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—a TAT T —, —S — — ^. \ : T j W T T T: . LOUIBVIt,L,E - LOUISVILLE: SATURDAY, 24 , 1855 . WHOLE NUxMBER 579. VOLUME 1 2 . NUMBER 8 . FEBRUARY .4 fTrom the I.oiuton Timat. Jin. M.J F^but F«rn InrcUed. I Yonne Keutneky— Duel. place to expreM their appreciatioa of the services FVKT1IE& JTCWA BY THE AAlA. uniinpaaMonad. In J«Jgr?>cnt, ilaliberE..*, calcu- Our WashifigtoB lon'espoMdcfice* I | j .trtit WEEkl.T COIRIER, ttiegraphic des- Ke markable lr. f>om the I.audoB Tiaies. thus rendered to our commerce by Mr. S., sod ! ^b* week hssbscn oas of saxiety iaBuglsag. Dri^riLLE expoae ® * * notor,jut ..nny tm laa We are advised byv letter and Tha exemplary, . OcaiructioB of the t'ri mean Army, &ih1 unwavering. In babita, , . | . AUaatie br<«gHt Lsadiw paBsro it Natwday, not a till few daya, i Pl'HI-lSHFU RT ^lx«n Pubu.licd in th. ahape of a duoderuno patch, that a duel was fought ycstenlay ^rning word has been said within a RTth, ^here a season for «ul in moral principle, well gronndeJ .nd above w aU things, and on the ere of CCorriipeodears of Iht t.oa.fViUo Covnor.] by the Xew York Journal of Commeree. by which c^tam^ L^ ^a Kosssh's oxfimmLom at h« N. HALOEMAN. It about nme miles from W. ! . pages. is racy book, 1 near .Moreland’s, a tavern a great national disa.ster, , J u 1, . LI. volume of 330 a p/k fur- it is some comfort to think DirmorT BDmon. reproach. vVe venture judgment when > \VasuixoTox, Feb.
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