Schouten Island Scientific Expedition • 2011
Schouten Island Scientific Expedition • 2011 A partnership program between the Hamish Saunders Memorial Trust, New Zealand and the Resource Management and Conservation Division, DPIPWE, Tasmania Editor: Dr Anthony Reid Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Schouten Island Scientific Expedition 2011 A partnership program between the Hamish Saunders Memorial Trust, New Zealand and the Resource Management and Conservation Division, DPIPWE, Tasmania. © Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Book ISBN: 978-0-9922694-0-1 Title: Schouten Island Scientific Expedition 2011 Author(s): Anthony Reid (editor) Publisher/Place: Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment/Hobart PDF format for Web publication ISBN: 978-0-9922694-1-8 Title: Schouten Island Scientific Expedition 2011 Author(s): Anthony Reid (editor) Publisher/Place: Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment/Hobart Cite as: Reid, A (2011). Schouten Island Scientific Expedition 2011. Hamish Saunders Memorial Trust, New Zealand and Resource Management and Conservation Division, DPIPWE, Hobart, Nature Conservation Report Series 11/2 Cover photo: Nick Page. Inside cover photos: Jason Bradbury. Design and layout by the ILS Design Unit, DPIPWE. This work is copyright. It may be reproduced for study, research or training purposes subject to an acknowledgement of the sources and no commercial use or sale. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Branch Manager, Biodiversity Conservation Branch DPIPWE or the Hamish Saunders Memorial Trust, Auckland, New Zealand. Schouten Island Scientific Expedition • 2011 A partnership program between the Hamish Saunders Memorial Trust, New Zealand and the Resource Management and Conservation Division, DPIPWE, Tasmania Editor: Dr Anthony Reid Schouten Island • Scientific Expedition • 2011 4 Bear Hill.
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