Tide, Sun, Temp. Wetrorecast 85813 9 2 High tde- : 8pia Low tide-- 2 :3lnm Mostly cloudy. 6:42atd1 Showers. Sumiztte --- 7 2 Sws6 et---- : Opei 4inds S 10-12 High-- 66 kts. Bay con- Low---70 0 The. Nvy' only shote-bahed daLig ditions 2-4 ft. Vol. 32, No. 75 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Ionaay, April 18. 1977

Fireside Chat tonight Carter to begin unveiling national energy policy WASHINGTON (UPI)--Today promises sion could go either way. to be a bellweather day for the Carter will outline his energy presidency of Jimmy Carter, who will program in detail before a joint World News Digest begin unveiling his national energy session of Congress Wednesday night. policy during a Fireside Chat. The policy is expected to concen- NEW YORK (UPI)--The National Carter spent yesterday working on trate on energy conservation. It Municipal League has named 10 com- the energy package. There were in- will also include a tax on gas-guz- munities the All-America Cities of dications it might undergo some zling cars and rebates for fuel-ef- 1976-77. The cities are: Union, last-minute changes. ficient autos, provisions to switch N.J.; Anderson, Ind.; Baltimore, Some Carter aides are reported utilities and industries from oil Md.; Danville, Va.; Des Moines, trying to persuade the President to to coal, a continuation of oil price Iowa; Newton, Mass.; Park Forest, drop a proposal to boost federal controls and provisions to bring Ill.; Rockville, Md.; San Bernar- taxes on gasoline, which would intrastate natural gas under con- dino, Calif.; and Tarboro, N.C. reach an additional nickel per gal- trol. League officials here say, "The lon by 1979, and even more in sub- Republicans, anticipating the designation All-America City does sequent years. Carter energy program, already have not indicate the places have solved, The opponents of the tax increase begun to find fault with the policy. or even faced, all of their prob- fear its political consequences, as Congressional Republicans are lems." But the league says, "It did Pres. Nixon and Ford when they planning to begin work on an alter- does mean that private citizens, maim nate energy program. GOP National usually in collaboration with pub- Schlesinger and Proxmire Chairman Bill Brock said yesterday lic officials, are acting to make the Carter plan will hurt efforts to policy decisions and have developed comment on energy plan rejected the proposal during their fight inflation and unemployment. He a process to deal with issues and terms in office. said he favors a "market solution" problems." Whether or not Carter is heeding to energy shortages, including de- WASHINGTON (AP)--White House the tax critics is not yet known, regulation of fuel prices and ef- WASHINGTON (UPI)--Consumer Advo- Energy Adviser James Schlesinger but one source indicates the deci- forts to boost production. cate Ralph Nader said yesterday the is quoted as saying the Carter ad- energy crisis is not based on lack ministration's forthcoming energy Overseas grain and soybean sales of supply, but on a monopoly by en- plan will not sacrifice jobs, econ- ergy companies and waste by fuel omic expansion or productivity. users. In a broadcast interview, Schlesinger's comments were quoted Dole calls for public announcements NBC's Meet the Press, Nader also in this week's Time Magazine, on called for the creation of an "en- the eve of Pres. Carter's energy- WASHINGTON (UPI)--Sen. Robert er compliance, of announcing big ergy conservation job corps," which conservation message to the nation. Dole, R-Kan., said yesterday he will sales to Russia and China within 24 would work on buildings, plants and The statement by Schlesinger re- introduce legislation requiring the hours. Later, Bergland reversed homes to make them comply with con- buts remarks made earlier yesterday Agriculture Department to make im- himself and ordered quick announce- servation standards. by Wisconsin Sen. William Proxmire, mediate public announcements when ments on major sales to all foreign who says he has no doubt the plan exporters notify it of big overseas countries. NEW YORK (UPI)--About 500 cars will increase both unemployment and grain and soybean sales. Dole noted, before Bergland re- converged on Kennedy Airport yes- inflation. Proxmire appeared in a Agriculture Secy. Bob Bergland versed himself, the Agriculture De- terday, honking their horns and broadcast interview, CBS' Face the began doing just that last week. Ex- partment was informed March 25 of a slowing down traffic to express Nation. isting law requires announcements 390,000 ton soybean sale to China. their opposition to letting the Proxmire said Carter is not doing of export sales only on a weekly No public announcement was made un- Concorde SST land at JFK. But the enough to reduce unemployment and, basis, til the Agriculture Department's demonstration fell far short of the although tough measures are needed Dole said the requirement for next regular weekly export report hopes and expectations of organiz- to conserve energy, they will put public disclosure within 24 hours appeared six days later, and during ers, who wanted to cripple the air- more people out of work. of the time USDA gets word of major that time soybean futures prices port with a 4,000 car traffic jam. Proxmire--also -- said Carter's newly sales from exporters should be made rose over 57 cents a bushel. announced anti-inflation program mandatory by law. SALISBURY (UPI)--Authorities here has "no teeth." But he said the The issue arose after Bergland Tindemans expected say Rhodesian and Zambian soldiers President is doing a "remarkably earlier junked a Ford administration clashed along their border yester- fine job" on foreign policy. program, based on voluntary export- to be reappointed day. The military command says Zambians fired on positions in the BRUSSELS (UPI)--Belgian Prime westernmost tip of Rhodesia, but Minister Leo Tindemans is expected they were silenced by Rhodesian to turn in his resignation today to guns, The fighting came just hours King Baudouin and be reappointed as after British Foreign Secy. David head of the government. Owen left Rhodesia after talks with Observers believe Tindemans' Prime Minister Ian Smith. Social Christian Party will ask the Socialists to join in a coalition KINSHASA (UPI)--Reports from government. There is no indication Zaire indicate government troops, whether the Socialists will accept. supported by air strikes and Trends in yesterday's election Moroccan forces, have launched an returns give the Social Christians offensive against invaders based in six additional seats in the National Angola. Diplomatic sources say House of Representatives and two Zairean Pres. Mobutu is now confi- more for the Socialists. dent of a decisive military victory About six-nillion 300,000 persons against the 2,000 to 3,000 rebel were eligible to vote and faced a soldiers in the mineral-rich small fine if they failed to do so. southern province of Shaba,

BARRACKS OPENING: Capt. D.W. DeCook cuts the ribbon officially opening Minnesota businessmen LONDON (AP)--British Foreign Secy. barracks no. 32 in Tryzna Village Friday. Cecil Reed looks on as the David Owen has returned home from newly renovated barracks becomes home for 19 Jamaican employes of the going to Cuba Africa. He's to tell a news confer- Supply Department. Barracks 32 is one of the first Jamaican barracks to ence later today how he sees the be renovated and ready for occupancy. The barracks provides greater pri- MINNEAPOLIS (UPI)--A group of 51 chances of a peaceful changeover to vacy and comfort. (Photo by PH3 R.J. Izzo) businessmen leaves here today for black rule in Rhodesia. Cuba, hoping to reopen trade which scheduled Negotiating with hostage takers has been halted for 15 years. Power outage The imposed the trade embargo after the Cuban Mis- Thursday Law enforcement agency gives advice sile Crisis. There will be a power outage WASHINGTON (UPI)--Police should out any harm to hostages. The businessmen who signed up for Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in refrain from asking wives, mothers The classes are providing the na- the trip represent 48 different the Villamar substation. It will or priests to negotiate with hostage tion with a "reserve bank of highly firms. Of those firms, 24 have affect all quarters and other facil- takers, because most terrorists or sophisticated negotiators able to agricultural and food interests, ities in Caravela Point and Circle kidnapers aren't on good terms with move immediately into crisis situ- seven have banking and financing housing, Granadillo Point and Circle relatives or clergy, a government ations," said acting LEAA Adminis- interests and the remainder repre- housing, AFRTS, Gazette, Morin agency said yesterday. trator James Gregg. sent industrial goods, chemicals Center, Villamar housing, swimming That advice, and other tips on and publishing. pool and snack shack, Nob Hill dealing with terrorists, is being "I don't think the public realizes The group is scheduled to leave housing, Water Plant no. 3, ITT offered in seminars to policemen that there are actual courses around Minneapolis-St. Paul International transmitter, rock crusher area, from across the country. the world where terrorists are Airport on a chartered airliner, rock shaker, North East gate, Vet- The seminars, funded by the U.S. trained," said John Lucey, an LEAA stop in Washington, D.C., for a erinary Clinic, and Family Corral. Law Enforcement Assistance Adminis- official. "It is vitally essential briefing by Minnesota Sen. Hubert Purpose of the outage is for the tration, are designed to train po- that the government take counter- Humphrey, and arrive in Havana by contractor to perform maintenance lice to end a siege situation with- measures." 4 p.m. on the main station transformer. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Monday, April 18, 1977 Today's meetings Tomorrow's meetings

ALATEEN meets in McCalla Chapel at 7 p.m. For more information GITMO BAY BRIDGE CLUB meets at call 86871. 7p. ajhe COMO Club. Call Jim Cossey at. 85149 AWH. The club is Need help? Community open to all base residents. Call us. Bulletin Want to help? WATER STATUS YESTERDAY'S Call us. Board FIGURES. RedCross. TARGET CONSUMPTION: 1,200,000 TheGood o, ACTUAL CONSUMPTION: 1,355,000 TOTAL IN STORAGE: ,413,000 Neighbor. + WMA, I 95434 or 85676 I I

Clubs and Organizations CARIBBEAN ARTS AND CRAFTS NAVAL STATION PISTOL RANGE "PEOPLE-POWER ASSOCIATION FUN DAY" The Naval Station Pistol GITMO BAY MOTORCYCLE CLUB Range The Guantanamo Bay Racing Assn. The Caribbean Arts and Crafts will be closed until the completion will sponsor bicycle and tricycle Assn. will sponsor a clearcast sea- The Gitmo Bay Motorcycle Club will of restoration of the impact areas races for children during "People- scape picture class. Bring your hold its bi-monthly meeting tonight by PWD. Power Fun Day," April 30 at Cooper shells, sea fans and other treasures at 8 at the home of Rick Sawtelle, Field. Competition begins at 1 p.m. and learn how to preserve them. 274-D Villamar. Please plan to at- Tickets are available from any Rac- The class will meet Thursday from CHILD DAY CARE CENTER tend. ing Association member Sunday at the 9 until 11 a.m. An evening class track, or in front of the Navy will also be offered The Guantanamo Bay Child Day Care Ex- Thursday from change Saturday. Center is currently updating its For more informa- GUANTANAMO AMATEUR RADIO CLUB 7 to 9. tion membership roster. If you are in- call Dave Boughton at 98133. A shell jewelry class will be of- terested in becoming a member, There will be a meeting of the fered tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. board member or alternate board mem- MEN'S INTER-COMMAND VOLLEYBALL Guantanamo Amateur Radio Club tomor- Learn the techniques of grinding row at 7!30 p.m. in the clubhouse. ber, please cone to the Day Care and beading shells. Five projects There will be an organizational All members and interested persons Center and sign the roster list. will be completed. meeting for men's inter-command are invited to attend. For more For more information, call the cen- information and registra- volleyball Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. tion ter at 95405 DWH or Judy Brower at in the above classes call Karen in the Special Services' Conference Wardlaw 90194 AWH. at 85649 or Peggy Edmond at Room. All teams that plan to enter CARIBBEAN NAVAL LODGE 90250. RECOMPRESSION CHAMBER the league this year should send a There will be a special communica- representative. tion at Caribbean Naval Lodge held FRA DANCE The base recompression chamber in the Masonic Apartments, building will be closed for repairs MEN'S INTER-COMMAND A Spring Dance will be sponsored SOFTBALL 800, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. The until 7:30 a.m. Thursday. by the FRA/LAFRA Saturday at purpose of this meeting is to con- the All scuba diving will be There will be an organizational 4 FRA home at Morin Center commencing duct work in the second degree. All suspended on base during this time. meeting for men's inter-command at 8 p.m. The cost will be $1.50 fellow Craft and Master Masons are softball Thursday at 1:30 p.m. per person, BYOB, music will be cordially and fraternally invited in the Special Services' Conference furnished by "Aries". Proceeds to attend. MOTHERS OF TWINS Room. All teams that plan to will be used for building improve- enter the league this year should ment. A limited number send a PTO MEETING of tickets There will be a coffee for anyone representative. will be available so see your com- who has or is interested in twins There will be a PTO meeting to- mand representative or FRA/LAFRA tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. For informa- member day at 7:30 p.m. in the multi-pur- before Wednesday as no tick- tion call 85809 AT or 90150 AWH. Education ets pose room of the elementary school. will be sold at the door. A program by the students of John ELECTRONIC WARFARE COURSE Thompson, the physical education AMERICAN RED CROSS teacher, will be presented. All Special notices The American Red Cross will offer The Office of Continuing Education parents are cordially invited to an orientation class for all inter- of the Naval Postgraduate School will attend. ested persons Saturday. The class offer a course in Electronic Warfare GOSPEL MEETINGS will begin at 9 a.m. and might con- July 18 to 22, Registration must be TOPS tinue through lunchtime. It is sug- before June 15. For more informa- The Guantanamo Bay Church of Christ gested that all potential volunteers tion call J.T. Savoia at the Educa- will sponsor a series of gospel meet- TOPS, Take Off Pounds Sensibly, enroll even if they are unable to tion Services Office, 85553. ings to be held at McCalla Chapel will hold its weekly meeting tomorrow accept a volunteer position immedi- Thursday through April at 7 p.m. Weigh-ins start at 6:30. 28. Services ately. The class will be held at will begin at 7:30 each evening. After the meeting Bingo will be the Red Cross building between the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Retired LCdr. Charles Graham played. Each member is requested to of the Navy Lodge and Sound Scene. To Williamsburg, Va. Church of Christ The elementary school, K-6, will bring a "white elephant" for a prize. register call 95434 or 85676. It will be the guest preacher. be closed April 27 due to a teacher's TOPS holds its meetings every Tues- For more is desirable that all enrolees stop information call Wayne in-service meeting. The day night at 7 in the quonset hut Forsyth at by the office to complete an enrol- nursery 97191 or J.L. Bachelor school will be in session April 27. behind the Arts and Crafts building, at 96196 AT. 1ment/application form prior to the All interested men and women are class. encouraged to attend. For more in- AIR TRAVEL SAFETY NOTICE ELECTRONICS THEORY CLASSES formation call Lauren Tromley at 90156, Loretta Siers at 90212 or Effective immediately, the use Sports The Amateur Radio Club will begin Avonne Monroe at 95102. and transportation of lighters using classes in electronic's theory butane, propane or methyl alcohol as around May 4. Although the classes fuel and those lighters with plastic MARINE are designed primarily to assist the OFFICERS WIVES' CLUB see-through reservoirs is prohibited MONDAY NIGHT LATE MIXED COUPLES BOWLING LEAGUE student for his general and/or ad- The Marine Officers Wives' Club aboard all Navy and MAC aircraft. vanced class amateur radio license, This ban includes containers for will have a combined yard sale and There will be .an organizational anyone with a desire to learn elec- refilling any lighters. Passengers bake sale Saturday at the Marine meeting tronics theory will be welcome. are requested to dispose of these of the Monday Night Late Site playground from 9:30 a.m. until For more information please call items prior to flight check-in, or Mixed Couples Bowling League today 12:30 p.m. Fifteen families will at 8:30 p.m. in the bowling alley. LCdr. Tom Skinner at 85842 DWH or participate in this sale. they will be confiscated by passen- 95503 AWH. ger service representatives. This league will commence April 25, Commissary-Exchange NAVSTA HUMAN RELATIONS COUNCIL AL-ANON, ALATEEN MEETINGS U.S. NAVAL GUANTANAMO BAY, BASE CUBA There will be a meeting of the Is alcohol a problem in your fam- Naval Station Human Relations Council ily? Al-Anon and A1ATeen are for NEX JOB OPENINGS Thursday at 1 p.m. in the Special the spouses and teenagers of problem Services' Conference Room. drinkers. In the fellowship of The Navy Exchange has the following these groups you can: job openings: COMO CLUB ADVISORY BOARD Meet others who understand your The Navy Exchange has an opening i capt.(isvidW. Deask problem. H. PiC for a sales clerk II to work part- Jihi There will be a meeting of the Learn about alcoholism as an ill- Canp. i,s,d,s It", time at the Main Retail Store. The COMO Club Advisory Board Wednesday ness. pay is $2.52 per hour. Six months at 1:30 p.m. in the Plantation Room Replace despair with hope. LCdr. Mchal Cherry.Pblic Affairs Officer selling experience is required. of the COMO Club. Rebuild your self confidence. YN2 Mke Senft .Reporter/Prod-tin, As. There is also an opening for a Improve the family atmosphere. part-time warehouseman II (receiv- CONSOLIDATED RECREATION Encourage the alcoholic to seek ing checker). Pay is $3.01 per help. Th Ga published according to the hour. COUNCIL rules and regulations for ship and station newspapers For further information call Jack The Navy Exchange is in need of or thesNaal B a Pohl -~~ffsirs office. P ri ed There will be a meeting of the or Darlene Kelly at 90269 AT. five times eklya ees. g.eaet sales clerks to work on an inter- Consolidated Recreation Council AlATeen meets on Wednesdays at 7 equipment, the opinions or at. .iis i mittent basis. as ap c gtheib cstof for tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. in the Special p.m. in the Human Resources Building. the Deparmeent o*,theNa. For further information call Services' Conference Room. Al-Anon meets on Thursdays at 7 p.m. 85348. Mofiday, April 18, 1977 GuAntanamo Gazette Page 3 GOP must work hard Purchasing power Ford advises Republicans for '80 dropped in '75 WASHINGTON (UPI)--The purchasing million households had incomes un- GOP must work hard if it wants to power of U.S. households dropped der $5,000 and received capture the White House in 1980. about four three per cent in 1975, the Census per cent of the total aggregate in- Ford told a weekend meeting of Bureau reported yesterday. come. Republican legislative leaders from The median income of U.S. house- The Census Bureau defines a house- 18 states here they must broaden holds in 1975 was $11,800, up about hold as one or more persons, while the base of the party. He suggested five per cent from the year before, it describes a "family" as two or GOP recruiters should approach col- it said. But this increase was more related persons, so household lege-aged people. offset by a nine per cent rise in income differs from family income. prices, resulting in a three per At the same time, former California cent decline in real purchasing Gov. Ronald Reagan addressed the more power. Bhutto will not resign conservative California Republican A new Census Bureau report also Assembly meeting in Santa Barbara said about 8.5 million, or one per and warned against forcing conserva- cent, of the 73 million U.S. house- under pressure tives out of the party. Reagan said holds had incomes over $25,000 in conservatives are a majority of the 1975 and accounted for nearly one- LAHORE, Pakistan (UPI)--Prime population. third of the aggregate income in Minister Zlfikar Ali Bhutto yes- the nation. terday said he would not resign Ford also warned against hoping Another one-third of the total despite mounting pressure from the LOS ANGELES (UPI)--Former Pres. that Carter and the Democrats will income went to 19 million house- opposition and a month-long violent Gerald Ford says the old slogans of stumble and provide Republicans with holds with incomes from $15,000 and campaign against his government. the Republican Party no longer at- easy election victories in 1978 and $25,000. "Why should I consider to resign tract the American people, and the 1980. On the lower end of the scale, 14 when I am legally, politically and morally elected prime minister of Pakistan?" he said at a news con- ference here. Officials try new tack in Hoffa case "I have not usurped anybody's right," Bhutto said. "I a willing in their efforts to solve the mys- to work within the framework of the tery of Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance. constitution." The former teamsters president The opposition Pakistani National vanished from the lot of a suburban Alliance (PNA) has accused Bhutto Detroit restaurant July 30, 1975, and his government of rigging the and is now presumed dead. March general elections and demand- The newspaper says indictments ed Bhutto's resignation and new have since been returned against elections. It has turned down more than a dozen underworld figures Bhutto's proposal of holding new and teamsters officials. It quotes elections in Pakistan's four prov- a "high-level federal source" as O'Brien inces and said it would stop at saying the government hopes the re- nothing less than the premier's lated investigations might shed "Chuckie" O'Brien, the self-pro- resignation. light on the Hoffa disappearance, claimed foster son of the missing or that some of those facing prose- Hoffa. Another is Anthony National Library Week DETROIT (UPI)--The Detroit Free cution may offer information in Giacalone, son of the reputed Press reported yesterday that fed- return for leniency. mafia figure Hoffa said he was going being celebrated eral officials are trying a new tack Among those indicted is Charles to meet the day he disappeared. TODAY'S Rabin takes leave of absence By Sharon Bodkin No, the tiny pelicans you see candidate for prime minister. His perched on clumps of granadillo leave of absence puts Defense Minis- wood did not come into the library MOVIES ter Shimon Peres, his presumed suc- after last week's downpour. cessor, in charge of the government. The pelican and rock whimsies of Julia Brooks are on loan this week TV-8 SCHEDULE FOR MONDAY to help us celebrate National Library Week. She also crafted a 1:00 - General Hospital Union negotiators hanging plant made entirely of 1:35 - Movie: Madeleine seashells, which is included in the 3:15 - Wild Kingdom display. 3:40 - Sesame Street The bulletin board gives you a 4:40 - Perry Mason to meet today "Glimpse of Gitmo" this week 5:30 - Newswatch TEL AVIV (UPI)--Israeli Prime through the pen and ink and pastel 6:30 - Silent Service Minister Yitzhak Rabin officially NEW YORK (AP)--Union negotiators drawings of Judy Brown and Ruth 7:00 - Carol Burnett announced yesterday he's taking a for the International Longshoremen's Houk. A number of shells from the 7:55 - Notes of Interest leave of absence and will stay out Assn. are set to meet today to con- museum and the standing collection of drawings by Sally Myers' life 8:00 - Happy Days of government affairs until after sider proposals aimed at ending the 8:30 - Chico and the Man Israel's May 17 national elections. three-day-old dock strike. drawing students are also included. 9:00 - The Rookies The announcement came shortly af- The union struck seven container- I would like to thank the Officers 10:00 - Newswatch ter his wife, Leah, was fined nearly ship companies operating in East Wives' Club for their recent contri- 10:05 - Monday Night Hockey $27,000 for violating a law which and Gulf Coast ports after termin- bution to the library, A special 12:00 - Sign Off prohibits Israelis from holding for- ating its current contract. The thanks also to Julia Brooks and all eign bank accounts. Mrs. Rabin, who contract was terminated because of a others for sharing their inventive- LYCEUMS pleaded ignorance of the law, also government finding that the pact's ness with us this week. could have been sentenced to jail, container-handling provisions are If you have not had time to dis- Downtown - Hit Man, R but the judge said he felt she has illegal. cover your library, drop in this McCalla - Part II Sounder, G suffered enough. The workers are seeking compensa- National Library Week! Marine - Dirty Knight's Work, PG The disclosure that the Rabins tion for loss of job guarantees in Leeward Point - Hex, PG held illegal bank accounts in the handling containerized cargoes, an United States led to Rabin's with- increase in the hourly wage and a May rise i '78 CLUB MOVIES drawal as the ruling Labor Party's shortening of the work week.

CPO - At Long Last Love, PG Windjammer - No movie, club closed Postal rates will Post 46 - Henry VIII and His Six Wives, PG hold steady Cardinal Conway WASHINGTON (UPI)--Postmaster General Benjamin Bailar says you can count on postal rates holding steady dead at 64 this year. Bailar says the post office is making some headway in keeping the ARMAGH, Northern Ireland (UPI)-- lid on costs and absorbing some of The leader of the Roman Catholic the impact of inflation. He told Church for all of divided Ireland, U.S. News ahd World Report Magazine Cardinal William Conway, died last flatly that postal rates will not go night at his official residence up in 1977. here. He was 64. But Bailer admits there's a good possibility the cost of mailing a Cardinal Conway suffered a relapse letter or package could go up next Friday while he was convalescing year. after an operation in January for Bailar says the Postal Service removal of his gall bladder, can provide any level of service Americans want, as long as they are POLISH TdE ROCK: Volunteers from the NavSta Officers Wives' Club recent- willing to pay for it. He says the Conway was spiritual leader of ly weeded, raked and replaced rocks in the Admin Triangle on Sherman Ave- post office is now trying to provide some 450,000 Catholics in Northern nue. From left are Virginia Gilmore, Phyllis Hering, Marylou DeCook, the service they need, and are will- Ireland and about three million ir Charlotte Godsey and Phyliss Gipple. Participating, but not pictured, are ing to pay for. the Irish Republic to the south. Sue Stamm and Jo Neill. (Photo by FLTAVCENCARIB) Page Cuantanamo Gazette Monday, April 18, 1977 Third consecutive year Evert wins World Series of Tennis TUCSON, Ariz. (UPI)--Chris Evert won the women's World Series of Tennis for the third consecutive year yesterday by defeating Martina Sudden death Navratilova in straight sets of 6-3, 7-6. Navratilova began the match with Nicklaus defeats Lietzke a service break and it was not until the first set was tied at 3-3 that Nicklaus, runner-up to Tom Evert finally regained the poise Watson in last week's Masters, that has kept her the number-one notched his 62nd career victory and woman player in women's tennis. second this year when he canned a It was then that Navratilova be- 12-foot birdie putt on the third gan to suffer from an injury she re- extra hole. Lietzke missed his 25- ceived three weeks ago to her left foot birdie attempt. shoulder. Nicklaus and Lietzke finished re- Navratilova shifter her game rad- gulation play at seven-under-par ically in the second set, played a 281. Lietzke, a 25-year-old who softer game, and the move caught has won twice this season, sizzled Evert off-guard. It was Evert's eighth tournament 66 in his final with a six-under-par Evert finally adjusted, then won championship in 10 outings this year round. the tiebreaker 5-3. and she netted a $50,000 paycheck. Nicklaus, who is now tied with Ben Hogan for second place on the PGA all-time victory list behind Sam Snead, got a $45,000 check. Panatta whips Dibbs to reach finals

HOUSTON (UPI)--Clay-court special- Nicklaus beat young golfer Bruce Sports briefs ist Adriano Panatta whipped Eddie Lietzke in a sudden death playoff NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (UPI)--The Dibbs 6-2, 6-2, to reach the finals to win his fifth Tournament of United States meets Argentina next of the $100,000 WCT tennis tourna- Champions outside yester- in Davis Cup tennis competition. ment against Vitas Gerulaitis. day. The U.S. and South Africa split Gerulaitis advanced to the finals their final two singles matches af- in the other rain-delayed semifinal Sneed wins Tallahassee ter the American team had already match when Ilie Nastase gave in to sewed up its victory Saturday. A a heavily-taped, twisted ankle in third day of demonstrations, pro- the first set. Open Tournament testing South Africa's racial poli- When Nastase walked off the court cies, delayed play and resulted in after five games of the first set, TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (UPI)--Ed Sneed 10 arrests. it gave Gerulaitis his fifth sank a 12-foot birdie putt on the straight victory over the fiery first playoff hole to defeat Lon PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. (UPI)-- Romanian. Hinkle and win the $16,000 top prize Billie Jean Ring methodically de- Panatta, who earlier last week broke Dibbs' service four of eight yesterday at the Tallahassee Open feated 16-year-old Caroline Stoll defeated top-seeded Jimmy Connors times and showed great range on the Golf Tournament in Florida. 6-1, 6-1, to win a $20,000 women's and crowd favorite Ken Rosewall, loose clay court. Hinkle missed his birdie attempt tennis tournament. King and Dr. of 22 feet on the par-four first Renee Richards combined to win the hole. Sneed, who has two other PGA doubles title besting Jane Stratton Palmer wins at Hilton Head victories to his credit, had forced and Pat Bostrom 6-3, 6-0. the playoff with a birdie putt on the final regulation hole yesterday, HOCKENHEIM, West Germany (UPI)-- HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. (UPI)-- Tied at 284 yesterday, three tying Hinkle at 12-under-par 276. Franz Abraham, a 35-year-old sports 's birdie putt on the strokes back, were Silvia Bobby Walzel finished third at car driver, was killed during a prac- 16th hole yesterday gave her the Bertolaccini and . Mary 278, after a one-under-par 71 yes- tice run here prior to the Jim title at the Women's International Lou Crocker, leader of the tourna- terday. Jim Simons, who fired a Clarke Memorial Race yesterday. Golf Tournament here. ment for the first two rounds, tied final-round 66 that included a hole- Jochen Mass of West Germany, driving Palmer, with a four-round total of with at 285, three- in-one at the 11th hole, tied sec- a March BMW Formula Two racer, won 281, seven-under-par, won by two under-par. ond-round leader Jack Ewing at 279, both 20-lap heats of the race. strokes over Jane Blalock. Palmer nine-under-par. fired a 70 yesterday on the Hilton AreYoUr OAKLAND (UPI)--A brawl involving Head Island course. Pro scores players and spectators broke out in The win puts Palmer ahead of VALUABLES 0 NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION yesterday's National Basketball As- as the leading sociation playoff game between the money winner this year on the LPGA 113, Philadelphia 111 Golden State Warriors and Detroit tour. Palmer's earnings now stand 96EC^LfPIM (Celtics lead series 1-0) Pistons here. A fight between at almost $49,000. Washington 104, Cleveland 98 Golden State's Charles Dudley and (Bullets win series 2-1) Detroit's Eric Money touched off the Golden State 109, Detroit 101 uproar in the third period. The 0 I I MNMNW F (Warriors win series 2-1) fight erupted under the Pistons' Portland 106, Chicago 98 Tff7 basket. After several other players 2 ( li 3r 7.-,ff 7- W- 7- -f- -ff (Blazers win series 2-1) joined in, the battling moved toward the stands. NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE PLAYOFFS All ads will be run one time only. 1971 VI beetle, or beste1,250 offer; Quarterfinals (UPI)--National League um- You must submit your ad each time 1973 ionda U175, 040. see at 9-3 pires working yesterday's Astros- you want it to be printed. Ads may Granadillo Point or call 99219 AT. N.Y. Islanders 4, Buffalo 3 Braves game here walked off the field be submitted by calling 951144 be- (N.Y. wins best-of-seven series 4-0) during the fourth inning to protest fore 4 p.m. or by dropping it in one i974 Ford Finto sedan, 2,I1c engine Philadelphia 6, Toronto 5 OT the showing of a close play on the of the drop boxes located at the standard saift, Aunroof and cassette (Best-of-seven series tied 2-2) stadium's electronic scoreboard. The Navy Exchange and Flagship Mess. tape slaver, 25,J3 iles. Kall MC Montreal 4, St. Louis 1 umpires stayed off the field for one Ads which discriminate on the basis Lois Sereno at 64220 or 85859. (Montreal wins best-of-seven series minute, but returned after Atlanta's of race, sex, creed, color or na- 4-0) director of player personnel, Bill tional origin will not be accepted. 174 onda XL , 1141.1illinn to Los Angeles 7, Boston 4 Lucas, spoke to them in the dugout. The staff reserves the right to re- take a Q& radio for partial payment. (Boston leads series 3-1) The controversy came when Bob Watson write any ad it deems necessary. scored on a passed ball. Catcher WORLD HOCKEY ASSOCIATION PLAYOFFS Biff Pocoroba's throw to pitcher for sale 1974 atsun 210 2-door sedan, '/C, Quarterfinals Phil Niekro made it a close play at automatic, low ileage, great cou- the plate. 11,000 TU A/C, good < condition, but dition, 2G iilesi-er-gallon, W/N7, Edmonton 7, Houston 2 needs new compressor. Call 97221 ,reen. Call 9b1U7 AT. (Houston leads best-of-seven series Yarborough wins AT. 2-1) 190 'fiberglass Dayliner, 1200P San Diego 6, Winnipeg 4 Chevrolet parts, starter, $10; al- "ercruiser stern drive, A-1 condi- (Best-of-seven series tied 2-2) Southeastern 500 ternator, 510; standard transmis- tion, many extras. Call 90106 AT. BRISTOL, Tenn. (UPI)--Chevrolet sion, 525; convertable ton, $25; NATIONAL LEAGUE BASEBALL driver Cale Yarborough ran away other miscellaneous parts. Call services from the field to win the South- 85741. N.Y. Mets 6, Chicago Cubs 0 eastern 500 Stock Car Race for his English riding lessons to begin soon. Montreal 2, Philadelphia 1 third straight victory at Bristol Yaesu transceiver ST-40115, like Call 95531 DUH or 99152 AWH. St. Louis 4, Pittsburgh 3 Internation Speedway in Tennessee aew, wita free bonur. Call 95593 Atlanta 5, Houston 4 yesterday. oMor 8558' DM. Child care in my home for working Cincinnati 4, San Diego 1 Averaging a race record speed of mothers, ages three and up. Call Los Angeles 7, San Francisco 6 101 miles an hour, Yarborough .kai nodel X-355 stereo tape record- 97174 AT. easily outdistanced Dick Brooks, er with remote control, $330 or AMERICAN LEAGUE BASEBALL who was second by more than six best offer; twin-size mattress and giveaway miles. bpx spring with maple headboard, Boston 4, Cleveland 1 (1st) Yarborough earned $23,000 for his $75. Call 952245 Adii. Seven-monen-old black feale kitten Cleveland 10, Boston 5 (2nd) third victory in eight races this with white face and pass. Call Baltimore 5, Texas 0 (1st) season. 1973 Karmann Chia, good condition, 85123 D or 98134 AWH. Baltimore 6, Texas 1 (2nd) Brooks, driving a Ford, never just tuned, new tires, AM/FM radio, Minnesota 10, Oakland 2 mounted a serious challenge to 8-track, must sell before June, lost Chicago White Sox 4, Toronto 2 Yarborough. Dodge drivers Richard *2,510n. Milwaukee 2, N.Y. Yankees 0 Petty and Neil Bonnett were next, Pair of glasses in brown case in Kansas City 6, Detroit 5 and Bobby Allison was fifth in a 1965 Mercury 4-door sedan. Call downtown area. Call 90260 Adi if Seattle 11, California 7 Matador. 90101 or 95492 AT. found.