—a TAT T —, —S — — ^. \ : T j W T T T: . LOUIBVIt,L,E - LOUISVILLE: SATURDAY, 24 , 1855 . WHOLE NUxMBER 579. VOLUME 1 2 . NUMBER 8 . FEBRUARY .4 fTrom the I.oiuton Timat. Jin. M.J F^but F«rn InrcUed. I Yonne Keutneky— Duel. place to expreM their appreciatioa of the services FVKT1IE& JTCWA BY THE AAlA. uniinpaaMonad. In J«Jgr?>cnt, ilaliberE..*, calcu- Our WashifigtoB lon'espoMdcfice* I | j .trtit WEEkl.T COIRIER, ttiegraphic des- Ke markable lr. f>om the I.audoB Tiaies. thus rendered to our commerce by Mr. S., sod ! ^b* week hssbscn oas of saxiety iaBuglsag. Dri^riLLE expoae ® * * notor,jut ..nny tm laa We are advised byv letter and Tha exemplary, . OcaiructioB of the t'ri mean Army, &ih1 unwavering. In babita, , . | . AUaatie br<«gHt Lsadiw paBsro it Natwday, not a till few daya, i Pl'HI-lSHFU RT ^lx«n Pubu.licd in th. ahape of a duoderuno patch, that a duel was fought ycstenlay ^rning word has been said within a RTth, ^here a season for «ul in moral principle, well gronndeJ .nd above w aU things, and on the ere of CCorriipeodears of Iht t.oa.fViUo Covnor.] by the Xew York Journal of Commeree. by which c^tam^ L^ ^a Kosssh's oxfimmLom at h« N. HALOEMAN. It about nme miles from W. ! . pages. is racy book, 1 near .Moreland’s, a tavern a great national disa.ster, , J u 1, . LI. volume of 330 a p/k fur- it is some comfort to think DirmorT BDmon. reproach. vVe venture judgment when > \VasuixoTox, Feb. 9, 1835. katf' r«> nu no rash . ^ M rn , . , . tbat the present yes, this very is tAb.T;^i?r. aoeimek* Botirbon present hour— the i . • will Lexington, the line of boundary of • that unlock that on — r«u«r. par r***' RIM 1 u I nishes a key packaae «f per- . , negotiated. If Commodore Perry is entitled to is ' season for a ... , , , [ munM •> ih« we sar there rs not a man in Kentuckv, who . great natioual duty. As fur tlis pen- Cour-ar IM ; ^ ' I omitted to stale in my letter of last evening ' sonahties Hall. She is Sarah and Fayette countie-. The partie.s were Thcoph- , ,„ten of . .... Ruth Tavson apprecistion from the Amwieaa 0«::< C»ar ar. wiiaa aant bp mU. par 5>aar *M , u .. i — ding operations at Sevastopol, cIinoKt On the cveuiag ef - “ “ ... better we may uis- ^ Monday 30tk, Mr Wiikenk'i *“ “ not a pohtictan, is better known or HA' FW IM who , , n « v\ illis, and was bom in Portland, Matne^ July motion wan lesumed in tke Honee ot Waaa.i Caarar 1 M , , , L- ^ 9, Cemmsw— liked all i-arues who do know him, or .. ant nr S bv- men of nnmely, “thnt a select eomnsttee be appointed r,T eapat af Waeklp Caar.at, jau, M * — >\ te ^ - “ - “ . 1811 “air, fat and fartv-three! nen she *1 e.oapat, “ ntt , II i_ , quire into “ » who possesses in a greater degree all the eie- ... ' „. the eondition of the BkMeh Army hefcf* aoiMat - ^ ^ , .. .... ^•awrT-!m MM ^ first called upon the editor ol the boston. to , .... Flag Hevaetopel. and into tke eondnet nt tkeee Depwt- «PArCS£VTRKrVT I’NI.KSS THE MONET EE uieuU that would make Lun popular and accept- rAI>> IN AUVXNCE become a contnbutor. to his paper, she wore.ac-_ ente of the Govemmeat wboee dnty it hna bM tn .. , . , ^ ,r ‘ * ” able to the whole people, rs Governor, than Hen- admiuMter to the waste ef that army , desirous of ration the subject of the tariff, with a vie v to alter and ability, aided by the prestige ofths flag which _ Cording to the editoreditor’s8 own statement, a “jaunty Steele being uninjured. Both were oyw°theh ^li.s,**anapp™d*ut''u?t'^an^*Th^^ , of I avette. ® Mcaere Stafford and IFlamrii ^poke. when tfin ly T. Duncan, i i modify the preaent rates of duties. waiy^ shove them, uid t be nations of the ADVERTISIKO .it, .u l j not Ivpar to it. they were at tlie nurcy of Mr. H. whkh Ilivuve fire, would Ivfar the storm. The remnant dirMcd, Ajj . seconds . j- bonnet, elegant veil, rich broadcloth cloak, and another but the iteconds for tbe mw ios, iA" againei. Hn. ~ . f I j j I at rata of i < n I »1i af wbsMsOT I*B(th imsrisil tha as the of k.nd of •^orld have been taught to lear respect, WelreelygiTc Inm tvpe tbc , .. ... the Dfitish the I and tliA army might be about Afieen or sev- moved that Ibuse go into Committee of the Jority agsmst Government, 137. Wharewpen the SsaaM par 1 w far tha Stal iMartinu,ui4 ioaata par liar for silkdre-ssilk.:iL dre-s -ratherrather magnificent, if notnn» more so. tVetwhivpni*'V e hive no-not heardhPAT.I the caueecauseriimn of the duel,duel but • — K II A bayontt. Scott, who is the guest, while in the city, racti iilbwjaaal isMitiaa A lisa aratil aaiT axifas wakaa men the present oerasiou shouldM cell out; and nn- at the last dale. About whole on the State of the T’nioo with a ,i.w to ! Miniotry reidgned. that * ' SM.it a 1 oa •apr.M. PaVBSST TS at. Bans U> aSVAUcs IS carried her MSS. in an elegant reticule, in close presume that it grow out of a family fendfeud a huudred a day were *eiit the ho^pit:ils, ’ of to never . Mr. Preston, the Their . Representative of the Louis- reeignatioe wae aecepted. and the Aberdean aM- r>tW less they are called out. wc have great fear that j n-turn fit for service, subject. On being ssked whether i proxifflity to a coouettish handkercliief, redolent originated between tlicse two young men when aud nearly as many more ville district, has been waite-.? upon and eongratu- Cabinet osiy hold oCce cntil a rew MiniMry cm bn ^ on the he would consider the vote in lat«l Sonoed. ’ Committee of the by of friend^ sbise the passage of tho they were chil iren at schosl, .and that eventuated j Wg« Ahall be Gevcnier Henry ^ of perfu^.jierfumc. The editor says he paid, her five schosl, the evening of of KeatBeky;— y ' On Tnesday, tbe 31at, tho ot the must auspiciojs political move- . * confer and one , . i p Whole upon Uking it up a test vote, ha replied in ^ the rank of Lieutenant General u'hw T. naacaa frseos»4-Tr«« Priaclelea M be dollars per column, ...her short about seven years ago in th# killing of \\ ilhamilliam L.£,. , 1. , and columns were n^re Is a regidararain of six thousand a month i^odeni tunes be corrutded and turned Thi. rank, it muM be rMSMnbe.-wi. H- moRtsof • Aeartcd. , . , , . , , . i i . tu o. i . - tbe affirmative. vailvs party. Ulackbum,Blackburn,m Lsq.,Esq., Cant.Capt. Thomas Steele, at Har-uMar- against no further reiutorienicnts worth taking into Ua^VedBenday Lord Derby waitad oa • one-thirJ at that, and deiua*ded by m 1 1. when she twelve never been conferred upon but two American Tim Children of lerael never eerved their tack- lutoamere machine for trained political schemers account. At this rale tha Qaeca, aad had aa iBtorview if :wo , ,, , . > . , .. , .1 , .mi. Lord Kaglau and his staff The Hoose then went into homu inonvinonj se. \\ oailtord county. UlackBlack committee, when generals, namely, .. , ,1. I.C I dollars a coluiitn, he thought he wotild scratch meeting-horse,mee-ing-hoi m W oo-ttord Gea. 'Wa.shingtoo and Gon. WTiea tbe iatorrisw ’ survivors of the expedition was fin^Md. Lord Dstby istera renewe.l success their selfish i ® about *«sw to promote with . Egypt patient endurance . m with more . ... ^ l , , - . .Vott, burn, on that Steele,tvtcelc, waswa.s .Mr. H. made the motion, which was lost, and the which, of eourse, gives it a pecnliar charm ia baste to th« reMdvace ->f Io>rd it. occasion, attacked woowho the I Pafaacnioa. I hiS editorial ear, and think about He says bar 3th of March. The weather lias lieen worse whsM than the people servod the rul- and ambitious designs. • of Kentucky hare i , , , j “d value m tbe eyws of the latter. a leagthened eoafcrcBcs took piece. * I ‘j**" and expected to still; civil apart at her.....kevw boarding acquitte.1.AS»ntllttA.I Thisthlsi duelllllsbl is aO singulareiTlfVStlfkr denouement/i^n/hn«innnt ww be woisc and diplomatic bill w.as then taken up. ^ menu house were “sump- I ^ j o r ^ • Tlie ing political families the Sute. Let any man I HAiiTV KnAV. rtUkIrl th'XW. MSkresrA frr-bfot VilttMr nititlx r«.i . .. ...... I SHELBY. pabhc have But learned what eacanad of This for hw of an almost life-long cherisheil animosity. The {’’‘‘J'- ends alUttempts thU session and bv tWs tween PoversT and >&tloii.iiiir. tuously fumis.ied — chairs of »jlid inahogony, wind,- frozen trenches, lmpas.sable roads hardened to ^ them, hot the gracrai rumor waa *k«« take up the faisuory and run his eye Missio.v of Kentucky, to alter, Tai TO Spaim.— he fuQowtug la the 1‘almenSon would not The deetilution among the poor ef our city and covered wdih velvet—with centre-«able, sola, car- two principals neither have yet att.aineil their ma- the consistency of a rock, ruU treech* roiwly filled Congress ameml and modify the tariff. tatmU to the tanm fnsiisid letter of over the list of those who have represented the with driving Mr. Breckinridge, declining the miasion to I 8y Lord Derby, eouasgosatiy tlie latter w.
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