Title: 1837: A History

Author: Salutin, Rick Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1976


roy drama - Canadian - historical five characters three male; two female (doubling) two acts

A lively, humorous and ultimately tragic look at Canada's ill-starred revolution for national independence.

Title: 1837: The Farmer's Revolt

Author: Salutin, Rick Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1976


roy drama - Canadian - historical five characters three male; two female (doubling) two acts

A lively, humorous and ultimately tragic look at Canada's ill-starred revolution for national independence.

Title: 2000

Author: MacLeod, Joan Publisher: Talonbooks 1997


roy drama - Canadian five characters two male; three female two acts

"The relationships of the young, the aging and the middle-aged, and between urban life and nature at the end of the millenium. . . 'I am intrigued by the notion of the wild invading the city and the city invading the wild, by the idea of things being not quite right in the nature and the reproach of the millenium.' - Joan MacLeod." Title: 2nd Nature, A Hummer Opera As published in Theatrum Magazine (Feb/Mar 1991) Author: Taylor, Deanne Publisher: Theatrum Publishing 1991


roy fantasy all female cast; large cast six female (doubling) two acts

'The action of the play takes place in a realm where mind and body, sprit and flesh, culture and nature co-exist. In this realm, generation after generation, power is shared between VOLO, the wielder of the concept of "I" who acts in the social body, and AUTO, who rules the visceral affairs of the homebody with the first ministers - GUSTA (Agriculture), CARDIA (Circulation), DOC (Health and Defense), and OVARY (Immortality). Auto's and Volo's story begins in an older generation, in a distant and perhaps mythical time when human nature was a creature of its bio-culture, and gives

Title: 99 Histories

Author: Cho, Julia Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2005


roy drama - relations six characters (doubling) two male; four female two acts

setting: suburb of Los Angeles; approx. 100 min.

What is remembered is made up. The only homelands that exist are imaginary. Love is nothing; there is only 'chung'. Eunice, a former prodigy, comes home to decide what to do with the baby that has unexpectedly taken root inside her. But before she can move forward she must first confront the ghosts of a difficult past. 99 Histories is a play about memory, legacy and the

Title: Accomplice A comedy thriller Author: Holmes, Rupert Publisher: Samuel French 1991


roy drama - mystery - thriller eight characters two male; two female; one flexible (doubling) two acts

interior set; setting: mid-1970s England.

Accomplice begins as a straightforward English thriller in a country house. A sex-starved wife and her lover plan to murder her stuffy husband. The husband is murdered on stage, but reappears this is actually a dress rehearsal for an out of town try out and the murder victim is the playwright and director. He, however, is plotting to murder his wife, the leading lady in his play, Title: Acre of Time: The Play, An

Author: Sherman, Jason Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2001


roy drama - historical fiction - Canada - family relations large cast three male; three female (doubling) two acts

A surveyor uncovers the history of an acre of land near the Ottawa River, a barren rectangle that contains the memories of all who passed through it, from the last native hunter to the first white settler. But the one person she most wants to bring back from the dead remains the most elusive - her daughter.

Title: Adventures of Ali and Ali and the Axes of Evil, The A divertimento for warlords Author: Youssef, Marcus Verdecchia, Guillermo Publisher: Talonbooks 2005


roy satire - Canadian all male cast; seven characters four male (doubling) one act (long)

prequel to "Ali and Ali: The Deportation Hearings".

"An elaborate agitprop theatrical collaboration where the internal contradictions and duplicitous double-speak of the "war on terror" are exposed as the propaganda vehicles for the neo-colonialism of the West that they are. Ali Hakim and Ali Ababwa, refugees from the imaginary country Agraba, attempt to seduce their audience into providing them with food, refuge, security,

Title: Aforesaid Bates

Author: Tarver, Ben Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1982


roy drama - Canadian - Alberta playwright six characters five male; one female two acts

The views and philosophies of a pioneer rancher are aired when he takes his stand, refusing to leave his spread on a missile range in New Mexico. Title: After You

Author: Carley, Dave Publisher: Scirocco Drama 1995


roy drama six characters (doubling) one male; four female two acts

Adele is dying and Jean is helping her. The cousins have come back to cottage on Lake Kawartha so that the stroke-ravaged Adele may die with peace and dignity. Jean methodically administers the required drugs but memory refuses to release its hold on either woman. The cottage and lake conjure up the ghosts of their former selves, and of the young man who was, to their minds, the "fork in the road" that determined the path of their lives.

Title: Age of Bees

Author: Palmquist, Tara Publisher: Original Works 2015


roy drama - futuristic four characters one male; three female two acts

The bees have gone, disease and scarcity are rampant, but Mel, a young pollinator, finds refuge on an isolated farm. This place is fertile and safe, and Mel counts herself lucky to have a place where - even if it is not exactly happy - she has a purpose. When that purpose and safety are threatened, Mel faces an awful choice: will she risk leaving this relative safety, or will she hide from greater dangers, even if it means giving up some chance that something can grow in this ruined world?

Title: All Other Destinations Are Cancelled

Author: Murphy, Colleen Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1985


roy drama - Canadian four characters one male; three female two acts

2 exterior sets.

In an isolated northern town, a family rages against the past and each other, in a struggle for love and forgiveness. Title: Alternatives

Author: Taylor, Drew Hayden Publisher: Talonbooks 2000


roy drama - Canadian - Native peoples - Native playwright six characters three male; three female two acts

"A very liberal contemporary couple - Angel, an urban Native science fiction writer: and Colleen, a Non-practising Jewish intellectual who teaches Native literature - have a dinner party. The guests at this little soiree are couples that represent what by now have become the cliched extremes of both societies-Angels former radical Native activist buddies: and Colleen's environmentally concerned vegetarian/veterinarian friends. The menu is of course shorthand for the irreconcilable cultural differences about to come to a head: moose roast and vegetarian lasagna."

Title: American Days

Author: Poliakoff, Stephen Publisher: Eyre Methuen 1979


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

Three young English singers are put in the position of competing against each other for a contract with a major recording company.

Title: American Days

Author: Poliakoff, Stephen Publisher: Eyre Methuen 1979


roy drama - five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

Three young English singers are put in the position of competing against each other for a contract with a major recording company. Title: American Plan, The

Author: Greenberg, Richard Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1991


roy comedy - drama five characters two male; three female two acts

"This thoughtful and mysterious play dissects a portion of upper-class American society at mid-century and finds a troubled young girl's dream of love shattered by her mother's definition of happiness."

Title: Amigo's Blue Guitar

Author: MacLeod, Joan Publisher: Summerhill Press 1990


roy drama - Canadian - ethnic five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior sets and 1 exterior set.

Sander's life is given meaning when he chooses to sponsor a Salvadoran refugee for his sociology class. He never really thinks Elias will make it to Canada, and when he does, Sander and his family must learn what it means and feels like to be a refugee, and how to best relate to someone who has endured such intense personal grief. The warmth and humour of the

Title: Amy's View

Author: Hare, David Publisher: Faber and Faber 1997


roy drama - family relationships six characters three female; three male four acts

Psychological drama about strained relationship between famous British actress and her dutiful daughter from 1979 - 1995. Esme Allen is a well-known West End actress at just the moment when the West End is ceasing to offer actors a regular way of life. The visit of her young daughter, Amy, with a new boyfriend sets in train a series of event which only find their shape sixteen years later. Title: Anagram of Murder

Author: Matthews, Seymour Publisher: Samuel French 1984


roy thriller - drama six characters three male; three female two acts

Beautiful Veronica enlists the help of a former lover to murder her writer husband, Gus, while all the time plotting to run away with her current lover. She becomes alarmed when Gus discusses the plot of his new novel and she finds it uncomfortably close to her murder plans. She goes ahead with her scheme, but things do not run entirely smoothly, and the next day the police report the finding of a body - but is it Gus?

Title: Ancient Lights

Author: Stephenson, Shelagh Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2004


roy drama six characters two male; four female two acts

Hollywood actor Tom Cavallero and girlfriend Iona are spending Christmas in the English countryside with his oldest friends, Bea and Kitty. Bea's new lover, Tad, would rather hole up quietly with Pathology for Beginners. Her daughter, Joni, would rather be in . And how can anyone relax whilst Iona's filming their every move? She's making a documentary about "the real Tom." But who is that exactly? Tom, Kitty and Bea have known each other since they were young and unformed. But who have they become, and what price have they paid?

Title: Angel of Death

Author: Storey, Raymond Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1985


roy drama - Canadian - Alberta playwright five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

The year is 1916 and the war is dragging on. When Alice McCauley returns home she has more on her mind than mourning her dead cousin. She has to come to terms with the tyrannical father who drove her from home, and who drove her young cousin to his death. She must also deal with the housekeeper who raised her, a woman who talks to spirits and speaks of worlds other than our Title: Angel Street A Victorian thriller Author: Hamilton, Patrick Publisher: Samuel French 1966


roy melodrama - mystery - Victorian thriller - romantic five characters; extras two male; three female three acts

Same as 'Gaslight'. The story of the Manninghams who live on Angel Street. It is soon apparent that Manningham, a suavely sinister and handsome man, is slowly torturing his wife into insanity under the guise of kindness. While he is out, Mrs. Manningham has an unexpected caller - amiable, paternal Rough from Scotland Yard. Rough is convinced that Manningham is a maniacal criminal wanted for a murder committed fifteen years ago in this very house. Gradually, the hearty and understanding Rough restores Mrs. Manningham's confidence in herself and they build up

Title: Another Season's Harvest

Author: Chislett, Anne Roulston, Keith Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1986


roy Canadian - drama - farming - family relations six characters three male; two female; one child two acts

sequel to "Another Season's Promise"; running time: 125 min.

When Ken Purves lost his farm in the 1980s, he vowed he would one day buy it back. Twenty years later, with the land safely returned to his family's care, Ken is enjoying a well earned Mediterranean cruise, when news of the latest crisis forces him to return and take up the battle for farmers everywhere. Ripe with drama and wit, "Another Season's Harvest" adds a spirited human

Title: Apart From George

Author: Ward, Nick Publisher: Oberon Press 1988


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

1 exterior set.

Description not available. Title: Archbishop's Ceiling, The

Author: Miller, Arthur Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1984


roy drama - political - relationships five characters three male; two female two acts

"Setting: An ornate room in a former Archbishop's palace in an Eastern European capital, a room which has probably been bugged by the secret police. Central characters: A middle-aged author Sigmund, who, having embarrassed the current regime, is faced with the choice of detention and punishment or defection to the West. He is encouraged in the latter by two of his former friends, his compatriot Marcus, an ex-political prisoner now in favor with the regime, and Adrian, a visiting American with strongly liberal ideals. The situation is complicated by the presence of

Title: Arrangements

Author: Weitzman, Ken Publisher: Samuel French 2010


roy dramatic comedy - romance six characters four male; two female three acts

In the dank basement of a flower shop, when a college dropout meets a morbidly obese woman twice his age, chaos ensues. What follows is a beautiful and troubling romance in which the couple plots to unravel the tightly wound lives of all those around them. A biting, comic tale of obsession and repression, abstinence and consumption, expression and repression.

Winner! L. Arnold Weissberger Award.

Title: Art of Murder

Author: DiPietro, Joe Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2007


roy drama - mystery four characters two male; two female two acts

In a remote estate in the countryside of Connecticut, Jack Brooks, one of the most accomplished and eccentric painters of his generation, awaits the imminent arrival of his art dealer. But the visit is not a standard one, for Jack feels wronged, and he is intending to kill the man. As Jack lays out his intentions for the evening, his wife, Annie, calmly paints. She is reluctant to go along with the plan, until Jack’s threat of violence convinces her otherwise. Harried and annoyed, Vincent, Jack’s flamboyant art dealer, arrives. Will Jack carry out his plan? Will Annie help him? Or is something Title: As Bees in Honey Drown

Author: Beane, Douglas Carter Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1998


roy dramatic comedy twenty-two characters three male; three female (doubling) two acts

Defined by the media as the "hot-young" thing-of-the-moment, Evan captures the attention of Alexa Vere de Vere, a black-clad woman of mystery who's made the world of celebrity her home. She wants Evan to write the screenplay of her life story. To Evan, who is gay, it's like an invitation into the world of Auntie Mame, Sally Bowles and Holly Golightly all rolled into one. But once Evan fools himself into believing he loves Alexa, she vanishes, leaving him to foot the bill for all the dinners and Armani suits they've gone through.

Title: Aspern Papers

Author: James, Henry Redgrave, Michael Publisher: Samuel French 1959


roy melodrama six characters two male; four female three acts

1 interior set; period - Late Nineteenth century. Michael Redgrave's adaptation of Henry James' "Aspern Papers".

An American publisher rents some rooms in Venice from an old woman and her niece in hopes of getting letters, papers and anecdotes about an obscure American poet whom his company is publishing. The woman is the only survivor of the poet's peers but is reticent about her

Title: Audition, The

Author: Daniels, Dan Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1965


roy drama - Canadian - theatre six characters four male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

A super-naturalistic or surrealist treatment of man's relationship to man. There is an inner contradiction between the action and the dialogue and each act is a complete unit in itself with its own value. Collectively the play brings about another value. Title: Authentic Life of Billy the Kid, The

Author: Blessing, Lee Publisher: Samuel French 1979


roy drama - history all male cast; four characters four male two acts

running time: 60 minutes

Set in a one room shack out west at the turn of the last century, this at times funny and at times chilling play concerns Pat Garrett, the man who shot Billy the Kid. Now, many years after the famous deed, Garrett lives alone with his memories. Enter the man who wrote the dime novel that immortalized Billy and Garrett. He brings with him a man who he claims is the real Billy the Kid,

Title: Baby Dance, The A drama in two acts Author: Anderson, Jane Publisher: Samuel French 1992


roy drama - marriage - family relations - parenting five characters three male; two female two acts

Richard and Rachel, a well-off California couple has everything except a child. They locate Wanda and Al, a desperately poor couple in Louisiana who have agreed to let them adopt their next baby. Both parties do their best to make the arrangement work but the class differences create unbearable tensions. When it is discovered that the baby possibly suffered brain damage during the difficult birth, her husband backs away but Rachel wants the baby regardless. In the end, the childless couple leaves the baby's parents with another mouth to feed.

Title: Bag Babies

Author: Stratton, Allan Publisher: Coach House Press 1991


roy Canadian - satire six characters three male; three female two acts

"The rich speak verse and the poor speak prose in this comic and wildly theatrical satire on hypocrisy and greed." Title: Battle Hymn

Author: Leonard, Jim Jr. Publisher: Samuel French 2011


roy dramatic comedy thirty-two characters four male; one female (doubling) two acts

multiple settings.

Award-winning playwright Jim Leonard's latest, "Battle Hymn", is the story of 16-year-old Martha's epic pregnancy and her incredible search for motherhood, meaning, and love in a war-torn American landscape. After being abandoned by her father, losing her true love and witnessing the horrors of the Civil War firsthand, Martha settles on one incontrovertible fact: She will not raise

Title: Bea's Niece

Author: Gow, David Publisher: Canadian Playwrights 1997


roy drama - women four characters one male; three female (doubling) two acts

"Anne Hirsch, a famous novelist, battles to regain her sense of place, time and reality. She is surrounded by characters and happenings which challenge our understanding and perception."

Title: Beautiful For Ever A play for women Author: Jones, Glyn Publisher: Samuel French 1978


roy drama all female cast; five characters five female three acts

'Having known poverty and outlived three husbands, Madame Rachel has found a lucrative occupation which she has no intention of losing. Making use of knowledge gained from one husband, a chemist's assistant, she makes up worthless potions and elixirs, gives them romantic names, and battens on the desire of foolish, ignorant women to remain "beautiful forever"; aided - with increasing concern by her elder daughter, Leonte.' Title: Beautiful Lake Winnipeg

Author: Hunter, Maureen Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1989


roy drama - Canadian four characters two male; two female two acts

1 exterior set.

When a man accompanies his fiancee to her cabin, only to find her ex-husband waiting for them, the web of deceit grows thick enough to chop with an axe. Who's lying? Who's telling the truth? Is there a body?

Title: Beautiful Thing An urban fairytale Author: Harvey, Jonathan Publisher: Methune Drama 1994


roy drama - coming of age - LGBTQ+ five characters three male; two female two acts

Jamie and Ste (short for Steve) are teen-age neighbours in a working-class housing project in London. Jamie is bookish and shy while Ste is more athletic. Neither one has an ideal home life: Jamie's mother Sandra is bitter over her financial situation and her romantic life, but she's willing to settle for a bloke named Tony and cover up her disappointment with scathing humour; Ste's father and brother abuse him in the form of escalating domestic squabbles and actual beatings. After one such fight, Ste asks Sandra if he can stay at her house and she lets him and Jamie bunk

Title: Beauty of the Father

Author: Cruz, Nilo Publisher: Theatre Communications Group 2008


roy drama - love five characters three male; two female two acts

In 'Beauty of the Father' Nilo Cruz asks: What will we sacrifice in the name of love? A young woman named Marina reunites with her father Emiliano in his artistic home, populated by his worldly wise female companion Paquita and the irresistible young Moroccan Karim, whom father and daughter both fall for. Set in the south of Spain, Beauty of the Father invokes the ghost of Federico García Lorca, both with its lyrical language and as a character in a white linen suit who appears to Emiliano as he paints. The play’s rhythms are infused with the spirit of the Andalusians—a people Title: Belongings A play in two acts Author: Fenton, Daniel Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company 2001


roy drama - grief - family relations all female cast; five characters three female; two girls two acts

Three generations of women find themselves at a crossroads following the death of the family's matriarch. 14-year-old Katy is determined to keep her grandmother's spirit alive and promises that her home and belongings will remain intact. The promise flies in the face of her family's plans for an estate sale and draws the battle lines between Katy and her mother, aunt and great-aunt. The family's failure to confront the issues of death and grief create a storm of pent-up emotion on estate sale day.


Author: Frayn, Michael Publisher: Methuen 1984


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

'Set in 1960's London. Two neighborly couples turn relationship from friendly to bitterly rivalrous.'

Title: Bill W. and Dr. Bob

Author: Shem, Samuel Surrey, Janet Publisher: Samuel French 2011


roy drama - alcohol - biographical - historical - addiction six characters three male; three female two acts

From the author of the best-selling novel, The House of God, this critically acclaimed version which played Off Broadway in 2007, tells the amazing story of the two men who pioneered Alcoholics Anonymous, and of their wives, who founded Al Anon. During the roaring '20s, New York stockbroker Bill Wilson rides high on money, fame, and booze. In '29, both he and the market crash and he becomes a hopeless drunk. Dr. Bob Smith, a surgeon in Akron, Ohio, and a pillar of the community, has been a secret drunk for thirty years, often going into the operating Title: Birds and the Bees, The

Author: Crawford, Mark Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2017


roy comedy - Canadian - family relations - life - love four characters two male; two female two acts

Sarah’s marriage is over, and she’s just moved back home to the farm with her beekeeper mother, Gail. As the women try to adjust to the many changes in their world, their lives are complicated by the community’s last-ever Turkey Days celebration, beehive troubles, an eccentric neighbour, and a handsome young researcher. "The Birds and the Bees" is a laugh-out-loud comedy with a huge, honeyed heart.

Title: Birdy

Author: Wharton, William Wallace, Naomi Publisher: Broadway Play Publishing 2003


roy drama - war all male cast; six characters six male two acts

adapted for the stage by Naomi Wallace.

Birdy is called Birdy because he adores pigeons (keeping a large collection in his bedroom) and wants to learn how to fly. When he falls from a great height he's hardly hurt, and he and his best buddy Al could swear that just for a moment he hovered. In war-time some years later the adult Sergeant Al is brought to the military hospital where a shell-shocked Birdy refuses to speak or eat,

Title: Blessed Art Thou Among Women

Author: Werner, Hans Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1981


roy drama - Canadian six characters two male; four female two acts

Description not available. Title: Blue Denim

Author: Herlihy, James Leo Publisher: Samuel French 1958


roy drama six characters three male; three female three acts

unit set.

A young high school boy learns that he is to become a father but the young couple is afraid to tell their parents about their problem. Abortion seems to be the only way out. When his family learns of his secret, after the fact, they give him the support he was afraid he would not get if they ever knew.

Title: Bodies

Author: Saunders, James Publisher: Amber Lane Press 1979


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

When two couples get together after a nine year separation in their friendship, they discuss, in a round about way, the effects of the affairs they had had between themselves has had on their marriages and their friendship and their outlooks on life.

Title: Book of Esther, The

Author: Brodie, Leanna Publisher: Talonbooks 2012


roy drama - coming of age - Canadian - LGBTQ+ five characters three male; two female two acts

It’s June 1981. Farmers face a debt crisis with interest rates as high as 20 percent. More than three hundred men are arrested after police sweeps of Toronto bathhouses, yet Pride Toronto launches its first gay-pride parade. Everything’s changing, including fifteen-year-old Esther, who escapes the family farm and runs away to the city. With the help of a brash young hustler and a gay activist who shelters street kids, she confronts her conservative-Christian parents—farmers on the brink of financial ruin—and begins to find her way home. Acclaimed playwright Leanna Title: Book of Jessica, The A theatrical transformation Author: Griffiths, Linda Campbell, Maria Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1989


roy Canadian - drama - women - Native peoples six characters three male; three female two acts

"Imagine one woman acting out another woman's life before that woman's eyes. Imagine that the woman improvising is white, and the woman watching is Metis. Imagine that the two women collaborate on a play; fight over the play; do not speak to each other for years, and finally reconcile, recording their tempestuous journey in a book which ends with the play."

Title: Book of Ruth, The

Author: Frockt, Deborah Lynn Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company 2001


roy holocaust - relationships five characters three male; two female one act (full length)

'Celebrating faith and community, family and continuity, "The Book of Ruth" is a poignant tale of love between generations. Separated from the rest of their family, Hannah and her granddaughter Ruth, sit imprisoned in a Nazi internment camp, struggling each day to care for each other, to avoid the transports East and to stave off starvation. Amidst the despair of war, the two struggle to preserve their humanity, their culture - - and each other.'

Title: Boy

Author: Jordan, Julia Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2005


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

A seventeen-year old boy with a gift for storytelling comes from rural Iowa to the Twin Cities in search of a new home and start in life. Unbeknownst to them, he has idealized and seized on an educated family through an internet correspondence with their son. He seduces each in turn, with his stories. One of which is horrific and true. Title: Breaking the Prairie Wolf Code

Author: Mueller, Lavonne Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1986


roy drama six characters two male; four female two acts

suggested for high school.

In 1866 a wagon train moves slowly and perilously westward across the American frontier. Helen, the pampered young widow of an army colonel, and her fourteen-year-old daughter, Amy, are hoping for a better life in California. Helen tries bravely to adapt to the rigors of the journey, but their misfortunes multiply as they lose some of their precious food supply and Amy falls ill with

Title: Brief History of Helen of Troy; or, Everything Will Be Different, A

Author: Schultz, Mark Publisher: Oberon Modern Plays 2005


roy drama - coming of age six characters four male; two female four parts

Charlotte is fifteen and grieving over the loss of her beautiful mother. Her relationship with her father is put to the test as she discovers sex, ambition and 'beauty product'. Inspired by Euripides but with its sights set firmly on contemporary America, (this play) is an unsettling and startling authentic examination of complacency culture and the politics of beauty.

Title: Brimstone and Treacle

Author: Potter, Dennis Publisher: Samuel French 1978


roy drama four characters two male; two female four acts

"This play revolves around Mr. and Mrs. Bates, a dull, middle- aged couple whose only daughter, Pattie, has been reduced to a vegetable following a car accident two years previously. Suddenly, a polite, helpful and clean-cut but satanic young man walks into their lives with startling results." Title: Broadway Bound

Author: Simon, Neil Publisher: Samuel French 1987


roy comedy six characters four male; two female two acts

This is the third part of Neil Simon's acclaimed autobiographical trilogy. Eugene and his older brother are trying to break into the world of professional comedy writing, at the same time coping with the impending breakup of their family. Much of the play has to do with the brothers' hilarious efforts to come up with an idea for a comedy sketch. When their sketch is broadcast on the radio, the family is upset because Stan and Eugene have based their sketch on the trials and tribulations of their family. At the end, Eugene leaves us with the information that his parents


Author: Miller, Arthur Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1994


roy drama - relationships six characters three male; three female two acts

"Brooklyn, New York. The end of November 1938. Sylvia Gellberg has suddenly, mysteriously, become paralyzed from the waist down. As the play opens, her husband, Phillip, and her doctor, Dr. Hyman, meet to discuss the prognosis and test results. The doctor assures Phillip that physically, nothing is wrong with his wife and she is not insane, but advises the only way to discover the cause of her paralysis is to probe into her psyche. At this point, the author begins to peel away all the layers of the characters' lives in this stunning, deeply effective exploration of

Title: Bronte

Author: Teale, Polly Publisher: 2005


roy drama - biographical twelve characters two male; four female (doubling) two acts

How is it possible that three Victorian Spinsters, living in isolation on the Yorkshire moors, could have written some of the most powerful and passionate fiction of all time? It is 1845. Branwell returns home in disgrace. Plagued by alcohol and drug addiction, he has been dismissed after an affair with the mistress of the house he went to as a tutor. As he descends into alcoholism and insanity, bringing chaos to the household, his sisters write..... This extraordinary new play evokes the real and imagined world of the Brontes, as the fictional characters come to haunt their Title: Brothel #9

Author: Roy, Anusree Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2012


roy drama - Canadian - self-awareness - women - prostitution four characters two male; two female two acts

Provocative and moving, Brothel #9 is about the power of the human spirit and its ability to triumph in the face of corruption and suffering. A deal has been struck between two men in India—twenty-one hundred rupees in exchange for a young village woman named Rekha. Sent to Calcutta without knowing why, Rekha finds herself in the confines of a brothel with Jamuna, a prostitute and madam, who is resigned to her trade. In these conditions, Rekha must shape her destiny and find inner liberty.

Title: Bug

Author: Letts, Tracy Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2005


roy thriller five characters three male; two female two acts

"The story of a lonely, middle-aged waitress, victimized by her abusive ex-husband, and tortured by the kidnapping of her child in a supermarket almost ten years ago; a mysterious, timid stranger with a military past and psychotic tendencies; and the romance and paranoia that develops between them in a cramped, trashy motel room in Oklahoma City. An unforgettable exploration of the madness and fear that plague conspiracy theorists."

Title: Bush-Ladies: In Their Own Words

Author: Thom, Molly Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2000


roy drama - historical - Canadian all female cast; four characters four female two acts

" 'The Bush-Ladies: In Their Own Words' is adapted from the writings of Susanna Moodie, Catharine Parr Traill, Anne Langton, and Anna Jameson. In the 1830's, these four well-born, highly-educated British women came to Canada - and the accounts of their lives have made them the First Ladies of Canadian literature. In this clever play, Molly Thom uses the Bush-Ladies' own words to illuminate the immigrant experience. It is a spirited and dramatic romp through a vivid era in our history." Title: Cabale

Author: Cormann, Enzo translated by Gideon Y. Schein Publisher: UBU Repertory Theater Publications 1983


roy drama four characters two male; two female nine scenes

A lonely young woman seeks the companionship of a middle-aged Irish terrorist on an assassination mission.

Title: Call of the Whipperwill, The

Author: Dufresne, Guy Publisher: New Press 1972


roy drama - French Canadian six characters three male; three female two acts

exterior set.

Godfrey Dechenes is motivated less by his greed for the sale money from his farm, or by his anger at the modern Boston pirates' who hope to buy it, than by his love for his beautiful daughter, Gabrielle. In a play that is both quick-paced and evocative, Dufresne gives us another view of Quebec - earthy, emotional, and full of a rage that is at times articulated, at times powerfully

Title: Camera, Woman

Author: Vaughn, R.M. Publisher: Coach House Press 2000


roy drama - biography - Hollywood - Canadian six characters one male; five female five acts (two parts)

In 1943, Dorothy Arzner, one of Hollywood's few women directors, walked off the set of an unfinished film. She never returned. Based on a true story, (this play) explores Arzner's complicated relationship with Golden Era studio politics, her openly lesbian lifestyle and how the two worlds collided in her art. Title: Can You Hear Me At The Back?

Author: Clark, Brian Publisher: Amber Lane Press 1979


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

unit set.

A middle-aged architect begins to question the validity of a Utopian town he designed and built twenty-five years earlier and as he examines his feelings about his art, he realizes that he is also unhappy with his marriage and himself.

Title: Capture Me

Author: Thompson, Judith Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2004


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

Juxtaposing lived and imagined realities of hate and love, fear and hope, quirky humour and bitter knowledge, Capture Me takes the kind of risks that keeps theatre powerfully alive and kicking. Connecting the lives of a kindergarten teacher, the traumatized Islamic immigrant with whom she falls in love, the insanely abusive former husband who is stalking her, and the icy, mortally ill mother whom she struggles to understand, Thompson achieves an intensity that owes as much to the jagged poetry of her writing as to the stark conflicts she stages. Capture Me is

Title: Carmela's Table

Author: Rossi, Vittorio Publisher: Talonbooks 2008


roy Canadian - drama - immigrants five characters two male; three female two acts

"In Rossi's second play of his Carpenter's Trilogy, his dramatic portraits of the decorated Italian war hero Silvio's manipulative mother, Filomena, his inexplicably loyal wife Carmela, and the extended family's understanding and supportive neighbours Neva and Dave, are finely drawn variations on what have become pop-culture stereotypes of Italian immigrants. They clearly exist to allow Rossi to peel back the complex layers of Silvio's psyche to reveal all the classic symptoms of what we now know as post-traumatic stress disorder..." Title: Castrato

Author: Nelson, Greg Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1993


roy drama - Canadian four characters three male; one female two acts

At the center of Castrato is the tragic and sensational suicide of an abusive father and preacher. Haunted by their father's death, his surviving sons come to a less than perfect reunion after their twelve-year estrangement. Amidst the clash of liberal and fundamentalist religious views, Nelson's charged characters and tightly crafted dialogue bring to the forefront the experience of heartfelt struggle, psychological ramifications and long simmering rage.

Title: Catholic School Girls

Author: Kurtti, Casey Publisher: Samuel French 1989


roy satire - religion all female cast; four characters four female two acts

1 interior.

Satirical look at Catholic school life in the 1960's.

Title: Cell

Author: Klass, Judy Publisher: Samuel French 2009


roy drama - mystery six characters four male; two female two acts

"Cell is a murder mystery - to about the same extent that Sophocles' Oedipus Rex is a murder mystery. It is not a dinner theater kind of cozy murder mystery; it is a drama, with some humor, about brothers, one a Gen Xer and one a Baby Boomer, and the whodunit aspect is part of the painful war of wills and the cat and mouse game between them. Lieutenant Rodriguez questions Dennis Kadman about his older brother Michael, who has OD'd on heroin in Dennis' apartment. Dennis wants to know: who gave Michael the drugs? Michael was a cunning, manipulative addict. Title: Cherish

Author: Duncum, Ken Publisher: Victoria University Press 2004


roy drama - LGBTQ+ - family relations - relationships five characters two male; two female; one girl two acts

The tale of two couples - Jess and Maeve, William and Tom - and the children they share. What happens when good intentions run up against the hard realities of human need?

"The dramatic reverberations of a surrogacy dispute between a gay couple and a lesbian couple, whose parental instincts threaten to tear them apart."

Title: Children

Author: Gurney, A.R. Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 1977


roy dramatic comedy - family relations five characters two male; three female two acts

The action takes place in the summer home of a wealthy "WASP" family on a resort island off the New England coast. In residence are a middle-aged but still attractive widow; her divorced daughter; and her prep school teacher son and his wife. Their pleasant regimen is interrupted by two jarring events: the mother's announcement that she plans to marry an old family friend (which means that the house will then pass to her children); and the unexpected arrival of her younger son and his family. The younger son, "Pokey," has always been out of step with the rest of the

Title: China Doll

Author: Chan, Marjorie Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2004


roy drama - Chinese - historical four characters one male; three female two acts

20th century China.

"In China Doll, Marjorie Chan's first play, Ibsen is a catalyst for a young woman who comes to see her future in terms other than those laid out for her by the patriarchal society in which she lives. As Su-Ling grows into womanhood, she makes choices that lead her toward independence, and which have consequences for everyone in her world." Title: Chronic

Author: Griffiths, Linda Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2003


roy drama - illness six characters three male; three female two acts

Ostensibly about CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and the virus that may or may not cause it, Chronic puts one woman’s disease under the theatrical microscope along with various other pathologies of modern life. At first Petra seems familiarly neurotic, a Woody Allen character refracted through George F. Walker. But as Griffiths examines the psychological, social and sexual dimensions of Petra’s experience in her desperate pursuit of a cure, as well as her medical treatments, her dreams, and the peculiarities of her post-industrial workplace, the stage becomes

Title: Clara's Play

Author: Olive, John Publisher: Samuel French 1982


roy drama four characters three male; one female two acts

Clara, an aging spinster, lives alone in a remote farmhouse. She is the last surviving member of one of the area's most prominent families. It is summer, 1915. Enter an immigrant, feisty soul named Sverre looking for a few days' work before moving on. But Clara's farm needs more than just a few days' work, and Sverre stays on to help Clara fix up and run the farm. It soon becomes clear unscrupulous local businessmen are bilking Clara out of money and hope to gain control of her property. Sverre agrees to stay on to help Clara Keep her family's property.

Title: Clay

Author: Whelan, Peter Publisher: Methuen 1983


roy drama six characters three male; three female two acts

1 interior set.

When old friends arrive from West Germany at a family's remote country farm in England, awkwardness abounds as the two couples try to re-establish their friendship. The situation becomes even more tense when the country family's sixteen year old son and the appearance of cruise missiles remind everyone that even in remote England it is impossible to escape the Title:

Author: Marber, Patrick Publisher: Miscellaneous


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

"Dan, meets Alice, after an accident in the street. Eighteen months later, they are a couple, and Dan has written a novel inspired by Alice. While posing for his book jacket cover, Dan meets Anna, a photographer. He pursues her but she rejects his advances despite their mutual attraction. Larry "meets" Dan in an internet chat room. Dan, obsessing over Anna, pretends to be her and has cybersex with Larry. They arrange to meet the next day at an aquarium. Larry arrives and so too, coincidentally, does the real Anna. This sets up a series of pass-the-lover scenes in which this

Title: Closer

Author: Marber, Patrick Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2000


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

"Dan, meets Alice, after an accident in the street. Eighteen months later, they are a couple, and Dan has written a novel inspired by Alice. While posing for his book jacket cover, Dan meets Anna, a photographer. He pursues her but she rejects his advances despite their mutual attraction. Larry "meets" Dan in an internet chat room. Dan, obsessing over Anna, pretends to be her and has cybersex with Larry. They arrange to meet the next day at an aquarium. Larry arrives and so too, coincidentally, does the real Anna. This sets up a series of pass-the-lover scenes in which this

Title: Club Chernobyl

Author: Warren, Dianne Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1994


roy Canadian - drama six characters three male; three female two acts

"Dallas MacKenzie's new nightclub has a nuclear-meltdown concept, but it's not turning out to be the hot-spot he'd hoped for. He's coping with a troubled marriage, a violent rainstorm, a flooded basement, a stranded motorist, and the dead body of tattooed woman on what just might be the night that ends the world." Title: Colonial Tongues

Author: Robinson, Mansel Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1995


roy drama five Characters three male; two female two acts

In 1967 in a small Northern Ontario town, Edna Barnett finds her family in moral jeopardy. Her youngest son returns home - to a ghost town. Moving back and forth 30 years, "Colonial Tongues" enacts the disintegration of family and the struggle to rebuild community.

Title: Colours in the Dark

Author: Reaney, James Publisher: Talonbooks 1971


roy drama - Canadian - childhood six characters; extras (children); chorus three male; three female two acts

Set in a magical toy box, a series of images, poems and memories evoke the terrors and delights of childhood.

Title: Coming Home

Author: Fugard, Athol Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2010


roy drama - AIDS five characters two male; one female; two boys two acts

Years ago, Veronica Jonkers departed for the big city in the brave New South Africa, set on making her dreams of fame and fortune come true. In COMING HOME, Veronica returns to Nieu Bethesda several years later to die of AIDS, but she is determined to first secure a future for her child, bright word-loving little Mannetjie. After a rocky beginning, Veronica's childhood playmate and school friend Alfred agrees to marry Veronica and take care of Mannetjie, but Mannetjie resents Alfred's intrusion into the close relationship he has with his mother. The ghost of old Buks Title: Common Man's Guide to Loving Women, A

Author: Moodie, Andrew Publisher: Scirocco Drama 1999


roy drama - Canadian - relationships all male cast; four characters four male two acts

1 interior set.

Just as the stag party is about to begin, the bride cancels the wedding. Chris, the jilted fiance, is a walking wounded, but as his three buddies attempt consolation we discover that they, too, are relationship-challenged. Four guys sit around and talk about sex, love, women...and the meaning of life. Jocular and playful, these men can also be frank in revealing their vulnerability and

Title: Common Pursuit, The

Author: Gray, Simon Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 1984


roy drama six characters five male; one female two acts

The story begins at Cambridge University, where a group of talented undergraduates decide to start a high-minded literary magazine to be called The Common Pursuit, in honor of their mentor F.R. Leavis, a famed professor of English. Stuart, the initiator of the project, is to become editor, aided by his inamorata (and future wife) Marigold, while the others will contribute their literary or management skills. The action of the play then moves ahead, in a series of deftly constructed scenes, to follow the fates of the characters over the next twenty years, as the magazine falters

Title: Corker

Author: Lill, Wendy Publisher: Talonbooks 1998


roy Canadian - drama six characters three male, three female two acts

"Uses the familiar but difficult and treacherous nineteenth-century device of representing the family as a microcosm of the nation state. It is Wendy Lill's great skill as a playwright that actually makes this symbolism work by unraveling it into a devastating conclusion that is seen in two completely different ways by the characters and the audience."

Governor General's Drama Award Finalist, 1999. Title: Crackwalker, The

Author: Thompson, Judith Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1981


roy drama - Canadian - disabilities five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

This remarkable play about a mentally disabled woman and her friends explores the psyche of those living outside of "normal" society.

Title: Cradle Me

Author: Vinnicombe, Simon Publisher: Methune Drama 2008


roy drama - family relations four characters two male; two female two parts

length: 90 min., 15 min. intermission.

"In the aftermath of an unspeakable yet avoidable tragedy, a family finds themselves torn apart by grief and turning for comfort to Daniel, the troubled teenage boy who lives next door. Having experienced their tragedy first hand, Daniel shares in their grief in a way that creates an individual bond with each member of the family. However, it is Marion, the dead boy's mother,

Title: Creating Claire

Author: DiPietro, Joe Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2014


roy drama four characters one male; three female two acts

Employed as a docent at a natural history museum, nice, middle-aged Claire comes under fire when her tour-guide patter deviates from the strict scientific beliefs of her formidable supervisor and heads down a path that espouses intelligent design. Claire's spiritual slant attracts extra visitors but soon leads to legal action. A powerful exploration of the supernova that results when science, faith and politics collide. Title: Crimes of the Heart

Author: Henley, Beth Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1982


roy drama six characters two male; four female three acts

1 set.

When a crisis hits a family of three sisters, the sisters are finally able to resolve their differences and stand together in the face of community disapproval.

Title: Crimes of the Heart

Author: Henley, Beth Publisher: Penguin Books 1982


roy drama six characters two male; four female three acts

1 set.

When a crisis hits a family of three sisters, the sisters are finally able to resolve their differences and stand together in the face of community disapproval.

Title: Danceland

Author: Cairns, Glen Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1995


roy drama - Canadian four characters two male; two female two acts

Set in the steamy jazz world of the 1930s, Danceland is the story of Lily, an expatriate Canadian jazz singer who is unprepared for the cathartic redemption which await her when she returns to her hometown of Little Manitou, Saskatchewan, in search of sanctuary and lost innocence. Title: Dancock's Dance

Author: Vanderhaeghe, Guy Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1996


roy drama - Canadian - mental illness - identity six characters five male; one female two acts

"Shell-shocked, judged unfit for society and haunted by the sins of war, Lieutenant John Carlyle Dancock finds himself committed to an insane asylum where he cannot escape the confines of righteous authority or his own conscience which visits him in the ghostly apparition of a dead soldier."

Title: Days Between, The

Author: Anderson, Robert Publisher: Samuel French 1961


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

unit set.

A university professor who always wanted to be a writer, must come to grips with the fact that he has a talent for teaching but not for writing before he destroys himself and the members of his family.

Title: Dead Guilty

Author: Harris, Richard Publisher: Samuel French


roy drama four characters one male; three female two acts

A tense psychological study of guilt and obsession by the author of 'The Business of Murder'. 'Dead Guilty' concerns an attractive young graphic artist whose leg is badly injured in a car crash that occurred when a business associate suffered a fatal heart attack at the wheel. Housebound and depressed, Julia is tormented when things disappear, a Mexican orange blossom materializes on her shambling Victorian terrace and someone prowls upstairs at night. While a kindly counselor contends with Julia's suicidal tendencies and a besotted handyman helps around the Title: Dead Together

Author: Rideout, George Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1994


roy Canadian - mystery - thriller five characters two male; three female two acts

"Five ex-student radicals reunite 25 years after their occupation of a university records office. The 'Big Chill' gone wrong."

Title: Deathtrap

Author: Levin, Ira Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1979


roy thriller five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

A Broadway thriller playwright stages a murder to shock his wife to death. His accomplice / lover moves in and begins to write a play telling the story of the wife's death.

Title: Delicate Balance, A

Author: Albee, Edward Publisher: Samuel French 1966


roy drama - family relations six characters two male; four female three acts

1 interior set.

A husband and wife, who harbour the wife's alcoholic sister, are forced to examine the loneliness of their existence when their daughter and their best friends take refuge in their home because they can no longer face the terror of wasted lives. Title: Delicate Balance, A

Author: Albee, Edward Publisher: Penguin Books 1997


roy drama six characters two male; four female three acts

"A Delicate Balance" reveals the emotional savagery of suburbia and the psychological terror of empty lives. Its characters maintain a delicate balance between self-destruction and survival when a bitter 36-year-old daughter returns home to the family nest after the collapse of her fourth marriage. The much wed Julia shatters the uneasy peace of her long-married parents, Agnes and Tobias and their permanent guest-acerbic, unpredictable, and witty alcoholic sister-in-law Claire. When two lifelong friends gate-crash this impromptu reunion, the masks of civility drop and raw

Title: Dial "M" For Murder

Author: Knott, Frederick Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1954


roy thriller six characters five male; one female three acts

1 interior set.

A man's plan to have his wife murdered backfires, but he is able to get her convicted for murder and sentenced to death.

Title: Different Moon, A

Author: Watson, Ara Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1983


roy drama - women - American four characters one male; three female two acts

An eloquent and affecting study of three women coming to terms with a crisis not of their own making."

Co-winner of the Great American Play Contest at the Festival of New Plays of the Actors Theatre of Louisville Title: Dinner with Friends

Author: Margulies, Donald Publisher: Theatre Communications Group 2000


roy drama - relationships four characters two male; two female two acts

Drama about the breakup of one couple's marriage and its effect on their best friends.

Title: Diplomacy

Author: Carlson, Tim Publisher: Talonbooks 2009


roy drama - political four characters three male; one female four parts

Sharing a title with Henry Kissinger’s infamous book, Tim Carlson’s play Diplomacy is a graphic, conflict-fuelled drama with moments of heartbreak and dark humour—a reflection on the international themes that have come to define our contemporary world. Nominally about Canada and America’s active military involvement in the Middle East’s many theatres of war, it scrutinizes the part the media plays in manufacturing our private reactions to foreign policy—how the new phenomenon of “embedded journalism” has become complicit in making everything personal,

Title: Doc

Author: Pollock, Sharon Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1984


roy drama - Canadian - Alberta playwright five characters two male; three female two acts

Catherine returns home to visit her aging father, a doctor revered and honoured by his community. She confronts, through a series of flashbacks, her thwarted need for his love and her late mother's decline into alcoholism, finally realizing that it is time for a reconciliation with her father.

Winner of the Governor General's Literacy Award for Drama. Title: Dr. Cook's Garden

Author: Levin, Ira Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1968


roy melodrama five characters three male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

When a young doctor returns to visit his hometown and his mentor, the town doctor, he learns that one of the reasons the town is so idyllic is that the doctor has been killing off the undesirables.

Title: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Author: Stevenson, Robert Louis Hatcher, Jeffrey Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2008


roy drama - horror twenty-one characters four male; two female (doubling) two acts

Adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher from the novella 'Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' by Robert Louis Stevenson.

A new and shocking version of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic tale of depravity, lust, love and horror. On the fog-bound streets of Victorian-era London, Henry Jekyll's experiments with exotic "powders and tinctures" have brought forth his other self—Edward Hyde, a sensualist and villain

Title: Drawer Boy, The

Author: Healey, Michael Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1999


roy Canadian - drama five characters three male; two female two acts

A haunting tale of love and obsession in which the varieties of both are explored.

Finalist, the Governor General's Literary Award for Drama, 1982 Dora Award Winner 1999 Title: Dreaming and Duelling

Author: Lazarus, John Lazarus, Joa Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1980


roy drama - Canadian five characters three male; two female two acts

Fantasies and love for the same girl lead two fencing students to "play" with the safety tips off and the points sharpened. A look at adolescent role-playing.

Title: Dreary and Izzy

Author: Beagan, Tara Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2006


roy drama - Alberta playwright - Native peoples four characters one male; three female two acts

1975, Lethbridge, Alberta. When the Monoghan sisters lose their parents in a car accident, Deirdre remains as the sole caregiver to her older sister, Isabelle. Adopted as an infant from the neighbouring Blood Indian Reserve, Isabelle is loving, joyous, and severely affected by fetal alcohol syndrome in a time before the disorder had a name. Just as Deirdre is poised to enter university and begin exploring her own future, she must choose how much of her life she will sacrifice for the love of Isabelle. Deirdre is barely staying afloat under the strain of this reality

Title: Drift

Author: Deverell, Rex Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1981


roy drama - Canadian five characters three male; two female two acts

A portrait of a young woman who comes to Canada during the thirties and marries a Canadian farm boy, and the struggles of a writer of the next generation trying to recreate this portrait. Title: Dusa, Fish, Stas And VI

Author: Gems, Pam Publisher: Samuel French 1977


roy drama all female cast; four characters four female two acts

1 interior set.

Four women who share a house have their own problems which they cope with in their own individual ways.

Title: Easy Lenny Lazmon and the Great Western Ascension

Author: Piatigorsky, Anton Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2000


roy drama - Canadian four characters two male; two female two acts

'Two exiled travellers head west on an abandoned desert road, searching for the promised land. Encountering a lonely old rancher and his strangely scarred wife, they glimpse the dreams and dangers of their quest. A mystical journey exploring the mythology of western expansion, Jewish history and ancient religious traditions.'

Title: Eclipsed

Author: Gurira, Danai Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 2010


roy dramatic comedy - women - war - monologues all female cast; five characters five female two acts

Their lives set on a nightmarish detour by civil war, the captive wives of a Liberian rebel officer form a hardscrabble sisterhood. With the arrival of a new girl who can read—and the return of an old one who can kill—their possibilities are quickly transformed. Drawing on reserves of wit and compassion, these defiant survivors ask: When the fog of battle lifts, could a different destiny emerge? ECLIPSED offers a chilling, humanizing and surprisingly funny portrait of transformation and renewal. With wit, compassion, and defiance, this gripping play unearths the wreckage of war Title: Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology

Author: Aidman, Charles Masters, Edgar Lee Publisher: Samuel French 1966


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

1 set; bare stage.

Based on the poems by Edgar Lee Masters, the play depicts the various people that make up a small town.

Title: Edwina Black

Author: Dinner, William Morum, Wiliam Publisher: Samuel French 1951


roy mystery four characters two male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

A woman poisons herself to avenge herself on her husband and his mistress by arranging her death to look like murder.

Title: Effect of Gamma Rays On Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds

Author: Zindel, Paul Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1970


roy drama all female cast; five characters five female two acts

1 interior set.

The young daughter of a bitter and vindictive widow is able to break through her mother's domination and find hope in life when she finds beauty in the miracle of atoms and their place in the world. Title: Effect of Gamma Rays On Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds A drama in two acts Author: Zindel, Paul Publisher: Bantam Books 1971


roy drama - family relations all female cast; five characters five female two acts

1 interior set.

The young daughter of a bitter and vindictive widow is able to break through her mother's domination and find hope in life when she finds beauty in the miracle of atoms and their place in the world.

Title: Elmina's Kitchen

Author: Kwei-Armah, Kwame Publisher: Methuen 2003


roy drama - mystery - family relations six characters five male; one female two acts

"Deli is trying to revive the fortunes of his mother’s restaurant in Murder Mile, Hackney. But where does his son disappear to on the night of the re-opening? And why does his friend Digger offer him protection? Elmina’s Kitchen is a thrilling, engaging portrait of a one-parent family struggling to stay within the law while the Yardies are carving up the neighbourhood."

Title: Emerald City

Author: Williamson, David Publisher: Currency Press 1987


roy drama six characters three male; three female two acts

Emerald City is a fast-moving, wise cracking commentary on contemporary urban mores and morals, and the rivalries and passions to be encountered on the road to success. Colin, a screenwriter, and Kate, a publisher, move to the Emerald City, where fame and fortune are available for the taking, but there are surprises in store for them both. Title: End of the

Author: Quilter, Peter Publisher: Methuen Drama 2012


roy drama with music - American - biography - historical six characters three male; one female two acts

Christmas, 1968. With a six-week booking at London's famed cabaret restaurant Talk of the Town, it looks like is set firmly on the comeback trail. The failed marriages, suicide attempts and addictions are all behind her: at forty-six, and with her new young fiance at her side, she seems determined to reclaim her crown as the greatest talent of her generation. Yet in her suite at the Ritz Hotel, Garland battles with a tornado of drugs and alcohol as the exhausting series of concerts take their toll. A tough, compelling woman, armed to the teeth with a legendary

Title: Enigma

Author: Dempsey, Sandra Publisher: Touchwood Press 2003


roy drama - death - Alberta playwright all female cast; four characters four female two acts

Set in the chronic care ward of a hospital, the play looks at life and death with unusual compassion and understanding.

Title: Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout A "String " for four female actors Author: Highway, Tomson Publisher: Talonbooks 2005


roy Canadian - drama - historical - Native peoples - Native playwright all female cast; four characters four female two acts

"Based on a deposition signed by 14 Chiefs of the Thompson River basin on the occasion of a visit to their lands by Canadian Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier in 1910, Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout is a ritualized retelling of how the Native Peoples of British Columbia lost their , hunting and grazing rights, their lands, and finally their language without their agreement or consent, and without any treaties ever having been signed." Title: Evangeline the Second (Evangeline deusse)

Author: Maillet, Antonine translated by Luis de Cespdes Publisher: Simon and Pierre Publishing 1986


roy Canadian - drama four characters three male; one female two acts

Four people long past their prime; a Breton, a rabbi, a crossing guard, and Evangeline the Acadian, meet in a park and discover they have something in common: they are all living "in exile" in Montreal. It soon becomes obvious that the language of Acadia, like the pine tree Evangeline planted in the heart of the city, refuses to be uprooted. Evangeline embodies the spirit of her people and their will to survive any sort of exile and deportation.

Title: Eve

Author: Fineberg, Larry Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1976


roy drama - aging six characters four male; two female two acts

An older woman leaves her ailing husband and family to discover how she became trapped. Moving to a rooming house, she has an affair and re-examines her life.

Chalmers Award winner.

Title: Ever Loving

Author: Hollingsworth, Margaret Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1980


roy drama - Canadian six characters three male; three female two acts

Three war brides from England, Scotland and Italy travel to Canada in 1945. The lives of the three women and their relationships with their husbands weave together the fabric of the Canadian experience - the hopes, fantasies, disappointments and the grim reality of starting a new life in a new land. Title: Everything will be Different A brief history of Helen of Troy Author: Schultz, Mark Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2006


roy drama six characters four male; two girls four parts

Teenage Charlotte's beautiful mother is dead, and in the midst of her own grief and her father's unwillingness to cope, she turns for comfort to the story of Helen of Troy, convinced that beauty, desire and fame can help her bring her mother back and punish the world that took her away in the first place. Getting beauty tips from her popular friend, seeking career advice on how to be a porn star from a guidance counselor who may or may not be having an affair with her, and searching for love from the football jock who may barely even knows she exists, Charlotte finds

Title: Evidence to the Contrary

Author: Pedneault, Helene translated by Linda Gaboriau Publisher: NuAge Editions


roy drama four characters one male; three female three parts

A riveting interrogation of a woman who has been arrested for the murder of her mother.

Title: Extremeties A play in two acts Author: Mastrosimone, William Publisher: Samuel French 1985


roy drama - violence - women four characters one male; three female two acts

"A searing play about rape. It is also about the breaking point, the extremity in all of us over which, when pushed hard enough, we tumble into violence. A young woman is attacked in her home by a rapist. She manages to overpower him, and imprisons him, bound, inside her fireplace grate. She then proceeds to exact her revenge. When her roommates return she is so crazy they wonder who to believe - their wild-eyed roommate or the guy in their fireplace who claims he was attacked when he stopped by to use the phone. Eventually, the roommates have to try to talk the Title: Fables

Author: Torrens, Jackie Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 2005


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

Fables is about four people looking for connection - a middle aged man numb from depression, a women encased in a body of multiple cosmetic surgeries, a young man fearful of his physical development, and a fifteen year old girl who is isolated by both a secret and the notion that biology is not her friend.

Title: Falling in Time

Author: Gatchalian, C. E. Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2012


roy Canadian - drama five characters three male; one female (doubling) two acts

One of the most controversial and uncompromising Canadian plays in recent memory, C. E. Gatchalian's "Falling in Time" is an epic exploration of armed conflict, masculinity, sexuality, love, and forgiveness. Set in Vancouver in 1994, the year of the death of North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung, the play criss-crosses two hemispheres and spans more than forty years. Through all this, four distinctly different lives intertwine. Steve is an aging, outrageous, bisexual Korean War vet who embodies the sadistic tendencies of Western imperialism that polite society has too often

Title: Farewell Heart

Author: Tidler, Charles Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1983


roy tragedy - Canadian six characters four male; two female seven scenes

Set on an imaginary island off the coast of B.C., "The Farewell Heart" marks the transition from the 1960's to the 1970's. The small community on Madras Island is about to lose its leader. A promising spring day sours into death and destruction... and rebirth for some players. Title: Farm Show, The

Author: Thompson, Paul Theatre Passe Muraille Publisher: Coach House Press 1976


roy drama - Canadian six characters three male; three female two acts

Written by collective creation.

Theatre Passe Muraille spent a summer in the farming region around Clinton, Ont. to gather the material for this delightful portrayal of rural living.

Title: Fighting Days, The

Author: Lill, Wendy Publisher: Talonbooks 1985


roy Canadian - drama - women - history - Nellie McClung four characters one male; three female two acts

"The polarities of public and private lives and issues of racism and pacifism in the suffragette movement."

Title: Film Chinois

Author: Chua, Damon Publisher: Samuel French 2008


roy drama - noir mystery - China ten characters three male; two female (doubling) two acts

unit set; running time: 120 minutes; setting: Peking, China; period - 1947.

An uneasy time between WWII and the Communist takeover two years later. Randolph, a fresh-faced American operative, has been sent to the Raymond Chandler-esque Imperial City with an important mission. He makes progress, but soon chances into a staunch Maoist named Chinadoll, his would-be adversary and lover. A cat-and-mouse game ensues. As Randolph Title: Film Society, The

Author: Baitz, Jon Robin Publisher: Samuel French 1989


roy dramatic comedy - South Africa - social issues six characters four male; two female two acts

1 set.

A dramatic comedy set in South Africa. Tensions in provincial private school reflect those of society at large.

Title: Fire

Author: Ledoux, Paul Young, David Publisher: Summerhill Press 1989


roy drama - Canadian - musical six characters (doubling) five male; one female two acts

Inspired by the lives of cousins Jerry Lee Lewis and Jimmy Lee Swaggart, "Fire" tells the story of two Razorback, Arkansas brothers who follow different branches of the same road of pride, lust and greed. Cale sells his soul to rock and roll, Herchel to TV evangelism. Both love Molly, who loves both of them.

Chalmers and Dora Mavor Moore Award winner.

Title: Fires in the Night The story of Fred and Cela Sloman and The School on Wheels Author: Craig, David S. Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1988


roy Canadian - drama nineteen characters three male; three female; children (doubling) four acts

The moving story of Fred and Cela Sloman, who for thirty-nine years taught children in northern Ontario from a converted rail car. Title: Five Finger Exercise

Author: Shaffer, Peter Publisher: Samuel French 1958


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

A German tutor for an English family is used by various members of the family as a pawn in their continual battle of contempt and disrespect for one another.

Title: Five of Us

Author: Jenkin, Len Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1986


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

'Tragedy strikes when two New York tenement dwellers decide to rob mentally deficient neighbour.'

Winner -

Title: Flesh and Blood

Author: Hanley, William Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1968


roy drama six characters three male; three female five scenes

unit set.

A family that is falling apart tries to hold itself together when the youngest daughter disappears for a day and a half after her uncle has confessed to her that he is her real father. Title: Footprints on the Moon

Author: Hunter, Maureen Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1988


roy drama - Canadian five characters two male; three female two acts

2 interior sets.

A woman's struggle to prevent her teenaged daughter from leaving home evolves into a struggle to understand the past. A play about loving and losing, constancy and change.

Title: For Love and Money

Author: Wyatt, Rachel Publisher: Playwrights Union of Canada 2002


roy drama - marital relations - middle age five characters three male; two female two acts

"Howie and Jane have been married for thirty-three years. On this particular evening, Howie is going to tell Jane that he is leaving her. Jane, determined to keep him, has arranged a party for his friends. During the evening, she looks back on scenes from the marriage. She sees good times and also times when drinking and violence took over. And it is an act of violence that brings Jane to a place where she must think her way through to a future on her own."

Title: Fortune and Men's Eyes

Author: Herbert, John Publisher: Grove Press 1967


roy drama - Canadian - LGBTQ+ all male cast; five characters five male two acts

1 interior set.

'Four young men in Canadian reform school brutalized by system and other inmates.' Title: Fortune's Fools

Author: Reich, Brian Publisher: Theatre Communications Group 1986


roy drama all male cast; four characters four male two acts

Description not available.

Title: Foxfire

Author: Cooper, Susan Cronyn, Hume Publisher: Samuel French 1979


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

1 set.

An old woman who loves her farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains comes to terms with her age and her isolation, and through a series of flashbacks, says goodbye to the land before moving to Florida with her son.

Title: Fresh Kills

Author: Wilder, Elyzabeth Gregory Publisher: Methuen 2004


roy drama four characters three male; one female two acts

Eddie's restless; his wife is anxious for him to finish their new kitchen cabinets. Since he discovered Arnold, a teenager on-line, he's become distracted. And when they meet, it's soon clear that Arnold's interest in him goes beyond their night-time encounters. Title: Frozen

Author: Lavery, Bryony Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2004


roy drama - thriller - monologues four characters two male; two female thirty-one scenes

'Ten-year-old Rhona goes missing. Her mother, Nancy, retreats into a state of frozen hope. Agnetha, an American academic, comes to England to research a thesis: "Serial Killing—A Forgivable Act?" Then there's Ralph, a loner who's looking for some distraction. Drawn together by horrific circumstances, these three embark on a long, dark journey which finally curves upward into the light. Angry, humane and compassionate, 'Frozen' entwines the lives of a murderer, his psychologist and the mother of one of his victims to explore our capacity for

Title: Fugitive Pieces

Author: Svich, Caridad Publisher: Playscripts, Inc. 2005


roy drama ten characters two male; two female (doubling, flexible casting) three parts

A play with original songs that charts the violent journey of two vagrants, as they make their way through the rural and industrial wastelands of the United States. An accumulation of simultaneous glimpses as these troubled souls grasp for the coordinates of what was once a sensible world.

Title: Gabe

Author: Bolt, Carol Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1972


roy Canadian - drama - Métis - biographical - contemporary five characters three male; two female two acts

A young Métis just out of jail and his friends drink, fight and search for the spirit of Louis Riel. "Riel and Gabriel Dumont are not only rehistoriticised but also reincarnated as contemporary, urban, disenchanted Métis characters" - "Post-Colonial Drama" by Helen Gilbert and Joanne Tompkins. Title: Games Who wants to play? Author: Griffiths, Linda Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2016


roy Canadian - drama - family relations - death - growing up - gaming five characters three male; two female two acts

In the aftermath of a local high school boy’s mysterious death, Dan and Marion Metcalf are increasingly worried about their son, Zach. He’s apathetic and shuts himself away in the basement to play video games and spend time with Keira, his virtual girlfriend and confidante, giving his parents more to worry about than their own insecurities and lacklustre sex life. When Zach’s best friend, Micky, begins to spend more time around the house, bonding with Dan and flirting with Marion, even Keira cannot anticipate the depth of Zach’s rage and sense of alienation. Will his

Title: Gas Light A Victorian thriller in three acts Author: Hamilton, Patrick Publisher: Samuel French


roy drama - Victorian thriller five characters two male; three female three acts

This mystery involves manipulation, madness and a search for lost rubies.

Title: Genesis: The Mary Shelley Play

Author: Baldridge, Mary Humphrey Publisher: Playwrights Union of Canada 1998


roy drama - horror - historical - Alberta playwright five characters three male; two female two acts

"A theatrical re-creation of the emotional events surrounding Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Mary Shelley-- events that inspired the literary births of our two most famous monsters Frankenstein and Dracula." Title: Geometry in Venice

Author: Mackenzie, Michael Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

A young Canadian is hired by a British family in Venice as a tutor for their son. He uncovers a household trying to marry off the only daughter to a wealthy American author to revive the family fortunes. When he finally tries to break away he becomes entangled with his student's worldly and fascinating mother...

Title: Ghosts

Author: Ibsen, Henrik translated by William Archer Publisher: Samuel French 1937


roy drama five characters three male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

Ghosts of a woman's past return when her son arrives home ill with syphilis which he had inherited from his father.

Title: Ghosts

Author: Ibsen, Henrik Archer, William Publisher: Walter H. Baker 1890


roy drama five characters three male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

Ghosts of a woman's past return when her son arrives home ill with syphilis which he had inherited from his father. Title: Gift From Heaven, A

Author: Steen, David Publisher: Samuel French 2007


roy drama - family relations - poverty four characters one male; three female two acts

1 simple set.

"Set in a poverty stricken shack in the hills of North Carolina this story follows the Samuals family as they struggle in their daily existence. Ma Samuals is a hard woman whose pain filled childhood helped form her twisted view of love and religion. Charlie Samuals, the brooding, more reticent sibling and the object of Ma's affections, is a simple man with innate wisdom who dreams of life

Title: Glace Bay Miners' Museum, The

Author: Lill, Wendy Publisher: Talonbooks 1996


roy Canadian - drama five characters three male; two female two acts

"The Glace Bay Miners' Museum is the story of an ill-fated love between a wandering musician/ social idealist and a Cape Breton coal miner's daughter whose dreams are reawakened by their passion - a play of the all consuming brightness of dreams and memory, overshadowed by absentee greed, callousness, exploitation. A tragedy that is hard as nails, totally unsentimental, yet full of love and humour."

Title: Glass Menagerie, The

Author: Williams, Tennessee Publisher: New Directions 1945


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts (seven scenes)

1 set.

A domineering mother who only wishes for success for her two children, tries to force her son to be more ambitious and tries to use him to find gentlemen callers for his shy, crippled sister. Title: Glenn

Author: Young, David Publisher: Coach House Press 1992


roy Canadian - drama - biography all male cast; four characters four male two acts (30 variations)

"The music, ideas, and remarkable life of the iconoclastic and celebrated pianist. Gould's early and late recordings of the Goldberg Variations serve as a structural template for the dramatic action."

Title: Glimmer, Glimmer and Shine

Author: Leight, Warren Publisher: Grove Press 2001


roy dramatic comedy - jazz - family relations five characters three male; one female (doubling) two acts

In the 1950s, twin brothers Martin and Daniel Glimmer, along with Eddie Shine, briefly formed the "Glow-in-the-dark" trumpet section of Glimmer, Glimmer & Shine. In 1955, on the seeming brink of success, Daniel Glimmer abruptly quit the music business and cut off all contact with his brother, Martin. Thirty-five years later, Martin's protégé, Jordan Shine (Eddie's son), meets Delia Glimmer at a wedding in Greenwich, Connecticut. She is Daniel's daughter, works for her parents' very successful garment business, yet knows nothing of his past, nor even of her Uncle Martin's

Title: Going To See The Elephant

Author: Hensel, Karen Johns, Patti Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1983


roy drama - women - relationships - family relations five characters one male; four female two acts

"The action takes place before a sod hut in the Kansas wilderness of the 1870s, where four frontier women wrest a living from the stubborn soil. The matriarch of the group is Ma, a feisty, resourceful survivor whose wanderlust is still strong and who inspires the others with her homespun wisdom and strength. With her are her daughter-in-law Sara, a hardworking young wife and mother who is content with life as she knows it..." Title: Golden Thug, The

Author: Roy, Ed Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2008


roy drama - Canadian five characters four male; one female two acts

The Golden Thug takes place in April 1986 at Jack's Hotel, a seedy one star hotel in the heart of Paris. An ailing old man checks into one of the rooms and his arrival precipitates a revolution in the quiet establishment because unbeknownst to the concierge, her husband, and their adopted son their newest occupant is none other than the world famous literary genius and political activist, Jean Genet. As the fatally ill Genet battles with cancer and the side effects of his medication in a race against time and mortality, he also pours the last of his life force into the

Title: Good Counselor, The

Author: Grant, Kathryn Publisher: Samuel French 2011


roy drama - mystery - thriller - politics - religion five characters two male; three female two acts

running time: 90 min.

"The Good Counselor" is a new drama about a chosen son's quest for truth. Vincent, a bright young lawyer in the Public Defender department has been assigned to defend a young woman accused of killing her three week old son. Hounded by his community and haunted by his past, Vincent struggles to defend both neglectful mothers: his client, and his own. A

Title: Goodness

Author: Redhill, Michael Publisher: Coach House Press 2005


roy drama - Canadian - genocide sixteen characters three male; three female (doubling) two acts

"A playwright, Michael, stands in front of an audience. He tells us someone else's story - the story of events surrounding a genocide and subsequent murder trial in the homeland of a character named Althea. Althea was a prison guard. Her prisoner, an old man, was thought to have orchestrated a genocide. At his trial, though, he claims to have Alzheimer's. Michael promises Althea never to repeat the terrible tale she tells him. He lies. GOODNESS dances with the idea of what "responsibility" is and what telling a powerful story does, not only to the story, but to those Title: Goose and Tomtom

Author: Rabe, David Publisher: Grove Press 1986


roy drama five characters; extras three male; two female two acts

1 interior.

Two small-time jewel thieves find themselves involved in kidnapping and murder over which they seem to have no control.

Title: Grasses of a Thousand Colors

Author: Shawn, Wallace Publisher: Theatre Communications Group 2009


roy drama four characters one male; three female three parts

"Grasses of a Thousand Colors" is a poetic epic that tells the story of a scientist (Ben), his wife (Cerise), and his two mistresses (Robin and Rose), as they fend for their lives in a world much like ours, yet one savagely close to extinction. Due to the scientific manipulation of the world's crops, a destructive system for which Ben is partly responsible, there is very little nourishment left to be had, except for those most privileged and connected. Despite the dying off of most of the world, these characters manage to survive, at times tasting the good life, admiring the beauties of nature,

Title: Guilty Conscience A play of suspense in two acts Author: Levinson, Richard Link, William Publisher: Samuel French 1985


roy drama - suspense four characters two male; two female two acts

A brilliant and ruthless criminal attorney plots to kill his wife and tests each scenario in the courtroom of this mind. He creates an imaginary prosecutor and he pits himself against this alter ego in a series of witty, sometimes hostile exchanges. Again and again he is frustrated, unable to formulate the ultimate alibi. He is shocked when he learns that his wife and someone else are simultaneously planning to kill him. Title: Gull, The

Author: Marlatt, Daphne with a Japanese translation by Toyoshi Yoshiha Publisher: Talonbooks 2009


roy Canadian - drama - Japanese Noh - history five characters three male; two female; chorus (four to six singers) two acts

preface by Richard Emmert.

Winner of the prestigious 2008 Uchimura Naoya Prize, The Gull is the first Canadian play staged in the ancient, ritualized tradition of Japanese Noh. Produced by Vancouver’s Arts, and written by award-winning poet and novelist Daphne Marlatt, the play is set in 1950: wartime restrictions on interned Japanese Canadians have finally been lifted, allowing them to return to the

Title: Gwendoline

Author: Nichol, James W. Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1978


roy drama - Canadian six characters four male; two female two acts

Life in a small Ontario town is disrupted when a travelling shoe salesman arrives to pay court to a wealthy and eccentric young woman.

Title: Gyroscope

Author: Reaney, James Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1983


roy drama - Canadian six characters two male; four female two acts

Spinning images; a model for the loose threads, empty caves, war memorials...dreams, confrontations that living with other people involve. Title: Habitat

Author: Thompson, Judith Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2001


roy drama five characters two male; three female two acts

'Janet and her mother both live on Mapleview Lanes - the perfect neighbourhood with the perfect neighbours, until Lewis Chance buys a house on their street to open up a group home for troubled adolescents. Raine, unable to respond emotionally when her mother dies, finds herself at this group home, in a community that has little tolerance for its newest residents. The ensuing battle - over whether the group homes stays or not - allows Raine to re-awaken her emotions through rage, and a political will she didn't know existed in her.'

Title: Happiest Song Plays Last, The

Author: Hudes, Quiara Alegria Publisher: Theatre Communications Group 2014


roy drama - war - Iraq six characters; musician(s) four male; two female two acts

third installment to "Elliot, a Soldier's Fugue" and "Water by the Spoonful".

At the dawn of the Arab Spring in an ancient Jordanian town, an Iraq War veteran struggles to overcome the traumas of combat by taking on an entirely new and unexpected career: an action-film hero. At the same time, halfway around the world in a cozy North Philadelphia kitchen, his cousin takes on a heroic new role of her own: as the heart and soul of her crumbling

Title: Harlem Duet

Author: Sears, Djanet Publisher: Scirocco Drama 1996


roy Canadian - drama - ethnic - relationships five characters two male; three female two acts

"A rhapsodic blues tragedy...It is the prelude to Shakespeare's Othello, and his first wife Billie (yes, before Desdemona). Set in contemporary Harlem at the corner of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X boulevards, the play explores the space where race and sex intersect. Harlem Duet is Billie's story."

The Canada Council for the Arts Governor General's Literary Award Winner. Also winner of the Title: Heart as it Lived, The

Author: Robinson, Mansel Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1997


roy Canadian - drama five characters three male; two female two acts

"Annie is a cranky, puritanical spinster who has never questioned the status quo - until the night her solitude is invaded by a charming young hustler named Zak who breaks into her house. When Annie discovers that Zak is the grandson of her estranged sister, she is forced to confront the events surrounding the Regina Riot of 1935 and face the consequences of decisions she made more than sixty years ago."

Title: Heartless

Author: Shepard, Sam Publisher: Vintage Books 2013


roy drama - family relations five characters one male; four female two acts

When Roscoe, a 65-year-old Cervantes scholar, runs off with a young woman named Sally, he decides to stay a while in her family home. Soon he discovers that Sally’s house—once inhabited by James Dean—is filled with secrets, sadness, and haunted women who cannot leave themselves or anyone else in peace. From Lucy, Sally’s suspicious sister, to Mable, their Shakespeare-quoting invalid mother, to Elizabeth, Mable’s lovely and mysteriously mute nurse, the forces of the house conspire to make Roscoe question his assumptions about everything. As scars and histories are

Title: Herr Beckmann's People

Author: Stubbs, Sally Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2011


roy drama - family relations - Nazis - World War II five characters two male; three female two acts

Art, war, and the politics of culture collide in Sally Stubbs' moving account of a family's legacy of beauty and brutality. Anna, an established painter living in Canada, returns to munich - the city she ran from decades earlier. As this poetic and powerful drama unfolds, Anna forces her family to answer tough questions about their past and the events of World War II. While her mother plays a private concert, history unravels, and Anna is confronted with a moral dilemma of her own. Inspired by actual events, "Herr Beckmann's People" explores the question: How do we live Title: Hitler Dances

Author: Brenton, Howard Publisher: Methuen 1982


roy drama six characters three male; three female twenty-four scenes

1 set.

Using the games of children and stories of World War II, the play explores different attitudes towards the myths of war.

Title: Hollow Crown, The An entertainment by and about the Kings and Queens of England Author: Barton, John Publisher: Samuel French 1962


roy drama four characters three male; one female two parts

requires 4 singers/musicians; concert stage.

An entertainment by and about the Kings and Queens of England - music, poetry, speeches, letters and other writings from the chronicles, in the Monarch's own words; also music concerning them and by them.

Title: Home

Author: Storey, David Publisher: Samuel French 1970


roy drama - tragedy - British - friendship - mental health five characters three male; two female two acts

1 exterior set.

The play opens with two old men having a morning conversation in a park and as the play develops, it is realized that the men and their two women friends are patients in a mental institute. The play traces the daily companionship of the four characters. Title: Home

Author: Wagner, Colleen Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2014


roy drama - language - culture five characters two male; three female two acts

""Home" is the story of an aging man, Tooman, exiled from his homeland, who through repatriation efforts, can now return and reclaim his home and property. However, fifty-five years have passed and the home has been inhabited by three woman, who, caught in the shifting tides of a new world of globalization, find themselves threatened with expulsion when Toomas and his son, Wendall, return to reclaim the land and house. The women who have lived in this adopted country and in this house for so long, feel suddenly rootless. "Home" explores our deep

Title: Home of the Brave

Author: Laurents, Arthur Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1946


roy drama - prejudice all male cast; six characters six male three acts

representative set.

A Jewish-American soldier, on a suicide mission with four other soldiers, develops amnesia and paralysis when he feels glad that his best friend was killed because he thinks that the friend was secretly prejudiced against Jews.

Title: Homecoming, The

Author: Pinter, Harold Publisher: Samuel French 1965


roy drama six characters five male; one female two acts

1 interior set.

A professor in an American university returns to visit his family in England with his wife only to have his father and brothers propose that his wife stay on as their wife and as a prostitute to increase their income. Title: Homecoming, The

Author: Pinter, Harold Publisher: Eyre Methuen 1965


roy drama six characters five male; one female two acts

1 interior set.

A professor in an American university returns to visit his family in England with his wife only to have his father and brothers propose that his wife stay on as their wife and as a prostitute to increase their income.

Title: Hooking for Paradise

Author: Stearns, Sharon Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1983


roy drama - Canadian five characters one male; four female two acts

1 interior set.

Set in a brothel in Moose Jaw in 1912, the play explores the power struggle between men and women, looking at one woman's attempt to create a matriarchy in a traditionally male-dominated society.

Title: How Black Mothers Say I Love You

Author: Anthony, Trey Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2017


roy dramatic comedy - family relations - Canadian playwright all female cast; four characters four female two acts

From the author of the blockbuster da Kink in my hair comes an emotional and raw look into family dynamics, trust, resolution and change.

Claudette still can’t forgive her mother for leaving. For six years of her childhood, Claudette and her sister Valerie were left with their grandmother while their mother, Daphne, moved from Jamaica to the United States to start a new chapter for their family. But in that time, Daphne Title: How Do I Love Thee?

Author: MacDonald, Florence Gibson Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2013


roy drama - Victorian - addiction - nineteenth century plays four characters two male; two female two acts

Victorian poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning are as renowned for their passionate relationship as they are their poetry. "How Do I Love Thee?" revisits the life of the 19th-century poets from their courtship, carried out entirely through letters, to their sudden elopement and tumultuous marriage marred by drug addiction and financial strife.

Title: How it Works

Author: MacIvor, Daniel Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2006


roy drama - marital relations - divorce four characters one male; three female two acts

"In How It Works, Daniel MacIvor enters the world of an awesomely articulate teenage girl whose world has fallen apart after her parents divorce. What breaks a family apart and what can bring them back together? How It Works is a tremendously witty and moving play that looks at parenting and how we can re-create the idea of family in the modern world."

Title: Humble Boy

Author: Jones, Charlotte Publisher: Faber and Faber 2001


roy drama - family relations six characters three male; three female two acts

'Following sudden death of his father, thirty-five-year-old Cambridge astrophysicist returns to his middle England home and his difficult and demanding mother.' Title: Humpty, Dumpty

Author: Bogosian, Eric Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2005


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

Four friends gather for a holiday at a mountain getaway where unforeseen events bring them to the brink of the end of the world.

Title: Hunter of Peace

Author: Stearns, Sharon Publisher: Scirocco Drama 1993


roy drama - biography five characters two male; three female twenty scenes

Mary Schaffer, one of the first women to explore the Rocky Mountain wilderness on horseback, journeys through the Banff and Jasper area in 1907. She was explorer, botanist and naturalist.

Title: I Had A Job I Liked, Once.

Author: Vanderhaeghe, Guy Publisher: Fifth House 1992


roy drama - crime - Canadian five characters four male; one female two acts

1 setting

'I Had a Job I Liked, Once' explores the ideas of justice and the law, innocence and experience, and social hierarchies. Set in a police station, the action centres on the interrogation of a young man accused of a crime involving a beautiful and wealthy teenage girl. The events leading up to the incident unfold in flashbacks as the boy tells his story to the interrogating officer, a Title: I Have Been Here Before

Author: Priestley, J. B. Publisher: Samuel French 1937


roy drama six characters four male; two female three acts

Priestley suggests a theory that we repeat our lives constantly in a sort of spiral, but we are able to change them in certain respects by the proper understanding of the forces that govern us. He turns his argument on a triangle of a British wife, an elder husband, and a younger lover, all of whom meet at an Inn, in Yorkshire. An Exiled German Professor joins them there and begins to ask probing questions. He finds that they are unhappy and confused. The three have played out their scene many times, always ending in suicide and poverty, and the professor warns them that

Title: I Knock At The Door

Author: O'Casey, Sean Shyre, Paul Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1958


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

adapted by Paul Shyre; bare stage

The autobiographical account of Sean O'Casey as a young boy suffering from cataracts.

Title: I'll Be Back Before Midnight

Author: Colley, Peter Publisher: Baker International 1985


roy horror - thriller - ghost story four characters two male; two female two acts

"Jan, who's recovering from a nervous disorder, and her husband rent a remote cabin from an odd farmer who tells gruesome ghost tales. When the husband's hateful sister arrives, frightening events transpire. What happens to the fragile wife as the bodies appear and disappear gives this classic thriller its horrifying impact." Title: If We Are Women

Author: Glass, Joanna McClelland Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1994


roy Canadian - relationships - family relations - women all female cast; four characters four female two acts

"Two grandmothers, a daughter, and a granddaughter gather on the deck of a beach house. The three older women discuss their pasts, their present, and they are confounded with the granddaughter's decision to disregard all that she's heard."

Title: Illustrated Woman, The

Author: Kiefer, Nancy Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company 1995


roy drama - mental illness - abuse six characters two male; four female two acts

"This powerful adult drama deals with the issues of sexual abuse and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Jane Ellen Whitman is a 19 year old woman living with her parents, Frank and Darla, in a small rural Ohio town in the 1930s. Her strange behavior fluctuates between intellectual and passive to flippant and vindictive. Those around her, including her former teacher, Maureen McCall, have long noted her erratic behavior. Frank and Darla attribute their daughter's peculiarities to insanity and even demonic possession. Maureen is baffled by Jane Ellen's

Title: Impromptu of Outremont, The

Author: Tremblay, Michel Translated by John Van Burek. Publisher: Talonbooks 1981


roy drama - French Canadian all female cast; four characters four female two acts

interior set.

The four Beaugrand sisters meet once a year. Three of them live in their native Outremont, trapped by time, the choices they have not dared to make, and by the position that society has foisted upon them. Title: In a Little World of Our Own in - Tearing the Loom and In a Little World of Our Own / COL Author: Mitchell. Gary Publisher: Nick Hern Books 1998


roy drama - tragedy - family relations - Ireland five characters four male; one female four acts

Domestic tragedy focusing on family of three brothers living in North Belfast.

Title: In Absentia

Author: Panych, Morris Publisher: Talonbooks 2012


roy drama - mystery - love - Canadian five characters three male; two female two acts

Four seasons after her husband Tom's disappearance, Colette remains emotionally paralyzed, isolated in a country cottage. She waits in anguish, not knowing whether she is dead or alive, but clinging to hope. A young stranger in a jean jacket waves to her from the frozen lake - a sign? She emerges to give him her husband's parka - strangely, the boy has a likeness to Tom. Part mystery, part moving story of loss and vanished love, (the play) explores the notion of disappearance, articulated in very personal terms. Through the tough, time-shifting action of the play, Colette

Title: In Celebration

Author: Storey, David Publisher: Grove Press 1969


roy drama - family relations six characters four male; two female two acts

"As the Shaw sons gather to celebrate their parents’ fortieth wedding anniversary, the tensions of their family history come to the surface. Their father, who’s spent his life on his back down the mines, has always been proud of the grammar school and university education he provided for his sons. Now, however, he sees that education betraying the very work ethic he hoped to instil in them, as his working-class sons become middle-class professionals." Title: In for the Kill

Author: Benfield, Derek Publisher: Samuel French 1981


roy thriller five characters three male; two female two acts

Paula has arranged an engagement for an evening when her husband, James, is away; but when the doorbell rings it is a stranger, Frank, who appears. He turns out to be an old friend of James, and gets Paula to admit that her date is not with a girl, as she says, but a young man Mark, who is in love with her. Later he seems to be suggesting a plot to kill James. Paula seems horrified. Mark appears, and later, unexpectedly James. The following day a death does occur, but it is that of Mark, not James - in an apparent car accident which soon proves to be deliberate murder. The

Title: In Gabriel's Kitchen

Author: Antonio, Salvatore Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2006


roy drama - family relations five characters four male; one female two acts

The Montesano family attempts to navigate through the storm of grief and denial, following the suicide of its youngest member; the vibrant Gabriel. The surviving son, Marco, dutifully returns to the childhood home to spend Christmas with his mother and father. This year’s visit is almost over, but something snaps Marco’s restraint. He confronts his mother, unleashing a torrent of unexpected emotions. Years of rage, neglect, and fierce blame come to surface as mother and son try to piece together a new existence, without Gabriel.

Title: In Praise of Love

Author: Rattigan, Terence Publisher: Samuel French 1973


roy dramatic comedy four characters three male; one female two acts

Deception is the linchpin of this sophisticated comedy drama about a fatally ill wife and her ineffectual husband. Title: In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel

Author: Williams, Tennessee Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1969


roy drama five characters three male; two female two parts

1 interior set.

A woman is isolated in a Tokyo hotel with her artist husband who is suffering from angst over his inability for creative expression.

Title: In The Lobster Capital Of The World

Author: Hannah, Don Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1988


roy Canadian - drama five characters three male; two female two acts

Emma is a recent widow and hard pressed to make sense of her family: Michael, her almost manically reclusive son who stayed with her in New Brunswick; Ed, the older son, a cynical gay man from Toronto, never able to deal with relationships and now wrestling with a lover 15 years his junior, and Pat, Michael's ex-wife who finally admits, after a litany of her own failed relationships, that it is Ed she loves. They've all gathered to celebrate Emma's birthday but also to try to surmount the effects of their disastrous choices - to reconcile.

Title: In White America A documentary play Author: Duberman, Martin B. Publisher: Samuel French 1964


roy drama - black play six characters four male; two female; requires two black actors and one black actress. two acts

1 set.

A docu-drama tracing the history of the blacks in America and their fight and right to freedom from the mid-18th century to the early 1960's. Title: Indian Arm

Author: Kanagawa, Hiro Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2016


roy drama - Native peoples - disabilities six characters two male; three female (doubling) two acts

"In this modern adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s Little Eyolf, award-winning author Hiro Kanagawa explores the uneasy intersection of privilege and birthright. Rita and Alfred Allmers live in an isolated family cabin on native leasehold land overlooking Indian Arm, a still untamed glacial fjord just north of Vancouver, BC. With Alfred—a formerly promising novelist—now struggling with his latest work, Rita has been tasked with caring for their adopted son Wolfie, a sensitive First Nations teen who has been designated as “special needs for much of his life. Rita’s resentments

Title: Indian Heart

Author: Schroeter, Edward Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1992


roy Canadian - drama - biographical eight characters three male; one female (doubling) two acts

"Archie Belaney masqueraded as an Indian naturalist. After making his reputation as an international lecturer, best-selling author, and pioneer wildlife-conservationist during the 1930s, he was unmasked as an impostor."

Title: Inexpressible Island

Author: Young, David Publisher: Scirocco Drama 1998


roy drama - exploration, Antarctica all male cast; six characters six male three acts

'In 1912 a Royal Navy scientific expedition was stranded in the Antarctic without supplies or shelter. The winter was approaching with months of total darkness, hurricane force winds and bottomless cold. Their situation seemed entirely hopeless. Being Royal Navy, the group did not capitulate. They killed seals for food, dug a cave in the snow and crawled inside. Three officers and three men, a miniature society, trapped in total degradation at the end of the world, at the end of an heroic age. "Inexpressible Island" explores the survival mechanisms that carries this group Title: Innocents, The

Author: Archibald, William Publisher: Samuel French 1950


roy melodrama - thriller six characters two male; four female; requires two children two acts

1 interior set; period - 1860's.

Based on the story " Turn of the Screw" by Henry James. A new governess arrives at a house where the two children are possessed by the evil spirits of the former governess and her lover, the caretaker, both of whom are dead. The new governess attempts to save the souls of the children but learns that they are inseparable from the souls of the spirits.

Title: Insignificance

Author: Johnson, Terry Publisher: Methuen 1982


roy drama four characters three male; one female two acts

1 interior set.

A famous actress, who is being chased by her famous baseball player husband, invades a well known physicist's home in the early hours of the morning to talk metaphysically with an intelligent person, an opportunity which she rarely gets.

Title: Intimate Apparel

Author: Nottage, Lynn Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2005


roy drama - African-American - historical - romance six characters two male; four female two acts

"The time is 1905, the place New York City, where Esther, a black seamstress, lives in a boarding house for women and sews intimate apparel for clients who range from wealthy white patrons to prostitutes. Her skills and discretion are much in demand, and she has managed to stuff a goodly sum of money into her quilt over the years. Her plan is to find the right man (husband) and use the money she’s saved to open a beauty parlor where black women will be treated as royally as the white women she sews for." Title: Inventing Van Gogh

Author: Dietz, Steven Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2004


roy drama five characters four male; one female two acts

'A haunting and hallucinatory drama about the making of art, (the play) is the story of the final Van Gogh self-portrait, painted just before the artist's death, which has never been seen . . . until now. Patrick Stone, a contemporary painter is hired to forge this final masterpiece - and finds himself squaring off, across the years, with Van Gogh himself. The result is a compelling mystery about the obsession to create and the fine line that separates truth from myth.'

Title: Invisibility of Eileen, The

Author: Brennan, Kit Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 2005


roy drama five characters two male; three female two acts

Eileen feels she's become invisible, to her son, her ex-husband, and even her colleagues at work. When a strange older woman shows up one morning, sleeping in her flowerbed, Eileen welcomes in more than a seemingly confused bag lady. She welcomes in a new life.

Title: Invisible Hand, The

Author: Akhtar, Ayad Publisher: Back Bay Books 2015


roy drama - Islam - Pakistan - terrorism - thriller all male cast; four characters four male two acts

A chilling examination of how far we will go to survive and the consequences of the choices we make. In remote Pakistan, Nick Bright awaits his fate. A successful financial trader, Nick is kidnapped by an Islamic militant group, but with no one negotiating his release, he agrees to an unusual plan. He will earn his own ransom by helping his captors manipulate and master the world commodities and currency markets. Title: J.J. Farr

Author: Harwood, Ronald Publisher: Amber Lane Press 1988


roy drama all male cast; six characters six male two acts

Description not available.

Title: Jennie's Story

Author: Lambert, Betty Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1981


roy drama - Canadian five characters two male; three female two acts

1 interior set.

Jennie consults a doctor about her inability to become pregnant. She discovers that years before during an abortion, she was also sterilized. Consent was given by her mother and by the priest who impregnated her. Jennie chooses never to be victimized again.

Title: Jesus Hopped the 'A' Train

Author: Guirgis, Stephen Adly Publisher: Methune 2002


roy drama five characters four male; one female two acts

'The young and impressionable Angel Cruz is in jail in New York pending trial for the shooting of born-again Reverend Kim. During his routine exercise he meets Lucius Jenkins, a fellow inmate, whose pride and religious zeal defy the bars that hold him prisoner. This play is about an emotionally devastating search for morality and grace within the harsh reality of the American criminal justice system.' Title: Keely and Du

Author: Martin, Jane Publisher: Samuel French 1993


roy drama - abortion five characters; extras two male; three female two acts

"...here is a volatile drama about abortion. Du, a radical right-to-life activist, and Keely, a pregnant rape victim she is confining, transcend their circumstances and the ideological issues that separate them. 'Keely and Du' is a mind-probing issue play with a gripping human face, not a schematic political view of abortion. Who is accountable? What is the extent of individual freedom? What are a rape victim's rights? What is a Christian's duty? The characters confront the physical, emotional and spiritual realities of procreation. Their stories are deeply passionate and

Title: Kennedy's Children

Author: Patrick, Robert Publisher: Samuel French 1976


roy drama six characters three male; three female two acts

1 interior set.

Five people in a New York bar in the mid-seventies, give separate accounts of their idealism and personal heroes of the sixties and of how everything they believed in died and has left them in despair.

Title: Killing Snow, A

Author: Ciufo, Paul Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2011


roy drama - horror - murder five characters two male; three female two acts

Four travelers take refuge from a Huron County blizzard in the secluded farmhouse of Gerald Goldie, retired Latin teacher. All four of the strangers have some things in common - a working knowledge of Latin, a serious distaste for their host, and a growing animosity for each other. As ominous Latin phrases begin to appear on the walls, it becomes clear that someone has murder in mind. And as the body count rises, our stranded guests are forced to choose between certain death in the blizzard - or tempting the Fates by remaining in a house of terror. Title: Kindness

Author: Rapp, Adam Publisher: Samuel French 2010


roy drama - thriller four characters two male; two female two acts

interior set.

An ailing mother and her teenaged son flee Illinois and a crumbling marriage for the relative calm and safety of a midtown Manhattan hotel. Mom holds tickets to a popular musical about love among bohemians. Her son isn't interested, so Mom takes the kindly cabdriver instead, while the boy entertains a visitor from down the hall, an enigmatic, potentially dangerous young woman.

Title: King Hedly II

Author: Wilson, August Publisher: Theatre Communications Group 2005


roy drama - America - African American six characters four male; two female two acts

Set in 1985 in two tenement backyards in Pittsburgh's Hill District, King Hedly the II continues Wilson's monumental cycle of plays chronicling African American life in twentieth century America. An epic tragedy of the common man and the crushing weight of everyday life and our ultimate struggle to regain our sense of community and culture in a crumbling urban society.

Title: Kiss the Moon, Kiss the Sun

Author: Foster, Norm Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2003


roy drama - friendship five characters three male; two female two acts

A thirty-five year old man with the mental capacity of a seven-year old, meets a pregnant young woman in crisis, and the two form a lasting friendship. A story about people finding the nerve to take responsibility, and about persevering against the odds. Title: Knock, Knock

Author: Wyatt, Rachel Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2000


roy drama - psychological - relationships five characters three male; two female two acts

"When Harold Fryer knocks at the door of the Lacoste house, he only wants to explain his policies and leave a few leaflets with the occupants. Inside, however, he is welcomed as a friend of the family. The two women who greet him are mourning their sister who has just died. Little by little they take away his identity. They speak to him of a past which begins to seem very much like his own. He joins the family in an unusual ritual and when he leaves the house a few hours later, he knows he will never be quite the same."

Title: Labor Day

Author: Gurney, A.R. Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1999


roy drama - life five characters three male; two female two acts

'Tragicomedy set in Connecticut country home over Labour Day Weekend. Cancer-stricken playwright wrestles with script based on his own family.'

Title: Ladies at the Alamo

Author: Zindel, Paul Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1977


roy drama all female cast; five characters five female two acts

The setting is the lavish reception room of the new multi-million dollar Alamo Theatre, a regional theatre complex which has grown from a small operation in a converted church to one of the glories of Texas culture. As the action begins we learn that the leadership of Dede Cooper, founder and artistic director of the Alamo, is being challenged, and the Chairman of the Board, a lady of great wealth and lust for power, is scheming to replace Dede with a fading Hollywood star. As the board meeting nears, verbal battles and shocking revelations build to a fever pitch. In the Title: Ladies Foursome, The

Author: Foster, Norm Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2015


roy drama - grief - friendship - women all female cast; four characters four female two acts

The day after their friend Catherine’s funeral, Margot, Tate, and Connie gather for a round of golf in honour of their recently departed fourth. At the gold course they are joined by another woman, an old friend of Catherine’s they’d never met. Over the course of eighteen holes, secrets and confessions unravel as the women discuss love, sex, children, and everything in between.

inspired by Norm Foster's play "The Foursome".

Title: Lady Smith, The

Author: Moodie, Andrew Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 2000


roy drama - relationships four characters; five voices one male; three female two acts

What happens when the "other woman' becomes your roommate? What happens when she starts to confide in you about her affair? A claustrophobic drama, set in the Black community of Toronto's Bloor and Bathurst neighbourhood, which challenges the distance between deception and redemption.

Title: Ladyhouse Blues

Author: O'Morrison, Kevin Publisher: Samuel French 1979


roy drama - war - family drama all female cast; five characters; extras five female two acts


'Mother and four daughters in 1919 St. Louis react to news of death of son and brother in European War.' Title: Landscape with Weapon

Author: Penhall, Joe Publisher: Methune 2007


roy drama all male cast; four characters four male three acts

To his family's horror, Ned reveals he's the brains behind a new military technology so sophisticated, so extraordinary, it will revolutionise the nature of warfare. It's only when the Ministry of Defence demands intellectual ownership that Ned begins to question himself, resisting the might of the weapons industry with frightening consequences. LANDSCAPE WITH WEAPON is a wry account of private anguish, public responsibility and a problem with no solution.

Title: Last Bus, The

Author: Storey, Raymond Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1987


roy drama - Canadian - Alberta playwright four characters two male; two female two acts

The death of a childhood friend brings Robert back to his home town where he forms an uneasy relationship with his dead friend's outcast girlfriend. Together they try to come to terms with past, present and future.

Title: Last Liberal, The

Author: Carley, Dave Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2006


roy drama - politics - Canadian six characters four male; two female two acts

In "The Last Liberal", Ron Bloom is the Education Minister and ostensibly in favour of the public system. However, two clouds arrive on the horizon that shake up his ideals: his son develops disciplinary problems that the public system cannot seem to address, and there is an election looming. If Bloom can find a way to loosen the purse strings to support the private system, his party stands to win a handful of extra swing seats. Title: Last Romance, The

Author: DiPietro, Joe Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2011


roy drama - romance - love - relationships - seniors four characters two male; two female two acts

A crush can make anyone feel young again—even a widower named Ralph. On an ordinary day in a routine life, Ralph decides to take a different path on his daily walk—one that leads him to an unexpected second chance at love. Relying on a renewed boyish charm, Ralph attempts to woo the elegant, but distant, Carol. Defying Carol's reticence—and his lonely sister's jealousy—Ralph embarks on the trip of a lifetime, and regains a happiness that seemed all but lost. "The Last Romance" is a heart-warming comedy about the transformative power of love.

Title: Last Supper Restoration, The

Author: O'Brien, Dan Publisher: Samuel French 1998


roy drama - psychological - historical five characters four male; one female two acts

"The deathbed delusions of Bob Sarafin, a contemporary New York shirt designer and artist manque, are portrayed in dream-like narrative that weaves the imagined story of Leonardo de Vinci with that of Sarafin's father, an art restorer in Milan during WWII. As the nucleus of contemporary characters, people who are close to Sarafin, are called on to inhabit an eclectic selection of historical figures ranging from Sigmund Freud to Ezra Pound, The Last Supper Restoration becomes a mediation on the power of secrecy, , and the possibility for human

Title: Late Edwina Black, The

Author: Dinner, William Morum, Wiliam Publisher: Samuel French 1950


roy murder mystery - drama four characters two male; two female three acts

Mystery of woman's apparent murder solved by clever police detective. Title: Laundry, The

Author: Guerdon, David Richardson, Howard Publisher: Samuel French 1965


roy drama six characters three male; three female three acts

adapted by Howard Richardson

This version of the Minotaur myth is a mixture of comedy, satire and melodrama, set in a laundry in a French provincial town. Pasiphae is now Madame Yvonne, a laundress whose deformed son Daniel is the modern Minotaur. He's been hidden for years until Laurent, an opportunistic son-in-law talks the family into selling him to a sideshow. A mesmeric circus impresario states

Title: Lavender Railroad, The

Author: Aronovitch, Lawrence Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 2011


roy drama - LGBTQ four characters two male; two female two acts

"Imagine a world in which homosexuality is illegal and punishable by death. “The Lavender Railroad” is a play in two parts that mirror each other (science and faith; male and female) as they address common themes of hope and redemption in the face of impossible moral choices. In Part 1 (“Safe House”), a gay fugitive, Sebastian, has been rescued by a mysterious older man who calls himself Mother Courage. Sebastian is a brilliant young mathematician whose research into “fractal logic” holds the key to bringing down a totalitarian government intent on

Title: League of Nathans, The

Author: Sherman, Jason Publisher: Scirocco Drama 1996


roy Canadian - drama all male cast; four characters four male two acts

" Ten years after their last meeting, three Jewish friends reunite in a Spanish synagogue, where they finally face a past they wish both to and escape."

Winner of the 1997 CAA Literary Award for Drama and the Chalmers Play Award. Title: Liar

Author: Drader, Brian Publisher: J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing 2004


roy drama four characters three male; one female two acts

'Liar' examines the power and influence of human interaction and the perils of assumption. Mark is a young man who is anything you want him to be - a chameleon. Jeremy meets Mark in a , and, shortly after, the two men end up on the roof of an office building where Jeremy mysteriously falls to his death. After the "accident", Jeremy's estranged sister befriends Mark. Effortlessly gaining her confidence, he insinuates himself into her life and her home. Her husband is soon brought under the spell of the mysterious drifter. After knowing the brother only a matter

Title: Lion in the Streets

Author: Thompson, Judith Publisher: Coach House Press 1992


roy drama - Canadian six characters two male; four female two acts

A young girl, Isobel, delves into the secret lives of her neighbors as she searches for her killer.

Title: Lisbon Traviata, The

Author: McNally, Terrence Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1990


roy dramatic comedy - relationships all male cast; four characters four male two acts

The first act is set in the fussily ornate apartment of Mendy, a ferociously dedicated opera buff who begs and cajoles his friend Stephen to let him borrow his copy of the pirated Maria Callas recording of La Traviata made during a performance in Lisbon, Portugal. Stephen, a blocked playwright whose detailed knowledge of opera exceeds even Mendy's, delights in showing off his expertise while dodging his friend's entreaties, but beneath their often hilarious banter it is evident that both men are deeply unhappy—Mendy because of his loneliness, and Stephen Title: Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against The Eunuchs

Author: Halliwell, David Publisher: Samuel French 1966


roy drama five characters four male; one female three acts

1 interior set; play uses dialect.

An angry young man who has been expelled from art school, tries to inspire anti-establishment anger in his friends but his fanaticism and his violence ultimately scares everybody off.

Title: Little Years, The

Author: Mighton, John Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1996


roy Canadian - drama five characters one male; four female two acts

"From the playwright who brought cybersex, virtual reality, dog suicide and necrophilia to the stage, comes a new play about the passing of time, our own immortality, and the way in which our lives are extended in the bodies and minds of others. A recipient of the Governor General's Literary Award for Drama, a philosopher and a mathematician, John Mighton leads is on another intriguing journey which explores the passionate connection between science, philosophy, and human nature and emotions."

Title: Lobby Hero

Author: Lonergan, Kenneth Publisher: Grove Press 2002


roy dramatic comedy - mystery four characters three male; one female two acts

Nominated for the Outer Critics Circle Award for Outstanding Off-Broadway Play, this play tells the story of Jeff, a luckless young security guard trying to get his life together after being thrown out of the navy. But the lobby proves to be no sanctuary from the world, as Jeff is drawn into a local murder investigation involving his supervisor, a tightly wound young man called upon to bear witness against his troubled brother, and an overzealous rookie policewoman who is in over her head with her unscrupulous hero-cop partner. Title: Lokkinen

Author: Sapergia, Barbara Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1984


roy drama - Canadian six characters two male; four female two acts

1 interior set.

A man's obsession with his Finnish ancestry and his fantasies about a northern farm almost destroy the four women with whom he lives. "Lokkinen" is also about the separate visions of these women, who range in age from adolescence to old age.

Title: Lonely Diner, The Al Capone in Euphemia Township Author: Cooper, Beverley Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2012


roy Canadian - drama five characters three male; two female two acts

The year is 1928 and someone is stealing Al Capone’s whiskey. Prohibition has just been lifted in Ontario but still holds firm in Chicago. For those who want a drink, the morality is shaky. In a quiet little diner close to the U.S. border, Lucy yearns for excitement and glamour. When a couple of well-dressed American gangsters make an after hours visit, Lucy changes her tune as the stakes get higher…

Title: Long Day's Journey Into Night

Author: O'Neill, Eugene Publisher: Yale University Press 1955


roy drama five characters three male; two female four acts

1 interior set.

Members of a family try to escape the failures in their lives but the more they try to escape, the more hellish their lives become. Title: Long Red Road, The

Author: Leonard, Brett C. Publisher: Broadway Play Publishing 2010


roy drama - family relations - addiction six characters three male; three female two acts

A play about the impact of addiction. The Long Red Road introduces audiences to Sammy, who has fled his past and landed in South Dakota, where he is slowly drinking himself to death. When his young daughter arrives desperate to reunite with her father, he must decide between the self-hatred that consumes him and the responsibilities he's tried to leave behind.

Title: Look Back in Anger A play in three acts Author: Osborne, John Publisher: Faber and Faber 1957


roy drama five characters three male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

Angry young Jimmy Porter looks back because he has so little incentive to look ahead. The words pour out of him, a flood of satire and invective. The words are often cruel, but they are also vibrant and colorful. They sting the characters of the play as well as the audience. In Jimmy Porter's boiling resentment at not being able to find himself in his own generation, he makes life

Title: Look Back in Anger

Author: Osborne, John Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company 1957


roy drama five characters three male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

Angry young Jimmy Porter looks back because he has so little incentive to look ahead. The words pour out of him, a flood of satire and invective. The words are often cruel, but they are also vibrant and colorful. They sting the characters of the play as well as the audience. In Jimmy Porter's boiling resentment at not being able to find himself in his own generation, he makes life Title: Love Affair, A

Author: Mayer, Jerry Publisher: Samuel French 1995


roy dramatic comedy - romance five characters two male; three female two acts

This award winning romantic comedy is brimming with hilarious as well as moving moments captured from a 38 year marriage. As Jimmy and Alice Diamond clear out the attic of their Malibu home because a turn of finances is forcing them to move into a cramped condo, they find themselves reliving the flawed masterpiece that is their marriage. A subtitle, with a smile, might be, "Till Debt do us Part." Two pairs of actors play the Diamonds, (early and now, in their marriage) one young and one mature. Throughout, they observe and comment on each other. In

Title: Love Alone

Author: Smith, Deborah Salem Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 2015


roy drama - death six characters two male; four female two acts

When Helen’s lesbian partner of twenty years dies unexpectedly in minor surgery, Helen and her daughter want answers. Confused by the hospital’s silence around the death, they bring a lawsuit against the doctors. Now Dr. Becca Neal must confront her feelings about losing her patient while she juggles the demands of a lawsuit. LOVE ALONE tracks the fallout in both the patient’s and the doctor’s homes, as both households navigate uncharted waters of anger, humor, and longing. This powerful story of how we grieve and how we heal speaks to an essential truth: We will all be

Title: Love Forty

Author: Vickery, Frank Publisher: Samuel French 1997


roy drama - marital relations four characters two male; two female two acts

This taut and cleverly constructed drama from the acclaimed Welsh playwright affords a sensitive overview of marriage. Marcia and Ralph are preparing to celebrate their fortieth anniversary with a grand family party. Ralph has opened a bottle of champagne while Marcia reflects on their years together, years of suffocating loneliness and frustration in a loveless marriage. She and Ralph as they were when they were young and full of hope are conjured from her memories. As the hour for the party draws near, she relives the years of self deception, lies and infidelities and her anger Title: Love, Love, Love

Author: Bartlett, Mike Publisher: Methuen Drama 2010


roy drama - family relations five characters three male; two female two acts

Smoking, drinking, affectionate and paranoid, one couple journeys forty years from initial burst to full bloom. This play questions whether the baby-boomer generation is to blame for the debt-ridden and adrift generation of their children - now adults, but far from stable and settled.

Title: Lovely Sunday For Creve Coeur, A

Author: Williams, Tennessee Publisher: New Directions 1978


roy drama all female cast; four characters four female two scenes

A young woman almost forfeits the regular Sunday picnic at Creve Coeur as well as her friendship with her roommate as she pins all her hopes on a better life on an anticipated phone call from the principal of the high school where she teaches and with whom she has fallen in love.

Title: Lower Rooms, The

Author: Anderson, Eliza Publisher: Samuel French 1991


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

In the underground labyrinths of the soul stalk these creatures. A mother and a daughter, both seeking fulfillment from fleeting strangers - the mother, from a man who brings her a bottle of wine, and lies abed with her with all his clothes on, and who stays on, perhaps to teach the daughter a lesson; the daughter, from a youth with a penchant for theft and sex and with a comrade dedicated to rapine. Scenes jump with startling alacrity and repositioning, as the harried daughter, with dreams of beauty and song, finds instead the bondage of S & M and evil, amid Title: Lucy

Author: Atkins, Damian Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2010


roy Canadian - drama - family relations - autism five characters two male; three female two acts

"Lucy is 13 years old; Lucy is autistic. She sees her mother for the first time in years when her father decides to re-marry and start a new life. Lucy is a play about newfound love between a mother and daughter and the revelations it triggers, including a provocative new theory of evolution."

Title: Lutz

Author: Griffith, Ryan Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2011


roy drama - Canadian - family relationships five characters; two bears three male; two female two acts

After a tremendous upset at the Olympics, figure skater Christian Miller decides it’s time to go back home. Casting aside his figure-skating training, he heads to his family house in the backwoods of New Brunswick and hopes to reconnect with his brother, Pike. Thinking to find peace from his troubles, Christian realizes his brother still resents him for leaving with their mother years ago, and he struggles to fight those haunting memories. But the past has ways of coming back, and soon Christian finds himself struggling to separate memory from reality. As two

Title: Madame Chairman

Author: Graves, Warren Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1996


roy Canadian - drama - Alberta playwright six characters four male; two female two acts

running time: 90 min.

No further description available. Title: Maggie's Last Dance A play Author: Chan, Marty Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1996


roy drama - Canadian - life - Alberta playwright six characters three male; three female two acts

"A high school reunion brings together old friends and nemeses to relive the past. Old crushes are revisited along with regrets and hopes. The play jumps between the present-day reunion when people are wiser and more experienced, and the high school hey days when youthful exuberance and naivete ruled."

Title: Magic Act, The

Author: Klavan, Laurence Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1989


roy drama - murder five characters two male; three female two acts

"As the play begins Mona Kale, an exuberant and good-natured sort, is in the dock, accused of murdering her lifelong friends, Alan and Annabelle. The prosecution claims that Mona did away with her friends because they were too happy and in revenge for her own, crushing loneliness, but Mona's defense is that it was love, not she, which killed them."

Title: Magic And The Loss, The

Author: Funt, Julian Publisher: Samuel French 1954


roy drama six characters four male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

A successful career woman has to re-examine her priorities when her son runs away, her promotion falls through and her lover decides to drop her. Title: Magnificent Voyage of Emily Carr, The

Author: Marchessault, Jovette translated by Linda Gaboriau Publisher: Talonbooks 1992


roy Canadian - drama six characters two male; four female ten tableaux

Emily Carr lived in magical place that she had christened 'The House of All Sorts'. In this House which is open to all that is vital on Earth, Emily Carr, with all her greatness and her imperfections, receives visitors from her planet: Lizzie, her sister, is greeted with war whoops and rebuffs, for Lizzie is the adversary, as is all Victorian society; Sophie, her Amerindian friend, who brings messages, reminders and lessons from life; Lawren Harris, her young painter friend from the Group of Seven, who wants to free painting from dogma and revolutionize art in Canada; the Soul

Title: Maltese Bodkin, The

Author: Belke, David Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1991


roy Canadian - drama - murder - mystery - historical - Alberta playwright six characters two male; four female two acts

"Times were tough for hard boiled detective Birnam Wood. He never asked to be in London. Especially in 1605. When Wood's Partner is killed, he has to find the killer amongst a cast of suspects that includes Richard III, Falstaff, Iago, Mercutio and a merchant from Venice. The worlds of film noir and Shakespeare collide in this 'who hath done it'."

Title: Marginal Man, A

Author: Nolan, Yvette Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1994


roy Canadian - drama - violence - Indigenous theatre - Native peoples four characters two male; two female two acts

running time: 90 min.

Adam works for the city. When his co-worker, Claire becomes a victim of domestic violence, Adam starts a white-ribbon campaign at work, only to find himself a target of violence. Title: Marion

Author: MacIvor, Daniel Publisher: Talonbooks 1999


roy drama - family five characters one male; four female two acts

"In 'Marion Bridge', three women in their thirties come 'home' to Cape Breton to be with their dying mother. Each in her own way tries to deal with the painful loneliness of the lives they have chosen for themselves - each is trying to reconcile what they have become with what they thought they wanted out of life and with what they thought their parents wanted for them. Nothing, of course, has turned out exactly the way anyone imagined it would."

Title: Mark

Author: Wylie, Betty Jane Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1979


roy drama - Canadian four characters two male; two female two acts

2 interior sets.

A doctor and his family must learn to face the fact of his terminal illness. Tackles the subject of death with uncompromising honesty.

Title: Martin Yesterday

Author: Fraser, Brad Publisher: NeWest Press 1998


roy drama - LGBTQ+ - relationships - Canadian five characters four male; one female two acts

"At thirty-something, Matt suddenly finds himself looking for more than reckless flings with younger partners. He wants maturity and commitment - someone to know through and through. Martin Yesterday, a middle-aged city councillor appears to be the end of Matt's pursuit. Martin, however, is not always forthcoming about his private affairs, and holds some very dark secrets." Title: Mary Shelley Play, The

Author: Baldridge, Mary Humphrey Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1979


roy drama - Alberta playwright five characters three male; two female two acts

2 interior sets; 1 exterior set.

Shelley, Byron and Polidori talk about ghosts. Mary Shelley is entranced by the tales and in her own imagination devises mystery and terror that affects them all.

Title: Master Class

Author: Pownall, David Publisher: Faber and Faber 1983


roy drama all male cast; four characters four male two acts

1 interior set; period - Moscow, 1948.

The setting is an anteroom in the Kremlin during the 1948 Soviet Musicians' Union Conference in Moscow. Stalin is formulating his policy for the arts in the Soviet Union and has summoned Shostakovich and Prokofiev, the leading Russian composers of the day, in order that he can discuss, with the aid of his cultural minister, Zhdanov, their place as artists in Soviet society.

Title: Master Class

Author: McNally, Terrence Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1996


roy drama - biography - music six characters three male; three female two acts

"Maria Callas is teaching a master class in front of an audience (us). She's glamorous, commanding, larger that life - and drop-dead funny. An accompanist sits at the piano. Callas's first "victim" is Sophie, a ridiculous, overly-perky soprano, dressed all in pink. Sophie chooses to sing one of the most difficult arias, the sleepwalking scene from La Sonnambula - an aria which Callas made famous. The play unfolds with Callas holding court in this master class." Title: Me?

Author: Kinch, Martin Publisher: The Coach House Press 1973


roy drama - Toronto⌦five characters three male; two female two acts

How do you find the middle road between hurting and being hurt, between pure domination and pure submission? For Terry, there's no such road.

Title: Medici Slot Machine

Author: Brownell, Mark Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2008


roy drama - biography - Joseph Cornell five characters three male; two female two acts

Medici Slot Machine is a highly theatrical and surrealistic look at the life of American artist Joseph Cornell. Cornell, who is famous for his collage boxes of dime-store objects, excelled at turning the ordinary into the sacred. In real life, Joseph Cornell was a recluse who used his art to escape his family, his sterile suburban life, and his own psychological demons. Bringing precise order to his art was a way of triumphing over the chaos of his private life. This play chronicles that triumph while exploring the meaning of.

Title: Meg

Author: Vogel, Paula Publisher: Samuel French 1977


roy drama - biographical - Margaret More Roper - women five characters three male; two female three acts

Based on the life of Margaret More Roper. The political and ruthless male hierarchies of Henry VIII and the Church are offstage forces imprisoning Meg, a unique woman isolated from her time and environment through the gift and curse of her developed intellect. Meg intertwines several themes and levels: it is the story of Sir Thomas More as seen through his daughter's eyes, it's about a young wife and mother - and it's also an exploration of the father-daughter relationship painfully becoming a man-woman - as Meg discovers "both diminish in size." It's not a history play - rather Title: Memories of You

Author: Lill, Wendy Publisher: Summerhill Press 1989


roy drama - Canadian five characters one male; four female two acts

various interior sets.

Based on the romantic and literary entanglements of the late great Elizabeth Smart, the play explores one woman's passions as she struggles to be a lover, a mother and a writer.

Title: Messenger

Author: Lill, Wendy Publisher: Talonbooks 2017


roy drama - politics - climate change four characters three male; one female two acts

simple set.

"It is a memory play, set both in the present day and in 1990, when the Progressive Conservative government of the day, contrary to the public record, in fact set lofty goals of joining – if not leading – the world in tackling climate change. The mechanism by which that goal was lost is played out primarily between two brothers. One brother, Peter, is the Prime Minister’s chief of

Title: Messiah

Author: Sherman, Martin Publisher: Amber Lane Press 1982


roy drama six characters; extras two male; four female two act

representative set; period - and Turkey, 1665.

Although a Jewish woman doubts the validity of Sabbatai, she takes her mute mother and follows her nephew to Turkey to await the Messiah's release from prison - the sigh that will free the Jewish people from the pogroms and persecutions of centuries. Title: Molly's Veil

Author: Bajer, Sharon Publisher: J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing 2005


roy comic drama - Canadian history - romance five characters one male; four female two acts

"Set in Ottawa in 1952, it explores the relationship between Canada's first female mayor Charlotte Whitton and her lover of thirty years Margaret Grier."

Title: Monday After the Miracle

Author: Gibson, William Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1983


roy drama - biographical - Helen Keller five characters three male; two female three acts

suggested for high school.

Place: Boston, 17 years after the events of 'The Miracle Worker'. Helen is now an honor student at Radcliffe, and she and Annie are writing a book about their remarkable experiences. A young instructor of English from Harvard, John Macy, is engaged to help them, and Annie, soon falls in love with him. Their marriage, and the disruptive domestic triangle that results, leads to the

Title: Moon For The Misbegotten, A

Author: O'Neill, Eugene Publisher: Samuel French 1958


roy drama five characters four male; one female four acts

1 exterior set.

A large farm woman plots with her father to trick the only man she loves to help save the family farm but the woman's love for the man wins out. Title: More Stately Mansions

Author: O'Neill, Eugene Publisher: Yale University Press 1967


roy tragedy six characters four male; two female three acts

'Love, jealousy, power struggle among mother, son, daughter-in-law drives son insane.'

Title: Mother Teresa is Dead

Author: Edmundson, Helen Publisher: Nick Hern Books 2002


roy drama - British - family relationships four characters two male; two female three acts

Helen Edmundson's play Mother Teresa is Dead explores the thorny issue of Western guilt towards the Third World. Mark arrives in a village near Madras to try and find his wife, Jane. He doesn't understand what could have driven her to abandon their young son. India is hot, dusty and poor, and a long way from their comfortable life in London. But Jane can't explain why she needed to escape or how she ended up looking after children in India – or what is in the white plastic bag she’s been holding on to since she got there.

Title: Motherhouse

Author: Lodato, Victor Publisher: Samuel French 2010


roy drama - African-American - poverty - family relations four characters two male; two female two acts

"The play follows an African-American family in a low-income neighborhood whose lives are ultimately ruined by their surroundings. Clive arrives unexpectedly at the house of his mother and his sister. He says that he is fleeing from the police - but perhaps it's another one of his delusions. Unbeknownst to him, he has shown up on a tragic anniversary. Three years prior, his sister's child was killed in a brutal shooting. As fate seems bent on shattering the walls, mother Mae valiantly attempts to keep house." Title: Murder Assured

Author: Clayton, Tony Publisher: Samuel French 1985


roy thriller six characters four male; two female two acts

Problems arise when tough financial times hit previously successful murder-mystery writer, Stephen Ryder, forcing him to auction his very large and expensive insurance policy. This presents his wife, Sheila, with the opportunity to cash in by plotting Stephen's death with their accountant, Gordon Crawford. They do so by blackmailing Sheila's old flame, Harry Manley. Sheila and Gordon seem to be forgetting, however, that the apparently unsuspecting Stephen is familiar with concocting such

Title: Murder Game

Author: Ross, W. E. Dan Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1982


roy mystery - Canadian five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

When Beth moves into an old Ontario farmhouse, she is disturbed to find that the former tenant was murdered. After several mysterious visits and revelations, she begins to suspect that she, too, is marked for murder.

Title: Murder Game, The

Author: Cox, Constance Publisher: Samuel French 1976


roy thriller four characters two male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

A man complies with a vagrant's wish to kill the man's wife but has to live with the consequences when the vagrant returns to blackmail him. Title: Murder in Green Meadows A psychological thriller for the stage Author: Post, Douglas Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1996


roy thriller four characters two male; two female two acts

Thomas Devereaux and his wife, Joan, have just moved into Green Meadows and are visited by their new neighbors, Carolyn and Jeff Symons. A friendship quickly develops. A previous sexual relationship between Joan and a teenage lawn-boy is revealed, as is the fact that Thomas learned of the infidelity and may have murdered his wife's lover. Also, an affair has begun to develop between Joan and Jeff Symons. One summer evening, Thomas lets Joan know that he is aware of this new deception, and his violent, possessive nature surfaces. He makes two demands of his

Title: Murder in the Empress

Author: Wagner, Phillip C. Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1978


roy mystery - Canadian six characters two male; four female two acts

1 interior set.

Description not available.

Title: Murder Without Crime

Author: Thompson, J. Lee Publisher: Samuel French 1943


roy thriller four characters two male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

A man who thinks he has killed his mistress becomes a victim of his landlord's sadistic plays upon his guilt and his conscience. Title: Murderer

Author: Shaffer, Anthony Publisher: Marion Boyars 1979


roy thriller four characters two male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

A man who recreates famous murders for a hobby accidently kills his mistress when he intended to kill his wife.

Title: Music Lesson, The

Author: Ryan, Tammy Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company 2003


roy drama - music six characters two male; four female two acts

Weaving together the music of Bach with memories of the Bosnian War and the universal conflicts between teacher and student, THE MUSIC LESSON tells the story of Irena and her husband Ivan, two musicians who escaped the war in Sarajevo to start a new life in Pittsburg. When Ivan meets Mrs. Johnson, a recently divorced single mother, at the local grocery store, he brings home two new students: 10 year old Eddie, a talented violin student, and the unwilling Kat, his 14-year-old sister. While her passion for music and the students she taught helped Irena survive the war, she

Title: My mother said I never should

Author: Keatley, Charlotte Publisher: Methuen Drama 1989


roy drama - historical - relationships - women all female cast; four characters four female three acts

"Drama about mothers and daughters set in , Oldham and London England at various times during the 20th century." Title: My Sister In This House

Author: Kesselman, Wendy Publisher: Samuel French 1988


roy drama all female cast; five characters five female fifteen scenes

The play is about a celebrated 1930's French murder case, in which two maids (sisters) were convicted of murdering their employer and her daughter. This cinematically-structured work explores the motivations which led the sisters to commit murder.

Title: New Anatomies

Author: Wertenbaker, Timberlake Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company 1984


roy drama all female cast; five characters five female two acts

area staging.

The story of the dramatic and eventful life of Isabelle Eberhardt, a turn-of-the-century, fiercely independent European adventurer who disguised herself as an Arab boy and travelled with Nomadic tribes in Northern Africa. The play begins at the end of Eberhardt's life (at age 27) as she relives her diverse experiences, including being the only woman at the time allowed to participate

Title: New World Order, The

Author: Hardin, Herschel Publisher: Talent Group 1992


roy Canadian - drama - Alberta playwright six characters five male; one female two acts

A dinner conversation between Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae (a Canadian doctor who wrote In Flanders Fields), Salvador Allende (former president of Chile), Jan Masaryk (former foreign minister of Czechoslovakia), Mohammed Mossadegh (former president of Iran), and Jacobo Arbenz (former president of Guatemala). The dialogue works at two levels - for theatregoers out to enjoy themselves and for gameplayers and students of history. The characters, very sophisticated in life and with the advantage of being dead, are extraordinarily knowledgeable and don't bother Title: Next Time I'll Sing To You

Author: Saunders, James Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1963


roy drama - identity - psychological five characters four male; one female two acts

"What is the relationship to his fellow men of the alienated Jimmy Mason, who cut himself off from the world and lived in solitude for half a century, but left a diary behind...and the implications [on others] of this secret creature who has determined to sever all connection with human society and remain in brooding loneliness?"

Title: Next Year's Man of Steel

Author: Belke, David Publisher: Samuel French 2012


roy drama - collaboration - heroes - Canadian - Alberta playwright four characters three male; one female two acts

August 1940, New York. Struggling and opportunistic writer Everett Gardner is given the chance to make a mark in the still infant comic book industry. All he has to do is create a hero. But creating a real hero turns out to be much more difficult than he expects. And while badgered by a desperate publisher and partnered with an uncooperative artist, the task might prove to be impossible. Especially with distraction of the artist's intriguing young wife. But heroes can arise in the most unexpected places... A full length play about creativity, collaboration and every day

Title: No Man's Land

Author: Pinter, Harold Publisher: Grove Weidenfeld 1975


roy drama all male cast; four characters four male two acts

1 interior set.

Two old writers, one successful, one not, meet for drinks in the home of the successful one and play on each other's needs and fears. Title: No One Knows How

Author: Pirandello, Luigi Publisher: Samuel French 1949


roy drama - tragedy - relationships five characters three male; two female three acts

Translated by Marta Abba.

'No One Knows How' deals with events that occur in ways no one understands or can explain. Ginevra Vanzi and Romeo Daddi succumb to a moment's passion, although they deeply love their respective mates. To add to the complications, the two couples are extremely close. The original act of passion leads to a final act of violence which destroys four lives.

Title: Not Waving...

Author: LeRoy, Gen Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1988


roy drama - family relationships four characters one male; three female two acts

suggested for high school.

'Not Waving' … which focuses on the relationship between a retired widow and her recently de-institutionalized adult daughter … is at times sharply funny, at other times nervously funny…And while there is considerable distance between the retiring personality at the beginning of the play and the empowered being that Gabby becomes at the end, the development rings true.

Title: Nuns, The

Author: Manet, Eduardo translated by Robert Baldick Publisher: Calder and Boyars 1970


roy drama - Haiti four characters three male; one female two acts (parts)

Translated by Robert Baldick.

This play is set in Haiti at the time of the first Negro revolt in 1804. Three nuns are hiding away in an abandoned warehouse, where they are waiting for the arrival of a wealthy noblewoman, whom they have promised to hide and help escape from the island. The first shock for the audience is the realization that the nuns are all played by men. But in addition, their behavior seems more Title: Odd Fish

Author: Boyd, Pamela Publisher: Red Deer College Press 1994


roy drama - Canadian - Alberta playwright six characters four male; two female two acts

'Czech woman living comfortably in Canada with her husband and two children forced to confront past when old lover pays unexpected visit.'

Winner of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts Premiere Production Award.

Title: Of the Fields, Lately

Author: French, David Publisher: New Press 1975


roy drama - Canadian - family relations four characters three male; one female two acts

1 interior set.

Ben Mercer comes home to Toronto in 1961 for his aunt's funeral, only to learn of his father's recent heart-attack. The complexities of family loves, loyalties and hurts are revealed as Ben learns that "you can't go home again".

Title: Old Country, The

Author: Bennett, Alan Publisher: Faber and Faber 1978


roy drama six characters three male; three female two acts

1 set.

An English couple, now citizens of the U.S.S.R., pass the time by recreating a little England of their own in their home and when an opportunity arises to go back to England, they take it. Title: Old Country, The

Author: Bennett, Alan Publisher: Samuel French 1978


roy drama six characters three male; three female two acts

1 set.

An English couple, now citizens of the U.S.S.R., pass the time by recreating a little England of their own in their home and when an opportunity arises to go back to England, they take it.

Title: Oldest Boy, The A play in three ceremonies Author: Ruhl, Sarah Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2016


roy drama - Tibet - Buddhism - family relations five characters; chorus four male; one female two acts

Setting: Any North American city with a large Tibetan community. Then, in Act 2, a monastery in India; music; dance; puppetry (1 of the male actors speaks for and moves a puppet).

In this moving exploration of parenthood, an American mother and a Tibetan father have a three-year-old son believed to be the reincarnation of a Buddhist lama. When a Tibetan lama and a monk come to their home unexpectedly, asking to take their child away for a life of spiritual

Title: Omniscience

Author: Carlson, Tim Publisher: Talonbooks 2007


roy modern murder mystery five characters; voices three male; two female two acts

'Omniscience' is much more than a murder-mystery set in a quasi-familiar contemporary landscape of high-tech urban warfare. The plot is redolent with untrustworthy “embedded” journalists manufacturing positivist pseudo-documentaries about the ongoing victories of our military forces over any and all stripes of vaguely defined terrorists, hell-bent on destroying the “wellness” of our contemporary “free society.” We recognize immediately the storyline’s seamless meld with everyone’s favourite post-9/11 reality TV show, the Evening News. Title: One Day in May A play in two parts Author: Light, Greg Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1984


roy drama - Canadian - family relations five characters three male; two female two parts

open stage.

An exploration of family relationships, observing the emotional isolation of five characters, their limitations and the disintegration of the very language which they use to communicate.

Title: Onionheads

Author: Miller, Jesse Publisher: Samuel French 2001


roy drama - depression four characters two male; two female two acts

A raw, poetic look at the plight of onion farmers on the edge in the 1935 Oklahoma Dust Bowl. The Tidwell brothers and the Bumpinmeyer sisters explore young love, hard times and loss of family as the sky turns black and the onions die. When the sisters leave for Califor nee, a shocking truth hits the Tidwell farm and the boys are left with the relentless dust. Devastated, they follow the girls to the "land of milk an' honey" where, months later in a migrant camp in the grip of the Great Depression, they find the sisters buried in poverty and prostitution. Winner of the 1999

Title: Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth

Author: Taylor, Drew Hayden Publisher: Talonbooks 1998


roy drama - Native peoples - family relations - Native playwright five characters three male; two female two acts

"The emotional story of a woman's struggle to acknowledge her birth family. Grace, a Native girl adopted by a white family, is asked by her birth sister to return to the Reserve for their mother's funeral. Afraid of opening old wounds, Grace must find a place where the culture of her past can feed the truth of her present."

Winner! 1996 Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding New Play, Small Theatre Division. Title: Only The Heart

Author: Foote, Horton Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1944


roy drama five characters two male; three female three acts

1 interior set.

A domineering business woman loses everyone she loves because she insists on controlling their lives and refuses to allow them the right to their own happiness.

Title: Orchidelirium

Author: Carley, Dave Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2004


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

A university professor fights to maintain her orchid conservatory, against an institution hell-bent on selling out to a pharmaceutical multinational.

Title: Our Own Particular Jane

Author: Hurley, Joan Mason Publisher: A Room of One's Own Press 1975


roy drama - Canadian - biography six characters flexible casting two acts

Based on the life, letters and literature of Jane Austen. Title: Outlaw

Author: Foster, Norm Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2004


roy drama - western all male cast; four characters four male two acts

A young Canadian homesteader travelling far from home, finds himself accused of murder in the state of Kansas in 1871. With only his wits to defend himself, he turns the law of the land – and the men hell-bent on enforcing it – upside down. This authentic western is a unique take on the days when guns were the law.

Title: Oxygen

Author: Djerassi, Carl Hoffmann, Roald Publisher: Wiley-VCH 2001


roy drama - science eleven characters three male; three female (doubling) two acts

"What motivates a scientist? One key factor is the pressure from the competition to be the first to discover something new. The moral consequences of this are the subject of the play "Oxygen", dealing with the discovery of this all-important element. The focus of the play is on chemical and political revolutions, as well as the Nobel Prize, which will be awarded for the 100th time in 2001. The action takes place in 1777 and 2001."

Title: Pack of Lies

Author: Whitemore, Hugh Publisher: Amber Lane Press 1984


roy drama - morality eight characters three male; five female two acts

The Jackson are a nice middle aged English couple. Their best friends are their Canadian neighbors, the Krogers. All is blissful in their world until a detective from Scotland Yard asks to use their house as an observation station to try and foil a Soviet spy ring operating in the area. The Jacksons become more and more put out as Scotland Yard's demands on them increase. They are really put to the test when the detective reveals that the spies are the Krogers and he asks them to help set a trap. Should they betray their friends? Title: Paper Wheat

Author: Twenty-Fifth Street House Theatre Publisher: Western Producer Prairie Books 1982


roy drama - Canadian - historical five characters three male; two female two acts

A collective creation about the sod-busting immigrants to the Prairies and the Saskatchewan Co-operative Movement that followed, drawn from discussions and interviews with the pioneers themselves.

Title: Paradise

Author: O'Malley, Glyn Publisher: Samuel French 2003


roy drama five characters two male; three female thirteen scenes

Set during the height of the current Mid-East Conflict, PARADISE is a passionate, unflinching drama about two teenage girls (a Palestinian and an Israeli) trapped at the height of the Intifada.

Title: Paradise Garden

Author: Frangione, Lucia Publisher: Talonbooks 2001


roy drama - Alberta playwright six characters two male; four female three acts

In the gold-rush era of the 1850's, the McKinnons settled on an island off the west coast of Canada, where the first thing they did was to turn this 'wilderness' into an English country garden complete with vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, and an elegant gazebo. After six generations, times and circumstances have changed, the family estate has been subdivided, the flowers have gone wild, the pear tree has rotted and the heritage house has been carved up into a duplex, the property now divided in two by an ugly hedge. The McKinnons now live in one side of the Title: Parents Terribles, Les

Author: Cocteau, Jean Publisher: Nick Hern Books 1995


roy drama - relationships five characters three male; two female three acts

"Cocteau returns to the theme of incest, but this time the diseased love is infecting a bourgeois family in 1930s Paris and provides the basis for a bruising melodrama."

Title: Paris Letter, The A play in two acts Author: Baitz, Jon Robin Publisher: Grove Press


roy drama - American - LGBTQ+ - relationships nine characters four male; one female (doubling) two acts

An absorbing new play about power and money and the ruinous effects it can have on friendship, love, marriage, and ultimately oneself. In this modern tragedy set in urban New York City, Wall Street powerhouse Sandy Sonenberg finds his personal and professional life threatened by the unraveling secrets of his past. After burying his true sexual identity, a lethal affair with a young male associate forces Sonenberg to confront a lifetime of unrequited love and betrayal.

Title: Party to Murder, A

Author: Kash, Marcia Hughes, Douglas E. Publisher: Samuel French 1999


roy mystery - thriller six characters three male; three female two acts

Six people have come in secret on Halloween to play a murder mystery game at a rustic island cottage. Invited by writer Charles Prince, they appear set for a weekend of fun until ghosts from the past begin to haunt the proceedings and it becomes clear that all is not as it seems. The game takes on a sinister dimension when guests begin to die and the remaining players realize that they are playing for their lives. Tension rises. Secret passageways, incriminating letters, hidden compartments, bodies in the window seat and a twenty five year old unsolved mystery twist and Title: Patience

Author: Sherman, Jason Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1998


roy drama - Canadian - biblical six characters three male; three female two acts

"Reuben has it all. Then with almost biblical abruptness - think of the story of Job - Reuben's universe tumbles, and almost everything he has come to count on turns to dust."

Opening night edition and collector's edition.

Title: Pearl Gidley

Author: Kirkham, Gary Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2012


roy Canadian - drama four characters two male; two female two acts

Pearl and her sister Edith are living quietly in the old family home in Blyth, Ontario in April, 1971, when their neighbour George asks them to take in a boarder, a young Vietnam veteran named Charles. The young stranger unwittingly disturbs the veneer that has long covered Pearl's secret tragedy.

Title: People are Living There A play in two acts Author: Fugard, Athol Publisher: Oxford University Press 1970


roy drama - South African - relationships four characters two male; two female two acts

People are living there is a touching and passionate play by the renowned South African playwright that tells the extraordinary story of an ordinary woman as she reveals the sadness and frustration of her life. Millie, the feisty and volatile landlady of an old, sleazy boarding house, is dumped by her lover on her fiftieth birthday. She is determined both to have her revenge and to celebrate, even if it kills her, as she persuades her downbeat lodgers to join her for a painteresque birthday party that none of them will ever forget. Title: Perfect Ganesh, A

Author: McNally, Terrence Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1994


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

'Comic drama about prejudice, AIDS and suffering. Two middle-aged American women of means travel to India on spiritual journey accompanied by Hindu god Ganesha.'

Title: Perfect Pie

Author: Thompson, Judith Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1999


roy drama - women all female cast; four characters four female two acts

"In the course of an afternoon's reunion between two long-estranged women, a buried memory, and two teenager's wild secret, slams into the present. A potent drama."

Title: Persephone, or Slow Time

Author: Haidle, Noah Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 2009


roy drama - allegory seventeen characters two male; two female (doubling) two acts

"Meet Demeter, an exquisite statue of the Greek goddess, as she's being created during the Italian Renaissance. Those who admire her see only stone and fortitude, but her thoughts and desires are all too real; she pines for her lost daughter's return and for the love of her sculptor, Giuseppe. Giuseppe, however, is too busy lusting after the city's most popular artist's model to notice Demeter's pain. Fast forward five hundred years: Demeter stands in a present-day American city park. She has become a symbol of hope amidst illicit activity and a target for more than just Title: Photographic Moment, The

Author: Baldridge, Mary Humphrey Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1975


not available for production drama - Alberta playwright five characters two male; three female three acts

1 interior set.

A deceptively simple play that focuses on family, people and the human comedy. "It is convincing in its psychology and in its narrative structure, and its concerns are important and valid... The play is a valuable addition to Prairie dramatic literature."

Title: Pictures In The Hallway

Author: O'Casey, Sean Shyre, Paul Publisher: Samuel French 1956


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

1 set.

Based on the autobiography of Sean O'Casey, the play depicts a young man's transition from being a spectator in life to being a participant.

Title: Piece Of My Mind, A

Author: Nichols, Peter Publisher: Samuel French 1988


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

Ted Forrest is a playwright with writer's block. When we first meet him, bitter, disillusioned and consumed with envy of Miles Whittier, a younger, more successful playwright, he has retreated to the country in an attempt to stimulate his creative block by writing an autobiographical novel. In a mosaic of flashbacks, dream sequences and theatrical devices, Ted takes a tour of his life, from his early struggles in the swinging sixties, through his years as a successful writer and finally to his disillusionment in the eighties. Title: Pillowman, The

Author: McDonagh, Martin Publisher: Faber and Faber 2003


roy drama - mystery six characters five male; one female three acts

A writer in totalitarian state is interrogated about the gruesome content of his short stories and their similarities to a number of child-murders that are happening in his town.

Title: Plainsman, The

Author: Mitchell, Ken Publisher: Coteau Books 1992


roy drama - Canadian - Metis four characters three male; one female two acts

"The Plainsman focuses on the Metis people, their struggles during the North West Resistance of 1885, and the pivotal role played by Gabriel Dumont."

Title: Play Murder As published in Theatrum Magazine (Summer 1994) Author: Gilbert, Sky Publisher: Theatrum Publishing 1994


roy Canadian - mystery six characters three male; three female two acts

Description not available. Title: Playing Bare

Author: Champagne, Dominic translated by Shelley Tepperman Publisher: Talonbooks 1993


roy drama - Canadian - satire six characters three male; three female eight scenes

Witty, prickly and fresh, "Playing Bare" is a mordant satire on the relation between theatre and life. An accomplished actress is on the verge of a nervous breakdown as she directs Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot". In her deranged effort to expose the emptiness of playing fictional characters, she casts the lead roles with a pair of non-actors whose lives mirror those of the characters they play. Her search for the ultimate theatrical experience - life becoming art - takes the action in hilarious and insightful directions.

Title: Poor Super Man

Author: Fraser, Brad Publisher: NeWest Press 1995


roy drama - relationships - Canadian five characters two male; three female two acts

"Frustrated by the lack of love and affection in his life, celebrated gay painter David McMillan returns to his humble beginnings as a waiter where he hopes to find his lost creativity. He finds that and more in the arms of his married male employer, Matt. Matt inspires David to paint the best pictures of his life. However, the affair forces David to face new realities about himself and his world when he re-examines his long-time friendship with a straight female gossip columnist, and when he watches his transsexual roommate live with being HIV positive."

Title: Poor Uncle Ernie in his Covered Cage

Author: Hunter, Maureen Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1986


roy Canadian - drama - family relations four characters two male; two female two acts

A man who has given up all his dreams for the sake of his family is forced by the return of his long-lost sister to re-evaluate his life and, in the process, to learn that selfish choices are often the most difficult to make. Title: Posterity

Author: Wright, Doug Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 2015


roy drama five characters four male; one female two acts

Norway’s most celebrated sculptor, Gustav Vigeland, is commissioned to create the last official bust of its most famous writer—the irascible, imperious, and inscrutable Henrik Ibsen. The two artists, each needing something from the other, wage war over both the creation of Ibsen’s likeness and the prospects of his legacy. With his inimitable wit and insight, Doug Wright explores the nature of artistic success and the fear of being forgotten.

Title: Powers and Gloria

Author: Roulston, Keith Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2005


roy drama four characters three male; one female two acts

When Edward Connell Powers suffers a stroke, he must turn over the running of his furniture factory, the town’s largest employer, to his son James. When he comes home from hospital, James hires the only caregiver he can find, Gloria Delaney, a single-mom, high school drop-out whose hair is bigger than her sense of worth. It seems a doomed relationship but little by little over Edward’s long convalescence, she wins his respect for her humour, spirit and intelligence while she sees beyond his intimidating, crusty exterior. Gloria helps him as he seeks to rebuild his

Title: Prayer For My Daughter, A

Author: Babe, Thomas Publisher: Samuel French 1977


roy drama all male cast; four characters four male two acts

An old woman's been killed for a mere $26.15. The suspects are a nervous middle-aged homosexual and his pathetic street waif friend who's on drugs. At the police station these two are grilled by a bull-like sergeant and his assistant. They keep shifting and revealing themselves - in many ways the cops are as reprehensible as the culprits. As the accusers take turns grilling each of the accused, we come to know the four intimately and to comprehend the traumas and emotional short circuits that have led them to their individual predicaments. Title: Price, The

Author: Miller, Arthur Publisher: Bantam Books 1969


roy drama up to four characters three male; one female two acts

1 interior set; recommended for college and community groups.

A father's death and the disposal of his belongings brings out a mutual bitterness in two brothers who each believes he was shafted in his life.

Title: Price, The

Author: Miller, Arthur Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1969


roy drama up to four characters three male; one female two acts

1 interior set; recommended for college and community groups.

A father's death and the disposal of his belongings brings out a mutual bitterness in two brothers who each believes he was shafted in his life.

Title: Pride, The

Author: Campbell, Alexi Kaye Publisher: Nick Hern Books 2008


roy drama - sexuality - identity - LGBTQ+ four characters three male; one female two acts

"Somewhere inside me a kind of betrayal. There's an expected behaviour. People telling you who you are. And you believe them. And then of course, you become that very person." Alternating between 1958 and 2008, examines changing attitudes to sexuality, looking at intimacy, identity and the courage it takes to be who you really are. The 1958 Philip is in love with Oliver, but Married to Sylvia. The 2008 Oliver is addicted to sex with strangers. Sylvia loves them both. Title: Prodigal Daughter, The

Author: Turner, David Publisher: Samuel French 1976


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

When a young girl, who wants to atone for her abortion, begins work at a Catholic rectory as the housekeeper, the three resident priests must deal with questions that arise about their faith and their commitment to the Church.

Title: Promised Land, The

Author: Strong, Mark Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1983


roy drama - Canadian - adolescents - family relations - pregnancy five characters three male; two female two acts

"Two teenagers decide to deal with a pregnancy by moving in together, but the girl's mother is determined to prevent this."

Title: Proof

Author: Auburn, David Publisher: Faber and Faber 2001


roy drama - family relations - self realization four characters two male; two female two acts

"On the eve of her twenty-fifth birthday, Catherine, a young woman who has spent years caring for her brilliant but unstable father, Robert, must deal not only with his death but the arrival of her estranged sister, Claire, and with the attentions of Hal, a former student of her father's who hopes to find valuable work in the 103 notebooks that Robert left behind."

Winner - Pulitzer Prize. Title: Proof

Author: Auburn, David Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2001


roy drama - family relations - self realization four characters two male; two female two acts

"On the eve of her twenty-fifth birthday, Catherine, a young woman who has spent years caring for her brilliant but unstable father, Robert, must deal not only with his death but the arrival of her estranged sister, Claire, and with the attentions of Hal, a former student of her father's who hopes to find valuable work in the 103 notebooks that Robert left behind."

Winner - Pulitzer Prize.

Title: Public Lies

Author: Fothergill, Robert Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1993


roy Canadian - political - drama twenty characters four male; two female (doubling) two acts

"Examines propaganda, political art and the complex career of NFB founder John Grierson".

Title: Quality of Life, The

Author: Anderson, Jane Publisher: Samuel French


roy dramatic comedy four characters two male; two female two acts

Dinah and Bill, a devout, church-going couple from the Midwest are struggling to keep their lives intact after the loss of their daughter. Dinah is compelled to reconnect with her left-leaning cousins in Northern California who’re going through their own trials. Jeannette and Neil have lost their home to a wildfire and Neil has cancer. However they seem to have accepted their situation with astounding good humor, living in a yurt on their burn site and celebrating life with hits of pot and glasses of good red wine. Bill and Dinah are both moved and perplexed by their cousins’ Title: Queens, The

Author: Chaurette, Normand translated by Linda Gaboriau Publisher: Talonbooks 1998


roy drama - historical - Shakespeare all female cast; six characters six female eleven parts

While a heavy snowfall blankets London, King Edward lies on his deathbed, and his younger brother, the monstrous Richard, is plotting to assassinate all who stand between him and the throne. As the balance of power shifts, the palace women—“Queens” of the royal families of York, Lancaster, and Plantagenet—fight tooth, nail and tongue to gain the prospective monarch’s favour: the anguished Queen Elizabeth; the elderly Duchess of York, mother of Edward and Richard; the dethroned queen, Margaret of Anjou; the ambitious and grasping Warwick sisters,

Title: Quills

Author: Wright, Doug Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1996


roy drama - historical six characters four male; two female two acts

'Black humor and grotesque exaggeration used to depict Marquis de Sade's final years in Charenton Asylum.'

Title: Rabbit Hole

Author: Lindsay-Abaire, David Publisher: Theatre Communications Group 2006


roy drama five characters two male; three female two acts

"The Corbetts have everything a family could want, until the day their world is turned upside down. In the aftermath of a life-shattering accident, a young husband and wife find themselves drifting perilously apart. Rabbit Hole charts their bittersweet search for comfort in the darkest of places… and a path that will led them back up into the light of day." Title: Rabbit Hole

Author: Lindsay-Abaire, David Publisher: Theatre Communications Group 2006


roy drama - grief - family relations five characters two male; three female two acts

"Becca and Howie Corbett have a picture perfect family life in the suburbs of New York until a random, tragic accident takes the life of their four-year old son. Soon after, Becca’s younger, irresponsible sister, Izzy, announces that she is pregnant: there will now be a new child in the family. As Becca and Howie grow apart, Becca’s mother, Nat, badgers Becca about her grieving process, and Jason, the young driver who killed their son, continually shows up to ask forgiveness, the group is on a bumpy road to healing with no road map in sight. Rabbit Hole

Title: Reader

Author: Dorfman, Ariel Publisher: Samuel French 1995


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

A censor discovers that the subversive novel he is about to ban is describing his own life and hinting that a terrible fate awaits his son. He must hunt down the author before it comes true...

Title: Real Estate

Author: Page, Louise Publisher: Samuel French 1985


roy drama - family relations four characters two male; two female two acts

Pregnant career woman returns to home of mother and step-father she abandoned twenty years earlier. Title: Reasons to be Pretty A play Author: LaBute, Neil Publisher: Faber and Faber 2008


roy comic drama - American - relationships four characters two male; two female two acts

sequel to "The Shape of Things" and "Fat Pig".

"America's obsession with physical beauty is confronted headlong in 'Reasons to Be Pretty'. Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhanded remarks about a female coworker's pretty face (and his girlfriend's lack thereof) get back to said girlfriend. But that's just the beginning. Greg's best buddy Kent, and Kent's wife, Carly, also enter the picture, and the

Title: Rebel Armies Deep Into Chad

Author: Lee, Mark Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1989


roy drama - African four characters two male; two female two acts

"The place is Nairobi, Kenya, where Dove, a brittle, aging correspondent for Reuters, the British news agency, brings home a young American "stringer" named Neal, who has been expelled from neighbouring Uganda for reasons not yet fully explained. Worried about his own position, because of previous negligence, Dove hopes to use the story of Neal's expulsion to his own advantage."

Title: Red Angel

Author: Bogosian, Eric Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2005


roy drama - relationships four characters two male; two female two parts

A celebrated novelist is guest lecturer at a small elite college. He becomes sexually involved with a student, who also happens to be his biggest fan, only to find that there’s more to this young woman than meets the eye. Bogosian’s riff on Von Sternberg’s The Blue Angel. Title: Rememberance

Author: Reid, Graham Publisher: Faber and Faber 1985


roy drama six characters two male; four female twenty-two scenes

Drama about love between two old people set against sectarian violence in Belfast.

Title: Respectable A play Author: Chambers, Ron Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 2001


roy drama - Canadian - Alberta playwright five characters four male; one female two acts

"Hork and Saul finally have a job that puts some coin in their pockets, some beer on the table, and might even make them respectable. It's like taking candy from a baby until they discover their boss is the brains behind a sinister plot that might just explode in their faces."

Title: Restoration Of Arnold Middleton

Author: Storey, David Publisher: Samuel French 1967


roy drama six characters two male; four female three acts

1 interior set.

A history teacher on the verge of a nervous breakdown finally cracks one night at a drunken party where he takes advantage of his mother-in-law, the consequences of the act being that he finally seeks help. Title: Righteousness

Author: Deverell, Rex Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1983


roy drama - historical - Canadian four characters two male; two female two acts

"The last days of St. Augustine's life were spent in solitude and penance. The ghosts of his past helped him to find a distinction between morality and moralism. Set in exotic fifth century North Africa, amid the crumbling remains of the Roman Empire."

Title: Rinse Cycle

Author: Crossland, Jackie Lavalle, Rudy Publisher: Talonbooks 1972


roy drama - adolescent - nostalgia - 1950's six characters four male; two female twelve scenes

Rinse Cycle is a late 50's nostalgia play, like all the old rock movies. Ideally, it needs a naturalistic approach from costumes to slang and personal mannerisms to re-create the aura of the time.

Title: Riot

Author: Moodie, Andrew Publisher: Scirocco Drama 1997


roy drama - Canadian six characters four male; two female three acts

"Andrew Moodie's Riot is a dramatic and often humorous look at six black Canadians of diverse backgrounds who share a Toronto house. Their lives unfold against a backdrop of civil unrest which erupted when the Los Angeles police officers on trial for the beating of Rodney King were acquitted. The fracas outside keeps intruding as characters clash, collide and swap jokes about everything from racism to the status of Quebec as a distinct society, from Malcolm X to 'The Road to Avonlea'." Title: Rivers of China, The

Author: De Groen, Alma Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company 1988


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

Two plots interweave, both involved with the life and death of New Zealand born writer Katherine Mansfield, and both concerned with the place of women and artists in a patriarchal society. In 1923 Katherine went to the Russian mystic Gurdjieff that he might 'cure her soul'. In the 1980's a young man awakens in a Sydney hospital to find a world dominated by women. As each struggles to discover their true identity, the separate narratives are interwoven. Katherine's journey is related to a wish once made by her mother, that instead of marrying she had gone exploring "the

Title: Room with Five Walls, The The trials of Victor Hoffman Author: Barclay, Byrna Publisher: NeWest Press 2004


roy drama - historical - biographical - schizophrenia six characters; extras; chorus five male; one female (doubling possible) two acts

Barclay thrusts an audience inside the disordered mind of Victor Hoffman several decades after the Peterson murders (Canada's first mass murder). Hoffman, now an inmate in a maximum security institute for the criminally insane, is confined to a dark and dingy room reminiscent of an underground prison vault. The play's "fifth wall" is a surreal wormhole accommodating projections, entrances and exits. By reliving his crime's prelude and the subsequent trial, Older Victor engages a resisting young Victor in a daily search for "the right question" that was never

Title: Rope Enough

Author: Gilbert, Sky Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2005


roy psychological murder mystery five characters four male; one female two acts

Ichabod and Dylan are two young effeminate gay party boys whose sybaritic existence is abruptly interrupted when they are charged with the murder of Ichabod’s parents. In prison, they are interviewed by right wing-journalist Cecilia Wainscott, who quickly discovers that Ichabod is a complex character—both a theoretical mathematician and an exuberantly dark misanthrope. In the end, Cecilia learns a little bit about herself, gay men, theoretical mathematics and the nature of the universe. Are Dylan and Ichabod evil cold-blooded killers turned on by a perverse cocktail of Title: Rosmersholm

Author: Ibsen, Henrik translated by Norman Ginsbury Publisher: Samuel French 1961


roy drama six characters four male; two female three acts

2 interior sets.

A free-thinking woman who has insinuated herself into the home of a pastor causes the suicide of the pastor's wife, the loss of his friends and his ideals and has planted doubt into his state of contentment.

Title: Rough Magic

Author: Lazarus, John Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 2006


roy drama four characters three male; one female two acts

Description not available.

Title: Running Dog, Paper Tiger

Author: Johnston, Simon Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1995


roy Canadian - drama six characters four male; two female two acts

"Set in Hong Kong in 1967, when Communist Chinese riots rocked the stability of the British Colony. A mixed-race family is forced to choose between loyalty to their British roots and to their race." Title: Safe

Author: Glazer, Tony Ruivivar, Anthony Publisher: Samuel French 2004


roy thriller five characters four male; one female two acts

Five people are coerced into a bank vault during a violent robbery. Camaraderie gives way to conflict as the will to survive spawns paranoia and deception. One by one, the captives turn on each other, create alliances, reveal their true selves and even resort to murder. This dark comic thriller, part survival story and part cautionary tale, enthralls and surprises from the opening scene to a final haunting discovery.

Title: Saints and Apostles, The

Author: Storey, Raymond Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1991


roy Canadian - drama - Alberta playwright five characters three male; two female two acts

The Saints and Apostles is a contemporary love story, complicated by the age of HIV infection. This is as warm and moving tale about the ultimate fear of intimacy which re-examines modern relationships, and the power and the limitations of love.

Title: Salonika

Author: Page, Louise Publisher: Methuen 1983


roy drama - fantasy five characters four male; two female three parts

On the beach sit and English mother and daughter. In a nearby war cemetery is the grave of the husband and father, a soldier with the British Expeditionary Force who died in 1918. Will this visit to Salonika help them to lay his ghost at last; or will the dead past hold its grip? And what of the future offered by others on the beach? Title: Sand

Author: Wagner, Colleen Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1989


roy Canadian - drama six characters three male; three female two acts

running time: 110 min.

Takes place on once prosperous farm country, now turned to a vast and blowing desert. It could be the dustbowl of the thirties or the not so distant future. However, one thing is certain, the arrival of Carlye to her family home after a long and mysterious absence wreaks havoc. Is she rainmaker as she claims, or out for revenge.

Title: Saucy Jack

Author: Pollock, Sharon Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1994


roy drama - Canadian - Alberta playwright four characters three male; one female two acts

"Pollock, implicates the most upper echelons of British society in the brutal murders of London's prostitutes. In a stately Victorian drawing room, two old friends, James Kenneth Stephen, a scholar, and his former pupil, Prince Albert Victor, dance around the truth of the identity of London's most notorious killer, and while a tale of psychological intrigue is played out, an unraveling of tested friendship, betrayal, duplicity, and motive is revealed. With the single female character of Kate, an actress hired by James to re-enact the death throes of the prostitutes, Pollock

Title: Savoy

Author: O'Brien, Eugene Publisher: Methuen 2004


roy dramatic comedy - movies - relationships five characters four male; one female two acts

On the closing night of Edenderry's Savoy cinema, three men have gathered for an unusual wake to remember the life of the cinema and its place in their lives. From the spectre of the multiplex that has sounded the death knell of the local cinema, to the town's inhabitants and 'A Fistful of Dollars', Eugene O'Brien creates a compelling picture of the life of a provincial Irish town. By turns comical and elegiac, the men's shared memories finally exposes the fiction and frailty that lie at the heart of their relationships. Title: Scandal Point

Author: Patrick, John Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1969


roy thriller four characters three male; one female three acts

1 interior set.

When her husband is paroled earlier than was expected, a woman and her lover, the man's lawyer and best friend, plot his murder. Their plan fails and it is the lover who dies.

Title: Scary Stories

Author: Armstrong, Gordon Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1996


roy drama - horror five characters three male; two female two acts

'Jules Chaykin is an expert in the field of blood and gore stories, like the ones found in the classic 'Tomb of Doom' comics, and the survival of his art is in the hands of his publisher, Wally Hoverton. With the 1954 senate committee's investigations into the effect of horror comics on juveniles and the newly imposed Comics Code Authority as a backdrop, Gordon Armstrong's Scary Stories matches pleasure and pain with exquisitely ghoulish twists and a subtle commentary on the state of censorship and freedom of the artist.'

Title: Science and Madness

Author: Walker, George F. Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1982


roy melodrama - Canadian six characters four male; two female twelve scenes

A melodrama set in a mansion on the Scottish Isle of Mull. Title: Scotland Road

Author: Hatcher, Jeffrey Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1996


roy mystery - drama four characters one male; three female two acts

suggested for high school. In the last decade of the twentieth century, a beautiful young woman in nineteenth-century clothing is found floating on an iceberg in the middle of the North Atlantic. When rescued, she says only one word: Titanic. The woman, Winifred, is taken to an isolated spot on the coast of Maine where an expert on the sinking of the liner, a mysterious man named John, has arranged to interrogate her for six days. His goal: to crack her story, get her to confess she's a fake, and

Title: Se Llama Cristina

Author: Solis, Octavio Publisher: Samuel French 2015


roy drama - relationships four characters two male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

"A man and woman awaken from an apparent drugged-out night to find their baby missing. The pair relive their history in order to remember their way back to their child and to try to set things right. This haunted, poetic journey moves through time from past to present to future, and from darkness and doubt to the glimmer of miraculous light. "

Title: Seafarer, The in - Plays: Three - Conor McPherson / COL Author: McPherson, Conor Publisher: Nick Hern Books 2013


roy drama all male cast; five characters five male two acts

It’s Christmas Eve and James 'Sharky' Harkin, an erstwhile fisherman/van driver/chauffeur now in his fifties, has returned to Dublin to look after his ageing, irascible brother, Richard, who’s recently gone blind. Two old drinking buddies, Ivan and Nicky, are also holed up at the house, hoping to play some cards. But with the arrival of Mr Lockhart, an acquaintance of Nicky's, the stakes are raised ever higher. In fact, Sharky may be playing for his very soul. Title: Seascape

Author: Albee, Edward Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1975


roy drama - fantasy four characters two male; two female two acts

1 exterior set.

On a deserted stretch of beach a middle-aged couple, relaxing after a picnic lunch, talk idly about home, family and their life together. She sketches, he naps, and then, suddenly, they are joined by two sea creatures—lizards who have decided to leave the ocean depths and come ashore. Initial fear, and then suspicion of each other, are soon replaced by curiosity and, before long, the

Title: Secret Annex, The

Author: Sobler, Alix Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2015


roy Canadian - drama - Anne Frank five characters two male; three female two acts

setting: New York and Toronto, 1955 and 1962.

Anne Frank has survived the war, and at age 25, she’s ready to start a new chapter in New York City. Eager to publish a memoir of her time in hiding, Anne is sure it will launch her career as a writer. But when the only interested publisher suggests drastic rewrites, Anne is unsure of what to do. Everyone around her seems to be able to move on and recover from the war, but her inability

Title: Secret Life of Haddon Mackenzie, The

Author: Gilbert, Sky Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 2011


roy drama - Canadian five characters three male; two female two acts

It is 1960. A closeted gay figure skating teacher, Haddon, is friends with a middle class woman and her gay son. Being closeted he is emotionally abusive to his student, the boy. Later we find out that he is in love with a straight figure skater (male) whom he stalks. Title: Sense of Place; or, Virgil is Still the Frogboy, A

Author: Wilson, Lanford Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1999


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

suggested for high school.

Schuyler Browne and his friends, gather for the spring at Schuyler's family's Hampton home. As the spring passes, the friends begin to clash as all their problems and futures grow. When the time comes to leave, the friends vow to hang onto their meager livings and to their family of friends, but no one really knows how.

Title: Serenading Louie

Author: Wilson, Lanford Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1976


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

unit set.

Two couples, who are also friends, have reached crisis points in their lives and go through a period of near destruction of all that they have before attaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships.

Title: Serial Black Face

Author: Nabers, Janine Publisher: Yale University Press 2015


roy drama - family relationships - African American six characters two male; four female three parts

The year is 1979 and a serial killer in Atlanta is abducting and murdering young black children. Against a backdrop of fear and uncertainty, playwright Janine Nabers explores the emotional battleground where an African-American single mother wars with her teenage daughter, each coping in her own way with personal tragedy and loss. The voltality of their situation in intensified when a severely damaged and devastatingly handsome stranger becomes an integral part of their lives. Title: Serpent in the Night Sky

Author: Warren, Dianne Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1989


roy drama - Canadian six characters three male; three female two acts

Joy, a runaway from Montana, travels with Duff to his northern Saskatchewan home. There she finds a family filled with anger, a mentor who believes in the power of good walking shoes and a dreamer who believes he can catch the serpent if he can just keep his eye on the night sky.

Title: Serpent Kills

Author: Millan, Jim Brooker, Blake Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

In the late 1970's, twenty tourists become murder victims to a gang of petty swindlers. A young Canadian woman falls in love with the leader, and becomes an accomplice in an international crime spree.

Title: Seven Hours to Sundown

Author: Ryga, George Publisher: Talonbooks 1977


roy drama - Canadian six characters four male; two female (doubling is possible) three acts

A play about the nature of power in small communities - designed to be adapted for specific audiences. Title: Shades

Author: Macdonald, Sharman Publisher: Faber and Faber 1992


roy drama - Scottish four characters one male; two female; one boy two acts

time period - 1950s; setting: Glasgow.

Pearl, a young widow, bitterly resents her husband for dying and leaving her with the prospect of a lonely old age and her mother for being unable to provide her with the affection she craved as a child. Frightened by the onset of middle age, she fiercely prepares for a rather special night out - one which could change her fortunes completely. Ten-year-old Alan jealously watches her

Title: Shakers

Author: Godber, John Thornton, Jane Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1993


roy dramatic comedy - satire all female cast; four characters four female two acts

In a not-so-chic London bar called Shakers, we meet Carol, Adele, Nicky and Mel, four friends who have taken to waitressing in desperation but who also have wit and resilience enough to never let any of the colorful characters they come across escape their satire unscathed. In theatrically heightened moments, the women play the roles of men and women alike, covering not only their nights at Shakers but also the lives of four other working women in London. Always at of their satire are the men who take them for granted or, worse, abuse them. Against

Title: Shakespeare's R&J

Author: Shakespeare, William Calarco, Joe Publisher: Miscellaneous


roy tragedy all male cast; four characters four male two acts

suitable for High School performance; adapted by Joe Calarco

Four young prep school students, tired of going through the usual drill of conjugating Latin and other tedious school routines, decide to vary their governed lives. After school, one breaks out a copy of William Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JULIET, and they take turns reading the play aloud. The Bard's words and story are thrilling to the boys and they become swept away, enmeshed in the Title: Shakespeare's R&J

Author: Calarco, Joe Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 2015


roy drama all male cast; four characters four male two acts

No set.

Four young prep school students, tired of going through the usual drill of conjugating Latin and other tedious school routines, decide to vary their very governed lives. After school, one breaks out a copy of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and they all take turns reading the play aloud. The Bard’s words and the story itself are thrilling to the boys, and they become swept

Title: Shatter

Author: Davies, Trina Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2003


roy Canadian history - drama - Alberta playwright four characters two male; two female two acts

1917. The largest man-made explosion prior to Hiroshima. Two thousand dead, hundreds injured and blinded, and many more homeless. Shatter explores the little-known details of the aftermath of the Halifax Explosion of 1917. Anna MacLean is a teenager, thrilled with her new diary, ripe with the promise of youth, and flush with excitement at all of the handsome soldiers in the streets of Halifax. Though Anna’s mother and her best friend, Elsie Schultz, talk of the war, Anna can only think about whether the young man at the door enforcing the blackout order

Title: Shayna Maidel, A

Author: Lebow, Barbara Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 1988


roy drama - family relationships six characters two male; four female two acts

The setting of the play is the stylish Manhattan apartment of Rose Weiss, the time 1946. Although born in Poland, Rose, now in her 20s, came to the United States with her father, Mordechai, at the age of four and is now completely "Americanized." The plan had been for Rose's mother and sister to join the others, but the sister fell ill with scarlet fever, the mother stayed on to care for her, and soon the rise of the Nazis cut off their escape. Their ordeal in the concentration camps, which only the sister survived, has brought a burden of guilt to the aging Mordechai and deeply mixed Title: Shining City

Author: McPherson, Conor Publisher: Nick Hern Books 2004


roy drama - Irish four characters three male; one female five scenes

"In Dublin a man comes to a counsellor seeking help. He claims to have seen the ghost of his recently deceased wife. But what begins as just an unusual encounter becomes a desperate struggle between the living and the dead - a struggle which will shape and define both men for the rest of their lives."

Title: Shooting Stage, The

Author: MacLennan, Michael Lewis Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2001


roy drama - relationships all male cast; five characters five male two acts

Twenty years ago, Len took a photograph. Now that the nude portrait has resurfaced in an obscenity trial, Len's childhood friend Malcolm re-enters his life to confront him. At the same time, teenage Elliot pursues his secret "sissy boy" ambitions while bullied by Derek, a troubled schoolmate who himself is mired in a web of lies. Eliot's friend Ivan may be able to stop the inevitable disaster - but only if he can find the courage to transform himself. A thrilling puzzle weaving two generations, this play explores how boys become men, and how the fortunate

Title: Shout Across The River

Author: Poliakoff, Stephen Publisher: Eyre Methuen 1979


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

representative set.

An agoraphobic woman must learn to cope with her problem in order to cope with her violent fourteen year old daughter who has been suspended from school because of her sexual promiscuity and her vicious attacks on students and teachers. Title: Sight Unseen

Author: Margulies, Donald Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1992


roy drama - artist - relationships - Jewish four characters two male; two female two acts (eight scenes)

"This is the story of an Jewish-American mega-artist so successful he's had the obligatory profile in Vanity Fair and can claim astronomical prices for his works sight unseen from a waiting list of wealthy patrons. In England for a retrospective of his paintings, the artist goes into the countryside to visit his original muse and lover, the "sacrificial shiksa" whom he abandoned in his quest for the opulent life which now devours him."

Title: Silent Night, Lonely Night

Author: Anderson, Robert Publisher: Samuel French 1958


roy drama six characters three male; three female two acts

1 interior set.

A man and a woman staying in a hotel on Christmas Eve, each for their own reasons, spend the night together and their brief friendship gives them each the courage to face their problems.

Title: Silver Dagger

Author: French, David Publisher: Talonbooks 1993


roy drama - Canadian six characters two male; four female two acts

1 interior set.

Steve Marsh is a mystery writer. Soon after his third novel is published, Marsh's wife receives a series of phone calls that threaten to destroy their marriage. Adultery, blackmail, murder, a figure lurking in the - all these classic elements of Marsh's fiction soon become part of his life. French delivers a thriller guaranteed to have audiences perched on the edge of their seats. Title: Simpatico

Author: Shepard, Sam Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1995


roy drama - relationships five characters two male; three female three acts

"Vinnie's been hiding out, leading a low-profile life in Cucamonga, California, after being involved in a shady deal with his friend, Carter. About to be caught in a race-track scam, the two set up and blackmailed the local commissioner, Simms, into silence. To add insult to injury, Carter then ran off with Vinnie's wife, Rosie and his Buick. Simms is now a blood-stock agent in Kentucky, satisfied to let sleeping dogs lie. Carter became a successful horse breeder there and sends monthly checks to buy Vinnie's silence. Vinnie has grown tired of his lonely life in hotel rooms

Title: Sister Jude

Author: Carley, Dave Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 1986


roy Canadian - drama five characters two male; three female two acts

"Wesley, an introverted young man, sets out on the rocky road to maturity, with help from his sister, a bit of divine guidance, and any number of run-ins with the powers-that-be in his conservative hometown."

Title: Sisters

Author: Lill, Wendy Publisher: Talonbooks 1991


roy Canadian - drama - Native peoples six characters two male; four female two acts

Sisters is a tough uncompromising look at a convent-run Native residential school. While the play chronicles in graphic detail the by now well-documented agenda of cultural genocide which motivated the establishment of Native residential schools in Canada, the daring triumph of this play is that it reveals the far less well documented cultural infrastructure and values of the society which created those schools - the church and the state of white, colonial, paternalist Canada. Title: Sisters

Author: Lill, Wendy Publisher: Talonbooks 1991


roy Canadian - drama - Native peoples six characters two male; four female two acts

Sisters is a tough uncompromising look at a convent-run Native residential school. While the play chronicles in graphic detail the by now well-documented agenda of cultural genocide which motivated the establishment of Native residential schools in Canada, the daring triumph of this play is that it reveals the far less well documented cultural infrastructure and values of the society which created those schools - the church and the state of white, colonial, paternalist Canada.

Title: Sky

Author: Gault, Connie Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1988


roy drama - Canadian four characters one male; three female two acts

2 interior sets.

A 16-year-old girl becomes pregnant by her father and is then married off. She tells her naive young husband that she's carrying God's child, and he believes her.

Title: Sleeping Policemen

Author: Brenton, Howard Ikoli, Tunde Publisher: Methuen 1984


roy dramatic comedy six characters two male; four female two acts

(The play) is the result of an exciting and innovative collaboration between the playwrights and director Roland Rees. Commissioned by Foco Novo, the brief was for each writer to create a play set in Peckham in 1983, using the same six characters but written from his own point of view. Following a series of regular meetings and finally a workshop with six actors, they separated, each to write his own play. When the scripts were complete, the writers met again and, together with the director, intercut and amalgamated them into one play. Title: Sleuth

Author: Shaffer, Anthony Publisher: Samuel French 1970


roy thriller all male cast; five characters five male two acts

1 interior set.

In a cozy English country house owned by a famous mystery writer, a young guest walks in and they begin a convivial round of scotch and dialogue. Suddenly the host says, I understand you want to marry my wife, and from that moment the two are locked in a mortal encounter. The games that are devised, the murders plotted, and subverted, add up to increasing suspense and

Title: Small Tragedy

Author: Lucas, Craig Publisher: Samuel French 2005


roy dramatic comedy - politics - tragedy six characters three male; three female two acts

running time: over 120 min.

Backstage and global politics unexpectedly collide during an amateur production of Oedipus. This powerful, timely play investigates the contemporary meaning and relevance of tragedy, launching a surprisingly funny, sharply pointed salvo directly at the heart of a generation.

Title: Smoke Damage

Author: Banuta, Rubess Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1985


roy drama - Canadian all female cast; five characters five female two acts

A vacation in Europe becomes a quest as five women visit the landmarks where nine million women perished as witches between the 15th and 17th centuries. Wicked humour is blended with fact, fairy tale and quotes from the Church's handbook for witch hunters. Title: Snakebit

Author: Grant, David Marshall Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2000


roy dramatic comedy - friendship - marriage four characters three male; one female two acts

A study of modern friendship when put to the test, the play centers on Jonathan and his wife, Jennifer, while they visit their oldest friend, Michael, at his home in Los Angeles. Jonathan, an actor, is in L.A. auditioning for a film and he's dragged Jennifer with him for support. Jennifer has become ill. Michael is distracted as his boyfriend has left him. At first the focus is on the universal questions we all face at one point or another, specifically self-doubt, and our selfish need for support. With the arrival of a guest, the play becomes deeper and forces us to see how ugly we

Title: Something Red

Author: Walmsley, Tom Publisher: Virgo Press 1978


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

'Bobby and Christine live downstairs from their friends Alex and Elizabeth. Bobby is a poet with a bitter past and is currently being hunted by a variety of vicious people. His girlfriend is in a dead-end job and, too, has a past. Alex, however, who wandered with Bobby before, now wants to settle down, works and is even working on a novel. The catalyst for catastrophe, however is Elizabeth; she is a student, from money, with a taste for Bobby's dark side. The foursome get together for an evening which turns violent. Revelations explode in everyone's face and the

Title: Sound Of Murder, The

Author: Fairchild, William Publisher: Samuel French 1960


roy mystery six characters four male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

A sadistic man who learns of the plans of his wife and her lover to murder him, decides to fake his death at the time of the murder and give false hope to the couple. Title: Speaking in Tongues

Author: Bovell, Andrew Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2003


roy psychological thriller nine characters two male; two female (doubling) two acts

"Two couples in unstable marriages inadvertently exchange partners in a night of adulterous encounters. The situations in the separate hotel rooms are so similar that at times both couples speak the same words. While Leon and Jane go through with the infidelity, Pete and Sonja do not, and the repercussions for both marriages are profound. Then we are introduced to a psychologist and her husband. The psychologist has disappeared on a deserted road after her car broke down. As the play progresses and revelatory details accumulate, these two seemingly disparate stories

Title: Speed of Darkness, The

Author: Tesich, Steve Publisher: Samuel French 1991


roy drama - relationships - Vietnam war five characters three male; two female two acts

The story is about Joe, a successful businessman and pillar of society whose chickens come home to roost in the form of Lou, a deranged Vietnam War buddy. During their confrontation, Joe learns that his daughter is not his daughter and the terrible secret of his past is exposed: his climb up the ladder of success began when he and Lou illegally dumped barrels and barrels of toxic waste over the bluff above town, poisoning the water supply. Lou kills himself, leaving Joe and his family to face the consequences of irresponsibility.

Title: Spider Island

Author: Spalding, Joseph Publisher: Samuel French 1942


roy drama - mystery all female cast; six characters six female three acts

'In an abandoned lighthouse off the New England coast live Abbie and Salem Mayo, two spinsters. Abbey is slightly pixilated and believes her dead brother is living in the lighthouse tower. Salem encourages her delusions. To this queer household comes Star Mayo and her friend, Pat Casey. They do not know of the two aunts, and the girls are plunged into a series of hair-raising events... Six women - and an axe - have the power to chill the blood and raise hackles on the neck of the strongest man.' Title: Spirit Control

Author: Willimon, Beau Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2012


roy drama eight characters four male; two female (doubling) three acts

Adam Wyatt has the perfect family and a perfect record as an air traffic controller. When the pilot of a small plane suffers a heart attack, Adam must talk a terrified passenger through an emergency landing. What happens next will link him inextricably to a woman he's never met and set the life he once knew irrevocably adrift. SPIRIT CONTROL is a chilling and mesmerizing look at how we navigate a crisis, and the demons that haunt us long after.

Title: Split Second A play in two acts Author: McIntyre, Dennis Publisher: Samuel French 1984


roy drama - racism six characters five male; one female two acts

This taut, incendiary drama explores the emotional and societal fallout when a respected Black police officer loses his cool and in a "split second" kills a white man: a taunting, racist petty thief.

Title: Spoils of War

Author: Weller, Michael Publisher: Samuel French 1989


roy drama - family relations - divorce six characters three male; three female two acts

The author of 'Loose Ends' and 'Moonchildren' dramatizes the desperate attempts of a 16 year-old boy to reconcile his divorced parents, a somber chronicle about disillusionment of people whose hopes and dreams are tainted by the prism of time. The events of the 1950's are explored through the eyes of Martin's parents, radicals who have chosen very different ways to cope with the changed and changing times. Elise is still a bohemian, a rebel without a cause who wants to live for something more than survival. Andrew has dropped back into the system and accepted the Title: Standing on my Knees

Author: Olive, John Publisher: Miscellaneous 1983


roy drama - schizophrenia - mental illness four characters one male; three female two acts

Catherine, a young and promising poet affected with schizophrenia, returns home to her cluttered apartment after a stay in the hospital. Urged on by her publisher she struggles to pursue her art, but the very intensity of thought that this demands brings on her attacks and the imaginary voices that bedevil her. At a party she meets Robert, a young stockbroker, and as their relationship deepens she relies ever more heavily on Thorazine pills to control her illness and maintain a semblance of normalcy. Ironically, while the pills block her "voices" they also stifle her creative

Title: Steel Kiss

Author: Fulford, Robin Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1991


roy drama - Canadian - LGBTQ+ all male cast; four characters four male thirty-seven scenes

Based on an actual "gay-bashing" murder by a group of teenagers, this disturbingly realistic look at society's conditioning of the modern male, and the homophobia it tolerates and condones, will leave readers everywhere questioning age-old values of machismo.

Title: Steel Magnolias

Author: Harling, Robert Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1988


roy drama - women all female cast; six characters six female two acts

"The action is set in Truvy's beauty salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana, where all the ladies who are "anybody" come to have their hair done. Helped by her eager new assistant, Annelle, the outspoken, wise-cracking Truvy dispenses shampoos and free advice to the town's rich curmudgeon, Ouiser; an eccentric millionaire, Miss Clairee, who has a raging sweet tooth; and the local social leader, M'Lynn, whose daughter Shelby, is about to marry a "good ole boy." Filled with hilarious repartee and not a few acerbic but humorously revealing verbal collisions, the play Title: Steward of Christendom, The

Author: Barry, Sebastian Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1998


roy drama - Irish four characters two male; two female two acts

'Drama set in 1932 County Wicklow old age home. Ex-superintendent of Dublin police tries to break free of history.'

Title: Stick Fly

Author: Diamond, Lydia R. Publisher: Samuel French 2013


roy drama - relationships - privilege - African-American - family relations six characters three male; three female two acts

The affluent, African-American LeVay family is gathering at their Martha’s Vineyard home for the weekend, and brothers Kent and Flip have each brought their respective ladies home to meet the parents for the first time. As the two newcomers butt heads over issues of race and privilege, longstanding family tensions bubble under the surface and reach a boiling point when secrets are revealed.

Title: Storefront Church

Author: Shanley, John Patrick Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2013


roy drama - spirituality - social issues six characters five male; one female two acts

part three of the "Church and State" trilogy; sequel by 'Doubt' and 'Defiance'.

When a Bronx Borough President is forced by the mortgage crisis into a confrontation with a local minister, the question they confront is one that faces us all: What is the relationship between spiritual experience and social action? Title: Stragglers

Author: Martin, Eric Roland Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1984


roy drama - Alberta playwright all male cast; five characters five male two acts

1 interior set.

The victorious of war are no less its victim than the defeated. Five Canadian veterans of WWII and Korea have experienced horror in the cause of Freedom, but their final reward is neglect and obscurity.

Title: Strangers

Author: Yellen, Sherman Publisher: Samuel French 1979


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

unit set.

A depiction of the marital relations of the novelist Sinclair Lewis and his renowned journalist wife, Dorothy Thompson.

Title: Substance of Fire, The

Author: Baitz, Jon Robin Publisher: Samuel French 1992


roy drama - business five characters three male; two female two acts

2 interiors.

'Drama revolving around conflict between three young adults and their father, a domineering publisher and Holocaust survivor.' Title: Sufficient Carbohydrate

Author: Potter, Dennis Publisher: Faber and Faber 1983


roy drama five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

The families of two senior executives, who differ on company policy, are holidaying together in Greece. As the holiday wears on, patience wears thin as the men quarrel over the company, an affair between one of the men and one of the wives is exposed, and the brooding of an adolescent son is revealed to be due to his love for his stepmother.

Title: Sugar Witch, The

Author: Sanders, Nathan Publisher: Samuel French 2008


roy drama - southern gothic - death - illness - health - family - parenting six characters three male; three female two acts

The Bean family in Sugar Bean, Florida live under an ancient family curse. The surviving members of the town's founding family have reached the end of their rope. Just when things can't possibly get any worse, tragedy strikes as a mysterious and brutal murder takes place in the Bean family home. The crime places "Moses" and "Sisser" in grave danger as "Annabelle", the last in a long-line of so-called "Sugar Witches", attempts to end the curse placed on their heads by the dying words of her very own grandmother. Dark family secrets are revealed and unusual passions are ignited

Title: Summer

Author: Bond, Edward Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company 1982


roy drama five characters two male; three female seven scenes

representative set.

Present day Eastern European country setting for drama exploring war, guilt, death and class hatred, focusing on relationship between two women, one a sole survivor of disposed landowning family and terminally ill former family servant, president resident of estate. Title: Summertree

Author: Cowen, Ron Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1968


roy drama six characters three male; two female; one boy three acts

The hero of the story is dreaming in the backyard and the action of the play is mostly what happens in his head as he surveys his life up to this particular afternoon. Going backward and forward in time, we see the young man's relationships with his well-meaning but obtuse father, his loving but possessive mother, his compliant but unsentimental girlfriend. A neighbor boy is in effect the hero's little brother and sometimes in effect the hero as a kid. A soldier helps spell out the true location of the friendly summertree, which is, ultimately, Viet Nam, and a battle from

Title: Taking Sides

Author: Harwood, Ronald Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 1995


roy drama - war - music six characters four male; two female two acts

TAKING SIDES takes place in the American Zone of occupied Berlin, in 1946. It is here the American portion of the De-Nazification Tribunal has convened to take over the questioning of Wilhelm Furtwängler, one of the outstanding conductors of his time. Furtwängler was at the height of his career in 1933, eclipsing all other conductors, just as Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. As the terrors of Nazism spread, many of Furtwängler's colleagues fled the country, whether out of protest or persecution, but Furtwängler mysteriously chose to stay. Did he stay to

Title: Tanned

Author: Wade, Bryan Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1977


roy Canadian - drama - comedy - relationships six characters three male; three female three acts

"Three women at a summer cottage attempt to deal with themselves and the men in their troubled lives." Title: Taste Of Honey, A

Author: Delaney, Shelagh Publisher: Eyre Methuen 1959


roy drama five characters three male; two female; requires one black actor two acts

1 set.

A pregnant young girl is left to her own resources when her alcoholic mother abandons her to marry a man ten years younger than herself.

Title: Team on the Hill, The

Author: Needles, Dan Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 2013


roy Canadian - drama - farming five characters three male; two female two acts

suitable for school performances: students age 16+; running time: 105 min.

Three generations of the Ransier family decide the future of the farm on a spring weekend in 1978.

Title: Ten Unknowns

Author: Baitz, Jon Robin Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2004


roy drama four characters three male; one female two acts

An explosive drama about what happens when art, fame, and integrity collide. Malcolm Raphelson is a painter who was at the top of the art world - until the critical vogue turned from realism to abstract expressionist work. He has been in self-imposed exile in Mexico for decades. But then Dealer Trevor Fabricant decides it's time for a retrospective. Trevor sends Judd, a talented and tormented young painter, to serve as Malcolm's assistant and unofficial minder. When they are joined by a beautiful young student, their tense equilibrium is upset. Title: That Championship Season

Author: Miller, Jason Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1972


roy drama all male cast; five characters five male three acts

1 interior set.

A coach and four members of his ex-basketball team meet for their annual reunion which starts off on a light note but as the pathos of the men's individual lives begins to creep in, the reunion takes on a different tone.

Title: That Championship Season

Author: Miller, Jason Publisher: Penguin Books 1984


roy drama - basketball - men - sports all male cast; five characters five male three acts

1 interior set.

A coach and four members of his ex-basketball team meet for their annual reunion which starts off on a light note but as the pathos of the men's individual lives begins to creep in, the reunion takes on a different tone.

Title: That Summer That Fall

Author: Gilroy, Frank D. Publisher: Samuel French 1966


roy drama five characters two male; three female two acts

representative set.

A man's wife falls in love with the man's illegitimate son who has found his father after twenty years. The wife kills herself rather than hurt or shame her husband. Title: There Are No Dragons

Author: Siminovitch, Elinore Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1981


roy drama - Canadian - aging all female cast; four characters four female two acts

Two younger women, one an attendant and one a visitor in a nursing home, consider old people to be ungrateful and burdensome until they find themselves sharing a room and discover that human frailty is not unique to the old.

Title: Therese Raquin

Author: Zola, Emile Sands, Leslie Publisher: English 1985


roy drama - relationships - murder six characters four male; two female three acts

adapted by Leslie Sands

'A skilful adaptation of the 19th Century novel with a special twist to Zola’s original ending. This well-paced and gripping tale of retribution provides a penetrating study of sexual obsession and guilt. The play tells the story of the secret affair between Therese Raquin and her husband’s best friend, Laurent, and reveals the strength of the passion which incites them to murder. The murder,

Title: Third Ascent, The

Author: Moher, Frank Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1990


roy Canadian - drama - men - Alberta playwright all male cast; six characters six male two acts

This is a drama of Henry Stimson, Triuman's Secretary of War, his decision to drop the atomic bomb, and his spiritual quest for the Thunderbird... Title: Thirteen Hands A play in two acts Author: Shields, Carol Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1993


Roy Canadian - women - drama All female cast; four characters Four female Two acts

This play creates a voice for a whole generation of women often overlooked. The women in Thirteen Hands welcome a once-a-week gathering at a bridge club as a time to momentarily suspend feelings of loneliness, isolation and fear, and begin to indulge, reveal and celebrate in the wonderful intimacy they form. An intimacy that gets passed on, like an exquisite heirloom, to a next generation of bridge players.

Title: This Is How It Goes

Author: LaBute, Neil Publisher: Faber and Faber 2005


roy drama - American - life - relationships four characters two male; two female one act (full length)

"The play is set in small town America, where an interracial love triangle sets off a fierce drama of manipulation, exploitation, infidelity, and passion. Cody, once the star of the high school track team, has become a successful businessman while his wife Belinda, a former cheerleader, stays at home with the baby. When a high school acquaintance returns to town and rents the room over their garage, he upsets the delicate balance of their relationship, raising questions about who they want to be, who they are, and what made them that way."

Title: This Year, Next Year

Author: Harding, Norah Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1996


roy Canadian - drama - war - women - British six characters one male; five female two acts

prequel to "Sometime, Never".

"Step back in time to Bournemouth, England, 1944 and meet three high-spirited sisters, Ivy, Norah, and Sheilah, and their Mum as they struggle to survive together while bombs whistle overhead. In a richly-textured and truly moving script, Morah Harding recreates the hardships and profound effects of war on their lives and their loves, and the great courage, compassion, Title: Those the River Keeps A drama in two acts Author: Rabe, David Publisher: Samuel French 1994


roy drama - relationships four characters two male; two female two acts

A haunting drama about trying to escape the past. A former mob hitman, Phil is in Hollywood trying to make it as a television actor. He's had a few bit parts but is hardly a success, and he is largely supported by his wife Susie, a waitress. Unfortunately, Susie desperately wants something in return, something Phil is not prepared or eager to give: a child. Phil is going nowhere fast when Sal, a mysterious man from his past, appears and offers him the chance to return to an exciting life of crime. Sal is in town to hit a guy and he wants Phil to be his partner. Phil is

Title: Three Lives of Lucie Cabrol, The

Author: Berger, John McBurney, Simon Publisher: Methuen Drama 1995


roy drama - biography nine characters five male; two female (doubling) two parts

adaptation by Simon McBurney and Mark Wheatley.

Lucie Cabrol is a wild, tiny woman born into a peasant family in France in 1990. Abandoned by her lover, Jean, and banished by her family, she becomes an outcast. She survives her second life by smuggling her smuggling goods across the border. But it is not until her third life, her afterlife, that she discovers the survival of something more than bare human existence - the

Title: Three Tall Women

Author: Albee, Edward Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1994


roy drama - life four characters one male; three female two acts

unit set.

'Dowager, her secretary, and her lawyer depict one woman at three stages in her life. Title: Threefold Cord, The A play Author: Marshall, Scott Publisher: Samuel French - London 2010


roy dramatic comedy - relationships four characters one male; three female two acts

Sir Marcus Pennington appears to have it all: a beautiful actress wife, Victoria, two loving daughters and a successful career as a respected barrister. But behind the facade he is leading a triple life, romancing two other women: Dexie, a prostitute, and Millicent, the widow of his best friend, now his PA. In a series of highly engaging monologues, Victoria, Dexie and Millicent tell Marcus's story from three very different perspectives. Preoccupied and detached, Victoria is seemingly oblivious to his indiscretions — and guilty of her own — but regards him with fond

Title: Thrill, The

Author: Thompson, Judith Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2015


roy Canadian - drama - disabilities four characters two male; two female two acts

Elora Dixon is a vibrant, middle-aged lawyer and disability-rights activist who has never walked a step in her life. A neuromuscular disease left her with a curved spine and a reliance on around-the-clock care. Nonetheless, she is an inexorable force when chance pits her against the notorious Julian Summer, who is in town promoting his internationally bestselling book. Julian is a fervent supporter of euthanasia, and Elora is the counter-argument—a living rebuke to parents who want the option of euthanizing a disabled newborn. So it comes as a shock, especially to

Title: Thriller of the Year

Author: Jones, Glyn Publisher: Samuel French 1968


roy drama - thriller all female cast; five characters five female three acts

Gillian has been sent a copy of her own novel, "The Lady Is Dead". There follows a series of accidents which convince her that someone is trying to murder her by one of the methods described in her book. Although successful, Gillian is bored and bad tempered, and more than one of the women who visit her flat during the evening could have motive for murdering her. Irene, whose husband is having an affair with Gillian; Madge, her undervalued secretary; or Edith, who blames Gillian for the break-up of her son and Gillian's marriage. Finally alone, Gillian calls Title: Tiger and the Horse, The

Author: Bolt, Robert Publisher: Samuel French 1961


roy drama six characters three male; three female three acts

3 sets.

A university professor who is up for the position of Vice-Chancellor, decides, after decades of practising non-commitment, to take a stance on certain issues when his family begins to fall apart around him.

Title: Time Stands Still

Author: Margulies, Donald Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 2011


roy drama - relationships four characters two male; two female two acts

flexible set.

TIME STANDS STILL focuses on Sarah and James, a photojournalist and a foreign correspondent trying to find happiness in a world that seems to have gone crazy. Theirs is a partnership based on telling the toughest stories, and together, making a difference. But when their own story takes a sudden turn, the adventurous couple confronts the prospect of a more conventional life.

Title: Times of War A full-length play comprised of four one-acts Author: Lane, Eric Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company 2012


roy drama thirteen characters (doubling possible) two male; three female full length (four one-acts)

running time: 120 min; four parts may be performed individually or as a full length play; may be performed by up to fourteen actors.

This award-winning play beautifully examines the changing American landscape. It tells the story of one woman's struggles set against the backdrop of four wars—from World War II to the present. "Times of War" is written in four sections: The Nearness of You, How to Boil a Frog, Early Morning Title: Tiny Alice

Author: Albee, Edward Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1965


roy drama - allegory five characters four male; one female three acts

2 interior sets.

'Tragic allegory in which a Catholic lay brother's faith is tested by a wealthy woman, her lawyer, butler and a cardinal.'

Title: Toronto the Good

Author: Moodie, Andrew Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2010


roy Canadian - drama - crime - politics - racism twenty-one characters three male; three female (doubling) two acts

"After a young white cop charges a black man with illegal firearm possession, accusations of racial profiling are levelled against the Toronto officer. When top Crown attorney Thomas Mathews, a victim of racial profiling himself, is assigned to prosecute the accused against a Left-leaning white attorney, tensions mount and personal politics bubble to the surface. Cutting deep into the lawyers’ private lives, their families and foibles are richly portrayed as an integral part of Toronto’s shifting mosaic. From an ostensibly routine traffic stop, each character must

Title: Total Abandon

Author: Atlas, Larry Publisher: Samuel French 1984


roy drama - death - abuse all male cast; four characters four male two acts

1 interior.

Father fights state's decision to remove son from life support following beating child suffered at his hand. Title: Tower

Author: Jeffery, Lawrence Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1983


roy drama - Canadian six characters four male; two female two acts

Explores the personal consequences of power brokerage among three business partners on Bay Street and its effect on the losing partner's family.

Title: Transit of Venus

Author: Hunter, Maureen Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1992


roy drama - relationships five characters two male; three female three acts

"France, 1760. Astronomer Guillaume de Gentil sets sail for India. He leaves behind three women: his mother, his housekeeper and his young fiance. Hoping to chart the transit of Venus, le Gentil travels half the world - only to finally take the measure of his own heart."

Title: Traps

Author: Churchill, Caryl Publisher: Pluto Press 1978


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

Playing with perceptions of reality, this play presents six people in a room and the traps they have unwittingly built for themselves with their lives. Title: Traveler in the Dark

Author: Norman, Marsha Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 1984


roy drama - religion - science - medicine four characters two male; one female; one boy two acts

A brilliant surgeon and cancer researcher, Sam basks in the aura of success and adulation that his career has brought him. But suddenly his world is shattered when his longtime nurse and confidant, Mavis, dies on the operating table because he failed to detect the seriousness of her condition in time. Gathering up his neglected wife and possessively loved son, he returns to the home of his aging father, a revivalist preacher with whom he has long been at odds. Guilty about his relationship with Mavis, his childhood sweetheart whose love he never returned, and jealous

Title: Tristan

Author: Nigro, Don Publisher: Samuel French 2003


roy drama six characters three male; three female two acts

A mysterious young girl appears at the aging Pendragon mansion in Armitage, Ohio one night in the midst of a storm and is rescued by Rhys. This young man is enchanted by the girl, but the servant girl Sarah, who loves Rhys, resents her, and Rhys's parents are disturbed by her resemblance to a sorceress who was driven from the house long ago. Betrayal and family violence follow in this darkly powerful chapter in the author's series the Pendragon Plays.

Title: Trouble with Mr. Adams, The

Author: Rand, Gord Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2017


roy drama - Canadian - sexual abuse - marriage - love four characters one male; three female three acts

On the night volleyball coach Gary Adams leaves his wife, allegations of sexual misconduct surface regarding his sixteen-year old student. Gary defends his innocence – to his wife, to his lawyer, and finally, to the victim herself. Grappling with such themes as abuse of power, intergenerational love, and the stagnation of marriage, "The Trouble with Mr. Adams" exposes the crippling disaster of the male mid-life crisis. Title: Turista, La

Author: Shepard, Sam Publisher: Bobbs-Merrill Company 1968


roy drama five characters four male; one female two acts

1 interior set.

Using exotic diseases as a metaphor for the joke that kills, this play examines the apathy of modern man and his disregard of the cure of the disease because there seems no reason to get well.

Title: Two Rooms

Author: Blessing, Lee Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 1990


roy drama four characters two male; two female two acts

The two rooms of the title are a windowless cubicle in Beirut, where an American hostage is being held by Arab terrorists, and a room in his home in the United States, which his wife has stripped of furniture so that, at least symbolically, she can share his ordeal. In fact the same room serves for both and is also the locale for imaginary conversations between the hostage and his wife, plus the setting for the real talks she has with a reporter and a State Department official. The former, an overly ambitious sort who hopes to develop the situation into a major personal accomplishment,

Title: Underwater, Overseas

Author: Sher, Emil Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2014


roy drama - relationships all female cast; five characters five female two acts

Once a month, five single mothers gather to travel abroad without leaving the ground. A powerful story about wingless and everyday collisions. Title: Valley, The

Author: MacLoed, Joan Publisher: Talonbooks 2014


roy drama - mental illness - law four characters two male; two female two acts

Eighteen-year-old Connor, an aspiring author whose fantastical stories foretell his growing struggle with depression, can’t wait to be free of his adverb-wielding, solve-it-all mother, Sharon. Dan Mulano is an infatuated new dad and well-meaning police officer whose selfishness is veiled by the lofty aspirations he holds for his family. When Connor’s erratic behaviour at an underground train station requires police intervention, Dan responds to the call and makes the arrest, but the teen’s jaw is broken during the incident. Is it police brutality or self-harm? Inspired

Title: Veil, The

Author: McPherson, Conor Publisher: Nick Hern Books 2011


roy drama - historical - Ireland eight characters three male; five female two acts

May 1822, rural Ireland. The defrocked Revered Berkeley arrives at the crumbling former glory of Mount Prospect House to accompany seventeen-year-old Hannah to England. She is to be married off ti a marquis in order to resolve the debts of her mother's estate. However, compelled by the strange voices that haunt his beautiful young charge and a fascination with the psychic current that pervades the house, Berkeley proposes a seance, the consequences of which are catastrophic. Set around a haunted house hemmed in by a restive, starving populace, THE VEIL weaves Ireland's

Title: Veronica's Room

Author: Levin, Ira Publisher: Samuel French 1974


roy drama - thriller four characters two male; two female two acts

'Coed is induced to impersonate long dead look-alike to solace an addled relative, living in the past. She assumes role to find herself trapped with insane pair trying to relive their own incestuous relationship.' Title: Vertical Hour, The A play Author: Hare, David Publisher: Faber and Faber 2006


roy drama - war - family relations - politics five characters three male; two female two acts

A young American war reporter turned academic who teaches political studies at Yale. With her faith in academia beginning to erode and memories from her time in the Balkans and the Middle East haunting her, Nadia travels with her boyfriend, Philip Lucas, to rural England to visit his father, Oliver, who has his own past to reckon with. The challenge of Nadia's encounter with Oliver forces decisions on her that will affect her for the rest of her life.

Title: Vincent in Brixton

Author: Wright, Nicholas Publisher: Miscellaneous 2003


roy drama five characters two male; three female four acts

"A dramatisation of the time that Van Gogh spent in Brixton in the 1870's- a period before he became a painter and one which changed him completely."

Winner of the Olivier Award for Best Play 2002.

Title: Vinci

Author: Hunter, Maureen Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2002


roy drama six characters four male; two female two acts

"Set in an Italian village in the fifteenth century, Vinci revolves around the struggle for custody of a gifted child, a "golden boy" - Leonardo da Vinci. In his efforts to mediate the dispute between the da Vinci family and Leonardo's defiant unwed mother, Padre Barolomeo comes to a new understanding of the nature of forgiveness and love." Title: Visit to Cal's Mother, A

Author: Procunier, Edwin R. Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1981


roy drama - Canadian - family relations four characters two male; two female two acts

"When Ted visits his lover's mother, many personal and family relationships are finally explored."

Title: Voices A play for women Author: Griffin, Susan Publisher: Samuel French 1975


roy verse play all female cast; five characters five female one act (full length)

Feminist verse play. Five speakers express American female experiences, aspirations and restrictions, dealing with various lifestyles and attitudes toward love, marriage, family, work, politics, etc.

Title: Waiting Room

Author: Flacks, Diane Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2016


roy drama - medical ethics - relationships - Canadian six characters two male; four female two acts

Chrissie and Jeremy have spent a great deal of time in shock, waiting—for news of their baby daughter’s post-operation recovery, for weekly scans to show that her tumor is gone, for robotic forty-five second updates from Dr. Andre Malloy, their brilliant but arrogant neuro-oncologist. The hospital waiting room has become a second home where they struggle separately as parents and as a couple, where they laugh inappropriately, lose tempers, and find resilience as they confront a roller coaster of hope and despair and a crisis of decision-making. And just beyond Title: Wanted

Author: Clark, Sally Publisher: Talonbooks 2004


roy drama - historical six characters four male; two female two acts

Set during the Klondike gold rush, Wanted is a celebration of one woman’s determination to triumph over all who seek to possess her in a harsh social climate of chaos, opportunism, raw desire, greed and lust. Wanted is far more than a period-piece history play. Resonant with echoes of the contemporary global village in which every one and every thing, including body parts and functions, have their cynically and openly advertised price, it is a portrait of raw desire, greed and lust for acquisition stripped of every veneer of civilization and reduced to a confrontation of the

Title: Wawatay

Author: Gummerson, Penny Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2002


roy drama - family relations - Native peoples - Native playwright six characters three male; three female two acts

According to Cree legend, when the Northern Lights (Wawatay) dance, they have come to take the souls of the newly-departed to the Spirit World. When Lois is unexpectedly hospitalised, her husband and four children are forced to come together and confront family demons. They seem to have their dysfunctional lives under control until estranged younger sister Jaz shows up from Vancouver. The black sheep of the family, Jaz disrupts the family balance by challenging it. She has embraced her Native heritage and as her mother lies in a coma and the Northern Lights dance,

Title: Waxworks

Author: Davies, Trina Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 2007


roy drama - biographical - Canadian - Alberta playwright five characters two male; three female two acts

1789. The edge of the French Revolution, and a young Madame Tussaud is recalled from her post at the Palace of Versailles back to Dr. Curtius' Wax Salon in the heart of Paris. There she is introduced to the most influential persons in Paris, including Maximilien Robespierre, who takes a particular interest in her art. As the revolution descends into shadow, Marie is forced to confront the remains of those she has befriended - whose waxen images must be set with signs that identify them as 'patriots' or 'enemies'. Title: Wedding of the Siamese Twins, The

Author: Cohen, Burton Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1989


roy drama - weddings six characters three male; three female two acts

"Having amassed a considerable fortune through their world tours, Chang and Eng, the renowned Siamese twins decide to settle in North Carolina, where they buy a prosperous farm. They are also hopeful of finding suitable wives, and when the Yates sisters, Sally and Adelaide, appear on the scene, the two brothers are smitten."

Title: Westray The long way home Author: O'Neill, Chris Schwartz, Ken Publisher: Blizzard Publishing 1994


roy Canadian history five characters three male; two female twenty-one scenes

'When the Westray Mine exploded the human tragedy and suffering which resulted were chilling proof of the age-old price paid for coal in human blood. After the dead were laid to rest the bureaucratic backstabbing and corporate refusal of responsibility were all too familiar to followers of the history of mining and labour. In "Westray: The Long Way Home", Chris O'Neill and Ken Schwartz give a human face to the lives and families of the community that has suffered North America's worst mine disaster of the era.'

Title: What Glorious Times They Had - Nellie McClung

Author: Grant, Diane Publisher: Simon and Pierre Publishing 1974


roy drama - Canadian - historical - women six characters two male; four female (may use several more men and women if available). two acts

The play traces the efforts of the suffragists to win the vote in pre-World War I Manitoba. The play combines the themes of politics, prohibition and suffrage, but treats them with liberal amounts of humour, music and vitality. The result makes for a fast-moving, free-wheeling evening's entertainment. A play about the life of Nellie McClung. Title: White Biting Dog

Author: Thompson, Judith Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1984


roy Canadian - drama five characters three male; two female two acts

A suicidal young man is rescued by a white dog who gives him a mission: to save his father from death. His mission flounders until the dog's owner helps him by bringing his reluctant mother back into the family.

Winner, Governor-General's Literary Award for Drama, 1984

Title: White Buffalo A play in two acts Author: Zolidis, Don Publisher: Samuel French 2006


roy drama - spirituality five characters; chorus three male; two female; four chorus members two acts

When Carol discovers that one of the buffalo on her farm is born white in colour, she soon learns that this is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy believed by the Sioux to bring peace on earth and unity to all mankind. Her little farm is quickly overwhelmed with religious pilgrims, bringing her into contact with a culture and faith that is wholly unfamiliar to her. When a mysterious businessman offers to buy the calf for two million dollars, Carol is thrown into doubt about whether to profit from the religious beliefs of others or to keep true to a spirituality she knows

Title: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Author: Albee, Edward Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1962


roy drama four characters two male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

A drunken professor and his wife entertain a younger professor and his wife after a party and the older couple uses the younger one as a means to attack each other.

NOTE: This edition is no longer available for production. Albee revised the play in 2005 and Title: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Author: Albee, Edward Publisher: New American Library 2005


roy drama four characters two male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

A drunken professor and his wife entertain a younger professor and his wife after a party and the older couple uses the younger one as a means to attack each other.

NOTE: Revised by the author for the 2005 Broadway Revival. This new, revised edition is now the

Title: Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?

Author: Albee, Edward Publisher: Pocket Books 1964


roy drama four characters two male; two female three acts

1 interior set.

A drunken professor and his wife entertain a younger professor and his wife after a party and the older couple uses the younger one as a means to attack each other.

NOTE: This edition is no longer available for production. Albee revised the play in 2005 and

Title: Wilberforce Hotel, The

Author: Dixon, Sean Publisher: Scirocco Drama 2015


roy drama - black history - autobiographical - Ontario - historical eleven characters four male; one female two acts

It’s the 1830s. Two travelling minstrels are passing north from London, Ontario, with their song and dance show on the local circuit. Having fallen afoul of the law and desperate for a night’s lodging, they stumble into the Wilberforce hotel, owned and operated by Austin Steward, the president of this stalwart black settlement.Through turns highly comic, and deeply moving, the two musicians who have spent their showbiz careers painting their faces come to learn something life-changing about the actual black experience of early settlers in Middlesex County Title: Willow Quartet

Author: Burrows, Joan Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 2013


roy drama - marriage - self awareness four characters two male; two female two acts

In the aftermath of a tragedy that ends Kim and Ben’s marriage, Kim finds herself back in her childhood home, a quiet farm away from the city. Here, she invites Jim, a visiting musician, to stay with her in a bed-and-breakfast arrangement. It’s not long before Kim becomes infatuated with Jim’s sophistication and charm, and with his ability to make her forget her grief temporarily—until it inevitably boils to the surface. With Jim at her side, Kim struggles to navigate through her unresolved grief and begins to explore her buried feelings.

Title: Wind Cries Mary, The

Author: Gotanda, Philip Kan Publisher: Dramatists Play Service Inc. 2004


roy drama - women - Asian six characters three male; three female two acts

Loosely based on Hedda Gabler, THE WIND CRIES MARY is set on a college campus in the late '60s. Amidst the turbulent anti-war demonstrations and beginnings of Asian-American identity politics, we follow an extraordinary young woman, Eiko Hanabi, through the course of several days' events which in the end will alter her life forever. Eiko finds herself caught between life choices made during a different political and racial climate, and a newer emergent model that promises more freedom and choice. Eiko is a woman caught on the cusp of a world changing

Title: Winter 1671

Author: Ritter, Erika Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1979


roy drama - French Canadian four characters three male; one female two acts

A 1671 Quebec law demands that all bachelors select brides from among the filles du roi sent to New France by King Louis. Difficulties arise when the young men and their intendeds confront one another. Title: Wintersong

Author: Libman, Carol Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1981


roy drama - Canadian four characters two male; two female two acts

2 interior sets.

Old dreams battle new realities in a Montreal ghetto in the early 1970's. A woman dreams of her old life in pre-World War II Europe while her daughter struggles to build a life in Canada. The conflict escalates when two men enter the daughter's life.

Title: Woman in Black, The A ghost play Author: Hill, Susan Mallatratt, Stephen Publisher: Samuel French 1989


roy mystery - thriller - ghosts three characters two male; one female two acts

Adaptation from the book by Susan Hill. The story for this spine-tingler is unusual. A lawyer hires an actor to tutor him in recounting a story that has long haunted him: As a young man, the lawyer attended a funeral in a dark and remote part of England, and collected the personal papers of the deceased in the now empty, isolated house in the marsh. While there, he sees the mysterious figure of a woman in black, only to learn that wherever this specter appears, someone dies!

Title: Wreckage

Author: Stubbs, Sally Publisher: Playwrights Guild of Canada 2006


roy drama - mystery five characters three male; two female two acts

It’s 1924. Rose disappears from a train wreck without a trace. Twenty-five years later her suitcase arrives anonymously and mysteriously, triggering her daughter Violet’s search for the truth and unlocking a bizarre chain of events. A haunted railway detective, gourmet gangster-chefs, a Puccini-singing ghost, and a host of Dickensian characters populate Vancouver’s underbelly. Wreckage is a stylish ‘gangster’ play with a dark and wicked sense of humour and the theatrical punch of a speeding train. Title: Yellow

Author: Shores, Del Publisher: Samuel French 2013


roy drama - family relations six characters three male; three female two acts

"Yellow" chronicles a year in the life of the perfect family in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Bobby Westmoreland, a high school football coach, and his wife Kate, a respected therapist, have two ambitious children in high school. Their son Dayne is the golden football star while their daughter Gracie is an overly-dramatic actress. Gracie’s best friend is a young gay boy, Kendall, who is at constant odds with his abusive, fundamentalist mother, Sister Timothea. The play opens with the start of the football season and high school auditions for “Oklahoma.” Everything falls

Title: Yiddish Trojan Women, The

Author: Braverman, Carole Publisher: Dramatists Play Service 1996


roy drama - Jewish - women five characters one male; four female two acts

"Set in Brooklyn in the 1980s, the play concerns itself with personal and political dilemmas as they are lived by four strong-willed Jewish women - Devorah, and ex-Yiddish torch singer and a refugee from the Polish pogroms, and her three grand daughters: Brenda, a stand-up comic; Abby, a passionately committed union organizer; and Tess, a teacher of Greek mythology, and ultimately, bearer of the legacy of her grandmother's stories."

Title: You're Gonna Be Alright Jamie Boy

Author: Freeman, David E. Publisher: Talonbooks 1974


roy drama - Canadian five characters three male; two female two acts

1 interior set.

After suffering a nervous breakdown at college, Jamie returns home. His attempts to recover are threatened by his family's insensitivity. The play offers a biting look at people living what they watch on TV. Title: Zastrozzi The master of discipline Author: Walker, George F. Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press 1979


roy melodrama - Canadian six characters four male; two female ten scenes

A revenge melodrama inspired by Shelley's novel in which Zastrozzi, the Satan of Europe, engages in a never-ending quest of retribution against his double, the saintly, deluded Verezzi.