnn... trlct of ColumbiA !tn abRntla) Harvard. TheN are rare, as Joan ConataDee Lydia Biddle - Spencer , IIfkhlko NllftltIkala 0 J .... n very .... o Y sbo' ut gi � a GeorrianD& Allee Ilttchell NaDC:7 Bird "'areha Caler Heath of .. clIt»efta Beth Harrer Ott of lIf..... chU8etli n I nye ar

New THE COLLEGE NEWS MlUter 0/ Aru Degree. A Internationalism Science Students uate rO\lXDJl:O IX Itl .. Go 10 Grad Strulenu ADecu CoUege Course" Get Scholarshi s Conlinued. from 1 Continued from Pare I PutJlI.hed wHkl7 durlD.. \h. cou .... Yur (uoept durin.. Tb &.llu­ p &'trin.. Cbri.tmM and x..t.r holidAy.. and durin. uamlqaUon WMU) En,lis . Hiator, Art deeply conaeious of internatlona In lhl Int.rut of Bryo X&wr Coli .... at Lb• .Ar4mo� PrloUq Comp&DY. TIit1!e young women have won .... nd of Anln.or... PL. &.lid BJTft Mawr Coli ..... Marjorie Anne Low of the Oil:' developments and movements, ,1000 science scholar."hips offen.'d ----.�------�- - lrict of Columbia (in ablentia); "The new internat{onalism," she by Bryn Mawr College in a nil· that 1960. Tt. Coli.... N.. n .. full)" protlCted by < Noth1Jll A,B, Bryn Mawr College continued, "has had a lTeat eft'eet wholly or part without perm'-Ioo tionwide cOITI;petition. appean In It ma)" bf, reprtnt.d .Ilh.r In GeololY . of Edltor-lo-CbJ.,. on American education. Our cur ttl. awards, known as the Lillia 1Ihe Goorre James 1Jansen of (Bala­ rieulum In sehool and college now Babbitt Hyde Honor Schola.-rshiPA Cynwyd, Pennsylvaniaj B.S, UnI­ e.mphaaizes world and polio ED ITORIAL BOARD htiatory In Science lor Freshmen, were 'Won. versity ot Notre Dame 1951. tics, the interehange of ideas and Sh en. Atki nlo n, '53, Chief • by Elizabeth Dugdale of M.iss Irene Rosalie Wanlksa of New trade among peoples, world move­ Claire Robinson, Copy Frances , '53, up ABhl8Jld, Va., MWi .Elizabeth A. York City; A,B, Hunter College ments in art and world literatur'C. '54, Hall and. M1B!l 1960. We are trying in our teaching to Margaret McCabe, Man.,l ng Ed tori of Pasadena, Calif., '54, Marshall New York City. Gref!k .nd tin Lois of .... promote an understanding of other Barbara Drysdale, Elizabeth Davis, Tlw winners, age 17, were le­ '55 '54 a:JI Emily Marie Spence of Edmond­ peoples, their cultures, their ntti­ Judy Thompson, Mar) Alice Crinkle, lected from a 14 8nal '54 '53 .gro� of ton, Alberta, Canada; B.A. Uni­ t1.·des, their v.lues. The ED ITORIAL ST AFF contestants. competition, versity ot Alberta 1950. But at the same time we arc ne­ whieh was open to senior high Blitor, glecting the moat important Mary Jane Chubbuck, Ann Shocket, lhl'tlhS '55 '54 school girls, required an essay on Elsa Vietorie Ebelinr of Brook­ of acquiring such an underatand­ A.A. Barbara Fischer, r.poff.r '55 a 6u'bjeet selected from tclIpics ill' lyn, New York: A.B. Swarthmore ing-the study of the languages Joyce Annan, Marcia Joseph, '53 '55 the fields of Biology, Chemistry, College 1950. and literatures whkh reveal the Elle" Bell, Anne Mazick, '53 '55 and 'P.hsy$icl. Lol. GAlen Sehwoerer of Drexel real character of other peoples. Ann McGregor, Pat Preston, '54 '55 The three winning students are Hill, Pennsylvania; A.B. Smith Other barriera have disappeared, Kay Sherman, Caroline Warram, '55 College 1949, '54 now enrolled for the freshm.. n but the barrier of language at year at Bryn Mawr !beginning Isabel H, Witte of Belmont least on our side Is higher than it ST A FF PHO TO GRAPHER next September. Katharine Mauachusetta: A,B. Swarthmore used to be. For the study of for­ 'Mias 194.7. J...ty leopold, McBride, President of the CoI­ College eign langua¥el has not increased: '53 E. legll, hu announced. History of Art instead it has diminished, In thi, BUSIN ESS MANAGER Ellen Mary Jones of Philadel­ respect our curriculum in high "We are gm.tified", Mid Miss M, G. Werren, '54 phia, Pennsylvanlaj A.B, Bryn school and college has become McBride, I�y the wide il'esponae W Julia Helmowitz, Associate Business Manager Mawr CoHere 1960, isolationist in a time of interna­ '55, the co:rwpetition and by the inter­ Marianne Winer Martin ot Hav­ tionaUam. nat of 1K) many young women in BUSINESS ST AFF erford, Pennsylvania; A,B, Hunter "There is as yet no movement to Vicky Kraver, CI"ire Weigand, '55 the further study science as '54 of College 1945, M,A. University of support the teaching of the great part a liberal education".

NE WS TuesdlY. June 3, 1952 THE COLLEG� PI,. Thr •• ------,------,------o Bohemian Beetles, Pagan Mediaeval �antasy Offers Freudian Flamipgo [ccentric Counterpoint [ditors' Subject for �ichard Bernheimer Anamalate Library Work Good, Ouestionable, Crazy A on �fr. B Jr. Mawr, .. the steps M. Car • and what IJatric:ia A, Troxell, or.i. espeeiall, �ontributed by hand they cared for animals am 1 �ol by Their selection and their ed M.A. advked humalll on the planting are they discllSSing' It � t.o fnstrudor in English Hele-n J. Dow, 01 Itiug have been sometimes good con.�l!rn animals and look, thcre',s crops, yet on·the otM!r they wel'l:! and somctimes doubtfully good Plofeuor Rlchalrd .Bemheimer's ..iterary edibors of lIl\G.ga2:inel cha.l'acterized ,by horrible uglincall, a jcr.ler cartwheeling through the J Wild Men of the Middle a are �rLainly most eccentric tometinlCS crazy. Ales, bad temper. and a O - . - this must be Bryn Lbe Illid canniba !ism. �l'owd. h study In art. sentiment. and de Mawr, IIlnd managers of the people in ..our fast. disintegrating The poetry, most of "Mother-ot - wilderness h8lbitation. combining the monology, just ;published by tb e Ihow arc disaull8ing whether to Pearl," both sides of their rpenonalitlcs world. They do look, in t.heir ea· the huplicaLion! 0.1 "Youllf Harvard UniversitY P.res s. entet'- by their ovcl'IpOwering strength. hire all t.he animals in the Absurd dential reality, exactly like the do­ Orion," and the idea that caused tains the reader, w,hile at the aame Cin:U's I8gain next. year. The cult of t.he Mediaeval wlld- "A time Jt presentl a ISChol6l'ly view Jightful cart.oon on first page Day," are good, 1 liked t.he man, the teet i.mportance of They've just mout decided - - - the of the theme. book deals with 01 tOO the Spring Counterpoint. Th"y Im:lgcl'y Hudson," unbelabor­ The the mythology, 'Produced staT -goes &ut, u intenseat lit.erature--ipoetry. romance • ron wrote Shelley; Alw;yne's ipwy- and evidence t.heiT popularity, The out in l.had therefore man a:t tho world. wll'lciom and beauty and speak. U8Cri,pt illumination, t.a�. t 1l1g on hill pianamals again and do, itual I6gure man as ex,peet.ed' the editors an under· Lriea, decorated chests, at t.he wHd er reader confront. a "spark­ woodcuts. we fi . J Na!,m just realized that he Kant; of and nd him in the later Midd e graduate literary magazine to scuLpture, and the like---tU'e used Hc.ilen'a pilgrima on the ram­ be less stone." An endearing poem. c oKie �dea:s Age:t would seem to a thir­ eccentr,jc than. t.heir counter­ as a be.sis :for myth l ai be amid sleepy Lagunas; It''H though too much in t.he manner of , psg.:! &g' .ull'. poulos in t.he world at large.A col­ u well as proof of their :popular- teenLho-or-founeenth-cent.ury con­ Carpenter's looking for bunions on Robert Frost to ill' it more vergence leg" literary magazine, it !leenl! "ve ity in the everyday Ufe of the ,of the forest-dwelliBg 'lftatues while old :Robbin' wns to me, ought to publish the best one reading's "Worth, I think. Tile subject I.bu ­ !.han Middle Acos. t woouwose and the human imper­ - - conclusions! Life's chirpin' - sLudent IProse and 'Jl'OOtry-and 1 Thc s,estina an unnecessArily a!)COrdmg to motives, «rrterinr u P-.e •• Ablourd. has ad Contin ed on Col. 3 like phrase "new ",Titing" and around the natural history of tlw the :.elf·effncting title. Echoelt ill ii mytholo.rical t.hat that means-in order l') wild ma.n. his char­ aU of 'Villon, Donne. and enrich bring as many good �Ludent writ­ Eliot. acter, theatrical ero­ 'Traditionalist' Recalls Disrobing Rash embodiment. ingl! as possible to completion (i'l as literary echoes Lic connotations. learned aspect, :.hf' texture. Unravels Mystery of Our College Cults marvelous print no typewri: The poem Is remarkably and l))OIition heraldry, that. ' !!ho:.olJ. iUs in �an 6upply. A traditionalist arose from the More of a mystery was t.he May E:r before a wider au­ and effect.ive. The your:.l u te ,k,ilrul Q i aD tlience t.han one'. 0"""71 cot1.l'idol·). Not BUIll gowned lI«mior end tried re- Day dren., white, fitting, and 1'C­ �p.!_lI,er, teeling in his cl ass Srunetintea a product. by someon!.! Figures related to the Mediaeval peatedby, futilely, to light the lu,x(.d. and exploited recently by ill ye.ll' fit o!,ce old and reoowe« wild ma.n treeur in ibistory .i ce nown not 11 atudent demands to pri.lIl.­ (al. n lami' of leeming. The !Dettman cerl.nin nationally k maga­ be ar�, nlore age-wearied than. re· Babylonian timet, culminating mOllt mortal1board .impeded a e,,· ed, by t.he unas.aailable law ot thOUl(h Lind 's work zines. But. !el'tility cults have and be. ,c;ful'u.tcd, our bein:g what recently in the stepladder and ihad to ist.ed for years,

Reviewer Questions Material i" "Counterpoint"; Char·acter 0/ Wild Man Proves Ever-Changing; WALTER COOK Tempers Criticism tvitl. Admission 01. Admiration lIarsll Role Modi/ies to One Evoking Sympathy Witch Repliring, Cloc�s Continued Page (and editor'lS, rrom 3 dear ediiors, why Continued Page de'pi�ted aa tamed and fettered from 3 U\'' sto es of such fami Ind Jewelry "YiUngori�,.. �n 'the oth��h"i:t: ri liarity !), ex·· I '.''''';'"" of the Wild Horde, the lhe charms 01 his lady. p that the moment of the probably of Classical ocigln, The analogy i. that of the lov­ Bryn Mawr Avenue reveals ita promise in the middle C't> � ki ll ' is strikingly le t wideS'Pread distribution er :i wj ldneaa abandoned under thO! 8ec�ion. I don't even like Hem­ good. Beea.u � ::):�:..:i:ta to the geographical lim· force bis lady'. 11IScination, Th& last three par&g1'8lphl luceeed ", of mingway on horaea • skimmed .so 1 01 the Roman Empire, conv€.ntlons of courtly we:.'e t.h� final sentence la totally unnec- I poetry on until rabbit a.ppeared, l gra ua the Tne wildness of the wi d man .In- iJ lly fus.ed' with the mythol­ Th, beller your ry. Ha am ,to lee the writer ('''w l!! 01 writing-I ... the wild man until 1 would like cludoo everything beyond a ChriM ogy ext leerelarill Irlininc, full of advice-is in the knowlr.g w..n IJtOrm, and grouped him with t.eenth centUJ'IY, cause (her pseudonym i, !ilIy, but "\". tow T.h.e Ihe beller your \\' hat not to say, sav£ge creabures ,both at home and nver.alon primitiviam di Lexi" worae) treat the $81n1� lhilS to i.t n the elC&pist dee.i1l'eS con· bulineu . Crazy chokell of the editoJ'II' abroad, The diligent ene""'lopedlc I oJ t.he theme .gaIR, for it worth th J- ac Ie e II o a hip the Middle vent und arlatocr y, but not downright rep- cb l n at. �5 km-Oo op,orlunily scarch that art can 'give it: the were erazy continued the tradjtioJ'$ of Clasll- by the rille of the O.""",.o;'i". 1 rehensible, 110 l &hall asaume the theme of man'. irrational, intoxi- lcal antiquity w:hich .regarded al Identification with wild mun interrogative mood. Why did became the em ent of !human caLlng lP&nion :for the hunt, espec- men aU creatures whose mode bodim thing 119 easy write as "Morn· life was incompatible with S('n.:.ual desire, e. new role which tally when. the hunt iP&J'86Cution t;() ' i.k Lrougnt him cloaer to his abo ing Song of n" eam ten labelling them demons final and odds &l'e in his favor, But Se.n-Se &he sorption in the mythological "tyr, pages, and thus 6 di$proportion- they lived. close by, members of the ending or this story, though a h d g Similar­ nLe position in the magulne! Oue la ulo� races- if they dwelt in tat U-fm the Renaissance. woman fitting one, lDot well 'Written. o l n , and preltistoric if they iy, the conc�pt of wild ia or the primary duties-and 1 have ff !l. dA the ta k "A e at thill time, and thelll! WrIting i•• hard s . .Day" heretofore thought. it the iprlmarr 'Wi!1 !believed! to have died out in chllnged long 8.&'0. Yet, besides the LNns:tonnatione were ,JowLy &C­ could .have tolled a warning to us urgr.-of editors �8 to cut. 1 Im- the 1P8%'8- tales of IItrange nees In companied by a new attitude ------all, except that its style ill to" memiely enjoyed the fust foreign to· - wardll as well. greph of Part In, but d01:ed afLer lands, and the braditions of myth mania,ge lllick'. ("Seulptt, lime, eisele," ological wild folk---eentaura, 5£. As an heraldic !figure, the wild that.. :Why was, !not the obviou.,- said Verlaine), The tedious cour,ze yr , the again an of Lhe ncss of "Conversation," otherwis(' l lt and laUJlSl-- 'Greeks and man was invention H of a day weaknellll enduring and Romans P8llsed on Hesiod's Gold- fourteenth century. this ca�- ot !l wise if overly glib little p'."" 1 iI:n assume the endurin;g under /presllure gi�s to pointed out sternly to its author ? c n Age, inhabited iby a vegetarian gory he WIllS made to ome R un wil .man wh0ge natural $ubordinalie role .hield-su.pport- college life a symbolism I !had W,hy wa.s not "The Ado'" type of d' ext go n s Jeads to a-life with· er in an artistic delign, though never seen .in it, ,but J. shuddered hack for revision and reshe.pingl od es Ib:im BY out ,possesaionS', burden, or toil. hill APJ>l ication to this function. :IS ltluch at the inadequate erafts· ILs reversal of the top-of-the-hiU !been was a dream-image, however, doubtless arose from such thinge; ______iii mar.ahip as 1 did at the s.larm theme might have don� 11th, which the Middle Agell, for moral a.a his talismanic potentialitie,. clocks lacing up the hall, somewhat better. And why rea ons, r ed to to Yet. it was in capacity There are some selections of " story, reada:ble all wondrous � iP efe:rr brander thiA of distunt l&n