Clark Strand, an American writer and journalist who specializes in religious fact, has spoken highly of the ´s typical monthly dialogue meetings … “Shared experiences [by the participants] build faith; faith builds lives, and those lives, collectively, can change society”. He also pointed out that… “they clearly reinforce the value of life, in so far as they explain how this Buddhist practice contributes to the happiness of the individual, and helps to create the foundations for a happy society”.

Excerpt from “May a Triumphant Bell Ring”, an article by published on 17th Extremadura · The determination of the pioneer ‘Soka family’ in Extremadura was stronger than February, 2009 in the Seikyo Shimbun. (Tentative translation) the long distances between their homes, and made possible a historic meeting that was both a discussion meeting and a Gohonzon receiving ceremony for new members, a prelude to the dynamic development called for by the SGI 2015 motto.

Positive change through “Our efforts to chant and spread Nam- not forget that we can open up the path myoho-renge-kyo produce a myriad of towards victory right where we are at this very benefits and good causes, which become moment, if we have the courage to make the our work for kosen-rufu infinitely multiplied when we unite in prayer first move. “ and in a shared desire for kosen-rufu. Nothing When one carries out the single practice of exercising faith we do in our SGI activities is in vain. Daisaku Ikeda´s article from the series “Living the Gosho” published 24th February, 2012 in the in Myoho-renge-kyo, there are no blessings that fail to come So, when facing obstacles and problems, it Seikyo Shimbun. is important to move forward with courage, to one, and no good karma that does not begin to work on based in our faith and our practice. Let´s one’s behalf. Algunos temas clave

WND, pg. 133. Entonar y propagar Nam-myoho-renge-kyo · Beneficios y buenas causas · Unión por el kosen-rufu · Actividades de la SGI · Valentía basada en la fe y en la práctica · Victoria Gosho Background The passage quoted and discussed belongs to “Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened renge kyo that form its title. Myoho renge-kyo, he explains, is the Buddha nature inherent in all beings. Man”. It is believed that this letter, whose recipient´s name is not known, was written in 1265. It is made When one chants Nam myoho renge kyo, that Buddha nature inherent in all things, is summoned forth, up of two parts, and is mostly written in the form of a dialogue. The “sage” to whom the title refers is the and one´s own Buddha nature will simultaneously emerge – even without profound understanding of votary of the , Daishonin, while the “unenlightened man” represents the population the Buddhist teachings – in one´s present form. The sage concludes by exhorting the unenlightened of the Latter Day of the Law. Towards the end of the letter, once the unenlightened man resolves to man to maintain faith throughout his life, without wavering in his resolve. adopt the Lotus Sutra, the sage reveals that the essence of the Sutra lies in the five characters of Myoho