1942-04-30, [P ]
TTTE NEWARK LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 ADVKHTISKMF.NT I'Oll BIDS The Village of Granville. Licking County, Ohio, will receive sealed bids for the drilling of one (1) well on the Village Water Works Sensational Cast Enacts “The Spoilers” At Midland property adjacent to the Water Softening Plant, until 12 o’clock noon, Eastern War Time, on the 12th day of May, 19 12, at the Vil lage otfi<"es, GratiVilie, S*nte e Ohio, at which time and place all ds will oe publicly opened and read aloud. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish a satisfactory / ■ performance bond. The contract * documents, including specifications nV- j are on file in the office of the clerk of the Village of Granville, Ohio, and at the ottice of t hune. P. Hoover, Consulting Engineer, a 918 Atlas Building, Columbus, Ohio. & Copies of the documents may be ob tained at either of the above name*, offices. The Village of Granville, Ohio, reserves the right to reject any am all bids and to waive any Inform alities in bidding. A certified check or bank draft payable to the Village of Granville, fA t L eking County, Ohio, or a satis factory b.d bond executed by the bidder and a surety company, in an .■4 amount equal to 5 per cent of the bid, ahull be submitted with each b'd No bid may be withdrawn after the schueu ed closing time for re- rr.pt of bids, for at least thirty .■<A da vs. VILLAGE OF GRANVILLE. OHIO * » . Board of Tiustees of Public Affairs, By S.
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