The College News, 1952-06-03, Vol. 38, No. 25 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1952)

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The College News, 1952-06-03, Vol. 38, No. 25 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1952) Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1952 The olC lege News, 1952-06-03, Vol. 38, No. 25 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1952-06-03, Vol. 38, No. 25 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1952). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " c:J " • - 'l'rut.. of 25 "WIld 1952 CoP)'rlabt. 20 VOL, XLVIII-NO, ARDMORE BRYN MAWR, PA" TUESDAY, JUNE 3, Bryn .hwr Collere, 1952 PRICE CENTS Bryn Mawr Winner Semel & Benedict a o Fosdick Avers M" Thomas Prize Of "Prix de Paris" Dividt: Fellowship T yl r Defends Urges Participation For Coming ear Seniors' .For Joyce Essay ' The moat important thing that Y Ll"ngul"stl"C Uses ( wi'ah to do is to urge all jun o Need The M. Carey Thomas Ellay i l:S The Bryn Mawr European Fe!. who are Jnte�ted to tr Prize, a warded annually to a mem­ at all y lowahlp haa this year been split, ouL lor the stated Ka- and awarded ,to two members Faith ber ot the Senior clal8 for the 'Prix. .. 01 Present Day Vital CherMlett.eIT,. .tec8l.t beat paper written in t.he courae ot Lushka '02, the graduating clasa. Reba Ben­ In Of winner ot the Voeue "Prix de a· Semel hel' studies. goes tnis year to P ed!t:� a.nd Joanna are the 'New Int eruationa li sm' Ba ccala ureat e Sp ea ker ris" conteat. "It really worth Lydia S. Biddle. i.s recipients ot the Fellow.hip. Lhe experience you might even was founded in 1889. Sbarp ens Need Fl ails "Es capis m" The paper was done on James and This award Joyce, and was a unit the Hon­ hav.. this 'Won- and is rranted annually. to be apo In St ud y 01 lame unex.pected, Of St ud y ors work done English by Lydia dedul thing .happen to you." plied toward the expelUle8 ot one in "We're in tor an ,uproarious era," t.he "Prix", year's study at aome toreil'n uni­ "You who today have received a for Miss Woodwort.h. At the time AI winner of X'S· lu.shka wj)) have the .prl!':5u.mot�- versity. and Jo Bryn Mawr decree are in a posi­ but the (ruitl are "OM: world in this distinguished prize waa made ,BolJr Reba anna title jUnior editor ot Vogu� have done work blghest excel­ Reverend known, it was done eo tor newa !)Ulo 01 tion to go on reading, and also the making." The IHa.rry 01 purpoBea, but was a carelully tor a year. .During this year. lence, the former a Geology major. .Jpeaking. foreign langu_rcs." Em\::l'8On Fosdick. D. D.. LL. D., begins in August. wHi Continued on Pale <.AI. 3 guarded secret. so that Liddie her- whicil 21M 6, Miss Lily Roll Taylor ad­ expressed his viewa on the era in Jtaled Contmued on Page 6, Col. ! work in the Vogue office in .New Jressing the Class ot 1962 at the which we live evaluated the for six mOnths -and then will and York commenc:.m.;mt exerciBea on posit:on the graduate who musL �ravel to for remaining Jun\l 01 Pml the G�uate Scholars six months. "J'm almost embar. entee it, a:l he deHvered .tbe Bac­ Diplomas Indicate .3. "You have proved that you have rused to answer inevitable\fermon to the the Brighten Academic a rca.tin..r knowledge of two lan­ CIns o! senlur quest.ion 'What aTe you 1962 01) SuMay evenIng. 01 gunges. You ought to read French Work for Honors Continued on Page Col. 3 In each individual penon there 2, Hoods in Ceremony and Gcrn1an and Italian. and try the atrength to develop an to them. you Jike mint be speak II hm. and iu­ In Vari� Maiors you ourht. to use the lin· ethical .. moral The following were candidates tor guages the entire gamut Wells and Price Arts guistic experience you have gain. teU;gence whieb The following Seniors received the Master ot degree for the todays demanb To year 1951·52: !'d to Icarn more languages. They 01 problems . their degrees with Honon in .pe­ may not your !protession. but rile oJbove this hectloc world which eial subjects: Head New Alums Biology be George Bernard Shaw called I hey are a deli,httul hobby. And . "the Biolou Ryda Dwarys Rose Philadel· The senior clus i8 very happy 01 il your 8tudy languagel inSMe uylum :lor other planetA". Claire H. Liacbowitz phia, Pennlylvania; A.B. Univer­ in 01 and mal.l must solve ain· to announce the election of ita literature you su«eed In puttlnl' hi.. prcrblerms Ann Lawruon Perkina sity ot Pennlylvania 1950. gly with the realization that eftf'Y youraell in the place of other Marianne Francaise Schw6b ):)ermanent elaas omeera. EDen Chemistry �umi1'l'l' .point the put bes peoples. in seeing what their eul­ in, Wella, all president, will be chief .. Laj-Cheng um ot lpoh. Malaya; evoh'eel faith .mt Inner turcs and their ide.l. mean, you :ftrcm the Yun-Wen Chu organizer and leader of '62 corre- B.Sc. University Malaya 1950 strength Indmdual. The 01 will have done aomethiDI' to re­ Sherry Patricia Oobrow a.nd M.&!. 1951. of the apondence and reunion.. The Je(!- move a barrier wbich keep. "ttimdes and quaJitiea most need­ Constance Elizabeth Schull: Irina Nelidow New York City; .till retal')' and class editor, Caroline at us � a ;people in isolation. meet eonitat euch an ace Chine Yuan A. U. 8l}'D'Mawr College 1960. ed fA and j'Forty yean ago we were all as vun. in 'Which evory Clauleal uoIol1 Price, will collect class newa and .foeu. is ArdI En,Ush of us more or leIS Isolationist and ,lu}leJldoU3, Dr. Fosdick condenl(:d Ann Barnwell Aahmead condense It for the five hundred Ella Trew Simpers Andenon confident ot our ability to keep mto three InclWJive cateroriel. 01 Martha Calef Heath linea .Hotted to the dass the in Darby. Pennsylvania; A.B. Wei· free ot the conftictl and tenaions E!1ch us must, -with lib6nll at Miriam Reese Alumnae Bulletin. Alice Mitehell lesley CoHere 1924; B.S. Drexel . Ervin the rest this planet," !Min ret rospection, Jearn not to deaplse 1949. of a1 hal been elected to publish a IUp- Institute of TechnololY Taylor explained. uTwo world this our troubled era, .but real· &0_ to Georgi.nna Alice Mitchell plementary buJletin next year for Joan Morriaon ot Montreal. Que· wars and the developments ite instead that there Is ,in our 88'e Lois Kalina Sudanky 01 Canada; B.A. McGill Univer· communications by radio and air­ a momentoua wealth procreD Enclillh the first reunion. Nancy Alex- bec, .at sity 1949. c1us plane have produced a revolution. belllg made. The trreat &1ft ue Lydia Spencer Biddle ander will hold the pune Myra Vanderaalt ot Cairo, Now few of UI is really isolation­ uftl�LI,:ble ones. IF'oIctick Helen-Louise Knlckerbacker strings as trea.eurer and collector. as .Dr. Egyptj A.B. CoUege of Wooster ist. We have most us become. proved by nviewinc the PUt em­ Simpson Serrerman Addie Lou Maucke will be busy of 1947, it not intematlonalista. at leut Out the J.8th �tury Joanna Semel next year arranring and .ched- t"n .i.ea. 01 Continued on Pale Col. .. Continued on Pare Col. Continued Continued on Pace 2, Col. uling as the ftnt reunion manager. 2, 2. 5 on Pap 5. CoL' I a Look. like will continue be ------------:-:-T------------·I '62 to In good handst I ___ Benedict Semel, McVey, Yuan, One �undred-Hnty Nine Seniors Ching Yuan Merits Graduate in �ecord (lass of Prize in Chemistry All Summa, (apture Distinction The Chembtry Department has The following Senlon received Mary Nateoon The lollowing Senlon received MIriam Ervin Reeee of PennlylvAnla'52 nominated. .ching Yuan as the Lucy Curti. Tumbull of Ohio their derrees with distinction: Nancy Colbert Pe&l't1l their Bachelor ot Arta del'roeet at Bryn Mawr College winner the I 1itefI.. ..e. 01 Joanna Penn)'J*:ker award given by the Philadelphia So_a ea. I..ade the clOBe ot the alxty-aeventh aca· AIIIJIOn PhlllpJ)a lhan of Jlllnol. Dorothy Alma Raindord l:1Iaa.beth Hulett Kllvln of VI",",nla aection the Aaaeriean demlc year in Goodhart BalJ on Geora1ulna Allee Mltehell of IndianA 01 OIemlttr, Reba W.rd Benedict Eleanor Virylnia Rf!ea June 1952: ltary Nate'-on of Naw York Society. Only Itudenta from col· Ruth Thomas McVey 3, ludy EIII!n RIvkin of Nllw York Marianna Francoise ��ges in this sector accrediUd. by ScJrwab BI.�IT �I" Kalina Sudaraky of Connect!cut Joanna Semel Helen-Louise Knlckerbacker Aliett L.m(1�f CarT of Pen.nlylvanla • •• are X II... I the society. (there about ten) Chinl' Yuan Claire H. Uacho'fl'lli of Penn.ylvanla hannA SimpJOn S� Jq Alderfer of PennlJ)'lvlUlla At• Helen Kn),wlec.OlJtola of New York are II 'ble -lor' II award . Felratetn Bennan. of Pennayl· th Judith Helene Silman Un /lbaentla) 08 oe K'l MaIDa I..ode vanIa tainment the priZIl is non-(om- C1lIIl Ann IAwrallOn Perkin, of Wa..,..anj1 Vary LoU'DIanchl of New JeMMlY .
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