—a TAT T —, —S — — ^. \ : T j W T T T: . LOUIBVIt,L,E


.4 fTrom the I.oiuton Timat. Jin. M.J F^but F«rn InrcUed. I Yonne Keutneky— Duel. place to expreM their appreciatioa of the services FVKT1IE& JTCWA BY THE AAlA. uniinpaaMonad. In J«Jgr?>cnt, ilaliberE..*, calcu- Our WashifigtoB lon'espoMdcfice* I | j .trtit WEEkl.T COIRIER, ttiegraphic des- Ke markable lr. f>om the I.audoB Tiaies. thus rendered to our commerce by Mr. S., sod ! ^b* week hssbscn oas of saxiety iaBuglsag. Dri^riLLE expoae ® * * notor,jut ..nny tm laa We are advised byv letter and Tha exemplary, . OcaiructioB of the t'ri mean Army, &ih1 unwavering. In babita, , . | . AUaatie br<«gHt Lsadiw paBsro it Natwday, not a till few daya, i Pl'HI-lSHFU RT ^lx«n Pubu.licd in th. ahape of a duoderuno patch, that a duel was fought ycstenlay ^rning word has been said within a RTth, ^here a season for «ul in moral principle, well gronndeJ .nd above w aU things, and on the ere of CCorriipeodears of Iht t.oa.fViUo Covnor.] by the Xew York Journal of Commeree. by which c^tam^ L^ ^a Kosssh's oxfimmLom at h« N. HALOEMAN. It about nme miles from W. ! . pages. is racy book, 1 near .Moreland’s, a tavern a great national disa.ster, , J u 1, . LI. volume of 330 a p/k fur- it is some comfort to think DirmorT BDmon. reproach. vVe venture judgment when > \VasuixoTox, Feb. 9, 1835. katf' r«> nu no rash . ^ M rn , . , . tbat the present yes, this very is tAb.T;^i?r. aoeimek* Botirbon present hour— the i . . • will Lexington, the line of boundary of • that unlock that on — r«u«r. par r***' RIM 1 u I nishes a key packaae «f per- . , negotiated. If Commodore Perry is entitled to is ' season for a ... , , , [ munM •> ih« we sar there rs not a man in Kentuckv, who . great natioual duty. As fur tlis pen- Cour-ar IM ; ^ ' I omitted to stale in my letter of last evening ' sonahties Hall. She is Sarah and Fayette countie-. The partie.s were Thcoph- , ,„ten of . .... Ruth Tavson apprecistion from the Amwieaa 0«::< C»ar ar. wiiaa aant bp mU. par 5>aar *M , u .. i — ding operations at Sevastopol, cIinoKt On the cveuiag ef - “ “ ... better we may uis- ^ Monday 30tk, Mr Wiikenk'i *“ “ not a pohtictan, is better known or HA' FW IM who , , n « v\ illis, and was bom in Portland, Matne^ July motion wan lesumed in tke Honee ot Waaa.i Caarar 1 M , , , L- ^ 9, Cemmsw— liked all i-arues who do know him, or .. ant nr S bv- men of nnmely, “thnt a select eomnsttee be appointed r,T eapat af Waeklp Caar.at, jau, M * — >\ te ^ - “ - “ . 1811 “air, fat and fartv-three! nen she *1 e.oapat, “ ntt , II i_ , quire into “ » who possesses in a greater degree all the eie- ... ' „. the eondition of the BkMeh Army hefcf* aoiMat - ^ ^ , ...... ^•awrT-!m MM ^ first called upon the editor ol the boston. to , ...... Flag Hevaetopel. and into tke eondnet nt tkeee Depwt- «PArCS£VTRKrVT I’NI.KSS THE MONET EE uieuU that would make Lun popular and accept- rAI>> IN AUVXNCE become a contnbutor. to his paper, she wore.ac-_ ente of the Govemmeat wboee dnty it hna bM tn .. . , . , ^ ,r ‘ * ” able to the whole people, rs Governor, than Hen- admiuMter to the waste ef that army , desirous of ration the subject of the tariff, with a vie v to alter and ability, aided by the prestige ofths flag which _ Cording to the editoreditor’s8 own statement, a “jaunty Steele being uninjured. Both were oyw°theh ^li.s,**anapp™d*ut''u?t'^an^*Th^^ , of I avette. ® Mcaere Stafford and IFlamrii ^poke. when tfin ly T. Duncan, i i modify the preaent rates of duties. waiy^ shove them, uid t be nations of the ADVERTISIKO .it, .u l j not Ivpar to it. they were at tlie nurcy of Mr. H. whkh Ilivuve fire, would Ivfar the storm. The remnant dirMcd, Ajj . seconds . . j- bonnet, elegant veil, rich broadcloth cloak, and another but the iteconds for tbe mw ios, iA" againei. Hn. ~ . f I j j I at rata of i < n I »1i af wbsMsOT I*B(th imsrisil tha as the of k.nd of •^orld have been taught to lear respect, WelreelygiTc Inm tvpe tbc , ...... the Dfitish the I and tliA army might be about Afieen or sev- moved that Ibuse go into Committee of the Jority agsmst Government, 137. Wharewpen the SsaaM par 1 w far tha Stal iMartinu,ui4 ioaata par liar for silkdre-ssilk.:iL dre-s -ratherrather magnificent, if notnn» more so. tVetwhivpni*'V e hive no-not heardhPAT.I the caueecauseriimn of the duel,duel but • — K II A bayontt. Scott, who is the guest, while in the city, racti iilbwjaaal isMitiaa A lisa aratil aaiT axifas wakaa men the present oerasiou shouldM cell out; and nn- at the last dale. About whole on the State of the T’nioo with a ,i.w to ! Miniotry reidgned. that * ' SM.it a 1 oa •apr.M. PaVBSST TS at. Bans U> aSVAUcs IS carried her MSS. in an elegant reticule, in close presume that it grow out of a family fendfeud a huudred a day were *eiit the ho^pit:ils, ’ of to never . Mr. Preston, the Their . Representative of the Louis- reeignatioe wae aecepted. and the Aberdean aM- r>tW less they are called out. wc have great fear that j n-turn fit for service, subject. On being ssked whether i proxifflity to a coouettish handkercliief, redolent originated between tlicse two young men when aud nearly as many more ville district, has been waite-.? upon and eongratu- Cabinet osiy hold oCce cntil a rew MiniMry cm bn ^ on the he would consider the vote in lat«l Sonoed. ’ Committee of the by of friend^ sbise the passage of tho they were chil iren at schosl, .and that eventuated j Wg« Ahall be Gevcnier Henry ^ of perfu^.jierfumc. The editor says he paid, her five schosl, the evening of of KeatBeky;— y ' On Tnesday, tbe 31at, tho ot the must auspiciojs political move- . * confer and one , . i p Whole upon Uking it up a test vote, ha replied in ^ the rank of Lieutenant General u'hw T. naacaa frseos»4-Tr«« Priaclelea M be dollars per column, ...her short about seven years ago in th# killing of \\ ilhamilliam L.£,. , 1. , and columns were n^re Is a regidararain of six thousand a month i^odeni tunes be corrutded and turned Thi. rank, it muM be rMSMnbe.-wi. H- moRtsof • Aeartcd. , . , , . . , , . i i . tu o. i . - tbe affirmative. vailvs party. Ulackbum,Blackburn,m Lsq.,Esq., Cant.Capt. Thomas Steele, at Har-uMar- against no further reiutorienicnts worth taking into Ua^VedBenday Lord Derby waitad oa • one-thirJ at that, and deiua*ded by m 1 1. when she twelve never been conferred upon but two American Tim Children of lerael never eerved their tack- lutoamere machine for trained political schemers account. At this rale tha Qaeca, aad had aa iBtorview if :wo , ,, , . > . , .. , .1 , .mi. Lord Kaglau and his staff The Hoose then went into homu inonvinonj se. \\ oailtord county. UlackBlack committee, when generals, namely, .. , ,1. I.C I dollars a coluiitn, he thought he wotild scratch meeting-horse,mee-ing-hoi m W oo-ttord Gea. 'Wa.shingtoo and Gon. WTiea tbe iatorrisw ’ survivors of the expedition was fin^Md. Lord Dstby istera renewe.l success their selfish i ® about *«sw to promote with . Egypt patient endurance . m with more ...... ^ l , , - . .Vott, burn, on that Steele,tvtcelc, waswa.s .Mr. H. made the motion, which was lost, and the which, of eourse, gives it a pecnliar charm ia baste to th« reMdvace ->f Io>rd it. occasion, attacked woowho the I Pafaacnioa. I hiS editorial ear, and think about He says bar 3th of March. The weather lias lieen worse whsM than the people servod the rul- and ambitious designs. • of Kentucky hare i , , , j “d value m tbe eyws of the latter. a leagthened eoafcrcBcs took piece. * I ‘j**" and expected to still; civil apart at her.....kevw boarding acquitte.1.AS»ntllttA.I Thisthlsi duelllllsbl is aO singulareiTlfVStlfkr denouement/i^n/hn«innnt ww be woisc and diplomatic bill w.as then taken up. ^ menu house were “sump- I ^ j o r ^ • Tlie ing political families the Sute. Let any man I HAiiTV KnAV. rtUkIrl th'XW. MSkresrA frr-bfot VilttMr nititlx r«.i ...... I SHELBY. pabhc have But learned what eacanad of This for hw of an almost life-long cherisheil animosity. The {’’‘‘J'- ends alUttempts thU session and bv tWs tween PoversT and >&tloii.iiiir. tuously fumis.ied — chairs of »jlid inahogony, wind,- frozen trenches, lmpas.sable roads hardened to ^ them, hot the gracrai rumor waa *k«« take up the faisuory and run his eye Missio.v of Kentucky, to alter, Tai TO Spaim.— he fuQowtug la the 1‘almenSon would not The deetilution among the poor ef our city and covered wdih velvet—with centre-«able, sola, car- two principals neither have yet att.aineil their ma- the consistency of a rock, ruU treech* roiwly filled Congress ameml and modify the tariff. tatmU to the tanm fnsiisid letter of over the list of those who have represented the with driving Mr. Breckinridge, declining the miasion to I 8y Lord Derby, eouasgosatiy tlie latter w. •. snow, ofiiceisfound saflocated by their The next House ofRepresentatives.it is presumed, the means adopted for their relic:', have alforded ]>ei, Ac., of corresponding richnoos.” j to cliaixoal s, Spain, form a solBcicBtly strong Cabtoel State in the House and Senate at M’aahingtoa, fin sixty horsi-s froxcu to death in one recently tendered him by the President' I will be less disposed to adopt foreign doctrines Bton then foUtwed, to thoae engaged in the good work a tliorough The fact i><. s.iys the editor, that Fanny was tfipfiti end all that Eu‘;lishmen have read >if before. poiatiiig to I.voiAN.t Stxtb Bank.— erresponJontof the I Hocsb oe Repbisbbtativbs, and who have fiUod the chair of Governor of the " Lord Joho Rnsacll, and lastly ,• when they could afford to amrnw tin mselves with I upon this subject, m.xnufactured and exported to Lord J into the characteristics of two or three time “ living a style of . r , . r .c to * February 1353. insight at this in luxury and e!c- Indianapolis Jour,m; e.t.iuates. fro.n the reports 6, | tlw Uomblo in the nnirrativeofirrative of Xapole«sXapoleco's RuslanBii.-^isn ** •» tfis head of Ckunmonwealth, an i other chief executive oAieeo, | this country expressly fer thi. market,.^ swal- Mt Psas Sib: When Mime wieks ago, and a classes of people. These peculiarities are gene- I which would have reflectwd 1 gance no discredit of the branchee of the .State Bank of Indiana to Vast piles of wooden huts were at I £m 77?^' n moments beforo I was nominated for the post n-L . ~ . . and who have been found in the halls of the Gene- low eil with avidity by th-.^s: » ’naveimve perhaps lady feshion.’’ iwiAKiava, buttheann>wasintenu,aiid1tanny was in tents, audit wascer- I “J wh"o' acquirouacquired a but never recoenixed ^fore any of I rally known, upon Fanny Fern, in the 31st of October last, the value of tlie stocks of minister to Spain, you mformed me that yoo ^re ral | j taiu it leiiti Oa re asaMsI llng Assembly, since the beginning of the Slate must rt main in as long as it LMcd, for prejudice against the true .\merican policy, ! about tn»T»e Lard Ab*. in the to send my to the Senate, m v iimiresaion i in loiuitvillc. Broailway, is thus sketched: “.V widow of forty of the several branches, os follows ^de^ briefly there was not I he least chance of traimport sufficient amumneed tha r-^guntiem goveenment, and be will be aasaacd to find how „,a„npr oTnUin-.! m U.t was tlmt 1 w(>old a^t tl^ id^^ It has been observed that two-thirvls of the suf- —fair—in mournina—how interesting! Her l.awTnDCcbaish,|.eT kiiare, wu vvimUi $» M to brinir up the huts. Only a smsll ft.iction of the •• to Msdisi-n, “ " i thlShifmSh*J^uK5 dSit. ^ lew -fomilMs hare figured in the high places of “ “ bad received wanii upper clothing, or were The felling oil m the unportations, and the ^ Ger- magnificent sweeping flounces -occupy the space New Altisnr, •* tJw view, however, of the feet that tke tender waa on- « .. “ “ “ likely to it for the offi- prefermeM. compared with tbe we'kh of talent, Kvsn«vil!e, ^eive soiik- remoa, Lvi-ry probable continuance of thia state ot yxpevteil by me, yon kindly granted me a short u- citixens. The of any five erd'nary, uninflatad ** “ commerce Uma mans, anJ the smallest native bora females. She ViucvoBes, " eer repudiated the duty of sapplying or tvea taking ““ 8aeu luTit^ by the <>MeB to for* a Cahina^ - - . . o, , . . to coo».der the ouesiioo. imd to eoofer with honor, and worth that distinguish the population BefrwU, next year or two, is hkriy to ^ , . no atteniiS to hide their novcitv.poverty, but rustle ^ charge of anything eternal reduce the *** ** **' Irish make no atteniut to hide moves with a great and swell—majestic. nl.saspoHk, < beyond tbe salt pors . y, KfuiQcky. “ “ ***T'iT**r^-Tbe friends nf the of the State. It would seem, to those unac- Kirhmoikl. “ Ti IS and giTfu coflee. Of the fonrer, tbe arinv vras still revenue to the slandanJ of the real wants of the Aberdeen present it publicly in its worst aspect, tell the r-hc is prec(«lad by her eldest daughter, already a Kort WsfiHi, quarter-r.iliim.^ T he quainted with the State, who might peruse that South Bill. - <• S S government, and relieve the Ixeasurr of the“•v pre- most piteous tales imaginaV.r, dress shabbily, young laily , as a sort of armor bearer. * • Her ' ‘ l*t!t-r was seen everywhere strewn in the ® ’ 'lii-limii City, 71 sj mad being . , rvord, that there were a few “reigning families “ •' “ unrequircd surplus. The Texas given them, not only exag- yonngest child, “Ei.la,” follows sprucely at licr I.afjrett«, 74 w who’Iy iL-teless to the soldier. debt bill. hide gannenta and “ “ “ Tciw ..hule, borilK re» ,il sniong us who felt themselves bom to dignities, isUei:.am8toryas we have hi^ Uie passa :e of which by the House I also omilte.1 after can-ftil reflection. gerate, but actually grossly deceive their benefac- Ik'cIs, hke a page. Anl so, up and down Broad- __::Z I regret to say that I feel it yet btou formed, aad gnamUj U«i»then »is •kkriksoumV .« lo latntion, wiU .id ui ,,l,,vinj !• >» -hi, t|> Ik honors and offices, and that tbe peopfr had tacitly ! sails IT-.loom-.jondont U,ini*>n »riU, Ih. ttrarei, of dj^ H-yoiomm. n tors. Tbe Germans are the reverse. They de- way, Fanny—^jiroud, liaughty, ambitious .. md SUfcTliel,* acknowledged thsir own inferiority in rank and sire to appear better fed and better clothed than scorned by some, admired by many, loved by few.’ that the trial of Gregg and Mrs. Fraaer wa*,pro BEve th.;m..s.lv€s the trouble of landing what tiry "WJU ‘ha trench spoliati-on biR not be vetoed. ^ prooty Treaty was read amewfi Mbm. caale, aad taoMly auhmitted themasives and their -,rWch I eeailcl It is said of the “CMd Ellet’’ of Ruth Hall : ‘The groBsing. Yestenl.ay the examination of wit ‘bat will take out they really are. Posaessing habits of thrift and had neither rleilu to take uoU- of, nor room to store, $5.000,0t>0 more. .\nd then. ktrati..i. ia tKj. -«-| Th Msitfiib MaWg ffeet Is nedt rsd to ssMMbia ff Mtir rlntiis obscure life, whose aoas to the humbler walks of it even nesses ha»l not been concluded. The case will u.n means to transport. Hbip after eldp, fuU of should the joint resolution reporte-1 by the chair- fr»e sta the inS week la next liras everv gift is turned to account; boles caricature is gro«s and awful. Yet is not u » proper to i*dd that the conwoULMrrex^ with » Msrab. business befort the public was, on eUcHom the mont uecosury .irtklcs, priceless to the wretch- ‘QAu of the Judiciary Comniiitae, for the relief of mera);";.r;are of *’“* Admirals oeymour aad Mastia wfll •uly use, and the scraps a caricature. Panny has daubed the hideouK not be given to the jury before the middle of next t ;riv;teprivate and .fomestle a:.ture. are patched; rigs made of ed imidicr, were Sent out ot harbor, and even **2.*?*“‘*'.. bock Robert Harnsnn and ot.iers. Florida claimants. lam, withWlhigs of stronir political dsp. to raise still higher tlie proud and arrogant and Mrsoeal earcfullycarefully rd for food,food. picture of an impussible character, and scrawled week, there l>eing about one dozen speeches to to t oustanuuople or Corfu, on some idle formality, •**««. -d eaatiausd ns* from kitchen-tables garmgarmrd be passoil. as it ought to be. and as justice, eguitv ffiwl,ilSToSSf”*"™*your friendT maU iak pulsliral femilira of the State. Positively, lileia^^ it. .\iid make. *** TheyThr-r are gratefril and honest. The American beneath ‘This is my Father.’” so goes Uw impcriouslv demand it shouM be I JOHNJOU.N C. BRECKLVRIDGB.BBECKIMUDGE. ^ ^ "ftort .whM death wpeobatoy?!!?folsey" , Seyastopo To tbethe Preaideat. KardMaasaa- . PresMeut. ^ denletion of ihe treasuw. to tbs Is tiiia evil never to ceas-** Is our boast«*d r<-. i few the dissection ot magnificent Fanny. tiaim paor have to be bunted up. In but a very In the Illinois House of Keprcscatatives . — — w a state of reyolt. AoeoaaM fraas tho army Kara publicaniam to degeasrale into the most debasing ever present Sw.iLLowixo A Bxt or Lasn — Stomach aiw uachaoged. instances, so we are assured, do ther . ^ there are thirteen meinbers who are natives of ‘***take place. These1 liese claims arise Balaklav by tills time, might extricate the army under the nui'hi Oiyeo.—•lyso •nvsts hors beea Mods at Floreare.oa —TheTbe Wapello ((Iowa)Iowa) htellieeneer/Bfe/frgCBcer tavs : ngnu ot pnMogcnitore aan , , fona « ontMB thcmoelves for chanty. They seem to have an Kentucky,R«‘>‘«<'ky, being a larger nnnilier than born in article of treaty dssiroua to arouae the people of Ken- from iU deau lock. But who cau ex;>ect thisiu the the between the IUnitedniteda SStatesaies ’ s.. . o-o. Qn Christmas day a Mr.u. T.r Ww Bates.u..^ whUe-uiu «loiiig poieots of nobility’ MTist boo«a it that we do ^ been distoy^ instinctive feeling of repugn-mcc to begging broad, -NativcB of New York rank face of such a uuifonnity of mL- dered this cl... it is ne^ry to to them a^ ui*u come, to them and their chiMren and their clfil- ’ niawiui “’1anu unaoinonzeuunauthorized invMioninvasion ofot PlJ-I lo- ~ as iw swue du( iniie aoo corps „f It *»-- ,-1. UTr^TheThe Democrai-vDeinoerai'yDeinocra.-y of Nelson had a meeting be burked ill some other qukt way. That chance ‘!‘f V*"* disMs. m rxntntcd that to bocoiae vacant' . ' everv sAce mav chance tender aid Thev will not, so long ss bodv . , .t. i t , “• “** ^‘fi* '< • n ... „ .... by a porthwi ot the • y ” drendren’ss children. Bat vet we tell plainly, once deposed of, the end cannot distant and armv of the Uni:«l damage *b«gbe ronmiations CoiJtHit^ . them at Banlst February 12th. at which theyre-they re- U the *»-unw aadaau , , .r' own, at all. *K*?”^*f?rK** I ** ^A fiw dajs after ibe^ victim havmghaving Are we never to be rid of the stereo! vpod names ask for *, or by a fiTibiwtcr.ng, mkraii-Jing I Alexander .nd soul can be kept together, ^go out and .u . .u -n i ui i r . , ^ band of J*'' « there ISis great danger that they will helie roboedrob’ood of * swallowed some acid soiwtnnce, the lead begsn lo . — , ^ solved great things in favor of GovGov. Powell,Powell. John I II I _ _ #• .u,. c. , ' A-. _ . for«'.^' 1osaes and damages on the oflfeial regmter of the State Are we to Th^ were to c->M ode. a«.l chanty. • ..I he became vciy afek. The physfeisns tFrjai ilM BoYtoA T>m'< their.h„j, birthright,hirthriaht. and.nd sold again.imln into thetlir most ser-«sr- .u. v- „ , _ J . , > Rowan, fomesl the Know-Nf>thin;ri». — be ascertained p- -.'.tj o, Uir, iiutcad of a iBMher Letser ~-v> go oa voting for the saato femilMS ouroelves that at wirv then called in. and h was soon found that every Tmr- ef Brlshaai YMsaafo An instance related to us tbe Soup-Houae — " - vile bonda.e to party they have ever known. I — [K-k* the Loui«ni*e Courier.J Wives. miXM caromission the u.HUal mode of detenuin- other attempt ,o extract the lead k . . would ba oasvaif- the our fiMlieri votod for aad toiled for befiwr us* will demonstrate the great diflereiice lietween the jyGovernor Wright has signed the vcr.- strin- (By foUuwiag Ausr c, ^ill bessea that wswe We wani the people against tbe Aos/y conter- The »»hland Dis'riei. ing international damages. To give effect to tliis ing, save opening the stomach. Thisbciogre»*ivcd so«o to have tbe stortMag iksefosuiea of MerMoida* .\nd eon tbe fathers of Kentucky leave no other Irish and native poor. Early last week, while the gent law prohibiting the sale and inaiiufaiture of .Vrttr*. Editors: AUow me topre-ient totlievoters non of all the tricky politicians of tho country to "f the Ligh h CougresBional District the name u; thoughts aad a» nobler ambition to their own river wss frozen a d the cold very intense, the intoxicating liquors i 1 the State of Indiana. The the Native .Vmerican aide. These conversions Ale.x. K. Murshali, lv, I • . . .1. ,ni ri of Jessamine cou sa koaest aad dooervmg offspring than to eoatiaue distribution was visited daily law goes into enect the 12tli superintendent of on of June. siiitab.e candidate for Congress at the approae'iing arc too sudden to be sincere, .\fter s life of L nited States, by its attorney, appearei), and had f ms..io, la ai.m OB votiag for the tame famihet that we and our by two or three Irishmen who were pertinacious election in August. Pr. Marshall is the nephew of had The bar wto abont eleven inches la siigth. hatred and persecution of the princijiles of Na- a regular hearing, trial, jndgmrn*, and awanl. ajwriP'Thcxuv. paper of thev..r Bank ofo. Kanawha.va.mwBa islaagai,again that illustrious deceasf^d mrist Chief Justice Mar and about one-half tbs length showed the action of gray-headed fathom have always beea supporting! pressed their arraoa^nu for m begging for wood. Indeed they . .\nd yet the Secretary of the Treamiry tha^ahro^^** fettorsa * j V largely ot the talents asxumes the arid npon it. The psUeot, at last aeeooats, woe Atocncamsui. and oppresMon ol eveiy man receiveil at p.ir that i in Cmcinnat!,Cincinnati, Ihethe institution havhav- 4’*l'**h ^ to exercise Tiaas.] Thr Children of Israel at length got Ured of I claiais so earnestlyMrnoisle thatth.f theyih-k succeeded.uJLdHd in ob-oh- V''*. ' taluuted family, a more than usual share havin? sxemse a n visory power over these cuurU.courts. gettinggett along finely, with a prospect of tpeevljspesvlj re- in times past it is mg who upheld them, pitiable to hands. ' PirrsriBLO. mg changed fnllrntobim.fnllrn to him. Of fine classical edt'-ation,efln<-atioi>, impaUirjiupBUir ^2 to itav just as much, or just as little as be covery. tbe infisnuMitioii sauaed from tbe lead, whito Mass., Pah. 9, ISM- their servitude. a:id rebellevl when they were re- uinin^^ sev eral loads of fuel At the same time, Editor see tbe abject humiliation of these men at the pleases! in the stonL-Tch. being lbs greatest diflkulty t Bottom UnUy Irmet; r-ire- .,r nce More 1 esabn^ tbe n mat subsequently force of the iff tend with, at present spi>earai.ee. opportaaity ef writiBB feet of the powerful . XaUve American parly,party, in behalf of inent, the courts verv properlv added the interest now 4m 'rican party, and to yuo to infona'afona it the to follow granted a patent for improvement in I^Ukenc«rigencer of thette 9th tells nsos Bates Is yonyou that I sbaOshah oa la yw-rya>-r dty to is time tor peopis of Kentucky female,fcn,»tos of native birth, having been bom in Indi- mtchines for whose politics, if nominated, he will run the rare, upon tbe loeses ef the Floridaians, aa a part of M rapid- to observe the mevement. of some of , fecturea oa MonaooisB and can obtain a very l«ge number of jiersonal ttcorerian.r, y*7* next week er la? vveek their example: titty are r^uired ia these latter slaughtering hogs. the damages and indemnification calle-1 for by the — Ana,amlana,UKl raised strangers to povertypoverty,, who were for owing. 1 win acknowledge converts, who. before they wipe ofl' the friends from liotM 1 havo sems fcaia to days to do quite as great aa impoMibility as treaty; in thU following the nreredents aet in all C iiaxT Davis, CouCol. Scboclk,Scboclss, &e.dee. —YtryVery fecture oa tnio point, for I havo boea iafoi Med, upoa (JaUjdaily crossing on the ice with feet almostaliii.irt bate,bate., to ry.Mcf’allister. who escaped from the jail of Hhouhl he be el-cteu, be will command that pro- r^p«.ntance, are bold to announce them- cAses of indemnification under treaties in lothority, that which [ recentiv.our Mr. Toaag has scat oa two Saa make bnak* without straw They are requ'red they the green saplings. excellent correspondent at Paris, in thetowhead, where cu: Ularke county, Indiana, after being sentenced to ' to Mep my career selves the ajiostleaand martyrs of the faith, the United .Sta'es havo been a party, aad . . They say I a.>ail not givo a loe- new cXgr^^d^!’ aud^al TntellecfuS espe- w:. ,i „ , ... . statesmen. Congress- j j mtererting gownp. mentioned the viait to Make Governors, and bringing as firewood, .\fter all it is tore, but I Miah fry-Mul I the of them home Tlie 'people should be vrasned against the penitentiary, ha* been arrested in Hawoeville. strength. combined with matal worth and iategrity. ciallyciallv in the ca.4e between the UnitedI’liited .Sta^.States Baa- such Judas -- - I at^.A A ^ - to that town1 of Cal. SchoulCT,Schouler, project loe, a fur I BMO and great men out of broken-down poLtical 1 see J. Britain, ^ of the Cincinaoti that Hon. C. Brccliiiiriilge h.ui and Great under the treaty of The Irishman was depiwse.1 at his birth, — . declinwl Ghent. Iscariots. e.wrat Sciatog tb. socitoy of 13^ Senator Dixon i* at his home in Hender-HeiiJcr- the mlssiou to Spain, wliicli leads us suppuee ' haefca, pin-fcather demagogees, aad shallow-bead- the conditions of s«- to that In that case the United States verv* properlv re- Gazette,irazeizc, andaoaI mtimatodintimateduiiunaioa thatinoA methetha visuvisitviMi hadnao some«»>e Wja.l. t 7.7 . ^ i„ |j| hi* after yeani, by — Honnooa aad storryinq tbe Icaiiar. They vaanot The sentiments we likve expressed in refer- bt intena* to make another r>ce iu this district. If , L , . . ’ son, a*as indeed he has been, during mostmo*t of the quired.mired not only the payment of thetho value of tbe to PrwnlencyPrwulency politics | reference thetbe and in find or ad nheriton of once-honored names cirtj in his native land The American saes gen- bring aaytldng agniiwt my Boral aure to Gove.-nor, repeat in reference tr ^be Amcncan p.any cannot do better than to slavesjlaves earned awr.v,awr.y, at the time wo (Con- uresentpresent scbsionsession ofoi uongress.Congress.Conoress *i’ thevthey were token,taken, eral. (Jol.(Joi. Schouler puts hii veto on the story 1 sm rrady to meet them, er any Mker Motmmm, at These old fomiiy party names have become aa place 1,,^, ^^vn consin. Dr. .Marshall, on i... ,i | that ever) man must work, and that labor alwaya _ the track .u' J „ „„ ' « r gressmen the Slate. I.et but interest on that v due up ‘0to tlie “n'Ptime ofpay-of pav- .j,:, in the people utterly biiu, and wilh ell his ipalaritv, I do not “P after thi. fashion:fa.k;„n. offooeeto the people, and should, out of decent —» , . «nn,or.r; fm« p V^ ^ obtains sous reward; hence lis induitry aud A bill has passed Congress appropnating nent.uent. GreatUrreai Bntain.Britain,nntain. wiuw.ngrefus.ng to agreea;^ree to this.this,thi«, ““ ToUlUf. Ii m111 ih«fif>«r ^ MV )MtMt wiMWill lUiUli repudiate new-born political converts, aiul the BnikiiiriJgc in STst a A* Jj uto ——Lawdav .s*av s.n,* ST- a t regaid to native talents of the State, be net aside, the question was submitted by aroitration lo r . . 812.5,000 for the erection of fortifications at New every cjuntv in the district. the pride wire-worker, 1 .1 1, A- r . In cZjS.y’^SiSro .rkemuig of the old parties. I.et Emj^ror of Ru*iia, .Vlex.nder. who derided these cmiMurfea rarty « bask to Lahe* If 1 and the enure stork of our pubhe men be ga'Jiered ubiqaito « “S ,n" has not y.t made a nom!- that friends, in^lged in a ride ou the railrsudrefar have done say thing CTimiaal, I will go witheut la- them taka up none of the dregs of the old parti s. nition, leiit jf’The Frankfort VrofRua thinks it was in bad I am coufl Dr. M. would carry ont hU theniere payment ofthe Talueoftheslave8.wi;h- Paris, Ky., a qniet countre town, in Bourbon nmoe again frasn tbe pure and unpolluted ranks t eoun- sfauacA Bat tbey^do not pr«,.cd tomy ’hat. lias sold to views of the policy of tbe part jr better than AH no demagogues, whose entrance on the field of Ei^The Henderson Cour»er been any ont out allowing interest oa that value, or a sum ty. where we staU until Monday aioroing. ch of taste for Mr. TsAars to announce himself at a K they say to, he (Mr Youas) fe ay UwAU^hasbaad— af ths ftofit. I as vet suggested. ^ miuivalent 1 o their services from the time they cs bad friends to aee. Mr. Davis lives in Paris,a. we politics Delano. .... but they forgot be bad twentytirenty wivmwiveo wboowbou District in has been marked by nothing but the most Will D.'. Marshall ,k. liberty, oModd wawo «»»2idste for Congress in the Eighth allow me the along wiib 'were away, would had kuown him years a^, when in Congress; When the late NaUve American movement I taken not be indemnifying ; we wereWere BtanieAniarmA 1 waswao at tbe tiaotfeso laneceat red staJstaj other friends, to a.sk if »‘>j««t dependence on the exertious of friends r nd many him he wUl accept the there, and out of this grows this big ^wa-newa- “t*the leaner,Conner, insteMlinstead of in some of the Know-NMhJKnow-Neth* Fire and Small Pox in Covinoton The Cin- I their owners. .\iul he nRsde an awanl, bv >vhich otn.oere. Since I have seen enongh, andaad I knewknow the •nrang up with auch p«7wcr in tke countrv, we — nomination of the American partv, if tendered to P‘P«v»wwy. w*we «•»*can or meanmraa mto say, mhi tt- wire-working cliques—who can pack con ven- the 1 nited States received over 1 ^7, aocietyooeietysociety to be eorrnot,eorrnpt,eorraiit, and foveraedfovciaedaovenu^ hvby bad ing papers in that district. It msy reheve the cinnati Commercial of Tuesilay evenin" says: himfmf STARS A\D BTRIl’Bo.BTRIPl!' United half a million ™ awaOMaowa for fell that a complete poliUcal regeneraUon was at ‘"R ^RSj^BIARS A.\D bTRIIB.. ^ badmottvea. I shall tel. evlry Uung jmd so it la. 1 happen- “2 ge‘ nominations without the basis of &c, which we were a. Yeoman editor to learn that Mr. Ttsavt,Tbabck, fire broke out at 3 o’clock this raoi-ning ia a writer of id Xx^cubtiJIc psper Dnd to t ?xs» that the old politkiaa. of ^ A 1 a Ias at. s ^ sKDli Dot stos Tqf D-d*lLn« Fnslo... now to pay friend at »nging lo be in this cUycity on bishi# way Smith,Son’di, on a Ulent or moral and mentla energy to sue frame grocery on Si'ott s icct, near Fourth, in Co- our HtUburg we would mrthat If Uiis Mr. politirel paitiea, Demo- m Florida claimants, whose demands ^.g hSiS^ bath the great Wlugand Aingtuu. Though tlie firemen were early on Thers is truth force the following are baaed nation has no greater “pro-slavery” difflealtics to ‘ain them. the much and in » tell tb-j whole truth,irsio, and infold.aWMI MIsU ABCthe mralerireBJWnre burinea.business Inp.trip, whishwhich woublwould roqmrarvqiiirs his alieneeabsence nr./,w »Ka AA-I* nnno.n A r«>.,.,n->A.I kw tk. tr... .u— Vk^A. _kf.k L. 1 v_ . ... . upon the same principle recognized by the enuc. had. in tonnes times, when the NaUv. ground, the ll.ames spread with such rapidity tbiit , , 1 . Em- overcomeovert than those which may ^ Interpoaed by numberol tlie eonneetod with tbe S^Unti. several weeks, and »»eannghearing of Mr. Breefonndge’sBreckinridge’s I'«otI.r etrongHBindeil,rong-mutdeil, energetic, successful business Wetakeit, that the Americau party cannot 0iN*ratc faror, and repudiate „ that which I am about to «as we did Had he»»' l»een *"in hii district at the three-stoiybriekthree-story briek buildingownedbuildingowDCil bybvMr.Mr. J. D. Patch,Patel,. Hobeibli.^ — c fir d the following horrible in- was an iapasaable g«lf between tbe hMineved, with other parties. Tbe American party has laid when it operates sgsinit itself and in tavor of its reveal. have good habits, good principles, ..tnanciation would doubUes. have Ik«i men, who dig- Thisin,» buildinguuuu.ug was occupieduccupico byuy severalncvcrni families,iiuuiiirB, also»iso downuown itsIts platform ofOf prmciplc*;principles; and on that platform cklent rolatod in the St. Louia Dtmoerat, ia con- There as* two very imMrtaatsecrcU in Movmoa- intrigumg, .elfish, wire-working politicians of Ihe own citizens. experience with a* a law office, restaurant and do' goods *fore . It it should Maud or frill—siiccee.l or be defeated. The The objetion, however, to say the nified personal bearing, the The French spoliation bill wa^ only signed by nection with tbethw death ofot a woman byhv thetha name ^ «»•«. eoantry uid the new party that swept the ooun- was also entirely consumed, together with mneh of principles are correct; ur.d the parly sliovld coni cud v kt world, and would honor tbe public senice, tire,Spe,k.,.h»Speaker t^hi. morning;n.,m|„5;c.».~;,n,l,consiNquently it o^^^oniy **•* ^sniaii matter. who the proiierty contained in it. It happened that there i. of Ellen Murphy. Dnaoers/ asys: try frare East to M'esl. And ww flattored our- “ fji thcii succes.s. If defeated once, or a dozm of Elfen .Muipk,. Tho SS certain was a caFC of small in one of the famiLes. Tbe went. to the Proaulent to-dav. W hy U has been ^ k*, «..km.a.i and tucccsswill be tiiucs, alill slick to iheui—they are the true priaci- - • ' " — thatl.jund. . . - vrv• 03®She ^3and her ••nsband•insoanu were occapyiogoccnpyiOj ground J , ,1 , Ol ^ rk Ta -a 1 a.dvre that aew and bettor men. honest and io- is of Marshall.— highly rssi>ecte.J liremen, however, did not fear disease any more than pica—tbe principles o|. is thus delayed a matter surprise. ItissaniIt is sa>d Gae taomiag, after fefl ^ ^ on which vhe government | apartmentsanartments in a bouashnnss oann theths cornercornsr of Main aad Yoaag my bofi, I dfesae- A Li jbs nsferred Iloaor ' the flaiQiS.flaniis. The safTercrsufferer was broughtbrou^tht out and dc- l tolo be the intention of its fnends,friends, should it •e.-viag men, oo loag overshadowed by the gra^ sends a communication ).R4od,ack'd, and that should jfovemgovern its administratioD.ailministratioD. be re- Poplar. _ streets. Dav before yestenlay (Sunday)_____ under tho pSUo'w a papor, sf which I have a i,<.xington, us Justice, m,Tveiiients, has at though lardy in its iwsited in tbuiDarkct-huu.-ie, on the opposite side of In time, success ici/l tarded,larded, to it as an C*>P7- It is a secret plot, saatrlvfd pohtiod famihes of the Slate, would e«ar up crown the labors of the Ameri- append amendment to snap-an ap- they were both oa adruakraadrnakes spree. PipmPtvmexpnaureexpoaure to awssBhrew Hf ^n^nmending Dr. A. K. Marshall, of Jeomminc ’ ” am-pru^d to hear, in a ?•’ can party . But whether it does, or not, it is better the goverameut. lat.iat pockage I also foond last crowned the leader of our American armies , , fu propriation bill; but this will hardly be done, I to tbe Wtterbitter cold of the day she died in the svsnins.svsnins, a and reotore our State fovernment to iU ancient |jT^that the d«iase was spreading amo^ tolje pteb of s fort; - American Know-! thing party as a can- r^ imagine.fmagine. and was fe:d a co. pre in. her bed. The h«sba;3. at the top jt tbe pi^ !t said “Three with a proper rank. Winfield Scott is now a fairnere equality as the govenuacBt of the when**“*“ be wen: to bed, pushed the body'*«*7 out<»»» on »netbe tiera. two hoo*) ed a>td six^ns each." ^1 alaohsard aad for Congress. This recc an.endation will Winter is upon us in its severest aspect. The ” I people. weither ha. been intensely cold for lalitudo ?!*•**• whole startle some, if every reader does not esteem it tU . placed lu norau.ation by it, felcct tbeir men inde- ^ discovered eaten I them bemre they |[pit tbe andvr-froand works he has .. I ^ that tbe rats had her aec army, as in every campaign been the .- .u- > c<•„, 1^^. naat SHFICXI PI n V no’.incing the v for‘orr severalrevcfo. uay»days past. BMLLDY., HLLDY.nv Know-Nothing movement as a pendent of what other ptrtie* have do-e, p«.. nearlv off. in ss'st horrible I dono.MidNdone, aiMHheyhey should uot thentbea fourfoar thetbe whelawbefelTBitsdUaitad Bat what do we see* M'hy, tbooe vary old, as we did at first, in the light of a jest. Dr. Tu k'l. 1 •_ J or may snd the borrMt manner.manner master .pint. The til, long si ce proposed ere a- ^yhig and Abolition trick. How much truth 2o. If candidates arc placed in nomination by any We understand tbe hn*baad confeaaea no remorse, Butes army, wnh thehr 3cotto aad Wools.” This 1 BBaaing pateieal stagers, whose aaines have Marshall an Amrrtsan ! Is he not remembered ICorrespondene*(Correapondrae* of th« Lomsvill*Lou:»vill# Coorttr ting the ollkre and rank meulione>l, aud confer- • • /• other party, aud which, prior to makli.n Coansr jJ beard by aavea-droppiag. besldea a grea’ deal .l u u “'-.di fj^ .u uumina- but merely says, by way of excuje for pushing her mm, headed the poll-books Kentucky for fifty years, as one of the bitteroat and most violent denuncia- body from tbe bed, tnat Tie’U be d d if he was go- of which I have not tioie lo write. The ladfeas ring„4,h,U.I,.,U.iup..,»t.iU.«p»nCe„.Sco.,,iiir uiic n lui tu> W.VSHINOTON,1V.....,aTo,, F.b.Feb. 13.13, 1835.1855. — 1 4 l~ following extract from the speech from Mr. Ma- npon which their caadida'cs expected he suffrages „ have had the promise tost a'i of the load that has and wkp freely damned Native Americanism tors of tbe doctrines and advocates ofthe Ameri- is no-w having Congtes. «nin working moo^mood, and i.is dis- ' Monday, previously p?"*?’*;** ^ : the Senate on • _ been ftrom passed DemocmUc member of the New York “>« “2 aft^rward^ the American parly taken em tball ba reSa aed. whao it was weak, are now amuog the first to can party! Nothing could exceed the venom determine to Hnpport the candidates, patchingtching busines.business with as inuch rapuhlyrap'ulily as isi. per- Mr. Young prc« ends to ba their friead, aad they approbationan,,robali..n of thetbe Hou«).House. - - same would it Bcbgl abt in Pabis.— ha Citizen of Feb. 18, met tlie i i . w .km r .v Legislature. \N r copy the following from the all. • • not be a virtiml surrender by the sKnierican Iiapa consistent *vith cautioa and duedelibera- to a mai, wiU figi.t for bim aad the Monasaa. creep into tbebowebol the aew party and koitt with which he conducted the cantaa* of 1849. Yi- • L r » r au* 1. partv of \\ ^ rejoice inm the confermentconiennent of this honor.r. rer ?_ i _ i« __ _ _ ii'i i * i _ri _ - *, .• _ a i yt _ We hono Not only tribe, all tat rpiK>rt of Lcffialative procDcJinirs as published I its principles, and the adoption of tbotie of another I tivn. A noblo act waa done by the House yes- oaa bat tha ebiofa tha Par tketr as the leaden ef the people ! auTuiser he should mourn * * names agat* For his siiM during that . — I naPtL-V mnA W re.av Ksa evP * n>^m4n, I a 1^.. *1 Ulll ^..ol aI- . Th_ _ G*! Wednesday night, the warehoose of West, It W8« due the long and measarably unrequited party?—and it may be of a party whose platform I tralay, the passage ofa bill to authorize the Presi- M are Ihvo’ahie to the com aad to that paepia. ^ | „ .._a: 1 1 1 si • I . *. .... _ .1 iTmAJiztv Jm. Firt'im1i*is»vim brokenKmv*fh intonhtsh *fMi robbedvnKK of Could iaspudatice go foithcF in sackdoth and ashes always. VVe are sure the enibntecs principle entirely cpiicrafral in tfitir very I Cawidy A ww and l^y win all follow their chiefs, aad with thsbthefehaia.h^ aeivices of Scott; it waa due to hia military 1 t. 1 I , V dent to confer the rank of Liu^iiaut General Mr. Maguire, after saving he had appealed to the nature and existence. I .u barrel of sugar, eight or ten afttf they have the ground fixed tor hattls. the safe- will never do. „ that, distinguisheddistinauished soltlier an 1 acrnmnli.hml M’e aax the paop> of Kentucky if they are go- Dr. superior to that in vain to dtr.ounce n^n and accomplished tali'iii, unquestionably of any DcmocniLc party tbe Kauw- It' the American party are honest in holding the rin’ETilo Xotliingii, the party officer, \t iiilield Iscott. Ihe rule.v were hrst w tolerate this thingl M'c aak the American he fonnd Whig was the only prirciples they avow, ^ tliingR. The thieves entered by stoking a hole in tbe You will alto hear them baasd of their stnoBth and ing to living officer. It was due to the country itself, a surrender of them is out of OcB XIiMSTEB TO Spain.— he New York Ex- manfoliy and denounced i5uspciided,_ to en.able tke matter to be caile*] up, wa.l, carried their one which stood these se- I brick and plunder ont through-8- hid defiamce • tbe question. The platform broad a-:d . r — to any power. They sux will alaa i. i . • r k , w compre- i , . 8^- party if Urey are goiag to yield to such an unblush- “• kDcsiowmeni ol nonor amt the new Minister to | cret treitora; said, though be had never voted the hensive enough for ali which required a two-lhiTJtwo-lhir-. vote, :nd tbe giving the hack door, which was ei^yeasily opened from tlie appoint their (iovetaor of Uiab, aad they mesa to nrttt aavs The name of parties and indivi inals to I | • • piece of effronteiy‘ they not aee S*. .I 1 ..a .1^ itcd a just and liberal feeling to- i invide. There was a watch dog in the house, but enlaraB their torritory sad ev. '4 It to the Spain, Mr. LVidge, of Ohio, astounded everybody. couvtitutiou I that these old party leaders and wire-pullers have :md enter into the perpetuity of the iortitution.* of ward the meritorious individual who the •»« out before the thfevea eu- as^Xorth a^ Sowth^s.* .dey like. I of puWi: confidence. | j ^ He is a rude, rough-bewn man, some forty years Vt tllu’.ai H. Sewanl as the man of his choice. Hs I awra than I have too# to write. the Oovermuent. Hence, in support of the candi- 1 obicct of rewoxJ only come into the Americaa party to try to con- nwcxtiM rlrv j1t«trr>crarninfY n*niitrr^»r ttiifrlii }as> I — i o s* i a I 4 _ . A Lieutenant General, the ambition of the would do this disregarding whatever might be dates which may be put forward by the 8,tR.\H TOUNO. of age, of vigorous mind however,— speaking no American The fate of the French spoliation bill is still a rives ‘hou.ght of the pickpocket poliliciaiwof Mb. Tbabvb.— he Paris Cifusa of Friday, trol it, and thereby keep the*, in power and veteran Scott, will be satisfied, ‘n the future no him by New party, tbe other parlies cau well niiUe, without sac- language, not even his own, remaritolilv well subject of anxiety and rumor. It waa reported Nfr. Saaders* KavtaMwaary Loaaar. . . _ ... . lork. rificing,rificins. or compromisingcomnroinisin? tbeir nrinciiilcs But the ... principles. But the - carry aot their old political aad personal srhemes' , _i , ,k,, »k- p,«.; i-.., k i i .k k-n will that the President **^*2 . enticing dreams of the Presidency ever daz- aterday had aignedsigned the bilLbill, , , „i_ -w — v who has never seen the outside of his country Ametcan party cannot go to other parties—cannot Mr. Trabne b well kaomi la thia District, haviag To tke Editor tf ike .V. Y Datiy Tnkunt: that, apart , r> u Tk 1 T V r » *k;/ 1- r.,„i.,ktv I-. I . iJ And does not the American party aae Indiana^' Free BANES.-The In.lianapolw /our- i'll* 1* probahly untrue ; uide d it must be zle his vision. A man of the sword, he finds in adopt the candidates of any other party; no matter ’ two or three gallaut races, undsr very difflenft Sir . I not much even uiside. He has but a feint k'li^ Ilk iw, made a* *uch coaplhnaBted that *y lattor to from the faypoeriaj and bad faith of these old of Tuesday says: how much they admire , ort>r the bill would have be.-.ube.’.'i sent to the House details siege*, the na! may the men,' or how near circumstances. He has many frienisflrien'ls in thwthis part of the Preach people quite as taacb Aiaaifc aa hy tha idea anything that a foreign minister ought to camps the of preparation of — of the principles promulgated mii^ the as.-,<'ut t«>-d.ay. leaden, that ought to oaodemn tbeir pretensions, A man in Louisville, who sul>*cribee himself W. meet of the Sta e, and whoever opposes him will And in hi* way aa French' in its topics and hsartog—aioald stratcgrtic plans, full occupation for hi* great and have. I>ee White, publishes a Counterfeit Detector, and to Amercans individually. Other parties can. The House is to-day engageil Uinm the bill a formidable competitor. bcaKrihuted hy yoar Paris eorrespoadea. to that there will be a bmsi auictdal and fatal efiect fol- however, to - - peculiar mental powers. I^et him confine his showahoi how unreliable it is, we give a tew of his quo- enme the Americans; and they will for rRorgauizing and reforming the n.avy, reported — distuunii^ed tebolDT dd4 fCDtcsnuuis I — lowing their aominattow for office, if they should in Abeansas. lie resolu- notes; he welcomed with hearty good will. ATTEJirr TO Mranea a Wuhan —Ob Mon- Kkow-Nothinos — mature wisdom to serving his country in this tationa of Injiaiu Free Bank Bank of ihe \jj._ J’ocock, rhairmaii of the Naval (!om- AsTuwoght proper toallude In tha. addnoa to Traders Ba. k, and the Central Bank. evening between « and 7 a tall man. Roffin by aasae. the rtatemeat of be aominatod* If the American party is to he liooR cuodemning the Know-Nothings were ex- Capita . 10 niittee. The reforms and alteralmnsalterations provided ndni yaw ear- noble manner. Thus can he leave he* legacies cent do*;ount; Farmera and Mechanics’ Bank, i>er f.rf,r by the bill, or something of the kind, are eompoaed of the trae aad good men of all the old punged by tbe Democratic Legislature of .Arkan- w*tn tlie view oi rorestalhng the .\mencan part;, MDietiTp Dj TseDDS Of D iiioe Kejp to^ r*^ riclier fer than even the golden territories that Indianapolis,Indi ‘30 per cent discount; Now, all that tv. %y J I I. A al i* a r oC a x‘ii * ppMiflT cif liirt That L^dni IMSd wm osi o# Ldb needed, butk.,* thefk» fetefatefat. of the»k- presentpres«fnt billkin;.is !d‘>UK ‘oo fast. The very act. wc opine, much jlj. XathaDiel C. Bmhop, So. 991 BrMdwaT. pomae, « hy arouae the old party leaven in tbeir sas. The Democrats of that body cormluded. D.-e White would have to do to convert the notes of E*‘ when letter wm writUn 1m M he conquered for her occupancy; and thus can certaiuly quite uncertain. these bank* into gold, wo Id be lo pay an insignifl- debar the selection of men. who ,nd procecdwl imaediately to the pariar, where w>t isa a word of it util it wai acot to hi* h« breasto, or plainly insult tbeir natmal and andent alter all, that they did not know anything about cause his name to survive in history long ages cantcani sum for transportation to and from Indianapo- would otherwise have, in all probability, k-ea .ie- The nomination, or pretended nominati»n,nomination, of Mrs. Biabop was engaged in playing on tbe pUao, mail, printed. prejodieee by puttiag up aa candidates before tbe Know-Nothings. refused to fecteon Uie journal of tlie House. . bobnon-specie paying banks, which are secured by r .k • - e _ I . I -e .k i The to him. The authoritT af Ladni RaBfo a aa*a . „ ^ . rretion of the order. And truly,' if they pweedproceed Peoposed Lbvee. ror many years the other parties adopt our principles iind fuse with us. thoughh two of the aerrantaservanta who heard the — - A stocks,jjto< npon wh.cU 83 cents CAU be reolucd to-day, ^ wouW, na doubt, give weight to what in said pool, while they sec the other aide chuckling at to nilJill the Senate ’.vith’witli the mostrimst unscrnpulous,uiiscrapuloua, they derire; hut let the Ainci leans bold onto their re^,ort o.oi the piatol were at the parlor door i*ma to tte peopU of Weducs- subject of leveeing the Mississippi river, from VV'. lice White graciously recoivea from hi* frieud* I jn my addraaa Fiwh the triumph af thair owi^jlfonner) party leaders. r^The Frankfort Commonveallh, own principles, and go tn no other party. corrupt, and hackneyed noliticia’r>o!iti;Tia’ —men who diately afterward, they couldeould only catch a gHmpeeghmpaa .It 40^ per cent disconut. 1 have noBO VAuityvauity ab^abeoS *ymy ownewa Bame. aadexcovlaad exesttl to the highlands, in Madrid Bend, in day, haa an artic'.e in regard to Mr Trabue's no- Hickman hare served all parties and retain the confidcnca of him. Tlir alar* was gt^en, aad a poifeeman out of joNtfee to tba hoaiorahte daicac ot mj who. thoiqA they have ^ on a new name, will Scramble for the Nrw Nenntor—Sacceaatal Ui y respect if, I repeat, to was obtained, hat V^e lata to effect the arrwt oi lic'tex spirit than this Slate, and thence a* fer down as the mouth plouiary or Mr. Brluiont. and of none— auch are be f.iand. I afemld not have thu. -m Fropax to aka offire, if elected, tbe natural fevoritisni minalion, in much temper and ^t'?’'Tbe Secretary of War has Iranamiltedlilted to earey into ‘be rpe*rator. Mrs. Bishop was to M.'hten^ I •• VV.CSHINOTON, IP. the fruits of Know-Nothingism, it will bitterly p explaumtioa. of the Obion river, in Dyer coun.y, Tenn., has Feb. —There was quite a scram- ! assoriatiMta* the paragraph to which we ma le a short rep!j a Congress(-jj, liis annual report, show ing the effective** ^ ‘bat she (aintid, and H wa* some time bal^ sto I ef their old party friendsh^ end hie for the new Senator to-day wl eri CleLl. W .Iron disappoint the hopes aiul dampen the ardor of Hereafter, I hope '.hat whaServr I way Hire to tho been regarded aa an enterprise fraught with few days ai'xe. M'e confess it made us feel force of the United State,State# aa folkfollows:vs: I attrihatad to aoM Nothing could be more disastroua lo the suc- militianiilitia came into the chomlMT. Mr. Clayton, Whig and thousands who have been looking lo thia move- I ^ lain is neither Mrs. Bishop nor her hastNUid esa I*- ^qaaily aad honorable oaree (lie allusion, we dkl— greater advantages, considering the cost cf it, Know-Notning, got him into a vacant seat on thi American party or Ameriraa priact- rather bad to make U TifimtnTn^uitn’—-Conumwioned^oounisfftcmej omcenofficars ij»« nient 38 one l>kely to purify the political atmoa-** eesi of tbe side a.gfee. sa they are not aware of having given serioBs Very irepoetMly. i.'csku Whig of the Senate. Meaer*. Snmner aiiii off brought up unpleasant reniiniaw ncca—hut as the than any public improvement ever contempLted phere, and cast tbe siaugh ot corrupt dema- otiencetootIVnee to any one. plm. than for tbe old party leaders to be allowed T-“CDinmtsft.DisMl — " (!bn'‘® made a dcdwratc effort to get him into th- GEO. N. sANDEBS. IS AW goguea. 1 fear that too many of this da** have'V About three o’clock onoo the same aflaraoon a toll Commtinieealtk “ threw the first brick,” it haa no by the jK-ople in this scctionof eounlry. .’ Fi^iiFreeroil ’k)ealUy.''Vhrnia^^^^^locality. The matter wa* tiuaiiyfinally ronipro-cump'ro- .irroa Hoc^b. Feh. 13, 1855 to put thrmselvea at tbe bead of it. Hav- ^ ‘i!^ *" aVaJy foum* their wav into the order, with no10 roon,roan, with blue eyes aud Mack hair, weariag a Non.«oinjii:»iiitinoa»iul rn'Mitr* .. 3z.4>, hy (H-neral Wil-«>nWil-wvn taking '.V.’.'.-oii'*.V.’.'.-un’* right to complain. M’e are glad to see that Mr. Etheridge, of u UcdUed Hr. formerly hated snd deotroyed that party, oilier view th.an lo u*e it cloak,e*Jledcloak,eaJled at the house tod pairediuqoired for MMrs.rs B ,. ing 1" ' aa an inatrumrat to • • ' vacant seat a!ong->ide of Sara, the Aali-Nelr:>.!ta i.s tke Oitarrer'anJ U. L . J 1 . ., Pu;iroctz» LaxiNSTON.— Tennessee, haa introduced into C-ongresa a pro- Azgrr-fnte "^*"***^.t,«n ssa J^ho was then ant;out; and this ii^iVKloalindividual feia^auppoo^ thair oiueerity now reaches, aa all will know, only Know-NothingKnow-Nothing. proiiK-'to their Ovn selfish ends: Dome aa a Utiderer who WM Xtnorler of Jiatordi; v. mva: jy'TTie Presbytery of Weat Lexington, on the to be the oho aftenrardsafler-rerde attempted to t^etake p.>sition to grant governmental aasietance to Ihe Mr. Belmont.Belmont,o^imotiT, MinUlerMinisterMiUWter to Holland, bss *s*om-'.’oiu-'.’Oiu- to meant to the Fre.sklem.'v;Fre-skleney; s:*mesrtme coiivey-coiivev- Me protiai^ or'ihaertoifoa* trlU sow re- *to the aggrtoMlisement of Ordin*ikc«ornOTe8i.ioBoffiTorr* B. p.«.itrt, bt.1 removed 14, theI*** annual "P®'”report of the Treasurer and .Auditor of I to purpose to erffdicate from the conimunii.U If « ^ thair ropport. nod cany .M.s. Frarer f<*r the tUronp’a. 1 polic* are asing exeitfo.^s to aad HNff cordially unite in trial of Gregg mi go d*tectlon. The ty* The and ia tke excileoM- 1 o’ the tn-'- uent w. Ashaat w — : past year, Bi.---f--7ii ‘Itcte are no round tim-Sera left, with and upon . MassRchusetls,MassRchuaetis, for Hie the Tired their titction. aaeertain who ia the perpetrator of tbe oatrege. c" 11- I » ,, or New ConsCoNsriTCTiox.— .V joint I apoa riaa. ttomi trionipbantly, and almo* without opposi- murder of Mr. Frazer is now progressing in the .-j-f G^di.Gaddis waswa. commi.todcommitted to the»k Han-u adauaiaaer anianiary punishm>;at l^Jsmc*l^rt^Jamc. a > , wltjch to rebuild the vessel, it would be an act of arrest, and ia maeh to he hoped resolution ho.haa beenfe-en reported in the Indiana Leg- I with a > iew to hi* U with “ai-«*aking . Tba aum thas eharged Can*. toon, into tbe political places tbat need the regeoe- Fayett-* Circuit Court. Great interraf is felt in are fcaifril aock county, Ky. jail, inui default of $!250SsCSO bail, is'oture, to amend the constitution of that State policy ‘o attem^ l^r repmr. that they may be^^mfal, a* tte • j* ^ ^yi that the whole aggregate of ordi- | aeruring a ia subject regret that Breck- that he may make aootl^r aad perhapa *ore sac- rathif infiuetioea of new men. the case. Two days were spent ia for an alleged theft of some ?5$o in moacy,moaey, from nary ex|M-nsi-a for the year was but .StHiO.975, or a* follows: It a of great M’. 1 He den ed that be hodbadhfe hai*l ceaaful atteiiMit upon the life of the lady. inridge declined the mission to Spain. Though I Carter's pjcket, bat tbe J i-lge r«it tba tke aaat- nut he terminated before ont million dtiUart. Thus for im average ex- 1 hi jury, and the cause wiil esville, . To prohibit foreigner* from voting Do the feoptr, for whoa, alone we write, under- thejjjg storeyaorr of N. J. C. Shreder.Shrader, in HawHnwesville, on who !iave N. Y. Triknnt, 1 Uh. fVstnr f**r soul, irtcn, comparilively young for auch a position, ho is a ter itenarved fttiwre invgaii,;Atfon aud *r.tere>I (iifekea • /'* 1* of A wo*acn aod uotnot I .V 1 I A 1 1 II I * at been fiHtuniUz^dnaturalized minermin«*r the acts of (’ongrcKs,f*'>ra- a and Dick 'rom the stage, will perform her . o I. * , , befitre retiring U-'*Tl»c bonking firm ol C. .\f. Clay’ A t’o., in oftUer-arth. ’ ...... ePwt to ^ick may bold uiiotiier office. «>•* Mr'l). asserted that a meeting held In tke I nmre ihari I *Li« aseume what they prufeas, the taa- norance or rudeness.' which U cto rima. and profeaaioiial engagememta, orcupying almut two Cincinnati, waa couipclleil to dieaolvr. in ctinse- He-riotw of the Legislature, bei,p said of some of thoae who have been entraat- pRoacRiBiNO A tv n:4AN. IV e copy the following aominatmit ttoiiartiarffiu^^aanrf>* afpeanur*rairiT . w lar^rfitter irmi «m w tbcmeelvcs from the thral- andd to be nnrcstrictedunrestricted se.s- Taylor in aeeepting the IttnaUe ngki to free compiele them, .\mong these as to the length of the se.s- 1 -.u c tion of Ob. yeart snd a-halfto quencequcncc ofofthi’the oner usu. taxc.taxes ’mpoacdimposed by thetlic Ohio ed with fore.gii imssion* !««• '***^* 31U Harrisburg Herald of„f Thursday’fbu'i^day !.ei:last: sioiiH. ^ CMolina. WMConsMered aad advl.ved ^ ‘ ia the ‘V dam of ambition* pnbtical sebeanera If such is inrontemplalion. .A rumor was started some time ago about a alripto England statutes.statute#. •»- reply, was eoaamitted yj[j (w-idow of Mablou Miller, deceaaed,) 4. InI" amending netsI'.cts to only requirereqai that the sec- ^ FUimore. Mr. Brooks, to read the Ibl- spirit, disagreementdisagreeroent and division in the Cabinet, a pro- tbab foaling* and auch tbeir let them show ’ letter from Mr. FUimore W“rks 'onuty. who lowkgjowii.g ; , r. - r the night of Monday C.iNiNAL CorRT —The regular term of the hahle rupture, and the retirement ofot'Mr,Mr. Guthrie,Guthrie.Ciuthrie. Lucr. Cbnkxal Suott. Evetyoarfy itiathiswwe Leg them nominate for Governor Uavabd Tavlor.—On hai had chiirge of the post ofticewucehfrbiubandI" » 5. To atriRcstrike out cfoi Aectioosection ’Z3,^3, article 4, these BcvriLOBerriLo, N.T., Feb. 10, 18A5.1865. it, conside. that OeDeral Scott is now a LiewS. diatiiigniah*’'! poet and traveler Jefferronjefle rson Criminal CourtCfourt comncomir encea next Mon- ,iealh, waa removrd a few w eeks jiince by tb<* J^it words, “aud of unifoimunifoiru oi>€rationojieration throughout the I did not notice -a's 1 never auch ru- Dear Sir—I have yours of the Svh’iavt.. ia ba gratified a BMS whs is ncB aminent as aa old MTiig leader, Fch L9th, thia y/y that Beii I’osU.mster General, to the astouia'ament and agaiur mors worthy of notice; nordid I suppose at the which you iaqaire “whether 1 wav privy vo and ad- (General. Tba correapoodratcoirespoBdrat of«*f the New Yeefi will deliver a lecture before the Young Men’s, daytdaxt The first case will b* of Johnson all the old Democratic blood .Another joint rerolntion I for that will arouae the wialirs of the .. hole enmrannity, Iho reason ba* also been introduced least foundation rLsolntiooa drawn by Mr Weed or etbere. ,, , time that there wa* the for any vised any Tntnne writes; Aaeociation. or killing Ben I^awrenee. to araead the Plh article. is eminent as an Chruttoo all»:;.ed for this proscription o a poor widow wo- irt. York Herald, if I recol- to be acteit upon at the Albany meetiag ia Augnat, againet bun; nor yet one who _ such rep The New kouse in evowdrd to-bialrt ire tke to Cak Preatoa’s man, is tha’ her son pnblicly advocated “Know- give circulation this 1848, (J6th) to defeat Gen. Taylor;” which 1 beg obi Dmancratir leader, for that will arouae all the The extensive library of Ex-Gov. .More A Teacher Cowhidid—DisoRACEroL ArF.UR. feetlect aright.aright, was\ the fir*: to to friend* of tbe e.>auMBdcr-ii».ekiBt Ge*. 8Ual^ very interrsting pr-itractad meeting is try Notfcingu-m!” I’rororiptive Je.-mitiam does not even leave to reply, that I neithtr drew, nor advised the ly'A A teacher nametl John Comley, employed at a felse rumor. one who is «4d M’big kload againat him ; nor head, embracing 4,000 volumes, is to be sold in togo/ iAy .nch rew>fotfoite;;that on*ite™g being held in the Jeffr r»on street Baptist Ghurch, «hoolFchool on Fulton sti^-t.stiPi-t, nearneai Orange street,street. Bremk-Brook- Much ha* OeenDcen said in commendation ofofthethe la fk»»e ef confemaf tbe ttete. Upon sscertaWag | | wJLi’.nrinti.iw inat *t dnsk I foond party divi- vo^ate^A^eriean1^nto^^^^ stoimeat aa the leader of any fonner C-ovington to-day, hy order of the administrator, lyn, received on Wednesday Inirt a wcU merited Perry,rerry, whowno waswa* aemsent wnnwith near Eighth street. Rev Thus. J. Fisher preachc* laborsiiDor# ofOI Commodoreuoramouore enga».'ed to drawing such i-*oIntioDs for the meeting nimemn ot tbe State, for tbat will array all who Fillmore, for the pur- where he annoai.ce’l the mielHgeaee to Seon- tkn laege audiences. Hon. HmBrucecPnn„.Porter. E,..s«.,.-TU,einc„nnU C.«n«r.,n(cr a squadron to Japan by Mr. ^j,ich bad then been called. He read them to me, nightly to very General dropped bia head for a iKHWBt, and tean evor oppoea l tbe man aud has party before. But pose of opening a trade with that terra inco^- which was the first knowledge I had of tbem. and I State ™os‘ grossly insulted ths day previ^^ Tre- were seen trieslihg Jowa kla ebeek. HisM^ vtm UV“Tlicry“Tlic delegates to tlie Democratic Con- o. .utxeeded in jm^e nomiiMie modest eiUEen A Skow Storm —At dusk iari"7vening a thin " uudertfand that tbe Reamiioat Knginoere' the waswa* arrest 'da.ido.-i a piain and Kentacky . . >\e terdav same Comley a warrantwarninl . , J** worthy of his fitoie, ami was precisaty m fellows: vent! fromirom AdairAuair coumycounty haven. heenbeen matinstruct!ruetidd accomplishing; and the Chamlier of Commerce rtmonsUance. Ml nnders^. Mr Weed rownt^ falling and thus con- n Assoristion held a meeting thi.- uioruing, and resolved charging him with indecent exposure of perron to ai eminent only fo bigfa character, unsullied honor, shower of «now commenced ‘h«*’ “Let ao assn vay, kevrefter. ibat hi* s santr la wages. ’Ti* said thry of New Y'ork propose to present the Commodore oot to y lo'<> vote for C/ol. Caldwell, of ththis city, a* Ihe nolui- not to resdy, and the earth alrrody in her of of the aMociation. without the consent of the Grand quently pre* ntiug himself to a number of girl*, their appreciation of his aerviceo. Tbe Conun^ Union organization. Tbe brothers of the girl above alluded to repaired j^reJore (lerfonneilnerfonne,! hishia dutydutv on that occasion withwil General Scott obowt fi3O,OU0 hack pay. Na’-ree Aaarriraa, not from selfish political calcu- night robes. fiTThe house of Mr. .Alexander Holstead in 1 bsu^ jf*irtir^irrraitlsftTM^l^h'^Mi?ei^hsl^m I ycswiday to the sOiool-iwia to give the monsteT | judgment, iml deserves credit there- kno va the cooteato of this Irtter, about $l.fl00 additiasal jearfy. but , Georwelown. was injured by fire on the night of ° shoold make yaa and laiion, from tbe genuine eonvic ions of bis , John SisaNns on Firr..— f'ae Memphis En another taxtetoate of (lietlie cowskiti,cowskin. hut throngbIbroueh tbethe inter-Inter- I - r, . , , No Eastibk Mail.— lie mail from the east for. But in awarding him honors and re- are at liberty to do m.so. 1 a* trmly vours, ' Feh- f*th to the amount ot fcJOO ference of the father hr wr-a shielded from this, and jutigmant and the pure impuUea of patriotism u 1 J Cl I . 7«irrroiqtiircr of Feb.rcD.e.says:8, says: wards, we should not for^tforget that there are MTLUVRD FILLMORE. Ttrais, ria the Ohio and Missiwippt Railroad failed fo ar- jnxUcejoxtice aUowedallowed to takefake its conrsa.com-sa. He was held by Dbath ar Two Barpinian gnu>e.— “’'f* « Brooks, Seaate Ciiamber. A psA»s«nger oa the Steamrr Pelto, up last even- Jnetice of others, who have performed equally important Hon. Erastn* Albany. Jam -30. Qaeea Ma;>- Aae teifis, w9b ef KfeffFfe- 1/ wc sbould be asked to name aoch a man r a tiot having arrived at the 'ol. G.0. W. Jolinron,Johnson, of Scott, dcclinrs per- D. K. Smith, in the snm 85C0, to answer — rive las: night, the train F^r^l is question of veracity Iwtwrca tea riena- ing. informs u.s that the steamer John Bimonds. aeivices,seivices, but without the same cclct attending the Here a Emaaael. dlad U>-d*y f: yaciprtkl *!?* Tha sfiet^ed, any indictment that may be fonnd ngainat him. The we hare whs would fill the measure of cea»«d making thair tripe emptorily being considered a candidate for Con- for t^m the ^enty-«ix^ and the fete PreaidenL fliua fr lOwi ||ouf the ferrv boats which has for rometime been aground at the frot aecuiied is a man about 15 yearaof age. opening of the Japan trade; I ailude to the ser-set- pablie gri«f toaairerul Tke a fit aad worthy Governor of of President’s Idand. caught fire In the hold, and the second Qaeea ut aar^«.^wlte to. dW Kentucky, we gress in the Ashland district. ^Vets Fu. it Timet, m inif. vice; ofo? the HonHon. Ilobt. Schenck, Minister to . to save her from destnetion it was found Becessery fortoig it. »*s * .feo-ebier of tbe taam Awiki^ke with the ‘ • — l 1 eaaU not do better than to nan-.e oa tbe inataot, II. B. Prtxkr, lately connected _ 7: T"; . , U-agin. '•.o ”aragua, who in conjune- tSUDr. * nttle her. ioeluding Aesirfe. Jfor wm ban m | A portion of h.r cargo, MERCHANT.-Al-rench Importer New R*ure, of y lyThere is not at presen’ a barrel of potatoes Ceazy m Pcndit-lo;;. lV .promisee romeaUrt- ; CLc'g. rTA/airts to m we fia. Heory T. Diincaa, of Fayette county. Lnnatlc Aay' iiaat Hopkinjv a'i ibc stock that wns on board, has bocn safaly tiFThe Lexington Observer and Reporter of tees*, luaiise the iufent hetw, 'iveckfiAira, ^ ork went daft last 7veek, and bo'jght goods “for y, . . 1 w an,l of thRt orajiples at v.hoWale in our market. negotiated a t real.v by whi-h »»* hero to kkbkIkei. ' msuagement .-Noiiirdav Bays; whole U Laifem^MLaiiBn^M ^ OSh' lT. : **>a-*i**,a-*i -f-if wboi* Wko does not know hi..', M one of the brat exem- liu|t got the\Vc-tIndfemark- t.”withalo.,Kenes.'i: It ia ®- rh#the ‘u* Steal river, the Rio de la Plata, is mode nae- ’ 'led that tho death Ihiiican. E«q., is . the idth. ef ra» inEtrtut'.on. certaiued tha'. ue parehaseh nous scst Dnucaa ienraaa who Mvtr aet rccovcre 8bni*«i»«u ” tecraiaert ewtk* Iffife. store,are, about two miles from Colcraansville,Coleraansville, in thU 8ll‘-2,17l. Ani’>ng the articles are ?1,200 wworth” of a.4 it is productive in i^*its sod,i,„l *ndand trmueratetemperate and hM npany efelmito oHecfotol HehMnmdehtepoartioaintbeworld I nation: on Frida.v lust, lietween men, bobhy-horses, all of which tbe I-.-rtuuale sup- office, being content to ffieebarge bia aatJes as a pri- TTie Doks •^f Oeuew w -rtated to be to a^eaM of over four w.w« .’ks.’ks. county, evening two Hand in its climate a' J its c.immerce, now tree — Hi* reyal big >.!»- ba* by taiB own oaat patient iadurtry, integrity Obedient to His high Iwtiest, we feel proud ill lie- named M'illiain O’Neal and Green Dcjarnctt, in m.jed would shortly hr on their way to the ‘Vest vate citizen, t ut be is oniie the Icm worthy oh danger. bsM hied s'reMl gy, | ‘O entCG’fte'ng ;c „ . 1 . 1. I„ „,iril wH I.I.. i„ ! IL. f- r„..nr l-'.llf-l l.v .h«t ! In ' rg --.ll.' political distinctioB, ,,n. liziza in 'be e HuaBsf tiu featfev I I aide to control the rhliiK *' irit within in which the f-.rnier wx-ikilktl, bv lieiug shot thniu-'. jic-. TllC• nc nn,Olfi I. UpOHnj.j.i MlH. BIllU Vil ’e. St - aeeonnt of Bor ia he tbe l^rs d^ye. r-A TH, , r rt Mcl esterdayesterdav an ioz Un m , . „ i . .. . .r i Had drill lie i* in preaena l a|ipeaniiee*^***^***®*^ com- fe^ T‘’c- r.aoa.^rt Yejman be not ol m-tch greater value iLon of Jujian, *1j this instance, and to say to vhise ni.aguided, if cot tbe head from a rifle, in the ha'uiN of the fetter. We I ht. rtsi-lonce in Brooklyn, and she *UteU ut* to ^harg* ta* high'datiM of the posiifoB u t o a candidcanuuiatoIII yst no coainwjnilatwn has i>wn bestowed upon j and d^tifiad. In oiepeaUMti,diapasitMti, -. nounoc*weunee* Hon.Hou. J. C. BaLcEiMainoRBblceihbioob m and 1 ha# bren I — A *e*fcr Miebi aadiag kind, cor- fnttlaaght yoongstein—-Go in peace—‘Oo and sin ffud'^rsttorid tbat U»**rn6it imuiedlalelj nada his I hnsbaDd was insaiiwf and she was nakiog anasge* tor wblehwhledi behe hM beesso^fcstedsoggeeted TheCenriesdeteTheCoarierdree — af * * ' .. .* «*.*a _a« . - ^ n ..1 L.‘ t \r w n\rk. x *k rv ni Awn Vx & « fi A tx a, a«M b.*feMsa k. t—. wU ^ ^ sent to the Mr. ScbcDck, no meeting of luerchants havi tdm DO mere than jnstwe. I itowd Ashapn. i* a hto (^angree.(^engres* that district escape, and has not yet been taken. meofe to have bim Asjlum I fi*l and afthle la ts*prrswtat,, aareneeetette aod 1 fat ra-electioore-clcctieo to from 1 ' T ! I : W T— —— T — T ! — — WI

T1 lOroililE nm fOllRIEIt--A OflESP PAPER 11 TEE MAN OP BESINESS, TEE PAEHEE, AND TEE EAMIIA CIECIE. The The Lectare ef Barar4 Tarlar—India. Pbllotspb; sf Travel, by Bayard Taylor. Lstre* s ll s . Hsw Indiana it t* ke made Ssber-Tha Prshlbl- I New Tiial Granted.—Several days since THC WAK He w — Letter freoi Old Nelson* AVe find the fbUowiivg deecriptio* of the Ra»- COUIEER A very large audience assembled last evening Mr. Taylor's second lecture was delivered to a torx Liqnor Law. I WEEKLY we noticed a obtaineil judgment in the County sian New Year’s Day sortie, in the eorrespon- to hear the lecture of the famed and well-heloved very full house last St. A'alrntlne's Day-Fan, PsUtlcs and Pneiry evening, in the Walnut street The very stringent law that has passed the two Court for S 1,800, against VVm. Q. Johnson, upon denre of the liondon Timet: ' 1845. SA- ! L ^RY S4, traveler, poet, and lecturer, Bayatd Taylor, Esq. Baptist Church. It (Comspofkkoc* oi Ihi LteusTiIls Coar'Fr ] was of exceeding interest, branrhrs of the Indiana I.,egi8lature, prohibiting a writ ol bastardy. The counsel for defendant, Jancabt 13.— Last night the wind ehanewl * a the effort of Mr. T. we cannot say too much in BAirwrcwN, Feb. 15, 1R55. Coleratn turnpike, fo-irtewp mdee hsm kie mj Of lieing the well-considcred views of a talented and restricting the roaniifactiirr and sale of ardent soon after the rendition of the judgment, made a round to the sonthward, and the themonetez Mettrt. Edtlort: Yesterday wis St Valentine's - children, aarce J En-lieaw—a hoy ol ’•^•7» praise It was characteristic throughout, and rose to 34 degree*. A.A speedy thawi haw followed, and » LOI ISViLLC WEEkLY COI RIER. gentleraan. who has traveled far and wiile, an«l spirits, has received the signature of Gov. Wright. motion for a new trial, and on last Satunlay the day, nnd their appeared upon one at the eomei* of *i»d an info nt git 1—were i-imed to dr^h Tfs met with every possible manifestation of appre- the roails and ramp will once more suffer from consequently had c.’rry sort of experience from After the 12th of June next the virtues of this motion came up for argument. The counsel for onr town a little sheet called the “St. Valentine’s the ravages of our okt enemy' —the mod. The “her ef Use eh-yiew hsd i*d ;ks*i star* ciation. summary of the leading points, made which to deduce the facts and op’nions that were Extra.” In it I find the fullowing, which I think A enactment are to be tested, it going into effect defendant set forth as grounds for a trial, the Hrset at hsve a *aft wilk a fneivl Thf Bfs! and Chfapfst Papfr new Russians, who had been very active ia the town I •cw^e d given in his lecture. very apropo.a to the great Pemocrati'- meeting that by the lecturer, wc annex : returning, having bee* gene knife: hour, upon that day. that the Court had excludeil testimony from during the day, and who had lighted great watch- I Mr. Taylor commenced by saying that mrn the was held in this place Ust Monday, the proceedings <**«^edokeerved sswkescaoke es'iinsies'iing enteast of tbs dooi and w The law, as passetl, was drafted by iu tbeaev'nd fires on the north side of the place, iilcmiBstcd I He began his lecture by observing thst all had been described as an animal that laughed; the Rev. Jury which should have been admitted; that the OI which, I suppose, von have seen IN THF WEST. dows, .an-T, c« opeinng the door, tbc 8u bu Whig the heights over the Chernaya with n Democratic organs; also in the eontimatioe rowsof lighta. Western nations, however he might also be appropriately termed an ani- l.ieonanl Woods, of the neighboring town of Jef- defendant did not have on the trial of the cause, modem widely they •«* fo.-.~?*ly lS • dared to enter, thong** paper of tliU jilace. Thirking i would te of some which shone brilliantly through the daikn^ ot oo ana « V.”ri.XLY CX>1-RIER -M Whjck m.al that travels, t'ertaiii birds and beasts wan- lersonviile, who is a Senator from the county of T-. may wander, or however changed may be their the counsel to defend him, whom he had origi- amn -ement to the readers of your exceUint paper, the cold winter's nisht, and ^ rl.ildrrs was a U.r^ - were evWlentiy. with It . ^om- der only lor food. Man is tlie onlv animal that Clark, and chairman of the Senate Committee on I send you a copy. Thrciigh amm of wvnArwa l.be inno- circumstances, still look with reverence to nally detained, and upon whcni, he was relying all possible pomp and ostentation, celebrating the •PP®»h M.m at. k. 1 both K«rei*» •>4 4o®Mtir, up Asia docs so from cho'icc, to ^ life is not long whom vi'‘'’c*r were sfeii in the be, whicv: ' ' Temperance. .As the act is very leng.hy, Democratic .Meeting. openirg of their pecnitar new yrar. Light* shone fall r. - v - r"«MO«fcl b*«t, fliiaa- we can more especially; that the conduct of one of the as t heir common mother, and all desire not only enough to indulge a sentiment implanted deep in rakea -t- «• of niaaorat. The Pe loeralie r*r1y from the w indow* of tho public building*, qoickly ewwunwd them. Their bo«e* were •lA. aad I hut present a summary of its provisions: and to know that they bad a common Asiatic ances- liis nature. Man desires more experience; he is Jurors, as evinced during the progress of the or oM Nslson made a call It ' -'3'^ tbe brct cur lonely valleys fr®™ **h-’s, and * rr y- -terdav kuri—!. Th*' an toi^~~ i.r. . I poii It* fjKhful a«a,b uu IViBocnU, ~ - instinct which impels him when a boy to V'«( )1 I> 'T-..:: 0«* the particle of flash thit remaAced. ongin in, and removal from that ancient land. Porter, .Malt Beer, Lager Beer, Cider, all Wines a new trial, and that important evidence had re- .%oil men of f'jreiMi b.r*h; lying in their lairs, with w tchftil sye on every climb the hill is *' that boumls his home to see what W* All hsTc equal ri( to ihars and mixed liquor, part cently to light. embrasure before them—might almost fancy th^ — HOL’S r»ST P''! BLE-rVLI\PCR Tlie earliest rceonls of the race go back to that beyond. He soon makes Robinson Crusoe and of which is spirituous, are come The Coutt thought when m» b'ie»*:nc» »f ihi* ssrth. 'The gift kUcry of Dashall .and tbett tbere are ti» Cs'haLca- the inhabitanta and garrison of tbc beleagveed included in the term 'iiitoxicating surveying the premises, A Co., m Ne« York has h*en exploded. The part of Asia which is the subject of the present Gulliver travels in his mental wanderings, until liquor.” Cider that sufficient grounds I’oor rer-ocutod rrFatnio* city were tantalizing them with the aapeirt of I STEIM PRESSES, They *ludl act be prnaciibsd by «a was a fietitti agrata wrro home becoa’.es almost intolerable. To this boyish may be made from apples, or wine iroin erajie*, had been made out for a new trial, and it was lecture, and all the streams of hisiory gunh from For ihsir nlinoc* fejurr s. their gaiety. At midnight all the ehapel-bella of ‘ n,Teland. Suydam & Co .-taviag an olBr* in the > ' A n .nr . if : ut BtoeeoMvU a ell ^artaoT and the plea set up that “a roiling stone gathers Ai Broadway. w s .And call thr Yanker and Ih* Whig religious cerenmny ot ' ....-r- civilization manutacturer, but it must not be sold within the cognizance for three hundred dollars, with surety, exirsonlinary solemnity that D*#hn“Daaha“ A. Ca.Co. h-ayehr.va realized 81tM.00081001.000 out of tb wft'' V BiMir for hw nuroot« All modem forms of seem to have no moss,” to which may be replied, “a setting traitor and a n'rue A A ah' L ' was ut to take place. On our side the sentne* Toe r> K . C Ic! i» Hikii to ttiiiocrbor* at quantities Ij appear at the next term of the County .\n 1 t.aal's the nrajr lu yU sat.'’ Ui*the operation,operatioiT, and that.that, aft-»aft** settncselhng aUall their tiri-rick- an earlier rivilizalion for their basis, and it had hen will never grow fat." The practiced traveler Slate in of less than three gallons at Court, KNOW-NOTtllNO. and pickets were warned to be the alert, ami ... too lo'.ioo on ets—IMdWO— they w^re to dissntve. vaicse. and been leei urer’s pride* on his aequireinenls, as a scholar does on one sale, and all solJ at on> time must be taken and w.os released from jail. the fortune in his travels to trace the advanced posts were strengthend wherever it : leavs ’"KsSt WOMlf'Kri LLV Clfl:u RATER his diploma. said: the country The polu-e are sti** sn the .Vnd again he ryHon. Kenneth Raynor, of th* Lonirrills Cour.sr.] - backward this stream of time away at the same time. Foreign liquors in the North Carolina, CFor was deemed practicable. theol:;. ( .If n $ 1 ia from England to out for .Messrs. ''o., ia doubtlul The world is the traveler's great college, the Dasbad A but it

. .. wriling About r.t. ^ r- -.T, fir it» , where Rome showed its Grecian and Etms- State, imported under the laws of the United has been a series of clever letter* in re- CjI. MnnciH'k not the oaly Min Waks4 np front a quarter past one o’clock this morolog, whether they will study of which is desultory, hut its lessons will, ever be captured. • " that Long Slcen Tsuruaareut Kpcakssf. r T- ec... ;. 14 N futation of the the Russians insids the line of works gave aloud States, must be sold only in the ground taken by Henry A. Wise, ' can elements ; and thence t o Greece, with its lo the ripe scholar in Ih.at school, !>e not so easi- original cask* and 1855. -A letter to a gentleman of PMiwntrgti. Twea*'.J.’ .i 'V, .ea hi* SiuraoNTiLLR, Feh. 10, — M cheer. The French replied by opening fire, and ly Ibrgc.tteii I.,atin in his letter published some two ago, firoua Hirkofy. V states truces of Egyptian origin ,- as the and Greek of the aca- packages. months East enango .*o«Bty. Pa., arso rApr., vvK.R sfiM rxi.Ess tha; money an thence again to Mettrt. Editort: We, the iinderidgned, Farmera the Russians, in return, ir.stantly began one of I'o'O (ieniies and universities. ^ •gainst the Know-Nothings. Mr. Wise, in ihat oil the 7th ins', a if snow fofl in that KV F/”' ’V A1>VA\- K At Egypt, which owned that its civilization had Who thaU tel! Lf(U.or —The County Commis- one of Kentucky, who have been n.-:mg BrioleCs Im- the fiercest cannonades along the front of their A e.vunfry progresses as the people travel. In- re ioo, on about six inches w.iich fallen pre- C^AaJ tile I-* -ei a.otvt at tha rijK.a’iao ol ol his late speeches, called these proved Steel P.ow, have no besit&Coa in sayfngtbst bad been bruight from some s.,utbwestem Asiatic sioners must grant authority fur the inanufaciiire, letters “tar, position wb'ch we have yet beard. It reminded t-Kf Ii.r dia. Egj-pt. Greece, Phenicia, Carthage and viously. .After the storm was over, hs people the they are decidedly the best plow that has ever been one of those tremendous salvoes agents for sale pitch and turpentine,” because the writer lives in ofartiilcry which C^N>ui frirn.l»« .,; h- aaljiit on la erteailiae source. There are good reasons lo suppose that Rome were slrength.“ned in commerce or con- and appoint the of liquors. Not introduced to the noth-e of the .Americ:«n farmer; were surprised to find the snow was a grty color, and the North Carolin.a. enemy delivered on two or three occasions h4 iB. rraaiaa o.: ..si . ; tobti r ber«. once a mighty centre of civilization quest by the travel of their people. China more than one agent is to be appointed for well knotviag that he has made a great and decided n ar the tint of 'ouckwiirat lour, and, in depressed existed each before we opened our bntteries Ust October The , t i v *n.- C^TTbr DAILY' fOl'niER it ma-.lco to tnl'M" ilx-> s ainiatcd by being pent up with her own l»oun- improvement in plows, and as it i.* bin intention, a* places, the color of^ wood ashes. Thia app«*«ceappoarance at t ,e very cenirr of Asia, and near the high five thousand inhaliitant*. The agent* must keep earth-work.*^ S.«>i .Adoct. that we ander^taud, to apply for a patent, wc chrerfuiU lashed forth nninterrupled Ifoci. of ois:i a« a Tcar.aaJ .W TKI-WI'LkLY' COl RIER darirs. The roving Tartars extended their do- — e imagine the Know- extended ailif!^throughI*^.*^*that region for miles in sx- flame, which “ a' St to a rrar, in ademnri table lands w est of live Thibetean range of tnoun- aecouiits of the liqimr sold —the date when, to recommend hi* plow to the CommL-eioiier of I’atent* broke through the enlokc as hghu f minions, while the Normans, descended from the Nothing htate Convention is about re-assembling andYw o..d Umlv. as beiug one of the greatest improveroents of the ning through the tlmnder-^foud. and revealed Ail iriiert aaf cofcniLT.i.'tiiuiit to he ciidrrt'.t.; ta tains. whom, and for what. The tnanufactirxir di. old sea rovers, became the settlers of England. must in this city, judging from the YV. N. HALDKMA.N. number of arr.vals age, and well worthy of being patented. tinctly the outlines of the baildings in the town, Profewior Hausen, a Gennan asivcnomer, Noticing this central spot, as tltat from w hence England, America, , and Rus- give heavy sernrity that he will not violate any r L'lnr Ateaa. Pfiatiuc lli ote, at the several hotels last evening. .Among the W. H. Crapster, Tliom;.- ?milh, and the lines of defences vwarniiBg with men. has recently discovered that Ike centre of gravity sia, whose tr.iveled, hi IT. ftmci.arar MaiB, great rivers people have are tha great provisions of the act. The agents take their rise, and which has been are appointed numlter B. H. C'rapiAer, William A. McL'owcU, The roaring of shot, the screaming and hissing in the Moou docs net csir cMle by savcral mnes ptiwrrs of the earth. of gentlemen present are Col. Williams, Loi'i'-v:'..'. . Kf J. P. Raaey, Wm. M<.utgall, called the garden of the world, the lecturer for the sale of “pure an.l unacott, fil s up the intervals between the deafening roll ol althob^’h that side of the mot n which isalw.iys glanced at the hislorieil allusions U> Iii.lia, and intoxicating liquor, for medicinal, chemical the acquainted with man; to develop this instinct, is Cheltcn .Allen, Philip Sargent, R.G. Faster, plow -maker, Doetor Hsn’io, Mat! if o*es only, and pure wine for W. S. Ellis, of Mo.. Jas. Hollingsworth, fort. and a nunil>er of other ge.atlemcn su''posed quick file-firing. iron and surfoce, the oppciiis James W. George, P. Logan, The and stones passed over parched, ragged broken sior* « !i r . no* a. tx-.'iiiar «ith tlia rea.lera H. Tint auder tlie Great wca directed famous the fitahie range of experience, he who has the genu- sairamcntal use;” .and no inn-keeper, ; from grocer, or our lines URinterruptedly for mors than half aa aideiaay be very difleirnt, and svm aaeai dwig to » r ~ .r~', in th.t auaiher I' he te be deeply versed in the mysteries of Know- l>ongla.-a Cowbtrd, John W. Goodnight, Of the rul'KIK!; nR: ine sympathy for his rare, will find friend.s in all Tartar conquest, and still later by the keeper of oys'er-shop, eating-house, hour, and the French, wboee to our left our ideas, euitable for the trasiicare ef fceinga smii- - .Mogul rrstauraitf, John .A. J. B. works are vii . iirtiaaBewaaildiMeraot Hornsby, Bell, of Uoucu kco. uaai-il a'r> f- )> uerti lands. The prcdoniinative ilesire of the traveler N jthingism. <: I .- • sir!’ T».oa«i 1-1 Joel Baler. J. S. Willi-*, le.«* protected by the grouml than ours are. had Ur to thoee on the eaith. ai LT ; inaAe Empire. Tlie fruit-store, lhe.atrr, otW . ri.u» Vs.il impression made by nature in museum, or any piace of pub- is to SC" man in all his varieties position; il- of Fields, iihimse, ttie -'AFt.flV Ti i'RlEK' tit-ul irr tkr ferat rsak of IV* Tli“ Missouri I,egis!ature continues at Miller Jeptha to shelter themselves closely in the trenches, and India, though somewhat resembling that of Mexi- lustrated in ail hi* iiiimerou* eharac*ers; and of lic resort, ran he agent. The liquor shall he sold On OSS sf the Bountain roads in McimIm, Aisietirar. o»ar»rin«>r« tf v.trrsr.n; ladut .'j aad a liberal P. Jones, G. A. Arm.strcDg. could barely reply to the massive volley* lagoerloeada a'oout the election of United States which iwrtfaiid eou ty, 'Vermont, there is sspet wUeb, on co. ia still widely differenl. Its peculiar feature oeliolding for liimseli'tne structure of the planet at no more than twriity-fivc per cent, more netia; of mrao' v .1 . xrvL i' Va era SKeninaad to than Subjoined will also he found the opiuiODS of sere ploughed u^ the parapets of their works, but iheix vcconut of a ~-roiicrpetas!Ty in metieu there, is the “tteflow— made large for us to wander about in.” bate upon the question at a daily expense ut sou, ot Franklin conuty, who L- eonstdered. all look old. M.r. Taylor, in eloquent the premises of the agent. The agents by in V their balls into the emhraaures. ei ths Green Xondtaiaa." The Woedstaek languae*. ex- His own aim* for travel was not merely are re- to who know him, to be a gocsi plow -maker. Whilst at wereurif ^iir Ediii«n$a quired to give Iwnd C5od. Mr. Geo. P. Goode, a Whig, but a liolting In the meantime, while the firing was going r tha 'in Allaaperaars avaisai. < d.Bcnetiooe4 at the expira'.'oa of Ever, reliance waa placed on his vigilance, and I up sight a mighbenagatighbenag hhoaae. whWh some wanderer*, there i.* rest for sands years past. lecturer no the sole* ol the county where they reside, that Mad'jion and Garrard. When the war of 1812 Hf s.ays I deserve a patent for my iuiprovemenl. and tho«Moaa4fur Too ». • loo pnct of the pa,>er eotapeii of The then gave a intoxicating on his strict attention to 'his duties, but somehow weathered the tornado wiihimt oaoMfs. their leet; he was not of that class. Rest to the ought to have it. 1 hese sre the opiniocs of pi*>w | liq-aor* are kept in broke out Col. Irvine was a student brief view of the to{Higrapliy of India, and des- certain described premises to at Tnuisyl- or ot’.er,•» .rr, theuie enemyeaemj creptcirpi upon thevoe iniielittle party.pany. i f.-oekwaod'A gcond paiattBg of tha Last Jndg- traveler was as necessaiy as sleep; as tallow oiakrr-« and those whom I coLsklcr on the ftrst IL* behold siirprisetl aiyl whirh baa been on *x*iihitiDn for lims cribed its great features, the Ganges, in violation of the law, the sheriff or any vai'ia University, aivl although only 17 years of both as n-cc'. anics and gentiimea took them prisoners, and then ad- I asms the In.lus, ground to successful culture. One focuity mu*t ; men who would S .taatJ ertienr.j: Their pof>ara rliaived. ere reonette . vaiireii on the covering partirv with such not envy a man Iccanse they could not be foremost. rnpe^v | end the llymmela mountains. These last were not lie over-tasked and wearied. constable of the county shall proceed to search age, immeiliately entcicJ the army, where he to raair tha Poa: OA-t vhora i v reftiTcil at well at the itooMn Catholic I'at'todnd in Such men, in my estimatirn, ought to be patronl-ied. and siHlilenness that the parties « f the Sixtieth The progress of exploration, the spread served too to wharh J i» to he mmt. ih..' most loAy and sublime in the n orkl, and of the premises. But no warrant shall be issued with credit. lan- And, Me»irs. Editors, whilst wriling I cannot refrain and of tlje Tw^th resuue^ wl^h wero on knowledge, the increase of communications jrS4S^*bfoTi«ter*«^£fol2^ guag* was inadequate to depict the emotions they under tliis act to search any dwelling house, not from -jiciikiiigofiLe kihdiu-s of Jlr. .'IcXral lo me, duly in the trrTMdtes. were obliged to retire, aLnoat abroad, were inucli I’he intcrcsti evival in the Jefferson have bcea ia vain, pf cwoiaifty. Ba ia dowed the neeor teal hocA nowtoera of tha WctatT Cor- modifying and chanping the Jgr a pcifect stranger, while fair. tr^' at the P..nviile 1 was withoutMihoul firingtin.ng a snot. Ihey ralhed,rallinl, however.however, excite. character containing a public room. unleKs the occuprnt They I privilege of engraviag this pamtiBg. have aica to Bcw aaliaeiThera oaltat apeeia lly ordaraJ Thaw of modem travel. The story of the street Baptist Church c.,:. tines to progress. Six fearful I coiibi not procure a t. am to try my plow, AIm^ nd firrti, and brag supported by the regiuienU • his been convicted of having orders bee mbM-ribed for four liinnBllll ilf thaaa who*-..!!, whava morrfrooi theeotaneaca- The great plain of HiiidoGtan, between the oid traveler* was a matter of conscience; they sold liquor or suf- persons when Mr. Me Neal told me 'ne had two, either of | made pr')'‘ession on 'Inndav nir*h*. R -v :n rear, thry adrani-.ad snd the Knsvian* were prm'sprm’s at 810 eaah. Lockwood batehate ; trmtfo«i Xsw awat alieold aaa'is'i' aeroanoAOS onlya fro Bore 1 h IV;, : I . y. ’> ! J, I t r 3 Ganges and Indus, and partial'y bound by the were credulous, but tln-ir cretlulity is pi-rdotieil fored it tobcdoneiii his ho-.ise. y i Y» X- i'nos. J. i'Liier preaclies Ji'ivi n 'o:.ck clone to the low n. in this little a&ir, Jeraey. and is biMatl. a Bosmui rathehs. onBldeu Uee lo-.uguloa the".Va;licii- pici I'acheii-h. i uiL ik oi tui.** becau.-e sucit in their eaniestiies* and integrity. The simplici The '^a'llkorized :" Hymiuclan range, was evidently oner the seat liquor —The liquor which one officer - of ticity the Bib'e,” men are hard to tiad; at lciL-,t, I li *ve foond it so. and n.ne men wdre severely wounded, A bi'l haa pasatd th '.eoss af Bsfcescata- tv of the statement of Bernal Diaz, historian ol of a theme that the distinguiHlied t^*Siil>f rr hs.rt • fen rani'' eoare- tivea wliicbwliick .VauioNuf oa iwatuo ataataa ohoa a vast empire. the duly authoriz.»d agents shall keep for sale Yours trcly, T. E. C. BRIXLY. six men were killed, and fourteen men are now I the Aaiionai Imteiligeoeer/afcttigeiscer 'hishsthinhs wUlwill La CoiffucMa de Mejico. in narrating that in the m'ni.ster will handle vith all his fervor a aoi P> aeaJic; them iher on!| hare aadtficaltr laaia- and argu- d<»bt meet nady roncamace P. S. Wh.Lat writing the above, received fol- nilssuig. The French had to resis. a strong sortie I sf tW ScMto, battles of Cortez, certain will be procured at the public expense by the I the kfteahanrr f.-rthe free laotl porta of ad.41ar. Some have foneied it w as the birth place of on a occasion, St. Paul mentation. •• * of jas^e piMristy. Uia a bill to- lowing letter V ii.chelh ne:uiy at the same time, and for short limetime I fn-m Mr of Cloverport, Ky. a the •‘'’J'’*, . r . . , v r-. and St. Thoiua-s, in person, joined in the fight, county commissioners, or the co nmis.'iioners will -^wdpss at the the race, and Adam’s Peak is still shown on th* linnd.cds of other* could le given if necei-ary: Russians were within the parapet of their mortar learn 1 the Paris ' was illustrated in the farther remark, We from Citizen that the - ~ t- "‘t- a States, an>l provi-iee that the vear'r Asianss that “Siii- agree with the agents, per.nitting the latter to .... I 1. 1 L, I . . 1. island of Ceylon, east of t.ie Coromandel coast. Clovcbtort, Ky., Feb. 3, 1855. butlenev. and spiked, it u said, Iwo or three root- ser as 1 am, the sight of them was never vouch- small pox has been prevailing for some time in ^ Ohio shnB be -fcJOO. and in the%^ Staten funiiaU themselves with the needful articles. Mr. Brinly, Sir: V.ave tar* with wooden plug*, but the French soon The lecturer, by way of incidental, suggested saleJ to 1 melted the p'ow or- r.w nests, an J*>«ilir*l mv*.(]c.'A; bread. advaato-^as are that th* bmd doe* the public, he had but one rule, rigid fidelity he shall see liquor, save onlv native bud s family a of actually engaged in any violation wine and ale, those drinks which been used in killing him. He wins last Et!i:»:>iaa as the Malays, with yellow skins, and soft of No uav**. not grow stale in eight or ten days; it caa be whieh V .1! eununenced in the Covsiss in two seen, before description a* if giving his testimony before the this act to the drendful act about half-past eight No SaiDocratic kaarM, black eyes hair. and make complaint on oath. being excepted by s atute. inanufaetar*Al by machinery, three making and The Hindooa. however, o’clock. When fnnnd be was alive but speechJ^a. No ls(tr-bier. ao I* aolitish k'RxIers; men three W(-i?ka, Supreme Court. or ans^ be continued probably s« No Gdiabatfh Reoteii sto. 4,000 loaves per day; ordinary, even sour flour were the more intellectual race, and evidence U hat it to be done icith Drunken The safe was rubbed, but it is not known what of Besides the extent of the explorations, natural .NfenI — It it tlF Mr. Jolm Halstead, one of the early set- No Borelsv's XX, or Iml!* sole; ainonnt of money there was in it. It well No Tanki.AhoU boats (ran U*a *, can berouverted into aweet and whits btead; ao laay mitnilw, or until h ia oompietcd. It ia writ- their proficiency, of their literary science, ethnology, geology also the duty of these was excellence, was had aided the travel- officers to arrest every in- N-> Pans stove* fr -aCbAnaea's t. tler* of the vicinity of CiiKinnati, having emi- known, however, that the Treasnrer had received or BuiTAa drags need be oeeil, tbe im^ieilieBto being flour, Ibrn la, . er. Traveling is the schoolmaster to the Mo : sa onUmslKMM. ten a ge;i .rman o:' diatinguiahe.l literary in existence, in the production of two epic poems neo- toxkated person w’no is disturbing the 8l5,tXl0 the po public grated from North Carolina, fif y-two year* ago, day before, and was supposed to have Naaliaa»; salL yeast and water. phyte A sea-voyage is the best confessor. Men Nv fqBDr Loadjo Paseh, ao Ilai4<.’* before Homer was bom. while their sanscrits peace and quiet, and take him before a magis- nearly as much more. In their haste they left $2,300. “Sae^iah •itiaB. wko bar publisbed a number of booka of died last week, ageil 84 years. No “Srclea Renawers," a*4 au Tnr(|T-fg Tsai 4t. there are true to nature. So on a trip over the One of the mnnlererv, named GriftiUis, bad been \ male ehiid a day or tw* eU, was were admirable for their trate, w sliail Na wh>*t wiia Ki f liab canls. metaphysical courage. plai.'3K, ho cause him to be detained until th* et eeto fteat popularity and acknnwle.l cd worth or across the rocky mountains, men show taken. Part of the money bud been recovered. No toa, oa spiea. recently diacevemi ibou* of ef New 2 He Salary I.ncreased. The .salary of the Hon. There is a singular coincidence, said he, which themselves; in their new relation they have no be is sober, and then shall ailminister an oath to — The murderer will (iruliably be hung by Judge No Car a-traAiara bnaRinc nea. York, lying in the sno v. mrapyed ra e newt- “Wolfs’* Sehi«4aja,“ lus already niaic }ii-, luarL. lett ilie forthcoming No ao *rna-«nanrr’* j.acl*. as4 Thus. B. Monroe, Judge of the ULited States Lynch, as t'ne people ere greatly excited. Tiie ’ Ntrange to say, of ti s exposure proves that there is nothing new under the sun. time to prac ice deceit. him, and examine him, to ascertain wiiethcr any No ruia *ic*p(~>fw Eaalawl: paper. lu spU* villain confe.=sed his L'H‘t- Ills rlotbis vn«*. Travel revejds traits of character not visible District Court lor Kentucky, and were No ao bbortT.ao rhaaca Eir aa; aoii us the coM ai.il win'ry aorninf, aad ito scaul pubiicalion will add to h a lihfh reputation. and that is, that ages since offence has been increased one of their jioeta ha* been committed against this act, and covered with blood. It is thought be had sccorb- or Enu'i ula. ao Arolruto*. aeaRaibal IwUhiae. before; it makes the eye-sight keen and percep- No Genaan at n«. so Norsra; piaoa. ao beaiana. covering, it wa* app-i reall uninjured. It was from 81,500 to 82,400 per annum. plices. Rtvaatl; y A'Ue bock v.ii roniifein a tuU hiatory of “Sam.’' produced a work upon the aeasoNS, although most if the witness refuses to answer Puprv, CvthO'ic*. imais tion quick: it fits one to rrail the hieroglyphic* of touching where No BO ao taken car* at, and sent to Ite Alms Menas. AVs find the following particulars of the iriirder Ksow-NOTDINO' likely Thompson was not aware this and how he tha ^^ssuitA. liic.. Oir . ^'rom :hr carlicat period to of when he the human I'toc; who to seek it procured liquor, he shall be liraroa and who lo avoid; confined ( .c^The in this city i* at a very low and exeentfon of th< crioitnal in the Sonora Herald The largest library in the woiM is bsiforsd te enables wrote his celebrated poem. the expert to arrange men in classes. in jail until he consents to answer, and if ebb. of the ’-Oth Januaiy: TFraa Pataam’* Maqaziaa.] hs the BibLotlieque XatianaU, th* Bae Riche- the preacui iinse !t v ill be of exeiiing interest, he On .Monday night, the receipts at the city m The general diviaions ol travelers, which in discloses The m<>st diabolical deed which has ever come un- WIIlT >*d I iicu, Paris, eontaiaia^ i.tOO.rZlO vnhiaiea. m*Mly in But. unfortunately, with an amiable, indolent, any violation of this act, the circum- Theatre were not above 830, nor do they scarcely and. as it will t parikuiarlr to the new politi- Europe particularly were well marked, he com- der our notice, was perpetrated in S*-nora hut Thurs W* pow Oirotbor ia An*4a-<4 ra>a: handwane bimhne. of rnlored leather, emirhed with stances of his examination W* aliarad tbo pisasare* a*4 *liai*Al tho aata; and dreamy disposition, they neces«arily lack shall be reduced to ever average 850. The expenses are about 8160 day night. About 9 o’clock P. M., Mr. Joseph He»- fi.t, and placed ia solid wnlls. from fleoe to ceiMag, menced an enatucration of, by citing the lowest I wfiald -aro dio4 for bua, aad e?J seremcnt vlsi.’h is now sAtrarliiip no large a bo. writing, in the lep, treasnrer of Tuolumne comity, was found « ci- I thoagbL wooid bare with a froul set work for prouetioii as high aa th* physical energy; and thus it is that the beef-eat- anJ rarest, the ignorant traveler. Thia unhappy form of a complaint against the per night. doM tbo ua*ii :e* wars w-t Arad Ue terms The Book t'oneem w was excited every time Highest, —29, 80 inches. nance. w' ry .AaeociatioB of New T-wk. itiftirm* bta young eee- ho the boatmen got out consideration of the illegal sale of intoxicating The feeling was, that when so esiimaUc a Will; aad U respondenm that attrib foa ia to pay the M fi'nodset Cj4aeopa.I (*hnrph. South, Their re ligion, with its singular suprrstit ions, in the water tnkeip the boat otf the nlioals, lest man as Mr. Hcskp became the victim of mnrdsren*, h* n whatever mesial and liquor, B/.all be absolutely void. All inor.oy CP* The Shelby Xnet thinks that it is the turn paid no one in the commui-ity be safe. Now I ataml aloa* la ths wiad aad raia, budify vigor be Row has. and -ritewmir of bnsiaam was diNiCTibcd, as also their care they should catch cold, and to prevent it, gave could It wa.v soon eighty thousand dollars and the Southern debt; of animals, for W it* aoa* of tbo s!eafeura aad all tbo rom: for liquor illegally sold, may be recovered. of that county to have the representative in ascertained that the object of whoever r-erpoM***’'! applkatioa ba lias ever shown, toa reeahafon formed from their basket a warm cordial of brandy, irom No I am a borrar. aaJ Wiilr isdaait, tweu''y thousand iu stock, and the balance in they established hospitals for every description, early ia life to ehetnin from all inxsxtratfns drinks. intoxicating liquor Congress from this district. It suggests the deed was rfibbery, the safe in the office having Aad th* blood of aaotoer is o* bi< hood which fart 'hat boat was ollener aground than all shall be given away, or kept as fit Will; aad I' r»h; hhacn thouEaiid down, the remainder in from the elephant down lo the smallest of God's been opened and emptied of its contents. the whole (leet. with the intent to persons, M'm. C. Bullock, Thos. The Duhe ef Bueclm^ am at (he rfobeto be given away, in any public W. Brown and The first impolse of the people was to bold a meet- ia instalmaoU of one. iwo. three, tour and five creation. But even a more singubr custom than WhatOwr Wives Lev*. men England, bud osidn frum te ravenU'* every The remenib ance of Venice had by a lady of house. If any person claiming M. D. McHeno'. ing, which accordingly took place, the result being an interest in any A infs ones kiaao'l !i*r boslmad, aad said aiia, year for the ia^t twenty-four ycus; te mm af 2S,- this was that of marry ing plants he spoke, was, that recollected lit- raam. It is Uidt-rsiood thit the Book Concern and trees with whom she hut the innuediate d'spatch of liders to all the ferries of * My awB sA*e*t Wilham bow doarl; I loro thae’” 5 liquor seized as a nii'isance, shall fail to assert 000 nonaib, as aeceam aUag fond, ia erder to re- tle of it, more than it was a place; Cy A man named D. M. William* was arres- Tuolnmiie county, to stop the egress Wbo ever kaow a !ad;, qood or ill. pays the tBTr.h'r co«*.s yet due, and that religions ceremonies, and this was considered of damp of from the county build Montague Haase in a palatial meaner Thin they his claim on the trial, Who w„aU set doarl; lov* bar ovra mroo: mil'** another, great he shall be deemed to have of any suspic'ons cbaractei a. Romo was a place, hut wo.ider- ted in Memphis, on the 14th inst., for having em- would maSto ISOJOOO pMads,b*t as ft wm prodtahiy indctac tW d< b‘.s and notes of the Siiuihem so vital import that no person was allowed to eat fully out WB ived his claim. No defect in -v of repair. Smyrna was well remember- any bond, or braced and k'lssed a lady that ha met on the invested, it xmounto no to a eraeh larger sum. preacher* v iikout n.eourie. of Uie fruit of a tree that had rot been thus le- Horrible Oack. Death or Francis Kinlocm Hcorr.— e an- ed, the figs Were so fine. There were the cvm- writing, or recognizance, with security required We lanra (bat tbo Grand Ceaacilef the order street. A beautiful ywnng woman, named Sullivan, 'in nounce with deep regret tbe death of this vener- ai! r gally wedded. The worst tyrant platnp traveler-i; they were generally As to oiT< coats, each perty pays its own. they groaned English. by this act, shall Ban Francisco, laUly inflicted two dss|>erate stabs ; of Know-Notbinxs. held in Cindanati on Saturday in any manner invalidate the able patriot and citizen, who expired at his res- under was that An Englishman, if caught enjoying himself, Hon. Chelton Allan, of Clarke, with a IsBt, nomiaaled David Fisher m thefr eaadidate for We forbear to Sfeiile furtl^er it of buU— not John Duil—but the many knife, upon a man named Kerrison. He ha 1 partieulais, as is same klence in this city, in tbe eighty-eecood year would blush at the iliseuvery, promised o Mayor at te April eieetioa. Tbe. mieetlaa was actual desiring rather lo years ago a member of Congress from the A.sh- her marriage and then left her to despair BBticipaUid thet f; r f:uz' decree w ill brjrublished liomed animal, whom they worshiped as a his at one o’clock yesterday afternoon. complain. and ruin. U(>onhcr arrest a letter directed to her a^ made from ff*y-fmir r»ndiftRTm Whan le Pep Business Notice. — Hurley’s Sarsaparilla is before deity; so that the Hindoo would rather land district, was in the city yesterday. fa'se Cm. Huger was tbe son of Csl. Benjamin Hu- Taylor' Bcho wnceie where.' long perish -kn American is all admiration, everything is lover was found upon her person, and flrom it the most invaluable medicine we are aware of. can be s en ger, of the revolution, who was killed before the Mimosri baa ’uifl folluo !!" arr the than provide his English master with a beef prodigious all is splendid, Tbe Lrgisfotaro of paaaed a The names of the Commis- — grand and glorious. Cincinnati (iazette last “ Hundreds of remedies are tyrhe of .Monday, how hAis caa burs lines of Charleston, and wae the pupil of tbe cele anthorixing a loan of two faandred (hoiaued deftara stake There are the dt$pondinana; dered their design fruiUess. Religion too, at E. you and oved you 'through all—that nutbing on not yet finished uit hmfam eudeiad vemevsme stematean miBonsmiflhme dfw-our..'‘edt and Poe, t 'lncinnaU. for they consider it pollution to touch their There arc the ,irpruialing class; these are gen- I^^Tbe ia — The furnace ef Messrs Himm. Cuimn A h.’ia been my love f-ir ydti— this, Harry, has others (by the same name) arc buried in obscurity. Piiilsdelpbia for the relief of the poor. been fiither of Col. F. K. Huger, in 1777 The attempt masters, and a baker will sell you a loaf of erally American or French. Frenchmen find noth- Hiraes, at Margaretta, Ysrk CAwnty, 1^. aun- bread the heart you have throwu from yon. Your own of the young Hager and Boliman toreacn.-’ I.aFay- ing like it is ill Paris. American* brag of their lx*t this be our advice to the suffering. eperatwas last wsek The foundry at Itoarar J. Vi'^ao > *. thi < ity or I.ofi«vit.Li:. Ly Uirowing it at you; and at Fun In Mew Orleans—Teleicapes vs. Orera heart will best tell you why— if from the caprice of penAied one time, said Mr. , ette waa. t^reforc, a noble recognition of herct^ rivers, lakes and women, and ifWliite mountains Glasses. the moment, or from a pa&iiiig fancy of your fickle Messrs. Wolfo A Co., in AA’ riyhtviBa. hnd ala* Thia was a suit againai tlie city of lAMiisville for Taylor, when I required a drink of water, in or- Hon. John C. BnEcxivanxiE. tofy and paternal hospitality. arc not so high at the Alps, if they —We are ad- nature, it matters all tbs same. - were they .At the St. Charles Theater, New Orleans, oi The ie uciut— tf stopped. danwge doar t-n the other der that I might not pollute the vessel On his liberation and retunreturn to his native land, madenee and property by touch- would l>e grander. On politics, he dcprecia e* all vised, through a prominent Democrat in the in- now you were about t-. ofR-r in ths sight of man lo several recent oeeasions, this Uievetaiwl Herald.^toroM aarmcaaorieca aa. pssc*psec* ofos a number of ship cap- is if the subject of sketch was appointed a Cap- The Cleveland of .1 \V .zrd, the ing iu they poured the other fonii* than those his own me yonr wife— you were to lav a fortnne R mob during the famous liquid down my throat, of country or party ; terior.wholias recently returned from Washington that it arm tains have appeared in the boxes armed and equip- at my feet, I wonld rufu.-w it a I, for a strobger pas- t.vin in the United Slates army in 179B. He re- ice.ic*. thirteen mchev thick,thick. *ese cteuclou thereby almost like the great bell in Independence Hall at Phil- Ward e*ci*rine*T( . ii; spring last. The ease came strangling me. City, that while Major Breckinridge had under sion b.-is laid hold of me ami a sweeter oce. liare signed and retired soon afterwards, but on tbe easy to rend through oa if it wet* a pama ef adelphia in 1776, he proclaims liberty to petl with their sea telescopes, which they level at — m \ et. ail the •tp heforr Juilgc with all this : Iluliock, on last Saturday, npon prejudice, in no part of the consideration the mission to Spain, patience, Harry, and read. AVhe I left home my breaking out of the war of 1823. was iccallcd glass. world; the glory of his country is so much before he carefully those persons in the audience using opera glasses. mother gave me a Bible. Since that I have never demurrer T nc demurrer was sustained upon the world do they exhibit sucli abject again from hia beloved retirement and appointed kmadmd submission to Ids eyes that he can see counted the cost, and fouml that it Ther* ar* smd to be foaitoan nothing else. would brin.g looked at it till last night. Do not treat this as On Saturday night, Feb. 10, some twenty of these to office, and soon received tbe ef •uthorily of the case of Prather vs. City of I.iex- the European race. I tymjia/hrfic eomma^ a Know-Nothinfs in MazafoaB eeuntv. atul in te was witness of one of The travelers are the Gennans, him in debt to serve his country in a diplomatic the fancy of a moment. I am very calm —the cool jolly tars ap{)cared at the St. Charles. The Delta regiment of artillery attached to the Southern Di- state af Miesta ippi they an mad to be forty iugtui^ decided by t he Court of A]*peals.*in 13 B. Uiem coming to an English olliccr Swedish or Russians, true cosmopolitans, they calm of hate—deadly hate—aud I klielt on my knees with grass in capacity. He has resolved to quit for the present vision. have home* any where and every where; it says on the cold earth, with no other witneas than the ' thouaand atrong. Munroe Iu that casr- it his mouth, is the was deeded that the and exclaimed: “Here’s your beast!" public life, and Col determined upon devoting his stars above—and, Harry Kcrrfcoc, I took an awfhl Huger rorv^ him natW* State in both that an *n- natural inheritance of the Saxon and Scandina- “They were all neatly dressed, wore white vests The New Bedford Mezeur? learn* petitiew was bad, Secansc it did But it is but not allege trka/ just to say that these degenerate energies to oath on that Holy Book an oath which wonld make branchea of the Legislature, and wm alwaja ifo l e iee vian. He made him-clf suited to the place he the practice of his profession, so that and white kids, and, to say the least, were a divilish — terprim bn been prodtetod by several pew blood run C'jld to hear. •Tl-< tficer* had f-c'-ii eaiie.! utKin to quell the habHs have not originated, as your you have known ready to serve her in anv capacity, dvil or miii- -,f that city, to fit a skip for * erteefia teSpris- mob, and may be supposed. selUed, made his haldt* rnJ manners homogeiio- he may laj' by for himself and family something good luokin? set of fellows. They quirtlytook their my love—now you shall feci my hate.’’ tary . new ahun- S' nee place*, and then lachof them hauled out'a long tele- — Charleston Courier, Feb. 15. Imrgen Sea, Thera ft is mtd vfinim'ai* the Court ol .k^ yealt even went further and inti- English rule, for they were more in vo**uc ous with those with whom he dwelt. He could for “rainy a day.” Jt may bo, therefore, that the dnut. give no better advice, the scope, ti.x d it at a seven mile focus, and kvelliiig The Devil is Out.— he satanIc being bearing mated the opini.in that a city could in no event be previous to the conquest by that power. result of a broad and Rotal Gossir. .in ‘occasieiial eerreapondent of Major will not be a candidate the entire battery at a group seated on the this — ite at Tass- extended travel, next .August. opposi c title (we mean the printer’s devil.) is now at Tb# Haailltoo fCamte) 9gmu The than sirictly to follow, as a trav- Ihe New York Tiines givrotiie tbUuwiag te ef royal heM res',Gusibl« f,r the acta committed by a mob wonderful and almost falmlous progress side who were ej'cing tlirni very closely with o|.tb.al ath. sceetsagN,shoitEaeN. vkinianvkiniae*. tfofciaca,Hskingv. te^mims,te gradually absorbing uetil the curtain rose, when the -Rilor-geDtUiLvii ba.dnc.''B, and whenever be f..:*s in .getting of St. Paul. what he »e*ate«s inim, and dx famm the British Consul, awert that th* Imperial diveree, te b* rimsnaiwi la kies , he., 5,00e all others. This acquisition of who is suffering fro.-n a wound jMiIitelv lowered their ttlesenpe* aud kept tiitui down calls for, woe be unto t'ucn he cull-: upon, for thev territory in the An Englishman proper carries his English fod tor “high pi^itlcal reasons,'* and m aa act of aad book paper, bcsi los ’msamseabi* mtielm. Ax to tur recciveil at the till it fell, when they again, in the quietest manner are sure to be anuidntid with honi-frogs and Hme Expraoa Nsr.M.r jx. —An East is, hates habits all battle of New Orieans, it is said, the — ’ s— » tosa however, in a measure foroed and over the world. The Ameri- Napoleonic tradition, will have to taka > htoe in la Af- upon them, poseihle, nleed the long glasses and began to sweep seven year itch. inink fk- Th* Main* Uw appears kevettete* extraordinary would We one glimpse at this aw- report i* current in Paris, to the even as can is one of the class of sympathising travelers, have preferred some other day for the cor- vor of an AastriaB Arck-Dacbess, a sort of Mari* rica. News from Uie Op* of Good Sim to Ifofo annexation in the M’catem world is upon the “horizou’ of the (IressciicIiioiilylGoking, how- ful mnn.stcr would c:inr! the Tii->'t »toiie-l:eartcd and and hence is jiopuiar abroad. Our own govern- onation. Lon»« II. with a King of Rome in tpt. Unforta- !3tk aavt Moshvsb, chief rnlrt of Baaetnn^ hm 4®BCt that the Emperor haa resolved to ever, at those gentlemen who were directing their ami-paying luun iu cr- .iii ii dedarr us; and, in spite of what be to q-iivcr a-d turn their may said to tlic con- Dstcly for this eommeragt, there ia ao aaRaatrlcd i A aad aaia af Omaaa fo ment, our own land is our boast; but we sliould glasses at them. Tbc ehoiits ui the parqne te, eyea hi-uvf pt^bit- d tke mp Mtotkm the CsMurt dc Monty, the legitiaiaic and nwardly, and pkaJ for ptoter'ion. They son of King trary, the natives of tf^From the Jackson (Miss.) Flag of the rrinerm just now in t te otherwise proUffe Houm of iainiag - out of tlis* eomplicatina The reason for all this ramute all vs us hushed. “Ladies aud gentlrnieD,” Well, as he i.s heir to the empire I ir said that rece.nt on the rouuds. and wc have a num- lof ep isnspaf okuraa. events ru er* have a tipjnan, in which he sligraatizes talkabatri- a .secret treaty for t Iowa. cot tell." (Trinieiuit'us iiprcar.) What else he have an eye to their hap{>iue«s tb* guarantee of nstriaa poo- difwN heir to Im;e-rial traveler is of a pliant.rnduringkind, like Fremont ai.d snccesM, especial thf throne, has ol late -•es-ion in Italy the ft condition. Monstrous crimes, formerly otism bum brighter in all hearts as having been, 8 iid did nut catch in the coufusion — ar from wkick treaty te re- One of the Tccaa paaera of fre- or Pfeilfer. A traveler should go alone; a* to — we of the mo- ly their .-luccesB. fueed this measure ii cent Aurprioing tnrn of Sardinian policy is attributed I the C the Eiupefor. In Pa- I in his glorious lifetime, nieut, but understood him to say that Indies had tke leeeat sitter at quent occurrence, have been suppressed, as have danger, there is danger every where, cr “an erv.my to the itouth.” rather to. Di<‘ini-;sing, without entirely tliscTedltfog, tbene wera amsgaed ptsess In te psat- na, and t'nrou liej' been compelled to have *he house, and to oppeal to Steankr H. T. Yr.AT.N.tv Stne.— his xtramer, teen geutlemcxi') Frince, Prince Napoleon’s a>so rojbcries,ani it danger no whetc. traveler duly is now twenty-five years A impressed npcru-glass party to Capt. specnlatio s atent Napafoen '* posaible views re- Senator Shields. —The National hUelligencer the put the spy-glaii8es out. A. Miller, common’ler, i*i attrinpling, on toatiary’ eaner as a warrior has beeonw the subject of since a widow with a sense of an overruling Providence goes wa.s specting bis fruitless fig-tree, -Aure ft is, thst hs by has immolated herself upon the Here there a general np-rislDg of the umlience, Thursday aftenioon, to woik her wav np to the Th# Rocl ester (N. Y i Amsrtma mys the into untried scenes without fear, and of Feb. 10th, publishes a note from Senator noRceanslnte^ to cavi-’hipEminre’’ to^ jiikes dis-ie'iCA I lil letums and a panic among the laiiics. 'fhe spy -glass bunding, was niifortuiiattlv ar. it'i vf artilleiy of satire, for burning pile, while, on the contraiy, the men caught by tlie heavy ice bed* *# te -eiwb teem to that vkdnily b*ra as* magnifi- without lianii Shields, apparcutapparent of tethe throne. Jerome, ^sndand hisbis belhge^belliger- —a lonely traveler will beget sym- stating that Judge Douglas aud his other jiimptd to their feet, and one of them equated him- and cut down. She sunk close to the shore at m te haet by tke eeU^iSbae. whii. Ii the Frcn'’h have ever been noted. cent roads, telegraphic ent son tmaritrs cal! Plenplim—mre ^ lines, —whom te in manufactories, pathy, and if deserving, will i!, self to address the (.ESimhly. lie was hhoicd and ro).xedale G .iden, at receive anil it colI-'agucB in the House exerted themselves to the Head of GkM-huu-H^Ripple, groauetl repeatedly, hut peiyevercd no good odor at the Tnifories. .At a fir* in New Yoek oa TViredey mons- schools, colleges, and railroads—on the Istter of will be a more profitable sojourning than if with down till he got and in a budporith'n, ar the current set* in to the IftiNfi's New Bix k. — V. c have in t.ie new promote his re-election, and arc as much disap- of tV. H. ?fi*wmaw a hearing. He asserted the right of himM-lf, and shore, where she lies, and the ice, in heavy gorges, ing, the eommisA: vn house the company. Gxx.vjs.v. LbslicA>BSLiB Conss.VOB9S. I hen« AVaohingtonAA iwnuigrow cor-COT- ’ . _ which shrill whistle of the engine is heard at — , . • volume of ukeu-iu k by VVashitigton Irving, inti- pointed at the result as himself. everybody to use spy-gla.«ses if they chose, and was coming down tbs .MonoDgahela, and expecte- was burneJ, «o* - respondent of the A' ork 7’ri^Miic f the very foot To Tie successful as a traveler, one has to be re.q»eetahility New in referring of the Ht'mmcla mountains prove stated, that cs to the of the party, last evening. She was careened, with one gii-jr. about two and a for five months in .\frica without hcaritig from the I,ord, Pius IX., by Divine Providence carter, retired t'BriCL Tsexthent or *s Orphan Bov. Mr*. Pope, coti his theatrical snd lave place to half year* old, and msiircil in t!’c We--tern office t.ir — L'nited dre.** thing a srnsitive State*. He became in and customs “Magic I’l'h*.” It is still a mowted point with the y^.OtXi. ' nature can suffer by beiuc reduced *WT» eeming the dogmatic definition of the Virgin She was loaded, sd_fo ra- an .Arab; for a while he kept a record of days oflhc pa roDs of the St. Charles, where 0 (>eni-gla.ae8 leave Nashville. Her cargo coa--i*ted priucipally of own Tbe AunapofcfMd.) pig •• ^h i nar has hewn feent by Catholic Mother of God.” It occupies more th.an six col- lieud. and his familv-servaats ami thehr cbfldren mo-edtbatamo-edlbatadhfttognWtodmrraiste*’dfotingnitedmrraistee- wrttekicrtteP * us the piililishera H. Orphan Asylum on Grayson and Eighth month*, but t.ie days of the wee ; were forgotten. off, and tfle«.'0 |ies begin. nietal, of which s'i:c had two hundred and five tons. brong’it lo ibe auction-block in K:;ntncky, to sslfofy Uiat city, lucently esms to sases^rtfo *0 -4**- s*reets, Sabbath for a while indistiiietly in umns of that paper, She had also .some grease, lord, (M'aches ami , hm „ . The feathers. liw'f A Bro. \, w N rk. througli ! Madden, were brought l*efore the Police Court was his and concludes with the de- ^ ^ importanate •'reditors. while ladepemient fertana I retarive to Eagkmd- It wa.s thought that pait of Ihe nulal was insured an 000, by bsqnest of a mind, hut after a w bile ev n that become hut a claration that “should Seriocs .Accident. .A correspondent bookaeUer, on Tuinl street, in thi* city It ia yesterday, accused with having very cruelly and any presume to assault it — of the bei.>iigtog to him, fo iocksd up to tte vault* ef of here, though the fact nad not been positivly ascer- te A bed*fgooa««af.ssx fret tkfo; . bnabeea feeble dream; but on return to other scenes the Sob-Treasorv. intoare intorcs: ;jid give* tlie true story uiunercifully beaten a very small boy, not over (the dogma) let him know that he will incur the Hopkinsville Rifle, writing from Garrettsburg, tained. No insarance here on oth r pr itk>Ls of her f-wind en te naitk-tert sU* of Dtea Maunirtn fo of full feeling became again fixed. A true tiaveler cargo . Pitttbnrg Dttpalth. life At soirie ou.er six years of age, indignation of the Omnipotent God, and of His Christian county, under date of Feb. 1 says: — Califonto. PHwy's liuie we shall take because he would not say his looks over all eroeds—finds truth to he not solely 3, Raining GsArcs rr Straw an* Wool.— n te lefaMna rad rtfcw IMs Magazine >.‘f T ,1 I I k to ncsie.- the work prayers properly. in one place, hut that it pervade* every here. b essed apostles, Peter and Paul.” On yesterday evening, Mr. Henry M ills, of Hortlcufttire for Febreary.a Mr. Simp- oeeaaion mare partieuiarir. The charge was fully sustained w AA'AsHtNCTON .AND LArATRTTE During the of — re- son gives an account of a «uce*artnl method of rma- bavemnde telr a:-pt aira as fo te m^^Anteed Good and evil are b th inherent in man's nature this place, a promising young man, aged about cent The boy s head and back had been most shame- debate upon the Seuatonal quisiion in th New Nscfelk. law aholisuing CNjutai r’?"R .Apperson, Esq., of Mt. Sterlin^the shooting; ing crapes, no as to b* tally rip* ia December aad Sn'iie punishment in Kindness .and sympathy slii'ie like the stars in 19, had been out duck and returned by A’ork Assembly, the as’^ertion ws* m ide that Gr-nc- fully mangled, with a whip or thong of six lashes. ranuary. Mr. S. fo a manntacturer ef blaakets, aad situated in field; set ral look < .Ter' 2d ilsy of March, ltA47, another firmament of the clear sky, wherever the efficient President of the Lexington and Big the rorn pen, a he bis gun Washington declared that he wished that eve-v Judge kn-iwing te effect of woo) ia rvtainiag boat, b* dc- |0-€ONBniTTlCH( AM» BFITTU LPW- Johnson very justly reprimanderl the par- outside, went in foreigner, exce(it Lafayette, wav W of natural preju- on the and with a couple of out of the Rev >Iu- aiwee which tune, s pciio lol nearly traveler wanders. Men arc men San-Jy Railroad, has just returned from the terminc’l to try it apon tbe vines, lo retaia Brnmn. foe eight years, tiona^ te !foclee te eertrt ificide ateate ef Mr. Tnaracfnrai^lLM. ties, and held them to bail. I'he natural hostility the negro boys to .get com for the stock. -Seeing a Army. It becomes an important historical bov vras taken dice, hut not of — language heat of the ground in th* boorders wifieh eon- ip sf b.-wma.-ms«fMra oti!_. fcfterri p«raor>s have been convicted of mur- East, where he was very succeisful in negotia- qncstioD whether he ever aved such language. many years pranemserpr sirtsv m hi charge is the dialect wh ch finds interpre- flock of ducks in the art of passing over, he ims- Some ined the roots of hi* vines; he covered by a benevoh-nt gentleman. of kindness of U them burg. Ya., aad Info of 0 « r^y •«= fcc:4e*red 'mg funds to carry on the work of the road. the New York reporters express the hope that ‘.or life to soiiiaiy confiu ement tation most rcailily, even where the barriers are tily reached down for his gun, and seising it by lor a foot ia depth, with dry bay. Ovsr te bay be Yirgteto Air. Sparks wiil settle the disputed p.iint. 'Tbe Al- at lab muzzle, keeping his eye on the ducks, laid what might be called a Waaket cf wart ' weol 'at u.lar tc i‘n».ir Rzueiocs Revivals. n the First Baptist strongest. the then bany coire.vpondent of p;. Mfort*. of tk* e WM^fltfkragh — ryThe Democrats of Hickman county, 'in the Courier and Euqu rer and maaure. Tb* heat slowly nearly over him, endeavored to draw it up, when pmaed off wry from s leenfor pbysM^msdaf *nawraMM#fi0t*kat Ciuirch, Covington, of 1 Tould say to fathers and mothers, whose sons writes that he heanl Hon. Albert Gallatin say “(hat Dsatu wliirh Rev. S. L. Helm is county meeting, expressed a preference for te borders thna protected; m the coM wcniber carao bo caibd quackqnacli madfofoir, trawdMiBfifibraBAkBt or b.; iU jLKt . luat veneralle and their wings to leave their parent Oscar the cock coming in contact with a log of the pen. in bis juilgment and — are fla'tering observation, L.ifayette waa the on. te temperature dimfobhod about thre* dr reew P**for, there is a revival in progress. About 20 g its xmd rtirTi to Om rt wed-known phyaieian, l>r nest, tell them to go forth and liehold the beautiful Turner as a candidate for Congress in the First it was discharged, the whole load ^ssing upward only man Washington irer loved." i.'u'cmaa Rogers, long a wsek On tbe first of December ft wm sixty de wiSrikltodsed. persons have imitei!. and the tearing away the cheek bone, right eye and a aame number with great family of men, with Truth i tlie ablest and hk/-i earth and the District grus i . Hi- grape* bei'Siaefaay ripe uadcr thia pr* n bm, ,i,,a t j, pra. ijiior.cr in the A He had boca givew wm by semaalmv | ];iortiun of the s',;iill above it exposing tlie brain HROvrsciANAN to .against tiir UVirRD the Greenup shield, with pi-rfect lru.it for their safety — cess in DACiiLbcr aad - Street Metho: of Lex- that the Mex'icsns in the M»-

r«^«;REi»-4*Ero>» «rfcMox. MI.VIAL F'riday, 1C Ih— ixxniB arrival of the i cm COURT. COMiMERCIAfe TOBACC 3—Salts at the warehoutet IITRD'S (i 0LDR.\ CLOSS, W4»hi\«t«n, Frt» 19 —SKt»*Tt .— »W1MU«*i- Friday nf 34 bluls at DR. BLACKWELUS GIFTS! GIFTS! lion. \V. price* rincii ig as follow 25, $7 30. $6 05. CMMm »iii- frox tli* Se<-rtt«ry «f W tr, •c- F. BL'IXOCK. Jvifpt. COUFirR.I S5 90. $5 15. FOR BEAVTIFYI^TG THE HAIR. B A 1 , T I C OFFICE OK THELOriSVII.I.O >7 35, $C 60, $5 55, $5 30, $5 60, $6 40, S3 15, %t 35, $7 70 TUlSpr»|>AnftLiua ii p9niim«i«^ »rventr.#Tee«f1w «f th* BMit ivgaier Trxsniv, February l.>ih. WRDXKsriAT KvRKtun. F*brnary L. D. 86 55, $5 35 SINE’S Xxw Yona, Tcb. "21, M. Iwre the »et- , $5 60, $C 70, $« 30, 55 *5. $5 50, 55 70. $0 00 % dark* unj livs»ty mpps»:iraiu»e. wlucH cansor Icr th" af tiie HTite. M. -A. Simmons 1 KKSr.MRflON OF N .VVUS.VTHtN —We Alterative aid 2 hlidt st So hO: 3 at The Great that !iate $7 65, and 3 at $6 25. ob'ttneJ from &oy other &rtici«. It eJectoaUf eteftOMithe Mr C«fih "U4 Ut »!" Petition. lafae'ionuf announcing n? l**t -hut tUe icy fatter* NINTH eaAND HAMSflCTH - frtrtn Livtriioo!. Satarday. V .Vth— GIFT ENTE 3 broken, and, a* from ffiu*J Scurf, ami keeps the els^aaead BLfX>l>r rmuirk*- o< L-^iti » outsaion tuitil t« atorraw new 3. B. Shcrid.r. so enchained onr benntifhl n-aio, me head PUHIKIKR OF THK KMM A M:a:s-jy baa been fo med, and Lord Pal- ) Ion; this compu—d fsr tbo tote of all sub- TOBACf $aletofl5 boles R, healthr. It TVT’Edonot raenmmend li»p of ttr Thl-« full mvl complete report J. manufect'ir* at 35c; prerente the Hair frtv.n tall:a( off or tununf PaiSE. Mr. aidic^ mi i-st'jB nse been ap) •anted rVmier. .All the other tci ion was based npon a bill of excli.-.nge mast bo a parent fr<>n our V y diseaiMs. but oulv fur thos* arisiag from impuntioe of 7 do Virgm a do 48 35c. «t*<1 IVijrt-Olhto I.r nv'J anunntion mend ;tiB guo'l fa-th pvrtieaMrv oh-qin a cirr i-r 7 4.5. 0 60,6 I »,6P5,7 35.765.7 35, 7 remedy fnr«*aTitnoo« For t'l ac- 111 ot pnce*in Siipar.Coirerand 75.615.755.619,9 45.5115’ (ltft*ee^«,iurb tsScaM llemle. Erymipo* PiU/LN, A j<^t re*«;»\i'”i tr»s pMw4 wttit Um The following men coiujv*se tbe new Hin-Lstry-: Sheridan and endorsed by Sherida-i. »ion.. with an npwarU leiidenry Prepared by VAUGHAN b BItUTHEK •uolosads 7 15, 5 65, 5t 15,8 15,5 70,5 active, and htlder* nre 75, 7 15, 6 60, 6 10,6 10, llhevra, Ac.,anfl will nleo msiantly rc^;tT.! Druggists, Lou syille. Kv. et iiuf «f Aicrrrt-OT B«rt. l*tf f**nnor 4f St- Piv-mior, lAird Palmir-ton; War, l/*rd Farmerly Fox The defem ant, Sheridan pleaded that defendant, MeUs*"*. Tiie Prov aion market i* Nlonilayrl 9tii-- b ilhwivst o- ,-,y. r.aics. Short aupplic* theticatterke of nerroue endue k keed^ffirhe. For talc y Drar4i»t*g*»er*i’y. *30 A HOHSr A'-T) a. .few -riLYER-MOt’NrR.I-iii,T3;m.H0T:sr*.ri Stewart appli- d to him for llie girc-ii u report of I WmIbi Manle; Foreign .Aflalis. Laid of '.’laandonj iiome the use of 1.1* name as firm at i»r.cr* TOBACCt 4— Hay, OraJi. Pota- 3.7301b* Ky Manafactured at 15430; tales a! It It fr*' oe to eeMioertt* the wondorfal pro^ H \kSE%n. Mr Dadtfr.af |HWtiU VCOETaBLK ^K.'HCTIC LO- j Warehouses plrasaiU. »f 26 hlids at 5 60, 6 75. 7 .55, 7 50, 6 75. 5 80.0 15 rTtim of inYaluable prepemtion, frr reptitatmn has TION •riafe farw tiiat »;Kto, a-Wtng the aataWiahMcat «if (li-orgeCny; Exclie<|aer A'. Admiraltv, il'K-ounted by A. D. limit A Go., Ban'iiera t!;at he loea. Ap;.'.e* kc. Tlio v.eather i*cl"ar and Two Hoadrod Doilore to kmerUoo Piid. GlncMouc, — 5 6 60, 7 nlreaUj as cured my dangbtor uf s disiievsiag oniptioii on hor 35, 10„ G 15,6 48, i6 35, 8 DO, t7 65. 7 30, 7 00, j 48, 7 30 tern eettbUeand u hoTinf do lapenor, Medicn: ta.ad itotii-'i on Lkijr Snp«4iurposo of UBANS—We qnote H ar.ru. after every other application had fmiiid. SIXiY-FlVc; ;> ,A'-'i ,-*i! -*Kii 8 10. 6 65, 8 55, < 38, 5 65. 6 55. men, plijrt.ciane.chefmsU WATr »aa biit t1ir« tkkra itl>, eiiaiiling v of the hiebeet tfniidtat. .^eeof Tl>* I*kct6r Rai'.mad WM Fivkiihat I lie Grsu.vitle; Stewait to ytt money on it from hunt, of tl barret* tt $3 OiCtf J oil V bnahe _ THUMAb GXkGOBV of Council, Karl of Keeper & Tiieeday, 3(1 th— tbe iucet d.ser:ia*nnttoD, e:tizsns froa eU pruio^tone, its Butlcrrille. Wirrea eonaiy, Obso,. Sk., .lc , &e. . Co. dr’.i»*r*:l nt the but!d- Mr CTay 1 1 tlit .S^natr ia •fpoMtloa t« oftbe Trivy Ss«*Jh, Duke of Argyle; Ihtblic Woika, Tiiat he wa* wiliing to become bound on pa- RHICK—Sale* of 200.«« at ?4 00— TOBACCO —Sales of 19 boxes Tennessee reanof.'et'jredst miilKmeuf imtroiia.aQd the leading iooriiale ihroUqThout the tlie bill. Il« dr! K!*rTf ’hat cithrr roka mc- Sir W, per held by Hunt, A C>.'., with whom he wan in ing, first (jualitr. hard and straight. Medesworth; President ot lioard of Control. the cash. It haactued a very trcubleeome *ruotx~i aa cr w.fsV I4c, St Jes at the warohonres Tuesday of 63 hlids at end pruuounce it the beet preparmtKHi the world hmf e ?er D SI.-vS -uld au,..o~-e to hrs p=tr-etf ata lb# pnb- brkc«^ te tlic liili W'’ul.l 1^* baflt Ilf thao^ht thm Sir i'*iininp. habit of transacting bus nc--«, and who would K.»t h*nda nee, aft-r all onr arqnuiBiaues* h*«* ef ker.a- Chk*. Wood; Pontmaiter, Lord With- be BRAN KHORTS—We Quote frem demireJ i r i,en«“r'i ' iA lift Ururl AND pr.ces arngir as follows;— 45 prs'ftlurrd. *t I i» > g $5 to ?5 eO. $6 35 to $7 08. $7 Trr once, ead voe w 11 never be withont it. M*r w.iuiJ bv iii!pr*«nic»bic. Md tliotight di.-.posed 10 lotect hie credit. 7 KIMhGDPEl C. .-a ikrjiwTi .a out oflioe, the Maiqui* of l.ao^rdownc. Aberdeen, hat he wo'ild not at $33 and $35 P ton: retait »al< s at an adTunr*. *itA 1 iMCliNNAi'i. olo:-.*. oa 55 to (I 09—I MillorJ, leludiiig 1 hogshead al $8 00, 30, HUHD'S OOLUTN GLOSS i*pot op in errylarje bot- Ohio. '» not rappoit have ( udoraed tin bill $8 $8 J5, a.rd kfnrch 9^. • . n tlikt Uk uttrel mud (fctfcbt ruald K, imd Russell, and Kewrarttle go out. Paniunr • eonies in, for tbe purjiose of h.aving it APPLES AND POTATOES —Sale* of green r.ppl** $10 05. •p.effii.ti 'Ji^? im Ik.- r.e les, and i»old At the low prece of twea'y.tive !_.jr u l.:t% mV. ke *. Utrrr be Mrwty irkrel ot CkmekMaoe. thrown into the mar'act, and negoiint.-d else prune pota- eU the WMtU an' ‘U' Aww kwroefoi prmcipol Dealers in a divlresewg eruotiea *a ay wife'* w«u H .i4C«4 fir«t r.shiscieUit FREIGHT $ -To New Orleans Pork per bbl jf; Dni^i and Meul.cmee and b/ Faccf Uov*B-— maaoMred tuat Uif There is very little other new-*. mivlit thereby be a(re<-t» tl, he being a 75r; Flo-or kaml. ef erertwoyuara’Miaihag. Tw«»ty-aiiw C4-' ? / Lra ? j loc* at $2 35 k$ 3 50 )>er b-aaliel. Goode JAMSS PEAT merrhaut Pou'ul freig:. ts SiaiOc; Ca'tle per head Merehents throuebootthe w«'Hd. C'cry, Ohio. th'>Uodboku sG'lir -i‘# Cr.!!; BaA# bthBaw before ibe Motncc wm tbe co*»i4c. atioB of M Magne Irw h-jcn appointed Freoeli Minieter of Ac. Tlint he al Stewart’s inetauce took BAtKiING AND ROPE—The market rontmuo* d ill and 88 00; Morses aud Chemical ManUa'*sctnruiit Urs**», tlie till : Mulct $7 00; Sheep C5c. (-ompeoT, Prnnrietor% xht l*nwl4oui'» of the Kmich ^i)oltahuD. Park* Cmr:ine«t! Ohio. d&wCm Prx*50c. WIU kUUU . ) >J OffiMT 'rk« ii'riae ou the aabjiict. Aflairs be put in circulation or tried in are r- foaddivaa Um: in tbc Crimea are unchanged. any manner, but for bo bad at lower rate*. The ealimated *tock* ou band rofomat «' A u , jt..j Weokesost, February 3lat, 1855. HOLON PALMER. acrnkM . , 'I's that the Uoaite would not collection of McKeytold*. he jieniiiited -fc BLRAJ 'f, a* Mr. Uri fremuii^ H It i* repoTttsl a battle was fought l.'ctwccn the and hi^.h.jh -ft . L..!-' A di-ipOkf of tho BteMarre, Mr. Bo} k-;. woald no*, coa- Rnmi ian s and the Turks ou IHnube, and that to rem.-iin on it for collection alone. That Stewart hear of aalea of about 4,e00 poemla to the hish rates. Pc HF’DON’T CinnaabXi. Ohio. ; tbe BCTTER—We «atoe* BE 1* UtCJEI\/ED!.A3 V.’ $3 35a $3 50 ii> bushel; sll other artm’.es (.'kroconic* ’f H li .A.S J. w ., .. c’AA k'hartnrtj am4 of the in bad fait h sold the bill. R AY-MOND k PATTE.V. ea-i oidl^ it diM'orieoui, and urg^ tbc paaaa; the Turk* wi . o vktunou.s That for the reasons afore- trade tine week at prices raiigm.i; from 17 to 38 cent* for fair hr* in like We hare obtn Hcd the .Acency for tbe fifty U-om V, ms,-,- p rt>p«srt'OB. Dressed Turkies commi.ad 75c to keel Hair LURTON. GRUBBS h ItMILET. . 1 fr • fe:iL- * ' 1ft i\-aaCHi f-tr wo. said be, derendant, wa* not bound it l Ujir*Tt»hA‘ 0 0 ft- ptfolk bilb a- a dumg Ii is also r>‘ported that there had been a rautiuy Ac., to lhi.i an- qualities, and 30;,3&; fur prime Goshen. $t 35 for I'lii Kce; dressed Duck* Preparation in the World. Uny no other; wo Uj m*t Awoowla Wholcvalo .tgent* Lotc.vT; lie $1 C0«i$4 00 - dozen CAJAIS fine, fod i ...b -spf ,% c h-i. i 'h f Mr Mailejr auU he wiahed to apeak of tbc cbarac- of Zwiavci,, aud 400 were pri on*Ts to CoDHtan- swer plaintifl' demurred, for insufliclcncy; the court EOtiS Ihe week some 780 dozen have been so.d to xoaraa'ce eatlvTac-lien ta the sent —Durins Patrulrei $1 ceavamer. - • (if'iSl 35 V dozen. Chickvn* are $3 75'C$3 t*d twr. ‘y h !a ! aAi'.'^r cf t t-n-itai-aed TIIE LAST CHA.'SCE ler of veto power, be wjoM be able to tinople. t. c di muter and gave Judgment for plain- dealer* a*. Stic. F«i>« ft A. o. tj LA.c^tA. «L^n ‘Tnd- the UmJ[»K t* dozen. B'it ter ZF'kjOc Ib. Eggs V advanced to 30 ceala 'f .K FEA' CEIlTfFIC.VTE.S he Cosmopolitan Art nnd LiUrary Aeeooiepoa w;’l " - 4:- * t»r - caac plicatiociof h. tiff. Ri. 1 . *R:J*t Aawthat thb. waa oot a tortbea sn Clm*. Xapier made a savage speech ag.-iiust BHOOMS—Sale* of verr small l-de at $3 35'a$3 50 per dozen. T poeitivdydistr.but* their valnabl* rollorlioa of Paist- inc* pMp rmr-nmfkt YbA-Tcr ^0x1^ $ v# web. Mr. Brackiarid/e aaui Ik- t"Mrd that >f a diactw- the Government Hvegin A llarrib for pliinlilT. di.xen for common, aud 7a:s$3 Ui for Shaker. From UentUmen of the hipk -M tUnding in favsr aad S'atoary oa the fTTH OP nCBRUARY Ike iJ kc. . kc., AC I isi^oppertuiuty M>iR$ wkft wiffik Mosi waa mdoljxtS m. i ' purtaat apptoptiation bille Parliamentary expfenation* were msdc hr atates- klonroe for defcadant. CORN.-. E.4L—Sale* by the quantity at 88 centt V bnaiieL of Ike World-rencTcr.ed jitneic 5.x*' * r Vft LOCISVILLE CATTLE..''.1AKKET. ftQOfficrib«pi. > indxTMioffil* br $3. ibr A i*4t tk*» irkw ^ >a: Uh ‘ tli liC**;- voaUbe loat. n»ea, foiling to fiirm tbe Cftbinet. ID, ISou. reUui nates at C5«aS(lr. ou* irar. any of the fbilow.ac laagariMs. Putnaut. FxBBfAey W’XPSS-iOsT. February 2t*r, Kao k- ko!‘t«-r mftmt ia« a&4 fttrrr Arve'** he woold h; re no 1855. m RD’S HAIR BeSTORKK, 'rkjT, Harper Grakam. Gudsy, Blackwood of KU-^xiri, aa'd 3.i»;W,0 -t ^ .>au kf Court met this morning at 9 o'clock. A (frond Ju- COAL .AND WOOD— Stock of ccal fair, with retail aa’ea BEEVES— sale of 40 bund was made yesterday at 7!ic H'AicA vtll prod nee a new grt*w/k v,awv loi^„nQaa.-tutlv, Nortk Rrihsk. Wootoi-acler aad ^Icx'tiaa to debate if any pood cooid reaoli fie« it, poeeu. oJ Hair on Edinburgh, Mil iir f fre« 9T frTpAAMt ry w as empannellcd and charged by the Prosecuting of Pit:*bori;ii run! at t54ll<. Pomeroy coal nt I3c. Wood and a sale of 20. head ot extra at lc. Sales Ibr shipment together witr. a chance m th* distrhuliea. at , arfrion re- f. wYckw.U usTAtAeUCil .lAbl .^s U \z:sam bat. Be a«:v twotre n'orkiup davc of the Tbe Xofth American fisherie* hill p««s"d, aud any Buld Head. Thus* at a distaar* wiakiag la hs e—e eukec'ikcn i-aa do raiiftr* from l Commonwealth vs. J. tV. WeiUen, .Solomon Jean*, CHEESE—Sales fortheweek of 4*lh''zo*of flue and W. hear cf b-xtcheis for the supply of the market at W. C IlT.n— l43B-oaIway, New York. FCASMM'B. % w Ale«4rA 10 M: M AI0. W .1 the (xecuitve power aa aa aaarpatioB roaU aelaet a»wTab!o the ILtb Ijstant. 3 Wat#- Hroot. I T^ on 3*3\.c, gross. _ . , _ Beuduikr,Oh,a. orJrr AA MA7 iMAAts XA ;*i« 1 tpmm John Wiasert, Micbatl Zimlech, Jamca B. FiniTey, r. at to. 10)0. and lie. I vras bald for twe ity-f ,or y lew chmee sheep mtto Will - Mark IhKme—iudii-tmcntH for uiisdemcanota. COTTON AND COTTON YAHN8—The race pH of now coming to the market pruu'Kied a new z.-onth of hair that cn,*rs th* eid.r* bead rerem tubsenp mu ax La stodm. No. U, #y*r VAAfoif] UQ0-4 FMIf Am -'i* Mr Caaajbeil withdrew bia trotiio to poatpone Garter. lUxan, and we quote isxles of fair at Bscoll fc Moore's, or hy alilrsteisg Igl. V|)i Ui**;r I»r *.n: .:r y •• b John Bowman, James Shdl, Wni. Vallen itig'aam. oticu contiuur* licu'cd, with light slock* on Unnd, and $t 7ag$2 5'J f head; rr.mmon wher* I wa* ha'il. hu* Foot- wUo UeJiAiA a-.t:DA% v-0^ until iLc j»d of March, but aaid be ftifeWitw, vu- ita roncideratiiiB The Lord Mayor of T.ondeu ha* given a gnmd $1 jO } lira. $7 CO per J. D. PcPf-'AilO, No. 25 I dihw i; tA«?ayp». coot il M Major alias Worihiiigtoii, Jamen Rothwell, N. J. Ba*- Ihi- w !» of two lots, about 75 bale" .Alabama, low loid- $&3 heml. Broom* street. prAAioiitt Awar :r4 r s. .. ^ ^ .ft wood! reaew it if Mr. Orr'a aotioii to pat off tlte baiK|uet. -Amon^. those is-nt wtre Is*rd Cardi- h p ler, McCaudb Morris, Kniii.; York, Dec. 3, 1353. **TJOW do yoa do. DoctorT* Doctor haweyoir politely Sam. , Wm. A Morris. dliLg, at7)v, 7’.,nndC.-. Sale* uf batting ut 119 It.So. Cwtj „ i, „ _ CUAik»r gf tidl -IA. rk^ s:«.'UI PAn« Pfr -c. A, 4 V ''k A Parrish A Wilson, John C. Lone, W. J. \Viij;hi tiie areoTted number*, With 5 |»er cent oj to tl.e trade. The moaey market is ess.er, and Banks arc mors Li *rsl u tarpntsd the doctor can aot cu * h.s cough, sad locjoe- la ii«>;lArAp AOd i^ibA# h/tRe-n 'uxh «Lr e A > mrlmto Btenaagc. etnbBKi sm. ha-r ou my head, u'hor* it Uvl becu bald fur fivs yean. mend* k;m to try Bryan's indictments for foloiiv. their discounts. There is PuLcomc Wafer*, soyiwi sSe *!- to * email rate* uf Manilia C'lrd- no difilcnlty in neqot-at;ng first «xt W A4dre0»0U *’'rk. Mr. On- replh'J.Uial Mr. Ca»«^n cSoald be the Sir Charles defended himaclf, and bitterly at tacked CORDAGE, Ac.—Wequ de C FaaRxRD. way* umI thtm a her fam.iy, and myarao.y with rood soc- Sam. McHugh was diac'uarged. end in the case of clir* paper. Exchange on the East t 7 ilkoi* Wtk to39^. I - T'oiftid- ;-^ remain* unciwaged. roie Diirtnr •ays. Mat Bwa to cMB|daiB, considering he wanted to tbe Admisiidratioo. s, al ISitJOc; sales of Oiled aud Tarred Conlacc at 13k 15c Dsgnerreofypist.lOT Brui-lwav “I am setofiiab, d at a hidy of vour u t supply stanluig the C.mimonwealth vs. CT.cilui TallK>t I'rorccutioii h a equal to the dcman.1 at eac per cent pre- Rsmgaq :;-ckB.*l.c.*#." “Why. Oertor’ |- no aatwaigt; to a day a hea U coaU not be V- It . SrJes of Buhng it -mp ’Tw,u5 at ll'eluc from atores. paetpaae the The Bahk left Liveepool on tlic afternoon of the sight rhet ks New York, March 10. Ik>l. q^g ms$ we- the prmona qaestio'. I’iick.1,3 Twin- we quote at 3j'k30c. W. Ili'BD;— .A'tor o^^irfim ;y carry liiea la th-u debated, aiel demande lOlb. la the following cates nolie j/rosequit were C a hxl'lnessof sight years,rO'ir Hair poekrts, they ai-way* do en Star Candles, in lots I know thffi propnffitor. rraalUd in 1 1C against 77. CANDLES.—Sper.u CaiiJ’.ee. uonei Rcs'orer ha*f-il!y :*»:nroi| sa p i Louis •pur preut liatioa hil paw. the resident 'c oi jrctktn to the ron- There is nothing of importance fiora the Cri- — A W. C. Hi lb;— I hay* thoronghly tested your WEKSbLV EDITIO.^ ketwe^a kO.OOO John Haudolph, WatkiiiH A Juni-s, Mary Aftlick, BANK NOTE Hair Re- vU.VPPED II.ANDB barrels $1 Oue$I 10; turd kege iad50 cn<-t, Vtritiiiia Basks on cTsry hva-J whciv I tried it. cor* coape and roaghaa** of tbe s-ia. , aothiog is belter tkoo • .n er, llr.-iry M. Mill-;ir, Edward Filzhugb. " >4 tt*It A broiOMiereeoui hW'i.oe.i. -a<40 »-e giivrautso* o/siiwhvU/ftlTwh-) Sheet . iig;a )4 .s DOMESTICS —We brai of sale* of Caunrilon ILiuk !'!1’ H Raim's CoM Cream Botr tt-> It 'ifto* f'bri .-,-.ara.-fiarA by John Rnaaell and Clarendon, were V|k )(, dis Pars M. D. BM>am> sahvcnic 'bo* th,,Tlibv mV. reCwee Aa f-id .-.-r;-.-r 1 Suite P br.OD'fo .oiann Eanks R.ATMONT> ‘ Cominonwealtliainonwealtli i Whi.eiing, Penn .VtiE*, Banner Mills, aud Anchor h ATTRirS ' ‘ hetoBf-cr aaeet at o'clock. i-Hsivelv .sent ) 'd ftdis tf>c;rt;,e;r moAejrtooey ‘‘.r*-,r i- —.ir«... ir -u fc lor "'is lo'etoa!:ti’0fr#s! -tmr.7f •$ 'Tbc House wiU U »u>\ tor hy the (,'utvn. Michigan Kroih* Formerly of the University of Berlin, Prusnia. OtiAn 74 Foartn street. va. V all a* t>!% ccu--s,and ui'i sut som.e other hraiul* al S'.r. -- m 5 dis IMs^iitosj.) areAfY> MTAsopa AABOW*w« : >4*; .*.. .1.; .<.. luo 'c-it AOdVkfcooitfcg 0^uf ih* Tlic Hoaae tbeii went iuto coouniitce, and took np Al: foilmi to form a cabinet, and when Palmciston Northern baiik of Mississippi..,. Boston, Jen. 30,1351. 10 d.s hub ree 1 at,, ; f ‘h-j P Hobbie, ) r LATHERS AND GENSENU.-5,33Ci1h< KeailLira et J3o Eichaugn ituntt ot WiuhjigVin !'. : bilL W, F. -T'isreisa liolv - - the Civil aud Pi|ilnMati wa* called in. they succeeded. Clio O.S Ilcno; liw j w-ih nia rr.at bsd lost Bishftp SpaldisgN Pomtive a.-raagen:. « . — *! uiado fce cebtr l,lndl Ucuseug IPa'dv. New Grlean 1 Lrjixs .Ri.^elUii«a, % ' ..pare d:s ba;i>astrou, '''-st.:,-. .1 . Mr Za'icrs moved, aa an ameudmect. tbe Freaoh Canroliert report* the death of Captain* Boulter Tliis was an indictment fi r larceny. The defend- Mi-»f>nn P.anks most ot her hair, and that renumin: wn i f„4 falling off. bh* • FRUH".- t mallnceipts.am) we quote appies .trim •par« (111 WORK pecaUarty *. lied to Ibe rimes -Jw6 imurj. hpoilBtioe bib, just vetoed by tbe i‘ni-idc-Bt. and CaKtleanan, during tbe sortie ny tbe R-iasians ent wa.s chiire-cU w itb having stolen fi-oin a man by DRIED Kealucgy Bank* coirmancod ns.ng your Hair Restorer, w hich at once Ylra. Noaih-eorik. G.-acr GfomwmA, Mrs. Drml- " park dis stoppo-l \ Jluwelta-cea.-’ceoipnsiBgBeT.e'irs, at *1 liOkSI 75 tor bngUl quarters, fiuin the country, re- Sooth Cai'olina Bans* Esenyt aad Lec- «*. -Yfary Irviug, k.lsAa L- NvBamr. ,kll«* out of order. the nr.nie ot Wuitx, a of the value S7,in falling oil, uresOB Tbe Cliatr drrtdrd the smondueBt ua th" night of tbe 14th. hog of No- '« d;s tt* aud a.thc/U$h *uo has been tu a: it but six Historcnl. Thaftwed and Marvil^ n- 3uh- Carey H-.r* Vici'-rta eatler, 0. u-oimtul at North Carol a.* Hanks tail sale* at *1 909S3 Peaches $1 5C4$t 75 • -I « 1)9 dis Jr^^» J- SPaiding. D- D-. Bishop ef lommville. Mr. Zoiiers a|iBraM, a«d on tbe appeal aa ani- It was n Tvionsly rejwrte*! thet MenschikolT had Vi iiilier, 18.54. He ph-ad not guilty. The pioof Tennessee lUc>ts weeks, a now growth of hair hs«spr'iug uu acarl.v oa* incii b'fcisity 3>r>s. aisil w mow .-I 81 dis ^ra# pub.:*b*rs take great F biisfael for 7,, acd $3 35 fur 13g planar* in eraieatmg this new faittr.hutor. in wideb Messrt. >iaotir, Rol- uoiihakrd. tended to sliow that the hog of Wuitr. wai found in U.-uik of East Tennriwe la length. B. r. 3.5 atated debate amae, gone !.] i . Txtlor, J Merchant, Hanover st. hook to tho ‘ 3 « 3 dis pubTic, hav.ng every eoofidone* tbas it will FEATHERS -talei of prime Iota in slupp.-u; order at Alr.hamn Banks .;fchOee aaair or »«, :y! . ».'-L.-cS2 i lers. Taylor, of Ohio, Chandler, On, ciuvi-r, of Mis- Tbc Uuasisnsare conslant’v makirg e.irties. piiHsesrion of difcmlant, yet there was no proof iu- <9 3 (i;s Burton. meet with a sale conaMaenrat* with ita merits. Mobile Htuik *,'..,1','.', Jan. 50. t$54. Thwr are SZdiSc. Commoa feathers range frum25to3tc. . 8 il thoroughly e..aviecwl that tb*e W*ar«"*w .. ;M.-a .ig v Noveiot hr Uraoo iputed. .Supplies tfoilnced to show that be came into that po.--se.iHiun « 3)6 s W. I w»* tTo'itileJ vr.th w the mest imooetaat work " eo«ii.a^ otbom panic ate reaching tbe hri'^idi camp in abun- F.a*teni Stales' Banks C. IICRD;— biildncit for three ’ ’ .psr« 1 d.s (roovidsnB' the bew *nJ rimtmttawctt) that baa yet been Or*eawoud.e.'- ; I u- 't rttr*« . '.i coarac of bia reatarka, atrongly i loniously. It sermed that tee pri.*on«rei ' ' !qkl prem.orem. : TwentyTwrn'i'v "v’ri'n. mx, nv It does, u-.'r.-*-. rl- nf 'utr*,. eacnrod'tbe Eupifity foraaB'.uig ofi tbe debate on tlic English L.ugn.-'ge bat very little, and when ar- only supplies fr.m Ihe edy mills, seU sales of good flo'ir | Francs $5 os J. S>:x5Diva, in aplaio, caim acd dignified s*r's all tbo avgr.ru -u d*D*al;T. .rasa; .s The eiege work* are advancing. ^veri-igus 85! - — $4 Jen Tnalers $7 00 principal euhiecta of cealreveisy bolwsea «w-t I p*pai saeo - oatu but " j'ri4r Frn. - a :ne *:vi .wv.;g. by - e the veio, aad said be woaU roouer that all of tbe reted by the watchmen, an intcrpriter was called in, liirough the wee's havo ranged from $8 75 to $8 90, and $9 Oo TeaGojlders * Cnrner Friend sod Hanover stroots Catholics The army U stiil *'u kly. S3 9UCiS3 other*, which a.* now agitating ine couatrv. Ut.1 5'Stliigmv5ird Coolrihm- bilk diouid fail aad be lui for a aew contradictory- statcj cn's were made by defend- for choice m lots. Sa.es in lots of extra at $9 35. Sales ef Hurd's Hair Rstturer i* sold at One Doil.vrpor Bottle, The work tw N.>. ' >-.• appropriaUjB The night* are fro.sty, with fine and tuDJ day*. and by m put up m baadeouae *tyl.,eeiitmfclng* 8W pnemi fc’a bra* also mad* ui wsemea's for short watchmen through th; ir interpreter fine flour at $8 CD. Wheat we quote ooiniualiy at $1 G5'ic tho principal dealers large oefv'. tu b* eabil* i The latest cOl nJ despatches from Kaglau are to ant to the as to all in Drugs and Ms.liciBa*, and by AFTER.NOON N,il,ES. Price $3 25. Po>tag* ’* any pert ef th* Cnise-I Smtas, 4b ^'^t'XcHioa of the Chair wat final -iirtaimd. how h? came in possession of the hog. Tlie Inter- $1 78 per bushel. Bs'.esuf 3,500 bushe'ia corn, m racks al Fancy Good* Mcrchan‘.a throughout the wond. The Omr ids Statere. aad Tiie N afcufc'u Will; tbc SOtfa and -J4lh. B^halln-Je to the improrctucut WCBB. GILL fc LEVEstlNt; " roae, ai.d the Uouae not pres nt in c urt. The 75e; small sales from slores at 88c for shelled. Sale* of . OFFICE or THE LOUISVILLE fc* Grace GreoBwuod. aoihor at "Gre-^=7X^^-J Lseoss The conimiuoc aooa after in th'“ weather, and s;;eaK* cheeriDgly of future preter was coonsel for COURIFR , .Agents.—Wilson.Starbiril k Smith, Louisville. Knntiirky 5«1 Mma etiwm. ^ Vtgb.NEsoxi Krcnino.Fetiraery 'Kspsaml Mi.T hae*. ' fce court to all l,350 bushels • at* at iHiktUe. bales of 3,808 buhhels of 3tst. j prospec!*. I'he Rtler resume our work defendant moved the exchnle the state- Johu D. Park. Cincnnsti. Oh o. nlS dfcw6m mvs “we Also, the : -Meorrac sUifctiomi eoalnbotiasur— the interpreter coru meal, rulicg price SCc. The Prevision market is isimnltd, and holders OLDIIA.M HOl'^E FOR RERT. Waobikutok, Feb. 19.—SaaaTi. pw debate before the town with rcn« wid activity." Tlie i«are ments which come through from the of Mesa — “Now St ric* i,f hvo.clia*. ' bv i’afcar F '.-a. smshar quote small sales of baled timothy f. om stores Pork have advanced Ihe price to $|3 00. et(!r\ Thiswell koownsad popn'ar waa tarther contianed oa tbe Pacific Railroad bilL jury. The court over-rnled the liiotiou, butinstructed HAV—We We hear of a tale •atabirabmont is Me* Leave*,-' ronfercBce ha* not yet commenced at Vienna. LEt¥eTduSE YOU ! ’_::t “Tvr* o;Ter»l fur rsot. Being ' ' cf UObarreis to a lot at eea-TallT Incated, on bfark*t Moaws. Botler. Oeyer. Pearce, bewarfi. dfason, the’jury that they must be satisfied tbe defendant at 85c perb'judred pounds, or $17 GOpot too. Tho stuck it dote 813 50, eosh. T he advance in '•tlgrit. ;h-; Soman. \ NovuiFjbean^ e?** rh* *t:V by Franoe ha* *igai&-d her wdlingnc.v, to negotia e a JEtillt. street. between Bruek ami Fievd, veitbiu I *»M square ' eolfee IS maiutBiard,ei.d the market P you have a bod Cough or Cold, or nay Pnlamiiary Affer- loct OI Sp.rt-uiitsm. " filra, BUfcuoo. sutLog i ta* C%aa«, Evaas, lirUaiM othera, whesi at a late boor Prnssia knew the English hngnage well enough to nnder- light. closed firm at quota Ol IU. Lonumlis ami Franklort Railrowl Dooot To aay Heparat." treaty with pnviJir.g she covers -Wlep tlt s r,- . UetiM Pirxaiae.'’ fce. tions. W’e also note an mereased activi'y bju. tos procure a b-Htle of Beiiueti's Indium Caagh <»e wi|BiiBg to aimage Ib* knsw.esa. mo tfarquaatioB the bill paaaed. the statements made by the iuteipreler to the HF.JIP—Re-viplt of new crnp,fromthocountrT,wilh aalca m the Tobacco m a r*r* chaaea will be r. " woBtakaa and Vcaa the san e oUigations of l>«.-r«-mbf-r2nd. rtand ".Naagy Sciwya. or th* ' hr:- : i , SJvsr Lmsag A market, and rule Bn Instill, and use it. It is unduuhtely tho best Cough remo- odered. For lurtherpartieul-iss. bcut* ef 34.Ba.Vk 21. watelimen in order to attach any w-eight to them. of 17 tons at prees mnging from $ICii to $110 per ton, as pnees higher thau our previous qaotatione’ Ncrv^ei, hy ^lary trying Tbe f-eling in ComUanliDoj'lc is strongly in favor ;lt JA.vsr 14. A SHR.9DSR with sales to-day at dy now befiir* th* publK. A ui ,-ist. but bv OOIO--V* ’,*'*t .resa t'o* fbeme^ng aa4 Tbe Senate tbea weal into exccotivc aeasioB. and Tlie jury r tired and found defendant not guilty. paid by manufactuior.s.' the warehouses of 05 hogsheads. Th* of peace. Holland and Denmark ore seeming to a It almost powert'ii pefcft Ihe roet * own sAriaAxaoBfctnbuflcr- defendant. weatherii mild sad pieaesat. IS astuni«hiDx to witness tk* roadmess and rer- apon '.iaag adp>amrd. joint western alliance. Siiear and Gieene for HIDES AND LE.ATHLR—Sates ot green hides at5c‘4; INOI.V.N.A ST.kTE RTOCX -MOTKY. ainty with winch it relieves CougUs and Cold*, no mailer VI VYV, Story ot Ufo'* YlyaMry; aa Sorrrtary of BUTTER Sales of 6C8 lb* Indiana ill Joba Appletoii wa- eonfirmed Le- Eight Au-trUn merrlumt Hbi]H< were fired into Commonwealih ) llemlcck Tanned Sole Leatiiir at 31c per Ih. A lot of dry — Batter at 2fc. wet** the Stat* Stork speew rartefc Baoks, amt bow sever* they maybe. There are many in thie oitv who W*-* fo .Mrs. D K N. .u- 'iikwotsi. luSfcor of “MaifcN.* 4; ' Sales vT the follow.ag Socoad Claao Bauka aZpar.lor $ao*^ Emma gattoBBt LmAou; Mr. C-ox.nf Ohio, wee confirmed the Ra.-vdans at Austria has vs. > flint aad laitsd Kentucky hides at Sc, cosh. Sales of OCERIES— of 25 bags Bio coSTe at lOV^c, 55 bags at by GalaU. demanded ha-e denyeJ the greatest benefits from it aAsr haviag >ised our rejular pneei; “-rh* Lost Matreru 'fffce fce. as o(^ Legatina to Pent; and Mr. Atkinann prime flint hides at lie. et 10He,and3ie bagsat lo:$aiOVte. Sales of 38 barrels new an explanation. Henry Hannin. y xher preparctioas to little or no purpose. siug!* bottlo Agncultural Beak. Mt. Stertiag:’ la mki 'u.a to tha above pr-r li xrragi eaaOibNMfcs, ma at A waa couflniMd a» Thirl Auditor, ia {ilacc of Mr. quote- Uiciasses 33c; 350 bbis cld at 31c, and 35 bb'.s at Uo. Bank of Fort WayM, Fort WayM; tba!l endeavor to keep -lo o.ir lamwt vasnkp ot OziMMd Tbe Kirl of Ijicon ha* lieen mcallcd from the com- This was an indictment for larceny. The defend- HIDES—We Salas It often sufficient to cur* thro* or four persocs. of 165 hhds sngar at 4)*, end $c. Bank of Roekport, R ekport; Shetufca* and Latter*. Ptcluras ofef L i* m our4«BNftour4«BNftFbr-Tor- Brent. mand of t le cavalry in the Cj-imea. ant WKH charged with the felonious taking of a couple Green slaughter Sti— cents 4H- 4^ Just g,ve It s trial and I will assure you it will do yon good Ba,;kef Sooth Beml.frioth BcimI; e.ga Lirv's. Ct.oses Svieo ;0.ve f.uoi i,l -oureesL -bMilsuia to Dry 10<313 rents FLOUR AND GRAIN—Seies of 50 barrels superfine Bank of M AaBiKOTOK. Fell SO.—SettATt.—After the Ihe Fultan inteDds to raise a national voluntary of pair of pauis belonging a man by the name of Missouri aud you Will have no neoe^s.ty of retorLag to other med;- PerryvnUe, Portyi vinc; ra, ,kr-ici#»,f;*BOial .New*. Kuau.r qi .VaiedMeL Wwror ot flour at to 90; lit bbla superfine Delaware Countv tranaariioa loan. Bndue, of the value of S5. Ilcfcndaut plead puthy. DiySalted ItKstl cents aad extra et $9 OOAS9 25. Ban^ 5loaci*i the Pr.dBee and Sfcck Mv^vh-. . Beak Not* Lmz, HiteemSs^ of sook uDimportaat ba.4Deo< a dio*«a- omes. PHILANTHROPIST. Great Western u Sales of 106 busiisis oate at 60c, and 150 Bank. -rerT* Haste; se.. fce .—OUT bieci bj.ag stve a oomplale Sauaod. a* for inspection of the 9«ll t ent* bushel* et 55e. aioB aroae uetweea Mikcia Renjaatin and Seward, Exchange at Com-lantinojtlc has risen to 141 piae- The jury, n;>on goods, thought Diy Flint Sold by most City Druggists and Country Merc', ants. fenntiag'oa County Bank. Haunag'ts7 '.eest ;wo wre'xiy—.taa ol bb iBHiuufm, smd Yoik. regarliiq; the bill providing for the carriage Abdr! Kadvr asked for t lie command of the African jurisdiction where the article stolen is of less value Soles, city tanned, at ,36 to 37 cents. of 3I0 bushels corn meal et New York Stock Beak, Tinremwe; ta- other I'f a homoroo i ebaractar found defendant guilty Country do, at 33 to 38 cents. lOc. of peekeagera in ateaaa and other vetaefa. troops in tbe Crimea. th u 4, they- not as charged Tippecaau* Bank, Wmanmae; rbe pae t sxe ou 'he I'aet aar part of 'h^ Umtaft ftaeo*, Sales of CHEESE— 85 boxes fin* at te.^e. Vppor Ifir abash Bank, Wabmik; reart, it ifca lir ('atk amae to make a penioiial explanatioii in T'lie Engiiah miMuunaries 'in Poland are ordered to in tbe indirtxent. As before remarked, thiPinailcst is aniiiialed, and aa ad- RCCEIPT.SOFTI1E pBHl qnareriy or ra aJvaao*. eAr^.'VaBBfc * Sales of W sree Pauk, Logansport; .1 only 3$ asB-s a year. territory. vance isestabbshed in many of the leading articles Groee- CANDLES— 60 laaekogt* Star Caud'es at l*c*tv*.l. relation tn Lord Clarendon ’a apovcb ia Varliaaiect, leave tbe Russian 4 m ^ LOUISVIIiLE WKEKI.Y COURIEK, Wayne Bank. Commonwealth ceuts. Riehmomt. Surgls ecsr, $$*ve*r r.rs cud Provisions. We subjoin the sales for the week, TEH50.— i a which be ha: declared the alliance of Prance not It i< said that tbe Ein)>eror of France will take va. > FOB THE WEEK KNOINB FBBKOAIY 21sT. Wabaak R;r*r Bank, Jasper: BEANS—Saietof 1C barrels whi'-e beentet 4 C*-.'.** MMbsbm •- operations on t'ue Rliint-. which will givo a more mtelUgtble review thso a mere sum- $3 3MI83 50 R Do do do, NewTtlle; “ only perfect, but a iribinatioB of policy with re- command of the army Welling. TaylonmUe . 00 Jas.Burdine, f. m.c. i G $4 0 " ( .Aad one to ue‘.'c- op t.f Ckfo.) Id 40 bushel. Do do do. Now CorTyrioa, '' -iry uf our transuctiona la those highly important cuiriiiit- Cox, Ashbysburg 1 35 “ paid both beni'ldirrcc. Piinee N'apolean ha« arrived at Paris. m. 8 W all other IJ f Aad uira to getter Uv oi daeq) 1$ Oi U indictment for atealing various arti- And 8’oek Bank*.*’ Mceats on tlia dodar. * This wa.* an 5'RUIT, lie — ..,.Hl . 150 barrels do at 33ia23c; also sales of Provisions ales of bbis •« 'j. * whsa ro- ttrdy denied Mr. Cam' infereiioe from Lord Ciar- molasses at 34*i35c, and 55 — no Mass Porh at $13 50 J P Edwards, Plssseut Grove I to PZ'BlalC I^PSampi* Iluauera ers'.A amy afce, It ia aaid that the operations fur an assault is Riley and >imr for defendant. .NOTICE. at 4)4e> cash; 33 bbla M. O. at $13, and 11 bb’s Boberie. New CatUs 1 it qaestad. •ndoa'a lungnage. atfhmd in the Monte of Lords completed. 50ba.Telsold at 30c. Sales of 38 hlids sugar 40hhds Rump pork at $3 CO J W The Grand Jnry returned in<1ictnicut8 agaiuHt the at Sales of 200 tc* lard aad 300 ! H M Rucker, Pan* 10* ^TTo EbiTBRS —Bdhervwbo g v* tha ab eea ana aaar- npon wtacb Mr Caaa ooBsatented a year ago. It at 4HS4*fc, 4«bhdsat 4)4'C5c,Bnd 23 hhds 4V<44Vn. bbis R'lmp Pork al p. n, t. Sale, The Rawian army is in want of supplies. L 51 Downs Olnwei’vOap 1 08 tioa, cro^Bilea** laemat"- al ;osu, u of ,1, (tha aasicu following jierrons, to wi ; of 149,000 fl'S bulk shoulders frcni salt Wednesday, I4th— at 4500 pieees aboaldars. and T 8 aaa be eotit ad eg J Parish, Ureckviil* 1 afoastraasal su aauc* Henry Baker, James Jones A M B. Geiger, COO piece* sides at p. n. t. G 10 coprof th Eaatera qneatioa, bat extended to all CharU.a 68 half bbis new Slo'.a>o*s at 34e. ItO hhdt 5 Sties of 268 barrels old Mess GEM »E COD LIVER OIL, It is rumored that the Zouaves have mutinied and 9)tX'JS4iD*4. G £ Gaines, Bough and Ready 1 tO fit ot Taylir, f. ra. c., William Keese, Allen Conu, Fred. 5*. Pot k at $ 11 50, OD 90 days. parts of tlic world. 400 Iiave been sent to Constantinople. Sugar at 4)^1*;. small sales R fato.Cvn-.re P. O.. . 150 For C'on^nniption, Scrofnki, Ar. Haurer, Jacob, a sUre, Hamilton, a slave of Fish's, Seles of 42 bbis elorerteed st T S Aialiiu, Fraiikim I td Mr. Caa* aaid tberewas no adanadei standing the is doubt Thursday, 15:h— SEED— $7 35a$7 50; 100 Tbe retreat from the Crimea leu incorrect. he late firmnf RnshUMi, Clarb It Co. dtssohred fur murder. bushels stripped blue grae* et H VaugUn. Fairview 4|0 boiac "KmiCMY FE3I ViiT L^S^imTE. aMttnciati'rf Heaaidthatit ataoautedto a tlireat GRtK'ERIES—200 I gs RiO Coffee at 9t-3c, previous sn- $t 00; 160 busUals orchard bv the death of L. An apology wm made to Omar Pacha and he J H .McCorm ck, Morganfteld I M T W. Raei-i.ra. (tbe oaly Rovaiaa of intervetitiooa, the Ti-esday, 20. 35il bgs do do at 9 5-Cr: 375 do do at 9 3-4c; 19 tres grass at $1 75. Hairods'uurgh 3 ever coaoected with fli* firm.! their Geauias C'll Liver Ol armed aad avowal of a pur- his reidgnaiioB. Feh. ca^rment; R P McGrath. Ot I withdrew Wjllm fUrnre be only Sugar at VHISKV—Salesof 100 ba-Tels raw D Scott, Wipchrstor 5 ot prepared by HEGEJI.kN. CLARK TIIK K.kCX'L, I'Y. pose to enforce the view a of England and France battle, of E. Ha 1, E. X. Refiiird Sugar at 7 l-4c; 5uhbds 4)tc at 3Cc. and 35 barrels i here is a report of a on an attempt tbe Coinraonwt alth vs. Thos. B. Moat-ly. a nolle pro* R Davis, Somerset z 80 k GO.. Burriv ng portaers aad sole sucreseur.. It was Mr. rteufied st 25c. C M.rs -V. -ar.,;*. Ml** P. 1. Fuller aayiuderiendeni nation 36 do at 1 5-Oc; 50 do at 4 3-4c; 46 do at 5r; 16 bblv St. to P»')*^trsLs.-- M. npon which abould deciiue Russian.^ to cater Dolii-udiH;ba. ITtere is no date %4 V: Hsy* fc Cooper, office I Clark who waut Newfonndiaad to sapor. atamj ;t* tmtmn- eqitie was entered. 58 - .1* .** '* )t Failer. fhclure. is the blrtic auo Psi*Ti.vo . to areept thdr doulde dictatorahip. He believed James Kef d Loaf No. 4 do at 03-4c; l.lCObbIsnew Molasses LF..AD—Bales of 1,500 las raw at 7){ia. O W Ga.oc>, Uioagb aad Ready. 3 8* and ho ooly dtaggist wha ever wont from ihe given Commonwealth i A!-vt-*TxaT TXS-.HIE.* - O Bee; f-tivrr. HMB R J Ly b. 8 aurttord 3 08 Uniteil Sia'es for that purpose, and as ho will coat; aa* :ua it to arrive); 35 hlf bbIs do do at 24c. A -rt that waa biednty to warn bia rottatrymen, as aoch Tbc Boasian forsea on the fi-oatier* of Auntria a! 33c, (one 'houstad TOBACCO—Th* To aero saaricet has tomewhst surervis oa of tliat braaeh ef M ,*a.3di*a H L y. vs. > impntred W G been, N«w Castle I 80 our bna-Mse. wo will warrsnt Puor A.*. ,\»r Ls'.iiv.iii -Mr » E. apooc* a menace might d^’y effect onr own interret and .uterior. Fr.day, ICth— this week, with talea Wednesday al warehouses PvkiB 2 00 our Oil pur* ai.d goauiaa; aa eaecose la im ase Jepemla have been ordered to retreat to the Ja.«. Daugherty. > ef 35 hhds JGwyu, 1 » -M' rm-aia. up<,B Its purity, be partieolar to see that ths Ffcor Mod- a.v Clareodon's Seles of 105 bags coflfee at O'g-ilOc. at prkies ranging ns W T Haekin, ik-uta Haaove I 00 e.-aatare ef honor, Atl^d vindication bad, bow GROCERIES— Rio fol!ows:-$$ 10, $4 45, $5 15, SI 70 $6 Vocal. .M'.SIC — ttr. tl. G tk a .jpi -. Ti ls was an indictment for slterine a bill on the J Hin-per, Lancaster It tu Hegemao, Clark fc Co. or Riu itou. Clark fc Co., m ovar ever, LATEST. at ami 335 bags 9\c, Sales of 375 09, 7P, disavowed Mr Caaace <'onatruc*don, t e Sona- 105 hags 9>f«parum*ai. KortbemKank of Kentucky from a $1 bill to a S20, $6 Mr Oa.ne-, Port Royal IN tor iasned proclamation for- 21c, 050 barrels tu 15. hven using t’is Oil of other ntakoes withoot eaccess. fiwm Michigan looked elaewbere for a eoluUnn Queen Victoria had a barrels now molasses at amveat 33c; also S5 35. S5 50. $5 35, $5 35. $5 40. $5 70, H Lewis, tiowet Spring* ... i8 havo >. r -.Laatra. Pltaai* Oo- same. Defeiidiuit $5 75. $5 P5, $5 D 6 eadiag. Are.Uag. I :.B.?u sr and attempting to pass the plea'l Di’Jtedo-ii been restored to health by tltopore <'il of aor mannibeiure. of tbc good andcretanding the Rritisb, at or abroad, send- barrels new at33r; C54 barrels old at 30c; 35 bar- P Wngbt, I tt la.vio ; i. ;.io: s c„.;,.aqpfcy, V loal which now exieta be- bidding home from sales of 45 i0:S5 35. $5 35. $5 30. $4 I5J$6 M, $5 30, $7 45, $6 80. 87 [r.rticularin ^apby, Lolids not guilty. The bill presented in Court evidently Pune, 'ta row Buue 13 It Be urdenag atpecify Heuaraaa. Clark fc Cm, as-e* at 35c: 30 half barrels W J tween tbe AUiCk On the 26tb of December last, ing Uie enemy amnnitions of wax. rels plantation mo Elm Hall 45. SC 80, S4 10, 84 95, $9 UQ, $8 15, $9 00, $8 10, $1 55 as itwa. Mr. Clark. aoi Rnshtou. wku bus S'lpenamaded 'changed frem a bill to a !^2U, but it wa's H (iriham. Roc* Havrn . 2 M .kcafteatle DeparzaMM. had ix-cn SI Its manii fisc* are. sicea the French Eaiporor,in hm addreac to the Leguslative Tbe reiKWi of the mutiny of tbe Zonavc* is re- sngsriiousedo at 36c; 35 barrels dost 3Sc—total, 15104 barre.a and $9 It5. J H Tutt, CampbellsbarLh 3 10 and Mr. Uua .ion's deatk, tiier* ha* * r ' n; .i. u ,, G imp iimtiia. PbT*.a.*o- not proven certainly that it was the same bill which been a Rashtoa'* Oil latrodoeed. RaaJ.au. kw’- ' I. ported, Sales of 35 hhds segsr at 33 hhds at R A G.bney, NK-hnlssvilie ... 3 te which m aM ra aay way Cfanmbera.a.sked what firmer bonus coaid there be together wi h a hatile of the Tui-ka aud the and half barrnls. 4*fc; i,u’..ii'*» • I i;,*to.-v, pfcy. ’riSfc bram- connected with Rnshtim. Clark k Cu.. t. s uulv represeata- uiar. Gis am defendant had in imesescien, and &Uem(ded to pass. F Deweus, laixiagton . 4 00 tbea.- 35 bl.ds *t 4)%i-; 34 hlois at M*p*.V"Ca; H-i-.r than bearing tbe name of ‘*Vict ' Kama's Bcr Of tbe gi ’‘twrtows jtotuiM ." of tbe disensaion CvmmonweaTi.h 2Jtt'*-i3; 538 do old do 51 26c; 1-0 hhds Ori'cenes—Aotire; 300 hhdt W F Daub, DobbviUc 4 0* LLCOTK.S POROra FLk-»s Pork—400 b'olt mest pork sold al 813.50; sidet 8)$. We au- tbornod wboigsai* . . 9 -IU Laid darendan. jecl This was an in-iirtraeut for larceny, cr — le we entertained. A fow .ream aince, in commrntteg rived h) re morning from Havana Kry MTi at, po8B0ii--ien of defendant which Ludlow identilied as 3-4 iiositive proof es to bh laUii g Tuesday, 36th— MolskSrs—2tc for new. G Bargolv, Cana Kpnag IN T Latta. Greek amt Hebrew, veeb per quarteU 9N C Bussy, lliiQbard IN ed Cu-partncrahip under th* atvie sad firm of 8. P. Ehck excloM'vu Cloverseed— $6.76. aq , uw ot .eaxoris) pot the oi Eunipcan iutervecti'« frma tbie Great excitement exiated at Havana in uotme- the other bil ». Home testimony was introduced Sal. s of 175 bags Rio cofl'ee at 10\c, an Craw-.ag and Fata', GROCERIES— 1 Ben Elbs. Banlstawa 8N fc Co., for the puapoM of traiwaciiag a wholaaal* bamaesa 7 jO t. plot to qa,ru-r ... eeaainen Gaiaot, in the French Chamber of Depn- quence of the diacove^- of a ai>sa«iaate tbe I IB th* maiiamctariag of obse la all its tending to sini*- that defendant was a man of good 70batsat I0>i..c. b..!es of 155 barrels new molasses at New Tone, Feb. H Weeks, ion, la 3 pO T co various brsae.-is*. 234 11. M. K Ver 0.1 Paint B4 • H at tbe old siaod raceatly occupied by .Kuaeslmaa fc C-i. .9 J J . Um. bannehed a plan of an American balance of CapUia-Generai and bia advisers at tbe 0|>era on the character; yet tbe jury seemed to be satisfii d as to barre.'a old dost 3(')qk3Ie. Sales of bhds Cot t on-Unchanged Hopper, Lancaster 31 Piatoras ... i N 34e; 293 93 sugar onlera hit at their «lor* oh alreut. VNOf — Wright, t 50 $Ath aoar .Main, will b* posrer to ll F'luur—Ha* advsiiced Rtflc— talts of P Uakedom be printed when neoemary, by tbe inter- A iest. his guilt a'nd relnrtK-d a verdict that he should be at 4)«c, sud 35 bhds at K es dull, with sa'e* of 6.154 bbitat $*,54*9,18 promptU fiUsd. They wiU furnishatltbe bramtsaad ptadge Sontd of DitoeWiua. Southern is firm. S Griff, Mendvitle 3M q- al vmUAun of the goverwaicata of Enropiv He ueemed confined in tbe penitentiary of the State for thsmsetves that lb* ty will al all tunas b> eqaoi, if not ii JobBsuc. i Uelph. Jarasof. ipeml. .k. f.. I>on Roman* Pinto, an intimate friend of Gen. two vaiious lots .n tierces at HX^r. Corn— Firm yellow fltk. D Scott, Wuu'hcstar IN Hna. w ; tusK-rier. to that berotsibr* sminfortared 4. H advmbie to mnltipH- in America tlie number of years. Pork— Firm. A H Cnamughvai. Elmbethtowa 5 M ^ M ;-.mlmaa Phni veil. Prof. J La.vrcoo* “asiUi. Aaa TtafcWt Dr T Concha, wa* arreau-d, and oCK) other influential rit- Tuesday, February I3'h— <' Go. .- h Bell, John P V . Nerdham, Carria J iwui H iafiapendont Stataa, wnisb Fraaceor Kag’aiid might 1 .ai d—Unehengrd J L Elbert and E R Smith, Lexingum . .... 7 CO inat. R. K. Logxii aud H. F. Hniith for defendonl. Saies of 300 pieces common nlibed sides Soiic’ting tha liberal patmaags harerafor* extaiuM to- !t*.*i izcDK. tbe 9tli forty oUier* were arrcKted. PROVISIONS -u. . Col *f#. See leers On — VV'uisky—Ohio 35s 33)4P. .M lobnsua, Frsckiia, I* IN Card.K. W U U K WTW claraie or depreua a* nie aore, and tbe annexation warJs Mes.rrxUas m jMhaaN Tbe d woent Gen. Quitman on island with a Andrew Schuman, George Gorer Ida Halerthan, Hay— $20 50 per ton. H''>1 Ii i a* opemUana . He rsaiaiard tbt- conditioTi oi tbe K H Burba, Hudgeurille aaoEiv a BAY »k UH N Nftt 9 I^- force of good men, was very much feared. IS cduesday, I4th Whiakr—31*. IN John Casey snd Pat R-dan, Ja*. Whoten and Jno. I 1 .r years :4. hisa-isa atho r^ittm.o l^aa J T R'.-gcra, HtanniiiqFon, la . A 13 a rgpran Stat a and the KouUi American B'-publioato Cotton Declined l-fitol-3for OM .Sales of I 500 It-s — qualities below .’ Tbe L'. B. ateauicr Prineelon aailed from Key Hannehrn, Thos. Doyle, Peter Ixjftcr, Jas. Quinn, PROVISIONS— prime country mest at middling B A Oglesby, Willi.vmson ON 7HK uadenigaed baying dtspaead of the.r Factory. Ma- ir,.,e. X few wfi te * rr aojs r. raiead.sA tfoed aft tiiat Tlie sal'* to-day amouut<«l to 7,080 hales; oaUbiMh Um poaitkm these L'uited Mataa are 10 middling it liul J T Davis, Gsorgetouti chiaerv. fce.. fce.. to Masera S. P Dick fc Co. bog loav e rraaa A;,piaissu to faJyaJ netorenaiore ic*. mb6th afdsmsaryot 3«msary. MM.IM$. W eat for Pt-nMCoia on tlie lOtb instant. Pat Rurks and Thos. Farley Presentment vs. Jno. 5>fe,hog round; t;eieea caasasssd Imnis to France) a! 9r; changsU. 5 N T tbc oljfsct coDtom. lated B Boswrli, Leesburg 3 to return tlieir tkiuksM ihcir old c-istomor* aud lb* pnbiK, A R D tAdPKTTKR J.P..A C afooM in toe combination. 30 bane’s Mess Perk at $12 50; 35 barrels at rame, on CO days M I'oMa. S E Buniin. VersaiKea for ths Ubraal eatroaa** bsretofbr* exteadad towards as, At tbe Baadwicb Islands their inflaenoe baa been in IN Arrival af the Black Warrior withiu-ercst. ,S Behsutt, aad to lafurm that they eaast all tiBW-sb* Jacob Zapp a nolle proseqme was entered. Lri.:.gt>ra 1 50 them suppl.ed .fOTlUE rwaata nt operation. In Doeihiica tliey tracked the New York Money Market. J B Ward. Ib-iochtsTcr by the BOW firm wi h aay of lit* brands cl Ti bnece prea»o-is- New Oelbaw-*, Feh. 19.—The steamer Black Ti-ursiav 15th IN ^e called was the case of the Com John Davis, Jacks.>nvilla, III IN ly B>a.iiifm-turcd by as. PROVISIONS.— 14 .too lbs prime c o'iatry;mea* from vrag- New Toua, Feb. 31. M. It t!is Jv_-Jr*OB X -Uo . Jai'oatfco lisfc f^ed^MaMy Warrior has arrived from Havana, with dotes of the W H Bara, M tciisllrilie 3 M W e solicit for ear snceemura a eoBtianaace ef tb* palron- rangvmeiH, simply boranae M was distasteful to UK- mon wealth vs. McNulty. M55. voJ --« .V be - «qs lo tol Gia«M Twmga fc, godaal4 1-2; Shnuldert at 5 1-2. It libeu Sides at 6c: Clsar Money It abundant. .Stocks are firm. Er e 45 5-3; Cleve- Ben Kills. Bards'o'va -age heretc>:*,>r.- so l.berally g.ysa us. with aa assarauc* that 15th. IN •(^^ai .deroos cuo .ty fiaia negro is afcuut 21 jman ot two givat Amc-iota rcwulutors. land ai,d Toledo 691-4; Reading 76; N. Y. lerxlers . Tbe Court WMB detained until a Intc hour this Sides at 6 I-8c and 7c Ur Hams; tS bb’.s Prime Central -J37-/ K R Burba. Hodgenv, lie.,.. 3N ol' 'W -at teemlaem will be filledfills with cars sod e-spate*. great excitement there pew militia Country Lard 'If v'4h. and . v There wa* Pfiin Cool Co. 100 J-4; .N. Jersey 13'1 1-3. tt J mskwA ran. five f-ct three iow r. r .ve dnrfc fcommiem^fo Mr. Maaoa fvdiowed Mr. Cass, said E F Uwioys, .fiiienivilie . 18 M MLbSELAIA.N k CO. and that c ve..ing in seloeting a jury to try the case. jury at Sc; 60kgs do doat 0 l-3c; 79 bills - -;i-er compauie wu-e furaaiag. All of tbe Island was de- A Old Mess Pork at $11 50 P H Motlsy, Cia Louisv.iie, Fghruarv 1st. U55. has a scar 'h-i .-h" '.vr ou ] rao hiomght eyfcs tbongb aware hat Lot d Clarendon had the Niw Yore, Feb. 11, P. M. k*vll* 4 N denied was finally empanhelled and a couple of witnesses, SOdajswi-h Intercet. i-hoowKx. - J . .'omv .'or aarJ ->7ov»^r pwiyofc- Jfci i"i’ clare ai astaie uf aiege, and all ports Uockaded. AT Hine», Wo.'dbury 5 00 Slix'k*firm. Monevla unehang*ea. Concha hod sent to J R Westerfurd, P. COGMUeN (act also preaeula Haetf—tliat the EmpiW thu* at 5)9C, on Cu days, with ern huoyaut; 1,300 bb;* sold at full prises. Glasgow IN A. I'.VCMLUS, mlercsr, and 1,342 pcs smoked fiani J Nil. COMMISSION I’ORK apokr afvei Porto RiCO fur more troop*. Corn— Dull. K New Liberty 3N the effect prodncvd here by Lord Clar- at Shiw>.:. on same terms; 7.086 pcs ITadorbill oirect. I oa ifcwtttfc. hy- bulk shonlders Dnm sa'.t Pork— Xrifis higher; sales of 3,000 bbis eld mess at SI3,g7a CCHarlw.ck. Madi.a-inlla t te aadaa a expreamon of the newt of the ^Itisb Cabi- at 4’-^c, equa tocas'j. 13J!0. JC Imwsva. GocaettsTtlla IN Copartnership Notice. H£ OBiieranntffite iv*«0 i*jrme«l a Ibe Ittb lait.. by the Rer H. R*J ford, the Rot. P-'-i Parjaig fcj mmMM aei, and after it wa* kaown that they were believed Varira* lien*. On A. Beef-Firm. T 8 Mahm, b'rankdn 18* iK a r0i*«rM. M^r: Saturday, 17lh— ! I E uador* gnod have ibrmod a coparvaerahip. uader ths T Iko Aakjk Moose Iu Mim .Asxa Hockebsmith, both of tbi* Lard—Unchauged, with a moderate butiac*i do;n:; salat J E Si.ult. n. Had Hill IN Wa aon.'-. v fftTcteom. ioka kr Im to be i,tended aa woida Xrw Yoxk, Feb. 19. —The Marine Court lo^Iay, sIvU of LAWSON fc PE.ABCE, aad will coat.au* the of waiaiag, and a threat. t,\j. Sales T -ts:! fffit oi PEOViSIONS.— of lO.OOC lbs co'intry meat of 550 kegs at 1-8. J Neal, Par* I 5u of SCI*. hU— 9 51^ V Foumlrv aad Michtaery bustaa*s ;a all its braaeha*. at ths Aiamii^ mterpietatio*i* were *ui>tau-,ed ita con- Judge McCarthy, isaued an order for tbe ebIs mass Pork iS $13 53 61 days interest added; Monro* street, between Eleventh nad ami vultcita n ten Joh n Cault. Etq.. of Hus city. of TOO hhds Orleans sngar at t l-3a5 1-2. W R Oweii. Danv.ll* IN txveoiins j m a m dLad tbrvngb tbe coiuaiBk ul tbe Dettrto UMBoiT-'W'.wb .' they should not be committed for « share nf public pat loaaga. JOHN LAW30N. Havana Dt I05t.erces Dudeld’scsavaxted K-am* l»I-3c l.iuscrd J fc Co., Teaemaa . . M . t»nltfort pa; *r* pleaee fopr. ^ packed' 306 011--77B78. Carbsl* 5 W jll dttwxf Lc Mertne contempt of Court, on account of aa article in tliat Turner, JONA PEARCE. ^a^n^pranarad lo afor tha awml fo^ffc *••*••• ';an Antonio, .Isnuary at the 1 Laid Oil—Dull at 80a83. R F Eminen In Veins, on loth, recdsnee Bbis mess Pork e K!*s, of Wsrreu Peauty, to Mitt dlART M. Dt'RHAU.of Bulk Sides from Salt at 5 1-3, equal to cadi; 2 csks shoulders 57-8. Mfclfc eireci, bciwcra Elevemth aad Twelfth NOTICR- Shoulders W M ndmo-idsufri Olive. Ill 5N ni ^ andaviu of peraoBS entering land afternoon. 8iie bed n.>ed every po-and of her coal, U'W ms Ureen. 3-8. HERE 'Moj' qfi.Jh0j.ranl ffigaanyauB^ may be amde be- at 5 1 3c; I do CIearS.de* a*. Tc; 1 do Imrd- 9a9 S Griff, Meadviile LOOISTILLfc. KT. Hams at g I-2e; 360,600 j Ob U'.ttkjcy t4 fuse any proper aathorized and bad procured |>rr>visioiu at a fsnn hoase Sight exeliang* 1-3 to 5-8 d;s. LStran*. Hju*’» T '*La officer, aucu regu- at alley. ANUFACTTREh cf all brad* ef PartaMe, Slaireaary ft* nuW lbs R.L'd S>dc] from Salt at i'ic. 5N Mkk "f J .oJibJeo >*oJ. rvjTi icr >*>*iT»fitc-:afrM Bein'—- Si.np*ouv-.Ue 3 M I to 3* horse pieeer, for all k,nd« M MaanlM' iring. Pub>;k J -uw >6t't5i. UCCft&dw sP|'KlCWiV9|lBPiB^^ acribe without, 6$ now, requirittf them to go to the Commodore this morning still in tbe ice. T T'S' UM JC i .J I* Mo»catine county, Iowa. at;f:e reaMS*nea of b.tc'tus n PROV ISIONS—Sales of 3,000 lbs e/noksj shoulders ForcigB Commercial. lag. Il nsticg end a-.aer purposos; also, ail kiadsef .oksltinu, at »*cM a c.TO-j . \7 Th# aancr land (dfice for that The C. Vanderbilt, wbk-h left re (K.iaia G'l''urt,) James T. (tlLSEV r, on thn 17lh of Jau'j- Aden \kta»d Durposc. TW Ilonas then went h tbia morning ihiC; 10,000 lbs city at k Y-ager. BroMuib'Uo JN Ptillevxand Hangers, aad li»bt macniaery den* to cider aad aali hams 8)io, packed; V casks canvass do Coltoo—Miilifai rerorta sales of ertton for the week at pkf ekAfrrm, kc.,v: wilb be J ii’to ary, of typhoul fever, :u the 33d year of h-a ava W ith il wpatch. committer ou toe civi. and diplomatic appro- with coal I'jid provisions for the Commodore, wa* at 36,000 bales. Orleau.*fsir5S: ^ ’l- aC. TWKjn 13c, 4JI60 ;hs heivy dear sides at 7)»c, packed; 76 bar muldliogOlk; upland fair 5I5: of all kiada at short 1 be liecoesed wa* bora aud ra'aed in ttreckier.eee county, ds r^Kspainag dsoe aetio* aad asrea Ji i i i pnatioabiU. 7'he bfii was disrcsav'd at some k-ugth also iu the ice, as well as a large number uf sail res- mit'dhng 5. The demand ivinurleraXe, sad puces are m favor iifc^or ai ii Mers Pork at $13 JO.csdi, and 330 barrel* at cams terms; eon abl e terms. Ky., and was a me,-uberof the Bapiid Church. In alibis of buyer-. The sales tu speculators lAri U Afrxt. 133 Acrei of IwaIuI. 14 treasury — and3I*33cfur Liu cys, for ne.tr j weur. cos are in favor milex ONE HUNDRED CARRIAGE5I. ryxHE Ufc-ler-gneo, for laao • re-fa iBa a e fqg of Ybi^ own regiiett, his remains wers followed to tb* yrarc by a of buyer*. A from Lou.st;Ua, ogibotk ftide^ o| th# p buiUinga. < tii *9 The rommittoc then rase, and. without oo the New York Ontrol Bailroad atruck yrsterday The tr-ide ;ii the mannfaclurmg districts ottc.L) Tilis I’limptAo I and ...rielor il os.> -j . 'nisa a iifcOBSf LU3IBER—The Joilers iQ ihis ci-y hare established the ha* slightly de- ro*Mlf iitCiu'Lu; the wAli known I. F. STONE, larre nuxaber of tbe Masonic frateruitr, anJ bor.ed accord- clined s.nee 1 arrrn xian*! 1 ey defisitc actioa on ibr bill, tbe liouae ai^anied. fur wages due them. Many of them arc the heads otir la*t. furruArly feccQptad by my father, Hiram Tockt folhiwmg rates; ' xvl -a-ii-oi i , i t a.srsot ii,R to their tolemn and imposing rites. W. Provision*— Dull, the dutnsud fui ford it fair and holder* Tbtt b;jo*. .“oneeTi e-i- mce l as h*ifcU*i8ge j tales furnttare cr- Wc!4ern rpleaM oo|>)r. jl5 y jl to the trade. The demand ter Ai0 too ft'^d^teAblx a»mJ oo;!>i)0(t. ail in neceH^ar.e8 of life. Their claims upon tbe company purkisiair. ft'K^ord«r. T'iC parlor Men v;o JO raral--' when aiiocted. vod orvceadn pfcat or ro- WssassoTOK, Feb. li.—Hr Ciayioa followed, Do, 2d rate jO jo. ^ furD.turA ta all saw; tba ki’chen A't>. CM Main tfreef, near Ike Gait Hoaee, Inlaw City, oa To**id»r, Kebrunnr jotli, Mr. William L. Slo-ks— bod table farr*itArc Mttad $' nwecrvarcoc'I'am u laeiroutna i fooeplly and wa* oppoaed to the acquiaitioa are sail to amoont to between seventeen aud eigh 'There itnn change in eontolsand American stocks m cooU on^ar; ail of wbirh Will ba pul of tbe Kandwicb GkAHT. Do, 3d rate 2* rio. op act! Lofcievtlle. Ky Betmyrag tbuso o« i*fcfoab«tfcnat fcu foe e-fcote-uot ih* teen tbe uaand doUar*-. are firm. said with the koojba and laml m oaa lot. _ lalands, ft waa thought thi* In thiBfi'ij', Common boards ~OULU r'ispeettaily luform hi* oaoln ei m i West. I liTibe f *haU bee* a iramtianeaee el ihs fil fue . •* OM government could on MondiT. Hrh icrt.. Mrs. FeLiZABITH 14 Tbe bullion in tbe Bank of England has m'-rcased X103,- Twrms— . H s-ionrlb in 12 niQoths, oua>fo«!rth ut t yoara, The n irtbern trains detained 0!i0. oue-1 TSfjMS!. sml tbe oublir that he ha* bow la xtor* a w-y IrbsTVliy einfcsd tfc too boeoe beivVft-ta. not honorably acqoirr them sritliout by the freshet ar- Th:rJ riite urth ID 3 y«ra 9, and the balance in 4 y«far«; all to bear the consent of floor.ug 39 jo ard well sseert-el |M ef ' “^^•“”:»rg# CAJliUAGL^ Piaoweor rived this afternoon. Liverpool, I’eb. 9.—The Brokers’ Circular quotes bread- fr''m Ua> of fo»ia, and parional aecantj aJ iJfcwi? H adbDGER. b'si lasid tTben At various wdute tlie water Second rat* do, l’'***^^*^ r*fiMA, only of 1*. 4 W heat— Isai lower. re lias saffered rhiM .in Ann»U. Lawton. arfod® Ciaxence Cuarhee, Slide-eeaC Buggtee Maine ad considers>>ic damage. At yt'ort. Flour—61*1* lower, to effect aalei. I Well, tiusatii d:«r, all tny atock of H«Trw:9. Cattla. W*sniac-roK, Fi-b. *1 . SrKATB—Mr. Stewart, U IRON, NAILS, PIG-IKON AND LEAU-We quote by Frouch Cniasttos, TopBunic* — Wjiaaiugton and North Andover culvert* nave been Corn—Dull and 6d lower Hotra. Wa^on an*l r.uimo: otaa^i'a, all la foud oriar. < ()u TiiWMiUr', the in*4 the quantity as fullows: l^.'jglinnie, No-fepBugg from tbc C 00; 4ds. $5 35ta$5 Lard—Stead V. indlkwi HIRAM >Ti;KEB. is also a serious culv>’rt i>t East Kingston. L.irge Talios—Depressed. psosaiy to itu order.nnd nadov ku parafcnal laspeetum. bv 50. 3dsft$0 25a .AG 50. We quote bsoe conveyed ruck land, shall, within three montlM On tbe 14th mk*. nt ttie of her T'areniit. in La- Teuiies. thobvst maanfa'-tiirera Kant. A'l of which I wii' eoil sit gaiigi of men have been out to work to repair these Kiuhardsun, Spence fc Co., quote Wheat lower. v 3d New b'-i^ copy .|'2 Omnre Kr , IROINIA ADi>ALArc, daufhUr of aM. V ton—a docUiie. Pig Lead we t'j aniCHUit of each aud «hari(0 this uthre. coat aharges tor cneb. or oa short approved pnp*r notify the Keervta^ of the Imerior tberevif, ho that Wm. quote at 7c; liar lead 7\-,t P'aT.ulelph a, Baltimore k Oliio 37a38a.j nad damages, and it it exiircWexjircted they win be so far aa>! KtnilT H. aii;cd9rcttrt aud 8 uuutba. oH dtsr tbe Suti-c' titl.-' iicrvAfter wifi 7K cents. N'lval rturet ftemly. _ United not conflict as to allow trains VALt'ABLE PVBLIC SALE. _ completed th" t<> psas to-niorrow. In N*w AlbanF,Ia.. oa the 13th inst.,at tli« of Trade at Mam-hoster is far FARM AT with tbe State tHIes, is Reluw we also give the sales aai! prices of Seed a> reporl- from encourag ng. made paraoance of a form- !Ura. Fthell, C'tiARLKs J.« infant nud c*f ,T. Nf» TVM KENDRICK. H. bod Anua Iriiu—Tue deuiaud is moderate, and pne-t .-ire INTEND! to roaume the pracUce d esc'i day of the week: without AT hm new sSurs, Na 71 Third steeot er law tif Congrew. Ff'Utt; arrd 9 month» Mod 24 dar*. ehanre. aBDiofeayfou. I wiU.oti tba lat day ai oext. I'tcw March Bt (be Orleaa* Mail. to tho hf/iii*9t br wesa Mata sad Market, has ea baud In New OrleRTiF.oa ibe 3‘.h iiui.. Rft SEED— Sa'.esof 4 barrels timothy i t 56 bushels bbddcT ray Parm. im Darien sJLitlb. Mr. beba-dlu oti^ted to tbe biB amendad, at pro- STrrHK:i H. Mokt- $3 35; cr- of raceat mpurtatiotm— ro b.y, wall ka iwn a<> the laU remdeaea of Jumss B. Aicr posed Baltimobb, Feb. 19.—New Orleans papers of o-DMKRT. f:>raerly of K' n.uckr, a:;ed yeara. ebardgrassat $1 50, Eagliab aad Swiao; byia pvrvtei ..ulntnia p—tiati to pakfoMary ftp- Xew York Cattle Market. and* r, E-mi* ImIi! ChroaoBfetera, case, fr<.c«a Lytle. hemp tesd $2; 108 Gold Lsver*. with .kliaiatnr* Caa* coaMalel a back; feel heniU*— -1 vi.l ho .r res ly axwaftdloMy and me- niLXtPTS or TDX WBEK. Imwo' :uid 2 milei rromtha Ob ta special baaineasof to-day Stuart as- lowing items: bushels bine grass $1 5n. Gold aad Stiver Eaghsh sad Goaeva Walcao^ af vscicus as d Mr. A* New* Orleans, cm the Mih uH., of cotyeFtiTe ferer, :n tarn *d m tha tract. M acres art beardy t^t m timothy. 35 yies nad most approved nsakers. many of wkicfi tro Tb* paai.e w-.ll do * cd to eui UMa llMoo foet- and earn ssmSed tu laying over the hilt iiS till to-morrow; The earthquake on the 1st end 2d inst. did cause tVe J9ib rwof btBarF. .Mr LcsTCB Dl'XLAiVEf.nn oM aud SEED—11 bb!s ,No. 3 Timothy Seed at $275; 50 bushsls Beeves 2J62 acroA .Q rye. and 30 arm ra clorrr. 73 acrca arc m wood* ap*! ptocaro It at bil ti s , sftfcee gr rofcid. et bra eased to order, all warraoted te ftv* la t iem r tiOB; me wbalegMa HO to the city of r aiiFCtca ciLxon cf l.ouiartlle. Barley at 3 'c; 33do Orchard Veal* . . 345 tha rcmaradarit lu pnae cood tura for tba ciltiraUoo of IsM over. roe damage Mexico, as some old Crass at $I 50; 38 do Clraaed Ckaina.Se*l*. Keys, kc.; maavforiary. oa : ecoiaarei $oxeqsfcoapCf*CT fti oe*e-. Sheep and Lamb* 7,978 lobarco. corn, hemp, or tmall (train. Tha land la ot tha be»t B. ' V J. ar fc. iR-Kz: Y walls wrre thrown down. Much damage waa done Grass -t $1 50; 58 stripped doat Pum, Bzacelat*. Ear Rage aad KiiigK I -JO THO Mr. Buak, from the eonferrace upon Ibe disagrec- $1 00; 19bb'.i Clover S’eiue 4.K.1 QQAlity andcapiiblr uiaalarse production aa any m tha S nta. Dmmoad _ _ Seed Bt $7 35 A general sasortmeat of Jewelry of latest liyl**; Bscat of Uk- two Uonaas upon Uk- Text* d bate Puerto Dtonco, and tbe aqueducts at .Son Caame and FARMI^SG IMPLE>IK.\T»e M. Milch Cows 170 1 ba iTTBroremants of the finest order a dbut Vocan lye: a- 1B.OOO Yt>U.N« raft««TREXft atr-:rtrd, coii!i.«it (hirer Caatore; Bellcn w ere split in places. SEED—Sales of 3J bbis cloverseed at of ;wo> tory hnek dwelbar^houM. uard* bitt, rajienod seven mSliou seven hoadred and fifty many F are now uiauofartannc at the l.ou'K^ itlft $7 35oe$7 50; 50 CoKe* nadTea Beta; Amcultu- Total number of aniina a 15.1T7 OQOur’.i tor tha comfortable arconunodai 'm of a Oo 1 lul Wockft.a larce Tfonetr of bushels on 'asrd grass at doHan- a rnmiMwmiae i Tbe G'lverr.iae-nt ha thought it neceaaary to have W i'annuftir Too!k, which. i*i $1 50, and 00 do blue gras 1 at $1 50. lar^ft fa-cily. Dfc Pitcaera.TambIars, Gefcl*«B.SpaaaTaaan,h«.. info fRK eafcili aeeil has xiuppod to tfos place. Bom tkanaaod as oosiderabie a Aitchen atMl wash-honte (a a*r of o* bnakhao' poia* Btyie.biiiaiiand matenal.cnnuotbe* xcellrd. Do Porks. SpooBS, fce. ol^Rus aonaiy oa lio ufcio nesr, la I l i da u i e, r .. the public buildings examined. Amoof SEED.-,Sa es of 430 bushels orrhsrd grtss Seed $1 50 Total t'ue ireviousweck 13,489 0To-hirasa, ica«houfoe and »inuke*lu>u&ft. a dn lara# barn tor s m X fidbate araae apon agreeing to tbe report. them are tbc fnUow;t*f. wb*cb wairaatod as rapresentsd. aad -Old cau be Moen at o'jr ware* Atowtof irnuti and hay. wi* a lar azteat tba All goods sold nn soU oa ^SI.'utaaafooataadFench Appiu Tioomof -evv From a statement which appeared in Vera Cruz booac: 145do Timutlij- U $3 35; CO do atr.ped bius grass do $1 to b e of utabiisir in After setae icmark* fiom Mr. Chin, ia opposHlon baftemeni try. fortsrmsby WM. KENDBICK Vv. -s-raoaam’-h? ir Stora anaatzy. If;* rroee mo all Prices of tbe week.—(Beeves arc sold at so a pound, st Rcbidea theaa m y be netit:oiied a tubar- Fanford • Pate*it 156 do cleaned do much to - v bill. tne and CHy of Mexico papers it ia evident Uiat tbe re Straw Cnttera; $1 58; SO bols Cloverseed a $7 2547 50 co-bam, hay (^Siractw nttoafien Wafeb work. lO d fcw Ibrifcy ami weB gZDwa for :h*irige. and to* ef irsst to tbe Use report of Committee on Cenfer- generally bv enima'ed weights, for Ih* meat m the quat- a prem. a curn-house. and carnase-iHioas. Tbe Brin icy V Premiam Strei F*owa; seed Will ae warraotml ira s.-ery la raaco- Tolptioni^ are gaining ground and rumor is cred t- 28 bushels herds grass do $1 40. tere.j place I* FuppIieJ with water fruui a spring, » wo;L two e *- ~ Hmfoaev mn oace STBS esnonmd in. B-Hb Uooiies have therefore Fubfioil Piow'»: HYDRAULIC terns, anti several pouds coiivrraciitly located for FOUNDRY be teea aa bm Sa'beos at Pnrtlvad. wfcoM foamarowem SEED—54 bb'.s 25'3 First imality, of good fair market beef. 116811)5c. the eecera- asmsinvd and tbe bill *.o tbe Fresident cd that a ]•roviaiooal government l-.ad been funned i ultivati)r% ClovorEc.dat $7 7 50 per bushel; 26 do -VJ-QIITT? EAST cocaer uf tbaahiagtua aad Flw l fUraet* eaeeed ard safe irnm fii»: Va tfcuoa goes Sccoad rate.lOalOW. niodat.iin of sti < n. .And nthnftr yo-jng oichnrd, in*: leocb- foiifoMnc SM at Acapulco, with Gen. Alvarcx at Ks bead. Caeddcn' Foldjnc HikrT«iw»; Tunothyel $3 354f$3 50. lOObusheis Clean IN LouisviBo, Kjr Th* ufcjermgtefcd are aow erafoag kv* at b -iratnace. he ww eb-p I'm liogBkalw voci bmi er- The bi'i extending crrdH na railniad iron was Tbe Blue Grass at Inferior, such asokl s'tgs, nows, poor oxen and mean ingmaturity, lunii'Les naabamlnace ufrha.c* Irnit. C 'm Hlan’cr^; i'ornSbc lert; steers Meant Yngusm nod bCiU Maduaory frons aew n*>*xan. mtt fcereademfttwa dlfflOftatfi &, revolutiniiLda at Te'aoanteper baueh calves as roavement dittaace of five miles, of- Tariun4 called ‘-kittens,” that is, calves from one te six AFfca. ami other Rathroml Casiatn Thttyarv ala* (he shut, it wa* also reported that a c-TenA'a Pn’eat Slorfoeang rcvo'uiiooi-te C 4us$l 30. ments to be sextnred hy Hub for e of had liceu defeeted in Zj>ot- Annilierr.Ia .5, called gras* calves, geoerally told at four n lien on tke uro^rty- btfl. BA-i a report uf ib" Senate bill appropriating al 4 d^b w4 M ILLKR. WJXGATK k CO^ to Marbinc for wqgmi aad rart*nge laaker's bm, wbieb ban been t,x montli**lil. -kt t»o Muue time aod place, I will sen. oa a credit of six loo. SALT— We quote KHiiawna shU at 45 cents per hashrl, brines $3 to $7. etmtifcoacsd by oompetsni lauges to bo ooooi tb* gr*a^ 1009 bttMbeUc'.eaii Bine trraf^ for nalc by and ample h,-A cooit fat veal often brings $30 to $3*. .mgarfog giachiaoe over taveatod. I'noad The Diaro (offictalj puhliibea diimatcbes announ- supplies. Alum sail 56c. and Turks Island at 5Cc — tity of hnti*ehold ..nd kitchenfiirntt.ue, farming uupl inenls. this te aLv aHtti>in six huudred aad fift v tbou- B dj^Lwl WIStjAlK 8t CO. >li.k Cows -fh* price of rows depends at much upon TlWorv fteoi a tLeUanee. with xsrialhctory rafareari. J^4 cow* soil os cing that Col. I'lancuco (fonebex had been routed with a good stock oa hand; Liverpmd at $3 CO. fancy as the pnee or horses. rnlTsa of impruved breed, *lievp anJ h< gs. Al»' aand dollar*. The rAufereuce le-atM-inhied, and ta*h. will raenv* presact azteatioa. SAOK ORANfir.- 75 buibf;le Ordinary euws. $35a$35. uiy valuable Northern •'nll-on ''.Morgan Junior,” aud a fine Gen. Antonio Teai Haigmdo aud hi* forces on Oam« Orauftc Se^d, with 'UN PL.Al'E—We quote $11 fUjWfcwt TE\ I .-* fc agread to seven uillioa by 753S13 per box for I. C young jack jiiit renily for BARBANOUK seven hundred and fifty O carstfalir prrpsired directions for pluuUra and crowic; Go's! fair eowt, $35s$40. seme*. the 22d, at Jaqaelpa. and, on tbe 24th the forces $13 5< 4S1J X5 for I \.. and $13 OO-kglJ 35 lor roofing. Further purlieu nrs at tb* sa tbensand doUan Mr BreeJanridge atud aame. f *r rale try Extra qual.ly, with calf, $45*$4D. *. the (^ate N. B.—bal* to take SOVEREIGN WHO IS WORTHY OP THE N AME under Hurrto and Pui-bleto, more thitn 1 A(X) in _fUdl£^w4^ LINSEED Oil, S’.ks at Sheep and Laiiius— sheep 59a$6 place on th* premises nt II e’cloek leoede* fmoi nli itk amendmenU, M!^LJ_LR. WISGATi: It CO. — 7Cc, by th quantity, st the Common $4 OP SOVEREIGN -Ia tius great npobiie w* dvaoU except aa to the Extra sheep. $3e$13. n. m. \ uanbrr, after a contest, which lasted half a dav, mill. Smalt sale* s' Si'ti. recogaiee anx rnlan aa enrereurae, bot rraber as oat .-rar aam, and ia tbie fall* sevea bandied and fifty tbou- ^i'HN MILLS—Man n^artn red by J. Straub k Co., the I.amlii, LLEWELLYN POWELL. $4a^. vante, bocaa * th* power ikeiy boM is latrasssd te them by were compelled to t-ekreat (>efore him, leaving on ^ beet Corb Mill IQ nac, fsir Male at I, -Alio .Sales al 75c per gallon. Owensboro’, Dar.e** Co.. '•and doiUrK. Tbe amendiaeat requiriog C mtnofiacturer*t pr:ce«, OIL— Swine—Ohio corn-fad hogs, small sixa, fur market rata.1- Kr.— f dfcwtd Texas to anieverh M.i! warraktid Uv tfce people, sad in erdei to laa-ataia tkaU pewer they mast tbe Add upward of 3t) dead, their aruH aud Imrses. NAV.AL STORES. -Oahum we quote at lOlgatte. mg. 5\-i6c, live weicht. abaadot i all her claiau is Taa soccumo to he wJl ol' the amiority or loose the hoaocs be- retriaod. After long and Siill-fed hogs, 3’4s5l5c. (4 50«S5 00 bid. itcsin OO. VALUABLE TAllYI FOR RALE. stowed npoa them. patient delibiraftoti. the comaarttae V S35C3S3 Pitch $t 50. Tur- Hogs for 5.’«a4c. live had agreM to pw'kiag weight. Bat this sovereiga of whom we w>eb to spaak m even more lecommend ibis Delaware Liawer Law. pentine *5470 sents 9* gallon Large hogs, corn fed, dead weight, TSaTko, for tba very -TH3* undersigned having diitcrm nrd to remove adyustBaeat . He lepeBted lift linn tke sorvaat of Um people tbea thoa* rafera to whom we Cs Tobacco, m store and for rale by best. Wests new offers hit 21. Srios of raw al ti*w ^plp Farm Vh sale. ra JefffT is Ifc* willing varvagtt behef that tbi* ia the best ponsibis ! Doves, Delaware, Feb. — the prohibitory _II» WHISKY— 25^; copper 55c; Boiirba have just aliwlal; for k* nut eaiy af a^josUaeat of tbo HIBB ITT h SO.\. We find nooceaaion to-day te alter prices, except edvancet ^fc^soa county. Ky.. ateot It mih soast of Iranisviite aad S2c; fine old Bou-bon 35. 13* OMjonty bat also of be miaor.tv. He caaa-d by aay la- perplexod qneatioB liquor law paaaed the House yesterday. $1 upon the lowest t- IS Ttt'wt RaiDued, I mile -rom Hoblis* GLOVEU A UULBLC-POIN'TED grade. and 1 mile florn O'- dneemmt be M fnrai im fcUaemt praipmes. Ne bribe la SPRING- Tuesday, t3th— -Not a very large number wa* sold at tup prices, Bannon's depot, contn ning 121 acres ufeicollent Mr. CiMiug paired whether LytSK Pl.!ti. but that land, in n sofEcieat tu eaase him la baday km tras^ b«t aa tha sag- ft was to put at was owing more to the weather goixi sin’e O' eult.vstioa an I well than any other cause, unproved. .A good stoae aetic needle * tree to poiat lo tho c dd efcaotbora af foa Tcaireranre. aving bought 'he eniro p«teiit-right for T)r. Sales Tuesday of 11 hhds, at prices dwelling with four reat. now aad foreear, tbc aiattcr betwwso 6. Glnrer’t TOBACCO— ranging To-dey 1* the leverest w* have had fur years, but it does rooms and a ball, n go-sl ato;,e spring- tbo U. Doafade-Fouiud aorth, so lahe evor $>aad tzao la bra eatUag, *aak ng foo bill H Spnng-Case P n. at tue reduced as fcIIows:-$6 SO, not slop basilic**. hmee. nt^ the ueces.xnry out btuldrags. Tnero ts noiim^ace and Texas. Albant, Feb. 21.—The Temperance baa $6 00, $7 70, $6 75. $7 55, $7 65, $6 80 welfiue and .rao; laose of all who will aerept of hit proMad prose of S3, as*. I will eell State or county right, at re. Ttie supply u yet equal to the demand—hence the enor- Poesosetongi on vote of 90 to 10. $6 55. $8 50, $7 75, $6 70, $5 10, $6 10. 05, $5 TO, 15 boaificeor*. He la. aeverxheless, sleea aa-1 oaottorah:* a Mr B eckmrfd^ npUed, and tbe creditors ia paaaed tlie Assembly, by a deced pncee. The Pou be.d* more ink, has two suin'*. • ad $0 $7 mous prices the toth of >1 arch, 1855- J or farther infonuntiofc enquire hie admiaisiTBiica,admiaistTBiica, ioaiiv;Bglaativiag all that is eflaaatv* or a mty Mae praaent ooaditiaa Pin* lifter then nay known. J . R. •VESTEKFORD $7 35, and 5 hhds at SO 00, $$ 90, $6 45. th.nk of the subsenber. upon the ths or oar LagiaUtarc ft wan im- Only of $500 to $GC0 fra pair of eien, only in good premisoa. effretiag the aanaonybanaony ef his provinae,pTovina*, aad hy a tUsestsfiftst *ft4dU.'*r3 I have also way Wednesday, 14 fa rcond.tiou for beef, and a drove of orduiezy 7 or 3 cw'. for sal* n splendrfl Stallion Oli or R-ngsoldj portant that the a iftaa t Btver News. Ih— aad attentiveattentiva wareh everover every irart af hebis WOUam ot gm-gaa- fa ahonkl ivoeivetbc eon- unsurpvsed sen breeder, moUafo cattle selling fur an average of He $> Ib. and use of tiio ber seddis slal- TOBACCO Salea Wednesday at the wtrehonses of 18 eroBMat.ernaMBt, i:* aaavasaaavat alt within iS* botdorabofdors «^Hi.* rBt to onrratioeof aO pAroasiuterMled. P;TT*ir«oa, r*b tt.M. J. M. TACOHAN R. — This Is high state hotLiuKe-itucky. VAUailAH a of the market, and we see noth ng to WM. H. COAK. wutk m each place aad coacerd a* tosaMoamfl Uno wfciw- bogsbeads al prices ranciug as folKjp — $C 05. CU, jjd2iafcis2ni Tbo disUagukhad aniator from Toxaa, Mr. Bosk, TlMre arse fsst water rraat ta th* eltannel RBdfaUiu*. $5 90, $6 prevent its euntiouance, for th* Dotcbeie have been buying caofnll whobob-iitlb'ra dispvaeamns. VAUGHAN A C5, short , and have oved up their stuck very dote, aral BRO., !!5. have • it nu'.ii 4 3 5 J 5 2 55, 4 foTl 1 CO. 4 . has fiaaiiy c-Auabatod \o tiie proaoaitioa. and w itb Ta* « ot it, etsar *aJ 10, M. 18, 85. 20 3 56, Ke I* '-roly a g rat swvoraigii. flack all eao as poor eofifor- uowvujay whatever lusy be asked, or go without a siiu- 2 4 iB* hnmvmtr has lesip aev-dad. llie proeinco is trio ; re ar. fraal oandar be plafigad bitmek to I'rl. f| 75, 4 48. 5 38, 5 45, 3 88, 1 78. 45, J l». } 15. 5 75. 3 So, 4 LAND FOR S.VLE obtain the roa- rnc. M. \l*ho!rsalc P'.T- v*uaoaadn*torbri -ootnjltaifcovataymeati'i'.irat gfva-s>' avnt af Texaa to tbc mcaiuie. -1 35. 5 50 5 to. 1 15. 1 vS, 5 78 4 CO Al any lute, »iich are th* mdicelioas of th ngs t>vdar— • fe-r *»fo r-.' •.* ii :.•« ik, :t.. l» ra; saJ jyfc . ThrtT-threi .\c-»* . laiiL ,*fcfct Me**ii r health, w.th VI' whrafc thm orurM ;.j- h- .srra* lur, n dw.thKlSDdinc tbe severe rtoriu.iha jaid.arciiilloi t la' ‘-p- '•--’I irvni Loai A . Iv, near After flttvhat deb Utbe repor. waa .,.1.. x-i.u ;o. XI MDER 81 THIRD STRL'1-rf. I htir«>',;iy. I5'.b a iW for Oa, but all is doll sad aasaisfaaimg. b-j> Cl >; aud. but fui the ruin. Would indicate e rery lively ^.Anroed* and a irari oi the Inrtn oi Fi liv j Gnnr deceu.u,t Tki* won -i-rful tuler -ra Mosrsnt kovr .efca Ba’ra P-!'.- et Maya, tt • I If G. st 5 s’ Vasa, tv. tvvari. Frh tl. P. M. I JllACCO-lbrs F IK; do Lee’s di 38. ; 5 market. upon tl V lull- uiiri terids cuts-. ILLS, *T : One-UurJ oaek. nal tha remmu- P Chiles fcCa CaBoaMeesrs RAYMOND fc PA rTEN. .• d.i The quality of the cattle o.TercJ oorre*pondt with t*y*nl ^^"•tlten wmd iM« '* I I 1« 12 'iCht • TB* WSalbST CSS brown's do a' !5c; j do Mil’cr'* do at 28c; 5 S. k C. 'to a' Per'ons devir ag '.nJ •etbraaethra hutorv, irhicfiivhirh ,*>* f-irh;>h*df-ir3;»h*d gratattraKivgrati mmanUac on the ci il T | KrPcoovaatiir imhand atnlla.id campl. -.e n- -ocfineLt iuJ ws>..prepnstafafertlt*B*«ShaBdw*j(..propretaf# faetbo Uptt bn. *1 K and Po-aniu Med.ciBe*, Prtatied 20r; ssiea at tbe warehouse* of 38 hhds at $7 at 7 28. 4 at lift y_ . rtTisBCBoa reb P M We are happy to ennoumi* te Western csttl* dealers that fTI H »rb«, Ecuential 0:1*. Conven'ratuJ Kitract* fcc Ubainy.I^. Ut 7 80 J at 8 86. 3 st7 1 any uthrt TMaa unfimcB wire dlacbasia. tbe lacksf ef water "i ti,* rhaasel *3'’ 60, at 5,50, 7 05, 696 6 CO,'0 60,3 at 8 35 the combntation between the railroads, which prevented iraproremr^. bavin* abtrat 'eore* of when Thsrt I* 1<**< IS fs'l t^We rHspwttutty the paUon oi Dnigrtts mrro la* and 3n,0 tbeoi. nr ra'her prevented Ihe Erie road frem tsstung return traibrrid ln#a. .\pr*b* to eaniatiMB ruae and Or Sense r-Tinaniiil Tk* wtathsr itiM *a4 cle«r Pt.'MCiaa* for oarli. 1 a' 0 *5,7 46. T 15, 7 95, 7 35. \ I <;j| \H lfonrOKNfl -«8 Umaffokas. s( 5 aad ) gefli “-i. for Lv" jtswiy ) I the 3# dfcwTm pass's drorera,ha*be*ubiekrn. I Br-iwiiebor*'’. Kv. D sateefco^by tU J BAUBaBOVK ! — ' ' ! — — — -

Tl LOOISVIUE mm (0URI«R-il CRRAP PAPER FOR TEE HAN OE BUSINESS, THE PARMER, AND THE PAHIIT CIRCIE. KX.YII1D COW«KlC*«- -•rO.'VS SKMIOTI. think I h»«c ytt prui* (but a preceding chapter. joo Countyi ! hunibl# u ‘I noted,' she coniinued. lace chrinisrUr fastenrtl with diamond rlaspe; Letter from Inion BY TELEGRAPH mroBT. . HowiH, ORlOnVAL PBIKE j AGRICIJLTURAL. Wasul.vovon, Psh. 15—rionsra^Jif. to propariy appr^iat* nr* ‘from that tim*. your ulterod not mno(kaec)Mwugh oonduct, and I mar- necklace bracelets and tiara of the same precious BBPuarss urasssLV sob noaiwvrae. s^ed Xikm o<>d- trerw^odsnee of iho LooioriUo Cosnor] ths i.*«isetu.s«*csiu. from lbs ComWittar swC by raral Toleil at it. ‘.'•k Sui rsgolstin ib* Mlf I h.iT« U«n Uught, nj stone. They were Kcusin^on’s bridal gift. A cVLTiVATioN or wor.v MoBOAxriBLO, Ky., Feb. 10, 1855. •'fll. .utiua id tb* doBot* on g I csrriiig* of paoaeageia In striw i 'nlpi ms other mo4«*ty»n the A ^ not surprised he said, in a voice suppressed with tsn- blood a new and swift impetus. It coursed ra- best pied in Essay on the cultivation of Ind-an Com. .kStirs, appvopmiiiig 8~5,00U toCoeMBodoos Pisvy nrt.siilc over tl-.e juries and bar; the rr.snlt was that latest advkea no new cabinet had' oacn eonitructed. demess. ‘Lucy, I love were disturbed bv the timoly orrit al you, and now I ask istiiere pidly along her veiiiR, an declared lieckinateaAttMria ono,’ ssid A#[>os.a, to benelt of the pritilege. S^h* wao quietly sleal- have had a scry short nap.' toul ! He was coming to seal with ihrming friends: Thai must be a geeep .al mH.- wide h was agreed to, aad ths ‘isBoto ad- , • • Ccngtvuu in the Fifvt District, mautic Diet. . , r 1 I I ij I , ... ,, , , I l.imiielfsfHnd'daloftif ing away to her room, when she was interrupted ‘Oh, I perceive you have company.' high sanction the bargain of enduring love . He lu wntmg an e «iv oa the cultlvalloa and manage- jooru«l oi oudi an <*ri\ br-ur.' ii said he wai ont for the ftaU Senate in The proiuyution of Austria for a general mobiHsa- ment of a corn crop, the writer of this sating. ‘Mr foolish fears will nut lately repiesented by Cd. Ttrsdlsr, and tiou ufof the federafederal army, and of Prwaoio to plm Uooso.—Th* Bps*bar annoBBCcd the flsat h«sl- The servant rotumed to Lucy, l>r. \Vellwird. Iaicv tlieii presente.1 Mr. De Vere, and the old the district strive so much to nuintsin a sysUun in ^‘dug, as BeaDrti's hill ’ the Colonel evinceil a strong disposition to mu in contingent*coutingeuts only oa a wax footing, was carried boo* in order to be Mr. yr latfo i Isnds to *0* her ‘.And so you will leovr to-monww. Miss Gr«f- man was worldly wise enough Through the long vista of future years she saw merely to contrilmte what he may wished to see that he hul know from pnic- opposition to Mr. Hughes. ag.iinst:.iinst Austria. wiwnly to the aevoral ;4tolca fur nilrvod amt -chuol laicy.-awd she bounded t* woke at the wrong time, no stars but tho«e*rc»««ion satf*at with Itsits kind, w nherether it bew tnrf, stubble,stiibble, or land whichwhk'li Ur. vrbi w th* WMwas soonaoon prcMcdpressed toU> Mr. ‘How‘Hovr eonotn you h<* sentence, an.au'l1 learn» pre|>ariag for actiou, decreed there were now enly fonrlecn dsye of tho sreeii . ‘’TU BOmow bat strange,' was the awh reply. Lucy's heart was his. Unsentimental as was the kingly upon The rich and has Ml iiumcdutc mv Uliastion of her own army, end the and those bills saey hs loot ouleos tbsy om rt one* of golden h.air was dashed gla.1 1 am to see is sr. chanmng, but akr appears plare of coortahip. it ws* none the less blissful effulgence away from

like disparted sunheains ! thr to these happy lovers. had bis forehead As .Saxony ami biiiena. Mr. lioavioB. V>' Joobtof it. , tfoobled to-day.' They no eyes or oars before the lis. A Pnusian despatch, addrvewd to the cahiBet at Mr. Hamittoa BfoveO that Mr. Bsonset’s Ml ho xordt make her tee// ? for man of God, and ‘.\nd•enuissien to tend list to tones fraught with parsion, and the m If the land is broken in Xovember, December or in hiwbar er««.ev««. TearsTear* of j did notBOt carecore to chock her.’her.' human was to them a* ob* M rebreaking, but liable, if the ...tw. m winter be a wet one. . place the Danish from \. V'. .-k wi Livevpasf, eor- scarcely less pure than themselves,iseives, whow no waswa; •->«» " foitsiaa Mat* of tb* mais andcr Wave to-morrawUi-toorrow ifil vo«^ cancob it,il, never fearfrar of< not ga'ming leave," snd * fairy car peopled bv beings of supematurHl lovt- * JoW •Well,'Well, wew'c ohallobail yoM 'Aak cxc.a.aive waihing, and the consequence is. the A liTOty between Kugland, France, aad Sardinia tain rvotrlrlMMW, and requinog ut tneewapoay th* taking joyously upon herself one oflic's most re msksikoyourarraagenMmU.'your arrangements.' Lucy pariwdparsed on. liness. Oh, irsimforming. fnmsfiguringpowcr of has been puhtished. rmnlMia srads I5.UU0 men to eoBOtractiMi at saothor Wnamer of She c.ipnrby with Lucy Uughed love' sponsible duties, ami did they not shed ffon the Crimea nmier tbc command at Sardinian gene- the Baltic, Pacifl% and Arctic witkia -• >e*r«. U« •Cdi.CHi. I am roodyrood V to gojo now,' and •Clever•Ofever country girlgirl, 1 wonder if she ha* anv I’ah. Kagtand engagvit to lead Sardinia Ail.OOO.OOl), nrged the amendment and spoko in hufft piolm of outrighttngbt monev,'money,' be saidsaal a*as he looked alter her. ‘In the M'hen .Mr. HaUon returned Ui liis seat he read. snd £‘.!,Ouo,000 if wa»d<-d, st 3 perceos., and Franc* the CoDias Une, aud elot«il that he bad pswvioasly and KiigUnd guarantee sppropriatioo, hut Mr. HaUon soon took hi* leave That gay and *rent that La Papilo*» to pruuet 'lordiBia daring opposed this b*b*v*d wn* that A ;be present war. was aeeea-.iry to ibe torvic* and lb* i «* Iti* * was jiUco ii*r a m*i; • should, if he con avoid it, foshionohle house do 1‘Utum to her mer let a dxy jiao.-, when cret cahlf» that di.Mrta-’ A portioa of the PrcBck army has been detailsd tbo toe. witnes* to the union. Tliat day was epont hy thin perio l arrives, w thout having »>tua plowing a natural know-notUing." sunple manners dare refuse a city ddoctor, albeit he i* without Thai journey was one of delight. M’s pass to aid Austria, and will mareb through Limbardv Mr. didmith, nt TNrulnin, t ynr i*d tbs amemlutmt done when the ground Is sufficiemlysufllcieBlIy fro.st neither .-pace.-pare nor iBcIins Jon to lire yon the family in pleasant conversation.ronversation. JovJoy tem- clesr of fro.Mtoto I have m u> pDVe to the It.iliaas the reality at Aaotriaa al- and a |mpersonal controversy » torn* length raowd wore rapidly practise ' ThoseTboor reflectionsrell appeared to comfort over it, liastily reconting it* great pleasure, with- do so. lAiid.s About twele* o'oiock the rooms Stubble may be broken in tliis uioiith the whole of Mr. W.’s Kpcech. The Know-Nothings liancewith France. betwoea him and Mr. OhU. ho obturxvd with pered by quietude reigned throughout the com- whom hi* dointy mauatache with aV*u, but .should give prccodciire to turf !.md. Kr- ranst have thonght of him as Swift thooght of those illukf Dv Wellwird was there, aiinponng him. and be smoothed out noting details They were soon in the old, The Turkish Amlxarisador at Vie 'no has received I iaeonakdea<'j. «p perience has to panv. No ‘fattcilcall’ had been slain, yet a few proved me, and I think will convince who satarinsl him. He sahl— pienipotcutiary powers to attend the cotiference. Mr. Watridge followed in anekshoralo Aefoneocr digits oovored with buff ootisfioil air. green chaise rattling olong. Lucy was entcr- and SBuling. vriiii hts a i\ny one who will try it, that turf or stabb!e wliich sie when iinnee« »re vaUrie peojile. “On r'KvasToroL, Jon. 10. It fo ondentood ia ramp I tho CoBino lino and agBonit redntfaig the amooatmat paid vil.age with whom ® P‘ • ." — with ex- loiry sought her chamber, where I toined by the familiar objects the ronte, wiiioli is tunied under ia FcbruHi-y will rot at soon an that ’ u *“r a p..n rrr« kid, and his deliente saouataabc curling Meantime on Uuu coostdenble deviatioo would he them by Uim govcrnojsn' . W tiAoaa coming to aflaal had sent, ns a trihute of love, a rerv dainty eolia- whichwnicn wpiowi-utuplowi’d earlier, wnuewhile it is U u not liable to the ThisThij thinething of Dulitirianspolitirians attscklngattsi-klns the the origiaal plans of attack with the view mt taking I action th* ailjonraed. Ati s There ws* the poet, I her thoughu were anythieg but agreeable. she pointeil out to Kensington, in ercrything CarennesCavennes Hows pivooion, like Pacha injuries uteii loiied grateful to hiued above. »: tion. wh'ch w.is more her than the fci like, as Mr. Morris vs, “the blind krtnriag on Um! important pointanf defonse ia dank aad leserve. WasNivoTo.u. Feb. 17 —ABBara.— Mr Jenea, ef and been made a fool of the tempting* of I that she regarded felt lirelicst interest. oU aorio of opiriluoliUe*; ‘Hare I by he the . l.uulLixi'l from ahtenshicn a crop of Doolc, looking . 4 r _ 1 -.1 com was tnkeataken the colors; tlie deaf commciiting on aoumln; Two ^visions of the are immssfiately or the en- French army renn., sahmittc l a preamMc setiiag forth ibat most sumptuous banquet, font wascrowned with yrarvear prevymsprevious shonid tb* so bond- Uso it be that Kensington and not be broken beforebetore March, I diiui-wi'n^g to fake up there, too, wo* Koneingtou. leaking, oh my own heart* Soon they reached the cottage, where l.ucy waa uTehnJeh discii<«}ng love.” They are in truth tlie real a new poeitioa. th* object of whk h » Ceastitatfon ennfcrs opua Coagrem the p«w r I* gooil wishes and bright hopes. Imthut I holdlioid tlwt it isIS badliad ecoaomy,economy, except upon land ’ know-nolbingsknow-notbings thrms*Ihrmss Ivea,lvea, and conldconi they see them- partly tu stop supplies from reaching .Sevastopol by entahlisli a naifurai rile of antarsHaa loa. oom* ' I.OCV could not still ths best ing and flut- Alverda arstobe married M’hv, then, hi* dia- | bat Is clasped wanuly to her mother's lireast . Kensing- ufoi S’uu.gloat fcrttlitjitofcrtiIitj,to tax it withtwoeonscsutlvccropawith two coDsesutive crops \ lew wre'is after the wryliliiig, when Liicv | selves as othersntherx ace^ec them,ihexu. theythw woaldwool akuTkaway l« a new road wbirh nas been uMaic froia laknmana. ^nt apoa the sobptct at Msigntioa, and tb* laeo- her’’ -^be paused a nn>- ' "Fof CO™-corn. UIt uIS not only Pio exhausting Popi'on, • tering of ber heart. He stood with Ia tont manner toward , . to the land, their hemes, and nev er sgtiu ’H«p another yllsblu Csox,rAOT, Jannary lx.—.Nothin* is doing hy ton looked with an eye of admiration upon the getting ready to go the eity on hiUoa d^laring that power to regnbt* immiiiisa. and her mother were hutbul Isls alwij*always attendednttended with more difflcultydifflcolty hiin the thesubjfct. Uut iifottmiately mea nmrt 1 Itnii-so except getting up shot, shell and provi- having by wrhooe fooe wore s Iroobled. vexed rTpreosion. meat. rapture mother and daughter. folt been delegated tho people to Com of the He with Kensington, whilHt they wore busy packing cultivation from gras.sgras.-i and weeds—au iinportiui* Twas some lover's qusrreL in ^fih oik'n Aid hnr4. grrsa. The goTernaaeata >4 !.".*«* •Hates aflietrd and offered her a it now, feature in the production of giwid . Dr. Wellwird -ipprooched her, lovely pair they were ! pride T.,uey a >rn crop. The Ta b« tho*igUt wtfl*> ur nL^uril.** what a With h. ....nin, in ih, to^.Ui. i'be French aud Ra-siiaau exebango ftw shots. hy on iaUnx at foreigacr*. pwoewed the sol* wwer, ln.,to. 4c„ ~m. plowing nliould IT be deep aiiJ ' something of the I thorongbly done; ;ind. oid-lim- Democn t» are watciiiug the 'onetan fire ia kept opIesKiid bon net. which ehe reemved with her I and be thought possibly I knew prew^ntedpj^jj^nted bunhun to her molmolhex,hex, .^nd.ind when they en- Tiie move- np by riflenwa. tu make laws rcgBlatinar ibelr adaahoAm or exewaiua. q much flushe.1 .in 1 an open new.p.xper in hia if prar icHblc, the sub-so'd plow should folio; tbc nu-uts of llw clve^w; they 1^ their I.MV night won the coldest nigUt yet experienced. Tx.s Simpkins' mistake had slate of ber feoliajs toward him, and this was the Mr. gave b»ito, that ob M vaday next, ho womlod urbsnity Poor teresl the house she felt no fdolisli mortificatum - »h<- vniplelc hands, exclaimed: I’*"" prep.sn.tl a and every nun 'whimi they fuapeet to le of tbt During tlw night a b^y«d Rnsuaaa attacked I | and | IX a «t»o«ld take notice ol the worbi attribot;' to LsrI procu- matter he wished me to sol right. NVhat a fool of the 'omloml depuDds,depuDda, in a great degree,deg.'ce,tbethe tm*u< m-snufo-^wof Oil the tomialtod tbe Doctor with tho mean* of at its humility. Kens;n;»ton tnought tlierr I American party they take to nuiu* down. 1 think French lines and a sharpcuaflictenMml. was ‘Oh Lucy, I have s.vme Btranrrenewa and some- CtarendoB hy the pnMk prem, bat wbkh wem anb- the crop. The plaxtiag should not be done until entertain hope even for a tnoineiit; ' *42?’ w.tb the WyoMt. sequenity nng La Paptkm tlii* taatehil coanpliatent. For Pve boon, to an unpretending beauty, a tastulul simplic ty in modified or denM. r-tatlv* to tb* traoa- thing unpleasant also to disclose to yon. This the ground lieconies dry nod warm enough to iusure voters in Ucinn runty. TbeThe French» reuch force Oiviafoiie. thinls of the .Vs*olU Fatl.tr now naoibennaiabers eight diviefoae. or nantieatantie poOey,poOcy, to he purwmlporwted with icfervaericfeiviirr to at- deld but I'il forget him; yre I will; let me but onee the clofk found h’lnoelf seven do liar* in 111* arrangement and selection of the to aTOluavoid repiuntingreiukntmrf theih^ vftt'nnpW avt. ki.^.v» *. r..w*.v;raiv« toS.s... n ...*,a$vu g«t.. i:.*:.... a.... olerk, foor- reach home, and tliere, in it* sweet rvliroment, vat anrirs, ati-, .Vbout a fortnight since Captain Sale, living four theJie 1Crimia.rim» a. for msdiral seniceo. The nnfomote I The invalid aad seaeiua hill waa taken ob. an t an Everything was charming to him. IVrhaps he y,j|p ypnf Uncle Ilurklie, and it .ulso reconl* pf soiuetimes fiirrowiiig out entirely, which, if d-.iii There is apporsnta mother's ewlearinf soeisty and my miles sonthwr 8, of this pfoce, br.d Ms dwelltne con- u (pietygiiaXy atst midBight.midaight. aotioo if Mr Gwir^tpo*ed to Mondaw ing that hi* miidcke would become a current with my moo-1 of mind lobe plcuae.!, and saw without rebreskiu", seidirci was in the marr'ioge his two -l coip, .-lumed 'oy fire. The building teuk fire r.i-ar tbv .tUthechi.tUtheehape.tutbrrh'ipe H-p^r-xniueucedrlngiBg^'ll^r-xuiueueedrliigiBgatat I o’clock,o’clock. of 1 Tbe btU extending th* eiodit oa boa. was then the bill to keep books, I U leorn to forget Lim. or think of this n* and Is dilKciilt to cultivate. It wonM be iutiui'.cly was julJad the Ku>Ku>.siiin.s within joke ia oocietv, preferred paving things through a rolnr-ie-rotr medium. wsdJiuga so astonished hearth, aud so -apid the progreiM of the names. the line oomiuctieed cheer- talftn op, aad Mr. Cooper k bow addrsaefog th* news of the Luoy better for the farmer to ititend ” to some other job i"in.>tes barely ug. TheTlie French,1 taking it as a dream, as a star that went oat in the darknea* of hat the bad time to get oat uf then an tonlt. upeaed a Seoate'^eoate rWboratefyrWhoratefo onoa it up the deiuei.n. The c-mecque nee was. Dr. V ft* the removal of the tea board, when the r ^j,e |o...t sight of her uncle's misfortune iiiitii the proper season arrivi a. (the l>cd-< ami drt>. Ifouv.ivis. His lues is between uDreJuponu Dre] npon town. I'bc Ru»>ian wing replied Mr. R'usk awvnd an ameadmenl. reqoirfog roN- I’ll forgot him. 1 will.' and the tears WoUvrird had porcboacj ticket* for the theatre, despair was An important point in this matter is llie meth->d o! t.OOO. liietile wIV hole line fire had been replenished and tp.irkling and .p^gy^ ^yjiom did the girls marry ?’ she hastily S2.000 and Hewut -of dwre. However, he will recover U uder cover of the flritig, a strong pony of Rno- .Voting herself at th* window, *he watched the th* United State* Moils on eertoin torms sMaalMrd •ome heaquot crowned hi* triumph. Mliilat l.a Kensington drew hia chair close to Mrs. Grafton, ing ofl the land with a plow, the required width, •W. l!,’ and Kcnsing'on laughed vidcntly. and from his lo.'‘.s, and pro.sperit3' will again .smile on -isn-i nioile a scr.ieuB the front and flaak uf the by the governmeat. Thfo was agreed to—yoos 30. left in iiitintf s-i l«;4owiiig thax.ka, Koti.ington e!ij*- guests one by one depart. Mr. Doole t'l th<- crop as to f--rii •ow* c’.<*b way; .md him. B:it.siUfl. Prpilon was and in few but glowing worls told her that he os the isormw answere d only with smiles of assent to all that The advantages aiiorded man, he must have patirncf now.’ by this mcth<.^ are; a slaveslave" of CaplCapt. Hale, are now on trial. It tsth<>ugtt penttruling within a porapet awl spiking three mor- nader Ihe authority at th* UaNcd Staten. • at thorr at aome futnro day. loot of all ram* Ken- lit. .After 1 Mia ready to oft' Tie even ao. Mr. Do Veto, and I rejoiee ho had said. Of course the midher wii* not more chock for planting I thevthey will go wherewl ail liorse-tl-.ievcs ought to go. Mr. Stewart npponed the hill inakiBg npsoprin- he ‘Give me the paper, for I cannot bc'ieve you; . a c n (lispens; with Ihrce-fourtlm aingtoa. with a slow step aud a trouWerl look. of the laborert and Mr. Krwwn.Krwwn, forI -ring s’aves to escape from their Tbe French rallied and drove them back laoide tiona for ih* wsucoveBKnt at the borban .ho piaopoet of oner again mooting n»y fnmds at deliberative than the daughter, slie straightway eyea,' * let me read with my own and Lucy siiatchu d tieo~thiriis ot the Aoerrs and the planter may from masters, in this count', tf tbe lines of tbe a vauce, and st break Ih* yet had bis trial pnt for the day Northern Lokih Lacy fancied be wo* not haiqiy, stUl she this cause alone the gift. Before Kensington left that the paper from him; but thero was the announce he enabled to prepare his hm . thor- April.\pril iHUiiH'Ui of theror.rt.thecor.rt. oat. erica were aU silent Mr. Jones, af Iowa, reported aOowing t r a MB th* ok. ...s. .si.* oomIv lovor'e quarrel wVKifrsith ... - . ... oiigbly ‘1 OBI 04>rTT thot you are going.' Thero was thonght *twas only another whiletheseas'inisarrivingwlienheniayplant Abel’s trial willwiii no d< n!;t be put off until thin. Jan. 1 ith. —As a .utiiitary conditioa. Ihe Briti-op« the city. Indeed such w.as the impatience of the Fitzpalrisk I shoulubIiouIu not have mxrvellodso much; now . _ Mr. Uald>a awved the hiU he laid ovor Mtil Men- fhe land shonld in all caves lie possession of hi* lave, hi* rich love, that I would first harrowed before the fat weathers. Woul-ln't some piivons be bcce- J-m. 15th.—There has been a coatiaoed fitH of day. n order to provide, by tOBiidly thrank away from trim But *h* quickly I lover, that he demanded a solemnization of the 'VVplIwirJ !’ the planter. I consider the proper time for putting the fable of the mow, and it is now feet deep. fitted by retding monkey and the 3^ for the widows of the deecike so . so prize. But this is not becoming in ms.' d ea d rtUiod ber rouxafe, for she remembered that towns h> this crop in Ke.iturky is nuptials in t’lecourse of a few day*. .Mrs. Graf- ‘Ah. ves,’ replied Kensington, ‘hut Uol. Fitz- about the middle of Ai»ril; nnts. For their iustpicti-m I'll qnote a verse or Prenorations for a renewal of tbe bombonhucat Mewaa Broadhead. ilasdia. t'!ay, and oShsto. toL She excused boraelf st dinner, ploading a* an a-d in ni.jBt of the land ihe aoth of April to tiie 5tli progresaiag npiuly on tbe part of the liritisa. poople did not always ;aeoa what their words and , 11 . . u I -4 4 u 1 two are lowe 1. dtaenssiag ths principieuf tbo Ion, who believed that the golden sands in the patrick,trick, would not take her withoutwitoout a handsome WH. eveu lo the 10th « May would not be too late. "The /jo'Yrr on t..» r.i.!« vrark. PolisU deserters from the Ruvsianv have aivui im- Seoat* bitterly, apology, s headach* and the necessity of atteml- After which the ai^oorBsd. toaos imported. S ic had leomed, very glass of life were few and sc.anty, approved of hi* Another reason .\lthi<':(h 1 e lliuut'it Ihe m«suv erpcri' ve, dower. Many of her beaux, I dsr# say, gave hor in favor of the drill sj .vtem with portant informalion re.spccUng the vangnarUs and Hocss. The Umni* proeredwl to the osBaidar- for her departure. At tea Vr’ithoii'. stlo. nut rtl hie ea^k, — te know tuat tbofocc and accent of hypocrisy are t®? packing ’kU iiiachine U, that it dt piisitv the grain at inttr- Utvir batter! dispatclu and 1 ocy was too wildly in love to in- a coolcoolhowhow as soon a* the wh:sp#r of the failure Amltnnieil h-.autvt ' armv oSvaeive a ation of tbe .ecan mail steam ai. propriatiaa hdJ. vtovaLsotOI aboutaDoui liioPi • to It inciiea ab* rejomod tlw w re, to er surpnw. *i* • inches apart, miu rowsrow.v .vav.say tN lenx^h he et'.-od praaillr alcme. Movements are otiserved among the Ba-kuias, and the lioinelyfoaturea and sharp y, , , , , . 4 u- II 1 At Mr. Old's smemhaeat [ve* rsfirt at WedBaoday] ^ time* lairer than terpouc an objection, ffo with a light heart, in but Wellwird is he;;anli> hej^cneriii, sanguine, feet to 1 fact 3 With fee inn that oi‘ r»p:u-e eavo- U, inches apart. 'Ihe plants stioobl be it is reported that G«n. Liprondi has received sti uag was •looted by If ycM to S3 aays. * vm oproMCi . e tea Prepnr-tl :h.-nk. < tor*. 0 goodly truth So, with s cold smils. she tbiiuied 'lut, so as lo m ihe happiesthappie-ii manner, he for the first time gave I sav,say, that Mr. llurklic will sismsisvn to leave but one stalk to each d«- bodiea of reuiforcuoent-i. and hono.v.hopo.v, dare Dame ror.nne, vcho o. . rjui- hwl faver-.-.k At this poist a .aexnige -saa received from thi was drunk very silently. Luev met no kind looks. po-it. The com is tlins regularlv dis}icrsed over t'.ic Jan. loth.—The R ioxuw appeared in coBsidenble ber plighted kiss in th* t'ule-watrr; besides Tnvt ha biJ.frum the ha.ca attark PnoideBt infoimiag ths HoBoe that he vetuod th« the presence of her ajjain hare his head above he ground, whereas, her uncle, generally said if iu hill, the amount of r:‘jilks on Hiv prre oiu sale fo welt ilefenJed: force near Bjlakiavs, which, U was thonght. they had Frsach Spolfatti crralod ‘Ye*. I sorry to leave new friend*, but I not even from who some- nUli ThU a am my mother his position in society somewhat the land would Ami ra-^t hw *71 9 apua bit sack. ! is young, and Ic about the same; but the more obamlonc'l. Mr. Orr protiiined the mausa^ h* road aad printoiJ pleasant to her whenever they at the .tin; -.4W that Ihsr were aU expeatled: to older snd one*, therefore regret seems iking met iiniform distribution of the drilled corn re another heavy fall of snow to-day. go dc^ Her dreams tliat night were bright and rosy, doubtful, and this alliance, he thinks, w'ill give over thesar- Thne ott w* vee a tri Jiai>h rnvt Th< was aad euB»idered Monday at 1 o'clock. face of the lanil, 1 confident, if the Sav were loet.’’ '3‘Jtb British ki-HN courtly ’ Gentle and mild a* ulie social board. Whoa the ceremonies of the table am will produce tbc A' murh a» Tbe infani^ has di-caborked. Mr. Bayley. of Va.. soggeaCed TiMsdsy next. ocaircly or She was too artl.'ss.too natural to disguis; her a footing in the world; then, too, ho admires him largest yield, and If properly cnltivated The steamer aimla has arrived with four hnadred were over she repaired to her room, where, with will with- A'onr able correspondent “Union” did the coal Mr. iiavea—asesDiagdMrBspeet to ths Piosidnt— uooalh was, there eoemed to be a keen dagger in stand the effects joy. She would constantly exclaim, *Oh, mothrri her beauty.’ of dronuhl better than com plant- interret of this county up so wefl, that I diem it un- borM.-*. moved that th* readme h* disreand with. Bote deep silence, she dreamed the hours away. ed hills, her lo^ and U.BC, which out ih* soul of De Twas m while the driikiil com caa be callirated necessary to odd anythiui; more in its behaif. Jon 19th.—A dispatch in £d Patn* annooncea torons criss af ao. bb, rtad, rcBd* I am so happy ! heppy ! I •ia.'e not believe this ‘I hope they may he happy,' Lucy half ejacu- easier aud in mucii tietter rotatkiu. For in.stnnce, if hat lbs fire is almost voapeaded on both aides. Ail Vere with the Mice procisioo of a Damaacu* Made »h* fifth watch, when she Ukd lo win from In concinxion, I will .-my that times are tight with CoBfuidnn sneoeJ. and point* of owter were rafaae is real. Kensington’s love is mine, not Alverda's, lated. the entire crop ia field, the one your workings a ill al- ns. Money U rerv scarce; corn ditto, and sickcias I are seeking shelter froufrota storm. that bill peudiag mast be disposBd of heforo lh< curtained slumber o few maincnU of rest. tto e WUM90.1, but still made no roioindcr. Wby ways be in regnlM snccessi iu one moral and physical coadition of the heoiegers I clasp the blessed consciousness to ray he.irt. I ‘That they will not be, for their pride is a Hy- from aide lo the still less so. Yuutv, FMARTNVKtD. I The nmosaae could ha acted oa. Thte wso acqate*e«< other. hove Ices control over tbe secrecy ^»»nge viaion* crowned with Irinmph cam* The period between workings to all parts is good. The horses are vuflkriiig from cold. jm ,, ^1 another aroeiidmant adonted. aBDroBOtets H tbot B'n !’ canran but vent out my joy in prayerjiraver to God Th*Th# dra, cut off one of its heads and a mor* fomiida- of the field will be regular. 'JOih from chikoff floating throng j her daxaled brain, and Kensing- Otherwise, if inin* hiiUhi;U CFtirilite loO*ii8vil!« 1>mIt Jan. —A dkiMttc.h Men sfoto* for the osran vsTvic* thte vcor. th* hm fei^h of their inmost Hrelings than women bare » They he plowed — mother smiled aff-Nrtionately. She shared her ble one will spring up. Mind you, this monster both ways when the field D once '.hat dnring the night a successful sortie wu mode p«/pf »•>« of Janu- U'aI sad suilering they oink benesth the blow, pursue, and 'which I beUeve m Baceesrful as auv Abundant supplies of all kinds aro received incin witbont taking the gmstioB. tb* Hoore adjooraod Brightly hoamod th* morning sun through hy family distruat, as her own hail boon. The what heights of pride they had fallen, and she arv, in reply to “Tournament,” to which I see seveseve- other. Is, as soon as the corn is planted and before it “7> ding shot, sbeU,and clothing, but no horsc.v. -The Pre ident, in bis veto, lefen to tbs dattei whach eoly seems to harden a wotaan'o eoduiaacc Ls ral names attached of pcr-ocipcr-ocs hvi-jgtivi'jg iu or ncanea Lucy's open window, yot tho faacination of next morning, though a heavy snow h Ky. 1I "®do not know vhov ho the“ethe«e men are, bubn Aad thaoe weak creatures these women, who, one-horse Ifounder or Livingston county plow, tbe British 35th and 1 Uh regim- nu have disembarkH. naderllaiag tb* approval or dUippreval of telb Bleep's peopled world still thsined her facul- Mrs. firafton was seep at an ea'Hy hour wsndiiig ruling passion was raultifeim, and would, in the bar side to tho corn. ^I suppose I mustmnst have tiam;tiuin; ed a little on tb«ktbJertak..u to hold tbs whole of like aspens to I start half my teams thu.s I'he Fmcb titan tbe reveaoes. H* thea reviews th* Ustory * in the how of ease, aees to quiver I ties. lie r steps to the grave of her husband. Tkere future, exhibit iself in many and grotesque shapes; when they have procfoded this »hhojgh they mt they do not know who “Tourni the British works. way lomr enough ; claims sad cumoicBta streBcly ob tb* flwt* tbo thr bwath of ill-fortane; who shudder and trem- '*• tlu-y say he was right,f'g'd, when heh® salrei ... thanks to her re- for the land®'“1 to '^oaXwant stirring again, I start the >«- Umar Dacha has sent in his resignation becaose never, from th* begicniiig of tb* euBotry, bao as; She was surprisod whan Hatty called her, say- she returned Heaven for tho blessing* hut in her genorons‘venorons sympathy, husband * cond half, to follow no diffrrence between my plow aud th Ii-mat-l appointed lo tbe command ble like childreo in ^ dark; they, whose weak- with Cultivators, also twice in Pzcha bad been atoiuLtratioa recogmoed tbsw elBtem, oo deento that a bountiful Providence had showered all share. upon fused origuial lb oner plow. Now,, sir,xir, for my life I1 ca*ch* ing: a row, which lovels the ridges down As soon -a. a army at Uoiuncla*. and waa not placed under them worthy of eas find aaaiogie* in all thing* light and fragifo; of them knowow so much. 1 would her child ! She felt that now she could die hap- He begged that Lucy would decline all intimacy third working is needed, or when those who used hb orden. ia it even ullogo BOW tbot DOW evidenc* bo* boB *Oh Mias, 'tls late, yon btv* hat half an hour »»'« yet plow-* in the first rase get »he«e gentlemen if eitherher of them ever mw l4srge bodiet of Russians are anin C'lnceair.ting who bend lik* liiio* beneath ths gales; when tu the city, over the crop, start them brooght to ii^t ealenteted at aB to fox tb* UoMht; pily, she had lived to see her cliild blest by the with them when she went propoaepropose to patent' fog*tyonr#tefroady—th* old countryman is watt- with Cultivators, also twice in a row. By this time * 1 atlieni. r^ailik Paclia proo.-edod with his avadable or Uitegoveramsnt. Hr irgnm Tbr Thtils qarstini the thundethoh comes, they proudly, strongly to the love of one whose ebaraoter and name were es- And when they did go up town, ma- troop-) to that poiut. of treaty of liabiU‘1** France, anddsclare you.' *ur with rear their beads like oaks, and bravely broooc tbe The Kusstans maile a rNonnoumnet f. ora Tahwha hte tuat teomed an honor in the laml ! Flower* were ueouveriags, fondlings, and yet, withal, th* at- uoliesitstiagly eoBvktioa the Uaited State ‘NYbom do you moan'—Mr. HaUon on the UHb and 1 Uh, between tb* S lino month* already, in the reiwt amnfo red oomoteMs hlooming in the winter of her life, and by thei tempts at patronage was to De Vere laughable, r of the Danube, and skirmiJKS took place on both dtecharged their whole duty to ‘Yes, I believFo that is hi* nsBi* ptoin old manner, suhoMare And SON), thougli laicy's boart was nic* and —a pitiable. But these things, purfume recvllei! her own early spring in more and to hiv young wife days. •• » have here at uy tiiu* am|risve0 hy acts o 'hate as fine, ooliaa lyre, yet could thr-se fellow, vrhom Mis* Alverda calls ‘old sevonty- file St. Pciersbargh Journal gives the r>- enemy. Letters, however, tay it was really aa aJ- rr**B CaS*. entire (as I *]>entthe morning lovers usually do) til he was unable to work any longer; be then lost Miss Alverda has unwittingly paid him, for if ever ing, snd in a good condHiun to receive small vanco of the wh'de Russian army, which was rtop- Nb'W Tosk, F*h. 17.—TheCahawboarrivod froB oolfcootTo! vcaa bat moiuentary. He powe r gr.iin j moved off and afterwardsafterwarc returned to Sligo, in painting pictures and building castles for the Rev*lnilon t« tuba. in"thein the fairorsprhig.'’WeT^^fall orsiiring. We have where pedby D.C orders of thr RoiiaUn Ambassador at Havana thte asoraing. with dates to ths I'Jih. the nobis fir* and brave spirit of sev*nty-*ix an- now come to a pe- Bvor hiaaaelh and there in those thronge-i par- he resumed h«oldhis old tradetrodi for a while, but »is now min future. Our telegraphic despatches announce the pre- riod when we await the process of maturing,maiuiing. and tV k-nua, to prevent any embanraniinenttuacgutia-embanraBiinent tu aegutia- The descent of the flUhuaten had asU uaea piac* imated the breast of a mao of to-day, that man Missouri, and that behe failed to getsget a patiiateinem fromfrom, losB. snthiB three step* of cold, listeniag sora, I h*he farther management of the crop tions.tiooM. the Mthor.ttea cre liBued on th* qsi vivo. valence of a great deal of excitement in Havana, will vary ac- MTien Mrs. Grafton returaod again, she cording to the design some cause. Now, sir, I1 would jast ask, what has|w»* TheTbe new^naaionBew^naai*BdefcBcesat.Od*3aadefences at,Od*3SB arecoraploted,are coMplotod, con< ‘H!"BL»d*. with \rgns eyas giaring upon hi m, he forgot his it good, dear old father Hallon.’ to feed to the variomi kinds of Arrest* were Island of Cuba, consequent upon re- ^“ *'** with my p.ow I am making an im- #1*1 Kaffa, Ooapo, Kurach, Su-So- was •urprisri but not displeased to learn that stock; bnt it UIs good econonif,econoniv, as soon as it is suf- snd the fortification*fortificatioBS The day iho Uxuotf^ siartad a highly dkite rretrainl, and burst forth. ‘Yes. but Miss Alverda says his coat skirt ia so Plow. «• " manufacture, as.lif- wootod ficientlT ripened, te cut and .lUt in stocks (if »“/ fok, and Kale are being rtrengihened. guisbed tawyer, named Cltxa. was arrested. Lucy and Kenmngton had arranged that oxpadiXiona evppoeed to have left this coun- in hil's) in four m «h®rt’"’an“dshapes and angles can be fii>m the to the'Xid from Oiastontinople say that ‘Mss* Grafton, loity Grafton. I must speak to. square of it) hills square, o?5“nor, if in dri l, Si^'lJi^haua little lem than Aicounto The BritM schooMr Calurem laft Ilava '' “Ouiier plow, and lo theiutroduction of the steel day* from that time they should be united. Her that proportion, asr.s thcisthci* is ^a change te expected in th#the Turkish ministry,miaiatry. England.lilagUiiid. 'Ami ao is his acooont with Uc«v*n very apt to be more oncn the von about a matter which has troubUd m* deep! y plow, I am amply able to sut-tantiate the fact that continoaneecontinuanee in Perhaps theths following, from the Charleston ground unless carethllycareftillycareftillv thinned. There is moremum ScSchamyl'sexhtencshomyr* exit tencs aad lacommaai]command xh*Th* foBowlogfollowli vessste still raareresd ia port—Ik aequieseenoe was obtained instantlv. Thev de- i awd if you can explain it, if you ran say on* I sqaar*.’ danger from t*1*® not that I haveanythmg which,iwii. «a* a. mother,.uoiiie., -orshe 1.UU.Ucoaid nut..U. refuse.remso. Flnallvr many ’'’‘•“I'lwinter, iiis by far the most speedy new aiTestauiTesta havebavc beoB made •oto* w*^ P'ortedj^,^rted in Havana, and generally lielievcd,lielievcd. that and cheap^ that Sr its.SIX.—Some ob ‘Mr De Vere, icaauna wislios to opeak to you home, destroTod all appetite. forewell ««• 17.— turn Her was pleasantly can be jmrsned. suspicionspicion of the CarlLst coospirary. Naw Oblsavs, Fate w* havo iMvcoM tbee matter arranged to the mutual Gen. (juitman was off the Island ready to make a and always have, ’ bhow me the man that has said to th* I3lh. Ths lodires hov* wmmtM instantly fibs cast a malignant gianee at I theI CarlisU have rateed extenaiv*exteusiv* date* Lucy, to the fomilv was brief hut kind. Soon she was upon it with li0,(KK) men. ReportsRcoorb* s*yiBTsay satisfactionlisfaction of thsthe partis*. descent Great excitement plow its BecorerT of a Large Quamilr tf rossterrell “ good in day, «®®»y dtpr daii m ate tho froatkrs. They kilte recoiled exiated. and the Creoles were highly elsteii, bnt it J ‘‘“'i'' fnndjfnnd/falin HoHimdHolland. who seated in the carriage beside Mr. Halloii, almost ,,, -L-i Moury and Plates— iniHlication of but as this is a day of ingiro ements, aud I urn one whiVsi. setelto ar A* the lover* sat alone one evening, in the rich well koo'wn A Madrid letter of the 25tn says that Bonle was alrvre and captured The wxs not sup osed thy could render much assutanceassistance ( itizeuH. of those who are constantly s eking after improve ‘I will come te her in a few momenta, but now perfipotiy happy. Now was sh* free from all seriously sick. greatly excited,i sad have assetetilad thsir feaiht bloom of a winter'a twilight, Lucy laughingly to their deliverers. Oapt. Concha and bis admiuis- About two weeks since a part v of counterfeiters im'nts, and bctubeen for have ten yearsyears, and expectexpe-ct to so brea srerrhiao Shea's boaking- forfur proteprotectfos. Kte* cotopaatea of tsoopo base beoi I am engagad.' he replied, in a tosty toa* iasoleat fomiliaritics catting tratioD are popular all classes of people, were ai rested in Tbe police have potty UunU, and with the Cleveland by Marshal Fitch and long as I work at the businc-w.bunines-s. Why, sirsir, I would said, as her white fingers toyed 'mid the gold boa<«, expecting to find coaapinton cuocealre organizuorgaaizud at Fort ITodbare, aad prsc ssflsd aflaini are and it waa not snpposcd th.xt discontent in tbe others, charged with dealing in aud pas.siiig conn- ‘Tben / will wattunUl you ready,' aitd La sarcasms No more would she hear tbe bitter ask Dies* men, how many kind of ploire ttere are In thetb* rfoathuraricat Caauachc*. A war was ds t Bit d ii threads of Kensington's hair; Island Is so wide-spread as it has liecD. terfeit money. Une of the gang sUteii to there. a Portage Kentucky » rbev b:^ hold meeting at Papiloo’s eye glased like a fury's Utter a bare bera at tvitehte. jib* or rooeive the scornful sneer. She was go- Spaniards were on the alert, and the fleet, county officer, that a Italt.—Numerou arreatsl aad* The man named John H. Young. Sligo have 'all Oi«' ‘Methoaghl you were betrothed to La Papilon, and plows m Kentucky named revolatfoaary thru, cousUtingconsisting of two war steamers and three sailing residing .shorta short disUncefroin Ravenna, Foroace, on .he pretext of a cre- •Corae lot us go now,' aad De Vere gave ing to her homo, where the god of perfeot love was a whole- Ifouner.ifouner. I mean no disrespMdisrespewtt to these men wbat- dterorered. Arrests have also flptsH. the marriage was near at hand.’ He vessels—a frigate, sloop-of-war and brig left the sale dealer in counUrfeU money, and his spirocy having hern AboUtloa Bseaning glance to Lucy, a* he half spoke — hou.''e was ever, bnt, sir. thev have made awiertion* that they OM had oreeted hi. altar. But t'.toughU of K.n- )>««D made at Lahore because of tbe *ales of Mas- BostoBo-stov. Feb. I*. —There waa a aiesSlng of tte port of Havana, on the third instant, on a crui»e of a reudezvou.-* forcounterfeitere. Tbe officer, whose knew nothing about, when they said my pirw did half grooBod. ‘I'll oor yoe anon,’ offering hi* arm obs-TvaDon upon the movements of the filibusters, name is Williams, returned to Ainian bonds. Boon! atof Oveimers uf D>* Howard Uaivoratey ro* oiugten would throng through her mind mid Ravenna and emjdoy- not differ from the P.onner plow in tbe hast, aud it .p^Hcledsparkled from hi.hia eye ‘Why,‘ hy, I didndidn’tt want to'mar-to mar- seat to Japan haa retaraod The adricts also state that two British ships of the cd a man to call at Young’s hon.se and reconnoitre, The Dutch Envoy lertesytertesv aftanooB.afrareooB.al Gov. OardacrOsrdacr inia the ®^*“Vohoir Th™ to Ls Papilon, they strode off lAicy was sBHood. linger there like a track of shining glory they are not satisfiedsatixfied willi whatwbat I Uv,soy, aud will take .*?*». ru!ai*^'****nf ***®.J[®*"“®‘* ! ry two liales of Mississippii„i,tepp’, cotton, two rouge poupots line entered the har^r on the laonting ol the 4th, Die re^nit of which was to learn many matters of the " • uomlnatio* of Judge LariH. but it on themselves to 'nay me a v^h’. I will take s f ^ bar woman's wit toU hoc plainly that ikon footing with the moot hvoced natiod*. flshot*.to. Th When they rtmehed the depot she remember- '•, sever^several othersotners were hourlyuouriy expected fortor whereaboutswnereabonts ofor certain of wasWAS rehmittedsobtoitted for approval, withootwitboot fobo and.-.I ^a. bottlei-uti. ofr>r liquid rh.tlk..u-iv and expect^ the gangs counterfeiters, and pleasure in show ing Di'i-m thr difference. ’from ooaae machiBstioa the part of Papilon ' defence of Dland.loland. the character of vote Was taken, and rcoatted ia Iflibr sadWreiteM on La ml the altemotion of feeling which she oneo ex- tbe the money now being circuUuJcircuUu J .Now, air, all I have to -ay_ about “Ton;__ naroei.t” is, hot isIS , , Arrival at tb* N*r«Sera Llofet. *"ell, ^aLa Papilonrapilon prcltvpretty without such announcement may be trnc. and if true, is throughontthroughout the country. him. TU* artion te laeooBoqBeBce ef/oite uwing oBtrap Vere Hor muoings of ao The The “stool-pigeon” db- I as L-eebeI.-eebe has made faVbis npp'eanmceappearance a^^agaui. and l.snp- to De wen pcncnced at that y^rj ipot. A«r how dinerect , acting ao Comrawfoiier 1b tbe reBAtfos os Antheay oids.’ highly important. Ucn.Qaitinau will not lan.1 upon covered from Mr. Young's disclosaresdiiM'losnre* that a very pore bus bown himself to he tbe smartest roan Nxw Yosx, Fsb. 11. 1955. voTT pleasant nature. She wae aroused by Aa- j '300 Borau, aao. ki view of isra*. fbresbaduwo ro were hor emotion., yet they were non. the less • thethc iiaud,ialaud, nor make an attempt to do so, withontwithout a I t.xten.sivee.xten.sive bandbund wca oig;.nue I r- I f. , i living, ha.< shown von. ashethiukii, that thrreb note Tbe n, i a i oi it. i ^neara n ^ tot. Fitzpatrickh itzpatnck inuvol frotei his jadgesbip by the Lsgtetetme. poais'o Toieo. soying in no vorv soft key whelming. force sufficient to sn.stuin.sn.stain him hi that t>erilous{lerilous posi- I of Ohio, and.and p;>stnrdsy, ray that Lo-d J«ha Bao- Lney was of such * timid iratare that ohe al- to take breath. Mr. HaUon had foUen into a deep imn-.e and Uik as he does, I don't intend to no- lip* to bis, and upon wiping hia mouth he found a r^ent'date in the ]M>rta of New York and New of obtaining “covey,” and besroming an adept in ik'e him. Why, sir, these men who acU-d on thrai* received by Uhoinoro. The Utter wasstcadilyeaiB- *eir« retognat'mn w.i* owisg U> ,\ber<)eea’* rsfoaal ways tremblod lisfore ber harsh and dietational rieepm front of her, and she. with an unread Orleans would imiicatc the fact that there aie pre- 1 this specie.s of erhue. ins? ground. Most of the Anericans who had join- rer*l LterJ RagUn. PshnetraoB cotecidra the handkerchief colored with tho paint, and this eommittees st every fo'r !n the State, were ir.--not I to L^ ieeling ia with paraUoas for the location of a strong military force It was stated that gangs wera ia Culumbn.s the revohitioBites bad left in disgust, 11 tbo *Ac« rruTin. who ha-1 rw obt oommon book in her hand, wit dreaming of Kensington. and bi.yh standing, and scientific nu a. Better fai lori-s ed with Lord Ba«rt> . and i iflare to aooUticsi Jiui-d'ictioujiu>d'icDou withinwitbiu the limitsilmlts of somesoiiie al in the criminal court:!. In thLs city no arreaU Fiuabek followod her iat/) th* gteen voBquuh her, sIm yieldoil lo their inflaanec. TT. FE. C BRIN LET. sheShe has spoiled the sleeves of several for me Stale of Central America, and to people and supnl. have y t l«en made bat we learn that the ncceoui- ArTenV-AMcasbllBx *r tbo Kaow .Natblaxs Bostox, FtV. Ift—There ha* bees a sorero freob laquiriBg sir, slMSwaitod Itet rommunicatiun. trroialha l*.r; ll’‘h Treepv. triad t* aoouaie on affoetionaie aranner, •-‘‘I^nd, wc know of no power •veral officers from a distance, amcrig wlirin is yesterdayrsterday airrsted on charge of erobesaling t-.'i.- was carried away, aad Aopooia tho pares of the outer world be what they mar u i i i d . . u i Exeter. The raiteoad biidge • I*®'' arms and lismis. But tell me, I^ucy, did she Tbe first tbuig which wiui.d strike a spectate . . and of no motive among the people of tliis country Marshal Galtigher, of Cleveland, liave arrivetl in our 000 from the Market Bonk, uf which be wa* for- several eoHvert* at the Barton and Main* rend, cans- srhBB obt said. ‘My dear Lacy, I am eare you an they oan hsve bo power over UMgUttU'oti There, arriving at tjevtsluiM)!, is the creat contrast whic dare to tell you that 1I was betrothed !’ toqirevent it; and that in somesumo such way Diere may city on business connecte with this matter. ,Mi«lr‘eiviiin'c of rank arid of social posi- flrisMd, wh* dsso a* ter ths veda*ed .'xniuch,.••aniuch, and .k.*i»aaia.Asjiaaia actually declared that ly probable. But we have no beUcfbelief that measuresmeasiirw alert. Offl'.'cr Williams and h'i-;-‘.-(fooI pigeon,” upon The Knuw-Notbiings a-'-wmbied In eotne force at Mr. Cart nearaa r.'-r to be solemnized.’ Don. Alter the hour of i .ttle ibeie are no longer isBs sad tl te mot ready aathority. , New York .‘Npirit at the TIraeo the tesh putod thetj,p wedding day was apiioisteJ.’aniioisteJ.’ liave prngreowdprngreosedprngreORcd so fu- a< to move any snchsneh force asai what had been told the Initcr by Young and other-!. i -f Parte, writao thre of tedte* ImBK Did BO pallid foor steal over Iaicj'* fooe, bo is spoken of in the advices above mentioned upon went to an olil woo«len watiT-slatioii honm* on the conduct of Mr. C. C Lel^^d th* thirty arch fra.- vandcviile* •Oil, that horrid Asp;«a-IAspavia I WhndW^iM*1he“Fie^^^^the biemh offlc.rs .u.cg.c w;J. t’leU that ladMa'trauiB were le-oa- amcan tolerate Ia present L. -\f. Railroad, this »ii!e ot 1‘ulktown, _ w .fw I>wi«lutnre fo th. “You raaj recollect tb* eye-lid. ao tremor of tbe fraoK-, toeT^Vo/cSl^tlTthe Island ofCaba,of Cuba, attheat the lime. We be- and Di-re dfom iiqg of triflbtennd. gtoddened-t**!!!!!!!!!!? byT’ wbst'l!' aoened to men, constantly uecapv iiixthrinst-lvi s with t i-e mean* laot year ter court diesar*. Thera trehra hor PapilonI’apilon as a weak, irresponsibleirrssponsible lieve, therefore,thereftire,theref«>re, that the excitement is prematurepreiautiire, foiiu 1 twxed np shells of an.-‘igntd and rignrdconn- tabitebed woman, a child;child- | iaJisate the deadly fnelings thatgath- of sopp ying their wants, the Eaeli-h officers re- stiff ami Tohuaiitoo* aflhlra. aad very raoy did Bothiag the apparition of Kensington De Vere !9h* hotbnt»>nt wew® are by no meaMmeans cc^lncertain thatttat ititd.vend.^d^^ not concon- terfeit bili-!, cm and iinent. of dLmominations rang- ar* Tcry i„tbat that imp adent. presujivng HenrielU,Henrietta, that main )4«ctiv«.ifn«linactive, if not imiifferentin.iiffir.4t——tfiisUIl.,this Is tbe aOair.faflair uf asuch rerei in aeanran*, 1 “^*1 * Biich cvcnt,event, wbich,which, 8tat no UuvtantdiNtaaVd'Lvtanl davdav, big trom hi tu on tbe Northern Bank of Ken- uagnee. to niraple; they tahe np aa at ber heart No, nothing g. . template wn‘hsneh suan day, ; Arctlbteliop ssral aad oiekoned t.iUd t4. (k. fMu kjn. mram k.,» , ,. .... , tried to bamsh th* mtst frore her eyes, but no, .a Ihe governnicnt.ivernmcnt. On t!i«the other band, theythev have Ihetb* foar n«licalou*ritliruiouri bundlenunUIe of constrained notion*,notion^, I fairly wc mayniav have occasionocca^'ioii to reconl. tucky, State Bank of O’.iio, Bank of Kentucky or any wher* ctes. ao t; looor F®opI®- fhrtitndowA* atri|de . tteJ her feeloms Womaiily clear lifo-hko higlu '-t pi -able^ semic of honor and «f Uicir duty, s is to poy her irei.ect* to tbehr there he stood, in aad definitenos* State Bank of Indiana, ami banks in New A'lnn, thervfure, ho gomx despise. She wouUwould rather tell a falsehooil than h r Urssnv AX^FBESXH^ffou^iERS.-AAV^FBES^iTlfouDiERS.— A livelylivelv and wi!l perform riie mrst heroic arti‘>i.-‘. I Wahhimcto?!, l\h. Mmom first •# ail to pot her frtat, which no barbed dart of raslig- I InperiailImperial Majesties, is obliged rkeroMzit She uootd not be soavmccd of tb* truthof it un- is r!:c English soldiers are ‘n!;ir iy>4cm of t'ae United S-tetre. • g' heracccirtiti&cBt*; soah* srwndor. oh* gored J. , earriagr iwiUioa* airesin ‘.Are you sttiprired to see mo. Miss Grafton »' flicud.dieted. She and her mother wanted ! to secure me TKafo’rdispliyed"by^The valor displayed by the Rnwian* in tbe nlylitnlylii llni'sE.— I'ke lltMiue went hite cummkte* en the does wbatwhat d* you »Bppc.fe’ kmei-t all the way ua iter. Tliere wss a world of tendsnies* in hia tone, and the allie-»allie-) has ntveiiitvei lieen surfHssi-dbvsurrasai-d thetin < fojfor Ia Papilon, merely for the sokosake of rescuing attack on by mail .-I'eam approprfoiioa bin, Mr. tflkfo' omendniont th* ITOiit I -dool be-w««B th* eoafidentuJ tete tote dier-i any nation -r people whatever. made flnr midergr.ing Mifft rings. The r.rcanization Irayeora *« ‘Sow tell na* what a were tk.;. n.. ...» i so of TheKu- peroifai"- I ft «must be worth something te **r re their foiling fortune. Do you not know tents were lirought totLiseftj ami i.-in.pb -. uf the 1)4 y„„ 4„. M,.Mr. ' ’’ soldier ik-ks strategy quickness of niovt- is b;^. U-v.-infe it is incor.ipli te. .;n-J bec»n«e r”»P®r ” ^d money iriveii to Home of oar antliorities, while >jr. k- rr advocated the amendmsnt in a vpeec'j I homehorn you Ukitiff a moment ago XVI lo see the • ••- / surjoised you. is on Die eve of bankruptcy ? almo-it adiMiiastr^ive -nvK- .s do not exis*. It ii *h®w;i Burklie Dm IfIl thevthey ment, but he ikwacsjcs|)os«e«ie8 a courage alnto-*t withoutwilhonl of some teuglb, urgiag Its ncccvity, sad sukMning Ii I rriuuining aiiioifiit -was t;>k-.n to Piwtagc co inty, to | _ “Rath HoU” M reprinted n Bh^rad, aad ‘Solui ig prejud'ir'ial to Iiis betrothed; nothing displeased, I hop*,’ he said ms paralirl, ®a remarkable .strongiU.strength of body, and gnatgnai lb.itthe> renchaimiy,onthe c“ntrarv ,if ts«!it:anv •But not U* took could have gained‘'allied me a*as a hravvheavy ends'seretids.'ser, thevthey P®''®***’!' be used on the trial of Young, who, with an nccom- the Hue as a credit to the conntrv. tevorsbly retired. Th* Loados DoBy New* ta^ ’ • f-ui. nlaUd tl -urjK.rt si.ffinng, and comaqmntiy ' he corai iatniaeil resLstencecwi-rtence lo10 theiDc exhaus-dngexi.auski.ig .'neci-ffeet ofoi woumm.wounds. Itit ttcinridge opposed it. whereby her interest* eould the vacant seat beside hor. named Berry, ha-i sim-e been ;irrcRte<1. No y, cfTf Sit; wonidwould have hsenbeen saved I1 expectezooetpec byhv thisihU reuuirkrt-uuirk from the day of N.ipoN.ipo- war abwi, piff i^ad there tie coiMtaut emotions to . y has been a common ciiuntcrreit monev was found in their X’.ie detiate wa-i fnnher coottoned to *oiae leawth ••i praoHiteMd fi-ariesaiy. po— as “Farey Fern's wih lag* have not so Lacy spoke She mod# no reply, but hor shanging color and time his house ha*has suspended {laynK-nt ItoaIcon to the prcrsentpreiieiit moment, that the Hiis.'-iauUns.‘-i:iu sol- keep alive snc.ii excttalj.e iinaginatiom*. A kmd of iwynient and yestenlay aftunooii. I'hc by MesHW. Lyotn, 'Vates. Wsihbura of Maine, and that populonty which thsyhore naehsd cxihts 111 the rt Utlor.s the iKit know it waswa* imprudentimprudoot tot* ’ diers are the mwt difficulti.ifficnlt foldier* in the world bto familiarity of ofheets w ith it, *Bot‘iMt OMdid youyoo not mofotmoiiit lids were answers sufficientsutTieient After thsex-th* ex- closex. NVe shall give farther The coi-imittre then arooe, and withoot forthor ofto* name thttaiwo-ihirdiof thothrsov * aimy. { y^g the kind. I*I# that aa “I Die Mil tbe House aiijw'aroett. ‘."No.‘.''io, I knew nothing of«f explanation of a very strange matter.’ Lucy forlor the familylamiiy. ipeir P®”®.'' particotors *s soon at they come to light.— Cmcin- acDc a un ahortvrae. which r*joice ia that asps flat isb. I» te ^ aodson sorrow me Their harshnessnarsnness to ‘"‘’J****"':* | blood, and to the first impres loiw ot a wound, have ^ti Gatette.' Latest .\ew* Hen*.Item*. pBMIe to tho foshfash onableooable dcourum"dcoorum'’ interrogativoiy. - Well enlcnteted to awaken the Eng-teh isomm ofaf looked ber she paid back with friendly aynpathy in their been cxhihlted since Die commencement of the cam- hou.see Imrertaat frowi Cnbo. .” Both of the Nebraska LegL*!atnre have merit* of aa aotborrra at remarhobfe povrer to the Feb. 14. The ‘NfiTiv‘Nfi'hy yeaves. of course it i*.’is.' ‘NA'hy did you refiis* the bonqnet that I seat p.Dgn in the Crimea, and is no doubt dne rude Rcpposkd Mcrukr. Mr. J. J. Mock, a Oerraan fixed the capitol of that country at Oiu'ja I'ity, op- New Orlsa.vs, — lUvnon pspors Mr. JosMs Bnrasl LowoB boo bosB sioeSsi to life to which tbe Ituffs'ain soldier is subjected, not pai;i:er of this city, went down t'>Prc»ideiil's Island posite Uonti-i! Bluff*. Governor contain an account of aa expeditioa organMng i: rotuni to note, wlik-h The has approved. truly, this thing—this fashionable Hy> you and ms my own I ‘ tbe TOCOBt chair at Modern Loaxuagre SBd teteko ‘WoU onlyas asoldierbutRsaprasaut. on WcdncHtay evening Ir.st forlhe purpose of takinr Theodore H. Urav,Gray, theDie vitriol sconudrel;sconndrel; who »hethe UnitedUaited Btates«ti —Cot. Ktoiray as Die chief «H^- couched in tbe meet respectful to ictiirn in tjuitaiaa Loiters in Harvard Univeroity,tev'ra which Mr Looo- etiquetto, is a strange affair She i* thought was CHAPTS xn. Next he says of tbe Frenchmen: a hunt, and intended the evening. Not wasir.-is urrextedurreuteJ in New York -mme-lome time »im-esim-e, for tor, and GenetGenertb and H*3ders*n tndC.COi' dim, yclofd feiiow recoBtly retired. Fiv* apphcania raught this ’* •'* *’'« «PP®»r«ncc, hLs frit iu s became alarmed -browingbrowing vitriol on la-lie*’la-lies’ Uitssc*.diessc*, in order, men. words f Why did yon do this A t..,vv ... k, X f.ti.n .1.- 4. be said.said, more exaeting than the Sph'uix of eld. I Hear I A heavy snow storm had fallen on theeiening iioiiifFroa* fltetinetton. l.ut Mr. Lowed, tboonh too nn*® ®’i"®®®'‘ •“'1 ‘•*t. ‘h® ®n»ke bmiV id the lake, with hUjgan, (both barrels Par.iprro 1* a port of t'ae expc-lition. them. The wbkh ' waa ^iiistical look «pon I what inaan you >» Tl:e Siugapo.eSiiigapoie !Ve«,!Ve-«*, ec. I*t|*ay*l*t; *ays that The Par.ipn bOT rindtrt There ^ mornin- the snow was piled up on the roofs of I" FrolitsMor aray **|ane. H rather mis* it, of which bad I«-en discharged) by him. most ued will the CoHege and the new alhn • • nudst of Imrstiiig bomb* than for A Mr.-Mr. iicliean,iiclican, t 'oinir.i-Mior.eroum-.i-Miorer U >ncha>Dcha hashat i— a prociomotion that be *' I, I J . e , American to China, and a rlngifif iroMy ui Iwr generaliv ‘Did you not do it snd there was joyful sur- the houses and banked up against Ihe fences Mr. Lowell will not anrarao th* lisues of hteobair s Uca and between the fear ol losing his breakfast an.l losing horrible wound was dim oyerrd in his side, that must wa* abont to leave for R.tiikok.R.-uikok. to renew m-goUa- *howshow no .luart<|uo-i* ion »ion* for a new conditional treaty with the King of of the people. eslra Earopt. of the pun, it w-as at first Mirnibed that he had A .-qiiwlron of lancers revohod at Pi iao d*l Bio^ impoilonee *f Aspasi* For a second •CertmnlyBot. I rreeiveJ „o bouquet, heard like • fnnge of cry-.tal* from the caves •wwd (for hung and !.iit th* coniiiiif.td suicide, on examination, a valiiaiilc -About 7 o'clock Tl;nr*<1ay morning an explo- All wa.*wo.* connisionronftision on the Island, SBd troops srev- Tbe TeBFfAhto Thomas 0'C«N*ir r dM hi other with r. range, though of no note. This is tery strange Pray, in graceful festoons from the before French ring he wa-. known to have worn, was found ‘o of MroasB tte* two refordod eoch depended windows Kiis ianH fur three hour-- the di have sion I'lok place in tbe dining saloon, 76 M..uleii inffing in sB*11 dirertfone.dirertiuns. ehy at Now York, at the advanced »go '' latter sloppc.1 to eat their been wn-uched fromhi* linper. and other valiiat.les, simI fled t« .trauMi i* when and by vt hom did you send t'.om architrave*, sparkling like diamon.ls arrived, tbe having Lone, New York, by which two person.* were dan- He wu a native of lieiaBd. fordiffrreni cxprrssfor.s an.i and re- I sufler- I suppew to havehavi» b^'cnbt.'cu in hi* poeeesrion,po««esi(ion, te B aad^po- _ . , . brenkfiist before starting to the aid of their ad m hw wire l>Jd, uo aceoBBft at hte Hlwrai ssraei . , , ,1 geroiw'y wounded. It appear* that the severe cold VosUSBVi fl•BI. p ‘I met .Mias Aleerda on the street ths umc fr»ctingtU^ Hflonout ray* of the npri^en nun? that you |>resuiDe allie”*. They fought beautifully, mi they alnayn luiK^ing’. Honco the supposition that he has txren tetfonatioB to th*tho tTrnnav atofth*th* ^rteh^:rteh Gowaras^GovonrasBt. ‘It souBOt he. Lbot Grafton, ing il ,d frozen the water in the pipes leading to and Bxltixors,BxLTtxoac, Feb. 16.—New Orleon* papers of to ^rwy <» carrying the bouquet, which sh: as- lon*» they did arrive, but in tbe weaiitiine there foully dealt with.— -Vt mphix Anietifan^ y^b. \0tb. ’ caly b*b, Ulo* ( onnor. Bsq-^wW afternoon, Lucy wa* up before the lark, and looking out do. wheu from what is termed tl:* “w:.ter back, which i» reeeivnlreceived. Ho tesveo re re b«p* for the fov* *1 Mr De V ere. a man every Friilay-iilay are !*itn.vte«l kitchen K »®*> kn-vwa thronghoot th* oirantry as thoponi sureil mo you rejected, saying that yon never ro- .ho ...uhu,j, -Thi. ...11, nett the range. As soon as the Eighteen mail* ft* St. Lcni* were received here ouporior. who. if he ever spoke a word Th,. ,«„u«4 ,ff advocate in the Forrest toe*. w*y your — h„,.. fire WH* started, steam w-a* gtnerol, bnt owing to to -lay.-fay. oeive *r^Birst«*B to you- rt»hj «ff »*»• grororet the freezing of Die water, there was no moons of it* J. B. Sesrgent, chief engineer of th* Haoiera Some araoteor arttet* :a Sehn^hB ®*®i^* of the alliance, but it is nevertheless true. at Hamburg, (ieriiiaDy, it wa- nnanimonsl}- resolveii aoro turned th* note to me and gave her the bouquet, robe of pure white. Oh, mother dear, come and c«e*pe. An explosion took place, which tore th' ht-reht- from rt'.ishlnjrwn oterday Ps . have hsen eouvrrtinv raol ‘n a sew A Mr. dreirre in his wife woohh, ' Rft ilroai,liroa !, arrivc.1arrive*! y flaltorj Why he - • eniblv- decline n.-it- 4,, , 1 ff . . . .ff .r . , J u “that thi*.-w the of tob:iC"o to be luge to puv. *, throwing hi ary ina-^Hcs of iron and h.sib.!i Tnyst«nu-J*lyraysteno-Asl) dteappumi iff '-.adboenill. M>'Asr • bi'-vk of e<«l. s»d ate* verent of tho brads eatsyears’ residence.^ andOlid nivrhnil eh anxiety been rtUuccdreduced j very grmrtgreet dislik*«Ii.lik. for me.me, which she and herself for bridal ! xiv.) asa.s belongingbriunging toCliristi-in liberty.liberty.^' eeirod .o v*^ not de< k*d mv iiT. «i era' employee* iu tbe i.>om, twoof whor. i*b're!T vwill veto the spuiiatioa weil kiown coInrod persons ia th* town, whieh herrelf, raui berado. resided that lime were s^- .;.: T‘*ideT‘*i*'e.i!ii i’b-ree hiHsn'1 Rhe hoi lootgoremmeBtcvor '4 - AnyAnv foi-tig'jtr, Ibeieforc,Iheiefore, having 4 ff- . uj. J. ru. I. 4 IA ff' A . A 1 1-11. .1 tried to conquer Oh, *h* told smiled at cliihl * enthusiasm, Rtv. Mark Trstlou. of We-ber Congrt!-*, h-:d a don:i‘;.m iU..I Eili u raid. i, i*u th mghtmsrht that the S*-nat« will vote to giro si t ord feet kag, snd •JOdrei^ fbe aawashwash in proreprare aattikdanttikd “Itooesbco an# bouquet which Alverda.‘alverda said Parson Hallon officialing on the oceasiun aheetswheett uflii*Ilf Id* new U»ok,book, “Amy*H“Am.vHHlArigb.orlArigb, or Westwsid TIm->- iau*l have a motley of |H'oia» lu.an tee ite; a*«l ore- nflUf.* ooltoiBly h* uaraatdoBiy aud indalwaio, I ronramber th#tb* Lawrence ropd will he oino* I am Ho’” to Me-*-rs. Ticknur A Field-, ol KoHteii. and it tt’i'Conciu, <•> tic I.egii'latnrc has ordered Die mb- .wv-w o4 tfo* Baptia! h-'ioRiiivits.Hi te thte raniitcv, Lowell and I which will pvnhahiy ho ’ dress ol jmre you Lucy IrarsIrar* related l4UO' aiqwared very lovely in her Hsias rend te badly I t ed it 0sfo revivedreceived fromfr ora you’ I Ik-utioii flu-re ts ®®"®® Tha Boston sad iwfl. when lb* aathor 's not w atroB is by a smglo word of h'ls k* will be published by them simultamHni:dy wUh h* of same JO.IRW copk* of poWk documenta rad some tiAiMneiMchi* i>oitKaI frteii:te cf Joraagctl in the neck with a [*®>nt I a tothaptef bouquet , wjurb i* told in white silk- fittin- bijfh s ppsaxauce in Engiud inUcmsu. Dunrh, Patch aud 'Velsh. Jl^g hflu tem. kcMod w Uw oeolusioB of the country, and tb* aecottfll of tbc [