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Leseprobe83.Pdf aus: Liem, Praxis der Kraniosakralen Osteopathie. 2. Aufl. (ISBN 3830452217) © Hippokrates Verlag 616 Sachverzeichnis A B – ethmoidalis anterior 47, 471, Adenoide 405 472, 475, 496 Basalganglien 9 Aderhaut 501,503 – – posterior 47, 48, 496 Basion XXVII Aditus ad antrum 584, 587 – facialis 409, 447, 448, 471 Bogengänge 591 Ala major 7, 9, 22, 30, 37, 38, 60, – hyaloidea 498 Bowman-Membran 503 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 90, – infraorbitalis 192, 332, 496 Bregma XXVII, 142, 168, 186 329, 435, 445, 524 – labyrinthi 582, 587, 590 Bruch-Membran 503 – – des Os sphenoidale 495, 496 – laryngea superior 447 Bulbus 512, 543 – minor 7, 9, 38, 519, 524 – lingualis 418 –oculi502 – – des Os sphenoidale 495, 496 – masseterica 274, 332 – olfactorius 463, 474 – vomeris 81, 458 – maxillaris 272, 274, 332, 413, – superior 579 Alae-majores-Processus pterygo- 435, 447, 448, 462, 471, 496, 579 Bulla ethmoidalis 467 ideus-Komplex 4, 40,48 – meningea media 3, 9, 90, 95, Alveolarbucht 466 169, 221, 408, 561, 563, 579 C Angulus mandibulae 267, 268, 286, – occipitalis 10, 90, 563, 570 353 – ophthalmica 142, 471, 496, 515, C1 18 – mastoideus 170 518, 519 C2 18 – sphenoidalis 181 ––superior515 C8 471, 473, 474, 525, 568 Annulus tympanicus 99 – palatina ascendens 447 Canales alveolares 192, 331 Antitragus 114 – – descendens 193, 221, 332, 435 – semicirculares ossei 582 Antrum mastoideum 579, 581 – pharyngea ascendens 221, 447, Canaliculi caroticotympanici 579 Anulus fibrosus 496 448, 579 Canalicus tympanicus 579 – tendineus communis 510, 515, – sphenopalatina 221, 435, 447, Canalis caroticus 9, 90, 441, 445, 518, 523 462, 471, 475 474, 580 – tympanicus 87, 99 – stylomastoidea 579 ––derParspetrosa87 Apertura piriformis 457, 459 – subclavia 447, 592 – facialis 8, 89, 474, 584, 587 Apex petrosa 90 – supraorbitalis 142, 525, 563, 570 – incisivus 436 Aponeurose, interpterygoidale 6, – supratrochlearis 142 – infraorbitalis 192, 331, 466, 496, 588 – temporalis superficialis 274, 524 Aponeurosis palatina 6, 445 332, 563, 570 – mandibulae 272, 274, 332 – -pterygo-temporo-mandibulare – thyreoidea inferior 447 – musculotubarius 580 6, 271 ––superior447 – nasofrontalis 466 Aquädukt 9 – tympanica anterior 579, 590 – nervi hypoglossi 9, 562 Aquaeductus vestibuli 583 – – inferior 579, 590 – opticus 7, 468, 495, 496, 497, Arachnoidea 502, 503, 518 – – posterior 579, 590 510, 512, 513, 519, 522, 524 Arcusalveolaris195 – – superior 579, 590 – palatinovaginalis 221 – palatoglossus 442 – vertebralis 2, 5, 301, 592, 601 – palatinus major 193, 221, 332, – palatopharyngeus 442 Arteriae alveolares superiores 435, 435, 436 – temporozygomaticus 351 anteriores 192, 332, 413 – pterygoideus 435, 474, 562, 585 Area praetectalis 520 – ciliares 515 – spiralis cochleae 582 – striata 520 – – posteriores breves 503, 515 Caninus 410 Arteria alveolaris inferior 274, 286, –––longae503 Capsula articularis 255, 262 332, 413 Articulatio atlantooccipitalis 2 – interna 586 – – superior posterior 192, 332, – sternoclavicularis 269, 296 Caput 580 413 – sternocostalis 296 – mandibulae 87, 257, 264, 286, – angularis 471 – temporomandibularis 8, 86, 87, 288, 588 – basilaris 525, 582, 590, 601 88, 255, 334, 343, 405, 587 – – des Processus condylaris 255 – canalis pterygoidei 435 Asterion XXVII, 52, 190 – – des Unterkiefers 255 – carotis externa 274, 413, 418, Atlantookzipitalgelenk 11, 14, 15, – stapedis 580 447, 471, 486, 570, 577, 590 16, 20, 119, 292, 335, 587 Cartilago alaris major 459 – – interna 9, 86, 90, 330, 468, Atlas 13, 15, 17, 305 – nasi lateralis 459 471, 472, 519, 524, 579, 587, Atlas-Axis 303, 320 – septi nasi 461 590 Atlasbogen 15, 16 – thyreoidea 296 – centralis retinae 498, 508, 515 Augapfel 502, 539, 543 – tubae auditivae 580 – cerebelli superior 525 Augenhöhle 548 Cavitas tympanica 578 – cerebri media 9 Augenkammer 509 Cavum nasi 457 – – posterior 525 Axis 305 –oris406 – dorsalis nasi 471 Azetabulum 292 – trigeminale 89, 561, 562 aus: Liem, Praxis der Kraniosakralen Osteopathie. 2. Aufl. (ISBN 3830452217) © Hippokrates Verlag Sachverzeichnis 617 Cellulae ethmoidales 462, 467, 497 Diaphragma, zervikothorakales 570 – frontale 141 – mastoideae 577, 579, 581, 587 – sellae 10, 519, 525, 561 – infraorbitale 192, 331, 562 Cementum 410 Discus articularis 255, 260 – (V/2) 559 Centrum ciliospinale C8 – Th1 505 –nervioptici508 – interventriculare 9 Chiasma opticum 519, 520 Diskus 314, 337, 348 – jugulare 2, 4, 8, 10, 89, 90, 522, Choanen 440, 441, 449, 457, 460 Dorsum sellae 522 525, 562, 570, 582 Chorda dorsalis 603 Ductus cochlearis 586 – lacerum 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 90, 130, – tympani 8, 89, 258, 260, 408, – craniopharyngeus 468 135, 474, 562, 585 409, 417, 578, 579, 585 – endolymphaticus 583 – magnum 10, 18, 292, 561 ––(N.VII)90 – nasolacrimalis 462, 514 – mandibulae 263 ––(VII)331 – reuniens 583 – mentale 272, 274, 332 Chorioidea 501,503,518 – utriculosaccularis 583 – – (V/3) 559 Cisterna chiasmatis 519 Dura mater 5, 9, 90, 330, 498, 502, – ovale 6, 8, 312, 321, 330, 408 Clivus 441 503, 513, 518, 523, 524, 569, – palatinum majus 436 Cochlea 582 579, 588, 610 – pterygopalatinum (V/2) 474 Colliculus inferior 586 ––cranialis607 – rotundum 8, 192, 221, 331, 435, – superior 520, 586 – – spinalis 7, 18, 607, 609 468, 474, 496 Collum mandibulae 257, 260, 263, –visceralis8,88 – sphenopalatinum 8, 88, 221, 282, 331 Duralmembranen 561 435, 436, 471 Concha nasalis inferior 254, 462, –spinosum89 548 E – stylomastoideum 8, 89, 584, 585 – – mediadesOsethmoidale462 – supraorbitale 141, 562 – – superior des Os ethmoidale Eminentia pyramidalis 579, 580 – – (V/1) 559 462 Enamelum 408 – zygomaticoorbitale 496 Conchae nasales 460, 462 Epiglottis 442 Foramina ethmoidalia 472 – – des Os ethmoidale 462 Epiphyse 44 Formatio reticularis 333, 335, 586 Confluens sinuum 10, 525, 562 Ethmoid-Dysfunktion 4 Fornix 514 Cornu majus ossis hyoidei 269, 416 Fossa digastrica des Unterkiefers Cornu minus 416 F (V/3, VII) 269 ––(VII)269 – glandulae lacrimalis des Ober- ––ossishyoidei269 Facies anterior 62 kiefers 514 Corona ciliaris 504 ––derMaxilla465 – infratemporalis 435, 497 Corpus adiposum preepiglotticum – – des Oberkieferknochens 71 – mandibularis 99, 255, 258, 344, 447 – anterolaterales 61 345 – amygdaloideum 333 – infratemporalis 192, 268, 331 – pterygoidea 268 – ciliare 499,503,504,506 – orbitalis 59 – pterygomandibularis 325 – geniculatum laterale 520 – – der Maxilla 465, 474, 495, 497 – pterygopalatina 3, 85, 192, 221, – – mediale 520, 586 – – des Oberkiefers 212 331, 435, 438, 462, 465, 470, – mandibulae 283, 286 – – des Os zygomaticum 495, 496 471, 472, 496 – ossis hyoidei 269 Falx 58, 175 – sacci lacrimalis 514 –––(XII,CI)269 – cerebelli 7, 10, 561, 605, 609 – scaphoidea 445 – – sphenoidalis 7, 86, 435 – cerebri 7, 10, 47, 48, 57, 58, 141, – temporalis 37, 87, 266, 497 – sphenoidalis 228 152, 169, 179, 473, 605, 609 – tonsillaris 448 – trapezoideum 586 Fascia buccopharyngea 271 Fossulae tonsillares 448 –vitreum501, 509 – masseterica 231, 263, 271 Fovea centralis 498, 508, 520 Cortex lentis 509 – orbitalis 6 – pterygoidea 268 Crista ethmoidalis 59 – parotidea 263, 271 – trochlearis 140 – frontalis 141 – pharyngobasilaris 441 Frenulum 420, 433 – galli 47 – temporalis 88, 140, 169, 231, – infratemporalis 268 271, 588 G – lacrimalis anterior des Fasciae musculares 513 Oberkiefers 514 Faszien, extrakraniale 569 Ganglienzellen, bipolare 507 – – posterior des Tränenbeins Felsenbein 1, 114 –multipolare507 514 Fenestra cochleae 578, 587 – Ganglion cervicale inferius 2 – nasalis 248 – vestibuli 578, 580, 587 – – superius 2, 301, 408, 409, 436, ––derMaxilla81 Fissura orbitalis inferior 191, 192, 471, 474, 483, 505, 516, 562, – transversa 582 221, 331, 435, 436, 496, 497, 568, 571 Cristae iliacae superiores 305 513, 520, 522 –––(C1bisC4)525 Crus anterius 580 – – superior 7, 474, 496, 497, 510, – ciliare 505, 516, 518 – breve 580 515, 520, 522, 524, 525, 562 – cochleare 586 – longum 580 – petrosquamosa 99, 260 –coeliacum604 – posterius 580 – petrotympanica 87, 258, 260, – geniculi 8, 89, 408, 471 264, 579, 585 – oticum 90, 272, 331, 407, 408 D – pterygomaxillaris 435, 438 – pterygopalatinum 3, 4, 8, 37, 85, – tympanosquamosa 260 192, 208, 221, 325, 405,109, Dens incisivus 410 Foramen caecum 141, 471, 475 194, 435, 410, 438, 471, 472, Dentinum 408 – ethmoidale anterius 471, 496 474, 525, 562, 585 Descemet-Membran 503 ––posterius496 – – (V/2) 88 aus: Liem, Praxis der Kraniosakralen Osteopathie. 2. Aufl. (ISBN 3830452217) © Hippokrates Verlag 618 Sachverzeichnis Ganglion spirale cochleae 582 I – medialisprocessuspterygoidei – submandibulare 272, 331, 407, 228, 444 409, 585 Impressio trigeminalis 88, 473, – – des Os sphenoidale 441 – trigeminale 8, 88, 329, 330, 335, 474 – orbitalis des Os ethmoidale 495, 562 Incisura ethmoidalis 47, 48, 57, 497 – trigemini 524 61, 62, 254, 472 – papyracea 472 – vestibulare 582, 586 – jugularis 8, 89 – perpendicularis 48, 51, 56, 59, Gaumen, harter 283 – mandibulae 272, 274, 332 60, 63, 200, 201, 472 Gaumenaponeurose 444 –mastoidea10,90 – – des Gaumenbeins 228, 435 Gaumenbucht 466 – – des Schläfenbeins 269 – – des Os ethmoidale 461 Gehörgang, äußerer 114, 576, 599, – pterygoidea 220, 228 ––desOspalatinum462 600 Incus 580, 580 – praevertebralis fasciae cervicalis Gelenkkapsel 329 Infraorbitalbucht 466 6, 88, 588 Geniculatum nervi facialis 584 Infundibulum ethmoidale 466 – spiralis ossea 582 Gesichtsschädel 548, 558 Inion XXVII, 16, 52, 59, 78 – superficialis cervicalis 6, 88, 169, Glabella XXVII, 49, 50, 51, 53, 61, Innenohr 575, 582 271, 588 62, 64, 67, 68, 69, 76, 143 Interpterygoidale Aponeurose
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