Tide, Sun, Temp. Wetrorecast 85813 9 2 High tde- : 8pia Low tide-- 2 :3lnm Mostly cloudy. 6:42atd1 Showers. Sumiztte --- 7 2 Sws6 et---- : Opei 4inds S 10-12 High-- 66 kts. Bay con- Low---70 0 The. Nvy' only shote-bahed daLig ditions 2-4 ft. Vol. 32, No. 75 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Ionaay, April 18. 1977 Fireside Chat tonight Carter to begin unveiling national energy policy WASHINGTON (UPI)--Today promises sion could go either way. to be a bellweather day for the Carter will outline his energy presidency of Jimmy Carter, who will program in detail before a joint World News Digest begin unveiling his national energy session of Congress Wednesday night. policy during a Fireside Chat. The policy is expected to concen- NEW YORK (UPI)--The National Carter spent yesterday working on trate on energy conservation. It Municipal League has named 10 com- the energy package. There were in- will also include a tax on gas-guz- munities the All-America Cities of dications it might undergo some zling cars and rebates for fuel-ef- 1976-77. The cities are: Union, last-minute changes. ficient autos, provisions to switch N.J.; Anderson, Ind.; Baltimore, Some Carter aides are reported utilities and industries from oil Md.; Danville, Va.; Des Moines, trying to persuade the President to to coal, a continuation of oil price Iowa; Newton, Mass.; Park Forest, drop a proposal to boost federal controls and provisions to bring Ill.; Rockville, Md.; San Bernar- taxes on gasoline, which would intrastate natural gas under con- dino, Calif.; and Tarboro, N.C. reach an additional nickel per gal- trol. League officials here say, "The lon by 1979, and even more in sub- Republicans, anticipating the designation All-America City does sequent years. Carter energy program, already have not indicate the places have solved, The opponents of the tax increase begun to find fault with the policy. or even faced, all of their prob- fear its political consequences, as Congressional Republicans are lems." But the league says, "It did Pres. Nixon and Ford when they planning to begin work on an alter- does mean that private citizens, maim nate energy program. GOP National usually in collaboration with pub- Schlesinger and Proxmire Chairman Bill Brock said yesterday lic officials, are acting to make the Carter plan will hurt efforts to policy decisions and have developed comment on energy plan rejected the proposal during their fight inflation and unemployment. He a process to deal with issues and terms in office. said he favors a "market solution" problems." Whether or not Carter is heeding to energy shortages, including de- WASHINGTON (AP)--White House the tax critics is not yet known, regulation of fuel prices and ef- WASHINGTON (UPI)--Consumer Advo- Energy Adviser James Schlesinger but one source indicates the deci- forts to boost production. cate Ralph Nader said yesterday the is quoted as saying the Carter ad- energy crisis is not based on lack ministration's forthcoming energy Overseas grain and soybean sales of supply, but on a monopoly by en- plan will not sacrifice jobs, econ- ergy companies and waste by fuel omic expansion or productivity. users. In a broadcast interview, Schlesinger's comments were quoted Dole calls for public announcements NBC's Meet the Press, Nader also in this week's Time Magazine, on called for the creation of an "en- the eve of Pres. Carter's energy- WASHINGTON (UPI)--Sen. Robert er compliance, of announcing big ergy conservation job corps," which conservation message to the nation. Dole, R-Kan., said yesterday he will sales to Russia and China within 24 would work on buildings, plants and The statement by Schlesinger re- introduce legislation requiring the hours. Later, Bergland reversed homes to make them comply with con- buts remarks made earlier yesterday Agriculture Department to make im- himself and ordered quick announce- servation standards. by Wisconsin Sen. William Proxmire, mediate public announcements when ments on major sales to all foreign who says he has no doubt the plan exporters notify it of big overseas countries. NEW YORK (UPI)--About 500 cars will increase both unemployment and grain and soybean sales. Dole noted, before Bergland re- converged on Kennedy Airport yes- inflation. Proxmire appeared in a Agriculture Secy. Bob Bergland versed himself, the Agriculture De- terday, honking their horns and broadcast interview, CBS' Face the began doing just that last week. Ex- partment was informed March 25 of a slowing down traffic to express Nation. isting law requires announcements 390,000 ton soybean sale to China. their opposition to letting the Proxmire said Carter is not doing of export sales only on a weekly No public announcement was made un- Concorde SST land at JFK. But the enough to reduce unemployment and, basis, til the Agriculture Department's demonstration fell far short of the although tough measures are needed Dole said the requirement for next regular weekly export report hopes and expectations of organiz- to conserve energy, they will put public disclosure within 24 hours appeared six days later, and during ers, who wanted to cripple the air- more people out of work. of the time USDA gets word of major that time soybean futures prices port with a 4,000 car traffic jam. Proxmire--also -- said Carter's newly sales from exporters should be made rose over 57 cents a bushel. announced anti-inflation program mandatory by law. SALISBURY (UPI)--Authorities here has "no teeth." But he said the The issue arose after Bergland Tindemans expected say Rhodesian and Zambian soldiers President is doing a "remarkably earlier junked a Ford administration clashed along their border yester- fine job" on foreign policy. program, based on voluntary export- to be reappointed day. The military command says Zambians fired on positions in the BRUSSELS (UPI)--Belgian Prime westernmost tip of Rhodesia, but Minister Leo Tindemans is expected they were silenced by Rhodesian to turn in his resignation today to guns, The fighting came just hours King Baudouin and be reappointed as after British Foreign Secy. David head of the government. Owen left Rhodesia after talks with Observers believe Tindemans' Prime Minister Ian Smith. Social Christian Party will ask the Socialists to join in a coalition KINSHASA (UPI)--Reports from government. There is no indication Zaire indicate government troops, whether the Socialists will accept. supported by air strikes and Trends in yesterday's election Moroccan forces, have launched an returns give the Social Christians offensive against invaders based in six additional seats in the National Angola. Diplomatic sources say House of Representatives and two Zairean Pres. Mobutu is now confi- more for the Socialists. dent of a decisive military victory About six-nillion 300,000 persons against the 2,000 to 3,000 rebel were eligible to vote and faced a soldiers in the mineral-rich small fine if they failed to do so. southern province of Shaba, BARRACKS OPENING: Capt. D.W. DeCook cuts the ribbon officially opening Minnesota businessmen LONDON (AP)--British Foreign Secy. barracks no. 32 in Tryzna Village Friday. Cecil Reed looks on as the David Owen has returned home from newly renovated barracks becomes home for 19 Jamaican employes of the going to Cuba Africa. He's to tell a news confer- Supply Department. Barracks 32 is one of the first Jamaican barracks to ence later today how he sees the be renovated and ready for occupancy. The barracks provides greater pri- MINNEAPOLIS (UPI)--A group of 51 chances of a peaceful changeover to vacy and comfort. (Photo by PH3 R.J. Izzo) businessmen leaves here today for black rule in Rhodesia. Cuba, hoping to reopen trade which scheduled Negotiating with hostage takers has been halted for 15 years. Power outage The United States imposed the trade embargo after the Cuban Mis- Thursday Law enforcement agency gives advice sile Crisis. There will be a power outage WASHINGTON (UPI)--Police should out any harm to hostages. The businessmen who signed up for Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. in refrain from asking wives, mothers The classes are providing the na- the trip represent 48 different the Villamar substation. It will or priests to negotiate with hostage tion with a "reserve bank of highly firms. Of those firms, 24 have affect all quarters and other facil- takers, because most terrorists or sophisticated negotiators able to agricultural and food interests, ities in Caravela Point and Circle kidnapers aren't on good terms with move immediately into crisis situ- seven have banking and financing housing, Granadillo Point and Circle relatives or clergy, a government ations," said acting LEAA Adminis- interests and the remainder repre- housing, AFRTS, Gazette, Morin agency said yesterday. trator James Gregg. sent industrial goods, chemicals Center, Villamar housing, swimming That advice, and other tips on and publishing. pool and snack shack, Nob Hill dealing with terrorists, is being "I don't think the public realizes The group is scheduled to leave housing, Water Plant no. 3, ITT offered in seminars to policemen that there are actual courses around Minneapolis-St. Paul International transmitter, rock crusher area, from across the country. the world where terrorists are Airport on a chartered airliner, rock shaker, North East gate, Vet- The seminars, funded by the U.S. trained," said John Lucey, an LEAA stop in Washington, D.C., for a erinary Clinic, and Family Corral. Law Enforcement Assistance Adminis- official. "It is vitally essential briefing by Minnesota Sen. Hubert Purpose of the outage is for the tration, are designed to train po- that the government take counter- Humphrey, and arrive in Havana by contractor to perform maintenance lice to end a siege situation with- measures." 4 p.m.
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