EXHIBIT A SCSMAP South Pass Setback Levee Phase I Implementation SOUTH PASS RD. Proposed Phase I Project Elements Levees Sediment Basins Upper Goodwin Reach Instream Sediment Traps . D Canyon Reach Instream S R Debris Flow/Setback Levee w N I Sediment Traps . if Roads D t W k R C e D e r r wift C Williams Pipelines S ork S e O North F E Goodwin Reach ek O L Existing Stockpile Levees G Sou O th For C Sediment Basins k Sw if Swift Creek T t A C reek O Sumas River Alluvial Fan ² Feet 0 1,000500 Lower Goodwin Reach Setback Levee MASSEY RD. Figure 1 Phase I Structure Locations EXHIBIT B SWIFT CREEK ACTION PLAN Whatcom County, Washington December 2019 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Cris Matthews (Primary contact) Toxics Cleanup Program - Bellingham Field Office 913 Squalicum Way, Suite 101 Bellingham, WA 98225 (360) 255-4379 or
[email protected] Tamara Cardona-Marek Toxics Cleanup Program – NW Regional Office 3190 160th Ave. SE, Bellevue, WA 98008 (425) 649-7058 or
[email protected] Pete Kmet (Retired) Washington State Department of Ecology Toxics Cleanup Program - Headquarters Office 300 Desmond Drive P.O. Box 47600 Olympia, WA 98504-7600 1 Table of Contents Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Previous Studies 1.3 Regulatory Framework 2.0 Site Description and History 3.0 Action Alternatives and Screening Level Analysis 4.0 Proposed Selected Action and Analysis of Compliance with MTCA 4.1 Definition of Site 4.2 Description of Proposed Action 4.3 Analysis of Selected Remedy for Compliance with MTCA 5.0 Environmental Standards 6.0 Applicable Local, State, and Federal Laws 7.0 Institutional Controls and Site Use Restrictions 8.0 Compliance Monitoring 9.0 Schedule for Implementing the Selected Action 10.0 State Environmental Policy Action Compliance References and Technical Investigations List of Tables TABLE 1 Soil / Sediment results for selected substances TABLE 2 Estimated excess lifetime cancer risks for various exposure scenarios using asbestos dust concentrations generated in August 2006 EPA activity based sampling study.